, v. REAL ESTATE. . I. !?.. A1-PAL mM ' top at. I T Mr KTZtZZZ.- rorr , , - - I ir rir Warehouse Site 3 full lots, on West Side, can bo had this work Below Market' Value. 150 feet frontage on a rail road by 100 feet on paved street. All improvements in and paid for. In the heart of the new wholesale district. $15,000 Per Lot $4-5,000 F. E. REED, 402-3 Oregonian Bldg. Will mmr mrvlar wmnlnHm ta a-eo mmmk lag ulf. fir fall laforaiailoa la T kmt 3331 ar A T- AUTOMOBILE MEN Corner 19tli and Washing ton Sts formerly oompifl by White Motor Car Co., is for rent. Handsomest auto raobilo salesroom in the West. Why try to soil your wares on a side street! Port land's wealthy men. nearly all, pass 19th and Washing ton Sts. several times a day. Besides, it's at the head of Alder St. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Falling Bldg. Goodnough Building AT Public Auction On Motvin-, April 22, 1912, at 11 o'clock. A. M.. in front of the County Courthoos, I will oIl at rblic auc tion, the quarter block at Fifth and Yamhill struts, in Portland, Oregon, on which stand the 6-tory Ooodnouch buildinjr. Terms, 1-3 eash, balance due in one year. DAVID S. STEAK XS, Rpferee. I Will Build nordinsr-)i"-mi or- choap apflrtmont- houM, aonth end of Uh ft. for reliable tenant. J. 8. ATKINS, 629 Henry Bldg. For Sale Or Lease for a ti iii of 7r. a tnt1.ni lx-rtor--uiit-lwn'nl brick, eprtnklor equlpr-wl. on Tawinnal tracks. ,ry wnlrH: . 0. ,.-ir. I"t floor Tace' suitable lor vir,riottM or wdoUwl. DttID TEIARXA. 24 W.Hltl . MORTGAGE LOANS acr m l cacw 7 J JO M .J1. MAS. ' cciu, nriutirHiR Tlionrni, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. AX4 KmMn Bllu Pbaeo Wala 3r. UAL lTT DKALT.KA. PRt FAKER A Bil.NtPt-T. " 401 llcK pack. WL'.la ck $'-: -!ltw bMa. Cbkpln A Horlaw. 1'.2 I'Mnw Cora mam. Cok. B. . A Co.. X I "rtntl bid ;.lir!ri, A Co. Hia 1 I or.onlan. rA! SIIK-JNU .O. H. P. 44 0 4 WI.--.I b.dg. Th Orttan HMl Kalkta Grand ava- a y,,lnumll kA. ltloiH, A-tdmo,. flVE c-rr Tot. adj.itr.lng P-wunvnt: im,;l kntount d wn. Iianc, T t.rmk. 'mi f--r Mr ti'.ooauK. 7 Klickitat st. fhi)n T ,Kir r VTSAiT'J ANL UlllJ'KilH. Viu rr . ma offer ok on. or ai I 'f "t rS-tU, lo-s AamkCa Park. wur ow a .-m. T otton,o. FOR- -' choir Wtl'W l" In lr--iton district on account of Im1t ct(; will rrak etirwet'v. I.mi. Ck I S..t , 1 :., k.k to- Vr. A. N. How.ll. IIKTTKH rK. Teat bktlfu: iur.r hi... k e- th A 1. 1 -ViL'A. Ilk UKI.Ar VA1.I kw h- J. Ferrlk. 5A t. 4W1 '. No. K. (LISAS ST Lot oOxl-xx rr Iuri r.urc 'r t?il U k bkrirt: nii-al nAt, c3. kTtornir. 414 iilic b i!fT. IRVINGTi'N PARK S full ! on .mth t . kr Ktl r."w . m . bo l-l at ojio. lrm. 0ur. "l l-Aum t!di. CK'AP jul" la Jkktrkblo lot lJi.t.1 Ad i -toa. Rxa Tt4 ktaqukm b..i Mtui Tit. IrXu''I S Al "b--p-t corn.r In I.M k A'l'IITloa'. rt!nl " to .X urt ! !-. OTH1NO 1 u, o mnl S pr month, b.kull HIOI.EY H'.-ltyr, i i J-.. TBt'T thin iot. iKlnf kaot. h!. kJkktir. konr ta ,gku i.a : iM ua Alkxxln, 1,tirt!lJajtvJ- -- . iJrT AI U oa coror lot Id H"at! Peril. o.L !! rur loi.kr.kt ebkap. AD Kl. uro- !-. Aflf't'- knkP. Mllwkukl rokd. rr p.b... nxin.on.u4 torn, ioxlws. r- Hjtlll.T bu bnlfjl U lot m u, Tr. lmprornk-k pkt-1, rr-o t'.W ul Ownu, S:tnd -.. MAt P A.'Rt r'r trlm. r tn ;i Ki.iir.rkk'o'-ih ". w.Hixirkwn tJkT RKt.Hl nsT iij In four i .- A bin, n . . . . . , - L- i, t .vr &rnr4 r p. mIth v. 2-Q m Kx'ouvnr. UmnbmU Atfit. -A. -5TA hoi'. aALK AT A SACKIFiCB. Hull tl kt nn-, mjr .1ult I" l-.. I.. I, n.Kr K.-r.J -..l.rir. vi.k b.o. k Jr" KM'-tmrrUr.J tkrlir.k. ekr SU Rl MN'i wr 12 mlautrk. Will m-tl r.i;.v. !a im, j.ia n!y 1 !" r'tit Jr ni-TUh. All Jinjirc vmrnli N'.W IN PAID Foil. . -ut l.krJ-kurfa. e pkvln. Ni. - kr.J lev!. nh fln vl' "f t". AO. Crrflk onDrr, AT VHi. orekonlkti. PUK.ri.ANU Htl.illTS EXlLISIVKLT. I biv, ki oul m p'r -i.l o." tb rki lk- f..r in, on PurtianJ Hfl" ' m hkndk Skl b pkJ la o w fcjm.k or huinr.itrk in) tlro. v"1.";.j ... ...... ...... .i r.'.r ou to knr ol ru:ornr. no j-r.i.mlun. no ko' b.rk y-ti knd o:.rrk urn" ilri ' ilkr.i.kll 45J7. i ro.jk-i. o4. it.iwt roku. A a;.. UlUtLHrllUT COIINKR. I bitr ua oj tba b --rnt.-rk In tnik fin JoJItU.n tkl ki aH.lU lo 'a:k I can i.ow r-rli (,.r lo umlrr lll prur. Fjci .t ki.U k"uth. on liiniir'l 1" tr.t. urand ! of Ml. Mod. knd St. i.;uk. r t ci.r. vents. t;t v'j. k-J Ku: i:ikri St H i.LALAt AL HAi-K H l.OC K. !..-... .,n K. SiJ kt.. lH-t.n VVkkro ktid lu.tr..mki. pj ktrik. in on. ni thk lt r-:o.uI'; dklrlrlk "f r' car th o-w t. Jlt-t. brid. prli $JM; l.rmi H. P PAl.MKR-JONKS CO. 4'4 WtiC.'k bldg. Pbre.k Jalnln .'.'. A Tfn Tolj.ort r,)H JIKAl'TI L. LOTi) 4 H. koj .mint; . .! I.:im, ! to rnrlin-'. un.l-r rulUMIwr.. !..r 1'aik Ad.lt'on. -Atr. onl, tkk-4 a f - tna-ata. to irtado an arr,, lot. in at rk wbnra will k-kU7 r-lii.-k tno c?kt of l.Miiaj: ckkh. o pr moiiin. J'nonk Mr.hkil 27t6- U'O. A. iua :o srl''inal bid. MOUNTAIN VltlV PAliK. S kcr-w on rli!s koovk Mllainattk Trlk't-htk: un - II. .J lr, on rounty roaO, k.-np.k watr fr-.m p-rt-luaU apnu, prico ftox Jmmtti iktt. ka.k i- P. PAL V K-JUNEA CO.. 4U4 U I.O..T bids. Phon Miln f.u9. a aoA I.ALLS AUDITION, t k.lloimrik l'.t. front. nr Hkr Hiorav ava ; a..-u) f-t. with 14-f-KH kl W in rar: ,ir..t Improtttn-ina In knd Paid; prl' l".'.o: tTm. -H P. PALMPK-JU.VK" CO.. 4i4 Wilci bl'ia; phntikk Mklu !. A SCS. ' IKVtNOTOM. Thk rbaapaat junr In Inrlnartoo for quick kle. All kir.l lmproT.m-n.tk la knd pkl I. v'h.uck o.lbborliooJ. For prttk knd tar uaa K. P. IIBTAM. COA.T Cbamtar of ..-miorok. vun P"i; A ia7. E IRVIN'JTOS- I.OT3. Slzht.r Fwklrlct.l rk.ld.n.. ltak factnaj en Hwo-k. B. -th and Tlllkmo-. kta. ; from JJU'O kud up Thla propart Ik aux to ki paaU to rou on r rhL H. P PALM LIH"JON CO.. vil.:o bl.lat. PVaM Mkln'!a. A VOS. DEAtrTTFlTI. view lot oa kouthorn kl"Pv OkakT Cnanrl tr.k. I'loO and up. Jrtoludlnjc c-.ro.nt kid.wk.kk. curba. frk.lnd ktro-aia and vatar; bull llnar rkkrlciiona: o.d on kkkjr t-trn provt.l.nt Trut Company. Hoi. SUA Sua Hoard ol Tradk. Ataraball 473. A 102. WOOlTiK'K 1'Tiv lota. b.tn 61t knd ar-. arid .WVh knd ma, $2i to 20 p.r r.nt rub. bkJkock to uit; taaik pour Chotoa. II. N. TVFrORD CO.. Mk- 4MT A 4".i. 4o" f-Pkldlna bld. VETal-nET.ANI SNAP a. link lot. .". IJ. Krn.t.Hl ktreM and ctn.nt walk rld. on E th. rrkr krbr: prl.