1012- 19 MARCH 2.?. . - ' ' i POTATO PRICE HIGH Market Is Maintained but Southwest Demand Light. SAN FRANCISCO STEADY Wlx-on-in l CnniM-llnjs Willi Ore gon at Trxaio Point-. Whlt-h H t iM t k,rl lire AtUaiHf Thai section. T-. ptar . m-'t hM " at. Ina M " a.llluuga ,: d"'"' Trm lh Souln"t i" n..t ,h, of .nn-t tlm Tim fart haa l-nd.-d to . hrk in t. .-o far .'an rrauclsio mncernad th situation la good. Xi Tas market has hn weakened by ae 1 r rompl i rom WlKomln. PfKa ra na!'v l.rtrd to the point WTirra Wis .r.e'n rout! In on th Southern tra-le. and wl'1 a large supply available and pri mer prtrra low. the husinras thai had been :ld b) Ortsm baa h-n material!? rut Into. Ar.oro'inc lo ihe Paiker. Wisconsin aroaera are se;:ir Kbit it'Hk at (I. 1 p la S.' Hi a hundred u quote. In the an tramtaco nnsrket yealerday. (bough the tu:k of business was dne around The 'ai:frmla market haa been Influenced In lla upe-ard rurae toy the atrong seed demand h!.-h set In afler the talna started. Mora r less manipulation at Kranrlaro baa also hr'R arparent lit wfnl meeka. The trnax statistical poaltli.n if the market. hfir. is ita underlying caufi of strength. Fan-? itM-k ka nearly all rleared out In the Port and territory, and for hat la left msrs are paying Il iS to There la still ec-me flantlng am.ng buvera up the valley and in several Instances they have paid I V ( VWMit. I.KOWrRH AK f. KTH. Rujers Offer 1 tenia la Mnalaaa. but l.rt Utile. Wool buyer now operating. In Montana are cffring 1 centa to the flock maetera. but r he latter are In most cases demanding SI . ents. William Pea. nho nii. h(p. and Leprla Prrwril. brad of the Penaell Ran.-Q Com pan ten. are h.ih holillnc for -0 i ents. Thry rlam tliat Eastern marketa are .leptted. that the miUe are short of wool, that no serious rut In the tariff Is poeethle. and that If the I tab clips are north In to If rent, at which prices they have tieen con tracted, the Montana aooll are worth 2rt to c n I a. , It la asserted that the ttnetnn buera who re.-ently secured the I'niM clip of Fergus County at In rrnl a!o contracted for about f hrr-quartera of a mlllloo pounda if other rVrgje '..unry wool at It rents and acre then tabled home, their prlnripa!a refuins to runtra. t furrhrr at I.H rents. They haa rito-r gorren uT Ihrtr acare or viae other d'alrra are In that nvid biddmc IS centa. but C'Ttinf little, if any. wool. 3 rtKTI..M MIIF. T t AKI.Or s KK-OI.U larwi Market ynmm tilth lllue-lem a (eat I lis her. Th'.e cargoes of wheat now afloat that wre l-.u.led here hat been reaoid for d luery at Kr. nth porta The terms were not learnad. The wheat market waa etrona; yeterda. particularly for blualem. whl. b aold at J enta here. There were aulva uf blueatein oa the found at IM centa. Club waa quoted firm at ft centa. Krvent bualnvaa In 40 fold at ft's cents was reported. The nata market conttnuea firm. Not many were offering yesterday, but several large lota rhaaged hands ths preceding day. Weekly foreign wheat ghtpmnta wars aa follows. Thla wk IJ.t wk Ijt yr. .Argentina . . . .!! -,eal a.7li. tael 4.ott.Nwl Australia ....I l.l INHI 1 It'.". mm I.Too imhi Indta l.4.t.Ota l.lH.tMNj vu.ihjO lral rrcelpta. in t.ars. were reported by t;ie Merchants Kvchange as f'ttlows. Wheat Itarlry Ktour lts Har Momta r We.lnraday Y h i rday lrol ty . . . Vear ago . 11 3 I ".1 l a ."Jo 'i I l 1 1 inn i;t it te. IMTJ . . . mi ;n ir.ti ?iu Yrar ago I ROM fTitr;T TRtnr. It itK.t: Waraa tVewthrr Mlmnlatea nwalwewa la All Use. The warm weathr haa attmutaled bual nrea lo a market degree on front street. With liht rerwiprs yesterday, good progress wss made la cleaning up stocks on ths street. The only heavy arrlvala from ths outii were a car racb wf orangea and cab bagr. The arple market waa quoted strung on Ite het atoek. ahich Was not plentiful. California peas were hi better aupply and we-e firm at l"J cents a pound. .tsparagus old well at lltatt: a crate. Klorl.la sweet potatoes were nrfered st I a hamper and met with a g.od itcmand. (iiKrt. i mr. imin tiii..himk .terasnuUtiloa f I lly f reamrry llulter. Kgga lino. A much needed ehlpm.nl of cheese was Bur trom Tlllsmook last night. The msr ket has been praccirally bare for ths past week. Uutter waa steady at the old price with no accumulation of city cr.-amery. The egg market was very firm as re ceipts are no sufficient for local and ship ping requirements. All kinds of poultry were In demand yes terday at full prices. llns were quoted at IT cents and ducks were strong at cent. treswd Spring lambs are offering at in 14 renta. eal waa steady at 1. t S cents. wt Kt:T HOPI SKI.L AT M I lH rly Keerwl Trasnwclloa la Spot Osada la That Heellwa. A lot of 71 balrs of Sacramento boii was bought by Richardson at 33 cents, accord. lig to a letter received yesterday. The uualtty of the hope was not specified In the letter. A cnt-act at -4 cents hss been made by M. shier llrtbbie with Caeh TuJI. of iar tow. f .r r.o.lMM pkonls of this year's crop. The a:ne Arm bia contracted with C C Hoardman ror "O pounds at cents. It is reoorted that II. I Bents has offered 19 r-t far three-year contracts In the Aurora Sr.