TTIE MOTSXIXO OKEGOXIAN, SATURDAY, ATRIL 13, 1012 . I ' I, - - 11 ' COUNTRY BUYS OATSj' Cereal Is Shipped Back to tle Interior. OWING TO THE SHORTAGE !lr Are Mad on llir I.rsral Markt-t at $S Wheal MrnnR Willi I rct-nt California Drmaud. Oar. .,r. sold en tre tl ma,k'X LI' ,-rda lo be hippd to tn IW. I. ih. ar.t time in t. history of Ih. trad, fiat m a thin, ra. occurred. It "" plainly the ami. .hor.age that ! counirr -hen Ih. cil U sent bark from in,, market to Ih. place wher. It ro"B- Oars w.r. nuot-d ,he ,0:, mmrk ye.terd.Y at $... tr3W. On. tot l - lo ht been sold l : Th. California demand t"r wheat con n. r,-nt. Thto and th. buying br mlU.r. I. pinning price, up-arrt. Bluestem w.s b.ughi locally at t and Ih.a prlc tu offer-d. On th. grand, bloeetem sold during th. day at l (,;,. riub wheat was bought In Ih In terior lo cm. to Portland on th. basis of onu trad. here. irHki; foreign shipments wer. aa fol- TM.wk. I.-I". 4" 7Z Local rscelpls. In car. wer. reported by ih. Merchants' Exchange a. follow.: Whut llarkj KlourOat HJ M-mdav 71 ... - '? niii'!v .. 41 5 i a Ttjr,ly .... J- ,? . Fr-d.v ; Tear ago 4 OTROXG FOMTIOX OF OI r t;E MARKET nearly i-hm by Mthly Matlatlr. l-aaved. Th. tron portion of Ih. roffe. market 1. ahown by the monthly statistics. Just re ceived, which otter no hop. of lower prices In th. mar future. Th. following figures Indlrale Ih. alatntl ral portion of re-Ifc a of July 1 crat and up to July 1. I'-"--.: World", visible supuly July 1. I!U 11.0.0 4 Brazilian Prt rece.pts to April 1. lll ll.-69.OO0 ApmkI receiots of mild, at world's porta July 1. Ul l-April 1. 11112 Tot.- "51 D-T.ti. and mreicn deliveries. .HI kinds, crop )ar lo April 1. 191" 13.S-i.3h n-irW'i vIslMe upply 1I.H0.I1 J KminiM H'axi! P'TI receipts., .tpr.l 1. lnl-'-Jutv 1 l!l- , H'llm.trd V!Hr.r'. all kind., f-om April 1. 1'Jli to July 1. ialj 4.000 ;u Appro1mat. Ulhl uppiy Ju'r I luf- 10.540.0O I..-. un.vailal. vlihl July 1. r.iti I v.lorixation boltllnaal 4.4rtO.Oilo 3l'M- :llM July 1. 1315 .14''."0I .H .nilot.t-il t.loriaatlon Inrv. I 'll 7,v " .,mt-d Santo, crop. 1PII-I013.. TO.mii.. tim.ird nio rrop tar.-iuii .... ; : I"" I.jilm.trd llM crop 1 !.-l;iH. . 4.i).l'0 jo o oo K-tirnal'd I'.HJ-lj roniumpllon . . 1 1.Sto.WO Antl.-lpatcd final sinwlnir of avail ahln vtlbl aupply aa dTlopln fmm month ti month from July I. 1SI3. to JliIt 1. U'U 3 joo.ooa Aa an Inrffttnrnt pro.1tlon. th. market I. re.ardd a f a Tcry aubatantlal charac ter. SKIX. .TnPE WOOL AT M1AMKO States Date. AalMWrt. by - retary Halir. AN TEl.orK. ur.. April in. (To (he Kd linr.) 1 colli on the commercial p.ffe of Ti Orenunt.o. Tuely. April P. certain d.ta for wool eal. which, at on. point at leaac. 1. nt rrr..'t. At a roMtinf tf the Antelope Wool Grow, era' Aaaorlfirton. hr:d her. ajn March 3 la.t. it an nnannntua.y rraoived to eetec t Juue 14 and July a th. d.tea moat conve nient and .uitnb.e f'ir tlie Eron-rs la thi. llrinlty to hold wool ale. at Sh.tilko. Th. screrury of th. a:ate .aaoctatlon an ao aotined. but he muit eltn.r b.v. failed to re.ele my letter or ct.o Intentionally Ic nr. .1 our artton. Aa han!ko h.a the rep. utatton of orf.:rlUff the beat woo a In tlreajon .ill of a!waa ffivlnc Ih. buver. a lair h.h. I have no douM they will be pr-e-ent la their natial numher. on the date, we have arivrrtt.d. lo-wit. Jun. Ih and July . when between .eeiivii and 3.0o.m pound, a Ui b offered to th. h;sli--ei bid-i-ra. II. . Hijii'i:. 5ec. Antelop. Wool Growers' Aaa'n. I.AHRIVG hKAMOX I P TO THK AVKRAOR ln nmew f I malllla ( wwaty Sall.fled With Ihe Kealt. The lamhinK In I'mattlla t'ountv Is m vie than h.lf Kne. and. deeplre a bad becmninic. mrrpm.n il-ciare It will be fully up to the aeorece whll- a few arairt that tlie tncrraae In Ih. flov ka tins rear will l. alve Ihe normal, a.'-o'dlna to the Kaet iraonlart . A. Muaher entlmatea that ther. will be a 1 pr c. nl Im-reaee In Ins f.t'ier's ItiMk at N.'lm. de.'lalr.K that mst ev-ery other ew. I. .Ivlns birth to ' wMI. triplet, are belns born to mm.. Owlnc to Ihe weak-ned Ctvnditlon of IH. ewex many of three lamb, are either kilted ur Klven awav. oMinnni for lamhtna are better In the low r than on the upper ninii. accordlnc in th w ooiairowera. and the tncreaaea In the fin.'r m the lowland, are Mid t. be better. Klo kniaatrra around I'llot Kork ee timet, their in r-ava at lo per cent or more, whl e t . r.tlmated trial aeneral average, will be ckew to a per cent. !;! M IROM MIM MR M.;S roallrr al l-nrk Are, In Llht Supply