1012. BOMB "WHICH WAS SENT TO JUDGE ROSALSKY, INVESTI GATING OFFICERS. AND INTENDED VICTIM. DEVELOPMENT PLAN BOMB INTERCEPTED I SI; s If ...ll llil rnr jionxixo otieooxtax. Monday, march ALASKANS TO PUSH SECOND ROSALSKY Postal Officials, on Watch Since First Attempt, Find Package in Wails. FINGER PRINTS RECORDED lirtr Nnnirwr of Iele-Ure Sent lo follow New C Ir w . Nature of 1li1oh I"ol k- t'nmntlian rr Will Not IHtulcr. NEW TURK. Marrh 21. V nrrond Infrrnal machine, similar tn lmul v r rp-t to the one he rrcrtved . through thi mail a fk aso. ta mailed last WKlnrswlay to JuU Itosial rKy. ff the "urt of General HrssOnns. It rrriTd In an uptown ubata tion of th tof itr. where postal In spectors ha.l been on the lookout for imrktt'i d.Ir-setl to the Jixice since the explosion in whlrh he no narrowly " ererert Injury. They held It up and nrfiel the police. The InrMent ha nerved to revive the artlvlty of the police aiwl Federal of Arlala who have twon worklna on the cane, and at least to down detectives were aent out from headnuartera toUy and yesterday under ordera from Iep "utr Police Commissioner Houitherty. on what are reported to he entirely new elewa. tHuirherty poaitlvely refused to talk this afiernoon. but It wan salil that flniter print on the llrsl bomb were belnz romprl with marka on ot"ier bomb that the police know about and that bad furnished an Im portant lead. Jads IllM-aaaea Taewlea. Juris Kosalsky himself has a mind of his own as to who did not sent the hnmk thouuh be does not profesa to possess even a distant Idea or wno the sender waa. He la sure, ha said today, that the bomb he opened and that came within a narrow martin of killing him, waa nnt aent by a maniac. lie does not acre with another theory upon w-hlch the police were enitaBed for a time, that the bomb waa sent to him bv the same person who aent a bomb that killed Mrs. lirare Walker, other wise known aa Mr. Helen Tailor, two month ago. He aaM that whoever sent tii bomb must have had a motive and that It waa not reasonable to pre sume that a almilar motive could pos. srhlr control In both cases. -There waa a similarity in the na ture of the bomb. It la true, but that la true also of other bombs." said Judire Rosalskjr. "Aa for the type writing of the addreases on the two packaare. thsy may Indeed be almilar but there are thousand of typewriter of every kind In New York, and this does not Indicate any connection be tween the orlt;ln of the two bombs. elv Believed te Kilet. In all thlnrs of this kind there la a motive, and there must have been one in this case, or else I would never have received that horah. itls-ht here I want to deny that I ever Implied 'n any war that I thousht thia waa an Italian case. Now. a t the motive of the sender, that le one of the mysteries. I cannot conceive of uch an enemy. I have tried hundred of case, and If the an wer I to be found In any of them you are at liberty to look for It. I have no doubt the police will look carefully into thia phase of the question." "Do yoti think your connection with the Brandt case may have had something- to do with thl case." Judae Kosalsky was asked. "1 will not answer that question : but It seems to me you should be able to draw your own conclusion a to whether It did or not." "You have received many threaten in; letter, have you notT" "Yes. hundreds of them." he said, ."but I never paid any attention to them. Hereafter, however. I expect to turn all that I sjet over to the police, for I now realize that a public official " should do o. I don't believe any of thoae letter had anything to do with thl case, but If any of them did there 1 no doubt that they would be of service to the police now." Threat ( esse la Delaae. "Have you been receiving an unus ually larice number alnce the Brandt rase came Into public notice?" "Yes. I have been detuned with them." "Were they mostly from ignorant people? "No. many of them were from per sons who were apparently educated. Some of them were finely composed and some were neatly typewritten." Judge Kosalsky 'aid he thought there w as no reason to believe that the same person who ent a bomb to Ja cob II. Sehiff tx year aeo may have also sent the one he received. The person who mailed the bomb to Mr. Schlff In 10 wa never caught. Pavtd I. Kelly, chief of the bureau of combustibles, ha finished hi examina tion of what was left of the Infernal machine. He said that It was one of the most skillfully constructed of the hundreds he had examined. Vie said It must have been made by a skilled mechanic who was familiar with ex plosive. AUTO INDUSTRY GROWS lnrrra l.arprr Than Any Other Mm n n f art u ri n x . WASHINGTON. March II. An In creased tendency toward diversifica tion In manufacturing industries In the I'nited State wa observed by Fed eral officials who have compiled ata ttsths of the relative jtrowtli of manu facturing Industries. The statistic over the ten-year period ending- with 10 and were collect by the Census ttureau. The report on the Investigation says that the less Important Induatrlea of the countrlea showed greater per centage of Increaae during the period t! an more important one. Fy far the highest percentage of In- rease wa noted In the automobile In dustry, "exceptionally large Increase were credited to the copper, tin and sheetlron Industrie Manufacturing Industries of the I'nited Slates employ aa wage-earners .