THE MORMXn OREOOXIAX; FRIDAY, MAKCn 23, 1913. 19 f : " I rnmTTT t Tax ,-VI B.VCF.. I OE SAUO-TLMHtR LAND", i I fOR SA1.K. . MT,- , .aV-IAcrea... : to,,.. t,Mr , I lasr Oal House e I AcreaMte. I vIE.V TOW TAT tJQO DOWN ON THIS SPLENDID 4-RCOX BOME ON GOING TREtT. ITS TOUR. Yoti M. and th- money you would pay aa rent !'. morshlyi you van apply en the purchase prtc. Thie houw has t moms and reception hail and dm on gtoaand floot. with el hui.t-la ronnlfnrn. lot iuilon. oo.y 3 b . ec fcs from r r ! 1ie PKL If . KflaMtr a-nu ocl KiKK E KttiKV COMPANI. .'d fionr CKu" lumnum ! ATTRACTIVE 81 HI KHAN "E- O acre. tw block. w,.l f "',lra1" Station, on O-egon City carlln.; highly Improved wlt n artistic I -room bunsa law. with fieplare. built-in bookcases, rmnt eloart. Dalch kitchen, cement laun dry tube. Ina-r.or hu ev.rv l.wr M.inr oaoikan . compare the b" homes in Portland electric HgM-al. water ud pmrir d outbuildings: lurretinaM r t'(Vci modern homes: must ha , b appreciated: corn Dellad, to aril: a-ov-dim: ran place Hunday. Mrs J Frank powers, owner. o premise, or call as . THo-i J. HWMF.R. Teon htdg. SOM"; C.nor RESIDF.Nv K BI TS. . ni.-l'fn ottag. - blocks of, Ha,t' - !-) cash. i.riMn bungalow, thoroughly modern Mo. a. from . r. $-30. Mom down. $-" per mo. and lot room b-irf,lnr. fhoreoghly modern, ha-dwood fl'ora. Ii. $3"U rash, ba.. Itcnf Thl, la a Waul v. or specially Is getting gooJ homes for rs- -Vm-'-K ' We lle hr and alue. Vn 'rouble to show property. lUn'TlloiINK REALTY '- !.o Mawilorit ,".. c.r. :ilat t rusk i'ITY rr.K j ItuOM.i fl:l: -J'- r. MT AM HAMiT Kl HKIIKn flrfMR. HK'A!K.. n rr-i.T. nnrpi.v k. i-tf ii kjt ii- CV yjt OVE UrDKOoM HATH f' F-RT M.IM1K. 4 HKt'K'K'Ms N .i major, mil ;M:NT Asr tVr.RT rOWKNIKNfK l. 'T ,VI'. Tlir- VIST bC MiLP. I.-.OK I ,SH ILL inn T'U'vun. rf-tlTt i: TtON K l-l"' HAWTH-!V: l oKNKI.. i.i.-i; in. K rgant -rom rr,Hlrn-. mojrrn In O'lall. full hamnt and lunlry. lrant lrda ftnlph. arr in'd. mrtl Itcbtrd rMin. ti-w of -lt thai t-annot bo -rirurld. larrr front vranda. hard-aur-facr firrai,. barcaln: t-rma. tall fT t- i. Kracar i m ri V iirRi.ow Si i HmM "f i""rtiinr- RK!TRI'"Tf:n IHHTRirT. Flnr h"'n T rooma. ol oii. pa'ala to fot. a.l paid laou. ramrnt hiw-it t-hlm-r v and flrrt'ar. rof rrn. hnu whlia. Iraanf hardod floor. hiff"t. t .rd p!ato glaa door. 4 Krnrn mlrrora. larra w.-k pantry and ama. fln- baa mnt. furnarr. larai rom. l"pln porrh. Thla wor'"i f.VW: lll for nui.-W aala Itoix. rriono oaoar forenoon. Mam IMI iuvin;tn. 7-rom mMirn hou. farina; aaat on K. Ilfh l . brfarn Ttomron and Rra T - ia.; full ramrnf baam"!. furna-o. haMwivwt flora built-in buffrl. ahad and fi-iurca. carafe; prlca for Immadiata valr ".T.o ITm, II. I. I'ALM FR-JCN t 'O . to4 tiro MdC f'honra Main oi,. A ..... A.-ll - Chotr litralion. Portland's boat addi tion, alrrrt adjilnln carllno. artlatle 7 ooma. furnac. flr-piara, flvturaa. hard- ood floor, all ron rnlrnrt-a Immadiata pnotoiM. M, nT. Talr 1 '.wj. A -IHd. IHtlN;TON HI N'iAl.nw-: I'AMI. Farnar,. flreptat-a flaltir". aaraco. 7 roma. londrn: sl"- tia ner. Marahall lIT. A .!. IRVINV.TOX 4. room modrm tiouaa. on rprnr V. th and Rrajre ala; atillr anamrl wotdwork. f-vrry .invrnl.-n-. ftarasa. lot .VI f -i : prit-e. includlns ti"l imprceraeiila. Hi4l' lrna II. P. PALMKR.JONKS CO . I Wll.oi bid. Phone, Mam 'p. Jo-W X M'MMF.R lliMB For aalo Rriwrn Orarhart and Pa ,u!e. one hheli to Nfranlrum Rter and 3 hlrwfca o tha artan. a modern completely fumlnhed --room hunraloi, ; runnlnaT a rer. clc-trle lichia In houae; beautiful 'aa, muat be aee to be a ppre-a!e-l. I I .. term. Cal'. fjreenbera. t!l an. eor. Alh a! Phone, A ti7. Main -71. 2-atorv modern b-ue. f) rooma and nen. 3 'nre-placa. 3 tollela. larga bath $nK H-room a. odern home. 1 block from Proadwav. near E. 3t'ih.; fireplace-, hard aoMt floors, face- south; price $4t. ternia II. T PAt.MER-JONES fO . 44 Wllcom bide , Phone, Main . A ;f!3 C. WIMPP1.K. 1Ii)M-HIIl.lKR, -2.1 Lumber Ftvchanca Ftldc For oale A swell little --room bun eaiow. strictly modem In all Ha appoint ments. Can aell on term, to aulf tbe buer. Just Itko rent. Telcphona M. I4 " RO--K riTTPARK. lj MONTHLY A 'I improveineuts in and paid for; 7 looms, built-in buffet and bookcases, solid oak floors, flrepla.-e. furnace, ate. Na tional Realt at Trust Co.. J3 Lb am bar of commerca bldc Phona lain -1-8. 'OR HAI.FT T - room modern houaa. prac tically new; corner lot -o-l-. fruit Iraes: a Willamette bouiex-ard; nne rier lcw; blocks from carlinc, vlll alva -ood .rrm.. f. A. 7!v.wkl. l--t tiraeley -al. Phono WoMlaan 111. SNAP I'nusual nar-aln; only ftnoo for 1-room modern houaa close In: 1 block from Haw thorne ava.: saa. electric Ueht. sewer In and paid; nauet aelL baa owner at 6-T Hoyt st. I. ADOS ADDITION SAiHIKICK. 'ic sale or eachanse. furnlahed or un furnished lo-room I'olonial house; every modern convenience. phone fclaat &4MI1 and make appointment to see same, as It is a iMki-Aln. LAI KKl.lli L.T HULSE.-'. Ve are ai'nti for all the sood ho-ees In this district. See tis for lowest price. tifflCeS on round. phone Kant DKI.MII NTT A t'l K.MENTS. -oth and taat Ollaan bta r'OR fXLK or will e -har. for well lo. ai'd varaiit property. Tnlo. on West side, four r'od T room houses, rental $M; price 111 pah?; will ray ca?h dtrferenca or umf incumbrsn.a. David i. teams. . Wsrhirgton St. FoRTLAND IIKtiHIT3 Modr Uroom bolide. conservatory. finely Improveil uuarter block, on lower lleifhta. grand view of city, mountalna and rivers, easy " terma j Mar.hall 4rf. RROOKK. A RH sv'K SAl. by owner o room home. 4fp Larch st.. Ladd Addinota. modern la ev er respect, and very desirsble, price .voq tor quick sal, favorable terms; must ba sold. Bast S3. A oNAP I flood S -room house and corner tot on E. liana si. inly IJ.t for immediate sale. Very easy terms. amtuyn at Walton, olo 'hwrnber of a'oninierce. I It IMiTON SNAl' ALK. I Mr alinoal new. modern. up-to-date bunralow. with or without furniture: must s I. as I am golne; Kast. We can ar range terms. I'tionc Ka,t -75.1 M'l.ESDID --ROOM HOI SE. Near -7th and pres.-oit. only $loti; easy term -c Ask for Harrison. CHAPIN J HEKIAJW. n.l'I-'t.tH rmmter of Commerce. Hr'Al MONT New -iooiri bungalow: everything comp'-te; tin proremcnia all paid : srreet hrd surfai ed : ."-- E. 37lh N. : g.-uusr. IV.ii down for quick sale. See owner. .-.;.- H-.-nry bldg. IRVlNCToN Bl'NUAl.oW. -Mal CASH. Kurnare. rt-eplace. fixtures, farage. 7 rooms. mot'rn; 4Sa. owner. Marshall 147. A .,t1. PIEDMONT BARUAIN. A rhobe corner, also a fine 7 -room house snd lot: best buy In the dtstrlc Hhone Woodiawn 217. KOL'R apartments. l-" rooms: bathe, ras. electric llrhts. pore hea. yard, hasement. furnace, gsragc. lot ..".1 i. brings good repr. sil Improvements psld. ."it r'oilt ge. l-i-O tgl'ITY in two lots and bungalow. a ue J-jao-r. close In. for I Too cash. OWNER S.TO Worcester Mk. .;T. STRIi TLT modern -room bungalow. I . home broken, losner. 