At TTTT! MORXTXO OlttlaGOXIAN. TIIUKSDAY. XYTXYll 11, 191? tX)R RL I urwlalied lloua. own; f at. new furniture I newly I Main hjrh "ri . ..... li.lita. wtr. "OH Glraaa. er -.' P. M. t j xi m lo Urml. Fwcc 11 nil W 'O f furniture f r ui. Call morn inn feror 11 o ti.-k nr.. I afier 3 -i v ! v,airi 03 .j. N . p fr Lincoln ee : rooire 11 ' H rovrr.a. hiu. k (rvm p.ilni tnia arrk Tor $:". Ml rent. ...Va 7th at. appree.aie luniKlnH a-room im. . 11 li-at-... ronaiiMiB. - --- V 1 . . r'.W (urnr.ui of l'V-rooin b. !.. $-..i' rem lull. X'lier.t local.""- I'""" , .ti.-.M. a.-rifi. : N' furni'-ire rl..-r.-.rii flat . rented room. m $ $.: . ' l dayn 4 - I'.i : K . I t...i...l! or good lamiu.'.' housekeep ing, a .nap II ik'U wr.,- - - $.,'.. 4t-i U. loth It. IKING M.r. June and Julv. or part '- of. req uire.l l all A "r H .I.rr..ll t. Kov.MS. lIu... .jU.Tiry trays. ," oecukVAUcy. il tt AUl-r.l.iVl .r.-t. BEAT Mcrlflc-i 'urnltur. linen. l--!ln irn-'hlno. B.r...m f'.t. rmr.da Mln Hf of c--l f'ifit jro. 4 roonn pJ tpn' f .r rtit IT; l'.i (uimiu" of t-r Marall 4T4J. V KHIiAXTf'T Do yc, r..;. tli.l ou t. UMin, th-BKi-T Sfolili in v.rtln.t i( "' 57ilv. roU n that iTO.lK TO j.l , . nrit t- lh Ca::.J.n Pa.-.l irk. i of..rr 1 y.a hv. n..t. do '"r-.f th Ju.. to aik d.n to th Mu.lno mh H.-icI anil LOOK at it Tnl. la the n..t .tra..rdlnarr .tor row on market: " P'"' .p.r-. f.r hal ony: latja akyliatit and ful'- "tT."'.":- I-AST oTORF. now l.f. in tha Hoirl MullnoiuaB. Wh'O tin. r- .ore vou rm B" a at..r In t.n J - " IFICKNT Brlt.I-tN'J for TKAI.m V.(fc OONT WAIT. Ltll t tothrr on tM.. Th t'.r. ta lari:.. Iuhl and CT-r lorati.m l THE P.KST. Til'. I Bl E la KI'JilT. WKpp TKKI'.T. lr"l I'M HHt 1.13 GRAND AVE. Uli BKLiluXT. Nr E. irfr:on St. , , Fin atorra In brli a Hht and airy, p.ata .- front: rnl .ow HAKTMAN Tllt'JlP.-'V rhamiir of lonmnritf ll.'t. STOKES id new -atory brlrk; go.Ml localioa for tiral-iaa a.'"T". - tauraat d Irateaaen. milliner. barber hop- Eaat Flrat at. and Hoi.adaT tha prinnpal transfer point tor tha Feel brldte. bulld r;. ready April I. For leaee apply O A. l.j man. 610 Henry bld "ORXER iwn ai.l Waahlnjton. "5.": lo four ator. I'.at.i, n-w ... - modern fronts, reasonable rent. fc. J. Ialr. I-JJ Kalltra; MMl FOH KKNT p end.d 1ikiIoo".u adjoining Arcade Th-ater; lon Iea.;. Ca.I at office. fe..le a Thcmer hu.l.m. THHSK dnori. 2il !. part or whole, near brick Dui ama. i " " . aba retail, wboleaa.a or l.atit muiulic- turina. A. G. Uu. .PRNER !!' nd Waahlnatnn. flrt.V'.; aleo 4 ator. 14X4.1. new urn .-u. ( em fronta. rent. K. J. Ualy. Fai:in b 1c- !! KENT Sloree. No an.l ti.nrne i.e.. rail no m o... n. "ir Haw thorne !m k H.ial -otwi. IT'.KE. ratg'f 3d and t'onrh. to mil. He for aaie. Apply on prennaoa V Cn lan. I.AK irl. iUI.1 atora. about near la'. Flrat. aad Main ata. inouire UAK'iE. llithl atore. about 2-'.x7o. near lat Hid Main limuire ! OfMeww. UARGE. lofty room, eultah'a for muale or drimalia atuaio. wuu u.u ........... and !'(. Apply Koyal Academy H .11. a.", w .'.lh at., t.etween dark and 4k ala. wAK!E oulalda office, furniahed or unfur- niahrcl. Wltn nW O ir.l-..UH .v.. teleph"i-. U bllln bid. Pbona Mar anal' 4.171. . r 1 i:N ITl'FtE of ev-room houe. wortli 'J.": .11 take llt II taken itiia wer. I" ilF. 'FPTION room of a auito to puli'lo ateriorapher. work ruarante-d to amount jrfil N t14. oreortii Ot'TSIOK rom. In elegant aulto of new of- trrw. elio. who .u. ...-.. ... reoton room. I'll Morton. Mtn 1 1"- MOST -entrai:y located, offlcea; a.l-nla.-t larator aeryicw. tue - and w aahington. ll-'FIi'E or deek room rurntahed with aul rrr't.iina r"m anu i i. i..iu-. mi-i-.j HILl. aharo our ofTi. e. aullahla en;lner. r. liltciit. manufacturer a ipiit. Klli UH b d. NEWLY furniaheeJ offl, rooin. Srlllnf t. I.I w r.ll Mr. "Hall. KlJ?OAST hall and ballroom, roeeptloa riwmal ate.. aultaDla for afternoon ! a a. dan. lnc p.rtl.e. mual. a.ra and rcna a Apply Roral Academy Hall. 01 Km-rf-.ter bijg, til Flfli au Thona A. a in 713 7. i.KIl IIAI I rT. 1.4'h and Yamhill ala.. can I- .n..-r fr Mon.lay. Fr-.Uy and Sat nr.tav evenlnae. APi'ly to W. O. W addel. 3t l.urtiDer Hx- hauise. TO I.f..K. . TO LEASE, bn, k apartinenl-honaa. rery de alrable Weal Sole l.wafton. on Moi-k f-orn r'arltne; reartv for o.-.upancy April 1 "1th Puiirting haa apart menta. autcen o.r.nm. twelv S-room and two 4 room npxrtmenta. -Wall and dlapparln heda throughoot. e'evator. atovea. refnaeraloe and enalea f.i'niahed. Modem and aiiractive In avery rp.ri. For Jurther Information call Vain 407 IOI Al IOIM. kOt NT) Wher yoo can buy genuln hair mattreaae retail at wholeaai pi-lca; w renovate mattreaae and return aam day; w alao renvat Xeattiera Fortland Cveled Hair Fartory. H. aleticer. Front. Fbont atam 474. A 1374 j .-t. ...i e..K Kl..M w - -! 1 and Burn.i.le. on lrth: Hampton roioo nfK o. ;7-4;.a. le-jrwl. aee a n .-u.-r. ..".M- finder return to 47- V:ih :nc ton t Phona Marahall rewnrd. Lo-T A Boatoo. brlnd'e lerrtt-r. while ' marking on the neck an.l braaa atudde.l eol'ar. Call Mr. l. T. Honey -i:i:i. Main ol I'V ' l fit vn laidie- gold wnt.-he. Owner may hae aame by prnylne property. Call 1A i rvn.'oii .v.t -- 't'nur-l.ind'' wri:tn on ono UK-r. Phone p. IT,--. Reward. T A Scotch toll'c male d"K. whlia and aal'le. llcvne No. 1 I'liout East lSla; reward. 1ilt Purae. 4lh and Yamhill. rontainln money, key and ticket to McMtnnviUo. 1.. i.-T Hunch M. S'lier of ke!. Finder return to U Itewaril. ,OT Black and white bulldog, collar on; LOST 1,. reward. en I letuan'a TifTany g..ld c I.O.-T lufTbutton le; Hallway Ex hance. tn..ll r,i mare: whltw feet not on forehead. Main 4'rt7. t,osT- Lady a neck cha.n and watch niorkcd r.. . . . - - - - - - - - BIT SIN K-a-1 O rrOKTrNITIES. .HI.I..ATKS?EN. biu-. .e.r. . p. r mon tli. long eae, nn location. H1GI.KY HISHoP. ll-.J Third St. . .. . .... . .. nl ell m . real eatal . I. . I - to i-i.i . : . , , . fttri.- furniture cheap. 17 I.un-her Ex -range Fl K.-T-CLASH grooery. g'd de. clean a to. k. no ati.kera; caan requlred- I'all ."'; Sinrk '. ..,.rnt 1 living-room f'ir- " '!. e.-nr US lo -- daily; -) handiee. 74.1 Swetiand Mtlgj SVLE OK EXCHANGE. Sp'er.ul-I business on East Side, $.1.XK. SO. Board of Trwrt. 1-i.k'sAI.E sal...n. Independent llcerse; lonr leaae: rood b, If. good lltt.. ...en. AD t.,-4. t )res..l: la n. , Kt. r HT and confectionery doing a good bos. oess. Iocs-.! . -rose the street from s. -iool. 31 East 7th St. . . .... c-M. Investiia- A I E. o . . - . -.. - . Hon will pruts this rare opportunity. or a Inters-tew e - ' - . .xTFD Groeerv sto.-k direct from own ,r'; (ive full particulars. AD - Ore- e-n:an .O rolife.