Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 04, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Vlntlne-mem ........
City Circulation ......
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Ad. in Duniao. In tha drama. -Madam
X " Tonight at 1J
Baker thzaTER aad mo-ti-
aon Bakor Stork Company In tha play.
Tha Fourth Estate.'- Tonnht at :1S.
CRPHEVJ THEATER tMomaoa. ftetwarn
Sixth and 8.nth Vudin. This af-
tsnwos ai 11 aad tosiaht at o'clock.
WPHtu THEATER (Pir and Washln-
toa VaudaTiiia. This artornooa at 1:1a.
tanlsht at I:M and a'clock.
s.r Vaodsvlllo. This aftsrnooB at 1:1.
toalsht at t:M and a'clock.
ITRIC THEATER froorth and tar
Mu.u-al cumadj. "The tompor.H This
afternoon at 2 So aad teaicbt at T:o
and . ji clock.
TIVOLJ AMD CRT ST AX. rlrsl-rua lo-
laraa. It A. M.-1I P. M.
Eucniic Ccnscs or Portland. In
ordnr to icur the necessary statis
tical Information refcardlns; electricity
In Portland and rlclntty. w hare en
raced a Urre number of hlh school
boys, carefully chosen and recom
mended by their principals, to assist
our refrular force In miklDK a house-to-house
canvass of the entire city.
These young gentle-men will visit your
homes and places of business, and we
hope the result of their efforts will
lead to pointing out methods for the
improvement of the service It la our
aim to rive Portland the very best
electric service possible, and for that
rrason a census of the usors and
present non-Ufri will be of irrrat as
sistance. We respectfully solicit your
kind co-operation In aiding; these I
younr men In their work. ch rep
resentatlve will carry credential card
slrned by the satoa manarer or th
company. Portland Railway. Light &
Power Company.
Miss Wiwt Wik 110 PnixK.
Miss Irene Wuest. of (14 Broadway,
who won a prlxe of III) for the be
design of a seal for the Progressive
Business Men's Club, la the asslstan
supervisor of drawing In the public
schools. She graduated from the Lin
roln High School In 1S07. and com
menced teaching In the Kerna School
at one. After teaching three years
In the grade school she accepted he
present position. She la versatile In
her talents, being an advanced must
cian on the violin. The contest won
by Miss Wuest was open to teachers
of drawing In the high schools. The
seal designed by Miss Wuest was em
blematic of Oregon, showing support
ers of fir trees and Mount Hood In the
shielded background. Miss Wuest also
won the second and third prizoa.
President Wivtkr Arrives. Rev. A.
A. Winter, president of the Dallas
College, arrived yesterday from the
Kast where he haa been for severs
months working for the financial In
terests of th college. He returns
this time to attend the session of the
annual conference of the I'nlted Evan
aelical Church, which opens at Hills-
boro this morning. Rev. K. F. Usher,
another Oregon minister who haa been
taking a post-graduate course in the
Kast. returned with Rev. Mr. Winter
to attend conference. They left yester
day afternoon for Hlllsboro. At the
conclusion of conference President
Winter will return East to continue
his work of securing an endowmen
for Dallas College. So far he has met
with much success.
Mothers and Teachers" Club to
Meet. The Mothers and Teachers'
Club of (he Brooklyn School will meet
Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock In the
assembly hall of the Brooklyn school.
K. W. Henderson, principal of the
IX-k ley Green School, will make an
addrees on ""Relations of the School
to the Community In Regard to Civics.'
Mrs. Fred L Olson and Mrs. John E.
Wolf wtll be the soloists. Mrs Her
bert Reed will pive a Shakespearean
reading and Mrs. Modesta Mortenaen
will render violin selections.
Quarter Block Is Sold. The
quarter block at the southeast corner
of Kant Third and East Alder streets,
was sold yesterday by Mall dc Von
Borstel for the Ladd Estate to the
Hast Alder Investment Company. Con
sideration was 135.000. The quarter
block has no Improvements, and Is
the warehouse district.' not far from
where the new freight depot will be
erected. The East Alder Investment
Company bought the property as an In
vestment and will hold it for the
present. Monday Mokniko. April
t. all freight consigned to and re
reived from Mount Hood Railway &
Power Company points, will be handled
at the freight bouse of the Portland
Railway. Light ac Power Company, at
East Water and Clay streets. The
freight bouse at the foot of Gliaan
street oa the water -front.' known as
Alaska dock. will be abandoned.
