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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1912)
YerFiTT Strict!,- SpecI Shoppers' Lunch Served From 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. in the Basement Lunch Room San tary Store irFown BeTce Cream. ndgfyDrinRs, Purest GardieS,Btc., at the Basement Sweet Shop '' ' Sewing Machines at $1 a WeeR Where merehandiiiifir is conducted on the same sani Standard Kotary and O. v. Jv. Inn-frr-acie Macnmes sold on the $1.00 a week club plan. Take advantage tary lines as housekeeping in the ideal home. No dull headache after a day's shopping in this fresh-air store. Olds, Wortmaini Ladies' Shoes Shined Speeial attention given to dressing women's shoes. Bring us your suedes. At the basement stand. Optical Dept., 1st Floor Free examination by Dr. Dayton, graduate export optician of long experience. Every rasa, guaranteed. Occupying Entire BlocK-Morrison. Alder. Tenth and West ParK mm- 66 Great crowds thronged every department of the "big store." Buying was brisk; it was the tirst day ot our Great "Comparison Sales." Todav, the third day, will be even greater. Comparisons of our past records our customers tnat no otner store is giving equai vaiuta. uujpanauu "u s vu- Oh! SvicK a Day Was Yesterday . , .... ;-Cn in rjiIpr over similar mst events. Comparisons of quality, convinces r,rpa Comparison Sales in All Departments of the Store-Read What the Basement Has to Offer ftnn TCoLitifuLl Trimmed Hats at Nearly m Price p?e?e Fancy Straw Braid $1 to $1.50 Grades 33c An extraordinary purchase of samples and odd lines of Fancy Straw Braids whioh our New York office seeuredat a mere frac tion of the factory cost. Our buyer cleaned up their stock at his own price. Over 1000 pieces to choose from. Fine or coarse makes in all wanted colors. 10 and 12 yards to the piece. The very best regular $1.00. $1.25. $1.50 fancy Straw Braids, all grouped OO in one big lot, specialized at the very low price of only JJL $20,$22.50 Suits $11.95 Basement Underprice More. Here's a rare opportunity to get your Spring Suit at great saving. The range for choosing is unusually good. The materials are plain serge in darK or light navy, stylish mixtures in g'ray or tan; plain tai lored suits, faultlessly made and lined with eood duality satin. A i complete range of sizes. Good (: values at $20.00 and - Q rV.t. 99n. enprial at onlvPA 1 -- 4 V w " ?;fM&$3 Sweater Coat $1.59 ; 3 r i,a basement "underorice store." a sale of women's all-wool Sweater Coats, heavy cardigan rib. V-neck styles, with two pockets and large pearl buttons. Colors are red, white, gray and navy; all sizes in the lot. Regular $3 CI EQ grades, specialized for comparison at V $5.50 SKirts $3.98 A splendid line of Dress Mtirts. smart new spring i-tyles, at Plain tailored serges mi 'few ; ' -1 ' v aa2V will very low price, is in blue and cellent $5.50 grades, for comparison and panamas in blue and blaeH; ex- crJ UU r Waists for $1.29 Comparison sale," in the basement, of women's new Lingerie Waists in several distinctive styles, made up of sheer lawns, styled with high or low necks and three-quarter sleeves. Well made and tastily trimmed with Cluny laces; all CI OCk sizes in the lot, specialized for only r B--FLO0RH) Bargain Circle First Floor 'Notion. Sale On the bargain circle, main floor, today, a great hale of Notious ami Small Wares that should attract thousands of thrifty women to this store. See them. TREE Buttonhole strips, shirtwaist size, which sell rvcular at I V each; while they la.