Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 10, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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Mow Believed Murder Suspect
Has Admitted Killing Has
tings and Stewart.
Fxplanatlon Thought to lie That
fi-Conrk-l Meant to Shoot low
When Auto Party Re
fused to. Halt.
Breaking down before the. mass ot
ridenee collected br Sheriff Stevens,
H. E .Roberts is said to have made a
rlaan breast of the fart that he killed
Ooorice Hastings and Donald M. Stew
art, aa the two young; men and three as
sociates sped by him in an automobile
on the "SVhltehouse road. o announce
meat of the confession has been made,
but circumstances arising in the cas
yesterday leave little doubt that the of
ficials have a definite admission of
Roberts' KUllt.
While admitting that he killed Hast
incts and Stewart. Roberta, in his con-
fesj-Wn. is said to have maintained
stoutly that he Is Innocent of deliberate
murder. His explanation, it Is believed.
Is thac he Intended to shoot low and
had no .intention of wounding; or killing;
the young; men who thwarted his at
tempt to rob them. The etlre state
ment and Roberts' explanation of the
hooting; were made, it is supposed. In
the hope of receiving; a penitentiary
entence And escaping; the death pen
alty. . ,
Sheriff Stevens, his deputies and
others connected with the case, declined
last Qlirht to discuss the rumored con
fession. Stevewa et Talkative.
-I have nothing; to announce." was
the only answer Sheriff Stevens would
give when pressed for an admission
that Roberts had confessed his KUllt.
"You can say for me, however, that I
ere positive that we have the rlKht man.
The evidence is so conclusive that there
Is no chance for a mistake."
Frederick H. Whitfield, whom Judge
Kavanaugh says he probably will ap
point attorney In the case. Is equally
reticent. He retimes either to deny or
admit that Roberts has made a con
fession. '
Following; receipt of a message from
Oregon City, saylni; that Roberts" rel
atives have requested t-e appointing
of W hitfield to defend him. Judge Kav
anaugb said he would comply with their
wishes if Roberts aLso desired.
('Iruln Detail I'akaawa.
Just when and under what conditions
Roberta' confession was made are not
known. Nor la it known whether those
who are in possession of the Informa
tion will be ready to give It out before
Roberts comes up for trial
It Is believed, however, that his state
ment Is complete, at least so far as his
movements are concerned. He Is aald
to have traced his steps up to the crime
and after Ita commission, all of his
movement corresponding; to the theory
worked out by the officers. In fact
there was little to add to the Informa
tion that had been gathered except the
admission by Roberta that lie fired the
fatsl shot.
The report that Roberts had con
fessed became current following; a trip
yesterday to the home of his mother
east ot Oregon City. Sheriff Stevens
and Deputy Sheriff Leonard had Rob
erts in custody, and with them were
Attorney Whitfield, who probably will
be Roberts' counsel. Sheriff Mass, of
Oregon City, and two friends of the
family. The automobiles of Roy King;
and Henry Jaeger, driven by these men.
took the party to the Clackamas County
Rsberts Shews Anxiety.
Further evidence showing Roberts"
anxiety toJearn all possible about
newspaper accounts of the crime was
secured by Sheriff Stevens and Deputy
ionard yesterday. It was learned
that he reached Clark s. in the moun
tains. 30-odd miles from the scene of
the attempted hold-up and murder.
Saturday night, and on Sunday morn
ing. It waa learned, he Inquired again,
this time of the rural mall carrier,
saying- he would "give his Interest in
the next world" to get a Sunday morn
ing newspaper.
Failing, to secure one at that time,
he Is said to have gone. Tuesday morn
ing at o'clock, to the home of Fred
Marshall and asked for the newspaper
a third time. He was offered a Friday
afternoon paper, but refused litis, say
ing. "No. 1 don't want to see that
paper. What 1 want to see is in the
Sundsy paper." Sheriff Stevens points
out that the paper had gone to press
Friday afternoon before the time of
the murder.
Attorney Whitfield. Sheriff Stevens.
Sheriff Mass and Deputy Deonard had
a long conference In the afternoon at
the home of Roberts' relatives. The
rase waa discussed pro and con. and
Roberts was urged by the officers and
his mother to make a clean breast of
the whole affair.
, The trip to the ranch and back to
Tortland was made by the party In
about six hours.
Tlohert Parents Favor Ills Appoint-
merit ax Son's) Attorney.
ORKGOX CITT. Or.. April .Spe
rlal Following a conference this af
teraoon at the home of H. K. Roberts'
mother and step-father about It miles
east of this cltv. It was learned that
the parents of the accused man are In
favor of the appointment of Frederick
If Whitfield, of Portland, aa Roberts'
Homey. Sheriff Stevens was asked
convey to Presiding Circuit Judge
Xavanaugh their wishes, and said he
would present the matter to Judge
Xavanaugh tomorrow morning.
