THT: MOTtXINO OPEOOXIAN. TUESDAY, AritIL 9, 1013. 14 7 J M If I l y 1 L--.- a, a. 4 J-UJit' fs J i' 1 1 I Mi ' ' "Portland'i largest Northwest's Grandest Hostelry" Absolutely Fireproof 725 looms 300 Rooms Wit Bath lOO Sample Booms Orroie aa tstir Mark ia ta heart t Inline and InsncUI district. Th most magnia. t Labor Rnuuul, BaUron, Baaqoet Hall u4 Public BHn ta tM Wert. The nunoct la comfort ; aad cca mnaca. Headqaartera B.P.O.a. Grand Lade CoareaUon, ParUaad, 1911 STTBOPlaJI PtaJ RATSS tl.M TO tS.O PBH DAT Basse Meat Every Train aa4 Steamer . C. BOWTOS, Maaafec The Portland The traveler visiting Portland for the first time will find a wfl. rom and refined service here. Kverr i-onrtyv la a h o w n our ffTimiii. t'unvfnt4nt to the retail shop", the leading theaters, and the atret railway. Our pumi or motor meet all incoming trains and steamers. Ratea moderates OTEL CARLTON H Rates $ l.OO a Day and Up Entirely New Absolutely Fireproof All Light, Outside Rooms Auto Bus Meets All Train 14th and Washington Sts. HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL SEATTLE, Seattle, Wash. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our 14-paasenger-electric bns meets aU trains. A high-class, modern hotel In the heart of the theater and stopping district. One block from any carline. tl per day and tip. European plan. E. P. MORRIS, Prop. ia a u ' a - it re ' IlillSalHU f" b2!; 7fl The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel SoO Eooms, 104 Suite, With Print Baths. Phil Uetschaa & Sons, Props. 115 VESSELS NEED COAL J .one I'tst at Pters Because; of Re cent Strikes. NORFOLK. Va.. April S. One hun dred and fifteen vessels, steam and Bail ing, were awattlna; berth today at the Norfolk and Newport News coal piers. Th Is condition waa brouKht about by the Kuropean coal strike and the ills Inlon of coal operatlona In the L'nlted Stale. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Birth. I.AVET To the wife of C. H. l-ar ncrr tie. April - HAMS To the wife of Philip Haba. i0 Rodn.T ano. April 5. a dauaht.r. Ol'TAVSO.N-To the wife of E. B. 5u fav9on I'oofc arcnu.. March 1. a wn. NEILSON To th. wlf. ot Matirlr. 'U xn. Ill Sliar atraet. March It. a dauch ler. I.EB To the wife of Carroll Lee. 5 Xi.n utreet. April 6. a eon. KODPT To the wlf. of Otto M. Rodby. SCd Ptfphea crt. March -a, a en. tf)RRlS1N To the wire of Homer C. ttomaon. lo-.'t Borthwlck atreei. April 3. a Kn. IJIVPERS To the wlf. of J. O. Landers, citv. April I. a liCRNARXi To th. wlf of J. A. Bernard, lj j pnjM .treet. al.r-h 11. a eon. A1CAZ1E To the wlf. of K. Akaxle. 10 Vnia ticDof. April S. a son. KCOI.E To th. wlf of John A. 1.0(1. March a dauahter. HAS'L'T-To th. wife of Thoma R. Hardy. -t Graham April 2. a son. HEVDKIX To th. wif. of Jam.. W. MralxLx. 344 Sixth street. April 2. a danah- '"llITrl To th wife of Char!" P. Smith. Kou.rte.nth llral North, March 3U a "ii'KRAT To the wlf. of Leatl W. llor. rar. l?t) KaM FourtMBtn atre.t North. Marrh 5H. a n. M RAST To th wlf. of Alb.rt 9. T. rajit. v Mallory avenue. April S. a son. Marriace IJeBes. JON ES-GRKtiORT Walter Jon.. of Clackamas c'ounty. Or.. and llUlaa A. " ij-HARnWICIt t;rorc. H. Will, of 'Vuitnomau. 'ounl. ... and Maude Herd- l-h. 19 A I A F V- T. A H 5 F V John Silvwn, ?. r rowlits County, 'asb.. and Malcn Lar s.o. i. 1 J40 1 WHIN IN Portland, Oregon top AT THX HOTEL MULTNOMAH J. M. BSOWITBLL, Assistant Maicer Hotel G- J. Ka nann Maiav tr .a. iiy- k-.xju,k- . TV Special Monthly Rates Ross Finnegan, Mgr. Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect, and v conducted on the European plan. sa K3P BE I - " dj!. ' - 2TT T Bk- New Perkins Fifth and Washington Sts. A Hotel in the Very Heart ol Portland's Business Activity MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Elactria Aato Boa. Cars to and troai Uaioa Depot a c r law minute. I Q. Sp rtlaad. Mgr. hit vU A. CROUSE, Mgr The Hotel Bowers Elaventh and Stark Sta. Under Narw Management offera all the conranlencea of a hlch-claaa hotel, with all the comfort of a home. European plan tl 40 par day up. Amarlcaa plan, too. Ftmoua for Ita Krtlf. a la carta and table d'hote aervlce at raaaonable prlcea Cpaclai ratea to permanent guaala. F. P. WILLIAMS, MANAGER ,E"3.S.a-;s:S213 3SS2 HOFFMAN-HOFFMAN O. X- Hoffman. 16. of Muliaomah County, and Florenc A. Hoffman. RLJWEUL-OLSON R. W. Ruwll, of Multnomah Countv. and Mamie Olson. THORN-MORRISON John Thorn. 