i BllS orPORflMTlES $-am OA more InvMitd row assure p-untab.e m otn irntiriii'nt inn la perfr-.t.y protected, with or without rmplonunt. to h;;li trad ao-sman or i ii - nn t ed lady v. lth cin le of fti'-iiu. L 141, Or-(on:-n. HiV 4-d or notions. ol opening for man or woman or limited mean, competent to conduct a "' dry?Vn or notion bunw. Place I. for rent In larre block con tain In other linee of ousi n-ss Store has living-rooms In rear. " ..u r looking- for a place to this, fall at drug store, rorntr 1-rout sua ivhuf sts. Taae ' car. fpwH. Wanted, a man to act as ' uler and nie.it company; vou w III receive salary i.'a. mo;. 11 ana certain una'- profits, wnch am amount i" aoo....- and a. I expenses. our m"n' le mot- than secured. nJ ) can with draw It at anv tirre. 'articular i Lumber Exchange . CRKAMP.RT FOR fALK. A good creamery. equlbpe.1 wltn osj ream plant. In rood shape, ail ready to tart makmc butler; located In ''" Willamette Valley; mleht consider trade alve terma. Call o ner. Marshall .V..J7. or address U52 E. Alder it.. Port land; OESnXE SNAP. IX J you WANT ITT A good r-anr-g business, well elab ll.hed legitim,.!-. .tand Investigation. l!l take ciear lot and me casti. have ou Sx me. Le Purge. t Cham ber of I'ommerce. U A N I i ' fanner with 7'" to J,"m ni" ,n permanent honorable Ma: paln business: thi. la chance of lite to stsailv. sober man. experience not neiessaM. for Interview atate age and what you have fallowed, and I a i.l tell you where to cull on me. AO 9'. 4. oreaontnn. . I AM looking f..r a real estate man a live aire with a good ILl of citv property who would like to establish himself In my ot nee and ro.op.rnle l h me No money d. sired, call for particular. 411 Rolii rli id WANTED. Partner take naif Interest tn light manufacturing plant, a man caa take eharsa of an office, and mana men; a ary r-J V month. Kinney . Siam pher. 331-2 lumber Eiclnn bid. TP. A rKHave a good-established business, will hear Investigation : that 1 will trade for grocery s'ock. houae and lot or va ran lots; value t.M" fall or writ to mv aaent. 24i"4 Tamhill t. Palace Ilralty I'ompanr. ONI.V 1 will aecure a uhtantlal G-'or:a poneiiion whkli can earn v-iy large p-ohte wlrhout requlrtni: the attention of the owner. Vr!'-t for photoa ana free tnp off' r. Oo, W. Dven. liul Way eroite. Ca. f.r."'KKY for aai at Invoice; owner niupt devot- time to other Int'-reata: aiout eah wli! handle the dial; dally i.i!. $ communicate with own'' at Bum. f I."v3. HreKonlan. FOK aale or leaae. bathhoua. lad lea and -en'. aeparate department. Ihower tub. team and wlmmlac tanka: a:ao 21 rnvma furnlaheA la connection- a Rua- e.l blda MII.K AMI I'KKAM I'KI'OT. Sflenilid littie baaine for V cry atnall Inve-ttiient. Makltia- no:ie and rare- le foohi-d with little effort; W H r. KI.KR V HAI.I, Ml l.umlermena M. WANTED A man to Inveet l'u; one of the fatet-rrow!n; and uninterrupted In duatrlea In the world; money-back Inveat nient. Iar dlvldentla. poalnon to investor; no agent. A P 1:.4. Oreaontan. W'AN'TKI Man wlttt email capital to rep re.nt us In evrh county In i itnun and Waehlnton. Kreat orrortunlty to make money. A'lureea Portland Store Fupply ' 'n- -'iO il m.. Portlanfl. Or., or call. PAKTNKH WAN TKl. Intereat In mh1 collec tion bualneaa. Will ' -araawt cloaeat In ve laatioo and require er little money. v't! F7KI.FR ar H1.J.. Ml Lumbermen hd. PARTNER wanted In a small, modern. an and tJior factory at ly City. Or.- un usual opening. Apply 1?4 Firal Port land. Oroeery store, lea cream, rood buir.e; with 4 Mvinc-rooms; muat sell thi week. Mam 7'joa. OKNF.RAU wierchsnrllae store In itowlm town, moatly caitn bus'ness; slckne causa elling: ahout ;ut)t will handle ihia. par ticulars Board of Trml'. M 'VI.Nii-l'liTCRK theater on Kast Hide; fine location; srats. mill Kuarante J month. Invealigate. A I. Wj. ore- Eonlan. . CWAR and confectioceiy alore. located on Kast 8tle; muat be Bold toatlsfy claims of creditors. inquire at lioclifeld Uroa.' rifar Co.. 211 Murrlaon at. i ;'.K KRV ASU (ONTE'TIOXERT Klve llvinc-room. lor.r lease. rol lo cation, wtll sell at tnvoce. ahout $s.'.i. !l::l.KR HA i.l.. oil I.umhermeitahd. .iWNfclR cash tiusineaa wants steady man; Huti. a eaei.v learned; can make better than wsaes; required. Call 02 Board of Trade WNEK- will sell rrcerv on rTaat ftida at a bir. aacrlflce if taken voon; rood lo cution, cheap rent. hvl .if reason; prtn ctna's onu. A I. f'i. ori-titruin. GR' "RV. atationery. rlKara. etc.. 4 nice tivinc rooma. near school ami hail rround; rent $''7..'a: will Invoice about eooO. 4oj Rothchl'd bM AI'Til iHUA'iE. Clearing anout f.Va) per month. W have a "map price" on thla. Call 61a 1 o- bi'll. lllF.H butter. c. . etc.. Weal Klde. where ttl" -huyera arc. valuable lease; cl-artn $ C month; prico eii;A ia Lumber a.xchatia. 1 II K best Imarma.-'lo o.enlr !n Portland fi-r a cloek and aj't ami .adie- wear fe vti. Tou can In rtsbu No triflera. AP 14 7. tire oe ian l.l'.t KRIfcl-. Hr'it hardasre. etc. oiri-etab-llshed store. 4 llrlna rnomt; sales 4."o l.o : rent only will Inw.lfe. Call -t's tark st. KtR SAl F. ches;. the Manhattan Restau rant. J'.lu AUIer St.; rtol'ig fine business: Pv'uee rd as new; long lease. i 9 ire..a'an. vK H KVT Ofte.l cl.an-e to start restau rant b'lslnees; 20 rent, lnciudln alt nten- "; also a aieepinc-r.Mtm. Apply Johnson Mt'-l. -'-2 Water St.. i-ity. $ srl.ENDlP littie biistness, cleaneand neat, clear fT5 mnnthn; r''d for $; h worklnc It up: a woman can run It a w-ll as a nil. A i tp 'regornan. n A.v rtll A partner in a-tod little safe ca-h buslress. dunce easily learned and owner wilt guarantee oq It leaa than '. we-ki -'. Jt l.ttrrta-e Exchange. f!.4 AND wllllngnesa to htistiei will aeeur bus:n-ss. can make better than w agtra. Call Jti Stark st. FOR fiALK riakery. inciuttnir buitdln and b-fek ov'-n in goo-1 c'uast town, api ly ro c.rvy Vcl.esn A I'Tft. IT.i North 4:n. PRINT r;R-EPITiR. long eaperlencw, striclly temperate, at liberty Mae 1: bava a llt Ce money. AV t 4 r . firegonlan. b,l'TKW"KT c)'iir of Firat and Morrison to T-aes foe term of nv years. Cau Ma. a ;ni a. "sc-tav WAVT a rrcery? Call C Jos; 3-ar lease, fine district, co'ner lotatton. at In veje, ab.ut ltv. Owner leaving city. SVt v:i.I little cigar atore thai owner will shew la pavlnr e t'ailv iMvt expense; oi. V2& Lumber Ei-'bange. MA1.1, res'anrant and chop houae for aale, heep if taken at once. Ino.ulra Room l'J, tlion Hof. "4TH .V st. INTF.RF.-T In real estate ofTne mak'nc "money. -ji required. 31 Lumber Ex change. PAHTNKR wanted in an established laun dry, doing go.d bustnese: iioi cash, term on balan e Farin-ular Mark st. I.l V FT partner. real estate and bualnes chances, stiall amount re.iulred. Sol Swer'and h dr. I'AKTNUK in brokerage orTice; bl money for ma.de man. A: Va. Oregonian. r'OP. SALE Poolroom and clsar stora, 112 4 phl'j-ie:;.hu St.. St. Johns. Or. K'-fi JrAI.E Confectionery and poolroom, fa!' ;rsnd ave. ivo HfSINESS CARL'S. II; bring Ihl aa. Rom City PTlntsry. Jd. cor. Taylor. 