-lLon Bank t lewrlngt. Itjrk riearings of the Northwestern cities s:rrua were as follows f leartnga Ilalancee. Portiand kt. . Il'l.l'! uattv 7 l.TH 417 li.71 Ta.oma ;. I.'l :t Kpbane -i ItS.eii rtKTLAU MARkrr. I.rala. Ibar. t'eeel. Fte. l K tT-T's. prl.es: Blurm. sje. c'uh. t. r.d Huaaian. 7c; Vat.ey. ssc; . roi t. s i-c Mlt.l..Tr r-s Itran. per ton: shorts. $J1 moi.l.lnga. f.iu. H.OI K Palenta. l M per barret: atraiah'a. II"-. evoorta. IXflO; Valley. II ; s-aham. ': wno.e what. ( Si. c...i:" whole. .!. cracked. M per loo. If t T No t r.aateen fteegon timothy, fit U la No. I aller. 1 1 1 I I . SB.'a. H m 1. r:ort g'. oat and vetea. Illy ll-0; u!!ir gr so ha f l'.vr-N I whit'. 1 (It . segetablew aasl Frwlta. TR'jrh"AL ritl'ITs Oranges. navels. P.- 5o jj:S . California grapefruit. A&0;4: Fiorina grapefruit. iKI, bar.anaa. (1.33 tt l.s per bunch, lemons. l.JAOa.J0 per bos: plnespplea. a per pound. KRKXH KRI IT Almetra grspes. (V00 per barrel; cranberries. IKifll iU per bar- ' POTATO Kit ftuytng prices: Burbsnks. tl7.'t2X13 per hundred; sweet potatoes. j ;i r crate. KtiKTAHI.KS-Arlo hokes. 71 UOc per dotn. asparagus. lli- p-r crate; beena. 1.1lthr; cabbage. IVuSe per lb.: cauli flower. I::j crate, celery. (3.3O0 9 per crate: cucumbers. S'JtaS-aO dosen: eggplant. t,ar per pound: gar:!-. Stiltte per pound: hreS l-ttus-e. H J.',.iij per crste; hothouee leltHe. "u7:: ier bov. peas. I-c per pound, peppers. Wc per pound: rail tehee. per dosen; rhubarb. California. (l.itS I 7i per Iwia; aplnacb. 1 liwl li per bog; aprouts. c. tomatoes. Utfl.eO Per bo SACK VEriKTAW.Ks Tumlpa. (11.1 per sack: beets, fllo; rutsuagaa. llttl.IV: carrots. $1. ONIONS Association price. t" Pr sack APPLKR Tellnw Newtown. pitsenbe-gs. I17-.S Bsldwin. ; Hen bavla. (IctT.I: Red Cheek Pippins. -i.M; lno. ieI.7: Cslifornln New towns. (I.Tet): per box. Oajry and Cosmtry Prwdqre. ItrTTER Oregon creamery butter, solid. 3.1Se: prints, eatrs. Kilt".: Oregon candled. ' 21c.. xr dosen; case count. I'oo. " CIIKKSK Oregon flats, ile per pound. Pokk Kancv. kljUDr per pound. VKAI. Kan. v. Utilise per p..und- P'l I.TRV Hens. 17c. Springe. " le; ducks i""c: gerse. 12c: turkeys, live. 2c: dressed. l3U-4c. ' ' Maple (iroreiies. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. 12 ?3 ner doaen- H.nound lal'S. (2bS; 1- pound flats. (2.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. (1 .is. COFVKB Roasted. In drums. 26H0o per pound. Nl'TU Walnuts. 16l,iie per pound: Prsill nuts. MtllAc. lllberts. 14i15c; al monds. 17t 21c; pecans. ISc; cocosnuts. oo tl per dosen; chestnuts. 12V,e per pound; hli-korv nuts. 6flur per pound. HONEY Choice. .t 73 per esse; strained honey. lOe per pound. SALT Granulated. 113 per ton: hnlf gTound. Itwte. $ao per ton: 00. ( per ,on, KEANtl Small white. 4 3c:lsrgs white, c: Lima. 7 Vjc ; pink. 3c; Mexican, (tic; bayoti. 3c. RICE No. 1 Japan. Hc: cheaper fradea. 4.V-: Southern hesd. 5X7c. KI OAR Dry eranulated. s.r.S: frolt and berry. $fl 33; Honolulu plantation. H 60; beet, trial, extra C. s.i3: powdered, bar- rele (X SO; cubes, barrels. (li!3. nP.IED KRCITS Apples. 14c per pound: apricots, IntrlBUc: p.srhrs. 12fl4c; prunes. Italians. 10Vijlor: silver. lfc; flg. white and black. 6H74e: currants. l"fllc: rsls!na. !.'. Muscatel. 014e 7',c: bleached Thompson. HWe: un bleached Multanae. (Se; aeeded. 7HHc: dates. Persian, r'4o per pound; Fard, (1.40 per dox. IJiteeed oil and Tnrpentlna. I.INSF.ED Oil. Pure raw. In barrels, TTc; boiled. In barren. 7wc; raw, la cases. 8 2e: hot'od. In rlrn. 4c. TIRI'ENTI.NB Cusrs. 72c: wood barrels. COc. . SMALL' RUN OF STOCK thapi: is .;aix jiikt .t NOKTII POKTIi.M V.HIS. Onl l ir !. (I Arc Iicreivrd Iur ins I Ik ! lWja ChIIIp .rc . C"rriol Over. The run C ihm irik rci wm lirht a ft win yt.rti.v. mnd trtvlfl w avaf. th-roirr. on a vrry mat 11 cal. only flv Inatis of rt'nk riin In and two of (hem arrlMFd too tat to be hnndletl. A load uf aitevra aoi'l at S and a few Itchier ottra brouxht Th w as abut att tha ba:n-a sir. durtna. the day. Receipt ) Mterday i rn f 7 cattle, 14 ralea bora and 4 horitea. A mmc th ahtppers wen iS-r A Ward, bv boat, r 3 .b"K. . U. OvtmiaMi. Jeffs-r-.n, n mr of cattle and cstUfs and K. W ilitL Weatfall. on car uf cattl and caIvA The day' aa-ea war aa fn !lor-j; Wriftht. rrir. r ateers Hi $.00 atrers -S 5 OH 1 bull i j :j i.v Th raoca of prtra at lha yaroa waa aa follows: fholct? ateera $4 Good to choUa ateara A.lMm 6 10 t ho ice Comb Good to chotra row a 4 To a & vtl t'huic apayed hifrs ft . 