671 Liurraoo, cor E. ith. Woodiawn 2714. i-ROOM house for sale; lot 50x100: Sunny side d. strict; IfaTMi. Phone Tabor 47. Mra. 1- Blair. 1--.M Last Main il'NN YSIt'e. IJ..OO: s'-room ""lata" fl-e- r'see. .e per month; Kat Jln'rtaor. near s.1 Icon bids. Main 112 A 7 4..a. room, laraa rioinaa ciwi. - bulTn, mil cement baarment. furnara and -ash tr,a; b'antlful lawn and Harden; lot OattMi; S.VMHl; term,. Owner 113 P.dnt- y avenue near Kllllna, worth. a, " AH fli per month. 4-rooni. apt .Vix oo at l.enrs. ,' HI'.l.EY A BWIiir. 1 12 TM-d SI. 1;K mdern borne, full lot. facing south. Kset (ouch and 2let era; flowers: .j teon b.df. Main II.'. A 1IA lloilKS tN KASV TKK-.-v. Modern eunaaiow. tour rooms and hath, fire-place, bookcases. plate rail. Dutch kitchen, lot o-kfo. rJOovr. email cash pa -m-nt : balance to salt. i-room liunialow. strictly modern, fur nace, flrrplac-. buff-t. bokcasea. bar.l wood f .vtirv. saa. el. ctrl iiy; atood view Itore t'llr Turk, close to car; all street Improvements paid: fX. and up. e-rooru bunt-alow. ov.-i; lot .Vix 1 1 '-. every mol-rn convenience, buffet, book case, hanlwood floors. ltiti h kitchen, full cement basement. furn-e. Drcplace, elec tric fixtures: Vea, lerma. We several o-room homes, with all modern convenlencea; furnace, fireplace, hardwood foots, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen These sro first-cUss in every do tall: .17.V and up. 7 rooms snl sleeping porch, beamed and paneled effects. fireplace, furnace. buf fet, book.asca. Dutch kitchen. 3 blocks to llrtieilwsv lar: f:7.-. PKoVIDKNT TKIST foMIMNV. Iwl. -"i-. sua Hoard of Trade liidg ., Marshnll 471. A t-J. OH VOr NKWLYWKDS 1 Mock from Anabel sta'lon. on K. olth S'.. bvaultrul little .-room bunrs'ow. with buiit-ln conveniences, such as buffet, etc.. bath. and. In fact. wlrrn throuahout es-c-j.t heat. This place Is very well fur nished, two of the rugs co-tlng l: lot ul feet. This rosv ll'tle borne read to step Into for ;: .!i down, balance J J. p-r month. Including interest. I'UHTI.AMi HI iHNK.-S KXr llANUK. 7OU-I0 Holhchlld bldg. Marshall .:-"T.. FINE NEW HI VUALOW. A rlMt'i.VIN. '.1". If vou like this hoirs.- you tan own It bv pa.etnal f M a month. No other lirst larnenl neeraaarr . It haa every con v enlence. even the win dow shade-s and scale, set In bookcases. One veranda. -n better house In the city for tha and no installment proposition as liberal. A. N. KKARI.E. E 7i'h and E. GlUan fts. IM-V tar. I 0Y IH'NCAI.UW. Onl brand new. double floors, built-in conv enlen.-ee. nvodern. . roonis a-i'l Hasem.-ut. buffet, mis-ion and enamel finish, vrlie.1. tlnte.1. etc.; large lot : flnej for garden and chl.-k.-ne. SIoa cash. bal. :t Vcara might ell $.;i ilimn. pamenls like rent to reliable people. lis wortn while: ivlra ll If desired: onl O.NK HIA.'K Tt RO.-K CITY PARK CAR. T aee It rail or phone Jaa. Ixigan. Mo Spaldms- bldg. Marshall -7n, A -4B. , ..-"Kl I.'xmi CASH. A rare opiortniilty Think this over. Urr lot. tUilO" or ."." Ill", close lu. west of E. r.-.ih. anil beautiful i-rwra bunga low that Is abeolut- l right In every wa: p,.llshed oak 11' re. large fireplace, bookcases, built-in seats, buflet. etc. Eln tt of c-ment walks and step,. iacd street and ail linpiokements. Thla can not be duplt'ated for l-ss than :;7..o See It ami be rnnillieid. Heautlfnl view of mnuntilns and city. Taimr MR. l.tT owner: HERE IS TOI K HANi.E TO IM PH'itli TlMR PROPERTY TATTH A HOME FLAT OU APARTMENT; WH.L IKISANCE I T AT A LOW It A I K OP IN-TKRE-T: PLANS TX f.NISHED FREE; IT WILL PAT YOL" TO COMB IN AND TALK THIS OVLIU J S. ATKINS. ARCUIT F'"T AND HLTLDEIL HLNRY iJLDO. CHEAPEST IM'Y In Overlook Addition. Splendid 7-room re-ldence. mivl-rn. Dutch kitchen, bath and toilet, full bas ni-nt. laundry, furnace, fireplace, birllt-ln botkcase,. built-in buf-f-t; fine lot. cement walke and curbs. Improved streets a:l paid. price only M.'icmi; terms. I'all for t. II Reagan. CHAPIN a HKIII.OIV. 3'!--3.m i'hamler of Commerce. .-.-LOOM Hr.NilAUl. II jat ll N. !" MO. One block to Rose I'lty- park car. new and modern, cement basement, bath, toilet, sink, hot and cold wster. plastered, timed, tllo finished bath and kitchen, eighllv property. It's vour chance to get atartcvl in good nelhborhocMl. See it at once, .las. l laan. M- bpaiding bldg. Marsliall -7 1. A i'4.ia. FIN- Hl Nt!AI.OV. Nice bungalow, fine fireplace, bookcases, paneleel dmlng-room, beam ell Ing. Dii'ch kitchen, tloijhly construi-ted and a fine home; lot ..rni lK. earn front, on East l-th. near Prescotl: rnce :;7.'iti; Itiroo cash and SJ.1 per month. I1RI SSI HOLDS. Sl Hoard of Trade hldg 4th and Oak. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RKsllENCK. Situated on llic most sightly rsmrr, with unobstructed view of mountains and river: yard and garden In excellent con dition, rosea and flowers of all kinds: lot jiMtvrO; hotase. in firm condition, fieshl panned, for sale and on terms. Kor further Information see owner. "o4 Hoard of Trade, or call up Marshall 417't THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TI RN A ML R DEN ITTO IM OMB PROPBRTTT IF TOO OWN A I.OT WE WILL FI'RNISH THE MONET AND BC1I.D HKSIDENCB OR FLATS. PLANS FREE 4r WE BCILD. OCR REPUTATION YOI'R PROTECTION. IT WILL PA TTOU TO FKK ia I. K. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARClillECTS. .11'4 AU1NOTON BLD. NEW bunsralow. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, btllll-ln bookcases and buf fet, fireplace, hard rairfai-e street Improve ments nearly all paid: price .;'-' .'.o : nn rash, balauco l-li and 7 per rent : no mortgage to assume; I block to Richmond car. owner. ltJi Clinton street, corner of East 3 lth. WEST SIDE HOl.S. Hi. tlrod H-room house, g.ta. full cement bssement: lot 4?xHi; some bearing fruit trees, chicken house, fine view on First St.. near Bancroft ave. ; price .Otl: cash and per month. C.HI SSI itOLDft. 31 poard of Trnde hlr.g . 4th and Oak -WO.THItlDH acre and new 3-room houaa, Wes: hide. 20 minutes from PostolTlce: running water piped to tract, good walks to station; beautiful view of Tualatin Val ley; lH.'-: lino down, 2 per month. PROVIDENT TRl'ST COMPANY, -in Hoard of Trade Hide Marshall 471. A I"--. LOOK QCICK. Six-room house, near 4nth and Haw thorne. In firet-class shape; sldewak In and paid: only one block from the ave nue: price only 4-lHi. I.'rfa cash, balance 14 per month: Interest 7 per cent: If you see it will buy It. Call Tabor l43. MAGSIKH'KNT HOME. Irvlncton. lo rooms, rub-down finish, oak. two baths, three fireplaces, heavy stone work, lot cor., lttlxtiha; worth ii. .vu: take less. C lVKi. East -7X H. Herdrttsn. . FOR SALE. New. strictly modern house In the heart of Irvlngton. built b owner for hum; dM; terms. WATSON A TIIERKELSEN CO. "rH Spalding bldg. Main 7 .Ml.'