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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1912)
5 on Can Make the isten TTTE 3fOn"IXG OnrGOXTAX, TTTTTRSDAT, APTCTL 4. 1913. Oreg World. P o R T L A N b' s L O w E R H R B O R She has the best of climate, splendid .soil, unlimited resources,, millions of acres of free lands and cheap lands. The finest fresh water harbor in the United States; cheap transportation in sight Panama Caaal and a boundless ambition to be first among the live wire states. And the world will listen if every loyal citizen .will lend his support to a pull-together movement to develop these advantages that nature has so kindly bestowed. Xature has given us a cheap highway to the sea, which makes ur transportation problem like boys' play when compared with other states. And cheap, quick transportation is the one great agent through which the development of our great state must come. It will not come, to any great extent, through the present elfih. short-sighted route in a 100 years. We must meet the conditions that have grown up recently in anticipation of the great change the Panama Canal. w ill create on this coast, in which Oregon is most vitally interested. The preparation now being made by the great steamship com panies to ' iie harbors 'north of ' is' and south" of us, and the fact I hat our neighbors on the Sund will expend 20 millions on their do-k system, proves absolutely that we must use Oregon's one great harbor at the mouth of the Columbia River. It's our gate- s u N S E T R E A L T Y C o. way, Oregon's, yours and mine; through' which" th'at larger pros perity will come to every citizen in the Inland Empire as well as west of the Cascades. What's more, .we must act quickly and all together if we would retain Oregon trade to Oregon people and build up a live wire state to be proud of. j Let us forget the selfish methods of the past, and accept a broader policy for future development. Let's be fair to all. Give Astoria her due, insist on the railroads playing fair; get the real benefit of our down hill haul. Be the aggressor from today in the fight between Puget Sound and the mouth of the Columbia. A We shall win easily and quickly by accepting Nature's gift, that broad, deep, splendid harbor reaching from Tongue Point to Fort Stevens, and by using the fine level land. at Warrenton, where both the Hill and Harriman systems have large water frontage that is ideal for the ocean terminals of these great sys tems, and others that must follow. It's Portland's lower harbor. Be a Booster for Greater Oregon. Begin today. There's only one right way to do things, then act. Let's get right, M O u T H O F T H E C O L U M B I A Sminonf IDoIiKt Otk main Sales Agents Columbia Harbor Land Co. illloCL V' Vlio 3123 GROUND FLOOR, COMMERCIAL CLUB BUILDING RAILROADS PAY OFF IN IN COALFIELD All Coal Destined for Outside Markets Now Near Tide water Points. FRICTION BEING AVOIDED rrnnilon t.ivrn to Wash Coal for roller. Thna Arcrtlnff Clash on lne That Prorrd Scrlon In I-a-t Die Strike. rHILA DELPIIIA. Arrff J. Tint eambrr ot Idle men in the anthracite rilon itii increased today br the Uyinr off of additional men by the railroad., which hare ahtpped prartl rally all the coal destined for out.lde market out of the roal field. Much of this la etrung along; railroad aiding; near tidewater points. Teamsters haulm- powder to the mines also hare been laid off. The luanrltjr of powder used earn year in l.lsstlnjr anthracite la rery laxite. The attempt of mine bosses to ((art operatlona at the Katherlne colliery and independent operattona In the Nor thnmoerland County district prored a failure. rmuttoi la I ard. I" rated Mine Workers, and sympa thisers canraxsed the homes of the workmen employed at the eolllery and persuaded them not to tto to work. Considerable friction baa been avoided In the Lackawanna rerion, wherw officers of district No. 1 cave permission to the mines around Scran ton to operate washerles. provided the coal is used for the boiler-rooms of the collieries to keep the mines In rendition, in tue last bis; st was much rtotlns; over the f tlie washerles. terlal and men by team from Junc tion to lay the track at this junction, ecurlnr priority of