' , TITK MORNING OKEGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 10. 1912. - " 1 rsTlTF 1 TO EXCHANGE. ' . f ' 2?L!iA1.?: RF-AL EST ATS tar rale -Ho IV. 'J beautiful 7-room homes In high-class o strict. oak floors, oral floor finished m .ala. HCAnd la won nm.l. large "!" s window, taot-waur bt. corner lot ll-xl", lawn graded nd seeded. lm- pro.emont all in; $-25o. $7u csh. bl anre vc-i .y. rooms anil sleeping porrh. lull 'o. very thing modern, plastered basement Prlc r-dur.-l from $ 10 for flays only. $7o. culi, easy terms. block rom .fclroatway car Two T-room honn In Beaumont, eleee to ear. ii lovsluu. lawn niaiie. oak floor, a-in.h em'OI wall. wr. avr modern cinvftil.nrt. ha!- and tinting; $4C-' and $.o: $ tow rash, t-elanee easy. Fire a-room home, hardwood Poor, fir.i floor oak flni-h, second white enamel, '.in heat. ihnl.1. tinting, electric flx mrif. fd garag-. bsrd-eurfac trawl. A rap ;,yM. rh. 9-room hoina In Roar City Park. close to car. strict. y modern. :ol xi. street in pisv.ntlll paid: $:il50; $S" cash, bal- .as PR'Alpr.NT TROT COMPANY. Si.l.;oJ-Svi Hoard of Trace. Marsha.! 47V A in:2. PRIEST i-ROOM. $.': ho'-ses. 7-ROOM. $--'50. old .a tb moat advantageous trrma to the vuy.r. only a amail cah payment or a go.-H .t required and tna balance in lira t monthly pa. mania sarnr rent, Th'a w.ll-kno n bu'l-ler t building Jus. Fast of th. REED INXTtTI TF. wo 'f " h Vft.t t -. p. low and medium priced dwelling, 'on 5xloo lota with graded reis and r.mtnt walk and curbs. Prlc of "intis InclMde street Imprflv.mmli. Hoinrl Inc.ud all mod.rn cony enlenrrs. suert a furnace brat specially d.elgn.d fireplace, buffet, cabinet kltcnrn. ate. Opr rt plum-l-ig. flna light fixtures and window shades. Cement floor and tuba In .mnt. Construction throughout luir an teed- HOW TO GET THERE. Qurk transportalinn on WW rarlina t .v;4 it. a. e., thrn walk four short D'.icM ..?. Acnt on eround. For Mr. l' 2'J 'ark at. or phona Main a. 17 or A I K'riTY r '-R hawti!'M;e rn.-rRTT. Bl.VN-i; AS IIKNT. Vaw Minjal.-w. ' douhlv con.tructrd throoshout. hardwood f;o..ra. f rrpU- and r-w-kraa In 1 vir. f -rot.oi : Krmrt wlndowr a iiir'Jl'T prnr.rd dl ninr-room. awrll lt. rr hdro.'m. Una rmtrli kl'rhm r.tliroom rd'l'PPrd will .atr.t and br't "m-iirw.. lrt. attlr. full conrrrta haao Ti.it ar.d laatior-r traya. rtnl"t. only 1 hlork to port i-arllna In rlty. Ita.. alactMo I t and a I otnrr niodrrn r"nnl.c: r'cial p.i,- f..r on a work, liaianca will ho arrafir.d to aull jroo. Taor 3o.. FOR SAt.E Flra rorldonca pronarty. rloaa In Caotral Kaat fortlaad. roar carlln' pear achooTa. a'alitlj. daatrnbla. good la. aurroundina;. Iylo0, wall Ira-p-ov.il uh . Iaa. 11-room houao: alo Tt airilAi) adjoining; makoa bat alta nn rat aid for hotrl or apartmrnt houaa tnvaatroant; around worth mora than prlca akcd. not counting rxnonalva houaa thara. on. va'.ua (rowing, wul jum whro rail road inrrattntnta on Eaat Stda mora fi.iy known: pricw. l'oJxloo with rt-ldaoca. POO; ,Vxl! adjoining. 1"jO. Adlrrra O. 31. 0OTT. Ownar. 11 tt Morrtaon. Phona taat ".NEW Ul-BEUU-RfT HOME roorna and brrakfaat-rrx-m; finlahoo; kantlful:y thrournout; atrlrtly rnodorn; ai.t-m buffrt and book-aara: flrrplara and furnawa. hardwood fioora; north front j or.a b..-- off carllna. full lot. you will l:ka tnu for a noma Trie ,. rm. ..o) raah an.1 prr month. Inlrraat In-ciud-d Thona Main lj'3. Main 420 and A lil.v Ak for Mr. Urdahl or call at rorbrtt bldg . rORTIdlND HEIf.HTS HOME Paantlful n. u-roon raatdanra, with firrpiaoa. alooping porfn. ha rd wood fioora. rut glaaa nxturaa. Iradrd wlndowa baau tiful woodwork and rornlcra; built for hunt, has evory p.as:b:o tnodrrn con- onlanra: S ' laiat !. l.V ft. from car. with a marvelous view, which can never hm obatruirtad. Mar-nll -T PW-KE A 3 ri L-rtL" 'M houa with bath, hall and 1..r:n.-nt. on aitracMve corner. l'Mx.o foot lot. nice eloirel on; na lawa. fruit fr... roas and beri"! ft iahes: price $.ii; can be bought on rai'.rate cash pament snd balance at .'- nynthly: location cor. a.'t .Vth and Markai a'a, ut twohlorke south of Hawthorne ave. Take Hawthorne e or Mount fcott cars, fall "10 East SOth st Phone B OUT. Oa ner. Ii0 CAFIf Or a lot or amaller house for first pay ment for T room modem bungalow. 2 lots. barn, rhlcken yard. lawn, ruses, gar dn. parries, etc.. balance like rent or terma to ault; prlca iiX'. I- K. ot.ln mrts. owner. : 1 7 Abington bldg. Thone Main 7. M1i ON E. BI'RSIDE Wnv. a-room houaa on fist Burnslde. 0x100. learlnc 4lll'ii aplen.l d Vuatne.s property. Thla is the rh.iyrn bur on tturnslile. H. P. PAeVMv:R-JNl--o CO.. to Wilcox bldg. Phones Main aoii-a A .Arr.EUMt'RtT tungalow. C rooms. 2 bed-r-voma. strictly modern, beamed celling, high paneled wood finish, built-in buffet. J flrepiacea furnace, elegant fixture. Must have a largt-r houaa; price .". term. Vrtone Main Main i-'i or A 151J. He euro to ask for Mr. Vrdahl. s;2 Corbett b.-.g. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. E inth ntreet. Near Alnsworth. 7 rooma. reception hall. den. elegant fireplace, aolid oak floors, built-in buf fet, bookcaaea and wardrobea furnace. 1.,. Nitre and duat rhntea. Particulars ap. o National Kaally at Truet Co.. I;J thimbr of Commerce. Main M2tt. EAr-7trt't, bouse, built for owner, re atrlrted district, lot .V by !: Improra ments paid, not bonded: Investigate; -foot buffet, flna art glaae. elegant floor, room larre. furnace. 3 canine. 1 mln utee to bualneee, tawre aeeded. C11 up nd I will explain. Main 414-4. mornlnga. . rT. FROM TNIO.V AVE. g4nt: It-room modem house on Fargo lot 40xl". highly improrad; $7oo ca-.h. Thi t a genuine good buy. Fred W. Gorman. 8-l Bumelde. M. or A 3T7d. A LOT Or ISOo caah or smaller plro bay newt modern T-rootn hmw, good location. r. nrent walka. etc.. balar.c Ilka rent or term to eult: price :00. I.. E. Stela meie. owner. ?1 AMnglon bl(3g. BKAl'TlFfl elx-room bungalow, abaolutely modem, baarlnr fruit trea. lawn and gar den: $-.00: e'e cash or terma to suit. 3aa East 4tth U North. Roae City j-ark car. . DKLIOHTFL L, horn at rost: California bun galow, rooms, arttatlc and well built. i;ooo; mo'lerate terma 11 E. Iwth North, near 'Killingsworih : must be seen to be appreciated- VP . Oregon latu rRlOM"oiinf;pe and 3 lots .WxlOO ft each. In-ludlng corner. 10 Flrland Addi tion J.'' raay t ma WATSl'N at THEKKELSEN CO. oi Spa'dtng Bldg. Main fl R I7JOO home for eale. the pr.ttieat TJ lM-ft. spot on the morning slope of Port land Height: Ideal apartment elte. with rite and mountain view. Owner. Mti corner Jrkeon. OWNF.R vnt.L. 45ACRIFICK New modern bungalow, on block from Alberta car; will make prlca attractive to . -ale a quick sale: Investigate. IOcn Eaat th t. North. Phon Woodlawn I1"!