19 TIIE MORNING OKEGONIAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1912. DOLLAR MARK HEAR Bluestem Wheat Is Bought on Basis of 93 1-2 Cents. CLUB TAKEN AT 93 CENTS I'atrnt rlour Prices Are AtUmncrd h MM of th Mill Kwd I AIo Quoted HUher Oat Very Strong. Wktit prlrti ar ellmbln rapidly la h Interior, under th Irapulu of burin by mil!r. and the rarmer draarn of a dollar narket la likely to be, realised Thir teen thousand bushel of bluetm r Vuht ye.tsrt)ST at cents f. o. b. car in th Wtllt Walla country. This prlr I iul to cent hers Tor elub wheat, i cent wa paid at Dayton, which l equal to 1" cants on this marks'. Tho Puet Sound miller ha advanced the prlc of patent flour SO cents a barrel. Two of tho Portland mill bar mad a similar advance, and "one la boldlnc at the aid price. Export na not been changed hera There W aa uncertain tone In th feed, as la tho flour market. A local mill ytr eay advanced Its quotation on mill feed II per ton. putting bran at i and bort at :J- In other quarter bran era quoted at ll 40a:l and shorts as low as $:i.SO. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange aa follow: Wheat Barley rlour Oata Ha Monday ii . . J Tud 4 i I Wednesday ... 1- 4 ? J J-r.; :nk:i.;? rear ago l.4i. tXOCKM STtR WA!T MHiHER TRlCta reatrarllsg la Montana la "mail way at !. lemr Lvrrt. Aritvity In contracting Is not keen, but inter t In the new cllo Is maintained, with a fair amount of bualneea in the sections which have been most favored to date, says the American Wool and Ortton Reporter. D liver, in Montana ar willing to contract fer'the best clip at II cents. This Is about the basis which prevailed for last year's rlip. Some business has been transacted around Lewlston at about 1J cent, a pries lower than paid last year for the earns lire. The growers seem to be confident that be r. ire the sesson ends better prices can o obtained. Their preeent a.klng price f-r beet clips Is : cents, but buyers apparently are not disposed to go higher than 1 cents. Rrlv In the season. In Nevada, several clips sold at llVsVUc. but that range did not ts.r long. A clip of fair also and qusl lt ess sold at 1 rents during the lst we,k. It Is estimated that there has been alx-.it I .. r""'Is " new clips r-.Titrari-d for In the trlargle. mo.t of It In I tab. At least per rent of th clip In th4t state has been contracted for. The report front th West does not Indl rste that shearing has yet become general ri. ept In the State of Arlsona. the flips f-o-n whleh hae now begun to come Into !he Boatnn market and are showing up well. The price, are firm to a higher level for ool In the grease. This will be compen ted for by a smaller shrink. The actual islue of scoured wool will remain approx imately the same. I-WKNTY CAR BANANAS NEXT HEKa lral Market Will Ke-rtve a Record Supply of Tvwplcwl twit. The six rsrs of hansns Oit were due todav were delayed by a washout In Pskot. They will arrive fundey and. according to reports, will he ripe. Twenty rare of ba nanas, all told, will reach thl market next week. Yesterday' receipts Included a car of fancy lemon, a mixed car of vegetahlea nd a large hlpmnt of Hawaiian pineap ples. Trade was fairly good and prices were generally stesdy. The potato market Is very dull. Carlot shippers have ceased operation In tho -ountry. pending Improvement In the Cait omla situation. There la practically no ullde demand at present. STOKERS ABSORB IeOCAL tXM SCRTH. Market Co)lla Firm la Spite of larger Receipt. EcC receipts re large, but there I no urplus on th local market, storage specu Istora keeping it cleaned up each day. Can ned eggs are quoted at 21 cent and cas .'ount at SOS cents. Poultry receipts were small and th mar set' was firm at unchanged prices. Dressed pork was advanced to 10 rents. Trie supply was small and the market very firm In response to th high prices paid a: the yarrta Veal w steady at 12 ems for the best. Dressed lamb were quot ed at 12 cents on the treet. There were no new development In th butter or cheese msrkets. Both were firm and lightly supplied. TALLT-V WOOl. BOCtiHT AT IK CENTS Market Open t Cent Better Tbaa I-aet Year. Th Willamette Valley wool market Is op-nlrg at price about 2 cent over those of last year. A number of clips of fair size have been taken at IS cents. This Is wool shorn from mutton sheep. Sheep shearlng In general has not started In th valley yet. Coat shearing is under war at a number of points, and where mohair Is offered It Is taken by local dealer on the basis of 3J cents delivered here. IIF.ALDa SELL HOPS AT M CENTS Three Haadred Bales of California Offered at US Cents. Th sale of a rarload of 1911 Oregon hop by on dealer to another at 3d cent waa reported yesterday. It waa also said that js cents wss offered for a choice carload. According to a California wire. ZOO bales of prime to rhoi.