i . I ...... . v . t w I REAT. ESTATE. I . f ! : I TV,. Rirds. IT. Block. J 1 . . ' I T.. K.lrr. ror wit.mfc I rws this kk food? rn 1 -room t. o.i an trcn ,viIn Ik. lo.Oi ! n 'homi. an., la caIy worth 12 0". i . i.l I. r,-mm in - it it ti; you itiout tht p'ac. it -r mut .. and tht la aarrlflc. flow tn handiM Uiia. -raJiaU A -liV. J. K. HENDERSON LA CASA LOMA. (Th Uouea on tha lilll Thu la a T.rwom. West Side. Anderson bungalow and Includes everything thai la rn'recl and useful In burgalow building -nth a grand .lew of mounm". city and river in'l is 'undoubtedly the moat alghtly and artistic bungalow In Portland. Take Council Crest car to Council t rest onve. walk threa blocks east to Chshalem and Ml Adama drive or prion Mam 0 or A 41 for aopuiulmanL R ESTR1CTKD DISTRICT. F.ne h'nir. 7 rooms, lot -qxleO. parking 11 feet, a I pa'd. lawn, cement block rlil'n n and fireplace, roof green, hou while, cl.gant hardwood tutor. 7-foot buffet, bev eled plate glass door. I Trench mirrors, large work pantry and sink. fin b--merit furna-e. large room, sleeping porch. Tms is north .....; mill sell It quick up (l.nil. Phone owner forenoon. Mam I . . A WHOLE DUH'K lMI'l)l. .'.roo.n house fruit tree, chicken run, e.erlookmg Reed in-.tiute. I l.'.n imivv, balance pivih'r iit'.nihle to -'i:t. IM.UR E. KK.X-r.V A CMI-VNY. J.t floor I'hi'nh" ef I m rnere lWu-THIBUS jcre and new 3-room B.iie". t e rtda. minutra ffra I'oatoffice. rurnni water r'P'd to tracf. to.d waika t na'ln. beaun.'ul view of Tua atln Vai e . lrt.K: l"o down. Jt er monta. PROVtlir.NT mi St COMPANY, i-vl U . rd or I rada H d(. AlArhall 4 T i. A loji fK.l UAToK-. r.n!'t. I tn. rk. 4 ro..n n'Ji li.uie and .e,t thm nail ha i i. ! 1J P-r on evel .li" I.o.l :il rerinl m .i . pi I A iiow n y. i hc fin I1 e l-'ovrrow. :"; I. 4l l.utlib r K& J K INT"N Nr r-om i-. modern; a bargain. I'O'iMr. tSorouch Mat. i-v..-. baa: M:r. it.OVfcrtl.ASLf ACRES. C r. bJIITil & i-ON. .t KY LXCHASOt fwr M.le Hlrelneww rreperlj. 4lll A I' A It r M 1 N r Ke. Mirk't a're.t. n'tf lrh, We.t M.I-. t-oni f..l . ntolnin prop, rty h. 'd l--r 4" fiortt f.ii 7-ro-"Ti hone. r'l r.ntiti-m. rht'iiri wo'l l."H or To.r -;i:.! IU..'ilN BiHtR far pale Arreagf. rAKM.- A.l A"li-V'iK K.i; SALE A.NU i ii .m;k. ".1.1 Jrffi. M:ertolL I V4 Klor.jke. IJT a. Miak'u. --re. I.a lirenlr. .m acre.. f:k.tne. i'i acre. Hitllle. .t." arr. SIrni. vi acre. raiem. 4' arrej. New belt. 7"t arre. ewler. I., acre.. Lonal l. 17 trrti. B'.rfn. M acre.. Tualatin. .V a-"re.. Tu'atm. 2'i acre. Tua:attn ! rrr. TtiAlatir. I.; acre.. Tua:aiui. Vi acre.. Tira'atm. 7 41 acrea. TuaLitin. 1 acre. 1 uaiatin . :: acraa. Tiaard. jo acre. TlKard. '.'A a.-re.. T'iard. irrri. T'saru 7 IH a-re. T'tard. T'i are.. Tiiiird. 7 ! acre., Ti.-ard. v 111 acrea. T: card. I acre. Tlrd. rj', acre.. Ilurham. irrri. i.reenl.em. acre, lireenberj. I a re. .vteljrer. lo .tp. Alt H-od K'ectric. 1 I acre? ( iw i-pjo. .-UITH A rllKKI.ER. SZ'l t 'li.roli.T of I 'oni uicrce. fhona Main ..'t. TEN ACRES. '-"" CASH. The finest l acres m the rouotry f-r tt:e money; just I'n miles from aerr; all adrd to rioter and lr . haul ara.s ftr the ait si jrars and has neer heen cut. so the soil i well niulrh-d and one . r.p of .iki.Is will p for the Und. Its meal for fruits of all kinds, and SarCen Irurh. free from rock or zrivel and Is ery fine rlay loam If ou are looklrk for some i; ir-i for a home and a "mone -n.ih.-.-. t'.1 is what yioi want. ri;!'K per a-re; l.'oo f.-a-"n. ha'ance on food tertn. M. A PRTKR. L4 Ilailway Kachanse. Mil. NEWCOMER. Pefe' deciding find out aoout the lr rca'e land at West Martou. II mile southeast of ealcrn. I:, a J what nrn.i.m.ri write us. . their rea-ou. f...- .hus out else- hera and locating at West Mavton. h.-rc Irria-allon during the Iry summer insure. our crop. A sinatl payiii-nt down. balance on our ewn Irrmi at on.j w per cent. 5. 10 or more acre.. Ti-e finest investment offered. We d-oi t aa J oti i, bin. Put come In .no get orre .s.uale information free. U i 'imrltp .le, Irr-gated lnd Co.. HMi r N-Tlii i.M I'C'S it A N K. Mrs.. t of Com. UolK.. Itll and &tark. Ak for !i. Ilartog. Manager. SOME H't Al Tl1! I. M l; AT METit- .i.n. I.'wK Ti .-T.XTMN. I a re.. f:oo. i.r A acre liwo, rlearrd. beautiful. J acre., rew hou.e. frutt. etc.. 12 A'0. .' a-rea. finny lmproed. tm.lnin fine a :roia acres in eultit ailon. fine. 1130a rash. acras, aaw huuse. fine arrea. $14u. terms 3 acres, county road, running water. fl.-.t'e. trrrr. 4 acres, spring fine. lU'lt, llaie fc.Tc l4r.rr imprstnl tracts also. 1 ri fare IU'.'Kr.K 3. Lumber lli.tiinrr OR,H . KU 1 I 'H K'K K V H A N'"M In a.-fe.. all uoter cu'tivaiion. of whp-h 3 arre. are in berries, ono a- re tn grapes, one a re In app. prunes, qiiime. pears a. i.l rlirrrie. gM g-room house aro bath, hot an. I roM water. g'l barn. a:er ej s i.ti. .1 Jtnrv cows, one horse. ihi-k- n. and all farm implements. To.s pls.e is i.w siert slMln a.l mmuiM' role from lee beset of the cue on O-W. I', e trt. . priee $l..oio. Iris eash. balance terms, or will trade for nmnl city prop er!. i.RrrJHI A B'M.P. ;i rlr.sr'l ..f Trade M!. 4th and lak. A lir. ii riH I. IV-arrw tract, only mln-iitn- wa h from tha ale.-trlo station. The e Is not riiii. no rocs, or gravel, tirar . o.ioi K.KV KAi-Y THKMS. A .so U a-res of choice Un-I wnrra all of the land ad- (oiring ih.s irarf s..i. iat jear at .i" i per acra. U w lil sell von th.s I : s. re rrart at tie, per Si ft if lak-n ei'hin the ae.t ten itaia. I.-r la another rlan.lv little tract of Jn acres, ngnt cl.iea fo g -ol live loan near rirctrlc and sieam l: I;., whoh I am offering on .cry flat lermg teru.s If sold qui k. Mrp in at :'Z .ca-k ami aak for air. T-nm'.'e V fir. A -''.1.:. a Mil I II. garden spot. H famoua uak II. 1 farai. bow suucllv Uleil In lo. 3'l ao acra tract, for sale; prlca yery tn.Mlera!': i mil'- out on 4th at. Una. n w berg electrified, cloa to station! lrsre.l i4r1, under plow, land planted In f-u-t ari nuts, onion and garden rand, t.ie.l n-,i To siart things I will gli somrhotle a rara bargain. Ituy direct from me. iha owner, and gel a square deal. yM e. 3gorgan. Yamhi... treg.n. l.iniii.T. VK-T'iRH AVP ylT'-llTATOH.-t. a i, ml , f r.m.c"ourtli.oi.e. i, mile elec tric .tstio-, j. acres beautiful lancL, very easily rles-r.4. a'l plaited Int. acre tracts. Tscing on two roadei prlca I - T j per arret seP single acra S..U and li,h1. Can ou beat it H K' K Ffl 3;T Lumber Kscbang. t IIK KK.SS. I'l l K T;ijATrl. KRI IT. H KKKI -V to ! ton tracts on firegon Klecfrlc. 17 miles frorr- foriland. fr-oii to l-0 pr ac-e K-ecl w liirmin. Iturn- S.de or "7 Tt. i-i V K T. F t.cT. near ear graded streets, eleeirl.