(15. ft persons, or almost 14 S per rent of the wage-earning population. The value of the products of these In dustries la i:0.T?.05?.0i and the value added by their manufacture I l?.30, i.oo. The slaughtering and meat-packing Industrie rank first In gross value of products, with tl.;..0t0: second is found to be railway and machine-shop products. with ll.::S.4T5.0: third, lumber and timber products. with ll.lC.i:.iA): fourth I Iron and steel works and rolling mills, with ?1.".. -. and. fifth, floiirmllla and grist mill products, with $!. ( L sm: if A II i'ii i , - ; 1 . 1 1 i hsmi'im ' ' n.ft,.iejrf1"i"iif es1 iiwS ssm iinsiti si iMfcaM - "'" " jsnr-v ),' - HOtr, Jl 1M.K ROtl.KV KMKHl, ITI Tl NNKV. K KV OIIK rl.lt -, AM IIKTM TIVK1 KttHIMMi IIOMHV HN Ti:T AITKK K.n.O-IO BKI.OW, It I-: M A N T OKTIIK BOM B. --- 4 PROBERS ARE BUSK End of Steel Trust Investiga tion in Sight. NEW ONES SOON TO BEGIN Money Trtit" and Miippinfc Combine- Next In I. In strpbrnson (a- lo lie Urbalrd In senate This Week. YVASHINOTON. Man-It Slm- Kemocrats rame Into control of th House last Spring, tills ha ben an Investigating t'ongress. The steel inquiry has been under way nearly a year and may close thl weeK. The report, which probably will be made bv .May. w ill be a series of recom mendations. One of them I almost certain to be that large corporations, such as the fnlted States Steel Cor poration, should not own or control common carriers. Investigations Into the. " money trust" and the shipping combine are about to ge under way. The lniilry Into the shipping combine on mor chant marine probably will begin with in a week. Raaeball " Trs.l Talked A bow I. The rules committee this week will take up the Ltwrtnce mills strike con ditions and may order an Inquiry into the affair of the American Woolen Company. A resolution proposing an investi gation of the baseball trust will be taken up by the rule committee this week. The general feeling la that it will lx reported adversely. Of all the standing committees that have been Investigating Government departments since last Summer, none he. made a report. The War Department committee's in vestigation of alleged political activi ties of Major Beecher B. Hay still ts In proRres. The State Department com mittee, headed by Representative Ham lin, of Missouri, Is planning recom mendations to change the department's system of accounting. ladlaa Barm thrill. An Inquiry Into the Indian Bureau la to be conducted by the Interior De partment committee, headed by Rep resentative Graham, of Illinois. Senator Stephenson's case will com up In the Senate tomorrow, and prob ably will be discussed on Wednesday. HI supporters claim a safe majority for him. Senator IOrimer rase come to a vote before the special Investigating committee on Wednesday. His sup porters hazard no prediction as to the outcome In the Senate. leaders of both parties are making efforts to adjourn Congress by the time of the National conventions. In the House June 10 ha been set ten tatively aa the date for which the leaders aim. Senate leaders are co operating In thia. CAPTAIN WYNNE IS DEAD -Fig hiint; Marine." Hero or Cuba, Philippines, China, Gone at 36. WASHINGTON. March 24. Robert E. Wynne, former Captain in the United Slates Marine Corps, known in that service as "the Fighting Marine." died here today at the home of his father. e-Postmaster-General Robert Wynne. Captain Wynne waa I years old. He died of tuberculosis, contracted 'In China In the campaign against th Boxers. Captain Wynne had a spectacular career that earned tor him his nick name. . He served In Cuba, the Philip pines and China and received the thanks of Conrresa and several medais. He resigned from the service after a dramatic court-martial several years ago. Kx-Preaident Roosevelt accepted hla .... ' ' M resignation because of Captain Wynne's splendid record. His friends believe that his gradual decline in health was due largely to his forced retirement. CHINESE WOMEN BIDDEN Orient