Apartment. THE UOVSUAS APARTMENTS Hojt nt. Eient.y furnljj.he4 3-nxm orwr a pa rmmnt. with teeptnC prr h : urrrt'jnd''4 by .awn ind flower, all bright utaM rooms: ry drahla 2-room p-i-nt. latntlT irvrd mea'a can b arrar)'i for jtt acroaa ln 4trt. kit . ji V bKAl rjr"l"I,l.Y furniht4 3-rwm ,.t. pnoi.e Marat.!. l-- r inquire 1 a"'li ie. I. KUT KOK KENT. W hava a fine -rom fU? r rent m iitiba a:., .-tee(. Front, and Water at... tumlihtd if h e-ml anrj .m1 rni. ira piat. 4I and irtc llama, aha-l-a. f.na brh. al to tAllonr tun tuba of por -lain; tutlt-ln aararohea, lara. airy roomi with clfMw(, l.i:t't-in panir ; ry denr- ti Icx-at.on. rem ,er month. Appiy to Al.lioo iurtx. lat jd Yamhlil at. SrEAM-HEATKD ft-room flat, vary daalra b.a. convfa;rut arrnain''nt. w!l n r-ins of- refrl aerator . bummer rata. Ap:y jam. r. WaKuiStuo Ajri mna, li a ati.j Kverett. 5-;c mjI fiat, cas and tactrtcitj: firp:-a and furntit, .uri.i..J or unfurnwnrd. 7 Oiian. R. N Tuflonl. v7 tipailn h tl r .arha. ;47. A K l.I.AUAT AlL-ITI'N V-roora njtx.er uj:jer l . at. .e.-pin- porch, bo ka Iroto n-r Str i brwac f. K. i.4 at. North. rornr Mulinoiiih at. Phone Kaat NOH Hill fUt. I room, fna yard, apian 4. d tti(biHrhood ?Tilj Jubuaoa sl. bat. ..-d and M -tn CLEAN room tipper II t: ill a rommo uttf f-oU- of 4. at .'. Jobnaoa at at .-Jd. ill L'fcK.V new. t-roorn lor fiat. -thin- dean- Ta AlambAli. liwuira Zi Kfii n). 7i lKi;S lower fiat, porcn. bm nt. yard. aunnjr and plaan( ; &M MAKKtT ST i-r-von. irr n.tia. ky at 3i-. Jerri rtU 1'orUand Trual .mpn. d and oak. FkaM-M-IATKL i rvm wypr flat, ranc l n-n- Main .-. UT tor rrtu V .wd it Q I nar bit bridge. 1'box.a fcNTl.V 'i!l. u; p r -rn. modern, tractive: --pm; t-orch. aiata i'Ife;KN 4-roora flat, itb, nar Jackjon, Vtat rida. l' mln. wa.. Maia or A jiJ. 4vflT rT T i'AKK, larja a-rom fiat. bath. illai I W4ir and a?rt a fra. it 'I'M lorr mo-i-rn f at. tit Irvin aU, r.ar :3d; ky upaiairm. KI ;;MkM EI f t. V rat rtidr. I'bon Wi0'xl 141. iT't'EKN -room fat for Tt-nt. $ I i. Hrook - i n ar. r I-t h- M 'OV.fiS l-rroru. Inquire W tlllauts av.. I hn C N cni.drrn. Mf't'KKN i-ro-m r.ats. Eat Isih aad AU. H -v ill. 1 1 E tt.V i-rrn flat, good al'ir. .iy Mu.k uiT !irtn:x. 4T3 7:r at. M-f.raba.1 l'.i. ii"r :i;V fft-am hcatfd, romi. niflei kir tl-i.n-'. I'noni! Marshall -k K' Ki I. at. rurni.d. with balh. Uuudr), h'r. Thurman. 1ritn-t. car. I ,r l-HMttEU f-room flat, nrr 14lh nd Jt-fTrnn. luquue -T J ltb at. I AL FLATS. Kaat Morrian and iitb, . lurnai. firap.acc. ftiotw Etat l'fi;R.V i-rorn upper t'.At; fir'placa. fur- rui'. at i"df. E. XL HoaawkvplD Room. THE BCAVtH. i:tn aod Marauall For Biabad for r oukpin; ; saa range, alae tr.c ligbta. hot waiar. baut. laundry, fraa; $1 par month up; ca piaca. bat la tna city for tha mony; a hurt distaooa from L'nloo depoC Taka "6" or lith-at. cara Dorth. ggt off t Marahali t No doga. l oo TO H i pr fk Clean fumlahad houkaptnir rooms, f rwa baat. pbooa. bath, laundry. yaJd. 40 Vancourar ava. and 20 biantoa; "IT cr. Phona fL J. KlFl RENT -On 4-room auit, completely furnished for tmiik'piiiir. rinK hoi fr brat, tMtth and tatlrrary aU (ub. Hl Krbr. I'hon C 2'7. THE MII.NER, 8-V) t Morrlaon. corner Park; tram b-t. hot and coid wat-r. -levator; furnUhed apartment a wUh kitchtnett S.'S. 4. u N. b at. Completely furntahed rmm apirtm.nt. int-tudmg ht. light, ph. .(!. $15 up. M. -. Taka S, or W nr north. " ser thesk'for i:.sveek. Krni auUea. fre bains, phone. Unan. iZt Williams ve.. cor. Ituaaell it hul.-fc.KEKFl.No. ruami In haw concrtis batlding Phon V oooiawn ti or :?. 4-il EAsT XORK1SON. cor. Kaat 8th; fuxn lahd to-rom house-keeping suit.. Ha p seeping Kuomt tm riiwta t anally iNE beautiful (urnuihd housekeeping auK. stvam heat, running at-r. private bat h. pnone. cl-'ae In. raonatle, also basement h-u--k":tng rooms; neat, clean and dry. ."- .Mmwt,n. TWO lara. light, connecting furnished rooms in splendid location : running aier. gas ran-, bath and phone; lu minuter wak t o t. 1'ark TWO attic housekeeping room a. light and .- Iry, In private family; $J monta . ti k-i'-t distanctt. Udica only. 4t CUy. ilaia J"4. liDl'SKk EEPINi suite, neatly furnished, mill wt.-r in room, furnace hut. bath, pnone. rt... very reasonable, ol'i Johnson :r"vl. TWO beautiful, sunny, connecting house keeping rojin. ad cor enieun-s. frea rhoue. bath, etc.; rent llo a month. 4 JlM st. .Nortfv T W rurntsnrd hu3.-keeping rooms, mod ern. pr;aie entran--e; tesi location. West Side Phone M. TIHKK comfortable f urn -shrd house keeping 'Hinif. nmfiik-. hn: th.'iii location. a(k irg distance. Chapman. Marshall oW-tV $14 3 Ft RNISHEU hou-keeping rooms In lottsae; (4i rnf, sink and bath; av pars'- fPtnn'A r!-e tn ?wt St. "JhitK lure elegant connoting roonia and hat h. ei- tru iiv. ga range, lurnished for houkfi:nr. Park ft 2 FIKNISHEI h.Miiw ern. strain halted. Main. ptnt: rooms. -1 East Mh, , .V MOl ."tKK EPI N ; r oss. a i K l ti Utftti lltt tn oderti. ard. tiV ilrshail. wlt;E. plaant hotiskeeping rooms. eery nr.Vf nt' it. itfl.t in lotation, rMiton a hie. Ufj 1 fT r. )'HiNT suite. 2 roouia. mo! rn house, gs irkf, tree tiOD aud bath. J 7o Nort u EK V d-u kri housekeeping; suite, j.rivate :e location. SAjkmr distanre; alt -. 4 -1 7th. ph"ia A 7 OK ne U4it. (ifn hoits keeping n.'om. everything lurnisnrd. modern, li7 irand km. N. IK M'TTM'L f rort atnte, with everything furnished. 30 East loth atret North. East LABILE, clean, conip.vte furnished tunny houar keeping roum, ga. ele-i ri-it v. Iuua d-y. 2 uran l kc, r. E. cor. Ankeny. J l.A Kt i K. light hoiiMfkeepirig rooms. tk li g d.siauto. chrt Jackson. s A fcPbClALLV deairablo front r.-ms. lar. airy, well furnished, street, bay window. J Morrison. ItEKlNED lady ishs lady ro.mmaie In coay 3-rootn flat; d per month. N Orrgonian. 1JJ NORTH ?TH. newly ftirrttihed rooms In 1. 2 and 3-room autte. compiet for house keeping, cios in. LAR;g front room for housekeeping: also s 'rj room; cheap rent. Tih st lil .-EKEEPIN'i. :ug.e room, $- two rooms. 4!.1 I'avis, 9lo. lariia cirner ltli. LAROE front liouaekeepins; room, unfur nished: wAiklnc distance. 233 E. 1st at. N. LAH for ;E room, clean ard nicely furnished houskeepmc l- a mint h. .131 Park. "iern furnuhed ., lAth St. liuusekceptbg HOI'S E KEEPING and sleeping rooms, prl y Aim family; both, phone, gas. I4l lHh. T W O fum:hed housekeeping y.m.t Morrison t. rooma. 711 $14 3 Elu HI housekeeping, rooms, good location, no Mention to child. 63 5th. NKaTLT furnished housekeeping room In private faml.y. 13 East 7:h it. East ltfCtf. TWi connert.ng r ,r. .i--l -a:h, oiiwekepemg rixma. flrt 4hon. 4 .o Yamhill at. 13 141 H, ''Orner of Iav lrge, clean. 1 and 2-room furnished housekeeping gultea. BE.LTIFtl- furnished sleeping and house- keeDlng rooms- ii Everett st. N"1'-U.Y turnished bousrkepMig rooms; all rn' e-nience 4 Market, mar 11th. N"l ET.Y furniah'-d front hoikeping room; " .iit't. bath, phone. 