'41 TIIE MORXING . OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY. APKIL 10, 1313 t FURS SELLING WELL March Auction at London Is Satisfactory. SUYfrjG ON LIBERAL SCALE lirmand Cram All Countries Owing to KcMrlotod Purchaes - Last Year Sharp Advances Made on Some Skins. The fur trade ha. hen quit satisfac :..ry during the past three month. In a.I . n.ri..ia nf t ha world. Tna (renter portion of the January mI goods .nd also large quantities of direct shlp--nents to London hsve .Inc. been disposed ,f. Mpclllr the staple articles. u-h muarjua.h. ,kunk. beaver, raccoon. American nd Australian opossum, cheap grade foxse. tr which form the bulk of the Importa tiona Th.re I. an eaaer and admittedly -m .-a trnm illlt ill Countries. frnuini w.a...a4.va .nd It would seem that tho restriction of yurrhas-s by the trade la.t )r s .. .ts-tf felt. Th. folio. In report ha been received f the March sale at London: Otter. 62 .ami tat year .-,2). Thia article haa .old fairly well- mainly by rea vm of the low price. established a yea ..... .nd .locks are con.lderahly reduced. more especially or arcing suit as inu " f ITS P" eant. b"n Principal oa the t and III. " " - ' .bout 1 r-r cent to 12 per " hl.her. Bought llmox entirely -i mint. n,A Fox .liver. Sl ktn la.t year w- not do so well la.t year. Tne in,c,. . considered, no doubt, to be too n'"' riirdruii to dispose of. " . ti.-. aa a, a eoaad deal larg tnan last year.. although much less a tractive. Prlca remain unaltered. iu-. .htn. . : a at venr - " - . )tin'. - ' . i at.artnar t Have -old oniy m',.,r last year. Thera la a good detnaod for tha .rtlcle fr America, especially for th. finer kind., and thia wrrnj.nra .... - . ,.,.irt,rhlT .mailer than in. co.mnua .. - - last year", and price, are on th. average about 5 per cent tinner, put principally on the palo skins. Ermine. M -"J skins 'a .M.. rontinu. to sell well. Th. collection waa wne.hat larger than la.t year and price, advance.! about 55 per cent compared with '" ..a,. Tear 3S.4:-Tb. .ale of this article during the pa.l year left a area! deal to " " " " v.ently l-.mer price, would have been mor. n accordance with tn ir-uni -- In th-- rlrcumatance. tn. eaaer ue.i.-..- n tin. Mle wa certainly onepecl-a an onTv be attributed to the .mallnea. of tve r.tcb in the United State. Price, ruled . the average about 1 per cent higher ihm a ear a the a.-vanc, nrm, .. loallv on the better kln.l. Hou.nt mam., lor notnui account, but wmi a:o for America. Lynx. 7n2 .kin. ila.t vear luil- .i . in the American mar- et met with good eompetiM.'n and price. with a re aaaln ID per ceni up r".K-. - .ear ao. alth-uKh the roller ion wa. nearly Inutile last year' a. ou. point. In the valley. Th. majority of uroweri ara very firm In their view, and believe th. price.' now quoted are entirely too low. gome of tha dealer, are "till of fering' 32 cent., but thara ara no aellera at tbla flsura. Thlrty-thre. cent, la offered elaewhere tn tha valley. It la reported that a few .elected lota war. bought at, 35 cents. Bank Cleau-iaca. Bank clearing, of the Northwetern cities yesterday were as follow'.: jr.ir.u., (.-icarlnjra Balance.. t..,-a fl.KUi.llit I atiie ;:"';; Tacoma I1 finnkana ......... PORTLAND MABKCTS. Grain. ITowr. Feed. Etc. WHFAT Track price.: Blue.tem. HStl tt: club. ic i-r..id. :.c. M1I.IJITITFS Bran. $22 ft-? horta. 121 '.-': mlddllns.. tio. Jtralghti: lli .sport .1.90; Valley. .80. graham. I W. wnoie w... LUK- a w . a. ww. a. a-- per ton. 107.07 13J.(ii red Kusslan. 3c: valley. Sic ton: cracked. 138 g'r tha Htitk rrtcc Paid Iat UU-r-y Ckeetv BoJ- STM at all raima. . . w.a haa haome Very QUlCt l HC wnea ..' - aftar the evcltement of lat week. Tha high price, paid in the M ana r. .... - raturday bav. .topped .elllng by farraar. at . ., . .4 ..th.r buy trtcea any le.a tnan i.i"a - . - kA.. atatur- rt ara not onpaeai i a- aya quotatlona, or even to equal thrm. ncept for .mail quantities, and consequent. ,y th. market haa relapaed Into dullne-a. Bluratem la quoted locally at Mtc.f. and clut. at i c.nts. It Is believed that th. transactions at Walla Walla w.ra largely speculative. Tha flour market la very lirm. It I. prob able that within th. next tao day. th. Ii.ia of all tha mllta In th. Northwest will uniform at the 20 cent advance. Oats wera quoted Brm at fiOO. with few olTeriiigs. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by th. Merchants Kxrhange aa follows: Wheat Barley. Klonr. Oats Hav. Monn.v 71 2 M Iue..lay .... lJ .; "i aeInrto"a.i-llv:.H JIO ?,.TO 1H J12 Year ago ..Iv.iw l'oo u Foreign crop conditions ara summarised by the Liverpool Cora Trad. N.w. a. fol- l7Vlted Klnardom In the lowland, tha aeathrr Is Improving and seeding la pro greaa.ng. Slocks are very .mall Krance Tho weather la favorable and tna .mnlarl well. Offering. of natlva wheat ara moderate. Germany The ouiiook lor vne or w is generallv good. Supplies of natlv. wheat fair and the export .lemand contlnuea on large scale. There are occasional com plaints regarding germination. llungarr. Italy and Turkey The outlook la favorable. . . , .... Tha .rat. nromlae la favorable. There ar. fair arrival, at tha porta, and these are loaned immeu..'.i, a. . -. . armand la urgent. The weather Is season- Russia The outlook for Winter wh. at Is ,.al M,rtn Held wuk haa started and the weathrr is svasonal.le. luscrvca ar. llg'it. . ... r . i har la unsettled In the north, which is delaying threshing. It Is -. . I . atnall evitairl. espectea mat ifl" "... a . sf wheat until June. aa reserves of old beat ara very small. n.lMUNCTON HOP CONTRACT AT SS. Aaasrallaa C rop la flas-vewteel a ad la fhart af Laws Yesra. A contract for 2l.nX pounds of tha Van O. Kelly hop crop at Chehalls at 2i cvnta has been sreurvd by the chehalls tt Yaki ma Hup Company, of which M. t- Tlncua la manager. . A . - rara I v art vaaSterdav from AUBtralla said t" crop of tljat country, which waa isrve:eJ at the end of February. Is from ,.. to 1 bales short of last years, i wo ;hlrds of the Austra.tan crop ha. been con tacted for the next three years. I1BKKAL BMUns OK'COINTRY KAL , ir, .,. Mc-vrty la pia Le-a Artlva Maring. The drcsed meat market wa. liberally .upplled stth veal yeaterday. Prices wera juole.l weak, but 12 certs waa obtainable n fairy offerlnga Pork waa Arm at 10 ,-ents. There a as a good-iemaad for chicken. Of all .-sea at firm prices. . . ah. anaaelllat Ort who llSTt baen putting aa.v eggj have eased oparations. but tha market remains in a ay tln. Hutter and cheese hold at last prtrea I:vAD ltR vfltaKTABI-E-l IS ACTIVE, bhlpmeals af New trap Otiloo. tm, tba Nana isetayevi ay Produca receipts yesterday Included a -e r California veaetaMea. Th. treat waa well .upplled with moat kinds of truck and th. volume or traoa waa prices generally wera ira.j j. Advices from Texas wera that no mora Mexican Bermuda cnlon. will be .hlpfoed f.aj- tuaveral daya owing to rain. Th.ra ara bo cars In transit to this market. "Tha car teceived Monday is craning up well. Mohair Jaelllag la Maw. iloha.r i scllnu a smaU as at arl- Hay No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy, 1 ro'No. 1 Valley. fl2 0 1 : alfalfa. 12 1J..VI. clover. 4!: oata and vetch. tluv 11. '; grain hay. . OATS No. 1 white. flliDO per ton. Vegetables and Prulta. TROPICAL FRUITS O ran gea. navala. I J 50 01-25": California grapefruit. t.B0: Florida grapefruit. (3.7397; bananas. L O l 50 per bunch; lemons. 4.30w 4.S0 par box: pineapples. o per pound. FRESH FRL'ITH Alraerla grapea. Sjar barrel; cranberries. flOQlluO pet; barral. 't4J" prices: B-rb-jkj. 11.203 l.M per hundred; sweat potatoaa. '"t:QETAHLKS Artlchok.a 78t90e par dosen; asparagus, white, tl.35 Per crata. green. $1.3. par crate: beans. lMf 1 . w; cab bage. fefHo per pound; cauliflower, e- - per crate: celery. I5. p-r crate; cucum bers :f2.i doxen; eggplant. I5c par pound; head lettuce. : per crate; hot house lettuce, 7fctll per box: peas lc per pound: peppers. lie per pound; radishes, J.ic per dosen; rhubarb. tl.5i Per box; spinach, fl.liwl.: per box: tomatoes. 1.7 v2 per box: garlic. 8 10c per pound. nMONS Assocls'lon price. J.i0 per sack: Mexican. 1.7S per : rale. SACK VrXIETABI.fcS Turnlpa. '10 per sack: baata. fl-SO; rutabagas. 1L10. carrots, $1. Dairy and Country Prod ara. PCTTER Oregon creamery butter. pack. o: prlnta. extra. EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, zio per d.eaan; case count. 20HC CHkUt Oregon flats, J-c par pouna. Tonus America. 2.1c per pound. PORK Fancy lOc per pound. . . . . aa ax. t, lie nnr DOund. POLLTBY Hens. lW1l7c; Springs, 17 staas. 12 W O broilers. SStJiuc 2ne. geese. 11c; turkeys, live, 2io- solld ducks. 2'A:; dressed. e Sisapla Gracaarlea. "tLUO.N Columbia Blvaf. t-ponid tmlla. Ilvs Dei. doxen: b-pound ti pound flats. 1. talis. 1.3). COFFKK Roasted. per taound. . . Ntrti Walnuts. IIKH Pr potwc). Brnall nuts, lttflAc: filberts. "'oe!"l' moras, llsj .'lc; pans. lac; 'emtt-wJ? fl per alosen; cnesinuaa, una - blckury nuts, o 10c per pound. ILON E Y Choice. 3.J4 Per caaa; hone. luo per pound. vai.. HALT ran ula led, 1 per ton: half ground. 100S. fv30 per ton; fWa. P BEANS-Small white, t 6c: larr. whlta. awe; Lima. TSsc; pink. tci. M.xlcaa. ta Oil, VCa - . at -a. HICK No. 1 Japan. 9c: cheaper grsvdaa, - . a- . . . . at H la sf. TfL W O OC; OOU...-.U e.aa. .