1.1 run r. .- . i . . . i H-a-. 1HK ..IlKAlt.H SIKi KK r't NK SJ' '" I. FX I M. AM .HV AT1'N 1; II rr, kun'TI elt "" up-to-date "" ri' ei.d ri'-rmU Or part me nt. 4l h rl""'. r,. n to. ri.es a- -"; I a-.e.l ,.f d.a.rbl house" ! .... tlx. in g-tttng prol-x-rly "J rr:n, ,rt-x.. l-at-l We P ' .in a., vacant . ';' n, r,r" j menta l !!lf ril. We alao a P " -. TM -forma-lon IS ab.oWt-lr f' .'llHr.V T'l U ANT TO llr.NT A ti: vT'r.i; nn i.. i;;ifzrir i 7i n-. ''"" K Ir.ir- snd r-g..n. .- e. dr..'l. furo-. "M'tJ2 a-v.r.I e.m.. r "' 1 J""1 Tabor 1M.-A, or ca.; bou.a; r.nl. I.i: so. l K VI M vlr r rim h ! -. tl on Irx IN. t ir F.iet f.lh tn rrUn. rear R-.'" I" "x ' 1-U' ,.f own -r. ; Tiila- nk '. l:tn at. North. ?R.oC ..iiol..ui f,irr'. f lnc ei l:fnti Ur4- bt:,ro.tn. gx--i -is--d . r.l : 'lrx.it l-- and roara. fin. .r .tlx- a. el I'.r'x- t' 1 carllu.a. Inquire rr..-n owner at k""" X a. v-v . it. Ox ' I r t l.c H1 ... i-n N. ti n at -U' ..l- I ni-n l.l'l!re J.H .-.lark H..I anx' ;:: ! r-T. K. N TI FKH1 CO. 4'T ci-1lnc Hi' Ml-l VJI t'n pT . InlN 1Tl!l. C m t" . ' I t rnl. ..J I'mralT of .olu- f J r-it'r- l I , . . - t . ..... Af.im riAUK v-n. v. V"-rl rt 4J4 p.-r pvr i-rm hAu. rnt S12 month; 0i A '-.I''. t h rl P. N rm h"uw. tth n, v-t .-. '1 nrmn. in ph"n nH 4tr Vm.)Ii 4 n VI. ; p - ' . f 1 r- pr f h ou. with A fnr w'h:n dltn'- Writ I ran IItN ri H'- .mi. V. ?".'!. Shvrman. t, ,-. M.nn 7117. li'inH'1. 'TT.V.il-: r. .l"--' tn. I:!it. 41- 5 wn ru-calrt l Eaal .'tfi aft"! Dl vlimn t. V-K rr. fhn Mm 44l. WK.-T MUK. IS. i- rrt.i r. rf'Mrrn fit. Tvant r-" In r-m-n:. . r'"'tnitr. Inr l.-rt tn l-T. rin4 n--i ,ttF tm-n; ffh rirnmnlin th mt macrifl'nl rw In lh rir ; rr tru1 ln n..'k tNt Rn hl-wl um mr hTn. t fHirr r.in bv r" n i 'I C-r xr.'is i i' r (! th i r nt t 4-' r r Mft A-k fr Vl tt. 4th Pt. MUn m rniuiC rrnlnir rr rail M"n'i "Tery t. KEWLT ramthJ Th lphur. 2Jth n4 l"pihi;r t . ij.nUhrd 2 ro,im arrtmn:& lli. lit $.' nd up. This .nclua tm hf. hot and Mi'f n v-ry apart- rrr.t. pjtvat pfion. public tatb. ;ctrt iitnt. a ran, iauurj -r:n. all f r. Taa S . or W ran r-hi.draa; 4 tn. rnt f I"h r.- ro.n r-n: f'r ' i rtt jt r C I iii rrk. I'M (VI f Kut i T r..t c.miiW-l. frnT k . ti i and 'si id i l'hnv ' nai lclitn U A. V .I'd I f. ''" frm ; 'tflir,.s, MtktTi.i unijnt.-, )ji J r. r -m i-n nir nt t-c rvr.t- IK V ;T'i - M wl'i-n K - r.M.m f irniMd hurjil'W f nd fruit lr- . rn- r jIh- to r-pn.iibi pjtrtira. 4 J tlt !Jtr N .!-. jif:.. .:." t ir.iPt !. F h"iir Main NKU f-V r i- h ',rc. : v.-. ,r.l. f'jlt. flue vir. l-w III. n I - ,'.uj hkn "':n .-:;.( , f 'rn tid . B. -yiri-- licit, h-ifh. b-t nn-l -id watrr and "1--n .tni-l M4r.ll I RVI.- ii r l A-rrx.m hou. jc-l yard, 12 'kuii( ni , f " I i7 k.t luh N. t I V K K 1 VI ft t . t ompft-i jf furtilhed. ! :y i i in and mcHlt-rn. K.14 Madruna Vo". iiwn. V,ft.Ml'iwn Ui iViiTi'V rtxirti niirU furDinl bun ;a a. !'rpm wrrh. piAIio. & tf. M u'tr.onh i - T.XHMrn mom hua for rant. a!I no, wn 1?7 t , I;l.-H'..' 1".. to fit. r i'ti; i;d Kl U x l.- H t fi.it. rrfii modrratn. r-ini-hi t,.r'- M-- M-uif. 4-1 M'n --'-.V M.l ' H.. -f ur rih. .J flat, adult. r(r r. t ? .'.: Sj.-rm nt. f'r KNin'KK .'7 'wm htiM (or Mit. hout Ki . H f - K m vi f;irnahd hou. F.at id. I k l (li.tjnt. I'h'tuf .--tcwrl V Hmm fr ftral. Famltnr fr fla. Ft s V.h--4.ii rntr tihi. 1 l'.ifr .'.-. r-,H-kt"B--''air. r-.mlrir dirinc -r. h"tr'in wi. Vt.L.r (hon s' ii. hoirA.w-. i"-r Tfiai'htn. "' T4 i. r ii 'irar - , rrr( u in fir-t a. 4 f tr nr i"! T i-f !.ir. i Ii - E tr r-ti l. fit rr tin rr fr air; rw-n rM!. t.i?h. ii . 17 a m-nth; r .rti r-r f t'r $ I - . fiirniturr and rvrr,llnc r" ?'r hrtu--k-i.ti u'l ,ra --ir IJ.: V 4 i Krrrti. Utarn 7i"i and ah. ,rt r KK frT.. rNm nrwiy fa'-Ttihd. for H B- H. cvi p-'.a. t-iiAid I no -um. gB rna. - Katha, fu I cniia bi-rnnt; i l ainnv rv-- . !; ucma !.. rvol t pria . t'-ini lHn'l it: H t i p-Tj !. r f lif-s i.i-d giji-roorn fl t. vt 'front, t-"n ht. hot and c ..:! rqnnlnc nt:f, wa tnn ri vn.. Wt id'-. o n- ' rr- ir?n r iv 4",1 T-n'l at., ft t AT . 'Ktr'l"K Kurr.iiur nf 5 fotn f'.ai. 5 A'mnio. r mi-tut.-a' wa'k tro- P. : l"a-i-c fn n. rr.-.n- A 17 1 3' th t and ,-'l furiiMorr. !'- i -. .jxii. i.t: ft-r-m flat: 1'ai f.r rnt . 2 r. m r'ntd. par.r. r nt ; trtn: barcaln; t .,4 jr.'i l'Kii A '.4'd I TT, v 'T n furu.iur of 14 riMm houa ";' .'r ioiaf for rani. 14th t. Ntrt&. Ha liirknar. ! xtiiUir pur a r. raar lawn. raa. f . r-Hima. nrw furnitur: real nv. - 7'. d'-r Wooi'an II.". 4 t T 7-rKM hn furnt i irn,-r r..r. for al-. irHomr i 'AK t ; rt.xi r F;k and . a "v. .j, ijm"J iul m 7-rm hii' , ..vn.KTr. homr f-r - r n.p lonla r-. n Kin 'r'' - Vrr mor4t u t'v" rTrt NITI' of a 5 room houaa. rem llo l. . or --ma. " gjvarth. i oi; p.-U roo ma. ff.repla-. - r. a: l.nca d-Ptiu-t. Ma n P"X V;HM-riKt 4-room rtta;a fr,f W chap; ard t'.-k ard: rant $X 3' 3d t. naaa co.-r m-larn front-, br.k . n.-. i'iiib.c renta. K J. 'aiy. jT.-h itKN T cloraa. No. 24 and - . ,.rn ava. a., end of brldC. Apply Pr- about near 1st p laq.itre mt Fl-el. Mi h. n rfxm h it and Oram. fi m lit-,.t ,n r.tr Jtu". fru.;. Mun- tA-:i. K-i--M fh.ivr y.r. Mum l,:.'t i fi . M.I I. U- tj rra.naM. n a-nt. . i . . nntT, vitif-4 I Bisir.si orPORTCMTits l " 1 tOR RIM. I ' ' - I UTOKK:- nw -atry bruk; food location for f rit-r!it fro-T. maat market. ra tauraui. d liratr-n. m.I! mar. barhar hop: Ktit Klrt at- and HoUa-iay -a.; the prn. i Irantfaf ptini !r tha raw -l-a hrtdan; Iut.(lirci rvadv April 1. Kr ! mrpir A. I mir01Jlj' nry b.da PuKr; i.tMM fr rent. alo baaa mrtii; f. aaonabl. Ad;-tntn A read a Thaa'ar on Whintno at , bnar-an t h and 7th. Call at n a I -ntc a Theater bid . pt I'ark and A.d-r. THKEK floor. part or ahola; brrH b.iii.lina l"h and Marahal. ui: ih rata!. ho;.a or hiiht uunufc turtnf. A. FOUKKNT Stra near Gth at.; Kd loca- Offlra. ri'RM',HKrr unfurn:il. nm or t rtxm n tff: b.t.d:n. P-vanth and Aldar: raaa.-nab.a- A iy4o J MOST 'rtul ;jr lo-ated offi--. a .I-OHS ht eiaratr imi.A lc3 5aciUnd bIJl.. and U athmaton. Ol'TM IK prtv.t furniiiirfi. waa Ma;n 7 fna. f-irnisliad l rr a pi ion rwm. of VAIl-l. ha-a o..r irlf.tr. i r.ih t'r n- inrar. rchi'- ( r manufa tunr.g acrnl. il.' .-a t blda. I-r.r-K r HI UplHlf llf irV,l'r. .;taa HKT fr ttic tn.r-N. 'frd liii.din of- Cl.F.iUNT ballroom. aia nlr lodca ball for rant. Irqulra j'rof aaoT liing'.ar. yt la-llaaaaia. iA TMIh r ; Ladiaa' and anta aapwrata rl- iartmi ii ; (war. tub. atautn and wlrn mmc tanaa; a.ao 27 r'm furnialtcd la inprw -imn. 31 Kuaa Md. l,'T wania.1 t.-. atora fnlrrnri linpia maniti Kaat .th aud lawth--na diatrtot prrf-rtH A or Vain 577 P. TO IJKt-tr- T'l i.r. a.