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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1912)
" ' Vn For I lien 5w.loo ON K ct the finest apt. bouse of f.eattl and lot. located In res ident tection, to trade for first rim Umatilla county wheat land to 47Vm. IVS. VX 4-story brick apt. house, cltv. rin In; will take 4-.0o trade. b:anc cash; will consider Al f rta- $4H.WV 213 rrM fin farm land, with A 1 Improvement, for city Income. 2-5 cash. MS. business lot,' inovlOO. close In. for Income jwopertr to $4ion. $?,300 467 acre- of fine farm land with goAq Improvements, Southern Or- Ita, for city; wltl Uiume $20.- $23.80 H-.0 acr wheat land, good Im provements. O0 wheat tola season, for city; will aaeume or doe acre. 425 175 acres, Southern Oregon. good buildings: part cultivated, balance easily cultivated; wanta city or clws br. will assume. MLB MR. HAKHDLT, Mar. 42o. a. J. DKTSl'H CO A 155ft. M- Chamber of Commerce. WB WILL BV1LP FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR I10O CASH. Tau pick your lot In Altamead Addi tion; wa will bur and build on It accord in ia nu r niana: tiav ua S10O earnest moner when contract la alrned and $lM en completion of hoose: balance easier than rent at low Interest: transportation excellent, on Mt. Tabor carllne; 5c fare; npto-date Improvemenla -e Mr. Mead or Mr. Perkins. 24 Stark t. Phone Marshall 3t2. A M. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Furnished House. 2750 SriiI Payment Town. Balanc as Rent. I have a a-room bungalow rottae. nft of Hawthorns are., that 1 will sac rifice at the abov price to a desirable partr: house la strtctlv modern In every way: large ll. V by lQO. Tsbor SOT LET me show yoa my SI' I' ERR PORTLAND HEIGHT liuM&. I s-n going to SELL It. and that MIGHTY fcOO.N. and YOU will regret if you MIsS IT $.'.oit FIN'S corner, fc-room house. base ment, attic, furnace. 3 nreplaca. gas and electricity: close In. Fast hide. Only $ "J ceh. balance easy payments. A bargain. $ .Oh i a. room house, full lot. furnace. Siepiace. East Yamhill. n-r ith. I. G W11DIX. Chamber of Commerce. WELCOME to see my home any afternoon except Mturilar. the Sabbath: must sell: $70; ane kind cf terms. Phone Tabor 3741. Marshall 10. Call 114$ E- Bumaide. near "'"h" LAUP.ELHURST. COTTAR1:, modem. 4 rooms: chicken-house; near car; would sell one or more vacant lote S'liolnlnc. e'o three-room, roliaaa. with three lots, for aale; small payment down. Inquire Mrs. Muler. 7 l Mth are aonih-asf. Mount Mcoft. Tremont. .:s Floe new home, on comer lot. In Rs City Park. rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement; esey terms. ( -4 lC . H4.RTMAS A THOMPSON rhtmrer of t'ommerre Pldg. BAK.iAl.N-KASf TERM.-". Mount Tabor home; 3 lots, all kinds eirul try. fruit; garaare. ate; part cash; would tsk soma acreage aa I -art pay meni. li'-A Eat Talor St. Phone la er 1"ST. Main 217. IKVIVGTOX IIOMt; SNAP. New S-room modern bungalow, with al! conveniences hutit-ln: oan-r wants to move to California and will il cheap, eser terms. Rohert Martin. o7 V eon t;o. Marshall !.. O W S V: R II A W THOU X Iv ItTK lr. :;?nt( down. f-O pmr month ftaa lntfrft. ft-rom butilu. ok floor. pnriri dtninc-mi- r-rnot floor In basement; . ew,r, elecirtc flzturviv I horf B Hy. pr n 2Al-fc. A 4 -room boncaiow. mod rrn. U bloek from -r: ro.d niffhtKr-h-rod: Iortrd biow K t lllnwort h t. ; pll rf rv TwAAonahie. with amall parrnent ,iown mad tMy lertn. U--r, Woodiiwn ,M IfANDV nw 4-rom buncaiow, farnlhd. new miJ!a fur.ur, worth $"0; for sb at VnV. r--y p tnenta, or rvnt $ pr n-onih, iitb and OilMB. Mala Nl'e'T' H.l Is KS. Jut rnmplMH. to T rooma, i-i"jinort and W.inut Tark; owner io r inh hofh untar ani wk aar. v. lv. 1 104 Mllory ave. Pbona Wood- n .'y-V tiALOW, ni-w and modern, on sightly t In rood dieirii-f . nr Ukt 2Si h t.. r '.M V: ra-M !-.' Td balanca $15 pr nib; tht forrJ -! and a bar in S ft'rn, 4M raldira; bid. A UOl BVX. O-room houM and corner lot. on Tin r Nothin o rio in fr the pr.ra, Vandun A Walton. M& Chamber of Com rr t ONLY K- CA&H T r flTe-room bur.fjlow. wt modern ronvrrince; mut aii: full bwrnen; bai ah.o manih.y; writ ownex. J 3, Ofnonua. IRVINOTO.V HuldB. New. n.odrn 7 rooma, wall bnllt; rhaicit location; barg-ain. Owner. Fboao $ J MONTH LY. Including Interval. plf you In bom of jour own. near carllne. r-tee In. 4 rw.m bunfilow, $17S0. 4Jt on.Mt,r block. Mar-hall ITU. M V'Ir7l''r.XT!.Y lfratM T-room houM In rt'1nttal e--ctln fur Immediate sale at $4?o. re -h. balance Ilka rent, p h o n e HKAV. Main RCOM houi. Kaet Omk. mt , lot 2. V.xl"; 3 block fwm Mu Tabor car; prlco .iA.. re-h. nn;i,fy"p. im third nr. MV liou and I ff al. -or. Gnn nJ f?ii'me. Call after ft P. M . or writ A v 7. ifttnnin. li-'TK and lot Tith. F Mrrion. on Kth t . must aeiu Owner CM 11 balmoo at., or '.-7 K. AMer . $l9-k-HO'M buncalow. IJ'-O down, til pa-r month ; m"irn. cloaa in ; why pay r-nt? nqu!r V5 Flanders, MuKtRX nea buna'ow home; fruit, ber- r-aa. rarden tm. i:6 K- Talor; no a it a. won riNLfi homi Do.abuaL. ynprns a. room hou. W-pi Side. $MX, SI - caoh. Owner. Ma;n 77T3. rR At-r- at barcatn. beautiful modern heme. term. Mariia! or jvale- Ha-ln-a lTwperty. r rt A ar" -v. On corner and two raranea; good ln ron. aud (An bo made to brlnf a li aer it. me with amall additional I ni pro re menfa U-rt for ZO by IOl aat froau on Mis- ei Dpi -avenue carllne; Itateam pav. ment In nd paid for. aleo oeerer. etc.- thta is erTalniy a p.endld. bnelneao lot for the BSOBfJ. J A MRS P- (XtOKV. M:aee)ppi Ave. Wood I a J S ' 2. n iKKMoi SK -He on I'-mnM'; lota 1 .nd h;o-k 1. K--t at- Joh.ia. egnal t 2 fu:l ote. rorner. fatcea on O. w W. K. H-: only Vie fur ih trct. ch. ait owner, room 11. Vu'key bid.. Id and Morriaon. 4'S Wt -- aartmnt aire. Market et. bctt.n l .'tn arJ J ith : io. part r T!r or lKe!l-ooil Idd. H-'WIN.- HOYKH M -1 r i-r'VTi bunsalow In 1U E t'lTT KArlK. Wi.l take ood lt as first p.viTf-nt. M Chamber of l'onimTf. " Kar ealr rree.eto. 3 FINK Ak'H SNAP. 1Ye fet eat 4'ourtney Station. Ore on i'Iit car; fine fmr, eome oultl vatd. -rape, brrteta. I moat s,i tU rWa tt and fnake off-r. Soma terms. Owner, 414 5-AC K I. HAHtjAl .V. 4f and lutrr-et sine last Angus, baa bn oat' on thta trart: bt an- of pa hm monthly, land le aelflns for a... to in -Ma diatrKt; must aeii. Call Mr. V.-?. B a,mr. .... rRF.!l. T Ai'RE. naf sree hs bn cropn-d. 1 mil from ion. In Faatem iron: acre Pr.oi- ih't Innd. all or part for a or f id' 4 milra from station, omiln, owner. ".!d Miml'ron b d K- teame;i kake to friso paid. Bu lo a'ras Sacramento Vailer t; x-i-ir Frm. '.o a--re. fl" ra-h. t all .r tn't for particulara. GUI at Dufur. 