. "fudge Kavanaugh. when aeen last
Big-it. said if Attorney Whitfield Is ac
ceptable to Robert, he will be ap
pointed. "If Mr. Whitfield ia sot ac
ceptable." amid the J'tdge. "I should
have to consider the matter. I cannot
now say whether I would appoint him
r not. It would depend apoo circum-atartre.
, with the Civil Service Commission
against Internal revenue department
employes and other Federal office hold-
era, whom the Roosevelt managers
charge with undue political activity
In the Kentucky delegate elections last
The statement made by Senator
Bradley is In part aa follows:
"They (the Roosevelt managers)
have Inaugurated contests in many
counties without excuse and with the
sole purpose of preventing; the con'
testing delegates from voting and pro
curing enough votes to control the
district and thus without rhyme or
reason disfranchise Taft delegates."
Two delegatea from each of the
First. Second and Sixth Kentucky.
Districts, were selected. The six dele
gates were instructed for Taft.
Oregon Directors) of Colonel's Cam
palgn After Orator.
With the apcechmakinir campaigns
that will be conducted In this state by
Senator La Follette and representa
tives of President Taft. F. W. Mulkey
and his associates, who are directing;
the Roosevelt cam pal un in this state,
have concluded that it is Imperative
that one or more prominent Eastern
men be sent to Oregon In behalf of
the ex-President during; the concluding
week of the campaign. They have
again appealed earnestly to the Na
tional Roosevelt committee to send
peakera to thia state.
The Roosevelt organlxatlon here has
expressed a preference for ex-iSenator
Beverldge. of Indiana. If his services
are not available, the committee Insists
that aome other man be sent.
Mr. Mulkey yesterday received the
following- pro-Roosevelt telegram from
Joseph M. Dixon. National chairman of
the Roosevelt organlxatlon:
This will be Roosevelt week. Missouri
led off today with primaries In several dis
tricts. Governor Hadley telegraphs that the
result Insures control In the state convention
for Roosevelt and two-thirds of the Con
gressional districts. Further detailed re
ports from Kentucky show that the Roose
velt forces undoubtedly carried a majority
of the Congressional districts and the state
convention. The opposition Is using revo
lutionary methods in the effort to save the
state for Taft. In several cases postmasters
who were, chairmen of county conventions
hsvs refused to certify the election of Koose
velt delegates and have given certificates
to Taft men who were defeated two to one
by the voters.
Senator Ilxon today sent a formal protest
to President Taft. pointing out that tnese
Federal office-holders In Kentucky had as
saulted the President's personal honor by
their disregard of his public declaration
against political activity by Federal office
holders and demanding the Immediate cita
tion of these men to trial for their viola
tions of the law. He Is preparing formal
charges to the Civil Service Commission
against these men. The Roosevelt forces
have carried Muskegon County. Michigan.
Insuring control of the Ninetieth district.
Moore County. North Carolina, Instructed for
Roosevelt today. This In the tenth North
Carolina county to vote all for Roosevelt-
Suutlar School Association Arranges
for Big Meeting Next Week.
Important business was transacted at
a meeting; of officers and teachers of
the Multnomah County Sunday School
Association Monday evening. Final ar
rangements were perfected for the
forthcoming county convention at the
Grace Methodist Church Friday. Sat
urday and Sunday. April 18. IS and 20.
Mrs. Mary Foster Brynen. of Chicago,
and Professor E. C. Knapp. of Spokane,
with a number of other specialists will
participate. The vested choir of the
Sunnyslde Methodist Episcopal Church.
the Hawthorne ParK Presbyterian bun-
day School Orchestra, the Sunnyslde
Congregational Orchestra, the j'acino
Male Quartet- and Ladies' Harmony
Chorus will furnish the music.
Plans are on foot for a great auto
mobile parade of the Sunday schools
In connection with the Rose Festival.
New Electric Company Seeks
Entrance-City Offered Per
centage Gross Earnings.
New Concern Will Furnish Electric
ity for Light, Heat antl Power,
Directors Men of Almost Un
limited Financial Worth.
'Continued From First Page.)
hacker and Herbert Flelshhacker are
president and vice-president, respect
ively, eperates the electric company in
San Francisco. While they have been
more prominently identified with this
concern than with any other, they have
many banking connections in Califor
nia and are interested In many other
enterprises in that state. Both are vice
presidents of the Crown-Columbia Paper
Company, operating; plants at Camas,
Wash., Oregon City and Floriston, Cal.