25. of Multnomah County, and Edna Morrivon. Ol.ZO-OALLO Nicola Ouxso. 32, of Multnomah rountv. and Rosna Gallo, 26. nRIVER-STAGSDELL. Volner Hrlver. 2T, Wasco County. Or., and Viva A. Staaadeli, :i. HILI-VAX WIXKLE-S W. HIM. 2. Multnomah County, and Mary van Winkle. :s LAW-ALLEN Walt.r lw. T5. of Mult nomah Countv. and R.brca Allen. 2.. HEILSTAD-LEONARD A. J. H.ltstad. 23. Multnomah County. and Dacney M. Leonard. -X KLINTH-8TREET A. W. Kllnlh, Mult nomah County, and Mary F. Ftreet. IVIE-RILET E j. lvle. 23. Multnomah Countv. and J.nnle Rll.y. 23. PAPPEI-SEIFERT Julius Papp.1. M, of Multnomah County, and Pauline Selfert, M. COX-MEI.LKNUER Cbarl.s D Cox. !W. of Cfcrk Cantr. snd Jennie M.llencrr. .V OASTON-LOSON'KR I.. E. (iaston. 33. of Mullnnmat County, and Amanda E. Lass ner. 2- WE.sTON-LA ROCHE C. H. Weston, of Multnomsh County. nd Msri. La Roche. VERZOXE-JACOBSON F.lla Versone. 29. Of San FrancLco. ral.. and Eva Jacobson. TRL'MAX-SHELLT Stiwllnr Truman. 19. of Multnomah County, and Carmen 6blly, MEETING NOTICES. MT. TABOR l.OrXJE. NO. 42. A. F. AND A. M Stated com munication will be held this fTucsdsyl eecnlnr. April 9. 7:43 P. M.. West Side Tmpl.. An addrcs will be slv.n by Broth. r Robert C. WrlKht. Itefcsnments will be served. A special Invitation la extended to m; newly riuad Master Maaona Rt order of th W. M. M. R. SPAULDINO. M:relary. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. TA. O. F!. R Suited communication v-.y Tmpl. ft o'clork sharp. Irca. il'mtifn O. E. S. cordially Invited. By ordr W. M. HENRIETTA M'CABE, Secretary. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 97. O. E. 8. SocUl club sivee a card and dancing party this (Tuesday) ti1ht at AJ Russell. All O. E. S. members and friends Invited. 5 MULTNOMAH COITNCIL ROT 4T1L AL ARCANUM, mnu at K. P. f Hall. 11th and Alder trt. tb fty eond and fourth Monday of each month at P. M. Visitor cor dially welcomed. P. Lloyd Cover. Secretary. Vnios ava. S4f Tb.atr Tth Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 1122. TONIGHT ?fsRwgHT Bpeeial Price Matinee Tomorrow. Klaw Erln;er Present th Beautiful tMniltlr Succ... Evrnlncs Lower floor. 11.60, fl.0". Balcony. 3 rows lloo; 6 rows. 75c: 11 rows. 60c Oallery; 85c. 2Sc. Tomorrow- Matinee lower floor 1.0O. Balcony, flrat 3 rowa, 75c; In rear first S rows, 5c Gallery. 35c. 25c SEATS SELLING FOR ENGAGEMENT. BAKER THEATER Mala 2. A 5380 Geo. L. Baker, afar. BAKER STOCK COMPANY, Tonlrht, all week Matinee Saturday. Th greatest comedy of them mUi MRS. WlCiCiS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH First time In Rtoek. Immense east. eream from bealnolnr to end. Nlaht prices, lUr. MX, only. Matinee 23c Next week -Wltrhln Himr." MAIN . A inte MAT1NKE EVERT DAT MAT. IS NIGHTS: 13e. Site. BOe. Ke WFKK APRIL a Blanehe Walsh, Kd Blon dell nnd Co.. Manklrhl Companv. Oerlmd Van llyrk Trio, Harry I. Webb. Sue rimllb, Orcheatrm. Karl Oreee, I'lctu WEEK APRIL . Th Ijincaster Opera Co. F.rnest t arr m t o., NewhofT and Phelps, Tne Henrwalls. Horrv and Wllbrlml. Klva I Jr sew Troope. Pantaaeseope. Irlces Ifte an SAc. Curtain. 1:30. 1:13 and 9. Boxes an first row balcony reserved. Box ofllco open from 1 A. 31. to 10 F. M. Phones A ZZ36 Main M6. Matinee Every Day. .rsress - Formerly Grand. W Sullivan Consldine. Keflned aurtevllle. mrr-n APRIL D.vld Walter m tom- pany, Joe hplasel and .median, Mnmtord and Tnompeon. 1 ne tpoiio i ' ' " Mnirr. Lee Zimmerman. Orchestra. Price, 1 5c and J3. LYRIC TIIEATEB FOURTH ANU STARK ww ar-.-.r innr, a JB, mm.A ar thaw RlMlejad' way CmMllmiifi. with The KwUn ,,l'jJ Parts." Two performance. "labtly T.. and t:18. Matinees dally T:S. rnoaj nicht Choma jilrls" Contest after each (per- rmance. nt m' m, MEETING NOTICES. A and A. 8. P.ITEi Oregon Lodge of Perfection. No. 1 Spe cial meetlnc In Auditorium. Ornrtlab. Rite Cathedral. thl .t X o'clock. Work In 4th. 6th. and 6th degree. By or der Vi-.v aiABic. .r .ouivrirns- CHAPTER. NO. j k. A M. Stated convocation on Wednesday evening. April 10, t Masonic Hall. East Eighth and U,.rn.l.l. atrCCtS t 7 OClOCk a musical pro srairuns and aoclal entertainment will be given. All member, ar. "q-- - hrin their wives ana ...j....- -. the E. H. P. E. MARTIN. Secretary. .