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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1912)
16 - - . . . . rTT . vn vx-r. I FOR BEST. , , FOB RENT, HFLf WArriV-FK.MAI.Ii TV AXTr.D Neat glrL general "";r 'a . mry. modern bouse. t"r .a... 18- Writ, box 4S-A. Gresta-n. Or. r.i-o Ftrmn M M W!fTT.I-!WALr OK rEMAIA sii- n.tniSR. at s f,v Vr' pTMof; machinery hnu f "' --.f,rr,.I. state wurr cl-sired: ladv -ran. m.. live at om-n tv. , . rf living is l'a Mum I" Portland, reference. Address Box C. Oregon ii :ir wAyrri Mitrr.ixANEor. IUKSKR. Board of Fxem iner-e will be In .-..Ion April X. . l''1 !Vl dry. fw th. purpose of examining .1 .ho- Mldlrs p.raln .1 to t.- r qui-!-,f..ion. as barbers Those '"'"" rear for rxamti'au..n. l'.eir permits will :',.. oked. T. M. LEA BO. Secretary. 5JT WANT IS D Age IS lo 5- to for flr'mrn or brake .a. na by rail roads ti $1 monthly. f-.p.rleac. un nrrnun ' ro rlk; promotion engineer . T""":to t. $2o roon-hly; good '.. careers: slnt. age; send stsmp. Kail av vm-Ul'"". Box . Oregonian. u7.V and warn .a to .at- b barber trade la eight waeks; special Indueamenta; pr- .IP,r Instructors; 17 yr In ta basl-w-mm- I- KhiMli: a lifetl ra inb.rsh i riven to each etudent. stoler BarlMrr Col tog.. It N. Fourth ac. Portland. Or. CAI.I. TODAY. And ae u rej.rrtuie learnlnr to Mfralu,. P',"r Mr" -J rk; w teach t,uslncss In two neeiii. r-'-5 S Washington, near 17th. 1 tll.WAT me. I ciTrfcs. prepare now. ei c;i'Ut salaries and promotions; no lay-of.-.; .ur. pay; fre. book. Call today Fa rif.e ".tales Scliool. Mckny bidx- City. i,oo dllUVAI mU cl.rU " fr.. rr&nltliD luautnta. Dpt. H T. UILLINERT chool nml rnakln. : " unrl trimmed hta. Cail Vw Coodnpuxn b.t- QPP- Fototfle. TO! G !.! wntr-l t" !" beauty ci tnre. Trio lp-to-Dt lUIr Slor. 1 r.Th f. '."ir "iiwTir'Si."' bo-: ri fvr u!r , , - rtted Pr- pyndlcmf. bn Frmnci-ctx W ANTED Pcur py writ-; bK : will -7eh you. V.clttr Piay A-oci- tton. P n Frmoel ko. . LLITtl PRIVA JU; INF -3 COLXEf-C M Htbiii:ton O d. rih.rthi.rt. Tjr vnMTiff. bookkfepin. -tc M-rmh-JI 4i5A riK tV'a'-hkiss- A-iorrATfov for .VATK -cn.Mi SHORTHAND nd TTP- w niTiN'i. ti mo. any nihu MTCATIONS WA.NTr.D-.MALE, " " MtkMrper'ul f ierk. VI f.r.IH"nin"3'-"rr of wnnlfl lik t.iti.T .n druiut'' . c-r hi prmrripiloo Ork. Hi oto jrrtioiis Ira-.Q, city. At. Or-(oitt-n. tTh-L, Al OIT. OP-TK. CXOS15 OR WRITE av lKHka. prepare -lDcf i--Baw-nia. lfiflRslI 40nL Cililn.hmm. d.tor. 4 1 1 LH birtg M -X-h a I JlI. fcrrl r.llTNi'Kr boti fkrk. hiXhrst tffT. nr.. im pn l pott'n In l,rt-C'-- liou nrUtrt In NorthwcU AN VW-. irrioniin. !. hlK'KRKPKft. c ounlanl. cru:nmfil to nin4tinc tk of lrjr fnrfO. k i.itjaiiwn. quirk, fMiurc-f ul . TvZ rfnc; r-pabi. AL. m-,T?nt-. VANTE!tr in oun man. Ma1;lin Ofl n rm-rrjr tttir-. on- y-r pTi n r'.l go nv-tr'. Al-lri aiU JiliD for t. .-it...n, r-ifrrrnc, rA'nbl'. li ff,ii.n IOl'NO man wnt pinn ai rt'iur.tit . utrady. AH ruhltr m Orrcnlan. ot N'i m-fi irnwi j.--iil"-n o farm. AJ- Af- i. Q"n mo. iKKWAN. mar.-l.-rf. Pmail fainliy. : -ar of ? yr" prl' In all Hn rriCwIiurf aa rll a liirttilHur lr tf untry ard arrwl. a ponloo a fr-mii In riinincrrial r arilcor and,J-nt n prut 'rman'J r(ii r"fwi -r iui r- T Tf n-. ThMlri rd;U, C 7?1 lit.. Mntarill. I'ltnlinrl. MCNICIPAI. KRKS F.Sii'UOTMICNT BLk.AU. f i ft fUrond St. iiDm-ir 5alm. Vofivrr't imparl me n. S45 iMi.Jloa. All dliiri of una-'.lll. tl(l. prflf local -r0 clarical mai And f nai bl fuxaiahaO ot abort notlca, No f- charsad. P&oaa Main 4. A -r!, SK.VTI EM AN. - yri' ipriw'nra aa painter, (Mpfrhancrr and 4enrrl all around rriirnian. wnta j-4 lu aim h t'l or lar " roorn ln-hou to or ut of niv; m worn p,cakJ f-r ImIf. Thono M:o Juo, a ii-i-, -k for tu-rijr in room H A.XTKP r in eprln. baidwar and at'v MiWman. a position with hir r rf 31 1 d-lr. lla- lnul rt-fnil ra 1 rtrtnirf. t n fciv l"t rfrrenm from jt fn'loTer in MidUIe ' 1 I'ortiaiul cvnnKlli'ii. O Or- i"a V ToPwCMin,; "xocuttve aM'itr and aound buainaa tmininc deiilrMi nich-rUna con n-tl'n with nvrtnufarturin or mrcanttl concur-; untvrm it v craduatc with cKan rut f-Torialt'v; East-rn and AVaatern n f---r..;w. Addr-na AN QregonUtD. r'ITION ft-r Ajrtl in lan or inHiir- nra , It.'f. fir r -clJvnil "fic ly yunff man thomutrnlv iriencsj . convcy-anc-li c pap-r draam: could tak chir.-p or fff.r. frfl'H mmuirritplier and oook kpA'r. AV !.. Or-gonlan. faLF.SVAV ..Hlon April i Ith au'o supply hotx or in aior; f ir 1 1 liar with auto. Ufpll. alao grnrral mr ctiandtao. tin anlbin. AV 1 10. uro I iTiun. i A MAN 4' ra old. cxprln-o In farm !n tjn take rhir,c of uch; undrtand raiptnc to-k. handiinc mm and a nutlT a h'rrma3: all-around: try -- Julm l'arkr. gnerl dellrry. Pwtiad. Or. LK t il-ITSMAN m-nt volitn In arcl.I-i-ffi. enirinr'" or ilwny orir; J for r: thua M a mo work. A K VM, Oro- A Jl"N.l man witrmut parent and pw'ak i - r i.iHiiwn wimtt lo work on a Urm t fni,; wac. notMng but a t ! Jo&. App-y A ' .-rt.nnui M VITTM R manta pnailion; 4 year prl aj d work rrrt- nte: khI rfT- nri; M runntne r-pair. Wrila t". Jin- tr F i lt. R"m J, 'lakania". i'lFifT-T-AS ail-around took. ii.t ntt-f or a I mop main U-itm poaiit-m in or of .!; loixr and r:iAl. All W'l, Ur- A I N'"V witboul nar-nt and aka for srr.aU ; nolliln hot a steady Jmq. IcfNO man. ftprin-d piumr, vaiita or In hardar itur; fr advanrcnint t n narawaxo rvuwi. w tyrrcoman. c HALTrri'R tapanao waai position; V A TFT-- Situat I"t aa chauffeur fr prl family; rrltablo ami, van bandlo H7 -.r. I'nona rn,(. r lTT TION wanted b- chauffeur or tako -4r( of -tr fpw-ki ae-eral la uq AT 4 7 rcolsn. -. KMAN". -prin-d. hoti work -nil r Good rtrtaB. K w--il. Oro- mfv lfNtY man. ailtr.tiy lame. hs work f.r a-d. nvm and ama.l .Vddroaa K . Ortfontan. it F 1FI mia tho psitio on a fami. .-wl f-Ti irr. wif good rook, C. ajorenson. -I. th t. N. Portland. r, i FFT R would Fk- petition . can do .! rt .'-. n rara" experienca. Ai . - .7 't t- j T C.-K good ho. nrat-Ciass cook. in! piir!i, ,-trr .r countr. rank Klruura, 704 1 lVaMnt'u st. fcTT":.-'T:; I 'I AN wants pitun In thea:r; 1, riri!iJi aauciPoarO- Addreaa U7 V 1 1 - st. j 'A.Ni;. aood hand cok. wanta psl 1 o- in hMrl. restaurant or club. Harry, -" - -? y rtty T'l'NO inn and witV. thorough. y comp- i-rt. vnn rnanagltig tfuiniittr rraort. AN a. "M:n V I m 1 W a M n . houscc.w-anmr. fioora xd and po ji.'iH by co t pots at uxma. t'tiono iwood 1 1 -H. BlKMNT dtCwTina. I'tm work of ul bin.ia. I bono Et 2122. i. 1. 1 K KR I-ar1 rap. V. p- rl-nred man. I" p'Mih work Al V. trconln j 1' N KK wants few hours' work aiter . f . f .Ni'iir .- N. 4'h it jTf,M".-i: Ho wanta a. Job. 7 P. H- to 11 " pn F a(d pwt ry bs leer w ant a pcs.tlon i;-u'b. :, OirH ave. f.i v i7 po-i'fn on fn. V. T F"iB 'p:t'-l W a n I."l2- I v m;T in.