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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1912)
'TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, APRIL C, 1912. Our Entire Stock of Easter Merchandise at Removal Prices For Saturday Lot After Lot of Bargains All New Goods Immense Reductions mm I hi; VfX file Easter Suits & Dresses Sacrificed In this Great Removal Sale $37.50 Custom Tailored Suits Removal $25.00 Suits for women in a high-class man-tailored style of fine imported whip cords and cheviots. The colors are tan. navy and gray the three most popu lar shades for plain-tailored suits. They are made in this season's popular 26-inch length jackets with deep revers buttoning to one side. 'Trimming consists of small buttons and button holes. Lined throughout with Peau de Cygne silk. The skirts are made in the newest side panel effects. Our $30.00 Novelty Dresses Removal $19.85 At the above price are three distinctly new Spring model dresses designed of changeable silks and French serge. The colors are navy, tan, brown and changeable effects. They are modeled in the smartest one-piece high girdle effects. Dainty Sailor collars finish the round-cut necks in a novel manner. The trimmings are of lace, ratine, silk and buttons. $42.50 Man-Tailored Easter Suits $31.75 These suits are taken from our regular stock of the highest class man-tailored garments. They are designed of the finest imported men's wear serges and fancy Scotch mixed cloths. The colors are light and dark navy, tan and gray. The jackets are made in the newest twenty-six-inch lengths, buttoning with five buttons straight down the front or to one side semi-fitting back and man nish revers, and sleeves. They are lined with fancy Peau de Cygne silks. The skirts are modeled in the new high waisted effects. $18.50 Novelty Pongee Coats for $13.95 Full-length pongee silk coats made- with shawl revers and sailor collar in laid with Peau de Cygne silk in brown, black and new blue. Another model pongee coat has the mannish notched collar and revers with bengaline trimmed collar and cuffs. Both models are made single-breasted and semi-fitting. With tailored set in sleeves. ' All Millinery at Sacrifice Prices aturbap The lat day for choosing Eai-ter Hats. Although this Removal Sale has taxed our drpartinent to the utmost hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful hats yet remain for your selection. Imported models, copies of French pattern hat, dress, theater, railing and street bats in the greatest assortment to be found in the city. All these hats are marked with Removal Sale prices. The reason for this class of millinery, ending a it doe tonight, lias forced ns to mnke such reductions that will insure their positive sale. Fifty saleswomen are readv to serve vou prompt ly and with polite attention. aturbap V, V;.-. .:.. t , -. i,' , Many surprises await j-our inspection of our misses' and children's hats. The variety is so great the styles of trimming so varied and the shapes so unique that, coupled with our Removal sale prices, it is not a question of choice, it becomes a matter of se lecting the one hat that yon like best from a multi tude of favorites. Our trimmers have used many unique and uncommon motifs for creating youth ful and girlish fashions to make these hats distinctive. We call particular at tention to some new ROBINSON & WELLS' hats just arrived from London. .All at Removal Sale prices. Every Article in the Store Reduced Easter Books Catholic Prayer Book White celluloid picture outside rover inlaid crucifix on inside cover. Price $1.00. WHITE CELLULOID I H. S. in gold on cover. Gold edges clasp. Price $1.10 Over a dozen designs of white prayer books like above. Suitable for first communion and confirmation, at different prices. Key of Heaven, $1.20 Key of Heaven Maroon Ger man calf. Round corners red un der gold edges. Gold I. H. S. on cover. Friendship Books, $1.39 Friendship books in imported velvet, suede illustrated in color silk marker. Year Books, $1.25 Year books selections from Ruskin. Browning. Emerson, Ten- nyson and uickens. Bound in crushed levant, gold decorated, gilt tip. deckel edge. Gift Booklets, Special, 39c Gift booklets bound in parch ment, ribbon tied cover decorated in color. Hugh Black's Friendship Books in white and gold, special . . . .29c Special, 18c Books by Henry Drummond. Ike Miller and other popular religious writers, with decorated covers. Special, 39c English imported Easter books, bound in white vellum, illustrated in color with pictures "tipped" in. Syrian Shepherd Psalm -Jules Guerin edition, illustrated in colors, I rice 9 I .Uv. Easter Silks, Regular Price $1.00 Removal Sale 59c High-class fancy silks. Smart silks, w orthy silks. Silks of quality that spell satisfactory wear. Silks from one of the foremost manufac turers in America. Every