jg - TITK MORMXO OHEGOXIAS. FRIDAY, ATKTL ., 1912. ' -i SOME DOO SHOW PRIZE WINNERS. AWARDS ARE MADE IN AIREDALE CLASS 1 - c' n t . i',. - - Judge Says Terriers Among Finest He Has Seen in Country. WINNERS SHOWN TODAY I. " rz r- T 73 I t ' jf" V ' 1 r ' - Champion Dundee Swasher Takes High Honors In Heavyweight Bulldog Class Poppies Will B Rerlewed Tonight. Although th moat Important awards of the Portland Kennel Club's show In the basement of the Yeon building are yet to be made, many prominent dogs were Judged yesterday. The big fea ture of the day was the awards to ' the Airedale terriers nnder the dlrec .Hon of the Northwest Airedale Fu tortty Show, which was held here in connection with the 13th annual show cf the Portland club. Dr. G. F. Laddlx and G. F. Downer showed a number of dotes which Dr. Henry Jarrett. the Judse. declared were amonr the best he had seen In the country. He has Judged at the New Tork and Philadelphia shows. Champion Dundee Swasher took high honors In the heavyweight bulldog di vision, with Rodney Merley. owned by McCarthy and West, second. Neither McCarthy nor Eugene West wero there In time to show their dog, and aa their entry Is a little unwleldly when In strange hands. It railed to show up at best, the owners say The Northwest Airedale Club met In the rooming In the rooms adjoining the show hall, the following- officers were elected: R. M. Taylor. North Yakima. Wastu president: Dr. Addlx. Estacada. first vlco-prestdent. and James Keefe, Butte. Mont, secretary and treasurer. A board of directors consisting of C F. Dovner. Butte: R. M. Palmer, Butte: N. C Westerfleld. Oregon City; W. B. Bailey. Auburn. Wuh, and C. W. Keekers. White Salmon. Wash, was also chosen. The features of today will be ths Judging of the variety classes, begin ning at S o'clock, while at night the puppies of all classes will be reviewed. All the dogs that have won prises will be on exhibition ail day. The awards of yesterday were: Cetllee. raffle Coast bred dr: Glen Tana Lord rMmII. owned by fllen Tens Kernels, fire; Wlllena Verleee. owned by Mrs. jr. a. Douglas. econl : Ktc hnep, owned, by Har ry Beaufort, third. H-el by exhibitor Grajreven laird, own -d by Mlae Jean Gray, Dr.. r:ppy bltchee G.en Tana Hurprtee. owned ty t.ie Glen Tana Kennel. Aral: Olea Tana Daisy, owned by Glen Tana Kennela. sec ond: Glen Tana Tattle Vera IX. owned by Glen Tana Kennels, third. Nortce bitches Olen Tana 8urprfae. owned by plen Tana Kennela. first; Glen Tana DeJvy. owned by Oloa Tana Kennela, eecood; Urayhaven Hellshl. ewaed by Mrs. James T. Gray, third. Amerlraa bred biloheje Qten Tana Snr ertea. owned by Olan Taaa Kennela. first; 'ilea Toa Hlshlaad Mary, owned by Xdita Tldcombe. second. IJtalt bitches ' (sable and nrhlteV -Olea Tana Snrprtaa. owned by Glen Tana Ken nela. first: gotithport Fueeeae, owned by Mrs. Florence Brydon. eeoond. Opea bitcbeev-Glen Tana Daisy, owned by Mrs Janes T. Gray, first. Winners, dass and bitches Olea Tsna Parprle. owned -by Olen Tana Kennels, first: Olea Tana, Daisy, owned by Olea Tsaa Kennela, second. Old English Sheep Dag. Open -lore sad bitches Bob. owned by Frank Qua. tarn, first. Novice doss and bitches Rascal, owned by B. 8. Griff, first; Mischief, owned by A. Johnson, second. American bred does snd bitches -Cuts, owned by A. Johnson, first. Winners, dnca snd bltchee Rascsl. owned br R. 8. GrifT. first: Cute, owned by A. Johnson, second. Ball docs. Puppy does Tie, owned by R. E. Mont-rom-ry. first: Chesterfield Johnnie, owned by Mrs. C. Webster Uaynor. second; Lord I'M Chi. owned by Bruce Ktewsrt, third. Novice docs Tlse. owned by R. EL. Mont gomery, flrat: Chesterfield Johnnie, owned by Mrs- C. Webster Haynor. second ; Lord I'M hl. owned by Bruce Mtewart. third. American bred doss lender 45 pounds! -Tlse. owned by R. E. Montromtry, first; rhesterfleld Johnnie, owned by Mrs. C Web ster ftaynor. second. Limit doss under 45 pounda Lane downe Currock Billy, owned by McCartny and West, first. Tise. owned by R. B. Mont somery, second: Chesterfield Johnnie, owned by Mrs C. Wvbster Rs)nor. third. American bred doss Hi pounds and over Chesterfield Blackstone. owned by Georse H Hoyd. first: Sheik IKSerltn. owned by D. McCarsar. second. Limit dos Lord Fife, owned by Mrs. Joe Nu holaon. first. Open does I under 45 pounds Rodney Merlev. owned by McCarthy and Wee?, first: lnsdowne Onrrora HIIIJ. owned by Ma earthy and West, eecond; Tlse. owned by R. E Montgomery, third. Open dors 145 pounds snd orer Dundee Je-reeeher. owned by Mrs A. B. Kernel, first; Khartoon. owned by Frank E. Watkina. eec ond. Lord Fife, owned by Mrs. Joe .Nlchol eon. third. Winners, docs Dundee Hwascher. owned by Mrs A. B. Korhel. first; Khartoon. owned by Frank B- Wstklns. second. Fartflr Coast-bred doss Tlse. owned by Tt. E. Mootmery. first; fehelk IMerlm. uwned by D. McCsrssr. second: Duffy, owned by Lew Kiumpp. third. puppy bitches Violet, owned by Frank Mason, first: Nancy, owned by Lew' Kiumpp. second: Parlflc Novice, owned by Pacific Kennela. third. Novice bitches Chesterfield Mary, owned by J. 1 TetslufT. first: Chesterfield Queen, owned by Georse H. Boyd, second; Violet, owned br Frank Meon. third. American bred bitcheei (under 40 pounds) Ronnie Brier, owned by Mrs. Panford "rMtin-t. second: Lady Wlltnmbla Marga rita owned bv Mrs. F O. Creasy, first. American bred bitches pounds and even Breamore Hvdearads. Owned by the ttprasuelow KenneLa. first- I .ml bitches under 4 poands Lady WHlumbla Margarita, owned br Mrs. r. O. creasy, first; Nancy. owned by Lew Kiumpp. second. .... Umit bltchee 140 pounds and over) Rreamore. Mvoesraoe. ownwo oy ssuel'We Kennela nrwc the bpra u-? pea bltchee (under 40 pounds Dundee heea. owned by A. B Korbel. first: Lady wt'iumbls. owned by Mra r. u. t-reasy. Tu Ooen bitches '40 pounds and ever Brea mn,i Hydesrade. owned by 8prauelow K"?lnn'ermBr"bltchee Breamore Rydersde. owned by the uprasuelow Kesns.a first: , h"..rfl.ld Mary, owned by J. U TetslufT. "VaVtflc Coast bred bltchee Lade Wlllum tiiei Marsarlta. owned by Mrs- F. creasy, first Nancy, owned by Lew Klnrapp. eecond- Bonn.. Brier, owned by Mra aanford " BAld'bybltor. Mtches-Psclflc Strrlee. owned by Pacific Kennela first. Airedale Teefieea. Pucpy dose Kodlenal Chinook, owned by Kootenai Kennela firm: Kootenai Tornado. ,wned by Kootenai Kennela econd: Laddis Lieutenant, rwnei by Laddis Kennela third; Meant view Oakroot. owned by James G. K NovicVVos-st-Kootensl Chinook, owned by Kootenai genneia tirsi; , ' ' owned by Kootenai Kenne.a riis Lieutenant, owned by Laddlx American bred dogs Kootenai Tornado. ,.,ejb, Koot.n.1 K.nnela first; Laddlx Ij.ul.nant. owned by Laddtx Kennels, eec- ""rjmit dogKootensi Chinook owned by Kootal Kennela. Tret ; Mount View Tjrror owned by Jsme. O. Keefe. eecond: Mount View Volunteer, owned by Jsmes a. arm, ""oin dogs Endcllffe Performer, owned by Kootenai Kennela first; Mount Maw Botto. owned by Jsmes O. K eef e, second. Thsyedale Tenny. owned by Alexander Kos. ""winnlTrt doss Kootenai Chinook." owned by Kootenai Kennels, first: Kootensl Tor nsdo. owned by Kootenai Kennels, second. Jsclfle Cosst-bred ."It-Lsddlx Lleuten- second : Lad- Keatsela J sassssssssswas-ass-SSSWSS. . . I Jt "V - : . rocker . . . . .. . . l , j i,.k siMi a. n Ksrbel. Owner. ..r. ,..'.. s-P.l.trr. -Ictrlm Hil.fr." Klrat. Charles R. Champion, Pesadi and Over), Ik. -Unadee Swasher"! Mrs. A. B. Korbel, Owner. Spaniel, "Honey Roy,' 'F"ir l Miss F.dlsaa in. Owner. 41 Bulldog (Opes Down. 45 ant. owned bv I.addix Kennels, first: Thsy- erdsle Tenny. owned by A;exsnder Russell. :ond; Courts Csptstn Jack, owned ny i. 8. Rider, third. Bred by Exhibitor Dogs. Kootenai Chinook, owned by Kootenai Kennela first; Kootensl Tornado, owned by Kootenai Kennela second: Laddlx Lieuten ant, owned by Laddlx Kennela third. Pnppy bltchee Kootenai Sirocco, ownea oy Kootenai Kennels, first: Klickitat Princess, owned by C W. J. Reckers. second; Leaven worth Lucky, owned by F. 8. Jacolsen. third. Novice bltchee Reklo Betsy, owned oy R. E. Klelnsorge. first; Miss Llxsle, owned by Msx Muller. second: Courts Gypsy, owned by Georse W. Manlngton. third. American-bred doss Keklo Betsy, owned by R. E Klelnsorge. first; Miss Llsxle. owned by Max Muller. second; Theodosls. owned by Leroy Fox. third. Limit bitches Miss Llxxle. owned by msx Muller. first: Courts tl psy. owned by George W. Manlngton. second; Penelope, owned by P. P. Leche. third Open bltchee Klllsmey Queen, owned by X. MeConneiL first: Miss Llsxle. owned by Max Muller. second: Laddlx Lavena, owned by Laddlx Kennela third. Winners bitches Klllarney uueen. owned by N. MCConnell. first; Peklo Betsy, owned by R. E. Klelnsorge. second. Airedale) Futurity oooclsls. Kootensl Chinook, owned by Kootenai Kennela first; Kootenai Tornado, owned by Kootenai Kennela eecond: Kootensl Sirocco. Mini by Kootenai Kennela third; Laddlx Lieutenant, owned by Laddlx Kennela f earth. Boll Tee rises. Pappy dogs Duke, owned by Miss Con stance French Hodder, flrst. Novice dogs Bustsr. owned by F. E. Bur- dlck. first; Duke, owned by Miss Constance French Hodder, second; Edelweiss Jlnsie Spar, owned by Edelweiss Kennels, third. American-bred dogs Willamette Brtlltant, owned by Frank E. Watkina first: Kass, owned by Clyde Smith, second; Cabin Boy, owned by William Smith, third. Limit dogs Willamette Brilliant, owned by Frank E Watkina first: Edelweiss Finn, oarned by Mra Harry B. Srhwarts. second. open dogs willsmwtte ttrllllsnt. owned by Frank E. Watkina first; Edelweiss Finn. owned by Mrs. Harry H. Bchwarts, second; Sound End Sombrero, owned by Mra G. C. Israel, special. Winners' dogs Willamette Brilliant, owned by Frank E. Watkina first; Edel weiss Finn, owned by Mra Harry H. Schwarta second. Pacific Coast-bred dogs Willamette Bril liant, owned by Frank E. Wstklns, flrat; Lownsdsle. owned by Mra K- M. Downing. second; Cabin Boy. owned by William 6mlth, third. Novice bitches Sound End Beauty, owned by Lionel Getleleen. first; Nellie, oarned by Mra Thomas Hughes, second: Qulmby BelL owned by Alfred A. Hsmpson. third. Amerlcsn bltchee Sllletto Keen Kutter. owned by Frank E. Watkina first; Mrs. owned by