- ..... e... ...i-isn COMPANY. alahkji . V -ta-whoidera The annual meenn .h. f ,. .boy. company will b. h-ld I In th. ACCTION SALES TODAY. a. Ttaker-e Auction House, 133 Park St-. furniture. elc. ie at iv n - . . . . . nTNEBAIi NOTICE. mTvrR In this city, at his late resinence. "- - " a n.ll T U. 1 1 M m J.. 423 Granam c,... i-r0.e4 liitner , ago . ot "u'" rBl.;. . Deceased was member of Sumner Post. G. A. R.. com rade, of which, together with friends and acquaintances are respeciiuuy "", ' " . L . rm I ...rilr.t which a Si held tomorrow (Wednesday) April l at 10 A. M-. from the Portland Crema flu, Remains st Pearson a parlor. until u A. M. Wednesday. . . . .. u oe. Ann a. ""'"i:."'."''.'! C;.r. Vuneral in kairl aat tha rostldence Bcappoo. tomorrow (Wednredayl. April 10 at 10 A. M. Friends respectfully In vited. Interment at Bcsppoose, j n e o cesoed was a member of Women of Wood craft. is-iv is At St. Vlncenrs Hospital, ixruisa Ices at St. David's Episcopal Church, East 12th and Belmont, See -Journal to day. k-l ikU KHS os. Nob : lala M. ht, 110 d and CUa A 3 ISA. unvi'HFNTS Otto Srbtunana Marble Works. Eaat 3d ana rine Bta. hh v , linl MAX th lea (lis. fa. MTreetar and ondertaksr, X20 XBiral at, , kalmoa. Lady aaalslaat. .. a. MrRnlM. Fu aral Dtreetora, h d line. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. a k XELLEB CO.. -4 WlUlama are. Fhoa East 1QM, 0 IW Lady atl.uiiao- a . VILEX SON. td and Madlaaav ltr attendant, pboa Mala a, a law. EAST HUE Funeral Director, successor . . , m- u fill r 0. uunniPa. ai. . ... " - LEkCh, Cndert ker. o Sixth. East 11. U !. r. Eaat AUn aA Lady att SKEWES COMPANY. Sd aad CJT. 41AS. A IL Lady att daat. e THE CEMETERY Beautiful ML Scott Park " LARGE PERMANENT. I M O D R N.- PORT- a " LAND' ON LT MODERN a I CEMETKRYWITH a PKFGTUAL CAM of all burial plota without extra charge. Provided with a perma- nent irreducible M a 1 n tn a n c e " Fund. Location ideal; Just out- z " aide the dtr limit on north " and went slope, of Mount Scott, containing; 3'ti a c r e a, equipped with every modern conveniencek PRICES TO fCIT ALL StKllfE THE BtST. u.E MILE SOl'TH Ur' a Z LENTS. REGULAR a AUTOMOBILE SEltV- " HE P'HEE BETWEEN " ENTSAMUTUfil a a CEMEIERV. It ll ii CITY OFFICE, 920-21 TEON Z BUILDIN9. MAIN 125, A 7081. Z CEMETERY OKKICE, TABOR Z 148; HOMB PHO.NK KINO 8 Z (111. '1HK.N CU , OCA 4201. s OREGOaN humane society Office. City Halt Main Its. A Ttl. Raman officer, Ser.aant E. L. Crata Rasld.nca, 4 K. 14th N.. East 47ft. Horse ambulance, corner of ith and Taylor. V.t.rlnary In charge. Marshall SO. Anl- mala Rmcdi Home. Northrup Acrea, Thomas A. Short. Supt., A 3S47. 3 rlnvs. NEW TODAT 41 MONEY TO LOAN Wll C. BOUCHERS "7CTf !07 Ororjonian Bids I t For Splendid hoirrae, Irvlngton nd lots cheap. call .191 X C 18S. Ii. HKHUMAN. HEILIG IK A mam& V aa aBBk aSk -A o ofUc. of tne coiui.j. ,.i.v th. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES 1r Line. Otm time l tome ad f wo coinM-Tjl.Te tlmra X2 hame at three cooperative tlmm SOe barae ad lx or aeven eonaeeuilve tlmea.. Mo Kemittancee wuat accvuipaajr out-C-towa rdr. H hra one adTertleement is doc ran m roo. erutlve lsurt the oae-time rate applies. Hix wordi count aa one line on t-aah ad rertiaemeata and no ad counted for le ae thaa two li nea. On coarse or book edvrt!emeBta the rbarf will be haed on the actual nnmbrt of llnea appearins In the paper, mtaxdieaa ef the Dtimber of word In each line. In New Todar U adverttamenta ar rbarsed bj mcaaura enlr. 1 Uuca t the Ldi h. The above ratea apply to advertisements Under "New Todar and all other claaaillat Uona except the foUtmlng: Mtuatlone Wanted, Male. hltuatloas Wanted. Female. Orrsonlan will acrpt cla-inrd adrertUe menta over the telephone, pruvldlnx the ad vertlaer la a subscriber to either pbono. No E rices wU bo quoted over the phone, but 111 will bo rendered the follow in day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone dependa upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisement a. Kitnstiona Wanted and Per sonal advertlsementa will not be accepted over tbe telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for "Uouaee for Kent. "rnrniTure ror caie, ouiuieH u portunltlrs." ed to Kent." KoomlDf tiouKs ana tvanc- NEW TODAY. Goodnough Building AT Public Auction On Monday, April 22, 1912, at 11 o'clock, A. M., in front of the County Courthouse, I will sell at public auc tion, the quarter block at Fifth and Yamhill streets, in Portland, Oregon, on which stands the 6-story Goodnough building. Terms, 1-3 cash, balance duo in one year. DAVID S. STEAHNS, Referee. STARK ST. 4-story concrete building, new. Leased for 9 years to responsible tenant. .Land values rapidly advancing on Upper Stark street. $42,500 No phone information. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY On West Side, Near WASHINGTON STREET Income $7000 Net. Price $65,000. Reasonable terms. See E. W. Pettibone. CHAPIN-HERL0W MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY, 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST The Cream of the East Side residence section. Streets all paved, ewer, water, gas mains all in. Grad ed building restrictions, good car serv ice; prices from $1000 to $3000 per lot. Get particulars. Phone Main 1503, Main 4020, or A 1515. Be sure to ask for Mr. Unlahl. 522 Corbett Building. For Sa Or Lease for a term of years, a modern alx-story- and-basement brick, sprinkler equipped, on Terminal tracks, very central; 70,000 square feet floor space; suitable for warehouse or wholesale. DAVID STEARNS. 24 Waabiaajtoa St. Mortgage Loans f50,0OO and Oeer on CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY. LOWEST CURRENT RATES. WM. MACMASTER 701 Corbett Bids. Seaside Cottage for Rent I WILL RENT MY COMMODIOUS COTTAGE AT SEASIDE, completely furnished, electric lights, water, bath, etc., on board walk, for May, June and July, or sooner if de sired. Telephone Main 2626. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTOAGR. rinai mortoaoks, LOT rtT UATS. Ttll.MS TO VTt. A. H. BIRRELL CO., SU2 H'KAV BUILI1L.NU. Tfelra aa slark. $1000 rOR FOCR HOUSES. Must be moved. Located near ' Fifteenth and Kearney. JOHN L. KARNOPP. Ry. Eirh. Bids;. ' MORTGAGE LOANS r" Ideoee Property EVEREn&SIMONDS O Incorporated. 9 J BOARD OV TRADE BUI-DIN-. MORTGAGE LOANS CtO. JOHN t CROflAH, 7 COLLIS, BERRIDGB Jt THOMPSON, UBUC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 13d tVertwater Block. Pbon Mala B57. le NFW TOITAT RIVERDALE DISTRICT RriI.IJIN SITES. 17SO S2COO ' S3 500 1MOOO SK5000 S7O00 S7500 , HOMES. . ooo IKoSOO 81 0.OOO lo.OOO See Mr. Kupper. CHAPIN - HERLOW Mortgage and Trust Co. 833 Chamber of Commerce Rids WANTED TO BUY A 6 or 8-room house, on liberal terms, with not to exceed $500 down. TVish to buv it from the owner. Contrac tors with big profits in view need not write. When writing give all details size of house, incumbrance, terms, location and number of house, as well as reason for desiring to sell. Address AM 943, Oregonian. Modern residence of 9 rooms, with 50x100 feet of ground, No. 193 North 22d st. ill be sold very reasonably and on easy terms. For full particu lars see PAEEISH, W ATKINS & CO., 250 Alder Street. , Whole block, East Side, close in; pood investment and speculative buy. Present income 6 per cent; in two . - i . .mi- nnrt years, income iv per ceni; jt.j.uuu cash required. AS 958, Oregonian. FOR RENT FINEST STOREROOM IN THE GRAND AND HAWTHORNE-AVENUE DISTRICT. NEXT DOOR TO THE CORNER. EIGHT CARLINFS PASS THE BUILDING. BIGGEST TRANSFER. POINT ON THE EAST SIDE. EDW. P. MALL, 300 Chamber of Commerce. I will build and lease to re sponsible tenant a building: on my quarter diucji at East Tenth and Lincoln, suitable for laun dry, machine shop, stable, m a n u facturlni? o r storage. The lot has no track age, but has good streets and Is close in. In quire 606 Concord Build ing;. Second and Stark streets. TO LEASE. Exceptionally well - lighted four - story loft building; to be erected on the S. E. corner of Tenth and Burnslde sts. The extension of Oak St. will give three valuable street frontages to this build ing. This Is a close-In location which will soon be in the heart of the city. Plans for building now being prepared. Will give long lease and arrange to suit tenant. ;EO. M. STRONG. Owner, 6o5 Concord Building. Income Property Brick apartments. West Side: leased Ave years. $500 per month; $30,000 Apartments, corner. West Side, income .525 per month; $37,500. Four fine flats. West Side; Income $120 per month: $14,500. lOOxinn. 4 flats, close In: 1T,500. ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade Bill. SACRIFICE SALE I have over $15,000 cold cash in an apartment-house. Mortgage, $15,000. on It. Leased for $260 per month. Leav ing city and forced to sacrifice. Make me a cash offer to close up by 20th. No trlflers. AJ 961, oregonian. Mortgage Loans on Portia ct business and residence property at lowest current -rates. UOKGAN, FUEDAEK A BOYCK. 