and lllsber. Th. northern demand for ecrs. with th. liaht offerlns. from the country, haa riven 111. market added strength, but prices sr. no hi'her. I'oultry receipts acre very small and Ih. mark.t was atrnns. liens sold at cents and Mprtnss brought 4lthln half a cent of this price. lireawri meats wer. alao In llaiht supply. I'anry pork was sold at lot, cents, th. Inchest pile. In months. Yral was steady at 1- cents. No chances war. reported In th. cheese or butter markets. ('AH Of CRKFN ASPAR-Mirs KF.rEIVE Tra. Scare and llishrr Oa In. Street, (ahbace llnau A car of fancy irefli asparaaus. th. first stralcht car of Ihe season, arrlred from i-allfomla yesterday. II offered at fii-Il a crat. and sold well Whltecrasa was plentl. ful and unchsnced In prlc. Peas wer. scare, and firm at 11 to 12 cents a pound, t'abbace was firnu California advlcea noted a half-cent advance In cabbag. do. to rain and cold westh.r. Nine cars of bananas were unloaded on the street. Thev were In cood condition. .No Florin strawberries wer. received. Lsrc. sis. oranjres are scarce. Bank ( leariaga. ll.iik cleannsa of the Northwestern cltlea veeterday w.r. aa loiloas: i U-armzs. Ita'sncs. l-ortland 2. I l.l u I ; 1C vl e 2 l:e2.;i: i.viJ; I a. 7m. 7 .: .VII2' ;-f.x-;.ai.e t 7IH.s-.. .".ti i;i flow ( wnlnaeting In ( alifwmia. The local Imp maikrt is lifi I a. sa regards both epots ari-1 futures. Califorula sues reported contracts closed ScrftiBnto and S cent PORTLAND MAKatlTTa Grala. Ftoar. Feed. Fta. WHK AT Track prices; Bluest em. 1: clu. l-TtiVV. red Russian, 9Jc: alley. t Hie; 4"-f-'.d. 1"C. MILUSTI FF Hran. HZ per ton; shorts. I.'i- midd.lnfa. M. FLOIR Paients. $4TO per barrel: strslchta. 4 3u; .sports. 4; VallaJ. 14.40; sraharu. 14 0. whole wheat. ,-okX Whole, lit: cra.-kd. per ton Ha xio. 1 Kast.rn urecoo timothy. .14 1 Mo. 1 Valiey. I12il- alfs.fa. 13 12 JO, cloeer. i: oals and yelcb. lluu 11 &o: cram hay. I. . OATti No. 1 whit.. IMS 8 3S St. Vrctablea and Fralta TIloriCAt. FHCIT9 Orsnyas, fl.sn3.:3: California yrapefruit. $l.Mea4. Florida grapefruit. S3.T5 0T; bananas. 1.M Ol.oO per bunch: lemone. S4.Oa3.aO par torn pineapples, oc peruiound. KRI.bH KKl'ITS Al-na iraaea. U per barrel, cranberries. $IU4ylL0 par barrel; apple.. SI -'. per boa. - (n'.T'iE liu,ln prion: Rurbanka. II nail. tU par hundred: new California. ohMnc prlc. Tc per pound; potatoes, i J 21 i er crste. VKOETAPI.Eit Artichokes. TftJ0e per iia: nimut w h He. (l.SS per crat.; creen. 11.31 per crat.: bana. livrUwc; cab- j bae. Italia per pound; cauiu.ow.r. per crate; celery, li v Pr crat.; cucum oera. lltlil doaen; essplanu :1c Pr pound; read lettuce. : per crate; hot house lettuce. 7ftc b II per bo; pea.. 1 1 V !2Sc per pound: peppers. X-c pound: rad l.hes. Soo per d.ia.n. rhubarb. 1 1CI Pr bos: spinach. fl.lStfl.:. per bol: tomatoes. 11.71 2 per boa; carllc. ! per pound. OMONl Aa.oclatlon prlc. 3.e0 p.r aa. k. Mealran. 1.75 per crat .,,, SACK VKOETAULal Tumlpa. 1J1 per sack- be. is. l.u. rutsbasaa. 1 01.10: carrots. 1- Dairy and C.uatry Ptaiara. BCTTEK Orecon butter, solid park. prima, aatra. .... EGGS Freeh Orecm ranch, candlsd. 21 per doscn; caa. count. ec CHKKSei jrcon flats. 22e par pound: Taunt America. 2.10 per pound. POKK Fancy. IO.iIOvjO per pound. VEAL Fancy. 11). 9 12c pf pound. Pul LTKV Hans, liSc: ."Vrlnca, lTo. broilers. 2.f3"r; ducks. 1'ic; im, 11c: turkeys, live, juc; dressed, aric. 8 Lap la Oavscavrlea. ALMOM Columbia Rlv.r, l-poauo tall. I22S per dosrn; a-pound talis. (3.M; 1 pound rata. 2-40; aViaaka pink, 1-pooaa tails. UJ. .atiai.'W. COFFEF Roastad. In drums, zsyjVvM per pound. ... Ntlb Walnuts. I0'H Br.all nutst 14tlllc: fllb-ta. l4tloral monds. 1721c. pecsns. lsc; coooanuta, oeo 1 p.r doaen; cnestnuta, y pound; hickory nuts, solve pr pound. . HONEY Choic .! par caaa; atralasd boney. loo per pound. . SALT Uranulated. 1 Pr : a.1' c round, luua. io n.r ton: 60a. 19 Pc too. BEAN'rl Small wblta. 4c: larrw whit a. 4c; Uma, 7io; piak. kc, at as.1 caa. ttac bayou. Ac RICE No. 1 Japan. 6e: eheapar draaaa, 40 4c: aouth.rn bead. 607c SLOAR Ury ranulatad. IU.20; fruit and berry. Id.20. liouululu plantation. '"-V0' beet. .: .sira C. Si.70: powdvad. bavrraia. tl4: cubes, barrels. I4.BO. DRIED FRLlTti 140 Pa'.PJ,1'"': apricots. ieulSac; pwebaa. ?! pruoea Italians. 10Ujloa.c; allTW. lo. use. whit, and blaca, .v.Tc; currajii lutyllc; raisins, loose. Muscat.!. aaw T,c; bleacb.d Thompson. " b . ached bultanaa. Sc; seeded. 