18 TITE MORNING OREGOMAX, WEDNESDAY. APRITj 10, 1912. INC1DESCT. Ooe of Mar QUicm Secretary Eanplo xnsot XXptftaNL T. U. C A. Teung nan. ttrRgtr, out of wort (42 t itnj ra! ast If I pay you $4 for pedal emp.eyment mmbnhlp.' I HI only 4l )lt biMa roe and star- 't:n. eerary If yww pay for specks! rcp7m'nt membership. yo will nss th T. M C. A . Kh Its resources, be tween you and starvetton. Rult: YooDtf man Joined asetst1e. 1 !- thaa a woo bo bed satisfactory tmploymtot. Ftecatdi ffr tA HMthi din Fefc. r ; for mea ?! Positions f i-14 Employment membership guerestee tnsmor Mcart mp:oytr.tnt or refund of memrhip f: gives ti rooeths full metr.bershlp privt)ta 1A mon'ba sea4 pri-Urg and undertake to keep party mlyvf 4unng tbo full term of nm erMp without further chsra. TV bar roeittnl decaaaa fs- hlsw --!. xpr1-d mem. Art r fitted for a better position T fe secretary employment drartead T. V. C A 'AN TKO-KmI estate ft mis and saleetnea sl lts in Co4)(4tlm iHnllh Colum " industrial aub-ctty of VHfouftr. I'uttry of Cht-aro. Seattl. tener. t I-mj(. of. rtpa:inc li!f her. meil f rturo being mad by tnve-rora Ortt f-fwan fr lot. To bo PartAc operating t-em'nus for i ansdtan F-cinc Fall ay. '"iSt rail - firporlloa la A r erica. hf.-h win -pnd tT wo la ItrminHt. t-.f-,. harti. rar fact on -a. etr. Dosna f fftfit r'-ing to Coqnitlam. fle r great raila building Into Ceqult 'am Two ee,-ri- power rmonlee at oe. itun lr-d-thousaaddoilar round - n but Ming Wo own lino low luMinnn tivcr -?."" rhnlfl cioe-i property. F av selling Esciuslv torrt lr- and llb-ral rm mi'n to rlht raa. -fratvo lltrtt'ir. Wnto at on-o for full particulars and t srtuto oalo la o.ir d'trl Charli A Hodio A Co. td ai4 Pcndor atroot Wui, Vaacoavor. n. r. WALL rAINTERfl Ar want! by the Thomas Cua-k Com pany. Ad-lrea F.oad Department. THOMAS Ct ?ACK COMTANT, lth and Throop sta. l b.csgo. IITtno;. SALESMAN TO SELL ATTRACTIVE LINES rt.OM MANt TACTt RERS TO THE DRT OOOrw." MILLINERY AND DEPART MENT f TC RES. ON COMMISSION BASIS. ROOM 411 RuTHClUI.n BLDG. TOtT raa arn tTM wek and up at ateedf emp'eymant s-Hmg aureery stock : aome esc: Ua t territory now open; esperlaaco net neceaoary; time la money: ao nt de .ay. out wrtr at omce for prtlculaxa AT a. wrgoaua. W 4NTED Traaiing leaman to sell to 'e trad on cornmMston a w all-eatablisbod l o of proprietary madlclnea long and fa tabr known and of excellent reputation. elesman must have well-established rote; sood r ere ranees required. Addrssa Med tcine. car of thla papar. WANTED Man with family, familiar wth frra work, to take up realdenee on lswge rrniri and take interest in insll place rrmanent poattton. with $2 Crl wages t sfart: .Vh scquirrs poaseaan on home pre; balance can be p-a id for from part r A r. . Ct f gontan. WANTED n gwvd mill and yardmen for large mill; wagea t2 7 mutt up: fnre paid See fl. W. Tbomw at ;rand t'entral Ho tel, between 9 A- M- and 1 P. M. today a riRI'iHT, energetic- a.ngle young man about -1 for general office work . gonij peutnan oi some experience; address, stating age, references, rxpencnte. etc.. B" AP n.7, tLregn an. w . rr.i f ainter rr iob. -rin hruar. Intei-lor and exterl.r ; must take pari py in near t-room bouxe arxl m9x14 Int: price it:o: 3 1, bi.k- off Rose City rare: canine. 419 l orhett r10g MAI.r aiengraprier of goJ appearan e.mftdeni iai ad traveling pceti ion . mi; present first -class rallrimd r-ee.tentiala as character and ai-IIItj. At Vm. cre rlan. W A NTfD Ry w hoi 'si !e prluce hru. ynung man I to 1 years of ae for f "e ork. nit he willing -t work and re ii with parents: no experience necea ry. A L w-O. tregn(n. ENFr RlENt El special em!on advertlnlng sohcitora. l'arnfat lue, rehgioua magajine. omm taalnn : ep-r1eiired men e.r v. rincllt tine press. Madtson st. Main .V.-.X kit-: R own rx ei inn at Sb t $i.v each on eav na.un'nta In faaleyt-grow Ing t"w n In reg..n ; libera) r"mrnls.tnii ; ex -c ijs-re territory to hust.'-rs. Sherman Wn tini-r Hrr poi. (irr pn WANTED Yoing mn. 14 to for of flew ork. w!ti Iarv-e commereial house; mut he able to operate t;ertter; excellent W.NTFI An energetic jruun; man. m--rhanT ;ry Inclined, to learn to repair caah reiatra. Apt'" 'n p-rsou to Ui4 iturnslde rrT-r Ktghrh. r A IIMAAi;KII wanted for wei-ath- lehed ft ' m In the city; bs aalary easi'V 'n'je if a, g d closer; anawer quirk. AK (frfor ta n. SALESMEN. L(KK. I want threo liw aaleatnen. beat s!ltng ar-eat ori market. rr terms. Call be -t-en -y. 4i pehnke. Walker bldg A fir I.I A HUE firm requlrea the servicea of a few live w Irea who ran prndnce reauTts, Arpl 9 to 12 a. 4H Mohawk bldg- Sd '! Morrt"cn. AN od-llne fe insurance has eseluslv tr ritorv open for eon tract In Oregon. Wash irton: exceptional opportunity for men or iM'ifv. Addrea I. Cregonian. U A NT ED Roa between M and 2 A years "f sge. with bieyclea. h-ltnful outside w ork ; good chance for advancement. In-n-n-e lr. Pay. 7d 3d s. W iNTKD Hlgh-claaa salesman, fe Rurton. 4 J 2 Yeon bldg. Ask for HELP W4NTEP FEM LK. I.Ilr: iallor wanted, experien.-ed. for new ei'l old work. J. Da via, Washington. W A NT ED Elaer.y woman to help with honeework for room and board ; food home for rlcht party. Marshall 444. KXri:niFVCED girl for general houeew-ork": - fsmiiy of apply before 1. o Marshall si., near 51st. Cch.K. IV; wattreaa. janltresses. seam. r ea. Howe a Ladies Agency, 33- U ;if.L. for general housework. ! at. 0. Lov a- Uf'M N of strong personalltr. refinement Bid energy who wants a good-paying po sition. A L 950. Oregon lan. CTMPstTENT girt wanted for general house'. otk; fKd wares; no a ashing. -464 10th . nar Ja"kon. t.IRL wanted for light houxework in family e t hree- reference required. Apply A. iiwtn . 711 Hovt. near gd. kAMCD Keflned. capable woman for re sponsible position. VIstI Co.. ao Rok ht d bldg.. 4th and Washington. W . N T contralto and sopranoa fall afier 2 evening aftr a, room 21. TUford bldg. WA NT ED A girl for general housework. ApP-y WVI Hsneoek St.. Irvington. r NT EI A htj'e nrk. 1 run girl to asxist In light ni ivn sr. N. N! RsE girl ho will assist with work. d Everett st. WANTED Experienced seamstress as help, er in dre? mak Ing a hop 421 Broadway. W A NTED Neat, reliable housework ; family S. E. girl for lrt-7. I Rl. for general house, work. 1 ear 22d. 729 Hot. - I E N 1 R A P E R . living w Hh parer.ta. rv W f?. Oregonlan. W A NTED N'eat. pleasant and experience fatraa ity Ha'I Delicate ie-i. 27.1 h. W A N T T Teachera for mleaton school. Ap 2" ' 1 Second St.. 7 O'clock P. M. WOMAN, plain rook, for smslt luncil coun ter. , t'ply T Eal Morrlaon. I I.-TMAKERS and finlaher. only experi ence atria to learn. 4 forriaon st. GiFxL for general housework; smail fannl; c d wagra TU'amook st. W N T EI Housekeeper. Call at 1 1 7 Has tScrn t forenoon s or after 5 o'clock. VNTED Young girl fr lew cream parlor pn1 poolroom. 