6U&-&0tf Ablnffton Building. INVESTOR MY STOCK Must dispose of Interest in Portland's oldest established firm. Pays large income. AT 55. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. 602 McKay bldg. M. 64. Beck. William G.. $13-818 Falling bldg. Chapln A Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. A Co., SOS Corbett bldg. Jenning A Co. Main 1S8. 20 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P, 404-40-0 Wilcox bldg. Th Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ava at Multnomah t. tHolladay Addition). REAL ESTATE- For Sale T.Anm ADDITION. All treet Improvements paid, bargain. Main 7114. alleys ; MONTAVILLA corner 105x150, value $1SOO. $1200: 7o0 cash, balance 8 per cent, or acreage. Marshall 4273. F. S. Pelt LOT. $300; $5 monthly; $30 cash; no re strictions; near I. car. Johnson A Dod son, 620-522 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE or trade. A-l. business corner. Woodlawn 6S4. LOT 5. block 7i Laurclhurst, $1750 AH Oresonlan IRVINGTON lots cheap money to loan for DUllulIlg. .U II riiau auiiu.f r.s, l 1 . . EAST Mt. Tabor lota $125 and up. tl down and t a wees. tt. . noou, -o couch, at. For Sale INVESTORS REAL ESTATE. For hale Lots "WILLAMETTE ADDITION. Thix beautiful tracts lie in the Alberta district, between .Tod and 37th eta., and adjoins ALAMEDA PARK At Prescott and 33d streets. Lots 50x100, with all improvement, ex cellent srade, and beautiful trees, and price lower than surrounding- property. Easy terms make WILLAMETTE ADDITION. The place to buy for the investor or the homebullder. TYLER INV. CO., OWNERS. '. Tract Office. 33d and Alberta sts. Phone Woodlawn 11114. Take Alherta car. get off at 30th, walk cast on Alberta to office at 33d and Alberta; or Alameda Park car. and reach tract by way of Pres cott and 3:ld sts. OWNER wishes to sell the following prop erty: 7 acres situated on carllne. 30 mirt. from city; 4 25-foot lots on the cor. Pat ton ave. and Pippin st. ; 1 rornor lot Wa verlelffh HelRhts. Cilve easy terms on any of the above. For prices and further particulars call after 5 P. M.. 3SS Glenn ave. Take Hawthorne ave car. BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern slope, near Council Crest, $65l and up, Including cement sidewalks, curbs, graded streets and water; .building: restrictions; sold on easy terms. Provident Trust Company, 201. 202, 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 'tX A 1022. 100x100 CORNER SNAP. A fine corner on Alnsworth ave. and Delaware; price a snap, tl40l; 15t cash and f.13 per month. GRUSSI BOLDS, 31S Board of Trade Bldjf., 4th and Oak. BEATjTIFVL ROSSMERE LOT. Work has commenced on Sandy .road, widening; and double-tracking. Buy this beautiful east-front lot before prices are raised; near car; has shade trees; price SA-i.V H"ffmann. 60S Couch bldg. 110 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Provident Trust Company. 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A 1022. FINE corner lot, much cheaper than ad Joining properties. Piedmont section; new houses all directions, near; bargain to quick purchaser; carline near, AN 953, Oregonian. 1-ACRE iot. deep, rich soil, ready to plant; near suburban car; graded streets and water; own your home on a small amount of cash and easy monthly payments; a bargain. See Trustee. 909 Spalding bldg. LAUD ADDITION. Best buy on Elliott ave., finest corner on the market; faces N. and southwest; J375 less than It cost present owner. S 946, Oregonian. KILLINGS WORTH and 20th. 100x100 cor ner; no restrictions against business; out of-town owner can be found at lilO Lum bermens bldg. Tuesday and Wednesday. IKVINGTON lot, 75x100, on 21st between Brazee and Knott, facing east; improve ments all In and paid for. Woodlann &1Z or C ltt2S. owner. APARTMENT-HOUSE site; of 31st and East Flanden ments In. Robert Martyn, Marshall 165. snap, corner :: all Improve 607 Teon bldg. WOMAN to assist me with housework and care of children; pleasant homo for woman of good disposition and willing; references. AP lfi. Oregonian. GOOD apartment-bouse site for sale by owner. 3 blocks xrom wasnington High Bchool, on East Oak st. Phone forenoons or after 8 P. M. East 2507. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SITE, walking dis tance, suitable -for 2 bungalows; 1,1750; terms. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3839. FULL 50x100 corner lot. S. E. corner E. 20th and Tibbetts st., $1000 cash. Tnqutre room 11. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. Main fil-21. ioOO. $60 CASH, $10 monthly lor a good hi xl IN, II. lot un ivci uy .... ueur Johnson A Dodson. 520-522 Board of Trad bldg. GOOD plastered 6-room 2-story house ror sale; 4 good Xruil trees, naay terms. ,:tio East Pine st. Phone Tabor 3373. S. V. cor. 57th and Pine. BUT this lot, facing east, high, sightly, near fine homes. East izd and Alameda. Owner. 829 Teon bldg. Main 112. A 745- CHOICE Sunnyslde lot. East Salmon, near 31st; 43xl0o: owner: terms. Phone R 22MO. LOT for sale. $42 S75. Oregonian. if taken at once. Beam rroperty. AGATE BEACH, ?Xear Newport. Or. Most scenlo and de sirable beach resort In the Northwest; absolute protection from th northwest winds; 40 houses and a new hotel. "Agat Beach Inn," to be built this season, som. ow in course of construction: hotel to be electrically lighted and to cost 115.000;. to be open July l. write or pno&e tor illustrated booklet. AGATE BEACH LAND CO. 112-213 Board of Trad Bldg. For Isale Houses MODERN 5-room bungalow; bath, wood lilt, good basement, tine lawn, lot 50xliM, cement walks lpald; rented for $20 month; $2750, $50 cash, balance $15 month; 2 blocks from Mt. Scott car (5uth and Division). 2618 E. 40th St.. third house south of Division. WEST SIDE Income property; 12 minutes' walk from Poetofflce; thoroughly modern and elegantly finished flats; sleeping porches, fire places, etc.; built by owner for permanent investment; circumstances necessitates sale. A BARGAIN and easy terms. F. W. Newell, 502 Corbett bldg. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. 8-room modern house in Irvington, fiOx 123 ft. lot, thoroughly Improved; $5000 if sold prior to May 1: will arrange good terms: no incumbrance. See owner, room 30 Henry bldg. OWNER HAWTHORNE DISTRicT. $3200, $200 down, $20 per month and Interest, 5-room bungalow, oak floors, paneled dining-room. cement floor inr basemont; gas. sewer, electric fixtures. Phone B 1490. LAURELHURST HOUSES. We are agents for all the sood boom m this district. See us for lowest prices. Offices on ground. Phono East OS. DELAHUNT Y A CLEMENTS, 89th and Eaat Glisan Sts. ' $000 LAURELHURST LO. 50x100. Must sell at once; sacrifice for cash; lot 10. block 53; investigate Immediately. Tabor 30t. FOR SALE or will exchange for well-located vacant property, 70xloo, on West 81d four good 7-room houses, rental $80; price; win py " sum Incumbrance. David S. btearns, 249 Washington st. - MODERN 6-room bungalow, easy terms. am and electricity. cement basement. shades and fixtures, street Improvements all in. 932 East 11th st. N. Phone Wood lawn 322U. WILL BUILD ON TOUR LOT ON EASY TERMS. Main I42. FURLONG. 4?17 Chamber of Commerce BEAUMONT New 8-room bungalow; every thing complete; improvementa all paid; street hard-surfaced; 529 E. 37th N.; $3000; $500 down for quick sale.- See own er. 529 Henry bldg. $22O0 WOODSTOCK $2200. 5-room modern bungalow with fireplace on cor. lot, 50x100, 2 blocks from car; $100 down or vacant lot as first payment. Fred W. German. 329 Burnslde. M. or A 277a FOR SALE 100x100. 1 block from carline. stores. 7 blocks rteea inutuie, irun. wor ries: 5-room new nouse: house; $2060. cash terms. A. Gibson, couver. Wash. 31st and K sts.. Van- 6-ROOM modern house, partly furnished, on high, stgntiy iot ""-'"" ,". on carliae. 4120 48th ave. S. E. Take WW Car. Price $2000. terms. Owner. SEVENTH-ST. CORNER. With 9-room house at an attractive price for quick turn. Vanduyn A Wal ton 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by owner, modern 9-room house. Nob Hill O'811" ' ' l ' r "i particulare inquire Beal s Gun Store, 44 is 3d st. IRVINGTON HOME. New, modern 7 rooms, well built: choicest location; bargain. Owner. Phoa East 3592! 2 6-ROOM bungalows, modern in every par ticular, mouern i-iwiti tuiiaga on good terms. Beala Robinson. 361 E. 11th st. E. 5023 HOUSE and lot. 75 feet from E. Morrison. on litn w . ne,. ... 1. 1.. . , imi . sal mon St.. or 387 E. Ald.r. MUST SELL. ' Make offer, up-to-date modern T-room bungalow- 1112 Hawthorn. 6-ROOM modern house. Beaumont, easy terms. - a- r iii.e. ruuuq main .13, 41 Oerllnger bldg. 000 BUNGALOW, $2100: Improvements "paid- terms. 351 Marguerite, near Haw thorne, woodlawn 2714. $2250, 7-RM. modern bungalow; $80O dead lOBS Hoa c. .u ix. uuuiawu .11. REAL ESTATE For bale -Houses TWO beautiful 7-room homes in high-class district, oak floors, first floor finished in oak. second in white enamel, largo plate- glaBs windows, hot-water heat, corner lot 100x100; lawn graded and seeded; Im provements all in; $050; $700 cash, bal ance very easy. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, full lot. everything modern; plastered basement. Price reduced from .ti."00 to $0000 for 3 days only; $700 cash; easy terms; 3 blocks from Broadway car. Two 7-room homes in Beaumont, close to car; lot 100x100, lawn made, oak floors. 8-inch cement wall, sewer, every modern convenience: shades and tinting; $4700 and $5200; $300 cash, balance easy. Fine 8-room home, hardwood floors, first floor oak finish, second white enamel, steam beat, shades, .tinting, electric fix tures; good garage; hard-surface streets. A snap, $5f00; $300 cash. 9-room home In Rose City Park, close to car. strictly modern, lot 50x100, street improvements paid; $31150; $.j00 cash, bal ance easy. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201-202-203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473; A 1022. 1 HOLLADAT BARGAIN A splendid home in the most select sec tion of Holladay Add.; faces east, one block from Irvlngton car; all street Im provements paid; house practically new and fully modern; built entirely by day lnhor; rooms, hardwood floors, elegant lighting fixtures and window shades, full cement basement, l ft. high: beautiful homes all around. This house is a his; bargain at $S250. Very reasonable terms. DORR E. KEASET & CO.. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 0O EQUITY FOR $000. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. BALANCE AS RENT. New bungalow. doubly constructed throughout, hardwood floors, fireplace and bookcases in living-room; French windows, beaut If ullv paneled dining-room, swell buffet, large bedroom, tine Dutch kitchen, bathroom equipped with "latest and best of fixtures, laree attic, full concrete base ment and laundry trays, fine lot. only 1 block to best carline in city; gas, electric ity and, all other modern conveniences; special price for one week. Balance will be. arranged to suit you. Tabor aosa. FOR SALE Fine residence property, close In, Central East Portland, near carline, near schools, sightly, desirable. good homes surrounding; 100x100, well Im proved, high class, 12-room house: also lot 50x100 adjoining; makes best site on East Side for hotel or apartment house Investment: ground worth more than price a?ked, not counting expensive house there on: value growing; will Jump when rail road investments on East Side more fully known; price. 100x100 with residence, $20. 000; 50x100 adjoining, $4000. Address O. M. SCOTT. Owner, 321 East .Morrison. Phone East 18S9. A GENUINE BARGAIN. NEW ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW,' PRICE $3500. Containing five rooms and reception hall. Dutch kitchen , built-in buffet, hard wood foors. attic and cement basemen., shades, electric light fixtures, screens and llnoli:um go with the house; must sell and will accept reasonable terms. BURLING AM E & ALLISON, b-Jri Corbett Bldg. Main 1503 A 1515. HOME BARGAIN. Beautiful new home of 8 rooms, recep tion hall, sleeping balcony, and finished attic -.two fireplaces and furnace, hard wood floors throughout; sitting-room and hall finished in oak. balance of lower floor In fir and upper floor In old ivory, fully equipped with large closets and every modern convenience; garage, one block of car. For further particulars see. OSCAR W. BRYAN, Main 1063. 505 Cham, ot Com. A 1227. NEW LAURELHURST HOME. 6 rooms and breakfast-room; finished beautifully throughout; strictly modern: built-in buffet and bookcases; fireplace and furnace; hardwood floors; north front: one block off carline; full lot: you will like this for a home. Price $4S)0, terms, Jooo cash and $40 per month, interest in cluded. Phono Main 15"3. Main 4020 and A 1515. As?k fl)r iIr- L'rdahl or call at 522 Corbett bldg. EAST IRVING ST. HOUSE. Nice modern 0-room house, furnace, fire place, buffet, bookcases. panel dlninK room. 3 bedrooms, corner lot 40xliHi; street improvements paid; price $4500; $10OO cash and $25 per month; will ex change for 5 acres with house and near a carline. GRUSSI BOLDS. MS Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME Beautiful new 9-room residence, with, fireplace, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, cut glass fixtures, leaded windows, beau tiful woodwork and cornices; built for home, has every possible modern con venience: 2Vi level lots, 150 ft. from car, with a marvelous view, which can never bo obstructed. Marshall 4S27 BROOKE A 3S39 FIVE-ROOM house, with bath, hall and basement, on attractive corner. 