1 'ANTED TOUXO LADIES TO TKLB PHONE OPERAT1KO. WITH OR WITH OUT IXPCBIENCE APPLT THB PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COw JCAIT ITU AND AH KENT STC KSPrRIFNrFP WA1TREPSCJ -sas by TMK MKIKK A FKANK -TOKfe-?-. f,..r ruurant. Tho wh knol- rH,. ,,f od ricr. Apply t restaurant tck Ml once. A RKI.1ABI.E th. ttrli -al tumDunv wants tnrinc and dam-in soifTM-eit and jne n..e woman, un horua ,i.r;; d'vi' an. jrmaMr people. P A-o ' ork ThMirkal Agency. EiWrs b.dg.. ia.t : i o. ttJNTKD Young ladle, who ars delr to enter trainm seoool. for narw. For Information arpiy to Hi-tar Superior. BU Jus-pa a Hospital. Abrdco. w. a a. TV Trr XopUb r irman girl for Netiiw-aork : m.l family: , home; ..re- nr week, paid weekly. H PS. Qrffnio - TTTVFhoN r. iTKKAT'!; f'r oui.try r: nfcr. 1i Pr month. N'lr.l and rwni, ...r.i.inrnt. APp'r U1 Buchanan bldg.. tr en 1" tnl 12 Tniirilay. I t NouKvrork; two In family. Phono K4-t ;7. . 7171. aiitd for icnrral housework. Ap pi. :. 4'h t VTHC A school.!. i. nUt with work f.-r rm and barI. P " ' -- tVM.l.IW Ctrl to care for 5-yrar-old child. n VTi ri ;.od nt-nogr.iphr for mntiis. . month. APfiy X nrraonlan. KM'FNl KNt'ED waitress wanted at Morns', i Ti f, fr i-nrnil houyrk. 7J. Hoyt at. 11 r.rr want kd-mihctjxaeoi FiPKRS Hoard of Lxsnuners wil b in kMnoo Apr 9. 10. as it.'i rii - f m rlt fr tho purfK of fumlnint iio hMln permits aa to ther .ual .'irt:or.i aji barters. Tiioar fatlinic to ipiwar fr ciaroluai in. their permits will .e revoked. T. M. M-IABO. Secretary. JIKX WAN'TEt Akc 1 o lo prpar for firemen or braki-mn, nearby rail roads, to fl monthly. F.xprltnra un-crrT- no utrike; promotion engineer r conductor. Sl-s lo -'' monthly; l life rarfr: mate aff-l tamp. lail way AtM.oviat.on. Hm . Qregonlan. MKN and woman to learn fha barber trad a to cleat weeks, special Inducaxasnt: pr cnttit patd wbtlo learning; tail rrssi sprt ttitruclors. 17 yaara In tha bat uas: JT schools; o lUetlma roam bars mp a.vn to sacii studt. Molar Barbar Coi Uca, S N. y-Jurth at-. Portland. OT. VANTKT Mrn at""LT An. rs; can inra tr1; fair w in sfter s----inl month ; am mobli. a. 'Unrktty. plumnlnK. brick l.iv Init. practi"! work n actual Jobs; :ud"nrs lpt ftTt yars: only f-w months required. Lnlttd 1 rado School. Loa An- g"- CALI TODAY. And ui rtKardinc Laroin to operato muv ini-pn tur. prAto-a warn f.;."V pr Mfrk; w tench &uln.'ss In tao weeks, '-. htii ct on. nwr ITt h. H.ii.WAV cl-rka. prpar now. n- cHtit ulinrt and promotion; no lay off. ir pay; frr bonk. 'all today. r"a rrfii: Mf Srhool. Mt Kay bids;., city. Ivuo HAILWAT mail ciarks, s monm; Portland axamtnaiion Mm ooacktns frsa. Franklin InaUtuto DapC -V, Rochester. . T- STfcMKiRAr ilERS. bfsjlnners, advanced or fxpTioncrd. any system. aro drilled. peted and placed In position. 630 Wor--: r bioek. ail UL.1.V tRY school and fLowsr maklns. jearn ail In aut weeks; old bats mads over Mk sew. Itcautlful trimmed hats. Call sod Good no ugh bids'-. QPP Postotflca. M' VIN4;-F'I- Ttl K oprattnr. full practical v-urw tsulit in theater, onlv way of frrnlnr t r.jht: mrtur pcitlonf. 'iTh-M:d hHr. 4th and Watihlngtort sta. Si la dv waittd to lern bemity cut- tip.. TIJ tp-lo-Oato lialr More. l-U t. j . r.tu money wrliins abort storlaa, or tar ppir; hs pay; f rea booklat tails hoar. Cnited Preas eyndicate. 8a n Francisco. WANTED Flctura play wrlten; bl pay; ns'U teach you- Plctura Plar Associa tion. Han Francisco. tUfFt PRIVATE DINRSB CuLLEOa. U Ham:. ton B.diC- Shorthano. Typa w ruins. Mookkeepir.g. etc. MarshaJl42iA f7 r TKxr II T. K .-r ASSCN'HTTnv f n r k-'w1i and ififhfM. sis H wet land Md. n.lVA'lB ecitool &HUHTIiA.N'I and TIri WRIT1.NCS. s nio. 2oV 14:b st. Mala keUU. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMAtC WANTFO la and wife to take charts of rr-hard and 'hicken farm; wifi 14 jer month. tiwvd house n place; rent fre-:; cls to I'ortlsnd- State experlenca ed a". Addrena AD (ronin. TV ATION WAXTK1WHALK Mookksyprrs and Clerks. WILL. AUDIT. OPES. CLOSK OR WRITS up book, prepare balances and state ments, install sjrstema. G:illnnas aa ditor. 411 Low Is bids Marshall TIT. fc.X f KKIKVKP hotel rk. )i!h-t refer ence, la open to poit ton In flrar -cats hou anrvhurt tu orthwesU AN C 'nian. HOOK KEEPER and nerai office man and a cod one. too, wants poolUun at ones. rt.tre AS oV Orrconlan. A. vK K r." JJ L.K. thoroughly practical aid rrr."efent . ItnrAJl!; city or ut 4f town; ! rf-rrn-e. Address AR Pi. Oregon tan. olnO man wanta position as cashier in resf aursc t ; neady. A V Orcxonian. .-r-NIi'H rnunt.ini is opeu for encasement. Nip-re 11 tV A N TKI A po t'inn by an e x perie need Ktiltri vset; will take rhar( of ons or more ft-entlemen; ran take charge of niiee t'T helom; eprlotic J trav eter. V uregonian. HKI'UT. inteiiigrni JlpnM wants p any aervlre. of a resi-nibie bul ttni or office man; ha !"! elucaUon and e pert-nr- ft l . Qrrgoplan. A vol'l .nan without parents and speak Irijf Knglh want t work on a larm; norhtns but a slcsdy Job. L Ik1. Urt ( (At FFKt R want potflon: 4 years' pri vate sod work! experience; roul rer-r-enes. all running; repir. f'rit C Be nv n-f f . 1-4. RoHe 1. Tarkama. Fl FtT-'I-A:-'i a'l-around c.k. niei carver or A-l iiiop nun res position in or out "f city, sooer and rtitAotr. All to. Ore---nian. i.H M KEl"R-ME' "1IANIO wants position; 3 wears' experience. rernccs. C t2, Ur xrvntan. I HAlKFEl R tJapaneaei wants pi'HUon; an help In bouse. K. 4Z4 Morri en st . N man. 2 J. a hie. energetic and wilting. ti.-es poitton with mercantile house, rl-n-Tt-n. d ; r-iereTf-ee M Oregon isn. rXPr.KlKiXU retal t oba-eo matl c nx-ery :etnn; rrferencas; 3 yrsrs. O. Jlswa in. Naples linteL A V t N ffeiguer. age 14. w art is w ork in f-mi'y for ho:d while gulng to scbooL X Orerntan. man. speaking- trernuoi. as w-il a hgtiPh. desiiirs position of any kind. V -".. .reonlan. t; RPEV:-:R wain rate pto e; willing to ,1 t.ther work; prt or aU tha time. P I'Oj!TIOV wn'cd b y.m m.rt ied men. .pt and willing to wo-k. oft.te org pre-f..-Td : e w rtril rd. AH !M?. r-ronton. Lm V U want the i-tIti of a renponsihla bupinesa or office man for two .r three ri.t.ir ea-h diy A K Ik? I. Oregon Ian. lTl-Ni man and w-tf t horoughly rompe- . nt. wia.t managing ranimir resort. A-N cr"C"nin. vrNTKI A sttua'ion he a bnkmaker from thr Kast who thorough y underi:mls he hninM. Add V !..:. t 'ron la n. vTV I OW wah.nr. h"w:i sn .ts. floors e td and p ied by compel nt mvn. lhon h.lood 1 1 - liOOl rtpenenrd Jrn. hoy w unLS po- .ttin in raN-vi :is port-r snd lunch cook. H ,". rerfT l.in. j I a N "or a ant evening work. & to V any Wind oh. K "rr..nun. lTTi:M tT d g g ' n g. t e nt work of a:t kind Phone fait 1 Vri.KF.r. a"! herdwman r.ran. u-t-dite tla.r nn m po 1 1 Ion on MUMCIPAX FREE EMPLOTMBM M L HsAtt SIS Keoond St.. Coxn-r Salmon. omen s Department. 