-- . alia X2.B3: 1 Alaska 1.111k, 1-ponnd druma. 26V vw train ad SLUAR Dry granulated f-20; fr.lt in. do pref. rr., a . rry f 2D; Honolulu plantation. -1... ICentral of N J.. Ill ' extra C Sa70: powdered, barrala. T7 he. Ohio . . . Iv-..'l.'.h h.ee.u. saaij Chicago a Alton be beet . . . : . i .a a. . a -: cuoes. e-r-T- ... ae avonad apricots. llV.c. p.schas. UrfjJ". Vrunaav Italians. 10Hlu.c; allar lo. .hue sua blaa.k. tm7c; '"rraj'S 100 lie; raisins, loose. MuscateL W 7lc: bleached Thompson. bleached Hultanaa. DS.C. seeded. 7 He. dates. Parslao. 1st per pounds Fam. a-a per box. Previsions. -lO to 12 pounds, 1jiovc. 12 11 a a.1 to 14 pounds. lOSwIISc. 1 to 1 PO""'"--I.. lose, picnics. 11 "sc.; cottage roll. lJc. LiHD-K.lt;. rand.reo. "area., m... tuba. 12wc; standard tierces, llc;.tuba, llc; shortening, tierces, tub. U UAJON Fancy. 2io; ataudard. lsiyiuc. Enarli.h. moltic. DRY SALT CURED Regular ahort elaan. dry salt, lie; short clear backs. 1 to - pounais. 10 .c; Oregon exports, Beasa. Steel and Hldaa. f U7:lc; olds, nominal; HOPX lll ctop, 112 contracts. 2oc MOKA1H Choice. 3J3o per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. lttylSc par pound. according to anrlnkags; Valley, lso 19c per pound. ..ao.,. Pt.T6 Dry. 11c: lambs, salted. TSVwoOa short-wool pells. OJttbc: bulcner bells. Jan. taka-oS. tUccJ f LOi. F.b. taka-olt. fl.10 'hiOES Salted hides. lOOWHa "par pound: salted calf. l017c; salted kip. 11 12c; green hides. Bte: dry ca.f. 21; dry hlalee, lbatlatc; salted stags. TuDae; graaa .la... 6 u 6 S c- i-aftrikA Per nound. 03 6c In car lots. Swwsv.a UKA1.N BAOd rara. FCRS Portland prices for prima, weil banaled skins, according to sixes: slink, aVi7tXM; raccoon. Mc'lllO; skunk (nar row atrlpa. 12; skunk (broad stripe). 73C0 H aW; muikial, 2uJoc; gray fox. 73a atllu; red fox. t6060: marten, fecfs; beaver. (auS.30; Bsber. fl2v2U; badger. so 11; lynx cat, f3t3: wildcat. 73clfru; otter. $10014; lynx. 23J0; ringtail cats, 2&tOc: clv.t cat. 10y 2ic: housa cat, 6tf 2uc; mounlaln Hon. &i10. bear, fTcilX IJassed Oil an. UNSEED Oll 1'ura raw. In barrsls. 0c wotled. In barrels. 82c: raw. In ca.as. s3o. boiled, in cases. 7c TLRPENTI.NE Cases. 70c; wood barrels, CISC 8A' 1'RANCIM-O PRODICE MARKET Prtrew Quoted at the Hay City far Vege tables, t'ralta. Etc. eTAN FRAa'ClSOO. April The follow ing produce prices were current here to day: Hutter Fancy creamery. 2t 4c. Kicks tttore. 19 Wc; faucy ranch, tic. I'hreaa 17 V, n is t.nlona f J.sr.ti 3. i Fruit Autlea. choice. $l.:i: common. SSc; Mexican luetic a. t.ti.'0; Cailfo:nta lemons, choice. II: commou, fl.23; navel orances. Iliij ie: plneapplea. t:if.- Vegetahiea Cucumbers, iec f l.5ey green peaa. if ir: string beans, i0tt''i aspara sua fiX-tyll; tomatoes, nominal; eggplant. i'lVllvC 1'otatoea River Burbsnks. l:e)jli; sweets. :.;ofl: Oregon Burbanks. f2.3iw 2.3s: Haltuaa. f2.f.t). 2.71. Ilay Wheat. flttrlffO: wheat and oata. Illu IS: alfalfa, f liv IV Keoelpts Flt.ur. ..S3 quarter sacks: wheat. 7 T jS centals; barley. 35 centals; oats. 4SS cental.: potatoee, sacks; bran. 3 sacks: mlil.lllnxs. 22 sacks; hay, 2-' tons; woei. 77 bales. LIS! I URNS STRONG Stock Prices Advance on Heavy Buying. MILLION SHARES TAKEN Western I'nlon iltl Westlnghouse oonv 5s We.tern Pacific . 5s ... Wisconsin Central a . West Shore 4s PS 4 . 2 .loo II.H4 100 Stocks BOSTON, April B, Alloues 43 Amal Cop Am Z L 8m. . Aril Com 3 t t C C S llf 7 Cal A Arix 74 Cal Hecla ..4H1 Centennial 21 Con R Con Co. . t E Butta C aline 14 at Boston. Clo.lnr Quotations: Moha-.vk "3 Nev Con 2014 Nlplsvlns; Mines. OTtl Franklin Glroux Con .... Oranby Con Greene Can . . . . 1-lc, Royalle C. . Kerr Ike .... Lako Coppar . . . La Salle Copper. Miami Copper.. 20 lOld Dominion .. o.?i HlQulncy J u Shannon 14 . Supe.-lor ....... S3 SUP DOB itiin.. a 7T H Tamarack SO ta U S sm R M 3i do pfd 4S. "tlftah fon 1H !Ctah Cop Co... 44 'Wlnora Wolverine 112 Viiioii I'acific Sells at the Highec. Point of This Year Coalers and Southern Lines Strong. Call Money tower. NEW YORK, April . After an early pe riod of backing and filling. In which prices moved In confusion, today'e stock market grew strong, with transactions approaching one million shares. The opening wss a mixture of slight gains and declines, the latter predominating. Local sentiment Inclined to bearishnees. There also was some disposition" to await the publication of the copper flgurea for March and the Government report on tha condition of Winter wheat and rye. Tha copper figure, aero somewhat disappoint ing, but far from having an unfavorable effect on the market. Amalgamated Copper and allied shares went to belter prices after tha rerqrt