Work Already Started.
The Northwestern Electric Company
already has starUd the construction of
a 15,000 horsepower hydro-electric plant
on the White Salmon River. Part of
this energy la to be utilized to operate
the Camas paper mills, which now run
by steam power from oil-burning
As soon 4the City Council grants
the company the franchise to do busi
ness in Portland, active steps will be
taken to enter the local field In a com
petitive way.
In addition to its North Salmon power
sites, the company owns sites on the
Lewis and Klickitat Rivers, aggregat
ing more than 100,000 horsepower of
potential electric energy. These will
be developed as rapidly as the needs
of the company demand. The power
will be transmitted to Portland through
a high-tension line of insulated copper
wires borne on high steel towers. The
required substations and transformer
stations will be built in accordance
with the most modern plans. So that
regular and constant service may be
insured the company will equip com
plete plants of machinery In triplicate.
It will be possible to put them into im
mediate use. In the event of the failure
of the initial plant.
Mr. Herbert Flelshhacker has been in
Portland for the past few days making
preliminary arrangements for opening
business here.
"We expect to maintain our financial
headquarters in Sun Francisco," lie said
in explaining the plans of the company,
"but the principal business office will
be In Portland. It Is our aim to get
actively into the power and light busi
ness In this territory. We will be In
a position to serve not only Portland,
but various other cities In this vicinity.
It will be possible to transmit power
over our wires for hundreds of miles
and we will be ready to serve places
On or Off Stage. Youthful Actress Is Unaffected and Lovable Leone
Cass Baer Meets and Chats With Miss St. George.
that far distant from our generating
plants as well as those near at band.
Plaat Ready This Fall.
"We have made plans for" the Instal
lation of the highest type of modern
machinery in our plant on the White
Salmon River. We will take advantage
of all the recent practical discoveries
in the world of electric science and,
therefore, will be able to assure our
patrons the best possible service.
"Our preliminary plant will bo com
pleted and ready for operation in the
early Fall of the present year and if
.we secure the necessary permission
from the local authorities we will be
ready to do business here in Portland
at that time.
"Our standard Is efficiency. Our serv
ice and our rates are based entirely
upon that platform. Whenever we can
improve our service or reduce our rates
without lowering our Rtandard of ef
ficiency, we expect to take such action."
Positive announcement is made by
Mr. Flelshhacker that the capital stock
of the company all has been subscribed
and paid for to the treasurer. It Is not
a stock jobbing scheme as not one share
will be offered to the general public.
The Antrlo & London-Paris National
Rank, of San Francisco, is the principal
depository of the company. '
Stone & Webster, of Boston, the well
known engineering firm that has oper
ated extensively in Portland, and other
parts of the Northwest in recent years,
has charge of all construction work.
B. C. Condlt will be the resident en
gineer for the company, and expects to
establish headquarters- in Portland
within the next few days.
Mayor Favors Plan.
Mayor Rushlight Is understood to be
favorable to allowing any company to
do business here that will provide fair,
legitimate and reasonable competition.
Members of the City Council last
night expressed themselves in favor of
competition in the lighting, heating
and power business. Not having read
the ordinance they could not declare
definitely whether they will be ready
to vote for It when it comes up for
However, most of them say that if
the measure contains provision for the
city to collect a percentage of the
company's gross earnings and imposes
reasonable restrictions they will be
ready to consider It favorably.
Directors Approved by Bankers.
Portland bankers who have had busi
ness relations with the San Francisco
men connected with- the enterprise,
speak in the highest terms of their
financial responsibility and their ability
to carry out the terms of the franchise
which they seek.
All 'the members of the company are
well known in financial circles In all
parts of the country. They have been
negotiating for an Invasion of the
Portland field for several months. On
his recent trip to San Francisco, Mayor
Rushlight, who had learned of their
desire, visited the Flelshhackers and
others and discussed the situation with
Articles of Incorporation Filed.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. April 9. (Spe
cial.) The Independent Electric Com
pany, capital stock 150.000, has filed
articles of incorporation. The incor
porators are H. G. Fleischhauer and SL
F. Brady, of Portland, and H. K. Lug
Brer, of Vancouver. The principal place
of business is Vancouver, though an
office may be retained In Portland.
A. W". Lawrence Insists Labor Coun
cil Is Es-sentlaly Right In Position.
Following an Informal reply to a let
ter sent from the office of the State
Immigration Commission, calling at
tention to a second "famine letter"
which had been issued from the Port
land Labor Council and published in
Eastern papers. A. W. Lawrence has
sent to State immigration Agent. j.