245 Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profef slona! snd clerical mala and female help furnished on short no tic. No fee char gad. Pnone Main li j S. A Sttis. GENTLEMAN, -4 years' experience. painter, psperhnneer and Roneral all around repairman. snt Job in some ho tel or large rooming house in r out of 11 v; mv work speak a for tlf. I'hona Main i ;oo. a 2C;iJ. ask for party in room i , . k 3JA. posesing exerutl ability and sound buMn-M training deslros hlKh-rlnss con nection witn nianufacturlng or mercantile concern; university pradUHta with cUan cut personalltv; ttstern and Western ref erence. Address AN WS Qregonlan. WANTED positloa by expert diemakor and msbclnist. draik-ner of sutomatlo machln erv. ci-nbie of handling machinery ana men; best of references, R. F. Daniels. Wellington st.. . htcs-go. 1U. HV cCm'iX Married man wants Job In ca,mp or country hotel; years' experience: or will take Jh together. Call or "ddresa room ;:s Arlington Hotel, 0th and r lan der sts. WANTED position as spartment-bouso manager by one who haa sold oj: his in terest, best of aeference and cxVerlence. also an xperlenoi-'d bookkeeper. AUdreaa r i.M. regonian. A Vol N i man without parents and speak ing little Knphsh want to work on a f.trm; nothing nut a steady Job. Apply M ?p4. Pr--g"nlnn. ) WANTEO io.-uto3i as cashier ii a small hank, or mill as.st In organising a rmin-t-y hank. J. fcJ. lodson. Whlto Salmon. Wash. AJt- HITK'.'TI KAI draftsman. 'lr,t rU man r-n onsiructWm. detail and design. 1 erB experience. 1 optn for a poaiuou. A E U04. oreonin- cfTlNDEIt prrssman. young married man. wish- Bfesdy M'sitlnn; thoroughly com petent ; Portland or vicmlt. W'J, Ore- ronn. A Vl N; man wUhout parents sna spe iug Kngllsh wanta tv work on a farm for amau Affes; nothing but A steady Job. A pp.y A l.i, UVffc-nina'i. KXPEKIKNF.D hotel-runner and clerk for -n or rountrv town: single, middle-aged. an talk KnKMsh and Oerman fluently. K !M. t,irenian. . t7TlATyrK:T7Rw"ould like poeilion; can do all rer-'fs. flv Tars experience. Ad dre JT S Ilaley si. II "i:-ST Japanes boy wants position nuenrkcr. wsltsr or any kind of work In famMv or hte-l. AV "fcnlnn. JAPAVE.-K ifood hov. ftrst-clHss cook, wants w oi it. eiiv or i ouiitry. Frank K Imura. ?i4 i; Washlincton sr. Two young gentlemen desire to work on farm. Inquire nt '-"-' N. St. GARDKNF.R- Uaiolscape, Kipenented n.an, wants stadv work Al- tgninii. HOY 7 d sires poslihn on farm. V. I. Brien. Njt npito ave. Wood I s wn lol'i EXPKRTmotorccle rider wants position doing daluerlng. "all Main TV fflTT'ATTQV WAyTFTV-FKiAIJS. Hookkeeoees and Nfewa: nap Per. LADV stenographer, now empioved, 6 years Ial experience, desires posit3on In law of 'lee- references from present and past enpcj pri. e n. " bTKNOGKAPiKR wishes position wilt he gin with small salary. Marshal brU A. M. and 6 P. M- WANTEH Public stenographic work. Terms reas-mnhle. Apply 4 Ahinitton bldg. MtJi.E. PB"pILXAtT. aSsTwaalilnsTton fKlla ntn.'.h a 2940. Kxclusive French designs; price strictly moderate; Port land references. I LAIN sewing, prefer to go out bj" tha day. price reasonable. Main 7U4. A 781. room bnKssMAiilNiJ and piain so wins;. Main 447. rliKnee 473 Falmon st. LrY doe plain washing at home. ThoiiS Main 32. aK for Indy In basement. tnvi.isif suits nnd skirts, reasonable: work guaranteed. 71" Hoyt st.. cor. 'J'd. Hoowekeepera. TOUNO woman, with a!rl 11 months, desires housekoepmg. widower's family, tit. Louis tgepey. 'Jiia Aldar. Main 2029. EAT. refirnd widow lady deire mtuation as housekeepsr in widowers family. Kt I.ouls Agency. 2:.?' Alder. Main S0.1. Nuiw. IN V A L-lD-can" " have room, home cn(nfrt trained tmrsef rrjisonahle; vlty rcf er-ncea. Phone Tanor t'2i:t. liKAM'ATH nuraw w-ould like position, doctor- n or dentfM'a office. A'T t.regonisn. titI. practical nurse; doctor's references; ehsrres reasonable. Main tSi'T. M Iseelianeoi:. FOREIGN woman wants dsy work wsh tng Ironing. Iious-c'.eaning. Tuesday, TMimUy. Friday. Call 7 A. M., P. M. Mam 7 room S. t HA I laundered fancy or plain w a) a is, lre9es and underwear: work guaranteed, phor.s today. Main 744. W ANT El Place to work In part payment for room and board. Tbor 1. AA Ui;ib. mornings and evenings. SITUATION wanted by young lady In doe tor's office or soma light office work. A ,V :; 4 . N'i U'ly w ants to care for children or do housekeeping: for - or 3 parties. Call Marshall .".oh or fth st. I RMT-fl.AfrS delicatessen and lunch rook open for engagement; can take entira charge. fall after P. M.. Main 3t:'. WI'U) like a few more places to work by the hour end cooking; dinners. Phons Marshall l::t'.7. O.MI'ET EN T w oman wsnta work by tha dav. 1'liuue Marshall 4U2. Mrs. Nor stock. CI RTAINH wanted, hand laundry. Wood lawn S'4 No mangling. LA' curtains w.shed snd stretched by expert. Mr. Scott. Tabor 1'44.'. NEAT gut. desire housework ; small, homehk family: references. Main Wu.M AN w ants work Friday. Wuodlaw a 111. Ttef-renees. GERMAN" girl d-sires upstairs work. pr ate family. $:'. Main 2M. A 4 77 S. STRONG woman wsnta lioup'lumi --c per hour. Teirphoua Main 77M7. 1AK curtains laundered. V."C t:3. cid for, delivered ; hrt -Ciass w ork. Tahor a i ?. WOMAN cook wi:h boy wishes place. p or country. AO l4t. Qregonlan. Vi i AN wants w ork by dsy or hour. Main L NEAT girl desires sttustlofT In private hoarding. hoae. Main 'J03 . A 4 77.S. wants day s ot k. Phone Tabor u. WOPK wanted today and'tfaiurdsy, laundry, i-l.infrj. Marsna.l 4ti7. WOUI'D UK partnership or work in hotel or ro.ming-hous. -'.'- First st . room 4. WANTED TO RE XT. Hoe. hTK 1 K E the right firm t rem your property for .u und you will always have desirable tenant. ur rental department nets tjui k i ea) its. It's "Our s st-in.' CHAl'lN HEKloV MOH IXiAtiE St tki st company. XtJ-RA 'ham her of ommeree. F I I.N lcH El house, a or 7 rooms. West Mde O" Irvtngton: reaponalble bualmwa man. - children, guar ante beet of rare, rent not to exceed $' Will rent for 6 months or longer. I'hone Marshall 4J4T. WANTED To rent Or lease from May 1 or J fine, 1. by family of two. a to lo-room West Side Iioum ; Nob Miil district pre frrred ; references, K sat). Qregonlan. WANTED by your, g couple 4 or ." rMm ottase. furnished coniplefe ; in answering give price. A t4i. Urcforiln. BV re nned vung couple, threo or four-room houae. with yard, cue p. AP a40. Orego nian. M 1D1 EE-AiEl roupW w on id car for a modern bom for the Summer for the rrnt. A ddr-wa K Ormoii.sn. UiVlNToN or HoiMay hungaiow, will Iwue. no children. Phone Main Kl3. keeme With liearw yol'Ni lady emploel wishes nicely fur nished room ss bedroom and parlor: steam heal ; phone; West Fide ; walking U stance; also hoard If obtainable: private family pref-rrd; gtre phone number and 1 r1"t- 11 OgQ" 1 "J MAN and wife want board and room. ehsa In preferred : must be clean and reason able; give phone. AC Q43. Qregonlan. WANTKI Homo with n-fined famllv. Chris tian K'ient.t preferred. N W'J, Oregmfan. Bu sin ewe place. W ANTED J.iKht l.asement or storeroom, rent not to ex. ee i.o. F .'1. Orcgoman. roR rent. Room. HOATHol .