crossing-. Tho purpose In fonrinir the right of way at this time Is not known. HILLMAN SUEDBY LAWYER .. He Is Preparing to Enter Triton, Action for $2 7,500 Starts. SEATTLE. Wash.. April J. Clarence Dayton Hillman, the millionaire real estate dealer under a 30 months sen tence In McNeil's Island Penitentiary for using the mails to defraud, was sued today for :7.t00 by his counsel. Frederick R. Burch. who alleges that Ilillaian agreed to pay him $40,000 for defending; h'm on the fraud charge and $2500 for defending him on contempt proceedings growing out of an alleged attempt by Hillman to corrupt the Jury. Burch alleges that he has received but $15,000. Hillman Is preparing to enter prison. General Ma as Ketarns. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wish.. April 3. (Special.) General Marion r. Maus. commander of the Department of tho Columbia, who baa been Inspecting sltea for maneuvers near Tacoma re turned to this post today. Major A. S. Fleming, who has been attending the school of the Adjutaiit-Oeneral's de partment at Fort Leavenworth, Karu arrived today and will relieve Major Charles E. Tayman as Adjutant-General ot the Department of the Colum bia. Mrs. Fleming will arrive in about 10 days. MINES WILL RESUME Strike Majority Too Small to Justify Continuance. WORK EXTENDING RAPIDLY Twenty Thousand Men In Stafford shire to Be Back In Collieries Today Rioting Occurs In Some Districts. LONDON. April t. "It will be peace with honor and the men will return to work." said Thomas Ashton. secretary of the Miners' Federation, tonight, but pending a scrutiny of the ballot tomor row he was not able to give the figures. Other delegatea who arrl-ved In London tonight to attend the meeting of the federation tomorrow are agreed there will be too small a majority aealnet re sumption of work to Justify a pro lonitation of the conflict. Work In the coal fields is rapidly ex tending. Large numbers have resumed in Staffordshire, and It Is said that 20. 000 men In this district will be back in the pits tomorrow. There has been some rioting In dif ferent parts of the country. At Dun fermline, Scotland, the unionist miners stoned the detachment of police which was protecting the nonunlonists who had resumed work. At PontypooL' Mon mouthshire, there have also been dis turbances, crowds of striking miners smashing the windows In the houses of the men who returned to work. March Good for Weddings. VANCOUVER. Wash.. April 3. (Spe cial.) During March S3 marriage li censes were Issued by the County Audi tor. William Marshall. The first couple to get a license to marry in April was Arthur Allen Reld and Miss Minerva Ernst, who were accompanied by Robert H. Barber, all of Camas. cial.) The County Commissioners have granted a franchise to the Washington Oregon Corporation that will enable the Coal Creek mines cast of town to be more fully developed. Rail transporta tion is now assured two operating mines. The logging road of the Coal Creek sawmill will be electrified and In future the mill company's logs will be brought to the pond In this manner. Further Industrial development of Coal Creek valley is also made possible. Patriotic Spirit Crged. SALEM, Or., April 3. (Special.) Declaring that many teachers and prin cipals of schools are not observing the custom of raising flags over school houses on proper occasions. Superinten dent Alderman 's sending out a letter urging that this be properly attended to and that patriotism for the flag be engendered. If There's Nothing Left but The Handle And you "HS bring; it to Lenoon's I'mbrella Hospital Vour Old I'mbrella Will Soon Be a .cw Vmbrella. We Repair and Recover I mbrellas Our Oni Factory on the Premises. Oregon-Made Vmhrrllas. Mines Assured I tail Line. CHEHALIS. Wash.. April 3. fSpe- 309 Morrison St. The House That Quality Built. Mrs. Catherine O'Pea Bnricd. VANCOUVER'. Wash, April 3. Cor- ! cla!. Bishop O'Dea. of Seattle, today conducted the funeral services here of Ms step-grandmother, Mrs. Catherine O'Dea. 0 years old. who died In St. Joseph's Hospital, here. Monday. The Rlsliop was assisted In celebrating hijrh niasa by Rev. Father Felix Verwllghen. and Father Delannoy. The services were held in St. Joseph's Catholic Church, and It was filled