TTTK MnnVTr, onEOOXTAy. FRIPAY, ' APRIL 3, - . - i i i i - i i i .., - . - " ' " " ' ' ' ' - , . CITY NEWS IN BRIEF e-ipitw t 4iMm ..... fr Clrnlitm ... Kn-ia Kelter .. ftjnlar Bailor .... Cam poetns-room Mats T0 A " .....Mat TtfTO A .....Mala TOT A " .....Mala TnTS A .Mala Tot Sutrariaiaadaat aulMtas ...Mala I0 A tot ' muxim H i n ir i -rwrA-rr iRMMih and Terier Aaaune Dan lap. m tha drama. "aladaina A - Toalgnt at 1:1a. SlK THEATER I Eleventh and atorrV arn Bakar "lock Company la tha play. Tka Fourth Eatate.'- Toalckt at el. OKh-HEUM THEATER iaom. MUM talk and venth VeonevUle. Tkla ar K'Mog at 1:1 and toalgnt at 1:11 o'eieefc. tUHMSS THEATER Far and Waakta. loot VeuoevlUe. Tkaa afternoon at t:ia taaickt at t:M ana aaloe. fVTAOE THEATER fSewatll ea AJ- eer) Vaadallia. Tkla aftarneen at 1:1a, -calget u Mt nan a' cloak. LTItIC THEATER fFaorlk and tnr MuelrnJ eoeaedy. Tha cempoeer." Tkla af:rnoon at J SO audi leaisnt at and It alack. 'PLI-1 fTilt ARCADE. OH JOT. T1VOU AMD CRTTAJ rtrat-ma nt- taraa. II A. M.-11 P. ku la Brief eeramne to kaadad Ik Tha Oeecealaai a a clack hetarney ei aali reunite1 far tka CMr Hews Sim says kaia aaea ee lailam atfVaa n Slmniio Diirni la TosnoirT. Man who have joined tha Portland Young Jltn Christian Association within tha laat two months will be entertained At tha regular bi-monthly mrmbarshlp dinner In tha T. M..C A. auditorium tonight at :1S o'clock. About SO have been enrolled In the as sociation In tha two moo tha. and It Is hoped that a considerable proportion of them will be present at tha dinner. Short talks will be made by It- R. Perkins, of th religious work depart ment; Stanley Baker of tha advisory and employment department; - A. M. UMUey, of the phyeloal department, and K. C. French, of the educational department. CoMMrrrcaa A as ArroixTEO. Tha Center Addition Improvement Club has appointed tha following committees On electrlo Hants. J. F. Watte. James Tarrah. C J. Dlpert; on opening; of Kast Burnalde street. H. J. Vallentlne. J. F. Waits and E. W. Warner. Lights have been promised for a number of street Intersections. Tha committee on opening; East Burnalde street Is con ferring; with tha property owners and City Engineer as to tha most feasible route for the opening;. Between East Burnalde and East Stark. East Fifty fifth and ast Sixtieth streets. Center Addition. A movement has been started for a district Improvement of graded streets and cement si le walks. Wiu la Filed. Tha will of Albert f'anek. written In Oerman. and having been retained by his widow for six years before filing, was placed on file with County Clark Fields Wednesday. The will was made at Oood Samaritan Hospital. Airs. Ottilia Morhead. a daughter. Is contesting tha probata of the will, which leaves tha most of the property to the widow. This Includes a house at 600 Miller street and 80 acres of land eight miles from UktmiA The daughter Is to be al lowed to occupy the upper part of tha house on Miller street without the pay ment of rent. Rev. Mr. Trimslc to Speak. Martha Washington Chapter. No. 14, Order Kastern Star, will attend services at the Centenary Methodist Church. East Pine and East Ninth streets, Sunday night, where Rev. Delmar H. Trimble will speak on the subject, "Why We l.lve Forever." Members of all branches of tha Masonlo order will be welcome to these services. The plan adopted for taking cars of babies In a room separate from tha auditorium, started a few weeks ago. baa bean found vary successful and will be continued at both the morning and evening serv ices. Willamette Baptist Association to Uirr. The Willamette Baptist Asso ciation will hold Its annual meeting In the Third Baptist Church. Vancouver avenue and Knott street. Alblna, Wed nesday. Thursday and