- ...,,11.:. J ry. heal bw ation. $ rent. 1 vi-1 g -rooms . lease. .00 nan O -.1 ." ,rd b dg. . .ty,Ki: wanted t S h'-lp in atote; will pay i-,r niontn requires iy little money. Ho,,r-i 3I' Ltimr-r Fx.-bange Mdg ."R.X KK , -W - t a tn bare. ,. .l ...1. r -tra.l retire-"1 , a o . le. r '.a-' muulu. Kouiu ai J-umtter iaoasjifa Biif. irMHtM OPFORTrN'TIF-S HOLDEf.S OF MINING STOCKS TIIAT'HAVE PROVED A DISAPPOINTMENT. W. hsva f.rimie tht often "!" to eonv.rt your desd or "'"." stock. Into p.-nfit.bU, and """ .e.imcnt Wrua u. AV 114. O.-.gonlaa. INVESTIGATED BUSINESS CHANCES. a which e.a rKommni It your to gi .V'i CHAPIN (t lir-Rl-W IM-S3S Cba.nber of lommirM. A.a tor A- - IF yen r. looVIn '-r real optK.rtonlM. l Or.l Wa.r,,r.ltr.n. "XVH wVwr Til Bid, '?,:;7tJ-.-CM V. lurnl.h il." .poortunii. X " furnish la aluianAblp. I'flUNTKV BASK. . , r,i ba .k In a unii.i aroalnic town. mihfn.W.-rkol -or,'n.l P'J'Z part of ir. .alnr. InvM. ."- ir- at all in-rr.t.'d in l.n.kfr H. r . Hrrin. 0"5 Jir.brof-oriirnrri-a. 0 H I'' J iTaT S wa"t mAiiaJr for "'f town on ro.-i; If you hi " mon-y you .r m.k- rood a- with 00-. jroa can m,k- .'-.. with "-' vou 'in .-, .-. Tlra la clean. hl.h-ci"a I ?...". iir" m SVN HI'.1 ATE. Hao you !" or inor- to ln-'t : -rli.-Kto no. f..rmin l h.m.lla i.r..iMii--oa- 1' luvrat'l muni at ';'ai T--. profit wftrim -hort wh. .. o Kil. Oi- K'ir.tan. FOFt SAl.K Harnaa nn.l "J'i:' firtutir .lo,..rt,nt lull y ,Vrm. .o rl.nt ,.r.,. a: .;. -rr,.d . W'""-l-v to purrl.a- iiro.lne nt.n.-M AdJre t.i A. A. Kraft i o . P..kar.. ash. Oil V l'wVlil"i-nit a aut -.a.ntl..l OwrtlA p tn- without ro,ulr.n the alirn lon of ih o-n.r. Wrl--. t or pr,..u an I fr vc ii..f.n iio . y- rr.xi. lis. I.HK FAt-TOKY for al-: wi.l ae.I m . ;r fa. tore at rea.on.bte nrce: trarfe e.tal.:ia!.erl In s-.ou lemlory; ""'I '"u for a -lnnrTtioi.'-r. Phone, write or call E lward in.leron. Caraon. w " GK'.'K.UY at-r- Join .-.rtind ave.: will a.-ll at a-ru..-, ..rail r.rt t - 'le : r-r ,..n . wn .t t io out of buain. -a. Pn. ei-t"'- C "' i r'Koman. lluoo SEWAHI) f-r half Inlerni '''";; rl.-al proposition. m-e...i ... iw tr.,1 of all money: caah pron..ltl..n only ror.a'.lerel: referencra requind and Ken. K i iree-mmn. m . Kl.ll I.KE To floors III l.unoinz evx.". illtVIr Tor ntnnilta' turina e. - -p..,.,. ttaa. e,e. trl- light and po. r In the buii.lina: th.r.l fi.r .a !... u..d a . l.:n-l ahop. 4-7 H.mi-o, k M. : rrr. . . i.. , A i:m"I theater buiiuin lor u. r-t. hv ownr: win aeat i" ; , , tl.e he., .treel. It, Ml. H. o d .. rlc ; j. .t Improved. See owner, il. b. 1'roua. 4...." tier, h at.. .J. E. . BAKEHV FOIl SALE B n in ette alley. ilolnlt aooa ....o.r . . - and Fall bak- ik. me. Ually; prlr. reaaonabie; terma lo ri party. A loi. I ireitonian. .- FOR b A I-E -Saloon, dolna 'ce".-nl ban- K.CrUrrUp2 allow erl; an eireptlonal chance. I hone ii o.. i n r. V e.1 . 1 KNOWN real e'ale man will take amount mon. v r. guired. Particular '- it..Ht.l of I rait DltY GOOUS and .hoa .lock. ooin goo.. r.uh hueuiera. wet. ... - ......a-. K.t .ubtirb.: InvrM.-a about .....(! ..wnar. AV 137. Oregonian. Krl.-rAI. KANT Muat ell thi good-paying mal realaiirani. iinn....-.- - -- "". It: Ions !-"; Part terma Apply Mohawk bldg. rM AI.L" grocery and and wife. Invoic about Particu lar.. 7". Poard ofTrada. FOR SALE. . K-rm hotel, with bar. enjoying good trad- HA 'a:hlamet. Wa.h.: eay term. Aooiy r W. H. oxman. Calhlam. t. KOIl SAI.K OK KbNT. Rlver.ld. Mn-a Hotel. 1M ""'' ,ui ro-ens, furnl.ite.l. e.y term.. F. I'ny ...r. ..4 Klrt at.. to ! A. l V.1.KAMN.; an.l pre.Mi.g "'''"" """" partner to deliver " i owner w:ll gnariuile. .u - week. 0-0 l.iimr.r Kxciiangc. STO.-K of for n ale at Vi dollar; will Invoice aoou. . ... -. --"V,:,-ei thi. quick; muat be all eaali. 1 - 1 .r.g-.nian. IMI'll'iVHH farm. 1 acrea. ,n ' 'a.o.-.. Vallev. lo ex. runic ."'-'. ,,i e.v merehanll.e. IJ.C". will pay ,.,,. ra?i. I 1.1. Oregonian Cl'iAKS. canlv. p rlmll. ai.. n"i .. r 1. a l-iger and f-ela lo.l; pric lone r..,. ... - orle l-.HI r.o.1 l.urnner rjtrhange. Tt-r-ri v- niVliT Mo4 ing-pl. lur. .how . Bn- lo. -at Inn. clearing t to Ho -e-kly: cheap rent. ,, ,...,. ee tin. -'I swetiand bldg. Fiit SALE Flrat-claa. me, m-rae, ... Eugene- rewaone tor a-i-.n. .... - ! kneea For particular addi eta bog A !.... . rregorian. KAKHEIt SHOP, two cliaira. I.lg Iraneient !".; ri $"-: '-. ca-h- Try thi. before blivlng. AJ PIO. tre..nlan. p.tKTNUIl wanted for a-4troc.ry: aale. la .1 j - Br-.t notninc . "n t I.urtihcr Ex. hargo hldg HAROW AUE. ,r.-erl... pnint. and oil. good bu.ine.. m r-uirirr ....... ... e.. voice, fall Stark t GESEliAL n.C..e .lock moUv ra.h bu. ne.a. not far rrom r". . ", ", k.nrfle l-.rtlrulnra "oj f-ioard "f Trade. Foil Thre-chlr I arlr ;'"'n. g;d loewtlnn. flotng g-Mju"--. " -a oreson at. Fi'it SALE Well established transfer bufl- ne.a: re.iulre. two tiuc.i .0 "i'r" -' " :n-a. Oreconlan. PAKlr. wa-..-o ... --; -.- . . mlkg retier loau - ' -- Stark at .V- . -e . . I: L' trT Bargain in "goo.l l.a .tioo. doing good CaSII I. IIS. lo ee. .. .--u : pi. Tl R E-SH "W where Jon can lear over 1 i;il a I.l..flt1: gOO't lewse. Lumber Exchange bidg. Room ol Mr VTM tflKKT, d drg cash .li daily, end no dellve.y; $4"d. S23 Lumber Exchange. BtkHIIV for sale In s...l town of f.0 ,,oi.,,:.t,on. Inquire S p. Skldinore. S.. j p.hur at., bet r.-en 1 2 and a afternoon. -.,w R r.S T A I R A N T -.0 F 1 n e location, good l.ii.ltie... rent f: leas-. Merry a. ta.i. atHN Morrison st. ii.ME bakerv. conf eel loner v . Ice-cream, dainty Utile place. "Od reason for selling. of o-vn.-r. Hi West Killing. worth. SAlaxlN Here la a snap In heart of city, cheap rent, lease; price .:00. 4T Com merelal Club bidl GrlNEUAL merchandise store,. I.ttsinc. for sale or trade. doing good Address T 'a-4. t.regontnn. 1' H I NT EK-EDITOR, long experlencetrlctly at liberty May 1: have a lit tle money. AV 141. ' Orctonlan CVFHCrloNEHY. Cirars a"d groceries. 4 livlng-rcom.i rent $22.50: t0 cash bd it. ca!l24'- Stark st. TTvr-TOWVSITE Want general store and " hotel- good lorn Mon In best section of r. unt'y. t all Tabor 74.1. vi tc H .i'l,A'3 mercantile eol'ieet'ng agency want, i.artner tod-, office work: will pay you $2..e) nisnth. .T.ri Lumber Exchange. 1 FADING movlne-plrture show In country L town of 3.Ha.: s.a) will buy It: full loves. ..-..ion solicited. (all 2ei- Stark. vviill restaurant, low renl. lease, doing S.l!d'buc.."hl. I. . bargain. Par- MH'MitNiM CiHr f..-. cat. I room, doing s.H u.ln...: $1e.H.: a bargain, term. Tj t Washington s.. Butcher l T-lvislo-t st open new market. Tabor 322. TAIl.oll shop for sale, good location. 