AFR1L. lO, 1912. Standard and O. Special 25c Dairy Olds, 0 Occupying Entire Wednesday "Basement Day $7.50 Trimmed fiats $3.48 $1 to $1.50 Hat Braids 29c In the Basement An extra par chase of 700 pieces of fancy Mil linery Braids of the best grade straw, great variety of styles, all wanted color, fine or coarse maKes, pat up in bunches of 10 and 12 yards to the piece. The very best $1, 51.25 andon $1.50 grades, special, at i.. vu.i- 9m perfectly Standard widths. Makes up beautifully into dresses and mins, foundations, etc.; regularly sold at 50c the yard; oargainized FROM 10 A. M. TO 11 A. M. In the Basement U n der price Store To day Only Women's 75c Waists at 35c 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the ba--e-ment "underprice store," a sale of white Lawn WsUta, made of fine heer lawn, trimmed with tucks and lure and styled with long sleeves and separate collars; come in sizes 112 to 44; our repular 75 O J? J Waist, for this one hnurODC 10c Pearl Buttons only 2c 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the base ment "underprice ntore," a one hour sale of 1000 dozen Pearl But tons, nice, clear stork, with 2 or 4 hole, aborted sizes, suitable for very purpose. Our repular 5c and 10c grades, offered special ty for one hour only, the dozen t C Child's $2.00 Dresses $1.10 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the base ment, a one-hour sale of children's Dresses in new and attractive styles, made of pood quality pinghams, in neat strijies and plaid patterns, nirelv trim'd; all food colors. Sires G to 14; regular $2.00 T " f cradrs. for one hour aJ X X 3 25c Trimming Flowers 10c 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a sale of 50) bunches of pretty, new Millin ery Trimmine Flowers in a jrreat va riety of the most wanted kinds and rolors; rejnilar 25e values, offered very special for one hour t the special low price of JL J C Women's Hose, special, 8c 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store." a sale of women's fine Cotton Hose in black or tan, medium weight, fast stain less dye. good wearing hose, in sizes S1; to 10. sperialized for this hour only. Buy all yon want of Q them at the low price of, pr. O C Men's $1.00 Shirts at 29c 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the base ment, a sale of 200 men's Shirts which have been soiled in handling or are sample Shirts, otherwise are perfect. Golf and neplipee styles in plain or fancy stripes; all pood col ors; worth to $L2o; IQQ rial for one hour only, ea. JLtZs C Dress Shields, Kleinert's "Gem." Size 2, regular 25c, at, pair, 19 Size 3, regular 27c, at, pair, 2-l Size 4. regular 30c, at, pair, 23c Size 5, regular 35e. at, pair, 28C Dress Shields, O. M. O., nainsook. Size 2, regular 22c, at, pair, 17 Size 3, regular 25e, at, pair, 19 Size 4. regular 30c, at, pair, 24 Size 5. regular 35c, at, pair, 27 Hair Nets. "Sylvia," all shades; regular lOe value, special, ea., 3 Hair Pins, wire, in all sizes and nhapes: repular 5c grade, 2 for 5 Needles, all sizes, 5c grade, 3 Ironiflg Wax, special, dozen, 10? Hairpins, in cabinets, for only 5 BOYS TAKE LAUNCH TRIPS vUnimcr Oprn Air ActlTltle Are Be gun by Y. M. C. A. Jnnlors. Sprlnr artiTitlea hav been taken up oy th. boy.' department of the Portland Touna M.n'a Christian Association. A summer nffhedul. of launch trlpa has been worked out for th. boy.- cluba and theae trtpa ar. now taken each -renlnr of the week except Sunday. Short Blbl. atady meeting, and fua 1 - W. (SL K. Hih-Grade Sewing Mach LvincH Served Daily in Basement Wortmam BlocK. Bonn In the Basement "Underpric Store." A "Comparison Sale" of Women's Trimmed Hats that will brinp hundreds of thrifty women to the store early today. Beautiful styles, attractively trimmed, all new creations. The foundations are Milana, Chips. Hemps, Fancy Braids. The trimminprs are Ribons. Flowers, Feathers, Foliage, etc. Small, medium and larpe shapes; all the season's best colors. Hats worth $6.00 to $7.50, spe- qq AO eially priced for this Comparison Sale DJtO Special for 1 Hour. 9 to IP 50c SilK Poplin, Yard, 34c From 9 to 10 A. M. today in the Basement "Underprice Store," a one-hour sale of perfect quality Silk Poplin, a bargain that will appeal to all shrewd and economical women. 