Chapman a formal letter In which he
to the
Tire User
New and Lower Prices
'Effective April 10th i
Dealers everywhere will quote on request
There has never been a season when the direct
unforced demand for Goodrich Tires did not exceed
by thousands the utmost capacity of our factories
The issue has been met this year by a
Tremendously Increased Capacity
which will enable us to care for dealers and users
to the fullest extent.
Largest in the World
Branca a all the Priacipa! Cities Wholesale Tire Depots Every an
reiterates his declaration that the La
bor Council has not broken faith with
the immigration authorities, since the
letter was mailed prior to the confer
ence called by Governor West.
Mr. Lawrence, however, defends the
Labor Council in its action in having
sent out the letter and asserts that the
essentials stated In It are true. He Im
plies that the immigration agent la try
ing "to inject a two-months-old affair
into a political campaifrn."
Judge William Colvlg, president
and manager of the Medford Commer
cial Club, visiting In Portland yester
day, said that a letter similar to the
"famine letter" sent out by the Port
land Labor Council was sent out from
Medford some time ago, warning peo
ple away from that city. Since that
time, he says, the movement has fallen
Into bad favor with many members of
the labor associations and that the ty
pographical and plumbers' unions have
both withdrawn their support from the
campaign of unfavorable publicity and
several other unions have indicated
their purpose to do likewise.
Golden Conple Wed.
VANCOUVER, Wash., April 3. CSpe-
cial.) Golden. Or., i3 the name of a
town from whence came two persons to
be married in Vancouver today. They
are John Jackson and Mrs. Christina
Taft Headquarters Make Iight of
Chances Mide in Kentucky.
. WAKHIXOTOV," April . In a de
tal'ed statement en the Kentucky sit
uation, given eut by the Taft hed
criartersj todv. I 'n I ted States Fenatnr
Rradley. ef Kentucky, asserts that the
rlilms ef the Roosevelt managers are
"utterly unreliable, because they are
entirely false in many respects and
partly false In others."
,rnalor Mxon announced that he had
prepare! charges to be filed at once
Mother St. George, only it Isn't St.
George at all. it'a Mackarness, is the
brake that regulates the Incessant
chatter of the perfectly charming Re
becca of the Sunnybrook rural estate.
Off stage Rebecca Is I'rsula St.
George, the one ewe lamb of the Mack
asness family. And she's identical with
the little stage character even when
she Isn't acting.
The average actress looks like any
thing but the beaucheous character she
portrays when she's garbed for tho
street, and it's only by some affected
eccentricity of dress or manner that
she'd be picked out from her sisters.
Crsu la-Rebecca Is conspicuous by Iter
avoidance of being conspicuous. 8he
wears simple things. Yesterday a:
this three-handed Interview she wore
a dear little black and white bonnet
that cove-red only the crown of her
pretty head, and shadowed her trreat
serious eyes, eyes that appear to be
looking seven miles beyond anything
in her vicinity. She's a dreamer, but
for all that a very alive young
"The first thing Interviewers do Is
to ask me my aire." she smiled at me.
"Well then, if you've got used to a
certain set of rules. we mustn't
chance." 1 sugaested. "what la it?"
"My age? oh, why I'm not nearly
seventeen yet." So you see she Isn't
a bromide or she'd have sprung that
awful sweet sixteen thins;.
"What's the next question?" I asked
her. pencil poised to put down the
VjVhy. next they always ask me If
I'm ambitious and what sort of roles
I want to do."
Rebecca-L'rsula or t'rsula-Rebecea.
It's one and the same, flashed a radiant
smile at mother as if to say, "See how
nicely I'm conducting my own Inter
view." "Well give me the answer," I sug
gested. "About my plans? Oh. I'm so ambi
tious I believe I'm Lady Macbeth in
reincarnated form, only that 1 have
more worthy alms than she. Every
thing I do la done with the thought
in mind that constantly I must work
hard If I would have success. This
role of Rebecca Is easy for me now I
only act myself. I never saw Edith
Taliaferro play It. and now I'm alad I
did not. because since this Is only my
second season last year I was In
'Blue Bird.' you . know I might have
unconsciously Imitated her as Rebecca.
And please put In the paper that it
Isn't that I'm money-mad like a great
many people In my profession." she
said this with childish dignity. "But,
honestly, the money part is the least
of It."
"Still you are on hand, aren't you,
when they pass out the pay en
velope?" I queried.
"Of course she Is." laughed "Mother"
aa she looked keenly Into the Indignant
face of her very youthful daughter.