247 , M-..!. son. ' fo,; SALE Kestaurant. North 2d nesr l.svis. Good business. LARGE f.h and poultry market d ol.ig .jo .l-v want, i.artner. Call 24' Slark St. FOR SALE isar. confectionery and pooi- -lev Yair.hlll. SALOON" for sale. Independent ilrense. tlooO in. no agents, n e.... i............. TAILOR. 51 Alder. Mi-; AT market for 4a.s, good neighborhood. ( ill at !"1 AlMna are. REST A I" HINT close in. clears $125 month; prl.e $2.'. 3i3 Lumber Exchange. BARPKP. shoT 111 N. ".d st- for sale. 4 chairs. Apply DAIRY. owa. with rouie; goo.1 lease. AV Is, (.regoninn. -vV NTH D To learn cleaning ami pressing h'r.iness Addrea o '-1. 1 .re son is il. "bi SI N F. CM: us. l. I.nns ad. i.vt uty 1 nuisrj, iv-a -d. cor. Jajior. BCbTNSSS OPPORTUNITIES HOTEL. FOR SALE. W have fu aalo one of tha beat hotel. In the cliv f-.r making money, over 100 room.; a good leaae and a .Una trado; tha cheapeat rent in too city for tha location, whl. 11 1 lu the bu.lnea action, and a trade: thla i not a romliij-lioiiw witn liit.e lobby for an "'ca REAL HOTEL: a large ''". ,d',n.'n1 r.x.m and bar all with a .plerd id tra.le. and can u puroha.ed al lh right nrl.- You that know lh. hotel bu.ln.ea. have om mean, and want to " " ''' her. i. an opportunity. It doe. "''J " Hom Show or A convention to .upport th. " w"i.I.aVe INVESTMENT CO.. Room 418 Ortgonlan BIOS :.nn OR more Invnted now- !"" profllaole income Inveainierit t!Tat 1a perfe. t'.y protei t. d. w ,ln or wltliout employment, to nign gra.le aaieainan or well-connected lady with, circl. of frlenufc L W. Ortonn. O..OI.. ..LEAN IN VEST MV. NT. Quart, gold and copper mining f'"". lion of i.:,q...o.t.onable uuality and qua' -t.ty. .uftici.ntly developed to wan ant I.11 ai .temeni: engine, pump. c-l '' ' v.r uipmeot prov.led: building, com plete: . I. ..o to c11 power; road, complele: want n"'"."! more to plac. the aame to PJ''"; camparallveiy .mall amount of w " quired; no Incumbrance on perfect, not., but principal, need rwponrl. condition. pltlvely guaranteed. AJ i irejconlan. FOR-1 rTnTIN -.. PHONE EAST 230. OWL PRINTINO CO Our T apeciala. l'eat tltern If TO "n lo.g) buainea. earda, $1 . .k.o card, (round cornered, aie-cun. l.aat Mil head. ( Mne.l. '-Ja-1iha pill head. (12 !ml, I -00. 1.. 00 .latemenl (regular kind). J. lono envelope (.tati'lard '. - .." lt.oti litter h-arU (good bond paper). -). ' APT.-HOISE KORErLOSrllE Call or phone at once; we have but -4 hoi... lo arrange for you to take poe. "n' DP.VG FTORE In good loratlou. doing good hu.ine. can be handled by two drug clarks; good I concclon.; .mall rapitaL PI6 Chamber Of Commerce Bldg, WANTED A few more good agenl.. men ,,d .. in every cl.y and town l Oregon, wa.hliigton and Idaho to .ell our new accident and health pollclc. Annual coat and 1: paya 17. a week while liaahled. Our agent ara making IK. a dav. whr not you? Htghe.t com m.wion. and renewal. Write or call for Information. Abbott ft Co.. Wilcox bldg.. rortluml. or Full SALE MiHlern holel In Bead, or.; fa.tevt growing city In the atate: lt room, newlv furniahed; new .tone l.ulldlng: reneurnnl In connection: rent reB.onal.le. long lea.-e: rec-lpt. ,7r. to Hl daily; prtca tilian): a money-maker. 4nqulro O. . Hort.nan. Oregon Hotel, cor. 7th and Star: t... Portland, between 1 and B P. M. Partner to taka half Inlereat In a light manufacturing plant: a man who can take charge of an btflc. and manag man. aa'ary. l-3 par month. Kinney A Stam phwa. 5il-2 Lumbar Exchanga bldg- n"eVPPAPER opportunliy: half Interest one of beat weekly new.paper properties In Northweat Washington for aale.. Lit"" ra.h needed. ETx.ellent opportunity for young new.paper man or printer. Address AV 16, Oregonian. FOR FILE-A good clean stock of groceries . . . - . .. .1 .ik'.rv.r. In crockery, graiuir. " c p.. - - -- g..d town of :.' p..pulatlon. doing a good business: will Invoice shout !"' or g.VMai gootl rei.sons for soiling, au- .lrr AV 170. Or'K'.iil.n. A bu.lne.. paving 11.10 per month can be . . r ... . . .ho.-t.iieh nn.l tor ... mi" c..-.. "...,: ;niellstlon. Call at 100m 1JJ1 Yeon bldg. -J " CALLED AWAY. Will sacrifice my III' grocery sales to 7i a dav modem, clean stock: will take v.". rents 011 the dollar If taken at once: hie owner. Wood lawn 4411 : coi ner of Aln. worth apcM'nlon ave. WANTED Mfiirwith "mall capital to rep rcs. nv-tts in each county In Oregon snd Washington: great opportunity to make money. Address Portlsnd Store Supply Co.. -'n 2d at.. Portland. Or., or can. MO VI Nil-PI' TI'liT theater for sals, doing a g.Mjd business, foilo down, balance nionth 1. or will trade: what have you? or I will rent to a good reliable party; must 1. avo city. N l'K2. Oregonian. CH VNCE for salesman who can sell goods 10 tho. trade to buy stock In company es tablished and paying: advance mon. y furniahed for expenses: liberal commis- .tona. K lam. Oic g on lan Ki Hi PALE. Dandy proposition. doing 'good l.u.iness, cheap rent, with good loca tion; leriiia to ami. will trade for clear lot. c P'.J. Oregof lnn. GOOD blackamlth business and good outlet of tools and lease properly: In a good country. For partlculara address I . 0. Ilox H'-pprer. Morrow Ctmnty. Or. oT'FoUTCNITT for-oflce man able to In vest some money with services: will pay fl.v month salary, also large profits. Room .tl l.limoer r.. .,.. i . GltluKUIES. confectionery. etc.. llving rdd f.-vl cre.rlng,,be.,de. your living. M'to month; price 3U3 Lum ber Exchange. Tu7y bakery and lee cream parlors with 4' living rooms and paying fl.lrt momh over all expenses; Da. -'3 Lumber Kx ebange. FOR SALE Cigar, confectionery, soda foun tain etc. living-rooms in rear, doing good business: Party leaving cliy; only floi). Si'1-2 Lumber Exchange. BARGAIN"- MOVING-PICTirRE PHOff; good l.icntion. long '-.-.- ----- , " ... . ,S.o invest gate. Call Ilaln "UiP. F voir own boss; want partner In good - . w . ..... taael. eon .no- siva Davmg ... - -- - - - - -- . . half the prollts; fl.'.O required. 801 Lum per r.scnaiiKr. WANTFD Reliable man as manager to take Interest In mWy-maklng business. 1-setlculars at r--.-. ...a.o GENERAL nierchansiasa store In couniry town for 2..1; lia.e Room 319 Lumber Excbange oiog. 1 1 .--a , V. .mln.Hnti DA UIC.K wno iirt e - ' ' 1 1 -. . , and got his card to go In business as part ner. IV teo-, v.rewoi..o... LAI NDKY doing good bualness; lj ,l,nr'"t for I'iOo caah; balanoa terma. Call 24S ' ' stark t xva-T reliable partner In dairy lunch, one wnV .an eook preferred; "' re quested. Call roomings. 