- 3rwi FOR k-room house, c'osw to Hawthorn ave. and Ml. bcott cartinea. Raey term. 1V4TOX at THEKKELSEN CO., rtrta rpaldlng bldg. Main 7MS. CAhH and $14 a month handlea 4-room house In flrst-ciase condition on block from Haw-thorr.e ave.; prlca $2000. lloom Malr. HM Hawthorne ave. Tabor I. PIEDMONT. " Tou ran't beat It. A-room atrlctly mod era flret-eia home In rrstrlcted digtrict. o:st completed. $000. by owner. 1240 Height ave. SEVZXTH-ST. CORNER.- With tVroom house at an attractive price for oulck turn. Vanduya at Wal ton. 51 Chamber of Commerce. room house. modern. full baeement. Hawthorn digtrict. $.'Ton. monthly pay m.nI!. H N. Hwank. 3" AMngton blls. vTeT SIDE, a-room. new and modern houaa, - Overton at. Call tor price and terms. Phone Main 7W07. PORTLAND HIIiiHTH, g room cottage, oa Chapman and cnfton. t.CX; larmi Ma--nalC7. V ROOK E. AJV1H. FINE modern home, flail lot, facing outa; East Couch and llt '-; flow-r; 4Uv .j Teon bldg. Mln 1U. A T4M. FOR ."ALE Modem -rom house, loo feat .quare. bearing fruit tree, cheap. W. M. luelo. tiT Vern t- Woodlawn rr. FOK e ALE by ownar, 6-roora houaa. mod ern in everv raapect: close In: restricted m .m. v. .Aid (Teat AA g.ROOM bung.i.ow oa t- 7th L: $:0O, .try ease term V.ITn!f THIRKELSEX CO.. SO bpal'.m R:dg; Main i!o IRVTNCTON realdenre for Bale lol desir able locat'on. complete la all details; terms. For particular phon C 21c4. LNNTalC'S. I2A0O; l-rnom cottage: Bra- Jlac; $- per month; Eaat Morrlaon. near nth. - IT eon bldg. Main lia. A T45. Far pale Brtine Ptuparty, 4.0x14 rr.FT on Albtna avenue and Mis s.aippi rarltne; tbla lor la Improved with a modern 3-story business building with a permanent income; price -only fSXOt). pT-ung ax Johnson. 414 chamber of Com nierce big. en. ii-o WEST fIDE apartment site, only ganoe if s"M st oaea. part cash. HI-i-HNS a Rl'VKR, i'hon Tabor iVt&n, FJF41, ETATiT- Far ale Acreage. ACREAGE' In valev Jugt west of Council Creel. Abu on both idea of Fourth a'reet carllne now being electrified. . Only 4 minute now. an mmuiex with the new crs nd 20 minute from 4th end Washington when tunnel la built. Car far to commmira now 11H rents, this la lee than you pay for wood and water. Beautiful laying land, rich soil, no rock, gravel or Mile, fine water at 14 reel, good tors with frea de livery of merchandise. rural fra delivery of mail good phon r lc. chorchee and school In fact everv community convenience ai re. Iv established and Bo clo to renter of Portland that each years growth of city double up the aiues of these tract Many nic home nOW OCCUplAd. Tht 1 the irget platting of acreage In the vicinity of Portland Th present dvlopment insure rapid and continued growth. $2K to 4k per ten) and upon monthly payment plan, proper discount for cash. Any sised tract you may da sire. Arrange to go see tbla with out menM to you. OffU open until P M THE SHAW-FEAR COM PA NT. Main i 102 Fourth St. A M0 rOME ESTACADA VALUE". .1 acres, near town, part cleared, with houer. terms: $le). H acre, part under orchard, attractive terms; $IW. , to arrea. near town, overlooks Clacka mas River, cleared: $'.'Cx. 11 acrva, all under younr orchard, cor ner piece, eaer terms. $J-'. acrva within ni. of station, 1 acres cleared, stream, g'oo. acres, fin farm on main road, all under cultivation: $nca. 4 acres, complete farm, all clearod land, fully tocked. $-.. ,V acres, part cleared, two streams, good timber. VJ.oi. . , 1 acrva of bearing fruit, best of Im provements. $o.1.. ' acre, moat of land cleared. Im provement nd fruit. $4000. 1.14 acres, within mile of town, nn old farm, easiest of terms. $II.K. 1o. acre, good Inveetinent piece, eom Impiovcinent. H'f'O. iko acre, good improvements, streams. Stork and Implements. -'''. STANmsH A Fl RRECK. Tel. Marshall 110.;. tK5 Lumbermens bldg. $jno. II down snd $1 a week will put you Into Inimeoiate poeaeaslon of on acre of good rich black loam garden land, no stumps or rocks, ready for planting: about mlnut-s from city limits on Falem Elec tric uad. near two ststlons. also - acre et out to fruit laat year, fenced and one room house, all for ISm); $10 down and $10 per month. Inquire of owner, -11-213. tn Falling. 3d and Washington. FIVE acres, all cleared. ldew1k long front, only few steps from station. 40 minutes out. This Is the best of garden land, at $'"" Pr rre. on laimt Proper discount for cash. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main So 111- Fourth tit. A 3300 CITT ACREAGE. I.E36 THAN MILES TO rostoffue. 36th street, between Francis ave. and Powell Valley road; all In or chard, part bearing; the owner Is In need of monrv and lias cut the prl.-e more than g H per acre; Jut think. 3 05 acre for only g-.VOO. S rash, balance 2 yeere at per cent; no trade, cash only; you will no douiit find this th best snap In th cllv. If vou hv th money, hasten, po Miller. J5 Voon bid. Mar. -'. AL H r. o 1 . r. . . 1 One acre of fine land, all under culti vation: 15 fruit trees. & years Old. ' room good plastered nous, rlty water, good well, on good rounty rod. only 2 block from one car and 7 blocks from an other: a tint place to raise chicken and garden truck: price only $l0O, 4 cash, tiltUSril BOLUS. t Board of Trade B:dg.. 41h and Oak. as acres. fhnlorst red shot soil In Washington Countv. 40 mile from PortUnd on th new P R. N. Ry.. partly timbered, eaelly clearod. good road. cbool la quar ter of a mil, new railroad town tn two mile $ im rash, balane your own terras. FIRI.ANOS TRfST COMPANY. t0 Spalding Building. CHICKEN AND FRCIT RANCH near Portland: a NEW SUBDIVISION. Loweet prlcee: beet soil: n vlw; wood, water and roads: acre. $400 per tract; 10-A, $J0; 311 A $OOl 40 A.. 13O0; SO A $o0- ISO A.. $auoO: liberal term FRANK M' FA It LAND REALTY CO.. $0 Yeoo Bldg.. Portland. Or. FINE BUBURRAN HOME. Two acre, all In full-beating fruit, good 4 -room modern house, barn and other outbuilding, fin roads, s carllne. S-ecnt fr; owner will acrlflr this fin bom for $.e0. $07 Toon bldg. Ask for Mr. I.UCSA :ix ACKEM choir land near XL Hood Ry.. bout 40 acre In cultivation, rich deep oil. well watered, beautiful scenic sur roundings: would consider om mort gagee, contracts and good city lot In part trade. Henry C Prudhotnm Co.. fcixl Wilcox b'dg. A GOOD INVESTMENT. 3:0 acres on lln of kit- Hood R. R. at a bargain price. About half tillable, aom easy to clear, some good timber; fine power stream through center; might trade for city property. Vanduya at Walton, $1$ Chamber Commerr. TAKE TOUR CHOICE. 4 acre in Washington County. $$0. term. 10 cres. near Oresham. $1500: Itrma. 7 acre, celery and onlun land, ready for crop. rTose In, IM0O; easy terras, F. DL'BOIH. 120$ Teon Bldg. LIMITED amount of Irrigated land to aell: three mllea from Orldley, Cal. : small or large tract for home or Inveetment; $.V to per acre: good land, location and water right, wa are compelled to make this offer. Write for particular. E. J. Corkin. t,rtd:ev. Cal. At'ilE.UlE KNAP. Iimi arrea. 