19 H. oil IT on bhftf. ACK3S eSouthweot from Hood Rlrar. la sad Vyar -o?d omm-rclal applea, wltb ir r: t. 2 ""J feet from new brick kiafe rnot. Wou'd trado f-r cty property. oo.1lsn O. -s Wyftnt IMLF a.-ra. clesred. with water under pra vuia and o'her Improrementa, near ear I i will sell this ctiewp and ancka W 1. Qreonlan. FOR PM-K One arm Metifer atatlon. Oo, Eieetrur all -:eored, aood well, soma lm provemnte ftva block frorn station. ln- e- A Kt. h S My-lm proved ch ickeo ranch. w.tN b"-r.n orchard, on oIctre car. He fr. rtp for immediate sale. J. fci. Mi't A ht nrtn b'rtg -V - lir s on the Haae t.lna rosd. aboit 1 rr.f.e at of tha Montav.lia Whlt- mcf-KtllCtw 74li. At'P.F.AOE and farrna. laraa and amnd r.ta Call Kinney . Siampfar. -- eLurnbe scbanga bidg- Tor Sale Ac re-aga. HIGU-ORADE ISIMPROVED LEV El LAN D. NO BETTKR tOIL OIT OF UOORS. JO-ArHr. TRACTS. PER MONTH. IN THREE TF.AR8 TOC pomi.K TOt R JIONET. MKIn TOC INDEPENDENT. TOI R OPPOKUMTI KL'R inphhendenck . THIU 18 THE PlANTl.NO SEASON. ACT NO VV. FFKE AITOMOBILE FOR TNPPECTIOX. LAWoON. BROWN INVF.STM K..NT CO.. 1303 ICON HriI.DIN'1 TELEPHONK MAIN .MI. BCACTirtl. COC.NTRT TTOMB WITH OOOU INCOME. T aeres. . within I blorlts of poetof floe and banks at afcsf innrine. wnn creea ..nnin ihmn.h rear and: a(MNl -rom house basement, water In house, wood lift, (ood barn for 4 head of stork, chle-. ea-house. several walnut and fruit trees In bearlnr: thie la a country home with all city adramaiee; frlce o0: owner will accapt strictly modem I -room house In vsoa resiaence aisirici up w - "'U' (iODPARO A TTIEDRICK. 241 Ktark Street. . BARGAIN. Must sell my dandy farm near Wlleonvllle. Improred. be fore I leate. and will take 25 per cent lesa than I paid: rreat eet snap offered In these col umns. Call at onre. for only one ran bay this. Sea air. Rohr houRh., S Chamber of Com merce bide f 750 down take 41. AC R C AO E On Foor-.h-etreet electric tHi-cent fare, only o mmutea out on West fide: -SO to s) per awra. on monthly parmrnte: close In. f oo-l roads, fine water, tieh soil. Let ua how you. Office open until P. si. THE SHAW-PEAR COMPAKT. 105 Fourth U Mala M. A aiOO. A HOME WITH INCOME. About acres, fully Improved, on lead Inlt thorouarhfare. between Portland and Oreron Cttr. half mile from electric line. II miles from Portland; food house, barn, root-house, water tower, windmill. sao llne pump, water piped for Irrigation, one acre In strawberries. phone In house, stores near by: price tSoo. terms. GODDARD eV WIEDRICK. 54J Mtara Htreet ACRES, richest of aiarden land. rtht at station, sldewoill alonaj front, only 4 minutes from 4th and Washington, on Weat Bide and for $" per acre npon monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COM PAN T. 102 Fourth St. Main . iu- lk0 ACRES lossed off land at $15 per acre. A bargain. Investigate now. so acre. While Salmon fruit land, light clearing, not ougb; will exchange for city Prj!7ooi!n houaa and lot. $100; 11000 C"t scree, alfalfa farm, all under ditch: t.lo per acre; will take good home In Portland a. part payment. ny.N.VELt. 4k MERRILL, J'.'d Stark St. as ACRES. Choicest red shot soil In Washington County. 40 miles from Portland on the new p. R 4 N. Ry.. partly timbered, eaelly cleared, good roads, school in quar ter of mile, new railroad town la two xnllea $M cash, balance your own terms. VIRL A NPS TRl'ST COMPANY. ' tod Hpaldlng Building. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. JO acrea. all under cultivation, not far from Portland, near Salem Electric road and Southern Pacific: price S0 per acre; would dirido Into S acra plots. Ask for "sOHrllWFSTERN ASSOCIATION. 10VT tipaldlng BKlg. BCNOALOW and 1-10 acres for sale; land In cultivation, truit trees, u-rries, rn... house haa largo living-room. :xlft. 4-foot stone nreplare. beamed eelllng. bullt-ln bookcase, etc.; modem plumbing through out; good water system and fine warsr. On Oregon City carllne: To fare; 2T mln ultea from Portland. Plica 47SO: terms. For further particulara address Postofflce Bot city; phone Oak Prove. Red 244. I ACRES, all In cultivation, a acrea In prunes. acrea in appiea. in. rain.iuuo. In strawberries and raspberries; new o room furnished house and other outbuild ings; 2 large chicken yards, all fenced. This farm Is all fenced and only M mile from electric carllne. WATKON A THBRIIUIN CO. 44 tipaldlng bldg. Main 752. BEB MS BEFORE BUYING. Five or ten acrea of my land potnla the way to Independence. It la near Portland, close u II R and boat landing and t we good towns; some of the finest beaverdam land la Oregon: beat for onions and garden truck; also some fine fruit land; I will aell on eaav terms; $2H) per acre, ilea owner. R. SOL SCOMj Washington t. FOR SALE by owner. Thla le a great bar gain. 27 acre at rtocawooo Hood K'ectiic line, also good macadam road to place; M acrea In cultivation, bal ance email timber; do waste ground; all Isrsl; wl.T salt all or part at :X per acre. Adjoining unrlsarso land valued at per acre. H. w. Manning. - mi st. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH "ear r-ortiano: av . w prices: beat soil; fins view; wood, water and roads: acrsa. 40O per tract; 10-A-.MM- 20 A.. txi: 40 A.. S12O0; W a gixo- lad A.. ftooO: liberal tsrma I'RAS'K M FAKLAND REALTY CO.. gov icon Plat., rOTUKHH. Jr. BE AVER DAM LAND VS. CITY LOTS. One acre of beaverdam land la worth In productive capacity a doasa city lota and roe is no more than an ordinary lot 4 miles o: yon can boy one or more acrea all ready for crop at W40 Per acre en easy terms; an acre will say for Itself In tao years. Investigate. Bit Ooueh bldg. 1 t ACREA 2.'ftO. Near Powell Valley road and K. Tth at., level: baa been planted to potatoeel surrounded by houses: has Bull 7un wa ter; price 2.'v terms H P. PALV ICR-JONES 4TO.. 44 WIIoot bldg. Phorao. Main . A ejg. t ACRES OF FINE OARDKN LAND, all In cultivation, near Portland, trans portation, school, spring water. 7i cash, tls monthly. PAC. N.-W. TEVEIX)PMEXT CO.. INC 401 Couch Bldg ONIONS. ONIONS. ONIONS Onions are now bringing 11 W par sack, or about per arre net to the growers: I hsve 14 acrea beet onion land In Ore gon: canoot work It myself; will give very loa price, tern. a BA 40w, Oregonlan. FINE LEVEL TRACT of five acrea all In cultivation, near coun ty road, close to school, near Portlsnd and elseirtc transportation; $7h down. 11 monthly. PAC. N.-W. rEVETXPMENT CO.. INC.. 4t Couch Bldg. SC FARE. IS ACHW. At Rysn 4ttatlon. on Oregon E!eetrlc; will aell a dandy 1 te-acre tract for llvOo; worth mora money; reasonable term a A. K. Pontsen. 414 Hallway Eschanga ACRES TS MII.Ett FROM CITY HALL A fine level, cultivated piece of land on beet macadamised roaL for 45.10 per acre, easy terma, 1 a to atatlon. A. K Pai ri. 41 Railway Kxchsnge. F1NB tUBfRBAX HOUR, Two acrea all In full-bearing fruit, good a-room modem house, barn and other outbuildings, fins roads canines, B-cent fare' owner wtll sacrifice thla fine home for IU0O. tVf Teon bldg. Ask for Mr. Lucss. 