Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 23, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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"'"I'M Entor
an!ar Editor
urintaaet bulldlnc
Hr.ll.IO THF.ATKR .emh and TT '
l.ouia. r.unnlm In lb mu.ltst rom'flr.
Tha Balkan fnn-- Tola afternoon at
2.11 and tonlaht ai IS
BAKER THEATER Elaaath and Mrr!
or. Tlia drains, "tncla Tom a
Thia aftarasoa at 1:14 and tonnht at e.ia.
Usth and anth Vaudarlli. TUB af
taraooa at 3.11 and taalcbl a cloc
IKCRtJI THEATER Par and Waahla--mi
VaiMlavitla. Thia afternooo at 1:1a. at 7.1 aad o'clock.
ANT1CKJ THEATER (Soenta and Al
dan Vaudi;i. Tnia afiemooa at 1:1.
tonlht at I I) aad octoca.
1.TRIO TUEaTER tr-wrth and iar
Mu.lral ccmd. "W hirley-Uirloy." Thia
afternoon il I SO and toalfbt at T:W
and la o'clock.
rroptrs. mi arcade, oh jot.
taraa. It A. M.-13 P. M.
aVdaiiiMiaiiato lataadid too tao City freer
ka arW ralaaaaa la MaBdara I iai aaaaa he
fcaadad a The OracoaJaw tailam off Ira r
o elavk talaraay ovoaiae.
Nomrrr.u MtiTta Comixo. IC.
Bryn. X'rwln Minister to the
I niil Mtltv will visit rortUrvd In
April, at some date to bo act in th
near future, to Inquire Into harbor
facilities, in relation to the openine
of trie Panama Canal, and opportunities
afforded Norwegian tonnua to tbi
port. The visit to Portland wl!l be
one event In a tour which will Include
all of the Important porta of the Pa
cific Coast. K. X. CederberRh. Vice
Consul from Norway In this city, haul
written to the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, notifying It of the proposed
Vlalt of Mr. Bryn. and the Chamber
will work In conjunction with the Dock
Commission to obtain data and place
Infra In such form that the- will bo
beat available for the assistance of
Mr. Brjrn's researches.
Bona' Rktvr Wasted. J. T.
Conwav and Frank Rlrhet. who were
recently Indicted by the Federal grand
Jury on land fraud chara:e In con
nection with the operations of the Ore
ton Inland Pe.velor.ment Company, filed
a petition In that court yesterday
requesting the return of certain books,
papers and accounts that were taken
from the office of the company by A
sistant I'nlted (itates IMatrlct Attorney
laa-ulro and PostofTice Inspector
turand while the petitioners were
unrler arreet. I'nlted States IHstrlct
Judce Bean has fixed the hearing on
the petition for next Monday morning.
A. 11. Lia is CHAkna or Dairt K
HiaiT. A. II. I.e. a well-known cream
er y m a n of Portland, ha been arpolnted
superintendent of the dairy section at
the Oregon Male Fair to be held In
halem next Fall. Mr. Lea will have
harjte of all exhibit and wilt also
see to their collection. Mr. Lea's ap
pointment Is a matter of Interest to
dairymen throughout the stale, as It
Insure a proper representation of the
tlry Industry at the coming fair. Mr.
I.ea was formerly president of the Ore
Ron Butter and Cheese-Makers' Asso
ciation. Aero Cli Ijrr Co.vts.act. The
contract for the erection of the Port
land Automobile Club's clubhouse was
ll yeeterday to F. O. Oppenlander.
Ills bid was t?Ofl. exclusive of wiring
and plumbing. The award was made
at the weekly meeting of the directors
ef the club. The building must bo
fini.hed by June 1. according to (he
.rms of the contract. The director
sl.-o voted 100 to the Oregon Asso
ciation for hlghm-ay Improvement, to
be tired In Initiating the six good roads
bills now being considered.
Omaha Raiuioad Mam la VlsrTon.
V. II. Bentiam. of Omaha, traveling
freight agent for the L'nlijn Pacific.
ikI Mrs. Benhan-i are passing a few
clays In Portlarx. combining business
with pleasure. Mr. Briiham Is study
ing traffic conditions In the Northwest,
as the constantly Increasing Inquiry
egarding thia portion of the country
requires htm to be well acquainted
with It. It la his first visit to Port
land and he was agreeably surprised
mtth the city and surrounding terri
tory. "MnrfAt RiroRn" Tone. The
monthly meeting of ths Oregon
Ariidemy of rVlence will be held to
niiM at P. M. at the llaaelwood.