-I'., f irnl-ed room, launeh, e ua, rent ica"neblo. Phone Woitdl'ii 113 Rooma Now Open. HOTEL BYRON. HOTEL. CAPL.ES. Seventh and Taylor dta. Residential and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Fostofflca. stores, theaters and ritaurant: Just off business streets ftnd csrllnea; quietest and beat location ; bandsoino brick. ample ateam heal, hot running water and phones In every loom, suites and private M'-h elevator. Keputablo and comfortabia From lie dally. $4 weekly. Aay car from depot. NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beau 1 1 f i I ' ' furnished hotels HOTEL. HOTEL. HOTEL MINUOIC PARSONS. ROWLANDS. ilJs, 4th . J1V 4th St. 20TV 4th st- On Fourth St., running from Tayior to Sslmon su; brand-new brick: elegantly furnisned. steam beat, privais batn. hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to data In all respects, and at popular prices. If you wsnt something out of tha ordinary, In toe hear; of tne city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, a w know you will like It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trads sollcltsd. ANMEliA HOTEL rtlj Washington M. L"nder new manHnempnt. 1-aige lobbv, finished in mahoicsny. tile and inarbltj," Indies ni lor willi el- gant fireplace; free telephone service In rooms, all night and da . electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold w ater In all rooina, many with bath. A r-stilential ItotH above reproach, where every effort is msd for tuo comfort and convenience of It; guests; ren is the mit renwmabi-i in t ho it y ; rooms by the ilay, week or month. Look this oror before looting. T;ike W car at depot, pot off at t:th and W hintfton. hotelTsavon. 131 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building; steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com lortabi. rent reasonable. Call and see us Kcguiir and transient trads solicited. " GRAND VNiON HOTEL. JS7S East Buruside. I.lv on the East bide ami save money en yur room rrst; e have lis modem rooms, special price on rooms and suites with ir1ate bath; rates 6uc to 12 par day; $2 to ; per week. East bvw, ii UTi. HOTEL. LA bALLE, lUth and Uurnsld sta Absolut siy fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; private baths, steam beat, hot and cold water, private phonss lo aaclt room; special rates by tne month: pbone service free. Pnone Man hail so. raTnTer" h6tkut One block from I nlon LHepot; 140 outside rooms, with but and cold water and steam neat- often special rates for permanent guests; rates boo to a dsy; 3v and up per week. phons Main 3413. TH E" GLEN DOK A. HHh and Couen. Nicely furnished rooma laigo parlor, with piano, bllUurdS Slid pool free lo guests; give us a ti lal; ou will Uko It here; per tnonih up. VAN OORDEK HOTEL. 106 Twelfth bt. Marsdail '700. la heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, Xrea phone in evsrjl room; $1 day and up; 4 week and up, HOTFL OAKLAND. 2o Tnuity Piaca, oor. Wasningtou ; new brick. stesin-bested building, private telephones; strictly mod ern; rates. t-.'-U wet up. permanent .nd transient solicited. HOTEL REN WICK An Idsal homo for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences ; 7th and Taytor sts. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Hellig Theater. Phons Mala slw BY THE MONTH Brick bulldlnjr, K. E. cor. t h and Stark. :id f I oor ; bent, light, hot w ater ; rent reasonable. Apply owner. 3mo Columbia bid. W. Park and Wash. THE LINDELU larse pleasant front rooms, fair walk Ing distance, all homo conveniences, jfa, to 4 per week. aiTH 4th St. Alain ooHl. CALUMET HOTEL. 160 Park SU. fin rooma hot and cold water, steam beau sievator and all modern conveniences; i per month snd up; quiet and comforts a.. one o; one Alder Grand. 1-1 Grand HOTEL CONGRESS. Now open: handsomely furnished, modern conveniences, 2 blocks from P. O. oth and Main. y THE LARRAHEE. '227 m I.arrahe. Unlet. t runsient ; permanent ; modern ; near teteol Bridge. HOTEL JOYCE. 370 4ih st.; elegantly fur nished rooms by day. week or mouth reasonable rato. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. DESIRABLE room lor one or two geptle- iii en, with hot ana rota water, oatn sua shower: also room for gentleman, with sleeping porch; this is the most deshable plsca on tho Heights. Phoat- M. 1uj7 or call at 71! ft os pec t drive. Aiuit d seen to bo appreciated. Fl N E.LY furnished front rooms, new . mod ern houfce. for gc-ntlemen ; very reason able; cuf) walking distance; few mepa e:st Alorrson at. carline. oo2 Belmont, cor. E.st I t h. Phono East STEAM -HEATED ROO M S C H E A P. Hot h housekeeping and sleeping ; nicely furninhed and cun; renta very reasona ble. Call and be convinced. 415 Columbia street. VERY deal rah. e housekeeping room, kUt h enette attached ; alt single and at lie rooms; W-at Side, central. Marsliali 4UT6. 1 tth st. LARGE, comfortable front room, every con venience, beat location, $2 week. -62 14th st. 7.;ll ATTItAi'TIVE room In modern home, every -onvenif nee, wslking distance. 11 Fast fth. Phone East 1 NIC ELY furnished rooms from $ 2 weekly; phone; eauy w alklng u I stance, m Wasn- tngton. - BEAT TIFCLLY furnished room in good homo; references; Nob II 111 district. t.'ia Johnson st. PlEAnANT room, still able for two oung men; walking distance; modern home. Mam 1KK. N It 'ELY furnished front room for one or two gen i iemen ; furnae heat, hot and cold water; very close In. -1& 13th N. N 1'ELY furnished room, sil conveniences. M lrlniiy l lace. bet. lHin and ioth. PI.iTaS.ANT front room, us of piano, walk ing uistance. 301 loth st. FIRNISIIED rooms. !.. to .North Itth. near asn. BOOMS with private porch, modern conven iences, board optional. 0l 1 4th. NICE, clean, light rooms at $2 week up at 1J2 Pith st., corner Wash. NICELY furnished front room for two or three, Market. M sin G0t.i. FT R N is M EI room In modern apartment ; walking dlstunce. Mam 7i'4. WELL furni'hcd room, with bath and phone, lu. i'o 14tn. M o'JI. Fl RN l."H ED i ooms, close In, modern, b'2 E. 7th N- FRoNT room on first floor; reasonable. JtVJ Uth su TWo mct-ly furnished, moderate pries. 