Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 10, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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tallslriTix SlKDincanc
n In I'hlna." U W
n "ClJrlstlan School'
eitrr.osLAX tkixphoxt
r-intmv-rtwmi Mf TT A
Cii rirnixin .......... Mais TOT0 A
U. Editor Mala T0TO A
Sua., Ed, lor '""ISlSiSS?
Ompo.ln.-room Hals J0T9 A JOB!
laMmudral hulldlas . . . alaia tu i"
AJICSEMtXTa. THKTER vath ant T'J''
I ru a St. Uanrae In tha J-ma. K'MC"7
..f Sunn.rool, Vrm." Thu aflernooa al
J II and ion i g hi at s.l-V
CARER THiATER (tlmnm aod Morrt-
mnl Faker Stork Company la the )
Mr. il( of tha ibH Patch. This
afternoon at : li an4 tonight at e.13
:u and 6.nih) VaudTill- Thla a-
terneoa at tit ard tonight at : eeloca.
tMPRESS THEATER (Pars, and Waanias-
n Vaudavlila. Th.e aftarnooa at
laalght at J.J and I e'tlock.
".WTAGKS THKATKR tantl and Al-
r Vaadllla Thla aftarnooa. at 1:1.
toa.'ght at !: and o'clock.
IVRll' THEATER Fourtli and ""'"T comedy. "Paradlaa In Parla" T's
:.rn.x.n at l.Zo aa,a toaigat a 1.4V
and u a clock.
tuna. 11 A. U.-ll P. la. j
fUmsT Associatio Mtm. The
Willamette Baptist V-.m-latlon will
nn lla 4th MMlon ixiay at 10 A.
M.. In the Third Baptlt Church. Van
couver avenue ami hnott street, to
continue throiiKO r riay. mere wu
be afternoon and night sessions. Rev.
A. W Kidor will apeak thla after
noon on "The KealRlrms SlR-nlflcance
"t tha Revolution
Riley will apeak o
an1 Rer. C B tlllott will preach to
nlKhl. Rev. Albert Ehraott will be
chairman of the session Thursday
morning. Neirro schools. Y. W. C. A.
work an.i colporteur missionary ml
alona will be considered. H. W. Stone,
of the, l-ortland V. M. C. A., and Rer.
II. Wrae Jones will apeak. O. P.
Conhow will apeak Thurixlay nlarht on
"The Church's Kuty to the gallon.
The women of the missionary aocietlea
will make a display of work. The wo
men will serve meal at the church
white the association Is In session.
FtU. Biuia FtxISHED. The filling of
Hast Second between Hawthorne ave
nue awl Kast Oak street la being; com
pleted At present the material used
In fllllna; up the str-e Is being; leveled
preparatory to laying sidewalks. Cost
f this fill, which has been under way
for two years, with the sidewalks, will
he above 10.000. The O.-W. R. 4 N.
to.'s track occupied the center of Kaat
Second and the company paid about
one-third of the coat of making the fill.
The street Is practically occupied by
the main tracks and side tracks be
tween Belmont and Kast Oak street.
Kast Second Is the last of the streets
running; north and south through the
warehouse district to be filled.
MAi.prx-AvBXuaJ District Siiow.i.
The Maiden-avenue street Improvement
district Is In the north side of the City
View Park In Sell wood. It Includes
Maiden avenue between East Seventh
and Kast Thirteenth: Rex avenue. Kast
Ninth to Kast Thirteenth: Flavel awe
nue. Kast Kleventh to Kast Thirteenth
Knapp avenue, the Boulevard to Kast
Thirteenth: Kant Seventh street. Lo
avenue to the Boulevard: Kast Ninth,
Maiden avenim to the' Boulevard: Kast
Kleventh. Maiden aveaue to the Boule
vard. Owing; to the i competitive bids
submitted the contract was let for
I3V0M0 and will be classed aa a concrete
pavement. (
Lests Ohi-rch to Bs Rebuilt. Plans
nd specifications have been drawn by
he Oregon Architectural dt Engineering;
Company for a church to replace the
Lenta Baptist Church, which was de
stroyed by fire two weeks iko. It will
be of frame construction. 61x62 feet,
with full basement. The main audi
torium will be bowl shaped, and will
teat 150 persona. There will be a
ecture room 18x3! feet that will seat
1 00 persons. Sunday school room and
tttrhen will be In the basement. It
will be heated with a furnace and will
e rebuilt on the site of the former
Mrs. 1.X Fouxm to Ba Gi est A
romplimentary luncheon for Mrs.