-k. aar hr! k p pirt mapt -hoa-. vrrr da. ir.thia W-at bl'- l.w.klinn. f;irty for o. -. tinan. r April I V: ona blm K from ";r l.n. . hut!dir ha H a pari n.r.t. .onpit ira f Id two-rooTii. 12 thnf -rot:n and four four-room apart m-nta. VVj! and rtiaapp-arm b da throuIioilt. r'p M:r. ato . raf r i utora and an. id a furniah.d; ro.ih.nc hi b-n J-ft undona lo ntMk- thra Ap rt m n ta hot h altrc li i nd mo't' i n m v r rrp.- t. Kor tirihar nf..rmrl"i a i Main or avanlnaa Mnrili:! S.;4" 4-MoHY 1'uUuin. ith hiirh. LeUt b.i m-nt. to b aractad on b. l or. of lth and Bumn1". N.!.a tho f'.r.litr; -faat on J.urnfida; I faat on mth; tr"t on Oak and .4 faat Iniida. til taa to na or m-ro tanants. Arp'y at ortca Siron Jtt l'o . (i l oncord bld- fofl 1,KASE--ood roanar on bat buPl- naaa ptra't. for dnmi-'f purpa; owl. on laaae. Appiy Ka4 Fronl, trl and Ta lor yli LFASK-nnrH bid.. 42-la PUlraMa for irTira buaina; bet of lo.tion; town of j;w. Addreaa ii. Ii. Bald aria. Korrat Oroa. Or. Cl'J Wl. confa.-i..nrry t-'ra and ! t ream parlor. Kat Mia. r-ntral!y loratad; a pnap for aomaona who wanta a baraain; t h and futuraa ara worth about r.n ba t.Miaht for ona-third thia amount on aaaT pa nianta. Ingulr- Hochfald Broa. 'car i "o , ; ! I Morrlp n at ONLY ." will aa ura a ubptantial ;orata p.itii-jiiii'n w hi.h .an arti v. r 1 prof-ia without rrquinn the attantion or tha ownvr. Wrtia f..r photoa ai:d fr trip off. r. Gro. V. rn. lo 40H. Way TA I' l.ISil L: I and auccePf ul iaal rtu man of atoiiiy aarka a i.artn-r with miuo iia!iriaa!loi ti join ?tin III tha bull-n.-; n- monji wantad. Xt-wcoiii'T r unaarahitPht-d party not d.-Plred. AJ i ir ftr!n. WANTKD. Vartnar o taka half littarast In Urht manufacturtna: plant, a man who "a taka rharce of an offica and min man: in If). !.: par MtolilH. Ktniny A: tfiai phar. Lumbar flaehanc bids. ON Kt-t "me bapt-and lnct aetabliahad btilnaapaa In tha rapid ly - ar-win t'lty of r:uaana t .bl had for l' eta and ha-Ir-ii bt lina of cuiinmf in tha com munity fbjr-t of aa.iinr. ri'tfrinc. Ad-drv.-a I'. L. Lunnc. VASTEl Portland nrnmrr; anbody can do It . $4 wa.v from tart, in otto year ahnuld avarac- V. monthU; mail Pl 'at. Try It bafora ou invest. Houahold Srrmliy Co.. 21.43 alarket t.. ban Kran- cico. L I VK K Y HI S I N K S S. A c a' l wall etal lihad buPinai. 1 ris. 2 horaap. full eu:pmrt.. roaon th rant f r buildinjr. for tale or trade. V d lra.P Ilo 1 .. ,rl-n'ri, r. I Ii K nil. st platrln projol r Inn In 1'ort l.ri.l. oar airaa. In a dinrt thrtt la t.ainp; Unprovd r;ipldtT- 1 want party wtt?i j:.ip ca.ii: cn iImiMo your monay In Knrt lima. A R 27. orf-iinn. Kii( a-Al-fc Klna cornar iirorary. 3-yair t-r. at.bllalad b'liiocM. Forced to rr lira ar.-oiint of othar buplnawa. InvoP-a. otit i--, in'udint: f i vi una. bat buy In trta c IT. l'hona l' S'"--. ON a.-aount of iMnapa of partner, ha will a nf hip miarr-t in ohft-ratablii had raal rwtate ofl.ir; invrliirata. AM I racn t an. . . i ii hii.ni... fi.r .tt-4l n nl.le to lnv...t m lllll- mmi.) mm .:irr. Kill xutrtnir Jlwi nutnih !" . i-an h. 1n . h.a." I all irk al. f(jK jale" Gnrrul mrr handls lor. good lorjtlrwi. fttl.O" 'oth In country .... n A.i.ir... m.i tnu'ilrlra 5.. fir ton. Frirmn Co.. .vh n1 Evr.lt i. W AN'TKh llotMl. rir.n Kro'.rj .n- i II i tlntrno. t-unnii ir iin.w u.-- Iril: h- -U bi-rr. J.T.Ian. IO I-uio. t'UVL-r. llVlnf -IfM.iri.. r-i ' n.-r. cN. l. ni houl, iirir only 4av. compll'jr rurni.nr.1. r.."w "i . mut .'II wr on ' "urt of il knm Ai.n.V A'l MNIU l . llCOUV.r. W M ft. -4K SAI.K T!i K.l:.l I'" Work. . ir.i I... - . I.. t.ril 3l iul mom ii. mut Wil. I'.rin-r in. i hi i.i." . t'Altl.Nr.K ''r bum: r.-il. Il to f.iMi a w'-.. in. i. n...n.v. M jnal l AH Vl'k. KUK r A I - K l' lriirtm..n n. H'li .Al.l nitr 1'iirtiitnil v'oiicrtn r:'Vi Jmnt n, .lo M t . prr .l,rr. aland and r..t Aitr.nl. .1 x.ara lr I HI !. 17th at. Nrtn. f. 4 HO. brok.r in alivK. or marrnan- fl'ar; Mtfin'M ...... drntiaL & Bracnn .1 . Fort.nd. Or MuVIXa PI' TI KB IIIEATtB for a. la. rloai In. annniJun uiu hi. tuiyu. .;pwn. tS ittl t- rl'K'MAL. IndurTnrota. ood holrl man it u u : . ' i mm - - - - - - One .. " f . -' m l1NS,j ASP IXPI fTRIAI. STOCKS. Trirpnon. and otccr bomt. b'urM and old. Fletcnr Inv. 'o.. 2.' Abinffton. FIK-'I-i'LAttS rr. tatir.nl. itn:rf fin. Dual n-a. for aa1 1"r '"an or t.rttia. Kor pAT tl. uiara a i.:t. a C -n. Urrjtoulan. fOH 1ALK "rtltil rtlr tor: soo4 mmrr. in tnoat talkad of town of tixla. t r. v 1 1 k a : A ii. iih"ii..ii liiiMr". tkry and d-lli-alr.arn. good lo cation, chrap r-nl. all cah bualn.. fur ruhrd livlm-rooma. K wn. oranln. Hrli 1 Al l;A NT on Wn.hlnirton lon Uvr. rhiup ml. $-'. lin emit. Lal-aii- ira.l... j Ull. i ir. f .inlan. CI.KAMNfr and prnaatn nl.iMulim. nt w li n h-iua.k.ipln rooma. for aala rheap. rood lo.-i.tion. t.l 4t h atJ M.ttn 4T. Kt.-TAl RAM, :;H arata. for aal. Haw thorns ivr. h. oati.r. HAM KAi'TfhlN'i bulna for aalr. T0OO: So r.r rrrt ;.ront. f rrA nrrontan. Son hlMSKSS CARUS. II: brin thla ad. Rq? City ITInigry. d. cur. 'Taylor. fuK oAl.E Coffaa bouaa acd tiaocb eoua t.r. : N. Id at . ntr. CuNKECTIONKUV. lra. fruit alora for . Ir. r.a.l Mil-. 1M urana ar. Cli4K .tors and pooiroom for aala; bat .M-at.n: long I. a... .N. ..'I at. HAI.? Ititrrat In tranafrr ouaiiiaa tn proa- t..roita town. Hoi r.uarn. ur -KE GLOVKRLA.VD ACRES. f F. SMITH SON HO RT KXCHAXOP. FOK PALE ;ood harneaa hu.lnraa. only ona In loan. J jn.. nrnman. 2- HAIR barber ahoy iur aalr. aJ Altivrta at real. Li Ni'H fouiitsr, t-'r., il.n. JiV month t.araam pri.-r fait lli Stark at. l,t N. H couni.r claitn lm month, prlra, tl't .;r na; .it. ! l-umHT K trha n iro. S.VIAI.1. r.-tatiraul 'or aaia i-ltiap. T0 lr:--K IU' OS4. Oak-trrrt front. 5- I.rnry budd:n( m :Tt'DtO in rantrai lai.nn fr rant two y a w - k-at lr:K roo n. TfA H-nrv bi'ty. Hail a. MOnXIXfl OREGOXIAN. TI'KSD.VY, MARCH 26, 1012. TTTF Knit Ft'SI.NKSS OPPORTUNITIES mi ki:au kstatb see w. w. J.illAN. BIO I.I'MBERMESS BI.rKJ. OH'X VU and mark.t. nat location, on W-Mt Mda: flni-at r-aldi-nt lal aoctlon In j th. ritv: buattif aa oirr a-toou a. ininiin. a-ll at in-oira; purclma prim about m. and unlfaa v..u haia that amount, no ii" to lr.Xf.llt.: principal ownar haa othrr bualti.aa ahtih la railing for hltn. Ad dr.aa A I, li."J. ttr'tntiMti. INVESTIGATED IttSINESS CHANCES. Wa alwaya hava eood crocary atoraa for ..I. a-hli h we ran rscotnmrod. It ta to your bi-ni ftt to Klxr ua a call. HAI'IN ic IIEKLO'. Ch.imt-r oX Commarca. A .k for A. Ki'liir. A SECOND ATLANTIC CITY Except on th- Pa. Iflc Coin wlileh will repeat In p-oflt. lit. Athintlc Hwttfc Jn.t Now .'