103 N. 3d st. ric. A II-STAND Good location, cheap for quick sal;owner 1-aving town; call after a sl ' ' Tr-ir-icT for sale: small capital required; a mo"n.y-maker for a live man. Call & Sherlock bldg. sTnfl DAT business: rent $40 month; must lea ve city; no fake. Bee agent, J K. Hall. 3"S Ablngton bldg. vi-ii I lease BOxlon. two mlnuls" wslk from Wi!d ptckln Plant. Owner. P. O. Box 7. 2 I". M. -s- ". r,, h , SCH Everything In running Older. deluding loO head hogs, all sixes; long teas". Addre.sJ- Nelschl.Llnnton. ""at IKING "AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. T. lon. and other bond, bought aod city. sold. Fletcher Inj"-- Aoina- iAOV INO-PICVVRE TH EATER for aalj. Close in. oowniown - - C. Btevna, n't no CIGAR stand, sotla fountain and poolroom "I tal)e-S. lt-O O.I. . -e- C1IEAP. fine barbershop; best location In Portland ; terms, wa i".. BARBER hop for sale, S chairs, bmtha. N Bth t- rtl'ilNF.SS QFiRTrNTTlF-WWA-sTTED. WN1 To open chain of 4 or ri general merchandise store. Can h.ndN- .took, from flOAKSJ to $30.KK). AH Bel. Ore gonian. fTest ICR ANT In goed location: no agenta. " T f.-:. Oregonian. ' . KOOVII'-HOVSE9. FOR SALE 70-room hotel. 5 years' lease. In a lion best In city; fooOO will handle. All "'lo. A' . P.1..M-; hlchlv furnlalied. Must leave city; will sell reasonable. See gent, J. t mil v jaaaew ... BOOMIXC.-HOCSES. y R. H. GOODKIND CO. JO KOOMs. Center of city; new. elegantly rurn..hcd. strictly mcdrn; owner has equity lil.l.oo. wll tak. cash and .V"H close-in acreage: cl. ai lng 7.'.0 to iilo per month, best house in city of this kind. tV7 ROOMS. , Wa.hlngton St.; steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms: rent only s.l.a; good lease and money-maker; this is a hum mer for ris!it party SMALL HOUSES. We have several lo to lo-room that can be bandied as low s 1" down. P. H. GOOT.KIND CO.. INC. lon.y and l"0i Wilcox Bldg. v Momhers R-nty Hoard. New concrete building, corner location: all outside rooms; electric elevator, hot and cold water and telephone In every room- 7-year lease; lti" worth more tlinn price ..ked: rent only 14 per room: haa .." atea.Sy roomers, alao doe. nice transient biinne.s; Jl private baths. public cost lj.U'K) to furnish: this placet can be bought for 7iKM'. small amount down to responsible people, owner got 'thi. home on trade and ha. hired help running place: c!oc-ln location; clearing lieu per monlh: tmrca:n hunter, get busy. K. H. GOODKINO CO.. INC. IO06 and local Wilcox Bldg. r- 1 ni 1 n ' ' ... 3 ROOMS, will located, fair furniture, one of the be.t plain place, ill the city, pild for itself in lo month.: lease S year., rent l"o: I" turnitg people away: you will hunt some to beat this. Price J1S00, time on pari. . O C. It. ELLIS A CO.. .I" J -010 Wilcox Ul.lg. . . . . . . . Ti-lVVVD FORCED SALE. Apartment-hou.e rooms: must be sold today; strlctlv modern, close in; first partv with ISOO caah and real e.tate worth to;f gets the bargain of a life time; bargain huntera and speculator., get bu.y; must be .old today or not at all. Come In quick and got particular.. R. H. UOODKIXD CO.. INC. 1V05 and love Wilcox BiiiK. SMXLL AP.lllTMKXTi ' .lu.t hewlv furnished, cheapest rent In cltv 'located' within block of .lx car- lines; 111 2 and 3-room apartnients; price llif .iu. on very eas- terms; no Tent to pay until May 1. M GRl-PSI BOLD?. 31S Uosrd of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ' 14 rooms, nlcelv furnished foelioiickep Ing within verv av walking distance on West Sole. Just soulh of. Jofferson; price 11100: term.. GR'.'SSl BOLDS. -31t Board of Trado Bldg., 4th and Oak. SO ROOMS, modern, always full of s-te-idy roomers, elegantly furnished, njjw Dulld intr. lo.lftcd 7 blocks to postofflce; rent sural- Income irn. long lias. Price frt.-a-H. terms. O. C. R. AIU & Co.. o'- u u Wilcox bldg. i!TKV"M- Olivines district, well furnished, clears -) a month; lra-e nij years, rent J V a room; some private bath: prl. H M). part ciali. part lime, some trade, o. r. It. III. LIS CO.. i.oiv.r,lo Wilcox Bids. " MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLANDS I.EADINO HOTEL AGFTNCT. HOTELS ROOMING APARTMENT HOUSES. All sirea and prices. 22-4 Fnillng oldg., 3d and Washington. 20 ROOMS. DOWNTOWN. Transient place, tin... for widow dv; e'eaanlly furnished, running water in all r .ums, tlo. down. Mr. D'',t o C R. Ellis Co.. .'.O!l-r,1o Wilcox bldg. 1IUI r.i. i--.-.v . The lease, furniture and good will or the Calumet Holel. 1V Park t.. for sale. For terms and further particulars apply at hotel. . . ROOMING-HOtSE SNAP, lll-rwim. newly furnished, all full. H. r.. sno sleeping; rent 7..: 4-year lease; only $10(10: a little dowu. balance oasy. -in . . vt r-T PAD UA. T t ' t Swetlan-l 01. ic. "1-IlOOM modern dwellinir. elegantlv fur nished, new and dean: be.t location; I.IK income and always full; long lease, terms; . heat), llv ow-n. r. "IV. Flanders. J'FOPI.K (o let their property with BRA SH r.M 1 alwavs have a lone list of rent ers and hitters. See HKASMKM. 62 torn bernicirs bid is. Marshall bL EIGHT roomsTclose In, nil newly furnished C. tiinnihs nso, cost Sof; must sell at sacrifice- rent $lo: Income $U2.r,0; price $.-.:.o. $1.10 cash. Call as HJIh, near Sinrk. ' ' ' ,-vT.) . n.iin itv It-room roomlng-houaei $40 rent leas. r.-.H- Washington st. Irice ftkO; .1.-0 dowri " ID ROOMS full, cheap rent. In new. fire proof brick. In heart of manufacturing, dla ti l.-i ; sacrtllre this wee k; might trado. 12!H3 Hubs.. 11 SL STktiiJMS. always full, clears fHiOO per year- will sell for flldoO In good security or tash; will pay for Itself In lo months: lutw your security. At? H7D. Oregonian. Wll. I. lease downtown hotel to responsible n-a.a..r reSt.oriHlt.l.. .laD- aneae; 'give plione number. L tai2, Ore gonian. 5'i-rlOOM first-class, furnished apartment- . . , . ... ,-IIV- tO W noil.e: oes. ... -.- quick tiuyer I will make attractive price. :li -Will. BOARDING arid rooming-house for sal. owner, ao- i.m aw --- S3 Ri.oMS: rent $V); clear $100; term or trauo. ' 'wnei. . - A SNAP 0 rooms, good furniture, close III. 4 is. lav i.r i. 11 ROOMS, furnished. $25. MS Walnut St., Norm portianu. .viaiu n. at-ECIAL NOTICE. Miscellanooua. CHATTEL MORTGAGE' FORECIX)SUIlE. Notlco 1 hereby given tleat 1 have thi. day .taken possession of tho following dc .erlls?d personal property : 1 liore. 1 light delivery wagon. set of harness. 1 butcher block, 3 meat saws. 2 meat cleavers, I large meat rack. 1 caah register. 1 large meat scale. 1 small meat scale. 1 counter, ail shelving, to gether with all the stock of goods and personal property located at No. (.2. Cen trul street. St. Johns. Oregon, by virtuo of a mortgage I hold on said property amounting to $2-'.". and I will on the lsth day of April. 