1B Tnr MQVTNfi- OHF.OOXTAy, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1,0. 101?- " tot, AT I TODAY. y KKAL ESTATE LIBEL 15 CHARGED VVcll-to-Do Importer in Diffi culty as Pamphleteer. FEDERAL.WARRANT ISSUED 'All Conrr-m-n Are Crook," and Inference to CUfton of Aln Hama Are Rai. of Crim inal Prmfrdlnj. NEW YORK. April . Henry W. M. Fage. a well-to-do commission mer chant and Importer of linen and rot Ion, was arretted here todar on a Federal warrant from the r'lstrlrt of Columbia charting lilm with libeling I:epreentatlTe Clayton, of Alabama, chairman of the House committee on judiciary, and other member of Con gress. i"ag took hi arret coolly. In fart, he requested that the Federal officers be notified that he was waiting .or their arrival. . When arraigned he pave l'00 bail for his appearance in Washington, where he will go without fighting extradition. In the Indictment. m-hlch contains three counts. rage Is charged with having circulated alleged libelous mat ter In a pamphlet bearing a title Vaee aa follows: "The crim of the Honorable Henry T Clayton Congressmen commit per jury." On the title pace these captions were followed br these questions: -Q. x Congressmen take a solemn oath to defend the Constitution against all Its enemies?" -A. Yes" - -Q. ro Congressmen keep this oath. -A. No." q. Why do not Congressmen keep this solemn oathT -A. Because all Congressmen are crooks." This pamphlet, addressed to all the members of the House committee on Judiciary, was circulated among the members of the ritv-second Conzress. W1CKEBSHAM WIL LRES1GN WMorncj-fKncral to !.? Cabinet If Taft I Itc-oleetrd. WASHINGTON. April . Attorney General Wl.-kersham will not serve in the Cabinet after March 4 next. If Pres ident Tsft is re-elected. It was said to dav on unquestioned authority. Wlt kersham entered the Cabinet with a distinct understanding that he would rot serre more than four years, it was declared. It was also said President Taft and Vickersham were In thorough accord as to the Administration anti trust policy and that today's announce ment was without political significance. DAILY CITY STATISTICS ' Bifiba. WOODRl FF To th wife of Ra.mond R Woodruff. 311 East loth at.. April 1. a "i'f)vER-To the wife of Harry J. Flow er Portland Sanitarium. April ft. a daugn- "vOONET-T the wife of P. J. Mooney. 314 Arthur tt.. April . a son IM.EK To the wife of Edwin O. Isler. 10 Rus.-ll St.. April 7. a aufiter. OlOff'V-T. the wife of Vaaldemar o:ofon. 3-Hi East First su. April T. a daugh- OI'THAr.D To the wife of Cyrio K. Eoatbard. 2 Cniunc at.. April . a son. CON N To tha wife of John a- conu. Zvaat 2th at.. Apr!l 5, a son. ' ALKXAM'ER To the wife of Andrew M. lewder. East Uh St. North. April Kf'xER To the wife of Vh O. Keeler. 7 Ford at.. April 1. a daughter. BAXKIEI.I To the wife of James E. PanBeld. Belmont at- April 7. a son. Marrtace IJeewaea. 1 l.BKRTfuNEI-MeHKRil To !. W. TultM-rtaon. of i'ooa Cuunty. Orr.on. and Immi K E mat-ers. MlXi'E-OEHSi'N To Harold 2a. of Mullnouiati County, and ""viLLOVGHBT-BROWX-To Jamea V Tri:iousibr j. of Multnomah County, and 1 (XlVHAUT-Rof K To A. t: Coonradt. 34. of M'titnomah t'ountv. and Ann Ito-k. 4. KXI.1IIT.DA1.US-To J. S Knlahf. :J. ef M'titnomah County, and Myrtlo D. Dal- ' AVPtRSON-Et-l-SVl-OWTH To W. H. Ar.deraon. -j.v of Multnomaa County, and M.rr'e 11 Ullrwortri. 21. fTfRNBERI-NOrlLE-Tn Theodore T. Ft.rnter. of Dakota ounty. Jlinne.oia. 29. and Ellu'h Noble. IIOL l n-KINi To S. A llolromb. -o. Of Ta-nhri ountT. and Clro T Kins. .1. STEPHKV.S. SMITH To K. U Stephens. .1 .1 uniinuin.ii County, and I.ela timlth. SCH AFER-IM NTFR To AusuM Seha f.r. r. of Oerrata. Or., and Margaret Hun-t-r. 13 LOWfRT-FCl.l.OKi'-To Ernet Kewery. 41. of Multnomak t'ounty. ( and Orace Fel lows 4U n'.YNN-c.lXTT To Michael Flynn. Of Multnomah Co'inty. and Tereaa llintv. -I. I.KV I KN-i'ASTE N To Samuel l.erlen. 51. Of Mtt'tnomah Counir. and Molle Caaten. STio'K tiAI.V-STKI' KI.AM To Hubert C sto.-kclale. :m. of lHenton County. Or., and Alice M. Strlrkland. lo KNOX-Rl-'HINS To Teter Kno. 7S. of aj.j'f nornah Co.jntr and Sarah C. Itobina, r,it:Kirii-coi.ir To A. ti. Oletl:h. S3, ef Muitnoman County, and Violet O. Collp. SO VANPALE-NEAL To It A Vardale. ia. a.f Marlon I'ouniv. Or., ani Kdna M feal. HAI L-'.IB.'N To c. K. Hall. 2 4. of Fpeknre. Wa.h.. and Fay K. GH.aon. 2'- CATTH vmT.CKAl.LK To. w. J. ;att rarir. 24. of Multnomah. County, and Ecrtte t". rviiie. ;o rpK RIPERTS To Walter It. F.de. .M. of Viilfnomah ot?rty. and Allr-e Roberts, SO. riERITZ-VOTKR To Arthur O. P. rierltx. of r'ark County. a.h . and Ma ke! M. Moyer. 