1VH. tioHl to choica hctfra ft 35 ' ft AO I'hoii-o buli 4;0 ft 73 Good to -boc bulla 4 gr 4-U i'hotco cals-ea T Tit i5 Gd to choica calvea T.tf 70 (hui. Hicht Hotra T.0r 7 IS Smo-itl h'vy boss ............ 5 7j -00 llotich hravy ft-Ottf 6-75 Ditik- ba yarltna;a 4 7r. ft no C hoir 1p and I 4 1.'. - 4.ftO i'h.iic kllilac wa 4.-:. 4 Vu Am -t ." W 3 Chotoo fd w x! I am ha ft.75t a-0 rhiiutf grain-frd iimbl ft Mm ft. 60 i'hwico ISprina lamb l.Tiff ft 00 Good to choir lamba 4.ft 4.7ft air to sued lamb 4 2& 4.60 Omaha l.ivrataark .Market. MAHA. AUfih IT. Catr'e Hrtpta. 1-Vfl;, mjrkt'i. at'tir lo towrr. .Vitt Pt-ra, f.Tfi t -owa tnd li. if. ta, rt.:u; Weat- rn atera. rt r..". Tcim mtr, $4 r i. -"; ran a i hi and heitera, ft l..'ij .Vf ; t-annera. ft."Ai4. stuarkfra anl f-dra, $.1.7 ttit7": ini.fi. 4tfc, buita, ataaa. etc. ft4.J Haii Hereipta. 7": market, 5c to inc lo -r. Iff a vv. ft". li n 7.3; m i j-d. $7 w 7.1: lis tit. ftti 7 I... puta. t7 ti.7i. bulk of aa.-a. 7hi7.1.V th-pK'.eir.:a 7m; market, atronc. YearUraa. ft.Vtfii n tf.'-'": wflh- rn. V.!Ov o.VV. wca. 4.70ri i t.'; Umn. . 7,' tT 7 . Metal Marketa. NKW YfiRK. March "-'.?. standard rpjr at r. his: ayot. 14 t 9 I 7 'r; lih. I 4. S n l ;!; April. i inll 'i:''-!; Ma, lli.4MM.Tv. June. 1 7 i t I.vt: Jut v. IIil'u (i U7 'tc. Iindin atrnnar: ep.t. tt'l l'.a rkl; future. 4t7 II .'Id. Arm al at New Vrk. - ton. I.akf cppr. 1 ." , t I ." v ; rletrol yttr. J .". f 1 t : rn.unr IIS Vll:iC Is-m f4.ia. ton. pm. M ii2--. Tin ftrm; aiot. t:':.i4il; Man-i. 4i0 Wl.' I.V; Anril. 4i"7 l? i 4? I.V: May, 41 4 June. 41.40 4I.7-H-: Jul. 41 l '. London, a.-s-t qult-t, tUM futurfa. I .oa. a I ani. 1"A Ion. April at $12. 2' torn Auguat at 1.IK-. I-ra.I firm. 4.-A'J 4-London, ft 3 tVI. p-::r iutt. nominal. i,7oti7t; Londun 1W t7a inl. Aniimonr quiet. Cokon". I.'Sr. Iron 'lrrrUPi! warrant at. .Mr t td In le'idon. lovaltv Iron waa firm. .n. 1 fnun dry Northern, ft IVaii w !." .No. -J. JU 7.. I . Nt I Suuiht-rn and No. 1 Southern aoft. ll.'.M .V.. ( of fee and Sugar. NFW VOKK. March 22. Coffee futures rlor.l firm at a net advance of from .1 to II points. dale.. lli.otak bass. March. II".-: April. I.l l.'ic; Msv. l.l Me; June. Ur; July 1J August. I;l 7".c; Sep- tember. I.;s-.V; ticii'ber. 13 77c; November. l.-.;-. IVc.mber. 13.7c: January. l.l.7oc: r'.tiruirr. l.tLV. Spot cofff ateadv. No. 7 Rro. HSr: No. I. rantoa. I&c: mild coffee iulet; Cordova. tti lVc nominal. Haw sugar easy: Muscovsdo. at teat. Vi' -' . centrifugal. teat. 4.41'c: raolassos sugar, r. lest, a d7c lief ined quiet. !r!cd frtalt al New Yeek. NEW VOItK. March 22. E.vaporate.1 ap ple, quiet and at.ady. nr:ce. unciianged: on sl"t fancr quoted at VVstJUSo: choice. 8. Sjc; prim.. 7 . V". I'runea easv situ considerable pressure ta aM- tiuotalions range from 4Sc lo lie for Caltfomlas uy to j'fcl'S and V 12c for oregt.na 1'e.rhr. Steady, but trading- quiet. SS buV r and wl'.r. are apart. l'hol-e 10 t lr. extra choice. HollSc. fanc. 1 1 h i hieaxa IJvewtork Market. "H It AGO. Jklarrh Cattle Re-lpta. market. H'.tdv. Hc $. T-'iaa tera ft4.rn 5.v: We-iiti-rn altera, ft'. Hab... atoR-ra and t .i-r.. ft 'Jo r a. "rf: and beifara, ftZ.OOfj t u; caivea. Una Hereipia. 14 nrf-O; market. abad hlchrr. Miiht. $ 7 " 'i 7.7; nt $7 7.7. hnv. T.:t."ii 7 7t. roush. 7 i 7 pis. .V..".tT I"; hoit of ame-n. . 7. 7w. jhap Hf jripi a. 7mh: market, ate tdy ft Trt.nr. ,'l. 4joH; Vprrn. (.. tt i-'-T. . y-riinm, $.V :. n t rai : lamba. naliv. ftVMftr 7K. Western. ft'i.lt-'n.S. ttilrag. rtadsne MirlrtN l'lllt'';.t. March 2J Hiittel Klim: vr. amerle '.'7. .': dalil... 2S 2c. Kgge e'trro . r.iM't. P'.'cJ ci.. at mark. ca..-s Included I!rer2ic; ordtnarv firsts. Il- -.-: flr.t. -joS c. l i.i.. rtc.u. 1auu.s. IS'.ajlirC. I. IDS. laii is sc. W HIGH RECORDS Upward Course of Stock Prices Is Resumed. GOOD GAIN OVER WEEK AGO .Metal Shnrox Are llie Feature or llie Day Sale or Amalgamated Ki cfd Tlioe or rnlletl Slates Steel Bondtt Irregular. NEW YORK. March 22. The reaction ary tendency which overtook yesterday's stock market ' was partly dispelled today, prices again forging forward and cstab llahlng new high records. Trading was un certain, but top prlcee for leading stocks were from 3 to 7 points higher than last week's close. The most logical explanation la to be found In the fact that slocks were .liquidated before the movement began and that they did not decline In the face of un favorable developments. According to board room gossip, there has developed another bear faction in the coppers, steel, ameltlng and atandard