-e California hop were of fered on th market at 254 cents. No business la contracts at any point on the Coast cam to light. Mohair galea at Aarara. AURORA. April 3. (Special.) Mohair I beginning to come Into the local market, though the price Is but 32 cents per pound. The record price for mohair In Oregon is H per pound for 290 pound of two ers growth mohair. Thl. of course, wss fancy ro.uct growa under the be.t conditions by th firm of William ni!dle at aona. of Poik County., but local srowers realize that maximum production P;s less pmfit than maximum quality, and re beginning to pay more attention to this importsnt feature of this Industry, which la capable of Indefinite expansion, both lo rs'ly and throughout the state. Bank Clearings. Hank riesrings of the Northwestern cities eetertlay were a follow.: Clearing. Balances. Portland :.li .lt I.T( se.ttie i.:.;.u 1.1 T..O.I-. rT.:"i J3. nc CI.IIJ ;.! rORTL-lND MARKETS. (rala. rtour. feed. F.tc. w UK tT Track p-1res: RJueerem. t: cl: ;r; red Jtuuisn, tic; vauey. Jc; i-foTd 1c. MJI.I.XTI I'I'S rtran. l:j per ton; shorra. mt'idUnss. lie. r l.vl K 1 aicni. t.0 per bazral; rralghts. tl".": e ports. 1.00. Valley. tt.SO: grsbim. li. wflole a heat, $4.bA. CORN .New. who:. -4; crackad. J per loo. . Hajr No. 1 F.st.rn Oregon timothy. Ill Id. No. 1 Valley. 112 It: ' i 11: clover. ; oat and vetch. ttOOll DU. grain hay. . OATa No. X white. J4.iO$5 a . Vegetable and Fruits. TROPICAL. FHC1TS Orangea "' tii09i-M: California grapefruit. f.J0)t; Florida grapefruit. 5.7JT: bananas LM 51 &J per bunch: lemons. iiOJ.J per bu: pineapples. o per pound. r PEsH FK11TJ Almerla grape IS per barrel: cranberries. 110 8 1 ISO per barrel. fMTATOES Buying prlcea: Burbanks. ti soaiaj per hundred; sweet potato, VEGsTAHLE- Artlchok. TSftXVj Pr doien; ssparaX J.. white. $1.23 1. 150 per crate; green. $2 2i per crate; bean. 17 r: caooas.. - " , . r .'.2J ce!ery. $ JO ) per crate: cucumoers, j v eggplant. 2.".c per pound: garlic. lic per pound; head Uttuce. 2Bi.2J Per crate: hot- nouee lettuce, jactjsi pr do, (.. -c loe per pound: pepper. 2Sc per pound; r.dlshe. ac per dozen: rhubarb. 1..S per box: splnsch. fl.l1.3o per box. torr.atoc. 1.7.'.2 per bo. ONIONS Association price. t ltOt.se per ISC If. ... tirx VEOKTABLES Turalpa. flfll per aack; beet.. 1.M; rutabagas. $1 01.lv; carrots, $1. APPLES-Tellow Newtown. 'I?5 Fnltxenpergs. !7uS: Baldwin. 1.S02; Ben Devi.. tltllTS: Red Cheek Plpplna J til i. Oano. ll.it; California Newtowna, 1 1.70 6 2 per box. rJry aod Country Frodnc. PUTTER Oregon creamery butter. olld pack. t3Se: prima, extra. E'cC.S Fresh Oregon ranch, lie Pr dosen. CKEKSE Oregon flate. 22c per pound; Young America. 2.:c per pound. FORK Fancy, Stjlc per pound. VEAL Fancy. 11Vnl2o per pound. I'OLLTRT Hens. lSc: Bprings. ITc; stsgs. 12i,lSc; broilers. S5t:0c; ducks, joe; geese. 12c; turkeys, live, 20c; dressed. 20. Staple Oner erica. SALMON Columbia River. 1-ponud tall. $125 per doxen: -pound tall. 2.95; 1- t r - . j ii iiijkk Dink. 1-pouna $125 per doxen; -pouna ions. e.e. pound f.ats. i0; Ala.ka pink. 1-pound tmi.m CIS. COFKEhr Roasted, In drum. 2 100 per pound. .. NUTS Walnuts. 160 lSe per pound: Brazil nuta. Htlc: lllberts. l4tlcal moucls. 17 21c; pecsna lie: eocoanuts. Oca tl per dozen; chestnuts. 12vo psr pound, hickory nuts, (aloe per pound. HONEY Choice. $3.74 per case; strained honey. 10c per pound. SALT Oranulated. 15 per ton: half ground, loos. -.J0 per ton: 5a. per ton. BEAN iimall white. c; larre white. 4wc: Unit, tfcc; pink. 8c; Mexican. ta. '""rice No. 1 Japan. 8 He: cheaper grades, iltk: Southern head. 67c bl OAR Dtj granulated. it: ro,t berrv. tH-SS; iiono uiu plantation. t4.0; beet. $1; extra C. $ibJ: powdrd, barrU $.ti; cubes, barrels, f Ti I'KIF.u FRUITS Apples. 14e per pound. prlrot. lBWisVic; peach. 12t14c; prune Italians. 10SIloe sliver. lc, 'tl. while and bla.k, t'lSic: ,currmr1 low 11c: ralzlna. loose. Muscatel. W TSc; bleached Thompson. J,1,c'- . uo beached eultauas. bc; aeeded, 'Hjc; dates. rrsiaa, Se per sound; Fard. i.o per bug. rravlsioaa. HAMS 10 to 1 pounds, ISO lac: 1J t It pounds. IStrloc: It to 1 pound. 1S 16c; picnic. 11c; cottage roll, 13c LAKLe Kestle rendered. llercee. UHc: tub. VJe; stsndard tierces. llHe: tubs. 11 Vc: shortening, tierces, Se: tubs, o. BACOX Fam-y. a.'"--; taulard. liwtf l(tc: English. 6HHe. DRY HALT CL'HtlJ Regular abort clear. dr.it. 11-C, smoked. l.c; short clear, backs, 13 to 1 pounds, dry salt. 12ic: smoked. Itc: short clear backs. 14 to 10 pounds, dry sslt. lHc; smoked, lsc; Ore gun exports, dry sail, i-ic. smoked. Jec. 11 ops, Wool aad Hide. HOI'S lll crop. Itvltc; old, nominal: 1IJ contracts. Jv:sc. MOHAIR iholc. 