22. DAILY MKTEORO LOGICAL RKPORT. PORTI-AXI. April . Matimum temper a:ure. tl rt'creea; minimum. 4.1 tl-creea. River readlna at S A. M.. ."..2 f-et ; rhRo In I. at 24 hours. .1 foot rise. Total rainfail t J p. M. to X P. M.. pone; tot.l ainee p tember 1.-1111. 37.27 Inchea: normal. 37. 7 1 Inch, a: d ttr;enrr. .St Inch. Total aunalne. 7 imuri: poaalble. 1.1 hura. 10 minutea. Barom- CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally ae aadar. Pee Lisa. ise tte Soe Je fffmw K.me ad two ran a. rulrro ttmee. .... Mmta4thrM nawntlra times... ajama ad si or ao.ea cwnaeraUv. times. . tee Itemiltnares snuaS accampany a.it-4-tawa) rdera. 4 bea one adroetlaamtm la Mt ns fra us eeutlve Iwaoea the eee-tlme rate applies. r4t ararda eoaat aa lino oa caab aaV Mtuemeiu aad aa ad aaaatad far laas lhan two tinea. Oa rkarga ar book adeerttaemeala tbe rtiarro will be baaed aa lb. a nun I af lines appearing- la the paper, reaJrllns a (be number 0 words la aaeb' Una. la New Today all ad.eitlaemaata are rbaraed aacasanw wf, aa unaa aa saa laeb- Tha aa.ee ratea apply ta adeartle smder " Today" and all eber Uoao esrep tbo following 1 rataalloaa Wanted. .Male. Klliialtono fA anted. emale. ai., will wrM rlaaalfied - aaeata e.er tbe telepboae. peo.wlim tbe ad aeetleer a aabaa rlber to ell her pHaae. Ma nrlera will be enoted arer the phaaa. ba Cm will be reodered the folVowlna ..day. V bother aaborqaeat .4tnlwsmiU wUI be . accepted near the pboee depend, upon the arooiptneae af the payment of telephone ad (enlaeaxeeta. Wtaallaa. VT anted aad Por .nal anWerlleementa will a4 be aocetHea a.er tb tetephana. Oedora tmr -lr-;M anly will bo aeeped for "Hear, for teat." -FnrnHore tor Bali." -Baataoae Oa. aortanltleo.'' "Kaotalna-il (d ta ateat." aad M'aat- AMrEMENT. HEILIG Ts cater Ttb Taylar rhon Main 1 and A '1121 TONIGHT VtmW aperlal Price Matinee Today. Klaw a Erlsnger Present the Beautiful t-. I MnAf Kl -.O S 1. pilronv. rows 1 w; rows. Ac; 11 rnai. .W. Rallrrv. 3.V. I'"-. Tomorrow s Matinee lo.tr floor $1.00. Balcony. first 3 row. 75c; in rear first ft fowl. SOr. c,:ry. S5c. 2Sc. FEAT SKI. LING FOR ENGAGEMENT. BAKER THEATER v Mats 2. A &3fl0 C. 1- Br. Mgr. BIKER STOCK COMPAXT. Tenlghl. all rrk Mallnoo ttatardaay. Tbe aielnt comedy ef them 'all: MRS. WIC.. Of THK ABBAt.E PATCH. Flrrt lime le Mock. IrommM eaet. A avrream from beglnatfa.; to end. lsht prir", lie. 0r !. Mjtinr. Sic. ext week. Marlins; ka.. Mai. "The W Hrhliaar Honr." Mff . A l IM.4T1M.E EIKHT DAT l T. I5e :5e NIOirrS: ISe. Me. trt rv I run a nUai, H'al.K l it Mon- dell and Co.. Manalehl Company. Lcnrarie Inr. Trio. Harry I. H ebb. !ae olllb, OrrhrMra, Karl t.reee. pictures. trrr.K APRIL . The Ijinraater Operm Co Frnet are t av, NewhofT aad Phelpa, The Hear a I U. nrrr aad Wllbeiml. Klra iJar aea Troope. l'aataeaoope. prlcea l&c aafl tvr. arlal. tt.w. 1:t aad Hoiea and fl rm4 row balcony reaer.edV Itoi olflco .pea from ie . M. le I P. M. 1'boaea A XZ3t Main 4ftS. Bfatloee EaerT Dar- Krfloed Vaadeillle. . ...... n i .i u-AtM ar 4 om- M r r.fv Ai nu. 7. . . ... pur. Joe Opiel and omejllana. J'" M4 Thompson. Tbe Apollo Tr. arrer and Marry. I -e immermaa, w . IV- and Sir. . LYRIC THEATER lOl'KTH AU St ARK nrKK APRIL . RW-e Cedy. the war t omerjlana. wi'o inn i - - - Mn.lcal Corned; ompanj. la ",' io Pmraa" Two nerforniancea nlsBlly ' and t:IS. Maliaee. daily alarht f Kara. aiirU" Conlet after each pe- foemanee Ne.t week "The Inrentor.. rter irtducrd to sea level! at 5 P. M.. 2P.S.1 Inciica. ,,,-.. Hi 1 1'1'l'UJ I ewiia "tl Formerly Oraad. f aulll'an a CooalUlne. -5 Wind 3 Si o -t i z -3 2 MS n o n f s t : STATIONS Wtathar BkT , Hotse W'mton Canary Chi- iko Inv4ar - Moln-t . . . . iMllutll j;ur-lia , vetton Jrkionvy . . Kamai rtty . . Marahftl4 ... . . Monir-TMl New rl-an .. N Or'-. North Head . . . North Taklm . rhnenlx PM'aiHo , Port land Unaburr . . . . Pcrani4nto ... , St. Iuta St. lul PIt Ienk San !. ..... Fan Francisco . Spokan Tdcomt Tatixkth Island Wall-. Walim ... Wanhfnitton Wtnnlpec . - - . 70 a. 71 o. H l O, 7i o 0 r.s o ." o o 01 In SK (H1HSF. Ol 4 SK I"'1 4 NB 01 14 V .00 10 K O'V 4 N 0"' NW o" II- N V1 H .r A SB .Ort USE OJ V IMI H tV t'loiifly U'loudy K.1I11 Pt. rioudy jClouriy tMear n'lear Clr-jr .('ioudv ;i'louiy I'lear 'clear 'Pi. dourly Pi. cloudy .liHln W'lear ru.udy pt. cloudy it'ioudr I't. ioudy li'louriy ji'lomiy 'Rain ' Cloudy ' l"ear U'lear Raln Cloudy lt. eloudy JCIoudy U'lourt Cloudy Vlear cloudy 7-' 7.' 0. .".4 . 3 o 4 r-B ,T V rii o. ''-) i 440 .ok r.o Nt' h) s v . 12 sv .(."USE .on 14 N x 4 K .- I SB nn R XW h NW .O" IS B . 