100x50 foot lot, nice elevation; ner lawn, fruit trees, roses and berry bushes; price $3400; can he bought on moderate cash payment and balance at $25 monthly: location cor. East 50th and Market sts., ust two blocks south of Hawthorne ave. Take Hawthorne ave. or Mount Scott cars. Call 310 East COth st. Phone B 3157. Owner. HALSEY ST. BUNGALOW. Fine 0-room bungalow, furnace, fire place, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, etc.: lot 50x100; line lawn: on Halsey st. near 27th: a bargain at $4250; $1000 cash, balance to suit. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 819 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LAURELHURST bungalow, 6 rooms, 3 bed rooms, otrlctly modern, beamed celling, high paneled wood finish, built-in buffet. 2 ttreplaces. furnace, elegant fixtures. Must have a larger house; price $5800, terms. Phone Main 1503, Main 4020 or A 1515. Be sure to ask for Mr. Urdahl, 522 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Beautiful, fully modern up-to-date residence on E. Harrison St., be ttfeen 39th and 40th; 7 rooms and bath, pantry, hall, closets, full base ment. Will tint and stain inside to suit purchaser: $:IN00, terms. Not Sunday. Owner there week days, 8-4:30 or 109 9th ave. N Lents. PIEDMONT DISTRICT, E. loth Street, Near Alnsworth. 7 rooms, reception hall, den. elegant fireplace, solid oak floors, built-tn buf fet, bookcases and wardrobes, furnace, laundry and dust chutes. Particulars ap ply National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce. Alain 3120. BEAUTIFUL house, built for owner: re stricted district; lot Olf Dy iw; improve ments paid, not bonded; Investigate: fi foot buffet, fino art glass, elegant floors, T-nnmm lurce furnace. 2 CarllllftS. 14 mill- utes to business, lawns seeded. Call up and I will explain. Main 4144, mornings. BUNGALOW of 5 rooms, new and modern, in fine residence district, near E. 28th gt. Price $2150. with cash $250 and bal ance $15 per month. This property belongs to a non-resident and must be sold. Call 414 Spalding bldg.. for particulars. .S FT. FROM UNION AVE. $4600: 6-room modern house on Fargo St.. lot 40x100, highly improved; $700 cash. This Is a genuine good buy. Fred W. German, 320 Burnslde. M. or A 2776. FINE Sunnyslde home, easy contract; hard wood floors, furnace, fixtures, bath, lire place, buffet, linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors. A dream. Come quick. Owner. 437 C. of C. PIEDMONT. You can't beat it. 6-room strictly mod ern first-class homo in restricted district. Just completed; $3600. by owner. 124i Halght ave. New 5-room house, lot 50x111, Terrace Park, close to Montavilla; $2600. $30 down, balance $20 a month and interest. 5 per cent. Address Billy Winters, 187 3d st. I WILL take small payment down on a good 5-room cottage on Sacramento st., block from Union ave.; $2.VK, easy terms. Call East 5217 after 6 P. M. WEST SIDE. 9-room. new and modern house. S80 Overton st. Call for price and terms. Phone Main 7997 PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 8-room cottage, on Chapman and Clifton. $4200; terms. Mar shall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3830. FINE modern home, full lot. facing south: East Couch and 21st sts.; flowers; $60U 825 Yeon bldg. Main 112. A 7458. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room house, mod ern in every respect: close In: restricted district: mii't be sold. East 55. SUNNY SIDE $2300; 6-room cottage; fire place; $20 per month; East Morrison, near 30th. 825 Yeon bldg. Main 112. A 7456. 3750 STRICTLY modern 6-room bungalow, w L , .. kpnlian .! 7 1 cr Jor. e. 18th. Woodlawn 2714. FOR SALEl Large 2-room house and lot. i0 xll5. on 76th st, Montavilla, cheap.- Tele- phone owner. Main u.; "0 MONTHLY, Including Interest for nice four-room bungalow, lot 50x100. Improved streets. Phone Marshall 27.M. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. $.1 BOOK "REE $10. Portland Bldg. Ass'n.. 322 Mohawk B:dg. FOR FINE HOMES. See Delahunu J. E. HALL. 30S Abington bldg., rental payments. sells new ' bungalows. MODERN 9-room house. West Side, (5000; $15lO cash, owner. Aiain iiu,