Robert M. La Follette. will be Riven
under the auspices of the Woman's
lub campaign committee and the Port-
and Kqual Suffrage League, of which
Mrs. Solomon llirsch la president, at
.he Hotel Portland at 1 P. M. Monday.
April IS. All women who are In
'rested In the equal suffrage Issue
ire Invited to attend.
Fraxk Rilet. Auctioneer.
Tbe boxes for the performance given
under the auspices of Portland Krult
and Flower Mission will be sold at auc
tion al the. Iletllg Theater April 11. be
tween II and 1 ocluck. The perform
ance will be giveni Tuesday evening,
April 3". wtth May J-U" matinee same
date. The proceed 4 will go towards
?stablishlng a pelmanent nursery
building, which Is needed badly.
Mrs. Lai-ra Baj.i'.vi Doouttle. ad
visory decorator ill house outfitter,
will furnish you w. l! papers or fabrics
or your walls: a.tI e and direct ttnt
ns. furnish lian;:r . to harmonise and
-arry out harmonio .ly your Ideas for
redecorating and rearranging your
home. Suggestions given for new
homes and estimates made. 411 Alder
t.. with the Baltimore Furniture Com
pany. Main 043.
Circle Wiu. Meet. The Parent
Teachers' Circle of the Alnsworth
school gWlll hold a meeting In the
choolhouse today at 3 p. M. An ad
dress will be given by Miss Jessie Mil
lard, librarian of the children's depart,
ment of the Public Library. Her sub
led will b the "Responsibility of
Parents In Regard to Their Children's
r O.CB Win. Meet. The Fulton Park
Improvement Club will give Its month
Iv smoker tonight In the clubhouse.
Sixth avenue and Custer street. The
,-kib will have as guests the South Port
land Boosters and the Carson Heights
Improvement Club. A number of speak
ers will be present.
Pahests Win. Meet. The Parent
Teachers' Association of the Vernon
school will hold a meeting for the
fathers and mothers. Friday at t P. M..
in the school hall. Tiiere will be a
talk by Dr. Luther Dyott. also music
nd a social time. All parents of this
listrlct a re Invited to be present.
Cbxtral W. C. T. U. to Meet Todat.
Central W. C. T. L". will meet aa
usual at :J' o'clock this afternoon,
at 302 Goodnough building. Mrs. D.
DiUlelsh will tell of the soldiers' and
vailors' work and Miss C. Burns will
talk on her department of labor. All
ntrrested are cordially Invited.
The Coi-siciL or Jewish Womei will
hold a baxaar. of fancy and useful
irtlcles. at the residence of Mrs. Aaron
I. Meter, on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday. April 10. 11. li. from lo to 13
A. M. and 1 to S P. M. The public
s cordially Invited.
Special Feati-re Commenc
r: Tuesday. April . New Grand Thea-t--r.
10S Sixth street, between Wash
ington and Stark streets, "Cell 13." ter--ible
battle with a madman. In two
reels: any seat S cents.
Professor G. Morris, phrenologist,
Ives free Illustrated lectures, examina
tions to men. women and children every
Wednesday from 8 to 10 P. M. at 611
Frame S. Fields for ten years County
Clerk Is the Republican candidate for
Secretary of State. Ballot No. 41 (Paid
idv.) '
I'll Not Sell. You must buy: three
acre tracts, only six: the 18th Is the
day. See arrow In New Today section.
USE a MixrTE. That's how fast my
:hrce-acre tracts will go: see the, arrow
New Today section. An opportunity.
Don't Mi Gearrart Special train
Saturday. 2 P. M. Round trip, $3.
