19 THE MORNING OKEGOXIAX. TIIUKSDAY. AI'UIL 11, 1913. E-4 1 ETATR. Foe pals Hous . IkDN'T BUT A HOUSE UNLESS TOU SEE US FIRST. e offer the largest arlt and list ot ftod hu:nti In every section ot tne cuy, mi 11 ma es low a $HK DOWN. Balance same a rent. In Intngton we orTtr ewer 15 choice lwritrt . in Ha thurnr. Sunn side. Kom Cn v Park, piedmont. Wamut Park in i ry teirabl -Mon our' seprT sales man b ibr rhoic-ti available offerings. INRR B. REASEV CO., 2J Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SPLENDID BUY. Vfw P-i fHn rstd-nc.j In one of the ery b-t dutrifis In ihe city. hous- is mA.r.i in vr- 4; ga. electricity, hot r h at. Dutch km n--n. panel d dm !n -r"oni. il'.mt itvlng.rom. 1' j ft from tar; price onty $4000. small Pnn - n. balance like rruu Cal for Mr. iternard lHAI'lN-HKHt,m' MORTGAGE TRUST ( O., I-A Y I-'. A MoNTH., i"i31Y HI Nf.ALOW. Thm artistic, well-built, modern -room bom is located in splendid Hytrin, with restrictions. Car Krvirt excellent and rinvtnlnt. Tftc irior la tvpual of ih b-s California bungalows, with pergola. itnnD pillars, and w mUow-bolii. Eery convenience. Price la I and I will accept $23 per month. lnclidins interest. A. N. SEA RLE. E. 7ri and E- Glisan. tM-V car.) ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOWS. Let us iiiuw you r era! new bur a Inti Just being eompltrd In the nik-h part of RrtM i 'Ity Hark, on 5-U1. 5t h. iith and kin at., only un or two M- fom rtrlinc. at prlrea ranging from .250 in $400.). p"OTT RKEsr.KV. 212 AbtmO-.n Bldg Phe-res Main 2 I ;w and A 2 It E W i-room bunttuio . e!U st bnnVt r built la a houtv, itra trjc Dutch kitch en, two lartfe bedrooms, nirv bath, fu'l basement and Isrs attic; on blw k from rar. 1H mlriut.i fi"in 2d and Aid-r (; r-e $27v. termi $150 don. balance like rest. JNO. P. SHARKEY rOMPANV E. oAth nd Clinton Sts..W. It. car. TIHT VACANT LOT. WHY NT Tl H A Hi KHKN INTO I.VcoVE PROPERTY? IF Y' OWN A I.T WE WILL KIKMMI THE M N K Y A.Xp fil'II.I KESU'ENCE OK KL.ATS PLANS I'KEK IE K HT I LI. Ul K HtIM TATIUN YOI'R PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE L L R. IUI1.KY t'O-. INC.. roNTK.U'T-l.N-Q ARi HITECTP. AHIXTO' HLIV BL'U.T TO SUIT YOU. W wilt hul'd you a hnrn to utt, mhr oq your lot or we will furolah lot. If you have a lot )ou need nn rutiacy. Dt-fcrreJ payments I per c-nt. We have htlllt oer houfi nt t au furniah at m factory rcferema. H-f"re uuylnc it wM pay you to call Main '"T or A hwi. J. V. Ol THRIK, :;3 ?tarit. tR. IT OWNER HFrti I YUt'K CH ANCE TO IM PRt fc YOI H PROPERTY WITH A IIOML PLAT OK APAKTM ENT; WILL FINANCK IT AT A L W MATE OK IN TtRFT; PI-A N KIRN f SH ED KREE; IT WILL PAY Ol TO I'UME IN AND TALK. Til lb OVER. J f. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND Ul lLt'ER. HENRY BLDO. ma noi sk for Ittt I money. ntymn and slreplnc porrh. modern in eery way. Itrge roonta; t ha llnt finish- In the bept part of p.ofe -itr Park district. Only $43kX Hoand) too chap to b good. Ltt ua show this to nu. SCOTT HEEM-KY. 211-12 Ahlnston t?Id. I'hn Main ? YOl R MONEY'S WORTH, nnlv L':itxv WrM-built 5-rm rntnlern bumalow, una blH-k to Km llt Park car; fine plumh - mc and flmh throujehut . brand n-w : Urn lot. extra l"i if dealred: at loaiit S.;Ml cash required, balance mnnl hly or tw!f -h. ba ance S ?-ar; n mortitaye on It. Owner. 13 t-'paldins bldtf.. ask fur Mr. Loran. tOl.ONlAL IRVINiiTON" HOME. I roomA. mmiern In every repevt: llv lra-rotm. miutc room and hall finished in quarter. ed oak. dlnina-ruom In ma hotn. '1rnomi whita enamel, hot water if ax. sarj ce, etc. H. P. PALVER-JOVES CO., 4tl WH "X bide. Tootle Vain HAW. A' ' '.F TuL" wish to retire from our farm, hee lg a find home for you. -room ru. lot 1oolr, atM.d ham. 6 mwt and v .s turner buytna milk ; 16 frutt trees. This property in flna ahape and very t-neap. r or sale by j. noriDfrit'r, hit- 1A-14 Mulkey bids;., cor. d and M rrton GOOD INVESTMENT. Corner lot ."x." feet, with modern 7 room house, brand new ; tncom 42 pr mntn: situated on H'ndena street, near i'-tt. aveoua. Prlia l.'WO. Pays oer 13 CODDARD WIEDRICK. .'4;i Stark Street. HI'ill-CLASS Hl'NOALOW. Owini tik death In family we have this ftna a-room bunnlow for sale at a sacri fice, but 10 feet to a (MHd car servir as there Is In the city. Cnme In and make ua an offer for th' beautiful home. J. M. FKK.M'H CO.. 'S 4tt AMriton b!dc. 1MS Third st. . WA VEULY-RICHMON D too down. month, strict It modern. n-m i- room hunpralow: bia aarret. fire p '. bookcaas. buffet. Dutch kitchen, a a ka and basement cemented : paved s;r!s tn and paid fr. HoHso.X GROCERY' E. l!t nd ftllon. Tbor l.'tjt. JwO-TH I KLsi arro and new S-rom house. Weat Side. ZO mtnutesj from potof ri--; pirninf water piped to trait, sjood walks to station: beautiful view of Tualatin Val Iv- l'v flH d"n. p-r month. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. UOl tuard of Trade ftt.is;.. Varshail 47X A I'-J srE THIS TtEVOKK TOU HUT. room mortem hnuso In Irvtntrton, bOx t. fl lot. thToufhiy Improved. aMX If so'd prior to Mar 1 : wi.I arrensw food urnu; no incunibrance. See owner, iooin 3A4 Hnry bids. PER MONTH. nr!udin interest, bus fine room hun tilow. with larjt attic, lit luf ro-im lx.J4. rti plr and oi her modern i on vnt ten-- ; nr ?and buieard fn i'Hr Park. Purse 4t i o . a 1 'ham h-r -f t'in niert-e. Pf:t tt.OW of 5 roms. new and modern, fine re,-i-nce district, near E. lit h sr. Pri- 1.V. with cash S.'-m and bal mirt lZ per month. This property betimes to a non -retdnt and must be sold. Call ! Spatim; bM.. f r particulars. LAt REI.Hl'RaT HOUSES. We are ace n ts for a!l the 4od houaea n this lint. Se ua for owec prices. Office on around. phune Et 1M'. IE I.Aii 1'NTT CLEMENTS. '.' and East 0!tan Sis t W N E K S SACKirtt'E. RrdOed from to for a qui k sale; rw -T'm, omipietrlr moiern lu try detail : I -n provemani all paid. . ah. T6t H SALE Modem w-rnom houae a feet Miusrt, beatii frutt trees, rheap, W. M, u it I T Ke m st. ood lawn rr 3A'RIE!'E. mut lae city in - dav. r if i- molrn 5 room tuncainw ; :o f ur t, t nr g-'M K 3h. 2 b k . H a w t horne. VoR sale or exr hnc. modern T-room house ui luaiimunt for farm or city property. K iW. t-r-s;onian. r stwle Bwaiaeaa PTwpert . WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. 13 KM. Juil'x with trai fcije. loeatad an l'.TH TREET. between Mai shall and Lovejoy atreets. So I E Hriiinjrer. wi:n HARTMAN at THOMPSN. Chamber of Comm'r-e H.Jc Isr ral Acrrsfe. SEE ME BEFORE BL'VlMi. Five or tn arrea of Mu land points th wae to tml-pend-nce. It l nr Portland, t oe to R. R. and boat tandina and two good towns; oma of tha fluest beavrrdam .and In oreaon; bast for onions and aarden truck . aiso some nne fruit land . 