.n.ioto worth of lmprov-ni-nta ate road) to .tartlo ttio Western riiumir. A hie man with Rno.l refrrrncea. n $.v.nl. wanted aa manacer: money eecured. A K 9.-2, tin enaian. tif7.rth. ir..t"ioolliaila In Port la nil. .V j.Ar lea.- traile .n to IT.1, cl.ara everv month: lfi.txM run; another on W aa.'ilnctoii at.. table., trad" to l.'.'i. leaae. Sr ua at onf. aboul iheao WrlVkl.CT Jlc HA 1. 1., oil Lumbermena bl-lg. WANT El Man with family, familiar with farm ork. to tako up r-atd-nce ou larae on-hard and tJa InL-r-.t In amall pla.e: n.riiianent Imailiin Willi ? - waa'a aiArt. a-:qillrea puMTM.i on home p..ie: tiaiam-u n oe p.un mr . f wj a AT lt. ltrrt"nln. in NTH Y hotel, ideal location lor na houao. aanltarium, fraternal liom or acad emy; S outride rooma, furnaca heatt: -a. re. crnunrl: oppoalla 8. P. depot and Poatoffii-e. Foreat tirove. Owner. ilS Board of Trade. I AM al.k and have to aell my ood-paln reai.umnt on Waahlnaton atreet: .heap rent and leaae; the flrat one handa me iUMi e.ah ran hnve It: Ua well located ami atar.il. in e.tiitatlon ; aea my aifeni ai . M K a v Mfiic. PKKTV with I..O0K caah to no In on plattlnrc prr,..n,on of . acrea; rarllne rutinlni! near ;.lai. ateam road paaaea It and there la 3iu0 fe-t ..f waterfront: will double the rr..iii- thia Summer; a Portland proposi ti. .n S-cent carfare. A R K-. Oregonlan. (itni'KUY. for aale by owner: etock. n t.irea. horae and waon at actual TJ'ue: cheap rent. lon lea-e; II rlnj-n-ortu If de a r.d. aale Vi to $.;i a day; will k" about !!. AH l. orca-nntan. BOA r lUNti - HOI SE. furniture for aale: modern houae of rooma In beat location. per month. I" ateady boardera; can niake fliiil abovo cxpenaea. Phone owner. .n..t ft- Foil a-ile or true, nathhouae. Udlea' and Kenla aeparate nepan ihi-ii .team and awlmmlna- tanka: rooma furnlab-d lo connection. Kua- II htlK WANTED An active reliable man to lake h.rf lnti-reat ami tuanajcemeui oi lauii.lry with . .ipaclty J.Mi to :a a week. Salary tttt.l ahate of tin flta. I-artlculara at V"H iioaiil "I I rati" i-i'i .. oilVKii of wll-known real etato offica . . -1 n ... t.k. over lll- wAtita a coia'-oiwi .- tcr t of retinuti partner: man muat be Oe to .land Inveatiaaiion. iaiio.M - rlo.iril ot I rane. SNAP IF TAKr-. 1 i.'.-' r Orocrry and conf.-ctionery atore. .lock. flturea: living- rooma; doln -ood liuat-n-aa. wi'l aeil cheap for cuh; prlcu !-"-!- I CKISV'.Il 4'J, Chamber of onim.Tc-. ltoll country atore location: hulldlnc larae . - . i,1.in..,nm.' located on elCC- eooimn iir .' i. -. trie lino, not far out; ama.1 aire tra.ta. clialrlct well aettled; real harnaln. Owner, after .' P. M , r.r.S ;rant at. Main .i.. IJ..OH CASH huya half Intereat In mercan tile t.ua.llt-aa inn naa ini;itwe.i - pant car. no cxj.erirnce r.iiulrcd: book all at a ml thoroutjli Inapectmn. AP U-J. ireuon lan. I.'K at thla: Are you looktnn for a nuai- nr.. I Jiai or more 7 i e n.. ... h.-n e.tal.li.hed for 35 year.; II require" Hxhi: ItIiie the money with you. o-I Duni I.. r ETi-hiin.. ' KOll SALE. , Klrat-rhiaa up-to-date reataurant. dolns ..od l.uaiii.-aa. with a le.iae; all or part fixture; d m t overlook Ihia irood one. At HV4 t ireaonl in. Foil SALE CountrvTtore. IS acre, of land. rtne IiKatluti. a nuiea iiom - t; il.non. route 1. box 4.1. Orr.nn Cll. e. ' .ASH MEAT MAKKET. Rent 1.. j.voir leaa... good trade, mak ing money; nanni m e-....- . W I : L V. I.E u A- HALL, fill Lumbermen. Man. KXt'r'l I ENT opiHirtunlty for a man lo In- ... .. I K...I.1.... nnllllf v ...1 nil money in a ...r " - :.n per rent and take the management. write a- a.v. ir. KMTTKI1 Cnderatanda iwfiUTi. mfgr. 14 'yea. a' rx.eri. n.e. w i.lie. to men party with capital to atart factory In Portland; ciii.il opportunity, t xn I. .ii AND eervlcea will .aecure you an m- " hna II.... fllll lereat in n aiiiK ...lo-r Inveat, ration allovied. Particular. , u Hoard of T tadi BAKERY and confectionery on corner, tine founiain. a new.-aian.l clearlt.K : -' a month. oo,l lea.e. rent ..'. -lb Doard of Trad.' i.i CASH aiart. you In l.uaine.a. Immediate e , .. , . , - -.no.1. on hand returna; own,-r r...... ..w. ... - amount to .".o. See owner at once. you. I. K u n r e. Mailt ACfol'NT of i!i heaMh muat aell my inier eat In e : I-e.tali.lahed detective htlalneaa in 1 1 y. S.-e my ax-ut at 2dl SWETL.AND Ill.l'O. PWlTNE'l wante.l In "t ''' ealaiiliahe.1 'real e..ate ul.'kr, I" nhi.tt properllr.; .you ran mak- from L"h to J.a month; It r.niilte. 7" t-'t Lumher Exchanire Ik .W E l.a-a; bakeri. ilmiu caah l.ualllei.a. well d for riellcHteaaen. rent Ij. too .. ..i k for one. Price S. 4tM tl.i-MI.I lil.l. A HA Hii A IN For aa new and acond hand f irnltttre atore. fine location, cheap rent: pi.rln. ra can't aree; make ua an olT.r. .t"3 lat at. OHPiiKTl'N ITY for office man. will pay o.i month .atary and a .hare or profit., niori-v re. iulie.1 will be .ecured. t ar-ii.-ulara '.Mi-; Stark at. WF lave a pioiK.altlon for a man llh little T capital to Inveat. which will anow ' mn hie r-ltirna and aaaure him a per ,, ...... Hon. AP '--7. Oreaonlan ;l V V r. i ' . . e li.ve an oia-nlna in l'cal enterprise Hi it w ill atand cloae lnve.tmatlon : money .. o.el. p !i'--1. re..nnii. ptlllNKIt vianl-d In grocery atore. come .a ' and ae- thla. a money-maker, ftood l.a.e n hi.:ldin. T'Hi will r-l thla; flrat ami I .tat .all. o-'l Lnn.l.er Exrli.itiKC Foil -iA l.E Sne. V ina and r.xturea in a.... centrallv lo.-aied. good railroad town. t.p i.lalion low rent; aultable for Jew- "or notion, atore. AY in. OreKot.lan. ,- l,ave d.ir.1 clk-ar aian.la. pnK-ery and furniture .tore., and any bu.lneaa you may ten "rVl.EH HALL. Ml Lumbermen. bldK. cTiPVER ronl.ctloner. ato're. rioltia ond v-v r ... i.. . l.ban a. onCC. buaine.a; win "inuic ..- ren, I- Come and r yourwlf. il-.n lie. oriu. WANTED partner, aeilva or .lletil. In whoie a.le 1 n.r'r l.-lneaa. now paylna: If you !n tnveat I .rta. anaw er thl. quick; no agent. AJ I4. t'reKonian. MOVIVC, PICTPHE tn-ater. clearing J'.O weekly try II before you buy: little caali. balance' a. you make. 4u Itothchlld blilrt. HALF interest In nice little auhurl.an fro c.y for a..l at Invoice. Particular., .oa p inr.l of Trade nd confecllonerv, with pool table, in re" C....H1 leaae. Price 7)0. tot Itothchlld bill'- . LAKtiE pavtttn l.ualtif.a. light w ork. noeg-pert-nr.. or running expenae. J. D. llorrl.. H..7 Yeon. . . ,-"An"grocer for S. ha. Ilving-rooma. lo cated In fine dlatrlct for ateady trade, t all "-'latx stark au rTsTAI'IIAXT l.oo profit per month; beat ,'o.a:ion in Portland; all complete; ch line. 31.1 Lumtiermena omg ARCHITECT and builder want, rellah.e partner able to tend office, etc. good proflta: .'k reiulred. Call 24S ftark at. Bi .oTftl. v Tc .tajid for aa; good location. I. formation at the Oregon reataurant. K18 Morn.on .t. -. TAK.K-S rood lunch counter doing IIS to 11 bual'ieaa per day: good leaac. MS Board of Trade. BOI,ir grocery. Invoice, li'.no. aalea over $ 'iii.i mtim it ; r-nt t month; In choice. rlTa'-lct. Call 2lH Stark it. I-.U..1 11'N'DttY for aale or leaae lo prac tical launrtrvman who can give re.pon.lbla hond. Oregonlan. 