2100 yards which we boupht way underprice, comprising all the wanted shades for Spring and Sum- A Moth wpII known for its wearinc Qualities. It will not sup ana FROM A. M. to 12 M. In the Basement U n der price Store To day Only Women's $3.00 Hats $1.00 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the base ment "underprice store." a sale of hundreds of smart Tailored Hats, ready to put right on and wear. The season 'a best styles in black or light rolors; splendid street Hats, worth up to $3; very spe- (t ff eial for one hour, ea. J) X vIvJ Children's 25c Hose at 8c 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the base ment "underprice store," a sale of 50 dozen .children's fine black cot ton Hose, fine ribbed, with double knee, heel and toe; fast color, lisle finish ; the sizes are 6V2, 7, 7 and 8 only; regular 25e grades, Q special for one hour, a pair O C Child's $1.25 Dresses at 69c 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the base ment underprice store, a sale of chil dren's new Dresses in various at tractive styles, made of good qual ity ginghams, in checks and plaids, and trimmed in attractive rolors; sizes from 2 to 14 years; f our $1.00 and $1.25 grades Oi Men's 50c Underwear 25c 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the base ment, a sale of 50 dozen men's bal bripgan Underwear, mill seconds, ex tra fine quality; shirts are well made and nicely finished ; drawers have reinforced seat; a complete ranze of sizes. Regular 60c values, fir" special for one hour, ea. O C 25c Hat Pins for, sp'l, 5c 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the base ment "underprice store," a sale of good grade fancy Hat Pins in black or colors; a broad range of patterns to choose from. You should lay in a good supply of these 15c, 20c and 25c Hat Pins; offered spe cial for one hour, each, only O C Swiss Curtains, pair, 25c 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the base ment "underprice store." a one hour sale of fine Ruffled Swiss Cur tains made of fine swiss muslin in neat striped patterns, 2Vi yards long, with full ruffled edges. Specialized for this one-hour sale at f J the low price of only, pr. 4 J3 C 11 Bargain. Sale Notions Dressmakers Needs Bargain circle, main floor, between the elevators. Dressmakers and thrifty women, take advantage. Dress Shields. "Naiad," 1 nainsook-covered; our regular stock size 2; regular 22c, at, pair, 16 Size 3, regular 25c valne, special, the pair, 18 Size 4, regular 30c value, special, the pair, 22 Coat Hanf era, folding wire, OC regular 15c, special, 2 for''' Pias. Dressmakers, the 35c 35c on. grades, special, the box, at Hooks and Eyes, "Windsor," all sizes, black or white, 4 " 7 cards or grofes at low price X f C Seam Binding, taffeta, Bird brand, white, black or col- 1 OC ors, 12e or dozen for vX.OiJ Feather Bone, silk covered, our regular 15o grade at 9c,Qn or the dozen at low price VlC Collar Foundations, all sizes in white only, regular 10c 6pe- C eial for this sale at low price are held at aultabl. place, along; th. rlTer. In addition to these dally trlpa. iv ral lonprer excursion will b taken later In th. .eaaon. The first of these will b. from June 14 to July . when ramp will b pitched near Horsetail Falls nd aid. trip, taken to points of interest alona: the Columbia. J. W. Palmer, boys' secretary. Is plan nine many Interesting features for the Summer work. Arrangements will be mad. for rearular gymnasium classes and an effort will be made to enroll lars. numbers of public school boys for Summer membership. ded by Morrison. Alder, Tenth waists. Is splendid for linings, for this Comparison Sale at