became known. In the- railway (croup tha strength of tha coal shares aa well as the southern trans portation lines, was the feature. Loulsvllla at Nashville gained points on what looked Ilka accumulation. The buying served to call renewed attention to tha rumor of a possible Inrrense of tha dividend. I'niup Psriric again was absorbed at prices above Its recent hlKh, the stock d'splaylng strength In London. Best prices were gen eral in the last hour. Further realising resulted in th usual fractional recessions, save tn Reading and Amalgamated Copper. Jail money did not get above 3 Va per cent. Its lowe.l rata in some days. Time loans a). . showed an easier tendency, regardless of a further drain to the Interior. Discounts were easier In Londcn. with an abundance of mone. The bond market was . irregular. Total sale., pat value. J.ftl l.tK". United States 4s coupons advanced t. per cent on call. CLOM.NO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing 1 Choice Steers Sell at 91 and Best Cows at $6 Buyers Pay "$8.8 0 for Hoss. lalcs. Aiiis Chat pf . . 4oo Amal Copper . . 57,iO( Am Agrlcull . .. ,".i Am Keel Sugar, lll.tx"! American Cu .. 5JtN.s Am Car a Fdy. 7.0" Am Cotton Oil.. aVKt Am lid l.t pf. tKHi Am Ice fecuri.. 1,IR Am Linseed 2w Am Locomotive 7. MMJ Am Smd a Hrf 23,7'HI do pra-ferred. . 7oO Am Steel Fdy. . 4'" Am Sugar Kef.. Am Tei a Tel . . 2. 1"0 Am Tobacco pf. Am Woolen . . .. Auacon.la M Co Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coast Line.. Halt a Ohio ... Bethlehem Steel Brook K Tran.. Canadian Pac. . Central Leather do preferred.. Chi Ut West i do preferred. . Chicago 4 N W C. M a St Paul. C. C. C a lit U. Col Fuel A Iron Col a Southern. Consol lift .... Corn Products Iel A Hudson.. D aa K Grande.. do preferred.. Distillers' Secur. Erie do 1st pf . do 2d pf .... Gen Klectrlc ... Gl North pf . . . Gl North Or. . . Illinois Central, lnterbor Met . .. do prefa-rred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf Int Papa-r Iiit Pump Iowa Central . . K C Soul hern do praferrcd. . Laclede Oas loo 3.300 12.7fO .'.ott .7t'0 3.4oo 3.. too 2." .V4'' bV..0 bm yaH lO.VOO ' l..i" l'l 400 14.0VU High. ;ii M'x BIS 14 BIS 04S 2v, 24 S 12 44S b-5S 1; n liS 14.i' 105 s 110 S n:ia 14.1 s It'll V, alK MS 247 T, 2.1 S 2 315 H 'ii's 31 144S 1L2S Lot 5S bis til 61 S 2S uu ."4 ' 2.1 S 24 12 42 U 07S 17S 33 1 2 S 14.'. S 1O0S 'iis 1"S 103S 141 S IONS 3.-.S 4 SKI 2..S "2 3H.1 SO 20S 3! 144 S 111S 4.3O0 33 S 32 S 4.200. 2.3" 1,1 1" 4txt lis R.2IM1 31. ."."' WhI 1IHI 4Xoo 10.000 2.T.0O Nil 1. ."." I..K.IO 5..o NI .MI 7oO 1IMI 4O0 1110 4IH Louis a Nash.. 21. .'" Minn & St L . . . M. S P a S S M flo. Kan a Tex do preferred.. , Mo PhcIiic .... N.tt Biscuit National lac ad .. N Kv Mex a pf. N Y IVniral . . . N Y. Int WVs Norfolk West nil American I'oO re h V9 145 lSa 172 j, 24 44 34 H 37 'a MIS 44 173 13.'. S 42S 131 S :s (OS 117S 25 13S 82 'a 1-'S 2!-S 14 l'7S 1H3 2.". 140S 31S Metal Markets NK.W YORK, April . Standard copper quiet. Spat. l.'..On 15.7 Sc; April, 'May. June. July. l.Y ." lV7r.c. linalon steatly. Spot. i7 1; futurva-i7I 7s tid. Cua:om bouse returns show exports of 70.19 iiis so far this month. Lake topper. I.ity ItlSc; electrolytic, lie: rasiina. I.".1, tr lic Tin strong. Spot. 43 43 7.1c; .prll. 43.37 S w 4:i. 7,1c: May 43. 2aitt 43.7.1c; June. 4i7 S J4112SC; July. 42.12 H & 4J7.V. August. 41.7.1tf 42.J1c. London llrni. Spot, flws 1.1a; futures, il'Jf 1.1a. Local sa'e. 10 tons Juna at 43c. five tons July at 42.70c l.rad easy at 4.2o4.27Sc New York and 4 12 s V 4-17 Sc La.t Su Louia London. 114 3a Hd. i Spelter quiet at S.uV.Sc New York and a.5oc bid Last St. Louis. London, 125 lOs. Antimony quiet. Cookson's. Sc. Iron Cleveland warrants. 32c lSd In London. Locally Iron was steady: No. S foundry Northern. f 1.V 23 it 14.73: No. 2. 14 71u 15.2.1: No. 1 Southern and No. 1 South. rn aott. (13.35 0 15.70. New York Cation Market. NEW YORK. April . Cotton closed bare, ly steadv. net four points lower to threa points hlrher. April. is.7c: May. 10.S5c; June, lo.llo: July, ll.tic; August. HOic; September. 11.13c; October. lLIfc; Novem ber. 11. :lc: Iiecember. 11 2c: January and February. ll.Jtc; March. 11.31c. Spot closed quiet. & points higher. Mid-uplands. 11.30c; do. Gulf. 11. etc No sales. Naval Sa-re. SAVANNAH. April . Turpentine Arm at S 45 S c. Sales, 181 barrels; receipts. 447 barrel.: shipments. 273 barrels: stocks, lti.2"0 bsrrels. Rosin nrm. Sales. 3M lbs.; receipts. 1 400 lbs. ; shipments. 23:1 l-a: stocks. &ai.7" lbs. Quote; .-. WW, K. f7: F. G. H. S7.2.V I. 7.:'; K. 7 to. M, I7.6U; N, $7.tvi WG. t;.7tt; . f7.7i. Northern I'acillc lo.H'Mi IVople s Gas . .. 