rail way shares. . Metal storks were the feature of the day. transactions In Amalgamated Copper ex ceeding those In t'nlted Stales Steel or any other market leader. Another conspicuous leaue was American Smelting, with a rise of more than 4 polnte. Union Pacific led the railway group. Reading and Steel were relatively backward and American Sugar, International Hnrvcster and American Can preferred resumed their actlvltv. Tires yielded materially In the last heur, but net gains were numerous. More flnsnclng to meet requirements of railroads was reported, the Missouri Pacific contemplating an Issue of $.".000.000 three rears at S per cent note to pay off obliga tions recently incurred. Konds were Irregular. Tola! sales, par value. 2. 4114.00". I'nited States 4s and I'anama 3s advanced 14 per cent on call. Cl.OSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cloelng Sales. High. lxw. Bid. .Mil.. Chal pf .. 1.x 41, 4 3Ts Anial Copper .. t7."" 7'V 77 4 s Am Agrlcult .. I.'"! ::H 2' Mil's Am H. t sugur 10." Mil, fiVa American fsti .. 14."f l" 17W lkl Am Car A Kdv. 3h iii, Am Cotton Oil.. 2.4" 024 511s "l is Am lid r I.l pf 23 Am Ice Surl . I.10 23 22S 22'j Am I.lnseed " Am Locomotive 2.V" " 374 3 Am Smel : Kef 4ii.2n M ' W'S s3 do prrft-rred.. 300 107 107 1"7 Am Steel Kdv 31- Ant Siigur I'.ef.. 7 2tXI 12Rs 127 127 Am Tel ar Tel.. 2.WO 14 147T4 HV A in Tohncco pf I!'', Am Woolen Anaconda M Co 4.fi 4i 40t 4S At. hi. on 11.4'S liivi, lo7 H'.a do pref.rred.. 2" 13" 1"3l llKJ'j Atl Coast Line.. 4i t:;f i.-.fi 13-S Hall olilo ... 2."Hro lo:.-, lo.-., in.-,'!, H. thl.-hetn Steel 4oO .US 81 31 Ht-oko H Tran.. 7.2" S2V M li ' s ( an. i.llsn I'nciflc l.v 2"-l 233 a 2-":l Cintral l-eath-r .'.ix 23i 23', 23 do pr-f-rr. d. . . 4'H ba1. c4 ! Central of N J 375 Ch-a A Ottlo ... ltl.7"d 7H 77, 7SH chirngo A- Alton 2on lv Il 21 Chi tit West .. 4' lt'. 1" 1 do preferred.. 1.2"t 37 VI 3HT, 37 I'M. UK. I A N W MSI 142-, 142'. 142Vi C. M St Paul. S.loo lOUS J' J""' c. C. C ti 81 I M Co Vuel i Iron 2.BH 2s 2tlH 2SH Col St Southern 3S Consol ;..a 1.2" 141 , 14 141 'i Corn Products .. a.400 14V4 13, 13V lei a Hudaon IT" D K tirande 21V do pra-ferrrd ..... 41 lM.tlll.rs' Secur 3.2 32. 31 ' "2'4 Krio 32.400 37 4 3S 31S do 1st pf enV ." W". do 2.1 pf lo 47 47 . 4S tien Klectric ... 2 Hill's 1'fl'i C.t North Pf t.io l.U l.:.H 133 i i;t North tiro .. I:""l 4I, 3S Illinois Central. 2 4" 1311 13n 13"1. Infrbor Met .. 2." 1!'S 1l"s l''' do preferre,!.. I.Mmi r."a 5fcS S Inter l.arvester. .( 11T US', lia Inter Marine pf '." 22 20 21 i lut Paper 4H' 14 13V lot Pump I.tiOO 31 'i SO 211 V I. iwa Central 11 V K C Southern .. 3ta 27 i 27 k 27 do preferred f. C3 I.aclede Cm ... IdO inUj J .",, l.l.Mi lxiui. a Nash.. 3.5ou 107V, 15dV I'n'i Minn Ac St 1 22 M. S P A 8 S M t"M 137V IflV 13S Mo. Knn A Tex 7o 2': 2!'4 2S do preferred.. l' IMS 3V Mo Pcillc 7. 11"" 44 S 4. IS 43 S N..I Kls.uil .... I.4" l..4'i ISO 13ns National l-ad . 1D.41H1 :.K .VI V, .N Hy Me, 2 Pf. 2i :ini, 3'S 3"V N V Central ... 1.mm 1 It s 113', 113 N Y. ont Wa 3.4Mi 3S 3"', 3!" Norfolk ai We.t 7.'l l'H'V 1"U' 1"S North American .Vn 71'. 7S 7', Northern l'a:lllc 122V 12IS 124S P.pic's tins ... 2oO lo7 1II7V H7V 1. c c m I... i.m lutu, lois 1,: I'lttaburg Coal.. 1 IK 1H 1S Pressed S Car.. 2.i 331, 34S 34'. I'u.l Pall IV.. .vsi lull, inn l.-,s lly Ste..) Spring hi :, 31 s I;-a. ling flrt.WHi l.ViL, J.vs ;,k i, Kepiililtc Steel .. 1.700 2'." 21 S 21 S do preferred.. "oo 73 V 73 V 73 Km k Island Co. 7.WI 27 2o S 2BV do "referred.. ." .".3 .12 V 32 V St I. S K 2 pf I..:ih 42 41 1, 41V St I. Southwest. K. mi S3 R's 33 do preferred.. eial 7. 74 S 74', 8Ua ShefTl-ld .. l 4S 49 4 Sr.uih.rn Pacific a...oo 112i 111V 111V Southern Ity ... 3.:.oo 3'S 2HS 2!s do preferred.. iw 7S 73 S 73 S Tenn Copper ... 13.l"o 4"', r. s 3!V T xas Pacific lrto 23', 23 S 23V Tol. St I. Wcs 1" 14'a Ilk, 14 flo preferred.. 1110 331. 3x1, 32 S t'nion Pacific .. 37.KHO 1703, ln:i JiVtS do preferred.. 4 l2 V Pi's PI ',( I S Iteaitv .... 1.2'M 71'. 70', 701, f 8 Riiliber ... 3.PIMI .VIS 32 S 32S U S Steel ftO.'.'oS SJSS 7V 7V do preferred.. I.300 113'. 113 112 V Itah Copper ... li.2a i, .-,it -, V-Caro t hem . 1.7"0 .V f.4 Wfthdnh ..... d do preferred.. 2" 1KV lS 1HV. t'estern MJ ... 1.2'SI t'.2V 1 V aiV W.stlng Klec .. 2.100 73V 73 7.".', Western Vnlon . 3 ' S4 V S3 S V 'll,el A 1, K.. .to S HS h', l-hlch Va!le- . Jl.rtisl 1H7S 1 3.-. I'hlno Copper .'. 3.7oO 27 V 2ftU 2S Kay Consols ... 