1 will sell en aj"r terms; Ja per acre. Rlc. owner. R ".o. r'JSS Washington sL 4 ACRK4 IN YOU NO APPL-E TREES. Pct of dep. red -shot soil and la ur-roU-idd by a beautiful countrv; 1 mln. wak from 8. P. dpot. and Is clae to porfand: tracts Joinins; ara selling nrieh higher than thiw can be bottrht for; $- handles tnia The Wcatlya Trust Co,. 11 to Ti,'3 Teon Mdg FINE SI BIRBW HOME. Two a-r-a. all rn f uli-oearttig fruit, good room modern house, barn and Other oib'jiIding. fma roads ; rarllne. i-cent fare ; ner will sarrif Ice this fina Soma for $ISet. ; Yeon bldg. Ask for Mr. Lufsa OKE;ov ELF. TUIC AC R V E. ;- & ta - A. tracts, near station. Is m:Ic '.t . intns ; fine for fruit, be fie. (-M-s:-i a ar--. rd W. German, s tualda. 3a. ar A Z1 IC L ESTATE. A C R AGE In val.ey juat west of Council Crest Abuts on both sides of Fourth treat carltaa now bain alert rifled Only -40 mtnutca now. 30 mlnutea with lha new cars and -O minutes from 4th and Washinftoo whn y tunnel is buDL Car fare to commuters now 13 cants, this la lesa.thaa you pay for wood and w at or. fioauiiful laying land, rich soil, no rock, gravel or hilis. Una watar t -'4 feet, good stores with frea da livery of merchandise. rural f rea delivery of mails, good phone ser vlc. churches and schools, in fact very community convenience al ready established and so closo to center of Portland that each years growth of city doubles up the values of these tracts. Many nice homt-s now occupied. This is the largest platting of acreaca In Ihe vicinity of Portland. The present development Insures rsptd and continued growth. -""4 to SHOW per acre and opon monthly pavment plan, proper discount for rash. Any sixed tract you may da sire. Arrange to go see tala with out expensa to you. Off ica open until 9 P. M THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. -Main aO 102 Fourth bt- A 300 jktLE Yi: i.dukim; t-'i i n a ha no a IN 1 have Just completed all details for the lin.st tract of Irrigated lsnd near Port U nil that can ba found In the West. 1. Is located rtaht at a station, where there are sihoois and stores, the soil Is of the very best, capable or proaucin double or treble the amount of unirr1gatd land ; w ater Is now Installed and I give the water rights fr to purchasers Tha Und ta cleared and ready for the plow and if you do not want to go there to iivo ltnniiU lately, I cm n iiava tn una cultlvat'd for you on shares and rven on this basis tha land will p0 for ttse!f In a short time; I can s-ll this for 2.V per acre, which Is cheaper (nun unirrigatca land, eonntdering the Inmimn. and on t. rms to suit yourself. This Is not a very hi tract, ao If you want a home or a atH-ndid Investment, act quirk. It will en hunff in value faster than any other farm l.md In this distrl. t TAKE NO CHANCE ON I.MS1NI A CROP THROUGH LACK OP WATER. I Oregonlsn. OXIOXti POTATOES SMALL FRUITS. to arrra. Tualatin Valley, near Reedvtile; rjch black samdy loam soil, ail under cultivation, partly In trop. rrek runs through; t n right kind of soil for onions, potatoes, all root crops and small fruits. hr Is ilir b. st tract of lantl for lha money anywhere around Portland: only 12 miJi-s from the center of Portland, nne auto road all the way and not fa r from car stat Ion : price 17V and rive years to pay It. A LVORD-CARR-HUNTER CO.. lu-.'l Board of Trade. t down and 91 a week will put you Into Immedtata possession of on acre of good rich blark loam garden lnd. no stumps or ten hi. ready for planting; about 0 nilnutea from city limits on Salem Elec tric r ad. near two stations; also 2 arrea st out to fruit last year, fenced and one room house, ill for f -"; flO down and 10 per month. Inqutr of owner, 211-212, tha Falling. Sd and Waahlngton. ORCHARD AND CHICKEN RANCH. 10 arres. all under cultivation, of which J acres are- in berries. 1 In grapes. 1 acre In apples, prunes, quinces, pears and cher ries, kioJ ft. room house and bath, hot and cold water, good barn, water sys tem, 3 Jersey cows. 1 horse, 50 chickens and all farm Implements; this placa Is located within 33 minutes' ride from the heart of the city on O- W. P. Electric, prire 115. tms; t400o c;-Mi balance terms, or will trade for good property. OKU SSI at RLDS. Jti Board of Trade Bldg , 4th and Oak. FIVE acres, all cleared. sidewalk along front, only few steps from station. 40 minutes out. This la tha beat of garden land, at S;00 par acre, on terms. Proper discount lor cash- TTIE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35 102 Fourth St. A 3000 LOOK HERE. I have two beautiful acre adjoining w-hlcti 1 can sell separately, also a half re nearby, all within a block of Sandy rod; improvements in. surfe as water, lights, graded streets and sidewaiks. which I can ell at vt-ry reasonable prices and on the best of terms. No better fn vtstntent or horn site near Portland. The rarllne la right at this property. L fe3. Or.'irontan. HOOD RIVER APPLE ORCHARD. 10 acres, hxated near Van Horn Sta tion, all In Newtowns and Spitaenbergs, 2 acres In I-year-old tres. 7 acres tif 7-year-old, all In th very bat of condition; free water the ear around, small house, barn and cutbulldinRs; this Is one of the cheap est buys In the alley; price fl).0v; terms. GRUSSl z HOLDS. 3M Board of Trade Hldg.. 4th and Oak. 35 ACRES. Choicest red shot soil In Waahlngton Count v. 40 miles from Portland on the new p. R. A N. Ry.. partly timbered, easily cleared, good roads, school tn quar ter of a mile, new railroad town tn iwe mi'rs. $.:) rash, balance vour own terrna. FIRLANDS TRUST COMPANY. tr"fl Spaldln BulldlnJ Mt-ACRH SNAP. 3 miles from Bcaverton; all In first-class cord wood timoer; surrounded by highly dveiopod orchards; choictrnt fruit land; no rock or gravel : ow ner In Montana; a sptendld buv. Prlcr "4. ;ODIARO A WIEDRICK. '43 Stark fttresL CH ICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH near port. and; a NEW SUHDIVTSION. Lowest prices; beat soil ; fine view; wood, water and roads; arrea. 40O per tract; 10-A-. $:.H); So A. ! A.. I120; tO A.. $jHto- irtO A.. .1n0; liberal terma fra'nk m farland realty cx, j.V Yon Bide. Portland. Or. rka"dy"to plat. The bet pie-e of ciose-m acreage to be found, rlsht on R. R. tiack. good service, ? j miniii ride, and ha running w ater; It la id-l: $o per acre. Z 1 ntli St . Near Oak. Maiu 00. A 41. A KI INVESTMENT. 3;s arrea on line of Mt. Hood R. R. at a bargain pri-e. About half tillable, soma easy to cfesr. some good timber; fine power stream I h rough center; might trade for city property, anduya A Walton, 61 ;hambr Commerce. LIMITED smonnt of Imgxted land to ell; three miles from Crldiey, Cal : small or larice tracts, f r home or investment; $,V to ii-r acre ; good land. location and water neht. -e ate compelled to make this offer. Write for particular. E. J. t or kin. Irld!-v. fill. ONE 5 and a to-erre tract 1 miles from r rertrlr station. 