14 SB OJ 10 sw .00 4 NE .rtn li N 00'14 VI" .00 4 SV .on 10 sw 06 1 J s K it e 74 Cm O nt . o 7 o vi 72 i o 71 o s 0 :. j o 71 7i 0 WEATI1ER CONDITIONS. The low-preaaure ares yesterday evenlnc ever Nevada and Alberta respectively have nnlterl srd formed a aln-le dlsturhanra of decided character which la now central over the lnland Kmptre. No rain of consequence has vet resulted from thia disturbance, hut the weather la cloudr and threatening over the greater part of thta district. Light rain haa faln In porllora of the Culf Stata. lower l.aka relon. Ml-tdle Atlantic and New Enslan.l stairs and In Callforni aouth of Hacrmnio. It Is much cooler In North ern California and decidedlv warmer In the southern Rocky Mountain States, th. Mid dle Atlantic State, and the Ohio Valley. The condition, are farorable for ahowers and thund-r storms In this dl.'rlrt Wednes day, alth much lower temperatures esst of the Cascade Mountains. FORECAST!. . Portland and Tlclnlty Showers, probably attended by thunder; southwesterly winds. Oregon -fchowers snd thunder storms; cooler es: portion: pouthwe.ierjy winds. Washincton Showers and thunder storms; cooler ca.t portion; weatarly winds. Idaho showers snd thunder storms: cool er. EDWARD A. BEAU". Dietrlrt Foracaster. ATtTION fc.VI.EH TOD IT. At wr.eon's Auction House, at 1 A, Furniture. 1 i 1 -a a omooo P1F.D. HOWARD Tn this city. April . at the fsm II. re.idence, 1010 Oantenbeln av.nue. t; ro ver Howard, aon of Mr. and Mrs. 0orse f Howaed. seed 11 ears. The remslns are at Klntcve parlors. Funeral notice In a later Issue. PORTER In this city. April 0. R.becca 8. Porter, lorn In Kockinaham County. Vlr Sinta. November S4. 1h42- Remains at Pearson's parlor. Announcement of funeral later. MKKTrNfi NOTICES. COMRADES. ATTENTION. 9UMNF.R POST. No. 12. G. A. R. and other olJlra, pi al fiid th funeral of our cmnd. V. . A. HUtnr. kt Trtvat 'o. "U" Third Rfiimant N. Y. Vol Ct. Services will be held t Crema torium today iWfdnfdy, at 10 o -clock aV. M. Take SellwooU car. H . 9. FAR OO, Com minder. J. W. X.I1BEE. Aajutaat. ?!ATTHOHNE LOPGB. Ko. 111. A. F- A Nl A. M. Special rrnmmuniraiioDa win do neia inn WHineaday ) -nln. April 10. O . t . .ti. v ur in inm r.. j. C. de-r. Masonic Temple. Wit Park and Yamhill atreeia. VUicora cordlallr Invited, O t- Utl I VIJ L.auA aw WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 1. K. A. M. Stated coo vocation thta (Wednead.i) evenlnr at Ms ontc Hall, Cut Eighth and Burn aide atreeta. a: 7 o'clock sharp. At A o'clock a musical pro it am roe, and social entertainment wilt ba rtTeti. All members are requested to brine tn-tr wivea and families. Bv order of the C H. F. J. fc. MAaRTIN. bee. ORIENT LOnCB, NO. 37. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting tonight ( Wednad.ir. Con ferring the third degree. Visitors Invited to be with ua. W. W. TERRY, tiec SAMARTTAV t-ODfiE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular metlng thla Wdnenday evening) at ft o'clock. Flrai degr. Via. tors always welcome. R- OSVOLT). Scretary. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OfTlee. nr HalL Main tt. A Til. Human, offtcar. Srseant E. 1- Crat. Realdenro. 14 K. 4th N.. East 477a. rtora. ambulanee, corner of (th and Taylor. Veterinary to chars. Marshall 404. Aal tals Rescua Rom. Nortbrup A eras, Tbemsa A. bbert, bupt.. A iS47. i rings. 8 ITNEK.U. SOTRE. I -... i I or Sale Lots BIT V EK In this city, st Ms l1"! 4.'3 .iraha.il avenue. April 7. w Rimer, ased ears J daya belmed hu.band vt Nanlo Ultner sud fathe or Kathcrlne Ruth Bltner. I)eceas.d was a member of Hurnncr Post. G. A- eor"" rade. of which. t.,.ether with friend, and aciualntanccs arc re.pectfully l"" ? attend t.e funeral s. rlres. which w be held todsy (Wednesday) . April in. ai ! A. M. from the Portland Crematorium. Remain, at Pearson's parlors until 9 a. M. Wednesday. WAESPE In this cite April 9 Mrs U'ae.pe. sited 4T years. 5 months .1 alsjs. Funeral senlcea will be held st llolnian s chapel, corner 3d snd Salmon streete, at 1t o i lock A. M. Thursday. April 11. In terment at Fir Hill Cemetery, handy. AVERT The funeral of the late William H Avery will be held Thursday. April 11. from tho rhspel of J' mnt st Mount Prott Park remetery. ILOnsHD. tlorat design NoO "1U ri" 1st, IIQ Ud aad C liana, jlala 141, aV ia f OTXTM ENT5 Otln Schumann Marbia W.rl.. ttat id -ad Pine Bta. Ml 74a. KB. EIlVV ARn UOI.MAN tb. le- I-. -,.1 eUrecter nod andertnaer. sw ear. enimaan a. - a.l.ar at McKnlee, Foneral Dlrecter. I A -j a lAat .u Tib ead line. w .m.i iiml muaa - I c Jan t- U I ! le. oft oum y Coroner. A B. ZLI.LEB CO.. ll-4 nnuwn. nt,. Laai loa. O loss. Lady ntteoda-s. . "j- ..i..i.dl Pbone Main . A t- .aJ . -v ci laic w.aaaaraal Dtrectors. SWaoa S. rT I i7anlln7 IneKM.Bja. I Elicit. Cadet-taker, eor. Eaae