Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 21, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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r'Bf"c-rvm ........
r:tT ci.-cat f "a
Manacir. F.dltor .....
tunrimr Fdiior .......
f rnnm .....
tur.ntaiiilal bulldirc
.Jbl.ln TrtT A
.Mais 7: "
iimi.c: thi: r r:it
... t.if... a! rura-lr.
Tlu Hi kjn r. :-. Tm
ai . i -
IMKKil TlltTl'.a-ii::""' ana
Th, .t...... "In." Ionia
1 will rhl at Vli.
c Ri-M-Lil 7!lETrn-I'"'"-!,'w7f,;
S an s...l11-Vi'.i.' l "
l.ruoos t : li nj toBKnl CKK"
till-Its.- THKTE!I-(P.- "".lY'Vial
lon vai..l'.i:i. Tb: af.rnooo SI 1-1
tinlrhl at I'll snd O'clJlIU
pl,;: IHKATlll-" sad
ri 4J- .-. af'rr.oon l
n M at sad t o'ciocs.
I.TT.P- Tli:Trn-irorth and '
At . iw.'. - h.rl-.;ir.y.
.rr ..n r - and tualgbt at
la.l 1 li o'rlrt.'k.
TIVil.l AM I'RT.-rvL Klr-ruo
lurea. It A. M.-U V 11.
pi c-
Tw New S'Hi"i.a "p ii':s. Wllhln
th.. n.l f- (he public
... hoot f .-- 1 1 !-! of I'l-rtMivl h '""
cr.'.i.-vl h-n lh- Frrnwool are! Weaion
h.'"t ar or"-nel fr pupil. The
KrrKX'wl whofl la a cni-ri'l bull-llru
of ?i rrn. only two f wMrh will
i.-l for ttr prrs.n?. Vh-n the
K..I1 linn op-nw th four additional
r....:t. will I. available t take cars
or i.i.- In th" IrvinBt-m nJ
K-rn- .-h'l. The i.resient enrollment
ef th- portab!'' now In n-e I -T'i"
Ve-i..n M-hiivl. -.ItuaU-l between
ri..i, ;,tfl Until, will pruvlde four
room.-, to Ink- the pl.iee of the portable
now"l An r:sht-room Mliin
i. to le rrerte.l In th- ne.r future, to
w omi l't.-l In linn- for the opening
rt the K.H term.
'Hahmknt vitt:r" T . Mkkt
:.preientullvc! .iinVreiil infU
iioik lnl-r .-;.-.l tn highway develop
ment of iM tte will nwl at a
lun hron at the r..n-ni flub fxlar
to .on"l. r to.v.rnor Vr!'.t f-ur l lh
wjy M!:. Thi. il-l.-.nt.-i rrprrai-nl
tic hi rtnooy romnii ' " from the
ri.ui nfln-tins Interest, .inl will
.m' trom the Kr.-i.n A.-.l.itlon for
HUliUiy liuprovemt nt. Hiitorm.bllr a
ik atioiiH .m.l oth-r o.l roa'l.i orsani-xation.-i.
Th Kran'-. hnvlnrc wlth
Ir.iw n from tiie cneriil movotnent. have
not been lnvtt.l to ii'-n"! lfle5jte to
th- lun'-heon. It l p!ann--l to work
out nnie )jm for co-operation of
the .iirterent inlerenK with a view to
a t-nerul !nhv ut Velip:iiTit move
inrnt in the .-tate.
Sfrrnstn SiPti'K Koiniv A man.
b. lieve,! from u letter In hii HH-ket
to be Thoniai lloey. wa founl lead In
trie Miller rooitiin-houM at Third and
liii.-jin !lnrs yesterday afternoon.
wlh a Miriil bottle t-onlalnins rom
fluid, the rontenta of which were partly
c. .n-. benide htm. The flul.1 will le
ex.inilnel to determine It nature, nnd
in au'or.-jr probably will follow. The
I. -tier a. from Mamie r'obvv. n Ken-
l li lri . t. New Vork. No one ap
...i to knot unjtliini: of the man
here, atid the t'oroner ha telegraphed
! the adHret In the letter. lie bad
been at the roominrf-hou.e live day.i.