15 nu!s from Portland, niaiadam roads, no hills; per acre; easy terms See owner. FRANK T. BERRY. .No. 4 X. 6th St, lO ACRES of fine land. m' cleared and sown to clover, on Oregon Electric, within one mile of the depot at Orenco, price $3ww, on e.isy terms, or will s"ll 5 acres. For particulars call 414 Spaidlng bide;. 1 M PROVED ACREAGE HXApr On, three or fl acres, splendid soil, lies ftne and close -tn ; 1 1-oent fare; cheap and easy terma Vanduya A W ailon, 1A i himN'r Commerce. GENUINE REAVE RD AM. 1 acres of oeaverdam land, all In culti vation, near electric line, $134 par acre; terma See Felton. STRONO A CO.. 0S Concord Bldg A ACKcU Sou h weet from Hood Rl vr. la S and ft-year -old commrrclal applea, wltk water right; ZH feet from new brick klga me nooL Would trade for c ' t y pro per u. Weodiawn l2tX O. 8.. 44 Wygant. 3, 3 AND t-aera tracts, aloe to PwrUaad. 2 ta klocka from elect rie carl In, ioe ta fO0 per acre, easy terma. J. W. Mai lertia Rea.ty Co.. 1 Corbwtt bidg- 17 ACRES. 15 cleared, running water, t blovks from car station and mllea from i. ourt house; only JwO per acre; terms; owner, Jamea Wilson. Boring. Or., route 1. SPECIAL BARoAlN acres, miles from Postotlii; e per a.-re; aosoiutelr the beet buy In the Tualatin Valley. AR . tiregoniaru 3 , acrca of cleared land, near Multnomah stat ion. J mlnutea from Courthouse, A rent carfare. Price 930. See owner. 414 Spsldliig h:dg. FIVE acres near Reedvtlle. $1K) pr acre under prevent selling prt-f. Call St. C bar tea Hotel. Oeurg L. TiHotson. FOR 10 acres rood land." "mllea west of Grham: will sell cheap. Inquire ACREAGE and farma. large and small trana Call Kinnev eUarapfer. Mil L u m her E nhiii g bid g. iARD--N TR V'TS st nem f aii oq Jt, liooU Railroad Ihon Tabvr 70, REAL ESTATE. For hale Acreekg. UWiH I.V improved 4 acrea. close to city on Base Line and Mount Hood Electric; has good f -room bungalow, fine water, berries and fruit trees; all for MIKK. on easy terms. Call A 774, Main 67H. ask for Hoer. FIVE acres. ri ht on elevtrlc Lne. easy terms, no agents. P Oregoniart. II ome teads. HAVE a few locations left, 7 to 10 million ft timber per sec Call 217 Abiugton bldg. J FOR SALE A homestead relinquishment; 3 uw if taken tnia weea. im i'i nini. some tool. isii wi"iuiiaiv". DESIRABLE families located free on best land In Central Oregon. Write Hamptoa Valley Development Assn.. Hampton. Or. Irrigated lands. at OR 4 acres rich sandy loain, all under Irrigation and cultivation; two and one half mllea Hrmiston: very cheap for cash or will exchange for clear residence. Own er. 75 Honry bldg., Seattle, Wash. For Hale Fruit Lands. SNAP IN IMPROVED ORCHARD. Tn-acra Improved orchard trsct. trees two years old. 30 Spitsenoerg. 2K Yellow Newtowns and family orchard, consisting of peachea. pears snd cherries. This is In the famous fruit blt of Klickitat County. Washington. non-U rigated ; will fell for .UHk and arrange easy terms: no Interest. See owner. C. H. M.. 305 Henry tslug. AFTER looking over other locations for fruit growing, let ua tell you all about ESTACADA. the location of the O. A. C. experimental orchards. ;u miles from Portland. Ah the advantages with moderat plcea. STAN DISH c FUR BECK. Offices Eatacada and '5 Lumbermen! Bids Tel. Marshall 'H! LAND all rlearej and plowed, ready to b- worked lmmdlately. ranroan wimm vda.. and tha nrlre Is onlv $100 Pr acre: In the center of fruit, berry and potato seetion. If desired we will plant and cre tor your orchard for four years, all fur 9'J0 per acre. We give rtv years' time to maa tn payments. t an ii let. Th Dalles Land A Orchard Co., fo4 Board of Trade. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN'. Tn acrea. six In s-year-old commercial arrhanl : well located and Close to station; also 10 acres adjoining In clover, under niton; nair casn. oaiance io uiu " bis Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE The most complete berry and cnicaen rancn in tne couni ; new house, well and ouihulldlngs; 4 miles from 1'ortland on Base Line road; easy terma Call Tabor 743. WHITE SALMON fruit land. Call Wood- iawo lose or w iim. For bale Farms. ISO PER ACRE. JOO acres; 60 acres In cultivation, crop all In; large house and barn and other buildings all tn good condition, two wells and several small streams and springs " the place; cleared land, all fenced and cross-fenced; 1 H miles from the station and river. V mile from church and school. This price Includes All modern tools, wag ons, buggy, harness, tc. ; also three horst-s. 14 rows, thoroughbred Jersey bull, thor oughbred hogs. i0 chickens. aoats, 3 stands of bees. 5 PaJtin ducks; all In readsncss to step Into and make money from the start. Terms ioOO cash, bal ance 0 yer cent or will sell one-half in terest In place to the right party for 94WO cash. Ask Mr. Hart. CHAPIX-HERLOW MORTGAGE at TRUST CO.. .13--53S Chamber of Commerce. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Compelled to sell my bi-acre orchard farm In order to raise money; I offer same an a whole or In tracts to suit purchaser at a sacrifice. Located on main Portland-Newberg auto road tn most beautiful section of country, surrounded bv beautiful homes. The earliest locally raised strawberries are sold ery year from thin p!are In the Portland market, realising highest prices; about i!5 acre in full blossom now; the crop per acre will pay the price asked fur land. Almost the whole placa set to apples and pears, commencing to bear now. Running water on all tracts. Easy terms; will accept strawberry crQp as payment and one-quarter purchase price in cash. Arrangement can be made to take care of orchard for you. AH &0, Oragontan. 1 two big Bargains. First 40 a. res of very fine fruit knd berry land, shot soil; plenty of water; all under cultivation; 500 fine bearing fruit trees; a good school and church near; 4V miles from town and railroad, good roads. This must go right away caah $0450. Write for a better description. Second 23 acres of vary good young fir, only 5 mllea from town, and a fine home for you. cheap; plenty water. tont miss this at flftnn cash. Write to F. E. BOTTEM I I.LFR, Pioneer Real Estate Co., Rldgefteld. Wash.. Route No. . BEAUTIFUL FARM CHEAP. $T7H for a cosy and very productive lO-acre highly improved farm, li miles to electric, banks and high schools; a real snap for the money. Good terms given. We have choice farms up to S0.0K acres In a bunch and guarantee what we rep resent. Some of the best bargains you can And In Oregon at hand. F. FUCHS. 4'JO Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $240 Splendid Georgia farm home; earns more each year than th total cost; cultivation without attention of owner tf preferred, or convertible at your option; absolute safety guaranteed; bank refer ence and trusteeship. Write for photo grsphs: quick action necessary; answer I in mediately". Geo. W. Deen, Box 406. Waycross. Ga. HEADQUARTERS FOR Grain, stock, fruit ranches. 