7 '5A dates. Ptmaa. p pound; raro, i-a par box. Frarvtsio H A3at 10 to 12 pound, lis 1H; to 14 pouuda US ft lose. 14 to 1 Pounds, luv, i tdvsc picnics. llve; eottac roll. lao. UKU Kail., r.nd.r.d. tl.rc.. izvc. tubs, 12 Vc. standard tlerca. 11 c; tuba, llc. shortening. Uercaa. Vc; tubs, . LA J O.N run), 2Jc; atauiiaxd. 11";. EuC'iaU. loulttSC. IjKY SALT cLRED F.ssrular short clears, dry salt. 11c; short e'ear becks. 10 to all pounds. 10 Sc. uresoy .sports, 13c Hops. Waal and Hsdaa. IIQI-S :oit rrop. etmalfc. olds' nominal; ltf!2 conuscia 2oc lloliAlH- Iiok, S34c per pound. Wuut Kastern Oron. 14jlo paa pound. according t. anrlnkaa. ali.y. IS j lc per pounu. f j,LIa Llry, llci lamba, salted. TSOavo; shori-auol pe.ta o.'.oa.K,; tutcner balls. Jsa. take-off. kec1.0o; Feb. laa.-off. (Mv 1 li. - HIDES Ballad bides. lOviOlOtts p.r pound: sallsd caif, latflTu; aaaied kip. 11 12o; rea hldaa. Vac; dry calf, ala; dry hide.. ulc; aaltad atas. Itylao. (rwsa stasa. IA9CAHA Par pound. b9c OUAiN HAM la car Kits. Istl.t. FURS Portland prte.s for prime, ws.l handled skins, according to sjsee: Mink, laaaoo. raccoon. Pvcsal&O; akunk I nar row stripe'. HO 2; akunk (broad strip.!. lActftloW; muakrat. lUJj; gray fox. la. Dll.W, red fua. taataoU, maitea. ; Leaver. M .&; nsher. fl2a'2u. oadger. sua (ill; lynx cat, .vi. wi.dcau lacayllati; att.r, 110 v 14; bus. -'atlatf; rlngla.1 cats, JtxjOOc; civ.t cat. 10tf2oc; house cat. 4 2oc. uouatala Uon, ISalv. bear. 4aalJ, Uasted Oil aad Tarpeaunsa. LINitECU OIL Pur. raw. In barrels, toe; boiled, lu barrels. a2c; raw. In caasa, aooi aolled. la cases. 07c. Tltll'LNriNt cases. A 0c: wood barrels. SA. HUMtlMO TKUUKK MARK.ET Price, (jvawted al tha May Illy for Vege tables. Fruits, Etc SAN FKA.NVIJtCO. April 13. The follow tr.a pruduce prices war. current her. to ds) : Hutter Fsncy cresmery. 21 Kxia tttore. -iic i fancy ranch. 21c. t lireee IS tj lllc. i inlms ta.l. Fruit Apples, choice. $1.2e: common. (c; Meslcan litnee. ittl.;i: California lemons, i hole 14: common. $!.:; navel oranges. IIi2."hI: dneaniles. 12. V.getBOIce 4 ucumbera o0cfjr$I2o; green peas. :.:it.-: atrtug beans. ns iiK-, aspara cue. l.2jeila0; tomatoes, nominal: egg. plant. . it IOC Potatoes Itlver Burbanks. J.'tJJli: sweets. e-' 7el. Oreicon Hurbanks. li.lav 2."e; Ssllnss. I2ri0vi2.;. I!sy Wheat. tl4n2loo: wheal and oats. $11 !.": alfn'a. I:I5. Recclpte Flour. 19".. quarter sacks; wheal. x:i rentals; barlev. 41 v.v centals: aia, l'.'M cental; potatoes. 103s sacks: hsy, :ia Ions; wool. 239 bales. Moderate Amount af Business Traaaacted la Territory (rarlew. ' BOSTON. April 12. Tlie Commercial Bul letin will s-vy lomorrow: A mnd.-r.te amount of business hss been transacted in Ihe Boston wool market this we-k. Trsiisai-tlons hsv. Involved princi pally domestic territory wool. IHino-sttc wcMvls remained stcsdy. drnsnd being raiher better on th.- nner combing pulled wuola and scoured desi rlpt Ions. Neae lrm ihe West etiow artlvltA- In Nevada sml L'tsh. where shearing Is fairly on. otherwise llicrv? remains little wool moving in the crjamf sections as yel. MlnneapolN drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 12 Close: Wheat, Mav. :.t'i aui). si.ow; ccpiemoer. 11 "IS. t'a.h. No. 1 $i out- ; io w li. nu H.oaS hard. 11.10; No. t Northern. Northern. fl07Vs; No. 3 Flax 2. W.. Rarley 7ictl 1.3a. Com No. 3 vellow. 7i, r. lists No. 1 while. Ii(:k. Rve No. I. Sjc. , llrsr In loo-pound sacks. !24ti:t.S0. of fee aad Sugar. NEW YORK. April 12. Coffee futures closed firm from ." to 1 1 points net tncher. April. 133c; May. 14-'c: June. 14.07c; July. l!.l!r. August. 14.11c; September. lt.Ioc; October, ll.l'c: November.; liwember. Il.osc; Jsnuary. February. 14 0.c; March, H.usc. Spot steady. No. 7 Rio. HSc; No. 4 Santos. Ilc. Mild quiet. Cor dova. 14ulhl?c nominal. Raw sugar weak. Muscovsdo. 19 test. 3.riir: centrlfucsl. J6 test. 4.0.K:: molasses, ta teat. line. Refined quiet. Itrled Fruit al New York. NEW YORK. April l;. Evaporated ap ples unchsnccd. Spot fancy. 9SV10SO; cholre. Isj li 9 i,c; prime. 7 S fj 4c. Prunes atvaiiy. quotations ranging from 4Srloc for California, to Ji-40 and lay 11c for Orvcons. Peaches dull, choice, lsivjiovc: extra choice. llli-c: fancy, llttl.'c. After lo vesrs controversy It has been de-ctiie-l in Fran-e lhat Hie i,:ilutr of, csth einic oil cores and maklnc ue of them a ...