Ki.r-iKi-- I.-.-.iit M:s l-eviTEi'.
.tin Major Haker ye-.terd.iy tele--liawied
to II. ll-xlklnsmn. chairman
f tie tran.vport.itton eotnmlltee of the
. itio.ial I.I-, trie I.Ulit A-i-o. iton. at
to.ton. i'.-Kliii Ili-U lae deleaatei to
the onvtitii. to be bld at "Seattle
in June. Ie riulel ihrotieh Tortlaiwl
--n their return home. - He akel th it
lii- d-ejtea' triln hch-ltiled to
leavx I'ortlarMl not earlier than mid
night June li. The Portland com
mittee arraiiiitiw a tr'cr;unme nl
arr- the met'iNei if ti.e party to
rrmatn lo re tt enjoy It.
I' o:t i;-r ! . r. Kttou Hulkoap.
- S.'ttied nnd Sitill.-el. wan the entry
mad- In th I nlte.l Slat. i IHjIm t
louit terd.iy. on nili"n of tbe a I -t.-.rn.
for lite pl.llntlT. In the rj" of
i"h-r. r I. I'ofit iiunint the Seattle.
Tv-tlnd A; ikjine Kailroad i'oitipany.
1 r." r u 1 1 wa. to reeover l3.0rfl dnm
ir.-n for the lo of an e c and other
itjiirie wh!le the pl.itntitf wan work
ing " a m.i-hlnlt for the com(an
The antouiii p.ud th. plaintiff waj not
li-rl".e. but It wa Mated by hit at
lorpeya tn be about I '.
iir.t. St Katiikr Hkt !lt:n. Ar-
re-tet Toe-.l y by Ptti'lniin Maddux
if'er h-r father. J I . FltKMrnmone. a
M'litor. repirted :er absence to the
;olt.-e. Irene Kttionimiitt.l. a;e. la,
l.-;;rti fir t'oliee yeterd.i. nit to re -
u-n Iter to ber father, paying' that ho
tuil be iten her bei-atiwi- Hhe had re.
rtrrd bre letter- from boy frietid.i.
rhe .ud -h- ran ataay from home be
ahe feare. further nbtjne. The
a.-e will be taken up by the Juvenile
'?. a T- I'lrii'ria I.n;i'TtNO tjii:.rrirx.
The North I'.ant Side Improvement
.o.-iitl-in will meet tomorrow nlht
hi We.-wiiprn ball, corner Ki.-el street
rnd l:lriey aveno to fon-ller the
-i-e lal I'htintr of Vltliam un-1 I'nlon
ivi-nuee. I'ommltlee-i ppolnte( on tllee
ttrn at the lnl nieeilns will make
-eporln at ihln ni.-nns. The fills on
Itrodwrny nn.1 W.-I.ller street, running
to the npproarh of thi- Itroadway trwti;n
a'h-t ta til Come up foe ronat-leration.
M ri't u. Ki.rTirx I -erttiiRKr. Mayor
S:rit and menth--ri f Ine Milwaukle
'Ity I'ottnell will prottatity let4le to
defer the !OI bio In Moll of tile proposi
tion to iMtir S.'.tioo in bond until the
recjlar city elertion Fall. Tlil.i
till lo away with the -o-t if boldinr; a
..pertal election thi Spring-. Itesitlea it
li prppo',l to submit al.o m proposition
to provide n sewer sMtriu for Mtlwau
k 1 1- and some amendments to tli-. eity
h irter.
Anr Ir?PiiTjir.T T" - Mkkt. The
art department of the Portland Wo
man' l lub will meet today at 2 I". M.
..I the residence of Mrs. t . V. Brlczs.
Wiltnar Apartments. 7 - Fverett street.