I. J. Jallucla. second. Limit bitches Ktllletto Kean Kutter. owned by Frank E. Watkina first; Edel weiss Msrlposs. owned by Edelweiss Ken nela second: Bonnybred Snow Bird, owned by the Edelweiss Kennels, third. Open bltchee Stllletto Keen 'Kutter. owned by Frank E. Wstklna first; Edel weiss Marsposa. owned by the Edelweiss Kennels, second: Bonnybred 8now Bird. owned by the Edelweiss Kennela third. Winners bitches Mound End Beaaty. owned by Lionel Gettelsen. first. Pacific Coast bred bltchee stllletto Keen Kutter. owned by Frank K. Watkina first. French Balldogs. Novice dogs and bitches Paclflo Ca- baurre Princess, owned by ths Psclflc Ken nela first. American bred dogs snd bltchee Pierre Jacquee. owned by Mra Roy Queanelle, first: Pacific Cabaurre Princess, owned by the Pacific Kennela, eecond. Limit dogs and bltchee Pierre Jarquea owned by Mra Roy Queanelle. first; Psclflc Cabaurre Princess, owned by the Pacific Kennels. second- Open dogs and bltchee Fountalnblea Plerot, owned by Mra Cbarlee W. Conleah. first. wtnners dogs and bltchee Pierre Jacauea owned by Mra Roy Queanelle. first: Psclflc Cabaurre Princess, owned by Paclfc Kennela second. Boston Terriers. Puppy doge Shrimp, owned by Miss Wolfe, first; Buster, owned by Will Marsha, second. Novice dogs Moonto Del Roy. owned by Mra F. W. Hlld. first; Ed a e wood Derby, owned by J. R. Wold, second; Sir Teddy Bloe. owned by Harry C Blair. Jr.. third. American-bred dogs Mounts Del Roy. owned by Mrs. F. W. rllld. first; Bt. Be tollsh's News Boy. owned by Mra H. C. Jenklna second: Edgewood Derby. Jr.. owned by J. K. Wold, third. Limit dogs tt. Botollsh'e News Boy. owned by Mra H. C. Jenklna first: Edire wood Derby, Jr., owned by J . R. Wold, sec ond: Buster, owned by Will Marsha, third. Open dogs 17 to 22 pounds! Brookllne, oarned by Jack Bradshaw. first: St. Boto llsh's News Boy, owned by Mra H. C. Jen klna second: Reglnsld Vanderbllt, owned by W. V. Dolph. third. Open doge IIS-M pounds Mounts Del Roy. owned by Mrs. F. W. Hlld. first.' Winners dogs Brookllne. owned by Jack Bradahsw. first: Mounts Del Roy. owned by Mra F. W. Hlld. second. Psclflc Coast bred dogs Shrimp, owned by Miss Wolfe, first; Sir Teddy Blue, owned try Harry C. Clair. Jr.. second; Bustsr, owned by Will Marsha, third. Puppy bitches Peggr. owned by Dr. Er nest Lspton. first: Chesterfield Cricket, wned by Annie T. Boyd, eecond. Novice bltchea Peggy, owned by Dr. Er nest Lupton. first: Bells Brandon, ownsd by H. O. Farrell .second: Susie, owned by Mra r Kenneth H. Holbrook. third. American, bred bltchee Belle Brandon, ewaed by H. O. Farrell. first; Peggy, owned by Cecil Dormsn. second. Limit bltchee Belle Brandon, owned by H. O. Farrell. first; Relna del Monte, owned by Mrs. F. W. Hlld, eecond. Open bltchee (12 to 17 pounda Relna Del Monte, owned by Mra F. W. Hlld. first: Cry Baby, ownsd by Mrs. Elsie Dashlel, second: Brldeett. owned by Mra C. L. Miner, third. Winners bltchee Peggy, owned by Dr. Ernest Lupton. first; Bells Brandon, owned by H. O. FsrrelL second. Psclflc Cosst-bred bitches Betty R. Por ter, owned by Esther M. Kelchum, flrst. Fox Terriers. Puppy dogs Multnomsh Rebel, owned by W. B. Hiininutl, first; Mount Hood Chsnteclalr. owned by Mrs. E. P. Bodley. socond. . Novice dogs Multnomah Rebel, owned by W. B. Honeyman. first; Mount Hood Chsnteclalr. owned by Mrr. E. P. Bodley. second; Prince, owned by Mrs. Prlncs