100 to 40,000 acres; 910 to $50 per acre; Wasco County. Oregon; 25 Years experience at your ser- iC"jOHN8TOX-BOTHFUR A CO.. IHm Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ALFALFA FARM SACRAMENTO VALLEY. 0 acres, gravity water for Irrigation; will sell XO A. or 40 A. Terms. 1-3 cash, balance ft yrs. Just thfnk ONLY $L PER ACRE. Information upon Inquiry. AN 5. Ore gonian. 150-ACRE farm, near Prlndle, Wash., 1 hour's ride from Portlsnd; 5k acres ready for th plow. remaining arres easily cleared: fine hotf family orchard, spring and running creek; must be sold; Investi gate and set your own price or for more particulars writ John T. O'Brien, Prlndle, Wash. 70 ACRES at Reaverton; 3 acrea genuine beaverdam ; a acres iinest sou ; gooa 5-room bungalow ; fine barn and crop house; chicken houses, good wel 1. etc. etc. : price $7XH). terras. Inquire ;a stark st. ltMl-A RE FARM IN WASHINGTON CO. Th Is Is a good buv. only 5 miles from R. R. station. 33 miles from Portland, onlv $20 per acre. If taken at once half rah. balance In one year. Call phone Mam 1541. E. J. Hohberger. suite 13-14 Mulkey bldg.. cor. 8d and Morrison sta. FOR SALE 67 arres, adjoining depot. 14 miles rrom a loanv ; tevei, an cumvatea. w ell Improved, good hop sol ; 2'2 acres fine bearing prune orchard ; win Increase greatly In vaiue. E. B, Porter. 115 7th at ., unin C 1 1 y . YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large ana smau irecia, auitaoia for vairvlng etc.: about 40 mllea southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write for price list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. lrt ACRES. $3.VMV 15 acrea cleared, bottom land ; new nouae. o rooms, w ater plprd In house; small orchard and berries, five head stock; two hors-e. farm Implements, naif mil" to school and poatoffice. Write o nc r. Box Sn. Toledo, Or. LiO AC REM black loam and heaverdam. all In cultivation, on mile Oregon Electric station. $'5 acre. Owner 111 health. I mean It. See agent. J. E. Hall. Ab- lngtofl itwog. ELEGANT fruit and vegetable .d mile from Roe burg, tn the famous Ump oua Valley; $1H per acre in Installments; c,ty water, electric Ugh la. K 1. Commer cial hup v"e- FOR BALE 1 arrea A-1 land, under culti vation, level, rich, border count road, 1 nil trolley. 1 rnlle Hlilsboro; best bar gala Washington County. lT P. HEWITT. 41$ Oregonlan Bldg. 16A ACRES black loam and beaverdam, all cuMlvation. mile Oregon Electric station; R3 acre; I am obliged to raise $5000 rash. S-e agent. H. S. bwank, $08 Ablngton bldg. 40 ACRE. 2 miles from Portland, good soil auto road through place; school on corner; owner In debt, must aell; will take il.-.uO. Call at 4 N. 0th au . LINCOLN COUNTY Dairy, stock rsuteto timber and fruit land. $10 up, grass grows vear round. Coma and see, R. k. YVamock. Toledo. Oregon. RANCH 0 acres, with buildings, is miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. J182 Morrison au ' CENTRAL ALBERTA FARM LANDS. $15 per sere. Write for literature. CRAFTb. LEE A GALLIXQER. Edmoa ton. Alberta. Z2 A'" RES. mile Newberg. Improved, house, barn, creek, family orchard ; J7 i acre; terms. H. N- Swank. ;:th Abiugton i'dg. BF Ul I KU L house sod 5 arrea on elect rtc line by owner; terms, J. 1. Morris, 07 Yeoa bla REAL ESTATE. fr or hale Farms. A REAL CHICKEN RANCH. Consisting of It) acres of fine of 10 oil: sandy loam soil; 9 acres of this snleudld tract la u 11 dor cultivation. balance In grot-n timber; there is 1 wo acres of growing whesi and I acre of early potatoes; this prop erty is all fenced and 1 improved with a tine 7-room bunKiow. 2 barns. 10 chickan-housee and runs, fft-Uhousrs. etc. THESE BUILD IN(;S ARK ALL NEW. Also young orchard, other small fruits. The personal property consists or 40 tine chickens. 1 good cow. 1 horse, watt on. harness and all nec essary small tools; this property Is near a navigable river, on the mai county road. Just 3 mil from a good tow n whore IS trains stop daily nd only a short distance from Poiiland. This excnllent property is on the market for a few days only at the sacrifice price "of 9 750 $W0O cash, balance long time at tl per cent. ALVORD-CARR-HUNTER CO.. 2VJ-221 Board of Trade. DAIRY FARM. 100 acres. 0 miles from Moialla. 4 res in rultrvation. 3 acren of beaverdam land . balance is pasture and timber land. There are two small streams of water that run the year 'round. Two large orchards mixed with apple, peach and prunes. lOO peach trees. Fine new 7-room house painted white, large new barn painted red. This is a very homelike place. of a mile to school and store. R. F. D. by the door. Soil Is black, no waste land. Owner w anxious to sell. We can do business in a hurry Pric $1).00, terms. MOLALLA VALLEY LAND CO.. . r Canb, Or. $100 AN ACRE $100. 160 ACRES. Hre Is a farm In the heart of the Willamette Vallev, that is worth double every dollar that Is aakd for IU 140 arres under cultivation, balance pasture; living writer on place; 2 miles of Mon mouth, the town with the only normal in the state; 4S miles of Dallas, the county seat: close to railroad and publlo roads; $HHt0 down, balance time. For particulars address AK W.. Oregonlan. CHICKEN RANCH, on Mount Hood Rail road m ar Portland. Call Tabor 745. Mb rllnneous. AN IDEAL HOME. H arres. good buildings, fruit, water, t; mile from paved street; also a 18-room apart meut -house. In Woodburn, Or., for sale on easy terms or exchange for Port land property up to 1000 or $lo.noo. Call Main 141 or address P. O. box 333, Hills bo ro. Or. $:;5 PER ACRE. 70S acres, J.' miles from Portland; no waste land; well watered; good improve ments. For parUculare address Moialla Vallev Lund Co.. Canby. Or. FOR b'ALE Best vacant residence lot on East e'lde, flue homes surroundings, 50x ItK), close In, near carllne. near schools, worth Investigation, $4000. Address S Ptia, Oregonlan. FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Lo arres fine potato land, every fKt tindrr cull i vat ion. lit fine, 15 miles Court house. 1 onnty road. new 5 -room lii.iiMe; rent $-1H. H. A I water. tfl'S Henry bldg. " FOR RENT At Reaverton. 