. PIEDMONT, w-room. elegant new home. 1210 Height ave.. most all In white, hardwood floor, fireplace, bookcase, scat, buffet, Dutch kitchen. garage. everything flrst-clas: .I7IH: owner next door. WILL Bt tt.D ON Vol' R LOT ON KASV TERMS. Main I4J FUKLONW. M7 Chamber of Commerce. or Sale Acreaxe. . PER MONTH, -year city Urntts. halt acr-i In cultlva tlon. fine soil, perfect drainage, good view, nice homes. -0 minutes out: ask for Mars ten or Hale. 20- Wilcox bldg.. Sunday. te 3. ; t- At RES. Joining River View station on Vt-acada carlme: half of 11 cleared and fenced, worth glvai. will sacrifice (or alaiMl If sold at once. owner. Marahall o mornings, or A K f"l. Qregunlan. t'OK SALE m acres, with fruit treea and berrtea. 1 acre In atrawberriee. o-rootn house, barn, chicken-houses; price Iwiuti. tiart cash: oc carfare, near city limits. . . -, sr i -t inl. . ' vt ii e i . " ... " - - I Ai'HK. 4 blocks to electric car station, a big snap g'HMi; terms: fine soil, ri-cent c-rfarr. "actually or;h f IUaa.1. Call lul 4rh. V ACHES, improved, all out In apples and peachea, lo per acre: IJiHl cash, balance on tune. Phone Tabor 407. Mra. L. Blair, V.'.M East Main. 1. 2 AND t-acre traeta. eloee to Portland, 1 te blocks from electrlo carllne. iva to 4iM per acre, easy terms. J. W. Mai fema Realty Co.. tHt Cor belt bldg. ACREAO- FOR SALE. Half ami east of Roethe Station Ore gon City carllne. Address W. L. Btark weather, Mllwaukle. or., route 1. s Ai'RES, suitable fur platting, corner Grays Crossing and 40th ave. S. E. tiee owner on Hi, place. 3 At'RES. Jennings Lodge: rlrared, $73 cah. !.". monthly: price lOral. or will ex change. o03 Sweliand blrlg. ACREAOE and farms, large and ima.l Irs.-ia Call Kinney A blampler, iol-U Lumber Exchange bJdg. WILL take anvthlng of value for my $fs0 eouity In a l.-acre tract near Woodburn. w hat have vou? M. 7iXH. bKE Half. -12 Abington blilg.. for splendid Income .1-acre Vaiu-ouiiT, Wash., tract.: rrj.ii f-.r snhdHtsion. t all ittimeiliatelv ACRES at o. W. p. station. 'Tc fare, within th mile clrc'e of Portland cen ter; price etfcSHt 415 ch,m. of Commerce. SEE GLOVERLAND ACRES. C F. SMITH A SON. 210 R Y. EXCHANGE. TUALATIN STATION. 12V ACRE.. I ask ou to study the location of Tu alatin. It la at the division points of the Oregon Electric and Jefferson-street di vision of the Sou. I'ac. which Is to ba elec trified this Summer: this 1 : 'i acres Is oniy 3 blocks from the high school, all In high state of cultivation. 4-room hnuse and barn, about It apple treea. nice strawberry patch; 21 trains dallv and transportation Is sure to Improve; this Is an Ideal place; Improved and unimproved land at Tual atin la selling for Hue to ; per acre: the owner of this 1 s acres haa placed a price of :2S per acre; will be to your Interest to Investigate this. J. S. HALL. 417 Abington Bldg. ACREAGE ADL'TTING ON NEW 4-TH-ST. ELECTRIC. Onlv 4f minutes' car ride now. Only ;lo minutes with new rsrs. Onljr -l) minutes when tunnel Is built. Carfare 17.30 per month to com muters. On West Side, the very best of soil: roads completed alone each tract; good wells of fine water at 2.1 feet: many new homes estab lished. 2.vo to $tvo per acre, upon monthly pavment plan. Office open until P. M. nfE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT. Main 35 103 Fourth si. A 3o00 MIL NEWCOMER: Before deciding, find out about the Ir rigated land at Weat Stayton. 14 mllee southeast of Salens Read what newcomers write us. Sea their reasons for selling out else where and locating at West Stayton. where irrigation during the dry Summer Insures your crop. . A small psyment down. balance on vour own terma at only d per cent, 5. 10 or more acrea The finest Investment offered. We don't ask you to buy. but come In and get aome valuable Information free, Willamette Valley Irrigated Land Co.. II A HTM A N-THOM PSON BANK. Mg re cti, of Com. Bldg.. 4th and Stark. Ask for Mr. Hartog. Manager. DO YOU KNOW v SVAP WHEN YOU SEE ITT IS.: ACRRS. FEW YARDS FROM NEWTON STATION ON 4TII ST. LINK. SOON TO HE ELECTRIFIED: n MILE OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS OF HII.US HORO: MILE TO OREiiON ELECTRIC THE VERY BEST OK SOIL: SOME FINE TIMBER: WORTH IJ.'.OO. HUT MI'ST BE SOLD; OWNER WILL TAKE $1.'.0; llnno CAall. BALAM'E EVERY MONTHS. WARD VOCMJF.R. SUITE 47 Y EON BLDG. CHICKENS. DUCKS. FISH. la acres best garden land, close to Port land. 4 acrea In cultivation, balance big timber enough to pay for the land: per petual creek, only needs a small dam to raise fish and ducks: anyone who wants to csn make good on tills place. Price Hot) per acre: j0 cash; take the balance off the land. OWNER. S22 Lumbermens Bldg.. Ith and SlarK. l PER ACRE. 100 acres. 4 miles from Canby. well wa tered with streams. 40 acres have been lashed and burned off. Some big tim ber. This buy I" hard to best. W ill sell part of the place. Price per acre. Terms MOLALLA VALLEY LAND CO.. Canby. or. CHICKEN -AND FRUIT RANCH near Portland: a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices; best soil: tine view: wood, water and roads: acres. I4CO per tia. t; 10-A.. :.iMl; 2o A.. loi: 40 A.. $UW: 80 A., g'.iHHi- 1HO A.. l-looO: liberal terms. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO.. :io Ycon Hldg.. Portland. Or. SNAPS. 5-acre tract on river bank. Ideal for r-aorl. chickens, and fruit. I10O0; half cash. ..:; acres In Tualatin Valley, Improved. go.l buildings: J'.'.'xi per acre; adjoining land sills for I4."r0 and up. 61 Henry bids- AMON ACRES, Are fast Increasing In value: close to Port Isnd, rich walnut, fruit and garden land: an Ideal location for a SUBURBAN' HOME, easy monthlr payments. Call and let us tell you all about It. I'IKUMl'S TRUST COMPANT, BOr) Spalding bldg. 5 ACRES. EXTREMELY EASY TERMS. In high elate of cultivation: deep, rich black handy to electric station, close to Portland; a small payment down puts you In possession. Deal with the owners. THE WESTLYN TRUST CO.. 1221 Yeon bldg. ALFALFA LAND WITH WATER. We will sell the first AoOO-acre unit In tracts of 40 to Ml acres, to bona fide settlers at price and terms that will pay yon to thoroughly Investigate; good transportation faei'ltieg and near , Port land. A II Ms. Oreconian. CHICKENS AND FRUIT. Acre and half, loo bearing assorted limit treea. water on land. 12ol feet to street cars. .1-cenl fare, tieautlful and profit able buy. Sea! this snap today. SJ.'smj; one-third cash. A. N. Scarle. corner roth and E. tlliaan sts. M V car. 4) ACRES Southwest from Hood River. In 8 and 5-year-old commercial apples, with water right; 2o0 feet from new brick high s.