color in the shade book of fashion is repre sented in this very broad assortment. Dainty spots, dashes and flowers, stripes in navy blue and white. brown and white, so much in vogue at present. Conventional designs in soft color combinations. Appropriate for full gowns, dresses, waists and petticoats. $1.25 Cheney Shower-Proof Foulards Removal Sale, 89c In keeping with every other reduction throughout the store, these famous silks, now in greatest favor and one of the most desirable fabrics in the world of fashion today, are forced in this sale to suffer the same price sacrifice as other merchandise. Our entire stock of Cheney shower-proof foulards is placed on ex hibition and sale Tuesday morning at 89c. 85c Colored Messalines, Removal 59c Our entire stock of 19-inch colored messalines and satin fabric that are wanted every day for dresses, petticoats and linings are placed on sale at removal prices. Our Famous Crown Taffeta, Regular 85c,. Removal Sale Price, 39c This famous Crown taffeta, used for years by the foremost dress makers and the best trade, is easily recognized as the best fabric of its kind in the city, is more than cut in half in this great event. A full range of colors will be found in the assortment. Removal Sale Prices Htb Globes Jecfetoear JTetoelrp ' ifttfj&ons $anb 3Bagtf Jf me 39afete Bilk Jfosi'erp iHounteb Combs iJeto dflftf Double Width Chiffon, Removal 73c Yard Selling regularly at $1.00 the yard The most appropriate fabric for evening gowns, party frocks and for trimming hatschiffon, the one material that never goes out of fashion. And this season sees it more in demand than heretofore. This chiffon is an all-silk fabric in a double width the colors are American beauty, white, rose, sky blue, gray, green, dark brown, golden brown and black. Laces With Insertion to Match, Removal 15c Selling regularly up to 35c a yard Platte Val. lace with insertion to match, suitable for trimming wash frocks and lingerie dresses. Width 3 to 7 inches. Also imitation Maltese laces in dainty patterns with fine diamond-shape mesh, also others in a heavier mesh. Embroidery Flouncings, Removal 69c Twenty-seven inch embroidery flouncings in simple and elaborate de signs in blind and English eyelet effects. Many attractive patterns which will stand washing and hard wear. Desirable for dresses, flouncings and lingerie. Made of a fine Swiss material. 50c Corset Cover Embroidery, Removal 33c An eighteen-inch corset cover embroidery of an extra fine quality, Swiss or nainsook. This is a deep embroidery with insertion and fancy headings. $1.25 Allover Embroidery 94c Yard All-over embroidery of Swiss or nainsook. 22 inches wide. Small, dainty designs, suitable for waists, yokes and dress trimmings. In black and English eyelet designs. i'&'S-' lit W s a 0 Girls' Coats, 8 to 14 Years, Removal Prices $ 11.45, $9.75, $8.95, $6.39. oats of white hair-line stripe, wide wale serges, new white basket weave and plain white serge. AH made in loose box styles with large reveres and sailor collars and shawl collars and cuff. Some of same materials as the coat, and others satin, velvet, button or braid trimmed. Removal, $3.37, $4.35, $6.95, $5.45, $11.45, $7.50, $9.95. This is an extremely large assortment of light-colored mixtures in black, and white check, tan or blue stripe, tan or navy serge. Made in box styles, shaw collar, sailor collar, revere and notched collar styles. Trimmed with velvet. cloth, moire, silk, braid and buttons. Infants' Bonnets and Caps Removal Price; 29c, 63c, 85c, $1.20, $1.49, $2.35, $3.39. These dainty little head dresses for infants are designed of fine soft mull. trimmed with dainty embroideries. laces and lace insertions, dainty colored rib bons and fine tuckings. . Infants' and Children's Hats Removal, 63, 85c, $1.10, $1.33, $1.70, $1.95, $2.55, $7.95. Hats of Milan braids, fancy Tuscan or satin straws. Trimmings of satin ribbon bows, flowers and wreaths of flowers ; laces. Little drooping shapes. hats with roll brims, high-crown hats and hats with shirred bands. In all colors. Three-Piece Tailored Suits Removal $12.95, $9.35, $11.89 and $7.65. -Three-piece tailored suits for girls from 8 to 14 years old. These suits consists of box-coat style and a one-piece dress made with kilted skirt; the waist has elbow-length kimono sleeves and round collarless neck. Trimmings of braid and buttons. The materials are stripe cloth in tan. gray or reseda, and tan or navy blue serge with white serge trimmings. Also black and white check doth with silk trimmings and buttons. $2.00 Silk Easter Hosiery Removal $1.25 This is a manufacturer s sample line of fine silk hosiery, and every pair of hose that this manufacturer makes is rigidly- inspected. The reduced price was only possible because of some slight imperfection which, however, we guarantee hardly noticeable and in no way