Two Mn Sent to Rotk Pile. One
of the most revolting tales of white
slavery which has been rehearsed In
the courts mas that recited yesterday
to Judge Taxwell by Ruby Booth and
Ktta Shields, giving their testimony
against Jack Doyle and Harry Kelley.
ment of each man by Imprisonment for
to days. The four were arrested sev
eral days ago In a rooming-house, at
Second and Alder streets. Doyle had
been free from the rockplle but one
day at the time. Kelloy escaped arrest
on the former occasion by escaping In
his night clothes. Both girls said that
they had furnished the men with
money, and a Chinese told how Doyle
had solicited him on the street and
directed hlra to the room where the
girls were. The men admitted con
sorting with the women, but denied the
acceptance of money. As Ruby Booth
sat waiting to give her testimony, her
2-year-old baby sat In the back of the
courtroom walling In the lap of the
Ao Cub Has New Plajc. Member
of the Ad Club will convert their
weekly luncheon at the Multnomah
Hotel today Into a "Rose Festival
rally" to develop enthusiasm for the
coming celebration. Officers and direc
tors of the Rose Festival Association
will be In charge of the rally and
plans for the general programme of
amusements for the Rose Festival week
will be the subject of the discussions.
I Prominent among the speakers of the
day will be Carl R. Gray, of the jsonn
Bank Railway: C. S. Jackson. J. F.
Carroll. J. A. Currey, president of the
Portland Rose Society: George L.
Hutchtn. general manager of the Rose
Prominent Weiser Citiibns Hers.
Nathan Sommer, president of the
Commercial Club of Weiser, Idaho, and
Councilman Bernard Haas, of Weiser,
official delegates from that city, visited
Portland yesterday to Inspect paving
methods and materials In use here.
They will make a formal report of
their findings to the municipal authori
ties of Weiser. for use In paving plans
now under consideration. Weiser Is
planning to sell 400.000 worth of bonds
75.000 of which Is to be spent on pav
ing Improvements covering about 15
blocks. Weiser Is a city of about 6000
Fire Station" Site Approved. The
site for the Montavilla Are station on
Kast Eighty-second and Kast Burn side
streets, as recommended by hire thief
Dowell. was approved at the meeting
of the Montavilla Board of Trade Mon
day night. There was some determined
opposition from William DeV'eny and
others who wanted the lire station built
on Kast Klghtleth and Kast Ollsan
streets. Park Superintendent K. T.
Mische was present and delivered an
Illustrated lecture on "Portland Parks
and Playgrounds."
RnNDAT Liquor-Seller Fined. Sam
Wolf was convicted by Circuit Judge
Kavanaugh yesterday afternoon of
having aold liquor at 107 Fourth
street on Sunday, and was lined $100.
Wolf was fined I2i0 by Municipal
Judge Taswell and appealed the case.
The Indictment charged that whisky
was sold on December 11. 1911. to
David Wells. Ross Cummlngs testified
he could always get a drink on Sun
days of Wolf or of Mrs. Wolf.
Rowell Subs for Injury. On trial
In the United States District Court, be
fore a Jury, Is the case of C. A. RoweJI
against the Warren Construction Com
pany to recover 131.000 for personal
Injuries received while In the employ
of the defendant company. The com
plaint alleges that the plaintiff lost
an eye while engaged In running a
rock crusher at Corvallls. the Injury
resulting from the machine not being
In proper working condition.
Bio Suit Started. The American
Dry Milk Company. Howell M. Read
and Frank J. Butler, brought suit In
the Circuit .Court yesterday againat
James C. Alexander. E. H. Bliss. Guy
C H. Corliss and Bardl G. Skulaaon to
compel Alexander and Bliss to turn
over to the plaintiffs 400.000 shares of
stock In the company, worth, at par.
Ada Carr Clemson Seeks Divorce.
Ada Clemson filed a divorce suit In
the Circuit Court yesterday against
Clayton B. Clemson. alleging that he
was convicted or relony at Alcatras,
Cal.. In April 1. 110. She married
Clemson at Walla Walla, Wash.. May
2. 10. She was formerly Miss Ada
Child Welfare Leaoub Meets Todat.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Child Welfare League of the Ladd
school will be held this afternoon from
3 to 6, at the parlors of SL James
Lutheran Church. West Park and Jef
ferson streets. Refreshments will be
served and all are cordially Invited
to be present.
IIuoiu. Injunction Issted. An In
junction against A. W. Hugill, restrain
ing him temporarily from conducting
a logging camp and from maintaining a
bunkhouse on lot f, block 2. Armona.
was Issued yesterday In the Circuit
Court. The Injunction was Issued
pending a decision In the suit brought
against Hugill by James A. Uo wan lock.