-. or'r kom. t.rmk; thlk lot J" worth ft-jO. but owner wnnta money. OKI SMI A llOLl'S. 1 Pokfl ..f Trd. Hl.lk.. th and (IIl Zl'.kr lUtttbnn, av.. on 4ot h kt I M), four f-t kbov. k'.d.wklJt and pr frt'y TT; fruit trr.-k In r-r. crm-nt n.l.arm k and r.irh 1n.-iurt!: ni.-a p.liciv borhoo.l: $...' car-h. b;anra kkky; lot li block 1. Kai.um A.l.lUlon. Phono i-akt 141.J, an.r . ron nrli.i.rRA. lim, IIT. Itavk thlk qukr'.r jit rlchf for thr fcunrilnwa. on K. 3'.'h for $Jm. on whirh kill tkkk kkcond n.ortKJo for purrhkkk prl.-.. X K. PonjlFN'. 411 rllky Prhkntrk. lUVl.N.iTr.N" LOTS. b.lnw mnrk't rain-, inn, loo. -nth of Prkiek kt.. prt-'k '.7"0: i;."-' ckkh. It. N TI'FFoRP "0.. 4"T fipkHllnn Rtilai IO DOWX-II" PKR MONTH, ptnr vlrw lot. mktur.d fruit trka. ra-ktrlcte-i doitrtct. n-ar car. ckmrit knd cor-. Hj.I Hun alfr pro-ndrnt Tru.t l'rmrny. - IHokra of Trk.lo. Maniiail 47. A Ml MI ST FE1.U p.-.utrful l"t !xl". In choir-- rostrlrt.d raldn'- dl.trlrt; caay t.rmk knd ch.k-.r thin aiirmundine pr. irty. no kkfn'k. kll kmt kr P. P Vkuho. ll-l' Spaldin l..,.k . .T.nlnck. I'h .n. Mn.nMV l.Al UKI.IU hal. On account of W aving- rtty I a Ikh to AJkpoaw. of nir axinitT In a ajood corn.r lot In Uurrlhural; niak ni m offer, own.r. :.M .-n.-r o. k Vfiln .r'7. 1 WANT to buy a lot In Irvli.-l.m. aftxioo. tor kfot ckk.; kl rn. your lowcM pri--a knd I can m.-ik k tiutck '. .lohn P. XV.ati.n T"J Hothchlld M.Ik. Mkrhall 4--.1 ii,; r..o.n.- lot. t.rtn kt.. nr aoth. 1 ...h py l.'- down and w, build to nt on ' l-rma Vanluja A XVkltoo, It 1 i rh.muf r f .'ornrn .re. Al'Kb; I'd. lo h.kt of aoll. near car. wk t.r .J.. iric liK'ilk. arrk'l.d ptrk.t; can m.'ka .a., t.rnia. but muat bava komk mon.y. r- truairc. M .iMaMmc bl.lk. lVrwrh Protect y. AOAT9 PEACH. Nar N.wpnrt. Or. al'-.t kcknlo knd dk klrkMo b.a-h r.aort In th. Northw.af. khk'tuta prot-.tlon from thk northw.kt Wlpda. IO houakk knd k D.w h.l. "Aratk p.ach Inn." to b- built thlk aaaaon. komk Bow In rourM of construction : hotkl ta bk c!actrlck.:y l'xhtkd kf.d to coat JIVttt: to b op-n Ju.y 1. Wrlta or phosa ak for lllj,trklNl b-klat AritTK PEACH LAND CO. !i:-.-JJ Board of Trkda Bld. W i I T K for parti. u:ark about b--jl baach prp.rty In tirk-.n. atx.-ial prw.k If you buy qu .-k. AS Hi. '"'""lan. CrN.Tiin:A-rr '. r.i.-k is for Bala ch-ap by own.r. ph'.nk E 22. ' far !al--- flouar. THAT VA'ANT LOT TIT N"T Tl US A 111. KHtt- trcTO INOJME l KOPiUTT? IF OU OWN A. Ll'T P. WiU Fl KV1SII THS VONRT A.vt itcu.H KK-ni'KSi'B ok ruri ILANS Fl'rlS IP WB prlLO. ULA PKPLTAii. N Tut M rKuritaws. ir V.M L PA YY'L T.J fl E t U R. HXII.r-.Y ro.. IXC .ONTRArT 18 AlltH.U.Ti .-24 AMNOTO.V I tJX Jl AWTHOJt VT PARK HOMB. Mo.l.-rn -..m houkc. with 4 bdrfloml knd ..pln p-n-ch: I f'r.pikcra furnk.k. .t'.- lot .lil". a'l Btr-.l Imrrnvemma ..aid a fm. I.wk.ton knd wa.klnk dik tanck' Kat ' near Pdmonl. pri.-k on $ -M' f'.1'- . aah a n.1 I -o per mnnth. i.KI .-.-I I'' 'Ll'a. p .ard of 1 'a.' Hi-'k. 4th and Okk. 7777 - 1 1 K A t.tu.lr i! hom kt S.id.. tiuiicd on knoll oycrlookli.x Srcknlcum I i,r thk houk I. a I Tuxnlahrd. klo tr a I'lhl. c!t wat.r. ..pan Brap.aea with rr..k-3-brlck mani-l. thk iraundi ar a tara containing .V) kliruc. trkca. ara a"d ama.l. I r...n Jlkln I705. or aAdrekk 4. A Morrlwon kir.kt. city. r , a i" K I ba.a tko r-kSd.ncak In Hnaa t?. Park on, of roomk. Juki comp.rt mi. th. oth.r of rooiak. th.t I km oc cupylrk. t"'h roodarn and waU locktad; wi.l a.a klttikr; tariua. Pboca foranooaa C IV-A WIl.l. nt;txi ON Y.J. 1 LOT 0M EAkJ TKKMS. iaaln 14Jw ri'HUiNU. .MT i nVniarr f Cunarokroa, lJvV.Rl.w. corner lot and moda T roota houan. all ImproTkin..-. k In and paid ,or. to b. a-crtfl. .I for -- to kult. CkH41'Pollnbl" T Roill bouaa. SJ'h and lUal Uavla 4.io., ,-akh. u:n .aJ-X l.rnva X'ao.luyn A k..-.n. J.Q -roona nou . ' 7 -provmentk Pkld; 4.a. down Ilk fnonth uwner. 414 Cotnm.rclal Hub btua. IilViN.lixN Now a room buna thoCvu(3 ly "modern; a baigaln. Umr. aboA ( 1 1JI. iir"Vs Ydl I 'K. 2-1r-J; o-room eottage; flre o'ace; $Ju par month; Pat Morr.kon. n.kr Join. feon bldg. klaln 11 A A 74S I" s a modern home, lull lot. facing kourh; ";, touch aud met atk.; flow.rk; fouu. s.l Y" b".d. Main III. A T41A i7-I ai" Kl "f LY modern a-room bungalow. iLv homk brokra. owner. 71 Km araoo. iZr C. itn- Wood aa XT14. 7 gAA'PIFlCE ftno kqulty in flM bun alow for ' -: term a M ala kaag. " i-OR flNE Ho MSA sa, balabual. "FEE OLOVETtLAND ACRE- y bXIITH A.IS. 210 RT KXCHAXOl MuI'l'X- A-roorn bungalow. Ca:: and kea o BI7 Alxia kve. cor. Fkldmore. . L r'KN r. -on h":,e. with furnltura ar wl out4 wauAuai t-iatarara- AA a-aaoa -m. oi?i;c;oiax. T1TT! HtMEo ON KASV PAlUbMS. T-room Lun.alow. with all modkra wi nnlincaal ktret improvkmantk all in; oua Mock to car. 11 mlnutak to city; now. a-room hour, modkrn, auO ''. to car. lut ftoaluv. kkCkllktil Oklhlorhood. o-room buiikklow. modern, with all hullt-tn conni.ncek. fumkce. two blocak from car. near floa achool; .am, '"l': ktc.t improvtnrniB pkld. .cellent ie. corner. Mo for lo ilai. roomk. In kackllont kuburb: roktrlc tlom; all bullt-ln convenl.ncek. lura liv ing -roouta alih panlk. Uktur" and llnt lt4. ' PROXMDENT TRL'ST COM PANT, aul-k-3 Board of Trade, phono Alkraukll 47a. A lu-2. COUNTRI PLACE. 10 minute- walk from ktatlon. on Ork gm k.lctr,c. ftc far.: 2 acrk Ln ' 'Jn fruit, aood T-room houkk. p.enty of w'r. eacptlooally fink aolli thlk mad. in Idoal country homk; 14500; I-oo tun; -. antk 6 per cent DUKH E aEAJjkY A CO. 2d Floor Chkiiib.r of Commurck. 0. WHIPPLE. HOMElMLUKR. 2IS Lumber Klrbanajk WUIaj. For Mklk I will takk an)' think of vaJua a, firkt pkym.nt on my nw douMa-con-ktru. tl but.kalowk of from mt lo nlnk roomk; balanca Ilka rant: Eaat "" ''' your horn, of ma and liva commiaalon. nop pkyln rent; a amall payment down, moner or knythln. of wtjue will ktkrt you off. Tel-phone Main 7t64 ' C WHIPPLE. HAWTHOHXB AVE.VUE. BraiKe-new. thorouithly modern 10-roora houac hardwood floors, two nreplacea; flrat claas In every rekjct : kplendld lot .