-hool. Would trade for city property. Woodiawn 1213. G. 424 Wygant, 13 ACRES, fine for platting proposition, good car service, ,Vc carfare; 'lo per cent cash will handle this. WAXaON A THERKELSE.V CO. 3oo sp-ldlng bldg. Main 7.'i2. WEST SIDE ACREACE. 3-cent fare, lies fine, exactly 22 minutes out. Multnomah elation, close to station: ltxl4 for $.'.3i: lO per cent cash, $10 month. Purse A Co., Sis Chamber ot Com a me rce. KOR SA LB fre acrea unimproved land on the line of O. W. P. This land ta level and the beat soil, 40 acres esally clesred; the owner will guarantee T per cent on the purchase price for two years. AF tis4. Oregon Is n. 7 x ACRES 40 minutes out on Oregon Elec tric, right at atatlon; all level, under a high stato of cultivation: buildings; only g2it, easy terms. IllOl.EY A BISHOP. 132 Third St. 400 ACRES, close In. sale or trade. Robert A. Miller. & 13 Worceater bldg. Ilomestcmels. HOMESTEAD FOR PALE. On account of severe Illness in homo I offer for linmedlato sale S2 acres of good laud of which MO are tillable, with all Improvements. Including new- 3-room house, new barn, chicken house-, good well. 60 vnung fruit trees, horse worth I.MO. Implements: place all fenced and 10 acres broke; good title. All for floon. with liooo cash down w. D. Hodgson. Ashland Or. Phone 42T J. UOMESEEKERS I-and laws allow yon 40 acres rich farming lead, near railroad now building, in Central Oregon; 320-acre locatlj.gfee HOP. ll 4th st. Main S774. CAN LOCATE 3 claims, 7 lo 12 million feet timber Pall 217 Abington bldg. Far hale troll La a tie. 1100 AN ACRE. On Electric Line. Your Own Terma SO acres finest orchard land, all Im provementa, lo acres bearing orchard. 35 acres more under plow. WELLINGTON TRUST CO. 1211 Yeon Hldg. FOR SALE HO acrea excellent fruit land; 33 acres apples Just coming Into bearing. N S41. Oregonian. SEE OLOVERLAND ACRES. C. F. SMITH A SON. 210 Hf. EXCHANOK. WHITE SALMON fruit land. Call Wood lawn ir.64 or C 1777. For Sale llrml. :X ACRES. 4 miles from II. R. Station. 100 acres plowed. 4 sowed to wheat, house and barn. 170 acrea fenced and cross tenced. Price HO. 403 Rothchlld bldg. LJNCOLN COUNTY Dairy, stock ranches, timber and fruit land. $10 up, grass grows year round. Come and see. R. N. Warnock. Toledo. Orejon. bit CRES. Tillamook County i rolling land, earllv cleared: wood and water; 1 mile school and postnffice. $loo cash takes It. Phono Main .".! TWO alfalfa ranches. Southern Idaho; bar gain If taken at once. Might trade. AJ W 1 0. Ore gonian. CENTRAL OREGON farm. 1'IS acres. 13006: lo per cent down, balance to suit- Owner, B 1"n. Oregonian. :4 ACRES. 3 's mllee from Beaverton. about half clear, house and ham. alt fenced. Price $;'" per acre. (i)3 Rothchlld hldg. RANCH 6l acres, with buildings, IS miles from pcrtland. near electric line: bargain for all cash, by owner. 1H2 Morrison at. Nicely im. 10 a., also 160 a. lanuoln Co., sell or trade; describe. O. MlddlckaulT, Corval lls. Or. BEES PA Y 20 A SWARM ALFALFA IIOO AN ACRE. J. P. Summers, of Los Mollnos has 40 hives of bees thsl produce each 100 pounds of honey or mute, besides two voung swarma each season. Young swarms worth IIO to 312 each. Mr. Summers has never sold honey ls man II cents: some as hish as 20 cents. This inakea $2" a awarm a low- estimate of what bees will produce In this sunny climate, where practically every acre la orchard or alfalfa, making Ideal bee pas ture. Alfalfa honey has no equal for flavor. Half a doxen swarma soon multiply to loo enough to make S'ou a good living. Many get a start by capturing wild swarma in which the woods abound. Beca and poultry make profitable com bination. No tnln during brooding season. No lice or other pests you can raise 03 per cent of every listening. Egg production higher in Winter than In Summer. Eggs nerer below 25 cents; average price In Winter 50 cents. Fryers 63 to 75 cents each. Plenty of green stuff all Winter. Some light friable soli, well shaded. In five and tea-acre tracts, uncqualcd for poultry. . , . Also other land that will produce 12 tons of alfalfa per acre. Alfalfa now 114: never less than 10. Acre supports two cows. Best cows pay till month In butter fat. an acre a year hog raising. pays bigger returns In proportion to work required than almost any other Una. Onlv aoo required to get possession of beautiful 20-acre tract, with soli 30 feet deep. Land pa the rest. Gravity Irrigation more water than anv other project In California. Enough. Including rainfall, to cover land 6:t inches de.-p during the year. Biggest rush of Eastern buyers stato has ever seen now pouring In. Less than 200 a. res of choice land left. Selling MX) acres this week. Get busy while there Is time. Those living In Portland or vicinity call today on II. G. Terry. 12o Yeon bids. Others write to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Los Mollnoa. California. NO CASH PAYMENT REQUIRED. We offer to a limited number of REAL FARMERS Immediate pos session of the best alfalfa and fruit land In the Twin Kalis country. Idaho. Price only ) to T." per acre, including perpetual water right. We onlv reqnlre that purchaseis IMPROVE THE LAND and LIVE UPON IT. and pay' the yearly ca nal maintenance charge of about :i3 per cent an acre, and the annual payment on water contract of about X.1.D0 per acre. NO CASH TO US NOW: OlTl EOUITY PAYARLK AFTER FIVE YEARS. Th water Is ready. The land is fie best: fine climate: excellent schools; no malaria. Write quickly for particulars to HILL BROTHERS COMPANY. Room .""3. 4..4 California street. Sun Francisco. Cal. HOW WOULD YOU I.IKE TO OWN A SM ALL FARM ALL IN CULTIVATION ON A PURE STREAM OK WATER t . We offer you a chance to own as many acres aa you want on a beautiful stream In the finest part of Hie Willamette Val lev. all In high state of cultivation. You can have all modern conveniences; elec tric lights, telephone, rural delivery, good schools, eh ureh.-s. stores, rail transporta tion, good roads, best of water, no bet ter land can he found In Oregon. You have been looking for years for such a place. Markets locally for all crops grown. We will grant yru easy terms or allow vou & per cent discount for cash. We will not talk prices In this ad. We ask .vou to look the land over then we are sure If you know soil and appreciate the many advantage we offer you will b con tented to own Just such a placo as w offer. CHAPIN HERl.OW. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED: LARGE. AND SMALL TRACTS AT VERT LOW PRICES AND ON MOST CONVEN IENT TERMS OF PAYMENT. IT WILL PAT TOU TO SEE ME BE FORE TOU BUT ACREAGE OR FARMS. I OWN THE PROPERTIES THAT I OF FER FOR SALK. J. O. KLROD, 519 CORBETT BUILDING. PROFITS FROM THE START ior you in DAIRYING and HOG RAISING at ATT A 1,1 .V. on the Columbia. In Walla Walla Coimtv. W ashington, w here four big crops of ALFALFA averaging 8 to 10 tons per aero are grown every year, supplying lite farmer with abundance of the great est feed ever known for cows, hogs alia chickens. 