10 AC R EeJ. Z miles from Tortland. all In cultivation- too bearing fruit trees, good house and barn. S mile from station; price S". 100 cash, balance to suit. 0t M'KAT Bt.T0. CAKH bujs 10 aoree rich soil. 12 miles south of Courthouse, easv to clear; price I7M: a fine place to raise garden and rhlrkena Sea owner. 420 Cuarabar of Commerce. o H HALE-! acres, with good house and barn. In Columbia County. S mllea from town. For particulars apply O Ore gonlan. 1R 10 acres, close to electric line and r1et on railrosd. not far from Portlaud; ': $ ioo rash, balance gift per month. '.'.14 Chamber of Commerce. 1. S AND a-acre traata. eloao to Portia a a. 1 to bleaks from elect rle aarline. (Wat te I4O0 per aara. easy terma J. W, MeO laxlla Realty Co 4i Corbet! bids. For (3a.U Acreaaio. V-ACRE tracts. .1o fare. i30, ll POT cent cssh. 10 month. PURSE A CO.. MS. Chamber of Com. For Bala Frwlt I .arte HOOD RTVER. 20-acre apple orrliard. under ditch; water right goes with land. SLfc arris In full bearing. acres planted In IK". 74 acres plsnted In 1U10 to best commercial varieties: no better sot: In tha valley; 2 miles souih and S miles west of Hood River; fine county road on two sides of property: mllo to church, school and store; will divide or take Portland property In exchange: price S-S.0OO. A. Ft RICHARDSON. 1S Ry En.. Third and Stark Pts. FINK HOOD RIVER INVESTMENT. JO acrea choice land, well located, with running water, close to station: 6 acres In commercial trees Juet coming Into bearing. 7 In clover; onlv 75o0 for all cash. Might divide. Vanduyn A Walton. Mtt Chamber of Commerce. WHITE SALMON fruit land. Call Wood lawn 1S64 or C 1T7T. For Salo Farms. 70O-ACHE trsct. ststion on southwest cor ner, also on northweat corner: roo In high atate of cultivation: good buildings; 70 acres In hops; no better soli anywhere: would sell half; :n nillos south: can be 4ouaht at right price. Owner. 949 Gan tonbeln. Phone Woodlawn 31 1. HEADQUARTERS FOR WASCO COUXTT. OREGON. Grain, fruit and stock ranches; soma trades. IOHVPTOV-BOTHFTR CO.. on chamber of Commerce BMg. For Sale Ferine. BEST FARM BUT. I MILES OUT. ! ACRES FOR IlO.sOO. We guarantee that you get more value for your money In this farm than anything you have eeen near the City of Portland. Read the de scription carefully and figure it out for yourself. There are 62 acrea. 44 acres In a high state of cultiva tion, balance pasture and Just enough timber. The soil Is the best In the stste. belnc a choice mellow loam, with no rock or gravel. Tha crop Is all In and consists of acres of potatoes, balance In clover, timothy, oats, wheat, etc The tim othy last year produced 2 tone to the acre, and the potatoea cleared 1109 per acre. The Improvements sre easily worth (SOOO. and are as follows: Good l-room house, stone cellar, excellent barn f0x.0, large granary with solid concrete base ment for potatoea large machine shed with horsepower grain grinder, nice chicken-house, lathed and plas tered; hoghouse. with rune and ce ment cook vata: other outbulldlnga Every building well conatructed and In first-claas condition; good family orchard: aa abundance of never falling, pure opting water, pipod to house and barn : good equipment of everything needed on the farm, as follows: Splendid young team of meres worth laliO. 1-year-old mule colt. 2 cows, ( hogs, 100 chickens. 2 wagons, hameea. hack, buggy, cream separator, lots of hay. grain and potatoea. all necessary farm Implements and some household goods. Everything on ths place goes for I1O.10S; about 40flo-rsh: hal ance 4 per cent Interest. Thla farm haa everything desired In a farm horns bast of soil, first-class build ings, unexcelled water supply. Just enough timber for your own use. good equipment and close proximity to tha best market In the North west. Remember this farm Is Just I miles east from ths city limits of Portland, right at stores, churches and school, HARGROVE A SONS. Ill tth SU N-, Cor. 4th and Ollsan. Main 4391, A Hi. BY OWNER BEST 50-ACRE FARM IS OREGON. 60 acres, all In cultivation, level, black, ssndy. gravelly loam. 24 seres In Italian prunes, early potatoea planted and aeed potatoea on hand for 12 acres: 12 acres In wheat and oats: line 7-room bouse with big porch all around; big barn, wlndml.l, garaas. and other buildings; watsr piped to house, barn and garden; Bna family orchard; nice Jersey eow, tssm worth S4S0: brood sows, 230 cblcksna, turkeys, wsgon. hack, buggy, toola, etc.: grain and hay, all goea tor llo per sere: some terms; ons mile from West Siayton. 12 miles from Salem. Address H. Graham. Aumsvllls. Or., owner. Phone 243- Auma- villa. giaOO AN ACRE FROM ROOITE RIVER APPLES AND PEARS. If you only will come to Talent. Or., midway between Medford and Ashland, In the famous Rogue River Valley and see how spples and pears In "Royal Orchards are making man weslthy. you will wsnt te locate here. Every man who comes Is glad hs csme and Investigated. tay In your preeent position If you wish. We will develop your orchard for 5 yeare; 10 per cent down, balance easy payments and your futurs la assured. Write todsy for valuable and Intsrssting Information and RJUGS AND BATES. Exclusive Agenta. Oakland. Cel.. or Talent. Or. TWO BIO BARGAINS. First 40 acres of very fine fruit and berry land, shot soil; plenty of wster: all under cultivation, 600 one bearing fruit treee; a good school and church near; 4i miles from town and railroad, good roads. This must go right away; cash t4S0. Write for a better description. Second 25 acrea of very good joung flr, only o mllea from town, and a fine home for you. cheap; plentv water. Don't miss this at 11900 cash. Writs to F. E. BOTTEMILLER. Pioneer Real Estate CO.. Rldgefleld. Waeh.. Route No. I WHY DON'T VOL bur a good farm? Hera Is one only 14 mllea from good town. In heart of Wil lamette Valley; lib acrea, 100 acrea under eultlvatlon. H acrea now In crop; fine or chard, beat dairy, hog or hop ranch In valley; new 6 -room house, J bsrns, 10 fine dairy cost, horses, hogs, chlrksns ard sll farming Impleiusnta go; price only 1.'.5ma, good terms. Look this up befors buying. We have many others. on McKay bl.lg. fOVlALE On vary rsaaonable terms: Im- firoved alfalfa farm on Columbia River a Southern Washington, where 4 and 6 crops of alfalfa are ralssd every year averaging to 10 tons psr acre. Cloee to model creamery, splendid public schools and markst. Best transportstlon faellltisa, ia passsnger trains dally. Will gie spe cial inducements to dairyman or hor ralser, provided with some livestock. Write at onea to P. O. Box 2170, 8po kane. Wash. go-xi-RE dslrv rsnrh. 