6.1ml IK 17S 17V Am Tobacco ... TaJO 2H3S "flO' 21 Tutal sales for th. day. 607.300 shares. BONDS. Furnished by Overbeck ft Cooka Co.. of Portland. Bid. Asked. Amerlenn Tobacco 4s.......... I3 s PoS American Tobacco lis 12i'S 12' V Atrblson general 4s UN', 1ISV Atchison cone 4s ......lo.IV 1H.1H Atchison ml) 4s stamped Ml', uj Aleht.on cone os lPtV lo-.iV Atlantic Coast Une cons 4s.... ur, H3 V At Vt Une "I. w N coll" 4s. 14 S "V Kaltlmure & Ohio 3Ss P2 ' l'2V flaltlmore A Ohio 4s Its to.', HrKikln Papld Transit 4s ST S7 A Can Southern first Ss 1"1 V J2 Chesapeake Ohio 4Sa lot im j C H a i gen'mlg 4s ., 1IV ' H a Q Joint 4s Pi;V ov.a, C It Sr o His 4 urn, 1iS c H a- Q i.-nver 4a V'.v oV Chicago Ai Hast Ills 4s Mi so'. Chicago Kill1 ref 4s MS M'V Chicago K I P Col trust 4s... 72 V 72 S Colorado 6 Southern first 4s.... 17', fH Iienter a- Rio (.Irande 4s Mi', no I'et ft Hudson conv 4s......... Hfl S PS Krle first cms P L 4s Hi', wli nt Met 4Ss M S -' V Jatiaiiese 4s hl s b7V Japanere first 4Ss P3 S l' S Jaiavnese second IS' P2 b.3 Louisville A Nashville anl 4a... 111 P0V Mo Kan A Tex 4Sa hs tw Mlaauurl Pacific s 74 V 7". New York Central 3S S7S New York Central L l 3S MS "''i New Y'ork City 4a 93 S N Y Citv 4Sa of 1..7 W.i S 4 New York t'f.y 4Sa of 1KJT IOT H'7 V Norfolk at Weatern 4S -V N Y ml ft W 4S 04 P.-, Northern Pacific P L ll t3 11 Northern pacific 3s tV In Oregon Short I. Ins 4s 14S B7 Oregon Ky ft N.v 4s .".' o.'iV Pentia Ry 4s of 111 lt"2S lo3 V Philippine Railway 4a hds Reading general 4a s SKS Republic of Cuba Ha 10:1 s 10:1 V Southern Pacific first ref 4s... P.", P.. S Southern Psclllo col 4a !2 P2 V Southern Itailwsr 4s 7S 7HV SI I. ft B r ref 4s TH ' Vnlon Pacific first 4 loov lnno'V I'nlon Pacl'lc cony 4a liV3 IO.T, I nlon Pacific ref HT'i 07 S t'nlt.d States Steel 8 F 3s ln'V 1V3 V I'rdted Stsea 2s regUtered Ion', ' lol t'nited Statea 2a coupon..... loov lrtl I'nited states 3s registered loss IM I nitd State. 3a coupon 1 "2 S t'3 f'riied S'ates is registered 114 114 fntted srste. 4s cun Ill .... In lied Hsilaav 8 K 4s ', 7 I nlted Hallway St I. 4a 7 Weatern I nlon I Ss 1'', V Westlngbouse ceav &s. ......... t4S VI V . :! loo lt:l!4 lot- Money Exrhange. Etc. . NEW VORK. March 21. Money on call, ateadv. Z'.ti's per reni: ruling rate. 2'i; loeing bid. 2".: ottered at 2V.. Time loans, steady; oil days. St. per cent: !o diiys. VjS3 per cent; six months. per cent. Prime mercantile paper closed at 4i 4', a per cent. Sterling exchange nearly, with actual busi ness In bankrrr' hills at 4 S4j for 60-day lull, and at 4.ST:10 for .leinnnd. t'ommercinl bills. 14.83 Mexican dollars. 4 To i;ovtrnment bonds, strong; ratlrosd bonds, irregular. LONDON-. March 22. Bar silver, steady. 2 15-ltid oer ounce; money. .1u .1 per cent; rale of discount Tor short bills, 3 per cent; do. sight. 3', 3S per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. March 22. Sterling on I nn.lnn Cll .1 ti liik SterllHe 1)11 I.OndOn. sight. 47t-." t r.iiver r,ars. Mexican dollars. 4AS. Drafts, sight. 2'i: do telegraph. S. i'GROP DAMAGE FEARED (OHPI.AIXTS FROM STATES KAST OK THE MISSOVRI. Prices Close Firm at Chitajto. ' Flurry Among Corn shorts. Oats Stronger. .CHICAGO. March 22. Complaint uf ex tensive crop damage In tha late seeded soft Winter wheat east of the Mlssourt River rallied the market today. The close wag firm with prices varying from V ec off to fee advance. Strerjgth 'In wheat developed late. The easier feeling followed a break at Buda pest, due to an unexpected Increase In Ar gentine shipments, the forwarding! tor thn week reaching the largest total In mora than a year. The movement of wheat north west of Chicago, however, was said to have) shown signs of gradually growing less, and this fact encouraged support. Southwest markets, too, were reducing stocks by lib eral soiling to country mills. A timely bulge In corn afforded help, also, toward giving )lhe market a lift. ' . . . i . c T n,,l. r.irnip A I 111' I y smona i" a. the basis of the upturn In corn. Corn In Texas was said to be selling at 1 a bushel. I nucttled weather, that was predicted and that would further retard the opening of Spring work, made tho oats market sympathise with corn. Selling by packers nullified Ihe tendency of provisions to rise, owing to small ar rivals of hogs and because of the strength of grain. When the last gong struck, tho market was practically the fame as 24 hours before. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. 1-nw. Close. Mac 11 (IIS -vl -V 1-1V l,n- jniy " " ; Sept !tl '' S "" PbV CORN. Mat July Septv .70 V .71". 71'. .72 S .70S 71 H .71 S .72 .71 .71V .71V -2 OATS. Mav 32V .33 V Juiv 4'.S .4HV bept 41 S .'.-IS .?2N ."3 V .40 S -'"V .41 S MESS PORK. May l-40 July I0.70 Sept Io.l5 l.r.O ltl.33 16.31 S 12', li.''.7S l'i. 72S 17.12S 1H.V5 17.00 LARD. . Mav 052S ''7S July V.75 P.77S ..2t bept. SHOUT RIBS. May Z3 u;M U.2--S .J July P3.-I Sept B. ."." 11.42 ', . 3 . 