0."i COWS, route In cftv: lease for tha place f..r .. veara. I-lllslale. Itoe :.V M 4. N le haridie bus.ness cnancea: can mak ro-'d monev. AD 144"y. Ortgonian. HAVfT a f.-w cl-ms ! f'. T to l' itiiii.on ft. llms.- rM ;I7 Ahtngton hldr. HALF intrr-sl. l."' I'in. (ood-paalug l-nsiie-s E t'"..".. OfKQttUn. A rMAI.I. cr-'i and confer-inner sturc. with Hvini-rooiTii. .2 Williams ave. BmiXKM OPPORTUNITIES UOLUEl'.S OF MINING bTOUliS THAT HAVE PROVED A DISAPPOINTMENT. W hav facilities that often enable u to convert your dead or worth'.ea mining lock Into profitable and satisfactory In vestment Write ua LmioM't. 114. Oregonian. . INVESTIOATED BUSINESS CHANCBS. We atwty have good grocery gtora for a.e which w can recommend, it 1 to our bvncflt to give us a call. CHAPIN at HERLOW. S3:-83 cbimlxr of Commaroe, Ask, for A. Keller. IF you in lookln- for real opportunltle la Oregon. W ashln glon. Idaho "CO" ' T TO IHt PACIFIC WITcl WAKir- 711 Spalding Bide. Portland. Or. We furnuu ;ae opportunltle IX c furnish the alea-inanab.lp. WHEN you want to BUT or pEl.L TIM BEItLANPS. M ILL or FACTORY PROP KilTV. UI.U or LOGGINC, TOOI-S and MA.HINEKY or RAILROAD t-JLIP-MENT call or writ ua. We can aell your property or supply your wants ORE'iO.V TRADINO CO.. 411 ftwetl&nd bidr. iiNE homestead and timber and tone lo cations. l ;ajO investment. La oranoe business bio k. revenue between IS and J" per cent on Investment; good tailoring and cleaning establishment netting about J.oO per month; write us or come at once, these won t last. The blough Investment Company. La C.rande. Oregon. FOR SALE One of the best confectloneiiea in a good town In the Willamette H'T; this place la in a good location and will bear closest- Investigation, la modern and up-to-date: will aell at Invoice; good reason for selling;. Addrea AV la3. Ore gon lan. this is a snap, fomethim: oood. Do you want a thoroughly established, legitimate. laylr.g business? If ao. 1 have It; will stand Investigation; 0 cash will handle. This will not last long. See me. Le Purge, 4 lit chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE An old eatnbllshed grocery and crockery store, a good clean atock; doing; about l-'.l i"U yearn will aell at Invoice, which la about 5ibi. Muat have all cash, good reasons for Belling. Addrea M. K Grcrr. Hillsboro. Or. HAVE two theater; will ell ont. Itnpni- ible to give proper ttentlon to both; well equipped, rnkfl location, low rent n year leas... small payment down, ba ance easy. rv e-t;.. v T-e"'- fir.AR FACTORY for sale; will ell my clrar factory at reasonable price; trad established In good territory; good chance for a elgamiaker. Phone, write or call Edward Anderson. arson, vvaso. ENP e-'T-V on account of lline,, will ac- nflce half Intereat in my old-estabilshed rround floor real estate business; invesil irate; give phone number. F 4. Orego nian. BlMNTSs OPPOIlTrMTlF. WAHTKa W il I.D like to buy a atorage warehouse businrs. Phone Main .t.'.im. KOOVIINO-HOCSM F.LF.tJANT TRANSIENT HOISE. 14 rie.nis, evouisilely furnished dn ol1a mahoganv; Wilton carpets. K-yrar lease; brick building; rood location; price. In cluding gusio auiopisno. g-.'iwvy DEVLIN" a; FIRERAL'lill. VT Yeon Bid;. lti'i-RuoM apartment-house, furnished com plete, for aale on account of other busi ness Interests: clear !3'" per month: will take some cash and city property In ex change. Inquire of Mr. R. Taylor, tin McKlnley Ail.. corner Last Morrison and 7ih sta .MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLANDS I.EADINO HOTEL AGENCY. BUIUi KUOM 1 N1 APARTMENT-HuU.-iti. All sixes and prtrea J2J-4 Falling bldg.. 8d and Waahlngton. 66 "roOJIR. "h'u"" cleared 11.00O In threa years, always full: will as-ll for 27iO cash. If you bav the money and want a ura thlna. Inveatlgate; no ageut. No. 3 - V Hawthorne ave. Kvenlnga 21-RCol modern dwelling, eierantly fur nished, new and ciean; best location- big Income and alway full: long leaae. term; c hea p. By owner. rt.W Flander. Rim IMINO-HOI'SE. 22 room, close In. on East tide, lease, eaay term; will take pert cash; balance trade for acceage. O w n e r. AC P 4 , Oregoniali. . Vrthave rootuinr-house to trade for acre are or citv property. Multnomah Room ier House Co., 3"7 Rothchlld bide, l'hone Marshall Kll. FOR SALE A 42-room house and S-year lease; house alway fulL lfc4 Sherman it. Main :7. i ROOMS, highly furnlhed. Mut Jeav city. Will se;l reasonable. See agent. H. 14. Pwank. 8C8 Ablngton bldg WANTEIi To rent, by' responsible party, a rooming, apartment or boarding houae. furnished. All 147. Oregonian. El.KiiA.NT furniture of 14-room house for sale; good location; rent cheap. si N. inh st. j.;.",o WHOLE price for 17 rooms, leaae, makes money. ' Yeon bldg. 1 1-.". BCYS all of S-room modern rooming house, fat." Yeon bldg. ROOM house for rent, furnished, Whit Temple, el... "' Yeon. BOAKDINO nd rooming-house for .a Uwnen adl lath au Pnone Main llaa. UHiT AND FOIND. Lt,sr Hlark hand bag. containing card case ami case of receipt and note and small amount of change; small purs, no value to any one but owner; either the Puritan ueiicalesaen. on loth t. or seat in park on West Park and Clay, or hall uf South Hamptou apartments: Reward. Return to Mrs. Henneta D. steers. Apt. If. South Hampton. FOl .ND Where you can buy genuine half mattresses retail at wholesale price; w renovate mattresses and return urns day: we also renovate feathera Portland Curled Hair Factory. It. Metxger. lt-2j Front. Phone Main 474. A 1874. LOST At l.vrlc Theater. eyeglaaaea in wooden case with name Geo. W. Jones. Finder return to Hotel rhltip and receive reward. I i1 Would advis party who took watch fob and elk footh at lime of Clark Hotel fue. lec. 4. to return same by messenger and avoid trouble. E. A. C. LiST A coin purse c.vntainlng 4JO In gold rolns and some receipts, between 14th and Varkel. J Main at. Mrs. Oakley, Owl 1 iri.