-.Ox12u foat. Thlk Ik a beautiful modarn homo, lu aplendld locktlon. and cheap at a T uuo. Vkry rek-onkhlk terma. JO. ELKOO. OWNER. B1A) Ourbett Btd(. REjiXBICTTED DISTRICT. Plkk homk. t rooma, lot fiaislO.). parking IO feet, all paid. lawn, cement block chim ney and f. rep.ace. roof green, houee white, el.xant hardwood floor. T-foot buffet, bev eled plat, glakk door. 4 Franco, mlrrork. lnru work pantry and kink, flna ba mnt, furrikc. large roomk. kleeplng por.-ri. Thlk Ik worth tr.r.DO. will kell for quick aaln. V40O.I. Phona owner forenoon. JAkln 4IU MR. IXrT OWNKR! HERE 13 TOL' U IHA.NCB TO Uf PROVE TOTJK PKOPEHTY WITH A HOME FT. AT OR APARTMENT; WILL irlNAXCat IT AT A LOW KATE OP IN Eitif: PLANS FT. KNIf HU rBEBl IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMa. IIS A-U TAL THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. A RCHIT" FX"T An PC1LDER, t HENRY BLDG. PORTLAND HEK-.HT3 BAROAIV. lararw now houa.. Un.ly nnleh.d. XX HITB PNAMKL throughout. PLATE OI.AS.-l win.lowk. mammoih PLATE MlKRuKS In ehambkrk. tJAK FIX Wrt. flna aardrobek. kuperb plumbing flkturek. threa lotk thkl Jlo Jukt rLxbt. with k view that Ik posi tively tha LAST WORl In vlewa Will k.ll wl'h two lota only If deal red. E. W. r nena, i aoor koi. A.H.osil. in ..unuv". A fine now tl-room bungalow. Kea rooms and klkeplng porch, furnark, flrk rlac bookceaek. htlff.t. Dutch kitchen, lot A3 1-Si I'M). corner: all ktre.t Im provemenaa In and paid: prlok 4o00. on eaev tarnia, or completely furnished with piano. ktc at I4S.I0. GRl'RS! A riOLPS. S1M Tloard of Trkde pl.lg.. 4th and Oak. (toon mTNCJ AIXtW to ba aacrlflerl. H2S0: .-.o6 down; thlk Ik tha kwellckt bungalow to ha round. Phona C 2457 or Woodiawn 1.161. MODERN 5-room bungalow, near Eaat x-.th at. Thlk la new. has never hem occupied. Owner wak compelled to leava thk city kuddcnly knd tnual kell. Will tkkk l-l.Vi. f-.'.V) ca--h. balknck $15 par mrmth. Thlk Ik orced on thk market and will pay you to Inveatfgate. Sea attorney, 414 Spalding building . H.M R, ,1'K) L'OtX'N. HXI.ANCE fl.-, A.V1I INTEREST. Thl. la a five-room and halh bungalow on itliltw lot In Montavllla. a block from carllne. Price la iz:i at thlk price and on theaa teroia you kliould buy a home. A. K h irWE.V, 41S Kallay Exchange. rl'Hl'RllAS HOMB BARGAIN. Lot liMivlTw, wlUi fina I-rtoin hnuea. hot aralcr heat, near car and high achool. In 1'l.dmont. for $7ihm: house coat $4700; rr will kell houee knd AOkl.Hi lot for e.VHio. nn-fiK.1 lotk In vicinity worth flixl to foot). owner, phona Wood lawn 21 3T. ' ONLY" f I). tl.xo down: email 5-room bungalow, near Roue Cltv Talk rkr: tlled-flnmhed hath and kitchen, cement haermcnL wired; new and modern: pkvment $1.X per month; ightly lot: owner muat aell; krenlng. Phone Tabor S'Mo. SA 'It I yl 'El 7-room htingalow. tot Hoilol excellent location, ftrepl.ice. furnace, larga por.-h. khkdca. flatiirek. p..k "range, all Im provement, paid for; clop, to carilna; a bargnln for ;r.-50; eay terma Call 20tt K.itflt 27th Norl h. ROSE CITY PARK. 1S MONTHLY. All Improvement In and paid for; T roomk. built-in buffet and bookcaaea, korld okk floora fireplace, furnace, etc. Na tional Realty A Trukt Co.. 721 ChambkT of Commerca bldg. Pbonk Alain H-. i.APr8 APD1TIOM BACRIP1CB For kklk or kxrhange. furnlahed tor tin furnikheU lo-room Colonlkl houae; arvery modern eonvenlenoe Phone Ekat SfKIl and make kppulntmknt to aea keune. aa It le a bkrgam. LAtlREl.H 1TRST HOUSE Wi are agenta for all thk good houaaa In thlk dlktrict. ftek uk for loweet prlcka. Office, on ground. Phone Peat PSA PEI.A1U NTT A CLEMENTS. 3wth and Eaet Gllaan ata. ItlR SALE or will kkcnkng for well-located vacant property. 7u.lou, on Weet blda. four good T-room houke. rentkl $tO; prlca $11 000; will pay ckkh dlfferknce or ae aume incumbranoa. . Lavrld S. ataarak, 240 Washington at. poHTl.ANP HRIOIITfi New. modern. rooma nitlc and k'e.plng-porch. hkrdwood floora. cut glaaa fllturek. built for homk. every convenience krrkngerl for. 2 4 levkl lotk with unaurpa,,d and unobatructlbla vtew. Vara hall 4-.i;. A SH.18. BEST HOME Irvlrvgton. Id roomk. oak flnlah. fwa bathe, two tolleta. three flreplacea buf fet, fine baaement. Huyer. you ought to k. IL t-ot vo-HHi. corner. Ekat 27S; C l.tA W. H. Herdmkn. f IHA CAH. Modern A-rnom houk. and furniture, lot fto. Uhi. ftall ha-ment. on rgo n.kr Will lame kve.. bkUvnrk e.vo, kt gA month. C.wn.r. Phone Woodiawn 10A4. IKTI.AN'I HE1CI1TS Modern, deslrkl.la houke. rorkervatory. klplng-porch. fine l..vHrf level corner, lower helghtk. grand unobktructed view. Mnrkhkll 4iT; A 14.4 FOR nlca 4 -room bungalow, cloka In; l,.t Roxl.k; ck.h I?'-.', pa.ment monthlv. Including Interrat, fJO. Owner, 6M) Wor cekler block. UoliKRN 5-room bungalow, clog In, easy pktnkntk: abao 7-room cottagk. oa good term Call kt Sol hi. 11th kt oomar blej.hena E. pot A W1L4. kail my equity cheap In new modern T-room bungalow. Including ahada. lin oleum knd baw rang In kitchen. Phona Tabor 71A $22oO (.room modern Bungalow. 50x100 cor ner lot. 34th and Emerkon; rl knap; eU or trade, furnlahed or anfurnJhed ; term. M 2A Or.guPlan- f3ircA6H. $li per monta, new .-room. lot J-. lou. 2 block ML Scott car; prick '"'HKlt-HT BISHOP, la 3d SL IRVINOTON HOMB. New. modern 7 room, wkfl built: rholcrkt looation: Oargkln. Ownar. Phona P.unt !to2. FOR fALE By ownar, am mm rant, o-room modern bungalow, .ute block from car. HO nil utaa from Weet fend a Tabor 3337. BUNOAJ-OW. S rouioa. Uawthorna dlktriot, ktrlcliy mod.m. k'l buIU-ln coDvetnanorti terma. flkk ovuaA 144 E. 50th L -louth. 1 Atiia, 4-rocoa b tuee, 6 mile from Port lend, clear-el. r25' cakh. balance flS per month. TBtor j., ISoOO EQUITY In tHiom Irvlngton corner. ! houae with garagk for kale or axohanga. ir. Cret'llek. are .aeoicai oing. CLOSifi IN', cheap. block Clark's station. new A-room modern: $loH; big reduction for ckh. 32QO 3-d kt- PIPPMO.NT BAROAW. New modern, flret-clakk 4-roora homk. jjki, Hk'ght kVk., by owner, next door. TWO lot each In Montavllla and Arbor I-dge. cheap for ceah or terma "B." 101 Su Andrew kTlkC. JLoa Angelaa. aTtara S-room modern houee. cekrly com pl.tkd. larga lot. Ownar. 487 Mkrguerltk kve. , Bit bkrgktn; new, modern T-room houka. easy tarma nu " -" MCR pew A room hnuae cor. K. 31 t t- TUESDAY, MAKCII 26, 1912. HERE'S fOilETHLWl NEW-72.HE,P?.:I'E" UANT NEW HOME. I0 L-.63 alACH PAY FOR S PATS. Abaolutelv thk tlnekt reatrlctod dUtnot In city. Lea thn one block to ckr. On o-mlnutk ckr .ervlce. 