- I'S'S le'ephones. fine aotl. ergain '"r a t-natl amount of cash, ha aica mi Ms Trustee. I Hpaldliig mi'l I Atrr: s. p.ettv as you vr saw. richest soil. 7 rmles i "on rt 'ton.e. i mila elev lric .ration, fine large bearing orchsr. house. brn In road Into c:tv. $.'.. wrt liee. flecker. 17 Lumlr" Hvc.tange NKl. t..-tTT (.'Oill'El.S S ii'B 111' E lv Ideal p.ae. on Krlioig Creek M- e.nWie mu.t . pretty .-. ali"P. h': i. , s.s neighborhood AC ::. Oiegonian. o 'j j.i nrv. j I siwo ... Heaulllul 7-room bungalow, with h"'" tloseta. pantrv and (a-amcnt. piastered and new; Ihe'tiu acres Ilea almost I-'-a black loam soil, and la all Into full bearinic lu-vear-old Italian prune orchard. Iti perl c. I .ondltlon. Thla property fcs rtia mam countv road and la within 11 miles of the buainess cviitur of Fortlana and arioiil o blocks from station on trie line; an-mtnut aarvh Into lort lnd. You can have elwctrter lights, phona and all of the conveniences "f the city. In .cry thickly settled community and anwing hlgh-cliss homes; mile to high achu.il: adjoining large fruit evaporator and pricking plant. The fruit on lh ore ard till. 'r will ml not less than I wou.d make an Ideal plac to run chickens In I ho orchard. Never offered or sale before, and we gusrnntee J' a. advertised and a sacrifice I-iUv, .... cash balance to suit. . i ACKr. I- MILKS Ul T. IJo This properti I Just one block frnm sistloii on electric lit..: "K minutes Into iortluud. facing on matadamm d auto road and Tight In a line little 'own. II lies almost level. Hie soil Is very Mark and la Ileal berry land. would grow .liough potatoes I til. .-ar to pa lh" land' srl It out to strawherrlcs ami J ou jilll got anouuli berries the second year to pnv for the lund. A largo ramlly can tnkr a ood living on this little farm. You can live In loan and work the Innd: only a few minutes' ride; grew cash, bal ance early. SMITH CASBT. .o2 Cha:tner of Commerce Dtdg. Ihone Main -'M. .i ACRES IX TLAI.AT1N VALLEY. .Near Hi-e.lvillc: lo acres In culti vation acre I. null pasture, easily i ieareo: 4 a. res g.v.l titnlier: black san.lv loam soil, f.ne for potatoes, onions, all kinds of vegetables and sn all' fiulls. surrounded by farms prir. d at -'!" per acre and up. hurch. siore. a. hool. K. F. I and Phone. Y'ou can buv this for l-T .o. .jhi cash. .". veais to pay the bal ance. Las to sec IMe. lit acr. s Iriving distance to Tort, land partially cleared and readv for plow: small shack, barn and well- five minutes' walk to station on raiem n.ectric: price --"; very easy terms AKF CHICK KN RANCH All m . ul t iv a t .on : a minute wa.k ' to car driving distance to I'ortlnnd. price tl4op, very easy terms. At.VilRfv c r.K III NTKR CO.. !-S!1 Hoard of Trade. AN lirrtlKTlMTY KOK I1PHO. .-, acre, about 10 milea out and ....v h blocka from the car station i A cent round trys fare. -acres nr. ler cultivation, balance second growrtl. At'so'utely no r.H k or grav el: soil Is fine sandv loam soil and cannot be benten f'T fruit or gar denit.f : Ilea high an.l drv and wo.tld make daj.de chicken ranch. Prlca ti.s.; rash balani-e your own terms If . liRYKR. "THU Ai'ltKV.iK MAN." Vol RaMwai r'.E.-hai.ge building. Mark between od and 4th fts. BY OWNER. PftT .VLACRE FARM l.V ORF.OOV ,o acrea. all In eultlvstlon. level, black, sandv. gravelly loam, i'4 acrea In Italian prunes early potatoes planted and aeed pot.itoca on hand for 12 acres; 12 acres In wheat and oats: fine 7-room bouse with big porch all around, big barn, windmill, garage, and other buildings; water piped lo house, barn and garden; fine family "chard. ni e Jersey cow. team worth 4.n. 3 brood anas. e.V chickens, turkeys, wagon, ha. k. buggy, tools, etc.; grsm snd hay. all ii for fimi per acre: aorns terms, one mile from West Stayton. 13 rntlea from I-a. em. Address H. Graham. Aumavlile. Or., owner. Phoue 243-3 Auma vi ile. FIVE ACRES. ONLY :.'. All under cultivation; no rocks or stumps: excellent fruit and berry land: i.M-ated between two of Hie most pros perous towns In ihe Willamciio Valley, near electric and S. P. depots, schools, churches and atores and not far from Portland: terms to sun: Immediate pos session gli en; an adjoining A acres to be bid at same price: ask for Mr. Magell. Northwestern Association. UH7 bpulding bldg. VERY ATTRM'TIVE ACRE. ll Minutes Hide .o Carlinel. All under cultivation, nearlv level and romrnands bcatillfui view; it contains over full filo p. is and tan be bought for s.i; in per cent cash. ll per month; will make a beautiful home. Inquire SHAW ac LOCKE. Main Slim. A 4l.V "3 th St.. near Onk. KIN E. LEVEL TRACT Of r.Vi acres: partlv cultivated, rest In good timber; running water; on countw road, near Portland, electric and steam line. fid down. Ili2u monthly. TACIFIC-N-W DEVELOPMENT CO.. INC. 40. t'ouch bldg. TWO A' RES. AM OS'S ACRES. Ilmcl 71,.1-rtil carfare; acres selling for 11200 each: partv needs money and will aeli his Sl'.'oti equity for fiusl caan. or will sell one of them for 9lo. I.Iihi raah to handle; biggest baigain we know of. P.. II liOi Kh INK. INC.. H and loon Wllcog bldg. Members Realty Hoard. F. llul.U HK1GHTS On Pcholls fe.rv road, a fine view prop erty for a country home, every foot of which Is good land: S-acrw tracts st $?- per acr and sold on easy monthly pay ments 'IRLANPH TRUST COMPANY. " Spalding Bl.lg. CHI-KEN A.l KR1IT RANCH near Portland: a ,KW srl'.DIVIolON. Lowest prices, best soil, line view; wood, water ..d ros.ls: a res. I too per tract; 10-A-. -..HI- 20 A-. v-Ht: 4.1 A.. 1HI; 80 X, f.s.n'i lao A.. el,fcotl: liberal terma r'llANK M FAIil.ANH REALTY CO.. ;ioa Yeon lll-lg.. Portland. Or. . ACRES OK. FINE As A R KEN LAND .Ml In cultivation: nsrPortland. trans portation, schools, spring water. 175 cosh, llo monthly. PACIFIC N-W PKVUII'HE.ST CO.. INC 4iif Couch bldg 4.. MINI TUrl' ride to ! acrrs. with good Improvements, some stock and Implements, at tjuatama htntlon. i-ireg-.n Electric; commutation rates: ideal l.x-atton. Call at house or ou owner. Pl'.t 1I1 am tier of Commerce. 10 A M o P. M Kl IH'IVIHIMi PROPOSITION o or 4". acres, a miles from Courthouse, countv roa I on two sides; cheap If taken at once; gloisl will handle For particu lars ace Zimmerman. 310 Hoard of Trade l.lilg e'A FOR 1 acre, near the hot springs, with new house and improvements: write for full particulars before tt Is too late. Ad.lrees Jaa. R. Taylor, owner. Carson. Wash. ACRES AC It ITS ACRES. Acre tracts ail it In fruit treea. S e.ra old; fine locstinn. good roads, o vein carfare; price gs.ni per acre, terms If) per cent cah. bnlnnce 2 er lent p-r month rto7 Aeon bl.lg. A.k for Mr. Ltlesa. a Ai'llcJ-S Southwest frnn Hood Rwer. In 3 and Jl aar-o d lomm-relal apples, with water right: '-"U feet from new brick hlgk s h0.1L Would trade for city property. Wood awn 1 -Ha. O. S.. 4.'4 Wyganl. 