Signed) Portland Railway. Light 4k
Power Company.
Second-Hand Suiti Stoles. By
mistake M. Shankman. who keeps a
second-hand store at 191 V Burnslde
street, left IS or 1 second-hand suits
and IS pairs of trousers In front of his
establishment when he closed It Tue
day night, and as n result he found
himself poorer by the value of those
articles, when he opened up bis place
yesterday morning. The police are
attempting to find the thieves.
Employe Sves Cekktkrt Association
U P. Robinson brought suit Mon
day In the Circuit Court against the
Mount Scott Cemetery Corporation to
recover 125.000 damages alleged to be
due on account of injuries sustained
while working for the company. Rob
inson says he wss seriously and per
ir.anently Injured by an explosion while
grubbing on some of the corporation's
Mrs Christiana M. Lewis' Funeral
Held. The funeral of Mrs. Christiana
M. Lewis was held yesterday after
noon from the family 'residence, 11J4
East Sherman street, and the Interment
was made in Mount Scott Cemetery.
Mrs. Lewis was the wife of Asa Lewis
and a member of Mount Hood Circle.
No. HI. Women of Woodcraft. Many
of the members attended the services.
East Side Business Men's Club
Meets. The East Side Business Men's
Club will hold Its regular meeting to
night In the auditorium of the East
Portland Branch Library, Eaat Eleventh
and East Alder streets. Committee on
railroad franchise, and belt line will
submit a report, and the Rose Festi
val will be considered.
Oriental Ruos. The high standard
established by us will admit only rugs
of superior quality In our collection.
Reliable methods and modest prices.
Cartoslan Bros.. Importers, 471 Wash.,
bet. 13th and 14th streets.
Choice Selection of Imported Spring
woolens: hlgh-grads work only; 20 per
cent rebate for rash pavment until
further notice. J. Pollvka A Co,
tailors. :o Corbett bldg.
Direct Importations of Oriental
rues of the finest weave, design and
colorings only at D. A. Calfo. Importer
of high-grade Oriental rugs and car
pets. 417 Alder St.. bee 11th and 11th.
Madam Before placing pour order
for a tailored suit be sure and see oar
Imported novelties; price. Qarnsy.
ladies tailor, aloha wk bldg.
Frank 8. Fields for ten years County
Clerk la the Republican candidate for
Secretary of State. Ballot No. 42. (Paid
Kathleen Lawler Belcher, soprano;
voice and coaching. rUudlo, 481 Eaat
Twenty-sixth North. C 1350.
tjKArixo Coda ail day. CaA Rink. ,
Rose Citt Park Gets More Water.
Through a vlgoroua representation to
the Water Board made by Harold V.
Newlln and G. H. Hughson, of the
Rose City Park Improvement League,
the people of the Rose City Park dis
trict will have an adequate
supply of water this year. Hart
man Thompson own the smaller
water mains In the district, averaging
two Inches In diameter, connecting
with a six-Inch main, also owned by
Ilartman & Thompson, and with the
growth of the district many homes
have been attached to these mains. The
committee found that on one two
Inch main 120 houses were attached
and 1 more are building which will
be attached. Under the new arrange
ments the city will una these small
mains and connect them to the eight
Inch reinforcing main laid In the dis
trict last year, until It can put down
larger laterals. The ownership of the
mains will remain with Hartman &
Thompson snd they will remove them
when the city has replaced them with
larger mains.
Elks to Discuss Convention. Every
Elk in Portland Is expected to attend
the regular weekly luncheon of the
Progressive Business Men's Club at
the Multnomah Hotel at noon today.
The programme will be devoted ex
clusively to the discussion of the forth
coming Elks' National convention In
this city. K. K. Kubli, chairman of
the executive committee in charge of
the reunion, will tell of the plans being
made to entertain 60.000 Elks In July.