2"M p. c c a st 1... 2 I'ltlsburr Coal . M" Preased d ISr.. 5. :! Pull Pal Car .. Win Rv St-el Spring. I..M111 Hcartina: 10.1.3' Republic Steel .. 3 l"H do preferred.. ,1.3i'0 Ro, k I.land Co. 31. do preferred.. 1.7'h St L Ar S F 2 Pf St L Southwest do preferred.. 20O Slo.s Sheffield . 2i Southern Pacific 3.7"0 Southern Ity ... 14.V." do preferred.. 4 (hhi Tenn Copper . . l.ooo Texas a I'acific. 10 TcJ. St I. Wes do preferred ITnl.in I'acillc .. 3S.no do pr-f.rrcd.. - V S Realty l.'iMl V S KiiOher ... S.."aK IT S Sleel l.Vl.i"." do preferred.. l.ifaO Ptah Ca.iiaer ... 9..100 Va-Caio Thtni 4 W.i hash 1ih do preferred.. l." Western Md ... !" w.atlng Elco . .. 2oo Wealern Cnlon.. 5.3. . Wheel a I. R. . ! l.eh'xh Valley 32 .2' 7.700 40S 3.4HO lut 4.4...I taoO 1. Hi aft l.l.el chlno Copper K.IV i onaols Am Tobacco r.iai 40O 21s IMS 40 s 114 "I 12oS l.a.4 107 21 S "S 141 3.1 '4 1114 S M'i :io"i .11", 42 '77" IMS .11 7.1"i 41". 23 S 17S 02 79 34 , 72 S IIS 5 54 S ST. 22 S 2 77S 'J' 14-S 2! '.Ml 242 144 S 15 S 172 24 44 :t:i'i 37S .13 s 44 140 133 41 130 211 S 40 1. Ii 24 S 13S 31 H 12s 2S 4 sl7 140S SI "id" ' "rS 20 S ll.'IS 4.IS 1 13S SI S 125 S liihS 21 36 l.'.US 34 S 1113 S 23 S 77 29 ' 57 S 42 'jits 4 114S 3S 74S 41S 23 S 173H 92 7MS 34 71S 112 tail 'a 6:1s SS 22 S 42 74 MS s . 147'; 2 ll'S 242 S Bid. 3 o2 til l" 2T tKIi 54 S 2.1 S 23S 12 44 7T 1"7 33 12S 1411 1'i.lS 2S 43 S Uni V loll S 142S 1 30 H4 24.1 S 2.1S 92 1 3B.1 MS SitS 3.v 144'. Ill S .IS 33 S 44 S" 14.1 1 . LIS 171 S 23 S 43 S .13 S 37 S f.4S 44 171 S 135 S 42S 130 20 S "S 117S 24 S 13S 31 S 12'. 2HS 63 107 142 24 S 14..', 31 HI S 4.1 14S MS 29 114S 40 11.1 HI 123 111 , 107 U 20 34 inos 34 144 24 79 . 29 R 42', 29 S 70S 48 s 113 31 74 41 2.1S LIS 34 S 173 9IS 79 34', 72 a 112 64 S 54 R 22 S 41 74 S 8-1 S H 147 J 1t. 242 Money. Exchange, Etc. ' NEW YORK. April 9. Money on call firm, SC. 3 1?- per cent; ruling rata. SS; closing bid. 8; offered at 3. ., . .feon MO davs. sur8 per cent: 90 days, 3; six months. 3t4. Prime mercantile paper, , a v -a sterling exchange Arm with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at 4.S425 for 60-day bills and at 4.8495 for demand. Commercial bills, 4.6oS. ' Mexican dollars. 7c Government bonds firm: railroads Irregu lar. Bar silver. 58 He. LONDON April t. Bar silver Quiet, 2id par ounca. Money per cenL Tho rata of discount In tha open market for short bills Is 3 per csnt: three months' bills. S 7-166 3 S Par cent. SAN FRANCISCO. April . Sterling on London. 0 days. 14.84: sight, f 4.87;. . Drafts Sight. IHc; telegraph. 6c LIVESTOCK PRICES HOLD SMALIER SIPPIY OFFERED AT THE YAKDS. Total sales for the day. 944. e0 shares. BONDS. Furnished by Overbeck at Portland. Amer Tel St Tel conv 4a .... Anrerlean Tobacco 4. American Tobacco 4a Alehiaon General 4s Atchison conv 4s Atehla.-n a.lj 4n stamped ... Atchlnin cmv 5s Atlantic Coast Line cons 4s Allan coast Line "LANcoll" I'altlmoraa Jc ihlo 3 Ss ... Palllmore A Ohio 4s ....... Brooklyn Rspld Transit 4s Can Southern flrttt 5 C O 4',s C B u gen mtr 4s " H Q joint 4a M J Ills 4s C B 4k U Denver 4a Central Pacific first 4a ... Chlcaso It I P ref 4a . Chi R I P cnl trust 4, . . . Colorado A Southern first 4s. Denver s Rio Grande 4. lielaaare Hudson conv 4e Krla Drat cons FL.ll lot Met 4 Ss Japanese 4s a,... Japani-se first 4tS Japaneea second 4S ..... 1. N unl 4s Mo Ksns a Tei.tSS Missouri Pacific 4s New York Central Ss ... New York central L S SS New York City 4s New York Cltv 4-a of 1957 Norfolk Western 4s ... Norfolk Weatern conv 4s N Y Ont at W 4s Northern PaclfloP L 4s ... Nortahern Pacific 3. Oregon Short Line as Orexon Ry ft Nav 4a Prnna Ry 4s of l4s Philippine Hallway 4s Rea.llnc general 4s Republics of Cuba 3s Southern Pacific first ref 4s Sou Pacific col 4s Southern Railway 4s t I. It S K ref 4s Vnlon Pselfle first 4s I'nlon Pacific conv 4s .. Vnlon Pacific ref 4a I nlted States Steel S F 5. 1'nlted Ststes 2s registered T'nlted Stete. ?i coupon . I'nltel states 3s registered t nlted States 3s coupon ... I nlted State. 4a registered I'niteil H'ntes 4s coupon .. T'nlied Rsl'wav S F 4s ... 1'nlted Railway St L 4s ... Wahasn firs; 4s ...a Cook Co.. of Trade at tha yards was lighter yester dsy. with a smaller run of stock. Thera wera no further advance, in prices, but values ware well maintained throughout tha list. , A smsll load of prime steers sold at f7 and other loads of good quality brought fti.SO and 6.S0. A load of choice cows sold at 14. Aside from this thera waa Utile doing In the cattle division. Tha beat price paid during the day for hogs was K30. No sheep or lamb sales wera reported. Receipts yesterday were 254 cattle. 