7w ACKEri. Joining Riverview Ktatlon on Ksiacada carltoe. half of It cleared and faucet Worth a'., will sacrifice for l ii if sold at once. Owner. Marshsll 101, morning", or A r we., urriunnn. I "Bit. 1 A' lli. all under cu.tlvatlon. new barn, good wat.r supply: o. K. N. on one a.-le and O. AC P. on another; f4-"i an a.re easy terms. Call Kael SUIT after 6 P l ii ACI.ES lngli.y improved, only a7. per acre. 1 mips from center of Portland; estremely easy terms. J. F. Compton, 1U0 At.lngton bldg. '7iil EyllTl' In choice, level, cultivated W-axre tract, on Salem Electrlo R- R., will sacrlflcw fur a quick sale: no agents. AV 11-. Oregonlan. yl'AKTKH-Al'RK TRACTS. 1 10 monlh. lo per cent cash. .V' fare, on rfline: best on Ihe market. I'urse A Co.. v Chamber of commerce. 1. X AND ( acre traeta. oloee to Pertuaaa. 1 ta a blocks fcom electrlo carl In a, to 4O0 per acre, easy terms. J W. slel ferlla Hea'ty Co. ti Cor belt blag. Half mile east of Hoethe siatlon, Ore gon City isrline. Address W. L. Stark weather. Mllaaukle. or. route 1. 1 AND atrea rleare.l. - blocks from Ore gon Cur varllne. Oak Grove; leims. toj 1 ,eo.t o.ns AvREAGE and fsrms. larse and small .-arte Call Kinney A etampfar. Ul-1 Lum bey Esc h ange bid g. 400 ACHES. clo tn. sale or trade. Hubert A. Miller. aa3 v orcester bidg rv. (iLOVKRLAVO ACRES. C r. t-MITH A fON 210 RY. F.XCHANOtg. N 1 N 1: a- r.s near c lv llrnlls. east, price f.Vee, terms. AP V2, oiegonian. THE MOnXINO 1 '" ' " ..fir I HELP WANTED M A LE- : a . ,. f Kinrn-IUL ESUA 1 OIv SALE. . I . i am inc. . vnii want to see If you are looking for acreage form on investment standpoint or for a homo site. I have some real bar gains, and If you will phone or call on me I can demonstrate fully that they are genuine nai; make me prove It. Phone Main I"1. A 'J'Sin. Mr. Arnold, with llart man A Thompson. Chamber of Commerce. ANY part or all of 4"-acr cultivated su burban tract, only tiiD per acre. Leet. unKuninii on. a ear wale Huslnewe Property. HOLLIDAY ADDITION A choice half blink, loogjoo, with large house on one erd; close to Broadway and I nlon ave . for $l.'..ui). It la the beat buy In this district; must be sold: full particulars may be obtain ed at 414 c' paldlng bl'lg. Irrigated Ind. 61 A' liES. $:! per acre; eaat of I cscll.utcs. Hilton H. White. HOS Henry bldg. For Sale fruit Lands. ROSEH1 -RtJ OHl'HAKI) ri.NAP. S.Vacre orchard. 1 '-, miles from Rose burg at Edenbower. 1J acre In full hear ing trees aa follows: 3 acres peaches. 8 acres apples. 2 acres walnuts. 1'J acres garden. This place Is located on the 1 mp. ma River and adjoins other orchards which have heen sold from I7" to HI an Here. Price of this orchard. gt'.Min; 1.1 rash, hplance terms, or will take In a lllotkl unincumbered bungnlow. ortrssi a bulks. nis Hoard of Trade bl.lg . 4ih and Oak. 60 AND 110 acrea. cleared, first-class fruit land, on countv ro.id. V'i miles to sta tion, down hill: hawt fruit and walnut land In the state; magnificent view In Yamhill County, near Cove orchard: I have too much land: you can have It cheap. Address Owner. X HI". Oregonlsn. KK1 IT and farm land, near Estacads. to suit purchaser. Prlca and terma reason able. If you want a bargain, see me ti I4. Oregonlsn. - ' 5ke OLOVERLAND ACREA i C F. fklTlltfUN'. 210 BY EXCHANQg. WHITK HAI.MO.V fruit land. Call Wood lawn list or C 1777. 5 ORl"-acre apple orchard; trees i years old, a miles from Newt-erg, rhone, A nils. tor al tarroa. ACREAOE. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED; LARUE AMU SMALL TRACTS AT VERT LOW PP.ICErl AND ON MOST CONVEN IENT TERMS OF PAYMENT. IT WILL PAY VOL- TO rEE ME BE FORE YOU FLY ACREAGE; OR FARMS. I OWN THE PROPERTIES THAT 1 CF FEP. FOR SALE. J. O. BLROD. M CORBET! BUILDING. IO. ACRE bl BURBAN FARM. Located close to Portland, on fine man and close 10 electric line. Unusually fine, soil, all In cultivation, all kinds of berries grapes and fruit trees: good house and barn, and one of the sigh I Heat plsces to be found, close to schools, churches. Btorvs. etc.; dallv mall, telephone if wanted; fine sprfng: .1" minutes' rldo from Port land. It Is imjiosslble to find a better lii-aere farm than this. Owner Is getting old and must quit work. No debts against place. Good title and abstract. Cash price I41SM1. will give terms. Would arccpt a good small house In Portland up to tJ.M'O. but must be good. I will be glad to talk lo any Interested party, who wants such a place. If you want somethlnij rood. II Is your opportunity. J. E. Smttti, M:l Chamber Commerce. SANDY ROAD AND l'0 KEET ON COLUMBIA RIVER. Ten miles from Portland: about 40 acrea In cultivation: soil none better In the Vslley: house and barn, good spring: alectric car will pass In front of this jilaee. Thla property can he purchased at a ery low figure and on very easy terms. Call or write. JOHN DICK. 6tU Union ave. North. FOR SALE On very reasonable terms: Im proved alfalfa farm on Columbia River In Southern AA'ashlngton. where 4 and 6 crops of alfalfa are raised every year averaging 8 to 10 tons nor acre. Close to model creamery, splendid public schools and msrkrt. Best transportation facilities. 1! passenger trains dally. Will give spe cial inducements to dairyman or hog raiser. provldod with some livestock. Write at once to P. O. B 2170, Spo- kane. Wash. 1H AN .CUE. 30 MILES OF PORTLAND. liiO acres of good land with live acres cleared, fairly good house an.l barn, young orchard: every! Uing considered, this Is the best bargain in elielip land to be found near Portland and will soon sell for an "'j M FRr.NrH A Co.. 412-413 Ahington H I d g. . HNi t- Third St. ONLY 4"240 A splendid Oeorgla farm home. Earns mote each year than the total cost. Cultivation without attention of owner If preferred, or convertible at your option. Absolute safety guaranteed. Bank rrferenrce ana trust cstiip. Write for photographs. Quick action neoeasary. Answer Immedlstely. Geo, W. Deen. Bog 4rte. Waycross. OS. FOR SALE By owner. .HV acres: 20 In-cultivation. 3 acres Al beaverdam. two acres good swale land, some timber, orchard, small fruit, etc.; house, bam. new nnlon hnuse and other buildings, two wells and spring, telephone, rural mall and milk route, li mile to R. II.. 2 miles b. W. of llilishoro. Washington County: price I'mumi; terms J. N. Miller. IHllsboro. Or. GOOD DAIRY FARM, only ty mile from town. In Linn County; 12 acres. 6.1 In cultivation, balance In pasture, black soil, 3- room house, large barn, all new: young orchard, horse, rows and all Implements, and only Hi per acre: terms: this Is a bargain ORECON FARM REALTY CO.. ihjk McKsy Hldg. Portland. 3a A'RES. 14 miles southwest of Portland. 4 from Oregon Cits, one to Willamette. Now here Is as goil a farm as ou can find atij where, all under cultivation. Oood set of buildings. I.'ioo worth of machinery goes with place. Is a forced sa'e and W'lll take r"i. t cash. Particulars at sir. Miller's office. 