only, FROM 12 M. TO 1. P. M. In the Basement U n der price Store To day Only $1.75 House Dresses $1.19 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a one hour sale of women's splendid Hoase Dresses in many pretty and attract ive styles, made of good quality ging ham and percale, in neat patterns; light or dark; regular C 1 1 Q $1.75 values, spc'l at J) X X j 65c Long Lisle Gloves 39c 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a sale of women's long lisle Gloves, 16-button length, fine quality, black or white, in a complete range of sizes. Very good, seasonable 65c gloves, offered special for one hour only O f at the very low price of 3 i C Boys' 50c Shirts, only 33c 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a sale of boys' blue chambray and black sat een Shirts, very good qualities and dependable colors; cut full; sizes 12 i to 14; our regular 50eQQ prade, special for one hour O O C Shop by the hour; stay all day. Table Damask, yard, 39c 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a one hour sale of fine quality mercerized Table Damask in the extra heavy grade; all choice patterns, full 58 inches wide. Lay in a good supply. Offered special for one QQ hour only at low price of O J C $1.75 Child's Sweaters 95c 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the base ment, a sale of children's ronghneck Sweaters, made of fine wool yarns, heavy cardigan ribbed, with 2 pock ets and large pearl buttons. Come in gray, tan and red colors, for boys or girls ; sizes 20" to 34 ; Q j ' our regular fl.75 grades OC 50c, 75c Elastic Belts 15c 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a sale of 200 sample Elastic Belts made of fine silk elastic webbing, fitted with new and attractive buckles, in a splendid assortment of colors: our regular 25c to 50c grades, t special for one hour, only IOC Some of Our Big Grocery Specials In the Basement Asparagus, S. & W., regularly 30c a can, for 20 English Walnuts, 6oft shell, the pound only 16 Butter, O. W. K. Special, 2-lb square for 68d Prunes good quality, during this sale, 3 lbs. 25J Picnic Shoulder Hams, priced at only, lb. 11 Rice, Jap style, sale price, 5 pounds for only 25J Crackers, all regular 10c packages "at 3 for 25 Baking Powder, O. W. K. Special, reg. 35c, 29d Sunkist Oranges, sweet and juicy, the dozen 25 Lemons, during this sale at only, the dozen 20J Seeded Raisins, wee Belling them, 3 pkgs. 25 Babbitt's Cleanser, during this sale 3 cans 10d Sapolio, everybody knows this staple, cake, 7cJ Laundry Soap, good quality, selling 11 bars 25 String Beans, bargained this sale, 3 cans 25 Canned Peas, during this sale at WOMAN PLACED ON STAND W. P. Lord, Jr., Accused of Breach of Promise to Marry. SALEM. Or.. April 9. (Special.) Taklns; of testimony started yeeterday In the action brought by . Mrs. LJIllan Smith, of Portland, against William P. Lord. Jr. Mrs. Smith is asking for 125.000 damages for an alleged breach of promise to marry. The defendant Is the son of ex-Gov ines Sold on the Sl.QQ a Week Lunch Room JMimg' and West ParK 5ts. 7T Selling HIgh-Grade A. M. Set of 6 Taa Spoons for 39 Set of 6 Dessert Spwn. 9r Set of 6 Tabl Spoons at 87 Set of 6 Tab'.a lories, for 87 Set of 6 Table Knives, $1.15 u m wasn trim- Q yard J-tK FROM 1 P. M TO 2 P. M. In the Basement U n der price Store To day Only $4.50 SilK Petticoats $2.43 1 to 2 P. M. today, a one-hour sale of women's fine quality Silk Petticoats, the soft taffeta, in a rich, lustrous finish, a silk that will eive excellent wear; styled with deep flounce and dust ruffle; black and ill wanted colors ; our tf O A O regular $4.50 grades i T'O 15c Madras or Scrim at 7c 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice 6tore," a sale of Printed Madras and Striped Scrim, excellent quality, in a great variety of patterns; all good colors; 36 to 42 inches wide; best regular 12V(c to 15c qualities, on special sy sale for one hour only, yard C $1.00 Corsets for