19 miles from Port land; springs. crssk. large barn; 1 miles from school and church. 42 acres fine land. 2 miles from Tuala tin; splendid for fruit or dairy ranch; room house, barn. wel etc. 67 -acre ranch. 2 miles from Tuaiatln; 20 acres In louni commercial orcbaia. JAMKS D. OOIEN. fUS Mississippi Avs. Woodlswn 2QJ. IDEAL SIMMER HOME 10 A., adjoins this town: ft-r house, water, sewer, flro place 2 bams: 4 a. moist garden and pasture, balance wooded hills: strsam: on river; boat landing; wood cut; plenty email fruit: eacrlflce sale to Immediate buyer. Owner, Box 1HT. Yaqulna, Or. YAMHILL ' COUNTY FARMS FOR BALK. Large and small tracts, suitable for general farming, grain, bay, fruit, hope, dairying .to. : about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write for price list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. ELEGANT fruit and vegetable land one mile from Roseburg. In the fsmous Ump oua Valley; i per acre In Instsllm.-nis: city water, electric lights. R 12, Commcr clal Club bid g. FOR SALE acres A-l land, under culti vation, level, rich, borders oounty rosd. 1 mils trolley, t miles Ullisboro; best bargaia Washington County. LP. HEWITT. 415 Oregonlan Bldg. aa ACREA all In cultivation, extra good building, first-class soil. 4 miles east of Oregon CHy. all stock. Implements, tools and furniture, at a bargain. DeYUUNG A JOHSliU N. M4 Chamber of Commerce. " CENTRAL ALBERTA FARM LANDsT"" lift Per acre. Writs for literature. CRAFTS. LfcE A OAI.I.INGER. Edmon ton .Alberta. LINCOLN COUNTY Dairy, stock ranches, timber and fruit land. 1 10 up, grass grows year round. Come and see. K. N. U'smock. Tolsdo, Oregon. HOP FARM. 20 acrea, 16 In hops, f u;i scsnd, all plowed and in fine condition: hophouse. tool", etc. For partlcularsphone Esst 4A1T. 12 ACRES, mile Newberg. Improved, house, hern, creek, femlly orrhsrd: 17! acre; terms. H. N. Swsnk. 3'H AMngton h'dg. GOOD dairy or stock rsneh on railroad and aater. near Tortlsnd. for sale r rent. AM 941. Oresonlsn. RANCH 0 acres, with buildings. IS miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain for all cash, by owner. 3X2 Morttson at. Is ACRE Kino Bay. Mexico, land. A. M Highbsuse. 914 Chamber Commerce bldg. For Sale terms. 10i-ACRE fsrm, near good town, in Wil lamette Valley, at a bargain; watered by creek and springs: soil first-class, good buildings, sll fenced and cross-fenced; part In crop. Will laJte home In Portland as part payment. Will give poasession at once. DONNEI.L & MERRILL. Z'.'tJ Stark t-t. ONLY 40 Splendid Georgia farm home; earns more each year than the total cost; cultivation without attention of owner if preferred, or convertible at your option: absolute safety guaranteed; bank refer ence and trusteeship. Write for photo graphs: quick action necessary: answer immediately. Geo. W. Desn. Box 466, Waycross. Ga. $12..W PER ACRE. Quarter section. Columbia Basin. 25 seres clear, good sol), slight slope, not rolling: live streams. iO fruit trees, plenty grass: I5O0 down. This week only. Hilton R. White, 3W Henry bldg. M iecrllanewue. FOR BALE Best vscant residence lot on Enst oide. fine homes surroundings. 5 IX 100. close In. near carllne. near schools, worth investigation. $4000. Address 8 9-8. Oregonlan. TO KXCHANGK- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. CO acres, al! under cultivation; not far from Portland, near Salem Electric rood end Southern Pacific. Price 1300 per acre. Would divide In 5-acre plots. Ask for Mr. llaxell. NORTHWESTERN ASSOCIATION, 1007 Spalding Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY FOR FARM. I19.O00 worth of business property in a good live town, within 25 miles from Portland, to trade for A No. 1 Willam ette Vallev farm or city property; will pty a difference up to J40O0 to loOOU; no agents. GRUSSI & BOLD3. SIS Board of Trade bldg., 4ih and Oak. GOOD -room house and lot In Newborn to trade for smsll piece of improved land in the vicinity of Ullisboro or Oregon City; no Incumbrance. $3000; prefer a place with buildings: good acreage and farms In exchange for unincumbered Portland property, and vice versa. Marshall 39S2, A 41S4. 607 Spalding bliig. IMPROVED and unimproved Irrigated land near Twin Falls. Idaho, with good water right, at $50 an acre and up; good terms; 41 per cent Interest; for sale or trade for Porllend pro port v. business or residence. Robert Martyn. 607 Yeon bldg. Marshall !-. WILL trade Portlsnd property for general merchandise store, $14,000. CHAP1N "HEHLOW MORTGAGE TRUST CO.. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Keller. I WANT a good lot for business or apart ment site, for which will trade some dtindy screago In Klickitat County, free from debt, at low price; will assume some. A E. Paulsen. 41H Rallwsy Exchange WILL exchange my thoroughly modern 8 room home, close In on Hawthorne ave.. for a 6 or 7-room. modern bungalow, lrvlngton. Inside 19th St.. near car. AN 9.4. Oregonlan. HOUSES, lots, acreage, business and ln coms properties for sale or exchange. If you are satisfied with a square deal and mean business, then call or phone Miller A Cox.. 92ft Yeon bldg. Mar. :!' 1 HAVE seven beach lots In Necarney City. Tillamook County, valued at $200 a lot two yoars ago; will trade for house and lot In Portland and pay some difference. A R j-. Oregonlan. WE have for trade, farms, houses, lots, acreage, rooming-houses, autos, msrehan dlse, hotels, or anything else you want to trade for. GARLAND ft CO.. 191 4th St. ACREAGE EXCHANGE, ft and 10-acre tracts In high state of cultivation, near station on Salem Electric; very fine soil, running water; easy terma La Barre, 209 Commercial block. WANT 40 to fio-acre unincumbered farm, with some Improvements and some stock, within .IO miles; will trade $5000 Income property ($oiK equlty and 3 lota valued at $2300, subject to $..0O. 1002 Yeon bldn. 1SOO KQUITY In 100x100 on Alameda and 7xl0O cloee by. 2 and S blocks from car. 4Tn.-.0 yet to pay at $35 per month; will trade for good 4-passenger auto or run about. O 94. Oregonlan. MODERN S-room. I-story bungalow, hot water heating system, fixtures and shades, excellent location; will take tSOO to IliOS value In lots or acreage; balance $20 per month. Telephone Tabor 74. FOR TRADE IflO acres Csntral Minnesota: ritv. farm or business property; value of farm $l'KiO; will exchange even value, y l.2. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange; for good real es tate. Hotel Doris, tbe only $2 per day hotel in Woodburn, Or. J. L. DeLong, owner. WILL exchange $2750 s-room modern house. Portland, rented, for small general store or grocery not exceeding $3300. AD 4, Oregonlan. WANTED To trade stock in paying busl ness for 5-passenger automobile; mut he In Al condition. J. 8. Connors. 