2J3 Hoard of Trade. P. M. FOli A FBW DAYS O N L Y. $1700. 411 acres, near Oregon Clt. on county road; running water, good house and barn, a arris In cultivation. 12. acres s. ashed, some onion land, some furniture and implements; vourg orchard and all k.nda of berries; S4'K) rash, balance to suit, call 2" McKay bldg. Al.oVFLY little farm near city and ela tion: about ft or HI acres, as warned; po tato, celerv. garden and fruit land; young orrhaf d ; berries, small grove; well, spring, preitv new bungalow and bam: price low; g.iHi to IM.Mi down: long time on balance. y l. Shell. 4 in Luml-er Kuchange bl.lg. OTHER GOiiD ONE. 13i-aere dairy and grain farm, good bulMlngs, close to a town In the celebrated Santtam Valley; f.noa; terms; all stock and machlnerv goes with place. Oregon Farm Realty Co., 40s McKay bldg., I'orilsn.r YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SAI.K. lavrg.r and small tracts. suitable for general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops. dairtig etc.: about 40 miles southwest "of Portland. Or. Call or write for price list. w. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. XR 8ALK 10 acres A-l land, under culti vation, level, rich, borders county road. 1 mile trolley. 3 miles ilillaboro; best bargain AA'ashlngton County. 1 P. HEWITT. I5 Oregonlsn Bldg. SANTIAM lilA'ER BOTTOM LANDS. The leading potato and hop canter of the valley; all classes of realty at rea s .nable prices. The b'sntlam Real Ea tste Co.. JefTerson. Or. W A N T E Li Msn with enough money to de velop lO-acre fruit ranch at Koseburg. You can put all your enoney Into Improve menta ana pay for the land In labor. Room 12. Commercial Club hldg. 73 ACHES, by owner. 3 miles enst of Ors gon City, on county road; 25 seres In cultivation, some good timber and sell all or In small tracts; rart cash. IL C. Kan ton. 35 N.4th.Pvirtland, or. CANADA farm for sale or trade; lrtO acres, unproved, well settled and beat grain section. Alr-ena; will aacrlflce for l-SJ.ou. AM WIT. oregonlan. ' CENTRAL ALBERTA FARM LANDS. gli per acre. Write for literature. C K A FTS. LEE 4V O AI.I.I.NGkllL tdmoB ton. Alberta. LINCOLN COUNTY Dairy, atock raaehea. timber and fruit land. $10 up. grass grows year round- Come and see- R. N. AN old place with good land, bearing or chard SO acres in estivation. 00 more can be cultivated, fulr buildings, near allies. IJert0. James Buller. Miles. Or. vfl l,arge or small tracts, close to Yoriisnd. from 120 to 40 per acre. X13 t.Um ocrroco " ' '. "RANCH acres, with buildings. IS miles from Prrtland. near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner 182 Morrison at. tao acres Linn countv. s.A cultivated, flna rrtrk. o". Vf Railway Exchange IS t.'UK Kino Ba. Meglco land. A. M. Hichhouse. vst Chamber Commerce la g. QREGOXIAS. WEDNESDAY, HAS 500 YOUXO CHICKS. While most states arc still snowbound, one Los Mollt.os farmer has .Vn youns chicks. and others have from a few hatch ings to several hundred. ...... Plenty of green stuff and bright sun shine; no more damn or cold this Spring. A warm gravel or aandy loam aotl. Ideal for poultry. . Hons lay best In "Winter months when prices arc highest. Ei;g seldom below- a cents. Stiong drmund for friers and broilers. Hood field for breeder of pure strain. No vermin nests. You can raise Ua pec cent of each hatching. Fine alfalfa soil. A silt loam 20 feet deep underlaid with loose water-bearing gra el. Gravity Irrigation. Twice as much water ss you can ue enough. Including; rainfall, to cover land tl:t Inchea deep. Cheap maintenance charge. Alfalla ten tons per acre now worth 'you can sell It loose In advance to the alfalfa meal mill. You can get rich raising hog. Acre elfaita supports 10 to 15 head. one cow and half a d.n.n hogs for each acre make most profitable comblna- U"n will pay you l.V an acre a year. You can get a quick start. Iili.it puts you In possession of fine -w-acre. tract. No second payment for two years. Eight years to pay out. Good crop first year. Land easily pays for Itself In 3 years. Less than 20PO acrea left. Cnoloe tracts going every day 0U to !MH acres sold every week. Don't delay. .... If you live In Portland or vicinity call todav on II. O. Terry. fM4 Yeon bids Others write to LOS VOL1NOS LAND COMPANY. I, oe Molinos. California. NO CASH PAYMENT REQUIRED. Ave offer to a limited number of REAL FARMERS immediate pos session of the best alfalfa and fruit laud in toe Twin Falls country. Idaho. ' Price onlv n to 75 per acre, including perpetual water rlgliL We only require that purchasers IMPROVE THE LAND and L1V8 UPON IT. and pay the yearly ca nal maintenance charge of about :t5 per cent an acre, and the annual ps.ment on water contract of about U it) per acre. NO CASH TO IS NOW: OUR EWUITY PAYABLE AFTER FIA b. KAR8. The water is ready. The land Is the best; fine climate; excellent schools; no malaria. Write quickly for particulars 10 HILL BROTHERS COMPANY. Room Sua. 4.A4 California street, ban Francisco, Cat. FOR .SALE' Farm lands In famous Join; Kav A'allev. uregon; 1120 acres 01 Illi-aO per acre, with water rights and abundance of water; house, barn and fine orchards; tl milea from railroad; mild climate. Address AV. J. Hughes. Prairie City, Or. TO r.XCHANOK. FAIR T HAKES. $2eoi. Itwixlno lot, with small house; want roopilng-housc or hotel. siiuuu Downtown rooming - hoi tL: A-l proposition; want city property or acroace and some cash or mortgage. IL.oli bu-acre Irrigated farm; want a business of anv kind. 12'ai KOOMING-HOUSE for city lot and some cash. Will take 2 or 3 acres within 10 miles of Portland ss part pay on fine, 20-ROOM HOOMlNti-liOUtE; el5"0 cash, acreage up to I HUH. O. C. R. F.I.LIS 4 CO.. n0-51t Wllrog bldg. 3,vi0 CLEAR l" acres. 20 acres cleared, with $loiit worth of improvements, bal ance wheat land, for city vacant lots or house. Sa.l.Ono apartment house; Income $2.0 a month; leased; will trade equity for citv propertv or cloe acreage. elti.otio ranch. 213 acres highly culti vated, with rirst-class Improvements, to trade for city Income; will pay J2&.0OU cash. SEE M"t HARROLT. liar. 42". A. J. DETSCH CO. A 1009 M Chamber of Commerce. WANT AUTOMOBILE IN EXCHANGE. The finest Ul acres In Chohaletn Moun tain Orchards: Joins the station, at Hex on Yamhill division Southern Pacific; IS acres in 2-year-old commercial apples, to be cared for .". jears by reliable company; price lti7aO: $-U..'o cash, balance easy term, at 5 ier cent. This is real value. Will lake a cood country road automobile up to II2IXI. AK P2N. Oregonlnn. " HA K E RY AND CONFECTIONERY. If you have good income property or good farm and want a goon paying busi ness and one that w ilt net . you IH.'