-t we will give one with each 2.c sale at bargain circle today F&EE Spool Cotton, six-cord, white or A black, priced special for only "v Basting Cotton, King's 500-yd. 4 (pools, white only, 4.'c doz., ea. - Needles, all sizes, two papers at 5? Darning Cotton, black or white, 1 Pins, -UK) to the paper, two for 5 Collar Support, black or white, atf i-izes, special for this sale, each, 4 Coat Hangers, wire, special for 2c Pearl Buttons, 12 on a card, all sizes, very special for this sale, card, 5c Skirt Markers, special, each. 12 Twill Tape, 8 sizes in a package, harvrain circle price, box, only 10c Collar Supports, "The Girl," all Mzes, speeial, dozen, ,75c; each, 7J Hook and Eye Tape, in white only, special during this sale, yard, 15 Hooka and Eyes, blaek orC. white, all sizes, special, 2 cards Shields, nainsook, sizes 2, 3, 4, "7 special, dozen, 75c, or, ea., only Dnstless Dusters, size 24x36, 1 C special on bargain circle for Safety Pins, 12 on a card, only 3 Featherstitch Braids, white or colors, 6 yards to the piece, special for 5c Hair Pins, shell or amber, all styles for selection; special for only 15c Hair Pins, in cabinets, special, 5c Drinking Cups, Aluminum, only 7c Shoe Laces, 5-4, black only, social during this sale, 6 pairs, only lOc Shopping Bags, net, nice size, 25 Center Circle Sale of Women's Waists Special at $2.19 ill aisles lead to this sale at the center circle. An extraordinary offering of women's Lingerie, Marquisette and Tailored Waists. The lingeries are made of good quality batiste, trimmed with linen lace, Valenciennes and embroid ery, stvled with high necks or Dutch necks, with short or long sleeves. Tailored waists are of linen with tucked or embroidered fronts, CO 1 Q ruffs and collars: nil sires in the lot. special for this sale, only 300 if at Sliapes $2.50 to $3.50 Grades Special at $1.40 Here's a marvelous bargain an unusual showing ot real gooa values in Hat Frames, in a great variety of smart, new styles, in black, white and burnt, Chips, Panamas, Milans, etc. Many differ ent kinds which can be. made up in any desired style. Thrifty women will get good hats for a little money by buying trimmings here to go with these shapes. Regular $2.50 to $3.50 Hat Shapes, placed on sale at the very low price of $1.48 S30 Dresses at $8.95 Basement "Underprice Store." A sale of just 100 handsome one-piece Dresses priced for comparison way below the cost of production. They are samples and odd Dresses bought from the factory at the season-end cleanup. Many different kinds to choose from principally serges, in various weaves. Some nicely trimmed, others are made plain. An excellent line of colors for street or house CQ QC wear. Dresses worth up to. $30, offered special for this sale at ' p4.50 Silk Petticoats $2.69 Basement "Underprice Store." A sale of women's Silk Petticoats for Kaster wear. Splendid new styles with deep flounces and dust ruffles. The taffeta is the soft kind that wears so well and does not crack. Come in black and all (tO Q wanted colors. Good $4.50 IMtiooats, offered special, garment Child's $2.50 Coats at $1.69 Child's S2 Dresses at $1.29 In the basement "underprice store," a sale of children's Coats made of heavy cotton, cotton pongee or black and white checked worsteds. Well made and well lined. Sizes 2 to 6 years. K e g u l a r J.ou c -i tru grades on special sale a $5.50 Dresses for $2.98 Comparison sale of children's Spring Dresses, made of good quality all wool storm serge; attractive styles, well made and trimmed. The colors are navy, brown and red. Sizes 6 to 14 vears. Values to CO QP $5.50, offered special for Pi'0 In the basement "underprice store," a sale of smart new Dresses for chil dren; well made and trimmed. Good grade ginghams in neat stripes and plaids. Sizes from 6 to 14 years; our best regular $2 val- CJ OQ ues, on special sale for ? $1.00 Dresses at, Each, 69c 25T) children's Dresses, dainty styles, made of fine ginghams, in neat stripes and checks; also plain white Lawn Dresses, and a splendid range of colors. Sizes from 2 to 6 years. Our best regular $1 grades, GQ. on special sale at low price of vl! Factory Samples of Men's $1.50 Shirts 69c A complete line of manufacturers' "road samples" of men's Shirts, com prising many different lines and grades, made with or without collars. The materials are