-on. I time Is n"t drlrlmtntat to public heoltlu 22 cents for Sonoma. ADVANGE IS STEADY Volume of Trade Expanding in All Lines. SITUATION SATISFACTORY Iron and Moel Mill Oporations on I.arjrr-r Scale nitrlbutlon of Merchandise Facilitated by Coort Spring Weather. NEW YORK. April 12. R. 41. Dun Co. s weekly review of trad, tomorrow will say: Th. principal Industries and tradca main lain their recent galna In activity and In amount of business csrrled on. which, al though below full limit of capacity, ahowa. nevertheless, a distinct adranc. and on th. whnl. la satisfactory. ' Th. good Spring weather generally pre vailing la producing renewed activity In bull. hue operations, which creates a de mand for tli arlou. building materials. It also facilitates th. distribution of mer chandise, both wholeaal. and retail, and from a number of Important point in th. Middle Went and Northwest com. report of expanding operations. Ther. Is a fairly ateadr eontlnuanc. of the recent notabla gains In business confidence In splto of tha tsmporary offset of passing .rants which affect in soma degree the mora speculative markets. Mill operations contlnua to expand In iron and steel, and tha leading Interest now Is running at over CO per cenf capacity. Con tracta have been placed by the car com panl.a for about lUl.OOo tons of plate and shapes for second and third quarters and In th. Central Weal a acarclty of plates for esrly shipment has developed. Tin plate and sheet mill are booked almost to capac ity and In wire goods more activity is noted. Whlle the demand for cotton goodc I somewhat less pronounced. Ihe market rule firm and further advances prevail In a number of lines. Export trade Is quieter, because of pric. advances and the heavy 4uvlng of recent week. ' Domsstlc hides, both packer and country, ar. more active again and sale are larger than for several weeks. TRADE DEVEIXPMEXT8 TAVORABI.E Large Expenditure for Building Is la Pros pect. NEW YORK. April 1!. Bradtreet to morrow will say: Trade and Industrial developments are largely favorable and conservative optimism predominates. Joblng trade Includes ad vices of a quieting Spring demand at large Eastern canters with attention turning to late Summer and Fall trade, but of an Im provement nearer points of finsl distribu tion, except In the Lower Mississippi Val ley, where high water holds back agricul tural operation and retard aalee to coun try merchants. Kaatern trade has been Ir regular, but fair on the whole, and gen erally better than last year. Industrial feattirea are the continued idle ness of coal miners, the quieting down of th. textll. labor situation, and the pros pects of an expenditure for building for the first quarter not much behind last year, but with a majority of cltlc still report ing decreases. Business failure In th United State for the week ended April 11 were 214. against !1 last week. ISJ In the like week of 1U. 27 In 1910, 201 In 1909 and 341 In 19o Business fajlures in Canada for the week number 32. which compare with 23 last week and 24 In the Ilka week of 1911. Wheat I including flour! exporta from the t'niled Slates and Canada for the week ending April 11 aggregated 3.II3.5M bushels, against 2.421. .42 last week and 1.431,602 this week last year. Corn exporta for th week were SSJ.SS5 bushels against IC4.J0O last week and 1.179. 140 in 1911. ' Bank ('lraurlnca. NEW YORK. April 13. Bradatrcef bank clearings report for the week ending April 11 ahows an aggregate of $3,214,149,000. as against ll.75.4;7.00 last week and $2,933. 724. oeo in the corresponding week 1sst year. Pet. Inc. New Tork $1,911. :.00 15.1 Chicago 278.234. 000 2.1 Hualnn 170. 407.000 7.1 Philadelphia 144.747.000 1.1 St. Iuls 73.744 000 4.( Ksnsas City SI. 34.000 3.4 Pittsburg s.1.433.000 5.4 Sin Francisco 4 421.000 ;. Baltimore :i3.1O9.00 a,.g Cincinnati rl.6HS.0O0 V7 Minneapolis 14.974.0O0 2.3 New lirlesns 19.707.OH0 9.1 Cleveland 23. 1 7 j.onO 4.3 Iietrolt 19.9JI.OiiO 2.4 Ixv. Angeles 21.9.l0 11. S omsha 15.723. ooo 111.7 Milwaukee 13. 061. wis . lAiulsville 14.770. 009 1S. Atlsnta ll.147.noo 14.1 Or 13.3l9.Ooa 1.4 Seattle ll.tM.Oi'O M.l St. Paul . 9.1.".7.n0 ai.7 Buffalo 9.:.7.ono 4.2 lienver 47.0no l.l In.llsnspollr 9.2S0.(U10 en.s ProrUlartra 3.301. on "2.4 Richmond .43.0H 12.1 W.ahlngtoo. D. C. .1.1t.0ii .1 Memplil 7. 4 12. OOO 12. J St. Joseph 2!.T Sslt Lake City 7.412.000 10.3 Fort Worth 10.J Alhsnv s30.tmo Columbus 4.311. ooo 7.3 Ssvsnnah .27.00 9.4 Toledo 4.793."0 2. Nsahvllle B. 141. ooo 9.5 Jlnrtford K.0OO.0OO II Spokane. Wsah ,..i.nno ..! Tv.mii 4 sat.onn 7.7 lie. Moines 4.9H3.000 23.3 t.-h.-,ter 4 ..00 14.2 Pulnth 2,l.-:.00O 1.1 Maro.1 3 944.000) 2n.s Oakland'.' Cal 3.f.7.nnn 9.3 San ni.