.OO per month clear, we can trade you a good confectionery and bakery at the right price, $32.sl. URUSSI BOLDS. ;;i Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. HOUSE and lot for business. 2 acres at Heaverton for team. P0 A.. Linn Co.. Imp., for house and lol. Rooming-house for acreage or lots. IO acres for auto, what have you. And hundreds of other good proposi tions. GARLAND A CO.. 101 4th St. PLUMBERS. If von are lit the market for a home and want to get in touch with a lot of work answer this ad. quickly. AG 02;. Oregulllan. GOODNAUGH Hil l. ACREAGE. Will ell or trade Hio-acre tract on the famous Goodnaugh Hill for rash or good Income property, no inflated values con sidered. GRUSSI A BOLL'S. 31 Board of Trede bldg.. 4th and Oak. TIMBER LAND AND LOT. Will trade 40 acres good timber land anil city lot for a house and lot on East i-l.le. GRUSSI 4 HOLDS. 3 IS Board of Trade bldg. 41h and Oak. WANT 2" T.J 4o ACRKS. Good Valley land. In exchange for r acrea level land in central Oregon, free of incumbrance. B. S. COOK t! CO.. eysA Corbett bldg. WHAT have you to trade aa a first pay ment on a fine half aero homeslte? AG 'J2. Oregonian. FINK 71 -sera fsrm In Washington County; price 3oOO: will exchange my equity of $2,111.1 for roomlng-hotise. 7-passenger auto or soma good business. What have yeur Call tinH Swetland bldg. fwANT A general m daa. stock from $10,000 to IMHU'O In exchange for lands in Eastern o- Southern Oregon. -P. J. Boeder. 10U Sherlock bldg. iTrTfl Eyl'ITY' in fine li-t.'re tract, on Salem Electric, for sale or trade for Portland residence properly. AV 111. Ore gniilau all-ACRE farin. near Tillamook, rich land, lo exchange for unproved Portland prop erty, value flJ.OOO. Home. IS I0I4, East ;o". $22. EQUITY in quaiter section 12. town ship. 7. range ss. E. W. M.. for city prop- . . . . 1 - 1, ' , J nrninwil.n LARGE paying buslneas. light work, no ex perience or running exponas. J. D. Mor ris. o7 Yeon. Hill SE. 5 rooms, good location; will take $Hnn In trade, balance terms. Hilton H. White. ::iit Hewey bldg. t l.u.si 7 rooms, modem, AuxluO: s cash or exchange, balance long time; hard surface street bonded. Owner. P27 Grand ave. N. VICTOR graphaphone: will trade for 2 good trunks or violin: value $30. Mrs. Sulli van. Columbus Ldy..3oih and Alder. fTir'saLE Equity In fine Eastmoreland lot; will take good piano as part pay ment. 4i) Vancouver ave. 110 IIOO EQUITY In $15.(VW hotel; will ex change for land or Portland property. AK V'-A, trregoniaii. WILL trade good planing milt, doing f"od business, for renl estate. Oregon or Call fornia AJ P-'H. Oregonian. Wl I L exchange equity in Council Crest lot for merchandise. AD 2H. Oregonian. to ACRES, well Improved, goni buildings, . 30 cultivated; will trade. C lii:.. stock. What have youT At P-4. Oregonian. WANIED TO KF.XT FARMS. WANT to lease for term of 3 to years. 20 lo 100 acres of land within A radiua of ft or miles of Portland. WATSON A THERKKLSEM CO.. 3 Spalding BMg.Maln J FOR RENT FARMS. 7.-i ACRES. Linn Couno. 0 cultivated, one third rrJBawayfccinge. 14 ACRES, rich soil, on shares. B. Ha;c msnn. t, mile S. E. Milwaukla MARCIT 37. 1912. WANTED. A'c have buvcrs now waiting for desira- ble modern cottages and bungalows on a .... . in Tlau-rhorne snd Sunnvslde ' district that can be bought for $tO0 to S2U0 down, balance in monthly payments. Submit your properties for Immediate In spection and approval. DORR K. KEASEY & CO.. . ad floor Chamber of Commerce. A MODERN HOME on East Side, value I4O00 to ftOOO. WIH K've as payment new, modern home on Willamette River, 10 miles from city, on Oregon City Elec tric; beautiful view site. AH 006, Ore gonian. WANTED Acreage on the Willamette or Columbia Rivers; must have house, barn and landing place for boat and not to ex ceed $4500 for a ts-room unincumbered Portland home of same value. See Miller & cox.':s Yeon bldg. Marshall 830. "WANT' unincumbered $30(10 residence; give SO acres: buildings, improvements, stream: Investigate Immediately; no agents. Own er. lOlO Grand. North. WANTED Lot. vicinity East 240i St., be tween Ankeny and Sandy road: state cash price and exact location. X 927, Orego nian. 10 ACRES fruit land at Mosier. Or., ready to cultivate, free of encumbrances, to trade with some casll lor moaern o-ruom ouh- . galow. o 92 8. Oregonian. .-e. . . - " I. . - - e-iClOA Tevltie- .' YVAAlCi-l lOT C3I. . lia.Ulliri C-n"r, ,.--n ton home and $10.10 home that is not far out and handy to car. M. II. Calef.. 2ti2 Stark St.. from II till 1. Res. B :t42. 6-KOOM bungalow; good neighborhood : will pay $100 rati., halunee $15 or $20 per month. Address X H20, Oregonian. BEB GLOVER LAND ACRES. C. F. SMITH & SON. 210 RY. EXCHANGE, .FOR BA1.B TIMT4KB LAN" SEVKTEF,N million feet of timber, Douk 1ns County, cruised by reliable cruiser: price :n cents per thous'andffect. Inquire of owner, 422 Aington bldg. Phone Main T7tl. FOR SAUE bv owner, three sections of tim ber land 3b miles from tidewater In houthwentern Washington. J. H. Bauer. Walla Walla. Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CHACKEK. 804 McKay Bldg. WE bu. selj. cruise and estimate timber. SCHMAl'l.'H & KLINGE. 205 McKay Bldg. SEE GLOVERLAND ACRES. C. K. SMITH A SON. 210 RY. EXCHANGE. EARMS WAJCTEP. DESIRABLE families located free on best land in Central Oregon. Writ Hampton A'alley Development Assn., Hampton. Or. FOR SALE. ftanae. Organs and Mnslcal Instromeaiss- ROSE CITY ST A B L ES. 15th and Alder sis. If you are. in the market for horses or niarea of any description, .come and sec our last shil'menl from Southern Oregon. A'e have some good mares, weighing from lntio to Jo.Ml pounds, suitable for the farm or breeding purposes: prices as "low aa i;.i each; several well-mated teams, all slses. AA'e also have a car of large mares and geldings at Ladd's farm. Automobile leaves our barn each afternoon. Come and see us befoH. buying, as our slock and price are sure to please you, besides we know- you will appreciate our way of do ing business, as w e allow you one week's free trial on all horses porchased from us. In this way you know Just what you are getting before jou are out any money. ROSE CITY STA BLKS, .".O.i Alder St. TEAM brown mare and gelding, weight 2200. good workers, new harness and wagon; $2ts: with guarantee as represented. 334 Front st.. corner Market. Team of geldings. 2400, true to pull; price 2"V. Hlg n-.are in foal, price to suit purchaser, with any kind of guarantee you want. 334 Front, corner Market. Stall for rent; wagon with toi, $25; 2 seated surrey. $40. :34 Front. M ARES HORSES MARES. Sorrel team, ti and 7. weight 2700. new farm harness, $345! gray and black. 7 and s, I.M0; sorrel mare and sorrel gelding. 