200 hoes and lO horses. Shippers were F. Kelly. Manderson. Wyo.. 1 car of hogs; Huston ac Lister. Terrebonne. 9 cara of cattle; James Wilson. Phanlko, 1 car of cattle; A. L. Demarts, Milton, 1 car of cattle und hogs, and f rom""Lowden. Wash., 3 cars of cattle; A. C. phlrman. Shanlko, 1 car of cattle; Farr Brothers, who drove In 2 horses, and Kmll Olson, who drove In 8 horses. The day's rales wera as follows: , weignt. I'nce 1 cow o 3 steers '"' 22 steers' l'r 1 bull 1"" KX hoes it:, steers', a ...lUCi 2 calves l'-- 4 steers 24 steer, ' --. .leers . .,, 1SIU o. 12 steers .......... a. ...... a - 12.13 rrrrrmi"ai.. -aioo ....... ....... I40 123 ' 320 " 327 .1.10 4...0 4.90 5. .10 .3() 4.43 3.00 4.2.1 4.M 14 cows 1 bull 72 hogs 4.1 hogs 1 hog 4 .hops The range of prices at the yards waa as follows: C.la Chnlc. steers .5'8$7.00 7.00 rS.Ol) 4.7.1 8 3o 8.30 7.10 7.50 Good steers Medium steers ... Choice cows Good cows .....a Medium cows Choice calves . Good heavy calves Bulls - 8tags Hogs Light Heavy Sheep -Yearlings Wethers ......... EWeS .........laa Lambs Spring lambs t).25S S.40 4.00'o) (.25 S.laOis 8.00 f OOii 5 50 4.60 5.00 . g.r.0'u 8.75 6.00 's 4.50 4.25 1 4.7a i. S.00 . f.OO g.40 f.SUtf 7.54 , s.5or .o 4.S.1 ir 5.4, 4 50tli 4.85 , 4.&0ir 4.45 .oot 10.00 Bid. Asked. 11.1 115 9.1 95 120S 12" . ... 9 S 90S 14 14 9 91 , ....ion ll's .. . 9.1 95 '4 ' 4s 94 S . .. 92 ' 92 S .... D 9S ... S7 KH ,...101 101 s 1"1 .... 94 ! ...94 .f .... WIS' Wi .... 94 1WS .... 94 94 ... Si ...77 77 S "... 97 B7S ... S'i SSS ... 97 !. "-. M'S .... K2 l.'tS ..alSS S4S ... 93 93 ... 91 92 .... 99 99 SS .... 74 74 ... S4 87 ,s.. 52 52 .... 94 94 . . . 99 99 . .. . 99 99 ...111 111S ... 94 94 .. .. 99 99 ... 49 -9 ... 94 B4 9.1 93 ...100 loo ss ...97 91 ...103 lots ... 95 93 ... 91 93 ... 7 79 74 794 loo im in.3 104 ... 90 "7 ...102 in-". ...l'", H'l l 11 ...n2 103 ...1"2 ...114 114 ...114 113 ...44', 47 S ... 71 72 ... 41 'a 61 '4 t Omaha l.lveatork .Market. SOUTH OMAHA. April 9. Cattle Re ceipts ICaOn; market, active, strong to 10c hl"her Native steers. ."..IW8.10 cow. and heifer. $: 4o.hO: Western .teer., $4.5o'ft' 7- Texas steers. 4.25'5..1: cows and heif ers 3 23'50; canners. 2.753.0; stock era" and feeders. 4.25'o 4.75: calves. $l.50& d(,ga Receipts. IS.oOO: market, oc to 10c lower. Heavy. T.6I T.T5: mixed. 7.50' 7 40' light. $7.4'a 7.05; pigs, $4ffi.30; bulk of sales, f7.5oerl.bo. , ' Sheep Receipts. 5300; market, steady. Yearlings. iifo7: wethers, t5.75u6.35; ewes, 5ti; lsmbs. tTtt- at ' rhlcsgo Produce Market. CHICAGO." April 9. Butter Steady; creimeries. 9132c: dairies, 24 J 2Hc. Kggs Steady. Receipts. 25.412. At mark, rases Included. ISc; ordinary firsts, 18S Hie; firsts, 19c Chee.e St.dy. Daisies. 19xlc; twins. 19e: Young Americas, 18- tj 10c; long horns. lfelc. Pngvt Sound Grain Market. SEATTLE, Wlin, April . v. neai ta.ua.- stem 9c; fortvfold. 96c; clirb, 00c; red Rus sian 95c. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, a... 'eata St hav. IS: flour. 4: barley. L. corn, 1. TACOMA. Wash.. April . Wheat Blue stem. 9ctifl: fortyfold. 94c: club. 93c; red Russian. 91. Car receipts Wheat, 10; oats, 3. hav. 14. - I'uinpran taraln MaCVets. LONDON. April 9. Cargoes, steady. Walla Walla for shipment at asa. English country markets, weak; French country markets, holiday. LIVERPOOL, April 9. Close: Wheat Mav. 7s lid; July. 7s 8d; October, ti 4 Weathsr, clear. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. April . Coffee futures closed quiet, net one point lower to two points higher. April. 13.74c: May. 13.84c; June. 10.89c; July. ll.fJc; August, 13.8e; September. 14.02c; October. 13.c; Novem ber. ll.5c: December. U.slc; January. 13.88c; February. 11.8Sc; March, 13.c Spot quiet. No. J Rio, 14 Sc. No. 4 San tos. lSc Mild quiet. Cordova. lt10Se nominal. Raw sugsV steady. Muscovado, 89 test. .74c: centrifugal. test. 4.24c; molasses, 8 test. 1.4c Refined sugar quiet. WOOL TRADE HEAVY Prices Hold at Steady Level in Boston Market. OPERATIONS BY MILLS Pror-peclsf Are fori a Good Season in Heavy -Weight Woolens Ask ing Prices on the Xcw Clip Continue High- BOSTON, April 9. There was a moder ately heavy volume of trading In the wool market last week. Price changes were small. . , Territory wools generally were while domestic fleeces and pulled wools were steady and firm. - Mills are working aiesniiy on ....a.a,. ... ders and a good heavyweight season ap pears to be In prospect. ..,.. Asking prices on tho new clip In the west are comparatively high. California Northern. 5052c; mld'e county, 4SG50C; Southern, .. 4o47c; Fall free, 42 44c. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple. 58c; Eastern clothing. 