37" IJth t. Sf I N i I - E ull housekrlnc rooms; ... nrjil.rn. Halt. or t.o roflx in mm1.rn .iLll of kitchen. '. JackKO. " 17 TTTE MORMyg OKEGOXJAX. SATURDAY, APR1T, 13, 1012. ' " ' 1 nT i rn iT "" BUSINESS DIKKCTUKV. . r I . FOR REST. s KHat Family, I'OKTLA NO Hl-hiHTS. wwlklng distance. 4 larga sunny rooms, furnished flat, flreplace, hail. yard, porehea with (m vte. l-r,uflmg el-ctrlc light, water, phone 4.1 lhaiimii st.. .orn.r Clifton t. Phono Malu -4S4L A 2."'T- . Hoi'fiEKEEPINO ulle. clean, light gas. 16 p!etant PinK'e room. ' llonaea. Jl MuNTll. d-room house, fli month. J-room house. li month, S-roont bungalow. I month. 3 -room bungalow, furnished. )i,,WMr) fc,M) ".. "3 Swetland BIdg. - K m M ho j. modern plumbing, cor-n-r lot htgh-ciasa n t:hborhoKi ; r-nt K st Ankrny ar to Hurnsid at.. J bio. ka aet. !" E. 30th North, i'honca Tabor A -VHd. - To P E " r renon at.. 7 -room house, modern In every detail, furna.y. etc., ac eesstole to aevcral carllnea a.d cioao In. Phou owner. Tabor 1W, oi call at houaa. Knt 3i. J 1h r. T 1TM NORTH, near KIMlngS worth. 7 rooms and enclosed stepping p..rrh to desirable tenant, worth $o. Varah'all. Yeon h!dT. Mar. 177. UOLE5 AND FLATS FOR RENT. R. N. TL'FFORD CO.. 407 bps ding r-..ng. Mar. 4o47, A 4 MOLEFN 7-nwm house. West fide, south of 14 or r ten n on Uib mt. ar'une; good fumais and firepiare; molfrn fixture, no. ; no ehi.dren. l'hon3lain 37.1U. 4ROOM cottage. gs and wood range, shades, linoleum, light fixtures: $1. ! E .t'th f. Uoum open Sunday after fi-Xi KM house. No. 5;'2 Powell Eat 14ih; rent lh- Call Main i4R2 or A 44VE MlEHN b-room house. 135 East 24th N-, near l:oe- Cnv lark ca-"; nice lan nd garden. --- I none r x NKT 6-room cottage, ten minutes' walk from foatoffke. West Side. ard room; rf ui 20 yr month. 4" Market st HK HKXT --. mKlrn -room houw, g..a vu-w. .kin di.tane. ome frutu ;il Tlli.mook. tk U c.r. KOOM mmlTii hoiw. n'r Vultnomh Cuh.' rrnt ... lUIn ml. Woodward. l"4j:d l- fuK KKNT N.kIth S-rooni ott.jj.. Xur- t,i.H.l or unfurnlahtd. Mnb av O- .Mt. Scott cr 1 rrmom. MLUikX 2-.lr room hou y.r.l. pa J ir-'t. on. block o rar: adulta; 7S William. v. Vool.an 41 Kelt HK.NT li-ro.m houv .ultabl. I"r houfkpin H'i-tikifr. lmon. 'MI Sldo. rooina. K. . Htj-T aailahl o-room oou. in aii. "Tal'or. S 'I and be coovlnc.1. 1U9 i siak Titt'wr lil. -HikM Wrat Sid. nlr. rd. fin- lrw of rlvrr. fruit tr-a Mum 1. -.ti mm rrnl $1 t.oui. i.i'Oii.tr.i. pARl.l. ill iiilr nil E. flark. A 'i.Y bunKalii. ulrlctlr modern, tor rent. Alberta dimrlct. flion. Main -' Ik-iI liEXT Modem O-ro'-m huaiow. l-0 r:. Vorri-n. ptiine H 1 4. NFvv i-room ni'Ml.rii rotu,i f..r rent. Se. K ItKST Two modern new H-roora liixiae.: Ho fltjr Hark. Tor 9". -(iH.'M liou. clc I K.i.t r. o!; fine III K. I'ouili. rvenl.hed IIobo M RVISHKU cottaae. J rooma. nic bath room. aja and coal rtnro. hot water tank, larre baaemrnt. alao U rooma In attir arervthUi ronv.nl.nt; a anap; to. ll N Ijih. S bio. ka from Wa.h. tall A 1T. ijt lK K.V -rom furnl.hecT-houae. on Slar - hiL between Uil and -41b. Call ilaio -. :,-Kj(M. clean, new. modern, newlv. "completely furniehed flat. iJ Mill. M. M-tT. . ir.Vl.NtiTON Desirable fumi.lied huui". for i. nt; a rooma and aleeplujc porch. 51 rtal 17th -Non li. Dl'HIN't: Mar Juna and July, or part there of a a-toom KtH Side home: referenda required. I all A 3-4 or To Marhall at. MODKKN furnieherl S-nwm cottage, alao 3 or 4-roim Hit, bath and raa. i.li taat -'l.t. WH ear. ' 2 f'dTTAOKS on the ner. water and elec tric llithta Q" Board of Trade blilg. I hone M. al. al'iUKK.N t-room house, furnished. Brooklyn H-irhta. 114 K. lh t. H. fa-llwood 3vi. .H'EI.T furnished i-room ldwar flat, all modern. 311 Market. . S ItOOMS. furnace, laundry trays, ready for occupancy. Dol East Alder, paved streets. Msiaw for flenu Ptirultqr. for Had.. KL'RxTrl'KK of -room corner flat, Jut furnished new, brines rood Income abov. ripenses. cheap If taken at once. 1 N. lTth at. Marshall 4741. M-lKKN o-r-KUri fTat. completely furnished, near Waahlnnton t. ; . turniture for sale, flut tor rent, or wllL rent to responsible tarty. 2 l'ilh yt. North. FIKMT1KE f'r sale, that Is. five rooma completely furnished with new up-to-date furniture; will sell reasonably. h MurrlMin st . il;iiM fiat, furniture for sale. Call morn Ins before II o'clock and after a . M. ' v. N. ISth st. Alain oJo5. SNAP for family; 8 rooms; block from new Lincoln school; solus; this week for JCOO; ;i rooms i-ay rent. ;:rt. 7th st. TO appreciate, see furnlslitnKS 6-room flat; all flrsl-clasa condition. iOl N. :ld st. A IIW. H'K SAI.K Hiuh-irttde furniture of 4-rooui flat for pale in wnole or hy piece; parlies l.vlr.- town the l.Mh. J E. Main st. SAl.ri Furniture of a li-room hu suitable for boarders; cneap lor cmii. N..r; h ; :d st. A UAKt.AIN All or part of furniture two 5-rooni modern Hats, close In, rials for rent. Marshll4i4i. 7KlOM.S of ,-nod furniture, 4 rooms pay eeiises. t'hone Mam f.Htl. G KMMS. nicely furnish d. fine location for roomers, sell ch-ap. Main Kl KMTl'HK complete for rooms at your own price. Phone Main MQVJ. furniture of H rooms fo Marshall 4'3. t. i; HtKClUNTsI! Do you realise tiiat you are letting the BK.-T tiTORt; In Portland gel away from '""live yon seen that SPI.KXIID STOHK on Ati n.. next t the Cauauian Pacini-tirk-t olll-e? If inu have not, do yourself the justice to walk down to tne UultnJ niah liolel and I.'KjK at it. This la the most extraordinary store now on the market; 22x..s. with plenty of space for balcony; large a.yi.ght aud full sia. l.,.m.nt This is the LAST STORK now l-ft In the Hotel Multnomah. W hen this ONE la g.me you cannot get A store In this M '. MKICKNT Blll-I'INO 5 VKARS. NOW UO.VT WAIT. IH gel together on this. The store Is large, light and chery. The location Is THK T Kj?T. THK I'RIiK IS Hl'illT. W KFH az TKRHY. P"4 Teon Bldg sTOkLH In new J-story brick; good location for flrst-claas grocer, meat market, ree taurant. dellrateasen. milliner. barber shop: East First it and boiiaday aa; the principal transfer point lor the nee Steel bridge; buildings ready April i. For lease apply O A. Lyman. 610 H.ory bldg COK NEK l'.th and Washington. eo5o: also four stores. 18x4.1; new brick building; modern fronts; reasonable rent. b J. I.aly. KK Falling Bldg. -,H Kt N T-c-ptendid buamesa location on Washington streoi. b-lween Ath and 7th. adjoining Arcade Theater; long lease. Cail at office. Peoples Theater bunding. THKEE fljors. 2ixlO. part or who... new brick building, loth and Marsnatl. suit able retail, whole.a e sr light rnioufu- tunng. A. O. Long. CORNER 19th and Washington. tMxJJ; also 4 stores. Ix45. new brick building; mod ern f routs, reasonable r.nt. t. J. Lialy. 