2 mllea from railroad, only 40 mllea from Portlands 140 acree can be put to plow when cleared: vol II rut l'looo cord of wood: prle $13 per acr. Hoff mann. Mia, Couch bldg. ONE and a 10-aer tract 1 H mllea from electric station. IS miles from Portland, macadam roads, no hills; $1J pr acr; raay term bee owner. FRA.NK T. PERRT. No. 4 X. Oth bt. IMPROVED ACREAGE SNAP. One. three or five arrea. splendid soil. Ilea fine and close-in; 1 1-cent fare: cheep nd easy term Vanduya at Walton, sit Chamber Commerce. GENUINE BEAVERDAM. 1 acres of beaverdam land, all In culti vation, naar lectrio JIM. 4$$ par acr; terma. Sea Falton, TRO.VO at CO., 405 Concord Bldg. ACRE8 Southweat from Hood Rivar, la S and $-year-old commercial apple, with water right: 00 feet from new brick high chooL Would trad for city property. Woodlawn 13. U. - 4s4 Wygnnt- THREE aacree tn townelt of Gladaton: would ronldr good city lot tn part pay ment. Henry C Prudhomm Co., aval Wil cox bldg. ONrJ sera t Lent: 2-room houe. barn, 'hora and wsgon. 100 chickens: only tlutro, ,.rue terms. .,, H I ' 1 1 r. I ax Pl.-nur, 1.1 ininu oi. q .. to in Ai'Rl.lja Close In on Mt- Hood Railway line; eaaleet of terme. best of soil: mostly all cleared. AT ! Oregonlan. FTVE acres of finest land on Base Ltns rod for sal. Just beyond Twlv Mile Houaa. Price $17; $JOO down. ay terma on V, a AND $-acre traets, aloa t Fortlaaa. 1 to blocks from eloctrto earl In a. $iu te $400 per acre, easy terma. J. W. Mel terlla Really Co.. 01$ Cerbelt bldg. , 17 ACRES. 1$ cleared, running water. $ block from car ttloa and $ mllea from Courthouse; only 1104 per acre; terms; owner. Jamee Wilson. Boring. Or., rout I. YOUR CHANCE. 1 to $ cre on $-cent car fare. THE E.VEBO CO.. 41$ Hnry Bldg. AC HE AOS and farms, large and smaU tract Call Kinney $ glampfar. 41 -J Lumber Exchange bldg- HAVE a few location Toft, 7 to 10 million ft. timber per , c call SIT Abington bldg. FOR f ALB A homaatead relinquishment: $..V) If taken thla week; Improvement and ao me tools. Call 45 Washington liKelRAULK famlllea loc-atsd free oa beat land In Central Oregon. Write Hamptea Val.ey Development Aasn, Hampton, Or. SITE special acreage offer In New Todav by J W. HnVrltn, owner, 615 Corbett bldg. $ ACREe right on electric Una; can be had very raay term A 447. Oregentan. J4HI1KS TRMTS at new townslte on ML lurod Rallioad. e bon Tabor 744, . REAL ESTATE. For rale Acrpwae. a ACRES IN YOUN'i APPLE TREES. Beet of deep, red -shot oll and la aur rounded by a beautiful country; 1 mln. walk from f. P. depot, and Is close to Portland: tract joining are selling much higher than this can be bought for; $-o handles this. The Westlyn Trust Co., 1319 to 1-33 Yeon bldg. HIOHI.Y Improved 4W acre, close to city on Base Lln and Mount Hood Electric; has good 0-room bunglow, fin walar. berrle nd fruit trees: all for -4.t"u, on easy terms. Csll A 7ST4, Main 6710. k for Hover. 1 FINE ACRES AT COURTNEY. looo ft. from station: fine grove, grapes, berries, beautiful site; will leave the price to you. but must have som cash. Owner. 414 Couch bldg. CHOICE ACREAGE. $ sntt 10-arr tract, highly cultivated, near station, on Salem Electrlo. very fin soil, running water, easy terms. La Barre. JO Commercial bldg. OHEiTOX ELECTRIC ACREAGE $70. ft to 20 A. tracts, near station, IS ml lee out: term, fin for fruit, berries, chick en, etc. Fred W. German, 320 Burnslde. M. or A 377. ACREAGE FOR RENT. 4 l- acres, level and ready for plow, on E 37th. close to streetcar snd on graded street: leas for thla year. Price $5a AL p-MS, Oregonlwn. Irrixated Lands. SO OR 40 aerea rich sandy loam, all under Irrigstlon and cultivation: two and one half miles Hermlston: very cheap for cash or win exchange for clear residence. Own er. 7M Henry bldg.. Seattle. Wash. For Hale Fruit Lauide. HOOD RIVER. 30-sera apple orchard, under ditch, water right goe with land. 3S acrea In full bearing. f acre planted In 1U0R. 7 acrea planted In 1310 to bet commercial varietle: no bette- roll In th vlley; 3 milr south rd 3 mi.es west of Hood River; flno county rosd on two sides of property: mil to church, school and store, will divide or take Port land property In exchange. Trice $15,000. A. P. RICHARti.iON. 51 Rv Ex., Third and Elark St. ' SNAP IN IMPROVED ORCHARD. Ten-scr Improved orchard tract, tree two year old. 300 FpltenlerE. 'a bellow N'.wtown and family orchard, consisting of peaches, pear snd rberrlea. This Is In 4 he famous fruit belt of Klickitat County. Washington. non-Irrigated; will sell for $:;irj snd arrange eaay terms; no Interest. Sea owner. C. H. M- 305 Henry Isltlg. HOOD RIVJiR BARGAIN. Ten cre. six In -year-old commercial orchard; well located nd close to station; also 10 acre adjoining In clover, under d tch: half cati. balance to ult. Walton. 41 a Chamber Commerce. tn WILL buv S-acr fruit rnch 6 miles from Goldendsle. planted to two-yer-old apples: a bargain for someone; som terms. Frank M. Brown, Inc.. 102O Chamber of Commerce. FOK SALE The most complete berry and chicken ranch In the county; new 6-room house, well and outbuildings; 4 11111 from Portland on Bass Lin rosd: raay terms. Csll Tsbor .45. WHITE SALMON fruit land. Call Wood lawn 144 or C 1777 f'r faeUseFarma. TWO BIG BARGAINS. First 10 acre of very fine fruit and berry lnd. hot soli: plenty of wter: ll tinder cultivation; fon fin berlng fruit trees: a good school nd church ner; 4 mile from town nd railroad, good rods. Thl mint go right awayj cash $6450. Writ for a better description. Second 25 acre of very good young nr. only t mllea from town, and a fine home for you. cheap; plenty water. Don't ml thl at $16nn cash. Write to jr. E. BOTTEM1I.LER. Pioneer Real Eatat Co., Rldgeflcld. Wash.. Route No. 3. ONLY $75 PER ACRE. 125-acre dairy and grain farm, adjoin ing a good town In the valley; half In cult, and crop; rich black soli, orchard hlf level. hlf rolling, plenty grass snd p tur the whole year; msll house, itrge brn new and painted; cow, horse and machinery go with thl plc. If you wnt a good ehep farm. Investigate this. Oregon Frm Realty Co.. 60S McKay Mrtg.. Por'l"a. Or. HOP LAND. 470 acres about 15 miles this aide of Salem; R.v acres In cultivation, 40 cres hops; good S-room house, good barn, wster tower, good family orchard. oO xcrti beaverdam land: this Is one of the very best nanche In th Wlllmtte Vl lev; It I adapted for almost any kind of crop; adjoining land -selling for double the price; price only $10 per acre. GRUSSI at BOLD?, 81" Board of Trads Bldg,. 4th and Oak. BEND ALFALFA LAND, too acrea. 