1 KTAI KAT II-'.". buva a complete rea uur,nt W-.t Side: aeata 7 people. lliril.FY BISHOP. Hi 3d St. FnK SALE o trade, planing null; good lo- ' eetlon; low r-nt AF l'l. Oregonlan. WANTKD A good bookkeeper with aome mr.' aa ae, retarvl 1 IJIawfhorne Kim P Kl.r -Barber .hop. t chalra. Ill Madiaua at. O.VE-gl'AHTKR Intereat In tranafer and etorag huilne.s, paying 30 per cent on the Investment: will trade for cattle or horaea. or will aell for 10H caah. bal. on tims. Thl. la a flr.t-claaa bualneaa. A man can make per month ;" D putting In hie own time. In the l.eal town In Southea.tern Washington. Addrea. . l Augnetavo, Pa.co. Waeh. o"u7 "in'oregov. One company In California Union Oil Company ha. made I100.tio0.000 out of ju.l what can be made here In Oregon. We have a much better opportunity now llian th-y had there: one I'r.'-V, ?a. . " with I100U; money "ecured. At ora- gonlan. - . . . . i" I. I 1 T V In the movlng-pl. ture theater ''n"! W. have flrat -claw. location, for P;r"'Br'n how.- al.o good town, for a rV''1" .now. We fit you out complrte on term, to aittt Call, get full partieuiara gratis. NEW YORK FILM KXCHANt.lt.. f.jaij waahlngton. near l.th .t. IF you are lookln- for real opportun Ilea IB Oregon. Washington. Idaho or -'? ""Vy. "CO -: TO TH fci PACIFIC WITH VV A Kir 712 Spalding BlJa. Portiand. Or. We furniah the. opportunltle. If you furni.a the aaleamanahlp. PARTNER WANTED. Half Intercut In no.I aiit.tunttal ofr.ee btl.ineaa. cloae In veat I sat loll. ..i WHEELER HALL, oil Lumbermen, hi.lt:. BOOMINtj-HOUSEu. HOI.-SEKEKPlN.i SI ITts. 14 rooma. nicely furnished for house keeping, within very easy walking clij ta.i.e. on West Side. Just aouth of Jet r.raou; price I!iO: terma ORl'SSI - HOLDS. SID Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak foil SALE 1a.e and furniture of 1" room., apartment-house, amall cash re quired. The apartmenta ron.l.t of . and 3 room., furnl.hed complete; l.a-ated In renter of Kaal Side bualneaa dl.trict. In litlre. AE PI 7, Oregonlan. BAROA 1 N KHR SALE. Only roomlng-houae. transient. In lively town in Waahlngton; !K nwiles from I or. -land: money-maker. Partlculara. A 1"-. I ire onlan. .MAK 1 P.. 1 . C v'-. . PORTLANDS LEADING HOTEL AGENCY, U OTE LS KOO .1 1 NO A PA RTM EN T HOUSES. All alma and price.. Falling blilg.. 3d and Waahlngton KOOMIN'fl-HOUsE. 14 rooms, strictly mod ern. hot-water heat, finely furnished leaae. very low rent; you can clear . per month and have a grand home. a! 3tl i oroevv oma HOTEL. Kenton. 73 rooms, everything up-t-dute: the most thriving suburb of I nrt land Kenton Bta.. Box SS. Phone Wood- lawn IhMW. 21-ROOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nished, new and clean; le.t location: M in.-ome and alwaya full: long lease, terma; cheap. By owner6."..lFlanders. gpF.CI A L bargain: 11-room rooming-house on Washington, near lith .t.; will sac rifice on quick .ale. 1450. Call US V Ucox bldg. NEW lrt-room modern hotiw. very clean, all full, rent t:iu; ''". Vs eash, .a roo. Phone .Marshall i a. .'-r HVVE a IH"l equllv In IOi home In Portland to trade for rooming-house: will as.ii.ti.. aome. al htWETLAND JH-DG HI RO.IMS for .ale at a bargain. Inquire at once. ISW Grand ave.; 1! yeara-Jeaae. BOaTbDINO and rooming-house for sa'.a. Owner. 3'12 12th at. Phone Main 8163. 1QST ANO FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair . . . . i . . -ii.umI. nrlcea: wa ma.ir "ae. .e... . - .. renovato matt res.. . and return same day, we also renovate feathera. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. iJo 2 Front. Phone' Main 474. A 13i4. LOST On Mount Scolt and R-S car or at transfer. Thursday morning, a gold pin catch for carrxing la.lv'a watch; reward. A..dreea Mrs. Ida Wilson, East 41st and Holgate. Valued for a keepsake. iXiST lniall leather purse containing Wel Fargo Expreas money order for lid. pay able to the order of Ellen Scarborough. Finder will be rewarded at room tiMl. or office, Multnomah Hotel. l.os'1' Case containing broken nose glasses with gold chain, on East Ankeny or Rose I'lly car, or between 7''- East Pine and r.r.s East 4llth N. Finder please telephone East am. fTlST F.Ik looth. mounted with Dee. no. 1hi on one side, bet. llti.l Holla. lay ami P. terminal roundhouse. Liberal re ward. 3ii.. iioiiaqay. lj-i-f on Vancouver or Russell-Shaver car Sunday evening, lady's silver mesh purse Suitable reward for return. Marshall -Oil or A 401 1. FOUND Sum of money; owner" can have same by proving property and paying for thla ad. Phone Marshall4S-'l. LOST Cold wateh and fob, between church a.r.-et and ti.-vurtx store. Return to lot Albitia. Reward. osT Black and tan terrier: answers to name of Pat. Return to 2Ji 5th and claim reward. IxisT Monday afternoon' lady's "Elgin" gold walch. engraved case; containing two photographs. Phone Sellwood 1S"I. P.evrard. LOST Fox terrier Sunday; black spot over left eve and on left side Return 4..J West Park and receive reward. . Tir white female dog. with tan spot over eye. new harness and license No. r.'.m. 14 Union ave. OST Amethvst breat pin: liberal reward. Please notify A !':. Mar. 3H'S r-ciAi. 'OTir-w Proposals Invited. THE undersigned will receive sealed blda for a atock of general merchandise, con sisting of groceries, hardware, paints and oils, machine repairs, plumhlr. supplies, phonographs and records. sewing ma chlnea. wire fencing. Implements, etc.. doors and windows, glassware and queens ware, of the Inventory value of in.Hol. together with fixtures of the Inventory value of I1UO.-..13, same being known as th- W. F. Hammer Company sick, lo cated st Madras. Crook County. Oregon, up to Wednesday. April 3, 191i Terms ca.h and a cash deposit of HI per cent of tha amount off-red must accompany each bid and the right la reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory on filo at my office and ato. k and Inventory may be In.pected at Madras. Dated at Portland. Oregon, this 201B day of March. 