Ralph E. Moody, who will have direct
charge of the business sessions of th
convention, will explain what a gather
Ing like this means to Portland. Mem
bers of the lodge will meet at the
club rooms at 11:45 o'clock and march
to the hotel In a body, wearing their
purple and white high hats.
Southern Club to Htvi "Niooer'
Dat. The regular weekly noon lunch
eon given by the Portland Associa
tlon of Southern Men. Saturday, April
. will be "nigger" day. Mr. Carter
will act as chairman and may be de
pended upon for a genuine "nigger
song as well as a "nigger" story. He
has given fair warning to Judge White,
Mr. Nelson, Mr. Richardson and others.
that they will be called on far thel
best "nigger" story. Mr. Tillman, son
of Senator Tillman, of South Carolln
will be present and will be expected
to give a talk. All Southerners, espe
daily strangers, are cordially Invited
to attend. - Luncheons are held In the
ladles' room of the Commercial Club
building every Saturday at 12:30
Josseltn Luncheon Speaker. B. S.
Josselyn, president of the Portland
Railway. Light at Power Company
will be the principal speaker at the
regular weekly luncheon of the Port
land Transportation Club at the Im
perlal Hotel at noon today. W. T.
Buchanan, publicity manager for the
same company, will preside. The club
is growing rapidly and now has more
than 4u0 members affiliated with
various branchea of the transportation
business. Mr. Josselyn today will dls
cuss topics of Interest to officials and
clerks in minor capacities alike.
Gboroe Simpson Fined 150. George
Simpson. a notorious character in
police circles, former proprietor of the
Eagle rooming-house, at Third and
Burnslde streets, known by the police
as "Robbers' Roost." wss fined 150 In
the Municipal Court yesterday for
brutally beating Ivon Lessouarn In
saloon, at Third and Burnslde streets
Monday, and was warned that If he
appeared again he would be given a
prison sentence. Simpson acted as his
own attorney, and cross-examined the
witnesses and pleaded his case.
Firemen's Ball Success. Grateful
appreciation of the generous response
of the general public and of donations
by theaters and nickelodeons and the
Portland Railway, Light & Power Com
pany, are acknowledged by a statement
Issued yesterday afternoon by W. D.
Heath, for the Fire Department Annual
Ball Association. The department
cleared $3980.45 and 2300 people at
tended the ball, which was held last
Saturday night In the Armory. The
funds will be used for the relief of
widows and orphans.
Policemen to Get Dat's Off. Coun
cilman Joy's proposed ordinance,
granting to every member of the police
force two days off each month, was
recommended for passage yesterday
afternoon by the ways and means com
mlttee. The vote waa two to one.
Councilman Burgard contended that,
If the men get this time off, . they
should forfeit two days' pay, so that
others can be employed to fill their
places for the proper policing of the
city. Councllmen Daly and Magulre
voted for the measure.
Art Class to Meet Today. Mem
bers of the art department of the Port
land Woman's Club have been invited
to hold their meeting today at the resi
dence of Dr. O. H. Patrick. 173 East
Twentieth. Dr. Patrick has a large
collection of original paintings of great
artists, but of special interest and
profit to the art class will be the
pictures by William and James Hart
and the Mortal. The class will begin
promptly at 3' o'clock. Take Sunny
side or Mount Tabor car.
Euoenb Ferouson Leaves por Phoe
nix. Eugene Ferguson, who has been
connected with the freight department
of the Milwaukee, St. Paul & Chicago
Railway Company, In Portland, will
leave this week with his wife for
Phoenix. Ariz., for his health, which
has been falling for some time. They
will remain In Phoenix for a short
time, and then proceed to San Diego,
Art Exhibit Closes Sunday. Per
sons desirous of Inspecting the first an
nual exhibition of the artists of Port
land now Installed In the Museum of
Art will have, until Sunday In which
to view the pictures. On that day the
exhibition will close. The collection
s a creditable one consisting of land
scapes and portraits la oil and water
color and sculptures.
Co-Operative Storb Mebtino Delated.
Owing to the fact that tomorrow Is
Good Friday, the meeting to arrange
for the formation of a co-operative
store In Alblna has been postponed
until Friday night. April 12. The
meeting will be held at 793 Mississippi
avenue In Voelker's hall.