27- Fertt at. v NT r'-D om-eteiit woman !ouae m ork. Phone A 2" 1 7. for general WANTED Girl for general houaework p. a in teokinf. Appy 2-i I2;h st. rrT. for housework and assist with cblld. Pbone East HCir WNTKI VFMAIIL WAKT1U TOUNO LAD1U FOR TKUsV PHONE OPKAATTNa WITH OB WITH OUT EXPERIXXCK. AFPLT TBS FA C1P1C TBXXPHONS TftXCORAFfl CO. BAST t7B AKO AKKKKT TsV WANTED TOD AT. 3 restaurant rook. $7 and 91 P' ft waitrrvara, ?- prr month; Ranch cook. -'. lronTB, f.2 pr month and Pf day : Taundrrs. $ ,. Kitchen helper. per week. .NufM- arin. . tilria fnr i-nersl houfvork. Ii to $30; chain LrmatUa, 1-0 to f J3. TACIFIC EMPLOYMENT '-.. Lndla tept. Momaon. WANTED ilrl to ait In icjierl houe eork. small famH. pleaant home. cod !MshhorhKKi on poriland Heluhts: a mill Ins; sirl nn nnd a ool plae prrmanent- ; mum $T e:kl. or by the month, as prprred. Call Marshall !. or iske Cortland Height car. get ufT at t-prinj t.. inquire at drugstore on corner. WANTED Ftrst-clao stenographer who la eiprrt on L. C. rtmith typewriter; aaisry pr month, hours from ;U0 to " "'; permanent poaltlon; plaa- do not apply if not thoroughly competent: rie tele phone number. AD tWJ. oregonlan. WANTED Several young ladies ew-en the aaea of 19 and 2 (or permanent post tlona. Appl the p. T. at T. Co.. 374 Aider st.. or ld East Ankcny at. , ACTING Near York School: boa and gir.s 4 to 14 years od: aiso young men and w omn for theatrical work. Call today Suit MO Ellers bide- WANT El FxMricncn niilllnery palelaly for oiit-of-Ii)nn iolfton. Annlv irad Mit Pros.. Ro bids.. Morrison and 7th st s. WOMAN to ana. at me with housework and cre of children : plea want home for .woman of rood d:spslt?on and willing; references. AF "d. Oregonian. YOl'NtJ lady of good appearance and busi ness anility to do a special line of work for a large corporation; nalar) Apply after A. M . T Selling bldg. HOlSERTEPEKS. rooks, wsltrcases, second gtrla. thansbermatfia. nurses. St. l-ouis Agency. y:.:i3 Alder Main o.i. A 4. X'OING aoman with some buiness experi ence to copv natnea; aalary $'J.": give tel eptmne number. AM p.W. Oregontan. MHH. HOWE'S A.AD1EH AOENCl. Washington bldg.. 4tr and Waaa. sta Main (S3d or A HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCT. $4 Washington st-. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 22. GIRI (or seneral housework; good home to r.sht party. Applv in the morning be tween and 3.11 College. WANTED titrl to a?tst In light houoe work and take care of children. Sell woo! 40 . WANTED Mid die-aged woman with houaework: refereficts. w Mri S- 1 1 woo I I'.'l "v. to assist reasonable WANTED Cum intent girl for general liouaework. family rf adults. Telephone Msrahall -t4 or call 77s Northrup rU WANTED Alteration hand experienced cloaks and suits. Apply v.ale (jutDtting "o.. 4: Waahtngton at. M 1 I.I.I N EK Y sa!ea oman ; m u-t be I hor oiitfhly experienced and compeTenr. Apply before rtoon at the i'rwn. Morriaoii, Jl l L.LIN KK'S apprentice, good opportunity fr bright girl lo advance. Fralry'a. 14 :id st. W.ITIrt wanted at Burnside st. nCIT WANTFD MALI OR FT-MA LB. SI ENO;it APHLR. with at leaat five years' experience; tnachlnery lic-u e experience preferred: state aalarr deal red lady or man. must live at Oregon "it r. w nere coat of living is lea than In Portland; give reference. Add rets Box C, Lire goo ity. or. M'MRKR oung men are w an tod bv ratl roada In ilegraph and elation servlc; jMttion psytng f 7 A to per month. V.r particulars call or address Telegraph Dept.. Common ealth blda-. oth and An kene srs. THE HOME RrM'K KFKrlN' AND IN STRUCTION COMPANY. ."-iV-'-ll Swetland bldg.. wants main or female representa tieea in every (own. W rite for partic ulars. OLIIT printing, long or abort .ioura; -om mission ; coats nothing to try. lde Printing t o., MnliMm. opposite riasa. HELP HANTI.I) MIMCELL ANF.OCS- M EN WANTED Age 1 to i; lo prepare for firemen or brakernen. nearby rall roada o to $10f monthly. Experience un necessary: no strike, promotion engineer or conductor. to S2oe monthly; good life careers, stata sge; send stamp. Rail way Aaeoclatton. B' , Oregonlaa, HUS and woroea to leara the oarbor trade la eight weeks; special Inducements; per reitaxs paid while learning; tools freef expert Instructors; 17 year la the busl peaa; I" schools ; a lifetime memoorebio tlva to oacn etudenL Molar Barber Coi ga fc N. rourth sl. Portland. Or. M K.v anil bo v a to I arn automobile rf pair ing, driving Tn up-to-dato cars: elctrTca!, riU engineering. aurvelng; met hod moat pr.ctlrai; room and bard while Irarnini; jHitiors a cured: stia(actlon guaranteed. ca'Alogu fiee .National School of Engine-ring. 21lti W. 7th. I os Angeles. bTENOGR U'HKRi qufrkly drilled and iacd in pisiriona E. B. U. Huslnsas .ciirgr. a. 4 Worceatcr block. Ma rah ail MOVING-PICTURE opeiating. full practical court taught in t neater, tna only way of learning It right, price reasonable; terms. 4v4 Rothchild bldg. It A 1L"V AT mall clerks, prepare now. es- ccllent saJsnwo and promotiona; no lay effs, sure pay: fre book. Call today. Pa c.fic btatas School. McKay bldg.. city. YoU are wanted for Government Job. month, beml postal for list poaitlon a open. Franklin Institute, Dept. oo O. Rochester, N. Y- M1LLINERT ochool and flower making. learn alt la six weka; old bats made over like new. Beautiful trimmed hata Call 0d Good n pug a bldg.. op p. Pootofflco. MAKE re Kna writing ahort etorteo, or for fa pars; big pay; free oooKiex tells bow. nlted Prraa syndicate. San Franclaoo. WANTED Picture play writers; big we'll teach yon. Picture riay tlon. Fan Francisco. ELITE PRIVATE no'SlNEW COI-LEOC cia Hamilton iag. bnortnana. xype wrltlng. bookkeeping, etc Marshall -XMa WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN MOVINO-I'ICTLKB Ul'ERATUS'U, OAK. F1SK TEACHERS ASSOCIATION for schools and fa'-hera. 1 Swetland Mdrf. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TIPS WRITING. S3 mo. 2w 14th st. Main Ssftl. BITCATIONS WASTED-! MA LE Bookkeepers and Cierka. hn CATION wanted by young married man as bookkeeper; R years' experience In banking, real estate and Insurance busi ness; .can give beat of references and fur nish surety bond If necessary; am willing lo start on small salary where them is a haneer advancement and an opportu nity to make good. Address F. T. roall wood. room Id Dreamland Hotel, rtth and Stark sts. WANTED By oung man of wide experi ence aa timekeeper, bookkeeper and com missary clerk on all line of construction work, position at once. AT U.'7. Orego nian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS up books. prepare balances and tale men ta, install sy a tern a GlMJngham. ao d:tor. 411 Iewla bldg. Marshall TlT. WANTED by slngie young man. poaiUcn aa clerk In grocery eiore, one year's experi ence; w ill go anywhere. Address 313 John Adams at.. Oregon City. Or. WANTED Position with reliable firm as collector by young m with family; ref erence Addresa AV It". Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical and competent; linguist; in or out of town. At1d-esx L Oregonlan. YOLNO man wanta poaitlon as cashier In restaurant; stead. AP 92. Oregonlan. M hcel laatewtia. WINTK)W waahlng. houfte cleaning, floors and polished by competent men. frellauod 112g. MAN and wf w lah rooking, camp or com panv boarding-house; beat referencea. M. Burge. 3 1 1 'berry at. Esst 6.'Q. A JAPANESE wants few hours' work s(tsr S P. M. F. N amber, li N. 4th SU KIT0AT1ON9 W AMH SIAIJL MlwelmnMuft. MUNICIPAL FRFE RMPLOIMENT BUREAU, tli Pond St.. Corner Safmoa. Wotnon'a department. I4S Salmon. All claoaea of unaK tiled, aklllext. profoo olonal aod clerical malo and fomalo bolp fiirDiahed on abort aotlco. No feo charsod. Phono Main A . MAN poftaeaalna; ekocutlv ability and Bound buafneaa train Irta; dtatre . Ma-h-claas con netlon with jnanufarturlnc or mercantilo concern; university arraduato with clean cut peraonallty: Eastern and Westtrn rcX erenrea. Address AN 94H. Oreconian. A UKNTI.tMA.V. married, desires pattlon as traveling or Inside aaleainan; has been In t h china. I ai a, croebary and hardwire buslnena yeara with leading houaes Eat and I'aetrtc t'oast; food relerences. AF 1rt. rffonlan. MATLR mechanic m It b i'O ears' experience and technical education desires a chance from preae-it employment; grod erection and construction; fair electrician. J. Q. IWnann. Wallace, Idsho. ' Vyl'.S'i man Uh aome experience In draught lnr and bullrlina denlree position with contractor or construction company; t lx II engineering graduate. AK W. Ore Kpn'sn. YOl'N suan. amgie. with nrsi-cias refer rnrri. deal re a a position as manager of pmall raiuti on shares or salary. I. O. DAIItV lunch worker; a Japanese turns man w ants poaitlon In dairy lunch business; want steady J"h. D P'd. oregonlan. CHAIFFEL'R. mechanic, wanti poaitlon. y - ars' eperiencc, single; rcferencea AL !.".(. Or e g n nls n. JAPANESE man. 1 experienced, wanta fcf hours' work In fami y or hotel. Marshall 1V.3. YOt'MJ ov of 1 waiits to work In P'l- ate family. Address George steluielor, HA N- 5th. SITI'ATION wanted by first-class rhff and 2d cook: we t-an deliver the good a. Cal room .".' Lincoln Hotel. SHOWCARD writer wanta position; Is fx perlenc-d and can give reference, phone t. 1 4i'T. Ho Y of ! would like work In Portland. W A. Garner. MK 07th ave. Southeast, Wood- mere atation. JANITOR porter wantes position; knowa steam and hot air; will work anywhere references. Address AJ t4, tregonlan. TOrNO man, slntle. desires situation on farm near portlsnt-i 1 year's experience. Lock 1 on. 41A Tavior M. FRY COOK, good a--onil on dinner, combl nation man. or would manage small place. E. ICd. Oregonlan. MAN and wife wish cooking contract, cam or boarding-house, not far out. AP 1)3 Oregonlan. W ANTED Work by single man on small farm; sharei or wagea. AG W. Oregonlan. GARDENER, landscape, experienced man wants ateady work. A3 IK 7. Oregon ian. WITVATION W A STKD I EM A LK. UMkkeeDen ia4 f ent.gf-waeew. STENOGRAPHER. willing worker, with some exp rience, seeks position. Phone Marshall 27;. K tADT nookkefv and stenographer. 10ears' experience. dlrca position ; Al local ref erencea. phone East V&l. Nurses. PRIVATE mnternltv home for those desir ing first -clasa care at reaooauio rates. IMd E. Stark st. Tsbor 33tJI. XL RS rZ wishes more engagement, term. r'aaonahle. some house ork; references. Main .wv GOOD, practical nurse; doctor's references charges reasonable. Main .fl"7. HOSPITAL nurse would like any kind of niirstng. Phone Main .v:.vi. H.Terences. MATERNITY nurse w - nts case .tw 111 tio light house ork. Main Iff. Booaek ee pero. LADY with no lncumhrHnce would like po attlon a housekeeper In hotel or rooinlng- hnuan: no. objection to going to ancouver. Wash. : can givs referenco. Phone Tabor p. between f and 11 A. M. or addreaa 2'l I'elano st. . RELIABLE woman, about 4X wishes posi tion as housekerper. good rook, no wash ing. Vhone between 8 and 12 A. . Wood- lawn WANTED, by middle-aged woman, as houa keeper, anti us or old couple. i'noiia Woodlaw-n w NEAT, re lined widow lady deaires situation as hou.eke- per In widower a family. h I onia Agency. 2'-3 Aldr. Main 2n::p WOMAN with ft-months-oi. child houaework. Phona A 742i. Doroeatlew. COMPETENT woman wanta genersl house work, good rook. AM P31, Oregonlan. NORWEGIAN k'irl" desire cooking and sec ond work; family. Main zo:il. A 4iT.v. FO-i TIoN w anted by experienced Fwediah girl : housework. A R P4 7. oregonlan. MIsreLu-neooa. . COMPETENT young woman deaires position ex a nurse girl wit h family deatring ttietr children to have proper and careful atten tion W'eat side pref.-rred ; w ages reason-shl--. AI Oregonlan. LADY wants work by the hour from 9 to 12 A- M. and 1 to 4 P. M.. keeping small apartments In order, mending or any light w ork. w Ithlr short distance of E. lith and Ankeny. A- 2. Oregonlan. LA'E t'l'RTAINS laundered; aash. 1-; cur tains. 2"c up, contracts with hotela and apartments. iy experts. Call for and de livered, phone. THbor 317. WOULD I ke to get work In a Christian fimlly, more for home than waget. 2.2 Vs lt st.. rom 4. W A NT place to stork for room and board, private family, asaist with housework or are of children. Phone Main 3H. E N PE itlFNCKD girl wanta light housework; Weaf Side preferred; wages. $20. AG VG2, Oregonlan. tAPAHLE wntnstl desires situation, rooking, paatrv. boardtng-ltoue. Main 20.10. A 477i. Fl li'T-CLA.S ironing In families by the dev. Main Mlsa Ath'Tton. LAT" wanta day work of any kind, or sew 1 11 g. Call mornings. Ma lit 41H. room 6. tiTRONG woman w anta housecleanfng, 25c per hour. Telephone Main 7W.V KKUIARLK woman wants work Wednesday and Thursday, phone A sr.H. CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry. Wood lawn 2M4. No mangling. WANTED AG EXT. AGENTS JS a week for 3 hours work a day selling wonderful new household ne cessity ; new selling plan, with free ad vertising does it. Colletto Mfg. Co.. box 43. Amsterdam. N. T. AGENTS wanted. Ask for Degue. Call at 353 Morrison. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. FX RNlsHED or unfurnished house; mut have 4 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms and strlct 1v modem; would lease from May 1. Phono Marshall 4243, or call 603 Dekunx Mdg. YOUNG couple want f urnlshaed bungalow or small house, June 1: state rent desired or purchase price and location.. O 93. Oregonlan. FIVE or d-room furnished bungalow, near carllne. East Side, young couple, no chil dren ; best of references. AN aWe. Ore gonlan. WANT little five-room bungalow. Answer by mail. Reen 601 Harrison St.. room 1. Rent must he reasonable. WANTED Well furnished house on West side, a or rooms; desirable couple; no children ; references. Phone A 43!. A ROUT S rooms. Wst Side, respectable lo ralltv; rent about o W P64. Oregonlan. A pari men (a. HOI'PKK EEPI NG - ROOM and kitchenette; hath, electric If ghia : close in ; must be clean. AP f62. Oregonlan. Bourns With Board. VOl NG man w ants first-class hoard and room.. Pouth Portland or Fulton. W &. Oregonlan. WOULD I'ke to get In communication with farm that will take lady boarder. AB J4, Oregonian. FOR KENT. t-'uralhhrd Rooms. THE LINDELL. Large pleaaant front rootna. easy walk ing dletance, a.11 home convanlences, $2. . to 4 per week. 32a 4th at. Main 55L TWO nicely furnished rooms, moderate price. 4.4.3 Taylor st.. near 12th. BOATHOl'fE. furnished voom ; launch; ca noe; ront reasonable. Phone Woodl'n 1734. 1 NORTH 17TH, nicely furnfahed rooms, modern conveniences. f2.5o pcr week. FURNISHED rooms. .Mh and Tarn hill. 4th floor Goodnough bldg ; reaaonable rate. GOOD, clean, light rooms, rent reasonable, at 321 West Park. yjCK clen aleeping rooms. reasonable. Delmnicn Hotel. 32 ' E. Clay. TIIE FlxjA R, corner 14th and Wshhlngton Newly furnished rooms, reasonable. FOR RENT. Furnished jWon Now Open. 112 Rooms. Now Open. HOTEL BTROnT" HOTEL CAPLEa, fcevanth and Taylor bta. Reoldentiai and transient; absolutely central; two mlnutea from Foatofflco, stores, theaters or.d restaurants; Just off business si reels aftd car Unas: oulctcst and best location; handsome brick. ample ateam heat, hot running; water and phones In every room, suites and private hatha, elevator. Reputable and comfortable. From & Ac daily. I wsekl. Any ear from defoia. THE SARC.ENT HOTEL Grand and Hawthorne Avenues. For rent, the ftnest corner, parlor, bed room and bath suite In the city, large noma.. lteiiifuMv furnlahed. nine win dow, fine view of all the mountains. Also J aome single rooiua. elex;stor service, tele- j pnone, not ana coia water, ecinc ia."t. and steam heat; moderate prices for de suable ten ant a. Kiaht streetcar lines Dr I nr building. If ou are looking for permanent, home-like quarters, oe aura and lr.fluci't the Screen t before locating. . Excellent restaurant In connection with hotel. Telephone East 201. J. II. CLARK. PROPRIETOR. ANGELA HOTEL, ? Washington St. Under Snvr Manaacment. Large lobby, finiahed in mahogany, til and marble; ladles parlor with e4esan ftrcplai-w; free telephone service in rooms, all night and. day. electric elevator, steam neat, iiot and cold water tn an room a, manv with bath. A residential hotel abov reproach, where every effort is made for the comfort and convenience ot Ita guests cents tli inuat rieunable In the city rooms by the daivjietk or month. Look this over before locating. Take W at depot, get off at 19th and Washington. NOW OPENI NOrV OPEN I NOW OPEN Tboaa three beautifully furnished boteis HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOKL PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 213U 4th st. 211W eth SL 2074 eth sl On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to Halraon at.; brand-new brick : elegantly furnished, ateam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to data in all res Dec ts. aud at nopuiar prices. If you want something out of tbo oral nary, in me bear, of tne city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, aa ws know ou will like it- Rooms by the day, week or moot a. Tourist trade soiiciteo. HOTEL SAVON. 121 Eleventh Street New. modern brick building: steam boated, private hatha, hot and cold water in room a; beautifully rumisnea. cosy, corn f orteble. rent reasonable. call and aax . Regular and transient trade aoUaUsd. (iHAND UNION HOTEL 3b7Va East Burnslda Live on the East bide and save money on your room real; we have 12V modern rooms, special price on rooms and suites wun onvate nam; raies &uo 10 per aay 2 to 17 per week. Ea : t B 127 A. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 0.".2'., Washlngiou st; under new munuKcmni; new brick building, w ell furnished and comfortable steam heat, hot aud cold water, free tele p h u nt. In rooms, private baths; rates l: pc week and up; permanent and transien solicited. Phone Main ;;l. SUMMIT HOTEL. 147 l-"th st., bet. Morrtfon and Alder; a clean, ouiet, homelike place; large, airy neatly furnished rooms; hot and cold water, bath, ateam heat; 7c per day up per week HOTEL LA fciALL. lUtn and Bun is Ida sis. Absolutely firaproftf; new and elegantly furnished rooms; privata pains, sis beat, bot and cold water, private pbonsa in eacb room; special rates py tne mom a pbone service frea Phone Marshall 4a0v HOTEL REN WICK An ideal borne for bast pass people; centrally located; elegant rooms; ail modern conveniences; 7 in and Taylor sis., 1 block irom Portland Hoiai. etpe-jte using 1 neater, mono uaia Hi RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 otitoide rooms, with hoi and cold Avatar and stea-a neat; oflera special rates for permanent guests; rates Uoq to iA a day; (XM aad up par weca. fpont mho Mil VAN GORDrt HOTttLs 0s H Twelith bi. Marshall 27o. In heart of business diatrict; steam beat, bot and co La water, free phone in evsxS room Uay and upi H week and up. HO'l EL GARLAND, 25 Trinity Place, cor. Washington; new brick. steara-neated building-, prtvatts telephones strictly mod ern; rates, f.t..0 weea up; permanent aad ttansient soiicitea. CALUMET hOT-U 1-0 Park sU. fu 100ms. bot and oold water, steam beau elevator and ail tuodorn conveniencea, ii per laonio aou up; .ui aia coouortA.it LARGE, elegantly furnished front room, 15; one J; one 2, Alder Grand, 121 j urauu llol EL NOKRIS. modern conenlences. f :t ft to 'i weeK. iw 17th. -viuer, corner BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in stea heated a pan mem; , warning distance. rnone 11 sin s-rw. THE LANDORE. 2 lOth. a lara-e. u-eil furnished room, light and clean, hot, cold w a 1 er ; shim 11 rma. rcanonuoie. BOTE I CONGRESS now open, handsomely furnished, modern conveniences. 2 blocks irom i". kj. un ana jinm. M KM furnisMea iront room,- also attla room. 67 Trinity place, between itU and s-aralshed Kooma In Prlvac J-amJly. TO gentlemen; nli ely furnished front room with porch, hot water heat, fine bath hot and cold water. 3 adults in family no other roomers, rhono A 4.'5 In A. M and after 0 P. M. or vail 25Vs Mont-g-unery at. CLE A N, nicely furnished rooms, furnace heat, electric lights, bath, phon'N all homo comforts, use of plauo. reasonable. VI North lth. 1ELIGHTKUL room on West Side; every modern convenience; central, quiet, pleas ant surroundings; reasonable. l:;th st. Phone Msrahall 1P7S. VEKV desiral-le. larye. brfjrht hnusekecping- room and kttt heu t te ; ouiet. pleasant aur roundfiiKs; rentraltv located. 