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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1912)
t on RIM ON E large, light, very clean housekeeping room. first l;oor. newly papered and fur nished, front and back entrance, nne vard. hot and cld water in room, free boat. bath, phono. electric lights use or wash inn: 20 mm. walk to P. O.. J b.o. k to 3 can; $l50: no tranaicnte. 442 Rodney ave. phone E. 3221. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. walking distance, four lane housekeeping room. with fire place, porches with unsurpassed vjew. tftrd. water, electno light, phono free. rnt very niKtb. Take Heights ear. . . Afr -i .'t,.nn Bt ilk two block east. 471 Chapman t. Phono A :347. ELEGANTLY f irnia.ied room. light and airy, will also arrange lor housekeeping to ault tensnt. beautiful yard. In best resi dence district on West Side. Everett. WELL-FI KNIaHED housekeeping eultee of 2 room. f..r rent. Ideal for Summer months: wa.klrg distance. $10 montn. Take Setood car. 542 Karl t. THREE cheerful front rooma, opening on veranda, onfurnlabed. good location 1 Including lights, water. ga " doxa 63T'a Fettygrovo t. Main MiELV furnished housekeeping milt, mod era conveniences furnace heat, walking dt.tance; vary reasonable. Johnaon St.. Rrar Mill. li NICELY located, beautiful river view, one aulie. 2d floor, every modern conven ience, mre yard. roae.. walking distance, 1 1 rorler al. Ph one Bcllwood H'. ll.RF.F. well-furnished housekeeping rooma. electric Ilgflte. balh. telephone gas ana 'sate, free. $4.50 per week. 3tJ 4tn el. t'sll mornings. U RiK room with alcove: cumplen house keeplng for 2. I month: phono, water, ham included. TJl Rodney, cor. Free mont, William a or Union ava. rar. TWO roome for houeekeenlng : eteam heal, ectrtc light, bath, phone, pretty lan and porrhee. ear walking. S blocka from n. t nth at. North. LJkrKiK. clean furnished boukepng rome'. eiectrl. lty. gaa. water, sink, laun nrT. 2", Urand ava.. 8. E. cor. of AB keny. THHEF: furnished housekeeping rooms: healthy location, clos In. a:i convanlencaa. ihapman. Marshalji'aj. T W.j rurtushed h..uke-tlr g roome. I . heat, light, phone, battt Included. 4T itn efreet. . lt J n RM.'-liEn housekeeping rooms In cottage; gaa range, atnk and bath; aepax ae entrance, close In. eno 1st St. HI1.UH ns'!4l(El) housek-eplrr rooms; $li and I2 per month. 2-9 Montgomery, hefw-en oth and 7tn. S "-ROi'iM suites all mortero convulencea. for .i and monttu 2!K 12th u A T1--7. X.Ar.R comfortartly furnished housekeep-irg-rooms. reasonable, al S 1st at., near Stark - I LEArANT suite hoosekeeplng rooma ' convenience; excellent lo.auon; IJO. - 1 HV JJT what vou want, aewly furnished roome In 1. 3 and 1-room suitea. complete for housekeeping S y. 2Qlh -(, rev T 3 pleseant H. K. rooms, gsa es-i. 12. Ki E. 10th N. Woodlawn 1M3 JlPI.E.vpin suite for Summer; rooms larga airy: fronting on street. ft.:4 kflrrln. LAH;5 front housekeeping room, uufur ris"ed: wslklng diin-a. 835 E 1st at. X. nOI'SEK EENNO and sleeping rooma. prl vate family: both, phone, gss. 14 11th. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, cnesp. Inomro 112 B. l"'h N.. cor. Cluutn. l 4 furnished housekeeping ro.nis, gsa plate, st'el ranre. I4 7th Main 4..H. H"l FKriKPIVi suite, modern, gas. light, heth Marshall, near otn t. TWO furnlahed housekeeping rooma flM Hlnnt St. iwi rurmehe.l housekeeping room. No. 3 Crs. id ae. North. 'h'ne Kat 4.tT. Hii RTNT 17 E 7th St North, between K. Irving and Oregon. 7-riom house, al most new; sleeping prch. modern In ev.rv detail: turns. . etc ; accessible to sevsral t-arilnes and rloae In phone e-ner. Tabor l0o or call at house: renu t- . jjAPEFtN room house, walking d'stsnca: upper vVeshlueton rtlstrirl. floor coveringa and eomo furniture for t; rent $4V. alii give lessa and privilege of renting rooms to rrpntib e coup's. Phone iar h:i F T7. Oregonian. 7-nMM hous. all mod-rn conveniences lew) Int. cherrv. prune, apple and neaeh Ireee. raspterriea. rosea. lovely flower gard'n. plenty garden space. chicken taro. ft'-'1 per munth "4ib and Ollaai1. Taho'r or Marshall 12S- J.ROOM cottage in tood eonilttlon. bath, gss and cmcnt basement. 411 11th at. near lUmiin st. : rent PARR1.-H WATKINS CO.. 2S Alder ft. To" RENT 4.12 Oregon St.. 7 -room house, modern In every detail, furnace, etc. ac cessible to eevrral carltnca and close tn. Phone owner. Tabor 1M1. or call at booee. Kent eo. MODERN" 7-rovm house. West Side, south of Morrison on nth ai. canine: good furnaco and flreplare: modern fixtures, ef.: no children. phone Main 87".u. fclilllT-HOUM modern house at 417 East loth at. North.: 4 bedrooms: 45 per month. Owner. 320 Tillamook. Phone Haal 4X. -R'OM house, newly painted, linoleum and carpeta en lloor. largo yard with roeee. suitabla for rooming-house. Key st 7id Vaughn at., near ?::1. HOlEa AMI FLATS FOR KENT. R. N TI FFOKD 4 lU. 4i7 Spalding Ptdg. Mar. (Ml. A 4HJ. IKOOM coltaga. central location. yard: reasonable rent to right parties. 110 . 11th. near Alde Ji MonERN ara-room house. Hi East 24th North, near fiandv Boulevard; nice laan and place for garden; J24. Phone B l.tin fRij"OM"s! new. modern, walking dlatanre. ial Knee, near Broadway. Heal houae. la good neighborhood. Phone East 4377. 7-ROOM HOliE. sunny corner, close In. fine yard, frail. tie Eaat Pine. Owner, tits East Couch. tEVEX rooms, elegantly eciulpped or com fort: strlctlv modern. V54 E. 21at N. Woodlaan 2714 fdH KENT Two-story house. 4 10 East Taylor, between 2mh and 2lst sts. H. llinsrieimer. liej 12th it. MODERN 2-story 4-room bouee. yard, psv-d street, one block to car: adults; 9J4. 7u Wllllama ave. Woodlaan 4Ji. polt RENT lt-ro'm house. West bide, suitable for housekeeping rooms. K. Rueiikofer. 23 Salmon. g. room houae. 12 East Ankeny; modern: i;rt imi. JivK fi' 1 J bunga'ow. Fear Mori. son. nr 2wh street. Tclphop- Tabr MODERN g-room house In good condition; t block from car r4a 17th. 1 1 700; 1F MTlABI.B a -room house, close In. oris sag Ra'a-I st.. pear I'nlon ave. Feet Ic.s.v uOOIl five-room c-ttaga for rent at (12 per month. 4g Pelniont a. FOft KENT A moderq C-rooin bouse. 12a TV a sco. Phono East 7444. VE-RO.M cottage. West Ki'le. ten min utes' walk from Poetnfflce, 4v Market at. J; 2 4-ROOM house, yard. 024 MIIL near ie-h sl RENT d room modern house. T EaaC t'h North. Phone Fast 2670. XOFRN a-room house. 24; alcMllieo; wa kng distance. Main r-E VEN'-P.vh M. mdorn. walking distance. 3M Rosa Rent f;o. Phone East 4377. rurmietiecl Hoa MtWLT furnished The I'psbar. lts) wad I psbur ats . lunuinsa 2-room apartnsewtw y ue. $20 and up. Thle Includea etearw heat, wot and cold water tn every apart ment, private phonea. publle balk, eleetrie I'ghta. gas range, laundry-room, all free. Take 8. 2M c w care. No chlidraa; daga aot allowed Phone Main apa. ONLY I21 PER MONTH Nicety furnished 4-room modem house. 7i2 E. 21st St.. electricity, gas. bath, l-isno cocner on Brooklyn carlme. hae FRED l'. KINiJ. 