448 Taylor t., near li'in. 11 MONTH Good room, all conveniences, walking distance. 45-' f.ih. koomi Vt ltb fcosra XOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. THE PARK VIEW, Comer W'osi Psrk and Montgomery, btrtctly high-class fajuily boarding bouse, everything orand new and up to data, all bigh-ciasa furnishings, sis am heat, hot and cold running water la very room, private baths, beautiful large sunny rooms and tha view Is unsurpssao. r.ght on the Park, nice large veranda, loveiy dining-room, strictly a homeliks place at popular prices, give us a call and see for yourself. Msln ll$Z. DOE& a home appeal to you 7 THE WHIT aV HALU cor. tin and Madison; large rooms, bath, oroad veraiiua, quiet, close In. neat car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. THE AN DOR A Front room, with sleeping porch, also single room; large sitting room, piauo; walking iltslance. bod E. Morrison. E. Itiftt. THE LAMBERSON. fr.4 Couch su. very de sit aLie outside rooma steain beat, run r. t r. g w ater, good board, cl ose In. MA.MTOU. Jsl 1STH ST. Attractive. cU-aa rooma ateam good board, clo In. reasonable. boat. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 3d year. Rooms with boaro, use of sowing-room. It brary. &lu Flsnd-ra Mrs. E. N. Wilson, supt THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board; running water, steam heau 3b6 3d st. ClolCE front rooms with first-class table board. 31 N. 17th. Koome With Board In Private Family. SPLEND1 D rooms, w It h bos.d ; best loca tion: strictly modern; furnace lieaL 40 Hns-alo. PLEASANT room, home cooking; home con veniences: vaikiug distauce; o Wek. East 4J4H. BOARD, with or without rooms. Mar. 2747. .. Flandei s St. TWO LA KG E connecting rooms, excellent board, large porch snd grounds. Main FI RST-CLASS rooma breakf st and aiutior If desired; bnt location. 7H Fiandera N W El. Y furnish e room, with kVmrd. pi 1 vat family. 7i Belmont sU B l-li. Now Open. LARGE front room, two closets and single bed. bent of board, suitable for two bui ness men. In strictly modern home, walk lug distance. Weft Side, no objection to 2 young' ladles employed. Marshall S07. BOA R U and room, large front room, one rmK'e rom $'22 0 per month. 7S7 Glioan. w-w ! kin-; distance. - KIMNT parlor, suhablo for a couplu or threo youn? men; ev.-ryi liln; new, food home. H"4. Flanders. Marshall4'J-3. iToCM for voimg man; walking distance. ."...- East Taylor, corner 10th. Phone East uuoa BEA I'TIFT.'L front rooms for two. $20 jah; clean, new. modern house, homo cooking. kH 17lh. near Everett. KXCLCSIYE home In private family, with breakfast and dinner, 4 block to car. walking distance, eO. Mar. 30.16- WANTED 2 voting men to room and board in strlrtlv "private family: home prlvl- legew. Call Sellwood 1720 for particulars. Fl'RNISHED rM,ms, board. M5 E. Oak cor. loth. East oo2. PLEASANT rooms, single or cn excel- l nt board. f'...H :nan. Apartments. THE WHErTLTJOT. Cor. Park and Taylor eta. TRE WREELDOV ANNEX Cor. Tenth and balmon sta Walking Distance. Fumlshed comolete. 2. S end 4 -room apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; aervlcs f irst-claaa THE I101SMAN ArARTMENTS. 7 Hoyt St. Elegant. y rumished 8-room corner apartment, with sleeping porch ed re reptlon hM. in one of th cleanest nnd most exclusive houses in tho city. LIGHT, cheerful and very homelike; largo closets, white enameled bathroom and kitchen, electric cooker and every modem conven ience. This apartment will easily aceom-m-Kiatc 4 people; daintily served meals csn be arranged for VERY REASONABLY Justarrosj the street. Referenee. WELLINGTON COURT. Kith and Everett Sts New management; 2. 4 or 5-room un furnished apartmenta Tha best apart ments In the city for the money; they have all modern conveniences, are close In. neat and homelike. Don't fail to Inspect them before locating. If furnished apartment Is desired, can arrange this on smai: monthlr payment with rent, tenant eventually owning furniture at same monthly cost as furnished apartment. THE BARKER, cor. 21sr and Irving sts.: this new 4-story brick now open fur RHhed end unfurnished In 2. S and 4 -room suites: reception hall, electric, automatlo elevator. Holmes disappearing be da built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of ciosot rooma both phone, vacuum cleaner free to patron If yov want something nice, coma to tbe Barker. 1 fr.nr-room basement - npartmect, $2. Phones A 1744. M arena 11 296L TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brtek and stone .palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments. In heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience: sleeping porches, high -class ervtc; refined clientele; references re qulrd In all case Mrs. A. N. Wright, supt. phons Marshall 110L THE AMERICAN. Most tip-to-date apartment In tho -nruiwet; every convenience; a ann. t rooms, all outside sunny rooms: new; walking distance. 21st and Johnson sta choice residence district; attendant on premises. Marshall 3300. THE VILLA ST. CLARA, 32th and Taylor. Jovt completed, most magnificently fur nished apartmants In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hsll and roof garden; both phones lu aU apartments: high-class service: relsrsaoes required Mam 2276 and A 7057. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia 4 blocks south from Morrison st.; Pew brick building, completely first -class furnished In 2. 8 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; rent per month, $20, $30. $40 and up; must be seen to be appre ciated. FORDHAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford st.. Just south of Washington; most complete, highest class apartments ever built in Portland; finished through out in hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix tures: elegant wall coverings; each with private balcony; highest class service: very reasonable rents; 4 and 6 -room apartments; most conveniently arranged. ARDMAY TERRACE, l.th and Harrison. Now ready for tenants. 'I and 3-room apartments; living-rooms, lx0. high and. si srhtly ; well furnished with everything tu a i pop to make high -class apt. ; nth or loth -st. car. Phones Marshall $lt&, A 4721. UPSML'lt AFARTMENT3. 26TH AND UPSHUR STREETS. Thoroughly modern 3-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath, $24; 4 rooms. 