1U. No. 7 First Street. SALE BY ADM IN ISTR AT It I X Notice is herohy given that the undersigned will, on the 4th da:- of April. l'.-U. al tne hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. on the pramlaea at No. 44.V7 Stark street. In Portland. Oregon, offer for .sle to the highest bidder for ca.n the following properly belonging to the estate of Mike Jacob, deceased, to wit- .11 Stock of wln.a and liquors and other merchandise contained and being In aud premises. .'J I The store tixturcs and other natures snd utensils used in operat ing the said bueinese. t3) A certain lease made by H. J- otlenheltner to said Mike Jacob A Co. in and to the premises occu pied by said Mike Jacob A Co. Inventory may be aeen and assets Inspected at tho store between the hours of and 11 A. it. of each day. Sale will bo by public auc tion. Ray Jacob, administratrix. Beach. Simon Nelson, attorneya for admlnlatra- trix. PROPO-tAl-i for printing Office of tha Disbursing vjuurtermasl-lr. Portland. Or.. February 2s. lWJi Sealed proposals. In trlullcate will bo received at thla office unill 11 A. Ii-. March. 214. 1U12. for doing the printing and furnishing the mater al ther-fore. required at Headquarters. De partment of tha Columbia. Vancouver Barracks. Wash., during tho nscal year ending June 3. lli S- section 3.1t Revised Statutes. Information furnisned on application. Envelopea containing pro posed! should be marked. "Propoaa.s for Printing" and addressed to the Disburs ing miartcrmaeter. niruina, KFAIFD blda wlil be received at the office of the undersigned, m: Tllford bldg.. until P. M. April 1. lli. for hardware for fixed and movable fixture. In new Lincoln High School. Specification, may be obtalned at the office of Architects V hRe houV. Foullhoux. S09 Wilcox bldg Cer tified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. payable to R- H T,om.. School Clerk, muat accompany each pro poaal. Board of directors reserves the right !? V"' bJ.d' SebD" ,tdC.MrkrCh 7 6. 1V1J. rv- 11 - . "" " , r- rtlUDllUATK A M 10 Notice is herebv .Ivan that supplemen tary article of Incorporation have been filed for the purpose of chnK"ng the nama country ruT1" 'l' L'wSr"'? C,Tcr7,Cry of W.verley Country Club. Dated Marcn a., irn M lacellaneons. IV THE MATTER of Albert Dunbar A Co.. an Insolvent corporation, the underaigned " jSil" aealed bid. for a stock of merchandlae. consisting principally of dry- hxvz vair.: ofd3.t.,,r.o D "ted at Portland. Oregon, this Jlst day of March. 1112 TO ALL HOLDERS OF FIRST MORT OAC.E TWENTY-YEAH Cfll.ll BON Da OF THE PORTLAND CITY AND tlRKiWN RAILWAY COMPANY Notice is hereby given to ail holdora or the rirst-mortsiiKu 0-year trold bond, or the Portland City and Oregon Railway Companv. issued under and pursuant to and a--cureri by the ntortirawo made by the said Portland City and Oregon Railway- .-ompany to the North American Trust Company as trustee, dated February 1" 1S1 tnat all of tho bonds Issued un der and" secured by said mortgage have been called In for payment and redemp tion pursuant to the power ana luuio. ..j . so to r!n contained therein: that the date l.XOd Tor aal.l pay.ne.n an.. . vr.... ..o e- t. May 1 1VI1-. upon or prior to wnlcn date a atim sufficient to pay the prin cipal of all of said bonda and the inter est accrued thereon to said date will be deposited with the Equitnble Trust Coni pinv of New York Isttecefsor to the North Ktnerl.an Trust Company); that said tlie Equitable Trust Company, of New- York, on Slid dato and thereafter aa presented will pay the principal of .aid bonds and tiio accrued Interest to said date to the holders of said bonds respectively nt Its ollce No. 37 Wall atreet. In the City of New York. That said bonds will cease to hear interest after May 1 . l'l 1 2. PORTLAND CITY AND OREGON RAIL WAY COMPANY, per . . PORTLAND RAILWAY. LHjHT AND POWER COMPANY, "ucresaor. lly 13. s. .Tosselyi President. HI a.tcr's No( Ice. BARGES for rent, capacity 4"0 ton. tullo. XIII Sherlock hide Main 1410. Pat- FINANCIAL. THE GILBERT CO.. FINANCIAL AGENTS. Room SOT blearua bldg., 6th and Morrison. Portland. Or. Purchase notes secured by mortgage. Unsecured notes if principal acd en dorsers are acceptable. lnterest-bearins bank time certificates ef deposit- Parties wlehlns to aoll securities as de scribed above are requested to correspond with ua or call lu person at our oglce. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity in contract of sale en real estate In Washington or Oregon. 1. E. Dble. i.un-ipcriii.-na uo.s,. V. c. pay nigoeai c..u i" - " - . tracts, first and second morgagea and other securities. Home Installment Ctx. 4OI-402 McKay bldg. Marshall 3ta. LAWSOS-HRUWX INVESTMENT CO. SHORT-TIM B LOANS. Reference: J'radstreet and Dun's. 130a Yeon Bldg Main 3347 MONEY to loan on improved real estate or for building purposes: no commissloiia. COLUMBIA LIFE. & TRUST COMPANY. 1 H Spalding bldg. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equities bought. E. L. Dever eaux. 10P8 Spalding bid,;.. 3d and Wash ington. Main 03. MORTGAGES-FO H SALE. First mortgages on Improved real es tate, earning 8 per cent. Address P. O. box 642. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages (flrat snd second), equities. F. H. Lewis At Co.. 8 Lewis bldgj Ft lit SALE Coos Bny Traction Corporation 'Jit-year t rr cent gold bonds, ten cents on the dollar. M. T""4. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estate loans. E B. Miller. 410 Ab In gton bldg Money lo "Loan Ileal Fstate. TO LOAN ON PORTLAND PROPERTY AT ONCE AT .; to s PER CENT. 1.-.imi FOTJ 'I YEARS, gjooi FUR 3 YEARS, .fj.-.nil FOR o YEARS. ::.-. a for .1 yi:ai:s. xi.".ih for " years .1 ii tipton co., i lns spalding bldg. money to loan. .".0..MMt nt ti per cent; $ln.ot0 at 7 per cent; 4iHift at 7 per cent; $l."nlO at t per cent If you want a loan call and see us. II. X. TUFFOKD & CO.. 4o7 Spaltiiiig Bldg. Marshall 4..4T. A 4.".4.'. ON first mortgages, on Improved farm or city property not to exceed 00 per cent actual value, made direct by th com pany. Borrower not required to purchase llfo Insurance. No coiiimissison. Union Pacific Life Insurance Company, 4'l Ellers Building. TO LOAN. S.-.otl. ?';.'' I'. On first-class Portland city improved real estate security; no brokers. P. It. LENT. 417 Corbel! bblg. .MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to I per rent on city residenco and business prop erly and Multnomah County farms. EDW. P. MALL. 300 to 304 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate at 7 per cent; amount leaned. 