2u acres at Attalla support 2.1 coas and .V) lo 100 hogs, besides several ' hundred chickens. Beat prices paid for Attalie products. Mild climate all year. Earliest Spring and longest growing sea son In Oregon snd Washington. Unlim ited wster supply. Excellent Irrigation. On O.-W. R. N. and N. P. rys.. 20 trains daily. Good mchools. Best terms on in and 20-acre alfalfa farms. Write us about special proposition for men with families owning livestock. THE FRED B. URINNELL COMPANY. OLD NAT. BANK BLDG.. SPOKANE. WASHINO TON. Established '-'."' years. . '- INVESTOR. READ. If you want to make some easy money, look this up. Hut unless you have real money, don't come and see me. I have bought more land than I can pay for and will have to let go of part of my holdings. I have a splendid, large tract In the Wil lamette Valley that I hnd Intended to cut up and aell In small tracts at large profit; best of soil, good bulldlngn. and lies beau tifully. It takes about Sl.t.nia) cash to handle It. tal. 3 per cent, long time: you can make the profit in my place If you see me in next few days and I will let loose. Call up Main S".23 before f in mornings or after 0 in evenings. ONLY 24o A splendid Georgia fsrm home. Earns more each year than the total cost. Cultivation without attention of owner if preferred, or convertible at vour option. Absolute safety guaranteed. Bank references ami trusteeship. Write for photographs. Quick action necessary. Answer Immediately. Geo. W. Decn. Box 4B. Wsycross. Ga SEVERAL GOOD FARM.". I have several g'od. high-clasa farms, on which 1 can accept good residence property In Portland as payment; If you are Interested In purchasing a farm and wish to use your Portland -property In purchasing name, I Invite you to ralL J. E. Smith. Ill Chamber of Commerce. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large and small tracts. suitable for general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hop, dairying etc: about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write for price list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. HE ADOUARTHRS. Wheat, stock and diversified farms In Wasco County. Or., some trades. JOHNSTON-BOTH FUR A CO.. (Mr Chamber of Commerce Bldg. S (NTIAM RIVER BOTTOM LANDS. Tbe leading potato and hop center of the valley: all classes of realty at rea sonable prices. The Santlara Real Es- tnte Co.. Jefferson. Or. W ANTED Man with enough money to de velop Ill-acre fruit ranch at Roseburg. You can put all your money Into Improve ments and ruxv for the land In labor. Room 12. Commercial Club hldg. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to buy 2211 acres of land, aa follows: About 30 acres alfalfa land and 170 acres of up land, price ItXHio; Vi down. Write AV 74. Oresonian. FOR SALE 24 acres A-l land, under culti vation, level, rich, borders county road. 1 mile trolley, t miles Hillsboro; best bargain Washington Covrnty. I p. HEWITT. 415 Oregonian Bldg. TT n! SWANK. Bcrea hlghlv improved, house, barn. city water: 3c fare. IK0O0. 3"S Abington bldg. . "central a l b e r ta" farmlands. $15 per acre. Write for literature. CRAFTS. LE at GALLINGER. Edmon ton. Alberta. FOR RENT FARM. FOR RENT or leasi 2 acres of fine land, cultivated for long time. suitable for sum II fruit or gai den truck, on county road, near Council Crest; no buildings. K DPI, Oregonian. HIGHLY ir."l'roed 22-acre farm, near Tual atin 4 blocks station; cash or shares. Main 11"". FARM for rent on shares If equipped for farming. 018 E. Taylor st. . - - ... -. . ...... trail, for m IVA.V I a mi in mil v, r-. - equity of $l.-.0 lu Hawthorne district, all Improvements In and modern In every particular. Price $2750; first mortgage $1100. Also will aeoent lot In full or part pay ment equltv of $2200. 6-room bungalow In Holladav district. Price $:tio. first mort gage. $1200; furnace nnd fireplace. A. .1. DETSCH CO.. s0 Chamber of Commerce. HERE IS A SNAP. If you have an equity of a hundred or so dollars id a gooa nu., ... 1 will take this as first payment on a l , 1 I .. Dalln Crest 1 1 1 Ml 3 , lots off Sandv boulevard on 65th St., and payments of $20 per mo. thereafter. The house Is modern In every respect ana brand-new. AO 08. Oregonian. n.r; r.-vi. rnv.- full new ,-ruuui o ow- . .. . - lot. near Alberta street, clear of incu brance; will trade for good lots or c :re- lf age: only real casn . .. you want a gooa nome in rnu uu, ....... It is. but you must have something good ere F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce BRITISH COLUMBIA WHEAT LANDS. 314 acres fine wheat land mile from station, with a grain elevator on property. This is a fine piece of land, all under cultivation. Price $2." per acre. W 111 trade for good cltv property or acreage. GRUSSI FOLDS. 311 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. BEST confectionery store In growing. Pros perous country town 13 miles from Port land: will trade for modern 3-room bun galow or small farm. ' CHAPIN HERLOW. S32-3T.S Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Keller. ' WANTEDGENERAL MDSE. STOCK. We have a client who has some. goon. Income property and farm to trade for general merchandise slock in good live town. GRUSSI - BOLD.--. j , SIS Foard of Trade bldg.. 4th and OaR LEAVING citv. will trade -4x100 comer, close in on East Side, one block from car. Improved with two fine housea; $9000; no Incumbrance: for good vacant, well-located In Portland, and priced right. Owner. No. S3 E. 29th St. North. CHICKEN RANCH. Will trade 7-acre chicken ranch, well Improved, located near Mllwaukie Station, for good city property. No Inflated values will be considered. ,:ar-KSI X- FOLDS. 3 IS' Foard of Trade bltlr . 4th nnd Oak. ," ANTED Portland property to exchange for choice residences and lota in Spokane. Describe what you have In your first letter. . ARTHUR TJ. JONtS -0. Arthur D. Jones Bldg. Spokane. ' .-a. , .-..! ..I.! an1 snr ,'ino or r,-.. V A NT to exchange 7-room modern house towards 20 to 40 acres, partly in culti vation. ... . WANT tc WAT SON Th nor; Spalding bldg WATSON v I n r. t r.i.. r. , v v.. .u: -n-l.1ine Hlrlir Mam 1.102. Til TR 4 nE. Furniture of 6-room house, close In: rent Is $22: income $43: worth $.: will exchange for auto, runabout or light car. Phone n 17i6. or East W.'. ' FINK 71 -acre farm in Washington Count;: price f.-.urtii; will exchange my equity or ijoo.1 for rooming-house. 