11 mllea northeast of Bend, with Irrigating ditch paaalng through property and can be Irrigated; this land Is sdspted to alfalfa, wheat and oats: price $.10 per acre: will trad for resi dence property or acreage. GRUSSI BOLDS. tl Board of Trade BMg., 4th and Oak. ONLY $240 eipiendld Georgia farm home; earn mora each year than th total coat; cultivation without attention of owner If preferred, or convertible at your option: absolute safety guaranteed; bank rufer ence and trusteeahlp. Write for photo . graphs: quick action necessary; answer ' Immediate. y. Geo. W. Deso. Box 4tt. ' Waycrose. O. FOR SALE 130 acre Washington County: 11, mile to railroad; 35 acre cleared; part In crop; young and old orchards; best of soil; fair house; good bsrn: six spring: watar pined to house: hest frin In vicinity; rhep.st for th money almost anywhere. Price 50 an acre: $lix0 cash, balance easv terms. Address Owner, H 75. Oregonlsn. 10 ACRES, all In cultivation. 5 acres In prunes. 4 acrea In apples, ths remainder in strawberries and raspberries: new 6 room furnished house and other outbutld Inge: 3 large rhlcken yard, all fenced. This farm u all fenced and only a mile from electric carllne. WATSON at THURKELSE.V CO.. go ripaldlnr Bldg. Main 7502. ALFALFA FARM SACRAMENTO VALLEY. 0 acre, gravity water for Irrigation; will sell 20 A. or 40 A. Terms. 1-5 cash, balance 5 yrs. Jitat think ONLY $150 PER ACRE. Information upon Inquiry. AN 956. Ore gon Ian. 150-ACRE farm, near Prlndle. Wash.. 1H hour's ride from Portland: 50 seres resdy for the plow. remelnlng seres easily cleared: Una house, ramlly orchard, spring and running rreek; must he sold; Investi gate and aet your own price or for more particulars writ John T. O'Brien, Prlndle. Wash. IDEAL SUMMER HOME 10 A., adjoins this town; S-r. house, water, sewer, flre plaoe. 1 bams: 4 a moist garden and pasture. bInc wooded hill; strsam: on river; boat landing; wood cut; plenty small fruit; sacrifice sal to Imraedlat buyer. Owner. Box 1S7, Taqulna. Or. TJ ACRES at Feaverton; 3 aero genuine beaverdam: 414 acre finest soil: good ft-roora bungalow; fina barn and crop bouse, chicken houe. good well. etc.. tc. : prig $7000; , terms. Inqulr Ti Stark st. FOR SALE 07 acrea. adjoining depot. 14 miles from Albany: level, all cultivated, well Improved, good hop aoll; 22 acrea fine beating prune orchard; will Increase greatly In value. E. B. Porter. MIS 7th 1. Oregon City. 331, ACRES, all In cultivation: house and barn, nice family orchard, clo to city. 00 good county rod; thl farm cka b bought t raonbt price and on terms. WATSON at THERKEL6EN CO.. 0t Spalding Bldg Main T.192. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Irge and email traot. sultbla for Sen oral farming, grain, hay. fruit, hop, alrylng etc.; about 40 mllea southweat ef Portland, Or. Call or writs for pries list, W. E- Kidder. Carlton. Or. 180 ACRES black loam and beaverdam. all in cultivation, on mile Oregon Electrlo Station. $! acre. Owner 111 health. 1 mean it, sea agent, J. E. Hall. 308 Ab Ington bldg. ELEGANT fruit and vegetabl land, en mil from Rohurg. In th famous Imp. nu Valley; $1"0 per acr In Installments; city water, electric light. R 12, Commar clal Club bldg. FOR SALE $ eras A-l land, under culti vation. lvL rich, border county road. 1 mil trolley. S miles HUlsboro; bast baula Washington County. L, r. nawni. - .....-.. lw. .' . LINCOLN COUNTY Dairy, (took ranohe. Umber and fruit land. $10 up, era grew vaar round. Com and . it. N. yraock. Toledo, Oregon. RANCH 60 crs. with buildings, is mllea from Portland, sear electric line; bargain tor all ch. by owner. 162 Mon-Uoa st. " CENTRAL ALBERTA F ARM LAND. $15 par acre. Writ for llteratur. CRAFTS. LEE OALLINGXR, Edmea ton. Albert. 22 ACRES, mile Newberg. Improved, house, brn. creek. fmlly orchrd: $175 acre; term H. N. Pwank. 8"S Abington b'dg. BKALT1FUL houae and I acres on eiectrle line by owner: term, t. V- Morris. 607 bid. Yeon bldg. tag ACRES black loam and beaverdam, all cultivation, mil Oregon Electric station; is3 xrra: I am obllgd to raise $5000 ch. ci agent. H. N. bwank, 08 Abington i - ---- . i : - i 1'or rials? Farm. DO YOU WANT A FA KM. 1 DAIRY RANCH OR HOPYARD? Located In one of th moxi progressive section of th Willamette Valley, near a town on the railroad that has electric lights, paved streets, commercisl and uni versity clubs agricultural. stock fruitgrowers' associations, etc.. etc. A dou c four hours' ride from Portland. Thas soil Is deep and erv fertile. There are four complete sets of bonding on esch of three of these ranchea and two acta of buildings on one ranch. Phones In houses snd rural free delivery. On thoee ranchea you get view, running water, bottom land, bench lnJ: orchards, paature. Improvementa. oak nd fir wood, good rods. etc., nd everything vou could wih for. We can give you just what you want In any quantity. 10 SLt-res. SO acre under the plow and all of th rmindr partly cleared except 25 acres in fir and oak. Hopyard last year netted $400 ; 70 acre $121. Private elec tric lighting plant, sawing and dumping machinery, complete carpenter and black smith shops; two big bsrns. good six room house with good Ineide bath nd toilet; hot and cold running water; water piped to barn; new $loil hophouse. and all machinery, smokehouse, roothouse, ce mented laundry area, storage-house, poultry-houses and yards, good orchard well, springs, tank. etc. All buildings electric lighted. Clear title. Stock and Imple ment may b bought separately- If de sired. Price $0,000. Incom $7660. 219 ores. 90 acres of plowed bottom Isnd. 30 acre In good oak grubs (fine a handlel, oak snd fir fsecond growth); the remainder of the acreage is in slssti land and In rotton alumpag ready to kick out; 4 acres fine orchard: spring and a good well; good fl-room house, hophouse and pickers' cabin. 1arns. roothouee, etc.: So acres In hops, yielded big last year. No wate land on this place. Thl ranch Ho beutlfullv. the soil l very productive The Income on thla place la more than $7780 annuallv. price SR.n.. Will sell 200 acre of the 219-acre ranch for $1.1.0n. art acre. Two sets of building com plete; ample barns: walla. spring and ereek: a beautiful piece of property tht description will not do Justice to. Practlcal Ir all plow land; lies gently sloping except 40 acre bottom soil; Income "o acres grain $1210. Price $10. 500. tau AS acrea. 00 acres bottom land. I'M. 45 acre bench snd rolling. 45 cres bottom land. and 10 acre bench land fr Mowed. 20 acres slashed, 1H acres oe-r- I .V. Heine eet Oil t " om-.e 130 arrea can be plowed. If cleared; fenced and croas-fenced. bearing PP-le. plum. peer, cherry and quince trees (about 50 treest for family use; good well at house. Urge ill-Pummr stream, slso brapch creek: several Inrge spring". 6-room, 2-story house, on county road. Isrge barn, hophouse, extra box house, hop press ahd baler. Prlc !2.000; terma half cash, balance 1. 2. snd S yesrs. at 6 per cent. The hopyard alone should yield over $5500 net this year at the most conservative eetimste: stock, implements, etc.. may be bought extra If desired. 160 acres, adjoining the above. SO acre cleared and under plow, 20 acre in slash and 0 acre In timber. 