50c; Valley. No. 1. 47S4Sc. Territory Fine staple. 62S6Hc; fine me dium staple. 5S40c; fine clothing. 5otfr5..c: fine medium clothing. 50j32c; half-blood combing, 57&5c: three-eighth-blood comb nlg, 505"52c; quarter-blood combing, 4o$ sc r- PuIIed Extra, 5537c; fine A, 035oc: A supers, 51&5UaV. Changes In Available Supplies. VKW YORK. April . Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreeta snow tne toiiowing cuaoge. .a. available supplies as compared with pre vious account: Bushels. Wheat. United States, east Rock ies, decreased 1,746,000 United States, west Rockies, de- ereM.erl lfl.OuO Canada, decreased 221. 0" Total, united states ana canaua. . . , i nfirt noil uecreaseu ............... - Afloat for and In Europe, Increased. B,4OO,0u9 total American anu r.uiuiru .aai.- piy increasca a a.aa.w. Corn, United States and Canada. decreased 1,39,1.000 Oats. United States and Canada, in creased 320.000 The leading increases and decreases re ported thin week follow: Decreases. Mani toba, 1,7.11,000 bushels; Minneapolis pri vate elevators, 500,000 bushels: Fort Worth, 93 I.OO bunliels; Portland. Me.. 87.1X0 bushels. Increases. Akron. 50.000 bushels. O rains in Sao Frnncbaro. SN FRANPCO, April U. Spot quota tionsWalla Walla. $1.7.1 j 1.75; red Rus sian. $1.72Srl.73 : Turkey red, 1.7T la2'a.; bluestem. 1.73n1.SO; feed barley, fl.lNi": brewing barley. l.!l.1Ji2; white oats. $1.1. oft 1.92 ; bran, $25.504. 20; middling". $:12:12.50; shorts. $2S..'rfi: April otus. l.b8 bid. fl.!i:l asked; May oats, $1.90 bid, $1.95 asked. Call board sales: Wheat December, 11.67 asked per cen tal: May. 11.75 bid. $K79 asked per cental. Barley December, $1.53',i per cental; May. 11.53 bid. 1.8 asked per cental. Woof at St. Louis. ST. LOl'IS. April 9. Wool Steady. Ter ritory and Western mediums. 14ft ISc; fine mediums. 1317c: fine, in 15c. Sitr. v-J.1 a--. . : fi Jf fci'. sVjjJfcea..... ... i...e .X"-af Vte mi ! i-t:''" III EVERYWHERE" under the seiver est traffic and rlimatio condi tions, by day and by night, BARBER ASPHALT l.i demonstrjetinK Its superiority over all other methods of street paving. iVaN riT-l.V fc K.lfa'-Vf aa.auV rhlrturn Urala Ptatletlca. CHICAOO. April . Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 23J.0O0 bush els. Primary receipts were 2S1.000 (Detroit and Omaha missing). The world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's. 4. II 4. OOP. It's up to Yon to insist on Bituiithic made strictly in accord ance with the Itest tcien tific methods. EFFECTIVE APRIL lat, 1913. STEAMSHIP PRINCE GEORGE Leaivea Seattle, Washington Every Sunday at 12 o'Clock .Midnight for VICTORIA, V.M'COl'VEK AXI PRIXCE RUPERT, B. C. Connex-tlng at Prince Rupert, B. C, with "S. S. PRINCE JOHN," 11 A. M. Wednesday for Port Simpson. Port Nelson. Goose Bay and Stewart, B. C: Thursday, U P. M.. for Naden Harbor and Massett, B. C. Saturday, 1 P. M.. for Refuge Bay, Skldegate and other Queen Charlotte Island points. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY (Mountain Division) Trains leara Prlnca Rupert. B. C, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1:00 P. M. for Vauarsdol (on hundred miles). GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route.) FOUR THROUGH TRAINS DAILY NO EXCESS FARE BETWEEN CHICAGO AND ALL. POINTS EAST. THROUGH PULLMAN STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. j. H. Bursts, General Aseat, Psaaeaser Department, Seattle. Wasbtna'ton, First X Aveaoe aad Yealer Way. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: , . C. AHSWORTB. PleaUeat. 1. W. It'HBHEH, 3asala R. LEA BARKEt, laa-Praal Jeat. a.. M. WBIttDT, AaaUtaat Caaklar. W. A. HOI.T, Aaalataat Sasalesfc LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 v Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains LADD &TILTON B.AN Established 1859. Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Totits .....$1.000,000.i! 800.000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the orld. , . OFFICERS W. M. Ladd. Pmldrnt. Robert S. Howard, Aaat. Cashier. Fdward Cosklsghsm, Vlee-Pres. J. W. Ladd, Aaat. Cashier. YV. H. DuuckJej. Caahler. Wslltr M. Cook, Aat. Caahler. The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1807. Head Office Toronto, Canada. New York 16 Eichs.ee Place. London 3 Lombard Street. Over two hundred other branches In tho United States and Canada. Every care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries and principal cities in United States and Canada bought and sold, and general banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS Fa C. MALPAS, Manager. J. C. WILSON & CO. arocKS. bonus, cbais ajto COTTOl, JliCMlitlW . NEW YORK fWCH. EXCHANOB KtW YOKK COTTON fcXC-liANOa. CHICAGO BUAKU OF TRAUS THE STUCK AIS'O BOND EXClaANCa. " ajAN FKAN CISCO. Main Offlc.! MI1U Bids., Kaa Franrl.oa. Branch Oftlcea Vancouver, Beattla. Portland, Los Angolas, ban uieao. Cat- anado Beach. r i'OH TLANI) OFFICII afaln Floor Lumbermens Bank Bnudlaa, 5th and Mark. . phone. Marshall 410. A '417. TRAVELERS' CTJTDE. Canadian Pacific "EMPRESS OF THE ATLANTIC" AND OTHER STBAMSHIl'S MONTREAL, QUEBEC AMI LI V ER POOL . VIA THE ' SCENIC ROUTE TO EUROPE 1000 MH-KM - ON THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER . AND LESS THAN POUR DATS AT PEA MM 11II.ES FORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE lint Cabin S92.50 and up NH-ond CBbln .-.:.7.- and up One-( laa Cabin (Sd-claas) S0.00 and up -. i..if Iuhu laavreat rates on reanest. Canarton Pacific Office, corner Third and Pino (Multnomah noiei Dias, i-"." and all local aifents. ' HONOLULU $UO I-IRlST-CLAtaS ROUND TRIP. Tha r.i..at 1 1 a? h I f ll I Sl.Ot OH rntire WOfld tour for your vacation. Delightful sea bath ing at tho lamous beach of W'alkikl. The splendid S fci. Sierra (10.000 tons displace ment) makes the round trip In 17 days. One can visit on a side trip the living volcano of Kilauea, which is tremendously acnv, and see for himself the process of world creation. No other trip compares with this ana aHa marv.lnll, nnri Wonderful in nature. Visit the i.lands now. while you can do It so easllv and quickly, and wnue tne volcano is active. Prompt attention to telegrams for berths. Pallimrs April 20. May li and June 1. OCEANIC . S. CO.. 673 Market ritreet. Ban Francisco. San Francisco Los Angelei and San Diego Direct 6. S. Eoanoke and S. S. Elder tail Everv Wednesdnr Altematelr at r. M. NORTH PACITI0 S. S. 00, ISt X hirst ravanaa Mala Isla, A UX(s CLARK PARTIES The name Identifies the char acter of the tours. Westward, Aug. 31, Sept. 14, Eastward. Oct. 2'l, Nov. 16, Jan. 4. 12200 to 200. Mem bership limit of 11 persons. Ask for programme. C. W. Stinger. 254 Washington St., Portland Oregtin. Frank C. Clark. Times bids:.. N. V. Round the World NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FKiiiGHT SERVICE. Low Katea. Sen-alula Time. AMERICAN -HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. S15 Railway ExchanRa Bids, Portland. On, Main 8378. EUROPE Seventy Spring and Summer tours, comprising; Tours de Luxe and Motor car Tours, and also Vacation Tours at Popular Prices. Frequent sailings. All routes, including; Alediterranean. Programme, of Tours de Luxe Around the World now ready. TIIOS. COOK .& SON. 6b9 Market Ma San r'r.ori.r- TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Largest S.S. Co. AMERICAN in the World 1.210.00 TONS S. 3. CINCINNATI April 20, 11 A. M. Atlantic Service LONDON-PARIS-HAMBCRQ Cincinnati April !0. 11 A. M. I'retoria -May 4, 12 noon Pres. Lincoln.. April J.. 1 P.M. Kais'n Aug. Vic...-April .l. " A.M. .Will call nt Bnnlogne. MFniTFRRANEAN GIBRALTAR, AIX1IERS. NAPLES., S. S. MOI.TKk". ...April IR. 10 AM ?S. 8. 1LJHBURG... May 15 9 AM tMoltke May 28. 10 A. Jl. Will. Not Call at Algiers. CRUISES The Hamburg-American Line orig inated Ocean Cruising 23 years ago) a a- a V L4f W TTf W. AROUND THE WORLD OPTIONAL I 14 DAYS IN JAPAN t6H XI DAYS IN INDIA Not 12 1012 J Feb. t, 1BU From New York f From San Fr'isco ' VICTORIA LUISE (1t9on DURATION EACH CRUISER COST tncludlng all necessary expenses aboard and ashore, railway, hotel, shore excursions, carriages, guides, f.-e.. etc. SUMMER CRUISES To the Land of the Midnight Sun F;eht delightful cruises during June, Joly and August, from Hamburg To Norway. North Cape, Spitsber gen Iceland, etc. Duration 14 to 26 days. Cost, $2.50 and np. Splendid service, large steamships Victoria luise,- "KROnprin- rKPSIN CECILE" and "METEOR" Write for booklet of any crulss. Hamburg-American Line - a. a, e CeT SrttnplOA C IHn KDWCII D'-i fan . w , O . w R. N. Co.. Nor. Pacific, D. R. Q-. Burlington Route. Mil waukee A Pus-et Sound R. R.. t. Dickson. C. P. T. A. Great. Northern Ry Co. Dorsey B. Smith, 89 5th I., foniaiiu, vy Copyrleht. luli COOS BAY LINE BTEAJIER BREAKWATER. Sails from Ainsworth Dock. Portland. 6 A. M. .every Wednesday. Freight received at Alnswtbrth Dock- daily up to 6 P. M. Pas senger fare, first-claas, $10; second-class, $7.00. Including meals and berth. Ticket of fice Ainsworth Dock. Phones Main 3UU0. A Sa32. EXI'REKS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles 1 WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. S- Bear f-ails at A. M. April U. SAN FKANCIMt'O A PORTLAND S. S. CO, Ticket Offiae 143 Third St-eet. i'hones ilaixi 269a. A UOi. i