Mr. Hrlua has In her home some
original works of the ureal American
irtistn. whose lives the art deartment
it noar (.turlylntc and this Rive the
members an opportunity to study from
i -e oricinal paintings Instead of re
priidil.'ltolis. RniRP cr KlAHIMtHtl Mkcts. The
tiattin-pathic board of examiners held
a .-.penal meeting yesterday to pass
lil-n the qualifications of eif-hl apill
i.tplr f.r verttticate. I'r. J. I . Imnn The next reitub'r meeting
of trie" Association of Naturopaths
vl.1I be held at 31.'. IlnthchlM biill.tln.
April I.
rrt. Cmixib Wfn-ir.N Straks Ttin.iT.
The Psychology flub will imvt toilay
:: 1:3I tVvlork. This will be Problem
ilay. Pr. fhbie Wisijen will speak
n "Vaste.J Knercy." arol Mrs. Alice
Vnter on "What to Remember: W hat
to Forget."
m:iTki. Ri 'i r Kv KtxtKci Mi:RtT.
V'mlttv Is our watchword, and low
pipes on dependable. rus.-. make our
i-tore th Mecca for oriental rug
buyers. I'artojUn Bros., oriental ru(r
Importers. 3 Wash., near 13th st.
Mjfiii. Before placlntr your order
for a tailored suit be sure and see our
Imported novelties; price. ICS. Gurney.
ladie V li'lor. Mohawk bids-
New jSrRiNn Gooi.ts. j. Pollvka A
Co.. tailors. I"t Corbet t bids . 20 per
ent rebate for cash payment on
(ar men's made to order.
THK llr.!l APARTMK.NTS. 730 lloyt
treet. elegantly furnlshetl. three-room,
r-'ini r apartment, with slorplnc porch.-
Ntt- Mokt. Will sell my Zi shares
Portland foncreto Pile A- Fi. at l b.
f :l oreonian.
ft'T-ltaTK loan ofTire moved from 171
Third st. to J"', Morrison St.. near IsL
feia7iu today all day. Own.a Blaa,
Tiie movement to merjte the three
water plants. In Mllwaukle la taklnK
form, and probably will be an accom
plished fact thla month. The three
watar plants are owned by the Mllwau
kle Water Company. It. M. Fisher, man
tser: T. It. A. Sellmood and J. U John
son. The ceneral plan Is to organise,
a hoUlins; company which shall take
over and oiw-rate the three plants and
operate them as one. It Is considered
probable that a central pumping sta
tion may be established at some point.
At present there are three pumpln
stations. Mllwaukle liaa about liOO
people and feels the need of an enec
tive water supply w hicR will supply
fire protei-silon.
Itic-Titi: Tmer f.irr ISO uat. Kd
Dee. arrested Tuesday afternoon by
Detective f raddoi k as he M trytn
to sell a bicycle, was sentenced to ISO
days on the rock pile by Jndae Tax
well yesterday niornlns for the theft
of the machine. hlrh was claimed by
A. Kllert. I "ee falle.1 to explain satis
f.ictorllv Ills possession of the vehicle.
He said he had bousht It the day be
fore from a strana-er. "It's the cele
brated straw man that the detectives
have been after for & years." remarked,
prosecutor llennessy.
otrenlnir. this week only, they archiving
one-fourth off front their usual prices
on all purchases or on all orders civen
for specially designed furniture or
reproductions made In their own shop.
411 Alder street.
.rkcr Exot to llrnili Tolnl of
Hinoo llrforo End of Calrn-
lr Year.
Witii !.' atuall piedKef and
with plans already formulated tl. at will
uroilii. e another llono within a few
weeks, the Portland Women's tVlllam
ilte flu lias Its b00 pledge to the
Willamette endowment fund well In
vie w.
The foregoing Is tiie situation re
none. I to the members of the club at
meeting- of ti e organization yesterday
afternoon. The work of the club has
been productive- beyond expectations.
an. I the fact that one-tiilrd of the re
quired amount Ij signed up already ts
pronr of the energy with which they
have gone about tl.elr task.
At vesterriav'a meetlnff a series of
entertainments was outlined that will
arrv forward the work of raisins the
t-iiio. While the energy of the club
will he given to these entertainments,
the general campaign by the members
t.r further pledges will also be carried
on last as v igoruusl v.
tine of the encouraging features of
the reports made at the meeting yea-
terdav was the fact that many letters
have been received since news of the
orcanixatlon was published, coming
from women who have expressed their
svmpathv with the club, and their In
tentlon of giving substantial aid in
some f..rm to the SKiiOO fund, and also
volunteering valuable sua Rest ions re
u.trdinir nlnns for raising the money.