7-paasenger auto or some good business. What have ou . Call 6Q Swetland hldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE For real estate. $100 In Interest-drawing bonds; will sian.l Investigation. A. L. Chapman. 714 E. Tilth t. Take Rose City car. I WANT . general mdsje. stock from $10.0i0 to $30,000 in exchange for lands In Eastern or Southern Oregon. P. J. Roedcr, 10'. Sherlock bldg. EXCHANGE. $7nO equity In flue modern M-dford bungalow, balance monthly, for anything here or near Chicaso. Langley. Gen. Del. TEN lots at Yaquina Hay, 1 lot at Ncw icirt. 4 at Huniion. for equity in house and lot In Portland or vicinity. 313 Bim-s.-ll st. 7 Ai'RES 8 bioeks from posloffice at Jlc-Minnv-ille to trade for small home in Piedmont or restricted district up to $4.vw; char of Incumbrance. 2"! Swetland bids. HAVE equltv in residence, also some other property, want hotel or restaurant In Port land or good town, not over $3090; give full particulars. C PIT. Oregonian. ' an" "opportunity. A fine bungalow site at a bargain: will accept any reasonable terms: will furnish money for building. V "0o. Oregonian. W ILL trade mv equity In 2 of my li and 8-room ntrlctiv modern houses for lots. S. Peterson. 921 Board of Trade. Main 2S23. WILL ieTi or exchange $1000 equity in $4730 bungalow, balance straight mort gage and rented for $23 per month. AH lion, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE A modern home in Pied mont for a home in Oakland. Cai. Address 1,9 AInsworth ave.. Portland. FARM well improved, half for trade city propertv; some cash, balance long-time mortgage. R. Buetlkofcr. 263 Salmon st. FARM, orchard or timber lands for rooming-house, up lo $11000; balance mort fiwee Chas. E. Hicks, Forest Grove. Or. WANTED To trade lot near Kenton for farm team, wagon and cow. W UU4, Ore gonian. LIST your real estate with us for quick action: soul'.' good trades for acreage. linuFis and lots. 201 Swetland buildinff. WILL exchange ti-'l-i-loo acres at Roseburg. or, for equity in five-room house. AL iu7. oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE SHOW. close in. for Portland really; good business, good lo cal IcTn ; fty-yearleasejjm0O1tji YOUR choice of automobile, truck or lots for house and lot not exceeding $3000. K f0. Oregonian. $23.o00 PROPOSITION. $iV0O0 yearly gross income, to exchange for Portland Income prop-Tty. by owner. 621 Board of Trade. OR TRADES OF ALL KINDS. SEE GARLAND i CO.. VJl 4TH. 28-FOOT launch, will sell or exchange. AH H10. Oregonian. WE have exchanges of all kinds. 201 Swet land building. EXCHANGE. 6 and 8-room housea for lot. S. Peterson. 1121 Board of Tradr KESlDiiNCE property in Spokane for prop erty In or near Portland. C 874. Oregonian. WANTED REAL gSTAT-. ThVINGTON, .LADD'S ADDITION. OR OTHER CLOSE-IN Dl-TRICT. PREFER IRVINGTON, BUT WILL CONSIDER Sl.'NN YSIDE OR LADD AD DITION; WILL GO AS HIGH AS $500: TRADE IN $2000 WORTH OP UNIM PROVED ACREAGE. BAL CAHH. FRED W. GERMAN. 39 BURNSIDE. M. OR A-'77l1 A MODERN MOM on cast nine, value $J0 lo UOo. will give as pay iiieni new, modern home on Willamette River, in miles from city, on Oregon city Elec tric: beautiful view site. AH 006. Ore gonian HAVE customers for houses from $2000 to $3300; also have a number of clients for houses on small payment down, balance monthly. Portland Business Exchange, 709-710 Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall 386. WANTED 3 acrea of land with improve ments, closo in; please state where the land Is and all about it in first letter: a 6 room houee on the same place will suit better. AB to4. Oregonian. ON account business changes will exchange fine new eiKht-room residence, well lo cated on East Side, for Laurelhurst Iota, value $.".000. no incumbrance. Owner, No. Hi E 29th st. North. WANT unincumbered $3000 residence; give So acres: buildings, improvements, stream: investigate Immediately; no agents. Own er. liX'.O Grand, North. 1 WANT well located income-bearing real estate five to ten thousand dollars; must be bargain for CASH. No agents. AT inn. oretonlan. WANTED Modern bungalow from owner, bedrooms upstairs: must be a bargain; cash. H. 11. Reynolds. 1105 E. Grant st. WANT 4-room modern house, corner lot. Highland or Piedmont district AF 907. Oregonlaru '' SEE GLOVERLAND ACRES. C. F. SMITH & SON. 210 RY. EXCHANGE. AN INSIDE LOT in Irvlngton for cash. AH oo.j. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent, from 20 to .".0 acres, at least 13 acres In cultivation and some good pasturo land: must have house and barn and good water supply. WATSON &. THERKELSEN CO.. 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7302. WANT to rent on shares, good-sized farm, well equipped, close to railroad. WATSON THERKELSEN CO.. imp Spalding hldg. Main "302. WANTED To rent small poultry ranch. E nil. Oregonian FARMS WANTED. DESIRABLE families located free on best land in Central Oregon. Write Hampton Valley Development Assn., Hampton, Or. FOR SALE 320 acres timber land, timbered with three million ft. tlr and two million ft. sugar pine, located southern part Doug las County, Or., three miles from S. P. railroad. For particulars, address Box 158, Pacific Grove. Cal. FOR SALE CHEAP. 200 million feet yellow fir, sawmill and complete logitiK outfit, near Taconia. For particulars address AB lo3. Oresonian. FOR SALE 400 acres timber land. 210 acres, close to 1:. K.f balance adjoinlns mill property. Kor furlher information address R. L. Glass. Corvallls. Or. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. :i(l4 McKay Bldg. SEE GLOVERLAND ACRES. C. F. SMITH & SON. 210 RY. EXCHANGE. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. PRIVATE party would buy 1 or 2 timber claims. Western Douglas County, for In vestment: cheap; give location first letter. AH S97, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Eta. BIG Percheron mare, weight 1S00. 5 years old. In foal by Percheron horse, weicht 2230; will foal June 3; price $:'.30; will take norse In exchange. o34 Front, cor. Front and Market. FOR SALE Two driving horses. 2 lumber wagons; cheap if taken at tinee. Apply tel. Tahor 16. or Montavilla Lumber to., 80th and Halsey sts. East. WELIj-MATCHED Pair Shetlands. trap and ponies' harness; 6 and 7 years old; kind and gentle for children; price 3o0: will trado for good work horse. ;:34 Front. GO to Rose City Park Salea stable at S2d and Sandy Road to buy good guaranteed horses at low prices. Take Rose City Park car. Adams & Campbell, props. GOOD team, neighing 23m. mare and liortc. harness and farm wagon, and plow. aM $13ii; take Sellwood cur lo Insley ave.. walk six blocks east, to railroad track. FOR SALE cheap, family horse and rubber-tired buggy; take Haw thorne-ave. car to Division st., walk one block west and two blocks south. 2M3. 3Slh st. S. E. ROSE City Stables, phone Marshall 4636. Boarders wanted; horses hired and de livered promptly: guaranteed horses sold, free trial. 