-fo-c nd-'r wants postt;o -Jina" delivering. Catl Mam J 0A MTrATIQV WANTEO FEMALE. tjook-eypefw and NfS-mp.rrm. tXPtniF.NCKU trie-phono -rbanao tor wiahcfl perm-Jicut position. hona .t 'l KT-'1SS fnorra'hT desires ptm- nent poi-itlon; clUr lypewruer preferred. Phon Marshall J7Q. . WANrrll' Public teriosrTarnlc "ork- Tarma runiMft Appiy Abmgtaii bldg. Yt7i;N; ld sf nor4.;ier w Isuta position; rfrrn Telephone- Tabor .t JII.LE. DE B1LLALT. 6iS Waahlnglon I E at. rntrsnct). A IM0. Krlumlvo French designs: prices atnctly m-derte; vor land references. bIYI.ISIf pulta and skirts. rfcnbli woi k guar anteed. 715 Ho) t St.. cor, '.ad. I'i.A!N' vesliii : wt)rk called for. "ni.n uve. Kast 4-'s. Yl KST-i'I-VS litMimnltfr wlhes to work with dressmaker. Fhon 3.aj-hall i03. wXxTKrPiaTiI seeing; will go out by day or week. Tabor JO.V IKISil rroehet ba-ti mado to order, 1.. Mouekeetera. LADY, with daughter 1. would like to bo to a ntte country home a housekeeper tor tho Summer: non btit hoieat party nrd answer. AM !MH. regonUn. ANTKl) H refined woman, position as ho us-keeper: cpabio of taking t haraa of motherless - children. At,J-. 0:,,il!',i!; VEAT.'reflned widow lad dcslrea aituatlnn as housekeeper In widowers famJI. tSt. Iul Agency. Alder, Main -TQ.tO. W WTKD A j'.'sit.on as bouekopcr for wo or more gentleman or widower a tam- iv. 1 i:t h st. ----.. LAlYwlth baby wUhes powtlon as house i.,TDr. F K . M7 Mich 1 pan N BY practfc! nurse, care Pf Invalid jJT iirn: nmu ani m" . xo'llent references. Address Au rjonlan. 1SV l,ll an h-e room, hmo comfort, : ' rw.iAn.bie: citr rrferencea. pftone Tabor rS.KK.SRAI.rvfE "V MM t reonaot-. GOOU. practical nurao; ioctor references .v -..-i...inible Main '... tomeattca. two clrts wnt luTuscworsr; American l. .. ciii l'it virrove. Mlfteelisneaas. GIKL newcomer. Uanlsli. wants general . ,1. ,, . nrlvati family, wherw sho an learn American house Keeping under g..d rnidanco. I lease address AE 94 t re son Ian. ' Yin m: ldr in )V'I.; would worn tor o 1-..-.... eh lenco family preferred. AK Ui'. Urcgo- :i i... . i. F' K R i r ' r. F liy wlli wrk In ., . ,). iv SI. ( r n I. n. SIIIIH.KI-AliKI day work. In"n dry oik. cl.amus or ourslnx. 11 . . w .1 AV rp.ririicrd ml.l want cliambrr work rl-,- t s.-. crnta aJ hour. call Main 4.'.-i irn.mlr.i:. - CI KTAINS wanted, band laundry, lawn ilii!. No manxllnK. l.Ki'K curtains laun.Wcd. XT-c cj. 'all.d Jor, .t.ilv.rd; Brai--li work. Tabor ul.. HUMAN cook with boy Place. romp or country. AO " OrrKonlan. L.-K curtain Mr. BaMwin. J 7 ' Ka.l xumi'in i. riiwi. - ' . COMPKTKST woman want day work. Ta bor Ivl. .- VNT la urk nrd lauodr' work. Maul .-.Ml. 'I". N. l"'r ' Woman. ith .-.-montlia-o'.l baby, want hnu.nrk: rrf.r.ncfc l'hA" A 74-. KKKINKII ounx woman wanM poaltlon arr.-tary to triyiri.ii. ... . V ANTKIi-dtrire work by rxperienced joimx lady. V '. Ur.lionlan. IArV wanta o addra nvclop-a. Phonn A !'!.". A NT K l. Work l.yVay. fail to.luy and a. I r.t wrrk K.a.t 111. CAPABI.K N.irarllan Rlrl d.rr aituation. rh.mW work hofl. Main n"'J. A ,77i. WOMAN ..aula day rk Saturday. A I ., WASTET AOEjrr. ACKNTii. o mUo or commlrtl'tn; tl. irmlftt afTit'a actler rvrr pn.ducrd: r.rv urr of j'.ri and Ink buys it on fixiii; 'J"" lo ' lw'r ryi pro:u: on .cm!'! ral.a amount.d to - In r.lxd : another $1 in l.o hours. Monroe Mf. o X . I I'mvir. WW WHlTt I'lT.. light burnrr. d..lsn.d for lampa. nmcikl.., and odorl.aa. S asant make rood monry; frr. ilrmonatratlon. 1S V. Tark acrlty. WAXTXP TO RENT. Ilon.. WASTEH- Any tln.o In April or May. br two ndfrly pfl"'''. roodrrn amall bunca ow or c'.'.aa. with furnac. icaa and vT trirlty: KaM Siu. not too fur out; porma-r.-nt . n"t"rnnr. Jmn.. I.lnd.ry, .lw I'hain of I'onini.T'".'. M.iln 17tf7. WAVTEl To rent or lean, from May I or J'in. I. bv faintly of two. $ to 10-room bl.lo houw; Nnb Hill dlmrlot pro frrrd; rif.roni.a. K 30. Oratonlan. IKVIN.JTO.N' or llolladxy bunralow. will l.-i.o. no rhl drrn. I'liuno Mln lHT TOR x-room bouac. rrpcctablo locality. M,r, rnl I0 to Af l. uregonlan. Kwowra. TOl'N'. laiy .i.h.a room and bonri! In atrlctw prlvat. up-to-date home, cloae In, Wri Sldr. AM 14. Orenonun. llLLiI.K-Af;KL) man from the Kaat wouid like to rent furniah.-d room; rcaaonable ratra. V PVt. (irrrtHimn. Koan Wltb Boam. Kllt two ouiib men. or without board. In atrictly prlvote family, Kaat .. prrfrrrrd. J P.-l. firog-inlan. BuMncea fuxrew. W a NT Kl J.lirht ba.nient or atoreroom, rent not to ex.-eed 3- K 9.'-U Orrsonlan. EOB RENT. inralabed) KooDM. HOTEL. SAVON. Ill Eleventh aitrMt. Mew. mod.rn brick bulldloc ataaua k.alrd. prtvata bat ha, hot and cold water In rtont; beautifully furnUued. ooay. ooa lortmble. rent reaaonabla. Call and ae UA Xi.ffular and trade aoliolteeV gitAND I NION HOTEL. a7 Sa Kat Burnaida. ll. on th. Eaat bid. ana mon. en our room r.i; w. nay. 1 m.rm room, aprlal pne on ruome and aultaa wnn prl.ata lain. rate, ivo to t. per day; , . to J yer week. Caat olMU; U U7i. HOTEL L.A fcA-LK. iota And Bursald. ata. Abeolute.? (lr. proof; new and e.aatiy furalaned Too ma. prlyal baibx. lion beat, bet and cold water, private pboaee In each room; ick I rataa by toe meat; pnon. eervice tree. Pboco MaranaJi WX " RAINIER HOTEL. One block (rum In Ion Liepot: 14 oataie leema. witb Hot ana cold water and nua fi.a.t- altera eplal ra lm tor aueaia; ratea boo lo J a day; 11 iAI a Per W..X. fBone Main 1E TrTt-iil-ENLiOKA. ltb ecd Coucn. Mce.y jurni.ii.u roociia, larae parlor, wltn piano, bil.iarda and poo! frve to sueaia, fit ua a truU; you will una It bar; lo pr rponth up- V AN GOUUEK HOTEL, lei 1. Twelfib bu Maraoail X7. Is of buelneaa o .lrict; Maui beax. bot And cold water. re pboao ux wrt room .1 ldayan d u p ; w and up. HC'TEI. CAKLaNU. i Trinity Place, cor. Vtka:illilou; new brick. .Irani-heated bulidin,. pilyat. telepbouua: atriclly moo em: ratr, we.A up; permanent aad traneieni aol yltod- HOTEL, KtNWlCK Aa Idl bom (or buaU beea awveile; centra. ly located; aleaaac rooma; a.1 modem convenience.; lib and 3ejor ata. 1 block from rorcad Hetek a,eweiie M.1M rnooa aim ale. Bf T UK MONTH Urlck bul.dtn. "n. E. cor. th and rttark. ad floor, heal. Uchl. hot water, rem reaaooable. Appiy ownrr, iiM o.uiubUx bUl. W. fark and the 1. 1 s uznn. ' larxe pleaa.ot front rwml e.ay welk ins d-aiauce. all hoot, coavenli-ucea. 92. a.- to 11 P--r wrck. J.'S etrt at. Main 50 el. CALLMT HuTiL 111 Park et. fine reonia. bot and cold water, itwa heal, levator aad aU modern ceo.tal.acel; Hi pr Bxoata and up-jauit and comlortAbia. LAKOr". el-aiitly furnlxiied front room. i; on. one 1 Alder oranu, 1-1 1 Ciraud liOTKI. CONOF. KSS. Now opea; handaoniely piml.rD conveniencea, blocaa from P O. t:h end Main. ilv,'lr.L N.,iHI',. lilu'l.rn con venl.'iicee. ; .v to 1 wvek. iJ3fc. Alder, corner i;th. THK I.ARUAV.KK. 1C7V Irrbee. Quiet, tren.t.tit. permanent; modern; near bioel trl.jr. , N I' K. clra 1 : : 1 ; ' n licht rooms at e- wevk up at ,. inrurr Wash. 1 A l pricv- t.