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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1912)
THE MORNING OUKGOXIAN". THURSDAY. APRIL I, 1012. If FENCE MUST BE REMOVED AVraltlty Trlianus Catllrman Lom by f'rrirral Matrr-a Order. SAX FRANCISCO. April 3. Imperial.) I'niirr an orur made by th I'nltrd -'iatr Mulrr In Chancery. Harry St. Wrlarht. J. A. Long, a wealthy cattle man of Tehama County, mart remOT even miles of barb-wlra fences from public lands. Suit was broucht arainst Lane to compel him to remore tha obstructions. It belnx contendeA that ha bar! In closed Government land to which he had no title. It la alleged that by tiains tha. Sacrament Kiver on one t,i ami Rattle Creek on the othe" and i . . n ,, tarn itruml. LonK I V 111 III - had Inclosed 98W acres of Government land. . . J - ,, h. AW ed LOOK a urjrii.o " ' large tracts of land within the incl . i . ti . . . i , - W la f nrA m los- sbl lire ana inai rminw - In many places, hence the public was m ..t,.lni n n .Km Afm do not preveniea irum tunim v" main. . 111 W B.,hml , t to I oe oecis-on i" -" " " t'nited States District Judite Van Fleet ror review. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriaae IJeenaea. ?JJ't an of ClukimM County. 2J, and Estnar L 'iLr r, p.rV.r o Multnomah County. 2- and riorenca Klrkup. . .... . . . ,.- .1 r nmn. of . .k ,.mv. 32, and Lena D. KU ""'RAr-IITniKNPEB Ralph Gray, of Mul nomad County, an. and Dora - Multnom.h County. 38. and Grata C. E. B?TF-liNO IJoyd Bate of Multno mah' fount, and Ka W. V"" i r-.r OA P.VCT-VWI LU AM S J ar oo U Car v.r. of Multnomah County. and Anna ' GAI.BRA1T1I-BKESEE Henry Mll ef Multnomah nunu, . and Mra. Clem- entln.Brjaee. . .v. , MulVnotnan County. ST. ad Buby Johnson. si. Births. HI-GHEf To the wife of Frank lluehes. i05 East Ollsan atraat. March TT To the wife of William E. Jett. Sl HAS FTT To t ho wlf . of Baa-e.. S4 North Nlnenth atreat. March -- a vr-To the wife of Edward T.und. Water .rreei. March SI. a d"en,l"u.r HESNER To the wife of A. J. Bear ten j cut Nineteenth street. March a "V" MTeRT To the wife Oeorsa Diliery. V Fir-t .treet. Maroh 17. a ion- khtaio To the wife of Harry r- a..Mn ;4 Eaat Seventh street. March "(N.ET-To the wlf. of X D. Hauler. MX Multnomah atreat. March 1'9. a daugh- "k El AT -T th wife of J.rph C. K1lr. 47 Tcoty-thlrd atreet Southmeat. April 1. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. fr.UTt.AXn. April S. Maximum temper ature .-.G drre.a. minimum. 4j decreea. readlns. A. M.. i. S fee,: c h" ? Ut 54 hours. 5-fool rim. Total ra.nt.ll (a I- M to 1 V. M-. "I Inch: total eince Sep. t. mrwr 1 tail. luch.': normal, si te ha' !l-f'c..nrr. 7.24 In-he Tot. n .mn,. none: p.lble. 13 hour. S mlt.utr lUmmn-r ire.luced to Kl lerell at i M. 29- Inchca. THE WEATHER. 3 w a Wind atata at Weather STATIONS e .oh 4 44 0. 1 22 tit o.lei .1.: o.o 14 H O.t.t h t 0.' 12 .VI i.lNJ 4 :ou.y X W iMrar riV .i'ar SW 'fiear XE 'I't. cloudy ICIear SW ll.irat N W i leer i I'f i .niiilr Kmf.n I .U.rr ' n u ........ IliV. r ........ rv. Moines .... I Hiltit h ......... f lureka ......... iUli'Di ... ... .iifinonrin. .... K4im city ... Mtrennelu Montrojtl ....... Nw orleana .. N. w Yrk Nrth H.-ad .... North Yakima . I'hornli ........ I'ocetUo I'ortland ....... scrm.nto ..... st. l.outa ....... St. I'auI t l ake sari ico an Francleco .. srxknna ........ Taf'oina Tutmiah la!and H.I!., Will ... Washington .... Winnipeg s w ,Pt. cloudy -2 J .- 12 iS l.Mb ft no tn 22 tl.tx 4 4 a.ti 30 E "leat S JC.ear t lou.'y XW'Oar X ICIear X" W CI. r NV t'.ouilv 40.2 K 8 2 O .O" 10 V ; lou.l i r!.u.i I "2 o.m. 12 o.o2 e .U0. 4 t.J 4 .t 12 O.OU 12 o.tMi t; 0 00 14 T. I R .-E I't. cloudy X'W Kaln V it. noudy K Vienr S r-tr E Iflear W I t. :udr 6" c S W l'lonl W lltaln Sff IC.ouilir s w jClouoy X ICiear a Ht. cloudy i). 12 to .l 12 4 0.m.H O.OO 12 WEATHER CONDITIONS. The low-preaaure area yraterdar north of Montana has increased In magnitude, with the Inwest barometer reading 2tt..i4 lnrha at Edmonton. Alberta. The barometer la now ning orer the wratern portion of the North Cacific tatra and a larae hih-preaa-ure area ta central over the MMdie allaata atnoi Valley. The ralna in the Atlantic siat-o hare reaael. Laaht rain haa f.illQ In Noithweatern Oregon and Weetem Wash ington and the wralher la cloudy and threatening In thla d!atrii. It la cooler In the south Atlantic and E.iat Gulf Mte and much warmer in the .Mtasourl and I'pper Mleaiaalppl vala. The condlttnna are farorabie for showers Thursday In Eastern Oregon. Eastern Waah Incton and Idaho and for -t-arlng weather vest of the Cascade Mountaina. II will ba cooler in Southern Idaho. FORECAST?. Portland and rlclnlty Showers, followed by fair weather: westerly wind. (tr.m and Washington showers east, ehnwera followed by fair weather west por tion: we.teriy winds. Mahn showers; cooler aoutt portion. KPttARK A. REALM. lltrict Forecaster. rcnox 8 ALE TODAY. Ar Kak.r'i Auction Hons., l."2 Park St., f'l-nlture. etc.. at in nV; k MEET1XG NOTICE. OREGON" COMMAXDERT. K. T. No meetlnr tonlsh.. C. F. WIEGaND, Recordrr. A. AND A. f. RITK Alnaworth t hapier of Rr .rolx. No. 1 Tr- avanoal ceremony of xtia auishina; the itaht i rioein; the cluptrri Will be he.d tr. tli Auriitnrtum. Scottish Rli Ca thla even In at A rfioa.