1-3 the value of the property on our valuation; no bo nus or commission; no brokers. United Artisans, 621 Deck bldg. LARGE Supply of money to loan In sums of i00 and upward, on real estate aecur ltv, at 1 and 7 p--r cent. MALL & VAN BORSTEU 104 Second St.. near Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes. 3 to 8 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association, 240 Stark St. 1000. 000 ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at loweat rates; large loans a specialty. McKenzie A Co.. sl4-S15-i16 Gerlingerbldg. FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN'S, FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. EDMUND L. DEVEREAUX 1008 SPALDIX8BLDQ. 1 HAVE some money to loan in small amounts, on city property, to private parties only. D. A. Tuftn. Phon-v Main uL'sji. :'i3i. Washington st. MONUV to loan at from 5 to 7 per cent on real estate security. R. F. BRYAN, r.ii.1-7 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE liiOOO to iln.OoO to loan at s percent on good real estate security. 2nl tiVlET LAND BLDG. SliJiiO. JloOll OR 12"l" to loan on approved realty. Vanduyii Ac Walton, ilo Cham ber of Commerce. i;uo TO e'.OO TO LOAN FOR SHORT TI.MU ON ANY GOOD SECURITY. BY PR1 VATE PARTY. 2'7 OREGONIAN BIDS, TO loan, estate moneys in any sum from IB00 up at current rates. Rooma lo-ll. Muikey bldg.. 2d and Morrison ata. MORTGAGE loans. $300 and upward, on Im proved real estate, favorable terms, "John ltain. 50S Spalding bldg. ' TO LOAN ir.DOO OR LESS. FARRINGTON, COM M E RC1AL CLUB BLDG. loiH) AND upwards on Improved real estato; notes and mortg .g.ia bought. W. A. Hath away, room lo Wasiungiun bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 1UU0 and $2oU0, drat n-ortgage. 40 per cent valuations; close In. c'.Uzvns Uank. (iraod ave. and Alder. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W. II. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. I10U0 TO IjOOO to loan at lowest rates, also larger amounts. Trowbridge & Stephana, 801 Wilcox bldg. fuOOOO TO LOAN, large loana a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. u. Beta, S i i -116 FalUn g bldg. HAVE :t..OO to loan' on approved Portland real cstute security (no agents). Ralpn K. Dutll-Vay. O-W v.iiaii.'-e. v. x........ie.ce. WiHtTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 102 McKay bldg.. JO. and Stark. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland homes or for building purposes. 29M Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS LOAN ASS'N. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. Liberal terms. Mortgages purchased. Henry C Prudhomme Co , 807 Wilcox bldg. TO IA0AN-I130O at S per cent for 3 er 5 years: no commission S W7. Oregonlan. MORTGAGE loana. O. F. Ford. Main lOiT .01 ttail-jr . v.."..r. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALtJMON. 22 STARK ST. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES V. H- LEWIS, 8 LEWIS BLDO i OAN'S on real, personal, chattel or collat eral sec u rl t y. C. W. Pal lett. 308- Fen tun. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 303 Ch. of Com. jiun i . . . . j O. GOLTRA. FAILING BLDG. phIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Mlley. room 204. Gerllnger bldg. Zi,na TO loan on Improved property. 415 hamber of Commerce. state funds. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, ,gent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com, MONEY any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Sett at Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. EaITeSTATE LOANS. J. J. CAHALLN, RAasBEB OF COMMERCE. arwi UP Dwelling houses; principals only: ido "r.k-iltjoraey, 210 AUsky bldg. aTi (loo-city property, will divide- C A. Am li' J.SV. Washington st. Main tiO'S. 'xionev to uii-t battels and Salarlrg. xTTvNEY loaned on personal property, mort gages and diamonds. Call 815 Lumber Evchange. I t iiaV for the asking, salary or chattels. Thi Loan Co, 41 Dekum bldg. .r-.w PERSONAL. ba-- to Loan Chattels and Sat larle. CHATTEL f?T LOANS LOA-V3. WE MEET AND BEAT The rates of otner LOAN CO. 3 regardless of what ADVERTISE SEB OUR NEW RATES: Borrow Slo pay back I12.H0 In 6 pay la Borrow $2S pay back I2S.1I5 In 6 Pay.JJ Borrow SiO pay back $00.4:. In S pay ts. CAN YOU BEAT THEM on LOANS UP TO $100 7 If the HEAD of the family dlea before the account is paid in full and the payments are fade as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A Kb CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY Rebates Given If Paid Before Dua. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY 208-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH l.ONES. Between 4th and 6th ata.. "n VVash st. Open Monday and Saturday till - f f i ! II I I I I I t I llillllel . SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 110. 120. ;10. $40. $50. $o. $70. $100. Cheapest and best place to BORROW MONEY. Lowest rates. Easiest payment REMEMBER. IF YOU WORK WE WILL LOAN YOU MONET. OPEN S A, M. TO 6 P. M. Saturdaya until 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. 308 Failing Bldg. . 1111111$$ !- i i $ '$$ DO YOU NEED MONEY T We will furnish you. tlrlclly confiden tial, and without delay, a loan J" a"f . amount on your auto, piano. fu,ru',,u"r llve.tock. storage receipt and otljrJ kinds of securities, on terms to suit, also on weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOA-N , On first and second real estate mort gage, contract, and chattel uiortgages. C. S. REAL ESTATE BKOKLRAGL CO.. 312 Hamilton Bids-, 131 3d- -uMj I 1 $ $ $ ? 5 to D. D. DRAKE. $100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without security. mortgage rml"0D,r ment: cheapest rates, best "d 0"Pdr vate terma in Portland. 30. Spalding bldg. E ucceaaors to Hutton Credit Co. 1. Oil TO 11000 TO LOA-N On Diamonds. Cheapest Rates Guaranteed. 2.17 Macleay Bldg. 2SG t uahington St. rl.nne. Marshall jVi. A 2S0i. MONEY FOR SALARIED - Women keeping hoUBe and others fur nished without security: t-lieapest rates, easiest payments. Come and gel mouty when you want It. aad pay a. you can olfices In ail principal cities. D. H. lol- man. 31 ( i-umoer e....!... PRIVATE PARTY LOANS eto to fivu. On furniture, goods In .torage. etc STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Open Monday and Saturday till I P. M. Call, write or plione Maln4ili. ('."FRANK LANE for a loan on pianos, household goods, autos. livestock, storage receipts, mortgages- anything or value; it will cost you less. Call and get our prices. W0 Shet land tll'IK 'On ttim r, AlAIvr. vl,. .. -. - On anything of vaiue. furniture, pianoa, autos livestock, contracts, mortgages, etc, ADOLPHUo LANE. 414 Ablllgtotl bldg. Marshall 14. "vvHV pav usurious Interest to money sharks when 'Oe Atlas Security Co. will loan you money on diamonds, jewelry and other portable articles, almost bankers Inter est? B25Fimighil-, 81 and Washington. ' irTvate party loans. Salaried people and women keeping house. ?lo to Strictly C'oinidentlal. 