12 minute out. One 2-tory; 7 extra large room ana kleeplng porch, with mouern convenience knd luxurv. Including built-in refrigerator. 4 full-Ungth beveled Plato mlrrora. eic,J' and gaa fxturc and ahada. etc.; property worth 17-00. but will commence today ai On 9-room bungalow, beautifully nn Ikhed. on block to car. 12 mlnutea out. sox 6.. ground floor Uvlng-room 10x-. dlnltis room liixIS. and other room In P1""-: tlon; this borne muet b keen to D kP0"" elated, fuma.. hardwood floor". Areolae, tiookcaae. buffet. bemed and panaled. etc. We wMI alart thl 0.Vn property at fo'WO leas .",0 tomorrow. Pon't.watt too long for wa are commencing with bargain price. Reaaonable payment down, balanc T per cent Intereat. Call at room 301 Couch bldg. auk for Mr. Ray. IRVINiITON SNAP. Poe thl look goodr Flna 12-roora houee and grage. modern In every re kpert. oa an attractive iOxlOO lot. flO.Ooo. Thlk Ik an e-peclally well-de.lgned and flnelv conktructed home, kurrounded by fine homek, and 1 easily worth UOmj. If you are looking for an Ideal home comk In knd let uk tell you kbout thlk p'aco- lt tnual bk keen to be apj.reclkted. The own er muat kell knd thik la a kkcrlfice; JloOO In cakh handlek thlk. Marahall -o. 16A J. R, HENDERSON A CO.. M7 fpkldlng bldg. LA CASA LOMA. Tba House on th II 111 ) Thl J a 7-room. West Side. Anderson bungalow and Include everything tht I correct and ukeful In bungaluw building, with a grand view- of mountain, city and river and is undoubtedly the most slffhtly and artistic bungalow In Portland. Tkkk Council Crest Ckr tu Council Crest drive, walk three block east to Chehalem and Mt. Adams drive or phona Alain 80 or A 41i for appolntinanu HOME BARGAIN. Beautiful n.-w homo of 8 roomn, recep tion ball, kleeplng balcony and finished attic; two flrtplaces and furnace, hard wood floor throughout; klttlng-room and hail finished In oak, balanoe of lower floor In fir and upper floor In old Ivory: fully equipped with large oloaete and every modern convenionce; garage, one block of car. For further partlculara eek OSCAR W. BRYAN. Mkln infill. f'"5 Cham, of com. A 122T. CASH TALKS. Moderate-priced suburban horns; o rooms. modern: built-in convenlencee; brand new and well built; 1 block to Hose Cltv Pkrk car; fine place for gar den and chlcketlk; plkce without frlllk: large lot; extra lot if desired: Installment price. l.-.i'O; cash price. J0"0: would ac cept half cash, balance 3 years. 0 per cent- a good chance to buy Tight. Sea J ames C. Logan. MS Spalding bldg -WO-T!ir.L!a acre and new 3 -room h'Xteo. West Side. 20 minute from Postofflce; running water piped to tract, good walks to station; beautiful view of Tualatin J ley; f16r.o; fliwi down, $2 per month. PKOV1DENT TKl'BT COMPANY. 3Ui Qoard or Tradk f.ldg. ttarab kll 473. A U'22. lor ie liufclnc . Pi.rtr. CHOICE INCOME PROPaVRTY. j.640 E. aoth at.; flat; term $1000 cash: Income J.30. I 5.100 t.. Clay st.. fiat; trm 13000 cah ; income I Jo. fU.060 Belmont t., buslnoss; term ,Gimi cash; Income $9t. fll.000 E. Madison L. flat, term 15000 cash; Inoome $120. $14.000 Killlngsworth buslne a property; termk $KuOO cash; Inoome $13$. $14.100 Northrup st. flats; term fhiOO cash: income $ 1 o. $17.$00 E. 16lh st. flat; term $600 caah ; Income $140. $20.000 K. Stark at. business propertyi term flO.OuO caah; income $-Ca. 110. 000 Weal Side: terms $10,000 cash. balance s per cent; Income $30. K4.SO0 XVckt Side; terms $lil.o00 cash. balance per cent. Above properties net 7 to il per cent on rssh Invested. See Mr. Beck. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. 172 Slark St or sal,. Acreage. BEAUTIFUL RIVER FRONT. 20 acres, commanding exquisite view of Willamette River for miles. BoO-ft. front age right on Willamette River, fine soil, 2o miles from Portland, 1 mile from Ore gon Electric, on main county road. R. F P. and telephone; price for quick "ale. $2Rnu; $llli" cash, balance long time, 8 per cent. CO-OPF.RAT1X-E REALTT CO.. R'JO Ry. Exchange Bldg.. 41h and Slark. On Scholls ferry road, a fine Mew prop erty for a country home, every foot of which Ik good land: 6-acre tracts at $250 per acre and aold on easy monthly pay ments. F1RLANPS TRI'ST COXIPANY, 906 SpaKIIng Bldg. CHICKEN AND FRIIT RANCH near Portland: a NEW S1BDIV1SION. Lowest prices: best soil; One view; wood, water Knd roads: 6 tb. JOO per tract; 10-A.. S.-.ilO- 2t A., $""; 411 A.. 12I0; 80 A., $J.Mi0- lflO A.. fHUOO; liberal term. FRANK M FAltLANU REALTY CO., Oll YCOn tilUg.. rnmim, -. CHICKEN RANCH FOR SALE. 1.1 acrck of land in the city limit of New-berg. bull.llngk aufflclent to house kbout 4"00 chicken, running water, rich eotl. prlc $llluO; reasonable payment down, balance on eary terras. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Main !i9SS. 41 Ablngton Bldg. piiufTllt.'il '- T Acr tract right at station. 80 min utes' ride on Oregon Electric; all cleared: beat of soil, price $61" per acre. Term to Blt. ALISON, OWNER. Main 1503. A lolo. 523 Corbett Bldg. ' Tr" M 1 N I T KB' ride to IS acres, with good Improvement, soni. stork snd Implements, at Wuatama Station urcgon Electric; commutation ra-.a: Ideal l.cnt1on. Call at house or on owner. l Chamber of Commerc. 10 A. M. to 9 P. M fko FOR 1 acr, near the hot springe, with new hnuse and Improvements; write for full particulars before It Is loo late. Address Ja. R. Taylor, owner. Carson. Wash. "" ACRES ACRES ACRES. Acre tracia. all set In fruit trea. I yeara old. line location, good roads. 8 ccnt rsrfare: price $. P"r acre, term ll per rem rash, balance 2 per cent per month. err , eon oi.ig. -a "r .... FRACTION acr tracts. In fruit and berries, on the Mount Hood llOe. Just beyond the cny limits. Including improvements fur g.liO; 3101 par month. PHILIPS-THOMPSON CO.. 4tMi Scalding bldg. Marshall 3140. FINE 1-acre lot. best of soil, water, lights, telephone, graded Btreets. ne.r car. 4 mile from center of city. $1Z0; a lit tle cash, balance easy. Sea trustee, 04 pkiding bl-K- a Ai'KiS South st from Hood River. In 3 knd i-year-oid commercial kpples. with w-kter rLght; 200 feet from new brick high krhool. Wouid trsdk for city proparty. wltiisn 12nA U. H . 