11.12. jat- K o'clock A. M, sell till of aald property at public auction ! the blgne't and best bidder for cash to satlsri said mortgage. St. Johns, o.-egon. April l. PM2. John anastasopoi i.os. Mortgagee. I WILL not be respousil-lo for any I. Ills . . i... v.'e.t rmf.ii Sam eonnac.e.. vj - w esl ertnan BARGES for rent, capacity 4O0 ton, tullo. a gherlock-blug. Main 1410. Pat- Proposal Invited. SE A LED bids will be received by I-. K Fields. County Clerk. Courthouse. Port land Oregon, until 10 A. M. on Monday. April 2tl 101-2. for furnishing supplies for Multnomah County Farm, at T.uuidalc, Or.-i.-oii. Supplies lo be delivered al Mult nomah Couutyt Farm. Copies of supplies niny be had al the office of '-ho Coumy Commissioner at Hie courthouse. No bid will be considered unless ac ompanlcd by a eert Hied check payable to the order of the County Court for at least S per cent of the amount of tho bid. The right to Jed any. or all bids is ex pressly resorved. T J. CLE ETON. County Judge. V.- U L1GUTNER. County Commissioner. D. . tlAtll. eDUII.) . . OFFICE C. Q. M, Chronicle oing, Francisco. Cal, April i't, j-au. eo.u posals will be received here utull 11 A. M, May 10 1012, for furnishing wood. coke, charcoal, fuel and mineral oil. and gaso line, required at posts in Western Divi sion duiing fiscal year commencing July I 11)12 Information furnished on appli cation here or to Post Quartermaster and Quartermasters at Seattle. Wash, 1 urt land. or, and Honolulu.. H. T, and bids may bo received by Post Quartermasters and Quartermaster. Honolulu. H, J, II A M, PaciHc time. May 10, 1312. I. V..n Kel.rader. C. Q. M. SEALED bid will be received at the office of the undersigned. 4.12 Tllford bul ding until 5 P. M. April 17 1U12. for shad., for the new Lincoln High school, copy of specifications may be obtained ,?,. ," office of architects. Whitehouse & h oul -houx. bo!) Wilcox tmilding. Cash, or certl SeS cheqk for 10 per cent of the of the hid. payable to R. Jhomas, School Clerk, must accompany each pro poiL Board 'of directors reserve th. right to reject any and all bids It. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated April IP. Iel2. SEALED bids will be received at the of flea of the underalgned. 402 'Tlllord building, until 5 P- M. May 1. 1012. for furniture for the new Lincoln High School. Copy of specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Cash, or certi fied check too IO per cent of tho amount of tn. bid payabl. to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must nccompany each pro- posal. Board of directors reserve, th right to reject any and all bids ' K. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Portland. OtAprtl J'"i.- ri OSINO JOLT OUR BUSINESS We Invlt. proposals to purchase our entir. .lock of General merchandise and flxturea. conslst fn of groceries. hardware, furnishing a-oods drv gooda. shoes, etc. All slock Jood live merchandise Will Invoice Ihou't IS000. Stock may be Inspected at lTT t at Bridal Ve,L Or. Aldrlch Lmnett. owner. KKALFD'blda will be received at the office o? the miderslgned until May 1. P.12. for the excavation and consti uctlon of a ce ment sld-walk In the city of Oswego: g. clfl ation. on file In the office of tile Re cordai'. H. A Davidson, City Recorder. SPECIAL NOTICES. Propoaala Invited. NOTICE OF SALE Of MUNICIPAL BONDS. Notice Is hereby given that the common Council of the City of Gladstone. Clack nmas County. Oregon, will receive sealed , proposals for the purchase of 20 001) or the negotiable coupon bonds of said town bearing 6 per cent semi-annual Interest from the date of Issue. Said inpiovemcnl bonds are for the pur pose of building and maintaining- a water system In raid city. Said proposals will be received and may be filed with the Recorder of said city st any time before 7:30 P. M. April . HM2 All bids received subject to the right of the party to examine Into the regularity of the Issue of said bonds of said cltv. Said bonds will be Usued In rr-nomlnatlons of flex) each, and each bid der will specify the number of bonds which they desire to purchase. All of said bids are to be enclosed In an envelope securely, sealed and directed . lohn V Sievers. ; Recorder. Gladstone, Oregon, and marked 'Bid for the Water Bonds of the City of Gladstone. 1 be rlnht Is hereby reserved to reject any ana " HARVEY E. CROSS. " ilsyor. JOHN N. SIEVERS. Recorder. Dated March 12. 1912. - UNANTIAt. I.WKSTllRK investigate this growing prass osrtion: will guarantee not less than o per cent; any amount from $100 up; to be used to Increase equipment, output to meet a popular demand that Is becoming universal. Write or see ' Secretary. 40U Commonwealth blng ."T 71 . . . v- . unrv-T Contracts. Mortgages, Equities. Chattel Diamonds and Real security. Speclai sen.- WSONkoWN- IN VESTMENT CO 1i,9 Veon Hldg. Tel. M. 3114. CAS H t Am run jn.. . v.., Or seller's equltv lu contract of sal on real estaie In Washington or Oregon. n C. .-.uoie-, m...... . MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equities bougnt. L. L. Dcver eaux. lo. Spa ding bldg, 3d anu Wash H- E. r.ODIO, I.UIII U.-I ington. Main no WE pay highest cash price tpr budlders con tracts, first and second mortttaires and other securities. Home Installment -0.. 4Ol-40a McKay bldg. Marsnau a-.-oa. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposesi no commissions. COLUMHIA LIKE A TRLST COMPANY. HID Spalding biug. WE buv notes, contracts, mortgages (nrst and second l. equities.' F. H. Lewis 4 to.. a l.ew is piug. FOR S LK 20 shares Portland Concrete. Pile & Equipment stock. AF 961. Ore gon I a n. . . . mTNBY to loan on first -class Portland real estate security at lowest rates. Morgan, Klledner & Boyce.53 Ablngton bldg. FiSTandscond mortgages, contracts and commission arcomits bought, real estate nans. K. Miner, sio - MONEY to loan on riiy or farm prtiporiy. W m. C. Borchets. 2o7 Oregonian bldg. Money to Loan fVeal F.stata. TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. $2000. $3';hi. $0000. $7000. $l..,0O0. On Portland Improved property or good rlose-ln acreage: can make prompt oe llvcrv of jibovi. amounls. Apply at mice lo GOObSELL BROS, 4X3 Worcester Bldg. vTb have money to loan on quick action ranging siooo to e.o"-.'""- See Mr. Harbolt. a I r.vTsrci CO SI0 chamber of Commerce, ,eJ.iHaiat 6 per cent.: $10,000 af i per cent.: $4000 at 7 per cent.: $2000 at S per cent.; $1'2nii at n per cent. It. N. TFFFOKD & CO.. Mar. 4".47. A 4 .".4... 4"7 Spalding bldg. ON IMPROVED city properly or for build ing purposes. 