-k aharp All mr uh'ri are asound 10 ait-nd. Visitlnff kmaMj rto a Crotz cordially welcomed. By WlMsI MASTER. lOUVHIA LODcr. NO 1!4. sV. P. AND A. !. el a led corn maolntiAn thi ( Thursday -.xen-tne' at o"-to-k. Msasonle T-tnp e. ts.t!itisC brethren aciceme. By ot.i'r C. j. . fill) L. Olatio.V, ecrotary. ASTRA CIHCLB will five a f 1fc1-a whtat and party Thura- T -Tr r d"T- April 4. ta the W. O. W. 'Xfrrt Priaea and denctn. Admla- alon ?ic. COM H ITT Eli. M:tiUKr. or HONOR NOTICE On ar miiiit cf t e autortiobiie accident, to which rtir-f of H'inor Fnnrn t'amp and Brother i a-nr were, ao ae-loua:y Injured. huuae- mini. Kideiltv Lo-itre. will be p-rTed unci! .prtl IS. JlAKliHasTTS L. HivKHlM. relary. trv Ri LK KvctMnrRNT. no. r. f. . l. F. Heei'iar mee:ftia tonlaht. Tbara (total Turin d re. for d'av Intlfe-l M. A. MAP.H, rrr!he. OREGON HUMANE .SOCIETY Offlc ny Hall. Main Iff. A . Humana .Klcar. Serf. sot E. L. Crsta Hesioence. 4 E 4th X.. East 4TTS. II.-H ambulance, coraar of sth and Taylor. Veterinary In charge. Usrahall 4a4. Anl- ana.a Krecu. lloin. Northrup Acres. Tbamss A. sa", tupi, A iilT. i riasa AtrirMF.m HEILIG Tbaatsr Ith a Tsjler rbonrs Main 1 and A 11IX 3 VSX.s. TONIGHT hperial Pi-ire Matlaee Salardajr Henry W. favaae offers The Dramatic Success "MADAME X" Adeline Iraalaa ajHt tiplradld Cast. Eranlnga Low.r floor. 11 rows $-.00. t row. 11. AO; balcony. 5 rowa 11. UO. rew. 7".-. 11 rn, .V-: M.rv. H'wV .MAT SALE TOMORROW. HEILIG THEATER. TNIGHT EASTER SUNDAY It BEt.lXXIXO Matinees Wedneadsy and Ssturdsy. Klaw aY Erlanger Present. Beautiful Dramatic Success, EreninirB Leower flMr. fl.-'.ftr $1. BaJ rony. 5 rowa, ft; rowa. 7."c; 11 row. iV nlry. 35c. 2rc W'ednclir mit tn 1 T" Or. f .B Al IC EI R. vJYmm Gen !, l.akor, Mr. BAKKR 8TOC K fOMPANV. Opnlnic wtfk of gmtest took raion Port land haa avvr known. Company and ply ImmetiH hit. Flrt timo her of THE FOl'RTI! KTATE." Juat released by L.lbler 4fc (o. Wtaola avaaoii In New York. Intense acenea. greet act In a; rolea. crlpplna; atory. Even In a; prices; Sc, &Oc on) v. .Matinee Saturday. VsTm. Next week. "Mra. Wljrica of the rahbapre Patrh." ma rv . A VMAX1NKE EVfc-KT DAT MAT. life NfOHTR: IV. 3S. 50r. WFFK APRIL 1 Vary Vealosi. The hettmaa MrMttaOue 1'larera. ewhold and ,r1b..n, fVormwood'i anLnev and Monkera. Slewart MMerv avnd Ktsrortav. Uiliia and llanaasn. tie- gel and Matthewa, Qrcheetrav. Ffrtarra. alatlaeo Every Day. Formerly Grand. Sullivan St Con.lilhie. UeHned vaudeville. WEEK APRIL I "The Card Varty." 4) Kol IM. Hoi 4,trls 41. I.apll. rerea. Anna B.rtllns. Joel, rlynn. sterbury ilroa. St Tennv. Orrheetra. Prlcea. I&e ana SJc. WF.EK APRIL 1 Prlucee. Vlrtarta. tey anour'a Muelcsil Dogs. Harry Browa sY Co., (larks and YerdJ. the Moslral Goolmane. ( lair and Lane. Pantaaeerwpe. Popular prirea. Hos ottiew opeu fr.m IS A. .M. I. IS P. M. Rose, and first raw balrony re served. ( urtala t:M, J: 14 and . Pbooea, A X2aa. Mala 34. LYRIC Ss THEATER RTH BTARK WEEK APRIL I Rfcre Tady aad K eat Ins a ftoad Musical l.mrdr t .. la -Tne C.m psner tw the "iaby Glide." first time, west f New York. Taa performance, nightly. 1:3 aad :!. Matlaee dally, irlday Big hi. tssras Girls' C.test. OIKb. KVOWI.K3 In this city. April 3. Sidney H. Know lea. M. !.. axed o4 years. Notice oi funeral in later isue 1TNEKAL NOTICE. HARKI.EROAP in this city. April 2. James SI. KarKleroad. ageu s years 11 montha IS rlaya. beloved husband of Ida K. Harkleroad. Frlenda and comradea of the J. A. K. Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors. Third and Salmon etreeta. at 2 1. M. Sunday. April 7. Interment Lone Kir Cemetery. ZEI.I.ER At the home of her mother. Mrs. Susa Zeller. 24 East Seventeenth atreel North. Catharine Zeller. ag-d JO years 4 months S days. Funeral will take plac. from tha above number Friday, April 5. ; I". M. Frlenda respectfully invited. In terment Rlvervlew Cemetery. 8WAXET At the family residence. Mllwau- . . .1 I .1.1 . VI ISa-.n! AK years. beloved wife of W. H. Saaney. Friends Invited to sttend funeral services, which will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors at 2 P. M. Saturday. April o. In terment Rlvervlew Cemetery. FREEDMAX At tha family residence. il4 l,vrjnv atreet. April A. f. J. rreenman. aged VI yeara 6 montha Id days. Krtenris Invited to attend funeral services, which v.111 b. held st the above resilience at 10 A M. tomorrow t Friday!. April ft. In terment Beth Israel Cemetery. KXOX In thla rlty. April S. at the home or J. E. Haseltlne. moui airoei. Ann Melissa Knot, ared 72 yeara 1 month 1.1 dnya Fnenrta Invited to attend funeral services, which will b. st the above resi dence at 2 P. M tomorrow Friday). April .1 Rlvervlew Cemetery. OLSOX At the residence of his Kin, lol Kast Aiaer rrn. ii - - h7 years. Funeral service, will be held at the above residence Friday. April 0. at P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. In terment Rlvervlew Cemetery. RATH At the family residence. .. wn Twenty-aevenm .-reci. - . Rath aged a yeara, beloved wlf. 6f John V Kalh. Kcmalna at Uunnlnc Mc- -i .... In ii.r.1 notlca lat.r. r.llie. . V' HOWELL The funeral of Thomas O.. son . . . . I . . .. 2 Una, 1 1 IV 111 n. Of Sir. and .n : - " " ' ' , held today I Thursday) st A. M., rrom 7.ellsr a; Co.'a parlora. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. PARTXER wanted with amall capital: ood proposition to right party: apply at oca. :t:4 3d at., corner of Harrison. ... ..u rKA. floral deatana. Xok 11 111 Flar. lat ?tiadaaCllaaa!jiaa aul. A 14. M OX CM EXT Otts Schamaaa M rbla ytsVa... Ea-4 d sad fine 81a. Eaat 1U. ' -alt: EDWARD BOLMAN. tk. esadla. fa. senUdEaaa .ad.rt.k. If Xaard as, I Lady aa-. . Dunrdn- iMeKatee, Faneral Ilrtsra. rSslW. II.00. Mala 4ae. Lady at 71 . . .w.i rain ( ersaer. a. B. II1IF" CO.. Wrt-4 William, are. less. O ISM- Lady ettaadaas. s r IIXUSY HON. Id an Madias .i. ..teida" lb M.l . Alsss. EAST BIDS, ru-era. ta sv. mumin. loo- a- a. - I nu ll radaetaker. ear. Eaal Alaae aad ' uVm COMFA. d sad Clay. Maaa 4 lit. A Sail. Lady attaaaaat. THE CEMETERY Beautiful ML Sect! Fark I.ARGK. PERHAXEIfT, M O D K B . I " T LAtiD'9 0LV miDEIW C E M K T K R Y WITH PERPETUAL, ClRti of all burial plots without eitra rhsrse. PrortJed with a perma nent irreducible Malntnanca Kund. lxcatlon Ideal: Just out side the city limits on norm and wast slopes of Mount Scott, contalnln. 13& a c r e a. equipped with every modern convenience. PRICK TO Sl'IT ALL fcKHvlCE THK BEST. ' O.NE MILE aoL'TM OI' L E T . R Ell If L A H AI'TOMOBlliH SERV ICE FREE BKTEEN 1, E ! T A A O THE CEMETERY. ll it II CITT OFFICE. :o-21 TEOX Bl'ILPINU. MAIN 2:i. A 70. CEMKTERT OFFICE. TAEOK 148: HOMK PHOXE RINU U till. XUIiN CAJ-L. LOCAl. 4il. Formerly Grand. J Sullivan at ron.illne. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily err Sunday. Per Lin. On lime -Ua rame ad (we rootrni(Te ttmra tte Maie a4 thrta rooarrative times Oe hmt d alx or seveo conteraiir tlmea . . 5M Remit laocea must accompany out -of -tow a) order. Hbra one adverilnrement la not ran In roo- e-utivo laaoea the oiie-ttme rate applies. hlx words count aa one line on cub ad' Tortlaements and no ad couuted for leoa tuaa two lines. On cbarxe or hook odveHlr.-meDta the rharjte will be haed on the a-tual number of lines rtn a; IP tn aper. resaxui of the numler ot words In earh line. In New loday all ad vertl-ment i charged by iueaaure only. 1 liues ta tbo Ins K. 1 lie a ho t rafea apply to advertisement antlrr "New Today and all other c.ataaili ca tions eicept the roiio-Ainct ltuatol M anted. Male. Mtuatkma Wanted. 1-emale. OrrfuoUa will arept rlained adrertlae- menin over lue xeiepnone, priinnj; inn a n verilaer la a aubacrlber to either uhone. prices wilt bo quoted over the phone, but bill will re remierM tne lonowioc amj. Vhether aahaeqoent advertlaementa will be a4-repted over the phone depend npon the prompinee ox me paymeoi oi iricpnone aariturnrntt. Mtuailuna Wanted and Per' aonal advert laements will not be accepted enter tiis teleutione. Urdrra ror one inaer tloa only will be accepted for "House for Kent." Furniture for bale," "Buslnosa Op- port unit lea. "UooniaUis-Uouaes'' ana nant ed to Haul TW TODAY. Seventh Street Comer, near Taylor In the district where values are rapidly advancing. Near new 5-story theater and 11 story Journal building. $60,000 One-third Cash. E. J. DALY 222-225.224 Failing Bldg. Goodnough Building AT Public Auction On Monday. April 22, 1912, at 11 o'clock, A. M., in front of the County Courthouse, I will sell at public auc tion, the quarter block at Fifth and Yamhill streets, in Portland, Orcsron, on which str.nds the 6-story Goodnough building;. I erms, 1-3 cash, balance due in one year. DAVID S. STEARNS, Referee. 100x100 East 8th & Oak Sts. $ 1 7,5GO With 6-room house. $lo00 cash, balance long; time. See Kuppcr. CHAPIN-HERL0W MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 332 Chamber of Commerce. I will build and lease to re sponsible, tenant a building on mv quarter Mock at Kast Ton t h and Lincoln, suituble for laun ilry, machine shop, stable. I m a n u lactuririK o r storage. The lot has no track age, but has good streets and is -u.v.c ill. in- quire 60S Concord Build- InK. Second and Stark streets. close In. In Mortgage Loans 9.10,000 and Over en CKTHAI. niSIE.SS PROI'ERTV. LOWEST ClKllEXT RATES. WM. MACM ASTER 701 Corbet! Hlda:. Seaside Coitage for Rent I WIM. WIST M V COIIYIODIOIS -lOTTACK AT S.KA.MDK, completely furnished, electric lights, water, bath, etc.. on board walk, for Alay. June and July, or sooner if de sired. Telephone Main J6i6. Business Site Corner lot. BOy.100- fvt. near East Tenth and AiVkenv street?, with good building which coat 70UI). Can sell all at a sacrlfli-e See u. I.ODIIARI) IVIHDHICK, -4:i Stark Street. MONEY TO LOAN CIT V MOnTfiACKJ, PARM MOHTGAblii, t OVTSbT HAHLn it-MMs III a err. A. H. BIRRELL CO Sv: M rvAV Mt.'ILUI.NCa. 'laird aad Starav. MORTGAGE LOANS Hraldenre Prone rtr 5 FVFRFn&SIMDVRS ncrf O did BOARD OK THA UK BIILUI.VU. MORTGAGE LOANS CP JOHN L CHONAN, 7 -e JO aoa Spsldlss: Bids. ' MONEY TO LOAN r'Qi WM. C. B0RCHERS rjQf O JO 20" Orcgonian F.My. JO Al.l- tha year, location for d liratrn and lunchroom at Nyebctch. NVwrnirt. Orrgon; t y pop1 who can ratr to th h-ttrr rtaaa of huslnrsa n1 apply. AdUrevv I 1. Kmlth. Newport. Or. BKnillUCE ft THOMPSON. PUELIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. M Worcester Block. Fbone Mala IKMS7. XT.XV TODAY ja . Six-room modern bunsnlow, ' f J IVi stories, entirely modern; U ;j on tbe river bank. Acre of E.1 1 around t fsflOO, one-half rash. , Went Side, 22 minutes' out. STARK ST. 4-story concrete building;, new. Leased for 9 years to responsible tenant. Land values repidly advancing on Upper Stark street. $42,500 No phone information. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. L0VEJ0Y ST. Price Cut for Irnrnediae Sale. 100x100 feet, near 21st st. Has nearly new 8-room modern residence, elegant finish, with everv known conven ience. Improvements all in and paid for. Owner is ?oing away and must sell. $17,000 For all. One-half cash. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 232 Chamber of Commerce. Improved Quarter Block CORNER OF en and Larrabee Sts. GOOD INCOME. PRICE WAY DOWN. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERL0W MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY, 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Terms to Suit on a fine modern home, close In on Kast Side. Lot 40xlC8. All street work done and paid. House hus livlnu-rooni, dinlns-rooni. receipt ion hall, kitrhen, three bedrooms, sleoplns-porch and at tic. Choice plumbing; hardwood floors. A lovelv home and ready to occupy. Price J67H0. A. It. lilititr,i.ii i 03 MrKir Hlris.. Third and Stark St. For Or Lease fnr a term of venrs. a modern slx-story- and-basement brick, sprinkler equipped, on Terminal tracks, very central: 70,000 square feet floor space; suitable for warehouse or wholesale. DAVID STKAKXS. 24i Washington St. REDUCE PRICE on that beautiful seven-room house, is the order from the owner. It was cheap at $5500, but It now ftoes for $5225 Complete In every respect. A full lot In l hiirlwlasK district, with hard-sur face street. Fine lawn and pretty shado tnw. If you need a moacrate-prieexi home and want a bargain, nee this at once. A. II. BIRRELL 1 1.. 23 Jlelinr Wda:.. Third and Stark St.. Willamette Heights Snap Nice seven-room house,, furnace, fire place, doubly constructed, four bed rooms: lot 50x100, on Vausrhn street. near Thirty-third. r-rne ;.uu. nnir rash. Not many snaps like tins on tne West Side. OKI SM A: IHU,I-. IS Board of Trade llldit 41 h and (Ink. ncome Property Two lots and btitldlnfr. Income 15 per ent. will consider lot in Rood loca tion. Price $12,000. with terms. 7.IMMK.R1I , 810 Board of Trade. ain Fl-e to 65-ncre tracts of improved ruit or hop laudH on the talent Klec rlc road at St. Louis Station. Part nsh and trade for city property. Price 175 to $300 per acre. K. KM MKT. 1121 Iron Bldg. Mortgage Loans on Portianu business and residence property m lowest current rates. UUHUA.V lp'L.1 KUER A BOltifi, 6U3-oOtf Abtnicioa Uulldiuic. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRLBAKER A BENEDICT. 002 Mcivay bide. M. C4k. Beck, William G.. 315-319 Failing b'ld. hapin Herlow. ZA'l Chamber commere. ook. B. 8. fc Co., &oS Corbttt bid. nnings A Co. Main ISt nuo urejoman. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-404-4U Wilcox bide. The Orejron hesl Estate Co., Grand t Multnomah st. ttioiiaday Aaaiiionj. JC K.I J'ESTATE For bale Lots WO lots in IRVINGTON PARK, only one block from carllne ann cumi to Kimnrs worth ivf. (wTir is I.-avlnic city and will ac-rlile fur $'H. UnVOI'NG 4c JOHNSON. .'.14 Chamber of t'ominrro. IK VI N G YON lot, 70x1 C)0, oa -.1st between Ilraz-'e and Knott, tacinic east ; improve ments nil In and paid fur. Woodlawn 31123 or C ltt-, owner. LOTS for sale or trade. S04 Macadam Phone Main sbv. ix.'itr Jcftrron rtniHlI ilU"T.l'. Front hiiH First; Oif'ffiinfaii. EvU'TV in fine rorm-r lot in East- niorcianU. r vv, uregonian. Sale RKAL F.STATE. For bale -Lota BIG rilOFITS. LYLE, THE OPPORTUNITY TOWN. The beat location for department store, hardware store, furniture store, amuse ment hall, flouring mill, manufacturing of all kinds. , The most beautiful residence town on the Columbia llivor. Cement sidewalks, new bank newspaper, telephone com pany, new I70HO arltonl, new church, fin est residence lota with pressure water. 3UO LIVE IN LYLE. WHERE RAIN AND SUNSHINE MEET. DORR K. KE.VSEY & CO., Exclusive Agents, 2d floor. Chamber of Commerce. LEVEL CORNER LOT J1100; 1-5 CASH. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 50x100. in one of the choicest locations of the Heights on top of the hill, nbso iutelv level and there will be no cost for grading the lot or building a retaining wall. This lot will sell for in a aliort time. It will pay you to investigate this quickly and become the early purchaser. AS Oregonlan. BUSINESS LOT. WASHINGTON STREET. 1500 TERMS. A genuine snaD close in on Washington right on the carlino and easily worth over J.'iOOO. The future enhancement In value will be enormous. Remember, lots sold at this price on Huh and washing ton 5 years ago. If you have $jOO cash, bo sure to look this up. as U4o, urego plan. SPECIAL, IRVINGTON, lOOxlOO. Northeast corner E. 25th and Thompson surrounded by beautiful homes, close carllne. with all Improvements In and paid for. $5000 Easy terms If desired. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d floor. Chamber ot Commerce. O.-W. R. & N. EMPLOYES. Pleaae note: an opportunity la no of fered you to secure a fine lot near the shops, on very easy terms. Call, writ or phone at once for plat, giving exact loca tion, price and terms, on 25 lots situated near Patton avenue. Act today. By so do ing you will save your rent and eventually OVVI 1ULK OW.N MOiiK. JAMES D. OG DEN. S4S Mississippi Ave. Woodlawn 202. KENTON BARGAIN. JUST RIGHT FOR A BUILDER OR INVESTOR. 