Alder tI I.ru laia. IdyatM-da UVIU COMPANY, td aad War. diss, a tut- Lads attoaaa. THE. CEMETERY Beautiful ML Scott Park I.ARC.K, PERsAJIKST. M 1 R R N. P O K T LAKU'H OSLT MODEHJI CEMBTKHY 1TB FEKPETtAL CARS af all burial plota without extra chare e. Provided with a perma nent Irreducible Maintenance Kund- Location Ideal; just out- aide tha city llmlti on north and woat alopes ot Mount Scott, containlnjt Ji aorad. quipped with every modern convenience. THICKS TO SI-IT At. la. seHtKU THK BtM'. ONB MILE SOITH OF LKKTS. REIiULAR All T MO BILK tCRV. 1CB KRLa BETHtliJI I, K .i T A Pa O TUB CliMailEKY. It It II CITT OFFICE, 20-21 TEON B U I L r I N O. MA IS 125, A 70S. CEMETKRT OKKICE, TABOR 1461; HOME PHONE RING b till. TH-EN CALL LOCAX. 430L NPTV TOP A T. Goodnough Building AT Public Auction On Monday, Aprik22, 1912. at 11 'clock, A. in front of the County Courthouse, I will sell at publie auc tion, the quarter block at Fifth and Yamhill streets, in Portland, Oregon, on which stands the 6-story Goodnough building. Tenus, 1-3 cash, balance due in one year. DAVID S. STEARNS, Referee. STARK ST. 4-story concrete building, new. Leased for 9 years to responsible tenant. Land values rapidly advancing on Upper Stark street. $42,500 No phono information. . E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. For Sale Or Lease for a term of years, a modern al-stry-and-hasement brick, sprinkler equipped, en Terminal tracks, very central; 70.0i square feet floor space; suitable for warehouse or wholesale. DAVID STKARXS 349 U'a.klnftos St. Choice Home $4900 In Walnut Park. modern 7-room house on a beautiful lot 50x100. The house- Is nicely planned. well con structed, and surrounded by lovely shade trees. A real snap at the figure offered. A. H. BIRRELf. CO. r3 McKay Bids., Sd and atark etna Mortgage Loans 930,000 aad Over CENTRAL BIJMNESS PROPERTY. LOWEST Cl'RKEXT RATES. WM. MACMASTER 701 Corbel t Bids. Seaside Cottage for Rent i wii.i, rkm mt commodious cottage: at seaside, completely furnished, electric lights, water, bath, etc., on board walk, for May. June and July, or sooner If de si re l. Tflephone Main -6 C 6 . Income Property -Two lots and bulldinir. Income IB pr cent. AVill consider lot In good loca tion. Price i:.000. with terms. ZIMMF:RMA. aiO Board of Trade. COLLI 9. BERRIDGE THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 3d Waretater Rloek. Plass Mala 5T. MONEY TO LOAN WM. C. B0RCHERS rjCf O 207 Orogonian Bldg. i JO For Splendid home. Irvtneton, and lots cheap, call Kt 175. C l-iS. V. II. Ui.llDSlA.V, V7 At the Rate of Minute SIX minutes of business, starting at 9 o'clock Tncsday morning, April 16th. YOU have from now until then to inspect this property. Z can serve only six of the many who will want to buy. You can be one of the six. It will pay you to make sure you are one of the six. THE property. Six three-acre tracts. 30 minutes from the center of town. Finest view property imagin able. Right on the finest automobile boulevard in Oregon. Tract in its nat ural state. A superb view of the snow capped mountains. Not a ship can enter this harbor without being in full view from these 3-acre home sites. Four methods of transporta tion : United, Electric Railways, steam train, automobile or motorboat. Water front rights for moorings. PROPERTY on either side of these tracts is cut up into city building lots. If I should cut my 18 acres into building lots I would receive from each acre as much money as I now ask for a three-acre tract. I HAVE reasons for wanting to sell at once. I want those six who will buy on the 16th to want the property. I want them to go out and inspect it. To know what a rare bargain they are getting. My price for each 3-acre tract is $2850. Terms to suit. 1 SHALL not accept one cent on these tracts until the 16th. On the 16th I shall sell to the first six who arrive at my office after 9 A. M. Go ont and look at the property. Call at my office and I shall give you tickets and directions as to how to get there. If yon wish, I shall be glad to go out with you. I am in my office, 720 Board of Trade Building, every day from 10 to 12 A. M. F. BRESKE 720 Board of Trade Building Home on Easy Terms fi.