122 K.I. : li g bldg. CORNER Couch and Jd sis., formerly Amer ican restaurant. Call on premises, phone Mum i!3j. FOR KENT Stores. No. 24 ahd -Oo Haw thorne av... east end of bridee. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. East LARiJeI ilgnt store, about ;..x.5. near 1st ard Main s:s. ltiqune at r Irst. TO KENT store 4xle. on ulisan st. Phone Main 7. office. LA ROE outside office, furnished or unfur nished, with use of reception room ana telephone. In belling bldg. Phone Mar shsli 4-1T1. LA KOK. lofty room, suitable for music or dramatic studio, with use of large hall and stage. Apply Royal Academy Hall. n't Mh St., between stark and oak sis. Ol TS1DE room. In elegant sutle of new of fices. gJO. with nig. phone and use of reception room. Call Morton. Main MOST centrally located office: all-night elevator service SOS awctland bldg., elo and Washington MAHOGANY desk and , hairs, reasonable rent; ifrencs exchanged, Chamber of Commerce. WII.I. share our office., suitable engineer, erchUecl, man uf actur r'a agent. &12 Lewta bldg. llU-K room fir renu ZQt lienry bldg. roori. Selling Hal la ELKGtXlV hall and ballroom, receptlon rooma, ate, gultabla for afternoon ta. dandnv partlca muaicaiea and. racMa.a. Apply Royal Academy Hall. 1 Mn-cr-ester bldg., fci1 Fifth mU Phona iiala 7S37. FORI HA EE. K. ."4th and YHinhlll at a., can b- engaged for Monday, Friday and Fat urday evenings. Apply to . O. W addl, l.uir.lirr F.xhanie. TO I.EASK. TO I EASE Hlarkamith shop. 2 forge with blowers, complete aet of blacksmli h tool all ready to g- right Into and do business, trade all worked up; in Portland, on -W-tliameit boulevard, to lease for 2 or S yeara at 3j per month. 1 hone Wood- lann l.Ml - , . TO KENT Store 40xlo0 on Gltaan at. Phona . Main BISINKSS orrORTO'lTIES WANTED. Partner, practical sash and door n; with from V;wM to eotmo to Invest and act as business manager In a well-established corporation- planl thoroughly equipped In every mi, hut Increasing business -li.antls mure capital and assistance; salary adjusted to managers ability; exceptional ppoitunlty f. r the rlBhl man. bee Trus tee, in mi Moulding bldg. CORPORATION wants manager, lor every town on Coast; If you have no money you rsn'make good wages, with iiOU you can mnko Si'K. with I5O0O you can make $j5 mm. This Is clean, hlgh-clase bualneaa. D t-l. Oregonlan. . AN OPPORTl'NITY to get three fine busi ness lots, one block from the hotel, and banks of Redmond, the best town In Cen tral Oregon; ono for :t.vi. or all for ..0, easy terms. Address Box 12S. Redmond. or. . ONLY I-4t will secure a substantial Georgia possession which can earn very large profits without requl-lng the attention of the owner. Write for photos end free trip offer. Qeo. W. Dcen. Box 4b. way cross. Qa. HAVE two theaters, wlil sell one; Impossible to give proper attention to both; well equipped, good location, low rent; 6-year lease, small payment down, balance easy. AR Mlt, Oregonlan. A ilOvili theater"liullding for rent or lease by owner; will seat 1'tW people; on one ot the best streets In Mt. Scott district; Jut Improved. See owner, H. E. Uroue, 4oJO Both St., S. E. BAKE"Sy FOR SALE Best town In Willam ette Valley, dvtng good business. Summer and Fa1! bake SOOO loaves dally; price reasonable; term to right party. AV 11 1. Oregonlan. W A NT El To trade Interest in local mini, company, which will bear fullest Investi gation, for cltv or country real estate. ail or write room 601. Multnomah Hotel. Saturday FOR SALE iSaloon. doing excellent busi ness, in proaperoue country town near Portland, on electric line; only 2 saloons allowed, an exceptional chance. J'hone Srll W14. H S17X ' L'NI SI'.VI. opportunity to buy a well-established dnlc hinuness .that is doing a busl uese of "iK monthly; $10.Ki required. Full details may be had of J. K. Dudley, care Hluniauer-Frank Drug Co.. city. IIUl r-l ft'lt nui.c. Modern hotel, well equipped. In one or the business towns In the Willamette alley, population 2yx. Address AV ISO, Oregonlan . Ci.EAM.Vil AND PRESSINU Owner tired of hired help, .wants Interested partner; will teach you the business and guatan te hei;er than wages; 1S0 required. Itoom 1H Lumber Exchange Mdg. I HAVE a good restaurant proposition and need a live man for partner; will make a good proposition to suitable man. r l'M. Ore on 1 an. CltO'-LRY Strlctlv cash business, gli.". per day. nice clean stock, rem long lease, best East Side location. Call 431 Cham. Com. Main VWi. RESTAURANT Must sell this good-paying smsll restaurant; Investigate and you buy It; long lease; part terms. Apply 4o Mohawk bldg. 7aN. with some capital and buslnesa ehll lly to take management of good-paying ' business, strictly legitimate, all risk ellml ntd: a money-maker. AO PT. Oregonlan. GOOD blacksmith business and good outfit of tools and lease property: In a good country. For partlculara address P. O. Box 1!3, H-ppner. Morrow County, Or. CLEANINci and pressing business; will teach a hostler the business and give him interest for a little money. Call S4Vi Siork st. aiNKKi'TlOXERV, cigars and Ice-cream 4uaines. fine location, making money; Jinsi lakes It. call 24b'4j isiara si. OPIORTLNITY for office-man. able to In vest aorue money, with services; will pay Il.Vl montn salary; also large profits. Room 31" Lumber Exchange bldg. ... . , t- ..11 ti.ve Riverside Men's Hotel. 104 Macadam St.; 6d rooms, furnished: easy terras. F. Day ton. 1!4 First St.. 9 to 10 A, M. FOR SALE First-class meat market In Eugene; reasons for selling on account of sickness. For particulars address box AV 15.1. Oregonlan. SMALL cash business, owner has more work "than he can handle alone and prefers In terested partner; will pay you Jr to iu week. fTJ.V 'A-'A Lumber Exchange. MOVING-PICTURE show. West Side, I1O0O will put you In possession of fine paying location, long lease. Apply at Cosy The ater. First and Main. WILL sell half Interest or whole.' best sa loon on corner In Portland. I.'itKM) neces sary to buy hslf Interest, sickness reason f..r selling. AN 70. Oregunlan. KKST IRANT. neat, clean and doing a good business: will aell cheap. Particu lars. IMS u stark su PARTNER WANTED Strictly cash buai 1 es" pav 4 day; requires very little money. Room 31" Lumber Exchange bldg. iTkw TOWNSITE Want general store and hotel: good location in best section OA county. Call Tabor 74." FOR SAI Ing she tliorne 1 alluring and cleaning-press. good proposition. II0.1 ilaw- PAKTNER in a good profitable wo,'k: one accustomed to work only; il required. .- ).ct: oregonlan. - MEAT MARKET. Bargain In good location, doing good cash business. Woodiawn c,7ft. C 2t-. ricTI'KE show for sole; guaranteed to Hear over $-m monlh; 4 years' lease. Room sr. Lumber Kx-fliange bldg. SALE-or exchange, small steam laundry; owner has other business. See owner at S Board of Trade WVNT small country town In which to open up new bank; have capital. AV 190, iri-cnntan. Hl'SINE.