soisette, madras, percale, chambray, etc. Exceptional CQr qualities; hundreds to choose from; sizes 14 to 19; values to $1.50vv' Boys' Wash Suits Only 4$c Men's Union Suits Only 44c Basement sale of boys' Wash Suits in neat, attractive styles made of fine quality ginghams, in plain and neat striped patterns, military or sailor styles; sizes 2'2.t 8 AQf years; special price, suit, at "O A one-day sale of 100 dozen men's Union Suits, which we bought as "seconds"; medium and Spring weights; ribbed cotton, long sleeves and ankle length, all sizes; AAg 75c grades, special for only 1 Women's Pants for 18c Union Suits Only 25c Women's Pants of fine, swiss-ribbed cotton, loose knee, trimmed lO with lace, medium Spring weight, on special sale at, the pair, only Union Suits, fine swiss-ribbed quality, for women; sleeveless, ,0Ose2?C knee, lace-trimmed, all sizes, offered special for this sale at only Women's Hose, 75 dozen in the lot; Spring weight, black or tan; fast Q stainless colors; come in all sizes; on special sale at, the pair, only v Grocery Specials IN THE BASEMENT "UNDERPRICE STORE" Butter, Clover Leaf, square, 69 Shrimps, Tobasco brand, 12V2e size, Babbitt's Cleanser, 3 cans for 10 special price, three cans, only 23 25c Can Baker's Cocoa, only 19 Cottage Hams, boneless, sugar-cured. Prunes, special, 3 pounds, only 25c extra fine, special, a pound, 15J String Beans, 12V2C can; dz. $1.25 Picnic Hams, from young pigs, spe- String Beans, 10c can; doz. $1.10 cially priced, the pound, only 11 Jap Rice, clean, white, 5 lbs., 25c H Bars of Laundry Soap, only 25c English Walnuts, the pound, 16 Oranges, sweet and juicy, doz., 25 $8.50 Hats for $4-95 $6.50 Hats for $3.95 SS.OOHats for 52. 95 In the Basement "Underprice Store.". A most extraordinary sale of 600 beautiful Trimmsd Hats. It would not be fair to ask you to compare them, as they are so far ahead of anything offered in the city, on account ot having been bought at half price. A sample line of the season's most fa- vored stvles. tastilv trimmed in flowers, foliatre, rib- bon, nets, etc. bmall, medium and large snapes. Dark or light color combinations. Beautiful Easter Hats. Three lots to choose from. See the Regular $7.50 and $8.00 grades, special for $4.95 Regular $5.50 to $6.50 grades, special, only $3.95 ( Regular $4.00 to $5.00 grades, special, only $2.95 Tailored fiats S3.50 Grades $1.29 Now for that street hat for your next best wear. An extensive showing to pick from. Smart new styles in black or colors; foundations of the popu lar coarse braids. Very neat $3.00 to Cl OQ $3.50 grades, priced very special for only ? $1.00 Corsets 67c A rare offering of women's Corsets, two splendid styles in this special offer. Materials are fine batiste and heavy net, with medium hips and bust, fitted with four supporters; perfect-fitting; Z7f Regular $1 values, sizes 18 to 30; special at " C 35c Easter Ribbons In the basement, a sale of 2000 yards of fancy Ribbon, extra fine quality, 5 inches wide, in Dresden and Ro man stripes; regular 25c and "J 7 35c grades, special, the yard 75c Allovers at 37c Each New Allover Laces in fine Oriental effects; white or cream, in a splen did range of beautiful patterns, and standard widths. Our reg- 0 7 ular 75c quality, special, yd. ' 25c Ap 16c rons A very special offering of women's plain Aprons, made of gingham or fine white lawn. Ginghams are in the standard checks, all good colors, made long and full. Our best regular 25c grades, of- "1 fered special for this comparison sale at only " 17c 50c, 60c Dress Goods 39c 75c Messaline SilKs at 48c In the basement "underprice store," a sale of 2500 yards of plain and fancy Dress Goods in a great variety of weaves, such as pan am a, mohairs, henrietta, melrose and fancy mixtures, in all tfie new Spring colorings. The best materials for dresses, suits, skirts, waists and for chil- OQ. dren's wear. Regular 50c and 60c grades, specialized at, the yd. JC Messaline