-.ori, worth e5i)iX: :oo cash, balance ICS per month, nhlch Includes Interest. A f ine-looklns. comfortable reaitlenee. In Ttoasmere. on Tillamook street, between 42rl and 43d streets. Lot fronts south. House two stories, seven rooms, carefully built, double construction Including floors. Full cement basement, ststlonary waahtubs. rxial bin fruit closet, clothes chute, Boynlon furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, hand some paneled rilnlmr-room. beam relltnc. fine huMI-ln buffet, eseellent kitchen with ample closets and cupboards, pass pantry, cooling closet, excellent plumbing, ess. elec tricity fine fixtures, attic lawn graded snd seeded. House resdy tor occupancy without further expense. Rooms of comfortable slse. convenient arrangement, plenty of light snd ventilation. Examine at IJIM Tillamook ptreet Owner lives next door, t'lose to Rose city Park and Beaumont car lines. No atreet Hens. S Acrss Xear Barr. Road, only one mile from city limits. $650 Per Acre This is $350 per acre under market price. ". A. H. BinRULL t'O. Oil McKay Bid-, 3d and Mark Stn. Laurelhurst Home New. itwell house, 2 fireplaces, furnace, doubly constructed through out, hardwood floors, fine buffet, book-CHJ-eas. beam coillnnrs, ntitch kitchen, built-in refrigerator, tireless cooker, fine fixtures. 4 sleeping rooms and sleeping porch: lot BOxlUO: on Laurel hurst ave... In the best part of Uaure.1 hutst. Price fSiSO; 3S:0 caslj and pr month. r.RI ssl BOLUS. 318 Board of Trade Bids, 4th aad Oak. la 81BI RBAX HOMES R K BFTOMTNG ! auv pan A if THK WORLD OlbR. They are owned and occupied by the wealthy classes wlio dcelre more freedom, more exciualvencss and real healthy enjo ment, which the city docs pel provide. By the buslne-s and professional men who need rest and quiet comfort away from the nerve-racking, noisy city. By the thrifty and lnduttrlous wase-earn-ers who are dc-ilrous of setting a nnanclal roothold and eager to see their bank ac counts grow by supplying their household needs from their after-hour eftorls n car Ins for the garden, berry patch, fruits, cow, snd especially chickens, from which quite a revenue can be derlwd. The essential features that go to mane values in acreage are: fiood soil, free from grsvel and roca. Good wat'jr and air drainage. (Inoil wagon and automobile roads. l.ood electric car Kervlcu. Close tn station ; cheap fares. Store, school and telephone accommoda- ,,0Free water, wood, snd the many expanse items eliminated. You can llnd .many acreage tracts that possess only a part of these advantages, but yen von call to mind a single place that l-os-Jesscs all? We onlv Know of one. that Is FOl.KKNBfKG With United Railway ehrliic line staMrra on the around. It will make for you a ub slantlal suburban home, a profitable home, a delightful Summer home for the tsum-ner outing, less the usual expense. A splenum Investment. Only M minutes from Ud and .Stark streets. The rnltod Railwsy Company Is prepar ing to Improve the electric car service and FOI.KF.NBI'RO will then be only .".0 minutes from id and Ftark street)!. More -a.rs. earlier and later rsrs. better car service, quick transportation, cheaper fares. All thee betterments, from time to time, sdd Increased valuation, a sure, profitable Investment. St. Helens Hall. school lor girls, to build Its new home between Port Isud and Folkenburg. Go with us to Kolk enburg week dsys or Sunday at :1. A. -M.. returning at noon, or at 1:15 P. M . return ing at 5 P. M. This gives you two hours there to Investigate thoroughly; sec the new houses now building. Some srn living 1 tents during the Summer months. Our acreage - enjoys better electric csr service and better automobile roads than many city lots. It will pay you to investi gate now $.".00 and 400 per acre, easy terms. J. W. HKlTKRtJN. Owner. 61.1 Corhett Bldg. I'hone Marshall ()!. A. Real Farm 1200 acres all plow land, 573 acres in wheat, about 500 acres more now being; plowed; 2 pood houses, 2 gootl barns, lots of pood water; only four miles from railroad and town. Sly price, including crop, until the 20th is $30 per acre. Terms, half caali, balance reasonable to responsible party. Only reliable people need an swer. Address owner, AV. D. N., 3G5 Empire Bldp., Seattle, Wash. We offer choice lots in the very best section of Irvington at prices ranging from $1250 Up 10 per cent cash, balance 2 per cent monthly. Hard-surfaced streets, all improve ments in and bonded. Special ar rangements made to hoinebuilders. See us for Irvington properties. DorrE.Keasey&Co. Second Floor Chamber of Comerce. Modern residence of 9 roms, with 50x100 feet of ground, No. 103 North 22d st. Will be sold very reasonably and on easy terras. For full particu lars see PAEEISH. W ATKINS & CO., 250 Alder Street. FOR RENT FINEST STOREROOM IN THE GRAND AND HAWTHORNE-AVENUE DISTRICT. NEXT DOOR TO THE CORNER. EIGHT CARLINE.S PASS THE BUILDING. BIGGEST TRANSFER POINT ON THE EAST SIDE. EDW. P. MALL, 300 Chamber of Commerce. I trill build and lease to re fponmbla tenant a building on my quarter uiui n. at East Tenth and Lincoln, suitable for