0 and 10. weight 2400. new farm harness and wairon. 1IN0; cheap farm team, $3i. PETKHSON RANCH HORSES, 410 East Morrison. HAVE a team weighing 24110 pounds, well mated, fat. good workers, single and dou ble have replaced with heavier team and must sell at once; price, with pew breechen harness. $i:tr: one week's free trial allowed. Call for Mr. Naah at Rose t il Stables. 50" Alder. FOR SALE 45 head of horses, just arrived, draught and delivery, young and Bound; also cheap ranch stuff; $175 to $ni) a span: weiyh from HIUO to Ittotl; guaran tee as i represent them from Ihe cheap est. Inquire i.51 2d. Dili Suetter. Mar. 1412. ' JO HEAD of horses, some mares, several cheap wbrk tanis and gonetal purpose horses from $40 up: come and see them work and make an offer; also three heavy wagons and live se-ta of harness. At cor- - tier East Madison, 12th St. Inquire at house in park. ' " ' BARGA1 N. Span of horses, black and white, weight S4IIO pounds, absolutely true pullers and .cry fast walkers. $2rW takes them with harness. 247 East 12th sL. one block north of Hawthorne ave. TEAMS WANTED. 20 teams for H. K. scraper work. :5 month and found. Free transportation from Portland. 1IANLEY EMPLOYMENT CO. 2Si; North Second. Main. 727. A 2200. r..i.oo, w.., ..... . . . . We sill! have a few high-grade, fully guaranteed pianos for sale at factory prices; it will pay you to Investigate. Call alJ2stst;iiearPlne; ' Son HEAD range horses, unbroken: geldings sges :. 4 and 5 years; weight OoO to ljotl pounds. Readv for delivery May la. for further particulars apply Arthur G. Par sons. Wibaux. Montana. UO to Rose City Park Sales Stable at 52. and Sanay Road to buy good guaranteed boraca al low prices. lake Rose City park car. Adama A Campbell, props. eTarTiTi.N' Team, mare and horse. 2500 pounds; sound and as good workers as a man ever owned; Sludebaker wagon and good harness. 393 AVater L RESPONSIBLE party, no children, wa.nl pi ano from parly who would otherwise store same: will pay small rent; references ex changed. Phone East 113. BARCjAi.v. 4. 1100-lb.. 2-footer and sound, --year-old, harness and stuut buggy. I'hone Sell wood 17SS. , ,. , . - . . ,'.I,,H x.' CTP bE V E It AL young work horses at Proebstel, Wash. 14l) to IW pounds and well broken. Benson Dixon, orchards. Wash.. Route 1. ROSE City Stables, phone Marshall 438. Boarders warned; horses hired and de livered promptly; guaranteed Aorses sold, free trial. 60a Alder. FOR SALE One good team of mares welsh ing 2"i0.) pounds ; sound and true. 2-0 Russell at. ALTOMOBILE. 2-pasenger. to trad" for geo, family horse and buggy. Call labor 1027. GRAY mam and black horse, and 7 years, weight 2500. Call 115 Union ave.. cor. Ai der, sir. rticiim. liraitl. FIHST-CLAI-S. high-grade, sweet-toned pia no; leaving city; must sell; no reasonable offer retusen. can aiauian " ELEGANT $350 new mahogany piano, $18. C. O. Pick Transfer Storage Co., M 3d. PIANO, used short time; terms reasonable. Phone Main 6'ltt3. 1LANCH team cheap, if sold at once. Rear 47 East 11th Norttu FOR "ALE HORSEA Trustworthy horses, accustomed to city- $$ East 7th st. North. A FINE two-seated top buggy, nearly new, single or double-shaft. Call Tabor 841. GENTLE horse for buggy or single delivery; also wagon and harneBa. 260 Ankeny. FOR SALE Black registered driving mare. 1H4S Division at., near 7 1st. Tabor 8Q47. FOR SALE One fine black mare, weighing 14O0. sound and true. 22 Russell at. WANTED To buv for cash, good, cheap family horse. Call Tabor 2-1!4. FINE Shetland pony and saddle, cheap. 60.1 Mulberry St., Iadd Addition. Horses. Vehicles. Eta. FOR SALE Cheap; thorough-bred Spit. pupa; also peaigreeq wnne tuiicni cog- ilsli nun terrier pup. I'hone Main 846$; Tabor 1317. WHITE WYANDOTTKS, Blue Andalusian chickens anrj duck settings. 1R4,i Division St.. near 71st. Phone JTabor JJ047. iOROUcTlBRliD White Leghorns, IS hens n . . ,a , ! si O ant.ee .1 v monins 01.1. . . ... , .. ,, . - K. Taylor. Carson. Wash. L. Iv. I irvtir.!-, UirU'lD-141 ...me I . V n - . eggs guaranteed fertile; 1..10 for 15. HIT j j a w t home ave.. near 3Sth. Tabor 3411. PRATT'S poultry regulator for sale by J. J. Butxcr. 1SS Front st. 1 CYCLE: hatcher-brooder, $.v AV. fenitliuger, tare Howe Davis Co., Ill -'d St. FINE repistercd Boston terrier. Ivy Press, tn Ith sL WE want ever, poultry raiser to know that we eatTv a 'full line of Conkey s Poultry Remedies; right now we recommend A 011 key's Lice Powder. Lice Liquid and Heuu Lice Ointment. Wo guarantee them to free your hens from lice or refund your money. Routledge Seed & Floral Co., lull 2d st. . . WHITE Leghorn baby chicks; best selected utility stock; bred to lay; healthy chicks, guaranteed; $7.50 per 100, during April and May. The Pioneer Hatchery. Box 848. Petaluma, Cal. EGGS for hatching on short notice; all breeds, baby chicks; standard-bred poul trv; incubators and supplies. The Poul try Supply House, 20'l Salmon St. FULL hlood Minorca cockerel, 11 months old. elegant bird: barsain. Tabor In Automobiles. 1911 MITCHELL 3o7o pass., fore door, fully equipped, cannot be told from new, cost $lTo): price $"H5. . 1010 Chalmers 3. 5-pass.. fully equipped. $.MI Warner speedometer. demountable rims. like new, cost J21W; price $'JoO. 11)11 Buick 30. o-pasa.. ot-e door, fully equipped, run only ivwt miles, cost (lew. price $1100. , . . Over SO cars in stock. Call, and see them. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO l.O.. Cor. H. 13Ui and Hawthorne ave. B 1-1... E. 1IIB. WANTED to csctia'KC for automobile equi ty amounting to 1..0il Income of the most artistic homes on Portland HelBhts. House Just completed at cost of (lUiHt. lot i block and laid out and planted by one 01 the best landscape architects in the city; grand view. House Is most artistic, p"t.i inside and out; ail improvements. Elec tric appliances for cooking, shower bath, tile floors, quartered oak lioors. Port Or ford cedar finish. House must be seen to be appreciated. X '.'28. Orcsonian. DO TOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE We are exclusive dealera or uted cars. Over 75 cars to select from, all makes, all prices. Don't fall to see us befora you buy. Everv Car Guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE.. 21st and Washington. WE have a 14-table billiard hall in Port land to trade lor 7-rass. car. value $2m: even trade or will lake cheaper car; PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO.. olS-olK Board of Trade. Marshall 42W. A lOol. SPLENDID lil I. practically new. free en gine. Reading Standard motorcycle, com pletely equipped; tandem seat; cost price $C00; j.'iD down, balance (la monthly. 350 Alder. X llHo-LB. delivery car. never been run. suitable for laundry, grocery or light ex press, can be hired for $io a month. AP 021). Oregonian. 