Friday, April 10, 11 and 11. The general meeting will consider educational, missionary, literature. SXinday school work and ex tension work. Rev. W. J. Bennett, pastor of the local church, and con gregation are making arrengementa for tha sessions of tha association. Delegates will attend from tha churches of the Willamette Valley. Hcmas Found. Finding a human hand In tha basement of a flat at 6S1 East Alder street gave tha city detectives what appeared for a time yesterday to be a murder mystery- The discovery was reported by Patrolman St ram. who had It from John Anderson, Janitor of tha building. Anderson found tha hand while cleaning tha basement. It was preserved by soma liquid. It developed that the hand had been left In the building by Ray Goodwin, a dental student, who bad been dissect ing It. COMJk-cxciNO Mosdat Mornino. April I. all freight consigned to and re reived from Mount Hood Railway at Power Company points, will be handled at the freight house of the Portland Railway, Light Power Company, at East Water and Clay streets. The freight house at the foot of Gllsan street on tha water front, known aa Alaska dock. will be abandoned. (Signed) Portland Railway, Light c Power Company. Aoed Mar Dies. Christian Olson, aged S7, died at the home of his son, M. Olson. Montavllla, Tuesday. He bad been a resident of Portland' for 17 years and lived with hia son. He la survived by three sons and one daugh ter: M. Olson. Portland: O. A. Olson, Seattle; Charles Olson. Klamath, Or.; Mrs. L. I. Dewley. Minneapolis. Tha funeral will be held today at 2 o'clock from Holmao'e ChapeL "Tag DaT" Arrangements Settled Todat. The final preparations for "tag day. planned by the National College Equal Suffrage League, will be made today, when the members of the league will call throughout the day at the headquarters, at 4i Selling build ing, to receive their tags and obtain instructions. The tags will be sold about the city at It cents each. Portland Named as Place pom Bids. The Chamber of Commerce has suc ceeded In having Portland named as ona of tha places where bids will be received to furnish the Government with forage and straw for tha Western Division Posts for the fiscal year. Tha bids may be sent to any Pacific Coast city before May 1. Dr. Chapman to Bfkak. Dr. C. H. I Chapman will lecture before the litera ture department of the Woman's Club today at ( P. M- in Women of Wood-i-raft Halt Miss Emma Wold will be In charge of the class on biology, which meets at 2 o'clock. Has Experience. H. C. Smith Is present chief deputy under Frank S. Ktelds and has bis full confidence and approval. If nominated and elected County Clerk will give an efficient, economic administration. (Paid adv.) Convention Date 6et. Tha annual School Board convention will be held In the Gresham School, at Gresham. to morrow from 19 A. M. until 2:30 P. M. A full programme will consume the time, and the public Is Invited. Madam. Before placing your order for a tailored suit be sura and see our Imported novelties; price, le. Gurney. . ladies' tailor. Mohawk bide For Coos Bat and Eureka. Tha popular steamer Alliance sails Friday, April 8. at P. M. For tickets apply N. P. 8. 8. Co, 112 Third, near Alder. Frank 8. Fields for ten years County Clerk Is the Republican candidate for Secretary of State. Ballot No. 41. (Paid adv.) 0KAT1NO today ail day. Oaks Rink. Mont a villa to Consider Fire Sta tion. Tha location of the proposed fire station will be considered Monday night by the people of Montavllla at a meeting of the Montavllla Board of Trade and tha Business Men's Club, of the Basa Line road.' In Oddfellows' hall, corner East Eightieth and East Ollaan streets. Objections nave neen raised to the location on. East Eighty second and