22u0-; this Includes shades, ateam heat, hot and cold water, gas ranges, pri vate Pacific telephones and Janitor serv ice. Apply premisea HANOVER FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. King and Washington sta, now ready. New rt-itory reinforced concrete build in g. only fi reproof apartment-house in Portland: cvry poslblo convenience, elec tric elevator, best of si?rvic private bal conies, easy v, alklng distance; 2, 8, and 4-room apartments. $12. So up. LUC RET I A COURT. Lucretla St., Near 23d and Wash. L nlurnished apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outside; larso closet a hardwood lloors ; under new management. Mart hail 1613. Janitor, Mar shall 1500. FIFTH AND COLLEGE. Quiet home place, one 4-room and one 3-room corner, nicely f urn is hud apart ments, and one 3-room unfurnished: hard wood floors, tiled halls, every modura con vnlenc'. Tho Attaniont. KEELEK APARTMENTS. 14th eud Clay sire eta pplendld location, solid brick building, electric elevator; have unfurnished $ tud 4-room suites, with private vestibules, phones, bath, eta. bT. CROIX Apartmenta St. Clair st., near Wsaalngton; 2 and 8-room apartmenta with private oath, furnished snd unfur nished; superb location, ttasy walking dis tance, brick building; convenient airing' meat, best of service and very low renta KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 KINO ST. 4. A, 4-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. 8T Francis" a partm'e.vts, list and Hoyt; 4 riomi snd bath, private balcony., new brick building, electric elevator, su perb location, in walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and bast of service. THE LEONCB. 1 8 N . 2 2 d. Nfl ar Jo hnson. New modern brick. Just opened, new management, 3 -room furnished apta, all cutside rooms, private bath, phone and best of service. 30 up. Marshall 2-i..0. HANTHORN APARTMENTS, 251 ltth st. nr Main ; close in location; elegant 4 rivm ayar.meut with bath and private balcony. SJ. Every convenience, good sr v lea THE CHETOPA. lMh and Flanders, 2. 3, and 4-room modern apartments, furnished aud unfurulsned, $20 up; new furnuur and new building- Apply to tho janitor. ALTON I A APARTMENTS, Large, atry. 3 and 4-room apart- ent ; qult and exclusive neighborhood. THE ARCADIA. 2 and 3 rooms, modern, nicely furnished apartments, reasonable. 7t6 Evrett st. I'll ones. M u In ti2tf . A 7oo 1. ROSEN FELD Apartmenta Et 14Ul and ttark ; four rooma furnished or unXur itUhed. reasonable; heat, phone, jiuiltar service. Et 3Ti'3. PARK APARTMENTS. 353 Harrison; beau tiful a and 4-room furnished apartmoxj ts; walking distance; beat of service; prices tiu to 450. Fhone Marshall 3070. COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished apartmenta 11th ai.d Columbia; very de sirable; modern conveniences; easy walk leg distance; low ratts; beat ut servica. GARDNER APARTMENTS, cor. 13th and E. All. iteauinui u-iwwim, atj outside, fiieplac-. hot waiit heat, everything first r i ar - East AnKeny car. Eawt 2il. HA-DDON HALL. Cor. Hall and lith tots, g and 4-rm. suitea - up; beautlf uJiy Turn., hardwood floors, private porches, phones, bath. ML Tabor car. Mar. 1171. BJELLAND. 16tli Lovejoy Unfurniahed ttront ino'i'-' uiivk, iiiiml lm seen to be appreciated. Main l.iT, A l!67. BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartmenta 195 Lovejoy st. Take "W car. vlVE room, with batli, $3. per month. Ar- pIV O iw. , - . "H., VIA LOVEJOY AP I S.. I7t h and lovejoy 3-room furnished apartment. Phone Main 2lV BKYNMAWR. East i.vii, nar Yamhill, TA I I'lQlT New brick apartment, very desirable W est sids location, one Dioca irum line. Ready for occupancy April 15.' Building has 30 apartments, consisting of 16 J -room. 12 3-room. two 4 -room apanmenta Wall and disappearins; beds t iirniiffhmif FUvAinrx. atoves. refrlger- ators and shades furnished. Nothing has been left undone to make xneso .- menrs both attractive and mooern in For further information call Main 40o(1 or evenings, Marshall 334.. THE EVERETT. 044 ivereti su r.ew ana eieganiiy iiirmoiiru Tnents; 3 rooma reception hall and sleeping-porch: automatic electric elevator and private facmo teiepnone; one sur- rounded by elegant homes; walking tan ce. dis st it r. ww a ptk. st. r.lair and Washing ton; only one apartment now vacant In this new and exclusive house; 4 rooms beautifully furnished; large sleeping porcu. laxgs airy rooms, tiled bath, private hall and piione. plenty oi cioset space; mivi- em:es required. THE CAMAR, TiA I .ovf1ov St. Under new management; new, modern brh-k. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished ; wo will rent you apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any invr us a call and oe convinceo. ar. -j.. 3!0 RUSSELL STREET, vtr a h rxiON. New and elegantly furnished modern apartments of two and three rooms, locat ed over new Postoffice building: rent over new rowomcB uu""'"s. Ftsonable. Call peryonally or phone the ntal department. Private Exchange 4. reaso ren BUENA VISTA. CORNER 12TH AND HARRISON. X KW RRICK. 2 and 3-room apartmenta furnished or unfurnished; good service. Apply on premises. .OKOMIS APARTMENTS, Mflmhall. Near 1 th. New. all 3-room apartments, completely furnished. Including silver and linen, $25 and up; engage one now and rent begins April Li. GRANDEST A furnished apartmenta Grand ave. and East Stark; new brick building, 8 rooma splendidly furnished, with pri vate batu, j-t.oo; eiectrio ctevaiur, w ern conveniences; ciose-in iocuua walking dUtance; best of service. a r,i . rnnd thinsrs come to him that watts. Hut listen to this: You can't wait a min- ut if vtm want to secure one of oar good irinriVrn nn-to-dntn two-room aDts.. close in. cheap and positively respectable. 286 11th t. MONTGOM E UV APARTMENTS, New brick building, corner 3d and Mont gomery, furnished 2-room apartments, pri vate ra tn, pnone ana eievaior. uve nint uies' walk; rates $27 to $35; no children. I liune Main l4tu. CUA1HERLAND APTS., West Park and Co lumbia sts., 1 3-room unfurnished and 1 "-room furnished aot.. all modern con veniences, choice location, fronting the park and only o mlnutca walk irom ouai nt-ss center. THE JULIANA,. 4? Trinity Place, between KHh and 20tlv. Just off Waahlngton 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, newly furnished nnd close in, but cost no more; $.'5 and up- WINSTON A oar tm en is. 341 1 4 1 b s L, Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms; 3 and 3-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; $2i to fal.bv. Dor iniormaiion can aiaia n- SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 7th and Jef ferson eta A 8 or 4-room apt., with bath, unfurnished: all outside rooms; every con. venlence; modern and only 5 min. walk from P. O; very reasonable rent. THE LUZERNE. Just completed, corner 3d and Hall; all 2-room furnished apta, large outside kitchens, best arranged apts In Portland. 