Silks in plain and fancy colors; 3500 j'ards in the lot. Rich, lustrous finish, will give excellent wear. Shown in 35 beautiful Spring colors, including black, white and cream. Our best regular 75c A Q grades, offered special for this sale at the low priee of only, yard "Ol Contir&uation SSioe $3.50 Shoes $1.69 In the Basement. Another shipment of those special Shoes just reached us in time for this sale. Oxfords, pumps and Colo nials; also high shoes in scores of splendid styles for women. All sizes and widths in the lot and the best values you have ever had the oppor- CI CQ tunity to choose from; $3 and $3.50 vals. V Men's 15c Sox 9c Men's guaranteed Socks, made of fine cotton yarn, reinforced heels and toes, stainless black; in Q all sizes; 15c grades, on special sale, the pair r Men's Pants $2.50 Grades $3.50 Shoes $1.98 A great Wednesday "comparison sale" of 1000 pairs of men 's Shoes and Oxfords in black or tan, all good, dependable grades, made on the new spring lasts in a complete range of sizes. These shoes were bought at great sacrifice prices from some of the best East ern manufacturers. They are regular $3P1 Qft and $3.50 grades, offered special, a pair P0 25c Suspenders 15c Men 's excellent quality Suspenders, with strong elas tic webbing, leather ends, good strong buck- 1 C. les; best regular 25c grades, special at only '' c& 'K-,VV w H a B M m. M If. n.v t , m K t0 ai in I fit 3ii basement C3p n ecial 37c at roar of . stajrs.. Sold at $1.98 Hundreds of thrifty men will take advantage of this special offer of 300 pairs of the well-known Reading Cassimere Pants in medium weight materials, fine hairline stripes, etc.; well made and finished. A complete range of sizes, 30 to 50 ; CI QS reenlar $2.50 crades, for V Basement Sale of Household Needs Cone Gas Toasters, special during sale at, ea., Xo? Patent Flour Sifters, special sale price, each, 12 Hot Pan or Cake Lifters, on special sale for 10 Bargain Circle in the Basement Just for one day only, a sale of 2000 yards of beautiful SilK Poplin, an excellent quality which will not slip and will wash. Standard widths and a full range of colors; 22 shades in all, includ ing' blacK and white; our best 50c grades 07 specially priced for this sale at, the yard O C Heavy Japanned Dust Pans, special price, only 6 Gray Enameled Sink Strainers, special, each, 10 Large size Lamp Burners, special price, each, 5 Blaek Enameled Knobs, for covers. V2 dozen for 5? Egg Whips, priced very special for this sale at 4$ vnTTR-COAT ENAMELED WARE IN THE BLUE AND WHITE LINED. 85c Dish Pans, 17-quart, for 49c 1 75c Dish Pan, 14-quart, only 49 1 65c Sauce Kettle, 6-quart, at 49 fire Sauce Pan' 6-ouart, only 49c 60c Covered Sauce Pans, for 4975c Coffee Pot. 3-quart, for 49 THREE SPECIALS IN DECORATED SEMIPORCELAIN DINNER SETS. 42-piece sets, blue dec- CO Qe42-piece set, white and fi9 OC 1 50-pc Aus China, dec- CC OC oration, gold line, only $.00 (gold decoration, at only pO.OO orated pink, gold line pO.O r i i i WORK TO TAKE TIME HI.JX-TR1FICATIOV OK MOCXT HOOD LIE MAY BE SLOW. l'rrloal Joelyn &mj That Opera tion Are fwh Thai They . Cannot Re Rnhed. That It may tak. wnrtl month, to KM th. Mount Hood lln lctrlftl waa the tatTnnt mad. by Pr1dcnt Jo. lyn jrtrday. when npaklnK of th. Un bring mail, for th. tranform tion of th prMnt iam railroad run ij.p ! th Sandy River. -That thwe may be no ml.under tandinr." ld Mr. Joaielyn. " to when we ehall h ble to run electric ar upon the Mount Hood line. I will xay that w. re compelled to provide tranformer for the redurtlon of the current produced at th. Mount Hood power houae. no It ran be used In th. running- of car. This 1. going- to taka considerable time, aa thae transform ing station, cannot b. built quickly. Nor can w. furnish all th power re quired from th Oregon Water Power line. -It Is our Intention to develop this property to th. full satisfaction, w. be lieve, of th. p.ople along the route. We