East Burnslde streets. where It Is proposed to purchase a site. 100x100 feet, for 1100. Offers of two sites on East Eightieth and East Couch streets have been made. One offer Is a lot 65x100 feet for l5 and another of 10x100 feet for $1400. WITIlam Marshall. William . DeVeny. Jane's W. Conway and others say that a majority of the people in Montavllla favor a location on East Eightieth street and oppose the Eightysecond staet location. All Interested are In vited to att'L Park Superintendent E. T. Mlscne will be present to give an Illustrated talk on "Portland Parks and Playgrotreda.' Almanac Ota. piled por Settlers. A 4-page elmuac containing useful Information regarding Oregon. Is being compiled by tee Oregon Immigration Commission for the use of new settlers and Immigrants. The Commission has sent a circular letter to the various Commercial Clubs. County Commis sioners, Mayors of towns and other officials asking their aid In collecting the data. The book will be published with an appropriation made by the State Legislature. The Oregon Almanac will show the opportunities of the various districts throughout the state, prioes of land. markets, products, schools, churches, organisations and all things of Interest to strangers and residents aa well. There will be 200,000 copies Issued. The front will contain, a general description of the state. The only illustrations will be maps and there will be no advertisements In the book. Lantern - to Be Bouobt. In order that all sections of the city may hear the Illustrated lectures by Park Su perintendent Mische on Portland parks a movement has been started to raise money with which to purchase a stere optlcon lantern to be used In giving these lectures. A subscription has been started by the Mayor. It la esti mated that this lantern will cost 135 or $30. William DeVeny Is raising the funds for the lantern. When this lan tern has been secured the park super intendent will be able to deliver his lectures before any of the suburban Improvement clubs. Mining Action Dismissed. Because of lack of evidence Deputy District At torney Collier yesterday asksd for the dismissal In the Circuit Court of the grand Jury Indictment against B. 8. Nunn. H. W. Rand and J. A. Wesco charging them with fraud In a mining deal. The Indictment alleged that the thsee defendants represented to L. Shanahan that they owned valuable mining property In Lincoln County and by so doing secured nnanctai as sistanca under false pretenses. Tha case was dismissed by Judge Kava naugh. Miss Catherine Zbller Dibs. Miss Catherine Zeller died at the home of her mother. Mrs. Susan Zeller, Wed nesday, at the age of 70 years. Sha Is survived by her mother and the following brothers and sister: John A.. Morgan A., Richard L.. Daniel W. and Edward Zeller and Miss Sarah Zeller, of Portland. The funeral will be conducted from the home of her mother, 24 East Seventeenth street North, today and burial will be at Rlvervlew Cemetery. Plumber Attempts Suicide. Fred Strasser, a plumber, yesterday at tempted to kill himself by shooting himself through the breast. In a room ing-house, at Third and Taylor streets. The shot pierced the lung, and his con dition Is such that be may not sur vive. After the attempt he was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital. He la 11 years old and his parents reside at Yale, Wash. Strasser recently came here from San Francisco. Dlspondancy caused him to make the attempt. Civil War Veteran Dibs. James M. Harkleroad, veterrn of the Civil War and an old resident of the city, died April X at the age of 9. He had been a resident of Portland for a num ber of years, served on the police force and was a member of George Wright Grand Army Post. He Is survived by a