50 Lumber Exchange Bldg. v , o - l, f XV V T I-' U M St . . . v L- x- 1 t I A N I-'. 1 1 Watchos. diamonds, Jcxvelry. etc ,TT1V CllXtPlW Room :t'2o Lumber Exchange Bldg. WF LOAN' money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d St. uiiN'EY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 1-il '.s 3d. near A.der. LOWEST RATES Chattel loans. Call Geo. Harvey. '! mm 11H AN L I 1-. -x'. w.w-x." li.ANS on diumonds and other accuritiea. Wm Holl. room V. Washington bldg. Loana Wanted SlnoOOn wanted on timber In Douglas County IMM'OO wanted on logging oultit, urn on Columbia River; will share Prilo'o(K) wanted on West Side, close-in property; $27.'.o building loan; other appli cations on hand; no i agents. R. N. TUFFOHD & CO.. Mar 4.r.47. A 454.".. 407 Spalding bldg. x i r I vi 1 U V I S TRUSTEES OF ESTATES. LAWYERS. If you have money or control funds, first mortgage loans amounts ranging "otio S40IM.. s per cent want two. three, four loans each month, as building npera- . -..r..,. ,.ne xxoitree of SUIJ- jtmentr-k S. Oregonlan WANTED 4..0IMI for one year. No. 1 secur ity, interest 8 per cent, payable I"""' salary of. one hundred dollars per month goes with this mini. v .r. l HAVE rented 10 acres oi lanu, "" for spuds. Who can loan me $40 until the crop is in: MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for aale. Menrv Prudliotiimo Co.. 807 Wilcox Dig. WANTED Loan of $2200 for 3 years, first class farm security; principals only. State . , j x .r T7 rirexronian. interest- auuice. " ' ... WANTED Loan of $0000 on $lo.oo0 hotel building furnisnings anu n v- Ix per ctni. .vj e-x,. v.. FOR SALE :;iX'0. three years. 8 Per cent first lien novo, ou ix.. ... (iarrett. M. .otei WANT to sell good necond-hand niortgage of f 1 i tlx! ; iioe.ai uisxuuiiu - gonian. ....... ft , t x-'xi-l VTF.h ov Modern "house"; vx fll pay s per cent to pri- LO W wanted $1000 to $7000. best of secur ity. Write AN 921. Oregonlan. l'KKSONAL. RADICAL cure by tne latest natural heal ing methods, including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion, baths, massage. adjustment and manipulations. Most expensive. finest equipped private office In Oregon: no med icine or operations. Over UouO treated pa tients and not a death while under our care. We will be glad to cotutt It wlta "u free of charge, lir. W. K. Mallory, t.ii ifotncniiu uiui GERMAN trained nurse and mnsseuse; long fVDeeietlce. best references; treatments for - e - ,v ... ., . miiciuta and rheuniaiism, iuim.hu. "r.T,.; baths 34.4 Williams ave., near eldler ., it c.r. Phone East 3008. C 2363. Open Sundays. a.VELisH TKAlNIvb NUfvsB aelslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervoua and stom Ich ailments. under physician's directions- baths, massage. No. East llta at aecond door aouth from Eaat akaa ca.r.lue. rnuiw ij. x. Dlt CATHERINE C. GATES I have liad 11 years' practical experience treating nervous and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 307 Abuigton bldg. Marshall 31 4 ,.-.-- 1.1 A. M. tO t I. M. MIND as applied in Science restores with aw" ...... ....... ,t Txi.x.wai and hnanclal liannony. No matter what nor how serious the duease may ue. x... ..-. Hours lu to 6. 424 Clay St.. suite 34. DKiLSS SUITS for rent. $1.30 month; keep n 1 x ..i,.,,,,.! ,, resse.l. buttons your tiuiiixa x.x.. . f - . .exved on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. .loo stftra Tl BERCULOS1S, paralysis, eyesight, can ..j cn.i,n xui.n.an with Woo cor. cuieu oy .j,...".. -- -- - derful magnectic healing power. 1U East l.lth. COr. ASIl. I no..e A1KS ftt.vr... i J " - -. - . air.. , ,i ,.i.lt rvocnt has her ate ing oaiuiisv o.ix. book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at " t . Allsky oing., "x. ..x. v.. . 7 A' will be to the advantage of Charles Gay oniaml1 Wash", care Washlnr-.onlan Hotel. ., ,.s u. MORRISON, steam baths and masseuring for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 347 'x Jefterson. A 4470. open Sundays. 'xi. iknTIFIC facial and scalp treatments, ma'nlcuring. etc. The Marinello Shop. 4U2 f-bidg.. cor. 10th and Alder. 11 tp treatment, facial massage. Room 53, Hotel Br-3Siln, top floor, 412 Washing ton St. Phone A3joO; ' MADE OF YOUR COMBING3. Switches. 5o; curls and putts. 76c Su ItS Siuly Parlora. 400 Dekum bldg. uvp FRANIi teaches palmistry, card read ing; results will surprise you: lessons ooc. Lewision HQiei, -.x. ... "xi.-iiTCH lady gives mental scientist treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago. 478 East Everett .-. - - i ar.lKS to learn the business of the Sanl jVDla.a to ie Dekum blda-. t&ry oeiiuo - . xio; FS auperfluoua hair removed. Mrs. M. n Hill' ia Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. BALM OF FIGS. Compound. Royal Tonic Tablet a. MANICURING PARLOR, facial and scslp treatment, shampooing 314 Svvetland bldg. M IS H EDLUND. scalp spex'laHst. Lew-iston, 4t'h and Morrison. Work guaranteed. "77 ...... . , x if rl A I It 5.K. PI-RE CUT HAill SWITCHES $12 ni-inch switches 47; 2G-inch switches... Hair dressing Face massage Shampxio .'"Ji Manicuring. 2."c; r for ' 12 scaip treatments V':'-,, . Superfluous hair removed by electili.lt.'. guaranteed not to return. $4. aud $(I PUFFS only L4o. i'ut hair In any shade: switches, any length. prices half. Sanitary Pari 01s. 4's-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. HAVE vottr wrinkles removed. Why look old? "r.15 Svvetland bldg.. 5th and VI ash. BUSINESS DltlECTOKY. Analytical Cheniisls. WOciDAUD, CLARKE xt ."'O.. analytical chemists, examiners of chemicals, druss. foods, etc. Assayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel, mining eneinoera. chem ists antt tissajei?.. MONT VNA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ' . ' . :.. ..---I, ?x.,t Morrison st. ana ore-iesxnig wi. , Attorney s. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-iavx. e.ee... practice, abstracts examine... ne.-o.c. 14-il to 142S Yeon bldg. M. 8.0, A " ! T.V J. KNGLISTL general practice, abstract e-ian.iiieu. mu-in a o- 8i'12. Urn.a and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castlnsr and machine vvuiix. i-u - vhlroprHctic I'liysieian. TJk TICKNER. Columbia ".big., next Star Theater. A o-."