- Co. I.l'ieral reward. Lt iST lietween Park Rose and Montavllia. mrvw colored long-haired c.it. Rcwaru. Kl Kast 4.'h North. Tabor 501. FolMl latdy' purs containing money and postal monc order receipt Issued In Tacoma March Z. District Attorney. LCT Small bav mare; white feet and spot on forehead. Main 4Ue7. ai'ECt AL sfOTYCWsa, Prepssaala lavlted. brlAl.ED bids will be received by F. 8. Fields. Counly Clerk. Courthouae. Port land. Oregon, until ll A. M. on Wednes day. April IT. JKI2. for furnishing lh teel fur a bridge over the Sandy Kltrer. at Troutdale. Oregon. The brhlge con s.st of two 1413-foot riveted Prat trusses and on 314-foot deck girder, lb-foot road way, atee) raiting and piank lloor. riteel to b delivered at Troutda.e. Oregrn. f. o, b. carl. Plana and speclAcationa may be seen at tha office of In County Sur veyor, at the Courthouae. No bid wilt be considered unleas accom panied by a certified check payaule to the order of the County Court, for at least 8 per cent of thw amount of the bid, - The right to reject any or ail bid Is eDreiy reserved. T. J. CLE ETON. Coenty Judge. W. U t.IGHTNER. County Commiaeioner. D. V. H ART. County Commisaloner. IN th Dlatrlct Court of tha United Htate for the District of Oregon In the matter of Jonn Adama. Bankrupt: Keeled b:de will be received by tuo undersigned for a lock of merchandise of the Invoice value of SutetL, together with . ttxturea of about e-a.o2. beiuniring to said eelat and located at Oregon City. Or-gon. aald bid to be received up to la o'clock noon on Monday. April e. 1K1-". at the ofllce of tne uader.ned. 401-J Fenton building. Port land. Oregon. Th property may be In apected upon Inquiry uf truelue. Term cash and a cah deposit of li per cent or certified check must accompany each bid auumltted. Tue nasi la raaarvad to re ject any and all bida. Dated at Portland. Oregon. March 29. BAHolv K. LIUVARU Trustee. SEALED bids will be received at the offlcea of the undersigned. 4'i Tllford buildlnr. until i P. M.. April 17. I wilt, for adilltlon lo the Richmond sl hool buildlnr- Bids will be received separatcTT tijion rcneral con struction. Dlumi.inr. alasa and riaxlnr. i Plana and speclilcMtlons may be obtained at the office of Architect T. J. Jones. 4o. Tilford building. Certified check for ta per cent of the bid. pavabl to R. H. Thomas, eichpol clerk, must accompany ea.-h proposal. Board of Directors re serves the riht to reject any and sit bid. ' R. II Thomas, School Clerk. Dated April 5, TITT. MOTtXIXO OITEGONIAN, SATURDAY, KPKTIAI. KfrTK'F.ls. PlVDosala la l test. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PIPE LINE SYSTEM IWOOD PIPE) AND CONCRETE RESERVOIR. Gladstone. Or.. March 2. 1012. Sealed proposal will be received by th City Recorder of Gladstone. Oregon (Gladstone P. O.) until T o'clock P. April lnth. 1012. for furnishing material and constructing- portions of a water work system for the city of Oladstone. Bids will be received separately, or as a whole for th following subdivisions or the system: 111 For ditching and back filling complete. U For wood pip and fitting Installed. complete. I3i For reservoir, complete. Plana and specification, form of eon tract and proposal, may be obtained upon application at the office of Cros Ham mond. Beaver Bldg.. Oregon City. Oregon: the City Engineer, at Gladstone. Oregon, or of C. A. Williams, chairman. Fire and Water Committee. No. i!-U Lab be Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. Alternative bid will be received for th sbov work. ( 1 for cah, (2) for th ciiy twenty-year, six per cent, authorlxea bThe right Is reserved to reject any or all bid, or to accept any part of any bid. By order of the Common Council of tns City of Gladtone. HARVEY E. CROSS. Mayor. JOHN N. S1EVERS. Recorder. SEALED hid will be received by F. 8 Fleld. County ClerkT Courthouse Port land. Oregon, until 10 A. M. on Wednes day. April IT, IK12. for the erecting of the steel of the Troutdal briuge, fur nishing the timbers and planking for the roadway and laylug th sarns. bleel to be removed from car before demuirag accrue. . . plana and specification can be seen t the ottice of the County Surveyor, a: the Courthoue. Portland. Oregon No bid will be considered unles accom panied by a check payable to the County Court for at least S pr cent of th amount of th bid. ... . The right to reject any or all olds Is exprc.y reserved. CLEETON. County Judf. W. L. LIGHTNER. County Commissioner. D. V. HART. r County Commissioner. IN the District Court of tne United State for the Dutrlct of Oregon In the matter of J. B. Wilson, bankrupt: Sealed bids will be received by the underaigned for a stock of trunks of the Invoice value of 141.7S. together with fixtures of about I1U4. and a stock of merchandise and unCnlshed trunk of the Invoice value of 244u.a3 end a stock of machinery of tha Involc value of so.0U.3o, located at No. 841 Macadam street. In the City of Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon -of Monday. April a. 1112. Inventory la on file at No. so- ron ton building and the property may be In spected at the premiae. Term cash and a cash deposit of 10 per cent or certified check In tha same amount muat accom pany each ofler submitted. The rla"ut Is reserved to reject any and all bid. Dated at Portland. Oregon. Aiarch 211, J912. H. W. bITTO.V. iruf. I WILL recelv eled blda for a atock of merchandise consisting principally of dry goods, furnishing good, boot and shoe and crockery of the Inventory valuation of 11&12.43. together with fixtures of 1674.75. located at Puyallup. Wash., up to 12 o'clock noon of Tueeday, April II. 1W12. Terma cash and a cash deposit of lv per cent of amount offered must ao company each bid. Inventor may be en at my oftlce. No. T Flrt street, and the stock Is open to Inspection at Puyal lup. Waah. The right la reserved to re ject sny snd all blda Dated at Portland. Or.. March 3. 1912. U R. la. 8ABIN. KFALED blda will be received by th un 4leriud until 10 A. M. Saturday, April 11 11-. for on flv-tun auto truck for Multnomah County, when bids will be publloly opened. Th right 1 expressly reserved to reject any and all blda Bids must stale earliest date of delivery. " F. b. FIELDS, County Clerk. Courthouse ht'ALEl) bid will be received by the under aigned until Saturday. April 13. Id la, for au automobile tor Multnomah County, not less than 3'J horsepower, Boats fot two. Hida to statb tlmo of delivery. Th right to reject any or all bid Is expressly re served. FIELDS. County Clerk. Courthouse. Miscellaneous. HTATE TREASURER'S" THIRD NOTICE. Treasury Deparuiient. State of Oregon. Notice la hereby given that there are funds In the State Treasury with which to redeem all outstanding atate warrant, drawn on th gensral fund, endorsed 'pre- B-nted anu not paau o. prior to this date. All such warrants. If troperly endorsed, will b paid upon pre sentation at thla office. Interest thereon ceasing from and after this - THOfl. B. KAY. State Treasurer. Hated this 6th day of April. H12. NOTICE. The Oregon Auto Despatch Is mov ing all storsg to new brick warehouse located at the northeast corner of lath snd Kearney st.. Portland. Oregon. Owner of property tored with u ar hereby notified so that Insurance caa b changed to cover at new location. Tlis date of removal of any lot will b riven upon request of owner. . .V, kijon AUTO DESPATCH. Phone Main So. 1 First t. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that supple mentarv articles of Incorporation hav been filed In th office of the Secretary of Stat and the County Clerk of Mult nomah Counly. changing the name of the "Security Vault Metal Work" to that of "Coast Culvert Flume Co"; all done in pursuance of a resolution of a full vot of the stockholders of said corpora- t,0a" C. A. FOSTER. Secretary of Security Vault ft Metal Work. Meat el's Kutlcs. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tona Pal- tullo. H3II Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. F.leetlon Notices. POLLING PLACES. Following are the locstlons of polling places of the precincts of Multnomsh County fur the primary election to bs held April HI. 1912. Precinct No. 1. Bldg. Room Sutherland Hotel. N. E. corner 27th and Thurman. precinct No. 2. Bldr. 846 Thurman. hetwaen 2."th and 2oth eta Precinct No. 3. Bldg. T7S Savter St.,, between 23d ana zm ats. Precinct No. 4. Bldg. 6XT Wilson. W. side :rl-at st. Precinct No. 3. Bldg. 8. W. corner SOth and Thurman. Precinct No. 0. Tnt. N. W. corner th and Flanders t. Precinct No. 7. Tent. N. W. corner lath and larnlOT t. Prercinct No. S. Bldg. N. W. corner "17th and Marshall ats. I'recltK-t Na . Tent. S. E. corner list and Ns4rtlirup sts. Precinct No. 10. Tent. N. W". corner 24th snd Northrup sts. Precinct No. 11. Tent. N. W. corner 'ttil anil Johnson sts. Precinct No. 1!. Tent. N. TV. corner j:d and lioyt. Precinct No. 1J. Tent. N. E. corner ".1st and Irvlnr sts. Precinct No. 14. Tent. X. W. corner 13th and Hot sts. Precinct No. l.r. Tent. N. E. corner 14th and Flanders. Preolnct No. 10 Tent. B. K. corner th and Lavl ta Precinct No. 17. Tent. 8. W. corner 9th and Da via Precinct No. 1, Bldg. N. W. corner N. loth and Da via Precinct No. ln. Tent. N. E. corner 20th and Waahlnrton sts. Precinct No. 20. Tent. N. B. corner 21st and WasturrtoO sta Precinct No. 21. Bldg.. 4S0S Burnsld t- Precinct No. 22. Tent. B. W. corner Sth and Pine. Precinct No. S3. , Tent, 8. E. corner th and UilL Precinct No. 24. Tent. N. E. corner 4th and Alder. Precinct No. IS. Tent. 8. E. corner 11th and Alder. Precinct No. 20. Tent. N. w. corner 12rh and Alder. Prercinct No. 2T. Tent. 8. W". corner LTlla and Morrison. precinct No. so. Tent. 8. E. corner 4th and Yamhill. Precinct No. 2. Tent. N. W. corner 6th and Taylor. Precinct No. 2JH. TenL N. W. corner Park and Taylor. Precinct No. 30. Tent. N. W. corner 13th and Taylor. Precinct No. 31. Tent. N. W. corner v.ltH and Salmon. Precinct No. 32. Tent. N. E. corner 7th and Main. Precinct No. 33. In Courthouse. 4th floor Precinct No. 34. Tent. 8. W. corner 7th and Mlu. Precinct No. Si. Tent. E. Entranc to City Hall. ' Precinct No. .". Bldg. 31.1 2d at. Precinct No- 37. Bldg. 2311 Market L Precinct No. 38. Tent. N. W. corner ftth and Clay. Precinct No. 39. Tent. b. W. corner Citv and Park. Precinct No. 40. Tent. N. K. corner Urh mil Market. Precinct No. 41. Tent. End 17th st. on Market. Precinct No. 42. Tent. 8. E. corner lat jo. I Milt. Precinct 43. TenL 8. W. corner 4th and Moiitromery. Precinct No. 4-4. Te.nL S. W. corner 12th and Montgomery. Precinct No. 4."i. Neighborhood House, laf st.. near Hall. Precinct No. 4rt. 571 First, .between Giant and Lincoln. Preolnct No. 4T. Tent. S. W: corner 4th and Hall. Precinct No. 4S. Tent. S. W. corner H.vll snd Patk. Precinct No. 4J. Tent S. W. corner 20th and Elm. Flection Notices. Precinct No. 50. Patton s old houae, Talbot Rd.. So. of Patton Rd. PreclnctsNo. 51. Bldg. o9 1st. Precinct No. 02. Basement N. W. cor ner Woods and 1st st. Precinct No. 61. Bldg. SU Corbett st. Precinct No. 34. Bldg. et3 Corbett St. Precinct No. 55. Plumbing shop. N. t. corner Corbett snd Hamilton. " Precinct No. i. Bldg. 1505 Macadam "precinct No. 5T. Bldg. N. E. Marlon and E. Uih. Precinct No. s. mag. i a ' . Precinct No. 59. Strahlman s Hall, i- I 33th and Spokane. Precinct No. 60. Walls Hall, E. 13th and Lexington. Precinct No. 01. Midway Hose House. 4South ave. and Milwaukie. Precinct No. 2. Bldg. 10T Holgat. Precinct No. tl i. Bldg. Sexton and Charles. w Precinct No. 3. Woodstock Hall. 00th and 44th st. S. E. Precinct No. ti4. Bldg. S. W. corner B5th avenue and 72d st. S. F.. Precinct No. 65. Woodmer Hall. Wood mere Station. Precinct No. U8. Bldg. 6020 Foster Rd. E. side 0th St. Precinct No. IT. Bldg. 8. side Foster Road, bet- K. th and 7th. Precinct No. ex. Bldg. E. 74th. bet. 43d and 45th avenues. , Precinct No. . W. O. WT. Hall. E. 65th st. nr. Foster Road. Precinct No. 79. Old South Mount Tabor School bldg. E. 65th and Division. Precinct No. 71. Real estate office. 3519 Foster Road, bet. E. 84th and obtn "precinct No. 72 Bldg. 3421 E. 50th S. E. nr. Powell. . Precinct No. 73. Bldg. E. 33d, bet. Gladstone and Francis. Precinct No. 74. Bldg. 723 Powell SL. "precUtct No. 75. Bldg. 545 Rhine St. Precinct No. 70. Bldg. 569 Milwaukie sL, corner Brooklyn. . . , Precinct No. 77. Offlc City Stables. Powell. beL Milwaukie and E. 12th. Precinct No. 78. Bldg. 009 Clinton, near E. 20th st. . Precinct No. 79. Tent- N. W. corner Ev 27th and Ellsworth. Precinct No. . Bldr. N. IX corner B. 37th and Clinton sts. Precinct No. 1. Tent. 8. W. corner E. 4Jth,and Hawthorne st. Precinct No. 82. E. B. Hall. S. E. corner E. 87th and Hawthorne. Precinct No. Tent. S. E. corner 21st and Hawthorne. precinct No. 83. TenL 8. W. corner & lth and Hawthorne. . . v Precinct No. 84. Tent. Lot 9. block 4 Union sve.. bet. Btejyhens and Hrrlson Precinct No. 83. Bid. 327 Grand ave. bet. Market snd Mill. ., Precinct No. mi. Bldg. 404. E. Salmon, corner Grand ave. Precinct No. 67. Tent. S. E. corner 13th and Belmont. r- Preclnct No. 8. Tent. S. W. corner fc. 23d and BelmonL Prtrcinct No. 8. Tent. S. W. corner B. 2rth and Belmont. , - -.,h d Precinct No. CO. Tent. E. S4th and Yamhill at.. N. E. corner. P Precinct No. 91. Tent. 8. B. corner E. 3th and Belmont. ,-, Precinct No. 91 Vi- TenL N. E. corner Bp4r,cmc",nNoB T'. O. W. Hall. E. 60tn npr.Ec.nJ,0No'.On.l. Bldg. 202O E. Rtarlc. Prclnct NO. 94. I O. O. F. banquet room. K. 80th and Gllaan.. oilsan. Precinct No. 95. Bldg. 1888 E. Gllan, .c-incVVo'- PH. Tent. 8. W. cor. E. .