15 acrea fine oak grub. 20 acre In large body, saw fir and no acres In second-growth fir. The slash is fine grass land: fenced and croas-fenced: 6-room houae and burn, property watered bv large all-Summer creek and branch creek; good spring snd trough st barn, good well at housa. all outbuildings: fam ily orchard, 40 seres lie on the creclc bot tom, 35 of which are cultivated, this be ing the best of hop lend. Price $00. 2A-acr hopvard. hophouse. pickers' cabin, etc. Prrce $11,000. The hops from this ysrd sold for 45c Isst yesr. WHITMER-KELI.Y CO., 70 Fourth St. 1600 ACRES. 1500 ACRES FIRST - CLASS PLOW LAND, 620 ACRES' IN CROP, MOSTLY WHEAT, ftOO ACRES MORE PLOWED AND READY FOR SEEDING; BARN FOR 16 HEAD OF STOCK. FAIR HOUSE. PLENTY OF WATER, ALL FARM TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS TO FARM THIS PLACE; ON ACCOUNT OF DIS AGREEMENT WITH MT FATHER I WILL SACRIFICE THIS BEAUTIFUL FARM AT $20 PER ACRE. INCLUDING THE CROP. THIS 13 JUST MILES FROM RAILROAD ON EXTRA OOOD ROAD ONE MILE FROM SCHOOL: BEST IMPROVED PART OF OREGON; WILL MAKE TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY: $1200 CASH. $4000 ONE YEAR AND THREE TEARS ON i BALANCE: NO TRADES CONSIDERED. AND IF YOU HAVEN'T THE $1200 CASH DON'T ANSWER. ADDRESS OWNER. 6 EMPIRE BLDG. SEATTLE, WASH. GENUINE SACRIFICE. $42.50 PER ACRE. WASHINGTON CO. Owner of 120-scr farm must hv money Immediately and will sacrlflc $1000 for a quick aai. 120 acres fine land H miles from stesm line and 4 mllea from e'ertric, on good county road, 26 miles from Portland. Washington Co.; 35 seres In hish stste cultivation; 30 acrva more easy cleared, 40 acres stump. 15 seres good timber, 2 acres bearing apples. 1 acres 3-year-old apple. 0 line springs, water piped to house: good buildings; th very best of soil; no rock; loo acres best f fBrm land; guaranteed ss advertised; sacrificed this week for only $42.50 per acre; $1500 cash, balance long time. Call 606 Swetland bldg. SMAT.L, FARM. 15 4 acre, new 5-room bungalow porches, fireplace, bath, cellar, piped for hot and oold water. 6 acrea In cultivation. 34 acres slsahed. easy to olear; 4 acres fine black onion or truck land; 2.0 thrifty appl trees, 50 peach treea. some pear quince and other small fruit and berries; running water, fin spring near house, barn, woodshed, poultry yards; two miles from good town, clos to Portland on S. P. R. R. This Is a On poultry and fruit farm and th price I below actual value: prlc $S25; $2000 cah will hndle. W. W. orsen, 71$ Chaunbsr of Comraerc bldg. $100 AN ACRE $100. 160 ACRES, v Her I a fsrm In th hert of th Wlllamtt Valley, that 1 worth doubl vary dollar that I asked for it, 140 acres under cultivation, balane pasture: living wster on piece; 2 miles of Mon mouth, the town with the only nortmei In the stste; 4Vj miles of Dallas, the county seat: clos to railroad and public road: $io)0 down, balance time. For particular dlr?ss A F fcoO. Oregonian. 40 ACRES. 26 mile from Portland, good oil, auto road through place; achoo! on corner, owner In debt, must sell; will tak $1500. CaJl at 4 N. 6th t. MUcellapeoua. AN IDEAL HOME. 6H acre, good buildings, fruit, water. mile from paved street; slso a 16-room apartment-house. In Woodburn, Or., for sale on easy terme or exchange for Port land property up to $"1000 or $10.00. Call Main 144 or addre P. O. box BS3, Hill boro. Or. FOR SALE Bt vcant residence lot on East tilda. floe homes surroundings. 50 x loo. clos In. nr carllne. near schools, worth Investigation. $4000. Addrwa a 028. Oregonten. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT At Beaverton. 4i, acre extra fin land; modam B-room bungalow, good riarn etc.. 10 minutes' walk from station. Inquire 22 Stark at. FOR RENT Klna 300-acr farm; tenant reuat bve $JWO0 to buy horses. Imple ment nd crop; no agents. Address AV !, orcgonlsiv F VRM for rant: stock, crop, implements, 'furniture for sal. Call Pel. 14. WANTED REAL F.STATE. BUN'. VLOW to irade for farm. Yamhill ValWy. to Cobb. 2"6 R. Ex. bids. WILL PAY $100 DOWN. Balsnce $25 to $H0 month. Including in terest, for htingAlow; must he a bargain, no agents. Write AJ 901.Orcgonlan. 1 HAVE $1500 in cash and want to buy di rect from on ner a home either on Wil lamette Heights or In lrvlngton: will con sider un to 46000: no attention will be paid to agents. Address I'. O. 156, City. WANT for spot cash. 3 or 4 adjoining lots west of East 24th St.. north Hawthorne av. south of Tillamook st.: must be chesp and In good location. AD 0. Ore gontan. t ' PIANO, diamond or talking machine aa first pavment on 6-room bungalow, close in. bai same as rent. See Cobb. 20S Ry. Lx. bldg. HAVE a medium-priced lot. free of Incum brance, to trado for an equity In higher priced one. G 059. Oregonian. WANT the best lot bargain In Laurelhurat for cash. 4 Mohawk bldir FARMS WASTED. FARM WANTED. 1 ' Please nolo the following specif Icstlons carefully and ir you cannoi meet mwu. don't waste your time or mine. I want from 400 to 1000 acres, cleared or largely cleared, consisting mostly of river bottom lsnd along the Willamette River. The soli must bo largely of the deep sandv. river seUiment soli and most of It mult lay reasonably smooth and level so. that It can be irrigated. If vou can meet these requirements, send a full and complete description of property. Be sure and state the number of Acres now In cultivation the condition of the bslsnce locstlon. Improvements, price, terms, etc. E 040. Oreguntsn. WANT TWO FARMS FOR FOLLOWING PROPERTY. 1 feon 9-room house. o0no, and 4 lots. $2oit: want farm up to $12,000; will go as far aa Roeeburg. 4ii0 -room houaa. has mortgage on for $1000; want farm to $5000. within :,l miles of Portland; 10 to 20 acres cleared: with small house. SEE MR. H A R BOLT, 1 A. J. RET8CH CO.. Marshall 4-'M. . MO Chamber of Commerce. FARM WANTED. I hsva s customer for a small farm Portland from 5 to 20 acres. Improved: I slso have some cliolre farms on whlcn owners will take Portland residence or business Income property as part psv rn.nl. What have you to offer? Owners nl' W. W. GREEN. 713 Chsmber of Commerce Bldg. FOR HALF TTMWER I.ANtV, FOR SALE by owner, quarter aectlon yellow pine timber In Wheeler County. Oregon. Cruise over two million feet. Address P. O. Box 413. The Dalles. Oregon. " TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. 3. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg, TO EXCHANGE. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN; 20 acres, all planted to commercial va rieties of apples, mostly New-towns and cni..,K.r.. nirl in hearing! fine I Or III X. OOd house, DeaUtllUl view, near iowi. v. 1 1 E) I on in.in cOlintV fOBdl gOOd Income next year: win wxa moueru i room house as part payment. AE 77. Orvgonlan. INCOME PROPERTY FOR FARM. $10,000 worth of business property in a good llvo town within 23 mile from Portland to trade for A No. 1 Willamette Valley farm or city property: will pay a difference up to $4000 to $.n0: no agents. GHUSSI & HOLDS. 