424 WyganL VOH ALE 2 acrea. with fruit treea and bkiTiea. 1 acra In strawberTles. s-room house, barn, cblt ken -houses ; price $6lwo. .art cash: be carfare, near city limit. Inq. Owneo5N8thSL T: ACRES, Joining Rlvarvlew Station on Eatacada carllne. half of It cleared and fenced, worth ilSOu; will aartfiua for I4.MJ if sold at once. Owner. Marshall 101. . tMiA nrnnlan. Terma mornmaa. - 8 mil from Portland. 3 block from O. XV. P. car: face good county road: On building sit, abundance r-nnlng water; aultable for florUL O BOW. Oregonlkn. CHOICE ACREAGE. S and 10-arre tract In high state of cultivation, near station on Salem Elec tri" very fine soil, running water; easy terma Ja Barre. 20 Commercial block. n7xo"EQi"lTY In choice, level, cultivated ii-acre tract, on Salem Electric R. H.. wUI kacrlflc for a quick ale; no aganta A V 11 1, orekoo.. - a-NP -acrk traotk, olok to Portias A, 1 to e block from .lectrlo carilna. $Jo0 to 4O0 per acre, easy terma J- W. Ut- l.rlln Rkklty Co.. 818 Corbktt blg KEWCoiumbue slectrle. never been used; will ell at a discount or will exchange for a vacant lot or equity. Akk to mxm Mrs. How. lanil l1 car at523Aldert. ' "acrEAOE FOR SALE. Half mil of Roth Btatloo Oro gon City carilna. Addr.sk W. L. ktark '..ther MUwaukle. Or., route 1. InT part or all of 40-acrk cultivated, su burban tract, only $300 per acre. Lest, 4iU oregonian bldg. i a NO W acres cleared. 2 block from Or got. City carllne. Oak Grovo, tkrma. 803 Corbett bldg, rpu.ja end fkrmk. larga and "mall ACtracci c" Kinney Btaanpfer, $!- Lumber Eohangebldg. 400ACRES. elok In. mmlm or trkda Robert X. llller.S38eBr ldg. rACRES.'boat bargain near city: $2000 will handle. Bwana. G. K liLU. E.IVL..V..L' C. F. SMITH A SON. 210 RT. EXCHAXO- K1V- acrea near cltv llmlta. east; price ' . J' - . v r-.-u.ailen : n.. n . ix-. a CO CB MR. NEWCOMER. Before deciding, find out kbout the Ir rigated land at West Siayton. 14 miles k-uthe-at of Salem. Head what nencomori .write, us. bee their reasons for selling out else where ktid locating at West StRjlon, where Irrigation during the dry Summer Insure vour crop. . , A small pavmrnt down. balance on your own terma at only, tj per cent, S. 10 or more acre. The finest Investment offered. We don't aek you to buy. but come In knd get some valuable Information frke. Wtilamette X'klley Irri.ated Land Co.. HARTM AX-TtiOMPSON BANK. Mirrs., I'h. of Com. Bldg.. 4th and Stark. Ask for Mr. Hartog, Manager. TEX ACRES. $2X CASH. The finest 10 acres In the country for the monev. Just ten miles from here, all seeded to clover and or chard grass for the past six years and has never been cut. o the soil Is well mulched and on? crop of puds will pay for the land. It s Ideal for fruita of all kinds and garden truck, free from rock or gravel and ia a very fine clay loam soli. If vou- are looking for some thing for a home and a money-mutter this Is what vou want. PRICE 150 per acre. 20O cash, balance on food terms. H. A. PRYER. 204 Railway Exchange. BY OWNER. BEST 50-ACRE FARM IN OREGON 50 acre, all in cultivation, lev-1, black, kandy. gravelly loam. 24 acrek in Italian pruno. early potatoes planted and seed potatoes on hand for 12 acres; 12 arrca In wheat knd oats; fine 7-room house wit n big porch all around; big barn, windmill, garage, and other buildings; water piped to house, bain and gurden; fine famliy orchard; nice Jersey cow. team wor.n 4.-.0; S brood sows. 250 chickens, turkeys, wagon, hack, buggy, tools, etc.: grain and hay. all goek for $18 per acre: some, terms; one mile from XX'cst Stsyton. 1. miles from Saiem. Addrekk H. Graham, Aumkvlllk, Or., owner. Phono 24o-3 Aumk vllle. --. FIX'E ACRES, ONLY $7.'.o. All under cultivation; no rocks or stimips. excellent fruit and berry Innd; located between two of the most pros perous towns in the Wil'amette X alley, near electric and S. P. depots, schools, churches and stores and not far from Portland: terms to suit; Immediate pos session given"; an adjoining 5 acres to be had at name price; ask for Mr. Haj.ll. Northwestern Association. 1O07 Spalding bldg. YAMHILL garden spot, the famous Oak Hill farm, now subdivided In 10. 20. o and 4"-acre tracts, for sale; price very moderate: 3n miles out on 4th si. line, now being electrified; close to station; cleared land, under plow, land planted! In fruit snd nut, onion and garden land, tiled, drained. To start things I will Rive somebody a rare bargain. Buy direct from me. the owner, and get a square deal. Address E. E. M organ. Yamhill. Oregon. llomeeteads. HOMESTEAD relinquishment: fine home stead. 40 acres. 7 miles from The Palles, Or., plenty water. JJOO quick. See C. X". Haxnmell. 1 P. M. Tuesday at Lindell Holel. Market, bet. .Id and 4th. CAN locate you on valuable homesteads; Lake County. C P4. Oregonian. For Sale Fruit Land. ALFALFA AND FRIIT LAND. W.1 acres. 7 miles N. W. of North Yakima, Wash.: under Government ditch: all cleared and in alfalfa: free of In cumbrance; right at schoolhouse and postolflce; thickly settled Hstrict. on county road; railroad being built: price o0 per acre; will trade for Portland Im proved or unimproved proiwrty, same price. GRI'SSI & FOLDS. 218 Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. 60 AND 110 acres, cleared, first-class fruit land, on county road, 2H miles to sta tion, down hill: best fruit and walnut land in the state: magnificent view Jn Yamhill County, near Cove Orchard; I have too much land; you can have It cheap. Address Owner, X 118. Oregonian. FRI IT and farm land, near Estacada. to suit purchaser. Price and terms reason able. If you want a bargain, see me. S W14. Oregonian. FOR SALE SO acre excellent fruit land; 3H acres apples Just coming into bearing. N 841. Oregonian. " SEE GLOVERLAN'D ACRES. C. F. SMITH ft SON. 210 RY. EXCHANGE. WHITE SALMON fruit lsnd. Call Wood lawn 156S or C 1777. f OR 10-acre apple orchard: trees 2 years old: 8 miles from Newberg. Phone A 77HS. For Sale -Flirms. FOR SALE On very reasonable terma: Im proved alfalfa fHrm on Columbia River In Southern Washington, where 4 and 5 crops of alfalfa are raised every year averaging 8 to 10 tons per acre. Close to model creamerv, splendid public schools and market. Best transportation facilities. 