kel to Turn Mii-elonarj Tables in 1'nlted State. NKW OnLKAN March The Era Club of New Orleans, whose member ship Includes many prominent advo cates of woman suffrage, has adopted resolutions congratulating the women of China on having received the right of suffrage and also extending congrat ulations to tUe men of China on being 'the flr.n to establish a real republic." The resolutions, which will be for warded to the Chinese Ambassador at Washington, with a request that they he sent to his home land, after extend ing congratulations to the women of China, said: "The women of China are requested to send political missionaries to the I'nited States to teach the principles of true democracy to American men." CUTTER SEEKS CHINESE Vlgilanr-e Against Conlraliandi Re doubled Along C'OH.-t. SAN FltANCISCO. March 24. Th I'nited Slates revenue cutter Golden Gate left here today with a force of immigration inspectors to intercept a party of contraband Chinese believed to be on a fishing vessel en route here from Knsenola. bower California. Immigration authorities along the coast from San Diego to San Francisco redoubled their vigilance today with a Iew oT preventing the landing of the Chinese. California ports are being carefully watched and revenue cutters are scoutinp off San Pedro, Monterey and the Golden Gate. Tlilman lo Be Brought Here. SAL. KM. Or.. March 24. (Special.) Requisition papers were granted by Governor West Saturday for T. J. Uhl man. who Is under arrest In San Fran cisco and Is wanted on a char-re of larceny by bailee of $.1000 from the Henry Weinhard esiate. Third, Create Desire IRST. attract attention: second, arouse. Interest. The third paragraph must make the article ad vertised seem so good, so to be desired, that the reader picture himself In possession of it. This paragraph must make th reader want the article. This is the hardest paragraph for any ad man to write. It must be handled boldly, yet delicately. The e.nd1ng of this paragraph leads directly Into the fourth step. ("Induce Resolve" appears tomorrow.) 401 Wilcox Building Telephone Main 3808 The Distinct Advantages of a checking account are security, convenience and safe yuartl apainst overpayments. Open an account with this Company and you will not be bothered balancing; your accounts. Your monthly statement will show just what you have spent. Your cancelled checks are indisputable receipts. SECURITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY Fifth and Morrison Streets. Representative to Be Elected to Support Government Owned Railroads. WASHINGTON MAY ASSIST I'd 1 1 ion Being1 Circulated Keque.-t-Ing John Ballainr to Become a Candidate - at-large From That State. SEWARD, Alaska. March 24. (Spe cial. I The people of Central and Southern Alaska have started a move ment to urge the voters of the State of Washington this year to elect at least one Congressman-at-Large who knows Alaska and its needs, and to elect him on the one Issue of making It his special object to put through Congress the recommendations of Sec retary, of the Interior Klsher for the building of a system of Government owned railroad's In AlasKa. In furtherance of the movement, a petition Is being circulated and siKned by practically every man tn the towns of Central Alaska, for general distri bution among; the voters of Washing ton, setting forth the handicap that Alaska suffers, and that Washington vuffers as well, by reason of the lack of Information about Alaska on the part of Washington's Senators and Representatives, to whom other mem ber look for leadership in Alaskan matters, and their consequent inabil ity to give adequate information and take the necessary leadership. Rallalne I rged to Ron. The petition requests John E. Bal lalne. of Seattle, to enter the Repub llcnn primaries as a candidate for Congressman-at-Large from the State of Washington on the one Issue of a Go.'emment-bullt and Government owned svstem of railroads for Alaska, in harmony with the Fisher pro gramme, and pledges him the support of the signers and of the 20.00 or more Alaskans who are now residents of Washington. In the document, which is in the form of an appeal to the voters of Washington, it is pointed out that Congressional sanction for the build ing of Government railroads in Alaska, after a commission has officially se lected the route or routes, can be ob tained only by having at least one Congressman on the ground, who will applv all of his energies to supplying the "necessary details of Information shout Alaska, in constant support of this one measure. It sets forth that .Mr. Ballaine has these requisites more than any other available man. tlaakaa Kaver Movement. While