-.th t. and Siskiyou. ,.... v Precinct No. 97. Tent. acant lot. N. W. cor. K. 0th and Burn!de. Precinct No. . Bldg. 1583 E. Oilsan . St. Precinct No. V. TonL S. E. cor. Cully ave. and Sandy road. p Precinct No. lov. Bldg. N. W. cor. ie B2d and E. GUsan . Precinct No. 101. TenL 8. K. cor. E 52d and E. Flanders St. Pclnct No. 102. TenL S. E. cor. E. S4th snd E. Morrison. . Precinct No. lt2H- TenL S. W. cor. IVXc'tTe. N. E.cor. E. 2r,prec,nctBNon0,;04. TenL N. W. corner E. 13th and BelmonL Precinct No. 105. Tent. N. W. cor. l-nlon ave. and E. Washington Precinct No. 10. TenL B. W. corner Union ave. and E. Ankeny. . Precinct No. 107. Tent. 8. E. corner E. Bumslda and E. 12th ts. Precinct No. 10S. T-nt. N. E. corner E p?ec?nc"tndNoBU.,7;S,i-1a Tent. N. E. corner EPre.c"nNcBU,r"S:deTent. E. 9,h and So. 109H. TenL 8. E. corner Epr3.3cd.nctdNol- l,rnT,n.. N. W. comer E. 12th and E. Burnside sts. Prrrlnct No. 111. Bldg. S. W. corner E- Davla st. snd Union ave Precinct No. 112. TenL N. W. corner E. 21st and Sandy road. Precinct No. 113. TenL E. side Larra bee on Hassalo st. precinct No. 114. TenL 8. W. corner E. 6th and Hollsday sts. Precinct No. 116. Tent. 8. E. corner E. 15th and Multnomah st .., Precinct No. 110. TenL 8. W. corner Benton and McMillan sts. ., Precinct No. 117. Tent. 8. W. corner B. 3d and B. Weldler ta Precinct No. 118. Tent. 8. E. corner E. 8th nd Broadway. Precinct No. 119. TenL West ide E. 19th. bet. Broadway and Schuyler st. Precinct No, 118H. TenL East side E. lth t., bet. Schuyler and Hancock ta Precinct No. 120. TenL 8. E. cornr E 22d ind Hancock. Preclmt No. 12L Clubhou. E. 53th and Alameda t. Precinct No. 122. Tent. 8. E. corner E. 22d and Knott ts. - . ,, Precinct No. 123. Tent. West side E. 7th t.. foot of Thompson st. Precinct No. 124. Tent. E. 7th t.. be- . ct.mtnn and Knott. Precinct No. 115. Tent. N. W. comer Tillamook sL ana wunams ave. Precinct No. 128. Tent. N. E. corner Graham ave. and Williams ave. Precinct No. 127. TenL S. E. corner Fargo and Vancouver ave. Precinct No. 128. TenL 8. E. corner Russell and Albina ave. Precinct No. 129. Tent. N. E. corner d -ii .nA -Rnethwiclr av. Precinct No. 130. TenL N. E. corner Cook and Vancouver ave. Precinct No. 131. TenL North aids Rus sell and Goldsmith. Precinct No. 132. Real estate office, cor n.n flhittr and Marvland. Precinct No. 133. Tent. B. E. corner Falling and Mississippi av Precinct No. 134. TenL N. E. corner Rodnev and Falling st. Precinct No. 135. Tent. N. E. corner E. Eighth- st. ana railing si. Precinct No. 130. Tent. East aide E. 14th t., bet. Shaver and Mason. Precinct No. 137. Bldr. 8 Alberta St., h...ween K 2sth and 2lth sts. Precinct No. 13S. Tent. S. E. corner Vernon and Alberta ts. Precinct No. I3U. Tent. On lot at N. W. corner E. 15th and Alberta, Precinct No. 140. Tent. N. E. cornet a- tart st and Kllllnrsworth. Precinct No. 141. Tent. N. E. corner Union and PrescotL . Precinct No. 142. Tent. F. E. corner u -Ma T'nlon. Precinct No. 143. Swn' offlc. N. E. corner Union ave. and Church t. Precinct No. 144. TenL 8. E. corner Dckum av. and Durham. Precinct No. 144 H- TenL N. W. cor ner Dekum and Durham. Precinct No. 146. TenL Weat Sid Vnlnn between Preecott ana uoing. Precinct No. 146. TenL 8. W. corner Kllllngaworth and union. Precinct No. 147. Fir ball, 114 Al klna ava. Precinct No. 14S. Tent. S. E. corner Mississippi and Kllllnrsworth. Precinct No. 149. Tent, 8. W. corner Pstton avs, and Kllllngsworth av. Precinct No. 15. Tent. N. W. corner Michigan and Kllllngsworth av. Precinct No. 15L TenL 8. W. corner Jeaaup and Patton ave. Precinct No. 152. Kenwood Hotel bldg. B V.V .nrn'r DerbV and KUbatrlCK- Precinct No. IMS. Storeroom. 7387 Peninsula- north side Lombsrd t. Precinct . No. 154. M. W. A. HalL Uni versity Park Station. Precinct No. 135. Fire hall. Stanford St.. between Lomritra ana nowooin sts. Precinct No. 150. Real aetata office. lmr-mmv ani4 Tllnhtnond ItX Precinct No. 137. City Hall. St. Johns. Precinct No. 158. Curtis tirocery Btor. ; Fefenden L. Cedar Park. Precinct No. 159. Columbia School- fcno.e Precinct No. 180. Rusllvtll Potof- f lr-. Precinct No. 101. Mt. Reott Clubhou, corner Cooper and spring at. Precinct No. . 102. Building. 8. 8. car Una corner lid ave. Precinct No. 162V4. Dulces Hall. Main St.. between Foster rtoart ana canine. Precinct No. 163. Bldg. E. Side Main, north of Foster. Precinct No. 164. Coffmsn's Garage. East side Main St.. South of R. R. track, L,preclnet No- 105. Falrvlew (Artisan H precinct No. 166. Rock wood. (Rock- ' wauI Wall. V Precinct No. 167. t.lnnerman. (Store k.iiiilin. .I.lnnerman Station.) Precinct No. 168. oresham. Regner's ''"precinct No. 189. Troutdale. Fox's H Precinct No. 170. Towell Valley. E1 II ... . ' . vrall.t Precinct No. 171. NorthWBy'B HalL Hurlburt. School TMstrlet No. 2 . Precinct No. 172. Bridal Veil school house. Precinct No. 173. Palmer Schoolhouse. Precinct No. 174. Warrendale (School- hmi.e I Precinct No. 17.V Failvle's Island. tSchoolhoue No. 19.) Precinct No. 17. Holhrook (Steven' tprecinct No. ITT. Liantoa tHall.) ' Arialfj G, 1912. ' i 1 ' 1 "' - 1 u iwi 1,-tavU iiii? -.-r'Ton v t , .... ITNANCIAL. ; Klectlon Notice. Precinct No. 178. Sylvan, offlc Stand .'ard Brick & Tile Co. 1 Precinct No. 179. Mt. ZIon. Falrval.e Schoolhouse. Precinct No. ISO. Bertha- Schoolhouso. Precinct No. 181. Sllverdale. School house. , Precinct No. 182. West Portland. School house I hereby certify that the above loca tlona have been aelecled by order of the County Court as votlnr places for the primary election to be held April 10. 191 Dated VprU S. 1912. F. S. FIELDS County Clerk. FINANCIAL. THE GILBERT COMPANY. FINANCIAL AGENTS. Room 307 Stearns bldg.. 6th and Morrison, Portland, Or. Purchase notea aecured by mortgage. Unsecured notes IT principal and In dorsers are acceptable. Interest-bearing bank time certificate! of deposit. ' Partlea wishing to sell secnrltle as de scribed above are requested to correspond with u or call In person at our office. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity in contract of sal on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg. Loans.. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equine Dougni. c. i. t";'-' eaux. 10O9 Spalding bldg., 3d and V. ash Ington. Main 63. ' LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO,, SHORT-TIME LOANS. Reference: Bradstreet and Dun j. 1309 Yeon bldg. . Main 3!)4T. WE pay highest cash price lor bulilders" con tracts, lirst ana secunu ioo ir, other securities. Home Installment Lo, 401-402 McKay bldg. Marshall 39fi9. MONEY' to loan on Improved real estate or for building purpoaea: no commission. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding bldg. WE. buy notes, contracts mortgage (first and econat, cqmuu. " 9 Lewis DIOg. FIRST nd econd mortgages, contract and . . . i ... i .1.1 real estat comoiiHiuii tt.-oiin Vilrf loans, pi. rt. muiu'i s j v q. ......... MONEY to loan on farm or city property, ei- c Dn.k.M hut Oreronlan bldr. Money to Loan Basal Batata, TO LOAN ON PORTLAND PROPEKTY AT ONCE, AT 6 TO 8 PER CENT; $1500 FOB 8 YEARS. $-'000 FOR 3 TEARS. ij.VK) FOR 5 YEARS. $."OO0 FOR 3 YEARS. $10,000 FOR 5 Y EARS. , J H. TIPTON CO.. 11Q8 SPALDING BLDG $50,000 at 6 per cent; $10.ft"0 at 7 per cent; $4000 at 7 per cent; $1500 at 8 per ccnu If you want a loan call and see ua R. N. TL'FFORD CO.. jut cn..iMln. Ttlde A 4545. Marshall 4547. TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT ON PORTLAND PROPERTl. $20OO, 3iKo. .VUi0. $15,000. Have these amount on hnd for prompt delivery: make application to Goodell rirOS.. e.1-t WlinrBin oniw LARGrJ supply of money to loan In u or 4 'i -' anu uosiu. " lty. at 6 and 7 per cent. SALilj ' " ........ -. 104 Second St.. Near Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes. 8 to 8 years' t.me: liberal repayment privilege; mo. r advanced a building progresses. TheNZqultabie Sav ings & l.oan ABsociwuoii. "- " - - $500,000 ON Improved city or farm orop?