S Washington street. The meeting
will consist of a supper ami an ad
el res. The address of th evening,
will bo given by J. I. !.ce. who will
speak upon "Monetary Reform From a
Scientific Viewpoint." Those Interested
are invited.
I.israkt Assist XT to Be Kca kcd.
The United states Civil Service Com
mission announces that It will hold an
examination April 2 1 to secure ehgl
birs to fill a vacancy In the position of
assistant librarian In the Bureau of
Mines at Pritshurg. Pa. Further In
formation about this examination can
be secured from Z. A. Lelnh at the
Portland PnMofflee.
Wong Ki.toieig roR Positio-. Kx
amlnatlnn for playground director
will bo held at the City Mall to-lay.
under the supervision of the Civil
Service Commission. Women, as well
ss men. will be eligible. Supervisor
Crilley being of the opinion thst wo-ri-en
are as capable as men for the
positions, of which there are several.
This Is tm Ut Dat of the Paltl
noro Furniture Co.' opening. Their
tore will be open till 10 tonight. All
-rder giv4i today for especially de
signed furniture or reproduction mad
In their own shop will have a Zi per
rent discount on their usual prices.
Ill Alder street.
"What Am Wg ArrnoAOiiso? Arb
Wg A si.x to TAxr Care or Otn
KLVr' will be Luther R. Pyott'a
thorn In the First Congregational
fhurch tomorrow at 7:U P. M. Pr.
Pyott'a theme at II A. M. "-Sunrise
on the FouL" You are Invited.
A. 8. Bhoimaim With Rock Isiamd.
A. 8. Shoemaker, formerly in tho
.ocsl freight offices of tho Northern
I'a. iflc. haa been appointed freight so
licitor for the Rock Island In Port
.and to succeed tb late Louis Rau.
own want to borrow 12S0O.
i::S'. i::S0 and IJXio at 7 per cent on
high-class unincumbered Irvlngton
homes: no agents. Phono Main 6504 or
address 2ti Graham avenue.
A Skat. roR .-!. Cheap. Fine nine
room modern residence. 33d and Tilla
mook sts.. Irvlngton. on corner. 100x100.
Half cash, balance to suit buyer. 8eo
K. C Mears. Veon building.
FVrtuaxp LADtca will be glad to
know that t!iey can find a full new line
of the McCall patterns at F. P. Young
Co.. 2Z Morrison street, opposite the
Jlotcl Portland.
I'ashi SPicotAt. Today. Regular 10c
a hiscolate creams. 3Sc per pound: divi
nity fudge. per pound. Rebe's. 404
Washington St.. bet. lotn and 11th.
Madam. Before placing your order
for a tailored suit bo sur and se our
Imported novelties; price. SiS. Gurney.
ladies tailor. Mohawk bids'.
Nreo Moist. Will sell my 2S sharea
Portland Concrete pile At q. at 11 40.
C 1. Oregonian.
Rsai. WArrxta. tho light, crisp kind
can only be had at Morris-. 11 (to. near
W slls-Fargo bldg
Two small roll-top desks and four
French beveled-plate mirrors. 40J
Commonwealth bldg.
Ct t-Ratb loan office moved from 171
Third st. to lo', Morrison St.. near 1st.
Flowers, daffodils. 10c do. Lubltner.
florists. 2 Wash., bet. 11th and 11th.
axalisa louay ail ajr, UaJLs aujvaw
Greatcb Pobtlako Puak Show.
C. B. Merrick and Howard Kvart Weed
showed the plans of the Greater Port
land at the meeting of theBrooklyn
Improvement Cub. at I'rfer hall.
Mllwaukie street. Thursday night. Mr.
Merrick delivered an explanatory
lecture on the plans as displayed In
j the stereoptlcon view. He said that
he la engaged in a campaign u edu
cation. Mr. Weed gave an Illustrated
talk on "How to Beautify a City Lot."