-en. Cal 2.i:.3,noo jn. Sa.-rainetHO. CaL l..00 S. Helena H140U0 2.5 Stockton, cal 7S3 ono 4 .1 Bol.e. Idaho (.!. Ooo 4.9 Og.l-n. Man 739.0.1 4.4 Houston 41.S11.-.HO0 69. S Decrease. REACTIONS IH STOCKS - . I KICKS AUK POWX KKOM OXK TO OVKK TWO rOIXTS. J'rraMirt .falmt Slct-I and Vnion I'aclflc Affccta the I'.ntlri- List. Undr4 Irrrgulnr. NEW YORK. April 12. The forces of re action were conspicuous again on the slock exchange today. Prices receded from one to over two points in almost all the active Is sues and for many of these, lowest prices of ,(, .eek were registered. Labor unrest wss demonstrated In the decisive -strike vote" of the Eastern railroad rglners and th. probability of an unfavorable report agafnst the steel corporation by the Stanley com mittee were potent Influences. The opening was Irrecuiar. with another spectacular rise In Canadian Pacific Its two point advance being in response to a similar gain in London. New York Central was active and strong in the Initial dealings, as were also American Can common and pre ferred. These were more than offset, how ever by pressure against Steel and I'nlon Pacfttc. which continue to hold their places as market barometers. Domestic lank clearings gslned over. per cent over the -corresponding week of Isst week, but virtually were the same a In the same week of 1O10. The gain, are due chiefly to operations of local financial Insti tutions In connection with stock market activity. Movement In the bond market were mixed, some of the prominent Issues declin ing In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, psr value. 2,4 12.000. United Mates Govern ment bonds were uncharged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sslis. High. Low. Bid. Al ls pf .. 2 "i 'i 4 'a 4 J. Amal CPP'r .. Sl.'O s M' b's Am Acrlcult 7" HI S ". Am Beet Sugar .". 04 1s ' Amertvtn Can 02.400 - ' - Am Car N.4O0 eo. 5914 Am Cotton Oil. oo 53 S 6-1 J Am Hd sv Lt pf - Am Ice Securl.. S" 2.iVj 2J -J Am Llnsied ... 3.2.hi loVs 14 14 Am Locomotive 2.3' 41"5 4Hs 41 la Am Smcl & Kef lu.aoo b's ,S4 . M : do preferred.. lloo 107S Hi Vi 107 Am Ste.1 Fdy.. olK) 34 34 35 Am Sugar Kef.. l.OtXI 121S 2i 12i Am Tel Tel.. S.Ooo 145V 14SJ. J4?V Am Tobacco pf 1" Wi1! 1 !'J 7? Am Wooicn ... loo 24. S Anaconda M Co 4.M0 42? 42i, 4-J. Atchison 8.400 108. 108 1o77a do preferred All Coast Line J..-,, B. -ilt at Ohio ... 107t. 107H lOvt Bethlehem Steel l.lloO .". .l.i Va d... Brok K Tran.. 2.7U.I S3 :. VI t)-'s Canadian Pac .. 14.20O 2f2"-s 241l? W? Central Leather l.SoO 2 2o do preferred.. boo 2 2 J2 Central of X J ZY, Ches ohlo ... 2.H0O b0 TO 7: Chlcaco sV Alton 7'.. Chicago lit Wes 200 19 19 Is. do preferred... MiO 37', -li 304. Chicago or N W :i"0 144V, 144 H.tW C; M aV st Paul .ioo llu lout lio ColCFuclV Iron ' YAoo Si'' i'v.' J?H Consol Run I.vki 144 14X', IflVs Corn Products.. 1. " liV l.i IS Del sr Hudson.. oo 171'. 17Hi 1.1 UAH ;.ande.. 2m 23 i, 2.144 -'t do preferred.. 2'l 43 4.1 42 Distillers' Sccur 2'M) 3244 3'-lH Erie S4.HOO 39 ' 374, 3S do 1st pf 3,mu .'.71, SrtVs ' do 2d pf loo 4''.l 4d 4v C. n Electric .. 0"O 171 1 lit North pf ... 13.1 HIS 131vj fit North Ore.. 2.7ih 4 .1Mi SO. Illinois Central. .Vsl 130 12U- 1-9 Interbor Met . S.iaD 20. 19 k 19; do preferred.. 2.3oo 0'' lv' .sfl. Inter Hsrvecter 2O0 117 113S 115S Inter M.rlu. pf -3 Int Paper 2O0 18H 13 12"4 Int Pump ...... 2" 31S 'V Iowa Central .. 2" 12 12- 12 K C Southern.. .".o0 2S 28 2iVj do preferred . ... Lacl-do Caa . .' 200 104; in looH l.ula & Nash.. (.SOU ltfoVs 109 Minn & St L -J M. b'P 8 S M 2.0OO 142S 141' 141 Mo. Kan A Tex rViO 30, 2, 294 do preferred.. 211.SO0 44V 42Va - Nat Biscuit "k J, National Lead.. 1.iO - .'iSK, -'7 hi f.. S N Ky Mex 2 pf. 00 30 30 2'a N Y Central ... 115 H44 114'. .V T. Ont at Wes 1.3t 41 , 40S 4l2 Norfolk A West 4.7O0 113H 11?H 1124 K-orth American 2V R2' . 1 , J J "4 Northern Pacific 1.0OO 122V, .121 121 Pacific Mall 3" SSVi S3 R.IVt Pennsylvania ... 10.3O0 125 12444 124S People's Gas JO- P. C C A St L.. 300 106V, 106V, JoV4 Pittsburg Coal 3o Pressed 8 Car.. B0 36 S3 'V Pull Pal Car .. loO 104 1K0V, l'-'l's Rv Steel Spring - oo .14 3.1 S 3.1V, Reading lOo.ino 1H7V4 1''S !''' a Republic Steel.. Ron 21 S 22 4 22 4 do preferred.. 7 7fl v, , Rock Island Co 12.000 301, 8i 2V do preferred.. l.SoO 57 4, MVa ; St L S F 3 pf SOU 43 V. 42 43 St Li FOUthweat -u. do preferred... ..... ioV, Sloss Sheffield .. 47 47 47 Southern Pacific .VOOO - 113i 113t 112H Southern Ky ... 