914 North nth st.. Walla, Walla. Wash. HIGH-CLASS. West Side, colonial residence, large grounds, exclusive locsllty, com manding view, $25,000; might consider Los Angeles property. AM 949, Oregonisn. UNINCUMBERED modern ti-room house in lrvlngton fur Rose City or Mount Tahor lots: some cash, balance terms. Owner. SO East 22d st. North. 240 ACRES, with growing crop. Sherman County, value $bi0, and cash up to JoOOo; exchange for general merchandise. AV 134, Oregonlan WILL trade my $4oOO business lot In Meri ford for city or acreage and assume $ZiO0. AS 947. Oreronlan. NICE building lot, in Sellwood, on Im proved street: will trade for auto. E-M-F preferred. AR f4'l, Oregonlan, WANTED To exchange watches and dia monds for cattls or sheep. E 949. Ore gonisn. WHAT kind of good fsrm or city property have you to offer for my fine $20,0tKl res idence? AR 945. Oregonian. 8i ACRES well-Improved, good buildings, $tW0O in trade. Phone C l.v.'3. 3V EQUITY In East St. Johns lot. Phone East WsVyTKI KEAf. ESTATK. IHAVE a corner lot and 7-room house, close to the Piedmont carbarn; cash price t200; no debts against the same; I wih to exchange this for proierty on the Mt. Scott carllne. end prefer close to the Lents schoolhouse; would like to have a house and several lots of not a hljrher valuation than above; I will talk to own ers only. J. E. Smith, $13 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED. A few tracts of land from $ to 10 acres, IO to 12 miles from the city, near elec tric car: must be reasonable for good cash payment. Come in and tell us what you have. Our offloo Is open until I o'clock every night. SMITH 4V CASEY. 4. 12 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE have buvers for 5 to 20 acres, close In. Improved acreage, near car; also . 7 and 8-room homes, on easy terms. In 6un nyside. Mt. Tabor or Highland district. See us at once. HALL ROARK. 4:11 Cham. Com. Main -14. FARMS or acreage wanted In exchange for city property: city property, lots or bouses antsd In exchange for farms. Send par ticulars to Mr. Hutell. louT Spalding bldg. HAVE YOU 20 to 30 acres fronting on the Colum bia or Willamette rivers at a low price? See H. F. Kalvelnge. With Brong-Manary Co.. 267-4 Oak St. Main 1743. A 1743. WE WANT 1, 5. 10-acre Tracts Cloee to inter-urban lines. See H. K. Kalvelage. With Brong-Manary Co.. 267 Oak St. Main 174.1. A 1i48. LOT or equity will be taken as part pay ment on a nice $3200 modern bungalow located south of Hawthorne ave. A. B. Poulsen. 41H Railway Exchxnge. 1ot with or without three or four-room house; must be bargain. F 947. Ore gonlan. WANTED Homestead relinquishment near Portland at once, from owner. Iltnr, J. Stewart, gen. delivery. Portland. FARMS WANTED. I HAVE a modern 7-room residence, nearly new beautiful lawn and plenty of bear ing fruit and berries, on a good street and In a very desirable part of Portland: cash pries $4000; no debts against it; I want a fsrm of from 20 to to acres with (sir buildings and In a good location and good soil; prefer to have stock and im plements with It; total value must not he sboe $."0; I "I" ,v th above house and difference In cash if suited: owneis who are Interested please call or wrlle and give full descriptions: no agents. J. E. Smith. Hi Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. DESIRABLE families located free on beat land In Central Oregon. Write Hampton Valley Development Assn., Hampton. Or. 28 ACRES, convenient to city. 20 cultivat ed; house, bam; nne lanu. 50 acres, all under cultivation: house, barn, some fruit: necessary buildings: rood land; located between Portland and Oregon City. I. G. Davldaon. 819 Cham ber of Commerce. 45 ACRES, at Jennings Lodge, between river front and county road, for potatoes or garden truck. X 945. Oregonlan. 9QR SALF UMBEB 1-tNW FOR BALE by owner, three sections of tim ber land 8V4 mile, from lw'r ' Southwestern Washington. J. H. uauer. Walla Walla. Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. FOR PA I.E. Horses. Vehicles. Etc. SPAN of Missouri mules, 2S-0O lbs.. 4 and .5 years; 1 high-class Arabian driving mare, black and white, sound. 5 years old: 1 wurk horse. 14(0 lbs., 9 years old; 1 new hickory wagon. 4 springs; 8 sets of new work harness, hand made; 1 new Hanev rubbcr-tlred buggy: 2 sets single harness. 11th and Hoyt sis. PAIR chunky-built, stocky mares, sound and good workers, weigh 2400. suitable for orchard or ranch work; $175. Pair of No. 1 work geldings, true In all har ness, sold with guarantee, new harness. $1S0. Big pair of horses, weigh 2M0. true as steel: must have money; $200. Call at 334 r ronisr. PAIR mares, weight 3100 pounds; they are 9 and 10 years old; have been used on farm and they are sound and sure breed ers and true to work any place; Just as good a pair as you will find In the city; price for quick sale. Including three heavy harness. $350; Mr. Klmaa' team. 60s Alder CARI.OAR of ohunks of all descriptions from 11 OO lbs. up. suitable for any pur pose. These horses will all be sold with our guarantee or money refunded. bev- . eral mares In foal; cheap farm or de livery teams. o rroiuBi 200 HEAD range horses, unbroken .geldings, ages 3. 4 and 5 years: weight 9o0 to 13 i0 pounds. Ready for delivery May 15. For further particulars apply Arthur G. Par sons. Wibaux. Montana. $1.. TEAM of good work horses, wagon and new harness. $275 takes team, weigh 2M, wagon and new harness. Call 218 J. tn CO to Rose City Park Sales Stable at 2d and Bandy Road to buy good guaranteed horses at low prices. Take Rose City Park oar. Adams Campbell, props. MUST sell good team, mare' and horse: weigh 200O lbs.; work any place; harness and farm wagon. 781 Insley ave. Take Sellwood car. $125 TAKES bay mare, trusty for lady; moo nounds: rubber-tire ton buirKJ and harness, good as new. 393 Wster at. FOR SALE One good rubber-tired, top nuggy. or win imuc ivi - Pri.M.r East 4H4. BAY MARE and horse, weight about 1100 each, true to work, good drivers, $200. 33 Water st. BLACK mare. 5 years old. weighs II' sound, half broke. In foal by full-blood stallion; $80. 834 Front st. J-XR SALE or trade for light team, lar(te voting horse and team of mules. Phune Ea-t 4t?-9. FOR SALE One good team of mares, weighing 2500; sound, true and without blemishes. 226 Russell st. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy borsea, . . . . .. . a f . 9,k - MnrtO. acouKoineu m cu - f. ,r t I.- n fin. Klai-1, Tn If, weitrhina 14O0. sound and true. 226 Russell st. ONE bay mare, 6 years old, weighs about 110. 