Psychology Class to Meet. The
Portland psychology class will meet to
day at 1:30 o'clock. In Olds, Wortman
c King's auditorium, fourth floor. The
regular lesson will be on "Desire and
Choice." by Mrs. Welater. followed by
other speakers on the current toplces
of the day.
Kline to Address Blacksmiths.
J. W. Kline, president of the Inter
itional Brotherhood of Blacksmiths
and Helpers, will be In Portland to ad
dress the union and their friends at
Rlnglers hall, tonight at o clock. The
public Is cordially Invited to attend
the meeting.
Chapman to Visit Tillamook. C. C
Chapman, of the Portland Commercial
Club, will leave thta morning for a
two days' visit to Tillamook and vicin
ity and to make arrangements for the
proposed excursion of Portland busi
ness men to that section.
School Entertainment Repeated.
Owing to the fact that it was Im
possible for all who wished to see tha
Ockley Green School entertainments
laat week to gain admittance, the pro
gramme will be repeated tonight.
Is Qualified. H. C. Smith Is .well
qualified to discharge the duties of
County Clerk by reason of his fa
miliarity with the records and prac
tice of the courts. (Paid adv.)
Patton Hoxb Directors to Meet.
The regular monthly business meeting
of the Patton Home Association will
be held tomorrow at the Home, at 10:30
A. M.
For Coos Bat and Eureka. The
popular steamer Alliance sails Friday.
April 6. at S P. M. For tickets apply
N. P, S. S. Co, 132 Third, near Alder.
I Many Chine Goino to Alaska.
I This la the season of Alaska salmon
(packing and many Portland Chinamen
are leaving to engage In the work.
One train over the O.-W. R. & N.
line last night carried 64 Celestials
, bound for nortbern ports, from which
they will embark for Alaska. Most
of them carried their own cooking
utensils. Including pots In which to
boil their rice. Another train yester
day took out 16 Chinamen and 70 more
are booked to leave next Sunday. It
Is estimated that 300 or 400 will go to
various points In Alaska during the
present season. They generally return
to Portland for the Winter.
Stock Breeders' Sale Soon. The
12th annual breeders' sale, under au
spices of the Portland Horse and Cat
tie Sale Company, will be" held at the
Portland Fairgrounds April 16-18.
Among those who will have stock at
the sale are: F. E. Alley, of Roseburg;
N. K. West, of La Grande: M. L. Whit
more, of Pomeroy: Paul Wenninger, of
Portland, and other prominent stock
breeders of the Northwest and Canada.
H. G. McMillan and Sons, of Rock
Rapids. la., will bring a score of
blooded horses, and some of the larg
est Percheron breeders In the United
States will be In Portland during the
Concert to Bb Enjoyed Tomorrow.
Arrangements have been made by the
members of the Washington High
School Band for a concert to be held
tomorrow ' night In the Washington
High School auditorium. The pro
gramme will consist of vocal and In
strumental selections. Among the num
bers will be "The Frolic of the Brown
ies." "Nina Overture," "Love Me." "The
Warrior" and "Muttering Frits." There
will also be several cornet and trom
bone solos.
Rt'SHi.ionT Names Commission.
Marshall N. Dana is chairman of a
Commission of five members, appointed
yesterday by Mayor Rushlight, to su
perintend the City Planning campaign
snd the expenditure of an appropria
tion of 13000 for the publication of a
booklet and data on the Bennett plans.
The other members are: E. F. Law
rence. A. O. Clark. George H. Howell
and W. L. Marshall.
Mrs. Doolittlb Talks. At a meet
ing of the Arts and Crafts Society held
yesterday In the Museum of Art. Mrs.
Laura Baldwin Doolittle gave an In
teresting talk on "The Science of
Color." Owing to the limited attend
ance the discussion of questions of im
portance to the welfare of the society
wss postponed for the present.
Pioneer's Funeral Today. The fu
neral of Mrs. Zerllds P. Tosler. pioneer
of this state, who died Sunday, April
1. will be held this morning at 11
o'clock from Holman's Chapel. The
body will be taken to Hlllsboro for
burial. There will be a short service
at the grave at 2 o'clock.