314 ipaMtngbldg. M'E!.T "furnished g room bungalow In Ir vlr.gun. per month: rrfrrenrn re- sjui-ed Inquire room 11 Mulkey hldg.. Zd sod Mo-rison. Main -'l. A 4144 FOR RENT Finely furnished home. T rooms and maids room; .Nob Hill district; adults oaly; referencea. Al. 7a. Ore gon ten. MODERN' -room furnlsbrd flat, porch and ard. E 12th. bet. Ankeny and orn si.1e. Msrshall 797. A 7131- J'e: S-room clean, new. modern. "' rompleleiv furnislteel flat. 32 Mill- Hail kt47 lIi'DERN H-room house, furnished, fciook lyn Helghta 714 Eat tl st ooulll. Phona f-II wood 3M. B 124- IVRNIfHEH. 7-room house. May 1 to Octo ber 1. Portland llelgnts. -'. A K ore con lan. a-ROOM furnished house for rent; adulu only. ! MTrls St. rultabia for two fam 1 : 1 e s ; re ferencee FOR RENT 4-rootn (let. blocka from P. O. Inquire 2t 'h s;. 1 OTTA'lE to sdults. Baptist finrch. Ar'.eta Or M t t-cotl car s-ivi.: or sia-toom htinealtiw: vouriE couple. no cnildicn. rcterrnccs. Matsliall 4IS2- Furnished House FOH RF.NT-N"". fully furnished six-room bungalow. 2o-mlnuie rW from cltr, all modern conveniences. Apply at once B 1:t3. Oswego. Or. Phong Main Mil. Hwoew tor at . mrattara toe Bale, Hot SE. 7 rooms, clean. well llgh'cd. largo vard. central location, west. u -. e -furniture and rant reasonable. i North llth street. 2 blocks from Washington sr.. Phone A 1909. , EI.EGANTLT located and beautiful home, hm ,., a .im -aa. electricity, basement. I aiti'c; rnt $30; leaae; bargain. Phono wain MtiDEItN lo-rourn house, new furniture: fine location; bouse full; good Income. S27 Taylor. -ROOM flat, furniture for aale. Call morn ings bsfore 11 o'clock and after 3 P. M. 1 22 S N. 11th st. Main 33--.3. S-ROOM flat. -room cottage, complete, to highest offer; will accept trade. 7IH (rllean at. . KL'RN'lTl'UE -room house, part maliogany. this last Winter: part payment, baiance on time, tall Monday. 213 Grand y. FOR RENT at 115 per. furniture for aale at 1. everything etrtctly up to data. FlKMTtKE of 8-room bouse; a bargain; cash or terms. 323 7th at. GREAT sacrifice, furniture, linen. machine, g room flat, veranda. Main 000 FOR RENT A very attractive elore. with living-rooms in rear, suitably situated for a small dry good a notion or boot and shoe business . located in a new bualnesa center of isouth Portland; low rent; ap ply to druggist at corner of Front nd tiihhe ats. Take "S" car. CTOKES In new J -story brick: good location for flrat-clasa grocer, eat market, tw e taurant. delirateeeen. milliner. barber ehop: Bast First st. and Holiaday aval the principal transfer point for the new Steel bridge; buildings ready April I. For lease apply Q. A. Lyman. ttlO awry bldg. FOR RENT I-arge billiard room 6i.i0 feet In sue In tha Hotel Clifford, tth and Eaat Morrison eta.; also corner store :i 144 feet In gam building; very cheap and long lease. Apply ar hotel office. tllltsE fjoora 2olx. part or wbole. new nrica bunding, into e snmn. -able retail, wholesale or light maaufaa- turlng. A. O. Long. KOR RENT Store, located In the Foster Hotel bldg.. on Second et.. at very low rental: lease. Apply Foater Hotel office. 247 fiavls st. FOR RENT Corner store. 2440 feet, on loth st. near Kelelgh: r-n t $.10 permonth. tun KENT bt-irea. Ka I4S and U Haw thorne ava- eaat end af bridge. Apply Hawthorne Ioch Co. UROE. light store, about 2.i7. near let and Main sts. Inquire at 321 First. Ljpr, E. light store, about 2Sv7S. near lit al-d Main sts Inquire at 229 Flrat OfTUee. Wtl.L, rent-part-f office located oa ground floor of Chamber of Commerce. PACIFIC TITLD A TRUST COv. 1 Chamber of Commerce. LARGE, lofiy room, eulieb.e for music or dramstlc studio, with use of large hall and etege. Apply Hovel Academy Hall. !' tVth St.. between t-lark and Oak sts. ieAFViE outside office, furnished or unfur nished, with use of reception room and telephone, in belling bldg. Phone Mar. shall 4-71. OI'TMDE room. In elegant auite of new of flrea. 414. with rug. phone and use of reception room Ca.l Morton. Main 1411. MOST centrally located offices; all-night elevator service. 0 wetland bldg, atk and Washington I' R I V A T E OFFICE faring Washington at. Wil.'oi bldg. lae both pitonea. Call room H. or phone A 137. Main 4775. PRIVATE office use of reception-room; fur nished or unfurnished. Main 007. ajavti EI.RGS.NT hall and ballroom, reception rooms, etc.. suitable for afternoon teas. Osnctng part lea muelcales and reclt a a Apply Royal Academy Hall. "SI Maa-.-i-.ter bldg-. e5H Fifth ac Pbona Mala 7637. l isee llaaeeoa. BATHHOlfK Ladles- and gems- separata department: ahower. tub. steam and swim ming tanke:.a:so 2T rooma furnished la connection, tt Rusael bldg. TO LF.AMC KOR RENT Building on quarter-block: at corner N. IMh and Couch sta . for yeare known aa the Club Mahlee. Two atorlea and basement. Permanent tenant can se cure favorable leaae. WAKEFIELD. RIF.S COw. s.5 Fourth St. BrRrsens orpo-tTOTTiES .VX OJ more Invested now assures profitable Income Investment that la perfectly protected, with or without employment, to high grade salesman or wall-connected lady with circle of frlenda. L W44. Oregonlan. FOR PRINTlyO. PHONE EAST 2- owi. pniNTiya co. Our 7 speciala. Beat them It you can: IO.M) businaea carda. tl.30. moo carda (round cornered. dle-eut. IJ 00 lisst Mil heads t lines. fl.TJ. Hem bill heads (12 llnesi. $2.00. ltMio atatemenla tregular klndl, tl.75. 1xh envelopea (standard 04 . 2 00. TWO letter heads tgood bond paper). ! WANTED. Partner to take halt Interest In a light manufacturing plant: a man who eaa take charge of an office and manage m ea; salary. $125 per month. Kinney A 8tam pher. 6.1-2 Lumber gachange bldg. GEVt'INE fXAP. . DO YOU WANT ITT A good paying business, well estab lished, legitimate. atand Investigation; will take clear lot and ml cash. What have you? See me. La Furge. 4i Cham- per cf Commerce. MOHAIR pool at Eddyvllla. will sell to tha highest bidder (open bldel on Mondsy. April S2. Immediately after the arrival of the Wast hound train. This pool la composed of &.' HI fleeces, all 1 2-month s groatb. For further Inft-rmatlon address W. V. Wakefield. Eddyvllle. Or. NEWSPAPER opportunity; half Interest one of beet weeklv newspaper pro pe riles tn Northwest Washington for aale. Little cash needed. Excellent opportunity for uung newspaper man or printer. Address AV 160, Oregonlan. FOR aale or leaae, bathhouse, lad lae aad gwnta- separate department, ahower tub. eteam and awlmmlag taake; alao 2T rooma furnished la connection. 42 Roa aeil bldg. WANTED Man with email capital to rep resant us In eech county In Oregon and Washington: great opportunity to make money. Addreee Portiaad Store Supply Co.. 3o 2d st.. Portisnd. Or., or rah. SALOON buslnesa for sale; will net from g4M to $'oo per month; nice, clean buel neea. good location; g.'.ooo cash will handle It. AH O.'