Subscriptions of over IIO.OOO to the
Willamette endowment fund were rep
resented by thoe present at the meet
ing voeter.lar afternoon. That Is. over
iAQ has been subscribed either by
the ladies present or by members of
their families.
Such subscriptions are rot Included
In the iso0 pledge, which Is to be
raised entirely outside the personal
pledges of tna members of the club.
Moreover, members of the club who
have rmt yet made personal pledges for
Willaimtte are planning to do so. and
such p!edt-e will not go to meet the
club's I00 subscription.
Said one of the chief officers of the
tl'ih to It. J. W. Handier last even
I have no doubt whatever that the
lat dollar of the noi) will be pledged
or otherwise raised before the end of
the calendar ear"
Downfall fanned by
(irrx-k 'cro in
lee!sr ng that she feared the power
of the llreek from whom she was try
lug tn escape and his associates, and
that she believed anything Tie said
agulnst him was at the peril of her
life. Margaret Milliard yesterday sob
blngly confessed to Deputy District At
torney llennessr the storr of her meet
ing with S. J. M.inillsch. lier subsequent
downfall and the power that he exer-ci-ed
over her.
Ma ml I. sen was arrested early Tuesday
morninic at the home of the girl's
father, after he had engaged In a
fight with him. Margaret Milliard tele
phoned for the polio, but when they
arrived she etideatored to protect tha
man by telling them that he had run
out of the house and down the street.
He was found In htdlnc on the -top of
the roof, however, nnd after some dif
ficult r. In which one shot figured, was
Illlllard told the police that Man'
dlsch was a white slaver. A charge of
vatranry la pending against Mandtseh,
but it ts probable be.-ause of the Klrl's
confession a more serious charg-e will
be preferred against him.
fonnril CrrM to Got Thorn If In-
-tnllatlon Is I-Vro.
Tlve llshtlng committee of th City
Kxeoutlvo Hoard met yesterday, pre
ceding a meeting of the Itoard. and
recommended the granting- of some are
lamps In various portions of tlve city.
Some were aiithorUed for Council Crest.
provldinK the Portland Railway, Light
A l"rwer Company will Install them
without extra charge.
M. J. Mumane. chairman of the com
mittee, expressed himself as being of
the belief that the- Kxecutlve Board
should call for bids on arcs, giving the
Mount Hood Kallway Power Com
pany a chance to get business. W". II.
Fitzgerald and Dr. II. C. Flxott said
then- would favor such procedures If It
would really assist the publlr. but, with
the limited equipment of the rival
company, they said they doubted the
w Ndom of it. No action was taken.
located at 317 S Morrison, between
Seventh and Tark streets, will open to
day. Delicious American dishes. Chi
nese mandarin rtyle chop suey and
noodles. Beautiful high-class ladles' tea
parlor. Best service, new. clean, sani
tary. Kxcellent merchants' lunch.
Apartments for parties.
now served at the Quelle-Hofbrau.
turd wood, Slabwootl, CoaL
llolman Fuel Co., successors to Baa-Beld-Veysey
Fuel Co. M. SSI. A
Gel our doc enlaced, before Saturday.
Diners See Pictures of Oregon
First Excursion.
Jlombors of Portland Commercial
Club Welcome Homo Party AVlio
Made Journey and Enjoy
Camera-Caught Scenes.
Scenes f-om the Oregon First ex
cursion to San Francisco and the se
lection of the site for the Oregon
building at the Fanama-racir ic Kxpo
sltlon were served to the members of
the Portland Commorelal Club, between
courses at dinner last night. Many
of the members who had been unable
to take part In the excursion brought
women with them and a crowd Hint
filled nearly all the tables In the big
dining-room was assembled to welcome
home the excursionists and see with
them the review of the events that had
transpired In San Francisco.