25 and up. Easy wanting oistance. wi il.FR APTS.. 210 MARKET BT. NEWLY furnished 2, S. 4 rooma $22.50 to $40; single rooms, $3 up; free light, phones, neat, hot and cold water, eiectrio elevator. Jjaranau CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22d and Glisaa sta- best of servica; desirable location, with unexcelled ear aervlcs; also easy walking olstance; 8-room apt., with bath, modern conveniences, very reasonably rent. GRACE APTS., 797 Northrup sL, corner 24th; 5 large rooms; narawooa floors, rTif vM-HJida. large sleeping porch, pri vate teleuhone. water, heat and hot water; new and strictly modern. ' THE PEZENDORF. 20S ltith St., near Taylor, o elegant 5-room unfurnished apart ments; one northeast, one southwest ex posure, MK rcervwi.n vii ytcmipci. pi lYPnni.E FURNISHED APARTMENTS, llth and Clay; 2-room apartments, fur nished, with private bath; all conve mencea; good service; easy wa iking dis tance; very reasonable rents. THE SUNLIGHT APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, nicely furnished. $2.1; private phone ana bath, on East Belmont. Tabor 2293. B 3(41. THE B I R MI NO 1 1 AM, 390 12tU St. Newly furnished, walking distance. Marshall 44. MAJJ1SON PARK. APAJtTMENldw Park and Madison sta For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, strictly modern. THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington St., 2, :i and 4-room apta, hardwood floors, with every convenience, newly furnUhed; cheap est rent In the city. THE Ormonde, one modern apartment, fiv nice light rooms, refrigerator, gas range and telepnoue. ooo rianueie si., ;uu xiui Main 8251. THQ LAN DO RE APTS., 288 10th. near Jef ferson, one well-furnished 3-room apart ment, w-ith sleoplng porch; also rooms with all conveniencea THE FLORENCE Now and absolutely first-claes 3 and 4-room furnisned apart menta $32. up. 3i3 llth BU Marshall 4. FOR RENT Nicely furnished three and four-room aparimenvn in U046UUVI' hood. Phone Main 8624. nished modern 3 and 4-room apta; rent reaaonaoig. - BAN" MARCO Apartmenta Est 8tfc and Couch New brick, modern, private baths and phone. $23 and $2d. Call East 27M. thIE wTndhor apa rt m ents. 3 front iMoms- new, clean and homelike, walking distance . Cor. E- 14th and Yamhill. THE ELM 3 and 3-room apta, furnished, heat, phone and bath. 191 14th st. ON EON T A, 167 17lh, $10. $20 and $a0 suites; steam neat. F. P. Eg an. prop. IRIS, COR. 3D AND MILL. 4 and 5 rooms; modern. UN FURNISH ED apta. strictly modern, brand new; phone owner, A 1867. M. 1847. JUL1AETTE Furnished and unfurnished I rooma Corner 3d and Montgomery. 42 1 WEST PARK, 4-roomed apt., modem, no children. Inquire asd Hall. THE DAYTON Furnished 4-room apt.. heat, water, etc., yj mo. nu. rianoera. Flats. 5-KOOM. strictly modern, newly completed flats; hardwood floors and all modern conveniences; Hancock, near East 9th St.; real bargains; rent $2A each. PARKLSH. WAThUNS & CO., 250 Alder St. 5 LARGE rooms, lowor, outside, east fac ing fiat; furnace, steel ran, gas plate, linoleum on kitchen and bath; loth and Ea t Alder. Phone East ul 13. tVROOM flat, gas and electricity; fireplace and furnace; furnished or unfurnished. 7S4 Gllsan. R. N. Tufford. 407 Spalding bldg. Marshall 4547. A 4545. iOO-MARKET 8T. 5-room modern flat, with furnace. $30 per month. Key at 502 Portland Trust Co., 3d and Oak. UPPER flat. 5 large, light rooms and maid's room; moaern; itim yurcacs. n. jaain st., corner 18th. NEW flat. 6 rooma Inquire East 19th. Take Brooklyn car, aouee irom cor- ner, $l inonm. NOB Hill fiat, 7 rooma fine yard, splendid neighborhood. 7H Johnson su, bet. 23d and 24th. Main 05al. 114 UNFURNISHED 8-room flat, base ment, stationary w ash tubs ; nice neighbor hood. 917 East Salmon st. MODERN 5-room fla-t, E. ISth and Asa. B :o.n. RECENTLY vacated, upper 6 -room, modern, at tract) ve ; sleeping porch. Main MODERN lower fiat. 5 rooms, vacant April i. inquire 622 Northrup. Main S475. THREE or 4-room flat, light, clean, con ve n 1 e n Lrajkingdstance:J FURNISHED flat. 3 rooms and bath; no .ihildren. HH 4th st. 4-ROOM lower flat, sleeping porch. 825 Northrup su warn MODERN 5-room Oat, oth, near Jackson, West Sid?. 10 min. walk. Main or A 1223. MODERN lower flat. 6 roo;ns. 7 SO Marsha:!. I nq ui re 772 Kwrney. MODERN, steam-heated, 8 rooms; walking; distance. West Shlc. Phone Marshall 5."t. FURNTSHED modern flat. 23d St.; $35. Phone sellwood 1V7. 4 WEST PARK, largo 3-room flat, bath, pas. $1S; water and garbage free. MODKRN fi-foom flat, good attic, easy walk ing distance. 473 7th su c T rr- r u c- Ttr r C.vAnni flat VArv H mira . ble; convenient arrangement, with gas range and refrigerator; $32.50 Summer rate. Apply janitor. Wellington Apart ments, 15th and EveretL BouseaeepLng Rooms, THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money; short dlstanoe from Union depot. Take "S" or ltith -st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No doga fl.50 TO $3.50 per week. Clean furnished housekeeping rooms; freo heat, phone, bath, laundry, yard. 406 Vancouver ave, and 203 Stanton; 'U" car. Phone E. 4039, " CLOSE IX Light housekeeping rooms, furnished, very reasonable rates. lo3 Park st-, cor ner Morrison st. . BEAUTIFUL modern sunny one and two room suite, sttiam. heat, electric light, everything new, hot and cold water in every room, ideal location, rfii om si. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms gas range, phone and bath. 4a9& Wash ington THE MILNER, 350 Morrison Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; steam heat, elevator, all conveniencea, beat loca'n. HOUSEKEEPING roams In new concrete building. Phone Wood lawn 23J or 2937. FOR RENT Housekeeping-rooms; walking distance. 1SS Halsey st. $3.25 Three furnished housekeeping rooms. Thone, light, bath, roses. 595 Madison, Housekeeping Rooms in Private family LARGE, newly finished, well furnished clean housekeeping room, free furnace heat, electric lights, phone, bath, hot and cold water, first floor, close In, one block to three carlines. 443 Rodney, cor. Tllla- mOOK 91. r,UBl ..!., 1IO llcliionuia, ELEGANTLY furnished roras, light and airy, will also arrange for housekeeping to suit tenant; beautiful yard, in best resi dence district on West Side. 635 Everett. PORTLAND Heights, large, clean, sunny housekeeping rooms; largo yard, bath, gas, water and phone; rent $18. Rea 489 21 st st. Phone Main 2257. HOUSEKEEPING suite, ground floor front, sJnk, light, phone, bath. heat. $5 per week. 169 East 14th. li blocks of East Morri son. No children. THREE cheerful front rooms, opening on veranda, unfurnished, good location. $lt. Including lights, water, gas range, no dogs. 657 Pettygrove at. Main 210". NICE front room with kitchenette, furnace heat, electric light, bath, phone, eay walking distance. $12 monthly and up. 00 N. 31si, 1 blocks from Washington. SINGLE housekeeping rooms and 2-room suites; modern, clean, close in; $8 tip. U.5 Flanders, near 20th. FINELY furnished upstairs front room with kitchenette, gas range, phone, hot and cold water. 