laun dry, machine a h o p. stable, m a n u fe.cturlngr o r storage- The lot lias no track age, but has good streets and is close in. in quire 606 Concord Build ing, Second and Stark streets. TO LEASE. Exceptionally well - lighted four - story loft bulldinn to be erected on the S. E. corner of Tenth and Burnslde -sts. The extension of Oak st. will give three valuable street frontages to this build ing. This is a close-in location which will soon be In the heart of the city. Plans for building now being prepared. Will give long lease and arrange to suit tenant. .KO. M. STKO.NU, Owner, M5 r.nPord Hulldlng. SACRIFICE SALE I have over $15.000"cold cash In an apartment-houpe. Mortgage. $15,000. on it. leased for 1260 per month. Leav ing city and forced to sacrifice. Make me a cash offr to close up by 20th. No trlflers. AJ 961. Oregonian UnDTfJURCI nlM?0 Business aad limn i unwL uunnu r, lealdenee Property 5 EVFRFTT&SIMQNDS nCl Ks In corpora ted. i O 41S BOARD OF TRADE: BVILDUQ. MORTGAGE LOANS COL JOHN E. CRONAN, 7 03 Spalding Bld IRVINCTON For Sale BrightonBeach u ON Halem M r g Ft ii Deep Water Free Factory Sites Cheap Railway and Water Rates .Large Sawmill Now Building Graded Streets, Sidewalk3 and City Water Hotel, Grocery, Meat Market Hardware Stores Wanted Lots $50 Up All Kinds of Business Openings . Brighton Development Company 904-907 Spalding Building Portland, Or. INVESTOR MY STOCK Must rlispo.so of Interest in Portland's oldest pstablinhed firm. Pays large incomo. AT 9.r., Or:on;an. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT, 602 McKay bldg. M. 549. Beck. William G.. 315-316 Falling bldg. Chapin & Herlow, 832 Chamber Commerefc Cook. B. 6. & Co.. Corbett bldg. Jennings & Co. Mala 1$8. "06 Oregonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-403-406 Wilcor bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Orand ave.. at Multnomah st. (Hol.aday Addition). JRKAI. ESTATE. For Sale Lots. EXCLUSIVE HOME STTE. 00x1 SS. CRESCENT HEIGHTS. This excellent homo sit; 9 itua:ed at thri cornT of .Vh h and IlImont, with a very ,i omma ndlng vi--w rt t he- west over i lie 'city ; .ill improvements aro in ; owner w ho is leaving tho Hty, instruct n us to B-11 at a npecinl prico this beautiful sit, upon which he had planned to build ;m ex pensive residence. y Exl iim vo A)?tnta. DORR K. K EASE Y A- 4'0., 2d floor Cliaaibcr of Commerce. TO A QUICK BUln will sell one vt tho"tinest homo Riffs on Portland HeifhtB; eizo of Int ."0x I'M, level, on main Htrji.-l; no HsseKinrnl s. clone to catlinu and a brautiful view of inountnlns; mlmitcs from t:ity Hall; Jli", cash will h.intll.j It. easy terms on halance. A H.jo. Orcgonlan. B I ' I LD E 1 : S' OPPOK1TNITV. 3 adJolnlnK 0jilOc-fr. lol on E. ".:!d. near Clinton St.. within 1 block of iar line, face oast., hitjh and BiKhtly. In cood ro.idenoo district. Price fur immediaio talo flMCMl each. 11. I I'AI.MKKJDXES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldif. Phones .Main SiiOtl. A SCVI. OWNER wih- to sell the following prop erty: 7 acres situated on carllne. of) mln. from city: 4 LWfoot lots on the cor. Pat ton ave. and Pippin t.; 1 corner lot Wa verlolffh Heights. (Jive rasy terms on any of the above. For prices and further particulars call after 5 P. M.. 388 Glenn ave. Take Hawthorne ave. car. BEAUTIiTUl. view lot on southern s;ope. near Council Crt-st. $6oO and up. Including cement sidewalks, curbs. Ktaded streets and water; building restrictions; sold on easy terms. Provident Trust Compavny. Sul, 202, -U3 Board of Trade Marshall 473. A 102. 1" LOTS. Restricted district, north of Beaumont, within three-nillo circle; price !70: no encumbrance; will exchange for farm close to station within 40 miles of Portland. GOMAKD Jfc WIEDR1CK, i:i stark ft.- JOOxlOii. K AST VAMHILI. ST. 2 lots rK'xl'JO c.icli. benveen two fine homes on East Yamhill, between 'Jbth and 2th: a nno locaMon to build thteu bunsa lows; price $li: a trap: easy terms. GKl'SSI it Bi-iLf'H, SIS Board of Trad" Bide. 4tli and Oak. 10 DOWN 10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement wajk and curb. Bull Bun water. Provident Trust Company. 2nl, 202. 203 .Board ot Trade. Marshall 473. A 102- LAURKI.HIKST LOT. 140 FOIt ?!i')0 CASH. Full ."iOxlOO lot, nicely located, only 3 blocks to car; oivn.r must sacrilico for mm cash. Tabor JOS'.). CLOSE-IN APAHTMCNT SITE. C.2"-xluo lot on East I7lh si., between Morrison and Belmont: will make a bar train, price for a quick sale. W. O. Wad del owner. ;:0t Lumber Exchange. CONTRACTORS. We can sell you the hc,t buildinit lot near Hawthorne ave. for n per cent down and take see-md mortfcrape for tile de ferred raynicnts. Tabor -JD42. BEST lot at Terrace Park: $2i'o less tliiiu tosi: takes $:;oo to handle; OOxlOo; price J50t! DORR E. KEASEY tt CO., 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. KlE TTixlOO corner in Rose City Park, closo to the carline and a splendid view: will sell at a bargain. 