52 Weldler st. WANTED Hire team, harness, one month. Phone Main 6716 and ask tor ioaq. Automobile. DO YOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE t We are exclusive dealers of used ears. Over 76 oars to ssleot from, all makee. all price. Don't fall to see us before yoa buy. Every Car Guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE". 21st and Washington. 30 " HORSEPOWER, tonneau detachable. 4 passenger, .first - class condition; cheap; terma C. fk. Moore, 201 Beck bldg. Main 8S00. WANTED A first-class automobile for my $1200 equity In rood business lot, cose to Broadway briilg. balance $1000, first mortgage. Jr w..a. urenonmn. 80 HORSEPOWER, detachable tonneau. 4 passenger. first-class running condition. A big bargain at $450: will consider terms or trade. E 942. Oregonlan. FOR bargains In used cars sea us first writ for list; w buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO, Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. THE best buy yet; 1912 Sterns Solid Knight, practically new, fully equipped, cost $4oOO; will sell for $3000. O 954. Oregonlan. CADILLAC, b-pass. A-X condition. prc reasonable. Call 690 Washington at. See owner. CADILLAC, in first-class condition and run ning order, for sale, reasonable. Call iio East Madison or phone B 171'J. PIERCE-ARROW. 86. for sale, A No. 1 con dition and repainted: wtll consider any good eayh offer. G 953, Oregonlan. ptaaee. Organs and Musical instrwsats. $lrto BUYS a new Smith ft Barnes piano, original cost $460. 320 Lumber Exohang bldg. $iilO WILL buy a new Smith ft Barnes up right piano, original coat $420. 320 Lum ber Exchange. XYLOPHONE for sale; used little. M 951, OregonluiK ELEGANT $350 new mahogany piano, $1$S. C. O. Pick Transfer A Storage Co.. 55 2d. FIRST-CLASS piano; must sell at once reasonably. Call 39 Commonwealth bldg. 1911 REGAL 20. Just overhauled and P"'"'- ed. good as new, rnone yuoomwo FIVE-passenger Cadillac for good building lot. Phone Tabor 651. Dogs, Birds. Pet Btock. WHEN you visit the dog show, see my Im ported thoroughbred Toy Pomeranian, weight 6 pounds: prizewinner Ireland. Loa Angeles and winner of last year's silver cup at Portland; price $1J0. For further particulars see Mr. Large, 4 Chamber of Commerce. Main 208. SEVERAL Boston terrier puppies. 8 -iMli; to 6 months, all by the grand little Prisco Hoy " two swell bitches In whelp. These are all high-class toy Bostons. Little Prisco Boy (1442AS) and Cabanne Gent tlo7607) at stud. Prisco Kennels, 134 Esst 14th at Morrison. East loot. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks; ""'"-. utility stock; bred to lay: healthy chlcka guaranteed: $7.50 per 100. during April Ind May The Pioneer Hatchery. Boa $40, Petaluma, cai. EGOS for hatching on ''ft notice, all breeds, baby chicks; standard-bred pou -try Incul.ators and supplies. The Poul try Supply rtOUSe, pairiioH v. A LARGE Newfoundlaod-St. Bernard dog. good for Alaska or protection of man. Call at 49 Union ave. WANTED A male pup. Spits preferred, no pedigree necessary and must be cheap. Main li'.u. PRATT'S Animal Regulator for sale by J. J. Butxer. iso r ro i FINE registered Boston terrier female. Ivy Press. !1 r ourinoi MUee llaneo ua. FOR SALE Elegant early English oak round extension dining table, six ohalrs to match: one rocker, sanitary couch and other ertecis. rn"" ' FOR SALE 8 tailors' sewing machines, i forma and electric irons; only used short time. 4V-i Jiaract a I L mskes typewriters rented, 18 a month. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO, 282 Stark St- FREE dirt at East SOth and Market at., two blocks south of Hswthorne ave. Tele phone B 8157 or call 310 East BOth St. FOR SALE. One Burroughs adding machine, very llt tlo used, cheap. Apply 3 9.V4. Oregonlan. 1 WILL sacrifice my $550 diamond for cash or win trade aa first payment on bunga low. Y 948. Oregonlan: FURNITURE for four rooms (mission). For appol ntment .qui -m r. .irgunn. SAILBOAT, length 20 feet, fast sailer, will sell cheap. Phone East 4610. $1"' BUYS new Victrola graphophone, latest model. O. Heueton, cables Hotel. to-HP gasoline engine, 2-cylinder: will sell cheap for cash, phone Woodlawn 12S0. OFFICE furniture, new and second-band; at tractive prices. Phone Main 921. BOO BUSINESS cards. $1; a bargain. ROM Cl,y prlntery. 192 td. corner Taylor. I ADV'S bike. Hartford, good condition, cheap. Phone Woodlswn 2275. xkw $S'-5 piano for lo0; also new gas water hs"fr. hslf price. Kast 3f'2. T VPfWRITEKS rented 3 months for $5. Remington Typewriter Co.. 24t stark u VISIBLE tipewrit-jr for sal cheap, or will ttsde. T t-OR. Oregonian. FOR SALE Small-siie safe, lol Front at. - I MEET AND BEAT the strongest competition on men s suits. Take the elevator and save $10. Jimmy Dunn, room 315. Oregonlan bldg. SEWING machine sold for storage; 104 fine machines; some new. drop head, or Singer. New Home. White and Domestlo and all leading makes. $10 and up: box top at $1 and up; all In perfect condition. 191 so St.. cur. v.uiuiui. 184 VOLUMES. Federal Reporter and Di gest 7 volumes: also 183 volumes. Bank's edition U. S. Supreme Court reports, brand new. at 33 1-3 per cent discount. a urcsuiiwu. CONCRETE mixers, with special asphalt beating attachments, also street mixer with boom attachment, tilting and non tilting mixers carried In Portland stock. Wylle Bros. Co. Phone Main bzi. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and seo-ond-hand. low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co.. 85 5th st. Main 6309. 6LIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc. bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co. 227 Stark st Main 771L ROCK crashers, earth-handling machinery and general contractor'a equipment car ried In Portland stock. Wylle Bros. Co. Phone Main 522. - . - FOR SALE Cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register, meat slicer. etc- The Portland 8tore Supply Co, 250 2d su Marshall 4548. TYPEWRITERS rented; stand tablea free; free rracti-:e room tor stenographers; po sitions secuted r;1t'nont charge. 333 An kany st. Phone Main 6273 WANTED SmCTELLANEOTJS. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest price paid for men's and ladles-cast-off clothing, shoos, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2080. 2U0 1st st.. The Globe. WE buv anything and everything; It makes no difference what you have. Call for our buyer, Main 6W. A 1603. M. Barde & Son. 20-242 Front it. Tho House of a Million Bargains. BARGER'S AVCTION HOUSE. 870 E. Morrison. Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. KODAKS, cameras, accessories. Portland Camera Exchange, S45H Morrison. Phone Main 24.VJ. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater ft Martin. Phone East 8134. 