(: large "San. a" specialty.- McK.nxl. c Co. bl4-515-l6 lierniiBet mug. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND C1TT PROPERTY. EDMUND L- DEVERKAIX, 10ll SPALDING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. $14 000 or less on Improved West Side property, 7 per cent B. J. Daly. 2J2 railing piog. STRICTLY Private money on real bought and .oid." Str-aw. 711 Selling hint. . TO $300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIME VATE PARTY. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. 1 1 n Cli. P.rlr nmnet MONEY to losn on J - - ' , . . . ..r attorney fees. R 9314 Oregonian. TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS, t. . a ivrtTnv COM ME RCIAL CLUB BLDG. $500 AND upwards on Improved real estate; notes and mortgages bought , W. A. Hath- way, room ..loo.oa. - MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $2500. first mortgage. 40 per cent valuations: close In. Citizens rtana. umim "Y- IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loan, contract and mortgages boughL W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. $J0OO TOMOO to loan at loweat rates, also larger amounts. Trowbridge & Stephens. 801 Wilcox bldg f'OOOOO TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest ratea W. G. Beck. S15-31B tailing mm MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates: A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland homes, for building purposed 266 Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS LOAN ASS'N. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. Liberal terms. Mortgage purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 807 Wilcox bldg. ' " $25,000 ON CITT PROPERTY, SUMS TO SUIT. X uas, i. .ii.... ... ..... MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. 1.1.1 113 O 1. w J. w .. . . PRIVATE money, any amount, 6 to 8 per r"". ? i. a Haas 4110 Mirlmv bldr. Cell u vteo.eo . " MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE syB. ouiiB U T.T?W,"II4 Rl.nii RATCS. r. n- n"". LOANS on real, personal chattel or collat eral security, i . - "MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. BAM-l.-J. s- .r.iiTr.i r- V LOANS. j, o. GOLfRA. FAILING BLPQ. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gagee, ri. ainey. ev- - STATE funds, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, RE en t Multnoman oun . j . -rm - MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cenL W. H7 Seltx4l t.:o 310Spaldlng Bldg. RFAL ESTATE LOANS." J- J. CAHALIN 635 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. .mil ON Improved real estate. X. O. Bar ker. 327 Mohawk bldg. x'oo UP Dwelling houses; prlncipala only; 4-w L .?. Ol.. l.l,u LM, no brokerage, tiimn'i. 'v " j $32,000 OR any part to loan on real estate. Money tlaitteUand Salaries. i l t ixATESECURITY CO. $ $ B-R-O-K-E-R-S. "URTTONPW1NKOT LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. fl't, repaia in iiioian oo- - - VZ'f. repaia ii ' - - - -.o ,..,.i. irt in installments of iU0 Larger amounts in proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our v.u . - ''iXsines strictly confidential. . . ... . i ... j L.fi w i r v Co.. a a a o.ia. TTafllnr Bldr. $ 1 $ til PUTT MONEY ON EASY TERMS. On anything of value, pianos, furniture, shipping receipts, livestock, contracts, real estate mortgages, etc, confidential and without delay. ' ADOLPHUS LAND. 414 Ablngton Bldg. . . ..t. q . r . uit n tcnpr.fc "Mt-trvcx run - Women keeping bouse and others fur nished without security; cheapest ratea easiest paymenta Come and get money when you want 1L and pay a you can. Offices in ail principal citiea, D. a. ao.- man, alt 4-umoer X--. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS $1 to xvv. On furniture, gooda In storage. u STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, $20 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Open Monday and. Saturday till P. M. Call, writ or pbone Main 4414. ....... . -I" i - dihtv r.oaXA Kalarled peopi and women keeping how cai $10 to $10O. Strictly contidentlaL - 820 Lumber Exchange Bldg. ni.-irff t niNP.n Watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc ELBY COMPANY. Room .120 Lumber Exohang Bldg. ltk LOAN money on diamonda and Jewelry at half the rate charged by brokers. Ll.rv at Biocu. is nu I j. sviH on diamonds, Jewelry and valuable at almost bankera' rate of Interest. 323 'ailing bldg.. 3d and Washington streets. ijitt'EST rates, clmttel loans. Call Geo, i4.rvev. Oiil East DavU. vioNEY loaned on diamonda and Jewelry; ..ctlr conddentlal. 141 V. 3d. near Alder. wiaN'S on diamond's and other securities. Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. xinN'FY sold on installment: conndentfal; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. . , n for the asking, salary or chatteia ATh, Loan CO.. 414 Dekum bldg cu.-iRT TIME LOANS; PRIVATE PARTY; alU4 AUV4a i-a. - . Money to Loan Chactels and rialsnea-. CHATTEL ?VA5 LOANS. ' uj-L.- $1.00 to $1000 on DIAMONDS. 2 per cent and up. WE MEET AND BEAT -The rates of other LOAN CO S. regardless of what they advertise. OUR NEW RATES. ' Borrow $10 pay back $12.60 In 6 pay, Borrow i;5 pay back $JS.3i In 6 ray ts. Borrow $."i0 pay back $.VJ.4."i in 6 pay la CAN" YOU BEAT THEM. ON LOANS UP TO $1007 If the Ht-AJJ of the family dies before the account is paid In full and the payments are mane as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given It paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 5th sts., on Wash t. Open Monday and Saturday till 1 P. $ $ .. . ' W will furnish you, strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a loan H "I amount on your auto, piano, f"'"""". livestock, storage receipt and "?"! kinds of securities, on terms to suit, aiso on weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN On first and second real estate morl- gages. contracta ana eiaiw ' .A .? U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO.. 812 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. .Main 2084. $$$$ TWO model houses. 5 and 6 rooms, will sell eltner one, Dotn on come. o-.-.. -sacrifice either for cash: price $1700 and 19o0; either worth $2700 but I must have cash or security as good as cash, as 1 am going away from here: abstract and war ranty deed all clear: no Incumbrance, bee Joe Nash, corner Millard ave. and i-o street or phone Tabor -l. $6 to D. D. DKaKt. $100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAT without seourlty. mortgags .or or"T ment; cheapest rates, best and most prt vate terms In Portland. 