19 passenger trains daily. XX'ill give soe cial Inducements to dairyman or hog raiser provided with some livestock. XVrlte at once to P. O. Box 2170. Spo kane. Wash. ONLY $-4i A splendid Georgia farm home. Earn more each year than the total ensu Cultivation without attention of owner If preferred, or convertible at vour option. Absolute safety guaranteed. Bank references and trusteeship. Write for photographs. Quick action necessary. Answer Immediately. Geo. W. Oeen. Box 4B9. XXaycross. Ua. FOR PALE By owner. 8.1 acre.; 20 In cul tivation. 3 acres Al beaverdsm, two acres good swale land, some timber, orchard, small fruit, sic. ; house, barn, new onion house and other buildings, two wells and spring, telephone, rural mall and milk route. H mile to R. R . 2 miles S. W. of Hlllshoro. Washington County; price $o.hhi: terms. J. N. Miller, Hillsboro. Or. ONLY 14 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Farm, 40 acre of rich soil, -tin acres In high state of cultivation: -room house, barn, orchard, wheat and hay crop, run ning water, 2 horses. 4 cows. 4 calves. plg. M chickens, mower, wagon, buggy; price $700. terms. K- J. GKISER. 42o Chamber of Commerce. W A SCO cor NT Y. GRAIN. STOCK. FRl'IT AND PIVERSI FIED FARMS. $12 to $10 per acre; some trades. 25 years' experience In thla district at your service. JOHNSTON-BOTHFX'R A CO.. 808 Chamber of Commerce bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY-FARMS FOR SALE. Large knd small tracts., suitabls for general, farming, grain, hay. fruit, hopa, dalrvlng etc.: about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write for price list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. FOR SALE Farm lands In famous John par X'allev. Oregon; :I20 acres at $1A.V per acre, with water rights and abundance of water; house, barn and fine orchards; ft miles from railroad; mild climate. Address XV. J. Hughes, prairie city, or. 8k ACRES, $7U0. half cash; 3 mliea from town bottom land; huuee and barn, on good county road; on small river; excel lent chicken ranch. XVrlte us for bargains. Taylor A Imus. Kalatna. Wash. ' SANTIAM RIVER BOTTOM LANDS. Th leading potato and hop center of the valley: all classes of realty at rea sonable prices. The autism Real Ea tate Co.. Jefferson. Or. ( XV'ANTED Man with enough money to de velop 10-acre fruit ranch at Roseburg. You can put all your money Into Improve ment and pay for the land In labor. Room 12. Commercial Club bldg. T8 ACRES, by owner, 3 miles eaat of Ore gon Jlty. on county road; 2S acrek in cultivation, some good timber and kell ell or In kmall tracia: part cash. I- C. Pan ton. 3.". N. 4th, Portland. Or. CANADA Iira for Bale or trade; 1B0 acres. Improved, well settled and test grain section Alberta; will sacrifice for fliuOU. A M HIT. Oregonian. CENTRAL ALBERTA FARM LANDS. $15 per acre. XVrlte for literature. CRAFTS LEE A GALLING SR. Edmon ton. Alberta. LINCOLN COUNTY Dairy, ranchea timber and fruit land. $10 up. gram grows year round. Come and sea. R. . XV'arnock. Toledo. Oregon. AN old place with good land, bearing or chard 60 acres In cultivation. 60 more can be cultivated, fair buildings, near Mllee. $2600. J amok Butler. Mllek, Or. VA RMS Large or kmall tracts, close, to Portland, from $20 to $40 per sere. 313 Lumbermen bldg. ; RTvCHtlO acres, with buildings. 18 mllea from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 182 Morrison st. 40 000 ACRES laud suitable tor dairying, wheat growing, stock railing.. Coffin Bros.. North Takima. Wash . " H. N.-SWANK. 5 acre, highly Improved, house, barn. city water; 6c far. $6000. 308 Ablngton tSACRE-KIno" Bay. Mexico, land. A M. Hlghhonse. P.-M Chamber Commerce bldg. ibo acres. Linn County. .V. cultivated, fine creek. 348QO. 2"1 Railway Exchange. $3 ACRE Kino Bay, Mexico land. A. M. ILluhbuiMi. ft -C-am-as -Commerce. ldg- NO CASH PAYMENT REQUIRED. XVe offer to a limited number of REAL FARMERS immediate pos session of the best alfalla aud fruit land in the Twin Falls country, Idaho. Price onlv $60 to $75 per acre, Including perpeiual water right. We only require that purchasers IMPROVE THE LAND and LlX E UPON IT. and pay the yearly ca nal maintenance charge of about 35 per cent an acre, and the annual payment on water cuntiact of about $3.50 per acre. - NO CASH TO US NOW: OCR EQUITY PAYABLE AFTER HVb YEARS. The water Is ready. The land Is the best; fine climate; excellent schools; no malaria. Write quickly for particulars to HILL BROTHERS COMPANY. Room 3u:i. 4..4 California street. San Francisco, Cal. ACREAGE. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED; LARGB AND SMALL TRACTS AT VERY LOW PRICES ANO ON MOST CONVEN IENT TERMS OP PAYMENT. IT WILL PAY TOV TO SEE ME BE FORE TOU BUY ACREAGE) OR FARMS. I OWN THE PROPERTIES THAT I OF FER FOR SALE. J. O. ELROD. 510 CORBETT BflLPlNG. CLARK COT" NT Y FARMS. 2A acres. '6 miles Vaneeuvor. all In cul tivation; good house. fuil equipment stock; would take part in X'nncouver or Portland property; jirice $ooou ; tasy terms. 3J7 acres, river, bottom, good soil; 40 acres in hay, 1 ta alfalfa: good houses, barns, etc.. boatlandlng : a splendid dalry ranch: $100 per acre; easy terms. 13 acres. -2 miles from station; 4 acres In apples, fuinllv orchard, horse, buKK. :toO chickens. 2 incubators, brooders. 4 acres in spuds. 5 tons hay. full-euipmopt house, barn, etc.; price, bargain, S4.'ia0; J20.1O ensh: balapc? easy terms. 1KIKR E. KEASET CO. Vancouver Office, Cor. loth and Main Sis. SANDY ROAD AND lOO'l FEET ON COLUMBIA RIX'ER. Ten miles from Portland: about 40 acres in cultivation; soil none better in the X'allev; house and barn, good spring: electric car will pass in front of this place. Thia property can he purchased at a very low figure and on very easy terms, call or write. JOHN PICK. 040 Union ave. North. FOR SALE 20 acres A-l land, under culti vation, level, rich, borders county road, 1 mile trolley. 2 miles Hillsboro; best bar.aia Washington County. L. P. HEWITT. 615 Oregonian Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 20 ACRES AT TIGAKDV1LLE. All In cultivation, on good county road; house and barn, family orchnrd and good spring; lays fine; will take house and lot as part iiayment; balance on easy terms. SMITH & SHEFLKR. 