Mr. Weed also showed picture of chil
dren at work In garden, and com
mended the movement to have Port
land school children make gardens for
Ita educational value. It was reported
that the Portland Library Association
had opened a branch library In
Brooklyn, and a communication wa
read from the teacher of the Brooklyn
school commending the library and
urging that all citlsens use tho books.
A. L. Keen an. A. I. Barbur and Fred
G I'rfer were appointed to urge tho
Board of Kducation to secure a strip
of ground near tho Brooklyn school
and A. U Keenan. Waldermar Seton
and Charle I'rfer were appointed on
park Improvement.
Veteran to Coxvtxt Member of
the Portland posts of the Grand Army
of the Republic have been Invited to
rooet tonight with Sumner Post No.
11. at the hall on Grand avenue and
Kaat Pino street, to consldor tho In
dustrial situation of the country, and
take such measure as may be cor
aidered proper. The display of the
red flag and tho alleged Insults heaped
on tho National color have aroused
the Civil War veterans, and they will
voice their united sentiment at the
meeting tonight. Commander H. S.
Fargo, of Sumner Post, ha been po
cially active In getting up thia meet
ing, and he desires that every membor
of a Portland post should attend this
meeting. Also members outside tho
city will be welcome to attend.
ST. Frakos CHcnrH to Have Miaow.
A mission conducted by the Re
demptorlst Father, will be opened Sun
dy morning at 10:10 o'clock In St.
Francis Church. Ka'st Pine and East
Twelfth streets, to close Sunday. March
31. There will be services each morn
ing at 6:30 and t o'clock and In tho
evening at 7:10 o'clock. A special mis
sion for children will begin at 1:30
P. M. and continue until Tuesday after
noon. Five Redemptorlat Father will
conduct thia mission. Non-Catholics
will bo welcome to attend.
Citt Meat Isirms I'soso. The
ways and meana committee of the City
Council yesterday voted to recommend
for passage an ordinance providing
for two meat Inspectors at salaries of
$100 a month each. This measure l
urged by the City Board of Health, the
members of which feel that It is abso
lutely necessary for the preservation
of tho public health to have more rigid
Inspection of meat Bold in the city
Rev. Father Lawucr Leaves. Rev.
Father A. S. I-awler. O. P.. who haa
been prior of the Holy Rosary Church
for several years, will leave for San
Francisco at once, mhere he has been
stationed for the future. He Is suc
ceeded In the office of prior by Rev.
H. H. Kelly. O. P.. of San Francisco.
Cemetert Station to Br REPAinrn.
The Portland Railway. Llcht ATower
Company has contributed 11S0 toward
tho repair and reconstruction of the
Lone Fir Cemetery station at the south
entrance. The money will bo expended
under the supervision of tho Lone Fir
Lotowners" Association.
Mr. RoniJ-a Funeral Held. The fu
neral of Mr. Mary Roelfs. who died
March 1J. was held yesterday morning
from St. Patrick' Church, and burin I
waa at St. Mary' Church. She ws 73
year old and wtf of Fred Hoelfa.
The Girard Spaxish Grille. 114 W.
Park St.. Is open for business again,
rleaner and belter than ever. Go there
for the best tamales. em-htlalas and
other Spanish and American dishes.
AtToaOBii.Ei RcrAiRno at tho Y. M. C
A. garage. Fast loth and Mill streets:
moderate prices and best workmanship
guaranteed. Phone Fast 3S52.
Spanish War Veterans to Observe
MalalMin Anniversary.
Memoriea uf the notable battle of
Malabon. the principal engagement In
the Philippine Insurrection, will ho re
vived by the members of Scout Young
Camp. No. I. Spanish War Veterana.
who will hold a banquet at Richard's
grill Monday night In celebration of
the thirteenth anniversary of that de
risive victory. It w-aa In thl battle the
Second Oregon played the principal
part, and It was largely due to Its
valiant services that the natives wero
routed, although tho enemy outnum
bered the attacking forces two to one.
Tho banquet will begin at 7:30 o'clock
Monday night. Colom-I James Jackson
will be toaatmaster. and short addresses
will be made by Colonel MrGunnecle.
Major C. K. Bentler. Circuit Judge C. V.
Cantcnbeln. Circuit Judge J. I'. Camp
bell, of Oregon City; Jay H. I'pton.
Seneca Fout. Dr. T. I- Perkins and
Colonel George O. Toran. of Eugene.
