t2 . THE 3IORXIXG OREGOMAX, THURSDAY, MARCH St. 1912. ,- ! KI-WI. KSTATK. ROSEBURG SPOTLESS TOWN City Council Would Prolilbil Girl Krim Ixiilrrlii)E on Street. JIOSKKCRG. Or.. March 10. (Spe cUI. With a vlw of making Koe biir the pollm" town, the City C'oiini'il. In rcular urmnlon. last nlKht intro-lnced orlinaiu- prohibiting Klrla un.I.r the as ot l yearn from lolter Inc about the public- atretn after o. lo. k In the rvrnintr. forblddlnw the prai'tif or evpertoratlnir. In public places, and last, but not loast. provid ing a penalty for persona convicted of akatlns on the idewalk. The o-callrri "Klrl" ordinance has resulted In considerable comment, and the youneer generation Is somewhat rrteved over t.'ie action of the Council. Tlie s-irla trr( that the Council has discriminated airalnst the weaker set In not fn.Iudinc In the ordinance a clause affecting the boys of similar aee. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Rtrtba. T.'lilMAS-Ti th" wile of 0n A. TSoma. 7: Obrltn itrL March 1. a '"tk1K T the alfa ef Joaaph Patrick. (1 t..t Twtntjr-'llcMh srat. March li. m rfjtu.-ht.-r. I.KNT-To the wife of Kenneth Our I-nt. lit M.nn.-.o:a avenue. March 17. a dauah- ' KcI't V To the tfa of J. A. S. flodda. tr Kul Tenly-e!i!hth street March A. a ofi. HX-To the if "t A. A. S Kafl'l nret. March l. a lauhtr. IIITE.-Kl.l. T the wife .. A!y f. Whlteseii. li Hucht! arenue North. March 1. a riaaahfer. S.OTT To the a-tf "f Itarry J. Scott. 1-J Inrrcimrry str-et. March J. a son. AMI KIX To th. wile of Nathan R. .iel. M Ka.t SiTtr-elslith atrael .North. March II. a d-iuchtrr. J.V'KSdV-To th- wife "I Aleanlr J..k-ii- ticvrnlh and Kat Taylor streets. U.rin I. a n. Marriace lieei TIK'.M IWVIIKi'KMAN Will.ara Thomp son, vf M-.iltnomal, "ounly. ased -I. and Anna ft.caman. atl - -. fROIIM -M It'll KL- J 5. Strohm. aed ?. of Multnomah I'punty, and Florence M-rhrt. as'l (ST III KY-William tt. of Multnomah Coutiti. a-i II. and Ada Hu-y. aed :. ;.KVI.It-l:is. U. M. Oarver. of Mult nomah Count, ar4 31. and Alma I Koss. atd I ' lIt;NlRI''K.ON"-LEIITO Ansust IIn-e?!-kson. of .Vuitnnah t'ounty. ased 3-1. n't enlo l.ehlo. aacd 27. IT.l.TUETMIVfll I'eter O. reltret. of San Francisco. a-cd and Mary K. Illnch JoHN.-ON-r'R MIAN William Johnson, of Multnomah 'unty. aed I . and Klla Kra han. ad IT. WIIITB-JornblX F. Mans-in While, of Multnomah ounlv, ased 41. and Se!ma M. Juur-ltn. ajrt II. TWOMT-THOK Patrick Twohy. of Mult nomah founty. ased 31. and Josle A- Thor. seed li. SMITH-rEKSlVitKi; Albert Smith. of Multnomah 1'ounle. acrd I, and Catherine J'rr.in-r. arc, I 13. JI IL.I. M I. KAN Howard Quill, of Mult nomah Count. af.d 14. ar.d Florence Mc lm. aaeH r.ASEVSTRi Di roTIIROX T. J. K. BJ frwitrnm. if Multnomah i.'ountr. acd IT. and Itora I'olhron. Ktl It. I ll.tlt.Y MCTirOROIXKiU'AL KEJ'ORT. pcRTI.AM M.treh I" Masimum tm 7.Tture. .'.i ilrttrr. minimum. 1.4 l-tree. Ki-r- rMtlins;. A. ".3 f"t; ehanrfe In lam '.-I h .iirs. f:l .2 f.mt. Tlal ralnfa.l "5 I Al l I. M.i. nun.; total rainfall since e-ltenti.er I. lull. Ji.'.H int-hes; 6ormal rain fall ir.c .pieirl.rr I. 1. 