822 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5:?o. TWO ACRES IN CITY for 6-rootn modern house; must be 50x100, or corner lot. on good street, not too far out and price not over $:I5ilo; this two acres lies beautifully; house, barn, family orchard; Bull Run water, and in city limits. JACOB HAAS. 40SYeon Bldg. $ 'a ooo CASH and 213 acres hiRlily culti vated land with first-class Improvements: value $40.0io; Income $7oon to $11.1X10 annually, for good income property. See Mr. Harbolt. A. J. DETSCH CO.. 840 Chamber of Commerce. FINE 71-aerc farm In Washington County: price $3000; will exchange my equity of $2000 for rooming-house. 7-passenger auto or some good business. What have you? Call o(i8 Sw-etland bldg $l.0o EQUITY in 10 acres, close to station and to Portland; 4 acres In cultivation; good creek, on county road; total price $LMM0. easy payments; to trade for clear lot or automobile. AE 8.".5, Oregonian. GOOD 80-acre farm to exchange for house and lot In cltv; price only $1S"0. SMITH & SIIEFLER. 822 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main 5SL'l5. I WANT A general mtlse. stock from $10.ono to $.V.00 in exchange for lands In Eastern or Southern Oregon. P. J. Iloeder. 109 Sherlock bldg. XX'EPT SIDE apartment site, rvesino. $;ooo; will take a house anil lot worth $:ir.oo for first payment. E. J. Gelser. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 1 WILL trade lfio acres land. Clackamas County, for 5-passenger car: car must be up to date; price $:HKi0. AK i''2. Ore goniam . WILL trade my $3oOO equity in $.",000 house and lot. close in. on East Side, for acre age, orchard or farm In the valley. Owner at os McKay Plug., t-or.iann TEN lots at Taquina Bay, 1 lot at New port 4 at Pandon, for equity In house and lot In Portland or vicinity. 813 Rus sell st. CHICKEN ranch or garden. Mt. Scott car. lot 20"x2.'l7 4 feet, small houac. fruit trees, fenced; sell cheap or trade. B ll. Ore gonlnn. $ 750 EQt'ITT In fine 15-aore tract, on Salem Electric, for sale or trade for Portland residence property. AV 111, Ore gonian. HOOD RIX'F.R orchard, set to trees, stock, farming Implements and buildings. for house and lot; acreage for house and lot. '.04 Board of Trade. $" 0 EQUITY In' luarter section 12. town ship 7. range 28. H. XV. M-, for city prop- ..... . , - ,,o . O.n.nnipn erty. ac - FOR SALE Equity In tine Eastmoreland lot: will tke good piano as part pay ment. 401 X'ancouver ave. " HORSEPOWER Star drill machine for " sale or trade. -What have you? AK nl. Oregonian. $To OOO EQUITY In $1.noo hotel; will ex change for land or Portland property. A K 0-3, Oregonian. XX'ILL trade good planing mill, doing good buslnkks. for real estate. Oregon or tali fornia. A.t 023. Oregonian. H XLF acre with good house and all kinds of fruit. Xlt. Tabor, to exchange for emall- .. ' . Ol... OIQ l.lrl.- er p'ace on p..-. .-oi. .-. - LARGE ranch for lease, horses and Imple ments for sale or trade. 018 Yeon hldj. FOR trades of all kinds see GARLAND & CO.. 101 4th. WILL take a good lot a part payment on " . i -.loo.- 111' TJ.wlhoroe. new, mooei i. ruiiB"1"" .... n-o TRA OE 4 i-hares Coin Machine nil., stock. What have you? AG 0-4. oregonian. VAN'TEO Desk typewrner Him sale, oni give bargain. Swank. 317 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE miBKR LA NT) a. FOR SALE bv owner, three sections of tim ber land -. miles from tidewater in Southwestern Washington. J. H. Bauel. Walla XX'al'.a. Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J . M' CRACK EN, 304 McKay Bldg. WE buy. sell, cruise and estimate timber. SCHMAUCH A KL1NGE. 205 McKay riiag. SEE GLOVERLAND ACRES. C. F. SMITH ft SON. 210 RY. EXCHANGE. FARMS WANTED. WAXT 20 or 30 acres on Salem Electric: must bo Improved and have houie on place, f xvatson & Therkelsen Co., 300 Spalding bldg. rnon. ...i-.o I-, WITHIN 100 MILES' OK PORTLAND, lo TO 100-ACRE FARM. IMPROVED. WITH BUILDINGS. O 024. ORE! .ON I AN. DESIRABLE families located free on best land in Central Oregon. Write Hampton Valley Devalopment Assn.. Hampton. Or. WA-ITED TO RENT FARXI1. WANT to lease for term of 8 to 6 m 20 to 100. acres of land within a radius of 5 or 6 miles of Portland. WATSON A THERKLI.SEN CO., 306 Spalding Bldg. Main .aO.. FOR RENT FARMS. 75 ACRES Linn County. 50 cultivated, one third crop. 20 Railway Exchange. I HAVE !io'it lu cash to inv. s! in good income j.r. p-r:y. Pief. r store and Hit. buiioiiig. but would consitier t.tti'-r (rood property, piease Ht'dr- ss XViri.-w, ill calo of AG :li. I IregolliH a. A MODERN HOME on East Side. $41100 to fM't'ti. XX'ill give as payment new, modern home on xviliamette Biyer 10 miles from citv. on Orepm City r.lec tric; beautiful Mew site. AH 000. Ore- imiau. WOULD take l: payment on 22.X' five room nu'ili rn hunuluw in Montail!a. bal ance ens:, moiulii paynu-iils. a block from L-arline. A. K. It HI. SEN. 41 Railway Exchange. W-XN-TEP A number ..I lots wtt:i 2d mort-ui-e iii-ix ileire ; si:J.te nri. .-. lei nis and lo cation. 1 won I bother "unless ou b: prices laiigini; from tiie ch.a;esi to S1..00. AL yL'4. Ot-eyoniHn. WANT unincumbered :toi: residence; give SO acres: buKdinss. Imj.roveraent. stream; investicate im me.I ial ely : no aselits. Own er. l'.MD Gland, N.ltli. 5-KOOM htinsalow; gnoii m-ighliorhood; will pi.v "!... i-aslt. balanca- $! or .$2l. p. r m on t ll. Address X jl-Ji. Oregohlan. 1 WAN I a too.! lot at liiemei an. VXash. l a. I Tabor 2'M. C. F. "bil ITHi- SON. 210 BY. EXCHANGE. FOR SALE. liorfcee, XehU-les. ftc. ROSE CITY STABLES, l.-.th anil Alder Sts. If vou are in the market for horses or mares of anv description, come and see our last shipment from Southern Oregon. o have some Kooi males, weighing front loon to l.MKl pounds, suitable for the farm or bier, ling pin poses: prices as low as :.-. ear h s. veral well-male-l teams, all sizes. We also have a car ..f large mares and geldings at La.l.l's farm. Automobile leaves our barn each afternoon. ome and. see us before buyliiK. as our Flock anil price are sure lo please you. besides w know vou will appin-lale. our way of do ing business, as we allow you one wees, a free trial on all- horses purchased fre-m us. In this ua. jou know jusi what you are getting before vou are out nuy money. JXOSK. CITY STABLES. . .