32c per pound WOOL Eastern Oregon. ltsyloc Pr pound. gccording to shrinkage; Valley, 17rlc per pound. I'ELTa Dry. lie: lambs, salted, T50oc: shon-aoul pelts, ti', tt --; butcher bells. Jan. take-off. icw1.0i; Feb. take-off, l.lu i.iy HIDES Salted hide. 10Vi!lOV,o per pound: salted calf. lKejlTe; aalted kip, 11 ey 12c; green hides. c: dry calf. 21c: dry hides. IftvilWc; aalted stags. luTHo; green staga gtf'Sc. I'AMCAKA Per pound. BHfc CHAIN BAOH In car lots, tstlc. Fn:5t T'ortland prices for prime, well handled skins, according to elzea: Mink. (4.&o: raccoon. UK-ill M; skunk (nar row .tripe). $12; skunk (broad stripe), TicOtiio: mukrat, 2'ili.'e; gray fox. 75o $150; red fox. ttf8.; marten, toes': beaver. $Szt(.iO; fl.her. $122u; badger, 40 ell; lynx cat. $36: wildcat. 7ieWl&o; otter. $100 14; lynx. $2.1tjJ0; ringtail cata, 25tl o1; civet cat, lOp-Jc; bouse cat. 6i 2vc; mountain lion. IOlv. bear, $7012. Una Oil and Terpentine.. UNSEED OIL Pure raw. In barrels, SOc: boiled. In barrels. b2c; raw. In cases. 5c; boiled. In cases. o7c Tt'KPENTlNK Case, fie: wood barreia 9Hc SALES OF STOCK FEW LIGHT SUPPLY IS OWE 1 1 ED AT THE YARDS. Market C'onlinnrs Klrm Tliroughout. Chok-e J.lRlit Hogs BrlnS 98.05. Hot Sheared Lambs $5.30. A few lots of hogs and lambs changed hands at the yards yesterday and this was ths only business done during the day. Ar rival were the amallest of any day this week. A load of choice light hoga brought S.03 and a smaller losd sol. I at $b. A few Lesvy hogs brought to and $7.-V. Two bunches of sheared Ismhs were dis posed of. the b,t bringing .".50 and the others selling at $1.5o. Receipts yeste.day were I cow, 14(1 hogi and uTI sheep. shippers were C. C. Clark. Blslock snd Gwendolen. 2 cars of sheep and hogs; C. H. Vchr at Son, Lebanon. 1 car of sheep and hogs: A. B. Gale. McCoy. 1 car of shop and bogs, snd Frank Snow. Woodhurn, 1 cow. The day-s tales were a follows: Weight. Price. tio sheared lamb 7T $4 .11 2.V2 sheared lamb 5.5 HI hoss l"l s i hoss " It hoss !" ' 1 hog - The range of prices at th jsrds was as follows: Cattle Choice steers $5flt.75 Oood steers i.M t 40 Medium steers t.oow t 25 Choice cows 5. Sots i.0 tiood cows S.OOV -S Medium cows t.S0u S o I'lioice cslve I.S0 1 8 73 Good heavy calve .uot l.in Hull. A25l S.00 Stags -.S . Ligai"". TOO,il ".on Heavy t-00t 7.0 Sheep - TearlinM 9 t.00 Wether l.tiu- 5.4S Ewe 4.10 W 4.HS Iiub 4. :.., .4S Spring lamb .00y 1.M Oznaha Livestock Markrt. OMAHA. April S. Cattle Receipt. ishO; market stronger. Native alecr.. ft; cos snd heifers. S3 3v.to.ou; W-stern steers. t4..Ot.v": Texas steers. $4 25u i 25: rsr.ge cows snd heifers. S.1.25U 5 2.".; canners. 2 :o HJ sto. kers and feodera. It 5"j . .; rslves. t4; bulls, staga, etc.. tt.20ui . V Hoge Receipt. .vm; market ateady. Heavy. t"S0tr7 W; mixed. S7.7So7.SO; light. 1 7 it"i 7 :.. pigs. St7.50: bulk of sales. 7 75 a 7 i- Sheep Receipts T50: market stesdy. Stsss. 14 2.1f J.7.1; wethers. $5.eO(A.20; ewes, $t.7&6: lamb. t.5n7.75. hlcaga Livestock larket. CHICAOO. April J. Cattle Receipt 1.1. J0O; market aieady to loe higher. Heevea. V307J. Texas steer.. l.oT1": West m steers $5 35.gM5: atockers and feeders. M l)t. cows and hellers, t50cj d.75; calves. t4.7V Hog. Receipt 2.1.0OO; market steady to a hde higher. Light. S7l'fl: mix"1. ITTufllO'i- h'tir. 7 7oyi s ..i5; rough. $7 7 o. plg. $5.35) 7.5.".; bulk of sales. $7 S3 e Mheep Receipt 2v.OA; market steadv to a shade higher. Xstlve. I4AH.50: Western. 11 :.D6t.ei; vearllnss. t.1.75i7: Ismh., nt tive, $j.JB7o. Mcsttra. li-iasi. , STOCKS KEEPING UP Reactionary Tendency Has but Little Effect. SMALL TOTAL OF SALES Canadian Paciric the Strongest Issue With a Gain of Over Two Point Bond Market Is Firm. NEW TORK. April 3. Although price of stsndard storks yielded but little to day, the reactionary tendency became pro nounced and dealing fell to the smallest total for more than a fortnlghL United mates Steel. Cnlon Paclflo and Reading were heavy, " with some pressure on th Coppers. Decline far outnumbered gains at th opening. Canadian Pacific we th most conspicuous exception, oponlng with a gain ef more than 2 point. fter It rise of almost 3 point In London. It trength wa ud a an excuse to advance Erie on th now fnmlllar rumor of a Canadian Pacific-Erie traffic alliance. A brisk move ment In Wsbash preferred and the 4 per cent bonds furnished rumor that Lacka wanna Interests art buying. Th market assumed an aven ton In th last hour under the lead of Steel shares. Activity lncresd. but the movement wa brief and Amalgamated Copper. American Fmeltlng. fnlon Pacific and Lehigh Valley fell to the lowest of th day. The day brought no new adverse Influ ences of moment. Total offerings of bonds, notes and stocks for the last quarter ag gregated S70H.ooo.ooo, aa Increase of $152, 00O.0O0 over last year. Honds were Arm. Total sale, par value. $2.1.0"0. I'nlted States bonds wr un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. 