4 ! Inches; dell nenrt of ranfail sire" eplm'er I. Ilt. I. I iPfiirs. T-:il pun.hlne. U hours: pos SiMe mn.hln'-. hours f minutes. Ilarom- ir induced to -a level) at i I". M.. :i..;t luches. THE WE.XTHEII. K t W ird. ? -I 9 m-Z !. f fata si ratios 3 5 VV.slbae 2 a a a IUj Pkrr I rsat s .... a . a I at: air V ....... I 1 rt f li r - ,!oin- f-MiMlT Kuf'K.l -t n l'4-t . J - w. s.-n 1 1 1 . . K-"s "'tjr ... Mrhf.:l . . .. M.-nirr t) N' w i fl n .. . -w v-f ft, ( ! . rflh arnktmsti . f h4Tr. k ....... r.-ai ;- ...... ror'n1 TtraarIT ta' ...... .cpair-nt . ... t. U'S M. I'til tt .a.H ..a I-ic y-mWt F'Tattlt-lsVCO . irk ntr . ..... 1 A w M N W i !r II lt NW il'-.r i N ir it ihi i k pt. riaudy si nk r-now (.. n. In NK l't. cloudy i.i 15 y. siw s ii t ; K ioi1y i '.'i S 'lnr . 14 SK loniy 51 .iHt 4 NK ilrr . i.mi f-K si,pr n-. ii.trj 55 V Main .".. I V i"rar .. l. N W 't-r h t i -4 rii-jr -.4 f..i S 1siinly 1 4 i ihi t5 VW i'l-4r .. i) 4 n v lr X ii ti IV I'lcair 35 im 1 N i"1U4fr .5 ii NK ,'l-ir .1H i ii t N i-4-r rwv it v -t--r Sit-. T 4 n K Rt in I ii rv-i K 'Snow .".i na n' t'lomljr ."i o Ol W 'loul vis ii mi 4 NW i " r 4ha ! e w 'ou1y I. i. n t x !. s-iiuly I. o im 55 N f. 'r V K A T 1 1 V. K N 11 TI X -H.st niT)raih'ric triMur Abmlna &r h- uort horn timif of I h I 'n '? Sihim. -ltl a mo.rfjf4. rlrr.rrM:on in rontral ov-r t r etii h-rn li k Within lh lt I :! Itnurrj luiit fr-li iirtrt. ha oe-rurr. In I r mil fitl I. h srn ' It 'fnt, rlorJ'. W -miiif. -t,aihoiaji. K"nturli v ami Chlo. anl risis-rat-- ty iia pr-'pittl-n In houthra i t-h. ."-"it-h lnkoiJ. N-l'a-at j. or. t--rMiM anH lllm'w. A I iini-rf rm ar-.m-I .mi. r with f a4 ryr i frrn Kiinm t ifv r. T "ahr i i 4mir In i v r V! etirrn i 'naitian lriv inrM anl Vntrl M .nl in) and It t corfsaapontnai!' a-iIrtT I'k lha Hain. rnt-il aicnu :1 rnlral plalr r -. i ntr.1 Mtiiip anl VailV. T aka rrrmn tn ata I a rl I th Atantt- (M.sf, iPt-lnrltnc ' tjwrrc Vatt-. r.xrrpt in tut- Soot)iwt-rn stat-i, i-mpr4-in-r. ,nfs"rr tr j.4iof normal In nearly ril ,nj of th 4runirr. Th tprtit in a rss for rn-rally atf ..ihr Thiifdar In ih.a d:trlt. llh )-fay frtr in raiTr nioruinc. P--i:n4 and ViclnHy Fair; northeai-rly i iT-cnt -Fair, nrtrtiiertv mln4. Wtriprt'n Fair; tanabl vlnda. bfom- leg at"f Ma ho Ka1r. CLASSIFIED AD.RATES Illy mr Dasday. Per I Ine. . lime lie s.me ad tws eeiees)lle time. tie ms sd tlirrs eaa.ce.tlw. Ilmea Sao a rr. .i .Is ee wvan f.n.rr.l I . . 4imea. . Ae Kesnlltaare Bnaa4 aeesMapsiay aat4-af-ta edeta. HHesi n adset ilassitewt ta ae raa la e.a aaenlls. ...e. lb a4M-tln. rale appl lea. ls waeda rastnl aa ... II a an ra.a Bd .eellemeat. a ad mm ad eaaaated for lea. tbaa Iwi. Ilne-a. I Hi chare mr a.k dTertlaesnesita the rhsrt .III H. titi v. ha art aa I .ambee r Itoea aipearlo la the Daer. resardleaa .f the tinsuree .f rrd I. eaek ll.a. la Near lr all aH eer i-ttkii. are rksrfrs ky saeaansr. sal. II Hue. t. lb. laeh. I a. alwsa rate, apply t. ad erf 1 inents antler "Not Ted.'" and all saber claaatnea tl.n. fireiH 4h. f.lHla: .MHltMf l anted. Male. .laalloa. M anted. Female. IhresMilaa will aeept rla llVed irlterlW tsrent. aser the lelephi. prasldaaa the ad ifrlUfr a aubaeelbrr t either pbaaaw prlere srtil S. .ao4ed ster the plMMiw. ! loll will be reiMlered the follow Inc dar. Uhelher sahareioral adsertlaense.ta will ba arrepaed .ee fh. pliawe Jeprads vtsaa th. irMiiil.o. mt i. pa.aseM " telepboe ad imMarnli WIMiaa. V aated aad Per aawad ad.ertha-menta wilt aa4 b accented .er lb. lelepka. tkrdera a sst Inaer. tlM aaly will ba aerepted foe "llawaea far Kent.'' -rarwltar. foe ale. "Ba-loe Os-aoetaaKle..