3 to S years' time: liberal r'pavineni privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equlta Me bav -ttiirs el- Loan AssiM-iatloli. 24Q stark st. . .. .. . . t.... TTTTv A T 7 P le R CKNT ON IMPROVED FARM OR CLOhL- IN IMPROVED CITY I'ROPtlrtli j. Vdnvr.KR. SIUTK 420 Y EON BLDG LARGE supply of moaey to loan In sums of $500 and upward, 'on real estate secur ity, at and 7 lier cent. .... . . viv VtOHRTRT.. 104 Second SL. Near Stark. $500,000 ON improved city or farm property: building or small loans at lwe,at X""' loans a speciilty. McKenxlo 4 Ca. 614-515-516 Gerllnger bldg. STRICTLY private money on real estate, farms, ranches, etc; mortgages and con tracts bought and sold. Straw. .11 belling bldg. IC l,e.s e.. ...... annuo. Security must be highly improvea . , , , ix- f A w er tartn: maae a iii i. wi ...n ... GOODSEl.l. BROS.. 433 Worcester bldg TO LOAN K.OOO OR LESS. KARRINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. . . au njtr no .osl.le real estate. s oer cent. 2' to 5 years. Phone Marshall ,.-e $500 AND upwards on Improved real estate; - a . ... .. . ...... W A 1. ul tl - notes ana . away, room to w asii.tis.oi. me.s- . , monnva In .llv sum from x.MMJ lit) at current rates. Rooms 10-11 Mtllkey bldg, 4Q ana aiornsoii a.e. WILL LOAN $7000 on city real estate at ,.,ee....t iaips in amounts to suit. t)12 Wil cox bldg. muunvi-n or unlmnroved property: small hull. Una- loans, contracts and mortgagee hourht. W H. Nunn. 44S Sherlock bldg. $1000 TO $5000 to loan at lowest rates, also larger ttwioiinia. a.ww.,u w. - 801 Wilcox mug- J200.0UO TO LOAN, large loana a specialty, building loaus. lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 81. .-Hlb fa. ung MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest ,. , 0(, .I a, kll rates, a. rr- . - - sa ana Oiarn. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOAN3 on Portland hemes, ror oui.uing pu. iju... -.vv i-. n.. PROVIDENT SAVINGS at LOAN ASa'N. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amotinL Liberal terms. Mortgages purchased. Heury C. Prudhomme Co, 8u7 Wilcox bldg. PRIVATE partv will buy mortgages and .ontracis. $250 to flood. floi spalduig bldg. 6 PER CENT MONEY, 7 PER CENT. For first mortgages on improved real estate. Address Postofflce Box 352. iToO TO$300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIMB5 ON ANY GOOD SECURITY. BY PRI VATE PARTY. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 228 STARK ST. "PRIVATE money, any amount. 0 to 8 per cenL Georgia -A. Hass. 4o Mscleay bidg. "li..i.) AT S per cent, 3 yeara; must be first ciass security. MORTGAGE ' LOANS AT R EXBONABLK RATES. F- H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. ioaNS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pwlletl. 30S-D Fenton. MoNEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATB. 11. ri . -1 . . . . - J. O GOL1KA. tAliaau nuuii. t.,,n to loan on closo-ln Improved city prop erty. Leonard Bros.. 817 Chambar Com. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Miley. room 204 Gerllnger bldg. rtaTE funds. 8 per cent W. E. Thomas. ;...,.o I'nuntv. A..O Ch of I'nm. agent su..u...w - MONEY any mount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Sella' Co,-310 Spalding Bldg. 'ii.n 1-ieZ.jjwelllng house; principal only; r v - ..tnra.v 211. Allskv hlrl. I. O Droae.asq. - $32 ooo OK any part to loan on real estate. Tabor 771. iTooO tlOOO, $2000, $30110 TO LOAN.. Hon- kle at nan " aaooey lvoan I balleis -.a awlariew. $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO $ $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. LOWEST KATES IN PORTLAND. $10, repaid in Installments of $ $20, repaid in Installments of I ?x $50. repaid in installments of ....... .$00 Larger amount in proportion. We do not' advertise misleading terma or rates, but give you our charges In plain . tlgurea. . Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY. CO. . . t f I "KlS Falling Bldg. $ $ $ $ a 111 e. e a,w. l'ltl V A.C ran.l A-e..w. c-isxled people and women keeping nous. $10 to $100. Strictly Conhdential. 820 Lumber Exchange Bidg. MONEY LOANED. watches, diamonds, jewelry, eta. wnom 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. r..A-S on diamonds, jewelry and valuables at almost bankers' rate of interest. 823 Falling bldg, 3d and Washington streets. wtiTLOAN money on diamonds and Swe.ry half th. rates charged by brokers. ..rg A Bloch. 74 8d SL fa i WEST rales, chattel loana Call Geo. ti .rvv. bul East Davis. " uryNET loaned on diamond and Jewelry; strictly contldentlaL 141V. 3d. near Aider! i.aNS on diamonds snd other securities. Wm. Hull, room . Washington bldg. .old on installment; confidential: salaried neopl. A, X.wion, Haafj. uiaJ F1SANCIAU Money to Lxa re -Chattels and SaOarle. CHATTEL flivs fl.oo" to $1000 on DIAMONDS. 2 per cent and up. ' . WE MEET AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN CO H. regardless of what they advertlse. OUn NEW KATES. BVrow $10 pay back $12.60 In Per'; Borrow S25 pay back J2S.95 in pay ts. Borrow $50 pay back $5b'.4.. In 6 pay is. CAN YOU BEAT THEM. ON LOANS UP TO 100? It the EA of the family dies before the account is paid In full and the payments are maae as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW. A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given if paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY . 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHON Between 4th and 5th sis, " ,a P M Open Monday and Saturday Mil P- ai- f DO TOU NEED MONEY T W will furnish you, strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a Loan In " amount on your auto, piano, u,D"uhr; livestock, storage receipt and ail "h ktnda of securities, on terms to suit. i n weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN On first and socond real fstate mort gages, contracts aua "... -------C-'s, REAL ESTATE HOKERAGE CU. t $ $ $ $ ' ? $5 to D. D- DKAKE. $100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without security, morigag or ?"-rnent- cheapest rates, best .and most pri vate teims in Portland. 3o7 spalaiag bldg. buccessors to Hutton Credit LP. MONEY FOB SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and other, fur wi.ned witnout security; cheapest rates. Sisle.t payments Com. and get money "hen you want It., and pay a. you can. Offices in all principal cltlea. U. ii. lo.- man. l i iumoe. a.-..--. PRIVATE PARTY LOAN3 IV 1 ww. .