Letter Is Jostponed. The lecture
by Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull, sec
retary of the Ch'ld Labor Commis
sion, which was to have been delivered
In the auditorium of the East Port
land Branch Library, was postponed
until April 21.
Bible Class to Meet. The Bible
class of the Council of Jewish Women
tinder the direction of Rabbi Jonah B.
Wise will meet In the vestry room of
the Temple Beth Israel at 3 o clock
Easter Sai.b and 8upper Thursday)
tomorrow afternoon and evening. I'nl
versalist Church. Broadway and Twenty-fourth.
The best supper from to
to P. M.
beatino today all day. Oaks Rink.
Investigating rommittee Also to De
termine Desirability of Men
for Office.
Through the agency of the Efficiency
Government League, there has been
mailed to every candidate for state, dis
trict or county office a list of ques
tions to be answered at his pleasure,
touching on his qualifications for the
office he seeks. The membership of the
league embraces the Christian Endeav
on societies, the Epworth League, Bap
tist Young People's Union, Y. M. C A..
Y. W. C A., the Brotherhoods of several
churches here and various other relig
ious organizations.
"The purpose of the league." said one
of Its officers last night, "is to look Into
the record of each of the candidates for
nomination from a. nonpartisan stand
noint and report to the various organl
sallon which It represents so that they
may determine which candidates would
represent them best in promoting the
Interests of good government and high
standards of morals In the community."
Qualifications of the various candi
dates for office will not be measured
entirely by answers to the interroga
tions addressed to them. Independent
of the catechism, an investigating com
mittee appointed by the league will
conduct an Independent Investigation
Into the record of each candidate. It Is
not compulsory for the candidates to
answer the questions sent, but a prompt
compliance with the request of the
league. If not too much at variance with
the Independent Investigation, will have
a great deal to do with the nature of
the recommendations the league ex
pects to make to voters as to the desir
ability of the different candidates.
Among the questions to which an
swers are requested by the league are
the following:
Do you believe rn the strict enforcement
of a high standard of morals? A llhoral
standard of morals with strict regulation,
or an open town? If you are a candidate
for Plata's' Attorney or FherllT. and elected,
a III you usa your untiring efforte tn sup
press vice of all forma. Including gambling,
prostitution, grafting, white slavery, viola
tion of lh liquor laws and especially pros
ecute the roadhouse nuisance? Are you con
nected In any way. direct Ir or Indirectly,
with tha 'Iquor business? If o. state con
nection. Are you In any manner obligated
to tha liquor lntorasta7 Do you lease, own
or have any Interests directly or Indirectly,
In any property used as a saloon or other
liquor house, house of 111 fame, gambling
house or a public dance hall? What inter
ests. If any, are back of your candidacy?
Have you ever been convicted or Indicted
for the violation of any law? Do you pay
or provide for your debts and obligatlona
promptly? Are yo-j under any financial ob
ligation to any special interest, business or
trade? If so. stste the Interest, business
or trad to which you are obligated. Do
you believe In the strict enforcement of tha
law as written, or such application of the
same aa seems to meet with popular favor?
What la your view as to the method of
handling the eoctal evil? (To t-e answarad
If running for County Commissioner) Do
you propose to license roadhouses If elect
ed? (To be answered If running for the
State Legislature! Ir elected, would you
aid In passing a law prohibiting the licens
ing of rasdhouses . outside the Jurisdiction
of cities and other municipal corporations?
Captain Riley and Bartender Differ
as to When Man Hu Too Much.
Differences of view-point of police
and certain saloonkeepers as to what
constitutes drunkeness, was Illustrated
yesterday when Police Captain Riley
arrested George Bailies, bartender at
7 5 North Third street, on a charge of
selling liquor to an intoxicated man.
With Bailies. Mike Flahaven and
Thomas MeClellan were arrested on
the charge of being drunk.
Captain Riley was passing the saloon
when he saw one of the men stagger
ing along the walk. He ordered him to
his room, but saw him turn Into Bailies
saloon. Riley followed. In time to see
the drunken man buy a drink. At the
same moment another staggered In and
was served.
"Do you make a practice of selling
liquor to men like these?" asked the
"Why what's wrong with them!" re
plied Bailies.