- -Itawsatoa-Msasea- aad Hast ed I. Heal." .irnoN u:9 todat. .t Hak-r's attcl!ofi hoti.e. 11 Park at. Fa-nr;wie. rirjfli. r,'"' L"' BOK.1. j.rovrjiT w'fc of VT. T- Jacob tsii, a soa. March 1. Fifth d it- MODERN i' vW - t. Elactria L. Q. Swetlaod, HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL SEATTLE, Seattle, Wash. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our 14-pass-nper electric 'baa meets all trains. A high-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and shopping district. One block from any carline, tl nsrdiT and uv. European plan. E. P. MORRIS, Prop. Tut? Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 Booms, 104 Suites, With Private Baths. VrW TTR.TTPROOI" BUILDING Moderate Rates. Phtl Metschan ft Sons. Props. fern ' " Portland's Largest Northwest's Grandest Hostelry" Absolutely rireproof 725 Booms 300 Rooms With Bath 10O Sample Booms oerames aa e stirs Msrk ia tke heart ef bosiaeas and SnancUl districU. The most margin, rent LahbT Restaaraot. BaUreom, Baaquct Hail and Public Raomt in the West. The utmost la comlort and caaesDieace. Hcadqaartsra B.P.O.B. Grand Lfdc Convention, Portland, 1911 BUROPBAH PLAIT BaTBS St. SO TO S3. 00 PBR DAT Basses Ktt Every Traia and Steamer H. C. BOWBRS, Maaarrr J. V. BROWlfPLL, Assistant Vanarer PORTLAND HOTEL The larRest and moot magnificent ho tel in Portland; nnsnrpaaaed in e!o" fanea of accommodations or eieellene of enisine. European plan $L50 per day and upward. Ck X KAmiAitSt Vaaaanar. MKETINU HiOTICCa. OttKiOV OMMAXDEItT. K. T. A Jeeal conclave will hr held this (Thursday! even Inc al u"cleK. lied (rna Your attendance and tlial of sojourninc r Kntshts .til l.a aipre.-iated. '. K. n iK'OAM). Kecorrter. awB j7 A. A. . X. M. H. Mernnera of Al Kader Tem- rle a III .take nuilca that ...II . kiiilnl meetlne Havurdar eveninsT. the ...d Inst., at a i-nmtnandere Hall. Masonic Temple. West 1'ark and Vamhlll street. po not forcet vour Rl ar.1. ttr order of th. II. us IriouS potentate. II. li. WHITEII'll.SK. ItctorU-r. fOLlMBIA I.OtOK NO. H. l . K. AMI A. M spaelal com - S, munleatlon lha (Thnrsdavt rfii .""line at ! oeloeh Masonic TISyiT Temple. Ibor In the Y, . de. JTWV rislilnit brethren welcome. hy order of w. M. . . rHED 8. OLSON. Secr. S A MA RITA X I.OIXiK. NO. ft I. O. O. F. All memhers are requestet to meet at I. O. . F. Hail. Friday eenln. Varch :.. at s o'elm-a tt pay a fraternal visit to llssaalo 1-ods-e. No. li. i. O. O. F. R. otiVOLD, ecretaxy. GOLDEN Rfl.E FNCAMrMFNT. NO p. foo. F. Hesjular nieetlna tonlaht. Oolden Rule oere. Cordial Invitation to visitors. . A. ST At. It. M.ril.e. rt SEK-41. SOTICKK Hf'KI.VS In this rltv. March 19. Marr ft.wKs. ared ;j years; beloved wile of Fred Riielfa Funeral will be held from the reaidence of Mrs. Ann Sherlock. i'Jt 1th street North. Friday. Msreh at I I x. l . thene. to HI. Pslrlrk i Cliurch. corner lth and Savlar strrats. where servl.es arlll be held at o'clock. Friends re.Tw-rtfuHv Invited. Interment at St. Mary's Cemetery. Tlesse omit flowers. ln..r. Me. Seattle. Wash., and bsn Franciseo papers pleaee copr. MORi.A March l. at the residence of Ms daushter. H J. Moisn. d-srty he loved fa' i'r of Mrs. Charles H. Woods rrt. In Ms th year. Friends Invited to at tend fun-ral services, which will he held at the I'nltarlan church. 