31" Board of Trade Bldg..' 4th and Oak. IMPROVED, and unimproved Irrigated land . t,i. A ... . v. .nnA water near J wiw ran., m-ow, ,... - ' riplit at $50 an acre and up; good terms 6 per cent Interest, for snle or trade for Portland property, business, residence or acreage. Robert Martvn. 607 Yeon bldg., Marshall I'M 40 ACRES. Boring. Or., mostly cultivated, good house, bearing orchard; livestock, etc.. go with place; $2-V per acre; trade for city property up to $5000. We have many other trsdes and can match you on anything. KOI Swetland bldg. ' $15,000 STOCK of merchandise to exchange for good real estate or securities. 271 I'm, st.. Multnomah Hotel Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY. We have an apartment-house lease and fl.rf,.Miit,ir. valued at g.iooo. paving net Income of $150 per month, to trade for good home or for business or equal im. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO, 2 Lumbermens Bldg. i.-npinn irRRti: OF ENCUMBRANCES, All under cultivation, value :100 per sere, will exchange In 5-scre plots: make your offer to Sir. Haiell, 1007 Spalding bldg. 100 ACRES. Washington County, Oregon, one mile from 1. R. & N. R. R. : value $5000: will consider trade for half value and balance cash: good farming land after timber Is removed; this Is a bargain. What have vou to offer? AO Pel. Oregonian. We have a splendid Income property, paying a secured Income of 9Vi per cent for eight years, to trade for Improved farm property; value $20.1MK). GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO., 2 Lumbermens Bldg. 1C0 AOI'.tS on Kalama River; good raw tlmbtr and splendid piling; value $6000: mint hnvrt sme money: will consider S50M hlf tr.nle. auto, acreage or city property and balance cash. AM 958, Ore gon iam $10 000 EQUITY In $15,000 hotel and land, will trad for what you hava This is good. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO.. 518-519 Board of Trad. A 1051, Mar. 4290; lO ACRES TO EXCHANGE. Located near Mt. Scott: will trade for bungalow or city lots on Eaat Side; price $JUu0. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board of TradeJBldg.. 4tb andOak. 40 ACRES of good soli, 2 miles from Banks, on United Ry. survey and good county road- $1700. Exchange for Portland propertj. Kauffmann Moore. 323 Lum ber Exchange. . $60"0 HO.M E. Overlook Addition, exchange for yacaut lots, ae-eage or small house, by owner; equity 1T"0. balance .straight mortgage, runs 3 years. W. C. Roberts. 9uo Uongvjew ave. ACRKACJE FOR TRADE. I have ome line Improved acre tracts near elation on Salem Electric; will ac cept city property. LaBarre, 209 Com mercial block. MODERN l-reom. 1-story bungalow, hot water heating system, fixtures and shsdea. excellent location; will take $400 to $1?0 valu In lots or acreage; balance $20 per month. Telephone Tabor 74. MODERN 6-room, 2-stbry bungalow, liot water heating system, nxtures and shades, excellent location; will take $800 to $1500 value in lots or acreage; balance $20 per month. Telephone Tsbor 74. WANT A FARM. To exchange. $5000 equity In $9000 house and two corner lots In Sunnyslde; price I1Q0. 608 McKay bldg. 160 ACRES close to R, R-. in Montana; clear of Incumbrance; will trado for Port land property. FRANK T. BERRY, No. 4 N. oih St. WILL, trade for house and lot, or vacant lots. 30 scree of land near Bethany. 10 miles from Courthouse: 8 acres cleared. Inquire 2W Stark St. WANTED To trade stock in paying busi ness for 3-passenger automobile; must be in Al condition, J. fe. Conner. 914 North 8th St.. Walls, Walla. Wash. SPOKANE residence, well constructed, quar tered oak down stairs, complete In detail. 9 rooms, coat $10,000: exchange for de- Slranle roniann resilience, uv icon diuk. FOR SALE or exchange; for good real s tt. Hotel Doris, the only $2 per day hotel In Woodburn, Or. J. L- DeLong, ownar. 20-ACRE and SO-acre farms, part for trade: eitv property, som cash, balance- long tini R. Buetlkofer. 215 Salmon. IF you have furniture, lot or aereag to trad on a S-room bungalow, call up Main 9441. WANTED To exchange a stock of wstohes a for farm lanria or eaultv In farm lands. G 840, Oregonian- FOR SALE or trade for part caah and acre ae; line equipped restaurant; good lease on local Ion. G 932. Oregonian. -PASSENGER automobile, good condition, to trade for rortiand property: will as sume difference. 615 Chamber Commerce. IMPROVED East Side property, value $15. 000, for stock of merchandise, 415 Cham ber of Commerce. I HAVE a $1300 Installment mortgage, pay able $26 P'r month; will sell cheap or trade. E 57. Oregonian. j AVE $1,100 equity In modern bungalow; will trade for acreage. AF 1"M. Oregonian. WANTED In exchange for lot, some busi ness chance. 208 Ry. Ex. blt'g. WILL trade fin diamond ring for good 4 passenger auto. B PS.V Oregonian. FOR TRAPES OF ALL KINDS SEE CARLAKO an CO. JM Wa (St, HIGH-CLASS EXCHANGES. $12..V)ti Good hotel and furniture: income: want properly to $10,000. $1-1 ik.ii Business property: income good $138; want $1'.0(M East side lot. -.tUl V,.-it Kirle anartm.llt site with income of $70; also $10,000 cash. Want Income or other desirable. ,,, $r.7..V0 100x100 apartment site and $10.- 000 cash: want income. jCO.tMK New- concrete hotel; stores on around floor; good income; want wheat ' farm. $ij.-,,noo Very fine Willamette Valey farm and $25.on-o cash; want city property. $71. .--no $:;5,000 apartment-hoime. in come $312; residence, worth $!Ko and a very close-In West Side half lot worth $27,500: want acre-ice or large Investment. See Mr. Beck. 272 Stark WESTERN OREGON TRl'ST COMPANY. 152 -4 ACRES, hiphly Improved, just outside city limits. Lebanon, Or.; 7-room house, hot and coid water, bath. barn, chicken, tool, woodhouscs, granaries, other out buildings; splendid place: ripe for subdi viding smail tracts; will take good com mercial 'orchard or No. 1 grain or alfalfa to 2O,0O0; $700 cash. $rt000 can remain, 6 per cent. Price $175 acre; your price must be "right. Land adjoining sold for $'.'0O sere last Fall. Owner Box 42o. Leba non, ur. CITY and farm property for business 5 A. at Beaverton for house and lot. House and lot. West side, $15,000 for house and tot. E. Side, up to $s."00. 3-room house for acreage. $.".t.!00 V. Side lot for apartment-house. Rooming-house for city property. Farms, large and small, for houses-, lots. And many more. What havo you? GARLAND & CO.. 191 4th St. TO TRADE. A lot in Laurel hurxt Addition, worth $1500, to trade . for equity in rooming house. 40 acres of fine dairy land in TIllamooK county to trado for rooming-hou or enultv In roominp-house. MULTNOMAH ROOMING-HOUSE CO. 307 Rothcliild bldg. Marshall -) . 8-PO0M modern home, hardwood floors, gas nd electric light in eac'.i room, full ce ment basement, stationary w-ashtubs, 2 toll.ts. lavatories and bath; larse garage, ohlckenyanl. roses, etc.: lot 50x 100. East 3211 St. rear Morrison; price 500; furni ture If desired. L. P7. Steinmetz. owner, 217 Arlington bldg. Phone Main 50Ki. TWO lots; trade for two-seated auto; $50. 