-. i. fin iii. :d ro..m. moderate Its Tailor a-, max iuw TIIE MORNING - FOR RENT. Furnished Rooma. Now OP. 118 Rooms. Now Open. HOTEL. BTRON. HOTEL. CAPLoM. Seventh and TAylor 81a. Realdential and transient; b0,"'l central; two minute. from rostotnee. stores, theaters and reataurants; Juat off buaineea street, and .-arllnes: quietest I and beet location; tandsome brick. axnpla etearu heat, hot runnln water and P"0" In every rroom. aultea nd private bA'na. elevator. Reputabl. and eomfortmbia. From ISc daily. 14 weekly. A ay car Irona depoia. A .N O K L. A HOTEL, v 'aj.hlnston St. Lnder New ManagemrnU LArire lobbi, flmihed In mahogany, mo mid marble; ladits' parlor with eJexant ' fireplace, free) telephone service In rooms, all nlcht and day. electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water In ll rooms, ru.iiv witb bath. A rertdentlal hotel above reproach, every effort Is made lor the comfort and convenience of He guests, rents the most reasonable lu the -"lt. loonn by tho day, week or month. Iaok this over before locating. Take ar at depot. get off at lKth and Washington. NOW OPENI NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN I Those three) beautifully furnished hotel, HOTEL. HOTEL. HOTEL, Ml NOOK. FAKbON. -IOWL.AN DJ. 4th at. SUV. 4th at. aoTV. 4th st em Vourtb au. runnins from Taylor to Salmon iu; brand-new brick: elexaatiy furnlabed. aleam beat, private baths. Bot , and cold water In all rooma; strictly up o data la all respects, and At popular prices. If you want aametblns out of tna ordinary. In the heart of the city, at resv aonable price, give ua a call, aa w. know you will like It- Koomi by the day, waeh or month. Tourist trade solicited. " Furnished Hoonu is FrlTsts Family. PUKTLAND HEI1ITS. walklnx distance, four larxe housekeoptna; room, with fiie porches with unsurpaneed view, -.aril, water, electric IlKht. phone free, rent very reasonable. Take Heights car, x-et off at llldon at., walk two blocks east. 477 I'hapman St. Phone A SSSi. MCELV furnished front room with porch, hot water heat, nlco bath, hot and cold water; threo adulta In f.mlly: no other roomers. Phone A ."! In A. M. and after 5 P. SI., or call Bioi. Montgoroeiy st. THltEK nicely situated and well-furnlehed hoii.vkerplna; rooms; elecirlc Unlit, bath, telephone and water free; l and week; also one atnirla housekeeping room, and b 4th st. Fol"H beautifully furnished rooms, lower floor, hath, phone. Ilarrtt. water, cloae In; aat Sido North; best rooms in Portland for price. E. lvl.j. FIlONT room, suitable for two gentlemen; electric llsjht. rum ace heat, walking dis tance. 6.3" Pavle. UK VI' rlKI'U.Y funilshed room In good home: references; Nob Hill district. 7JS Johnson st. PI.KASANT room, suitable for two young men; walking distance; modern home.. Main W'a. . rl.EASANT room for two In private fam ily: brcxkfsjt, 12 mo. earh. MarxhaU 4,.,. PLEASANT front room, electric lla-nt. phone. :i.ik weekly, walking distance. 6ii Wash Inirton. NEATLY furnished sleeping room, single ed. bath, phone, hot water. 450 Yam hill st. NI.-Rl.Y furnlslved room; modern conve tilrncce; centrally located, reasonable. 404 t.'lay. near l'Mh. NEATLY furnlshe.1 single room, furnace heat, phone, bath. etc.. $2.2 per week, r,o Johnson St.. near 14th. NICELY furnished front room for one or two gentlemen; furnacs heat, hot and coid water: very cloee In. :M5 13th N. KK'ELY furnished room, all conveniences. f,7 Trinity Place, bet. 19th and IKMli. LARtlB, pleasant front room, every conven ience, bertt location. $1 75 week, -ri- 14th. Fl KN1SHEU room In modern apartment; walking distance. Main 754. Fl'HNl.SHKL. room. Fordham Apartments, apart men! :i- Mln t't'35. I'1.EAANT front room, use of piano, walk ing distance. 3'H 10th st. pi RNIcHKO rooms. 11.5U1 to $5. No. 2 North Mth. near Wash. jjOMS with private porch, modern conven-l-accs. board optional. 03 14th. LICHT, airy room, suitable for one or two; cheep rent. 1H1 llth. 1 A MONTH, nicely furnished rooms. All conveniences, flno location. 4J nth. Fl'KMHKL rooms, close in, modern. s2 E. 7th NJ HOATHOI'liK. furnished room; launch; ca noe; rent rea.oneble. phone Woodl'n 171t. C'OrY room, with gas plate, bath, etc; reas onable. M Kin 5f two Eovejoy. Rooma With NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. THE PAK1C VIEW. Corner West Park and Montgomery, etrtctly high-class family -boarding house, everything brand new and up - to data, all high-class furnishings. stosvm heat, hot and cold running water In very room, private hatha, beautiful larg sunny rooms and th view la unsurpassed, right on the Park, nice large veranda, lovely dining-room, strictly a homelike place at popular prices; give us a call and pes for yourself. Main 1711. DOES a homo appeal to your THE WHITE HAUL, cor. th and Madison; larg rooma bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. neat car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. THt L.AMBEKSON, MM Couch sc. vary de sirable outside rooms, steam but, roa ring water, good board, clos In. MANiTOU. 141 1ITH ST. Attractive, clean rooma steam heat, good board, close In. reasonable. Fiir.TL.AND WOMEN'S UNION. 23d yar. Itoonis w-ith board, us. of sewing-room, li brary. f 10 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, supt THE HAZEL, Furnished rooms with board; running water, steam heat- 8ft 3d st. CliolOE front rooma with first-class labia board. 11 N. 17th. NIK front room, suitable for two, with or without board. -'62 12th St. Room. Wltb Board, la Frivat. Papally. LAR'IE front room, two closets and single bed. best of board, suitable for two busi ness men. In strictly modern home, walk- Ing distance. West Side, no objection to 5 young ladles employed. Mamhsll 807. LAKtlK front room, with excellent table board, suitable for man and wife or voung people; etrlctly modern home; West Mile, walking distance. 41ft Mth st. Phone Mar. Hon. Special Hummer rate. Nli-KI.Y KI RVlljHED FRONT ROOM. ALL, t II V V KN I KNI r.rt AMI 1UU liOAKU FOR TWO YOt NO MEN REASONABLE; NOB HIi.I. LilSTRICT. "14 LlAVIS, COll. 12. MAIN 7;e. LAII'-.K front room, two closets and alngle bed. fceet of board, suitable for two busi ness men. in strictly modern rrome. walk ing distanre. West Side, no objection to 2 voting ladles emploied. Marsnell mT. FRONT parlor, sultabl. for a coupie or three young men: everything new, good home. 834 Flar.dera Marshall 423. BEAFTIF1L, front rooms for two. 120 each; clean, sew. modem house, home cooking. M 17h. near Everett. I-AltOE. sunny, nicely furnished front room, one or two people; pleasant surroundings; best home rooking. Main .H'l WANTKO 2 young mer. to room and board In strictly private family; home prlvl-l-g.a. Tall feellwood 1729 for particulars. PLEASANT rooma for ladles or gentlemen emiiloved; breakfast and dinner If desired; Nob Htll district. 