Has A Cn.'a pale ale. tZ.2i dozen;
Olnlsses etra stout. tZ lh dosen: Weln
hard Columbia beer, quart. 11 15; pint.
7c: Ganihrlnus Select beer, quart. ll.S.i;
pint. Tic: Wemhard Rock beer, quart.
11.31; Kaiser Blume. quart. 11 .".j. Hop
Gold, quart. $1.3i; pint ; Rose City,
quart. 11. 3&: pint. Tic. Port, sherry,
angelica and muscatel regular 12.00
wlnea. 11.00 per gallon. Special port.
0c per gallon. Including Jug. Whtsklea:
Cedar Brook, full pints. 11.2&: Warwick,
full quart. II. iO; Forester, 11.31;
straight Kentucky whiskies, rye or
bourbon. lx year old,, regular It. 50
pedal tl.oo per gallon: Honeysuckle
rvo or bourbon, four year old. regu
lar ft. 00. special IJ.lo per gallon: gen
uine Moonshine. 1100 per full quarts:
Cream Rye. 1 00 full quarts. John Do
Kuyper Gin. 11.50 per bottle; Gordon
Sloe Gin. 2i.
Ring ua up. East 411. B H14.
Grand av. and E. Morrison st.
Innovation of serving table d hot
suppera after the theater la pleaslns
theater patrona. Served In cafe, main
floor, from 10 P. M. to 1 A. M. Music
by Ceclllan orchestra
Summer School Mark Set at 500.
March 31. tSpeclal.) Five hundred 1
tho booster mark et for the hoped
for attendance at tho 113 Summer
school aeaslon at the University of
Oregon by Dr. Joseph Schafer. direc
tor of the school. A vlgorou cam
paign Is being planned to keep In the
state those people who hitherto have
been going East and South for their
Summer school work and particular
pressure will be brought to bear to
attract those of the teaching profes
sion who usually "hibernate" during
the vacation months.
Kelso to Hold Bond Election.
KELSO. Wash.. March 11. (Special.)
A bond election will be beld here on
March 30 to vote bond with which to
erect two modern brick achoolhouses In
that city. On of tho building will
contain eight room and the other four.
Cordwood, Slab wood. CoaL
Holman Fuel Co.. successor to Baa-Celd-Veyey
Fuel Co. M. 161. A lilt-
Creditors of Courleney Lumber Com
pany Turn to Bondsmen Tor
Redress on Claim.
Alleging that Walter F. Matthews, as
signee for the Courteney Lumber Com
pany, which went Into the hands of a
receiver In 1907. haa appropriated prop
erty of the company valued at 140.900
to hi own use. creditors of the com
pany filed a motion In the Circuit Court
yesterday requesting thst VV. B. Ayer
and Frank Kiernan, bondsmen for
Matthewa. show cause why the account
of Matthew should not be surcharged
with the amount. The motion was
filed by John D. Gos and Kollock &
Zollinger, attorneys, in behalf of 28
creditors. Walter F. Matthewa is an ox
United States Marshal and an ex-polit-Ical
An affidavit signed by Charles Stauff
sets forth an alleged plot on the part
of Matthew and Waldemar Seton, a
Portland attorney, to take the prop
erty from the asset list of the defunct
company and place It In the name of
Matthews. It I alleged that Matthew
was named assignee on October 14,
1907. Among the assets was a lease
on nine acres of land In Coo County
tipon which the mill of the company
was built. The lease was secured from
A. A. Courteney and his wife, and the
term provided for tho company retain
ing possession of any buildings built
upon the ground. The rental on tho
ground was to bo 11 a year. A. A.
Courtney was a former political asso
ciate of Matthews, who presided over
the Republican county convention In
1404 and was nominated for State Sen
ator tl defeated.
Mr. Stauff. In h! affidavit, say the
lumber company built a lumber plant
on the property. Including a boiler
house, a wharf, a boarding-house, a
bunkhouse, a blacksmith shop, an oil
house, a power plant and the mill ma
chinery, at a total cost of 140.900. The
appraised value waa 134.143.C1. It Is de
clared that prior to the assignment of
the asset of the lumber company a
mortgage was executed by Mr. Courte
ney to Mr. Matthewa on the mill land
for a consideration of 120.000. This
was on March 19, 1907. It la ald. After
the appointment of Mr. Matthew a
assigne. It I said. Matthew made a
pretended assignment of the mortgage
to Waldemar Seton. who held tho
ground. It is said, for Matthews.