R'.ley says the two men were almost
helpless and had to be supported while
drinking and on the way to the wagon.
The Security Development Company
yesterday rented the store In the Mult
nomah Hotel at the corner of Fourth
and line, which practically cleans up
the stores In this splendid hostelry.
There Is only one remaining store
now on Third street nrt to the Cana
dian Pacific ticket office.
This is a most excellent store. 22x?S.
with high ceiling and big skylights over
one-half of store, and full-slse base
ment. It would make an exceptionally good
clothing and gents' furnishing store
and Is also adapted for any good busi
ness Some live merchant is going to get
a mighty fine store when this Is rented,
and then there will be no other oppor
tunities of getting in the Hotel Mult
nomah. Anyone Interested can secure par
ticulars from Webb at Terry. 04 Yeon
Bldg. . The price Is too low, but the
store 'Is going to be rented.
The suits that I sell for I1J.7S are
designed by an expert in New York.
My tailor makes the necessary altera
tions free of charge, which gives you
a suit that looks like $40 worth of
"made to order." Jimmy Dunn, room
316 Oregonian bldg. Take elevator.
For placecards. all colors, at the Wo
man's Exchange; also lavender salta in
attractive Jars. 158 Fifth.
Week End
Fares to
The Southern Pacific has placed on
sale round-trip tickets from Portland
and Htllsboro to Bayocean (Garibaldi
station) and other ocean resorts on
the new Pacific Railway & Navigation
Line at one and one-third fare.' Tick
ets good going on Saturdays and re
turning the following Monday. Train
leaves Union Depot via Fourth street
at 6:46 A. M.. and Htllsboro at 10 A. M.
Call on agent. Union Depot, or Fourth
and Yamhill streets.
Brigadier Stlllwell to Speak.
Mrs. Brigadier Stillwell will conduct
a parish meeting at the Third Presby
terian Church. East Thirteenth and
Kast Pine streets, tonight at 8 o'clock.
Her subject will be "White Slave Traf
fic, or 'Why Women Fall." Mrs. Still
well opened the work of this kind In
Portland 26 years ago.
To Our Kind Friends: We beg to
express our very sincere thanks to all
those kind friends who have assisted
us by kind wordn and actions during
the past few days, helping us to bear
the loss of an adored son, also to
those whom we may have Inadvertent
ly omitted to write to personally for
the beautiful floral offerings sent us
In memory of our son, Donald Mc
Leod Stewart.
At this time we wish particularly
to thank the dally papers In our city
which, one and all, have been of such
aid to us and the authorities In find
ing the perpetrator of the crime that
cut off the Uvea of two of Portland's
verv promising cltixens.
Words are inadequate to express our
appreciation. '
Sincerely yours,
A Good Place to Eat.
Seven dining-rooms, with a combined
seating capacity of over 400. Weber's
orchestra 3 to S, to II and 9:30 to
11:80. Two entrances. 3SS Washington
street, 187Vj Alder strest
We desire to extend our heartfelt
thanks to our numerous friends for
their kind messages of sympathy and
for the beautiful floral offerings
tendered at the de-ath and funeral of
our beloved wife, daughter and slater.
Main 165, A 1165 rirst and Oak
We Want Your
"Active" Account
' The facilities of this
bank for caring for
the business of
crowing concerns
are worthy of your
Our off ioers will be glad
to grant interviews to.
the heads of establish
ments that seek a safe
and satisfactory bank
ing connection.
One that will provide
the greatest safety for
their funds and be in a
position to extend such
accommodations as may
be reasonably desired.
If your business will,
answer this description,
we'd be glad to see you.
Portland Trust
Company of Oregon
Third and Oak St.
Our Testimonials speak
for themselves. We in
stall all kinds of plants
and do nothing but
Heating and Ventilating
The W. G. McPherson Company.
Portland, Oregon.
Gentlemen: In the latter part of
September of last year, you installed
a No. 27 Perfect Wood Furnace in my
house at !25 Kast S5th street. This
furnace was piped to heat thirteen
rooms in all.
It gives me pleasure to offer thla
unsolicited testimonial to the high
quality of the installation and the very
satlstartorv heating qualities an
veloped. The temperature throughout
the house has been maintained at a
very comfortable point and the con
sumption of wood has been remarkably
light in view of the weather we have
Just passed through.
i here is no ooudi in my ininu dui
that the close attention given by your
Mr. R. B. MrPherson to the installa
tion contributed to the success at
tained. Very sincerelv yours.