303 Alder. FOR SALE Dapple gray horse. 6 years old. weight lti.-.o lbs.; alJ" heavy double harness and new 3-lii'h wagon. Oak Grove, Or.. Box 121. Phone Red 132. FOR SALE Horse, wagon and harness, $3; horse separately, $03. Call U. P. Stables, on Russell st. WANT to bu pood young' team, weight near 23ik: no dealers need answer. B !Ks, ore gonian. - GOOD farm team, weight JOO lbs., true pullers single or double, harness and farm wagon all for $100. Phone Scllwood17SS. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy horses, acaustomed to city. 38 East 7th st. North. WAN1 ED -Mare, about 14U0 pounds. 3 to b years old F POP. Oregonian. W ANTED Tcum work, handling lumber or wood. Hillsboro R. R. 3, Box 70. COVERED milk wagon. SM; rev, $40; farm wagon. $23. l-seatcd sur :;.;4 Front. 4-YEAR-OLD Ally, city hroke. buggy and harness, 200 for the outtit. ":j4 Front. ON bav 3-year-old horse, price $23. .lot From, cor weight 1U00; Market. WANTED A cheap 1100-pound work horoe. Phone Main 663 4. ' FOR SA I.E Hay mare. 11O0 11-B-. $30; poll. $10. loi: Macadam. BAY team, new harness and new wagon, $257.30: will sell separate. o34 Front si. piano,. Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE I,e.sler piano and l:anola at tachment; cheap for cash: both guaran teed in good condition. Phone Marshall UK'.. A 1634. . ELEGANT $330 new mahogany piano, $133. C. O. Pick Transfer & Storage to- 35 -a. WANTED To rent cheap. fine upright piano. Main i51a-HIGH-GRADB upright piano. In fine con- dltlun. $IOQ cash. 44o Third st. GENTLE norso for buggy or single delivers ; aln wagon and harnejss. 230 AnKcny st. Dog. Birds. Petfctock. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks: best selected utility stock; bred to lay; healthy chicks guaranteed; $7.3) per IO0. during April and May. The. Pioneer Hatchery. Box 346. I'ctalum'a. Cal. EGGS for setting: S. C. White Leghorns. $1 for 13, $ii for 100; Rhode I. R.. Jl.Ja a setting. 4404 4::d ave. S. E. : "WW" car. Phone Sellwood 242. s""c.Bu6wNLf chom eggs cheap: heavy lavcrs. anv quantity, any lime. Main 4125. . .lames Ireland. 414 Spalding Mdg. PRATT'S poultry regulator for sale by J. J. Butxer, 188 Front at. Automobiles. BO TOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE r We are exclusive dealers of used cars. Over 75 cars to select from, all makes, all prices. Don't fail lo see us before you -uy. Everv Car Guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington. DO YOU WANT AN Al'TOMOBI LET We are exclusive dealers for used cars; over 75 cars to select from, all makes, all prices. Don't full to see us before you buy. Evcrv Car Guaranteed. OREGON A I TO EXCHANGE. Twenty-first and Washington S's- A SNAP FOR $751'. MUST HAVE MONEY TODAY. IBIO "COLE SO." A-l SHAPE. NEW NON-SKID TIRES ALL AROUND. THE FIRST ONE WITH THE MONEY TAKES IT. CALL AT OFFICE. WARD & YOUNGISH. SUITE 426 TBONBLDa. FOR SALE. Wlnton Six. seven-passenger auto, good as new; $1300; part cash, balance terms. Sec owners. ROOTS & LEUTHWAITE. 13S0 Hawthorne ave.. Portland, Or. FOR TRADE. My equltv In a piunted orchard tract for an automobile. Will stand investiga tion. What have you? J. AXLING, 1221 Yeon hldg. FIVE-PASSENGER automobile, top. lamps, speedometer, good condition, used dally; $225 cash. Selling account of sickness. 208 nth st. - FOR bargains In used cars see us first; write for list; we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. K. loth and Hawthorne Ave. DIFFICULT automobile and truck repairing solicited: carburetter and magneto trou ble a specialtv. . T. M. llartman, 5n0 Will lams aye!TelJEa3tl0IL FOUR-PASSENGER, little used denionstrat. ing car for sale: guaranteed for one year, ti'.io Washington st. Stoddard-Day ton Auto Co. . WANTED A motorcycle as cash payment on a swell little 5-room bungalow; price is right and terms arc easy. Phone M. 7064. SEVES'-PASS.. 40 horse-power automobile, with tor, lamps, etc.: tires good: a insp; $30. Stoddard-Dayton Auto Co, 600 w asningion au W A . O I. 1 ' . If vou desire to turn your auto as first payment on a modern home, see Logan. 815 Spalding bldg. . WANT ll'lO or 1111. 5-pasa. auto; must be rheao for cash; give full details in first letter. ii ,o,. OirE'Mii"',. I-'I ItST-CLASS auto, very cheap: take 2 karat diamond in exchange. AO Oil, Ore sonlan. lOlif CADILLAC, fully equipped, guaranteed to have had best of eare.Muin24ll4. for s ALB Maxw ell runabout, new tires. JustccyrhujedJ22il: Phone Main 4M)Q. HubsON runabout; a snap; $475. Stoddard- . ,.fu. W.shlnrlnn Rt oayton auiu v."-. q-- - e---.. 3-PASSENGER Rambler auto. $:!50 cash. ... ri "s-'O l-llOIIO IUUOJ- - --' M iscellaneous. FOR SALE 1 one section and 1 two section, all-steel French range: also large broiler. Chef.. Arlington Club. " r ERTILI.ER. Well-rotted ' cow and horse manure de livered anv tiart of city.. East 2276. FEW beautiful hand-painted pictures for sale by owner: leaving city; prices reason able. 2 N. 14th St.. corner Burnslde. A TICKET to Northern California for sale, can save vou $6 For Information call phone Marahall 34S0. TJ7 di'NTLEY Vacuum Cleaner. used short time, in good shape, for sale. Tel. Marshall 10S. ai i. makes tvpewriters rented. 3 a month. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 262 Slark St. YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter with oak stand for $3 per month; convenient at home. 3.13 Ankeny st. Tel. Main 6273. SINGLE tvpe stand for sale. 311 Buchanan bldg. Main 3."'34. 500 BUSINESS cards. $1; a bargain. Rose City Printer;-'. I!2'i 3d. comer Taylor. DONKEY engine on sled, good order, ready to load on car. R 9"?. Oregonian. FOR SALE 2 pood pool tables, cheap. 3'i N. 4th st. Marshall 10:J. FOR SALE Standard visible typewriter very cheap. T 860. Oregonian. . Miscellaneous. ATTENTION. GENTLEMAN! Rise to the call of Spring! I can sen vou a suit of clothes in the new spring models and save you big money. $16...0 to 2ii suits. $12.73; $22.30 to $1 o suits S14.73. How do I do It My rent Is $.0 " month, which would be about $3110 If 1 were on the irrouiul floor. JIMMY DUNN. Room 315. oregonian hldg. Take elevator. PIIM? PI" Pi- TMl'i: Get our prices, -ee our stock, new ana second-hand, bluck and galvanized. It will pay you. M. BARD- SONS. 240-242 Front St.. cor. Main. The House of a Million Bargains. SEWING machines, sold for storsge; 100 fine machines: some new. drop head, ol Singer. New Home. White and Domestic and all leading makes. $10 and up; box top at $3 and up; all in perfect condition. i! 3d St.. cor. Columbia. MENS TROUSERS. Men'. I ean save you money on pants: $4 values for $2.50, $5 values. $ :;.5o. Jimmy Dunn, room 315, oregonian bids. Take elevator. , FOR SALE One General Electric Co. gen erator, capacity 5 lights; slate swltcV board, Instruments, complete outfit. Ad dress room The Hill, illd aud Wash ington sts. " BARGES BOATS. 