514 Chamber of Commerce. IBVLN'STON lot. 7.-xlUO. on 21st between Urazee and Knott, facing east; improve ments all in and paid for. Woodlawn 3229 or C lt:28. owner. LAST J'iOO lot in Swinton ?im down and 10 per month; come today. Olflce cor. Albina and Lombard. Kenton car, or 122 Hoard ot Trade. " APARTMENT-HOUSE rile; snap, corner ot 31st and East Flanders: all Improve ments in. Robert Martin. 607 Yeun bldg. Marshall 16o. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SITB, walking dls tance. suitable for bungalows; 17oU; vSill 4S27. BROOKE. A SS39 V1KW LOT, South Portland. 2 blocks from car. hard-surface street: t."i00 cash, bal nnce monthly. Tabor 242. BUT this lot. facing east, high, sightly, near fine homes. East &2d and Alameda. Owner. 8Si eoa bldg. Main lla. A 74.4. LADD ADDITION. All street Improvements paid, alleys; bargain. Main 734. MONT AVI LLA corner ior.xir.0, value lsoi. JI200: $7"o cash, balanco U per cent, or Lcreage. juaraiin" J - aenz. -.t .ton- S5 monthly; 130 cash: no r- str'ictions: near I. car. Joliiis.m & Dod- ,on, 51:0-522 Board of Trade bldg. PQH SALE or trade, A-l business corner. Wood la v. u 084. LOT 3. block 70 Laurelhurst, tl70O cai.li. IRVINGTON lots cheap, money to loan for building. Marshall 2!.i2, Sunday East 11U1. EAST Mt. "Tabor lots J125 and upf" U down and $1 a week. R. W. Vood. 2ti7 Cuuch st. CHOICE Sunnysido lot. East Salmon, near illst: 43x14.0: owner; terms. Phone B 2240. LOT for sale, $425. if taken at once. R o7o. Oreijonlan. FINE corner. K. 6th and Ainro-ta ave.; bargain." Phono Wuudlawu 17ua. WILLAMETTE ADDITION. Thiji beautiful tract li-s in the Alberta district, between and 37th ats-. an adjoins ALAMEDA PARK At prescott and o."d streets. Lots rxlOO, with all improvements, ex cMlnt trade, and beautiful tree?. ar.l prices lower than em-rounding pr?perty. Easy terms make WILLAMETTE ADDITION. The place to buy for the investor or th homebuiider. TYLER I XV. CO.. OWNERS. Tract Office, ;iMd and Alberta sts. Phone Woodlawn 1 124. Take Alberts car. pet off ot :tuth. walk east on Albena to office at 33d and Alberta; or Alameda Park car, and reach tract by way of Pros con and il?(l ats. ALTAMEAD. W had another pood week in Alta-mt-ad. Eleven lots were disposed of, most ly to new liombnildr. Alt ft mead li Bftttins tbe reputation of being the beat placj for the medium class to invent thir money or build their hoins. We mil.1 have worn very choice iota left which will be disposed of at the oid pri:e. 11 yoti buy one of tluse Jut a and want to build a hoir.r, wo will assist you to do no. Prb-eji of lota from S.'uo tip. sz i0x 10. wit ii a Hoys. Lots wit h a 1 Toys a re wort I one-third more In jny city of the; I nitcct States than lots wit hout alley. Cut! oi phono, ituv auto is at vour prvtce. GERMAN REALTY TRUST CO., iitU St.irk St. rort!:uiu Oregon. HOMES UN EASY PAYMENTS. 7-room bungalow, with all modern con venb'ncea; sire-L improvements all in; onfl block to car, 15 minutes to city; new. 0-rootn house, modern, JiX) foct to car, Int .rillT 1 fid- I'vcrlhnf n i cli hor hood. "i-ronni buntralow. Jlliif 111 tUIUCU M1ILC3. 1U1 llrtl V. e; two hlocki fnun car. near une school; g:is. eiectrii itj. street improvements paid; excellent view; corner; ?;4." for 10 days. 4 room?, in excellent suburb: restric tions, all built- in citivonirnrs; larse liv-in-ronms with panels, tlx t urea and tinting. p;ttVDENT TRUST COMPANY. 2l--3 Bara of Trad. Phono Marshall 473, A 1012. IR VI NO WOOD That choice restricted rs id An iv; add. jufit oust of Irvington, natura nhrubs a.nd trcn. improvements tu and bts still for sale at 72." on very easy terms. There Is nothing in the city tc comparo with this property. Take a Rroadway car. go to Klickitat Ft, aud walk east. A pcntlrniun is on the ground to Fhmv you the property. The Weatorn Seruriries Co., agents. 414 frpalding bldg. A BARGAIN. Corner East ::L'd and Davis sts. North, across the street from Lhu relhurst, J11mj. a. E. tlrlrkson. I'll Commercial Club bids- Phone A a:;r4. LAU R ELHI'lvST S N A P. Fino lot, GO-xl tn. on Senate St., near 3fth; thia lot is worth ?lo.".u, but owner must s--ll and inn prlco for a few days is $1000; ea-v u rms if desired. CKl'SSl .