A series of Mereopticon slides repro
ducing pages front the San Francisco
newspapers published while the excur
sion party was In Pan Francisco was
shown first, giving the guests an Idea
of the deep Interest that was taken in
the visit of tho Oregonlnns by the press
and the people of San Francisco.
I.araoa Kxplalaa I'leturea.
Following this series of sa9s three
movlng-pleture films, sent to the club
through the courtesy of M. G. Win
stork, of the people's Amusement Com
pany, depicted tho leading events of
the trtp and the s Ite-selectlnij cere
mony. J. Fred Larson, of the excur
sion committee, was constituted lec
turer to explain the scenes, and kept
up continually an amusing and Inter
esting line of "patter" while the films
were being shown.
The first film showed the arrival of
the fair officials at Venctia to greet
the Incoming excursion, and gave pic
tures of Mayor Kolph. of San Fran
cisco. Lleutenunt-Oovernor Wallace. C.
G. Moore, president of the exposition,
and other prominent officials.
Scenes of the arrival in San Fran
cisco were shown: the Rreat auto
mobile parade, where more than 100
automobiles passed through the streets
of the city and swept up and down the
beach, the stirring spectacle of Ihe
dress parade at the Presidio, given In
honor of the visitors, the raising of
the flag over the Oregon site, and the
transfer of the deed to Governor West
by President Moore: "di-s. Koso Bloch
Bauer singing the "Star Spangled Ban
ner" from the rostrum at the Oregon
site, and tlfe selection of the site for
the Nevada building by Governor Od-
dle. Immediately after the Oregon site
had been bestowed.
F.iraraloaiats Are Keoowalaed.
Numerous moving-picture machines
were at work at the ceremony of se
lecting the sites, and the entire cere
mony Is presented from several points
of view. Prominent men of the Oregon
delegation aro recognizable In the pic
tures, and these came In for a si. are
of good-natured Joking from their fel
low club members as the pictures were
whirled upon the screen last nlkht.
Following this film the guests were
taken via the moving-picture route on
an excursion about the bay and a visit
to the drydocks. In this film they
were nlven an opportunity of viewing
the Oregon site from the bay and Judging-
of Its merits. Prior to the ex
cursion on the bay they saw the dump
ing of the first carload of rock upon
the seawall by Governor West, and the
second by Julius Meier, chairman of
the Oregon commission; the first actual
work upon the fairgrounds after the
selection of the two building sites.
Last of the scenes the departure of
the excursion train northward. When
this picture was thrown on the screen
Mr. LArson. the impromptu lecturer in
a fine burst of melodramatic oratory,
"And of the I.'O people who had come
to San Francisco on this magnificently
appointed train only IS returned. Tnc
rest stopped over and came on a later
train, for San Francisco was a goon
town to stay In as long an we were
Stereontlron slides shown at the be
ginning- of the entertainment were se
cured through the activity of Lloyd W.
MadJowcll. of Ihe North Bank P.oad.
who also waa active in arranging for
musical and other features of the pro
gramme, with tnc assistance oi jir.
Immigration Bonrd Plans Hooklct to
Attract Jlomt'rCcV.ers.
Oregon's Dlnn for promoting and han
dling her immigration in future will be
considered tomorrow at the first meet
ing of the immigration boarrd since the
release of the :.". 0d0 Immigration fund
appropriated st the last session of the
Legislature. C. C. Chapman, state im
migration agent and chairman of the
board, appointed to succeed I.eroy
Parks, resigned, will preside at the
meeting. Otiier members of the board
are Thomaa Burke, of Baker: A. F. Ho.
fer of Salem: W. K. Coman. J. M. Scott
and M. N. Dana, of Portland.
The greater portion of the fund, ac
cording to the plan announced by Mr.
Chapman, will bo used In publishing a
booklet upon Oregon for distribution in
the -Last.
A portion of the funj is to be used
to establish a bureau of statistics at the
Oregon Agricultural College, which
will assist In securing data for the
booklet that Is to he published. Tho
meeting tomorrow will be held In the
green room of the Commercial Club, at
3 o'clock.
Engineers Jlold Banquet..