-O. tregontan. CIiTAR and confectionery atore. located on East tt1e; must be sold to aatlsfy clalma of creditors. Inquire at Hochfeld Broe.' cigar Co.. 211 Murriaon at. OWNEHrt will aell grocery en East Side at a big sacrifice If taken boon; good lo cation . cheap rent: beet of reasons; piin cipsls onlv. AL 15. Oregonlan. FOR SALE First-class meat market In Eugene; reasons for selling on uccount of su-knras. For partlculara addreaa bog AV l.'..V Oregonlan (125 cl'LENDl D little business clearing monthly: going away and must aell: thla la the best proposition In town. M V7S. Orsgonlan. ' A FINK rooming-house and poolhall for sale for (K.V). terms If wanted. Inquire of Otto Kluben. Katacada. Or. CANDY, ice cream, etc.; candy making tools: living rooms: rent $21: near school : price 475. o3 Lumber Eschange. BAKERY for sale In good town of 30-) fopuiatlon. Inquire 9. O. Fkldmore. 8H9 'pehui St.. between 12 and 2 afternoon. WANT good stock of gsoera! merchandise. gjo cei to ::5.wsx C OSS. Oregonlan. V A N 1 E D Bute her to open new market. 1i4t E. Division at. Ts Ivor 822. FOH SALE Poolroom and cigar store. lW-s Philadelphia st.. Ft. Johns. Or. too FlINES3 CARPS. 1; bring thla a Rose City Prlntery. 182V4 d. cor. Taylor. A fMALL grocery and confectionery atore. with llvlnc-rooma 7.12 Williams ave. sTtHaTr barber shop for sale, 6-".J Al-bcri. rnpMOKM.NG UKEGOMAy, MOXDAr. APRIL 8, 1912. 'J-, ' FINANCIAL. 1 BlbTNESS DIRECTORY.' WANTED Good man. single or married, to go In with me on my fruit farm to raise turkeys on a large acale: have 62 acres of bar land on the fcnake River, with plenty of outside range; there will be at leaat 10.000 quarta of peaches this year, besides lota of other fruit; thla la a good chance for someone with 2O0a Tou get a half Interest In everything, and I will put the money you pay me In the place to stock It. so you cannot lose. Address H.' P. Nichols. Almota. Wash. HOLDERS OF MINING STOCKS THAT HAVE PROVED A DISAPPOINTMENT. We have facilities that often enable us to convert your dead or worthleaa mining stocks Into profltsble and satisfactory ln veetmenla Write us. Engineers. AV 114. Oregonlan. HOTEL, aaloon and restaurant, best bsrgslo that haa been offered for many years, nsmely the Northern Psclfic Hotel, South Tacoma. Thla Is a big business and eslly hsndied: you can get a lease for V-S'M at a low rental, or If you have I1O.00O to In reet buy the property and get lb per cent per annum on the Inveatmont. L. Fl:iger aid. N. P. Hotel. South Tacoma. He will 1RT GOODS and notions; we have for rent a atore In South Portland that la fa vorably altuated for a small dry goods or notlona business; haa living-rooms In the rear, la aurrounrled with other lines 01 buslneea; can rent cheaply and give a long lease; call at drug atore corner 01 Front and Gibba ats. or on L Gevurtg 4k aona. 1st and Tamhlll. INVESTIGATED BUSINES8 CHANCES. Wo always hare good grocery storee for aale which we can recommend. It is to your benefit ta give us a call. CHAPiy HERLOW. 222-S3S Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Keller. WHEN you want to BUY or SELL TIM BERLANDS. MILL or FACTOR Y PROP ERTY. MILL or LOOOING TLS and MACHINERY or RAILROAD EQUIP MENT call or write ua We can sell your property or supply your wants. OREOOS TRADING CO.. 411 fwetiand bidg IF yea are lookln- for real opportunities la Oregon. Washington. Idaho or Montana. -CO" T TO THE PACIFIC WITH W 'ARD" Tit Epaldlng Bldg.. Portland. Or. Tfs furnish the opportunltlea U ye can furnish the salasmeaahlp. DON'T MUSS THIS. Have client, with prosperous paying buslnesa that wanta partner: booke open for your Investigation: has more business than he can take care of alone. It beats a salarv. and onlv 7oO. No aollcitlng or real estate. Act qnlck If ynu want some thing good. Le Furge. 43 Chamber cf Commereo. ' SALOON', corner, cheap lease, averaging $100 per day; bona fide purchaser can have ample time to thoroughly Investi gate: onlv one week In last 12 months that averaged leaa than tlOO per day. F 07. Oregonlan. - WANT party with r.0O0 to IROrlo. I to fur nish same sum to purchase 200 acres very a richest river bottom overflow land, all cultivated, near electric. Crone will net loo per cent yearly. Stone. 219 Lumbar mana Bank bldg. SYNDICATE. Have you loo or more to Inveat: syn dicate now forming to handle real estate proposition: floO Invested mesns st least $.V" profit within short while, o 971. Ore- gonlsn. FOH S4.I.E An old established grocery ann crockery stors. a good clran stock; doing about 2.t.oJ a vsar; will aell at Invoice, abl-h la about f.VxM) Must have all cash, good reasons for selling. Address M. R. Greer. Hillsboro. Or. ONLY $24 will secure a substantial Georgia possession whkh can earn vety large p:onts without requiring the attention of the owner. Write for photos end free trip offer. Geo. W. Dean. Box 40O. Wsy cross, lit. (. I . ; A R FACTORT for aale- will sell my cigar factory at reasonable price; trade eatahtlehed in good territory: good chance for a clgarniaker. Phone, write or call F.dward Anderson. Carson. Wash. BAKERY FOR SALE Best town In Willam ette Valley, doing good business. Summer and Fall bake oooo loaves dally; price reasonable; terms to right party. AV 1.7. Oregonlan. ..v.- bi pTv-ro w 1 vTrn Mlddie-agrd lady with rooming-house, nicely furnished, wants partner and will aell half Interest to lady or man and wife. Call room 31 Lumber Exchange bldg. vi a BCirti eunp Three-chair barber shop, new Hotel Mll asukle. Apply Joseph Mendel. Milwau kie. Or. DRT GOODS and shoe stock, doing good cash buslnesa well located. In one of Portlands best suburbs: Invoice about 14SH0. owner. AV lil. uregonian. GENERAL merchandise stock and fixtures. Invoice about ouo. cheap rent, cash salea, 173 per day. Call or write Kahle Mer. Co.. Woodvllle. Oregon. RESTAURANT Most ssll this good-paying small restaurant; Investigate and you buv It: long lease: part terms. Apply 4i Mohawk bldg. BARKER shop, two chairs, big transient trsde. guarantee .-0 per week, one year's lease: rcut s.15: l-xio. 1400 cash. Try thla before bu' lng. A.I (ttn, oregonlan W ANTF.D Talior with a little money to buy a good tailoring and buahellng business: may give terms on part. 4i East Stark st.. two doors from Grand ave. flood WANTED for 1 year; gilt-edged se curity, 8 per cent Interest. 10 per cent bonne. Call po Grand ave. near Eaat Washington. Phone East 8002. ALTO OARAGE. Clearing about t.V-0 per month. We have a "snap price" on thla. Call 618 Yee-i biag. GENERAL merchandise stock; Invoice about gsoiio; In email country town, enjoying good trade. Addreaa Inquiries to Lang ac Co.. Portland. INDl'i-TRI A.L proposition: Investors wanted; large domestic and foreign market; mar ket partially developed; exclusive rights. W 073. oregonlan. ONE-HALF Intereat in pressing and cleaning parlor, owner cannot depend on hired help; big wages assured; 125 required. r.' l.uriuvff Exchange. FOR SALE Pressing and cleaning estab lishment with furnished housekeeping rooms: cheap. 