7.l Flanders. NK'K room, home cooking, modern con veniences, strictly private family. Phone Rait NU3. Bi'l.KNLilL rooma with board; best loca tion: atrlctly modern; furnacs heat. 140 Has.alo. LJ.'.HT room In fiat on Kest Hide to refined girl employed: breakfast; .terms reason able. phvTMsFastort BOARD and room In private family for 2 gentlemen. t74 Ladd ave.. 1 block from 1--th and Hawthorne. Fast MIS. FIIiJ.T-i'I.Ae"S board and room for two; ev erything modern. 6A;4 Kaet Couch. BOAlU. with or without rooms. Mar. 2747. :,64 Flanders ft. Nr'WI.Y furnlslied modern rooms, first-class bo.rd. reasonable. t jj Clay, near 11th. NKAT1.Y furnished room, modern and all conveniences, with good board. 191 loth at. TWO LARGE connecting rooma. excellent board, large porch and grounds. Maln avTI. FI'RnToHBD rooma, board. 0V5 E. Oak cor. 15th. Fast UJ. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suit; excel lent board. eV.d Olisan. i ll' 'I' hi lo.-atlon. plouani home, private f.mll). breakfast and dinner. Mar. 8tv:ib. S ANTF1 Little girl lo board, good subur ban home; H month. O P.'3. Orcgonlan. pTTTTsANT room, with board. R!1 501 li Davl.. Apart sneats. BERTL, APARTMENTS. Furnished snd unfurnlrhed apartments. trS l.ovejoy st Taks "W" ear. Til I". T .i ; A I. owner Mth and M'shington isew.y (uruished rooms, xcaaonabls. OR EG ONI AN, SATURDAY, m . I - I Apart menta. ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and JLiirison. Now ready for tenants. 2 ana B room apartments, living rooms lov ID. high and sigtitlrt.weil furn.shed , with everything thar goes to inake high-class arts.: llth or 3olh-st. tar. Phone Marshall SOS. A 1.21. ALTONIA APARTMENTS. Marshal and lfrth. I.srge. slrv 2. 3 and 4-room apart ments; quiet and exclusive neighbor hood. NOKOMI APARTMENTS. Marshall, near 17th. New. all 2-rnom apartments, completely- furnished. Including silver and linen; 125 and up; engage on. now and rent begins April 1. THE WHKKLDO-I, Cor. Park and Taylor eta. THE wmtELDON ANNEX. Cr. Tenth and Balmon eta Walking Distance. Furnished, complete. S. S an ''?""! apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; servlca Xlrat-claaa THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.. this new 4-torv brick now open: fur nished and unfurnished In 3 and 4-room suites: reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas raoge. ice box. plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If ou want something nice, come to the Barker; 1 1-room basement apartment,' 115. Phones A 1744. Marshall :61. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Jset completed, most magnificently fur nished apartmenta In the Northweat; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; very modem convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones In all apartmenta: high-class service: reference required. Main 2276 and A 7057, HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison at-: new brick building, completely flrat-claas furnished In 2. 8 and 4-room family apart mente; private bath, ateaxn beat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; rent per month. $24. H 140 and up; must be seen to be apnre- clated. FORDHAM APARTMENTS. IT0 Ford at.. Just south of Washington: most complete, highest class apartments ver built In Portland; finished through out In hardwood: tiled baths, superb fix tures: elegant wall coverings: each with private balcony; highest claaa sarvlc: very reasonable rents. 4 and 6-room apartmenta; most conveniently arranged. THS EVERETT, 644 Everett st. New and elegantly furnished apart ments; S rooms, reception hall and eleep-Irg-porch; automatic electric elevator and prlvat Pacific telephone; located In on of the choicest lealdenc districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dls tance. 7 H K CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy St, Fnder new management: new, modern brick. 2. 1 and 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; wo will rent you apartments 25 per cent cheeper than any place In the city:, good Janitor service, lilvo ua a call and be convinced. Mar. 29-3. BEEN A VISTA. CORNER 12TH AND HARRISON. NEW BR1CK. t and 1-room apartmenta fumlehed or unfurnished; good service. Apply on premises. GRANDEST A furnished spartmenta Grand as, and East Stark; new brick building. S rooma aplendldly furnished, with prl vat belli. 27. BO: electric elevator; xnocK ra conveniences; close-In locations assy w alk Is g distance; best of servlca CVmIrf.HLAND Al'TS., W. Park and Co lumbia sts.. 1 choice 3-room unfurnished and I completely furnished 2-room apt., nil modern conveniences, choice location, fronting th park and only S minutes' walk from bustm-sa center. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. New brick building, corner 8d and Mont gomery, furnished 2-rooni apartments, pri vate bath, phonu and elevator, five min utes walk; rates 127 to 1S5; no children. Phone Main 1M'J. WINSTON Apartmenta. 141 14th at-, at Market: new comer brick: all bright, out side rooma; 1 and 1-room sultea com pletely furnished for housekeeping; 111 t 117.10. For Information call Main 1731- SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 7th and Jef ferson sts. A 3 or 4-room spt.. with bath, unfurnished: all outside rooms; every con venience; modern snd only 5 mln. walk from P. O; very reasonable rent. " THE LIZ E It N E. Jnst completed, corner 2d snd Hall; all S-room furnished apta. large outside kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portland. 125 'and up. Easy walking dlatance. WOLFE APT6.. 210 MARKET ST. NEWLY furnished 2, 3. 4 rooms, J22.M) to 140; single rooms. 13 up: free light phones, neat, hot and cold water, slectrlo elevator. Marshall 8.19T CECILIA APARTMENTS, a:td and Gllsaa. la.- best of servlca; dalrabl locatloa. with unexcelled car servlc; also easy walking distance; 8-room apt with bath, snodernconvanlencea very reasonable rent. GRACE APTS.. 797 Northrup sL, corner 24th; 5 larg rooms; hardwood floora, front veranda, large sleoplng porch, pri vate telephone, water, heat and hot water: new and strictly modern. PENINSULA APARTMENTS Modern beau tiful Summer home; furnished and unfur nished apartmenta. llo to 25. Tako Mis sissippi or L car. get off at Kllllngsworth ave. rhon C 1170. " HISLOP IIALU HAWTHORNE AVE. AND 6TH ST. New. modern building: now' furniture; 0-roum apartments; walking distance, or best car service. THE DEZENDORF, 20 loth sc.. near Taylor. 