'Closing Sale. High. Low. Hid. AIM Chal pf .. "0 i' Am. I Copper .. 44.5HO l2 V SI -Am Asrlcuit ... ti"0 61 "'. bOJ Am Beot Sugar. 1.700 1 " American Can 2't "r; Hz Am Car Kdy.. BOO 5V v"?" Am Cotton Oil Am lid I.t pf -J Am Ice Hecurl.. 600 32 Vt 2 211. j tn Linseed X Am locomotive. 700 3S J",1 Am Snicl tb Ref 10.100 ', bow do preferred.. 800 U'7W 107 m 1JJJ Am Steel Fdy ,i!2 Am Sugar Ref. 00 120' lib 1-? Am Tel 4r Tel.. 2.8UO lo 114 ItoVi Am Tobacco pf. tu Am Woolen -J Anaconda M Co " t, ,J Atchison t.l"H lost. Ji;w do preferred.. loo loas 103 1"J. Atl Coast Line JDJ Bait Ohio ... B.iO 107I4 10H 1";S Hethlehem Steel 2.Wh St J4 w Hrook R Tran.. 3.:Hh H4 MS h- Canadian PaclBo B.S00 4H WU 941 Central leather 4lV SI'S 21 -3 V do preferred.. lOO SSW 8b J"? Central of N J - Che Ohio ... 1..VH 79 7T?t S Chicago tz Alton Chicago Ut West too 1 Va 19 J do preferred.. 37 Vz " Chicago A N W V 144 144 144 C. M A- St Paul. 12. VO 111 HO 1I0 C C. C Ft L.. 20 T7 .'.7 :- Col Fuel Iron. 400 29 "9M 2 col A Southern. Consol Oas .... V- 145 144J 144 Corn Produrte 200 14X 14 U Del A Hudson........ ..... ..... J"- l A R Grande 23 ,.f.eJ lOO 4.114 43 U 4 lstlIler Secur .".0 32 SIS Si's Kru 13.7O0 57S "S 3rtS do 1st pf 2.7O0 M RAS P.'.S do 2d pf 1 4'i 4hV. 4f. , G-n Klertric ... 1"7S 10iS !t North pf ... .70 l4Vi 1;S C.t North Or.. l.s0 42H . 411 41 4 HMrols C.ntrsl. l.KKt 12Hw 12 12Js Int-rbor Met .. 2.10O 20-, 1H 1JV do preferred.. 2.300 IM M SH Inter Harvester. 200 iISM 113H 114 Inter Mrlne pf Int Paper on 13 '4 13 S 13 lot P.mp 20 SOH 80 30J Iowa Central IIJi K C Southern.. 100 27, 2.i e., do preferred -53,. Ijicl-d ;a 1" Lotila A Nash.. 0"O l.-.7' low 1' Minn Ft I. .. 4.v 21 1 21 21 4 M. S P S M 700 130S 1SS IS" Mo. Kan Tex do preferred (18 Mo Pacific 4.700 46 4.-.1 4.". Nat Riasult 14 National Id. IOO M4 r-S1 H N Ry Mex 2 pf. 10 ? 20 2! N V Central ... 2.SOO 1I34 113S 113' N V. tint A Wea Hal 3K 3b1 !1K1 Norfolk West 22 ..too 114'; 113 113 North Amerlcsn. 0 7tS 7fH ;ot. Northern Pacific 13.700 1 24", 122 123 l-aritir Mall 2 33 S3 4 31, Pennsylvania ... 1.4n 121 123 123 People C.sa lo P C C St I... no 107 107 107 Pittsburg Coal.. SHOO 21 20 204 Preed S Car 31 Pull Pal Car 10 Rv steej Spring ino 31 i 31 31 Itrading T07"O just, 1B2 12 Republic Steel.. S 22 21 21 do preferred.. I.o0 72 71 7?'i Rock Island Co 1.7"0 27 21 2rl do nreferrd.. SOT. MH 34 ."4 St L A- S F 2 pf lOO 41 41 41'. St I. Southwest 33 do preferred 73 Slo.s Sheffield .... 4" Southern Psclfic 4 Ann 114 113 113 Southern Ry ... 1.100 28 2ft 21i do preferred.. IOO 74 74 73 Tenn Copper .. . l-ott 41 , 41 40 T-tai A l'arlflr. 3DO 2.'. ; Tol St L Wea 100 15 15 14 'i do preferred 32 Cnlon Pacific .. 24.K0" 171. 171 171 do p-eferred.. 3"0 fl 1 PI T' S Realty ... "0 77 77 77 TT S Rubber ... 4..VMI M 34 r..-. U S Steel S.1O0 n Kh'k Bf do preferred.. noo 112 111 111 I'tah Copp-r ... 8.000 3 2t, !2 Va-l'iri) Chrm 1"0 5S'i 33 03 Wsbash 2.100 7 7 7 do preferred.. 3.0o ;n 11; "0 We.tern Md ... f"0 atl, oi4 Westing Elec .. sno 7 7.". 73 Western Cnlon.. 40 K3U S3 1, $s Wheel A 1. a 7 -high Valley.. H.XOO l4H lfts 14 Chino Copper .. 2.200 2 2SI, 2 Rv Consols 0.1OO 2oi, 20t 20 Am Tobacco . .. SOU 26l ?r.U IKO Total sale for the day. SOJ.SOo shares. BONDS. Furnished by Ovcrbeck A Cooke Co., of Portland. Bid. Asked. Amer Tel A Tel cone 4s 113 115 American Tobacco 4a U314 95 American Tobe.co ta 120 12o Atchison general 4 !' l Atchison couv la 108 )! Atchison adj 4 stamped Ul 01 Atchison conv 3s 1"' 110 Atlantic Coast Line cons 4s... 0. Io At Coast Line "I. N Coll" 4s. !'4' l'." rialtlmore A Ohio 3s V3 X2 Haltlmore A Ohio Is OS !IS4 Brooklyn Rsold Trsnslt 4s 7 SS Cat Southern first 5s.. V 101 IOI Chesapeake A Ohio 1 l'- 101 C B A J gen mtg 4s 03 i lil C B A (J joint 4a lxl 07 C 1! Q Ills 4s 1 I'll C B Q Denver 4 03 Central raclfio first fi "l S) Chicago K I at P ref 4a b b;l Chlcsgo R t A P Col trust 4s... 77 77 Colorado A Southern first 4S... 7 7 Itenver A Klo tirande 4a bHH lel A Hudson conv 4s......... fist, Krle first con P L 4s b-A, mi, Int Mel 4 H2 ba Jtipnneae 4s St; 7 Jsiiiie.e first 4s VI f2' Louisville A Nsshville unl 4e... b" ilo Kan A 'lex 4s f.l ., Missouri paciric 4S 74 74 New York Central 3s brt'j 7 S New York Central L S 3s b2 f:l New York City 4s t:; H3 Ne York City 4s of 1D57 17 107 Norfolk A Western 4a U9 Norfolk A Western cuny 4a 114 .... N T Out A W 4s - 04 i Northern Pacific P L 4 IM'U Northern pacific 3 6ti 60 Oregon Short Line 4a 01 IM Oregon Rv A Nav 4s 5 3 Penna Ry 4. of 14 103 H3 Philippine Railway 4a bd Reading general 4 97 Republic of Cuba 5a 10.1 103 Southern Pacific flrt ref 4... 