only 55c 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a one hour sale of Corsets, two good styles, one of heavy net and one of fancy batiste; modeled with medium hips and bust, fitted with 4 supporters; " r r 55c perfect fitting; sizes 18 to 30; reg. $1 grades for Women's 10c Vests for 5c 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," we offer a rousing sale of women's Vests in the fine swiss-ribbed for Spring and Summer wear; closely woven, sleeve less styles. Good sellers at 10c each, buy all you want of them dur ing this one-hour sale at only O C Men's $1.50 Shirts at 59c 1 to 2 P. M. today, a sale of 400 splendid Shirts, all manufacturers' road samples, negligee styles, with or without collars. Made of excellent materials, such as soisette, madras, percale and chambray. Good colors. Sizes 14 to 19; values up to $1.50, for ona hour at Oi C $1.25 Bed Spreads at 89c 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a rousing sale of Bedspreads, extra good, full duble size, select Marseilles patterns. Hotel and rooming-house keepers should lay in a good supply of these. Best regular $1.25 values, QQ special sale for one hour O 7 C only, can H(J ernor Lord. Mrs. Smith occupied the stand roost of the afternoon following the Impanelling of the Jury, and told of her alleged relations with the defend ant and had Introduced into the evi dence several letters purporting to be from the defendant. Mrs. Smith was formerly a resident of Salem, where she was employed in the Royal Cafeteria- The commercial and industrial Interests of the west coast of South America are ex pectin, great thing's following; the comple tion of the Panama Canal and are actively asitlu ready for tb. event. if "Kt Ice Cream Parlors Wednesday Petticoats:Only;98c&9mEi9 On the basement "bargain circle" today, a sale of 500 women's Cotton Petticoats, a splen did assortment to choose from. The materials are gingham, ripplett, spun glass, etc., in Qgc black nnrl a exeat variety of colors. Light or dark, all PPasonable styles; for one dav. ea. Merchandise on a Comparative Basis of Quality and Price .sat. a Women's $3, $3.50 Shoes Women's $3.50 Oxfords at In the Basement. A sale of hundreds of pairs of Women's Shoes at this phenomenal price. An assortment of high-top Shoes, Ojfords and Pumps in a great variety of styles and all sizes and (J ZCk widths; $3 and $3.50 grades, sp'l DlOc7 Women's 25c 'TTnrlemrice Store" a wear in a great variety of styles, such as Jabots, stocks and Side Effects, in linon and lacej- 0 materials; regular values up to 25c each; specially priced for this Comparison Sale at onlyaJC Tahle Silver and Bathroom Fixtures Silver Snrar Snoone. Silver Butter Knives, for 10 Silver Berry Spoons, for 35 Silver Pie Server, only 35 25c Dustless. Dust Cloths, 19 FROM 2 P. M. TO 3 P. M. In the Basement U n der price Store To day Only $12.50 Tailored Suits $7.95 2 to 3 P. M. today, a sale of 75 women's splendid Tailored Suits of good quality worsteds and mixtures; all are splendid styles and excellent colors; faultlessly tailored, perfect fitting suits, which sell regularly at $12.50 up to $15, f or t J Q C one hour only, a suit P VO $5.00 Hat Shapes at $1.98 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the base ment "under price store," a one hour sale of untrimnaed. dress Hat Shapes in an endless assortment. 300 in the lot. Milans, chips, hemps and Neapolitans in small, medium and large; $4.00 to $5.00 (t j QQ grades, for 'one hour X 7 O Wool Broadcloth only 89c 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the base ment underprice store, a sale of all wool Broadcloth, 62 inches wide, in medium weight; will tailor perfect ly. A splendid grade for suits, coats, skirts and dresses. Specialized for this one-hour sale at the Q Q low priee of, a yard, only O Xj C Boys' 25c, 35c Waists 19c 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the base ment underprice store, a 6ale of boys' waists of