2 elegant 6-room unfurnished apart menta; one northeast, on southwest ex po, ure. Mak reservation on premisea. ' THE MARLBOROUGH. 6-room apartment, choice residence dis trict, walking distance, every convenience. 51st and Flanders sts. Main 7516. CL.AYPOOLE FURNISHED APARTMENTS, llth and Clay; 2-room apartments, fur nished, with prlvato bath; all convex ntencea: good service; easy walking dis tance; very reasonable rente. , THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. East Till and Morrison., most centrally lo cated; 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nished up to date; private baths; moder ate rates. THE SUNLIUHT APARTMENT. 3 rooms, nlc ly furnished. 125; private phono and bath, on East Belmont. Tabor 22K3. B 3041. THE PIItMINOHAM. "tlO 12th Si. Nvly furnished, walking distance. Marshall iM. MAV1SUN PARK A PAKTa-hlNlaV Park and Madison sta For rnt. S snd 4-room furnished snd unfurnl.hed spartments. strictly modern. TI1E MEREDITH. "12 Washington sc. 2. 3 snd 4-room apta. hardwood floors, with very convenience, newly furnished; chsap est rent In the city. THE Ormonde, on modern apartment, five nic light rooms, refrigerator, gas range and tel-phone. V56 Flandcra at.. Nob Hul. Main S251. THE LANDORE APTS.. 28S 10th. near Jef ferson, one well-f umlsiied 1-room spsrt ment, with sleeping porch; also rooms with all conveniences. TIIE FLORENCE New and absolutely flrst-clasa 1 and 4-room furnished apart menta. 112.6 up. 138 llth SC Marahali 4174 BUCK HARTFORD APTS. 21st and Flanders Under new management. 3. 4-room apta; good service, all modern, walking dlst.uce. Main 278-'. BOZANTA APTS., ISSSs N. 23d. nicely fur nlslied modern 3 and 4-room apt.; rent reasonable. Marshall 2e21. FIVE rooms, with bath. 135 per month. Ap ply to Janitor. The Kearney ApU, 72 Kearney st. FOK RENT Nicely furnished three and four-room apartments in quiet neighbor hood. Phone Muln 4038. FURNISHED apartments, one 4-room and on 21-rootn: well furnished, strictly mod ern. homelike. IKS 4th St. SAN MARCO Apartments. East 8th and Couch New brick, modern, private hatha and phone. 12:1 and 12. Call East 3731. THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS. 3 front , rooms; new. clean and homelike, walking distance . Cor. E. 14th and Yamhill. THE WESTFALL. 410 5TH ST. Lowest rates In Portland; furnished 8 reom apts.. with private bath and phone. THE ELM 2 snd S-room apt. , furnished, beat, phone and bath, l&l 14th it. " CEONTA. 11 IT'h. lu. 20 and 130 aultaa; ,i,tm umI F. P. Egan. prop. IRIS. COR. 8D AND MILL. 4 and w rooma; modern. Kit N M W'R. lHi East 15th. near YamhilL - outside rooms, over fine lawn, porch. JVLIAKTTE Furnished and unfurnlahd 1 rooma Corner :d and Montgomery. LOt K.1rY APTP, 17th and l.ovejo 2-e.ioin iurutshed apartment- Phono Main 15. APRIL 6. 191?. Apartments. . THE HOI'S MAN APARTMENTS. 730 Hoyt Bt. ... Elegantly furnished 8-room romer parunert. with sleeping porch and re ception hall. In one of the cleanest ana most exclusive houses In the city, a.;"' cheerful and very homelike; l" closets, white ensmeled bathroom and Kltcnen. -electric cooker and every modern conven ience. This apartment will easily accom modate 4. people: daintily served meals ran be arranged for VERY REASONABLY Just across the street. References. WELLINGTON COURT. Hth and Everett Sta New management: !, 4 or B-room furnished apartmenta Th best apart ments In the city for th mouey: they hsv all modern convenlencea are close In. nest and homelike. Don't fall to Inspect them before locating. Tf furnished srmrtment Is desired, can nrrang this on smaV. monthly payment with rent, tenant eventually owning furniture at aam monthly cost as furnished apartmenta TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick snd stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place, between IBth and 20th atreeta Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartmenta In heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; ovary modern convenience: sleeping- porches, hlgh-oass service; refined clientele; references re qulrd in all cases. Mrs. A. N. Wright, supt- phone Marshall 1101. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In th Northwest; every convenience; 4 and 0 roomy, all outside aunuy rooms: "new:" walking distance. 21st and Johnson ata.; cholc residence district; attendant on premisea Marshall 2360. 17PSHIK APARTMENTS. 26TH AND UPSHUR STREETS. . Thoroughly modern 3-room unfurnished apartments, with' prlvat bath. 120; 4 rooma 122.50; this Includes shades, steam ' heat, hot and cold water, gas ranges, pri vate Paclflo telephonea snd Janitor serv ice. Apply premisea HANOV3R. FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. King and Washington sta, now ready. New 6-story reinforced concrete build ing, only fireproof apartment-houae In Portland; every possible convenience, elec-' trie elevator, best of service, private bal conies, easy walking distance; 2. 3, and 4-room apartments. I22.5Q up. LUCRETIA COURT. Lncretla St., Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartmenta from two to five rooms, all largo, light and outside; large closets, hardwood floors; under new management- Marshall 1513. Janitor, Mar- shall 1500. NEW APARTMENT. The Harriman, 164 24th St. N. 3 and 4-ronm apartments, all modern, two disappearing beds In each: furnished or unfurnished; every room light; porches; rent reasonable. KEELER APARTMENti 14th and Clay atreeta Fplendid location, solid brick building, electric elevator; we have unfurnished 2 and 4-room suites, with private vestlbulaa, phones, bath, eto. . 6T. CROIX Apartmenta St. Clair St.. near Wssnington: 2 and S-room apartmenta with private bath, furnished and unfur nished; auperb location, eaay walking dis tance, brick building; convenient arrange mcnt. best of service and very low renta ST. CLAIR APARTMENTS. 7J3 Wayne St., near King Six largo rooms, newly reno vated; ail modern conveniences; 150. ciiv Department, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 6S09. 140 5th St. A H..67. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 KING ST. 4. 5. 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premisea 6T. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, list and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony, new brick building, eiectrlo elevator, su perb location. In walking dlatance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and best of service. THE LEONCE. 184 N. 22d. Near Johnson. New modern brick. Just opened, new msnagement, 3-room furnished apts.. all outside rooma private bath, phon and best of service, isv up. juarsnau sau. UANTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th at near Main; close In location: elegant 1 room spartmeut with bath snd prlvat balcony, 131. Evry convenience, good eervice. ' THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders. 2. 