Parle third. Amerlcao-bred doga Multnomah Rebel, owned by W. B. Honeyman. first; Ssblne Ravine II. owned by Mrs. E. P. Bodley, sec ond. . Limit dogs Multnomsh Rebel, oaned by W. B. Honeyman. first; Sabine Ravins II. owned by Mra E. P. Bodley. eecond. Open dogs Sabine Radium. owna by Irv ing C. Ackerman. first; Multnomah Rebel, owned by W. B- Honeymsn. socond. Winners' dugs Sabine Radium, owned by Irving C. Ackcrmsn. first; Multnomsh Rebel, owned by W. B. Honeyman. second. Puppy bitches Multnomah Frantic, owned by W. B. Perkhetmer. first: Mount Hood Joy. owned by Mrs. E. P. Bodley. see ona; Gipsy Queen, owned by C. J. Mellon, third. Novice bitches Multnomsh Frsntlc, owned by W. B. Feckhelmer, first; Pspsy, owned by Stella C. Flake, second; Gipsy Queen, owned by C. J. Mellon, third. Limit bitches Multnomsh Frantic, owned by W. B. Feckhelmer. first. Open bitches Multnomsh Frsntlc. owned by W. B. Feckhelmer. first: Multnomah Restlees, owned by Jack Bradshsw, second. Winners' hitches Multnomsh Frantic, owned by TV. B. Feckhelmer, first; Mult nomsh Rstlesa owned by Jack Bradshaw, second. Bred by exhibitor Itches Multnomah Frantl. owned by W. B. Feckhelmer, first. Fox Terriers (Wire Haired). Open dors and bitches Endcllffe Jester, owned by Irving; O. Ackerman, first. Winners' dogs and bltchee Endcllffe Jes ter, owned by Irving C. Ackerman, first- ' Irish Terriers. Open dors and bitches Tom Fiddler, owned by Mra D. T. Murphy, first: Thorn croft Speculator, owned by E. D. Connelly, second; Myrtle, owned by E. D. Connelly, third. Winners" dogs snd Mtcheti Tom Fiddler, owned by Mrs. D. T. Murphy, first: Thorn croft Speculator, owned by E. D. Connelly, eecond. Black and Tan Terriers. Novice dogs snd bltchee Tiny, owned by Mrs. A. S. Toung. first. Winners' dogs end hitches Tiny, oarned by Mra A. 8. Young, first. Pomeranians. Puppy docs and bitches Mswruss, owned by Mra Charles F. Fsst. first. Novice doge snd bitches Mswruss. owned by Mrs. Chsrles F. Fsst. first; Ted. owned by L. H. Paige, second. Limit dors snd bitches Trelsnd Saucy Girl, owned by H. G. Lsrge. first. Open dogs and bitches Ireland Ssucy Girl, owned by H. G. Large, first. Winners' dogs and bitches Irelsnd 8sucy Girl, owned by H. G. Large, first: Mswruss, owned by Mra Charles F. Fsst, second. English Toy SpanleU. American-bred dogs and bitches Dante, owned by Mra R. D. Bordeaux, first. Limit dogs and bltchea Dante, owned by Mra. R. D. Bordeaux, first. Winners' dors and bitches Dante, owned by Mrs. R. D. Bordeaux, first. Japanese Spaniels. Novice dogs and bitches Nlppoon, owned by B. Motagsr. first; Tootle, same owner, second. Limit dogs and bltchee Kobe, owned by Mrs. O. S. Taylor, first: Gaml. owned by I. C. Florons. second; Germain, owned by F. C. Florona third. Open dor end bitches Kolle. owned by Mrs. G. S. Tsylor. first: Gsml. owned by F. C. Florona second; Gamaln. owned by F. C. Florons. third. Winners' rtofra and bitches Kobe, owned by Mra. O. 8. Taylor, first; Gamaln. owned by F. C. Florons. second. CAHRD OP THASKS. We desire to' extond our heartfelt thanks to the clerks of the Postofflce and our friends for their many kind messages- of sympathy and beautiful floral tribute tendered at the obse quies of our beloved wife, daughter and sister. Mf.S. WALTER F. PRT"DEN3, MRS. OCE:LIA PAULSEN e AND FAMILIES. RIFLE RANGE SOUGHT JONES ASKS FOR APPROPRIA TION OF $25,750. Land