Sir. Hallaine has been actively engaged In Alaska development for the last 10 years, his home has been in Seattle all that time, and he has lived in the territory and State of Washing ton for 31 years, havinx grown up on a farm in Whitman County, Eastern Washington. He had the advantage and experience of seven years of news paper work and training in Eastern and Western cities, was secretary to Governor John H. Rogers and Adjutant General under him. and served through the Spanish-American and Philippine Wars as an officer in the First Wash ington Regiment. He managed Gov ernor Rogers' campaign for re-election. Few men have a wider acqalnt ance In every part of the state. Sir Ballaine was the original organ izer of the Alaska Central Railway and was president of the construction com panv that built the first section of the road. While building- this section, he enlisted Eastern capitalists In the en terprise and sold his interests in rail road and construction companies to them. He later brought suit against the management of the railroad on charges of grossly overcapitalising and wrecking the property and won his suit on every point. He has had no Interest In the Alaska Central for the last three years. lie was the founder of Peward. In Alaskan affairs. Sir. Ballaine has been Identified with the progressive element, as he has been In Washing ton state for many years. This movement Is supported by Alas kans of every section and party who want, above everything else, a system of Government-built and Government owned railroads In Alaska, to open its wealth and opportunities for all alike. Clatsop County to Test Holler. ASTORIA. Or.. Slarch 24. (Special. ) The gasoline traction engine and trail er which was recently purchased by the county to be used in hauling rock for road Improvement work, arrived AdvertisingOervice Capital and Surplus, $1,400,000. Look at Your ry I They are stylish ami JL 06S comfortable, if they're inside these magnifi cent five-dollar Slater & Morrill Shoes We hold the sole agency for the famous S. & M. Shoes in Portland. The new Spring styles are beautiful. 'Come and see them at either of our stores. A. J. Wochos Shoe Co. 380 Washington Street, Corner West Park 147 Sixth Street, Selling Building We also carry Laird-Scho-ber, Foster's and Queen Quality Shoes, for ladies, and Nettleton's Shoes, for men. W w last nlxht. ami probably will be given a trial run on Monday. Tlie two will carry six yards of crushed rock at a load, and are so arranged that the ma terial ran h spread to any thickness desired as It Is being unloaded. The tires on the tractor are 12 Inches In width, while those on the trailer are Mx inches wide, so that they will art a a roller in leveling the road bed:-. The Intention Is to use the machine at first for making: some repairs on the Olnev road, but as soon as the rock- PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, SORES, ULCERS UNO ALL BLOOD DISORDERS GO li A FEW DAYS rlnijiles. eruption, blotches, scales, ulcers. soron. eczema and chronic swellings are caused by had blood, but don't become discouraged no other trouble is so easily overcome. C'ascarets are wonder-workers in the cure of any disease caused by had or impure hlood. They eliminate all poisons, build up and enrich the blood, enabling It to make new. healthy tissue. Ture blood means perfect health, and If you will use rascarets they will give you good health and a pure, clean skin, free from pimples and blotches. To try Cascarets is to like them, for never before has there been produced as perfect and as harmless a blood purifier, liver and stomach regulator as Cas K6CUTE STUUraS-DirRSS TJSTE C509 -fSSYEl I0o nrbot . Ma bows a . 9 , g L .',..,& , -rrr X-1 1 ;V - J"""-.,. X-WA fit TV" To Indianapolis Louisville Three Trains Daily Each instirino; travelers every comfort that su perb equipment and attentive service can offer. "The Louisville Daylight Special" leaves Chicago 9.50 a. m., arrives Indianapolis 3.20 p. m., Louis ville 7.00 p. rn. "The Southern Express" leaves Chicago 9.50 p. m., arrives Indianapolis 4.00 a. rn. (sleeper may bo occupied until 7.30). Louisville 7.35 a. m. "The Midnight Special" leaves Chicago 12.01 a.m., arrives Indianapolis 6.00 a. m., Louisville 10.30 a. m. Train ready at 10.45 p. m. Indianapolis sleeper may be occupied until 7.30. All three fro'm Chicago Union Station, with stops at Englewood and South Chicago, via Pennsylvania Lines F. N. KOLLOCK, District Agent 122a Third Street, PORTLAND. ORE. 1 i S. S. "BEAR" Sails 4 P. , ...j i, ii.iy..ii jjiiii.jj ii jl g .A j. i. f 1 j. '-g-g a ' b n - i " "i FARE INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS San Francisco $10, $12, $15 Claw $6.09 Los Angeles, c1. $21.50, $23.50, $26.50 c2, $11.35 Two days sightseeing at San Francisco with meals and Berth free en route to Los Angeles; Ticket Office. 