103 4th st. ONE-HALF interest in real estate office, making monev; good list of property; I2.VI requl red. 310 Lumber Exchange. WANT a grocervT Call C 308; 3-year lease, fine district, corner location, at In voice, atiotit $2000. Owner leaving city. MoVING-PICTVRE THEATER fW JuTu 1 cheap: little down, balance aa you make. 404 Rothchlld blds PRINTER-EDITOR, long experience, atrlctly temperate, at liberty May 1: have a lit tle money. AV 141. Oregonlan. bOI'TH WE-T corner of Flrat and Morrison to leaae for term of five years. Call Main 2tlta). A 200. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought an aold. Fletcher In-. Co.. 228 Ablngtoa. MOVING-PICTURE THEATER for aale. close In. downtown district. Inquire H. C. Stevena. &g 7tn gt. AG'.NTT for sale : .smell capital required; a monev-maker for a live man. Call 4(14 Sherlock bldg. MEAT MARKET. Bargain: good location; doing good bus iness. Phone Woodlaan 371). C 1'-'2. ONE-HALF Interest In country newspaper, well established; $400. 303 Lumber Ex change. WANTED A woman- of good address and education to Investigate a legitimate buai ness opening. D 07. Oregonlan. SluO DAY business: rent $40 month; must leave city; no fake. See agent. J. E. Hall. 108 Ablngton bldg. . SALOON for aale: must sell: will sacri fice for caeh. 1. Q43, Oregonlan. E140E ehop for sale, cheap, toola and liv ing - rooms. 371 East 11th st. SALOON for sale, independent license, fix tures, fine location. AE 027. Oregonlan. ROOMrNO-HOlSEe. BOA RHINO and roomlng-houae for ssle. STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN. Main 2301. If yon are looking for a anap. thia place ran clear $100 per month above expenees; rooma are all full; good location; Inves tigate: price $450. ' MART E. LENT CO. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AOEMCY. HOTELS ROOM INC APARTMENT HOUSES. All atxea and price 321-4 Falling bldg.. 3d and Waahlngtoa. 21-ROOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nished, new and clean; best location- big Income and aiwaya full: long leaae. terms. cheap. By owner. 635 Flanders. ROOMING houae of 1 rooms, neatly fur nished: rent $32. Price 4730. Address Bsssett's New Depot. Centralis. Huh. -' ROOMlT highly furnished. Must leave cltv; will aell reasonable. Sea agent. J. E. Hall, tot Ablngtonbldg. ELEGANT furniture of 14-room houae for sale; good location; rent cheap. 45 N. 14th at. BOAFDINO and rooming - housa for sae Ownsr. 30a 1.10 au 4-0000 axaia eise. APT.-HOCSE furnishings of 42 apts., nearly new. 114 rooms In all: velvet carpets, all quartered oak furniture. Will sell for small amt. cash or trade for lot or house and lot or acreage. Apply to own ner. 51S-17 Norrhwesi bid., bet. 10-12, 4- Phone A 44S. 1 EXTRA BARGAIN 11-room rooming-house: 40 ret; lease. 533", Washington st. Price o00: .lo0 down. SNAP 10 rooms, nice furniture, fine loca tion, modern. Marshall 1212. 30W Montgomery. leOMT AND ttHND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattreaaes retail at wholeaale prices; we renovati mattresses and return aame day; we also renovate feathera. Port! arid Curled Hair Factory. H. Mettger. 228-2. Front. r'none aiain sis, a ion LOST Between loth and 12th. Main and Washington, a gold-banded sldecomb. set with 3 stones. Owner, Mrs. V. Vincent Jones. Lucretla Court, Apt.15. Reward. LOST Large yellowcoltte dog. white streak In face and answers to name of Hover. Phone Marshall 370. and receive reward, LOST Saturday night; purse containing $20 bill and small change. Finder return to 1 67 , N. 6th st. and receive reward. LOST Large Jet double hoop earring. Re turn Multnomah Hotel and receive reward. LOST Lady's gold watch. monogramed M. K. D. Phone Main 1'2.. Reward. LCT Airedale terrier. "Scotty." license S.vt.V phone East r.JHO. Reward. LoST Small bay mare: white feet and spot on forehead. Main 4207. err.'f l. yoncitia. Propoaale Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. riPE LINK SYSTEM (WOOD PIPE) AND CONCRETE RESERVOIR. Gladstone. Or., March 2. 1012. Sealed proposals will be received by the Cltv Recorder of Gladstone. Oregon (Gladstone P. O.) until 7 o'clock P. M. April 10th. 1012. for furnishing material snd constructing portions of a water worke avstem for the city of Gladstone. Bids will be received separately, or as a whole for the following subdivisions of the system: (1) For ditching and back filling complete. (2 For wood pipe "nd fittings Installed. complete. 3j For reservoir, complete. Plana and specifications, forms of con tract and proposal, may be obtained upon application at the office of Cross & Ham mond. Beaver Blrtg., Oregon City. Oregon; the City Ekglneer. at Gladstone, Oregon, or of C. A. Williams, chairman. Fire and Water Committee. No. 229 Labbe Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. Alternative bids will be received for the above work. (1 for cash. (2 for the city's twenty-year, alx per cent., authorised bonds. The right is reserved to relect any or all bids, or to accept any part of any bid. By order of the Common Council of the City of Gladstone. HARVEY E. CROSS. Mayor. JOHN N. S1EVERS, Recorder. SEALED blda will be received hy F. S. Fields. County Clerk. Courthouse. Port land. Oregon, until 10 A. M. on Wednes dsy. April 17. 1012. for furnishing the stoel for a bridge over the Sandy River, at Troiltdale, Oregon. The bridge con sists of two l.3-fuot riveted Trat trusses and one 38-foot deck girder. 18-foot road way, ateel railing and plank floor. Steel to be delivered at Troutdale. Oregon, f. o. b. cars. Plans snd spectflcstlons may be seen at tha office of tha County Sur veyor, at the Courthouse. No bid will be considered unless accom panied hy a certified check psysble to the order of the County Court, for at leaat 5 per cent of the amount of the "'0, Th right to reject any or ail bldg Is expressly reserved. T. J. CLEETON. County Judge. W. U I.IGHTNER. County Cuinmiealoner. D. V. HART. County Commissioner. SEALED bids will be received by F. S. Fields, County Clerk. Courthouse. I ort Isnd, Oregon, until 10 A. M. oa Weones dy. April 17, 1012. for the erecting of the steel of the Troutdale bridge, fur nishing the ttmhera and planking for the roadway and laying the same. Steel to be removed from vara before demurrage accruca. Plana and speciflcstlona can be aeen at the office of the County Surveyor, a", the Court houae. Portland. Oregon. No hid will be considered unless accom- ' panted by a check payable to the County Court for at leaat i por cent of the amount of the bid. ,, . , J , The right to reject any or all bids Is expressly reserved. T. J. CLEETON. - - ' county Judge. W. ! LIUHTNER. County commissioner. l. V. HAHT. County Commissioner. POSTOFF1CE DEPARTMENT Washington. Feb. , HH2, Proposals will be received - at the office of the PostofAce Department In the citr of Washington, until 4:80 P. M , May 27. 