2tu Jolh sL Phone Mnrshull 4!7&. TWO rooms, alcove, gas range, sinks, bath; riiHAhiA ladles or young marrtcu couple. 12i N. a.".d. Phone A ,:74. N V W 0 nel y turn Is h ed f ront rooms. $2 to .t.M week; modern: choice location. Also housekeeping apartment. 175 E. 2:ld. TWO lovely furnlnhed connecting front rooms; very ieaonuule; lor two. Marshall 372. 76fiV- Irin sl. FINE room, bis as bed. f." per week ; hot water heat, bath, phone. JO mlnutea wuik. to post of nee. 414 Market. TWO nicely furnished rooms; private fam ily: steam neat, gas, pnone, electricity. East tflOO. LARGE, sunny front room, nicely furnished. In modern home, private family; close in; references; 27 F-ast 1 Sth at. North. COMFORTABLE room. modern. w alklng 308 4 College st.. distance. 97 monui. Flat A. LARGE front room, with sleeping porch ; uvery convenience; private home. tfb4 College st. NICELY furnished rooms, from 2.. weekly. Fhone, eaay warning aistance. tKd Washington. FRONT room. one or two gentlemen; ail low rent. 4V2 5th. convenivnces; ROOM.S with privnteporch. modern conven iences, board optional. niri. PLEASANT front room, use of piano, walk ing distance, ai ivin. PLEASANT room in private family; phone and bath. 469 E. Ash. FURNISHED rooms, close In, modern. 2 E. 7th N. - BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, one-half Mock from business district. . 12S Hth at. HANDPOMELT furnished H. K. rooms; also single room. Phone Marshall 4t7. 2...h WEEK Nice, sunny room, 10 m. walk from Postnfflce. 3li h st. MODERN newly furnished room, 2 closets. 41" Park at. PLEASANT front room, use of piano, waik Ing distance. :oT 10th. FRONT alcove room: modern. Nob Hill; walking distance. Call M. 2428. Awoms With Board NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. THE PARK VIEW, Corner West Park and Montgomery. Strictly hlgh-claaa family boarding bouse, everything brand new and up to date, all high-class furnishings. ateam beat, bot and cold running water tn every room, private baths, beautiful large sunny rooms and the view ia unsurpassed, right en the Park, nice large veranda, lovely dining-room, strictly a homelike place at popular prices ; give us a cail and see for yourself. Main VERY desirable rooms, with, hot and cola running water, bath and shower adjoin ing, with sleeping porch, home cooking. 3 minutes' walk to car and 10 minutes walk to AVah. st. 725 Prospect Drive, Portland Height. M 1057. DOES a boms appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 4th and Madison; large room a bath, broad eranda. quiet, close In. neat ear, 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. THE LAMBERSON. 504 Couch st very de sirable outside rooms, steam heat, ruo rmg water, good board, close In. ROOM and board. Caaa Koea, SuO Jefferson St.. cor. 5 th. FOR RE NX. Rooms With Board. MANaTOU. 261 18TH SJ. Attractive, clean rooms, steam heat, good board, close In. reasonable, PO RT LAN D WOMEN S UN ION. -3d year. Hoon.a with board, uti of sewing-i ooin, 11 brary. 610 Flanders. Mrs. K. N. Wilson, supt THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board; running water, steam heat. 3d st. Boom, Wltlr Board. In Private Family. LARGE fiont room, two closets and single bed. best of board, suitable for two busi ness men. In strictly modern home, walk ing distance. West Side, no objection to t young ladles employed. Mai shall 807. PLEASANT front roonm for two; '- cacJ-cl-an, new-, modern house, ideal home. eS 17th. near Everett. LARGE suit of rooms, private bath, also other rooms, excellent board, -v- Ml. A T.it. s 3H2 SALMON ST. Rooms with rood board, home comforts; 4 blocks from Postofiice. Main 21-5. . PLEN DJ D looms, with board: best loca tion; strictly modern ; furnace heaL 340 Ilas&alo. KAT FIERI XK APARTM EA Trf Cheapest 3 room apartments in 1 ho city ; ntw and modern. See them. Marshall 2-503. VERY plfAtant. large-, well furnialicd room, with berd; modern conveniences; walking distance; bopt home cooking. Main .;2K PLEASANT room for ludjes or gt-ntlemen employed; lrenkfast and illnnr if desired; Nob If 1 1 1 district. 706 Flanders. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite; excel lent board. e' Glts.in. CHOICE location, pleasant horn, private family, breakfast and dinner. Mar. SiKld. ROOMS, with board, private, modem con veniences, reasonable. Sell. 1729. ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent board, porches and grounds. Main 2071. FURNIMITCD rooms and "board. 5l0 East Oak, corner loth. E. 552. Apartment a. THE IIOUSMAN APARTMENTS. 730 Hoyt st. Elegantly furnished 3-room corner apartment, with sleeping porch; surrounded by lawn and flowers, all bright outside rooms; also very desirable 2-room apartment. Daintily served meals can be arranKd for Just across the street. Ref erences. THE HARRTMAN. New. modern, close-in apartments, free tlephonc, heat, two wa 11 b;ds in each aparttn. nt, 3 and 4 rooms. $35 and up; by renting now you not the advantage of the Summer rate thi oughout the year. C'ity Department. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main 6Stf. 14d Pth St. A 2t;7. THxS VILLA ST. CLARA. 12tb and Taylor. Jtt completed, most maEnlflcently fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banqust ball and roof garden; both phones In all apartments-, high-class service; references required Mh.u 2276 and A 7057. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison at; new brick building, completely ftrst-ela-S furnished In 2, 8 and 4-room family apart menta; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner, janitor service; rent per month. $20. 430. S40 and up; must be seen to be appre- elated. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and I pshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments, 415, $ I S. 20 and up. This includes sieaifi heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free ; also 3 -room unfurnished apartments, with private balh. 418; 4 rooms. $2. Tiik i. 23d or W ears north. Phone Main 8o9. FORDIIAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford St.. Just south of Washington: most complete, highest clasa apartment ever built In Portland; finished through out In hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix tures; elegant wall coverings; each with private balcony; highest class service; very reasonable rents; 4 and 6-rooro apartments; most conveniently arranged. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett sC New and elegantly furnished apart ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sieep-ir.g-porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located in one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance. HAKOVjS R FI RE PROOF A PA RTM KNT3. King and Washington sts., now ready. New 6-story reinforced concrete build ing, only fireproof apartment-house in Portland; every possible convenience, elec tric elevator, best of service, private bal conies, easy wa Iking dist ance; 2, 8, and 4-fuoin a par t n 1 e n t s, $ 2 2. 50 up. LUC RET IA 1 OU R T. LucreMa Ft., N.r 23d and Wash. Unlurnihed apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outside; large clouts, hardwood Itoora; under new management, Maithall 1513. Janitor, Mar shall 1MK. . 13 LENA VISTA, . CORNER .V-TH- AND HARRISON. NEW BRICK. 2, 3 and -ruom apartments, furnished or unfurnished ; good service. Apply on premises, to Janitor. Both phones. K EN T U CKY A PA RT M EN t " Nicely furnished 4-room apartments, steam heat, private phone and bath, m-w jind modern, on East Ankeny and Mon ta x ilia ca nines, corner of 2Kth and E. Glisan. Phouc East WS7 or B 14;t2. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 KINO ST. 4. 5, ft-room apartuivais; select teoaacy. Apply on premises. GRAN LEST A furnished apartmenta Grand ave. and Jast biarg; new brick building. rooms, splendidly furnished, with pri vate batn, fi.au; eiectrio elevator; moa- em conveniences; close-la location; ei walking distance; bestof service. CUMDERLA ND APTS., W. Park and Co lumbia sts.. I choice 3-room unfurnished and 1 completely furnished 2-room apt., all modern conveniences, choice location, fronting the park and only 5 minutes' walk fiom buxlness center. fcT. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooms and batn. private balcony, new brick building, electrlo elevator, su perb location-"!! walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and beat of service. THE SUNLIGHT APIS. Nicely furnlfhed rooms, 420; all out side large light airy rooms, private phone and bath, sua range, reirlgerator. water heater, laundry trays, large t-Io.se ts, on carline East Side. E 22!M ; H ;I041. NEW APARTMENT. The Jlarnnian, Id 21th st. V. 1 3 and 4-ioom apartments, all modern two disappearing beds in each ; furnished or unfurnished; every room iignt; pore nee ; rent reasonable. r THE LEONCK. 1J N. 22d, Near Johnson. New modern, brick, just opened, new management. 3-room furnished aptj., all outside rooms, private bath, phone and best of service. up. Marshall 25Ul KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay streets. Splendid location, solid brick building, electric elevator; we have unfurnished J and 4-room suites, with private vestibules, p nones, bath, etc. 6T. CROIX Apartments, St. Clair St.. near waaninaton : z ana s-room aDirtmnnta. with private bath, furnished and unfur- nisnea. aupero location, easy waiKing dis tance, brick building; convenient arrange ment, best of service and very low re n ta HANTHOHN APARTM NTS. 251 12th st, near aiain ; close in location ; elegant room aparimeni wna dliq ana private balcony. - very coavcnience. good service. THE ARCADIA. 706 EVERETT. 2 and 3 rooms modern, nicely furnished apartments, bummer rates. Main t2U0, A 7001. THE MARLBOROUGH. 8-room apartment, choice residence dis trict, walking diftanc, every convenience. 2 1st aud Flanders sts. Main 7016. FOR RENT Newly furnished one, two. threu and four-room apartments, every modern convenience. Phone Marshal 8S23 or call at 41 Jeffeison after 1 o'clock Sunday, all day during week. LINCOLN APTS.. COR 4TH AND LINCOIs. All outside, j-room apartments; iioimeg beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er, lanitor ser'lco; 22.0t to 4:;o. including 'iKhts. private phones. A 3472. Main 1.J77. H ADDON HALL. Cor. Hull and llth Sta 8 and 4-rm. suites. 425 up; beautifully furn-. hardwood floors, private porches, phones, bath. ML Tabor car. Mar. 117L THE DAVENPORT. Newly furnished ;t-room apt.; private bath and phono; reasonable. Main 5430. M)0 Jwfferson. TH E FLORENCE New and absolutely first-class 3 and 4-room furnished apart menta. 433.60 up. 288 llth at Marshall 4 174. . FOR REN?T A choice 2-room apt., fur nished, - new, modern, reasonable. Bux-h Apats. 110 21st at.N. - THE MAHR APARTMENTS. 228 N. 20th at. Nicely furnished aui unfurnished 3 and 4-room apartments. Marshall 2)2h. CLEAN 4 -room upper flat ; will accommo date family of 44, at 4 20. 711 Johnson st. at 2od. ' FOR RENT 4 and 0-room modern apart ments. -01 llth st. FOR HE NT. Apartments. ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison. Now ready for tenants, 2 and 3 room apartments, living rooms 10 2. high anri ?jght!y: well furnished with everything that tjors to make. hlclt-clats apis.; 1 1 1 li or 13ih-s.". car. Phono MarshallbPS. A J721. ALTONTA APARTMENTS. Marshal and lftth. Large, airy 2. 3 and 4-room apart ments; quiet aud exclusive nei3hbof hooU. KOKOMIS APARTMENTS. M ArshaTI. ncor 17th. N'-n-. all 2-room apartments, com pltfly furnished. Including silver and lln.n; 525 and up; enijag- oue now and rent begins April 15. THB WHEEI.DON. Cor. Park and Taylor 1 THIS WHEELDON ANNEX Cor- Tenth and Salmon ats. Walking Distance. Furnished complete. 2, 3 and v 4 -room apartmenta; buildings near and strictly modern; service flrst-claaa WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett Sta. New management; 2. 4 or 5 -room un furnished apartments. The best apart ments In the city for the money; they have all modern convenlencMS, are close In. neat and homelike. Don't fall to inspect them before locating. If furnished apartment is desired, can arrange this on small monthly payment with rent, tenant eventually owning furniture at oame monthly cost as furnished apartmenta THE BARKER, cor. 2 tit and Irving sts.; this new 4rstory brick now open; fur nijhel and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-rooni suit ps : reception ho 11, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beils, built in buffet and writing desk. g;s range. Ice box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker; 1 3 -room basement apartment. $15. Phones A 1741. Marshall 2161. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and, stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place, between 10th and 20th street a. just off Washington ; magnificent exclusive apartments, in heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-oasa service; refined ciieutele; references re quird in all cases. -Mrs. A. N. Wright. supt- pbone Marshall 110L THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment Northwest : every convenience : In the 4 and & rooms, all outside sunny rooms; new; w a Iking distance. 21st and Johnson sta ; choice residence district; attendant on premises. Marshall 3360. THE CAM AR. 701 Lovejoy St. Under new management ; new, modern brick, 2. 