widow, Mrs. Ida E. Harkleroad. The funeral will be conducted Sunday at 2 p. M. from Holman's Chapel, and burial will be at Lone Fir Cemetery. Floods Delat Mails. Owing to the flood In the Middle West, Inter fering with the train service, no East ern mall has been received since Tues day and that was the service that should have arrived tha day before. From Information received by Post master Merrick yesterday, no more Eastern mall will arrive before Sat urday, but as soon as It gets Into the office Its distribution will be made as rapidly as possible. Rabbi Wise to Speak. "Faith and Experience" will be the subject of Rabbi Jonah B. Wise's sermon at Beth Israel tonight, at I o'clock. Services tomorrow at 10:30 o'clock. The choir under the direction of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer will sing the service. Passover services will be held Sunday night at f o'clock, and Monday morning at 10. All men and women are welcome. Cole's Second Trial Starts. The second trial of E. W. Cole x-pollce sergeant who Is charged with grafting. was begun yesterday before Circuit Judge Morrow. The work of selecting a Jury was begun at the opening of the casa but was discontinued after tha selection of Joseph Sales as A Juryman. The remainder of tha day was passed In arguments on legal questions. Ashkr Ttlter'b Funeral Held. The funeral of Asher Tylar, veteran of the Civil War, who died April 1 at his home, 104 East Thirty-second street, was conducted yesterday from' Hol man's chapel and burial wa at G. A. R. Cemetery. Comrades of the Port land Grand Army posts attended. Mr. Tyler was 11 years old. Mission Circle to Meet. The wo men of the Florence Meada Mission Circle of tha Irvington Church will meet with Mrs. W. Ford this afternoon at her home, 72 Clackamas street, to complete arrangements for an Easter ale and supper to be held In the social nail oi tne cnurcn. Judge Bean Returns. Judge Bean has returned from Attending a short term of tha United States District Court at Pendleton. The cases that were expected to be tried were either settled or postponed so the court there was adjourned until May 27. T. W. C A. Green Tea Room Menu, Friday, April S: Rica soup, clam soup. roast beef, black cod. pork chops, lima beans, breaded tomato, baked apples, crab, fruit and hlndu or watercress salad: pineapple bavarian, peach pie. Ice cream with cake, v Nonsupport Is Charged. Drunken ness and nonsupport are the grounds for A dlvoree suit brought In the Cir cuit Court yesterday by ElTie Gertrude Darling against Everett E. Darling. They were married In Baker City Octo ber 15, 1105. Church op Our Father (Unitarian). Seventh and Yamhill. Good Friday service will be held thla evening at 8 o'clock In the chapel, entrance on 7th at. Rev. W. Q. Eliot. Jr.. minister; Rev. T. L. Eliot. Jr. minister emeritus. School Garden Committee Meeting Todat. The school garden committee meets at headquarters In the Selling building, at 4 P. M. today, to discuss the matter of awarding prises and dividing the localities. Westbrn Pochahontas Coal. I. SO a ton. delivered: more heat for - your money than any other. Phones: Main 151. A 1351. - Elks. Attentidx! Are you going to Eugene? Yes! Send In your name to Secretary Spauld ng. i Missionary Society to Meet. The monthly meeting of the Woman's For elgn Missionary Society of the Taylor Street Methodist Church will be held In the church parlors loday at 2 P. M. The fourth chapter of. "The Light of the World" (Mohammedanism) will be discussed under the leadership of Mrs. David Young. Special music will be given by Mesdames Miller and Kramer. An Invitation Is given to all Interested to attend. Members hi Campaign Ends Tomor row. The membership campaign in progress at the Sellwood