3 lots 50x125 within & blocks of factory district in Kenton: fine, high lots, cement walks una graded streets; price Slaw, easy terms. Call for Mr. Harrison. CHAPIN 4c HKRl.OW MORTGAGE i TRUST CO.. S.;2-3.".1 Chamber of Commerce. HOl.LADAY ADD.. HALF BLOCK, louxjoo feet on E. 22x1 st.. between Was co and Multnomah, paved streets.' in one of the best residential districts ot ine ci.y, near the new E. 21st-st. tridgo; price SU50O, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones. Main 8r.!K. A 2C53. LAUREI.Hl'RST. THE CREAM OF THE EAST SIDE. Residence section, streets all naved. ce ment walks, sewer, water and gas mains all in; graduated building restrictions good car service; price from $100f) to :t!HK er lot. Get particulars, rnone juain 150.!. Muln 42 or A 1515. Be sure to ask for H. H. Urdahl. 522 Corbett bldg. THVINGTO.V HKSIDENTK SITE. 10(1x100 feet, facing east on E. lflth at., near Knott. 1 block from carline, street Improvements all in and paid; cash price tnis week only "i-i.Hiu. H. P. PALMKK-JONES CO., 4i4 Wilcox bldg. Phones. Main KrtOt. A 2i533. E. IRVINGTON. Restricted dis'rlct sites, fronting on Hancock, K. sfh and Tillamook Rta.. sightly, hard-surface " pavement; prlcea from II loo up. This proporty will appeal to you on sisnt. II. V. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4H4 Wilcox bldg. Phones, Main ;!!. A 2053. MOUNTAIN VIEW PARK. .1 acres on rirlire shove Willamette Heights, unexcelled view, on county road. ample water fro mperpetual spring; prlc for Immediate sale $350. 11. V. PALMEB-JUSES CO.. 404 Wilcox hldg. Phones. Main KijOfl. A 2053. MAKE US AN' OFFER. Lot 5. block . in Holmi's' Addition: lot 50x100 near Glennook Park and Peninsula School. Call for Mr. Harrison. CHAPIN Ac HKItt.OW MORTGAGE 4 TRUST CO.. 332-3.18 Chamber of Commerce. BROADWAY LOT. 50x100 feet on Broadivay, near'Slst st.. face.i south on paved street; price for 1m medlnto sale $lioo cash. H. P. PALM Kit-JONES CO.. 401 Wilcox bldg. Phones. Main SHOT, A 2(553. BEAUTIJTUL view lot on southern slope. near Council Crest, $650 and up. including cement aidewalks, curbs, graded streets and water; building reatrlctlons; sold on easy terms. Provident Trust Company. 201. 202, 2u3 Board of Trade. Marahall 473. A X022. FUR SALE $1H0 buys lOOfoot corner, S. K. cornfr or 15- 70th (L-aurel) and Clack amas; Bull Run water, streets graded and board sidewalks and curb all paid for; fine modern home In same block. 1 block, from iiarr road, 5 from Si out a villa carllne. Owner, 33;: Stark, phone Main 750. $10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near rar. cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Providsn: Trust Company. 201, 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473, A 1022. FINK view, corner lot, on Portland Heights, in choice location, near car; price $1000; i3 cash. C.4SG. HARTMAN' & THOMPSON, Real K5tatc Department, Chamber of Commerce. MO DEUX 5-ronm bungalow, easy terms, pas and electricity, cement basement, shades and fixtures, street improvements all in. East 11th st. N. Phone Wood lawn tlJ'-Mt. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Fine corner lot fiuxluO, in Hancock-Rt. Addition, south and east front ; will sell fur much less than value. Call at I0M) Hancock st. LXl'IT V In fine level view lot on Port land Hef tents. 100 feet from carline; sure to please; terms; deal direct with owner. D u5I. Oregonlan. SEVERAL lots in Rose City Park; second mortgage privileges to reputable builders; easy terms to investors. AD 54, Ore gonlan ' LADD ADDITION. Equity in excellently located lot for sale cheap. Room 704 Marquam bldg. Main 724. IRVINGTON lot, 70x100. on 2lst between and Knoit. facing east; Improve ments all in and paid for. Woodlawn 31 -U or C !'.:. S. Ovvuvr. $6'Nr $fi CASH, $10 monthly for a good 60xloo ft. lot on Kerby st., near car. .1 oh neon & Dodson. O-iO-022 Board of Trade bldg. , ALAMEIA PAItK Choice view lot on fa mous A lambda Drive; $ll0t, for Immudiate n f. AP t'J'-'. Qreyontan. BUT this lot, facing east, high, sightly, near fine homes. East 6i:d and Alameda. Owner. 825 Yeon bldg. Main' 112., A 74 St. LOT. $:ioo; if." monthly; $30 cash; no re si rid ions; near I, car. Johnson & D.od son, 5 0 -5 1' 1.' Board of Trade bldg. APARTMENT SITE. Full lot on Wear Park at. Cheap and dc-lraMc. Main lliSO. $10 CASH and $0 per month, beautiful lot near Firlajid. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 1S2 THIRD" ST. CHOICE Sunnvalde lot. East Salmon, near ..1st St.; 43xloU; owner; terms. Phone B J'jiiy. Bencn Froperty. AGATE BEACH, Neat Newport, or. Most scenle and desirable- beach resort in the Northwest: absolute protection from the northwest wuvds; 40 houses and a new hotel, "Agate Beach Inn." to be built thla season, some' now in course of construction: hotel to be electrically lighted and to cost $15,000; to be open July 1. Write or phone us for illustrated booklet. AGATE BEACH LAND CO. 112-213 Board of Trade Bldg. For hale Houmi NEW. modern ."room plastered; $L00; close in. fruit, shade. Photo at Kacy's oft ice, Ch:inther of Commerce blJ. Terms. $JtiHi BUNGALOW, $2100, improvements paid, terms. 001 Marguerite, near Haw tiiorne. Woodlawn 2714. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HAWTHORNE BUN'OALOW. $100 CASH. 5 rooms, splendidly arranged, artistical ly tinted, attic, fireplace, cement cellar, laundry tray, handsome fixtures, shades and linoleum included. The lot is small, but the house Is both convenient and beautiful and requires very little furniture to make attractive; price filKK); 1 block from car. Marsh. 