7-PSaENGER. 60 h. p. touring car. original cost $2ah. Just overhauled; must at once; leaving city In few days; goo" takes it. lei E Water st. NEW Columbus electric, never been used: will sell at a discount or will exchange for a vacant lot or equity. Ask to see Mrs. Mowi.tnd s car hi o-a cio--, a.. FOR bargains In used cars see us first; writa for list; we buy and aall. nivn,.u.uri'iLl 1ITII CO Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. 14.111 ONE-TON delivery truck in good con dition, suitable for grocery store, b red C. Klli. .114 spo suing uiugL Fil'Sl-class condition, new tires; will take good clear lot; (yx. Tabor 2o2. . VVXTKDi-passenser automobile, good condition, exchange for elegant new i-room house, close in. r-none aia'u - PASSENGER 30-bp.. tine shape, for cash; this Is cheapest in city. S. C. 1-letcher. I.a 11 Last yamnin. AUTOMOBILE WANTED ltllu or JitlL , 5 j.ais. AA i 1 1 pay c h if price is right. G 404, Oregonian. WILL trade lx4 motorboat for motorcycle. East 42. rt -m 1911 HUDSON ROADSTER, like new. quick sale SriOO. Marstiail 5-pSSE.VCJER automobile $100, or will take good diamond as part payment. A 14H3. . Mlacetlaneoua. SEWING machines, aora for storage. 100 fine machines; some new. drop head. 01 Singer, New Home, Whit and Domestio and all leading makes, (10 and up: box top at $3 and up; all In perfect condition, at 3d st.. cor. Columbia. . BPECIAL sale on sewing machines; slightly used. Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. White. Domestio and New Homo: some other new $40 machines now $27.30. whila tney last . g. Slgel. 883 Alder at. TY'PEvA'Un'EI'.S renLed; stand tables free; free truclue room for atenoerayhets; po sitions eecuied e. Itiiout charge. -JJU An kmy St. Phone Main 0273. sITlGHTLY-used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co.. 227 Stark St. Main 7711. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and sec f ond-hand. low' prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co.. 85 5th sL Main 63UM. FOR-SALE Cash register, scales, coffee mill cheese culler, credit register, meat slicer. etc. Thrj Portland Store Supply Co., 250 2d t. Marshall 454S. 4 11 p! THOU motorcycle for sale. P. Stalger. too floor Covey Motor Car Co. Main 1111. FOR SALE 1 one section and 1 two section, all-steel Freoch range; also largs broiler. chef.. Arlington Club. Law reports, text books, etc.: also book cases and large golden-oak roll-top office desk. S Bl:l. Oregolilan: FEW beautiful hand-painted pictures for sale by owner; leaving city; prices reason- ... .. j lio ei.rnor R .. m stile. ame. . - FOR SALE or trade, $175 American ca.h register, been used 6 months. Phone E. 4117. L - REMINGTON typewriter No. 10. practically new, for Bale for 375 cash: no credit con sidered. X 34. oregonian. ELECTRICAL aiarm invention, patent in U 8 and applied for In Canada and foreign countries. T 924. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND gent's bicycle for sale in good condition, only $11. Wilson. La Salle Hotel. ALL makes tvpewriters rented, $3 a month. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 262 Stark St. UNDERWOOD typewriter; first-class condl- tion; a bargain. Phone Woodlawn 1121. A'lt'.lBLE t:pcwi't-r for salo cheap, or will ua.ie. t'I'P."'. Oiegonian. TVPEAVRITERS rented 3 months for $.. Remington Typewriter Co.. 24. Stark St. NEW Kas range, furniture, etc.; Icavini; city: an opportunity. 1073 Montana ave. OFFICE furniture, new and second-hand; at tractive prices. Phone Main 921. 600 BUSINESS cards. 31 ; a bargain. Rose City PsnnterJ2Vi3d. corner Taylor. FOR SALE Small' size safe. 153 Front at. WANTED MfSCELLAXEOES. WE BUY CLOTHING, FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest -price paid for men's and ladies cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2u0. 2UU 1st st- The Globe. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 370 E- Morrison. Phone E. 1i22. Pays highest cash price for furniture. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater si Martin. Phone Eaat 3134. 348 Hawthorne ave. TO BUY", caslt register, scales, coffee milL cheese cutter, credit register and meat sheer. Phone Marshall 434S 2a0 2d. WANTED Dir.et-currenl motor. 110-volt. or 1 h. p.. In first-class condition. Mar shall 43S3. I BUY ail makes typewriters. Edgar A. Stelnau, ( Ky. Ex. bldg. MOTORCYCLE engine for experimental work. Phone Tabor 3110. FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main ew51, A 2445. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A responsible man with outlit to clear 30 acres of land, second growth flr and haxel. See' P. F. Blandish. Estacada, Or. WANTED A bright boy to learn the tin ner's trade. Hawthorne Sheet Metal Works, 1 32 Hawtnorne ave. TWO first -clars solicitors wanted to take or ders from catalogue: $1.75 and commis Bion. A F 921, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanted, first-class man. ijriiveo nun. -"' EXPERIENCED solicitors for family liquor trade. Keystone Liquor Co.. Oil lith. BOY to carry papers. Dunham Printing Co., 8'T First St.. third floor. FI RST-CLASS machinist w anted on lathe work. 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Boy with wheel. ,au'g pharm acy. Sth and Alder. WANTED Delivery boy. Apply. Bradshaw Bros.. Koyai uius. COMPOSITORS, nonunion. Apply 222 Com mercial 111 v.ub. A HUSTLING solicitor, steady work. Room 3 Hellig Theater bjdg.. entrance on Tnvlor. Fl RrrT-CLASS cake baker wsnted at once. 7th and BelmonL 13 INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Sccretarv Employment DcpartTnant. Y. M. C. A. Young man. strmiger. out of work (-" In total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for special employment membership. I w'n have only Sli left between me and star vation. , Secretary If you pay $' for special employment membership, you wi.l save the Y. M. C- A., with its resources, be tween you and starvation. Result: Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Recotd for two months ending Feb. Calls for men ?; Positions filled Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; rives two months' full membership privileges. .10 motiiho" social privileges and undertakes to keep rarty employed during the full term of tnem -btrshlp without further charge. We have constant demand for- high grade, experienced men. Are you fitted for a better position? See secretary employment departmenL Y. M. C. A. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Main office. 222-224 Couch st. Donkey engine fireman. e'-.Tci. Cook in tiish-cla&s boardius-housc, city. $l'.n and room. Can timherman. S".. Hot. I porters, dishwashers etc. Farm hands. $::u and found and up. -Milkers, (Ja and found. New orders every hmir of the day. Watch ou:' bulletin-boards. .'all at our main office. 