1012. for ocean mail service pursuaut to the act of March tt. lsul. in vessels of the second class, on the route hereinafter described, service to commence not later than July 31. IH12. The right la reserved to reject all bids. SCHEDULE! OF ROL'TE: No. 80. "O. M. S-." from San Francisco to Sydney, Australia, call ing at Honolulu and Pago Pago once every 28 daya. 13 trips a year. Time to Sydney, JA) dava. Contract for 10 years. Bond required wilh bid. $100,000. circulars con taining a description of the route, instruc tlons to bidders end blank forma of pro posals, with accompanying bonds, can be obtained uf the Second Assistant Postmas ter General, Postoffice Department, on and after March 1. 112 FRANK H- HITCH COCK, postmaster General. IN the District Court of tne united Stages for the District of Oregon In the matter of J. B. Wilson, bankrupt: Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned for a stock of trunks of the Invoice value of $1416.78. together with fixturea of about $164.75 and a stock of merchandise and unnnishsd trunks of the invoice value of $2430.33 and a stock of mschlnery of the Invoice value of $956.34. located at No. 841 Macadam sirect. In the City of Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, April 8. 1912. Inventory la on file at No. 402 Fen ton building and the property may be in spected at the premises. Terma cash and a cash deposit of 10 per cent or certified check In the same amount must accom pany each offer aubmltted. The right is reserved to reject any and all blda Dated at Portland, Oregon. March 2d, 1012. H. W. SITTON. Trustee. IN the District Court of the United Statea for the District of Oregon In the matter of John Adania. Bankrupt: Sealed bids witl be received by too undersigned for a stock of lecrchantllse. of late invoice value of $6641. M. together H1II1 fixturea of about $215.62. belonging to said estate and located at Oregon City. OreKon. s-id bids to be received up to 12 o'clock noon on Monday. April 8. 1912. at the office of the uuderaigned, 401-3 Fenton building. Port laud. Oregon. The property may be in spected upon Inquiry of trustee. Terms caah and a caah deposit of 10 per cent or certified check must accompany each bid submitted. The right is rsaerved to re- ' ject any and all blda Dated at Portland, Oregon. March 29, 1912. BARGE LEONARD Trustee. SEALED bids w ill l.e received al tne offices of the undersigned. 402 Tilford building, until 5 P. M.. April 17. 1012. for addition lo the Richmond school building. Bids will be received separately upon general con struction, plumbing, glass and glaxing. Plana and specifications may be obtained at the office of Architect T. J. Jones. 4oa Tilford building. Certified check for IO per cent of the bid, payable to R. H. Thuraas. School Clerk, muit accompany each - proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated April 3, 112. ""WILL receive sealed blda for a stock of merchandise consisting principally of dry goods, furnishing goods, boots and ahoea and crockery of the inventory valuation of $11,502.43. together with fixturea of $1674.73. located at Puyallup, Wash., up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, April 9. 1912. Terma cash and a cash deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must ac company each bid. Inventory may be aeen at my office. No. 7 First street, and the stock is open to Inspection at Puyal lup,. Wash. The right la reserved to re ject any and all bids. Dated at Portland, Or , March 30. 1912. R. L. SABIN. SEALED BIDS will be received at the of fice of the undersigned. 403 Tilford build ing, until i P. M-. April 17, 1913, for lighting fixtures In the New Lincoln High School. Copy of specifications, may be obtained at the office of Architects Whlte hout at Foullhoux. S0 Wilcox building. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. payable to R. H. Thomaa. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated April 4. 112. K. H. Thomaa. School Cleric bfc.LED bids will be received by the un dersigned until 1 A. M. baturday. April 13 Is 13. for one five-ton auto truck for Multnomah County, when bids will be publicly opened. The right is expressly Tcserved to reject any and all bids. Bids must state earliest date of delivery. F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk. Courthouse. SEALED bids will be received by the under Signed until Saturday. April 13. 1912. for an automobile lor Multnomah County, not leaa than 3o horsepower, sesta for two. Bins to stale time of delivery. The right 10 rejevt sliy or ail bids is'expressi re sarvvd. FIELDS. County cier. Courthouse. Proposals Invited. CLOSING OUT OCR BUSINESS We invite proposals to purchase our entire stock of general merchandise and fixtures, consist ing of groceries, hardware, furnishing goods, drv goods, shoes, etc. Ail stock good. live merchandise. Will Invoice about $S000. stock may be Inspected at any time at Bridal Veil. Or. Aldrich I.innett. owners. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SALE OF MUNICIPAL BONDS. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Gladstone, Clack nmas County, Oregon, will receive sealed P'opossls for the purchase of $20,000 of the negotiable coupon bonds of said town bearing 0 per cent semi-annual Interest from the date of issue. Said Inprovemenl bonds are for the pur pose of building and maintaining a water avstem in said city. Said proposals will be received and may be filed with the Recorder or said city st any time before 7:30 P. M. April 9, 1012. All bids received subject to the rictit of Ihe party to examine Into the regularity of the tssue of said bonds of said cltv. Said bonds will be issued In denominations of $.v0 each, and each bid der will specify the number of bonds which thev desire to purchase. All of said bids are to be enclosed In an envelope securely sealed and directed to John N. Slevers, Recorder. Gladstone, Oregon, and marked "Bid for the Water Bomis of the Citv of Gladstone." The right is hereby reserved to reject any and all bida HARVEY E. CROSS, v Mayor. JOHN N. SI E VERS. Recorder. Dated March 12. 1912. " " NOTICE. The Oregon Auto Despatch Is mov ing all storage to new brick warehouse located at the northeast corner of 13th and Kearney sts., Portland, Oregon. Owners of property stored with us are herebv notified so that insurance can be changed to cover at new location. The date of removal of any lot will be given upon request of owner. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH. Phone Main sanp. 33 First st. Master's Notice. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tone. Pat tullo. 339 Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. FINANCIAL. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers equities oougm. x ' eaux. 1000 Spsidtng bidg.. 3d and Wash lngton. Main 63. LAWSON-BUOWN INVESTMENT tO.i SHORT-TIME LOANS. Reference: Bradstreet and Dun's. 1309 Yeon Mdg. Main 31Mi. WE pay highest cash price tor bulilders' con tracts, first and second mortKagoe and other aecurltiea. Home Installment Co., 401-402 McKav Mdg. Marshall 3969. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes: no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. 