-c BOLUS. Board of Tr.ide Ririg.. -tth and Oak. I'or nle House. vil lot OWNER! HERB IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE "YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL IFINANCB IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE; IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB IN Atiit TALK THIS OVER. J. 6. ATKINS. architect) and builder. h en ry bldg. that Vacant lot. why not turn -a burden into income property? if you own a lot we will furnish the money and build residence or flats, plans free if we build. obb reputation your protection. it will pa yyou to see ua 1- r. bailey co., inc.. contract -ino architects. 324 abinqton blp. built to suit you. We will build you a home to suit, cithet on vour lot or we veil furnish lot. If you have a lot you need no money. Deferred payments 7 per c- nt. We have built over 2."il houses and can furnish satisfactory references. Before buyliis it will pay you to call Main l"-7 or A 21193. J. V. GUTHRIE, 272 Stark. COLONIAL IRVINGTON HOME. 12 rooms, modern In every respect: liv-ins-room, music room and hall finished in cniarier-.aw-ed oak. dining-room in ma hogany, bedrooms white enamel, hot water heat, nariige. etc. II. P. V'Al.MER-JONEa CO.. 4H Wilcox bid. Phones Main Niv.l!, A 2V3. LARGE house, built by day labor, o larK rooms on first floor, besides bath and halls, sleeping balconies and 2 large un liiilslied rooms and clos"ls on second floor corner lot 7x70. additional lot if de sired, lawn and trees. 1 block south o Hawthorne. price f-ir.OO. Phone Taboi HIGHLAND HOUSE. Nice G-room hoiiBe: electric lights, fur nace and all other modern aionvenlenccs. 3 bedrooms, lot eOxlOO. comer E. l:tr. and Emerson, one block to car; price. onl SiJliKI. 70o cash, balance to suit; a snap. GRUSS1 A: BOLUS, 31S Board of Trade Ride.. 4th and Oak. 1WO-THIRD3 acre and new 3-room -house. West Side. 20 minutes from Postofflcs; running water piped to tract, good walks to station; beautiful view of Tualatin Val ley; $iar0; 1D0 down, J20 per month. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Marsnall 473. A 1022. PEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUT. S-room modern houso In Irvington. bOx 12:: ft lot, thoroughly improved; 0000 if sold prior to May I; will arrange good t-rms: no incumbrance. See owner, room 304 Henry bldg. LAURELHURST HOUSES. We are agents for all the good bousee In this district. See us for lowest prices. Olflcei on ground. Phono East ObH. DELAHLNTY ft CLEMENTS. 30th and East Glisan Sts. FOR SALE or will exchange for well-located vawiuu property. 7oxl0u. on West bide, four atood T-room houses, rental tS0: price ill 000- will pay cash difference or as iime incumbrance. David 6. Meant , Washington st. nmriFR' 6-room bungalow, easy terms, eas and electricity. cement basement. Shades and fixtures, street Improvements a?t in l"2 East 11th st. N. Phone Wood lawn322H. REM'MONT New 8-room bungalow; every thine complete: Improvements ell paid; . ree, hard-surfaced; 520 E. 37th N ; S3uu0: $o00 down for quick sale. See own er. .120 Henry bldg. COOD plastered 6-room 2-story house for telle; 4 good :rult trees. Kasy terms. l.Mii East Pine st. I'hone Tabor 3373. S. W. cor. 57th and Pine. MODERN house. S rooms, on East Side car line; street improved: hard surface; will sell 'at bargain: terms to, suit purchaser. W L. Paste, lo7 Sherlock bldg. G-ROOM modern house, partly furnished, on hitrli. stgntiy 'oi- '-n'""'!: -11- m. ....... on carline. 4120 4Sth ave. S. K. Take WW Car. Price $2000, terms, owner. IRVINGTON HOME. New. modern 7 rooms, well built: choicest location; bargain. Owner. Pnon Hast 35 2. ""a-ROOM bungalows, modern In every par- XlnH.,rn T-l'ionl COttagO Oil food terms.' Beals t llobinson. 301 E. 11th St. E. 5023. SCRIFICE; must leave city in 2 davs; sac rifice modern 0-room bungalow; also fur- nitiire "-"1 E. 30th. 2 blks. Hawthorne. $n0 MONTHLY, imluo'ing interest, for nice 4-r'oom bungalow, lot r.'ixHMj; improved street;. Phone Marshall 2...I. WOUSE and lot. 7." feet from E. Morrison. 00 17th at must sell. Owner. 651 E. Sal J'lt or 37 E. Alder. MUST SELL. Make offer, up-to-date modern 7-room bungalow. Ill-- nawinorne. .rTTi-.n-u modern house. Beaumont, terms. E- Finger. Phone Mail 411 Gerllnger hldg. easy 24s. ..,,,,, BUNGALOW, S2100: Improvements naid- terms. 3ol Marguerite, near Haw thorne. woodlawn 2714. C3730STRICTLY modern 6-reom bungalow. $3250: homo broken. Owner. 071 Emerson. cor. K. istn. Woodlawn 2714. PLANS AND SPECIFICS. TIOXS. s.i HUUlv ii.r.e. am. Portland Bldg. Ass'n.. 322 Mohawk Bldg. $17511 6-room bungalow;' loa down, $20 per month. Phone A 7316. t 4VcV. 7-RM modern bungalow loss. 1135 E 23d N. Woodl 60 dead lawn 2714. OR F1NB HOMES. Fee Delahunt. J. E- HAU-, TrAS Abfnatrtn bids., sella nt-w bungalows, reutal payment " i