- rornlture. goods In storage, ata 00 "rICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. x'iq Lumber iuxchan Blag. Ope? A "d XSF'iJi1 Uli. can. w...g " 1 i OAS for the asking, salary or chattels. A LOArx iw ala s .ekuro bidg. 1 tie Loan e., - - lyoans Wanted. MONEY wanted on the following A-l ma- curllie-3. $r,oo. 3 vrs.. S percent, 4-room house. Value '$1250. ' $."). 2 or 3 yrs., 8 per cent 3-room house. Value $3000. $7o0. 3 yrs, per cent, 4-room bunga low. Vaiuc $1050. $000. 3 vrs.. 8 per cent. 4-room cottage. Value $2100. n00. 3 yrs.. 8 per cent. 3-room bun galow. ' Willie $:;ooo. $1300. 3 yrs. per cent, 5-room house. Value I3OU0. $1800, ff yrs, S per cent, 6-room house. Value $1200. $2250. 3 yrs, 8 per cent, 6-room house. Vaiue $50o0 C $2.iOO. 3 vrs, S per cent. 7-room house. Value flood. fl'.noo. 3 vrs. 7 per cent. 2-story bldg, 3 stores. 2 flats. Value $10,000. ff.500. 3 vrs. 8 per cent. 2-story bldg, 6 atores, 3d rooms. Value flb.OOO. Fee Mr. Hnrbolt. Mar. 42o. A. .1. DETSi'll CO, . Mo Chamber of Commerce. A 1559 I WANT 2.-.t ON MY HIGH-CLASS CALI FORNIA RINGALOW I AM BL1LDING IN BEAUMONT AT A iNj.-T Ob J -el 0. H WE PLANS AND S PFX'I i-'IC A Tl ON s I N MY OFFICE: FROM PRIVATE PARTY: WILL PAY ft PER CENT INTEREST. OKLGON1. N. WANT to borrow $00,000 on new four-story brick building, cost over; will pay fl per cent; principals only. L. J. Daly, Falling bmg. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sa.e. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. to. Wilcox big. i w N'T to -borrow $4'K) for one year on good real estate; will pay ll per cenL Call 414 Spalding bldg. $1000 ON gilt-edge security for 1 year- at s per tent; lo per cent bonus. Call 00 Grand ave. Phone East 3 "02. WANT $1000 at 8 per cent on ..b aires in Clackamas County, a good loan. W m. L. Borchers, 207 Oregonian bldg. WANTED fiono for 3 years. 8 per cent, on $3ihmi homo. Main lliiO. fEBSONAL ONLY $25. FOl'R' WEEK TO LEARN. 8AMTAKY BEAUTY PARLORS. 4U0-m DEK.UM BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that If you come here you will be taught everything that Is neces sary and nothing that Is unnecessary. OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL. In other words. It you Invest your money In instruction here it will get you the greatest possible Increase In .earnings afterward. OUR SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Because we know how to make your work lntej-esting, and have the teachers and the equipment fordoing 1L OUR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL. ' FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAIR HAIR HA IK H Al It. BOO PUKE CUT HAIK SWITCHES. $12 3J-li;ch switches $fl 20-inch switches -4o Hair dressing Face massage v Shampoo , XI,nie..rln.T. 2SC. 5 for - l-OO 12 scalp treatments 8-00 Sup3ifluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. f4 $5 and $S PUFFS only $1.4or Ciit hair in any shade; switches any length. Price. half. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg, 3d and W islui.gton. RADICAL cure by the lat.-st natural heal lng meinoos, uiciuo.jis: ca. ourrents. lights. heaL vibration, .radia tion baths. massage, adjustment and manipulations. Most expensive, finest equipped private office lu Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over 0"uo treated palienls and not a death while under our care We will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory. 312 Rothchlid biug GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, u'. .i,-,v.-, .... rl-euiiialism. lumbago. etc.;..'massages and baths 3oo Holladay ave.. cor. Occidental. U car Phone East 3Q0S. O 255J. Open Sundays. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach allmenta, under physicians directions- baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th si second door south from East Ankeny earllne. Phone East 2C0. B 1803. DETECTIVE. (Licensed). Shadow work a specialty, correct re ports and strictly confldentlaL AK ML Oregonian. UK CATHERINE C. I have had 11 years' practical experience treating nervous and chronio diseases. Consultation free. 307 Ablngton .bldg. Marshall 3143. un..r-. IO A. M. to 0 P. M. DRESS SUITS for rent. $1.60 month: keep vour clolhea cleaned, pressed, buttons cau'tQ On, . -, ! i, ...... ... .. .. . . . .. , deliveries- Lnlque Tailoring Co, 30D Stark. -Trts STEVENS. 18 years Portland's lead lng palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book -Palmistry Hade Easy," on sal at oi2 Alisky bldg, 3d and Morrison sts. OUND A piac. w i.e. w civen to remodeling of hatB. by up-to-date trimmers. English correct millinery. . .. . . . n hi.I 1(1 v.oriioe." - . - MRS S C MORRISON, steam natns ana -'aseiirlng for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 347 u, Jetterson. A 44 iQ. Open Sundays. ...e-.r- raeinl and scaln treatments: SCI5' i .nf.' manicurina. Violet Parlors. 515 Swetiand bldg. Marshall 30UL JvvBor The great nerve tonic and sya tem bunder, $1 per box. 6 boxes $5. Stipe A.-"i,, rirns Co. 28'J Morrison SL MADE, Kr .w Switches. U5c; curls and pulls. 7uc. San bWlieiio". ,ra 4IM, uijum l,;ri : . . . . . . - -i-, . - - -. r-n -v. r. I -e-n Iia. 3 ' . -r-oTCH. women, mental scientist treatments, rheumatism, lumbago. 505 Vi Morrison st. .. rv ej -u.. . . a A oboe- LADY barber shop, 2S5 Salmon, opp. Court- house. V.n. F5 superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. MOLES. "UP" w-n-rlner bldg. Main 347.1. U. Xim. . i. . , vi OF FIGS. Compound. Royal Tonio BALA0, eir riavl IL Main 815 L. tun. : -. mi.t ...virrHISS PARLOR, facial and acalp tVatrienL .hampoolng. 814 Swetiand bldg. TaDiets. "- BUSINESS DIRECTORS'. . ... .ll.ol rhemlstl wrtoniRn. CLARKE A rn anal v. lent OODAKU, v l..o.m. a. - " chemists, examiners of chemicals, drugs. foods, etc. Attorneys. XI E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, al.siracis u.imiini. '2. ' " 142 to 14. i'eoa bids. M. 873, A 2071, Wells & probstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assay-era. 204 ii Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 7sti Morrison St. Carpet Cleaning JAPANESE electric carpet cleaning work. Phone Marshall ldC.3 or A 2202. Brass and Machine Worl-a. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brus tuftint and machine work, lot- N. 5th. Main 2i02- ( hlropractic Physician. DR. T1CKNEK, Columbia -ldg, next Stat Theater. A 5255, .Main 5S7; res. B 2'Jitt. Chiropodists. - DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER, lady expert assistant. 305 Alisky bids, 3d and Mor rison. Main 87H2. treats all ills of l" foot, without danger of infection; corns, bunions, ingrowing and atrorhied Mails. flat foot and bunions a specialty . WILLIAM. Estello-1ir.d Flossie Devcny. th only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg, S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L' CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 421) FUedner bldg. Main 3473. Coal. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 3UD ST. WOO". Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO. Marshall Utkl. A 3545. coal and wood. S74 Water St. Dancing. MR AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS, 109 2d st, bet. Wash, and Stark. . and AJJsky bldg, 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught daily; waltz and two-step guaranteed in four lessons; class Monday and Friday eve. S- to lo. at 10$ "d bl.; lessons 25c. PROF. WA1. WILLSON'S Dancing School Lessons, 25c; walls', two-step or three-step guaranteed' in one lesson; trial lesson given free. The best is. always the cheap est, stage dancing and all vaudeville acts taught quickly. Royal Academy Hall. .Soi. -,th, bet. Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. ' KIXGLER S SCHOOL Private arid class In struction; lady assistants; social, stage. fahL-y dr.nces. 2M1 Morrison. Mnrsh'l 313. laetectiie Agencies. PA. 1 HC INVESTIGATION BUREAU; ail classes of Investigations; torms reasonable. Phone Main 3221. 12 Portland Trust bldg, Portland. Or. ' Educational. S'T-vMAlEit? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield, 1018 Grove. OakianiLCal. Engines Gas and SteauL ' ROBEii Machinery Co.. Coast asents. Sea bury steaui engines and boilers, gasoline en gines. 201-2S3 E. Morrison SL Phone E. 515. Jr'eed (Store. Z1GLKR & M1SNER. hay. grain, feed, ot imm, slnngles. 204 Grand ave. E. 42. Kodak Pinlshlng. QUICK sen Ice, cut rates; send for prlc list. The Kodakery. tlth and . ash. Landacape Gardeners. IF you have residential erounds to beautify, consult our landscape expert, Mr. C. P. McDougail, 12 years' experience in Scot land and Eastern cities. Now Is the time to plant. Advice free. Phone Main 81110. or write the Oregon Nursery Company. Orenco, Oregon. . " FRED W. BULLOCK, Artistic Landscape Gardening. S10 Yeon bldg. - Marshall 2432. New Lawns a Specially. Shrubbery, Plants and ornamental Trees. Leather and liuulnss. CHAS. L, MAS TICK i CO.. 74 FroliL Leather ot evory description, tabs, mfs. findings. J. A. ST KG VV BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished Haa. ISO rio.i. a.. Medical. ... ...-e,.x- ,..,lii. massaktu and medical gj muastics. 3112 Jeltcrson, up ono fllgln liisieal. RAGTIME piano taunlu. 1 lessons playtr always wanted al .ood salary, -i.oonl 1.. Tl- .Morrison n. Emil Thieliiorli, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik, e,..o u.niniim. A 410O. Marshall lb-'u. ML'SIG studio. 200 14th. arrangement mad lor praciiciiiii. -o OsteolHilhic Physicians. , DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate ivir'tviiie. Mo, class or is.", pua. - der Dr A. T. St UL. founder of the science. ll-I-i selling bldg. M 1US7. A 1!'5. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-10-17 Dekuta bldg Ne-rous anu . nie...... -e. Phone. Office, M. "lucres, East or B 1028. raiuts. Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to too Coast climate BASti- lit ThlK rAl-M e.e, KlsMLSSEN de CO,, Jobbers, paints, oils, gfais. sash and doors. Cor. 2d and laylor. Patent Attorney s. PATENTS procured by J- K. iloc.k- attornoy-at-liw, late of U. s. patent Oil ce Book- let free, iia mo ooa. PATENTS obtained, uadeinarks, copyrights xnrrrF.R." HABUSRLIN. 8 Worcester bldg. UTS. AND FOi:ElGN PATENTS procured by 40U Chamber of Commerce bldg. a 7: WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- R. C. Y ,:oa llekuin hldir. ents, inirumeiiiciiv" ruteut Engineers. Inventions developed. And patenis secured. Coop oc sclimltt, con fu.tlng engineers. 501 Henry Tnon. Main lSJ. euimu'ia.. u.,,.inw un.l Tinting. Palierhanging. painting, tinting, reasonaol P7ee ll 3lilYamnlll at. Main loOO. Pawnbrokers. r-vci K MYEUS' Collateraa Bank; 40 year. LrT Puruaiid 71 Uth si. Pnone Main Ulo. Paving. THE Harbor Asphalt Paving CompLny bj Klectric biug. Oscar tluber, Portland. pipe. o, ihti 4.ND WOOD PIPE- CO. Factory and Po"!c near "lin andYork sts. Main 34Ba. bale.. nil.- voSLEli SAFE CO, 108 2d sL Safes lili'.,Tort ., Trices- second-hand sales. second-Baud Goods. 5 ITuiMut. ferijg tool Marshall 2li54. VV ..y'..'.el sSnes. Main 7otiS. OHO 5th. '.ii,.i..i. !""; B"" lAAturea. - - v MFG CO, branch Grand Kap 1Ji ZtiX: Hoyu al Lutk. manager. - k i k A LL. 20 Hamilton bldg. Show cai'ef V prompt delivery. Sales '".xi. winter Lumber Co. eTTiTsTiALL MFG. CO, 4th and couch; new MAK.BH.A.Tert-liaiid. Mam 27"3. C'aomet worn . . . i.- (TIXYJHK CO. . ailU aee-.. . , pO.CiLA-ND auv... olf Cao,UBt work. tsteajusulp. r. 7, t as LINE Hoyal Mail steamers; TiMnueal Liverpool. Glasgow. Montreal Mre Plymouth. London; the pictureaqus t, lawrerree route; four days on taa b -a,7 - three days in river and gulf; splen ocean, e" saloon, second ,i and third class; superior one-class U'uLn & Co.. 1 N.abo .u Chicago- i Storage and Transfer. PICK 'Transfer & Slorago Co.. offices and commoUluus 4-slory brick warehouse, T .rarate iron rooms and tlreproof vaults JuraluauUs; N. W. cor. 2d and Pm. sta , J.iAnos aud furniture moved and packed r,,r shipping ; special rates made on goods fn our "'reTugh car. to all domestiu and "re "n noilits. Main oOd, A Duo. "olsuN-KOE TRANSFER AO. General transferring aud storage, sates, nianos and furniture moved and packed to? shipmenL b7- Front sL leiephouea Main 547 or A 2247. f nuk.i;uN xuaNSFEK CO, established 1871) . Transier and forwarding agents. Offices ' fnd storage 474 Glisan i s:., cor ULa and ilsan. pnones Main 08, A 1100. Tinners. xi GLN'TEK, tinners and roofers. 41s A-rBL A 1300. Mam 3542, ' Typewriters. tit TO $03 wlU buy a REBUILT TYPE- ?v-etlTEK' rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at Gill's, 3d and Tider' terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for Main 8500 or A 6O0S. TiOS'T buy a- poorly constructed maclitiu when you can buy high-priced standaio niakes direct from tuo manutacturer al XC. on the basis of $5 per mouth, or 3t elah' rentals 3 months for $j. investigate. IL T. Co, 245 Stark sL handle standard makes of genuln'. Eastern factory rebuilt typewriters (nu liinkl Prices right. Buy a reliaule ma ?hln. 'from a reliable house. Pacifu , Iti'y Ptg- Co.. 107 2d L WE are -the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 351',. Washington sL NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. P. O. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. ""well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phone Main liltf or wrlut A. west. lti Morrison ...