8o7 Spalding bldg. Euccessors to Hutton Credit Co. Loans Wanted. RESPONSIBLE financial agent would like to meet a private party or investor with $1009 or more who would be willing to loan on good chattel securities at the rate of 2 per cent a month; all anort tlme loan. E 964, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE buslnes men would like to meet a private party wo-w -' - . Uian of $o000 for 6 or 12 months on business paying large prof Its ; no compe tition: 10 per cent and bonus; best or rei- erences given, v e.o. CLIENT wants 4AHX for 3 years at 7 per cent on a 4l"j.vw laiui ii" - rr;. latin Valley. 16 miles from Portland, high state of cultivation. WARD &. YOUNGER. Suite 420. Yeon Bldg. . .-c voir XT i i V V to loan on first mortgages 7 Can placo J1B00 to $28,000 7 per cent neL SEE H. F. K.ALVELAGE. With Brong-Manary Co., 2b. Vi Oak St. Main 1743. A 1743. WANT $000, 10 per cent, 3 years, on mod ern cottage on i.w i" . - A WN.rtSEASLE, E. 76th and E. Glisan (MV car). W VNTED $11,000 for term of years; secur ity, first mortgage on one of the best farms In the Willamette - alley: prefer to deal direct with party having money. Ad dress box ISO. R. F. D.. Woodburn. Or. $'000 WANTED on a good piece of prop erty; will pay 8 per cent; no asenls. Phone Main 3035 oeloro a jv. m. or 6 P. M. WANT to borrow $o0.000 on new four-story ' C'.A. i...iai . nvr iraimii: will pay Drica OUIIUIU6I .vb. " - - v '-,;' T r,;. 6 per cent; principals only. E. J. Daly. oi'l Cailinir bldr. PAY 9 PER CB.N l for $R00O on good ranch within 18 miles of Portland. tv 953, Oregonian. wantfd A $70O loan on a .ortli mwl- villa hule and lot, vorth 1600. Box 701. MONEY WANIEfl Appllcationa on hand . . . i .. mn.i gra ina for Mia Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 6Q7 Wilcox big. $175 MORTGAGE, due one year. 7 per cent, for $100. Howard Land Co., 600 Swetland bldg. tlOOO g per cent, loan it value of real es tate. Address AN 952. Oregonian. PERSONAL. ONLY 25. FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS. 400-41 DEKUM BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that If you come here you will be taught eaterythlng that Is neces sary and nothing that Is unnecessary. OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL. In other words, if you invest your money in Instruction here it will get you th greatest possible Increase In earnings afterward. OUR SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Because we know how to make your work Interesting, and have the teachers and the equipment for doing It. OUR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 500 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES av . n ... t i. a,.Tti-H.fJI ........ .4.4 & n vrt-inch switches 2.4$ Hair dressing X."" . . . ia m u SH:l af A .... -' t na.111 -JUL, - - - - . Manicuring. Hoc, 5 for l.ow 1,; scalp treaimenu .w Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. 24 4 O wUU 7 A. ua a s-e -"' T - Cut hair in any shade; switches, any lenatn. i i iue uni. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. i . . 1 , iati net rural hR.l inx methods, including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion, baths. massage, adjustment and manipulations. Most expensive, finest eou ppea privan. ' . - " - medicine or operations. Over OO00 treated patients ana uoi u.lh . care. We will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory. 312 Rothcnua oiog GERMAN trained nurse and masseuBe; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumnago, etc; nmsoasta anu baths. 300 Holladay ave.. cor. Occidental. V car Phone East 360S, C 2533. Open Sundays. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graxiuaie; rneuiu" . ;1 ,.na.p nh i-inn'. dleec tions- baths, 'massage. No. 7 East 1 1 tlx st.. second door southfrom East Ankeny canine. i-none --jv. " DETECTIVE. (Licensed). ck.n. work a SDecialty. correct re ports and strictly confidential. AK 941 Oregonian. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Chsrles Edwin Hill or fsmlly will confer a speolal kindness by advising his sister. He was last seen in Oklahoma. Mrs. Anna Boone, rlllisooro. jwum - DR CATHERINE C. GATES I have had ,1 yeara" practical experlenc treating nervou and chronic disease. Consultation 307 Ablngton bldg. Mar.hall 814S. Hours: iv a. ax. w o a-. . DP ESS SUITS for rent. $1.60 month: keep vour clothes cleaned, pressed, button Jewed on, rip repaired. Prompt calls and dellvenea. i,iiio.m MRS. 6TEVBNS, 18 years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, haa her lat kT.u Palmistry Made Easy." on sal at 212 Allsky bidg.. 8d and Morrison ta. FOUND A place wnero ouecioi miieui.o.. s-iven to remouwung ui iii., u ,-i' date trimmers. English correct rullltnery. 'Ml Morrison Pl jq' 4m"u "'"a- WANTED 1000 pretty looking girls to wear violets for Easter. See Clerk on violet stand. 6thandvvas.ru TURKISH and Russian baths, now open for business, under new management. 6j Front and Sherman St. laae car bjuiu. ccrwTiirlC facial and scalp treatments: i . lien" and gents' manicuring. Violet Parlors, 315 Swetland bldg. Marshall 3&9I. rr.-c-Q.r The ereat nerve tonic and sys tem builder, $1 per box. 6 boxes $3. Stipe Taylor prug'-"-. aue -- MTN'D as applied In science restores mental, nhvslcal and business harmony; conaulta pnysicai .. .nit. aa tion tree, s-s j umE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 95c; curl and puffs, 73c. San itary Beauty r-ariom. ---v cum umy. vfjg S. C aionrviooii, .i.siii uaina ana masseurtng lor reuiuaiiaiu, lumuago, etc. g47U. Jefferson. A 4470. Open Sundays. ;.V,5 soPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spirit oat scientist- 802 Allsky bldg. Main 6124. Meetings Wednesday, rriaay. S P. M. ".n, es superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. i) rl ill. u.io. oil u OF FIGS. Compound. Koyal Tonlo Tableta B32 Davla au Main 921S. uaN'ICl'BINO PARLOR, facial and scalp - . . .K.mnnoina 814 Sv.tl.nil V. : .T treaimeov. .... w.u.. BUSINESS DRIECTOBY. Analytical Chemist. WOODARD. CLARKE CO.. analytical chemists, examiners 01 rncmicais, drugs. foods, etc Attorneys. W J ENGLISH, general practice, abatraots ers mined. 406-408 Fenton bldg. Main Ola. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Kemovea to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. S73, A 2071. Allayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayera. 20 4 w agnington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Luboratory and ore-icsiing worn, isu jiorriwmau Brass and Machine Worts. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS -Bias. catting and liiacniiie worn, mo is. m. .uuin -iu- Caipet Cleaning. JAPANESE electric carpet cleaning tout Phone Alarsnau ioia or a .ava. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNEU. Columbia -lug., next Star Theater. A 5253, Main 93b 7 ; res. B 2'.T i. Chiropodists. WILLIAM, Estelle and Flossie Deveny, th only sclentllic cniroiiouists in .im city. Parlors 302 Ucrliiiger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone y:&in 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hlli. orilces 4.J r lieauer piug. aiain o-tia. Coal. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. iiSD ST. WOO'-). Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal and wood. aiaianaii uiw. a aosa. m-. ...... ... Dancing. I'KOF. W AL WILLSON S Dancing School Lessons, 25c; waltz, two-step or tnree-stcp guaranteed In one lesson; trial lesson given free. The beet is always tne cheap est. Stafc-e dancing and all vaudeville acts taught quickly. Koyal Academy Hall, bo is 5th. bet. Stark and Oak "ts. Pnonu Mam 7037. BERTHA BECKETT HEATH, teacher of fancy, stage and social dancing; classes Monday and Friday evenings, at 8. Pri vate lessons by appointment. 109 2d St., between Washington and Slark. A 2uob. RINGLER'S SCHOOL Private and class In struction; lady assistants; social, stage, fancy dances. 2.11 Morrison. Marsh'! ola. EducatiouaL STAMMER '; Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield, 11)18 Grova. Oakiaud,Cal. Kngineo Gas and bteain. ROBER Maohlnery Co., Coast agents, Sea bury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gines. 281-2511 E. Morrison St. Phone E. 513. Feed fetore. Z1GLKR & M1SNER. hay, grain, feed, ce ment. sninalea. 2ll4 Grand ave. K. 462. Fire lusurauc-e. PHONE u about 'our lire inBuratice. Mala 4HS. Mallory c Co.. Inc. 010 WiiCOX bius. Kodak Finishing. QUICK service, cut rates; send for price list. The Kodakery, oth and Wash. Landscape oardeuers. IF you have residential grounds to beautify, consult our landscape expert, Mr. C. 1. McDougall. 12 years experience In Scot land and Eastern cities. Now ft tha time lo iilaiit. Advice free. Phone Main bwlu, or write the Oregon Nursery Cunipauy, Orenco. Oregon. , FRED W. BULLOCK. Artistic Landscape Gardening. 810 Yeou bldg. Marshall 2432. New Lawns a Specialty. Shrubbery, plants and ornamental Tree. Leather and Finding. CHAS. L. MAtXlCK & CO., 74 From. Leatner o every description, tabs, hits, flnduiaa- J A. ST ROW BRIDGE LEATHEK CO. Jia tabllafied 1S5S. loo Front sL Medical. BOSTON graduate massage and medical gymnastics. 3112 Jeneisou. UP one flight. - Musical. KAG11ME piano taught 10 lessons, player alwus wanted at good salary. Room li. a bo -,x E. Morrisuu St. Emil Tntclhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevolk. WOO jiargiUaai. o. sioo. MCSIC studio, 209 14th. arrangement made . i ..ui.. !isu:i lor praci-iciiia. Osteouutllic PhaBlcianB. DK LEKOi SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle. Mo. clacs of lone; post-graduate l0i. un der Dr A. T. Still. lounucr o the science. 1122 belling uius. a ivw. - Dr. R. B. Northrup, 413-10-17 Dekum bidg. Kervous ana Chronio Diseases. Phone, otlice. M. 34tl; res.. Kast or B 1Q2B. Painting and Paperhangiug. pa pEK HANGING, painting. tinting work, guaranteed; prices, reasonable. Phoiie. ilain 70b. A 4J24. Residence, Main bli4. l'ainta. Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE ialnt and varnish Is best adapted to tne Coast climate. BASa HKu'TKR PAINT CO., 191 -Second SI. KAoaiUSSr-N at CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and dours. Cor. 2d and laylor. patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law. late of U. a- Patent ofuco. Uu. let iree. ua i " - -""" PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyrights registered, all countries. Booklet - tree. PETER. 11ABEKL1.N, J2ti Worcester blag. V S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by u" O. U. Martin. 409 Chamber uf Commerce bldg. rt WRIGHT, domestic aud foreign pat ents,' intrluaemeiitcuse3. 0U4 Dekum bmg. " Patent Engineer. INVENTIONS DEVELOPED. And patent aecured. Coop at Scnniltt, con Tailing engineer. 501 Henry bldg. Phon Main 1283. Consultation free. Pawnbroker.. UNCLE MiERS' Collateral Bank; 40 year, in Portland. 71 Otti st. Phone Main mo. Paving. THE Baroer Aspiiall Paving Company. 6u5 ois Electrio biug. Oscar Huber. Purtland. Pipe. MimLAKl) WOOD PIPE CO. Factory aud F"lo. oearhand V.ork sts. Main a4b.. bates. THE MOSLEK SAFE CO.. 108 2d SL Safe " f fM.vtory prices; second-hand sales. wecond-Hand Goods. wt- buy clothing, iurulturo and tooia. llleu Mt price paid lor secund-nand ciotniug. furniture, tools- Marsnall 2ou4. wv nav the highest prices for secondhand VVi?",'n".nd.nai. MainTOOS. B3Q otn. rihowcaseB, Bank and Show Fixture. -u , like MFG. CO., blanch Grand Kap- A"u. Showcase Co.. 6th and HoyL . Lutka, manager. i, w B1KDSALL, 208 Hamilton bldg. ahow easef in stock, prompt deliveri. Bale IgtnLMW'inter Lunmer Co. vTTHALL'altG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new MArlsHAiai J70S. Cabinet work. and wiDim-i' . SiiKTLAND SHOWCASE FIXTURE CO.. FS"5N.5th.t. Main 7017. cabinetwork. " bteainsbip. rii tr ALLAN LINE Royal Mall steamera; TuLiral Liverpool. Glasgow. Montreal. Ha? Plymouth. London; the plclureMU. Havre, -r j ,oute; four daja on the oceaul day. in river and gulf; splen ?ul new Turbine steamers; saioon, second J.hin and third class; superior one-class ell In st?Wce? cuisine unexceUed; courteous attention; end for circulars, rates, plans. Mlin & CO.. 127 N. Dearborn sl. Chicago. . " storage and Transfer. J. n pick Transfer & Storage C0.1 office .nd commodious 4-story brick warehouse. BerTarate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults IO?"aJuabls; N. W. oor. 2d aud Pine ats.: Dlanos and lurniture moved and paoked tor shipping; special rales made on gooas in our through cars to all domestlo and toreign uolnt Main 59, A 990. OLSON-KOE TRANSFER CO. Ceneial transferring aud storage, safes. Dlanos and furniture moved aud packed lor shipmenL 87-ba Front St. lelepuones Main bit or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 187o. Transfer and forwarding agents. offices and storage 474 Glisan st. cor. 13th aud Ulisan. pnones Main t9. A 1109. " Tailoring. TAILORING wanted, ladies and gents; glv rtetlstty. Main bO02. 207 Ailsky bldg. Tinners. t'wvi v x- GINTKH. tinners and roofers. 548 1 KiTvler SL A 13L-6, Main 3542. . Typewriter. .,t, to $05 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WR1TEK; rebuilt as good as new; ail makes to choose from at Gill's, ad aud Alder' terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main 8500 or A ow8. . mrjQ" buy a" poorly constructed machine w'hen you can buy high-priced standard makes direct from the manufacturer at $35 on the basis of $0 per month, or $3(1 cash" rentals 3 months for $5. Investigate, U x. Vo., 245 Stark St. handle standard makes of genuine Etstein factory rebuilt typewriters mo junk) Prices right. Buy a reliable ma chin from a reliable house. PaciL sta'y Ptg- Co-. 107 id WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change.351V W ashington st. XEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals, rates. P. 1- C. Co., 231 Stark. M cut M. 1407. ""Well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phone Maia 1346 or writ A. West. Morrison sU i