..'.. Main !.'.S7 ; res. B 2'.i7rt. Ciiiropodists. WILLIAM. Est-lle and Flossie Deveny, tha only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors ::i2 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main UlOl. CIIIRCiPODY' and pedicuring. Mrs. M. l-- Hlll. offices 420 Fliedner bldg. Main 34T.'i. Cool. IVAIc WOOD- -A1.BIXA FUEL CO. FLOCK -BRANCH E. o.'ID ST. WOOIl. Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. Marshall ftX. A 3r.4.'.. 374 Water St. Dancing. PROF WAL WILSON'S SCHOOL Lesson 2.".c: waltz, two-step or three-step guaran teed in first lesson or money refunded: stage dancing taught quickly. Royal Academv Hall. Sr. nth St.. bet. Stark at. nmi OaK st. Main io.xi. BERTHA BECK ETT HEATH, teacher of fancy, stnge and social dancing; classes Mnndav and Friday evenings, at 8. I rt vato lessons by appointment. 109 -d St., . . ... ,.1 . .. t X. . - Ij. A .tjllli. ixetxveen xv usoi iixtxxin anx. ox. 1. PROF. FORD'S school of dancing. 87th and Hawthorne avenue, classes Tuesday and Thursdax- evening at 8. rrivate lessons 1-y appoi n t m.'n t. laoor 0101. Ringier's Academv. dancing, dramatic, vaud eville. Ent. 3d fir. 231Vj Mor. Dally Instln. JKducati.innl. ST-tMMEH? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hutfield, 1018 Grove, Oakland, Cal. Kngines (ias a,ntl Pteam, ROIIER Machinery Co.. Coast agents, Sea burv steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gines. 2M-23 K. Morrison st. Phone K. M-. Fred Store. KIGLER - MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 24 Grand ave. K. -4S2. l.nndacaiie ilHrdeners. FRED W. BULLOCK. Artistic Landscape Gardening. ::iO Y'eon bldg. Marshall 2432. New Lawns a Specialty. Shrubbery. Plants and Ornamental Trees. 1 .and scape Gardening. G. H. SIEHKLS. landscape gardener; care of lawns. rst East nth. Sellwood HOT. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. M ASTICK CO.. 71 Front. leather of every description, una, ni.s. J A. ST ROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1r8. I8.1 Front st. .Medical. BOSTON graduate, massage and medical gymnastics. 3I'2 Jefferson, up one flight. RV.11ME piano laughl Id lessons, players always wanted at good salary. Room 1.. ::m;i. k Morrison st. . Ftnll Tlii-lhorti, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. tino Marciuam. A 41il. Marshall lf'-".l. Music S.-liool. VIOLIN, piano, guitar, mandolin, banjo, wind Instruments; many advantages 111 conservatory training; position furnisned with special teacher course; Instruments loaned. National Conservatory of Music. Grand ave. and E. Morrison St. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Kirkvllle, M.. ..loss of 1SHS: post-graduate 1007. un der Dr A. T. Still, founder of the science. 11 22 Selling bldg. M U'8. A 108a. Dr. U. B. Northtup, 41.".-1-17 Dekuui bids. Nervous anu i.nroo.x; u..-.x-.s. Phone, office, M. 340; res.. East or B in.'v l ainlliig and Puuerhangiug. P PERH ANGING. painting, tinting work, guaranteed; prices reasonable. plioiies Main 7o8'.l. A 4724. Residence, Main 01 14. paints. Oils and Glass. COAS r-MADE paint and varnish is best adapted to the Coast climate. BASS- HKl. TER rAl.xi R AS MUSS EN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash andduor. Cor. 2a and Taylor. ' patent Atlom eys. PATICNTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-iavx-, late of U. S. Patent Office, Book let free. 719 the Board of Trade bldg. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyrights registered, all countries. Booklet free, PETE K HAHERHN. 320 Worcester bldg. U-s AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by .x Xlurfin. 40!) Chamber of Commerco bldg. R C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, inf rlngementcases. WP4 Dekum bldg. Patent Uginera. INVENTIONS DEVELOPED. For Datenting and commercializing. Phona Main 1283. COOP & SCI1MITT. Dol Henry bldg. Full information on request. Pawnbrokers. UNCI E MYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 years 'in Portland. 71 th St. Phone Main blu. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company 60V rtus Electric bl.lg. Oscar Huber. Portland. Pip. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 21 th and York sts. Main 3481). Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 I'd st. SateJ at factory prices; second-hand safes. Second-Iland Mds. WE buy clothing, furniture and tools. Iligli et price paid for second-hand clothing. furniture, tools. Marshall 2364. vi e- nay the highest prices for second-hand "touting and s'hoes. Plaln 7Q..8. W0 Mil. Showcase. Hank and Show itxtures. ii TKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Ray lds Showcase Co.. tub. and Hoyt. R. Lutke. manager. : r; . KIFDSALL, 208 Hamilton bldg. Show case? ii'. stock; prompt delivery. Sale agent. M- Winter Lumber Co. v. insilAI.L MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new Mj'nd-l'and. Main 270:1. Cabinet work p(,iithD SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 12V N. ith St. Main 7017. Cabinet work. Storage and Transfer. .f 0 pn'K Transfer & Storage Co.. ottlcea anil commodious 4-story brick warehouse, aei.arate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.: Dianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping', special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic ar.d foreign points. Main 600. A Hl'h. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, rlanos and furniture moved and paced for shipment. 87-f Front st. Telephones Main r.47 or A 2247. ; ORI'iiON TRANSFER CO.. established 1S70 Transfer and forwarding agents offices and storage 474 Glisan st . cor. 13th and ijlisan. Phones Main 0. A 11W. Tinners. ISELE & GINTER, tinners and roofers. 64 t-avier si. o. Ty pewrtters. tl-, TO .x5 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER ' rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at Gill's, 3d snd Alder- terms to suit: every machine guar anteed call or phone for representative. Main 8-"0 or a ,an(ile standard makes of genuine Fastern factory rebuilt typewritere tno t'unk) Prlcea right. Buy a reliable ma chine from a reliable house. Pacifia Sta y fc PIS- Co.. 107 :d St. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 36114 Washington sr. vfW rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut ratea. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stalk. M. 1407. Well TlHlllng. DRILLING wells. Phone Main 1344 or writ A. Wast, 1S2 Morrison at. tiiVo-Jt I. iw C . C I