50M Clay st. LARGE, comfortably furnished housekeeping-rooms, reasonable. 91',k 1st su, near fotark. : LARGE front rooma housekeeping, hot and cold water, all conveniences, fine lo cation, amriiei at... n .. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma 542 Karl st. Take Sellwood car. Opp. Brooklyn School. , , MODERN large front housekeeping room, unfurnished; walking distance. a33 East 1st st. N. LARGE single front rooms; heat, lis lit, walking distance hustineas center; $10, $10. $20 month. f75 Couch. N. E. cor. 18th. N EWLY furnished front room, 7 minutes from Postoffice. very reasonable to lady employed. Call mornings, 307 10th st. UNVTRSisHEt) rooms, well lighted. 3 minutes from postoffice; from $5 to $S month. 432 Market st. TWO large, ozy housekeeping room. ino ern conveniences, very kmuubuiu. Mth st. . NICELY furnished front housekeeping; rooms, light, hath and phono, $10 and $12 per month. 870 12th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or in suite; gas, bath, heat and phone. 173 N. 17th st, or A 7142. IN a private homo, the entire lower floor of three rooma furnished complete lor housekeeping. 713 Belmont. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, new, clean, modern, gas. bath, phone included, $15. 781 East YamhilL CLEAN, newly furnished housekeeping suite, convenient, main floor, $3.50 a. week. 411 4th. - LARGE housekeeping room; light, clean; $10. Two rooms. $15; real kitchen, sink. hath. gas. pnone. --i om. THREE furnished hou-iekneptng rooms. $12 a month. 588 Pettygrove 5t. Phone Main DFISIR ARIE housekeeping rooms, ground floor, walking distance. Summer rates. 4H5 E. Ash. FURNISHED housekeeping and single rooms to renL 547 Morrison, or inquire 206 4th tre et. LARGE room, with alcove, furnished for housekeeping, gas. bath and phone, oho llth st. SINGLE suite, heat, phone, bath, walking distance. 221 T3th st. b sir i furnished housekeeping rooms: g plate, steel range, 18 Tth. Main 49. $2 80 WEEK, front suites, free phone, bath, linen. .".32 Williams ave. THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping. 170 lotn st. LKOE unfurnished room with kitchenette, "heat, light and bath. 474 Market. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS; no children or pets. 375 14th st. TWO fine outside rooms, all conveniences, rent reasonable. 275 N. -lt st. CLEAN attractive front housekeeping rooms, bay windows. $3 a week. 411 4th. 3 LARGE front deslrahlo housekeeping rooms, modern, reasonable. 431 3d st. g UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, walking distance. nri om- - LIGHT, airy housekeeping rooms in base ment, rignc uo wo p. -to WELL furnished suite, sink, gas. phone, bath. $17 per month. 312 Columbia sL HOUSEKEEPING rooms, also sleeping room. 146 llth st. bINGLB housekeeping and two-room suit; gas, bath, phone. 1S7 Chapman. THREE nice furnished housekeeping rooms, furnace heat. 847 Hall. . L ARO 10 housekeeplng-rooma; all conven iences. 271 East 34th st. Tabor 906. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma private family. 13 E. 7tb. East 1939. FliE MEIER & FRANK STORE'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU is for the convenience of both Portland people and strangers in tho city who may bo looking for homes, apartments, flats or business offices. We have an excellent private IIbI. as well as the com bined lists of all real estate dealers. v e can also give advice as to the new build ings In course of construction. Home-hunters especially will find relief in this special service, for we help you to cet quickly, comfortably and desirably located When you want to rent visit THE MEIER & FRANK RENTAL BU- RKAIT. 4tn liovr, m' -""P OR RENT Partly iurnisnea nouse. view close In. r?sidence district. East Side 'on carline, nine rooms and sleeping norch. well adapted for boarding or rooming-house or light housekeeping mites, large lawn, fine shrubbery, roses and 14 full-bearing fruit trees, garage: references required. Phone East 209 or B 151. COTTAGE. 4 rooma modern, near car; pos- Mri Moiley. 6710 ith ave. Southeast. rI-E eisht-room houae on Hawthorn, ave.. partly furnished, modern In every parllc- CHAPIX' & HERLOW MORTGAGE & 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. EW "-story 0-room house, with reception hall and .leepln porch, all modern con veniences, between 2 carllr.es, on E. -bth t,i1t S9 K. 2Sth. No children. -ROOM modern house, gas, electricity, furnice. walking distance. 381 Ron be tween Dixon and Broadway; rant JS. Phone fc.ast ROOM houFe. 90S Clinton t. Eiectrio !iKht. ath. 5f100. carline, corner, Si 5. Call room 11. Mulkey hlds.. id and Mor Main S21. A 4144. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. 407 Spalding Bldg. Mar. 4., a t;ni). B-ROOM modern cottage near Washington M K n DUIIWli o j tm. 1 Phono Eaat 5034, or addreu H 852. Oreffo nlan. EI. .KG ANT 8-room house, Willamette H etirhts. 4U; moaern improvements, Deau rl view. Main 8919. tl 7-ROOM house, almost new, on Eaat 70th FOR SAL.K by owner, 6-room houjie, mod ern in every renp:i, cm., in; revtrictea district: must b. .old. East 55. FINE strictly modern 6-room house, fur nace. R raii iBia u, near Anjceny. .if. 1'hone Tabor 1S7. TO RENT 167 E. Tth t. North. b.tw. E. Irvini; and Oregon. T-rooxn houii, al most new; sleeping porch, modern in .very detail; furnace, ate; accessible to several carlines and close In. Fhona owner. Tabor 1300. or call at house; rent. 137.50. FOR RENT 8-room house, new, rood con dition, electric lights and gas, good yard, fill! Cleveland ae. ; rent 520. Apply Me te inley Mitchell. :02'3 Stark. A and M. 2131. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungralow cor ner lot, east front, shades, wood heater, pas stoves and linoleum furnished; $20. ans East .ISth st. MODERN 2-story 6-room house, yard. pavei street, one block to car: adults; fzi 7 Williams ave. Woodlawu 426. J12 -room house, yard. 024 Mill, near IStb street. 8-ROOM house, porches, fireplace, central! good location. 413 2d st. 8-ROOM house to responsible parties only; rent 18. Inquire 925 E. Stark st. WEST SIDE 4-room house Just finished, everything up to date. 3Po N. 25th st. DESIRABLE 6-room house, close In. 3!S San Rafael st.. near Union ave. East lt8-. 5-ROOM modern rottaRe for rent. 941 Alder. Inquire at 129 Union ave. FOR RENT A modern 6-room bouse. 