3. and 4-room modern apartments, furnished snd unfurnished, 20 up; new furniture and net building. Apply to the Janitor. VERY nice furnished apt.. 3 rooms and bath, linens, diver, sewing machine, reasonable, with privilege of buying furniture; party . " .1... Ilkn-- .(nln ITU :aving en.. 1 iiuuv r.. PARK. APARTMENTS. 853 Harrison; beau tiful 8 and 4-room furnished apartments: walking dlatance; best of service; prices 140 to 150. Phone Marshall 8O70. HADDON HALL, Cor. Hall and llth Six 3 and 4-rm. suites, 125 up: beautifully fura. hardwood floors, private porches, phones, bath. Ml Tabor car. Mar. 117L tuv M AHR APARTMENTS. 228 N. 20th au Nicely furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4-room apartinenii jiwrsiiau -00. F.oNNEU APT., 4S0 Clay; under new man agement; renovated; modern 2-room. com pletely tlirnisino .Dariiiitiiiis .1 i BJEI.LAND. 16th Lovejoy Unfurnished tfronti: modern, new brick; must be seen to b appreciated. Main 1S67. A 1S.17. " Flats. FOK RENT 6-room lower flat, strictly modern, completely furnished, including piano: one block from best carline, 12 minutes from Washington st.; good neigh borhood; rent cheap to right party; adulta pieferred. 243 Shuver st. 1'hon Wood lawo 1.17. 6-KOOM, atrlctly modern, newly completed flats; hardwood floors and all modern conveniences; Hancock, near East uth sc.; real bargains: rent 125 each. PARRISH. WA'IK-INS CO.. 250 Alder St. STEAM-HEATED 6-room flat, very desira ble; convenient arrangement, with gas rnne aud refrigerator; 132.50 Summer rate. Apply Jaultor, Wellington Apart ment s.15thandEvejrtc jrciTiRENT One 5-room lower flat, beauti fully furnished, convenient and well locat ed. Inquire 1U5 North 2Jd or phone Main U.V.I3. 651 TAYLOR, near 17th. ti-room flat, finely furnished, new carpets, large rooms, 3 largo buy windows, gas rango, Instan taneous bath heater, rent $10. 3 LCJUiE rooms, lower, outside, east fac ing flat; furnace, steel range, gas plate, linoleum on kitchen and bath: 18th and East Alder. Phone East .".113. MODERN S-room flat, completely furnished, near Washington st.; furniture for sale, flat for rent; or will rent to responsible party. 28 lt'th st. North. 6-ROOM flat, gaa and electricity; fireplace and furnace; furnished or unfurnished. 7s Glisan. R N. Tufford. 407 Spalding bldg. Marshall 4547. A 4545. 100 MARKET ST. 1-room modern flat, with furnace. 130 per month. Key at Ml H. Portland Trust Co.. 3d and Oak. NOB Hill fiat, 7 rooms, fine yard, splendid neighborhood. 77as Johnson St., bet. 23d and 24th. Main 551.1. 14 UNFURNISHED 3-rooin flat. base ment stationary washtubs: nice neighbor hood. 917 East Sslmon St. 4uy WEST PARK, large 3-room flat, bath, ca3, lift; water and garbage free. MODERN 5-room flat, good attic, easy walk ing distance. 473 7th SC MODERN lower flat. S rooms. Inquire 622 Northrup. .Muln !H75. MODERN 6-room Hat. E. 18th and Asa. B kki'ENTLY vacated, upper 1-room, modern, 1 tractive; sleeping porch. Main g8. vi- rtviSH tiD flat, il rooms and bath; no ldrn. 400 4th st. MODERN 6-room fiat. oth. near Jackson, West Side. 1") mln. walk. Main or A 1223. 57573i.-rtN lower flat. 6 rooma TSu Marshall. lnuuire 772 Kearney. UNFURNISHED 6-room flat, near 14th, on Jefferson. Inquire 274 14th st. MODERN 6. room upper flat. 475 Tillamook si. C 1025. ; Housekeeping Rooms. $1 10 TO $2.30 per week Clean furnished housekeeping rooms: fre heat, phone, bath, laundry, yaid. 406 Vancouver ave. and 201 bt-ntonjJ'U" car, phone E. ti3. tTik"gi.e"ndORA, 18th and Couch. 1 block off Washington: 1 furnished liousekeeping aptmeat with 4 rooms; also one with 3 looms; rent reasonable. CAMBRIDGE bldg., furnished and unfur nished housekeeping rooms: central, cheap rent. Afoly room .01. 00 im ""n""". THE MILNER, Z'Oht Morrison rurnlshed or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; steam heat, levator, all convnlences,est Iocs' n. VERY desirable single housekeeping-rooms, reasonable. 601 Harrison st. cor. 15th. Phenc Main 7S'16. 461 EAST Morrison, cot. East bill, com pletely furnished housekeeping sultea, rea sonable HOUSEKEEPING roovns in new concret building Phone Woodlawn 23i or 297. FOrt F.F.NT Housekeeping-rooms; walking distance. I'l H.ilsey st. NEATLY furnished housekeeping suites. A 4-.7U. p VI, MER IU H'-'l".. ::.-'"'t Aldr St.. furnished housckccpixia rooms, doublo aud single. Housekeeping Bsomx THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free. Ill per month up; a clean place, best 10 the city for the money; short distance from Union depoC Tsk "S" r lth-su cars north, get off at Marshall st. No ooga. $lt MONTH, 3-room furnished bungalow. -otn st.. 1 block rrom -iucn 003 Swetland bldg. Uotmekerninr Kooms In Private tamlly LARGE, newly finished, well furnished clean .. . e.,rn.-M heat. nuufceiveepmg room. u -u... . -- electric lights, phone, bath, hot and coia water, floor, close in, one block to three carllnes. 445 Rodney, cor. Tilla mook st. East 3221; no transients. ONE large housekeeping room wivn 11-1.. r . . . - r,i tor cooking, laundry privileges, mantel bed. walking distance, only $14 a month. Phono Main 1702. 455 6th st. BEAUTIFfLLY furnished suites. IlKht housekeeping: heat, hot water, bam. ns'" and phone free; lovely home, best of peo ple; rents 13.DO to 16 week. 320 Montgom- ery et. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, light and airy, will also arrange for housekeeping to suit tenant; beautiful yard, in oeai resi dence district on West Side. 635 Everett. PORTLAND Heights, large, clean, sunny gas, water anr1 phone; rent $18. Res. 4b J 21st at. Pl".iie Main 2257. WKLL-FURNISHED housekeeping suites of 2. rooms for rent, idoal for Summer months: walking distance, $10 month. Take Sellwood car, 542 Karl st. THREE cheerful front rooms, opening on veranda, unfurnished, good location. $1'. including lights, water, gas ransf, no dogs. 65i'i Pettygrova st. Main 21QP. TWO nice, light, clean housekeeping rooms in private home, close In, reasonable rent, nice location; also sleeping rooms for rent. 173 17th St. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, mod ern conveniences, furnace heal, walking distance; very reasonable. 30y Johnson st.. near 14th. ' LARGE clean furnished housekeeping rooms, electricity, gas, water, sink, laun dry. 2i Grand ave., S. E. cor. of An keny. . TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. $lii, heat, light, phone, bath Included. 