Lies Near Vancouver Barracks and Has Been Leased by Govern ment for Several Years. OKEGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, April 4. Senator Jones today proposed an amendment to the sundry civil bill appropriating "125,750 for the purchase of J20 acres of land near Van couver Barracks for use as a ride range. This land has been leased by the Government for seevral years, and the Government now has an option on i. k,, unioaa It Is houarht soon It can- Dot be had for the price named because of an advance in value 01 tne pruj.c-i.jr. Army officers strongly urge the pur chase. ' Senator Jones also offered amend ments to the river and harbor bill au thorising surveys aa follows: Columbia River, Vancouver to the mouth of the Willamette, with view to the Joint proj- a Kale . Vi e j.nat to be borne by the Port of Vancouver; Columbia River, from and through KlcKey rtapms an" Grand Rapids to the International K..nHeeV with a view to open the river navigation; Nasal. North and other rivers entering wuiapa nirout, " -view to snagging; proposed water way connecting Smilk Bay with PadlllaBay; also an amendment Increasing the ap propriation to the Columbia River be tween Bridgeport and Kettle Falls from $25,000 to $50,000. Senator Jones also presented an amendment to the agricultural bill in creasing the appropriation 1? experiments from $165,000 to $175,000. with a view to enlarging the Investiga tions of woods supposed to be valuable for making paper. "DRY" CAMPAIGN HOT ONE Idaho Local Option Contest Will Re semble Pioneer Days. LEWISTON. Idaho, April 4. (Spe cial.) According to the oldest politi cians In Nex Perce, one of the pioneer localities of the state, sharply drawn political lines In county politics have been totally wiped out by the prohibi tion movement which has swept over this state during the past two years. At a recent meeting of the well or ganised drv forces. It was decided that in the forthcoming election and pri maries, candidates would be Indorsed by them Irrespective of party but upon th stand they .assume regarding the local option question. Politicians say that the struggle for supremacy In the local fight will resolve Itself In to a contest far bitter than has been witnessed In North Idaho since pioneer days. Many Candidates Out for Sheriff. M-tRPHFIELD, Or., April . 4. (Spe cial.) The office of Sheriff of Curry County Is being much sought after. There are now nve candidates for the place. Sheriff W. A. BIshel is after the office again on the Republican ticket. Among thoso opposing him are: W. J. Walker, of Pistol River, and Frank SALLOW SKIN, BILIOUS HEADACHE AND SOUR STOMACH INDICATES YOU NEED CASGARETS You're bilious, you have a throbblnsr sensation In your head, a bad tasta In your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin Is yellow with dark rings under your yes, your lips are parched. No wonder you feel' ugly, mean and Ill-tempered. Your system Is full of bile not properly passed off, and what you need Is a cleaning up Inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love you. and don't resort to harsh physics that irritate and Injure. Remember, that every disorder of the stomach, liver and intestine can be quickly cured bv morning with gentler thorough Cascarets a 10-cent box wllKkcep von and the entire family feeling ttood for months. Don t forget tn cnuaren men little lnsldes need a good, gentle cleansing occa sionally. Children love- to take Cascarots, because theytaste good and .never gripe or sicken. VlialrW KEfiUUTl SIwKACH.UYM J-BJiJILS .TEwTEEa-nyn ffiiFEwacriH.