5 03 Southern Pacific col 4a 1 VI Southern Railway 4a 7 74 St I. F ref 4a 7 SO I nlon Pacific first 4 101 loi 14 Cnlon Pacific conv 4 103 l'V. Cnlon Pacific ref 4a 9 07 1-nlted Stales (Keel 8 y Sa loH I0.1 I'nlted Stale 2s registered InOi 101 Cnlted statea 2e coupon 1004 lot l ulled Statea .".s registered 12 103 Cnlted statea 3a coupon I02t .... I tilted States 4s registered lit 1144 I'nlted stites 4s coupon ..114 lis Cnlted Itsllway S F 4 7 Ignited Railway Ft L 7! Wabash flr-t 4s K1 Kl YV-sieni I nlon 4v,s 004 Wesliughuusa aauv 5 VI Pi f 0:1 100 . . 1 0 Storks at Boston. BOSTON. April S. Clostng quotations: . 1 . . r Hi l- Amalg Copper. 'iHlAnlnM) ...... S4 E Butte Cop M. 14lSi.annon J;; Franklin IS superior ......... . Glroux Con 3 Sup Bos Mln.. 3; Oranby Con ... 42;Tamsrck 30 Greene Cananea. 9 U S S R M... 3 I Ro-a!l tCop) 27 do preferred... 4 Kerr Lake. 2 T'tah Con 2- Lake Copper.... 4S Winona J La Falle 'opper 50 1 ! wolverln 11 Miami Copper... 20 t Money, Exchange, Fte. NEW TORK. April 3. Money on. rail steadv. 2P4 per cent; ruling rate, 2; closing bid. 3: offered at 4. Time loan easy. ISO days. 3tT3: 90 days. S3: alx months. 3. Prime mercantile paper. 4f4i Pr cent. Sterling exchange, ateady with actual bual neea In bankers- bills at $4.8373 for 60-day bill nd t S4.S710 for demand. Commercial bill. $1.83. Mexican dollar. 47c. Government bonds steady; railroads firm. Bar silver, 38 c. I.OXDON'. April 8. Bar silver stesdy. 27 1-ld per ounce. Money, 3 $3 per cent. Tho rate of discount In tho open market for short bill I $ per cent; for three month' bills. 3W per cent. AN FRANCISCO, April 8. Sterling on London Sixty days, $.4.84; do, sight. $4.7. Draft, sight 3. telegraph B- Conditlon of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, April S. At th beglnnlng of buzine.e today the condition of the United State Treasury wa; Working balane at Treasury of fices . 70.70S.323 In bank and Philippine treasury 32 249.700 Total balance In general fund... 130.9:10.913 Ordinary recelta yesterday 2,lfcS.37 Ordinary disbursements 2.014.2-49 Deficit to dste this fiscal year. SlO.loo.24, against a surplus of $4.eH,6bo at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transaction. SAX FRANCISCO FBODCCB MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bar City tor Vege table. Fruit. Etc DAN FRANCISCO, April 8. Th fol lowing produce price were current her to day: Butter Fancy creamery'. 28c. Rzif Store. 19c; fancy ranch. 21 He. Cheese lSlOHc. Onions $3.50&S.65. Fruit Apples, choice. $1.25: common, 85c; Mexican limes, 5fc.60; California lemons, choice. $4; common. 1125; navel oranges, (It) 2 50; pineapples. 82$S. Vegetable Cucumbere, 7Rclff$1.30: green pea. 3ff4c: etring bean, nominal; aspara gus, iocfeSI.23: tomatoes, nominal; egg plant.. 7t12c Potatoes River Burbanks. $102.)$: sweets, t2.50jrI.6S; Oregon Burbanks. $2.2 ttl.ld; Salinas, $1.76. Hay Wheat. $14019.50: wheat and oats, $ltll; alfalfa, $11015. Receipt Flour, 8320 qaurter sacks; wheat. 395 cental; barley, 2J. centals; po tatoes, 200A sacks; hay, 250 tons; wool, 64 bales Metal Market.. NEW TORK. April 3. Standard copper quiet. Spot, ir.35ti 15.73c; April and May, 3.5.'uk15.70: June and July, 15.55 'g 15. 7.o. I,otidnn strong; spot. 6! 15; futures, 70, I2s tH. Arrivals reported at New York to day 620 tons; Customs-House, returns show export of 2o22 ton so far this month. Lake copper. 16t16c; electrolytic, 16c; casting. 16 tyl5c Tln firm. Spot. 43.1043.50c: April. 4:;if 4.1.10c: May. 42.8543c; June. 42.37 W 42,b7c; July. 12.12 fjf42.7.ic; August. 41.87 S(42.27c. London airung; apot. tluT; futures, 11U2 13s. Iad quiet. 4.3Oet.40c New Tork. 4.12 Q 4.25c Ksst St. Louta London. lit 3 9d. Spelter dull and nominal; 6.0"0.SOc New York. 6-50t6.60o Eat SU Louis. London. 25 7 Hd. Antimony quiet, cookson'a, 80. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 51 .0d in Lon don: locally Iron waa steady; No. 1 foundry Northern. $15.2513.75: No. 2. 14.7.-. l.'..23c: No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, $ 15.23 ii 13.75. Coffee anrl Sutpar. NEW TORK. April 8. Coffee future closed barely steady at a net decline of from five to nine points. April. 1.1.04c; May, 13.73c: June, l:i.7l)c; July, l.';.83c: August, 13.90c; September, l.LHUc: October, 13. woe ; November l.H.ftc; December, 13.f5c; Janu ary and February, 13.lc; March. 13.2e. Spot quiet. No. 7 Rio, 14 c. Ssntos No. 4. lrtc; mild cjulet. Cordova, 14ilo nomlnaL Raw sugar barelv steady: centxifucal, 4.3f"c. Muscovado, 3.SOc; molasses sugar. 3.35c Naval Store. SAVANNAH, April 3. Turpentine firm, 4o'j fr tfic Sales, 410: receipt, 4.23; ship ments. 139; stocks. 16, loo. Roxln firm. Sales, 240; receipts. 1401; shipments, lata; stocks, 70,000. Quote B. .!.