5 and 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; we will rent you apartments 2i per cent cheaper than any place in the city ; god janitor service. Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. 29-3. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. New brick building, corner 3d and Mont gomery, furnished 2-room apartments, pri vate Lath, phone and elevator, live min utes walk ; rates 427 to fiiO; no children. lh'ne Main IMtiH. WINSTON Apartments. 341 14th sU. at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; $25 to 137.50. For Information call Main 17.-9. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTd. 7th and Jef ferson sts. A 'A or 4-room apt., with bath, unfurultilitd; all outside rooms; every con venience; modern and only 0 mm. walk . from P. O ; very reasonable rent. THELUZERNE Just completed, corner Sd and Hall; all 2-room furnished apta., - large outside kitchens, best arranged apta. in Portland. 425 and up. Easy walking distance. WOLFE APTS.. 210 MARKET ST. NEWLY furnished 2, 8, 4 rooms. 422.50 to 440; sitigie rooms, 43 up; free light, phones, heat, hot and cold water, electrlo elevator. Marshall 3097. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisaa sts. ; best of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service; also easy walking uistance; 8-room apt., with beta, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent, PENINSULA APARTMENTS Modern beau" t If ill Summer home; furnished and unfur nished apartments, 41u to $2.. Take Mis sissippi or L car. gel oft at Killlngsworth aw, phone C J17v. " GARDNER APARTMENTS. L.'urnc r UJth and East Ash. Very desirable 5 -room, ail outside, fire place, heat and water, good location, pfnute East 2S71. Hldl.OP HALL, HAWTHORNE AVE. AND 6TH ST. New. modern building ; new furniture : 3 -roiu apartments; walking distance, or best car service. GRACE API i"., cu .Nortnrup st.. corner 2Hh; i large rooms;, hardwood floors, iront veranda, large sleeping porcn, pri vate telephone, water, neat and hot water; new and strictly modern. TIIE WESTFAL APARTMENTS. 410 0th st. 0 minutes' waik, brick building, nicely tuniihin-a j-room apart-nn-iits. private bath, phone, elovator; low est ran s in Port land. Main 207h. A 2o:,.s. THE UliZiiNUuHi?, 208 loth at., near Taylor. 2 elegant 0-room unfurnished apart ments; one northeast, one southwest ex po ute. Make reservation on premises. CJ-AY POOLE FURNISHED APARTMENTS, llth and Clay; 2-roo.u apartments, fur nished, with private. bath, ail conve niences; good service; easy walking dis tance; very reasonable rents. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. East th and Morrison, most cent rally lo cal cd; 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nished up to date; p rival baths, moder ate rates. FOK SALE First-clara furniture of a three ami four-room apartment, cheap for eath. Ask for manager. 0u Couch su Phone Main 1 1!2. THE BIRMINGHAM, 00 12th St. Newly furnished, wai king distance Manmall 4H4. MADISON PARK Ai'AKLVii.S'iii. Park and Madison sts. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished anl td r f u rn Ished apartments, strictly m odera. THE MEREDITH, 712 Washington st., 2, 3 and 4-room aite., hardwood floors, with every convenience, newly furnished; cheap est rent in the city. THE CHETPA, I Kill and Flanders. 2. 3 and 4-room modern apartment, furnished and unfurnished; 4-o up; new furniture ojid new buildin g. A pi dy to t he J a n 1 1 o r. PARK. APARTMENTS. S03 Harrison; beau tlful 3 and 4-room furnished aparuneats; walking distance; best of service; prices 40 to 400. Phone Marshall 8070. THE LANDORE APTS.. 288 10th, near Jef fcrson, one well -furnished .-room apart ment, with sleeping poxeh; also rooms w Rh all conveniences. BUCK HARTFORD APTS. 21st and Flanders Under new management. 3, 4-room apta, good service, all modern, walking distance. Main 27 THE WESTFALL, 410 5TH ST Lowest rates in Portland; furnished 3 room aptg-. with private bafh and phone THE MILNER. 3501. Morrison St.. Summer rates on apartments; all conveniences; best location for business people. BJLLANL, 16th Lovejoy Unfurnished tfront); mod?rn, new brick; must be seen to be appreciated. Main 1S67, A lb07. 587 EAST MAIN ; walking distance; ery desirable 5-room apartment, steam heat, hot and cold water. gHS range. BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurniF.-itd apartments, 4S5 Lovejoy st. Take "W" car. " LAIRETTE APARTMENTS"! 1 furnished 3-room apartment, pri vate bath and phone. 2291 Ith st. ONEONTA APTS., suites from to$!jo modern conveniences. 1V7 37th st. THE ELM 2 and 3-room apta. furnlsned. heat, phone and bath. 191 l4tn st. ' IRISTCOR. 3D AND MILL. " 4 and 5 rooms; modern. BRVN MAWR. ISO East 10th, nar Tamhlll, o ouTsqe 1 o'jiMf. inir jaw n. orch. JUL1AETTE Furnished and unfurnisaed a rooms- Corner 2d and Montgomery. LOVEJOY APTS.. 17th and Lovejoy 2-room lurnisnea apriiii m- x uvue aain 210. Flats. MODERN lower flat. rooms. Inquire 622 Nort nrup. .viam 1 FIVE -ROOM modern flat, five blocks from RECENTLY' vacated, upper 6-room. modern, aw ai:ii . ,1. Main HSUS. MODERN 5-room flat. Oth. near Jackson West side, u mm. warn. Main or A 1223. om fIn..t,v.waIkinS distance, en. C 2 1 s". 4M WEST PARK, large 3-room flat. hath. ;rh; n'i; water ana garbage free. MODERN 0-room flat, g ing distnnce. 471 7tn ood attic, easy walk- SW ELL 7-room fiat, good ntiphborhood, very central. laour 3oO.. FOB, RENT rials. NEW IRVINGTON FLATS. New,-5 and ti-room flats, modern. E JUh Tnd Hancock sta.. 2 blocks iron lii oadw ay tar, oay alking distance hardwood floors, tiled bath. Dutch kitcnea hot want heater, large attic and bar-; mcnt, separate stairway : on nor cares 101 lawn; line resilience district; rent $25 Phone Eiist 50 7o. Keys on premises. FURNISHED flat of 4 rooms, with private porch. .Fleam heat, hot and cold v a 1 er. private hath, including plume and jaiitmi service, for $:2.50 per nionih. 4u$ .'orit 2dth. Ask for landlady, upuhur Al'l. STEAM-HEATED 5-room very desiTa"- ble; convenient arrangement, with gas range and refrigerator; $o2.50 butnm-.T rate. Apply janitor. Weliiuston Apart ments. 15th and Everett. 5-ROOM flat, gas and electricity; fireplace and furnace; furnished : unfurnished. 74 Gllsan. R. N. Tufford. 407 Spalding Mdg. Marshall 4047. A 4040. FOR RENT Ono 3-room lower flat, bcauti tully furnished, convenient and well lo cated. Inquire 113 North 2d or phou Main 9"n:. ,OB Hill flat. 7 rooms, fine yard, splendid neighborhood. 77o Johnson St., bet. zd and l'4th. Slain 0091. MODERN, new, 0-room lower flat, every thing clean. 