Oregon branch No. 1. of Portland.
National Association of Stationary Kn
gineers, had as Its guests last night
members of the branches of the or
ganization of Salem and Astoria. At
the Bowers Hotel the visitors wore
banqueted and later a meeting was
held In the Knignts or pymias nan.
at Eleventh nnd Alder streets. At this
meeting there were lo present. W . I.
Bonds of character are safe and insure returns, but
usually at 5 per cent or less. Our Investors' CVrtifieates
are equallr safe, and return 7 jx-r efint. The difference
is worth your having. Iet us pivc you particulars.
OaTleeVa d Dlreetorai
Harrison O. Piatt. President J. P. Jaeger Frank E. Dooly
E. O. Crawford. vlc-l'reident It. u. Colton K. O. Knlsht. Aeenry Director
Heory A. t?arimt. Vlcs-Prea. w. . McPhrson Piatt riatt. Counsel
26 stark Street. Mala 8,137.
A. Portland Corporation
Get a--
Guaranteed Certifi
cate of Title before
you close that real
estate deal. It re
lieves you of all au
noyauce and fur-
nishes you the best
protection from loss
through possible de
fects in title we
take the risk. Title
& Trust Co., Fourth
and Oak.
Barley delivered the address of wel
come, which was answered by Mr.
Strang, of Salem. The feature of the
evening was an address by A. D. Lee.
the well-known metallurgist, on Cum
bustion. He treated the subject prin
cipally from the standpoint of burning
fuel oil and explained how to accom
plish best results from this form of
fuel. The organization is formed to
accomplish educational results for tho
members and at each monthly meet
ing an address is given on some prac
tical subject by an expert. Follow
ing each lerture there is a general
discussion of the subject.
It surely does not pay for anyone
permanently located to rent a piano,
when they are obtainable on such easy
terms nnd at less than wholesale, as
announced by KHers Music House on
page 107 this issue.
Molor-Itoitt Club Has Smoker.
A number of surprises were sprung
on various members of the Portland
Motor-Boat Club at the smolter Tuesday
night in the form of cartoons of them
selves which the artist had "caught'
at unexpected moments. C. W. Boost,
commodore, was out on a fishing trip
when the penman sneaked up behind
him and made some lines on his sheet
of paper. George Kinear and a squad
of other leading lights had their pic
lures thrown on the sheet. Dr. Cal
vin White gave nn interesting lecture
on "Sexual Hygiene." which was il
lustrated by Professor Pernot.
Mulltiomult Plans Club Library.
Plans were adopted for taking the
Initial stens toward founding a club
How to Beautify
Hair and Complexion
Nothing has been found so efficient
to keep the. scalp clean and healthy.
and the hair lustrous, fluffy and grow.
Ing. as a shampoo prepared by dissolv
Ing a teaspoonful of cuntlirox In a cup
of hot water. The hair will rinse
easily ami dry quickly without streak
ing. This shampoo prevents brlttle
ness. split hairs and dissolves dandruff
An extremely good lotion, far better
than face powder for whitening the
skin and beautifying the. complexion.
can be mado by dissolving 4 ounces
of spurmax in "i pint witch liazel (or
hot water), then adding 2 teaspoonfuls
glycerine. For taking awny that shiny.
oily, sallow look and improving a
muddy complexion it is unequalod. It
Is very beneficial to the skin, does not
show nor rub off. easily like powder.
and gives to the skin such a smooth
refined appearance. Adv.
The Olga Steeb School of Music has
completed arrangements to have Carl
Steeb. whose marvelous work with his
daughter. Olga Steeb-Keefer, places
him among the great teachers of mod
ern times, come to Portland to teach.
To introduce his work and give a prac
tical demonstration of his ability we
are going to make special terms until
April 1. Mr. Steeb, a man who is a
marvel for patience and thoroughness,
is remarkably successful with children.
This offer is especially made for be
ginners, as we desire to lay some very
thorough foundations for future work.