-: D. I.1": B. S7.3: K, 3. H. 7.12vi; I $7.20: K, $7.30; M, $7.60; N. $7.65; WO, $7.70; WW. $7.75 New York Cotton Market. V V. W YORK. April 3. The cotton market closed quiet at a net decline of from four 10.75c; February. 10.74c: March. lO.SOc. Spot closed quiet, 10 points lower. Middling up lands, 10.S5c; do Gulf, 11.10c. Sales, 50 bales. Dried Fruit at Now York. NEW YORK. April 3. Evaporated apple quiet and teady. Fnry, yl0c; choice, ivfMc; prime. 7?8c 'Prunes quiet, steady. Ranging, 4-c to 10c for Csllfornla up to 30-4O and 8C to 11c for Oregons. Peaches featureless; choice, 10irf10c: ex tra choice. lltUc: fancy, llijglic. Chtcatro Produce Market. CHICAGO. April 3. Butter Steady; creameries. 271,30c: dairies. 2327c. Kggs Weak, receipts. 16.159 case: at msrk, case included. 18c; ordinary firsts. 18119;; firsts. 19c. c7heesa Weak: daisies. 16 10c: twins 19c; Young Americas, 18 19c; long horns. lsS19c Wool at St. LoiiIb. ST LOITS. April 3. Wool, .teady. Tcr rltorv and Western mediums, lrty lbc; fin medium. lolJlTc-; flne, 104jl5c ' Sugar Decline In East. NEW YORK, April 8. All grades o'f re fined sugar were reduced 5 cents a hun dred pounds today. London Cargo Quotation. LONDON. April 8. Cargoea steady. Walla Walla for shipment at 37s 6d. English coun try markets, firm; French country markets, firm. Hope at New York. t NEW TORK. April 3. Hop Steady. BIG RALLY IS POSTPONED Ex-Senator Fulton to Speak at Taft Meeting April 13. DALLAS. Or.. April 3. (Special.) Owins; to the fact that the Dallus Taft committee was unable to secure the services of Ex-Senator Charles Fulton for next Saturday, and being; assured that they can g-et him the week follow ing:, It has been decided to hold the big; rally on Saturday. April 13. Mr. Fulton Is well liked in Polio County, and an address by him will do more to unite the Republicans of tbla county upon .Taft than anything else. Preparations are being; made for a big meeting;. Taft sentiment in this county seems to be growing every day. During; the past week the county has been sys tematically canvassed, and Taft but tons and Taft literature are now to be found In nearly every home here. As sentiment grows In favor of the Pres ident, also does a sentiment seem to grow to defeat Senator Bourne for nomination. Selling Is gaining in pop ularity every day. County Asked to Aid Armory. OREGON CITY. Or.. April 3. .Spe r.i i sf the sesaion of the County Court which opens Friday, an appro priation OI tlOU.VUV OO M..- (VCU IV rover part of the cost of an armory to be built, tor Itie Xaiioaal Guard. , Western pacific 5s Wi.con.ln Central 4a West Shore Is . . ievaaa .oo .... - A Z I. A Sm... -i tptssing mine.. . Arizona Com .. tlNorth Butte B A C C S M. 7 North Lake Cal A Arizona.. ?... Old Dominion ... SJ s Cl A H-Cls 4S5 Osceola 'i1? NEW CROP IS SOLD Chicago Traders Hammer Down Wheat Prices. JULY CLOSES CENT LOWER line Growing; Weather in Kansas and' Oklahoma Seeding Opera tions Are Under May in the Xorthwest. CHICAOO, April 8 Gilt-edce weather for growth in Kansas and Oklahoma, and for seeding In the Dakota .and Minne sota, encouraged speculators today to pound the prices of wheat. Latest trading left the market at a decline of Httc to lo net. Attention tn the wheat pit veered almost completely from the May option to the new crop. The Southwest sold large amounts of the July future here, the rea son being not only the fine growing weath er of the last two days, but an official forecast of similar conditions to come. Min neapolis sent word that seeding operations would be in full wlng all over the three principal Northwestern states by the end of the week. Some seeding was said to be already under way In Canada. ' An estimate put forth on high authority that the wheat crop of the United States April 1 showed a condition of 81.2 per cent, against S3.3 a year ago, fell flat. The crowd went on gelling new crop months and forced a new low level. Corn weakened with wheat and because of a general move to secure profits. Pros pect of lighter feeding had a disconcerting effect on the bull side. Cheap offerings of low-grade Canada wheat at Omaha also counted against value of ordinary forage. Bright promise of a start soon on plant ing made the price of oats wilt- The North west reported a big acreage probable and said soil conditions were perfect. There wa a huge trade in provisions. Packers, however, met freely the general outside and foreign buying ao that In the end the market stood unaltered or had lld off from a shade to 10 cent. The leading futures closed as follows: ' WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May 11.02 l.2i Sl.lfe S1.01 Julv H . .KttV. .M51 .P53 Sept SK -Vi .93 54 ."3 CORN. May T5H .75 .J44 -"H Julv 7.V ."r'U .'4' .i1 Sept 74H .74V .73 OATS. May B5 .sr. '4 .MS July o0i .KOi, .40 1 .40 Sept, 42 2 . .V.i .421 .4' PORK. May 17.30 17..W 17.1?. ITJIJ4 July 17.75 17.S3 17.55 Ji;;! Sept. 18.03 18.17S 17.90 li.90 LARD. May 10.12 10.12V. ,. ,n'?I July 10.20 10.30 10.12 J"-?.'' . Bept 10.4:: H 10.50 10.32 lO.oiVi SHORT RIBS. May 9.R2H .R2".i !.B7i D.674 July 10.00 10.03 .! O.lfO Sept 10.12 10.25 10.10 10.10 Cash quotations were as follows: FUur Barely steady. Rve No. 2. 