Y. M. C. A. will end Saturday night when those who are securing new members will report. Good results are. expected by Secretary Heasemer from" this cam paign. Mr. Hessemer reports all the athletic classes are rilling up. Services Are Announced. Serv ices will be held at the Congregation Ahaval Sholom, Park and Clay streets. tonight at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Abraham son officiating. Dr. J. Rosenberg will address the congregation. Tomorrow morning services will be held at 8:30, Rabbi Abrahamson officiating. Stainer's Crucifixion will be sung by the choir of 8L Stephen's Pro-Cathedral. Thirteenth and Clav sts., this 8 o'clock, under the direc tion of Mr. Carl Denton. Wanted. Loan, of $12,000 for one or two years, T per cent: gilt-edge security offered. Write AE 46, Oregonlaa. ROAD CONTROL CHANGES P. n., L. ft P. tO TAKE OVER MT. HOOD LTAE MONDAY. Auto Track Service). From Alaska Dork to Be Discontinued and F.qulprun"MoveU Next Week. Beelnninc' next MoncaV. April 8. the property of the Monnt Hood Railway Jb Power Company win be under tne aotual control ot 4he Porvland Railway, Light A Power Company, which took formal possession of It twt weeks ago. An order was Issued to all station agents yesterday to report, beginning Monday, to F. D. Flint traffic manager of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company. The auto truck freight service be tween the Alaska dock and Montavllla will be discontinued. The equipment at the dock will be moved to the Haw thorne barns. As rapidly as possible the office furniture and equipment in tha Lewis building will be assembled In the Electric building. Some of the employes ot the Mount Hood Company will be retained under tha new owner ship. The firm of 8mlth, Kerry at Cbaee. of Toronto, which had charge of con atructlon work on tha Mount Hood line, has severed its connection with the en terprise and the membera have resigned their positions with the company. S. G McMeen, president, who came here last Fall, will return to Chicago, to continue with fhe engineering firm of which he Is the head. E. R. Ernsbergar. manager of the railway department, has resigned his position and probably will engage In private business in Port land. Arrangements for giving patrons of the Troutdale line of the Portland Railway, Light Power Company, as well as those of the Mount Hood Hne direct connection with Portland now are being considered. SPOKANE JS INDORSED Commercial Bodies Favor Move for Rivera and Harbors Congress. Efforts are being made to have the National Rivers and Harbors Congress meet in Spokane In the Fall. Instead of meeting In Washington In December, as they hare since the Congress was started eight years ago. Spokane has raised $5000 for an en tertainment fund. The movement has pno j jiuui U li j - - merclal Club and by the various other commercial bodies of the Pacific Coast. The congress will be Invited to visit Portland If they meet in spoKan. ana while here will Inspect Portlands waterways. The replies received from the vlce- vorable. There are 170 persons to be Heard rrom. J. n.. wratse, ui abiwiio, and A. H. Devera, of Portland, repre- . ... nAwAti . Mr Hrntka favors SnO- kane. Mr. Devers Is yst to report. Newspaper Are Commended. The Oregon Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations passed the following resolutions yesterday: ' Whereaa. The Mornln Orrsonlan and the Evening Telegram have purified their pub lloailona far clearing their Bares Of the Pr- nlctoua advertlaemenla of ik and quack doctor: be It Rraolved. That we, the Oregon CongrM of Mothers, desiring clean newapaprra. com mend the above-named publlcationa tor their splendid step forward and upward. (Signed) C-MMA L i KEr. J EN NT