6 barg'S. nearlv new; 1 steam tug cruis. cr: 1 liu h. p. ens. tug: 1 13 h. p. gas. tug. bargains tor quick sale. STANDARD M.U11. CO.. 46 2d St. FOR SALE Fishing ta, klc. Frankfort Reel, one Salmon reel, tackle box. lines, files, artificial bait, trunk and full parapherna lia lor fishing. Cost $1"0; will lako $io. Address AF l'Q2. Oiegonlan. - ''lumT'.ini; supplies. Get our jolces and see our display; ev erything in plumt-tnc supply Jfnc. M . BARDE at SON'S 210-212 Front st.. cor. Main. $ie-o I'OK $lloO cabin, launch and house. 23xl': sleeping accommodations. Ownei. 414 'Yamhill st. Main Uotfl; consider trade. A R 1103. Oregonian. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc, bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co., 227 Stark st. Main771U FOR SALE- Gasoline launch. 32x7.6. 2'i 11. P.: also b.'inil saw, ,'ii wheel, c. Han sen. 8S Giand ave. Phone East 20., 1 SAFES Genuine Ha'.l safes, new and second-hand, low pro es, easy terms; safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Portland safe Co.,s5 3th st. Main boi'H. FOR SALE Cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit reiilster. meat sheer, etc. The Portland Store supply Co. 25v 2d st. Marshall 434s FOR SALE Hotel safe arid i-ash resist,!, cheap. J. H. Weiss. U. s. Laundry. Phone Kast 6a. RF.STA I' Ii A NT coffee urn. almost new. $8. inquiro at :;i7 E. Couch si. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WK BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest prlee naid for men's and ladie-' cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main lil'SO. 2f 1st St.. Th e l, lobe. VSARGER S AUCTION HOUSE .",7o E. Morrison. Phone E. 10'-"-. Pays highest cash price for furniture. WE nav the highest rash price for second hand furniture. Sealer A- Martin. Phone East m.'It. .'MS Hawthorne ave. TO BUY. rash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutur. credit register and meat sheer. Phone Marshall 434. 230 2n. A Co.M PLETE medical libra ry; must t-e cheap. Address letter, giving price. Med ical, care Morning; Astoiian. Astoria. Or. WANTED House painting, paper hanging. kalsomining. day or job, reasonable. Main SOUL I BUY all makes typewriters. Edgar A- Steinau. 6 Ry. Ex. bldg. WANTED Launch hull. 20 to 25 ft., also house boat. F !"". Oregonian. FORD Auction t'o. Pavs most cash for any kind of furniture. Main Sl'51. A 2415. WANTED Oompleto moving-picture outfl. folding chairs, etc. I. 894, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT, tone of Many.) Office Secretarv Employ inent Department. Y. M. C. A. Young man. stranger, out of work f$-0 his total cash asset) If 1 pay you $5 for special employment membership, I w-ill have only $13 left between me and star vation. Secretary If you pay $5 for special employment membership, you will have the Y. M. C. A, with its resources, be tween you and starvation. Result: Young man Joined association. Tn less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Recoid for two months ending Feb. 20: Calls fur men 344 Positions filled i!,a Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full . membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep party employed during the full term of mem bership without further charge. We have constant demand for- high grade, experienced men. Are you fitted for a better position? See secretary employment department, T. M. C. A. WANTED TOD A T : Gang t riniu.erman. SI. Gang cdgernuin. $4. Millllati'is. $2 to S2.-ii. Sash and door machine men. $2.75 up. farmhands. 125 to $35. Milkers. $.10 to $40. Married men on farm, wages $35 to $50 and found. Can luge painter, city, $S. W oodcutters. $1.25 cord. Large list of other work. TACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 222 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st and 3d. LET us ailvirti you. If you can fill any of the following positions, call and see us. Constant demand: Advertising agent, window trimmer, accountant, bill cleric hotel clerk, store clerk, pharmacist, sales man, lumber yard manager, stenographer, bookkeeper, business manager, chauffeur, produce man, ard writer and office help of all kinds. The Mercantile Advisory As sociation. 309-310 Gerlinger bldg., Port land, Oregon. TOU can earn $50 a week and up at steady employment selling nursery stock: some excellent territory now open; experience not necessary; time is money; do not de lay, but write at once for particulars. AV 73, Oregonian. WANTED a progressive and active gen tleman, good appearance, capable, of rep resenting and soliciting business In the State of Oregon for established and busv Hrm of architects; draughtsmanship not essential, but must have a thorough knowledge of plans and luilding opera tions: must bo financially responsible and furnish bonds. Address Architects. 803 Northern Bwnkbldg.. Seattle. . WANTED Shoe salesman with sufficient experience, energy and capital to buy our shoe department: will rent space on fa vorable terms: everv dollar's worth this Springs merchandise: $2300 will swing it. Good reason for wiling. Located In most popular dry goods store 111 pros perous Inland city- of 20.00O. Address AV us. Oregonian. A FEW live real estate salesmen wanted at once; best selling and best paying proposition in the slate. Bend Park Co.. Hotel Portland Court. I WANT live representatives in each com munity of Oregon and Washington for high-class specialties; goods sold on money back guarantee: no competition. BEN.I. L. SMITH, Manufacturer's Agent. 327 Corhett bldg.. Portland. Or. MAN of good appearance and ability to solicit for the Northwestern Hospital Association: solicitors given good contract lo make money. Apply 718 to 724 Yeon bidg.. before 12 noon. - WANTEii Solicitors; not real estate or in surance, but something good. 413 Bu chanan bldg. FIRST-CLASS ladies' tailor; highest wages paid to good mechanics. S. Weiss, 14! 10th sc WANTED Competent bookkeeper and cred it man by wholesale house; must have references. N 884. Oregonian. WANTED Practical man experienced In machinery erecting and general construc tion. N HOI, oregonian. COLLEGS graduate wauled for steam engi neering tests: must have experience. N OOO, Oregonian. WANTED Boys to sell box lunches; good pay. Palm, 435 Yamhill. YOUNG man to travel, appoint agents; sal ary and eommisison. M !HV1. Oregonian. PHOTO coupon: best ever offered; snap fo agents. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. BARBER panted. 575 Wah. St.; must bf n union man. WANTED High-class Jewish salesman. Ask for Mr. Burton. 1118 Leon bldg. SOLICITORS WANTED 425 Stark street- 'JVfc.aaWaVjfa.l