4 4 acres extra fine land; modern 5 -room bungalow, good barn, etc., 10 minutes' walk from station, inquire Stark sL FOR RENT Fine iHVscre farm; tenant must have :Hm0 to buy horses, imple ments and crop; no agents. Address AV 1;s. oreconian. VVANTEI REAL E8TATB. WILL PAT $100 DOWN. Balance $25 to $.10 month, including In terest, for bungalow; must be a bargain; no agents. Write AJ 951. Oregonlan. WANT good farm or acreage near Portland; w 111 trade my whh noma anu pa ihdu up to ilO.Ouo. aswume If neceasa-ry. Full particulars or 110 attention. paid ; no I HAVE 91500 in cosh and want to buy dl- . lamette Heights or In Irvlngton; will con- aider up to ftiuvii: no aneuiioit paid to agents. Address P. Q. 156. City. I WANT 2 to 3 acres in city suitable for platting- terms must be easy and price riyhf, iyvo drwi rlptlon. C tn. Oregonlan. WANTED 10 acres of good land within 40 miles d Portland, not more than H miles from R. R- and near school. P 064, Ore gonlan. WANTED Lot between 3lh and 50th and Stark to Hawthorne; state location and prlre In firm letter; lot must be 50 fu wide. o oregonlan. HAVE a medium-priced lot. free of incum brance, to trado for an equity in higher priced one. G 150. Oregonlan. WANTED lOuxlOO In piedmont or Walnut Park direct from owner; must be cheap for cash. Main 163. A 1227. WANT the bent lot bargain In Laureihurst for cash. 43 Mohawk bldg. FARMS WANTED. FARM WANTED. Please note the following specifications carefully and If you cannot meet them, don't waste your time or mine. 1 want from 40o to 1000 acres, cleared or largely cleared, consisting mostly of r.vr bottom land along the Willamette River. Ihe soil must be largely of th deep, sandy, river sediment soil and most of tt must lay reasonably smooth, and level so that it can be Irrigated. If you can meet these requirements, send a full and complete description of property. Be sure and state the number of acres now in cultivation the condition of the balance location. Improvements, price, terms, etc. E u, Oregonlan. FOR a ALE TlMRKPt LANOsX FOR SALE by owrer. quarter section yellow pine timber lu Wheeler county. Oregon. Cruises over two million feet. Address P. O. Box 413. The Dalles. Oregon. FOR SALE 80 acrea timber land, situate in Linn t ounty, Oregon; will cruise about 2.0hi,mo feet ; fine location ; for further particulars, add rep 3 J. L. Winn, Buena Vista. Or. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg TO EXCHANGE. $10 000 EQUITY In $15,000 hotel and land, will trade for what you have. This is 'PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO., 51S-51W U"ard of Trade, A 1151. Mar. 420ft. $tiinn HOME, Overlook Addition, exchange for vacant lots, a-'eage or email house, by owner; equity $:i7oo. balance straight mortgage, runs 3 years. W. C Roberts. loo Longview ave. 100 ACRES close to R- R-, in Montana; c!ear of Incumbrance; will trade for Port land property. FRANK T. BERRY. No. 4 N. 6:h St. V ACRES 21 miles S. W. of Burlington and about 10 miles N. W. of Portland, near United Railways electric line, to trade for Settle realdencw; price $ J5oo. Address AT Ml, Oregonlan. Wl LL trade for house and lot. or vacant lots, 50 acres of lasd near Bethany. 10 miles from Courthodsc; 9 acres cleared. Inquire 220 Stark st. SPOKANE residence, well constructed, quar tered oak down stairs, complete In detail. 9 rooms, cost $llt0; exchange for de sirable Portland residence. 1002 Teon bids;. FOR SALE or exchange; for good real es tate. Hotel Doris, the on) $2 per day hotel tn Woodburn. Or. J. L. DeLong. owner. 2o-ACHE and SO-a ere farms, part for trade; city property, soma cash, balauc long time. ' R. Buetlkofer, 2u5 Salmon. 915OO0 STOOK of merchandise for exchange for good real essate, or will sell for cash ' at big discount. 271 Pine st. IF you have furniture, lots 6r acreage to trade on a 5 -room bungalow, call up Main IM41. " FOR BALE or exchange, $2750 equity in choice 15 acres at West Woodburn. on 8a leis Electric. AV 171, Oregonlan. WANTED To exchange a stock of waiche and Jewelry for farm lands or equity in farm lands. G $40. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade for part cash and acre age; fine equipped restaurant; gjood lease on location. G 022. Oregonlan. 5-PASSENGER automobile, good condition, to trade for Portland property; win as sume difference. 015 Chamber Commerce. 4 Y j.- 91 :;oo eq nit y in modern hungalo will 'trade for acreaee. A F 913. Orejconlai roll TRADES OK ALL KINDS SEE OAKLAND A CO., 1I1 4th bt. TOE X CH AN G E- FOR EXCHANGE. We have the following to exchange for stocks of merchandise: 31 -acre Hood River apple orchard. 91.oh. , 20-acra Hood -River apple orchard, 91 1.500. Jnni-acre wheat ranch. $20,000. 15i-acre improved farm near Salem, $15.0tH.. Good income property, good town. 915.000. 2iH) acres near Medford. 35 acres in ap ples. $25.(HMI. HK)xlt0 business lot. East Side, $15,000. 5oxioo warehouse lot. $ JO. 000. NO acrea White Salmon fruit land, $8500. We also have other property to ex change for good stocks of merchandise from $406 to $:1.1.mm. 271 Fine St. Multnomah Hotel Building. f EXjCHAXGE AUTOMOBILE. 1o art ; 5 minutes walk to station, on Oregon Electric, driving distance to Port land ; right on the Pacific Highway: 3 acrea cleared and ready for the plow and a young orchard, balance cut-over land; this Isvery rich vegetable and fruit land and close to market. The cash price Is $2250. but will sell on very easy terms, or would consider a good automobile in exchange. ALVORD-CARR-HUNTER' CO.. 219-221 Board of Trade. 6-ROOM modern house, well located, clear, for acreage. 10 acres close in, $250. for city prop er! v. :t vacant lots. Mt. Tabor district, for house and lot. about rooms. Kirst-class apartment-house. W rooms; will trade for acreage or farm; this is up to date In every way. 93000 mortgage for city property or good acreage. M. C. REED CO.. 617 Board of Trade. Main 475. 132 ACRES, highly improved, just outside city limits. Lebanon, Or. ; 7-room house, hot and co.d water, bath, barn, chicken, tool, woodhouses, granaries, other out buildings; splendid plare; ripe for subdi viding small tracts; will tako good com mercial orchard or No. 1 grain or alfalfa to 92O.0O0 : 97O0 cash. $6000 can remain. 0 per cent. Price $175 acre; your price must be right. Land adjoining sold for $?oo acre last Fall. Owner Box 425, Leba non. Or. TO TRADE. Nice large view lot with good 5-rc-om house, on carllne. ML Tabor district; $40imi; for iniM 11 farm. CHAPIX-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 332-883 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Keller. TO EXCHANGE. House of two 5-room apartments; lot 100; 3ik minutes of Postoffice; $4500, for small farm. CHAPIX-HERLOW MORTGAGE A TRUST CO., 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Keller. SOO ACRES OF WHEAT LAND. Located in Franklin County. Washing ton; 40i acres in growing wheat and bal ance 400 acre In cultivation; will trade for an apartment-house or Income prop erty; price $-10 per acre, Including crop. GRUSSI & HOLDS. 31 S Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. TO EXCHANGE. 