-l.S CIIAXi'B Big commissions; I .. . r iH Pnw.ll X to 5 P. M- 4 '9 Commonwealth bldg. nTTvV modern p'ol hall, giorl location. $:too cash, easy terms. Tabor IKUtl. Hawthorn. Investment Co. G R H'ERY and confectionery doing a good business. licatel a'-ross the street from a rhoni am v.ast 7th Sr. HOG RANCH Everything In running order, it,,.lintf head hoirs. all sixes: long lease. Address L. Nelschl, Llnnton. HARDWARE. groceries. paints. etc. In country town; win sen ,i invoice. -SL5 Stark st. HVcKRY for sale In good town of JIHiO population. Inquire S. O. Skldmore. ' Vp-hur st., between Z and 3 afternoon. HoME bakery., confectionery. ice-cream, dainty llltle place, good reason for selling, lmiulre of owner. Its West Kllllngsworth. CIGARS and pooiroom : good business; best location in town; illness cause of selling-. AV lsv. Oregonlan. MC-iT s'U good substantial grocery, doing Bood business: will Invoice; no fake. J. E. Hall. Ablngton bldg. PcmiI.RooM and cigar store, four fables, card room, doing good business: 150o; a bariealn; terms. 524 Washington st. MoVINO PICTURE show, clearing than 1J month. Call aHtj staik , better WtHlD and coals ard w ants partner to check vood and take orders; doesn't require much ninirsy. ;I2H Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Meat market, flrst-class, town of 1 '-1 'U , smail payniein l' -" . w A Utei. Gregorian RESTAURANT "for sale on Washington St., 14 price; must sell within next 1J days; owner leaving town. Y 870. Oregonlan. WANTED Butcher to open new market. lr)40 E. Division St. Tabor 322. FOR SALE near Davli -Restaurant. 54 North 2d el Good business. SALOON for sale. Independent license. 14000 cash, no stents. R H63. oregonlan. FOK SALE Confectionery and cigar store at 4.'a Morrison st. DAIRY, Ji cows, with route; good lease. AV itii. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Three-chair barber shop, S. W. cor. of 2d and Burnslde sis. Si BUSINESS CARDS. I: bring this sd. Ho.e city Prlnfry. I'.'2W 3d. cof. Tsylor. WANTED Partner for wel-equlppcd slaught-r-house. Phone A 3040. T A 1 IA R shop for sate, good legation. 24T Madison su I'hone Marshall 2M)4. NKWLjr furnished offlca bMg Call Mar. !7o4 Bl'SINKSS OPPORTUNITIES HOLDERS OF MINING STOCKS THAT HAVE PROVED A DISAPPOINTMENT. We have facilities that often enahle us to convert your dead or worthless mining locks Into profitable and satisfactory In vestments. Write ua. Engineers. AV 114, Oregonlan. ""FOR PRINTING. "PHONE EAST 238. OWL PRINTING CO. Our 7 speclala. Beat thera If you can. loot) business cards, $1.S0. Iimo cards (round cornered, die-cut J. 12 ou loot) bill heads lines), JI.7S. 1KK bill hearts (12 lines), J2.00. -lone) statements (regular kind), " I0.10 envelopes (standard e2 . ' 1000 letter heads (good bond pupcr).3. INVESTIGATED BUSINESS CHANCES. We always hare good grocery gtoras for ale which we can recommend. It la t your benefit to give us a call. CHAPLV at HERLOW. S82-83S Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Keller. A MAN. with some business experience and g.VsH) capital to Invest, may secure a sub stantial Interest In a paying cash busi ness In Portland; this Is a strictly K'V.T mate and honorable proposition and will bear closest Investigation: It Is the oppor tunity yf a lifetime for the right man. s UH. Oregonian! ' FOR SALE Harness and saddlery manu fncturiru; department, fully equipped and with well-established trade; reasonable terms to right parties; splendid opportun ity to purchase gruwlng business. Address the A. A. Kraft Co.. Spokane. Wash. WANTED. Partner to take half Interest In light manufacturing plant; a man who can take charge of an office and manage men. salary. $125 per month. Kinney Stam- pher. fl-2 Lumber Exchange blag. FOR SALE A good clean stock of groceries, crockery, granite ware and silverware In a good town of SOoO population, doing a good business: will Invoice about '" or 5(HNj; good reasons for selling. Ad dress AV 170. Oregonlan WANTED Man with S2.Vit to take over hlgh-clnn. respectable business that will earn Jniio upward monthly. This - will merit the closest Investigation of anyone who means businrr-s. Answer for Inter view. Owner. M le7. Oregonian. FOR SALE. f.17.1 Two-chair barber shop In Klam ath Falls: best buv In the liveliest town In Oregon: one-year lease: 20 a month. S. p. Lowery, Uox 445. Klamath 1-alla. Oregon. 27C-OV account of Illness will sacrifice half Interest In old-established. 1 ground floor real estate business; Investigate; give phone. AR . Oregonlan AUTOMOBILE supply business, reasonable; a little cash and unincumbered lot .win buy It; there Is room for a line of hard ware. AO M.1S. Oregonlan. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought a sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ablngton. COSMOPOLITAN restaurant to rent corner 4th ande'ouch sts. Inquire 42 N. 4th st. BUSIVESH orPORTUNITI BW WANTED. WANT to meet promoter at once who can ;nterest capital In high-class proposition; good thing for the rlKnt man. Answer for interview. AG IKrti, oregonisn. . WANTED A good, first-class grocery store; will pay cash up to $3ut)U. Address AM P77. Oregonlan. ROOMINO-HOl'SES. MART E. LENT CO.. Portlands leading hotel broker. Hotels. Rooming, apartment-houses. All sixes and prices. 322-4 Fallllii. h.ilg.. .'Id and Wash. Sts. ONLY -" CASH REQUIRED. This beautiful 43-room apartment-house, located tn the Nob Hill district, very nicely furnished, with a good Income; this is a special price for today only; now If you are looking for a bargain, get busy. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 17 rooms, very homelike, neat and clean as a pin and the location is Ideal: the price Is only $1275 and a small amount of cash will handle thie. ASK TO SEE THIS LITTLE BEAUTY. MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS ROOM I NO APARTMENT HOUSES. All sizes and prices. SI2-4 Falling bldg.. 3d and Washington. HOTEL FOR SAfcE! I I The lease, furniture and good will of the Calumet Hotel. 1.10 Park su. for sale. Fur terms and further particulars apply st hotel. "A LEASE "WANTED. I will lwuse a modern unfurnished build ing of tk to 75 rooms for & to 10 years for hotel purposes; owners only. B t61, Ore- gonian. FURNITURE In 37-room hotel for sale or trade at a bargain; good condition, busi ness center, pay Inu proposition. Call at room 8ii McKay blng. for full informa tion or phone Main riiK6. 21-ROOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nlshed. new and clean; best location; big Income and always full; long lease, terms; cheap. By owner. P.i3 Flanders. EXTRA BARGAIN 1 1 -room rooming-house; $40 rent; lease r3SH Washington st. Price tOoO; $150 down. Ou ROOMS, alwavs full, " clears $3500 per year; will sell for $3000 In good security or cash: will pay for Itself In 10 months; state, your security. AG 179, Oregonlan. WE HAVE rooming and apartment-houses - to trade for lots or acreage. Multnomah !;oomlnjf-house Co., au7 Rothchild bldg. Marshall 4H31. FURNITURE of l-rooin house, good condi tion. $7"K; terms.. 