PHILLIPS, Cordwood.. Slahwnod. Coal. Rolman Fuel Co.. successors to Baa-field-Vevaev Fuel Co. M. SSI. A 11S1. " I Refer You to My Bank" proudly says any business man who is a commercial de positor here and who keeps his ac count in the right condition. , There are hundreds of business concerns whose heads find this bank just the right size for them to do business with not so large that a small business man feels overawed nor so small that we're nnable to extend every facility to onr clients. We frankly expect to be of help to our clients want to be if they're good customers and seek de positors who manage their business on the right lines, regardless of size. Portland Trust Co. B A N K Third and Oak Sts. f Easter U for the . - . Children B v! A ConVtnrl H N A Secbnd. Christmas That's what Easter means to the little ones. The gifts of gaily-colored Eggs and Toy Rabbits and Chickens are treasured for many a day. THE BIG SWEET SHOP Is overflowing with these Nov elties In All softs of funny and original shapes all for filling with sugar eggs. Oar Special 2Sc Line, which proved so popular last year. Is larger and better this season. The demand Is also greater, and early purchasers will get the choice. If It's a dainty gift for. the Sweetheart er Wife) TMt POPULA JVvTtT 4 HO Pi 269-71, rWRMJON THE HAZELWOOD. A Good. Place to Eat. 0 -. . ,1. An tmri & m MmSlnri OOVVU OJHHJB-"t-t ...... " ' seating capacity of over 400. Weber's orchestra to 6, to s ana :su to ii:v. Two entrances, IIS Washington street. 187H Alder street. ' BOWERSHOTEL For Dinner Eagter Sunday. a -n r 1 1 innvMilf menn. Singing K.r Vf I pranMa AeeornDanled br the Ceclllan orchestra. Dinner to 8 P. M. $1 per plate. PENNEY BROS.' FRIDAT 8PECIAU Wa offer our 13 wines at a gallon: 11. to wines at 75c a gallon) Kentucky Whisky, seven years old, regulsr 14.80 At 11. 60 a gallon: Ken tucky Whisky, regular $1.50, at 11.60 a gallon; IS grade Whisky, 11.10 a gallon. Friday only. 17 E. Morrison st. Phones Eent 117. B Free delivery. srjjl Easter Clothes for Men and Young Men Prom A. B. Steinbach & Co. show distinctiveness Brook Hats at $3 Without a Peer Means smartef styles, better qualities and newest colors. New Felt and Stiff Shapes iow on dis play for your approval. "Of Class Made only m the finer grades,, each garment is a masterpiece of individuality, style touches, nicety -of fin ish ind thorough worth. They are distinguished by the most prudent dressers,, who know when a suit looks well Let us be your CLOTIIIER Give us a trial. You'll be satisfied. Young Men's Suits $12.50 to $25 Men's Suits $15 to $40 Portland's Fashion Shop S. W. Corner Fourth and Morrison 0RDERSTAKEN for children's hate, coats and smocked dresses. New consignments ot Porto RIcan work. Children's dressos fin ished In cross-stitch designs. Woman's Exchange, lit Fifth. Two-thirds of the tin ud In the world la aupplied by the stalay atatf. - "THE EPICURE'S SANCTORUM" Dedicated to the Homes of Portland, in the interest of Good Living. L. MAYER & CO. 148 THIRD ST. Portland's Oldest and Best Grocers. We have anticipated yonr Easter wants ; we have stocked our store to over-flowing with every delicacy that would make your Easter dinner a success. SUCH DAINTIES AS: California Mammoth Ripe Olivet, Olives Stuffed with Celery, Almonds and Pepper, Bar le Due, and Maroons in Vanilla Syrup, Spiced Currants, Grape Chutney, Major Grey's Chutney, Oscar Sauce, , Peach Melba, French Assorted Fruits, Fromaee de Brie Cheese, Imported Camenbert, Royal Stilton Cheese, Roquefort, Franco-American Soups, Clear Green Turtle. Wines and Liquors and innumerable other delicacies. . FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, WE OFFER: Extra large white Asparagus, 3 pounds for. McEhenny's