All pupils entering previous to April
1 may have two 30-minute lessons
weekly at the rate of six dollars a
month, payable In advance. After that
dato the rate will he four dollars
Olga Steeb-Keefer will accept ten
advanced pupils, for a six months'
period and personally .give each a 30
ni in lite lesson weekly for eleven dol
lars a month, payable five dollars when
the lesson hour Is appointed and ten
dollars each month in advance. After
April 1. twenty dollars per month.
Ten more pupils will ho accepted by
Olga Steeb-Keefer and Mr. Kcefer at
the special rate of six dollars a month,
payable in advance. These three of
fers will hold good until April 1 unless
all of our time Is previously engaged.
After April 1, fourteen dollars per
Olga Steeb-Keefer will give away ono
free scholarship to the must gifted pi
anist who applies before May 1. 1912.
This scholarship will include one year
or more (at our discretion) of training
in harmony, counterpoint, composition
or instrumentation and piano. Appli
cants will be required to play one of
the Beethoven Sonatas after opus 27
or nn equivalent. 1. e.. a Brahms. Mac
Dowell, Chopin or Liszt Sonata a Bach
Fugue, a Chopin composition and one
other piece from the standard reper
toire. An exceptional talent without
theso pieces will receive equal consid
eration. We reserve (he right to re
ject all applications.
. i-
Under State Supervision
f - y y.,v-yiy t: I
1K. W, A. WISE.
Our Interchangeable
Facings. A "Wise" Idea
Our bridge
w ork has been
brought t o
the highest
state of per
fection. The
teeth on thU
bridge are in
terchangeable t will with
out removing
from the
in on ih.
The Best Bed
Kuhber IMatn". 1
Ap I'nrPOiRin frown.... O.OH
"-Karat (-old
.ilil or Knamrl fllliiiKa. each.
. .. l.oo
Silver illllnn, eacu
Ihe Very lSet and Latest in Modern Dentistry-
No More tailing Plates.
Wise Dental Co.
Office Hours K A. Jf. to K P. M. Sinndaya,
0 to I. I'll one.. .Main t!n?9. A 20. '9.
tailing- HI'lE.. Sd and Wnshlnslon.
lr. Wise's Personal Service If Requested.
library .it a meeting: of the directors
of Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club
Tuesday nitrht. The directors appointed
a library committee consisting of 1.
H. Stephenson. Isaac !. Hunt and S.
M. Luders. This committee will con
fer with Colonel C. E. S. Wood regard
Ins the choice of books to form the
nucleus of the library. About $10110
has been set aside for the first pur
chase of hooks.
IV CAHI.fEN N OT tinnier on a
eofmetica and acquire beauty without
Complexion Powder
nH jner halthy. hhishin beauty erf youth will
b enbanc-d, to remain until yoa rub icoif, wi tit
out ".-..wrwinfj powe'e r."
Carmen is tiii7TTrt firm thsr powdarw
no caft - no tu'der effect no nuninor
kin or tusucs.
Mtm 4rithtfl fntgmncm 4m jwi wuxnmm ft
our tints diuwr vr covHrlmsionr WJttte,
.. Vie- m4 Crrmk.Toti4 Stsm60e.
Carmen Cold Cream
cood fa? tora. roach skin. Snn lit.-.
Nao-sticij- toe aic.
Stafford-Miller Company.
515 OUto Street 5t.Locis.Mo.
Golden West
An exceptionally
i i
delicious, aro-
i matic coffee.
Blended and roasted j;
in Port'and.
IJal -Cearin
Roller Skates
Sel '"-Con tain ing Rolls
Will not isct out of
order like (hr old kind
Many have awaited their arrival
Wbolraalr and Retail Sport In a; Oooda
North of Washington
(O-S-21-J. H. J. Ad Service.)
The Gaaranteed
Hair Destroyer
is t'ne rnly prrrtaration kimwn to
Mfdical Science that will inxtAntly
and without tlie slightest iniury
tn the most delicate skin remove
Superfluous Hair
( Don't wate time rd money ex-
xrimentiTiy bur a bottle of F.1
Kdo and nd vourwlf of tlat most
humi lixti blemish thainrirsvour
henty. 1 1 you arc not delieWd
- 1 with the reau lt of El - Rado,
your money will be refunded.
riltoTh- Pi);rftn Mfz Co.. Vnrii.for fitlMnfof
Illation about On onHTfr.l n" wtrnrfir dicoey.
fl-Radrt i n) hv th- Ifdiii2 md ntot rcpnUbk
dMlrrs in their rtlpmie to-'n.