Western Pochahontas Coal. 16.80 a
ton. delivered: more heat for your
money thnn any other. Thones: Main
358. A 3368.
12500 1 1 1 Fivb-Passenoer Peerless:
fine condition. B 920, Oregonian.
Young Coleman Held for Drawing
on Bank Where He Had No Funds.
' Writing checks to the amount of
2319. on which he obtained nothing,
when he had no money In the bank
to make the checks good, caused the
arrest last night of S. R. Coleman,
sged 20 years, son of the Sheriff of
Richland County, South Carolina.
Coleman wrote a check for 1240 on
the Columbia. S. C, bank and left It
with the Merchants' National Bank of
Portland to collect, obtaining no money
In advance. He also wrote checks of
135 and 114 on a clothing store on
Sixth street and arranged for the goods
to be delivered. A check for 130, giv
en to the Young Men's Christian As
sociation, was In payment of advance
room rent.
That he intended to wire his father
to put funds in the Columbia bank to
cover the check Is Coleman's defense.
The very latest styles in ladies' bags
and purses, Huyler's candles, Easter
Prescription Druggist, Corner 6th and
Alder. Selling building. We never close.
A Good Place to Eat.
Seven dining-rooms, with a combined
seating capacity of over 400. Weber's
orchestra 1 to (, ( to I and 8:30 to 11:30.
Two entrances, 3S8 Washington street.
387 H Alder street.
Cordwood. Statmood. CoaL
Holman Fuel Co, successors to Baa
fleld-Versey Fuel Co. M. 151. A S1.
Portland's Pioneer Jewelry Store
(established 1861.)
When Investing In a
clock do not look for
anything cheap. Ruy
s o m ethlng Inexpensive,
but with merit. This
last sentence describes
our stock.
We pay as high as 7 per cent for money left
in our hands a term of years. Absolute security. No expense.
All the convenience of a bond with greater flexibility. Drop
in and let us explain how.
Officers aasl Directors i
Harrison O. Piatt. President J. P. Jrr Frank K. Dooly
E. O. Cramford. Vlcs-Preiidsnt H. O. Colton K. C Knliht. Arncy Dlrsetot
Henry A. Eargsnt. Vlcs-Pres. W. O. McPhfnm Piatt Piatt. Counsel
28 Stark Street. Mala B327.
A Portland Corporation Under State Supervision
The great
of time assured in
real estate deals
when a Certificate
of Title is used, re
sults in a great
saving of money.
Investigate. Call
for booklet. Title
& Trust Co., 4th
and Oak.
Veal cutlets, country gravy; creamed
halibut and oysters; rhubarb pie, mocha
tart. Woman's Exchange, 186 5th St.
In the "Restaurant Beautiful" Ar
cadian Garden In Hotel
Make your reservations for tables
early. Dinner In Arcadian Garden
from 6 till 8:30. Extraordinary enter
talnment features during the dinner
hours and from 9 to 10:30 In the lobby.
To avoid disappointment In obtaining a
table Saturday evenings reservations
should be made before 6 o'clock on
that day. H. C. Bowers, manager.
Alexander Taken to Prison.
lempie w. Alexander, former em
ploye of the O.-W. R. & N. Company,
who was sentenced to serve from two
to 20 years in the Salem Penitentiary
for a series of forgeries extending over
four years, was taken from the Multno
mah County Jail to the Penitentiary
yesterdsy by Deputy Sheriff French,
Deputy French left with his prisoner at
11 o clock yesterday morning.
To Harmony Lodge, A. F. and A. M.
Master Builders' Association. A. O. IT
W. and friends we beg to extend our
sincere thanks ror the beautiful floral
pieces sent on the occasion of the death
or my oeiovea nimoand and our rather.
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Drusjcests refund money if it falls to cure.
1.. . urovri ignature is on each box. JSo.
You'll be surprised. Order
a tin of Golden West today.
Don't tell the family you
have changed brands. Wait
for the favorable comments.
You will receive them after
the first sip. You can't buy
a more delicious coffee.