- I0e see Ala 26oin4 Sv sexes mmm IE WARD'S EOffi BEER ON SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 6 BOTTLED AND ON DRAUGHT We have brewed an exceptionally fine Bock Beer. As the supply of this superior and delicious product is limited, we now solicit your orders to be delivered on and after above date HENRY WEINHARD BREWERY PHONES Main 72, A 1172 Owens, a rancher of Gold Beach; Charles Bailey, of Wedderburn, Is the only candidate for the Democratic nomination. The vote for Sheriff in the past has always been very closer Yakima May Get More Money. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, April 4. Senator Jones offered the Indian bill ln- -creaslng the appropriation for-extend ing the irrigation system on mo ..- ma Indian reservation rrom io,uuu ii ,75,000. HAVE YOUR GLASSES MADE HERE - ASK YOUR OCULIST TO SEND HERE FOR ONE REASON e We employ only experts in our work, enabling us to guarantee perfect satisfac tion in everything we do for you. It is worth while to have it done right. . Columbian Optical Co. 145 Sixth St. K 1 full tled years 1 ful1 seven old.. V Main 74, A 2774. Free Jlotor Delivery until midnight. 93 Sixth Street, 7 eystone Liquor aster Special quart Old Glenn, bot in bond, 8 iJ 2 quart Banquet Port, ?ears $1.00 $2.25 Both together Friday and Saturday for $1.25 CoJ Arte Drag iter A GRIP OF , STEEL That is what we will hold your confidence and patronage with, once you become our patron. We assert this with all the strength of honest conviction, for we know how hard we are trying to provide your hard ware needs and how well we have succeeded with others. Next to the quality of our goods and the fairness of our prices, we pride ourselves on our SERVICE, attention to little things, courteous treatment and prompt deliveries. Do such things appeal to you? If so our store should be your hardware headquarters. As a special inducement to get acquainted, look at these. We should know one another. Best quality Batcher Knives. 6-inch saw-riveted Ogc beech handle Caldwell's full ball-bearing, absolutely guarantee- 16-inch Lawn Mowor, with grans catcher. j- 1g all complete e Graee Hook, offset handle to prevent striking OC. Vour knuckle, London shear steel blade Oakland Coping Saws, extra blade, best PossI-!Q ble to make v Wonderful Boye' Fielders' Glove, D. & M. Web, OCj. thumb, large size, first-class In every respect JJ Ebony handle, curved blade Steak Knives, d -I Crt only, set of 1,3U Galvanized Contractors' Cement Carrying Palls, Cfi best possible to make, only DUC 5-tine gardener's Spading Forks 75r Ppeclal Taper Files. 10c any time, at 5r Revolving brass top Lawn Sprinklers ...1 50 Riveted Garden Hose 25c Winner professional size baseball Bats, T. & M. 25c Locking japanned Mall Boxes 50c Solid Brush Brass Store Door Locks, not d0 QC small residence sets iPe5ieOJ Front Door Resldenee Lock sets. Chaplain design 8fC Sbavln Bruehen. serviceable a few left lOc Solid Shank Garden Trowels , 55c BASEBALL GOODS, FISHING TACKLE, FIEE ARMS. OREGON HARDWARE CO. You will find It will pay yon to bny our way." WORCESTER BUILDING, 70-73 THIRD ST., COR. OAK. NEXT WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.