-)IT. Alder Street. - GUARANTEED STOCKS. We have -0 head of horses and 12 head of mu-Ies. farm and .delivery .wagon, new and s. conil-ltand harness, also buc kles These teams will range. In prieo ;'ro:n $10n to $.1T. per span, wblrh ln-rluii--s harness. A written guarantee goes with all stock to be as I epreSento.1 or your iiion.-v refunded. E. XV. Hagyaid &: It. s. Ea::s. pioprietors. Portland Sta bles, lr.tii and Couch streets. 10 liKAll of hors.-s, some mares, several cheap v. oik teams and general pui poo hors-s f:-om S4.I up; eonie and see them work and make an oiler; also three heaiy wagons end Ave sets of harness. At cor ner East Madison. 12th St. Inquire at n.-ii.".. i... Spall of hors.-s. black and white, weight Moil pounds, absolutely true pullers and verv last walkers. $i... takes them wi.h. h.ir'ness. -4. East 12th St., one block, north of Hawthorne ave. TEAMS WANTED. "1 teams for l: It. scraper work. - month and found. Free transportation frum, l'ortland. H AN LEY EMPLOYMENT CO. JS, North Second. Mam. 727. A 22'.". .no HEAD range horses, unbroken ; geldings ages .'!. 4 and 5 years, weight !.u to U'" pounds. Keadv for delivery li ay lo. r or further particulars apply Arthur G. Par sons. Wibaux. Montana. LO to Rose City Park Sales Stable at 524 and saudy Road to buy good guaranteed horses at low prices. Take Rose Lliy, Park car. Adam- Campbell, props T.17g"Tn Team, mare and horse. 20oi pounds; sound and as Kood workers as a, man ever owned: Stud. baker vaKon and Bond harness 3HJ Water 81. SEVER-VL younB work horses at I'roebstel Wish. 14i.il to I'll pounds and weiL broken. Benson Dixon, orchards, XX aan.. Hnu" 1. . ItOE City Stables, phone Marshall 4636. Boarders wanted; horses hired and de livered promptly; guaranteed horseB sold, lree. trial. 505 Aider. . POUR teams aud four dump wagons for sale cheap, lrvington lace track, corner 11th and Siskiyou. W ANT (i double S'-ts of w ork harness: must, he cheap. Address XV. A. Johnson, lotll and Kami man ave., Vatuouvtr, Wash. FOR SXI.E one good team of mares weigh ing 2.-0" po.inds; round and true. -.0) Russell st. SAI E Pine mare, safe for women or chil dren to drive, rttbber-tlred .top buggy and harness. $!-'.-.. 3:l XV'ater St. POlt SALE Hrs. an-1 hurn.ss, lfi.:v. or hetaii. wagon Call U. P. .Slables, on Hussell eu : FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy horsed accustomed to city 83 East ith at. Norm. GENTLE horse for buggy or single delivery; also Hayon and harness. 2.0 Ank-HJ'. fr-RErriirsi'v horses at my blacksmith shop cheap, which I took on a debt. -S9 Front. FOR SALE One fine black mure, weighing lmo. sound and irue. 220 itussell st. piknos. -ruMii anil .Xlu-icai lusirnmenta. ELEGANT $350 new mahogany piano. $135. C O. Pick Transfer & Storage Co.. 5a .a. PIANO, used short time terms reasonable. Phone -vi am n..o... Dogs, Birds. Pet SloCK. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks; best selected utility stock; bred to lay; healthy chicks, guai-nteed; i7...( per 100. uuring April and May. The Pioneer Hatcheiy, iox o4o. petaluma, Cal. EGGS for hatching on short notice; all breed. Iialiv clucks; st a lull, rri -hi ed poll 1 t , v . incubators and supplies. Tile Poul try" Supply House. 2m Salmon St. FOR SALE c heap; thorough-bred, Spl:a pups; also pedigreed white (bltehl Eng l.sn bull toirier pup. Phone Main Mas. Tabor 13 1 7. Till iliOl'G llliKEO XVliile Leghorns. 15 hen 1. months old. 1 cockerel. I.5u apiece. J. K. Titylnr. Carson. W ash. U h FIS-IKL, l-r.d-lo-lay White Rocks; 'e.us giiar-iineed ferli'e: SI. -.0 for lo. HIT Hawthorne ave.. near 3"th. Talior.l41 . EGGS "for-hatlming. See our R. I. Reds. Foot Killtncsworth ave.. St. Johns car. Greeley station. PHXTT'S poultry regulator for sale by J. J. l.ul-cr, 1SS Proni t Automobiles. DO YOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE We are exclusive dealers of used cars. Over 75 cars to select from, ail makes, a l prices. Don't fail to see us before you buy. Everv Car Guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 'J!-t and Washington. XX'f have a 14-tnhle billiard hall In Port land to trad" tor 7-pa.s. ear. value $2:4X1; even trade or will tnUe cheaper car. PXC1F1C COAST BROKERAGE O.. 518-510 Board of Trade. Marshall 42'.hi. A 10..L T" l.NJi-l.i- delivery car. never been run. suitable for laundry, grocery or light ex press, can ne hired for $50 a month. AP 112'... Oregonian. . FOR bargains In used cars see us first; write for list; we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. -TOM7b1LK XV ANTED 101O or Hill, B Vasi Will pay cash If price is right. G 40. Oregonian. . WILL trade 1!)4 motorboat for motorcycl. p:ast 342. a .xliscellaneous. i HAVE 20 yards of genuine plna cloth, dl-i-ect from the Philippines, that I w ill sell ...r l.'-ss than it cost there. Call Marshall O.I4. FOR SALE Gasoline launch, 32x7.6 20 H P also band saw, 30 wheel. C. Han sen fcSVj Grand ave. JEhonLas20a. LAWreports, text books, etc.: also boost cases and large golden-oak roll-top office desk. S913Oregonian -Tew beautiful hand-painted pictures for sale by owner; leaving city: prices n- nh p. - . ma si-. " ; FOR SALE or trade. $175 American cash register, been used 6 months. Phone E. REMINGTON typewriter No. 10. practically u"ew' for sale for .75 cash; no credit con. sklered. X -24, Oregonian. ELECTRICAL alarm in.cntion. patent in U. S. and applied for in Canada and foreign countries. l vi -a--"" ALL makes typewriters rented. $8 a month. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER C(B.. - 262 Stark St. FOR SALE Black soil, best in city for lawns; delivered or for sale at corbett and Iowa streets. Phone SI. 21.1, Tabor 26oI. t3S' ROTARY mimeograph, used twice, $20 casn. s o..- o. '- J FOR SALE Two good pool tables cheap. 3B N. 41h. Jim Alexia UNDERWOOD typewriterj first-class condi tion; a bargain. i-uone ..ooi-. v. YJSIHI L- t p-'wr'ter for sale cheap, or will trade. n".(;."i Oregonian. NEW White sewing machine for sale cheap, Woodiawn i 6. A' I