348 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Folding organ In good condition. B. R. Amend, 1194 Willamette boulevard, city. TO BUY, cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register and meat slicer. Phone Marshall 4548. 250 2d. WILL tint rooms, $2.50 up; do painting at reasonable prices. Phone East 6124. FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any kind of furniture Main 8951, A 244o ROLL-TOP sanitary desk, in good condition; statu prices. B 948. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN WANTED To sell one of tho best real estate propositions in the whole Northwest. Want reliable, energetic men thtt are readv to start work at once. We pay liberal commissions. Will help vou cloee sales and furnish prospects till you are well posted on terms, etc. Call on SUNSET REALTY CO, 301, Oak St.. Portland, Or. SALESMAN A gentleman of good address for a difrnlfled and responsible position to assist in securing working capital for a going automobile manufacturing com panv in Portland: either city or country: we furnish prospectus. Call at factory or address Sales Manager, 209-211 Union ave. North. Portland. Or. WANTED Man with family, familiar with farm work, to take up residence on large orchard and take Interest in small place; permanent position with $2.25 wages to start; 5."iO acqulrea possession on home place; balance can be paid for from part of wages. T 934, Oregonlan. U GENTLEMEN, ages 18 to 3-. who can devote Wednesday evenings from 8 to 10 studying and drilling In military tactics. Big encampment soon. Inquire Co. H.. Armory. 10th and Couch, r rlday or saturaay evening. WANTED Salesman, estlmater for build ers' supplies, including marble, tile and ornamental work; state experience and salary required. Apply P. O. box 422, Van couver. B. C. wwrttv w . i il. ' - - - A meeting-place for men seeking nlph grade positions and hlirh-graile positions seeking men. 309 Gerllnger bldg. WANTED Capable man who Is at present emploved and has wide acquaintance In city for special outside work evenings. Add ress P. O. box 495. WANTED Al promoter, salary no objt-ct. DUl must uviivei mo , and rood pit show. Follow ft Edwards' Combined snows. Seattle. Wash. WANTED Reliable salesman to call on the tailors and dry goods stores. Northwestern territory; must have some knowledge of fabrics. AJ 943. Oregonlan. SALESMEN to solicit health and accident Insurance; good opening for the right man. S. D. Vincent ft Co.. 417 Chamber of Commerce bldg WANTED By a contractor, a young man with some experience in architecture drafting to learn estimating. Apply In own handwriting to AJ 944. Oregonian. WANTED Young lady who has had busi ness experience: must be quick and ac curate at flsures; state former employ ment and wages. G 950. Oregonlan. A BRIGHT, energetic, young man. one with some knowledge of printing and station ery; good opening for the right man. Ap piv AN 945, Ogeronlan. WIDE-AWAKE young man wanted to de, liver box lunches; short hours; city ref erences required. Call after 8 A. M. 208 Ald r St., room 1. ' WANTED House-to-house canvassers for new gss lighters; selling price 23 cents WANTED Shoe repairer; one who has had experience operating Champion stitcher. . . .. . ..... . i . a .. i in a x , Apply 111 Itta St.. wri. 9 hum n. WE require one more agent to sell Holiyropd on liberal commission. Call and see sales ... itii&.1ll Knilillnf hlilir. WANTED Experienced bus boy to learn to be a waiter; must be an American. Ap ply Hotel Carlton Grill. WANTED Twoflrst-class house carpenters at once. G. Armstrong, care Log Cabin. Seaside. Or. HOTKL CLEKK Must be experienced and able to furnish bond and reference. 309 Gerilnger bids. WVNTED Bovs for selling box lunches; good pay. 435 Yamhill. Apply side baao- KXPERIENCED awning hanger wanted. Willamette Tent ft Awning Co., 205 Burn slde st. . BARBER wanted, steady Job. 189 Morri son st. WANTED Bright young man to sell goods on railroad trains. $15 deposit required. Apply Brown NftwsCo.. JW6 Johnston st. WANTED -An experienced, willing boy to work in a bakeri. Apply 331 17th st. South. TWO good carpenters for small contract, Job: bring tools and be ready to work at 10 o'clock. 40 Ella St. wax -TED An experienced showcase maker. Auply at Portland Showcase ft Fixture Co . 125 N. 5th St. . SHIPPING CLERK One who understands hand pumps, water systems, gasoline and marine engines. 309 Oerlinger bldg. SALESMAN for machinery house; refer ences; city and country. . 309 Oerlinger bldg. ' CITY salesman to call on professional peo ple and others: state age. experience and phone number. A 1 m, urrtuinnn. EXPERIENCED printing solicitors who can estimate: commission. Clyde Printing Co., 2H8 Madison. WANTED at once Two floor moulders for stove castings. Apply to Albion Stove Works. Ltd.. Victoria, B. C. WANTED A boy with a wheel at 608 Burn- slde. i WANTED High-class salesman. Ask for Mr. Burton,422Yeon bldg. AKoTlTECTURAX. draftsman wanted. B 9.V2. Oregonian. PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snap for ar en ta Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED A first-class bushelman. Apply Poiitz Clothiers, 285 Morrison. PHOTO coupon agts.. best snap ever offered. Boston Studio. 342 Si Washington st. BOY wanted; must have wheel. Frank Iau, cornel qui .in niugi, TWO young men to canvass our new offer; good wages. 01 Dekum bldg. Nan, corner tn-li inn Aiucr. SINGER wanted Must have good voice; evenirgB qui;. i" tmiin inn, m'Jjj. WANTED An attractive young lady to do soliciting. Apply ;i2 5th st. WANTED Experienced shoe salesman. 142 Second St. FRESHER wanted. Salem Woolen Mills, 4th and Alder rta BOY, . aith motorcycle. Saturdays. Rose Cltjv ImAortinji Co.. 1st anil Wurn.UA INCIDENT. One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. C A. Young man. stranger, out of work ($-0 his total cash asset) If I pay you $3 for special employment membership. I have only $15 left between me and star vation. Secretary If you pay $5 for special employment membership, you will have the Y. M. C A, with Its resources, be tween you and starvation. Result: Young man Joined association. In less than a week be had satisfactory employment. Recoid for two months ending Feb. 29: Calls for men 8j Positions filled Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep parly employed during tho full term of mem bership without further charge- We have constant demand for- high grade, experienced men. Are you fitted for a better position? See secretary employment department. Y. M. C. A. WANTED Real estate firms and salesmen to sell lots In Coquitlam (British Colum bia). Industrial subclty of Vancouver. History of Chicago. Seattle, Denver. St. Louis, etc, repeating Itself her. Small