7bt Marshall. Inquire I 'i Kearney. MOLtER N 0-room f!at ; has porch, fireplace and walking distance, rein ai2r, month. Call 4H llth st. FOUR-RCOM modern flat, furnished or un furnished ; also barn. SOU Williams ave. Wood lawn 107. tlU MODERN J-rom lower i'lat. porch, hascmeut, yart!. sunnv and pieaart; adults. 7h Williams ave. Wwdlawn 426. OU0 MARKET ST. 0-room. modern Hat. 4:;0 per month; key at 002". Portland Trust Company, 3d and Oak. STJsAM-HEATKD 5-room upper flat, rantre. J'hont Main ;;il!. FLAT for rent near Steel bridge. Woodlatvn 100. Housekeeping RoomfT CHE BEAVER. 12tn and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best to the city for the money; short distance from Union depot. Take "S or 10th -st. cars north, get off at Marshall St. No doi;t. 11.60 TO $2.50 per week Clean furnished housekeeping rooms; free heat. phone, bath, laundry, yai d. 406 Vancouver ava and 203 staulou; "XT' car. Phone E. t0i9. THE GLENJORA. 10th and Conch. 1 block oft Washington; 1 furnished .housekeeping aptnu-nt with i rooms; aiso one w.th J 1001ns ; rent reasonable. CAMBRIDGE bldg.. furnished and unfur nished housekeeping rooms; central, cheat rent. Ajply room 06, .Id and Morrison. HOL'S EK EE PI NG room for rent; electrlt li Khis and gas; good locutiou. 1S9 l,z 3d st. S. SE THKSB FOR f-.OO WEEK. Fnnt suites, free baths, phone, linen. 0"2 Villiarns ave., cor. Russell st. THE M1L.NER, 350V& Morrison Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; steam heat, elevator, all conveniences, best loca'n. HOUSEKEEPING ronm s in new con cFat building. Phone Woodlawn -379 or -997. PALMER HOUSE, 350 Alder sU furnished housekeeping rooms, double and single. 4til EAST MORRISON, cor. East Mh: furn Ished two-room houe-keepillg suites. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family ON E lurse, light, very clean housekeeping1 room, first floor, newly papered and fur nished front and back entrance, fine yard. bath, phone, electric tight?. ue ol wash trays; -0 111 in. walk to I. O., I block to 3 cars; 413.0; no transients. 416 Rodney ave. Phone E. 3221. WELL-FURNISH EO housekeeping suites of 'J. rooms for rent, ideal Tor Summer mout li: w alklng distance, yio month. Take Sellwoorl car! 042 Karl st. FRONT and back parlor, new ly furnished for housekeeping; ink. gas. phone, porch and yard; everything furnished; SS car. 7stV East Yamhill near 2:M. LA RG E single front rooms, very desir.ible; splendid location; si 4. 41rt and Sis month; single sleeping roivns. $0 to 412 mouth. 070 Couch, N. K. ir. isth. TWO rooms for housekeeping ; steam It a, c tec trio light, hath, phone, preti y tn v. w and porches; easy walking. 3 blocks from Wash. 70 llth st. North. TWO at tic housekeeping rooms, light and riry. In private f.nnlly ; $i month ; wa ;u ing distance; ladies only. I'.'7 Clay. Main H304. 41 1 . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms tn cottage; gas range, sink nd bath; separ ate entrance, close in. 10 1st st. FURNISHED housekeeping r--1 tirst floor, $1 0. Phone .Mam 7 M11S. I-.llll '73, inorn- SINtLE housekeeping loojns a ud t w o-rO'm unites; modern, clean, tso-in; 4- UI' Flanders, near 2"th. BE.VUT1-FU L front suite, with every thine furnished. 3l East 10th street North. East 11S. FOR K ENT Two clean basement house keeping rooms, 42 00 per week. No. 2 North 14th. near Washington. sir THREE bright housokorplng rooms; good location; modern conveniences. A ;;soi. WELL furnished bousekigplng-room or guit abto for gentleman; very reasonable. 3ii5 12th st. ALt'OVE suite furnished for housekeeping; pas range, bath, phone, laundry. 1J0 N. 10th. TWO or 3 newly furnished housekeeping rooms; modern conveniences. 147 Granc ave. X. TWO large, comfortable housekeeping rooms. Every convenience; very reasonable. 2tt 14th. . THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 41 2 a month. 088 Pottygrove st. Phono Muin 3423 FURNISHED front room, alcove, housekeep ing, privatft Summer porch, laundry, ideal place, all modern. 475 Clay. TWO well-furnished rooms for light house keeping, cookstove, gas. electric light- $11 per month. :tll Main st., net. 5th and 8th. HOUSEKEEPING suite, light. clean, real kitchen, sink, gas, bath; 415. 447 Pth. SUNNY" front upper suite, large porch, 414; also single rooms, tH up. 112 10th. For R roomi ;lean housekeepini $S Ppr month. -rooms, two hed 00 East o2d St. LARGE front housekeeping room, unfur nished; walking distance. 335 E. 1st st. N". HOUSEKEEPING and, sleeping rooms, pri vate family; both, phone, gas. 146 llth. $1,-, 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, (ins plate, steel range. 01S 7th. Main 402t. PLEASANT front room for housekeeping for family of 3. 32 North llth. NE T7,Y furnished housekeeping roms; private family. 3 3 E- 7th. E. 1029. TWO rooms for lisht housekeeping. 21 N. llth st., 2 blocks from Washington st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reason -Hhle. 11 u 1st St.. nenr Stark. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. No. 3 Grand ave. North. Phone East 4318. HO.'SE KEEPING rooms, also single rooms. 40 EUa gt. Marshall 2021. 30 1 SALMON Iwo very desirable front rooms, turnisnea tor nouseKeeping. CLEAN, airy, newly furnished housekeeping mites. S3 per wffK. 411 4tn. ONE or two housekeeping-rooms, close in. reasons Die. j..i 141 h st. TWo and 4 furnished housekeeping rooms. pa?, batn. yard; monrt). t2 rrom. TWO housekeeping rooms cheap; we take children. Phone Main '9053, 721 1st st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, low rent. 360 1st. near Montgomery st. TWO connecting housekeeping rooms, first floor, yard, bath and phon- 4."o Yamhill. ENTIRE upstairs, newly furnished, running water, 41 S a month. 40:; Huh st, Houses. SEVEN rooms, elegantly equipped for com fort; strictly modern. 154 E. 21st N. Woodlawn 2714. MODERN 2-story ti-room house, yard, paved street, one block to car; adults; 421. 7S'J Win lams ave. Woodlawn 42tf. FOR RENT 10-room house, West Side, suitable fgr housekeeping rooms. K Buetikofer, 2rt0 Salmon. MODERN 0-room house. iVith large lep ing porch. 6'.tS Overton St., pear N. 21st. Inquire 22ft Stark st. MODERN 6-room house in good condition; 1 block froin car I7th:4l7no. FOR RENT 0-room modem bungalow. 073 East Wth; ?22. Main DESIRABLE 6-ritom house, close in. ol8 t-an Rafael st.. near Union ave. Bast loo. 5-ROOM West Sliie nice yard, fine view of rive r, fruit trees. Call Main lv i1. MODERN' 0-room cottage, e:or. Union ave.. 4 Mocks south of Hawthorne. Tabor FOR RENT A modern S-room house. 3J5 Wasco. Phone East 244. FIVE-ROO m fotiwge. West Sid-, ten m:r. iitcV walk from Postoffice. 4V Market st. 0 OR ROOMS, with bath, veiv Hue 41 Chapmati. cor. Clifton, Portland Heigh is. S-ROOM house. bath and furn act"; w?llng distance. Inquire 06S Third st. $14 FOUR - ROOM huse and tjath. 0t7 livcrctt at. Call Woodard, 101 Second su 4 i