448 Taylor St., near 12th. FURNITURE for sale. 10-room house, cleara S4; two blocks soulh of postofllce. 221) f.lh st. C2 ROOMS, highly furnished; rent 2..0; profit 3rta month; reasonable; leaving city; terms. J. E. Ha,ll. 3us Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE A 5-year lease. 42 rooms, house keeping rooms, nil full; a money-maker; a snup. Is4 Sherman stj 11 ROOMS, furnished. 25. ."4o Wainut si.. Norm Portland. Main 1757. WANT rooming-house. li to 30 roms, must be low rent. c. Kosaka. K27 Everett st. NEW brick rooming-house, over two sa loons. A P3. Oregonlan BOARDING Owner. 2ii and rooming-house for sale. 12th St. Phone Main 3163. MST AND FOUND. FOUND -Where you can buy genuine nair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovat-t mattresses and return same day; ' we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metrger. 22-22 Front. Phone Main 474. A 1874. LOST One English setter pup. about 6 months old; hus 2 black ears, round black sMt on back, tick mark on legs: return to 4'-'l East 14th st. N. : $5 reward; no questions asked. Call East &S17. LOST Dark brlndle English builuog: wears leather collar with name plate; answers name of Bob; white breast, white line be tween eves. Return to 415 Broadway. Phone Easl 14Vi. receive reward. LOST Black and brown Airedale puppy, around Hawthorne and East Twenty sevenln. Return to t25 Hawthorne Re ward. LOST Toi ax brooch set in twisted gold band; Inscription on back. Return to 771 Everett st. Reward. LOST A Scotch collie male dog. white and sable, license No. 1SS0. Thone East 1M5; reward. LOST Small bay mare: white feet and spot on foreheatL Main 4267. LOST Eastern 'star pin. Return to T. F. Miller. :.4l7 T2d st. S. E. I'KdAL NOTIL1 Proposals Invited. SEALED bids will be received at the office uf the undersigned. 402 Tliford building, until 5 P. M. April 17. 1U12. for shades for the new Lincoln High School. Copy of speclflcailons may be obtained at the ulflce of architects. Whltehouse at Fouil houx. bo Wilcox building. Cash, or certi fied check fur 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each pro posal. Board of directors reservea the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Da ted 'All ol 10. 1U12. EEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tliford building, until 5 P. M. May 1, 1912. for furniture lor the new Lincoln High School. Copy of epecttlcatlona may be obtained at Hie ofneo of the undersigned. Cash, or certi fied check, for IO per cent of the amount of the bid. payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each pro posal. Board of directors reserves the rlsrhl to reject any and all bids. - R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. - Portland. Or.. April 10. 1D12. Qf-pi'E Depot Quartermaster. 1086 North Point St.. San Francisco, CaL, March So. Sealed proposals will be received here until 10 A. M., April 15. 11H2, for furnishing and delivering at the Quarter master's Depot. San Francisco, t'al., ;;oo axes. 500 lion bedsteads. 1'UaiU corn brooms. 10. Oi0 scrubbing brushes. L'OnO rasters snd l'tOO 11 helves. Information furnished 011 application. H. P. Young, Depot Quartermaster. I'rolMisals Invited. SEALED bide will be received by F. S. Fields. County Clerk, Courthouse, Port land. Oregon, until 1 A. M. on Monday. April 21. 1112. for furnishing supplies for Multnomnh County Farm, at Troutdale, Oregon. Supplies to be delivered at Mult nomah County Farm. Copies of supplies may be had at the office of the County Coinmlaaionera at the Courthouse. No bid will be considered unless ac companied by a certiiled check payable to the order of the County Court for at least 5-per cent of the amount of the bid. The right to ject any or all bids is ex pressly reserved. f T J CLEETON, County Judge, W. I.. LIGHTNER, County Commissioner. 1.' V. HART. County Commissioner. OFFICE C. Q. M-. Chronicle bldg.. San Francisco. Cal., April 10, 1112. Sealed pro posals w ill be received here until 11 A. M May 10, 1012, Tor furnishing wood, coke, charcoal, fuel and mineral oil. and gaso line, required at posts in Western Divi sion during tiscal year commencing July 1. 1912. Information furnished on appli cation here or to Post Quartermasters and ' Quartermasters at Seattle, Wash., Port land, Or., and Honolulu, H. T., and bids may be received by Post Quartermasters and Quartermaster, Honolulu, H. T., un'.ll II A. M.. Pacific time. May 10. 112. F. Von Schrader. C. Q. M. SEALED bids will be received at the office of thu undersigned until May 1. l:12, for the excavation and construction of a ce ment sidewalk in the City of Oswego; spe cifications on file in the office of the Re corder. E. L. l'avldsun. City Recorder. Master's Notice. PIERRE LOTI. Fr. bark. Captain Allee Tocopllla Neither captain nor under signed, consignees of above-named vessel, will be responsible for any debts that may he contracted by crew. Kerr, Oifford & Co. April 10. FR BARK Eugene Schneider. Bogie, mas ter, from Callao Neither captain nor un dersigned, consignees of above-named ves sel, will bo responsible for any debts that may be contracted by crew. Kerr, Ulfford & Co. April 10. . Miscellaneous. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 ton., tullo. K89 6herlock bldg. Main 1410. FTN'ANTIAL. INVESTORS. Investigate this growing prop osition; will guarantee not less than o Cer cent; any amount from $100 up; to e used to Increase equipment, output to meet a popular demand that. Is becoming universal. Write or see "Secretary," 4t)D Commonwealth bldg. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. -Contracts. Mortgages, Equities. Chattels. Diamonds and Real Security. Special serv ice rendered. LAWSoN-liROWN INVESTMENT CO., 13n Yeon Bldg. Tel. M. 34i CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sal. on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equities bought. E. L. Diver eaux. IO00 Spalding bldg., 3d and Wash ington. Main 68. WE pay highest cash price tor bulilders' con tracts, first and second mortgages and other securities. Home Installment Co.. 401-402 McKay bldg. Marshall 8f69. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes; no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE at TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding bldg. WE buy r.otes. contracts, mortgages (first and second), equities. F. H. Lewis at Co, 3 Lewis bldg. . m FOR SALE 20 shares Portland Concrete, Pile & Equipment stock. AF "01, Ore gonlan. MONEY to losn on flrst-class Portland real emate security- at lowest rates. Morgan, Flledner & Hoyce. D03Ablngtonblds-: FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Ablngton bldg. MONEY to loan on city or farm property. Wm. C. Borchers, 207 Oregonlan bldg. Money to Loao fVcj.1 Estate, TO LOA.V AT 7 PER CENT. 20, J3IKMI, $.00(. $7MJ0, $15,000. On Portland Improved property or good rlose-ln acreage; can make prompt de livery of above amounts. Apply at onco to tOODSELL BROS.. 4:13 Worcester Bldg. $0o000 at 6 per cent.; $10,000 at 7 per rent.. 40vO at 7 per cent.; $2000 at 8 per cent.; $12oo at 8 per cent. R. N. TUFFORD & CO.. Mar. 4547. A 4o4.i. 4iT Spalding bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes. 8 to 8 years' lime; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as build'iug progresses. The Equitable Sav ings o; Loan Association. 24Q Stark at. $10,000 OR LESS TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT ON IMPROVED FARM OR CLOsE 1N IMPROVED U1TY PROPERTY. WARD 01 YOUNGER, SUITE 428 YEON BLDG. LARGE supply of money to loan In sums of $500 and upward, on real estate secur ity, at 6 and 1 per cent. MALL & VAN BORSTEL, 104 Second St.. Near Stark. W ANTE D $ 250o"f or 3 years at 7 per cent; close In; Portland property as security. SMITH & SHEFLER, 822 Chamber of Commerce. . Phone Main 62o. $500,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenxie Co., 614-515-516 Gerlinger bldg. $15,000 TO loan on Improved real estate, 6 per cent. J. R. HENDERSON CO., 507 Spalding niiiB- STRICTLY private money on real estate, farms, ranches, etc; mortgages and con tract bought and sold. Straw, ill Selling bldg. " TO LOAN J5000 OR LESS. c. Rui'nTnv COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. 8500 AND upwards on improved real estate; notes and mortgages bought. W. A. Hath away, room lo Washington bldg. WILL LOAN-$7000 on city real estate at current rates In amounts to suit. 612 Wil cox bldg. $ '50 TO $1000 at S per cent to loan for six "months; real estate security. Bloch Realty O.. it .eiuoi IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. $1000 TO $5000 to loan at lowest rates, ls larger amounts. Trowbridge at Stephens, OOl ' Iicrojfc $200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. building loans, lowest rales. W. U. Beck. 8 15-316 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A H. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg.. 8d and Stark. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland hemes, tor building purposes. 266 Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS at LOAN ASS N. JdORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. Liberal terms. Mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudaomme Co.. 807 Wilcox bldg. " 6 PER CENT MONEY, T PER CENT. For first mortgages on Improved real estate. Address Posioffice Box 3o2. iT0O TOt300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIMS ON ANY GOOD SECURITY. B T PRI VATE PARTY. 207 OREUONIAN BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT.. LOUIS SALOMON. 22tf61 ARK ST. MONEY for improving your home to loan See Cobb. 2MS Ky. Ex- bidg. PRIVATE money, any amount, to 8 per cent. Georgia A. Haas. 4U0 Macleay blog. j.ioisj AT 8 per cent, 3 years; must be firsl m ciass security. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS" on real, personal, chattel or collat e 1 security. C-- W. Pallett. Fenton. " MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A- H. HARDING. 303Ca. of Com. ' "mortgage Loans. j. o. goli'ba, falling blpq. PRIV ATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H- Mliey. room 204 Gerlinger bldg. STATE funds, per' cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Mulmomah County. 4o0 Ch. of Cum. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Sells ot Co- 310 Spalding Bidg. sim UP. en dwellings; owners only: title el J e 11 w u".j . . - .. $32,000 OK any part to loan on real estate, Tabor 77L . $00 CITY property. Call Main SOTS. A 2027. : " Most; o !- L'tiatlela and rsalmrlei MONEY LOANED. Watches, diamonds, jewelry, etc ELBY COMPANY. , Room 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. i oaNS on diamonds. Jewelry and valuables ? almost bankers' rat. of Interest. 325 '-.llliT. bldg- 3d and Washington streets. WK LOAN money on diamonds and Jeweiry it ball the rates charged by brokers. Marx At Bloch. 74 8d at. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; "trtc.tlr confidential. 141 8d. near Alder. 1 oaNS on diamonds and other securities. Wm. Hull, room 9. Washington bldg. x OAN for the asking, salary or chattela The Loan CO.. 414 pekum bldg. MONEY soid on installment;, conndential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry oldg. AND up on chattel. Bloch Realty Co., iiftfi AUl.r St. Alonev to Loan Chattels and Salaries. CHATTEL SALARY LOANS. " LOANS. - $1.00 to $1000 on DIAMONDS. 2 per cent and up. WE MEET AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN CO S. regardless of -what they advertise. OUR NEW RATES. Borrow $10 pay back $12.60 In 6 pay is. Borrow .'3 pav back S.5 In pay is. Borrow f0 pav back $56.45 In 6 pay ta. CAN YOC BEAT THEM. ON LOANS UP TO $100? If the HEAD of the family dies beforo the account is paid in full and tho payments are made as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given If paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, 206-7 MACLEAY BI.DG. BOTH 1 'HONES. Between 4th and 5th sts.. on Wash St. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 r. m- $ $ X STATE SECURITY CO. B-R-O-K-E-R-S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. . $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10, repaid in installments of 20, repaid In installments of f.MU $50. repaid In Installments of. S2.U0 Larger amounts in proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges in plain figures. Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO., $ $ $ $ S08 Falling Bldg. ft $$$$' DO TOU NEED MONEY T W. will furnish you, strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other kinds of securities, on terms to suit; J9 on weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY --ND LOAN On first and Becond real estate mort gages contracts and chattel mortgages. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO . 812 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. - .Mam 2084. $ MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; cheapeat rates, easiest payments. Come and got money when you want It, and pay a you can. Offices in all principal cities. O. a. T01- man, ox 1 i.um PRIVATE PARTY .LOANS aiv to .iu.. On furniture, goods in storage, eta STRIC1LY CONFIDENTIAL. $20 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Open Monday and Saturday till P. M. Call, write or pnone Main 4617. (6 to D. 1). DRAKE. $101. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without security, mortgage or Indorse ment; cheapest rates, best and most pri vate terms in Portland. 