Canned Okra, 3 cans for Swift's Premium Bacon, per pound. ; Fancy Ranch Eggs, per dozen Seeded Raisins, 10-ounce packages, per package. Port (medicinal), half -gallon bottles lT.Ttra Stiernr rin.lf-tra.llon bottles Eye or Bourbon, half -gallon bottles $3.00 FOR EASTER DINNER: ' To arrive today, FRESH STRAWBERRIES. Place your order early. VEGETABLE AND FRUIT DEPARTMENT: Fresh Asparagus, Oregon Sugar Peas, Celery Hearts, Rhubarb, Oregon Cauliflower, New Potatoes, Artichokes, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Fancy Head Lettuce, Water Cress, . Bananas, Florida Grape Fruit, Fresh Pineapple. Sweet Navel Oranges, Apples. "We deliver to all parts of the city" "We solicit fcew Ac counts." Service Unexcelled. ..25 ...30 ...25 ...10 .$1.50 1.25 ANT0NINI OLIVE OIL Olive Oil of the finest quality. . The absolute purity of this Olive" Oil is guaranteed, In adition to its purity, tt has the fresh delicate and true olive flavor. TUUJettUBK -fa. IF 3" Gallon tins, $3.75 t-gallon tins, $1.90 Quart tins, $1.15 Large glass, $1.00 Medium glass 50c. D.C SCO, 208-210 Third St. BURN SEALY- DRESSE MAIN 7200 GROCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS. 28Q-290-292 STARK STREET CO. A 6181 1 Recoarnlxed Headqunrters Best ThinR" to Eat. A Sl'GGESTIOIVi riln This "Ad," Hans; It In the Kltcben. IT WILL PAV YOU. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS 'TURKISH" Portland's Finest Coffeo "The Zenith of Quality" Our TURKISH COFFEE is s. blend of the finest berries grown. Wa roast them daily and grind them to your order. Full-flavored, full-bodied, select coffee for family and after-dinner use. It is satisfying to the most fas tidious coffee drinkers 154 lb. iri airtight packages. SPECIAL Saturday, 2 lbs. 85c STRAWBERRIES Fresh from Los Angeles EASTER EGGS ?By c y Baskets, and up. BAKERY DEPARTMENT Here you will find a special supply of trood things. HOT CROSS BUTTS, DOZ 15d BOI.OS CAKES 75C KKA.NT7. CAKKS ;...-IOC SIT LOAtT CAKES 25C LAVRR CAKES, ALL KI.VDS.50c FRENCH PASTRY, DOZ 60 WINES AND LIQUORS "KENTUCKY MAID" tduTi on in bond, full qts. only . . P 1 aa-O "OLD HERMITAGE" a Price J laaSO CLUB RYE .fuU..$1.25 FINE RIESLING peVdgXnr,hi only iDlaaCO SEVILLE ORANGES Ze L?Z making. Only a few left. Per O C v 3oen k PPIpflTQ "Moorpark" Diamond "W" niniuwiui can, Bpeclal TELEPHONE PEAS, S lbs. for 25c NEW POTATOES. Ib lOc ORKCOJI RHUBARB, VERV ff FANCY OC FCV.WHITE ASPAIIAGUS, 31bs25c FRESH TOMATOES, Ib 15c LARGE ARTICHOKES, each ..10 fancy hothouse cucumbers fancy hothouse mushrooms celery hearts Malaga grapes fresh pineapple, cranberries, etc, etc mMATn PATCUD "Preferred stock" I uiiim u uni oui Franco - American large sizejOtf regular 40c; special Jl tnuATn eniiD lUlliniU OUUr concentrat- Ofi ed; reg. lOo can, sp'l, 3 forOC TOMATOES rIrcVe lt tf IS can, Bpeclal, 2 for. brand, regular 30con avs v. 288, 200, 202 STARK STREET (near Fifth), PORTLAND, OREGON, DIME A DPI C Long's Preserved, extra nilLHfTLL quality; regular nfi 35e, special, only COC MINT ICI I Y Gordon A- Dllworth's, mini JELL I very fine with Spring Lamb. Two sizes, 35 and 50e MINT SAUCE TeX1 35c JfTw. b altes J and company PRINTING- J Mala 165,Ail65 j; Foster 8c Kleiser Bisk Grade commercial and Eleetris SIGNS fost Seventh and Eaat Everett Streets Phones Bast 1111, B 2224, :CHWAB PRINTING CO a- 54: STARK STREET am a BELMONT Arrow "Notch COLLAR 'Get the hack of the NOTCH' lie each 1 for Sc. I C E DIABETES East 629 B 6148 LI2EST7 COAL k lOB COMPAlDf treated with greatest success -without re stricted diet. PhyalB-nutrltlva Sal-Sano removes all symp tom! of tha dlaeaie, produces gain In weight, muaclea and nerve power and energy. At leading drugKleta. SAL-SAJiO CO.. J-'ew York. 88 tf. Broadwajr. Writs for booklet.