386 Washington St., Be
tween West Park and
Tenth, Will Be Our New
We cordially invite you to call during the
week and see this remarkable exhibit.
Owing to the very favorable climatic condi
tions you will find prices very attractive, with
no advance for th'e Easter Holiday. Free and
prompt delivery.
Special care and attention given to out-of-town
347 Washington Street, Bet 7th and Park. Phones: Main 269; A 1269.
J. Easter
Suitable for
AH Occasions
Main 7215 A 3121
Hof Brau Quelle
128 Sixth Street and 311 Alder Street
Hungarian Orchestra
Jonas Janusi, formerly Musical Director to the
Austrian-Hungarian Court.
Concert from 6:00 to 8:15 and
from 10:00 to 12:15
We wish also to announce
that our famous Quelle Craw
fish are now at their best
Phones : Main 919.
Dangerous Bleedings
Sometimes follow Vari
cose Veins. Our woven-to-fit
Silk Elastic Ho
siery relieves at once
and often cures. Stock-
fcfw mgs, Knee Caps, Ank
ttl ' lets. Self-measurement
blank on request.
Portland, Oregon.
C.ftf isuaiern t unds oa Bill (Jt
OO Portland Bscurltlea at O70
ttiaer Faads for Baalacaa Proparcios
aad Cloae-la atealdeaeas) mt
6 7
East 629
B 6148
of every seasonable variety and descripti
profusion of
New Location
141V3 6th St.
Selling Building
A 5238
The Columbia Sanitarium im a surgical and
medical Institute, located at the corner of
Sixth and Yamhill streets, next to the Port
land Hotel, and Is well prepared to treat and
cure diseases of men, women and children.
This Institution was established In Port
land six years ajrn. where durin- these years
Its marvelous mmce la curing thousands
of persons of 41seses has caused It to Ktanri
ttae peer of tny like Institution In tbe West.
We make a specialty of the eye. ear. nose,
throat, heart, stomach, kidneys, catarrh,
rheumatism and all chronlo diseases. Our
surgical. electrfcaJ and medical laboratory
department are complete. Columbia Sani
tarium. 181 Sixth street. Portland, Oregon.
Bronchial Troches
Relieve Sore Throat, Hoarsen is, Coughs, Bron
chial and Asthmatlo Complaints. Unexoelled for
clearing the Toiee. 8ixty years' reputation.
Free from opiates or anything harmful. Sold
only In boxes. Sample mailed fre.
JOHM L BROWN & SON, Boston. Mw
Peru is the twelfth largest raw cotton-producing-
country In the world and the
fourth largest American cotton-producing-country.
Our store now a mass
of Beautiful Flowers.
You should come and
see if 3rou like flowers.
We have prepared a
magnificent display.
The following are all
Potted Flowers in
bloom; are strong, hardy
plants and Avill stay in
bloom a long time.
Easter Lilies.
Spire a (pink and white).
This is a dainty flower of
very pleasing fragrance,
something new and lasting
Azaleas (pink and white).
Potted Roses, Baby Ram
blers. Tulips.
Lilies of the Valley.
If you just want to
spend a dollar for cut
flowers order the
It is a big, generous
box of choice cut flow
ers, only $1.00, deliv
ered free to all parts- of
city. It will please.
orvsetk w r
325 Morrison St,
0pp. Portland Hotel
Main 5102, A 1102
The big cake that does
cot waste, scatter or melt
The Guaranteed Liquid Hair Destroyer
la the only preparation known to Medical Science
that will instantly and without the slightest
injury to the most delicate akin remove
Superfluous Hair
Don't waste time and money experimenting buy
a bottle of El-Rado and rid yourself of that
most humiliating blemish that mars your beauty.
If you are not delighted with the results of
El-Rado, your money will be refunded.
Write to The Pilgrim Mfg. Co., 131-133 Eat
7th St., New York, for valuable information
about this wonderful new scientific discovery.
El-Rado is sold by the leading and most re
putable dealers ia their respective towns.
For sale tn Portland at
Woodard. Clark Co. only.
Foster & Kleiser
HlffB) Grade Commercial and Electria
Eut Seventh and East Everett Street
Phones Kaat 1111, B 2224.