"When one l so young as I'rsula. fame
Is an rlertrlc-llghted sign that ob
structs visions of anything else. Still,
I'm glad she Is anxious to succeed for
the success itself. I have always told
her It la better to work for the top
of the tree. for. then If she drops she
Is sure to land somewhere around the
"What's the next question?" I asked.
f ..., -x ii ( i
nT f'ij
'' -. J J . '. ; I
-Sc.-3o.iV 'lisn-S ihi" i .a-a-:: . 1 1
rsula nt. George, Stage Star, f
ot Yet 17. f
....... .........4
APRIL 25, 2, 27,
May 2. 3, 4. . 10, 11, 17. 18,
it, 2V.
June 1. . 7. 8, 13, 14, !',
IS, lit, 2U, 21, 24, 2.", 27
HH. 2U.
July 2, 3, , 7, II. 12, 1.1, 1U. 20. 22. 23. 2l. 2!, 30,11,
August 1. 2, .'t, , 7, 12, 13, ll, 22, 211, 2U, 30, 31.
September 4, 5. , 7, 8, 1 L. 12. 30.
sm m ,wmm a- .4
Chicago aad Return
St. Louis and Return S.TO.IMI.
ew lork and Return IISV
Ho.ton and Return llin.(M).
Buffalo and Retara S01.5O.
St. Paul, Minneapolis. TDu-
luth, Omnha, Modi City,
Sr. Joe, K a n m a a City,
Winnipeg, Port Arthnr
and Return Sou.00
Ttcketa allow 15 days for going passage, good for return
lo October :tlst. Good going one road, returning another.
Stopovers allowed vlrbln limit In each direction.
Try the "ORIKNTti. MWTKr." Leaves Portland 7:00
P.M. daily. TllltOI (.11 STAUARI A D TO!" It 1ST SI.PKP
ivVw ' H. DICKSON. C. P. and T. A 122 Third Street,
On Deck
Crossetts in snappy styles. Your
choice of buttons or laces. And
there's a swing to the lines a
touch to the stitching a dash to
the perforations giving unmis
takable style distinction. Look
them over.
s A.Crossett. Inc.Mc
North Abington, Msst.
t. . cl i Lewis A.Crossett.IncMdker
"Oh. they always want to know If I
spend my time like other little girls."
"Why do you say 'little girls' so scorn
fully?" quoth I. "You're only a little
girl not quite grown up, you know.
Why, even your hair Is In a "
"Don't you dare say pig-tall," she
wailed in mock protest as she shook
out the thick mane of bronxe-hrown
hair that fell to her waist in a straight
"And the last thing they ask me is
If I eat midnight suppers and enjoy all
the other excitements Incident to this
"Which you do not," I answer for
her. taking note of the lovely radiance
of her skin, the bright eyes and the
poise of her splendid young body.
Crsuta-Rcbecca exchanged a look of
complete understanding with "Mother."
"We must have no hanky-panky
tricks." said Mrs. Mackarness, who is
an older and plumper edition of her
daughter. "My aim is to keep her
natural.. This sort of work is quite as
much a question of character as of
jrenius. Fortunately, I'rsula Is of suf
ficient moral fiber to withstand these
so-called allurements incident to stage
work. She has one asset that I daily
thank my stars for, and that is plain
"The Immediate delights of late sup
pers and silly dissipations pale Into
utter Insignificance to I'rsula beside
the more important privilege of get
ting her full quota of refreshing sleep,
and nourishing food served at regular
After her season In "Rebecca" is fin
ished, little Miss St. George goes to
visit the author. Kate Douglas Wig pin.
at her country place at llollls. Me.,
after which she will go to London to
meet for the first time a great family
circle of kinsmen, for she Is. an Kng
llsh maiden, though she Is "glad she
happened to be born in the L'nitcd
Capital and Surplus, $600,000.00
with a service you'll find both profitable and efficient
Pouaded la 1SS8.
Washington 'at Second Street.
Before You Buy Oxalic Acid,
Japan Wax, Chloride Lime,
Caustic Acid or Acetic Acid, Get
Our Quotations.
Clarke, Woodward Drug Co.
Wholesale and Manufacturing Chemlats Portland, Or.
$3 Round Trip
Good Returning
Sunday or Monday
This special train will leave the North Bank station, Eleventh and
Hoyt streets, at 2 P. M., Saturday, stopping only at Astoria, Gear
hart and Seaside, arriving before dinner.
It is the first of the season's fast Clatsop Beach trans announce
ment of others tvill be made later. Enjoy the week-end at the Ocean.
Surf and plunge bathing.
Tickets and details at Cearhart Park Co., lOOVj Fourth St.
(Ilr Ticket Office. Fifth and Stark Ms.
Xorth Bank Station, Eleventh and Hoyt Stn.