80S 29V 204, do preferred.. 1.7.KI 74 Vi 7.1 To Tenn Copper .. 1..VI0 41 401, 4014 Tcxa Pacific "0 25 24 24 s et a. tx-n. o,o iris. l.i W lo do preferred.. 2oO IS H SUV, 34 Union PhcIIIc.. 71.600 1744 1714, 171 H do preferred SI T' 8 Bcalty .... 7.10O 7Vi yK iH U 8 Rubber ... S 3"0 .7 H,'i S6 U S Steel 20O.3OO 71V, HIS fi! a 71 V, 112V do preferred.. l.OoO 112V 112S J,.j, Uth Coppeiv . 13.0110 2i, K2V, Va-Caro ('hem.. Wabash do preferred.. Weatern Md . . . 1.300 53 52 V -' r,ot 9 gi, SV, 1 700 22 SI'i 21V ,1.iO -.2'4 2?i 1S 7UO 70 V ' 7 7SV Westing Elec. . Weatern I'nlon. 1..MO 82 v, 81'4 Wheel ALE.. 0O 7 V 7 4 Lehigh Valley.. 11.H0O lldv, loRV, lJJ hluo Copper., ft.100 20T, "SVj -SV Ray Consols ... 6.700 1 0 1 tj Iflja Am Tobacco ... 30 Sr-1 22 20-'i, Total sale for the day. S43.900 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK. April 12. Closing quota- U S 'ref 2a reg.lo0-v,N T C gen J4i. SflH do coupon ...1V No Pacific .Is... bS U S 3s reg'-'1- No Parlflc 4s... 99 V do coupon . . .lo2VI'nlon Pacific 4s.l01'4 U S new 4s reg. 114 Wl Central 4s.. 92 '4 do counon .. .114", Japanese .. - " ... I I , . fat A D A R G 4. 88BI Stocks April i: 4s. it Boston. Closing quotations: 'Mohawk 6 BOSTON Alloues Atnalr Copper., A '. LA Sm. . Arizona com . B A V V A 8 M ROUj 26 V Nevada Con la viniitinv Mines. H .North Butte..... 32 V4 v, 72 V North lak i Old Dominion... 5H 'Osceola ........110 'Qulncy 85 'Shannon 14V4 Superior 32 Sup A Bos Mln.. 2V Tamarack 2 V, 17 PSR AM... 39 Cal A Arlxona Cal A Hecla.. .45 Centennial I Vi nun Con Co e4 K Butte Cop M. 14V Franklin 14V rctrou Co n.... 'V Oranbjr Con . . . MS Greene Cananea. PS 1 Royalle (Cpp 27V Kerr Ike 2V I-ake Copper. ... 4fl La Salle Copper V Miami Copper... 2.iV do preferred... 4H V t'tin ton i ii. rtah copper co. e-v Winona Wolverine 107 Money, Fxrhange. Etc. NEW YORK. April 12. Money on call firm. .T84 per cent, ruling rate, 3V; closing; bid. SV: offered at 8S- , ..,. Time loans steady. Sixty day. 363: 0 dsvs. 3V: six months. 3V4J4. Prime mercantile paper, 4,6i4Vi. Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi ness In bankers' bill st $4.M for oO-day hills and at $.SH9S for demand. Commercial bills. $4.3V. ' f Mexican dollars. 4TC. Government bonds steady; railroad bond. Irregular. LONDON. April 12. Bar silver. teady. "Uli-HS'l per ounce. Money, 3 4 ,1V P"r cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bill Is :iv Pr cent; for three months bills. 3V Pf cent. PAN FRANCISCO. April II. Sterling on London. SO days. 14.14 V; sight. $4.$7Va Silver bars !Sc. Mexican dollars 4fiVc. Drafts Sight. 2c; do. telegraph. 4c Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. April 12. At the, be ginning of business today the condition of the United State Treasury wa as fol lows: Working balance in Treasury of- f!eee 47.005.Oni In banks'and Philippine Treaenry 32.84S.075 Total balance In general fund". 129.004. 934 Ordinary receipts yesterday 1. SIS. 991 Ordinary disbursements 2.733.S98 Deficit to date this fiscal year Is I11.S72. t.'iO against a surplus of $572,744 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Near York Cotton .Market. NEW YORK. April 12. Cotton futures closed barely stesdy. April. It. 11c: May. 11.20r; June. ll.23c: July. 11.2c; August. 11.21c: September. 11.33c: October. U.luc. November. 11.42c; December. 11.4KC; Jan uary. 11.41c: February. 11.41c; March. 11 55c. Spot closed steady. 20 points higher. Mid uplands, ll.toc; mid-Gulf, 1L90C Sale. 209 bslee. Street Improve ments Increase prop erty values. Street Improve ments of Barber Asphalt Pavement give the most sub stantial I n c rease in propertv values. Quality, not cost. Is th reason. De mand Barber Asphalt In your street Improve ments. mi a aa. - V,. ,i.iv)L.lg "-!.-..rtC.v:vil.-w-,'.V i ' """"" j,'; Street Improve- iffi 'i S "tilt 1 ments Increase I j?- .'jl S 1 prop erty values. 4 ft "i5. 