L'5 East 65th St.
A Giving
Toric A
Lens Full
Is Sweep
All To
The The
Way Lash
From And
1-16 Greatly
To Broadens
1-6 The
Nearer Field
The Of
Eye Vision
Columbian zz 145
Optical Zfrfg Sixth
Co. v Street
i - i "J i3 J V7 -l j;
New Ricfimoncl Hotel
Fourth Awe. and Main St.
Absolutely fireproof.
Conveniently located.
All outside rooms.
Rates.- 91 par dan with bath, $L50
J. 5. MeTIRNAN. .Vaaar"
Hose Underwear
Mill to Consumer.
As soft and silky as
worm silk wears much
better and never turns
yellow with washing. Is
absorbent and keeps the
skin dry and in a healthy
e o ndition. Guaranteed
for 12 months. For men,
women and children.
Something new in out
size llosiery. Write for
catalogue B.
Oh Floor Soiling Bldg., 6th. and Alder
fp Pair
out a Deer ......
Genuine Holeproof Hose for Men,
Women and Children; 6 pairs guar
anteed to wear six months.
Mr. Man!
It's time you were thinking:
of that new
Winter is gone and April is a-bloom with
new Spring bulbs and flowers. Follow the
weather. Cast aside that heavy Winter
suit and bud out in a new Spring outfit.
We are showing a very strong line of Men's
and Young Men's Suits at
15, $20 and $25
in a full and complete assortment of new styles, new
materials and new colors.
$30 to $50
Country orders solicited. Orders
forwarded on request, with rules of
self-measurement and samples.
S. W, Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts.
The Best of
for Men and Boys
111 llfl
The Portland Hotel
OA delightful place for ladies to refresh them
selves with some tempting dainty, courteously
served with a cup of delicious tea or chocolate,
while shopping down town.
Q After-theater groups find this an inviting
retreat for a cosy supper. Congenial sur
roundings and decidedly convenient to all the
urban carlincs.
Herr Waldemar Lind
and The Portland Hotel Orchestra
will add to the pleasure of your hour spent here,
every week-day evening, with a varied musical
Q Direct entrance on Hlorrison and Seventh
streets; entrance through the beautiful,
newly-decorated lobby on Yamhill and Sixth
G. J. KAl'KMiJX, Manager.
Convenient Filing
is desirable.
Protection From Fire
and Theft is necessary.
These two features impor
tant to every office are
combined in The Safe-Cabinet.
Thorough Supervision
The affairs of this bank are systematically audited and examined
and every detail proved correct and certified.
In addition to the examination conducted into its affairs under the
direction of the state government, the bank is subjected to careful
periodical examinations by the Portland Clearing-House Association.
4 per cent interest paid on savings deposits.
Hibernia Savings Bank
Second and Washington Streets. Open Saturday evenings, 6 to 8.
Experienced in city nd country schools, superintendt-.t of Multnomah
county from 1836 till 1900. former principal of Portland Businoss Col
let's. Believing mvself well qualified tot the ofhee, I ask the support
cf 11 who faror continuous advancement along broad educational lines.
Paid Advertisement.)
ANA rv r
"Gel the knack of the NOTCH"
15c each 2 for 25c
Solid Cake
The Safe-Cabinet holds four
times as much as a safe the
same size. Weighs so little one
man can move it as desired. In
terior adjustable to your needs.
It is fireproof and so con
structed that it is practically a
one'piece cabinet. It is manu
factured under exclusive pat
ents covering all the important
features, which make it fire
proof. Sizes for all purposes, includ
ing small designs for private
dwellings, apartments and in
dividual offices.
Steel filing Cabinets and de
vices of all kinds.
Ask for Catalogue-.
Stationery and Printing Co.
Commercial Stationers,
Office Outfitters,
Printers, Engravers,
Booklet Makers and
Headquarters for
Architects' and Engineers' Instru
ments and Supplies.
Corner Fifth and Oak Streets.
Foster & Kleiser
HlBk Grada commercial and Elect!
Kaat Seventh end Eaat Everett Streets
Phones Eaat nil, B 3834.
East 629
B 6148