222 and 321 t'ouch si., between 1st and 2j. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. WANTED A foreman; one w-ho is capable of taking full charge of modern pia-Dl, ninrjufacturiiiK sash, doors, interior trim, ronerul null and cabinet work; must uo '.! retant! estimating: competent in haV dlti.fr men: be a pusher and get rcsulTF location in pacific Coast town of 10.niy, an excellent opportunity for a man witli ability; no booxcfigliter or apprentice! need flpply; state salary wanted. AV 122, Ore cotiian. WAN J'KD A thoroughly experienced loco' mntive machinist and" round house mail who understand air, injectors, scttinj; valves, etc.. ro lake 8 position away frorr. Portland in an open commercial shor specfiilizinrr in railroad work, with a vie to becoming foreman if he delivers tbe goods; a good jol. for the rirrht mun, bul only hustlers need apply: stato- a.re and experience and give references. AV 72. i ireironian. . ' WE can use two mote salesmen who have the ambition. Intelligence and energy .ta make good in the best-selling proposltiot ever otfered; we. conduct a school for new men. If you are a salesman in all the word Implies you will not be satisfied with a salaried position; our men are mak-i Ing three to five times their former sal ary with less effort. See Mr. C!oave!anl sales manager Fred A. Jacob3 Co., 1-19 Sth sL ' - - LET us advise you: if you can til: any of the following positions, call and see lib, constant demand: Advertising agent, win low trimmer, accountant, bill clerk, hotel clerk, store deck, pharmacist, salesman, lumber yard manager, stenographer, book keeper, business manager, chnuflcur. Pe; flute man, ardu nter and ort ice help of all kinds. The M-i t antilo Advisory Asso ciation. 3"!l-J0 Gcrllnger building. Port land. Oregon. SALESMEN. AA'e want salesmen to present the finest residence properly in Poi-;lmiil: all Im provements: t. rms the best: in per ccr.t commissioon : do not call unless you c-iii sell real estate when you have the right proposition. Call before noon AVerinesday: COLUMBIA TRVST COMPANY,. Board of Trado Hldg.. k2 4th Sr. WE want several young men of good ad dress and app. arance, with ambition, en ergy and intelligence, to Join our selling organization : experience unnecessary; if you aro willing to follow instructions your income is assured. tec salos manager between 9 and 11 A. M. DAVIS A; SHARP COMPANY, uS Commercial Blk. YOU can earn $"" a week and tip at steady employment s-lling nursery stock; soma excellent territory now open; experience not necessary; lime is money; do not de lay, but write at once for particulars. AV 75. Orcgooian. . . -. HEAD faller, S3.50; second fallcr, J3-; ia liorcrs, $2; o.) railroad laborers. $2 dayf free fare. .. 3 station gangs, new work; free fare. Cooks, wallers, kitchen heir., others. NEW OHLIEKS DAILY, t '. I! . HANS EN Al- Co.. 2.i N. 2d St.. , WANTED Traveling salesman to sell to the trade on commission a weit-est-l'lisl'eri line of proprietary medicines Ions and fa vorablv known and of excellent i-oputatiori. Salesman must have well-established routo; good references required. Address "Med icine," care of tills paper. , WANTED 2 or 3 men having had expert ence as railroad storekeeie-rs. for one week's inventory work in Portland; ap plicants must h'3 clerks, not laborers. Ad dress, statins qualifications, N Sni, Orel gonian. , ' TWO youiir men with selling ai.lllty; a permanent position, with a well-etan-Ilslicd firm; experience not necessary. If you arc a producer, can offer very satis factory remuneration. V.3 Oregonian btd0.. 11 to lit A. M.. 4 to 5 P. M WANTED Dinner cook, night pastry and short order cook, also salad muker. sobe-i men. able to hold down job ill first -c!.is house. Call today at 351 Yamhill, ask for Hanson. SALESMAN AA'ido awake and hustling: new' proposition with Century Magazine, quick sales and high remuneration. Cal! morning's. J. F. Phillips. 210 Marquarn bldg. i WANTED Expert automobile mechanic; on. with vears of experience; Itio chauffeurs wanted); wo want a mechanic who know, automobiles from A to Z. Apply bet. and 9 A. M. only. Service Dept.. 86 lOtn. WANTED A first-class clothing salesman and window-trimmer; give full informa tion and references. .' ROBINSON S CLOTHES SHOP, Boise. Idaho. WAN TED Immediately, a good trap drum mer' must have plenty of effects lor plac ing pictures: apply, stating lowest salary, lo mana.er Slar Theater. Astoria, Or. WANTED Salesman, making southern Ore gon regularlv, to sell candy as a sideline. Giinbal Bros., 35 Pacific St., ian Fran cjscu. Cal. . WANTED Experienced packer for whole sale house; stale salary expected. AR P2o Oregonian. .' AGENT wanted to sell hich-class sweatei coats on a 10 per cent commission babii, AG P2.'.. Oregonlun. YOUNG man. with experience, for office work' good penman; slate one and prcvi OUB employment. AJ 921, Oregonian. WANTED Ladles' tailor, first-class, steady employment, best of wages. McLeud Kunte, o- iiuiiiini KENNETH. .Mr. Fi.n-h Is In Portland, wants you. AVrlte immediately general def liv ery. , AA'ANTFD Good solicitor to solicit for the best 2oc a CHI' magazine published. ol2 Buchanan block. MAN of neat appearance and sood talker to solicit for large corporation in Porl rand. After 0 A. M.. 730 Yeon bldg. WANTED Young man lo run elevator. Apw ply at otre. Wonder Millinery, Morrjsoa and Fourth AVE require two more agents to sell Holiy rood. Call mornings between 10 and 12. llos-lo Spalding bldSj AA ANTED An experienced cleaner and dyer at the AVi Harriet to Dye Works, 595 East 2 1 st. Sellwood ir.43. ' WANTED Young man, bookkeeper and stenographer. AR 02V. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS tool aTid dlemuker wanted Call 222 Commere.al Club bldg. LIVE agents, fasl-sellinsr article, 40 per cent profit; no competition. 327 Corbett bigg. CARPENTER at 40th and Fremont, Beau mont Park; come ready to work. 137 TmRTElNTH st., wanted a delivery boy, steady work. TAILOR on ladies' and gent's clothing. Harris, ...... .. WANTtlD Heal salesmen, erood commission. Apply 373 E. Morrison st. PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snap foa agents- cutoerin c""1", w,v,. WANTED First-class meat cutter, at 455 Wash. Inquire WANTED High-class Jewish salesman. Ask for Mr. Burton. 1'18 Leon bldg. WANTED First-clsss ail-around planing man. 1113 Hawthorne. FIRST-CLASS ladies' tailor. 311 Selling bldg. tlainell ; ' THREE voung men to canvass, new offei. good wages. 801 Dekumbldg; PHOTO coupon agts.. best snap ever offered. Boston Studio. 34-"- Washington st. WA NTED Colleclor w i I h automobile, saiv arc- Apply 4"2 WsshUgton sr. BUSHELMAN wanted. 1 32 1 3d St. BOY'S on wheels wanted. 171 Second si.