407 ith etreec . $10 3 FURNUSHED housekeeping rooms In cottage: gaa range, sink and bath; separ ate entrance, close in. 610 1st st. SUNNY' room and kitchenette, nicely fur nished; all conveniences: reasonable. o05 Lovejoy st. Main 6SJ.2. SINGLE housekeeping rooms and 2-room suites; modern, clean, close In; $S up. 655 Plunders, near 20th. LAUGH, comfortably furnished housekeeping-rooms, reasonable. DIVi 1st st., near Ktark. TWO large, pleasant, convenient housekeep ing rooms; excellent location, reasonable. 22 14th. WELL furnished housekeeping room, $U month or suitable for 2 gentlemen. 360 12th st. THREE connecting housekeeping rooms, sin gle or en suite, gas, bath, water. 1ST chapman, near Yamhill. MODERN" large front housekeeping room, unfurnished; walking distance. 335 East 1st St. N. FURNISHED housekeeping room, b.vth. phone, also single sleeping room. 450 Yam hill. TWO bright, sunny, furnished housekeeping rooms: bath and phone. 387 3d sc Adults. AIX'OVB suite, furnished for housekeeping, gas range, bath, laundry, phone. 165 N. Tilth. NICELY furnished front housekeeping suite, bath, gas, phone, private family. 2Ss llth st. FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeeping rooms; nlco yard; price $3 per week. 1US Fremont St., cor. Mississippi ave. NICELY furnished front housekeeping rooms, light, hath and phone, $10 and $12 per month. 370 12th. JUST what vou want, newly furnished rooms in 1. 2 and 3-room suites, complete for housekeeping, ivl N. 20th. LARGE unfurnished room with kitchenette, heat, light and bath. . 474 Market. SINGLE suite, heat, phone, bath, walking distance. 221 13th st. CLEAN, light housekeeping rooms. 395 th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, renson ahle. 3i.ii 1st St., near Montgomery sts. 3 U VFI'RMfHKD housekeeping rooms, walking distauce. West Side. 302V, 6th at. 600 FRONT and Sherman; housekeeping rooms to lent. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms; $12.50; no children. 421 Btli sc FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, private family. 13 E. 7th. East 19:9. COSY furnished housekeeping rooms, lower floor, reasonable. 6l0 E. Burnslde. HOUSEKEEPING suite, modern, gas, light, roses. $16. 625 Marshall, near 10th st. HOUSEKEEPING or baching rooms, reason able. 52JI Raleigh St., bet. 15th and 36th. $lg 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, gas plate, steel range. 61S 7th. Main 4520. 2 NEATLY" furnished rooms for housekeep ing, phone and bath. 2i6 14th st. TWO housekeeping rooms cheap. W tako children. 721 1st. THREE nice furnished housekeeping rooms; furnace heat. 347 Hall. LIGHT, airy housekeeping rooms In base ment, right down town. Ifil llth. Hottsea. TO RENT 1B7 E. Tth St. North, between E. Irving and Oregon, 7-room house, al most new; sleeping porch, modem in every detail: furnace, etc.; accessible to several carlines and close in. Phone owner. Tabor 1S00 or call at house; rent, $35. HOUSES, flats and apartments In all parts of the city. See our list. Cltv Department, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main 6809. 146 5lll St. A 6267. S-ROOM cottage in good condition, bath, gas and cement basement. 411 llth St., near Harrison SC : rent $25. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO.. 250 Alder St. TO RENT 432 Orogou St., 7-room house, modern In every detail, furnace, etc., ac cessible to several carlines and closo in. phone owner. Tabor 1S00, or call at house. Rent $35. NOR HILL REHIDENCE- ll-rooin house on 24th St. North, near Lovejoy, Tor rent; JSo per mnnin; every modern convenience. John P. Weston, 90j Spalding bldg. FOR RENT 6-room house, new, good con dition, electric lights and gas, good yard. 912 Cleveland ave.: rent 20. Apply He Kinley Mitchell, 2021. Stark. A and M. 2131. 4-ROOM house. 005 Clinton st. Eiectrlo lights bath. r.hxlOO. carline, corner, $15. Call room 11. Mulkey bldg.. 2 and Mor- rison. Main 621. A 4144. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. tC N. TUFFORD CO.. 407 Spalding Bldg. Mar. 454T, A 4545. TWO cottages, on four rooms, modern ; the other three rooms, large yards. Inquire of Mra Moxley. 6710 59th ave. S. E Tremont. Mt. bcott car. B-ROOM modern house, fireplace and china closet $16 a month, on block from St. John car. 1116 Concord su Phone East 4100. EIGHT-ROOM modem house at 417 East 15th t. North.; 4 bedrooms; $45 per month. Owner. 329 Tillamook. Phone East 540. MODERN 2-storv 6-room house, yard, paved street, on block to car; adults; $24. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 428. (ThOOM bungalow. April 15, for S months: gas Dutch kitchen, etc.. $25 month; Rose "ity Park car. 736 E. 69th; H block to car SEVEN rooms, elegantly equipped for com fort: strictly modem. 954 E. -1st N. Woodlawn 2 1 14. FOR RENT Two-story house. 710 East Taylor, between 20th and 21st sts. H. Blnsheimer, 109 12th st. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. $12. Located 643 East Clinton sc, near East 17th, on carline. Edwards Co.. 191 lat st. FOR RENT lO-rooin house. West bide, suitable for housekeeping rooms. K. Buetlkofer. 205 Salmon. przi rent New five-room modern bun galow. W. W. car. Phone Sellwood 740. 6-ROOM house. 732 East Ankeny; modem: J20.U". TWO 7-room houses for renC $24 month. CoVe-J1'11 1-"d v"tl0D- Kl"'M-')-;' FIVE-ROOM bungalow, R!1 East Morrison, near 29th streec Telephone Tabor 1758. MODERN -room houso In good condition; 1 block from car. 549 lith. $1700. WFST SIDE 4-room house just finished, everythlng up to date. 396 N. 2,-ith st. DESIRABLE 6-room house, close in. COS Saa Rafael St.. near Union ave. East 1KS5. 5-ROOM modern cottage for rent. 941 Alder. Inquire at 120 Union ave. FOR KENT A modern 1-room house. 3J5 W'asco. Phone East 24 41. FIVE-ROOM collage. West side, ten min utes walk from I'ostoIIice. 48S Market at. NEW 2-story 6-room liou.e. with reception hail -and slecplnc; porch, all modern con veniences, between 2 carllnes, on E. 28th st. Apply 50 E. 2Sth. No children. FOR RENT 5-room cottage. Inquire 581 Kearney st. ' Furolsued Houses. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and Upshur sts., furnished 2-room apartments. $15. $20 and up. This Includes steam heat, bot and cold water In every spart menC private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all fre. Take S.. 23d or W cars. No children; dog! not allowed. Phone Main 859. ONLY $25 PER MONTH Nicely furnished 6-room modern house, 702 R. 21st st.. electricity, gas, bath. piano, corner on Brooklyn carliuc See FRED C. KING. 314 Spalding bldg. FURNISHED FLAT. 5-room well-furnished lower double flat, corner East 17th nnd East Alder; good lawn, one block to car. Apply W. o. ', 615 E. Alder. Phono East 16l". ONLY e2." PER MONTH. Nicely furnished 6-room modern house. 