Later a unit waa Instituted In the
name of Seton by Matthewa and for
Matthews, it Is alleged, to foreclose the
mortgage on the property. Matthews
Is alleged to have let the suit go by
default and to have allowed without
contest the aale of the property by
the Sheriff. At the ale Mr. Seton Is
said to have secured the property -for
the face of the judgment.
In addition to this deal. Mr. Stauff
alleged that Matthew has made no
effort to collect 12900 of unpaid valid
subscription to stock of the company,
all of which could be paid by the sub
scriber. It Is said further that Mat
thewa haa been In possession of enough
asset to keep the mill In repair and
has failed to do such, with the result
that It Is falling to decay.
Get.) our dog entered before Saturday,
Fugitive ex-Proprietor of Holel Hoy I
to Fnce Trial for Alleged
$3000 Theft.
Almost a year artcr Ms flight from
Portland, leaving shortages amounting
to several thousand dollars. Theodore
j. Uhlman. former proprietor of the
Hotel Hoyt, has been found In scml
blding In a California mining camp,
and letectlve Snow, who has pursued
Inquiries for him since his departure,
will leave today to bring him back for
Uhlman was traced through the vig
ilance of a country officer at Callahan.
Siskiyou County, California, who tele
graphed yesterday that the man was In
hi hands. He waa directed to hold
him till tho arrival of requisition
papers. Tho police hero are Informed
that Uhlman has been In the camps
of Northern California ever since his
departure last July, using an alias to
conceal his Identity.
Just before Uhlman's departure ho
had received an advance of IHOOO from
the Welnhard estate, to be used In cash
ing worklngmen's checks. It Is for the
alleged peculation of this money that
he la wanted.
Resides carrying away the advance
money. Uhlman Is said to have held a
bargain sale of the stock of liquors In
the saloon connected with the hotel.
and when officers went to the place
to Investigate they found it virtually
looted. A large quantity of mining
stock, of the face value of 120.000. sup
posed to have been tsken also, waa
found behind tho cash register In the
The fugitive waa married and lived
at 375 Vancouver avenue. It was
through the anxiety of his wife that hla
disappearance wa discovered. Ho had
lived hero for years and always was
regular In hi habits. When ho failed
to return home over night, Mrs. Uhl
man telephoned to the Welnhard peo
ple, and her Inquiry led to an Investi
gation. Another fugitive wanted hero 1 un
der arrest at Leavenworth. Kan., and
probably will bo extradited. He 1
Steve llatton. 'charged with stealing
1110 from a woman lodging-house keep
er on tho East Side. Hatton had been
paying attention to the woman. Mra.
Ira Brown, and was a frequent caller.
One day she saw him pick up her pnrso
and put It In his pocket. A few min
utes later ho made an excuse to leave
tho house and was seen no more. Mrs.
Brown went before the grand Jury yes
terday and sought an Indictment on
which ho may bo brought back.
Xursery Provided at Annex to Cen
tenary Methodic Church.
Babies will be taken care of at Cen
tenary Methodist Church hereafter
while tho mothers are attending divine
Beginning tomorrow morning a
creche or nursery will be established
In one of tho email classrooms adjoin
ing tho main auditorium, where tho
bablea and children too small to be
taken Into service will be amused and
nursed and watched over during church
Tho nursery will bo In charge of a
trained klndergartner. Miss Helen Gale,
who ha had year of experience and
special preparation for this kind of
work. Under her she will have a corps
of the young women of the congrega
tion, and they will be prepared to care
for all the babies that may be turned
over to them.
While it 1 not Intended to Insist that
WE assume responsi
bility for closing
your real estate deal,
whether sale, trade
or loan, exactly ac
cording to your In
structions, relieving
you of all concern.
Call for booklet
Title Trust
mothers leave their little ones In the
nursery when they arrive at church,
they may do so If they desire. If they
prefer to take their little ones Into
church, and they become fretful or
weary and disturb the congregation,
the nursery corps will take them and
care for them for the remainder of the
service, or If the mother does not care
to trust her baby to their care she may
go to tho nursery herself. There are
several churches In Portland that al
ready provide nurseries of this kind.