are desirous of glvlns; vryon. out th.r. th. ry heat senrlce commen surate with th. situation. It will tak. us soma time to complete the Mount Hood power hou. whll. the reservoir up on top of th. MM nearby Is by no means finished. Th. men at present are enaaaed In rip-rapping the em bankments with crushed rock. As soon as that Is finished we will see It the water can be turned Into th. reservoir. It will tak. tim to tt th. reservoir. I am anxious that th. people shall understand that, whllo wo are going to push the work along with all the speed possible, still the electrification of trains depends entirely upon the com pletion of th. power-house work, the date, of which Is by no means certain. The plans for train operation hav. not yet been worked out. as It will take tlm for lb train officials to compute the data necessary for th. most expedi tious form of operation." SUFFRAGE JAG DAY SET "Votes for Women" Cards Will lie Sold April S. Candldatea for political offices will be Invited to wear a necklace of "Votes for Women" tags, which are to be sold April 6. That day was designated aa tag day In Portland for equal suf fragists, upon a motion passed at a business meeting of the College Equal Suffrage League, held In tb. Selling Building yesterday. Representatives of all the suffrage organisations will scatter over the city, selling tags for 10 cents each. Mrs. Sarah Bard F. Ehrgott returned yesterday from a compalgn througout Umatilla County, where she met great success. In Pendleton, in company with three other women and Judge Stephen A. Lowell, she held a street meeting Saturday afternoon. IS JIEX TARES IX OVERXAXD CLUB RAID HELD AS VAGRANTS. Dercni-e Object to New Charge and Policemen Dissatisfied Because City Will Xot Prosecute. -Refusal of the City Attorney to Issue complaints against the managers and frequenters of the Overland Club, raid ed last week by the police, and the transfer of the cases to the state dock et under vagrancy charges, was made an Issue In Municipal Court yesterday when the cases came up for trial. The policemen who made the arrests are dissatisfied with the status of the pros ecution, while the attorney for the de fense and the Judge both criticised the practice of' making arrests on one charge and then changing It to an other. When booked at the desk, three of the defendants, including J. A. Mc Cleary, were charged with running a disorderly house, and six others were held for visiting such a place. Deputy City Attorney Sullivap Informed the officers that he could not issue com plaints on these charges, as no ordi nance covers the facts stated. The District Attorney then filed vagrancy charges, under the clause which names as a vagrant anyone who indulges in riotous or disorderly conduct. He asked for time to prepare the case, and was given until today. The Overtand Club, in the Common wealth building. Sixth and Ankeny streets, has been under surveillance for a long time, as a place where city ordi nances are evaded, by the masquerade under the form of a private club. Some weeks ago McCleary was arrested for selling liquor without a license, but re ceived a suspended sentence because, as the court was Informed, other clubs were selling liquor also. PILES Cl KhJU IX TO 14 DATS, tour dnirtui win rerun money If Paa oint ment ? to cure any caee of Itchlnc. Blln bittlUn. fnimuUiK Flies la le 14 days. Bin, Successful Growth After all is said and done, the most practical proof of a tac eessful financial institution is its steady growth. This bank, ever 6ince it opened for business, 19 years ago, has enjoyed a most satisfactory growth, especially in the past iwo years, daring which, time its deposits have doubled in amount. We cordially place our facilities at your disposal. Accounts subject to check aro received and 4 per cent interest paid on savings. "A Conservative Custodian."' Hibernia Savings Bank Second and Washington S' Open Saturday Evenings, 6 to 8