307 Spalding bid. fcuccessois to Multon Credit Co. " PRIVATE PARTY LOANS Salaried people and women keeping bouse. $10 to $100. Strictly Conndential. 820 Lumber Excnange Bldg. Ians Wanted. . ' $2100 WANTED. FIRST MORTGAGE ON NEW HOME. IN FINE KESlDlSNCB SECTION. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT. NO AGENTS. AS 00i. Oregonlan WANT to borrow $00,000 on new lour-slory brick building, cost over $80,000; will pay 6 per cent; principals only. E. J. Daiy. 222 Failing oiag. . . , .. e.ii.ue U-1VTHII ON FINE HOUSE AND CORNER LOT. HILL PAY 8 i'EK CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. AL 9iu, urtgnimii. I WANT to borrow $2000 on good new 8 roum house and two lots, 3 to 5 years, of own.r of money (110 agents). Phono Main 1i.i2o. ,11111 i.ey,.-. .. .... . ON MY MODERN HOME. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY . , ,-1 . - wr vTrn O 157, oregonian. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for saie. Hee-v prudbomnu Co.. 8U7 Wilcox big. FOR SALE Mortgage of loo on resi dence properly: runs Hi mos- 8 per cent. Address AO tnu, oregoniau WANTED 7000 for 3 or o years on. Im proved business property; value ' )). Income ijnoo vearly. Prim ipala. Main 1 mo. WANT $1000 at 8 per cenl on 36 acres in Clackamas County, a good loan. W m. C. Borchers, 207 Oregonlan bids. l'EKSOJJAJU ONLY $23. FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS. 400-414 DKKUH BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. -Which means that If you come here you will be taught everything that is neces sary ana nothing that is unnecessary. OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL. In other words. If you invest your money In Instruction here It will get you the greatest possible Increase in earnings afterward. OUR SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Because we know how to make your work interesting, and have the teachers and the equipment for doing it. OUR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. B00 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 34-lncJi switches $4.45 SS 26-inch switches 2.4o Hair dressing 2f Face massage .2u Shampoo 2o Manicuring. 25c, 5 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4, $5 and $6 PUFFS only $1.45 Cut hair in any shade; switches, any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg- 3d and Wishington. RADICAL cure y the latest natural heal ing methods, intruding radium, all (electri cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion baths, massage, adjustment and manipulations. Most expensive, finest equipped private office In Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over 6000 treated patients and not a death while under our care. We will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Malloiy. 312 Rothchild bldgj SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physicians direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th st second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 260. B 103. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience. bel rel'erences ; treatments for rtieumat ism, lumbago, etc.; massao and balh; trainedx nurses In attendance; 300 liolladav ave., 00, Occidental, U car; East .:;. C 2.V;:, open Sundays. DR CATHERINE C. GAIEo I have had 11 -years' practical experience treating nervoua and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 307 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 8143. Hours: 10 A. M- to 6 P. M. FI RST-CLASS body massage for ladies, only XI- lace massage, 25c; shampoo, 2oc; man icuring, $25c; halrdressing, 25c; bunt de veloped; we teach the business. 406 North west bldg., cor. 6lh and Wash. pittTSa" SUITS for rent, $1.60 month; keep your clqthes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and Qellverles. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 stark. MRS. STEVENS, 18 years Portland's lead ing paimiat and clairvoyant, has her mte book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sal. at 21" AHsky bldg- 3d and Morrison sts. FOUN tiace where special attention is given to remodeling ot huts, by up-to-date trimmers. English correct millinery. 3J1 Morrison si- -naiciuam mug. -,; watch chains., braids, etc. made to order natural hair," high prices paid for combings. F. Kiinner, 007 Petty grove. xi US ij C. MORRISON, steam baths and masseurln for rheumatism, lumoago, etc ' 347 Jederson. A 447o. Open Sundays. ZNEROL The great nerve tonic and sys tem builder. $1 per box, 6 boxes $5. Sup. Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison su gAl.P treatment, facial massage. Room 65 Hotel Bresiin, top floor, 422 Washing ton st. Phone a iij. ".. at.ci OK" TOI1K COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; cuila and pulls, 7oc. San itary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. SCOTCH women, menial scientist treatments, rheumatism, lumbago. 000 V Morrison su A 56Q6. i, ., r, NTIF1C facial and scalp treatments, manicuring, etc. The Marinello snup, 402 . Central bklg . cor 10th and Aider. LADY barber shop. 2s5 Salmon, opp. Court- nous. E superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. 1ytJH',!,. j-io mieriner bldg. Main 1179 U. QUI. - nil M- OF FIGS, Compound. Royal Tonlo BALM o ,,.(. .1 Main Ulll Taoieta, u-- Z. . v-ifi-KlNG PARLOR, facial and scalp Treatment, shampooing. 314 Swelland bidg. BUSINESS DIRECTOBi. Analytical Chemists WOODARD. CLARKE & CO., analytical chemists, examiners of chemicals, drugs, foods. ta , Carpet Cleaning. . JAPANESE electric carpet cleaning work. Phone Marshall 1653 or A 22V2. Attorneys' . js COOPER, attorney-at-law. General Practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071, Assayer and Analyst. Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and asayers. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 76 Morrison St. Brass and Machine Works. HARPERS' BRASS WORKS Brass caMms and machine work. 106 N. 5th. .Main 2702. Chiropractic 1'b.vslelan. DR. TIClvNER. Columbia .lay- next Star Theater. A 5255. Main 8587; res. E 297'i. Chiropodists. DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER, lady expert assistant. 305 Alisky bldg.. ::d and Mor rison, Main 8702, treats all ills of tiie foot, without danger of infection ; coni-i. bunions, ingrowing and atrophied uaiin. flat foot and bunions a specialty. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In '.he city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bids.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 01 f ices 42U Flieduer bldg. Main 3473. Coal. COAL ALBIXA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOL Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL Marshall 560. A 1 I'O. Coal . and wood. 545. 387 Water St. Dancing. Mil AND MR. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. 109 2.1 st- bet. V,Lsh- ana Stark, and Ahsky bldg- 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught dally; waits and tw.o-step guiiranteed In four lessons; clan Monday anil Friday eve, 8 to 10, at U 2d St.; lessons 25c. PROF. WAL WILLSON'S Dancing School Lessons. 25c; waltz, two-step or throe-step guaranteed in one lesson; trial lesson given free. The best Is always tho cheap est. Stage dancing and all vaudeville acts taught quicklv. Royal Academy Hal.. 85 1.. 5th.. bet. Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. ' R1NGLER S SCHOOL Private and class In struction; lady assistants; social, stage. fancy dances. 231 ts Morrison. Marsh'l 313. Detective Agencies. PACIFIC INVESTIGATION BUREAU: all classes of Investigations; terms reasonable. . Phone Main 322L 12 Portland Trust bldg Port'.and. Or. INTERNATIONAL Detective, Agency. Con servative, reliable, conlidentlal ; rates $-'0 per day. Office 612 Dekum hldg. M. 6424. Educational. ST (MMEil ? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield, 191S Grove. Oakland. Cal. Engines Gag and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sex bury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gines. 281-2S3 E. Morrison st. phone E. 515. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 204 Grand ave. E. 48 Kodak Unishirur. QUICK service, cut rates; send for price list. The Kodakery, 6th and Tash. Landscape (iurdenera. IF you have residential grounds to beautify, consult our landscape expert. Mr. C. I . McDougall. 12 years' experience in Scot land and Eastern cities. Now Is the time to plant. Advice free. Phone Main 8Xlt. or write the Oregon Nursery Company. Orcnco. Oregon. , " FRED V. BULLOCK. Artistic Landscape Gardening. 810 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2432. New Lawns a Specialty. Shrubbery. Plants and Ornamental Trees. lenlfaer and bindings. CHAS. L. MAiTICK At CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, tabs, mfs. findings. j a ST ROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es 'tabllshrd 1S5S. .ISO Front St. Medical. BOSTON graduate massage and medical gymnastics. 312 Jefferson, up one flight. Musical. . RAGTIME piano taught. 16 lessons, players always wanted at good salary. Room 1. 3N6 E. Morrison st. Emit Thielliorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. t Atm vlAi-shall lt29. ItOll Aiarqunm. .1 ... MUSIC studio. 200 14tli. arrangement made lor Draciie-'iiK. Osteopathic Physicians. DR LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkvl.le. Mo class of 1S08; pust-graduate 1107. un der'Dr A. T. Still, founder of the science. 1122 selling oius- m f,r r B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum biog. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone. Office, M. 841); res, East or B 1028. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish H beil adapted to the Coast climate. BAsS H rcUTER PAINT CO., 191 Second st, ti . -;t I1SSEN Z CO.. jobbers, paints, oila. giatl. sash and doorsT W. 2d and Taylor- patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law. late of U. S. patent Ouice. Book fet free. TIP the Board ot Trade bldg. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyrights rJl?ir:.r.i:.a u countries. Booklet free. PETER HABERLIN, 326 Worcester bldg. 11 S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by ' o. O. Martin. 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ,. W'KIGUT. domestic and foreign pat ent's, infriniiBinenMiaiiea. 6Q4 Dekuin bidg. Puteut Lugineers. " TnTentionITdeveloped. patents secured. Coop i Schmltt, con. fusing . engineers. 001 Henry bldg. Phone xiniu 1285. Consultation free. Papering and Tinting. Dei-haiiKiug, painting, tinung, reasoiiaoie iBli 2BI Yauuiill st. Main 1500. Paw nbrukers. ivi'-l F MYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 yean in Portland: 71 Ulh st- Phone Main 010. Paving. thF Earner Aspiialt Paving Company. 605 1is """trie tme. o-r Huber, Portland. l'ipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ttear 2iih and York sts. Mam 34e-. bales. ... . ,, salj iO- 108 2d st, aatss 1 " tec-ond-halid satea. necoud-Uund Goods. w buy cio"lttiug. luiniluro and tools. Hlga "E nuy n' s. eund-iiand uloinmg. est price .---;:-.,,., ,....nlinri. loOlS. atifl"." W E pa clotnin the illgliesl puces " . and slices. Main 7ooS. UoU 6th. " e. bank and Snow Fixtures. , . i w h MFG. CO., blanch Grand Rap "Vu. SbTowtase CObln and HoyU Luiae. manager. , . rr r, hikdsaLL, 208 Hamlliou bldg. Sbow "caicam stock; prompt delivery. sales .. ...,-e i.iiiiilier Co. agent. at. v MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4lh and couch; new ,Tnd-liand. Main 2.03. t.aliinet wora wiKTLA-ND HOW CASE 4t 11A1 "Hi 12o N- Main ilili. .aomev ww. Steamships. . i I AN LINE Royal Mall steamers: A ir.nrreaL Liverpool, Glasgow Montreal. . i. ,.nt,,n- ih oicturesuu. i. lawreuce route; four days on lbs oc"ean- three uay. in river and gulf; spleu 5?,t new Turbine steamers; saloon, second CLtiZ and third class; superior one-cios cSbS service; cuisine unexcelled; courteous -ttenliou; send for circulars rates, plans. Sic Allan Co., 127 N. Dearbora su. Chicago. Murage and Transfer. - v-lcK Transfer at Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-slory brick warehouse. r.,n,rate iron rooms aud fireproot vaults Jo? "luabies; N. W. cor. 2d and Pme sis. ..anus and turniture moved and pacaed shipping; special rales niaue on goous in our lliioufa'U Tca.s to all domestic ui " 521 ..ointi Main 506, A 996. "oTTii iN-RoE TRANSFER to. General tiaiislerriiig and storage, safes, nlanos and tuinilur. moved ana paeaea for sliipment- 87-su Front at. Aelepnones -.lain 547 or A 224i- rvus-i-tiv TRANSFER CO.. established 1870 lransler and forwarding agents, offices and storage 474 Glman cor. 13th ana GUsan. Puones Main 69. A 116J. Tinners. t'i i i.- G INTER, turners and roofers. 575 ffi-c A 13-J6, Main 35i2- en TO $65 wl" "uy a REBUILT TYPE- ivKlTEll; rebuilt as good as new; ail liU"' ' .1 from I G.IT. N,l .r..l Tioer- terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone lor repieaentativw. Main 850O or A 6068. " .-t buy a" poor.y constructed machine when you can buy high-priced standard n, Ikes direct from the manufacturer at kai on the basis ot 5 per month, or loll cash renlals 3 months lor $5. Investigate. K. 1 t-o., handle standard makes of genuins E .stern factory rebuilt typewriters inu lunk) Prices righL Buy a reliable ma chine from a reliable house. Pacil.t ti WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes all prices. The Typewriter tx cliange.351x Washington st. j7j2W rebuilt, second-hund rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. Well Drilling. ' DRILLING wells. Phone Main 1346 or writ. A. -.vest, 182 Morrison, si. 4