311 Wasco. Phono East 2446. $1 Modern 8-room house, on Gantotibein. fall Woodlawn J4S9. Inquire 217 ilo.ris. FIVE-KOOM cottage. West Side, ten mln utes' walk from Postoffice. 4SS Market St. Fnrninhed House.. , NEWLY furnished The Cpsnur. 26th aod Upshur Bts.. furnished 2-room apartments. 15. 118. (20 and up. This Include, .team heat, hot and cold water In every apart ment, private phones, public batb. aleetrla lights, gas range, laundry-room, aU frM. Take a, 23d or W cars. No children; dog. not allowed. Phone Main 859. ONLV J25 PER MONTH. Nicely furnished 6-room modem home. Tf2 E. 21st St., electricity, gas, bath, piano, cocner on Brooklyn carlluc. Sc. FRED C. KING, 814 Spalding bids- FURNISHED FLAT. ;Vroom well-furnished lower douhl. flat, cornor East 17th and East Alder; good lawn, one block to car. Appiy W. O. Munse.i. Blft E. Alder. Phone Eajt 11S. FIT1.LT furnished modern 5-room cottage, near E. 35th st and Hawthorne: only (2s.5) a month. Call Main 0012. Evenings, Ta bor S78. MODERN furnished 5-room cottage, also 3 or 4-room flat, bath and gas. 514 East 21st. WR car. MODERN 6-room furnished flat, porch and yard, 8 E. 12th. bet. Ankeny and Burn- side, vjursnmi 7m, A iiu MODERN 6-roum house, furnished. Brook lyn Heights. 714 East 9th at. South. w..i i...a.. .nj u '.1fl NICELY furnished house, 3 bedrooms and piano, l,:i7.5tf. 958 E. Gllsan and 31st t. FOR RENT 5-room flat. 6 block from P. O. . Inquire 249 Wh st 5-ROOM houe. furnished, for rent to re sponsible party. 2S 16th et. North. MODERN K-room house, with garden; rent $25. 1124 East Stephens. goma for Bent. Furnltnr. tor COME and look, then make me an offer on my new fumed-oak furniture, with ev erything complete to go housekeeping: I am going to sell at some price, a thu bt offer takes It. .Marshall 1001 or call 304 Railway Exchange i ROOMsCnewly furnished for housekeep ing; gas range, velvet and body Brussell carpers. Inlaid linoleum, 2 bath., and electricity: rent $36; income $l. Price $600; terms. 450 Park at. HOI'S 13. 7 rooms, clean, well lighted, large yard, central location. West sildo; prlco of furniture and rent reasonable. 26 North llth street; 2H block, from Washington at. Phone A 1999. ' MODERN 6-room flat, completely furnished, near Washington st.; furniture for sale, flat for rent: or will ront to responsible party. 28 16th st. Norih.. FINE place, located on Park St., never OB the market before; 10 rooms, clean, mod ern, furniture oak and mahogany; pric I. fiirttr Sen owner at 343 tfth, cor. MiU- FURNITURB of a modern homo for sale; rent $35; tin. carpets, everything complete: -would take diamond, a. part payment. Main 9uu8. FURNISHED 6-room flat for rent; nicely arranged to rent room.; rent pee jnonth. Main 2359. 432 3d t1.flatJC 12-ROOM house for rent and some fitrnltur. for sale, walking distance. Phone Main. 2974. . TWO or three well-furnished housekeeping rooms: modern conveniences. 147 Grand ave. North. $200 BUYS furniture of eight-room house, furnished. In housekeeping miites. Party , . E-.,r its Sl:t Yamhill ht. ii'avuiK ci-j. v,,t. t - 5-ROOM flat. 6-room cottage, complete, to highest offer; will accept tfado. 61 3',, Glienn st. 4-ROOM apartment, rent $20. will sell fur niture at a bargain. 664 Flanders st. Phone Main 4759. FURNITURE of 8-room house; a bargain; casn or lenns. . 1 lii T ROOMS of good furniture, 4 rooms pay expenses. Phone Main 6961. Btore . i FOR RENT A neat store with living-rooms In rear, suitable for a small dry goods or notion bsiness; situated in block Willi other lines; a live bus-iness center. 111 South Portland: a good opening for man or woman of limited means. Apply for key to druggist, at corner of Front and olbb. gts. Take, "S" car. 8TORES In new 8-story brick; good location for first-class grocer, meat market, res taurant, delicatessen. milliner, barber shop- East First st. and Holladay ave.: the principal transfer point for the new Steel bridge; buildings ready April - For lease apply O. A. Lyman. 610 Henry bldg. THREE floors. 25xlOO. part or whole; new brick building. 16th and Marshall, suit able r.tall. wholesale or light manufac turlng. A. G. Long. FOR RENT- Stores. 18x45, Washington St.. near corner 19th, modern fronts, brlclt building; reasonable rent, E. J. aly. 2J1 Falling bldg. FOR RENT Store, located In the Fostet Hotel bldg.. oh Second st.. at very low rental: lease. Apply Foster Hotel office, 247 Davis st. FOR RENT Store., No. 248 and 250 Haw thorne av... east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Pock Co. LAHOE. light store, about 25x75. near 1st and Main sts. Inquire at 229 tlrst. WILL rent part of office located on ground floor of Chamber of Commerce. TACIFIC TITLE & TRUST CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. OUTSIDE room. In elegant suite of new of fices $20. with rug. phone and use oi reception room. Call Morton. Main IS.Ii. WILL share our offices, desirable for en gineer, architect, manlgrs. agt. 812 Lew. is building , . MOST centrally located office.; all-night elevatS? service. U3 Bw.tland bldg.. ftt and Washington. OUTSIDE private office, use of recepUon room. furnished or unfurnished. Main 607. DESK room. fOB Henry bldg. HalU. ELEGANT hall and ballroom, reception rooms, etc.. suitable for afternoon tea-, dancing parties, musicales and recitals. Apply Royal Academy Hall. 601 Man chester bldg., bii Fifth at. Phone Main 7637. Misoellaoeou.. BATHHOUSE Ladle." and gents' separat. department; shower, tub, steam and swim ming tanks; aUo 27 room, furnisned la connection. 83 Russel bldg. TO LEASE. TO LEASE. New brick apartment-house, very de sirable. West Side location, one block from carline: ready for occupancy April 15th. Building has 30 apartments, sixteen 2-room, twelve 3-room and two 4-room apartments. Wall and disappearing beds throughout, elevator, atoves. refrigerator and shade, furnished. Modern and attractive in every respect. For further Information call Main 4067. LOST AND rOUSD. WILL party who picked up purse in front of Meier &- Frank's store return 10 Moore's restaurant, 14S 5th. and receive reward? LOST Fat female English pointer, white. brown spot, tall trimmed in notches. East 5-4. Reward. LOST At Olds, Wortman Klng'b. black silk umbrella; reward. Apply 303 Ftailway Exchange. BLACK, and white pitt bull puppy, about 4 months old. Liberal reward if returned to owner. 963 Dunklwy ave. LOST 3 horses, on Vancouver ave., near O. R. & N". tracks: roan, bay and a whit, horse. Phone Woodlawn 2. LOST Card case containing union card, diamond ring and stickpin: reward if re turned to owner. 61 Morrison st. LOST Purse, small change nnd keys, in or near Lipman's. Phono B 2"S5,