70.1 E. 21st sc, electricity, gas, bath, piano, corner on Brooklyn curllnr. See FRED C. KING, 314 Spalding bldg. EAST PORTLAND heights, well-f iirnlslierl modern 7-room house. call dick s m ceiv, 26th and Clinton. Phone Sellwood 280. MODERN furnished 5-room cottafe. also 3 or 4-room flat, bath and gas. 514 East 21st. WR car. ' MODERN 6-room furnished flut, porch ant yard, 8 E. 12th, bet. Ankeny and Burn side. Marshall 797, A 713L S-ROOM fully furnished modern cottage. 1 blocks Hawthorne ave. car, $2S a month. Main 9012 or Tabor S78. MODERN 6-room house, furnished. Biook lvn Heights. 714 East IHh st South Phone Sellwood 304. B 1248. 1'TKXl.SHBO. 7-room house. May 1 to Octo ber 1, Portland Heights, $05. AK 912 Oregonian. FOR RENT 5-room flat. 6 blocks from P O. Inquire 24tl 6th st. Hooks for Bent. Furniture for Solo. HOUSE, 7 rooms, elean, well lighted. Urt" vard. central location. West Side, price oi furniture and rent reasonable. 26 Ni-rtr llth street. 2 blocks from Washir.gtor St. Phone A 1909- ROOMS, newly furnished for housekee,, lng: gas rango. velvet and body Brusseli carpets, inlaid linoleum. 2 baths, anc electricity; rent $35; Income $8S. Price $61)0; terms. 450 Park St. FURNITURE of a modern home for sale; rent $35: line carpets, everything complete; would tako diamonds as part payment. Main Ooos. J-ItOOM house, elegant furniture, walklnl distance, 2-year lease. $050 cash; ni. agents. V 952, Oregonian. 5.1:0011 flat. 6-room cottage, complete, to highest offer; will accept trade. 6i3'v Glise.n st. MUST sell Immediately, furniture of 5-rooiv flat, in good business location; flat tor 15 N. llth st. FIVE rooms of furniture for sale. Call 547 Petlygrove st. North. FURNITURE of S-room house; a bargain; cash or terms. 325 7 th st. , FOR SALE Furniture of 6 rooms. $P5; houso for rent. 347 14th St. GREAT sacrifice, furniture, linen, sewing machine. 6-room flat, veranda. Main 900 FOR PALE Good piano and furniture. S7 E. Ash. . Store. FOR RENT A neat store with livlng-rooml In rear, suitable for a small dry goods or notion bslness; situated in block with other lines; a live business center. In South Portland; a good opening for man or woman of limited means. Apply for key to druggist, at corner o Front and Glbba sts. 1 a ne o cm. . STORES in new 8-story brick; good location for first-class grocer, meat market, res taurant delicatessen. milliner, barber shop; East First sc and Hoiiaday ave.; the principal transfer point for the new Steel bridge: buildings ready April 1. . f or lease apply Q. A. Lyman. 510 Henry bldg. STORES lu good localities, in all parts of tho city. See our list. City Department. . TH 13 FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main 6W.'. 146 5th St. A 62H,. THREE floors. 25xlOO. part or whole; new brick building, 16th and Marshall, suit able retail, wholesale or light manufac turlng. A. G. Long. FOR RENT Stores. lxJ.-i. Washington It, near comer lth, modern fronts, brick building; reasonable rents. E. J. -aiy, 223 Falling bldg. FOR RENT Store, located in the Foster Hotel bldg., on Second St.. at very low rental: lease. Apply Foster Hotel office. 247 Davis st. STORE ROOM on one of the most proml-n-nl comers In Portland; quick posses sion given; present occupant moving to larger quarters. P 945. Oregonian. ,--.-.01.- ar 1t nnd Washington, now occupied by Merchants Nat. Bank. will, remodel to suit tenant. 403 liothchild bldg. FOR RENT Stores. No. S48 snd 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Haw thorne Dock Co. LARGE, light store, about 25x75. near 1st and Main sts. Inquire at 2C.9 FlrsC Offices. WILL rent part of office located on ground floor of Chamber of Commerce. PACIFIC TITLE A TRUST CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Attractive three-room suite; centrallv located; piano. 100 chairs; for use during the day; very moderate rate. H 951. Oregonian. OUTSIDE room, in elegant suite of new of fices $20, with rug, phone and uso ol reception room. Call Morton. Main 16.2. WILL share our offices, desirable for en gineer, architect, manfgrs. agt- 913 Lew. is building. MOST centrally located, offices- all-night elevator service. 303 Swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington. PRIVATE office room, facing Washinitort st., Wilcox bldg.. uso both phones. Room oio, BEST room in n woll-furnlshcd office. In quire 514 Chamber of Commerce. ' Balls. EIEGW'T hall and ballroom, reception rooms, etc.,- suitable for afternoon teas, dancing parties, muslrales and recitals. Apply Roval Academy Hall. U Man chester bldg., 854 Fifth sU Fhone Main 7037. ATTRACTIVE hall, centrally located: seats over 10O people; piano: for rent five nlshts per week. Including Sunday: very reasonablo rales. K 9MI. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. BATHHOUSE Ladles' and gents separate department: shower, tub, steam R"d wlm ming tanks: also 27 rooms furnished ia connection. 33 Russel bldg. BUSINESS OrrORTFNTTrEg RESTAURANT, seats 2--,, location business center. 4 buildings in course of construc tion close by: owner would like to sell, as in poor health; will sell reasonable price. AL 051, Oregonian. BARBER SHOP. Threa-chalr barber shop, new Hotel MH waukle Apply Joseph Mendel, Milwau- Kie. .r. FOP SALE Dental office, Willamette al ley first-class fixtures and electric nppli a'nc'es; everything up to date; will sell all or part. rv " cs'" 1OO0 SHARES of modem mining machinery stocks; will take part cash and balance In real estate. All 047, Oregonian. " MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and aold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Abington. AGENCY for sale: small capital required a money-maker for a llvo man. Call obS Sherlock biag. PICTURE show where you can clear SSno month; never offered for salo before; will sell cheap. Call 24S u Stark. FOR SALE Grocery store, stock and fix tures; if you mean business, phone "Vi ood lawn 1862. $100 WILL handle a suburban newspaper; good proposition to right party. Phono E. 4oai. WANTFD Emptv storo with counters and shVlvlnir, suitable for grocery and dell catessen. Call Marshall 314S. IdOVING-PlCTURE THEATER for sale. close In. downtown district Inquire H. C. Stevens. 68 7th sC CAPABLE man for cashier-treasurer position- cah bond required: money secured; salary $100 month. Call 2431. Stark st. MEAT MARKET. Bargain: good location; doing good bus iness, phone Woodlawn 579. C 12'2. ' $100 DAY" business: rent $40 month; must leave city; no fake. See agent, J. E. Hall. 301 Abington bldg.; FOR RALEClgar. fruit and soft drink stand, poolroom included 1f wanted, first class location: after !) A. M.. 49 N. 3d si. NEW cigar store, small stock. plenU!'l lo cition. low rent. I. D. Watson. Glisan Hotel. SALOON for Vale, independent license, fix tures, fine location. AE 927. Ores-onian. RESTAURANT, close lu: gon.l business; price .oi Ly $250. .'t.'." Lumber Exchange. , SAWMILL nnd timber for rhIc: good opeq. ing. A. R. Badger, Todelo, Yv ash. i