5 acres on Tillamook Bay and on mac adam road: will make swell Summer home ; 1200. to trade for good auto. CHAPIX-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Ak for A. Keller. IMPROVED and unimproved irrigated land near Twin Falls, Idaho, with good water right at $50 an acre and up; good terms 6 per cent interest, for sale or trade for Portland property, business, residence or acreage. Robert Martyn, 607 Yeon bldg., Marshall 165. AJ RE AGE FREE OF ENCU M BR A NOES. All under cultivation, value $300 per acre, will exchange In 5-acre plots; make your offer to Mr. Haxell, 10O7 fcpaldiug bldg. loO ACRES. Washington County, Oregon, one mile from P. R. & N. R. R-: value 93oo; will consider trade for half value and balance cash: good farming land after timber is removed; tht is a bargain. What have you to offer? AC !. Oregonian. 161 ACRES on Kslania River; good saw timbf.r and splendid piling; value $rmo; murit have s,me money ; will consider $5tri half trade, auto, acreage or city property and balance cash. AM 958, Ore- goniwn. EXCHANGE OR SALE. 40 acres, Boring, all cultivated, good house and barn; family orchard bearing; 200 chickens and other livestock; tools of all descriptions. Trado for city property to $r.noo -joi Swetland Mdg. I HAVE some very desirable improved acre age tracts and farms on -which I will ac cept Portland residence or income property as part payment. What have you to ex change? W. W. Green, 713 Chamber of Commerce bldg. NON-RESIDENT w ill trade 5 to 20-acre Hood River orchard. 2 years old, for Port land propert y or San Diego, Cal. ; would consider stock merchandise; 900 per acre. T 002, Oregonlan. - FOR SALE or exchange. 320 acrea timber land. Polk County. $50 per acre; would trade for Portland property; must have 940O0 cash. Address C. M. Crittenden, Hub bard. Or. i WILL accept your equity in good, cheap .shore lot as part payment on cheap city lot or nne ciose-in acre. it.. ( Aiwaitr, owner. 2S Henry bklg. Phone Marshall 3117. A 77o. "WANTED Small rooming or apartment house In exchange for 10 acres under cul tivatlon. mile from pood town and clear of deutr a poou ueai ir you nave wnai x wanr. AK 076. Oregonlan. iron kai.e on easv terms, or trade for sro cerv stock or store. 2 lots In Lents, 20 mln. walk from Mt. Scott car. Marshall 204. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery to ex change for lot or equity worth $00; look It up. Jordan. 6 10 Lunipermena Diag. WA N'T firm in exchange for furnish rooming and apartment-houses, from $3000 to 970O0. itoi-2 Lumber Exchange. uv .OWNER 4o acres aood timber for lot fre from Incumbrance. J. Armstrong, 26 East HKh st. Phone East 0103. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicle. Etc. I HAVE a 2oo0-lu. team, mare and gelding, t me to work, also set of good harness. which I will sell for the small sum of $1!." If taken at once. This team can be port at oe- t ny j-iaoies. wo Aiucr, unui Sunday. Mr. James. BARGAIN. Team of horses weighing 84O0 lbs; are good workers: come look them over and make offer. Also brown gelding. 7 years, weighing 1300 lbs.; cheap. E. 12th and Hawthorne avenue. rtouse in rarn. 200 HEAD range horses, unbroken; geldings ages &. 4 and 5 years; weight 950 to 16 0 pounds. Ready for delivery May 15. For further particulars apply Arthur G. Par sons. Wibaux. Montana. WANT to buy 1 young horse, from 1h0 to 1200 lbs., city broke, with or without buggv; no horsedealers. John Wedck, 68 Harold ave. Sell wood 1053. OO to Rose City Park Sale EtabI at 52d and Sandy Road to buy good guaranteed horses at low prices. Take Kosa CU Park car. Adams A Campbell, props. SAWDUST. Nice clean sawdust for bedding. Mult nomah Fuel Co. Main 5540. A 2116. BV mart, heavy, with foal; weighs 950 to 1000 lbs.; $40 takes her. Corner E. 12th and Madison TEAM weighing 2400 lbs. with harness and wagon; whole outfit at $155. 247 East FOR SALE Good wagon, suitable for gro cery, laundry or cleaning-house, $65. U. p. Stables. 2:tft Rnssell. FOR SALE Bay mare, weighs about 105O; a years old. At Q52 We id ley at. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy horssa HORSES boarded cheap, modern, tire proof barn ; best care. Eat 12H, Main 1 261. WANTED In trade, 2 single driving: horses. Main S4Q7. HQS Board of Trade. PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phone Main 1410 Pianos. Organ and Musical lnsttaisissirs. NEW 93J5 piano cheap. Phone East 5926. Automobiles, -CYU 7-PASS. PREMIER. Run less than 4000 miles; like new; cost $3S50 last Spring; price $1500. AC 60, Oregonian or pnonga caai pay, a FOR SALE A good f Ive-paasenger automo bile. In good running order, or will trade for equity in vacant lot. 1O03 Belmont. WILL TRADE Wlnton "six first-class condition, run imr, t.r run- land real estate. D 14. Oregonlan. 4-PASSENGER Flanders. fully equipped; $375 takes thig car. 622 Alder st. CYLINDER. 7-pasaenger Thomas, finest condition; $1250. 4Q2 Couch bldg. 5-PSSENGER auto, fine condition. $350 cMh. Main 22I. BU ICK 1 - ton d'li cry ear, good as new; roust be soloY thlg -week. 522 Alder et. FOR SALE, Automobiles. DO YOC WANT AX AUTOMOBILE? We are exclusive dealers for used cars; over 75 cars to select from, all makes, all prices. Don't fail to see us before you buy. Every Car Guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. Twenty-first and Washington sts. ? Will move April. 15 to corner Alder and Lownsdale. 5-PASSENGER Cadillac. In first-class con dition, good appearance; will sell for $500 cash if sold this week: this Is a bargain; will be pleased to demonstrate. C. A. Miiliman, HU2 Beck bldg.. Main 57Sd. y OUR-PASS 10 XGER automobile, equipped; iamrjn, clock speedometer. Presto wind shield, in flrst-claas condition, cheap. For demonstration call at litis 31th st. FOR bargains In used care see ua first; write for list; we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. "WILL trade 160 acres in Harney County for automobile; auto must oe in good condi tion and worth at least 91600. AM 955, Oregonian. . REMOVAL NOTICE. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington St. Moves April 15 to Alder and Lownsdaie. rCYL, 5-PASS K NOX Practically new. cost $.1400; will sell for 91300. AB 949, Oregonian. or phone East 6 J0. B 1343. " Dogs. Birds, pet Slock. ; WHITE Leghorn baby chicks; beet selected utility stock; bred to lay; healthy chicks, guaranteed; $7.50 per 100, during April and May. The Pioneer Hatchery. Box 314. Petaluma, CaL ROYAL Blue White Wyandotte eges ?1 doz.. 7..'o I Pen six t ti orotic lily BlarK Orpingtons $10. Gay, 761 East 3ud St., W-W car. EGGS for hatching on short notice; au breeds, baby chicks; standard-bred poul try; incubators and supplies. The Poul try Supply House. 200 Salmon st. BRINDLE English . bulldog, house broken and lino companion. Inquire Oregon Cigar store. 4th and Washington. 40 CHICKENS, Barred Rocks. White Leg horns. Plymouth Rocks; leaving town; for sale cheap. 119 E. od. BA MY CH ICKrt. all breeds, at the Poultry Supplv House oi Hatchery. 