2il, N. 3d.' FOR SALE. Horses. VchlcleH. Etc 200 HORSES AT AUCTION At Portland track, April 10. li. 18. ltjli Twelfth renewal of tho BREhDERS SPRING PALE. Roadsters, saddlers, fancy drivers, show horses, rcglotorrd stallions and mares. Dictatrerm 2:0o. Harold Wel come 2:11-4, Altacora 2:11. Bonnie lan-B.-nt 2:17j. Sonoma Boy 2;2o. are in the lot. The best of harness horses ever. Two registered Hackney stallions. REGISTERED DRAFTERS. 20 HED registered Percheron stallions and mares from Lakewood Farm. Iowa, l ercherona from other breeders: 4 choice Clvdesdales. 2-year-lod registered stallions from N. K. West, La Grande: Bonnie Jean, 3-year-old Clyde nlly and Rejaenne. champion Belgian of California and Ore gon. 1911. , WORK HORSES AND MULES. Porter Bros, and others consign a fine lot of high-grade drafters and mules, gen tle and ready to use. Send for catalogue. PORTLAND HORSE & CATTLE SALE CO. Wli Yamhill St., Portland. Or. A FINE lot of draft and driving horses Just arrived, all sound, broke horses aged from 4 to 8 yrs.. weight 12in. to IbOO ll.a. Horses locsted at Kern Park Feed & fuel Cos. stable, 6820 4tth ave. S. E. Buy direct from the farmer and save the nuu dleman's commission. HAVE a good pair of geldings to Mil: are a very good team for a ranch, are tiue aa steel, and anil 10 years old. weigh about '-'500 lbs. ; come and see this P'r hitched and pulled to your heart s con tent: will guarantee them: $2i0. Call lor Frlck team. 3:14 Front st. BARGAIN. Team of horses weighing 34O0 lbs; are good workers: come look thetn over and make offer. Also brown gelding, 7 years, weighing 1300 lbs.; cheap. L. 12th and Hawthorn avenue. House in ri. 100 HEAD range horses, unbroken : geldings ages 3. 4 and 5 years: weight 950 to 1300 pounds. Ready for delivery May 15. or further particulars apply Arthur Q. Fr sons. Wibaux. Montana. W4.NT t buy 1 young horse, from 1000 to l"0o lbs., city broke, with or without buggy; no horsedealers. John Wedek. tiS Harold ave. Sellwood 1053. FOK 4 ALE 6 head of draft horses, weigh ing from 1450 to 1550. aged 4 to T. well broke, gentle: one driving horse. 3s Front St. Stsr Stables. CO to Ross" City Park Sal 8tabl at 814 and Sandy Road to buy good guaranteed borsc at low prlos. Tak Ros Cll Park car. Adam at CampbelL prop. sawdustT Nice clean sawdust for bedding. Mult no maJiielCo:?Ja2nl $00 BUYS good bay horse genlle for lady to ride or drive; will guarantee. 41o4 Stark st. Phone Mar. Jim. BARGAIN Ranch team. 2400 lbs.: mare: colt, louo lbs ; all good condition; trial given. 242 E. 5!th North. FOR SALE Good wagon, suitable for gro cery, laundrv or cleaning-house, $005. L. P. Stable. 239 RuBSell. BAY mare, heavy, with foal; weighs 950 to 1000 lbs.; $40 takes her. Corner E. 12th aiiif Madison. TEAM weighing 2400 lbs. with harness and wagon: whole outfit at $105. 247 East 12th t. HEAVY team at blacksmith shop; $350. 2H9 Front. t UR SALE Bay mare, weighs about 1050; 6 years old. At 652 Weidler St. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy hora. accustomed to city t$ Kaat 7th st. North. HORSES boarded cheap, modern, fireproof barn, best care. East 12QO. MHln 1261. PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phone 1410. FOR SALE Bay horse, weight 1400, good ranch horse. Ill E. 7th North. ptaxios. Organs and Musical Anstronseais. FOR SALE Will sacrifice fine upright piano on account returning East; 110 reasonable offer refused. The Parkhurst, 20th and NorThnip. Apartment "l." SNAP $70O Schraff Bros. Co. player piano, almost new. to get money. Make offer. Terms or trade. Marshall 1298. A :'.7ill. NEW $1125 piano cheap. Phone East :'.026. Automobiles 5-PASSENUER Cadillac, in first-class con dition, good appearance; will sell for $5O0 cash If sold this week: this Is a bargain; will be pleased to demonstrate. C. A. Minima-. 302 Beck bldg.. Main 57SS. i"OI"R-PASSEN"GKR automobile, equipped; lamne. clock speedometer. Presto wind shield, in fiml-claas condition, cheap. For demonstrstlon call at 2ft8 11th st. FOR bargains In used cars sea ua first, writ for list; we buy and nil. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO, Cor. E. 18th and Hawthorn Ave. WILL trad 160 acres In Harney County for automobile; auto must be In good condi tion and worth at least $1800. AM 955. Oregonian. REMOVAL NOTICE. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, ttiat and Washington St. Moves April 15 to Alder and Lownsdaie. WANTED A bov with a wheel to work after school and Saturdays. Apply Metro poilian Market. 5oO Williams ave. FOR 6ALE A good five-passenger automo bile, in good running order, or will trade for equity In vacant lot. IOWI Belmont. CASH for 1911 auto. Contractor, Box 113, Kenton, Or. - Dog, Birds. Pet Stock, ' FOR KALE 2 pen of thoroughbred chick ens. Crystal White Orpingtons and Rhode Island Reds: young, first-class stock; a bargain. 753 East Salmon St., or H. H. Farnham, 1303 Yeon bldg. Main 4Joi. A 7S43. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks; best selected utility stock; bred to lay: healthy chicks, guaranteed: $7.50 per 100. during April and May. The Pioneer Hatchery. Box 84S, petaluma. tial. 6-CYU. T-PASS. PREMIER. Run less than 4000 miles: like new; cost $3850 last Spring; price $1500. AC 9tj0. Oregonian or phones East 510. B 1346. EGGS for batching on short notice; all breeds, baby chicks; standard-bred poultry- Incubators and supplies. Th Poul try' Supply House. 206 Salmon st. 4-CTL.. S-PASS. KNOX. Practically new. cost $-1400; will sell -for $1300. AB 4S- Oregonian, or phon East 620. B 1348, ; BRINDLK English bulldog, house broken and fine companion. Inquire Oregon Cigar store. 4th and Washington. BABY CHICKS, all breeds, at the Poultry Supply House Hatchery. 206 Salmon. M. 2491. THE mother of the best Boston Terrier In Oregon: cheap. Ivy Press. 68 Fourth St. Roth phones PRATT'S Animal Regulator for sals by J- J. Butser. 188 Front st. ' FOX TERRIER for sal. . .Call A 5847. i rings. FOR SALE CHEAP A. good Shepherd doft - old. inqulr Y 663, Oregonian, AutomobUee. DO YOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE? We are exclusive dealers for used cars; over 75 cars to select from, all makes, al. prices. Don't fail to see us before you bu. Every Car Guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE Twenty-first and Washington sts. will move April 15 to corner Alder nd . Lownsdaie. Miscellaneous. ; KODAK for sale: use roll films, plates or Him pack: 5x7 Eastman No 5: outfit cost over $50; qajlck sale take $25: makes ex ceptionally fine negatives. AF VS.. Ore gonian. nlliNS HK'.HJIRAUE SUITS. Men! Take the elevator and save money on your suits; $22.50 to $25 suits at $i4.i.. $27.50 to f-io suits at $!N.75. Jimmy Duuu. room 815 Oregonian bldg. .... . c t: t T c 12 miles 5rt-lb. relaying rails. Immediate delivery. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT COMPANY. 71 First St. FOR SALE Complete set of dining-room furniture, solid oak. In first-class con dition, comprising UiniliK table, six chairs, buffet, sideboard and serving table. Ad dress AT 1"15. Oregonian. SPRING IS here: Freshen up vour lawn walks and drlvef with decomposed granite. Aik for prlcea delivered. Main o.'.r.. SPECIAL sale on eewlng machines; slightly need. Ringer. Wheeler & Wilson. White, Domestic and New Home; some other new $40 machines now $27.00. whll tney lasL 6. S. Slgel. 883 Alder St. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and eec-ond-hsnd. low prices, eaay terms, safea opened and repaired. Puree! Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co..85 5th sr. Main eaoS. TYPEWRITERS for rent $3 per month; $1 per month buys late model Printype Oliver Ascncy. Phono Main 6-73. S3' Ankcny st, - SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. Ths Psciflc stor Service Co. 221 Stark st. Main 7711. FOR SALE Cash register, scales, coffet mill, cheese cutter, credit register, meat sllcer. etc. The Portland Store Supply Co , 25Q 2d St. Marshall 4748 FOR SALE Roberts lOO-lonf ;a? oven, ten foot showcase, six-foot mixing trough. 442 Washington st. $4"0 DIAMOND, trade for mortgsse, city property; assume difference. AD 9rt-l. Orejronian. NEW and up-to-date bedroom and dining room furniture, gas range and water heat er cheap. SHIwood 1 702. FOR SALE Glass cs bin . launch, 24vi. w ith 4-h p. stanilart'. engine. Prlcj $1UOO. Ail dress L. Neischl. I.lnnton, Or. FOR SALE 1 one section and 1 two section, all-steel, French range: also larg broiler. Chef.. Arlington Club. ALL makes typewriters rented. $3 a month, NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER C.. 262 Stark St. OFFICE furniture, najw and second-hand; at tractive prices. PLone Main 921. Full SA1.K Reasonable. equity in worth furniture. rholtc East 1497. $225 600 BUSINESS cards. $1; a bargain. Ross City Prlntery. 192 ', 8d. corner Taylor. BEAUTIFUL rug Marshall 1l'S. snd dlning-lable cheap. A GOOD 21-foot semi-speed motorboot. In quire 245 Front st. TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months for $5. Remington Typewriter Co.. 245 Stark si. WANTED 2 stiff -legged derricks Imme dlately. Main 87Hti. 46 2d st. . FOR SALE Baby So-cart like new. Call 7H91-: Kearney st. F"OU SALE Second-hand L. C. Smith type writer. 201 Mouica! bldg. TYPEWRITERS, visible, for sale at bar gain. Phone Main b-73. ' W ANTED MISCKLLANKOC9. fK BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TpOl.S. Highest prlco paid for men's and ladles cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture tools. mechanic. logging. Cail Main 2080. 290 1st st.. The Globe. WE buy Junk and second-hand machinery of every description. Call for our buyer. M Burdo it Sons, 240-210'- Front ..the house of a million bargains. Main o9; A 1 iii;;. BARGEU'ri AUCTION HOUSE ; 870 E. Morrison. Phone L. 1023. Psya highest cash price for furniture. WE psy th highest cash prlc for second hand furniture. Seater Martin. Phone Esst 8134. 348 Hawthorne ave. TO BUY. cash register, scales, coffe mill. ' checs cutter, credit register and meat sllcer. Phon Marshall 4548. 20 2d. HAVE vou got novelty to sell during Rose Carnival? 1 will finance. State partlcu lars quick. A K 92. uregonian. HIGHEST cash prices paid for ladles' ana gents' clothing; we respond promptly Marshall 394j. ELECTRIC fan and sewing machine motor; state make, price. V. O. Hox 20S. FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any Kind of fumttur Main llal. A 244 WILL tint rooms $2.50 up: lo painting at reasonable prices. East 6124 HELP WANTED MALiS. M ANof neat aDpearance to solicit for lart corporation in Portland: must bo. good lalKer. Apply after 9 A. M , 7Ub Selling Mug. : SALESMAN wanted, experience unnecessary, easiest real estate proposition ill Portland. Call at 4 1 S Corbett bldg. WANTED Three men. newspaper or maga zine solicitors preferred: good opening. Call 219 Worcester bldg., 8-9 A. M. wTs'TED One first-class coatmaker and one bushelman. Laue. Johnson Ai Turlay, 113 7th St. ; WANTED Registered pharmacist, elderly man preferred; small salary and not much work to do. V 964. Oregonlsn. AUTOMOBILE painter wanted, top floor Co vey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington sts. BOY WANTED Opportunity to learn a good trade. Apply room 20, Cambridge, bids. Sinclair at Myers. ' WANTED At once, "a day porter. Apply St. Charles Hotel, between 9 and 10 A. M. todHv. " WANTED A boy to deliver nn wheel for meat market: wheel furnished; steady lo- sition: at S57 Halsey. PAINTERS. Wanted Two first-class painters right sway. 20 Wssco st. WANTED Salesman to help in closing deals;, city references; state ago and ex-- perience. Address AG P3, Oregonian. IF earning under $150 monthly, send stamp for my proposition. Be your own boss. Adman. 1816 College. Spokane. WANTED Dentlrt; permanent position for first-clasa, all-around man. Address Dr. F. S. Barber, Medford. Or. WANTED at once Two floor moulders for stove castings. Apply to Albion Stove Works, Ltd.. Victoria, B. C. PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snap fa agents. Cutberth Studio. Deknm bldg. PHOTO coupon agts.. best snap ever offered, Boston Studio. 343. Washington st, BOYS with wheels wanted; must know the city.. 171 H 2d. ; WANTED Salesman to call on trad with high-grade specialty. Call 250 2Q. WANTED Good sticker, machine man. 1112 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Rood bench hand in planing mill. 1112 Hawthorne ave. SHOW CARD writer wanted at once. Apply own handwriting, a j.iq. ut'-mnau. W NTED Solicitor on wagon. Peninsula Dyeing Cleaning Co., 421 Broadway. RELIABLE Janitor for half time: reference required. Rlngler's Hall, 231'.. Morrison si. WANT steady man to work short shift in restaurant. 2H7 Couch st. . JANITOR Elderly man. preferred. The Gavosa, Grand ave. and East Stark. AGENTS WANTED Apply room 416 North-w-est hide- 9 A. M. touay. WANT bass aud tenor. Call after 12 even Ings after 8. Room 218 Tllford bldg. WANTED A first-class presscr. 412 Alder st. WANTED Boy to do packin-;. . Closaet & Devers. BARBER wanted; must be a good union man. W 961, Oregonian. RELIABLE man. as porter, colored or whits; bring referencer. f "A Morrison st. HARNESS-MAKERS want.d at once. 30 Msin St., Vancouver. Wah. WANTED Solicitors; $2 day to start. Phon Tabor 1401. . WANTED Bov over 17 to deliver box -lunches. Room 1. 20S Alder t. WANTED A Brat-class bushelman. 372 11th st. . . . . ALL-ROUND printer wanted at oitce at Herald office. Tillamook.. .Or. . BOY WANTED. F. Printers. 1st aud Oak. Faltcs & Co., TAILOR wanted at H. Schulz, 164 10th. CHICKEN RANCH, on Mount Hood Rail toad, near i'ortlauid. Call Tabor Hi. 4 4