will it effect the wearing quality of the stocking. They are made with reinforced heel, toe and heavy sole, and extra heavy garter top. $1.00 Silk Hosiery, Removal 75c the Pair Silk hose in black only. Made with reinforced feet and tops. Artistic Picture Framing by Experts at One Quarter Off L3pm3w61fe si Gb. Jl - terchandise of rieril Only,. MEN Removal Prices on Easter Things New Spring Shirts, Removal 95c Shirts that sold formerly at $1.50 and $2.00 Every man will need at least one of these attractive shirts, as the ma terial and the colorings are those most sought for by men of refined taste. The materials are madras, French percale and dimity in patterns that are most unusually attractive. They have cuffs attached and are made in the coat style. They are perfect fitting, best tailoring and cut to full size. Negligee Shirts, Removal $1.95 A regular $2.50 style Here again we offer you an extremely fine shirt at a higher price than the former one one of the best $2.50 shirts made. Of a fine material, in narrow stripes. Made with and without collars to match with soft French turnback cuffs. . 50c and 75c Night Gowns, Removal 39c Men's night gowns of cambric and muslin, in plain styles and fancy trimmed styles trimming consisting of wash braids and fancy cloth. They are full regular size and roomy. Union Suits, $1.55 Suit Regular price $1.75 a suit. Men's Swiss ribbed union suits, in ecru and white color. The shirt has short sleeves, ankle-length drawers. This is a medium weight and is suit able for Spring wear. Knit Underwear, Removal 39c Garment Underwear that sells regularly at 75c a garment Men's porous knit underwear, in ecru and white color. The shirts are made with short sleeves and the drawers are in ankle length with double seat. Derby Ribbed Underwear, Removal 89c Garment Shirts and drawers selling regularly at $1.00 each Men's Derby ribbed shirts and drawers in white and trimmed with a soft silk facing. Made with long sleeves and ankle length drawers. These garments are in a medium Spring weight. 25c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, Removal 19c Men. here is your chance, for one can never acquire too many of this needful article handkerchiefs and such handkerchiefs as they are of a fine pure linen with a hemstitched hem and hand-drawn threads. The hem is one-quarter inch deep. Silk Knit Ties, Removal $1.50 That sell regularly at $2.00 each Knit ties of pure silk made on English crochet machine. They are made in the very latest weave and the colors are most effective, including everything that is new and fashionable. Are woven in cross-stripe effects. Removal Silk Sox, 44c Pair Regular selling prices 50c and 75c Men's sox of pure thread silk, made with lisle feet and lisle tops of double threads, which insure, their wearing qualities. They can be had in all colors, including black. Extraordinary Underwear Opportunity 5000 Garments at Half Price Here Are Concrete Facts Quickly Told. When the sale started we had an immense stock of over 15,000 garments, but now we have to offer about 5000 equally as attractive garments in all sizes. This lot includes gowns, petticoats, combination suits of corset covers and drawers, long princess slips, corset covers and drawers, all marked at half price. These garments are designed of fine soft lingerie and trimmed with laces and insertions, embroideries and insertions, and tuckings. Made in many attractive and fashionable styles. They represent the best workmanship and will fit perfectly. , The Prices Range from 38c to $4.50 Each Kid Gloves for Easter at Removal Prices $2.00 GIBSON CAPE one-clasp gloves, with prix seams and spear-point backs. ' In tans and brown only. Removal 89c 1.75 TAILORED GLOVES with one large pearl button, with spear-point on back and prix seams. In white and gray. Removal . . 89c 1.75 THREE-CLASP overseam dress kid gloves, in gray, tan, mode, brown, green, navy, red, pearl, black and white. Removal . . 89c 2.00 TREFOUSSE GLOVES, with three clasps, overseam of glace kid and Paris-point backs. In gray, red, tan, mode, brown, white and black. In broken sizes. Removal 75c 1.00 16-BUTTON SILK GLOVES of a fine quality tricot silk. 98c $2.25 $1.65 Pretty, Dainty Little Girls' Hats, Removal Prices 98c, $1.65 and $2.25 Our showing of children's attractive Easter hats is unique. We be lieve without being boastful that our assortment is greater in variety and far more attractive in price than any other exhibition in the city. There is a certain something about these hats in the shape and in the trimming that looks good on every head. So that a selection is certain. r or r nday and Saturday we have made some very radical reductions which are certain to create an immense demand. We are also exhibiting, at removal sale prices, an immense collection of misses' trimmed hats for girls from 8 to 1 4 years. .