142 3d Sireet Phones, Main 2605, A 1402 crushing- plant is in operation it will be utilize! in hauling- material for im proving; the highway between this city and Seaside. Railroad Commission Meets April I. SAL. KM. Or., Starch 24. (Special.) The State Railroad Commission will hold a hearing at Baker. April 4. at which time the question of logsrinn rates on the Sumpter Valley Railroad will be probed. carets candy l atnanic: tip sure io lane . ascareis and you will surely have good, pure, healthy blood and no more eruptions or disfigurements. A 10 cent box of Cascarets will truly amaze you. CSS?ca SICKEN. Any Drug Itora c jL,,ftl,:hi.,i a, ii.! ,a ..9.. M., Wednesday, March 27 ' : l fc e , ; .j SO - O : 4" t o 6i w ;;;; ! I ? je :! i ! e ' i :;: i :e :.H! ;e i:: o e e je h 'ai the life Gilt of your clothes Sprinkle a little Gold Dus5 in the water, and let the GoM Dust Twins do all the hard part of the task. Gold t'USt starts to dissolve and lather the moment it strikes the water; it starts to cleanse the moment it comes in contact with the garment. It instantly softens the hardest water, saves rubbing, saves wear and tear on clothes, and does most of the work without your assistance. Use Gold Dust next wash day, and have whiter, sweeter, cleaner clothes, with half the effort and in half the time. Do not use borax, soap, naphtha, aoda, ammonia or kro .rne with GOLD DUST. GOLD DUST hat all doir able cleansing qual ities in a perfectly harmless and last in form. "Lmt th COLD DUST TWINS do your inor" Hair Health If You Have Scalp or Hair Trou ble, Take Advantage of This Offer. We roulil not affoni to so strontjly indorse Rexall '9S" Hair Tonic an'l continue to sell It as we do, if we. were not certain that it would do all tn claim it will. .Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and llexall "!t:V Hail Tonic not trive entire, satisfaction t' tlie users, they would loso faith in lis and our statements, anii in consoriuenc' our business prestigre would suffer. Therefore., when we; assure you thnC if your hair is hegrinninsr to unnatur ally fall out or if you have any scalu trouhle, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic: will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate; hair growth and prevent premature baldness, you may rest assured that wo know what wo are talking- about. Out of one hundred test cases TJexall "93" Hair Tonic save entire satisfac tion in ninety-three cases. It has been proved that it will strow hair even on bald heads, when, of course, the bald ness had not existed for so long a tinioj that the follicles, which are the roots oC the hair, had not become absolutely lifeless. Rexall "93'" Hair Tonic is vastly dif ferent from other similar preparations. We believe that it will do more than any other human agency toward re storing hair growth and hair hea.lth. It is not greasy and will not frum thu scalp or hair or cause permanent stain. It is as pleasant to use as pure cohi water. Our faith in Rexall '!)!'" Hair Toni is so strong that we usk you to try it on our positive Kuaruutec that yoni" money will be cheerfully refunded without question or ouibblo if it does not do as we claim. Certainly we can offer no stronger argument. It comes in two sizes, prices 50 cents and- $1.00. Sold only by the Owl Urug Co. store.- in Portland, Seattle, Spokane, San Francisco, Oakland, L,ns Angeles and Sacramento. Make the Liver, Do its Duty Nine timet in ten when the lirsr u right lb stomach and bowelt are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firm! jr com pel a lazy liver to Carters! do Us duty. Cum Coll1 tipation, IVER PILLS. Indigi tion. Sick Headache, and Distress after Eating. Small Pill. Small Dow. Small Price Genuine munbeu Signature Sloan's Liniment is excellent S for sprains and bruises. It stops the pam at once and reduces the swelling very quickly. SLOAM'S HHY is penetrating and antiseptic. Mr. S. I;. -R ArMF.T. of 30T Clr St., Chat tMioofr.Tnn..savs: " I fprained my an kla.it pained me verymncb and wtwbaaly swollen. After a few Replications of Sloan's Liniment my ankle was reliered, and Is now entirely well.'" At 11 rfaftlar. Trie 3 Be.. BOe. A $1.00. U rw Tart S Sloan, - Boston. Mass. d YOU KNOW SAPOLIO Will Do It CLEANS, SCOURS, POLISHES Work Without Waste PRINTING Rufinr. Binding and ltlank Book Making. Pboaes Mala li-'ol. A ssl. Portland Printing House Co. J. I.. Wrifrtit, Pre, and Geo. "Manaeer. Book, Catalogue and Coram ere la L Tenth and Taylor St., Portland. Orcffoo, x r S3