016 Sralding bide. SEVERAL first mortgages for sale; $lS0o. g-'OOo S230O, $:t.iitO; security improved oflv property. Call 806 Wilcox bldg. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages (flrat and second 1. equities. F. H. Lewia & Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracta and commission accounts bought, real estate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 ADington piag. IF YOU are looking for a business invest ment of $250 to $0000. address D 975. Ore gonlan. MONEY to loan on farm or city property. Wm. C. Borchera. 207 Oregonlan bldg. Money to Loan fteal Estate. TO LOAN ON PORTLAND PROPERTY AT ONCE. AT 6 TO 8 PER CENT; $1300 FOR 3 YEARS. 2ixiO FOR S TEARS. $2.VH) FO!l 5 YEARS. f.-eHlo KOR 3 TEARS. ei...uuk i.-, 1 a K V Kl R M J. 11. TIPTON CO.. 110 SPALDING BLPG LARGK supply of money to loan In sums of $30 and upward, on real estate secur ity, al 6 and 7 per cent. MALL VAN BORPTEU 104 Second St.. Near Stark. ON IMPROVED city properly or for build ing purposes. 3 to 8 years'; liberal repavment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable oav- . . I i..A.l.llnn 9111 Stark at. $500 000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or email loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenxle Co.. 614-513-516 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS, FARM AND CITY PROPFTRTY. EDMUND L. DEVEREAUX. 1009 bKALPIMJ ItLiru. STRICTLY' private money on real estate, fsrms. ranches, etc: mortgages and con tracts bought and aold. Straw. 711 Selling bldg. SEVERAL sums. $300 to $000 available for immediate loans on city property: alo several amounts to loan for 1 year or l"S. V.MII Q"p v, m." PRIVATE party has $1200 to loan on first mortgage. Improved real estate, not too far out, at 8 per cent; no bonus. Ad- dresS ri Wi. vjresuiiian. $11100, $2000. $3000 OR $4000 to loan on im proved property. W. L. Page. 107 Sher- TO LOAN 43000 OK LESS. FARRINGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. $500 AND upwarda on improved real estate; notes and mortgages bought. W. A. Hath- away, room lo Washington bldg. WILL LOAN $7000 on city real estate at current rates in amounts to ultj612 Wll- cox bldg MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $2500. first mortgage. 40 per cent valuation; close In. Citizens rvana. uraim v IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W H. Nunn. 448 Shurlock bldg. tjooo TO $5O00 to loan at lowest rates, also larger amounts. Trowbridge Stephens, 001 WIICOX UlUK- 42O0.OOO TO LOAN, large loana a specialty. building loans, lowest rate. W. G. Beck. 81B-316 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on cltj property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland homes, for building purposes. 266 Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS & LOAN ASS N. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. Liberal terms. Mortgages purchased. Henry C. Pmdliomnie Co.. 807 Wilcox bldg. " $23.00O ON C1T V PROPEKTY. SUMS TO SUIT. Y 94S, OREGON IAN. 6 PER CENT MONEY. 7 PER CENT. For first mortgages on improved real estate. Address Postoffice Box 352. ONE two. three and four thousand to loan on ' Improved proporty. W. L. 1'sge, 107 Sherlock bidgJ 100 TO $300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIME ON ANY GOOD SECURITY. BY PRI VATE PARTY207JREGNIANJBLDG. MOUTGAGeT.OANo, AND T PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. PRIVATE money, any amount, 6 to S per cent. Georgia A. Haas. 409 Macleay biag. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 308-9 Fenton. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 3o3 Ch. of Corn. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. O- QOLl'RA. FAILING BLPO. FP 1VATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Mlley. room 204 Gerllnger bldg. STATE funds, per cent. W. E. Thomas, D ...... . c-.,-tv JilA I V. . agent Jiunuumou ""-"i- -m- MONEY', any amount. 6 to 8 per cenL W. , . cel.. a Co.. 310 SDaldlna- Blda. 4 '00 UP Dwelling housea; principals only; , 1 .. itn--v 9111 Allakv K 1 H ar no utuwiM " . ""- $32,000 OK any part to loan on real estate. Tabor 771. agoaaey to Loan Cbatteia and Bwlmrtee. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS $10 to $144. Oa furniture, goods in storage, etc. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, $30 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Open Monday and Saturday till s P. M. Call, write or phone Main 441 f. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS. Salaried people and women keeping bouse. $10 to $100. Strictly Conhdentlal. 820 Lumber Exchange Bldg. " MONEY LOANED. Watches, diamonds, jewelry, ete. ELBY COMPANY. Room 320 Lumber alxcnange Bldg. . WE LOAN money on dlamonda and Jewelry at baif the rales charged by brokers. Marx A Bioch. 74 3d St. LOWEST rates, chattel loans. Cail Geo. Harvey. 501 East Davia. MONEY' loaned on dlamonda and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 H 3d. near Alder. LOANS ou diamonds and other aecurltiea. Wm. Hull, room Washington bldg. MONEY sold on installment : confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry uldg. A LOAN for Ihe asking, salary or cbaltela The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. aTlioKT TIME LOAN.S; PRIVATE PARTY. $100 AND UP. 207 OK.GO.N1A.S1 BLJa. Money to Loan ("battels and Salaries. CHATTEL SALARY LOANS. LOA.NS. $1.00 to $1000 on DIAMONDS. 2 per cent and up. WE MEET AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN CO S. regardless of whnt they advertise. OUR NEW RATES. Borrow $10 pay back $12.60 In 6 pay ts. Borrow $25 pay back Ks.Si in pay is Borrow 130 pay buck $30.43 In 6 pay ts. CAN YUU BEAT THEM. , ON LOAN'S UP TO 100? If the T1EAD of the family dies before the account is paid in full and the payments are rnaao os agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN KI LL OK ACCOUNT. TOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given if paid before due. . PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 5th sts.. oil w uu Open Monday and Saturday till 9 P. Xt$ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ B-R-O-K-E-R-S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. 10, repaid in installments of $ 20 repaid In installments of I ,' $50. repaid In Installments of. $1.00 Larger amounts in proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges in plain figures. . Business strlctlv confidential. -STATU SECITIUTY CO.. $ $ $ $ SOS Falling Bldg. $ $ $$$$$ DO TOU NEED MONEY? We will furnish yuu. strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other klnda of aecurlties. on terms to suit; also on weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY .'.ND LOAN On first and second real estate mort gages contracta and chattel mortgages. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO.. 812 Haaillton Bldg., 131 3d. Ma.n 20b4. $ $ $ $ $6 to D. X. DKAJKE. $100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without aecurlty. mortgage or indorse ment; cheapest rates, best and most prl ate terms in Portland. 