42S0. A. J. DETSCH CO. A 1550. 840 Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICE SALE. XEW. MODERN 7-ROOM RESILIENCE, WITH GARAGE. $3S00, TERMS. THIS PRICE IS $700 BELOW VALUE. LOCATED IN BEAUMONT. 591 EAST 37TH ST. NORTH. H. H. PEARCE. 82 4TH ST. MAIN 8000. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE. BELOW COST. S rooms, hardwood floors, finish very fine, $500 buffet in dining-room, furnace, full cement 'basement, fireplace in parlor, lot 50x100 feet, situate East 41st si., in Beaumont, one block to carline; must soli on account of sickness; price cut to GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. (SUBURBAN HOME. A new 7-room bungalow, bath and toilet, septic tank, water system, house elegant 1 v fin 1m!i csi. everv rltv convenience, beau tiful location, 100 feet from car; -located on ("ivrr. a rT? R TRAfrx all cleared and improved, fruit tree and berries. A baxKain at $470O; terms. Call for C. G- Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE A TRUST CO.. 3:2-338 Chamber of Commerce. $50.00 CASH Puts you in possession of a good 7-room modern residence, full cement Dasemeni, gas, electricity, bath and toilet, cabinet kitfhpn lot nnxion. cfiraent walks, macad am streets, one-half block of Russell and Shaver car and 3 blocks to Mississlppl ave. car; price only $4uuu; $50 down, V25 per month, can tor c. o. tteagan. CHAPIX-H ERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 332-333 Chamber of Commerce. $50 Down Furnished home $oo Down A good 5-room modern home, bath, toi- iet, cement oasemeni, gas mm eiwu inji furnished with stoves and kitchen range, carpets, beds, rugs, chairs, tables, in fact well furnished with good furniture, J blocks from carbarns. 1 block to carline; price $3001); $."i0 down, balance $25 per month, tall ror G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO.. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. MR- LOT OWNER! HERB IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL (FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE; IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J S. ATKINS ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDG. ' BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, SIX ROOMS MODERN, ONLY $2000. A sightly modern cottage in restricted district, on full-size lot and served by two carlines; house has all conveniences. Is tinted, hag shades, electric lights and gas. Owner wants party able to pay $20 regularly every month; he la not ao par ticular about first payment. A. N. Searlei E. 7tith and E. Glisan. M-V car. THIS IS FOR SALE. Large house, large lot. choice fruit trees, full basement, high and sightly; house has 7 rooms, hall and bath, toilet, cit y water, 20 minutes out ; price $lt.o; $00 down, balance easy terms. See Da vies. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY. 332-3;tH Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Modern 5-room bungalow, with brick fireplace, large reception hall, sleeping porch, full basement, wood lift and all modern conveniences; gas, water, sewer, etc., all in and paid for; full 5XxlOJ foot lot and only 100 f u from veky go jd car service. Fine view of the river. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., SOd Spalding bldg. Main 7092. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY T IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THH MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLAT A, PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUB REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PA YYOU TO SEE US. L. R, BAILEY CO., INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLD. IRVINGTON. 8-room house on corner E. 34 th and Brazee sts., white enamel woodwork, ev ery convenience, garage, lot 53x100 feet; price, including street improvements, $iO0X, H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones, Main SHUir A 2f-53. TWO-THIRDS acre and new 3-room house. West Side. 20 minutes from Postoffics; running water piped to tract, good walks to atatlon; beautiful view of Tualatin Val ley; $1600; $1U0 down, $20 per month. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 473. A 1022. $400 CASH. $35 MONTH. Buys the prettiest bungalow on th East Fide, beautiful surroundings, harrlwood floors throughout; tile bath, elegant elec tric fixtures; in fact, every modern con venience to make a complete home. This Ik a. bar train and must be seen to be au predated. Write ownur, J 004. Oregontun. E. YAMHILL ST. CORNER. 8-room hous-a, furnace, fireplace, gas and electric, etc.. on a fine corner lot, 00x ion. on East 29th and Yamhill: nrici $4700; $10h rash and $20 per month. UK.t & nJL,v. 31S Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. ROSE CITY PARK, $13 MONTHLY. All Improvements in and paid for; T rooms, built-in buffet and bookcases, solid oak floors, fireplace, furnace, etc Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main ol2-t WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Good 6-room, 2-story house, gas, bath, etc, street Is paved and cement walk all paid, walking distance, Arthur street, near Water; price only $2SO0; $1100 cash, GRUSSI & BOLDS, 'MS Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. LAURELHURST HOUSES. We are agents for all the good honi-M In this district. See us for lowest pricsa. Offices on ground. phone East 98. DELAHUNTY & CLEMENTS. 