Vnr In Port land at
Woodard, Clarke & Co. only.
Handsomely Furnished
Two and Three -Room
Within Walldmr Distance of the
Dusiness Center
20th and Washington Sis.
New and strictly modern in every respect. Larp,o.
well-lighted rooms; elegantly furnished and sup
plied with all modern conveniences, such as pri
vate telephones, hot and cold running water, elec
tricity and gas, buffet kitchen, disappearing beds,
elevators, etc.
A Few 2 and 3 -Room Apartments
Open Today, Rates Reasonable
I li Railway the 0-1 j
North Coast: Limit
Atlantic Express
Daily through to Chicago via Minneapolis and
St. Paul. The North Coast Limited runs via
Mississippi Valley Limited
Daily through to Kansas City and St. Louis via
Compartment, Drawing Room and Tourist Sleep
ini; Cars. Dining Cars with service that is famous.
For rervalioo and tickets, call on
A. 11. Charlton, A. . I'. A., Morriaon St., I'ordniKl.
We will deliver tirke'r; for you in tlie K
Annual Rne Festival, Portland. June 10-1. 112
Xtamamira hrsio, Tifoma. June jU-July 4. ioj
Groui loiite. Order of WJvt, Por'innH. Juiv-IJ. 112
Goltien Poilrtcn Carnival. Sti:tie. Jttiy JS-J0. J02
Yellowstone Rational Pnrk. Season June I5-Spt. I?.
Panama-Pacific International Rxposition, San b' rantisut, IV If
Northern Pacific Hallway
Original, Direct and Only Line to Gardiner Gateway, Of'icial Yellowstone Park Entrance
rWU?Cai" ft "
r'' l-i4 " ' -
Sr S
Fine Portland Heights House
on beautiful, lai'fre ground:), with unsurpassed view. It's .uoinir I" I"
sold, and that soon. I am fioine tn California to iive iieriiKinenUy, and
will not leave it unsold. If interested don't delay, as delay wiil surely
cause disappointment.
K. FI-:HHIS, olltt Kant Fortv-niurh Street, Aorlli.
Tho Columbia Sanitarium is a surgical and
medical institute, located ct the corner f
Sixth and Yamhill streets, next to the Port
land Hotel, and la well prepared to treat and
cure diseases of men, women and children.
Thta Institution was established in Port
land six years ago. Tyhcro.'durlnR these year
Its marvelous success in curln? thousands
of persons of diseases has caused it to stand
the peer of any like institution In the West.
We mako a specialty of tho eye, ear. nose,
throat, heart, stomarh, kidneys, catarrh,
rheumatism and all chronic diseases. Our
surgical, electrical and medical laboratory
departments are complete. Columbia Sani
tarium. J81 Sixth street. Portland. Oregon.
eastern Funds on Best
7a Portland Pecuritles at
Other Knndu (or Business Properties
and Close-in Hesidencea at
6 7
S-l (ft , r i u-, t
U? 13 Ss ki if, t.
H v.' it W.
Ik '-r-j
it' -LfJ
3 i S
1 T
1tt&iilUwsZi&Zji&:t. br. .uti :
Cutericc to JUpiiy, A. (Vi.nptn i I! i r.'l"-
"Sia-pritiio tceSMmrsiatisr-."
Rocnis with PriTste Eath $ 1 a Day j,pd
Special Weekly and Monthly Rates.
Fre Bus, 6 Minutes frjm Ferrks ar.d Depot.
52S KEAF.NY ST.. com-r of f ilornit
Foster z Kleiser
Hisb Grade Cnimercinl nod Ulccirlo
Eat Seventh ntiil IOnKt ICvcrctt Street
I'boDfi Kait 1111, n J'-1,
Easi 62D
B 6143
eel li
IK 1 I