2l0 Salmon. M. 2491 PRATT'S Animal Regulator for sale by J. J. Butser. l&S Front st. FOR SALE CHEAP A good Shepherd dog, 1 year old. inquire V 963. OreRonian. Miscellaneous. MJMEOGRAP1I We have a few excep tional bargains in second-hand Kdison machines, both flatbed and rotary, self Inking duplicators. 1'acitlc Stationery &. Ptg. Co.. 1U7 2d st, bet. Washington and Stark. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. Men! Take the elevator and save rronny on your suits; $i!2.50 to $25 suits at $i4.75; $ii7.50 to $ui suits at $1 V75. .Jimmy Dunn, roo m 315 O reo n iu n bldg. FOR SALE Complete set of dining-room furniture, solid oak, in first-clans -on-dition, comprising dining tahle., six chairs, buffet, sid board and serving table. Ad-dr'-sw AT 905. oregonlan. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second-hand, low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co.. 85 5th sC Main 63o. TYPEWRITERS for rent 93 par month; $5 per month buys late model Prlntype. Oliver Agency. Phone Main 6273. 333 Ankeny st. 6L1G1ITLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co.. 227 Stark st. Main 7711. FOR SALE Cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register, meat slicer, ate The Portland Store Supply Co, 250 2d st. Marshall 454a FOR SALE Roberts 100-loaf gas oven, ten I'oot showcase, aix-foot mixing trough. 442 Washington f(. FOR SALE Glass cabin launch. 24x6. with 4-h. p. standard engine. Price $40. Ad dreFs T,( Xeisehl, Linn ton. Or. ALL makes typewriters rented, 13 a month NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER C.. 262 Stark St. 6FFICE furniture, new and second-hand; at tractive prices. Phone Main 921. 600 BUSINESS cards, $1; a bargain. Rosa City Prlntery. 192 8d. corner Taylor. BEAUTIFUL rug and dining-table cheap. y arsnan ib- A GOOD 24 -foot semi-speed niotorboat. In quire 245 Front st. TV PE WRITERS rented 5 months for $5. Remington Typewriter Co.. 245- Stark st. FOR SALE Second-hand L. C. Smith type writer. 2U1 Medical bldg. S HIVES of good honey-making bees. 119 East aSd. Tabor 1179. OFFICE desk, walnut chair, walnut table, all fdr $l!5. Phone Main 53-o FOR SALE Seed potatoes. "American Wonder." Inquire Esmond Hotel. TYPEWRITERS, visible, for sale at bar gain. Phone Main 627X WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING, FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest price paid for men'.s and ladies' cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 200. 290 1st st.. Th Globe. WE buy junk and second-hand machinery of every description. Call for our buyer. M. Barde & Sons, 240-240 Front bt., the house of a million bargains. Main 603; A 1003. WANTED A complete picture show outfit, to be moved to the country at once. Write full particulars to 035 E. Madison St., Portland. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 870 E- Morrison. Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater A Martin. Phone East 8184. 348 Hawthorne ave. TO BUY, cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register and meat sllcer. Phone Marshall 4548. 250 2d. HAVE you got novelty to sell during Rose Carnival? I will finance. State particu lars quick. AK 92, Oregonlan. HIGHEST cash prices paid for ladies' and gents clothing; we respond promptly. Marshall 346. ELECTRIC fan and sewing machine motor; FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any WANTED Small ho nd or power printing nr-o V frr hlilir WILL tint rcoms $2.50 up: io painting at reasonable prices. East 6124. HT5LF WANTED MiLfi. A RELIABLE firm requires the services of a few live wires who can produce results. Apply 9 to J2 A. M-. 41S Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison. AN oid-line life Insurance has exclusive ter ritory open for contract in Oregon, Wash ington, exceptional opportunity for men of ability. Address L 42, oregonian. SALESMAN wanted, experience unnecessary, easiest real estate proposition in Portland. Call at 418 Corbetl bldg. WA NTED Experienced machine operators. Call 8 A. M. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., 5W 5th st. WANTED An active, energetic man to so licit In city; salary and chance for ad vancement. Call 2ud Marquam bldg. NTED Dentirt ; permanent uosltion for tlrst-class. all-aro:id man. -Tddiess Dr. F. S. Barber, Medford. Or. TAILOR wanted, a good coat maker. Frank A. Lehmann. 401 -4 "2 Merchants Trust bldg. WANTED at once Two floor moulders for stove castings. Apply . to Albion Stove Works. Ltd., Victoria. B. C. BOY WANTED Opportunity to learn a good trade. Apply room t- amormge oiug., lid and Morrison st. Sinclair & Myers. COMPETENT job compositor. non-union; steady Job lor tne rignt man. 1. o. tiott ison. 212 2d su LADIES' tailor wanted, experienced, for new ana 01 a worn., j. aonmg wu st. Phone Main 7o7. WANTED 2 boys, acquainted with -East Side, with wneeis. to uciiver page. Apply A . M . basement 170 3Hh. PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snap for agents, cut pert n piuqiq. ieaum. oiag. PHOTO coupon agls., best snap ever offered. Boston Btuaio. wannngton si. BOY wanted. Wagner Mirror Works, 41 2 Davis st- W ANT ED Blow torch man on pipe work; steady joo, "u; .orm m 91 WANTED Salesman to call on trade with high-grade specialty. Call 250 .-0. JhOvv'caRD writer wanted at once. Apply own handwriting. A 95. Oregonian. WANT baa and tenor. Call after 12 even- inga after 8. Room 218 TiUoid bldg. ALL-ROUND printer wanted (at once at Herald onn-e. 1 mmnwn. 1. BOY WANTED: about 10 ea rs old. Apply at Backus & Morris. 223 Morrison st. WANTED High-cla.s salesman. Ask tor lr- Burton. 422 Yeon bldg HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. COne of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. a A- Young man. stranger, odt of work (- his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 Tot . special employment membership. I will have only $15 left between tne and star vation. Secretary If you pay $5 for - special employment membership, you will hav the Y. M. C. A- with Its resources, be tween you and starvation. Result: Young man Joined association. In less than a week be had satisfactory employment. Recoid for two months ending Feb. 2: Calls for men Positions filled 5 Employment membership guarantees member wll! secure employment or refund of membership fee; gives two months fu'J membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges -and undertakes to keen party employed during the full term of mem bership without further charge. We have constant demand for- nig" grade, experienced men. Are you fitted for a better position? See secretary employment department. Y. M. C. A. PACIFIC EM PLOYM EXT CO. --2 and 2L'4 Couch St. M. 6070, A 14 06, Marshall 1139. Lumber-graders, behind planer, $2.50. Slab wood handlers, $.'.5u. Two millwrights, new work. $3-50. Operating millwright, small mill, $3 up. Foreman stock cutting, aash and door factory. $.1. Two sash and door machine men, $2.76 up. Woodcutters. $1.25 cord, free camp and tool.