4 street Improve- t jf r 3 THREE-GENT JUBf IP Chicago Market Soars With Pit in a Turmoil. CROP PROSPECTS VERY BAD Condition of Soft Winter Crop in .Middle States Said to Be Worst in Ljretlme--Oat at Highest Price in Years. CHICAGO. April 12. Competition for wheat today caused a net advance of 3 4C to SVc a bushel. Disastrous lmPalrm'"l0 crop prospect, from Ohio to M iourl stimu lated buying. Corn also reached a new top evl for the yf-Bf. . Both Investor and hort Joined In . keep ing the wheat pit in a turmoil and torcing up the market. Crop damage new over shadowed everything else. Conf Irmation of wnsatlonal Injury came through many sources. Including personal testimony from visiting millers who backed up reports with order, for cash wheat. Accordjng to one authority, the condition of the soft Winter crop in Ohio. Indiana and Illinois may be re garded aa the worst In a lifetime. Another leading expert, however, said there had un doubtedly been .ever. Winter killing, but much unpromising wheat yet would germi nate with favorable weather. Opening price, were the lowest of the day and the closing; the highest. The speculators went from corn Into tne wheat crowd. Tet there, wa much lively buvlng and especially by short and local bulls. Aside from the wheat strength, the main Incentive. wa found In th difficultie of Industrial concerns to obtain supplies re gardless of prices offered. Oat sold a, the highest figures of recent years The advance was, checked by talk of plowing up damaged wheat area and planting oat. Trade In provisions wa the broadest m some time. The strength of corn and th lightness of hog receipts brought about an urgont demand which left price 25 to 27 Vi cents higher. ' The leading futnre ranged aa follows: WHEAT. ( Open. High. Low. Close. Mav $1.04 l.O $1.04 $105V July 1.01 1.04 l.OO'd 1.0S-a Sept- 09V 1-02V -09V 102V CORN. May 774 .7V ' .77 V .7 July 7n', .77', .;,T, ..lis Sept- 75V -76V .'"H -i'iH OATS. May .87 V -58 V -57 V .RJN July 13S eMV -3JV -Jjj Sept. 43 V -44 V -4o -44 V MESS PORK. May 17.17V 17.30 1T17V lJ: July 17.55 17.87V, ! lit:'. Sept. 17.90 18-20 17.00 18.20 LARD. ' May ...... 9.S7V' 10.07V4 -87". 4 1'J,V4 July 10.05 10.30 10.0.. . 10.2. Sep! 10.27 Vi 1O.50 10.27 Vi 10--O SHORT RIBS. May 9 75 9.60 .72Vi 0 July .. e7V 10.10 9.S7V 10. lo Sepl ...V.lSoTV 10.30 10.07 V 10.30 Grain statistic: . Total clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 293,000 bushels. Exports for tlie week, as shown by Bradstreefa were equal to 2 S13.30O bushel. Primary receipts were 248 000 bushel. Estimated receipt for to morrow: Wheat, 21 cam corn, 4 cara; oats, $7 car; hog, 7000 head. Grains In San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. April 12. Spot quota tlonaf Walla Walla. $1 .77 S l.bO: red K u, sUn. $1.751.78V: Turkey red. $1.80 oll.S-i. wT?. I ii ku i H: feed barley. $l SJVt. brewing. $1.1i3j2.0o: white .mi. $1.2V i oo- hnn. S2M.kix 2A.HO: middlings, o2 Va W l.iiu; ui an, e-',"'- r 83c; hort. $28.30(6 29..00 :-. ..-. -a .ii4i -u.oO. Call board sales: Wheat December, o.o. .i.oa per cental: May, $1.77Vi bid, $1.82V asked ed per cent... r cental. Barley December. $1.55; May. $1 89 per ntsL cen Pnget Sound Markets. TtrOMA, April 12 Wheat Bluestem. 9cii1.0O; fortyfold, 84c; club. l3c; red Russian. 91c. Car receipt: Wheat, 15; hay, . SFATTLE April 12. Wheat Bluestem, $1.01: fortyfold. 7c; club. WoVc; fife, ueVo; red Russian. U5VsC . n . Yosterday's car receipts: Corn, 4; nay, .. flour, 7. European Grain Markets. . LONDON. April 12. Cargoes firm. Walla Walla for shipment :td hinher. 3s ltd. Lng llsh country markets firm. French country murkets firm. " LIVERPOOL. April 12. Close: Wheat. Mav. 7s 11 Vd: July, 7 Wd; October, is OVd. Weather cloudy. Hop at Xetr Yoirk. NEW YORK. April 11. Hops Quiet. Do you know that noisy pavement se riously affects your a-Zaanerves X Insist on- Bitulithic,the prac tically noiseless pavement. J. C. WILSON & CO. HOIKS. BONDS. UKA1N A li COnil.t 'F.W TORK B'l'Ulk JSXCHANUal KtW VOKli C4JTTON llllA.Nli CHICAGO BUA1U) Of liUUS THK olOCK AND BOND Ei.CiiA-NGs BAN HA CISCO. Main Office Mill Bldg.. baa FTanclse. Branch Office Vancouver, Beat lie, Portland, l.o. Angele., baa Dleso. snado Beach. POKTLAMD OFFICE: Main Floor Lumbermen. Baas Bnlldlag. 61b and Stark. Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. Tlt4VBI.KHi' pi IDE. Canadian Pacific "ilMPKKSel OF THE ATLANTIC" AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS MONTREAL. QUEBEC AND IJVEBPOOIa VIA THE SCENIC BOUTE TO EUROPE 1000 MILES ON THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND LESS THAN FOUR DATS AT SEA "U33 MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE First Cabal $92.50 and np riicond Cabin ?S and np Cntla-s Cabin 2d-class) . . . .$50.00 and up Third-Class Lowest rate en request. Canadan Pacific Office, corner Third and pine (Multnomah Hotel bidg.). Portland, and all local agent. EUROPE Seventy Spring and Summer tours, comprising; Tours de Luxe and Motor car Tours, and also Vacation Tours st Popular Prices. Frequent sailings. All routes, including Mediterranean. prt.RTHmme of Tours do Luxe Around the World now ready. THOS. t'OOK SO.V 6S9 Market St., baa Francisco. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: A. 43. JIHIWORTB. President. n. W. ICBHEER. CaaklaMi K. LEA BARjnCBi lo. lreld.Mx. aV. at. WnlGBT, Aaalataat Caaklex. W. A. HOLT, Aaalataat Caaklaa, LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES LADD &TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 6urplu8 and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Lestters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS W. M. I,add. Prewlilent. Robert S. Howard, Asst. Cashier. Edward Cooklnatham, Vice-Pre a. .?. V. I.add. Asst. eshier. v . II. Duncklcy, Cashier. Walter M. Cook, At. Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED .1867. Head Office Toronto, Canada. New York 16 Exch.nne IMace. London 2 Lombard Street Over two hundred other branches In the United States and Canada. Every care tak?n of collections. Drafts on all foreign count rlea and principal cities in- United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking; business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposit. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. MALPAS, Manager. The Largest Steamers in the World ATirnnrifaP cJ, MAY 4 New II V F ULllflrlt 45,000 ULil 1IJ.K. IV Tons ' Each TIT A Rl I I TITANIC FRENCH A LA CARTE RESTAURANT, TURKISH & ELECTRIC BATHS SWIMMING POOL. FOUR ELEVATORS. GYMNASIUM, VERANDAH CAFE. PALM COURT SQUASH RACQUET COURT AMERICAN LINE Prrott-CaeTts.rf Sslkaoititon Atlantic Transport Line New Yrfc iavadca Blrecl RED STAR LINE New Trk Der Aaramra Pint WHITE STAR LINE New Ysrk Oacciirlasrs IJversaol New Tart Plymoslk Chcrkoar Socthamstasl Hoston Queenstown Uverpcol. cvosTon .'1 rillici in... .... Companv' Office. Room "B" Bailey Blilldlns;. Second and Cherry Sis., Seattle Or Local Railway and KteamahiD Agonta. , GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY (Mountain Division) Trains Uave Prince Rupert. B C. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1:00 P. M. for Vanarsdol (one 1-Undrod mllesj. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM 1V (Double-Track Route.) FOUR THROUGH TRAINS DAILY NO EXCESS FARE BETWEEN CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. THROUGH PULLMAN STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. J. U. Boi-Elc, General Acent. Paaaeajter Department. Seattle. Washington, First Avenue and Tfeler Way. TRAVELERS' CTJIPE. TRAVELERS' GCIDE. . a-4-.4 r A V I IMP 'NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA CO OS 'BAY (r-nlo Lino of N. Z.) STEA-MEB BREAKWATER. VI v TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Balls from Ainsworth Dock. Portland, rji,.ec, through steamers, sailing from Ssa A. M. every Wednesday. Freight received at Francisco May 1. May 29, anil every 2 Ainsworth Dock dally up to & P. u "s- d to Tahltl Rarotonga, Wellington and enger fare, first-class. 10: second-class, 8y.aner. The line to Isles of the South Sea. $7.00, Including meals and berth, l 'ck 01 yaT r!,ervatlon, ,ee coupon Kallroad Agent, flee Ainsworth Dock. Phontvs Haln Jam a or addreM Hind. Kolnh & Co.. ban Francisco. 1S.32. , , San Francisco Los Angela, i n y I. I JE AJctsaUaaf JtrZ and oan uiego uirect express SteamKB8 San 'rancico and Los Angeles 6. S. Roar-oke and S.. S. Eldat without change. sail Xvery Wednesday Alternately at . t p. Rne Tily Sails al !) A. M. April 17. MnPTTT V&nTrn S. a CO SAJ FKANCISC-O IORTI.AM S. S. to. N0KTH i ALIA" 1U a. . IvU, Ticket Office 142 Third St-eet. US Shir. a. lfMMia Maia laUa, A itta, J rhone; Alain S$v5, A 1111:'. OREGON Sail May 25 June 1 S July 6 MAY 11 June 1 June 2 2 July 13 from NEW YORK WHITE STAfe-DOMiNKi, ttsalreal rbec Liverpool "MEGANTIC" & "LAURENTIC" tti St. L-wntaafwa. Rout Only Four Days at Sea TO B17ROPK IH COMFORT T MnDKUATB RaTT.8 Twk Screw S.S. "Cantda" and -Tf otoBic" ONE ClaAaSS .II) CAWIN BKRVirT THIRD CLASH CLtF.r ROOMS RMof rhfrkd tnroTJRh to Siemer In Fnn4. lTrnbavrk nieht before tvaullnc- hoe or trtuisfttr EFFECTIVE APRIL lat. 1!12. STEAMSHIP PRINCE GEORGE Leaves Seattle, Washington gvery Sunday at!2 o'clock Jlidnipht for VICTORIA, VANCOUVER AND PIIIXCE RIPEHT, B. C. Connecting at Prince Rupert, B. C, with "S. S. PIUNCB JOHN" 11 A M. Wednesday for Port Simpson, Port NelHon, Goose Bay and Stewart. B. C: Thursday, 11 P M for Naden Harbor and Massett, B. C. Saturday, l'p. 'M., for Refupe Bay, Skidegate and other Queen Charlotte Island points.