307 Spalding bldg. Euccessors to Hutton Credit Co. MONEY' FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house aud otheis fur nished without security: cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want It. and pay aa you can. Officea in all principal cities. D. H. le man. H17 Lumber Exchange. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and valuables at almost bankers' rate of interest. 323 Falling bldg- 3d and Washington streets. Loans Yt anted. WANTED $5000, s years, 7 per cent. on. close in East Side quarter block, with new 3-torv. first class brick building, ail newly lurn'lshed. This Is a splendid loan as to security and moral risk first-class: no phone information. JOHNSTON-BOTHFUTt & CO.. pot Chamber of Commerce Bldg WANTED $50,000. 8 years. 7 per cent, on close in East Side quarter block, witn new 3-storv. nrsl-olass brick building, all newly furnished. This Is a spUmild loan as 10 security and moral risk lirsl-clasa; no phone information. 0 JOHNSTON-BOTHFL'n & CO.. !MI8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $2000. $223oi $:;ono, ON modern homes. S years. S per cent and all expenses; good security. $11,000 on highly improved farm near Slem. 3 or 5 years; gilL-erlno security. See Mr. Reese. Columbia Trust Co.. Loard of Trade Plug. WANT-LOAN OF $1400 KOR .". YEARS. FIRST MORTGAGE ON MY NEW 7-ROOM HOME. 8 PER CENT; ALL EXPENSES TO PRIVATE PARTY. B 913. ORE- GO .VI AN. $1000 WANTED for one year, gilt-edged security. -H per cent interest. 10 per cent bonus. Call 00 Grand ave.. near East Washington. Phone Eaat 3002. JSOO LOAN WANTED nv MY 5-IIOOM HOME AND SOxlllO LOT; WILL PAY PER CENT. B 9 PRIVATE PARTY 7S. OREGONIAN. WANT to borrow $00.0"0 on new four-story brick building, cost over $SO,0o0; will pay 6 per cent; principals only. E. J. Daly. 222 Failing bldg- $"O!0 WANTED on a good piece of property- will pi' 8 per cent; no k--iii-Phone .Main 3335 before 9 A. M. or after r. m. , WANT loan of $j:0O on modern residence; will pay S per cent to private parly. B $77, Oregonlan. WANTED Loan $7300 from private party on' West Side Income property; pay 7 per cent for 'three years. W l'T7. Oregoulali. WANT loan nt Jllt-jO at 8 per cent. 1 to o years, on improved farm, worth $lvt00; no commission. N "73, oregonlan. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for deslruble loans, mortgages for sale. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. MOT Wilcox big. WANTED Loan $300 to $1500 on good ae curlty. Swank. 317 Hamilton bldg. PERSON t ONLY $25. FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. SANIIARY BEALTY PARLORS. 400-414 DEKUM BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that If you come here you will be taught everything that Is necea aary ana nullilng that" Is unnecessary. OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL. In other words, if you invest your money In instruction here It will get you the greatest possible increase In earnings axierward. OUR SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Because we know how to make your work Interesting, and have the teachers and the equipment for dulng it. OUR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAIR HAIR HAIR H Alii. - 500 PURE CUT HA1U SWITCHES. $12 34-lncll switches $4.45 ' $6 26-Inch switches 2-45 Hair dressing 2. Face massage Shampoo ....A 5 Manicuring. 25c. 5 for J "" 12 scalp treatments 5 00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. . ' $4. $5 and $6 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair In any shade; switches, any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and W-iahu.gloti. RADICAL cure by the latest natural heal ing methods. Including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heal. vil. ration, radia tion baihs. massage, adjustment and manipulations. Most expensive, finest equipped private office in Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over 6000 treated patients and not a death while under our care. We will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 312 Rothchlld biag GtvllMAN trained nuise and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbano. etc; massages and bath 3oo Hollatlay ave.. cor. Occidental. U car. Phone East 3008. C 2533. Open Sundays. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingtora graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions' baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th st second door south from East Ankeny car-line. Phone East 260. B 1803. ' "detective. (Licensed). Shadow work a specialty, correct re ports and strictly confidential. AK 941, Oregonlan. DP. CATHERINE C. GATES I have had 11 years' practical experience treating nervoua and chronic diseases. Consultation free 307 Abington blux. Marshall 3143. Hours: 10 a. jii- 10 o tr. DRESS SUITS for rent. $1.j0 month: keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rli's repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 300 stark. MRS. 6TEVENS, 18 yeacs Portland'a lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at 12 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sis. FOUND A place where special attention is given to remodeling ot hats, by up-to-date trimmers. English correct millinery. 3.11 Morrison St.. Marquam bldg. SCIENTIFIC facial and scalp treatments; ladies' and gents" manicuring. Violet Parlors 513 Swelland bids. Marshall 36U1. ZVEROL The great nerve tonic and sya tem builder. $1 per box. 6 boxes $5. Stipe Taylor rug . ,.. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 93c: curls and puffs. 73c. San itary Beauty Pariors. 400 Dekum bidg. Cius. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spirit ual scientist. 302 AlUky bldg. Main 6624. M ee ' inr J --. . - - . - CLASSY millinery cheap, remaking, color ing ; bring any old material. 227V, Wash., suite 211; save this. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mre. M. D. rllll. J O J " ' " OHO. HALM OF FIGS. Compound. Royal Tonic Tablete. B82 Davis at. Main 8215. MANICURING PARLOR, facial and scalp treatment, shampooing- 314 Swetland bldg. BUSINESS DRUSCTORY. -'Analytical Cnrniit. WOODARD. CLARKK. CO.. analytical rheniiMs. exainineis 01 cuemicais, aru:s, foods, etc Attorneys. A. E. COOPF.R, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2u71. Assayer and Analyst. Wells & Proeostel. mining engineers, chera i?ta and assavers. 204 hi Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 76 Morrison St. Carpet Cleaning. JAPANESE electric carpet cleaning wora. Phone Marshall 1633 or A 22v2. BrattS and Machine Wor)-s. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Bras casting ajid machine work. UK N. 5th. Main 2102. Chiropractic rhyslclan. IjH. riCKNER. Columbia -Ulg.; next Star T li eater. A 5255. Main U387; res. B 2i7 1. Chiropodists. DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER. 305 AKaky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Main STi, .treat, all ills of the foot, without danger of In fection; corns, bunions, ingrow iug and atrophied nails, flat feet and bunions 4 s pec 1 a 1 1 y; 2- years foot specialist. WILLIAM, Estclle and Flossie Deveny. the . onlv scientific chirupouists in -.he city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, oifices 429 Fltediicr bids. Main 3473. COAL AI.BINA- FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOL Coal and '' Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. Marshall 960. A 3545. 374 Water st Dancing. PROF. WAL WlLLSON'b Dancing School Lessons, 25c; waltz, to-slep or three-slep guaranteed in one lesson; trial lessuu given free. The. best is always the cheap til, Htui-e dancing and all vaudeville a.;is taught quickly. Royal Academy Hali. l-5i 3th. bet. Stark and Oak sis. Pliuue Main 7037. . BERTHA BECKETT HEATH, teacher of fancy, stage and social dancing; classes Monday and Friday evenings, at 8. Pri vate lessons by appointment. 109 2d st., between Washington and Stark. A 2008. Rl.VGLER'S SCHOOL Private and class in- . btruclion; lady assistants; social, stage, fancy dances. 2.11 i2 Morrison. Marsh'i 313. Kdttcational. STAMMEFt'f Method tor cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield, 1018 Grove. uakland.Cal. Engines Gas and Steam. RoBER Machinery Co.. Coasl amenta. Se btiry steam engines and boilers, gasoline en glnes. 2el-28S E. Morrison st. phone E. 515. Feed Store. Z 1 1 . 1. li i; & MISNER. hay. grain, i mem, shingles. 204 Grand ave. feed, ce E. 4 S2. Kodak Finishing. QUICK service, cut rates; send for price list. Tlie Kouaivery. oin ana .. gn. KIlED W. BULLOCK. Artistic Landscape Gardening. 310 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2432. New Lawns a Specially. S h rubbery. Plants and Orn amental Trees. Leather aud Findings. CHAS. L. MAtTILK & CO:. 74 FronL Leather of every description, tabs, mis, findings. J A. bTKOWBUIDGE LEATHER CO. Ea ' tabllahvd 1S5S. 10 Front St. Medical. BOSTON ftraduate massage and medical gymnast us. 3'.i2 Jetferson. up one flight. Musical. RAG1IME pUno taunht 10 lessons, players alwas warned at good salary. Room li. 380 E. M01 rison sL Ennl Xliielhors). violin teacher, pupil Bevel OHO Marquam. A 416. Marshall 1629. MUSIC studiu. 2'J 111", arrangement made f.vr practicing. Main 393. Osteopathic "physicians. DP. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkville. Mo., class of lsi'S; post-graduate 1907. un der Dr A. T. Still, founder of the science. 1122 selling bldg. M 1S7. A 19S5. Dr R. B. Northl'UP. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone. offlce,M349jres. Eaat or B 1028. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to tne Coast climate. ba&v H E LITER PAINT CO.. 191 Second at. RASMLSSEN CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-lavv late of U. S- Patent Office. Book let free. 710 the Board uf Trade- bldg. tATENTS outalned. trademarks, copyrights registered, all countries. Booklet free. PETER HAL1E11LIN. 326 -Worcester bldg. U S AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured"by O. O. Martin. 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg.' R , W RIGHT, domestio and foreign pat ent's. Intringemeut cases. w4J,k,.,,'Qg' " ' ratent"fcpg ecrs. Inventions developed. And patents secured. Coop Schinltt, eon suiting enulnecrs. 301 Henry bldg. Phons Alain 1283. Consultation free. raiverlug and Tinting. l-.perhanlns. painting ;.-" " ' price. 1. LKII ' - Pawnbroker. UNCLE MYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 years b 'n Portland. 71 6th St. Phone Main 910. Paving. Vhk liaruer Asphalt Paving Company, tfui "Vs """ic buig. Oscar Huber. PorCar.d. Pipe. ri ill T LAN D WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and "ftTce near 21th and York sis. Mam 340.. bales. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. safes N-oIurv prices; second-hand safes. hecoud-lland Goods. i,.iv clothing, furniture and tools. High tl price , paid lor second-hand clothing. ''infi,.,.. toula- Marshall 24. r. l.- ,v the highest prices for second-hand - and s"tiues. Main 7O08. 030 6tn. lwcases. Bank and Bbow fixtures. . , , -, 1. -u- MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap 1 . owcacoe'rh and HoyU R. Luiae. manager. -r: RiRDSALL. 208 Hamilton bldg. Show K'cef in stock; prompt delivery. , SffiM. .Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and couch; new and "end-hand. Main 2703. Caoinet work . --. ' a 4 a- it i v i ;;rk ru.. Ss' lit i o-bm.t -or- sTeamsps. 2, 1 an' LINE Royal Mail steamers; Tiiloutreil Liverpool. Glasgow. Montreal. Havre Plymouth. London; the picturesque i. Lawrence route; four days on the ocean" - Sir" e d-.y in river and gulf; splen All Sew Turbine steamers; saluon. second and third class; superior one-class fab in se??lceT cuisine unexcelled; courteous i?tentlJn se id for circulars, rates, plans, "1 iilla CO, 127 N. Dearborn SL. C hlcago Storage and Transfer. " 11 PICK Transfer Storage Co.. offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, feparaie iron rooms and fireproof vaulis fur valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine s'.s. . pianos and furniture moved and paced tar shipping; special rates maue on gouus m our through cars tu ail domestic a-d reJioints. Main 396, A 996. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER IO. General transferring and elorage, safes, nlanos and furniture moved and packed tor shlpmenL S7-S0 Front au lalephon.s Maiti 347 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established lSVu Transter aud forwarding agents. oftlcc and storage 474 Glisan ... cor. 13tn and Olisan. Pnonea Main 69. A 1109. " Tinners. i'm.'l h & GINTK, tinners and roofeia. 34S savlcr st. A 1396, Main i42. Typewritera. 115 TO $05 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt aa good as new; ail makes 10 choose from at Gill's, 3d and Aider; terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Vlaln 8uQQ or a pvoq. DO V'T buy al poorly constructed machine when you can buy high-priced standard makes direct from the manufacturer at 35 on the basis of $5 Per month, or $3o cash- rentals 3 months for $5. Investigate. R. T. Co., 243 Stark St. . WE handle standard makes of genuine Eastern factory rebuilt typewriters in 1unk) Pricea right. Buy a reliable ma chine from a reliable bouse. Pacifio Sta'y Ptg. v-o.. xai ;u su WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex-V change, 351 '4 Washington st. NEW." rebuilt, secend-hand rentals, at cut rates, p. c v.o., .01 01am. . ivi. ' : Well PrlHlnav DRILLING wells. Phone Main 1346 c arlie A. West, 182 Morrison au Landscape Gardeners. IF you have residential grounds to beautify, consult our landscape expert, Mr. C. P. McDuugall. 12 years' experience In Scot land and Eastern cltiea. Now is the tims to plant. Advice free. Thone Main 8Dlt. or write the Oregon Nursery Company. Orenco, Oregon. . A