excellent quality gingham, chambray and sateen, in a great variety of colors; sizes for boys 6 to 15 years of age ; our regu lar 25c and 35o values, on 1 A sale for one hour only at JL c C 50c Infants' BlanKets 33c 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a sale of infants' fine Eiderdown Blankets very soft quality, reversible, assort ed patterns, in pink or blue. Best regular 50c grades, offered special during this one-hour sale O O at the low price of only OOC I2y2c Percale, a yard, 9c 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a sale of excellent quality Percale, 32 inches wide, in a splendid variety of pat terns, medium or dark colors, for house dresses, children's wear, etc.; our regular 12Vfee grade, spe- Q eial for one hour only, a yard J C Center Circle, 1st Floor Women's Hose 25 c Silk Boot Hose 23c WOMEN'S SILK BOOT HOSE, SPECIAL 23c? Fast black, pure Bilk boot, with lisle thread tops ; reinforced heel and toe ; all sizes in lot. Bargain ized for this sale only on Center Circle, 1st floor. WOMEN'S 50c FANCY LACE HOSE, PR. 25c 1000 pairs fine imported quality Lace Lisle Hose; allover and lace boot patterns, including white, tan, pink, sky and pearl gray. Are great bargains. WOMEN'S 25c "CLARK'S MAKE" HOSE, SPECIALLY PRICED, 3 PAIRS FOR 50d 1200 pairs fine, thin quality Egyptian lisle thread, with elastic garter tops ; in plain 6hades of navy, gray, bronze, lavender, old rose, cadet lavender and burgundy. A great bargain at this price. DR. H0MAN SPEAKS TODAY Address Will Be Second In Series Arranged by T. M. C. A. Dr. Fletoher Homan. president of Willamette University, will deliver an address at (:&0 o'clock this evening in the auditorium of the Portland Young Men's Christian Association. Dr. Ho man's subject will be "Christianity through the Church." This Is second in a series of four ad Cltib Plan, Department on 2d Floor and Candy Store in the Basement "Basement In the Basement. A great one-day sale of. 500 pairs Oxfords in the latest Spring lasts ; metal and suede stock; either stvles: excellent Qualities, in all in all grades sizes and widths 5 best $3.50 NecRvvear 5c sale of hundreds of pieces of new, for 10J 30c Towel Bars, special, 40e Towel Bars, special, 29 35c Tumbler Holders, at 25 40c Bath Soap Dish, for 29 10c Bath Towel Rin, only 8 FROM 3 P. M. TO 4 P. M. In the Basement U n der price Store To day Only $6.00 Dress SKirts at $2.98 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the base ment, a sale of women's splendid quality Dress Skirts, in serges, pan amas and mixtures; several very good-styles to choose from; unusual ly good values; come in black, navy nd colors ; regular $5 tf C Q Q and $6 grades, special J) 4 v J O 75c Emb. Flouncing at 29c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a one hour sale of 1500 yards of fine swiss Embroidery Flouncings and fine muslin, 27 inches wide, in a great as sortment of new, dainty patterns, 50c to 75c values ; special for " Q this one-hour sale, at only tJ C $1.25 Tapes'y Portieres 59c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a one hour 8ale of 200 heavy Tapestry Portieres, 3 yards long and 34 inches wide, in deep, rieb shades of red, green, brown and Oriental stripes. Our best regular $1.25 JQ values, for one hour, each Oi C Women's Pants at only 17c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice 6tore," a one-hour sale of women's fine swiss-r i b b e d Pants, in the medium Spring weight, loose knee, trimmed with lace. All sizes in the lot. Offered special for this one hour only at the ' low priee, the pair, only X C Men's 75c Union Suits 39c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the base ment underprice store, a rousing one hour sale of men's fine Cotton Union Suits. They are mill seconds, bought way under price. They come in Spring weights; long sleeves and an kle length, elastic rib, OA high neck, 75c grades at O 7 C Child's 29c Rompers at 