with friends of Mrs. U Dra. Burial was at the Catho- 10 cemetery. Rxtradltion Papers Grunted. -SALEM. Or April 3. (SpeciaL) Extradition rapers were bv the Have You a PLAYER PIANO? rlke there ;"'r"r f"r I. H-l.n. operation ' mder arrest In Portland and wanted In ' fj ', Washington on a charge of offering a ((( Wosaea 5toe .atrlpslaa Mea. Women sympathlxera with union cnners today stoned men employed In stripping operations at Jeanrsvllle. in ti.e Haielton region, but desisted when it was explained to them that the sus pension order did not apply to the stripping men. r-narp picketing has been begun by Hi union men. CROSSING FENCED IN NIGHT 'ri-snn Klectric Shut In Ulghl-of-Way Across Southern Pacific. KI'GF.XE. Or, April 3. (Special.) A t"it feme along either hide of the Klectric right of way, where 't roKs the proposed Southern Pa--!rl- line to Cooi Bay Just outside of Kngnr limits, was built during the darkness of Saturdar night, and con struction teams of Fuller & Company forking for the Southern Taclflc have to mak a demur of over a mile to set west of the cr'Xi-liia. Iatt Novem ber the Oregon L'.ctrlc brought ma- biibe to a public officer. It Is alleged that Hesslon orrerea E. McDonald. County Commissioner of Lincoln Coun ty, ii for every drag and 125 for every grader which his, company sold to the county. Parents to Attend School. VANCOUVER. Wash, April 3. (Spe cial.) Patrons of the Harney school In this city will attend school with their children Wednesday, and pass the en tire day with them, according to plans already made. Luncheon will be taken. The patrona will Inspect the - school, methods of work and teaching, and as certain for themselves how things are carried on. A new school building has been proposed, and the patrons will be Two AVIves Get Divorce. OREGON' CITT, April . (Special.) Judge CampNe.II granted divorce de crees this afternoon In the following; cases: L. K. Gaston aaalnst Carrie f- tf!:tffAn. abandonment Kc I n tr si. lcged. and Aldlna Howell acalnst Wil-J!j 1 in in K Howrll. the maiden name of I IVV the pl.iintiff. Aiding Fouraul, being re- I stored. "F YOU arc thinking of purchasing a Player Piano you owe it to yourself to call at our beautifully appointed warerooms, where you will hear the following celebrated instru ments : Stcinway Upright and Grand Pianola Pianos ; A. B. Chase Artistano ; the Inner Player; Farrand Ceoilian. This is also the home of the famous Apollo Player Piano. You will be pleasantly surprised at its simplicity, at its ease of operation and completeness. There are a great many reasons why you should call on us before purchasing, as we are the only one-price Piano Store in Portland. A child of seven years can buy here at the same low price as a professional shopper. We carry the most complete line of reliable Player Pianos on the Coast. It will be a pleasure for us to serve you. We will accept your old piano nt its real market value and arrange convenient terms for the balance. Call or write for catalogue, prices, terms, etc. Tie Home of the Stcinway. Sherman pflay & Go. On Morrison at Sixth, Opposite Postoffice. Victor Victrolas That Play Real Music. Ill THE FOURTH REASON FOR EATING BLUE RIBBON BREAD Ask Your Grocer For Blue Ribbon Bread OXLY PURE WATER AND MILK BEST OF SHORTENING. SUGAR AND SALT. WITH THE HIGHEST GRADE OF KAN SAS AND MONTANA FLOUR GOES INTO Blue Ribbon Bread GIVING THAT DISTINCTION OF S P51f T P V M III T-L-- Dmnstmr - ' " '' . J ' ( 1 f t niuiAU " I.N IUUAI S UKLMJ ERY ORDER. NOTICE ITS COLOR ITS SANITARY TASTE ENJOY ITS FLAVOR. IT'S THAT tiKKA X BIG LOAF OF DELICIOUS B R E A D 10 CENTS LOG CABIN BAKING CO., Vancouver Arfiae and Frcmat Street. EUROPEAN RESORTS AND HOTELS. G.VGUXD KVCLAXD ''FELL your friends before A you sail to write you at the WALDORF HOTEL LONDON And Stay There Booklet Free From Dorland Agency, 303 5th Ave ,N.Y. I GERMANY GERMAJfY BERLIN HAMBURG HOTEL ESPLANADE Two of the Most Magnificent Hotels in Europe With all Latest Comforts and Luxury Important extension of the Berlin Esplanade now in Progress Maatjated Booklet trtm frtnm S8S, Fifth Avratte, JVrw Tt mESBADEN. The lemObtg Hotel of Wteabadtn. F.tfnr Knrhaua and TV rark'..1S,.l'J,runnu ,n Private, bath and toilet. N. T. Booking Ot- -T T ...