The "Child's Welfare" movement has
challenged the attention of thoughtful
people everywhere .Mothers are natur
al supporters, and will find in Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound a most valu
able aid. Coughs and colds that un
checked lead to croup, bronchitis and
pneumonia yield quickly to the heRling
and soothing qualities of Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound. All drugrirlsts.
The Olga Steeb School of Music. 11
612 Etlers building, has arranged to
have Carl Stocb. whose marvelous mem
ory system has enabled his daughter.
Olga Steeb-Kcefer. to memorize 1100 of
the big piano compositions the largest
repertoire in musical history to come
to Portland to teach. His work places
him among the great teachers of mod
ern times.
To Introduce his work and give a
practical demonstration of his ability
we are going to make special terms
until April 1. Mr. Steb. a man who is
a marvel for patience and thorough
ness. Is remarkably successful with
children. This offer is especially made
for beginners, as we desire to lay ome
very thorough foundations for future
work. All pupllH entering previous to
April 1 may have two 30. minute lessons
weekly at the rate of 16 a month, pay
able in advance. After that date the
rate will be 14 weekly.
O'ga Steeb-Keefer will accopt ten ad
vanced pupils for a six months' period
and personally give each a 30-minute
lesson weekly for 111a month, payable
11 when the lesson hour is appointed
and 110 each month in advance. After
April 1, 120 per month.
Ten more pupils will he accepted Dy
Olga Steeb-Keefer and Mr. Keefer at
the special rate of ! a month, payable
In advance. These three offers will hold
good until April 1 unless all of our
time is previously engaged. After April
1, 114 per month.
Come In and inquire about the free
scholarships to he given away May 1.
Irvington Bungalow
Hard-surface street, nicely elevated
lot, fHi-Inc south. Bungalow is of lat
est dexlgn. l.lvlng-i'ooin 14x27, with
neat white brick fireplace, with cobble
stone exterior; bookcases, hardwood
floor: cozv den and pretty dining-room
with hardwooci floors, buffet with bev
eled plate glass and mirror; plate rail,
and beam ceiling "with beam lights.
These rooms are all decorated with
hiKli-price wall paper. White enameled
luitcli kitchen, with plenty of cupboard
and drawer space. Ironing board, drain
boards, etc. Two sleeping-rooms and
bath finished in white enamel. Bath
room fixtures are of tlie best grade.
Single panel doors are used throughout,
and the hardware Is of rich and costlv
dexlgn. These rooms are fully equipped
with latest design lighting fixtures and
best quality window shades. Ijuko
basement with hotair furnace and laun
tlrv trays. Hot-water tank connected
with furnace. This house Is of double
construction and built by day lahor.
The materials and workmanship are the
This property is located on Tillamook
street. Just east of Twenty-elaht li
street. Lots in this district are held at
from 11400 to J2400.
Make appointment to look at this
propettv bv calling at office, or phone
Main iiOt.
I) It. W. A. WISE.
Our Interchangeable
Facings. A "Wise" Idea
Our bruit
work has been
brought t o
the highest
state ot per
fection. The
teeth on this
bridge are in
terchangeable at will with
out removing
from the
m mi t h.
The Best Ked Rubber Plates, each. . . .17 .SO
:;-Krat tiold or Porcelain Crown ..- 6.WJ
tiold or Knamel Filling, each -YY
Oliver Fillings, each
1 T-fvn. I
It I
iDttOXRl ' slo
F RLALTY Chamber
X, CO Jff ofCm-
-ljx r? ineree.
X 4 Thene
JirV- MalB54
Will Beautify Your Home
Have you heard or seen the
Tonseth $1 Box
A big1, generous box of Cut
Flowers, seasonable varieties,
only S1.00
Delivered free to all parts of
Flowers for all purposes at
reasonable prices.
325 Morrison St.
- Opp. Portland Hotel.
Main 5102, A 1102
sre that sorr lipi
The Very Beat and Latest In Modern Oen
tiatry. 'o More talliUB Plate.
Wise Dental Co.
Office Hours A. M. to 8 P. M. .f ""d
0 to 1. Phones. Main 2059. A -'0i9.
iailinr Blrtic.. Id and Washinctoa.
Ir. Wise's Personal Service if Ken nested.