2c- Barley Feed or mixing. 80ciij$l; fair to choice malting. SL201.S7. Poed Timothy. S4jl2: clover. SlCfgiLaO. Mess pork 17.12 Vs 17.23. Lard In tierces, .92j. Short ribs Loose. S7.S0. Grain statistics: Total clearance of wheat and flour for two days were equal to 6.3. 0O0 bushels: primary receipts for two days were 660.000 bushels, compared with 6;2. 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 81 cars; corn. 271 cars; oats. 263 cars; nogs, 20,000 bead. drain In clan Francisco. SAN KRANCISCO. April 3. Spot quota tions: Walla Walla. Jl.HT & ins ; red Hiifslnn. II.B5& l.6! : Turkey red. S1.7oW ISO: bluestem. Si. 71)9 1.72 V ; feed barley, SI.ST'e i LOO; brewing. $1.!52; white oats. Sl.fc.Vo 1.88 ; bran. 24ifip24.50; middlings, 32f :l2.oo: shorts. $2r. 5026. April oats S1.S3 bid, SLSSS asked. Call board sales: Wheat December, 1.B9 bid. Sl.tU ajiked May. Jl.t7 bid. Barley December. Sl.iOi.z bid; $1.51 is asked; May. $1.M. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 3. Close: Wheat Mav. 1.03i: July. $1.05fc: September. 97Hc: cash. No. 1 hard. $1.05; No. 1 Northern. $1.05: No. S Northern, $1.03(4; No. 3 wheat. $1.01 k. Flax $2U7i. Barley ftocajil.S0. Corn No. 3 yellow. 7c. Oats No. 3 white. 32V4c. Rve No. 2 ,Rc. Bran In 100-pound sacks, $24 21.50. Paget Hound Grain Markets. SEATTLE. Wssh.. April 3. Wheat Blue stem. 5c; forty-fold. 2c; fife, 92c; club, 2c; red Russian, 91c. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat 25, oat 4. hay 10. flour 6, corn 1. TACOMA. Wash., April 3. Wheat Blue stem. Sic: fortyfold, Ulc; club, 91c; red Russian. 88c. Car receipts Wheat 6. hay 2. European Grain Marketa, LIVERPOOL. April 3. Close Whest: Mav. 7s losd; July, 7 8Vd 4d. Weather cloudy October, 7s BISHOP PRAISES STUDENTS Erfort to Kestore College Relations Held Christian Aet. Bishop Scaddlnff closed yesterday a "teachins mission" at Corvallis and has sent the following: message to the stu dent body of O. A. C. regarding their relationship to LT. O.: "I desire to express my sincere ap preciation of the courtesy and kindr-ess received from the faculty and under graduates of the O. A. C. On the occa sion of my lasf official visitation to Corvallis I had the honor of being a guest at Waldo Hall and giving- an ad dress to an inspiring and attractive group of young uomen; and on this oc casion I have not had time to accept all the Invitations from the college which have come, but I have thorough ly enjoyed meeting so many stalwart, sturdy, earnest young men. "It has been a great pleasure to meet the students and to know of the growth and prosperity of the college. As a public servant and one deeply concerned in the building up of Oregon on other than mere material and com mercial lines. I have an affectionate in terest in O. A. C. and congratulate the student body on their efforts to resume "student relations" with the L'river eity of Oregon. ' "To some of us. who are keenly in terested in both these splendid Oregon Institutions and who can look upon them with some perspective, the sever ing of relations was an unhappy oc currence, due I am sure to misunder standing, utterances made In quick temper or Irresponsible newspaper re ports. I rejoice to see that the good sense of both student bodies is In evi dence and congratulate both on the self-respect, dignity, poise and Chris tian spirit in which negotiations are being carried on. "Let us remember that whatever our college affiliation may be, we are Ore rronlans firsL Let us be good sports men and play the game and take defeat or victory like gentlemen." New City Hall Planned. GRANTS PASS, Or.. April 3. CSpe claI.) Grants Pasg will soon have a new city ball if the plans of the council work out. An architect has submitted profiles and drawinzs of a two-story structure 50x70 feet, which will bo LADD & TILTON B.ANK ' Established 1859. Capital Stock .$1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. oFTirr.il s W. M. I. add. President. Robert S. Howard, Asst. Cashier. Kdvrard L'ooklnKhain. Vice-Pres. J. W. La (Id. Asst. (sshler. W. H. Dunckley, Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Ast. Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho . Rocky Mountains The Largest and Finest OLYMPIC TITANIC New 45,000 Tons Each FRENCH ALA CARTE RESTAURANT, TURKISH & ELECTRIC BATHS, SWIMMING POOL, FOUR ELEVATORS, GYMNASIUM, VERANDAH CAFE, PALM COURT AMERICAN LINE rimieaf Chtrnwt Sptasnri Atlantic Transport Line Mew Torn Leaden Direct RED STAR LINE Km Tork Dever istwtr rsrts WHITE STAR LINE Hew Tr Qnet inlaw IJTfT-peol !le Tork Plymouth Chrrkoart -Sontksmslsa Boslon Jneenstown Liverpool. Boston Med! termnean. Company' Office, Room "B" Bailey Bulldlnft, (Second and Cherry St, Or L.ocal Railway and Steamship Agents. sufficiently largre to house the city of ficials. A two-story structure will also be erected for the accomodation for the lire department. In addition to the new municipal headquarters and tire department, work was begun today by J. E. Kerly, who is erecting a two-story business house SiOxlOO feet. BEND CITIZEN MISSING Wife Believes Fred J. Crulitree Met With Foul Flay. Fred J. Crabtree, a member of Com pany A, und-er Captain Herbert L. Heath, In the Spanish-American War, left his home in Bend, Or., at 5 A. M., March 12, and has not since been seen. Before leaving- he said he was going to the high desert 45 miles east of Bend, to look at a homestead or to buy a relinquishment and that he would be home the next evening. Mr. Crabtree is 6 feet 10 inches tall, weight 170 pounds, sandy mustache, one gold tooth, upper left front; blue eyes, dimple In chin, brown hair, parted In every way from every As phalt is the superior street Pave ment. 1 S :wS'!3 Bitulithic pave- mentismadestrictly in accordance with the latest scientific methods. Every test demonstrates its superlative merit. a V.". - -f" i.; il mi p ft m m Ml .U 1 si . l. ; - 3 Savings Accounts Steamers in the World APRIL 13 Sails from NEW YORK May 4-25 June 1 S July 6 APRIL 20 May 1 1 June 1 June 22 July 13 WHITE STAR-DOMINION Mos treat Qebec Urcrsool "MIGANTIC" & "lAUREimC Only Four Days at Sea to bubopb in cotoki at moderate rates Twin Screw S.S. "Canada" and "Teatooic" OKK CLASS (ID CABIW SERVICE THIRD CLASS CLOBMD KOOMH Baersss rheeked tbroerh to Steamer ts Bond. Rmlwk n1hf before ssJUag. So hotel or trsoefer Seattle on left side and a scar back of seconc joint of the thumb on left hand. He wore a suit of black broadcloti and overcoat of the same material When he left home he had about ill his pockets. His wife is very much alarmed and fears that he has met with foul play. J. C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS, BONUS. GRAIJJ AKD COTTO.S MKMBKUS NKW TORK STOCK. EXCHANGB SKW YORK COTTOjr EXCHANOB CHICAOO BOARD OF THADB THE bTOCK AND BOND EiXUAAG. SAN UA laC O. Main Office Mills Bide;., ban FraneUe. branch Office Vancouver, beanla, Portland, Lo Angcie, ban Disco, Cox onado Beach. 10 KTLAND OFFICE l Main Floor lumbermen Bank Bnlldl . 6th and Stark. rhonr Marahiill tlSQ. A 4281. RSTOiy INCORPORATED CONSULTING and ' CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANACEO SO Pin Street New York TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Canadian Pacific "KM PRESSES OF TUTE ATLAN'TIO AUB OTHER STEAMSHIPS MONTBt-AL. QCEBEO AND A1VEJBPOOB VIA THE SCENIC ROUTE TO EUROPE 1000 MILES ON THE 8T. LAWKiiiiCM BTVEB 1BS3 THAN 4 DATS AT BBA 2833 MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PAS3AOB First Cabin aad nf Keoond Cabin 53.75 and i OneTlai tbta Yli).. " " ablrdr.Clao Lowest rate on reqaea. Canadian Pacific Office, cornsr Third and Pine (Multnomah liotel bids-), Portland, aad all local agents. San Francisco Lo Angelei and San Diego Direct . S. Eoanoke and S. S. Eldez aall Kserr Wednesday Alternatslr at K. N0ETH PACITI0 3. S. CO, US Xnlr BX. a-koBca Mais Ul. tns COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Sails from Ainswortn Dock. Portland. 9 A. M. every Wednesday. Freight received at Alnsworth Dock dally up to 5 P. M. Pas senger fare, first-class. 10; second-class. $7.0U, Including meals and berth. Ticket of fice Alnsworth." Lock. Phones Main 3000. A 232. 7& tf EXPRESS STEAMERS ICR San Jr'ranriHCo and Los AiiKeles WITHOl'I CHANGE. ' S. S. Beaver Sails nt 8 A. M. April' . SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. S. CO. Ticket OITire 143 Third Street. Phones Main 2695. A HD-i. LOS ANGELES AND SAX DIEGO STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD. Railroad or any steamer to San Fran cisco, the Expo City. Largest, fastest, and the ONLY strictly first-class pas senger ship on the Coast. Average speed 28 miles per hour; cost $2,000,000 each. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND & L. A. S. S. CO. Main 628. Frank Hollani, Agent. A 4596. 128 Third Street. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line of Jf. Z.) VIA TAHITI AMD WELLINGTON. Direct through steamer, sailing from Ssn Francisco April 8. May 1, and every .'I days to Tahiti, Rarotonga. "Wellington and Sydney. The line to Isles of the Sontli Sea. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agent or address Hind, Kolph & Co., Sua Francieco. A