19c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a sale of children's Rompers, made of good quality gingham, in small, neat checks; all good colors; sizes 2 to 6 years. The best for Summer wear. Our best regular 25c value, i Q special forgone hour, only J. 1 C k 3t.4 LI duroy Pants, a quality Known to every man for its service and lasting properties. Heavy weight, fine cord, darK brown color, well made and finished, a complete range of sizes; regular $2.50 d-l fQk pants; special for this sale only, the pair tpx.jy Sale Household Needs, Garden Hose, Refrigerators, CooKing' Utensils, Swiss Aluminum Ware, Etc., Etc. Third Floor dresses arranged by the religious work department of the x. ai. a. speeches are being given on Wednesday evenings, and are open to all men. Those attending meet for supper at 6:20. and adjournment is promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Homan will be followed on April 17 by Rev. Henry Marcotte, and on April 24 by Dr. John H. Boyd. J. W. Thomas Dies at Oswego. OSWEX30. Or.. April 9. (Special.) J. W. Thomas, of Oswego, died yester day, aced 70. The funeral will be held Day" at foot or STIRS- $1.69 $1.98 of Women's patents, gun- button or lace QQ J) X .iO dainty neck 34c 15c Tooth Brush Holdi-rs, "AO? 15c Kitchen Towel Bar, "lOt? 10c Toilet P.ipvr Holder :tt HC 10c Pants Hauler, special, S 25c bottle Liquid Vendee, X9 FROM 4 P. M. TO 5 P. M. In the Basement U n der p r ice Store To day Only Women's Dresses at $5.75 4 to 5 P; M. today;, in the base ment, a sale of 90 splendid Dresses for women and big misses; one-piece styles, made of fin; quality storm serges, in black and navy and a few colors for house or street wear; our best regular $10.00 1o f 7 C $15 values, special at aj) O O $2.75 Sweater Coats $1.48 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," -a sale of women's all-wool Sweater Coats in the heavy Cardigan rib, with two pockets, V-neck, in white, gray, navy and red ; sizes 34 to 44 ; regular $2.75 Sweaters, specialized tf "1 A Q for this hour at only P X . $1.50 Hand Bags for 69c 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a sale of women 's new leather Handbags, gen uine quality, in a great variety of styles, with silver, gilt and gnnmetal frames; with strap handles and coin purses; our best regular fC $1.50 values, special, only OiC Men's Night Gowns at 39c 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," for one hour only, an unusual offering of men's muslin Night Shirts, made of fine, soft material, with or without collars, nicely finished, with pink or blue stitching; all sizes,OQ special for one hour onlyOcC Women's 25c Aprons 15c 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a one hour sale of women's .Aprons, two styles to choose from, .white lawns or ginghams, made long and full. Our regular 25c grades. Buy all you want of them during this J special one-hour sale for X O C Bleached Muslins only 7c 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the base ment "underprice store," a one hour sale of fine quality Bleached Muslin, full 36 inches wide; nice soft finish for gowns and underwear and for general use ; a bargain which you should take advantage of. On J special sale for one hour, yd. C Sale From 5 P. M. to 6 P. M. Corduroy Jfc'ants $2.50 Grade $1.69 5 to 6 P. M. today in the Base ment "Underprice Store," a one hour sale of men's good grade Cor at 2 P. II., April 11, In the Oddfellows' Hall, under the auspices of that order. Burial will be at the Oswego cemetery.' Mr. Thomas has been a resident of Os wego for 20 years, having held the of fice of Mayor. He is survived by widow and a son and daughter, Georgi E. Thomas and Mrs. B. P. Clay, all resl dents of Oswego. Apes do not count further tbsn four, and the Boers of the Transvaal, when they want to hunt these animals, hide In numbers ex cedlns four. Four depart In succession in such a manner as to be noticed by the apes who then come forth and are easily captured-