3Uth and East Glisan Sts. FOR. SALE or will exenange for well-located vacant property. .ujwv, wu went oiuv, four good 7-room houses, rental $i0; price $11 COO; will pay cash difference or as sume incumbrance. David S. t earns, Washington st. 6-ROOM house, bath, halls and basement. on lOOx&O-Iooi corner iui, case outn ana Market streets, just two blocks south of Hawthorne ave. Price $3400. Satisfactory terms may be made. Telephone B 31&7 or call 310 East SOth WILL SELL MY HOMb, a six-room modern bungalow, coiuiiicioij lumisiieu, usect mur months. Small payment down, balance easy terms. Corner lot, restricted district. References required. Telephone Tabor 787. Forenoons. SEVERAL NEW homes, Irvington. Finely built, cheap and a number of choice lota. C 1&66, East 273. W. H. HERDMAN. WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT ON EASY TERMS. Main 342. FUR LONG. 617 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUMONT New 8-room bungalow; every. thing complete; imprwv-niciiu u paia; street hard-surfaced; 52 E. 37th N.; $3tiitO: 000 down for quick sale. See own er. 529 Henry bldg. SNAP. ON EASY TERMS. Swell four-room modern bungalow, close In on East Sid. for qui-'k scale, only $3200; lot 40x100. Phone B 1783. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Must leave city and will sacrifice beautiful bungalow, terms. East 2753. bUNNYblDE, $2000; 6-room cottage; fire place; JsiU per moii in , r.ant morriaon, near 30th. b5 Yeon bldg. Main 112. A 7456. F you mean to build a home let me figure for you; iu per uiia ween; tree plans. E 947. Oregonlan. sTlOO equity in a 6-room modern house, at Prescott and 20th, for $000 cash. Owner. 235 E. 80th. N- WEST SIDE. 9-room, new and modern house, ShQ Overton t. Call for price and terms. phone Main 7997. $3700 STRICTLY modern 6-room bungalow. $32uu, nome m vnu, ,A rmeraoo. eor. E. loin. Woodlawn 2714. IRVINGTON New 8-room house, thorntia-h" ly modern; a bargain. By owner. East 1191. $2200. loss, 7-RM. modern bungalow; jooo dead li;i5 K. :13d N. Woodlawn J714. 6EVEN-BOOM house; $30 down; J)o mo. Tabor, 421. Owner. SH.V Two-room house; $li cash. $10 per month. Sinclair, aiT Hamilton bldg. REAL ESTATE For bale -Houses IRVINGTON. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Something different from ordinary; ex terior very artistic; all Interior finish Eastern oak, old ivory, white enamel and veneer fir; all rooms are large and airy, such as reception hall, cloak rooms, liv ing room has fireplace, bookcases, large dining-room, rear hall, toilet and lav atory, Dutch kitchen, nicely equipped, 4 large airy bed chambers, open air sleeping-rooms, sleeping porch, beautiful tiled bathroom ; toilet and lavatory; third floor largo and airy; full screened, fixtures and shades; see this lovely home before you buy. Price and terms very reasonable. Phones East $96 and East 2301. J. E. Dolen, 3 40 East 10th st- North. Irvington car. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. 7-room bungalow, with all modern con veniences; street Improvements ail in; one block to car, 30 minutes to city; ne. 6-room house, modern, 200 feet to car, lot 00x100; excellent neighborhood. 5-room bungalow. modern. witn all built-in conveniences, furnace; tv o Mocks from car, near fine school; gas, electricity, street improvements paid; excellent view; corner; $3400 for 10 days. 4 rooms, in excellent suburb; restric tions; alt built-in conveniences; largs living-rooms with panels, lixturus and tint ing. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201-2-3 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 473, A 1012. HAWTHORNE -MT. TABOR .BUNGALOW. 8 ROOMS, $300 CASH. Beautifully finished, paneled hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, fixtures, shades, new and never been occupied, beautiful view, lot 50x121, with bearing fruit trees, and extra lot can be purchased if desired. THIS IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED AT $4600. Will take lot or stocks In part payment and balance on terms to suit. Right on one carline and 2 blocks from another. Mar. 42SM. A. J. DETSCH CO.. A 100U. S40 Chamber of Commerce. SUBURBAN' HOME ON WILLAMETTE RIVER. One acre of beautiful grounds, fine shade trees and native shrubbery. 170 feet of sandy bathing beach, new 0-room house with wide veranda across the entire front and commanding a splendid view up and down the river; large fireplace, wood lift, bathroom, toilet, hot and cold water and all modern conveniences; 30 minutes by electric from center of Portland ; price only $0200; land alone worth nearly this; easy terms. See E. W. Pettlbone. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY. 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Fine residence property, close In, Central East Portland, near carlin, near schools, sightly, desirable, good homes surrounding; 100x100, well im proved, high class, 32-room house; also lot 50x100 adjoining; makes best site on East Side for hotel or apartment house investment; ground worth more than price asked, not counting expensive house there on ; value growing ; will jump when rail road investments on East Side more fully known; price, lOOxloO with residence, $20.- O00; 00x100 adjoining. $4000. Address O- M. SCOTT. Owner, 321 East Morrison. Phone East 1S59. CHEAP RESIDENCE. $200 DOWN. Division street, near East 30th. modern 6-room bungalow, full cement basement, fireplace, laundry trays, nice lawn, con crete retaining wall ; price $2700, or will rent to good tenant at $20 per month. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. NEW LAURELHURST HOME. 6 rooms and breakfast-room; beautifully finished throughout; strictly modern; built-in buffet and bookcases: fireplace and furnace; full basement; faces north, one block off carline; full lot; it will suit you. price $4S00; terms, $000 cash and $40 per month, including interest. Phone Main 1003. Main 4020 or A 1515. Ask for Mr. Urdahl or call at 52-5 Corbett bldg. ' YOU GO TO 1712 D WIGHT STREET. University Park, and look at a new, mod ern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, bath and toilet, cement foundation, basement, elec tric lights, 2 blocks from cur, then come in and see us. Price only $1000, easy terms. Call for Mr. Harrison. . CHAPIN & HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO.. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. OVERLOOK HOME. Fine 6-room bouse, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, doubly constructed, den, sleeping porch, 3 bedrooms, lot 50x loo. fine lawn and roses, street improve ments all paid, on Patton ave.. near Sha ver; price only $0700; $1000 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, three bedrooms and sleeping porch; strictly modern, built-in buffet; -fireplaces and furnace; elegant fixtures; full cement basement; full lot: must be seen to be appreciated. Price $0600; terms. Phone Main 1003. Main 402O, or A 1615. Aak for Mr. Urdahl or call 022 Corbett NdR. HERE IT IS. $800. A dandy new little home, choice lot, all under cultivation, some choice Bhado trees. Bull Run water, fine place for gar den and chickens; $00 down; easy terms on the balance. Sea Mr. Davies. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. HOLLADAY RESIDENCE. A handsomely appointed home. In a dis trict of fine residences, close in, near Holladay Park, bungalow style, faces south and east, on corner, lOOxloO feet, paved streets, garage. For sale at price of $17,500. II. P. PALM ER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones. Main Stifltf. A 2f03. $1100. A dandy little home, cabinet kitchen, splendid lot. fine lawn, located in a good district; cement walks and curbs, graded streets. 3 blocks to good car; small pay ment down, balance like rent. Call for Mr. Harrison. CHAPIN & HERLOW MORTGAGE i TRUST CO.. 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID NEW HOUSE. 7 ROOMS, HARDWOOD FLOORS. MODERN IN EVERY WAY, HARD SURFACE STREET CIXSE IN. BLOCK FROM CAR. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN, BALANCE EASY; AT SACIrlCE, IF TAKEN AT ONCE. ASK FOR MR. EASTON AT 1108 SPALDING BLDG., NO AGENTS. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. 8-room modern house on Thurman st., fi bedrooms, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, cement basement, largo nttlc, high and sightly, street improvements all paid; $7000, terms. H. P. PALM ER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones. Main 8;09. A 2fi03. $100 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. 6 large rooms, modern, except furnace: n.VxSO-ft. lot; one of the best constructed homes in Portland. near Klllingsworth and Campbell, St. Johns car; a real bar gain at $2K30. Ask for Harrison. CHAPIN & HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., "32-338 Chamber of Commerce. WAVE RLEIGH HEIGHTS. One of the very desirable lots at less thin surrounding property; lies high and sightly and only four blocks from ihe carllne; price for a few days only $S0O and can accept very reasonable terms. SHAW A LOCKE, Main SO90, A 4160. 73 th st., near Oak. WAVERLY-WOODSTOCK. $2000. 4-room modern cottage on lot 47Vtx100 feet, within l block of W. W. carline. in first-class shape and ready for occupanc ; price $-M0, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones. Main 89, A 203. OWNER SACRIFICING A BEAUTIFUL NEW- MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE ON WILLAMETTE RIVER, 10 MILES FROM CTTY ON OREGON CITY ELECTRIC; BEAUTIFUL VIEW SITE; RUNNING WATER; ELECTRIC LIGHTS. D 40. OREGON I AN. JUST LIKE RENT. And any small payment down not re fused, in a short while not a bunch of rent receipts, but a deed for your own home; STOP right now. think it over, ten minutes and drop a line to C 943, Ore gonlan. IRVINGTON. 7-room modern house on E. 24th St., near Brazee, on carline; price for imme diate Bale $0000. H P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. phones. Main SrtPft. A 2053. $37..0 FOR fi-room houso Just completed, on lot SOxlOO; improvements all paid for; this property cost $4400. I am up asa Inst It and must have money. AN U51, Ore gonian. 0-ROOM modern bungalow, with fireplace, furnace, large rooms and closets, fine lo cation, good car service, for $27o0; terms SHH1 down, $J5 mq.nth. Call Mr. Hoyer, Main 6719. PIEDMONT. " Tou can't beat it. 6-room strictly mod ern first-class home in restricted district. ,1ust completed; SSC0O, by owner. 140 Haight ave. FINE modern home, full lot, facing south'; East Couch snd 21st sts.; flowers; $62uu. Teon bldg. Main 112. A 7450. PA ID ".00O. will sell for WOoO. $2000 dow n, fi-room modern bungalow. E. 7llh St., Hose City Park. Phone Tabor 3S1.. NEW, modern 6-room bungalow, Morrison, near Kast 29th st. S'ttl S.