fortunes being made by Investors. Great demand for lots. To be Pacific operating terminus for Canadian Pacific P.ailway, greatest railway corporation In America, which will spend $7,000,000 in terminals, shops, wharves, car factories, etc. Dozena of factories coming to Coquitlam. Five other great railways building Into Coqult. lam. Two electric power companies al work. Hundred-thousand-dollar round house now building. We own fine view subdivision "Rivervlew," choice close-in property. Easy selling. Exclusive terri tory and liberal commission to right men. Attractive literature. Write at once for full particulars and get exclusive sale In your district. Charles A. Bodle Co, Ltd.. 814 Pender street West. Vancouver, B. C. OPPORTUNITY FOR HUSTLERS. SPLENDID PROPOSITION. Our sales force nearly completed and ready to commence operations. New. ord inal method of handling a proposition that meets with immediate interest. Will take four more active men who will follow In structions. ' Income assured if you work. Sec sales manager, 9 to 13 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. todav. DAVIS ft SHARP COMPANY. fi06 Commercial hide. YOTT can earn $50 a weelc and up at steady employment selling nursery stock; some excellent territory now open; experience not necessary; time ia money: do not de lay, but write at once for particulara AV 75, Oregonian, WANTED for U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men. between ago of IS and 35. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits. who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit ing officer, Worcester block. Third and Oak streets. Portland. Or. HAVE position for two salesmen: earnost worker should easily cam $MO0 to Slow) per month. Address AO 947, Oregonlan. HARDWARE salesman acquainted with city trade. Inquire of Mr. Hallenberg at Lowenberg-GomR Co, 15th and Lovcjoy els., bet. 9 and 10. HELP ' WANTED FEMALE. HOTEL cook. $15. Family cook. $50. Family laundress. $.'10. Second girls. $;,'. $;iO and 125. Two first-class waitresses, $:15. Restaurant cook. $10 week. Cook, small hotel. $35. Presser, $2 to $2.50 aay. Restaurant waitress. $7 week. HANSEN'S EMPT. AGENCY. 345 k Wasii. st. It. 7. WANTED Today, pianist and violinist. $18 per week each: clerk In cigar store, $8 per week: waitress, out of city. $25; house keeper, $22: second girt, $30; general housework, $15 to $:0. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Dept. 205 'i Morrison St. WANTED Girl for general housework In small family In bungalow on Portlsnd Heights: good home anil pleasant place to willing girl; wages $" weekly. Take Portland Heights car to 20th and Spring. Inquire at drug store. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework, family of two: (flHt: good wages. 69Vi Hoyt St. Apply be tween 12 and 3. WANTED Ladles of good personality and ahillty for hivh-class positions with good pav. Call office, 205 Lenox Hotel. 9-U. 1 :30-5. HOUSEKEEPER wanted to take charge of rooming-hOuse; references and bond re quired. C. S. Arnold, room 7 Chamber of Commerce. , WANTED Cajmble. experienced children s nurse; permanent place, good wagea. Ap- plv at 710 Main st, near King. Phono Main 2X09. . WANTED Woman for general housework, easy place, good wages; preferred on" to go home niglit. Phone Woodlawn 1212. Call alter 9 A. M. EXPERIENCED salespeople, with references, good positions for tho rlBht parties. Wor rell'! Sample Cloaks & Suits, 132-134 bih st, corner Alder. WANTED Competent and reliable girl for general housework In family of two adulls and two children; good wages. 720 Corbctt building. WOMAN to care for 2-year-old child and do hous-work In country. 2 In family. 1J 14th st. Phone Main 6197. Call 9 to 4. FIRST-CLASS sleeve maker and waist dra per, also errand and apprentice girl. Tees- dale. 500 Marquam bldg. W NTED A girl to assist washing, take two hours morning and evening for rouin and board as salary. The Hazel, 0s. .-.d si. -re a vt:iil.-.R trirls. 1(1 years or over. AP1' irlfl. lu yeais ui wicii tivi" K to 10 A. M-, superintendent' office, Olds lu iu --fc. Wort man & iving. GIRL wanted at cigar -i Foreigners need not apply. Call after a P. M. - MRS. HOWE'8 LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bids, 4th and Wash, st gq.m boot - . HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 4iu Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstair Phone Main 2692. GARMENT WORKERS, women for altering coats and skirts. Apply e to 10 A. M. Olds. Wortman ft King. FVI'ERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking: family of two: Norwegian preferred Call East $552. WANTED Experienced Elrl for general housework. 412 15. 21st North. Broauway cr - Tv vNTED Kenned, capable woman for rj .ponsibir position. Vlavl Co., 40 Roth child bldg- 4th and Washington. WANTED Ladv to take care of two chil dren at girl and boy. 6 and 4 years old. Phone A. M, to East 6".2. car. WANTED Reliable girl for light housf; work; must bavo good city references, ul'o Yeon bldg. WANTED An experienced body Ironer on. ,.ti C S. Laundry Co., Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. COOKS $:'.5. 0; helper, $30: waitress and chambermaid, country: experienced wait ress. $25. Howe's Agency, 3!), 27Q-I Wash. COMPETENT sienoniaplier. experienced in grain and flour, milling business. AO 94s. Oregonlan. NEAT girl for housework, small famil..-, good home. Apply ladles' wear depart ment. Oolilen Kagie ni-i-r. WANTED House-to-house canvassers for new gas lighters; selling price So cents , . , v. 1 1 ji-ront. eacn. mo im"" - - WANTED Girl to arsist In general house work In a 4-room flat, either stay or go nome insnt'. ' - - . WANT WD An experienced second girl. Ap ply at 215 St. Clair at. - EXPERIENCED family second gjirl.- 30. St. Louis Agency. aiwin vw. " . . GIKL for general housework. Phone Wood lawn 2608. WANT contralto and sopranos. Call after 12 evening after 8. room 21D, TfUord bt-ic. WANTED Gin for waitress. 312 Burnside st", Y. N. restaurant. WANTED Experienced waitrees. 412 w ashincton. GOOD millinery trimmers and makers want ed. Apply Lowengart ft Co. A GIP.L for general housework. 121 Ma: lery ave. Piedmont. Take Woodlawn ai WANTED Old lady to help take care of 7 ear-Old PaPy. inquire o, ipm GIRL wanted to trim men's hats. 3t2 5Iorn. son. 3 GOOD girls wishing to become trained nurses, special Inducements. 535 Couch WANTED Young, experienced girl to work In confectionery store. 113' X. 3d. A GOOD LADY RETOUCHER AT OXl K. A NO V I R E. Spokane's Lead. Photographer. TWO Indies' pressers wanted. Troartway Dye Works. WANTED Girl to assist in light house work. Telophone Sellwood 702. WANTED Girl for general housework. 70J Northrutt A