-. Piling peeler and pavy man. $2.50. Chor men, farm hands, milkers, log gers, etc., etc. New places open every hour. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main office 222 and 224 Couch st.. neat Second. WANTED Real estate firms and salesmen to sell lots In Coqultlam (British Colum bia, industrial subclty of Vancouver. History of Chicago. Seattle, Denver. St. Louis, etc.. repeating Itself here. Small fortunes being made by Investors. Great demand for lots. To be Pacific operating terminus for Canadian Pacitlc Railway, greatest railway corporation in America, which will spend $7.n00.0OO in terminals, shops, wharves, car factories, etc. Dozens of factories coming to Coqultlam. Five other great railways building Into Coqutt lnm. Two e lee trio power companies st work. Hundred -thousand-dollar round -bouse now building. We own fine view subdivision "Rive i" view," choice close-In property. Easy selling. Exclusive terri tory and liberal commieslon to right mfcn Attractive literature. Write at once for full particulars and get exclusiv sale in your district. Charle A. Bodle & Co , Ltd., 614 Pender street West. Vancouver, B. C. 9 E X I ' E K I E X C E D SOLICITOR. THREE KM'fcKI E X CKL) SUBSCRIP TION SOLICITORS CAN FIND PERMA NENT POSITION'S OX THE COLLIER SELLING STAFF. OUR NEW COMBINATI OX C O L -LIER'S WEEKLY. THE HOUSEKEEPER AND A PREMIUM IS UNBEATABLE. OUR MEN ARE TAKING FROM FIVE TO TEN ORDERS A DAY EACH. IT IS EASY FOR AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO MAKE F ROM $35.00 TO $.0.oO A WEEK. CALL OX THE "EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT AT THE OFFICE OF P. F. COLLIER & SON. PUBLISHERS OK GOOD BOOKS. 9 TO IV A. M., 4 TO 5 P. M. 03 OREGON 1 AN BLDG. SALESMAN TO SELL ATTRACTIVE LINES FROM MANUFACTURERS TO THE DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND DEPART MENT STORES. ON COMMISSION BASIS. ROOM 411 ROTIICHILD BLDG. WANTED A few more good agents, men and womMi. in every ct ' and town l Oregon, Washington and Idaho, to s"ll our new ni ctdt-nt and health policies. Annual cost 95 and Sly; pays $15 a week while disabled. Our agents are making $5 to SUl a day. why rot you? Highest com miKMons and renewals. Write nr call for information. Abbott & Co.. Wilcox bids-. Portland, or. WANTED Thoroughly competent and ex-pt-rieneed rug and drapery man to man ae department in leading department store; state age, references and salary ex pected. Wanted Thoroughly competent and ex perienced f urn It u re man to manage de partment in leading furniture store; stat a?, references and salary expected. AV 1 1 2. Oregonlan. f . 1 - IL'U 1 ill! V.MiV Sale.manhi p Is a mat ter of training, perseverance and good Judgment. You can not know vour eapabiht les in this line until you try. We will furnish training if you qualify, and our proposition ii one that ilK. Kcmuuerutton in accordance w it h votir work. DAVIS fir SHARP CO-. 6"6 Commrcial Mk. YOU ran arn $50 week and uo at atead? employment selling nursery stock: some excellent territory now open; experience not necessary; time Is money; do not de lay, but write at once for particulars. AV T5. Oregonlan. WANTED for U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men. between ages of IS and 35. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing officer. Worcester block. Third and Oak sfeets. Portland. -Or. WANTED Man with family, familiar with farm work, to take up residence, on large orchard and take Interest- in small place, permanent position, wit h $2.25 wages to start; $550 acquires poscesston on home plaoe; balance can be paid, for from part of wages. AE 1I7S. Oregonlan W A N T E D M an and wife to w o rk on a farm; good treatment; $45 or more, ac cording to ability. Call next Friday morn ing at cor. 32d and Belmont sts., Sunny side, in the real estate office. German or Norwegian preferred. BED CR6SSEM PLOYMENT CO.. 24 4 Ankeny St. Phones Main 52011. A 5733. 2 cargo tallvmen, 93.00, Must be fam iliar with California grade; mutt have ref erences. This mill runs stead y all year. W A N T E D Painter for 2 jobs. o-rooin houses, interior and exterior; must tak part pay in new 4-room house and 50x100 lot; price $1200: 34 blocks off Rose City Park carline. 418 Corbett bld. WANTED By wholesale, produce hous". yountf man lt to 18 years of age for of ilre vvoi k : niuit 1 w illing to work and reside with parents: no experience neces sary. AIi 901. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED special odition advertising solicitors. Kosc Carnival Iksuc. religious magazine, commission ; experienced men onlv. Benedictine Press. 268 Madieon t. Main 5558. '' BE YOUR own boss, s- ll lota at $75 to $150 each on easy pa merits In fastest-growing town in Oregon ; liberal commission : ex clusive territory to hustlers. Sherman Montgomery. Hampton. Oregon. A GOOD tfuiiv-ry man who knows the East Sid i and Irvington route perfectly; a Iso one who knows North Portland und Wil lamette Heights district: answer by let ter and give references. S i;2. Oregonlan. CLEAN-CUT. smart-looking, op ti ml Hi 1c salesman of proven ability to sell hlgh ciass iine of fancy groceries; give age and e p erience. D POL Oregonian. WANTED By a large mercantile coiif-ern. an office boy about lrt years of age. Reply stating age, amount of education and -N-perietu-e had, if any. Answer In own handwriting. Reply to F 004. Oregonian. WANTED First-clash barber for We-d. Cal.; an excellent opportunity for the right " man; first-class wages; steady Job. Apply Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. MAN of neat aopearance to solicit for large corporation in Portland ; must he good talker. Apply after 11 A. M.. 7o8 Selling bldK- M1LLHANDS, MARRIED MEN PRE FEKR ED. OUT OF TOWN. BTKADY WORK. NO FEE. APPLY 222 COM MERCIAJL CLUB BLDG- SALES MANAGER wanted for well-established firm in the city; big salary easily made if a good closer; answer quick. AE 000. Ore g onian. WANTED A good live messenger boy with wheel; must be a hustler. Call at No. 12 Chamber of Commerce. A good chance for tlie right boy. SALESMAN wanted to learn the Insurants business no experience necessary. S. D. Vincent & Co., 417 Chamber of Com merce b!d. WANTED Boys between 10 and 25 years of age. with bicycles, healthful outside work; good chance for advancement. In qutre Mr. Day, 70 3d st. TWO Japanese boys to bottle and label. Applv at Spring Vallev Wine Co.. 2d and YHmhitl. VY A N T H D Bread bakers, bench hands, for jobbing. Inquire bet. 1 and 6 P. 51. Royal Knkerv. 11th and Everett. SOLICITOR wanted. Apply at 145 E. 39th su, near Belmont. BA RBER wanted : must be a good union man. 55 Washington at. COATM AK.ERS wanted. Call $St 3d st., roo n 1 ' PAINTER Job work. Main 3593, evenings.