9.3iS M.OO U.4714 9.571, ;raln statistics: Total clesrancea of wheat and flour were equal to li.000 buahels. Exports for the week, as shown by iiradstreot's. were equal to 3.96J.0O0 bushels. Primary receipts were Sol. (Mis bushels, compared with 401.008 bunh els th. corresponding day a year ago. Esti mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 12s cars: corn. 240 cars; oats. 101 cars; hogs, 10. UOO head. nraln at Mao Kranri-x-o. FAN FRANCISCO, March 22. Spot qunta tlnns Walla. SI. no: red ltulan. 11.VIV; Turkey red. SI.T2H 1.77 S : bluestem, XI H7'l 7o: feed barley. 1..7S: brewing. II HO; w hile oats. Sl.fiOw I.S7 S ' bran. $23; middlings. S3211 32..V; shorts. 24.oOtr2.i; April oats. I1.S1V bid. S1.S7S asked. Call board sales Wheat Uecember, 11. r.xs bid fl.tw asked: May. 1 31s hid, S1.112S asked. Barley December, II.4S; May. l.b3. Karopea. 4;rain Markets. LONDON. March 22. Cargoes firm. Wslla Walla for shipment at 37s 3d. Kngllsh country markets firm. French country markets Arm. ' I.IVKRPOOI. March 22. Wheat March. Rs 2Sd; May. 7s bd; July. 7s 8Vd. Weather cloudy. Puget Sound liraln Market. TACOMA. March 22. Wheat Bluestem, pic; fortyfold. She; club. b7r!Sc; red Rua sisfi. K.V-. Wheat. 7 cars; corn. 2 cars; oats, 2 cars; hay. cars. SKATTf.K. March 22. Wheat Hluestem. Pic; fortvfold. Sc: club. Kite: Fife. b.Nc; red Russian. Hoc. Yesterday's car receipts, wheat. 12; corn, 3; liay, 23: flour, 3; outs, tf. Minneapolis t.rala Market. MINN'KA POl.lS. March 22. Wheat May. SI.ohv: July, Slos S H l.uf'i ; September, Sl-'h'V. Cash. No. 1 hard. SI.OSV: No. t. North ern. S1.07 i V l.us ' : No. 2 Northern. I1.0" V trlotts: No. 3 wheat. 1.ti3V. .Flax. S'J.O'.I: barley. 7o.-4 $l.20:-Js-n. 3 el low corn. tV7oc; No. 3 white oats. 32T J2Sc: rye. No. 2, ssftSUc; bran in loo-lb. sacks. S2047 25.ct. Hunk Clraringa. NEW YORK. March S2. Bradstrcet'l bank clearings report for the week ending Msreh 21. shows an aggregate of 3.29:,.OV5. 0'X. as agslnst IJ. 10.', liJJ.ouO last week and t:.S2S.OIi.iK)0 lii the corresponding week last year. ; .- - P. C. Inc. New York ; $1.3J.S-,."00 20. 1 Chicago 2. sil.000 1A.0 Boston . : lH.ns3.fl09 21.2 Philadelphia 137.73S.0btl 19. S St. Iuls 7."i.s.,i5.O00 . Kansas City 43.731.onO e5.7 Pittsburg l.72.0oa 2.7 San Francisco o7.2tiD.tMXI -4 Baltimore 32.71.0rtO S.I Cincinnati 29.24S.oao 17.0 Minneapolis 1.21.000 1.7 New tirleaJis 19.47S.0OO R.7 Cleveland 1S.7.-.7.SUO 1S.S Iietrolt 2O.I3H.0on 1:1.0 A Angeles 22.43.01)0 34. H Omaha la.l.O.noo 4.3 Milwaukee 14.74o.CM'0 13.11 Louisville 14.S21.ltOO 4.2 Atlsnta 13.Ai2.noo il.s Portland. Or. 1 lj.K7.fMMi SI. 7 Featlle ll.21l.ooo 2.ll St. Paul lS.37I.onii 9.9 Buffalo 9.Cifi7.0.itl .4 Iienver .79.00 . S t liMllanapolls 7.S31.II00 4.9 Providence 7.7.00 IS. 2 Richmond 7.7U3.00 3.1 Wsshlngton. D. C T.sr.J.fii.o 1. 3 Memphis 7..22.OH0 tt.S St. Joseph S.5I1.PO0 eiS.S Salt lJtke City S.292.0O0 30.5 Krt Worth S.033.0'10 3.1 Albany 4.7n.00 10.4 Columbus S.21S.000 14.6 Savannab 5. ISO. 000 is. 8 Toledo . 726. OOO 44. J Nashville 6.39.000 38.0 Hartford 4.404. ono ' 4.i Spokane. Wash 4,l:tti.0oo 1.9 Tacoma S.221.000 1J. Itultilh 2.5S7.0O0 .5 Oakland. Cal 3.569.OH0 14.6 San Diego, '-al 2.448. 0"0 7.l Sacrameuto. Cal 1.S92.0U0 13. S Helena 92.00O .. Stoi-kton. (."al S51.000 1S.0 Bol.e. IdaJ.o 4SS.000 Houston 40.922.OO0 8S.7 Ualveston 17.70S.OOO 29. Uecrease. Conditio, of the Treaaory. WASHINHTON. March 22. At the begin, nlng of bualness tuday the condition of Ihe I nlted States Treasury wss: Working balance in Treasury offices, "in' banks and Philippine Treasury. 32.- 740 Mlti. Total balance In general fund. S123.620.546. Ordinary receipts yesterday were S2.2O0. 4. with ordinary disbursements of S2.102,- ' ... T'ie deficit to date this fi.cal year, St, 44.I3 as against 3."V7.vjJ at this time last vear. Vhese figures cxi-ltiile Panama Canal and public d.cti USusactlona. Wie.onln fentral 4s. West fchore 4 TRADE IH WEST GOOD Business Improves in 'Spite of Weather Conditions. DISTRIBUTION IS GREATER Dry (ioods and Woolen Markets Are Firm I.ent!ier Is Very Strong and Prices Are Higher Iron and Steel Advancing. NEW YORK. March 22. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: The tendency In the industries and trades is toward a broader distribution. The Increased activity is In spite of tha slow breaking up of a Winter of unusual severity. of pending labor controversies abroad and at home, including, as they do. the still unsettled coal strike In Kngland and the disagreement between coal operators and miners in this country. Other labor troubles are less disturbing. The Lawrence strike is virtually over, while advances of wages of 6 to 10 per cent in the cotton goods trade indicate better ment In that direction. It is significant that reports from the West now reflect the improved business sentiment and this notwithstanding weather conditions are generally unfavorable. Kfforts to advance prices of Iron and steel are meeting with some success. With the approach of Spring and the resumption of building, structural material la more active and fabricating shops are fairly busy. Prospective business foots up to more than 100.000 tons, and the erection of the new terminal at Detroit will call for a large tonnage. The steel car plants could handle more business and railroad orders are disappoint ing. Bessemer pig Iron is firmer. Demand for tin plates has broadened moderately, but sheets are shaded and new business is much less than capacity. The drygoods market continues firm, and with a broadening trade, prices generally display an advancing tendency. Prints and print cloths continue active and standard prints are to be advanced to 5 cents a yard, while regular print cloths now aro quoted at 3V cents. In woolens, some of the best-selling lines are being sought eargerly. but mills are unable to Increase their deliveries. leather Is very strung and higher. Hides are firm. RKTAILEKS" STOCKS ARE I.ltiHT tirowtli of Confidence la Feature ol gen eral Situation. NEW YORK. March 22. Bradstreets to morrow will say: Though adverso weather conditions in various parts of that country tend to make for more or leas Irregularity in trade, mer chandise continues to move from first hands In good volume. However, it is probablo that while business hue not retrograded, it has not expanded, this being primarily due to the inclemency of the weather and not to any diminution in wants. Conditions, predicated on the lightness of stocks In the hands of final purveyors, are really propitious, and growth in confidence, desnlte some untoward clouds In the field of labor, la a characteristic feature of the general situation. Leather Is not especially active, but pros pects bearing on the future are good and nrices are expected to advance because supplies are decreasing, raw material is higher, and uses for other articles man shoes are being extended. Business failures In the United States for the week ended March 21 were Jj2 against 241 last week. 235 in the like week of 1911. 231 in 1910, 226 in 1909 and 2SS in 19ii8. Ruslners failures In Canada number 37. which compares with 25 last week and 24 In the like week of last year. Wheat (Including flour) exports from the United States and Canada for the week ended March 51. aggregate 3.009.074 bushels against 2.33i.OiS last week and 2.323,517 this week last year. Corn exports for the week are 309.764 bushels against 734.300 last week and 1.510, 791 bushels In 1911. IIAN KBANCISCO" . l"KOIUfK MARKET Trices Quoted at the Bay City for Vege tables, Fruitn. Etc. SAV FRANCISCO. March 22. The fol lowing produce prices were current here today : Butter Fancy creamery, 30.c. Kggs Store. ISSc; fancy ranch, 20c. Cheese 2"'. onions :t.r.iw3.0o. r-rult Apples, choice. $1.2..: common. 73c: Mexican limes. $.r.8; California lem ons, choice. Jl: common. Sl.li.'i; naval or anges. SI 20& 2.7.1; pineapples. S2'(r3. Pntalocb Oregon Burlianks. $2.23'uf'2.6..; Salinas Burhanks. S2.iiU4i 2 7.1; river Bur banks. 2 .2.1 2.50; sweeta. 2.60ri 2.75. Vegetables Cucumbers. $l.;H'n 2.. VI; green peas. 4toi'; string beans. locol'JSc; as paragus. HocfrSl.oo; tomatoes, nominal; egg plant. 13 20c. Hay Wheat. $14i 20; wheat and oats, $14 ft 111; alfulf 13'u IB. KeceipeK Flour, -tir. sacks, 422: wheat, ctle., I.I00: barley, ctls.. 2433: oats, ctls., 175; potatoes, sacks. r.2W5; bran, sacks, 450: middlings, sacks. C2!3; hay. tons, 170; wool, bales. 12u. New York Cotton Market. NKV." YORK. March 22. Renewed pre dictions of unfavorable weather in the South failed to stimulate activity in the cotton market today. The close was barely steady net unchangd to two points lower. March, 10.30; Aprjl. 10.27: May. 10.37; June. 10.42; July. 10.4S; August. lo47; September. 10.40; October. 10. S3; November, 10.55; December, 1050: January, 10.34: February, 10.53. Spot cotton closed quiet, unchanged. Middling up lands. 10.55; do. Gulf, 10.81. Sales, 1134 balen. Select bitulithfc pavement and save money by avoiding the necessity of experimenting. J. C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN A?D COTTON 11KMBKIU NFIV YORK STOCK EXCHANGE tiEW YOliK COTTON EJtCHANO CHICAGO BOABI OF TRAUK THE 6IOCK AMI BOND EXCHANGE. SAN IRANCISCO. Main Office Mills Blclg.. Sao Franrlteo. Branch Office. Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, l.oa Angelas. Ban Diego. Cer djuIo Beaeb. POKTLANTI OFFICE! Main Floor Lumbermena Baiik BnlldbaC 5th and Stark. phonea Marshall 'CO. A 4?87. TRAVELER)' GriDE. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA U nion Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Direct through steamers, sailing from San Francisco April 3, May 1, and every 2g dava to Tahiti. Farntonga. Wellington and pydney. Th. line to lalea of the South Seaa. For rexervat lona see t'oupon Railroad Agents or address Hind, Kolpb at Co., tan Francisco. f 1" I THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: i. C. AIX S WORTH. fTealdemt. H. Xv SCHMEER. Cashier. R. LEA BARNES, Vfec-Praldeat. A. U. WRIGHT, Asaistaat Cabler. VV, A. HOLT, Assistant Caablesv LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits . '. 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able iu all parts of the world. OF-FICERS W. M. I. add. President. ReKert S. Howard, Asst. Caahlrr. Kdnard Cooklnsrham, Vin-Prrl. .1. VV. l.ndd, Asstt. t ashler, vv. H. Dunckley, t aahler. Walter M. rook, Aat. I anhier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 OMest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1807. Head Offl Toronto, Canada. London 1 Lombard Street. Over two hundred other branches in the United States and Canada. Every care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries and principal cities in United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking: business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. MA LP AS, Manager. The Largest and Finest OLYMPIC TITANIC New 45,000 Tons Each i FRENCH A LA CARTE RESTAURANT. TURKISH & ELECTRIC BATHS, SWIMMING POOL, FOUR ELEVATORS, GYMNASIUM, VERANDAH CAFE, PALM COURT AMERICAN LINE Atlantic Transport Line New Tsrk Uooaa Mrert RED STAR LINE Jew THi Daver talwci Paris WHITE STAR LINE New YsrfcBefjstswa Ihrersasl Hew Yark rnrohrrtaa -Soaf!unipw Boston Qneenatown Liverpool Boat on ..neuiiemfcuciau. Company's Office, Room "B" Bailey Building;, Or Local Railway and Steamship Agents. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Canadian Pacific "EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC' AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS MONTBKAi, QUEBEC AXU UVEJBPOOI. VIA THI 6CEMC ROUTE TO EUROPE 1000 MILES ON THB ST. LAVVRtNCB RIVER AND I.EPS THAN 4 DATS AT SEA 2633 MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE First Cabin 92.50 aad op 6econd Cabin .-3? ""J? One-Claa Cabin 11) S50.00 and up ThirdV-Clasa Lowest rates on request. Canadian Pacific Offlca. 142 Third Stxaot. Portland, and all local as acta. i km I. k r EXPRKS-S S1EAJIEB8 FOB San Francisco and Los Ancelea WITHOUT CHANGE. S. S. BEAR Salla 4 P. L, Wednesday, March 27. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. 8. CO. Ticket OfOce, 14 Third 6L Phones Main 36o5 and A 140J. San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Eldat all atrarr Wadneadar Altanatelr at S r. X. NORTH PACITI0 S. S. CO, US Third kt fkonas Maim U14. A UUb COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland S P. M. every Tuesday. Freight received at Alnsworth Dock daily up to 5 P. M. Pas senger fare, firat-cUas. S10; second-class, 7. Including meals and berth. Ticket offlca Aics worth Dock. Phones Main 360U. A V3oA OREGON New York 16 Exchange Place. Steamers in the World APRIL 13 Sails from NEW YORK May 4-25 June IS July 6 APRIL 20 May 1 1 June 1 June 22-JuIy 13 WHITE STAR-DOMINION Maatrtal Oaebec- Urcrpaol "MEGANTIC" & "LAURENTIC LirNt mnd Wtmmmt tMmn on St. Lmmrwmom Rout Only Four Days at Sea TO EURO PS IM 00FORI AT MODERATE RATC8 Twa Strew SS. "Canada" and "Tealomc" ONE GLASS 'ID CABIW 6IRVIOK THIRD CLASS CLOSED ROOKS Bacrase checked Shroarh Saraaaar la Bond. Emhark alfbt before aatUnc. M hotel or transfer Second and Cherry Sta., Seattle TRAVEUERS' GUIDE. " know of hardly aril letter rrmtdy than a tmHabiy mrrctngeJ and mjficiently iong tea trip." ZS3 Dr. H. Cnuchmann. University of LcipC Across the Atlantic Or Around the World No matler where you want lo go, or of what duration you decide your ipring trip ihall be, you will find the palatial teamhipt of the ilORTHGERilAIILLOYO At your disposal, for they and their connections circle the globe. EARLY SAILINGS FOR London-Paris-Bremen Kaiser Tl'ilhelm der Crosse, Tnes. Apr. 2 l'rinz Friedrich Wilhelm, Tllurn. Apr. 1 1 iieurge Washington, Thurs. Apr. 18 GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS, GENOA, NAPLES Koenig Albert, Kat. Mar..:i0 Berlin hat. Apr. 13 Cniiaa to BLack Sea and Caucasus trom Geol. Apnl 28 to M. 29 - $200 ap. Craiaa to Polar Regions 'rom Bremen. Jar 18 to Auroat 15 . $125 up. Independent Araoad The World Trias S41S BALTIMORE-BREMEN DIRECT One Oaai (U) Cabm PaaMarara. Weaaaadtr OELRICHS & C0 fieneral Agents 5 BROADWAY NEW YORK Robert Canelle. G. A. P. C 250 Tnirell atrent, opposite St. Francis Hotel, S. F., or local agents. i i