White Temple
Waller Benwell Hinson. Minister.
UMh and Taylor Sts.
EudiI.-iv S-rvlces at 11 A. M. and 7:50 P. M.
. wi. .. r.1 v.-r- vttn XIIK U'KKK.
Sunday school at l:4". A. M. : classes for all.
Everybody invited.
Mornlnfr Topic
A Reply.
B Y P. U.. Lo'T T'mplo, :1S P- M.
Leader. Miss .Mary K. Berkley. Chinese mis
sionary. Evening Topic
Baptism at the Af t-rmeetlnc.
Praver jnv'tins Thursday at S P. M.
Heiir rr. Hinaon on
The Down Town Church
Of The Cast Side"
ra-v ncrH' AeJTt ftf
B ' IU" run
. i
This. and nthe.r questions of similar
character will be answered In the
final sermon of the serios on "The
Nw Theology." sermon Subject!
i;kmm:, 7::io o'clock.
"Land of the Koran, or Travels In
r-rv bkutikii. CfY
rilat Church at Chrntn, West China,
W here Revolution Begnu.
C33 V l
Brass Work
Kept Bright
Door Knobs and
Brass Signs
Brass Railings
Show Cases
Harness' Trim.
Copper Kettles
Band Instruments
All can be kept
bright and shiny
by occasionally
using a little
the wonderful
liquid metal
Look for name and
portrait of E. W. Ben
nett on each can.
E. W. Bennett & Co.
San Francisco
AOrtamRalief for Feverlnh nest
Constipatfon Headache,
htomarb Troubles. Teething
itiiordera. nd Destroy
rPViaar Visa. lc sin f 'nlrla
Don't accept hunple mi!fd FREK Addras.
my ubstitui A. S. OLMSTED. L Roy, N.Y.
An entirely new, luxuriously furnished, vacuum-cleaned steel-car
i train, via the
70 Honrs,
San Francisco
New Orleans.
(f) " SU N S ET
San Francisco
and Fridays
at 6 P. M.
Through Los Angeles
and El Paso
Connecting at New Orleans with "New
Orleans-New York Limited" for Atlanta,
Baltimore, Washington and New York;
Illinois Central, Seaboard Air Line,
Louisville & Nashville and other lines for
St. Lonis, Cincinnati, Chicago and Atlan
tic Coast cities, as well as
New Orleans-New York
S. S. Line
Dining service unequalled. Parlor ob
x servation car, with library, ladies' parlor,
buffet; latest magazines and newspapers.
Stenographer, barber, valet, shower
bath, ladies' maid, manicure. Courteous s
and attentive employes. Excess fare $10.
Write or call at our city ticket office, Third and Washington, or
nearest S. P. agent for further information and reservation.
The Coming
of the
"Theater Row"
us ?tnsT inrmc n
Seventh Street
Bet. Alder and Morrison
Introduces to Portland
a New Kind of a
Candy and Lunch Shop
hmi niar. that shows just that little dif farenre that
yon ve often wished for. You'll like its Pleasing scheme or Joco-
rtcr'-orr-sho'inHpr-i toLc? To
meThefectioner S art-the "knowing how" of making Rood
things, will be at its best at the
"Theater Row"
Seventh, Between Morrison and Alcer
One very pretty style lias a higb neck with pin
tucks; another has a Dutch neck with daintily
emtroiderecl front and the neck and sleeves are
edged with valenciennes lace. Another waist is
made of voile and filet lace, with pearl huttons.
We also include a waist with Dutch neck and
alternate rows of pin tucks and laces; all 34 sleeves
tEfte partljolometo Co.
Foster & Kleiser
His Grada Commercial and Electrl
Eaat Svenh and Bat Everett Street
Phonea Eat 1111. B SS24.
COAL l-lVf!
Ottering to Family. locrirt a Commercial Ird
"SarprWnf 0Miiiitln-
Roc nu with Private Bath $1 a Day "ft
Special Weekly and Monthly Bate.
Free Bus, 6 Minute from Ferrie and Depot.
528 KEARNY ST.. rer of California
European Resorts.
Study our booklets, maps, hotel suid
and other Interesting literature, which are
ent absolutely free on request with hand
somelv Illustrated booklet and hotel ulde.
It will pay you- No fe.
Ml Fifth Ave. (Dept. li New York.