7t li and Tamhlll sireeis. at t T. M. today Thtir.lav. March 51. thenco to fortland Crematorium. ROHRBAfHER-The funeral of the late Mrs I. shall Knhroarher will be held to day (Thursday!. March tl. at It A. M. from Kin ley's chspel. Interment Mount bcott l ark Cemetery. IAXPVII.L The funeral of Dora C and v'sll d.iihlr of Mr. and Mia. Thomas A. tiandvall. will he held Friday. March 22. at 1 3S F M. from Flnley'a chanel. Inter ment Mount Scott Tark Cemetery. TRIPP The funeral service of the lata u-rr J Tripp will ba held at Klnley's 'hapel at P- M. today (Thursday). t risnds Invited. Interment Alrxautlrla. S. 1. KRAMFR The funeral aerslccs of Ihe late Msrsaret Ann Kramer will he held at Vmley's .heie at : I'. M. today tThure-da-. Frleuds Invited. Services at the Crematorium private. IIFATM Q A. Heath passed away Mar-h l'l Kun. r il servirea at residence. 67 aheeett aeenue. Sellwood. March 21. 2 M. Interment at Lona Fir cemetery. New Perkins and Washington Sts. A Hotel in the Very Heart of j Portland's Business Activity j IN EVERY RESPECT; Anto Bus. Cars to and from Uoioa Depot a -re try few minutes. Mr. Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect, and conducted on the European plan. A. CROUSE. Mgr atf vHHi The Hotel Bowers Eleventh and Stark Sts. Under New Management " offers all the convenience of a htsti-claaa hotel, with all the comforts of a home. Kuropean plan $1.00 per day up. American p. an. too. Famous for Its Itrl'.l, a la carte and taible d'hote service at reasonable prlcea Special rates to permanent gueala. F. P. WILLIAMS, MANAGER Kjj'gspa'a'a'i! 52 fVJ.pga 5 ..g, " jjj i tea a a a '.ili mi m 'fWSK4iri( jptgfilVi V WHIN IN Portland, Oregon STOP AT THK HOTEL rr1ULTr.Qf.1AH nSF.RAL NOTICES. SKATOX At the famllv residence. 177 Por ter street. March 111. Mrs. Nellie Alice Sea ton, aa.d 3 year's. Friends Invited to at tend funeral servls. which will he held at the shove resldenco at 1 I'. M. tod.iy crhnrsdsvi. March -1. Interment Mult nomah Cemetery. nX1 CK. floral dealsas. Nob Hill Flore fat. 1XU taal and tallaaa. Atata 00J. A S1S4. MKNfVIF.NTS Otto hrbomans Marble Works, tlaat ad and t'ln. tvts. t:ast 74a. MR. FIVARI) HOLM AN. the leadlac fa. aarml director and amlertaker. XJS luira at, rer. Ssliasa. ldy aselalant. Dunning At McF.nlee, Funeral lllreelurs, 'Sill and line. Ilion. Mala Co. I-edj at trndant. Olfle. wf ounty Coroner. A." H. JtKI.I.rlR 6..'"o2- Williams ara, I hoae East loss. C lupa. Lady atlandant. J. P. I IN"Lk a PON. cf sod Madlssaa 1 ady attendant, phono Mala . A IQlrS. KABT MUK Funeral Itlreelora. aoncewsors . sr. K llonnlng. I.e. Of. II tbii. rrStjiT. I'Ddertaker. cor. Keat Alder aad fix lb. ta.t -m. b I SKA. Lady attoooaat. Bkvfc WKS COM FAN V. Id aad Ciax. A Stat I. Ladjr Bttaodaas. I THE CEMETERY Beautiful fit Scott Park l.tnCK, PKHMtXKXT, ist i k n f k r- 1. A M-, OMY MODKHN ' K K T K K V W ITU 1- i; II l K T V A I. C. It E of all burl.il plots without extra charpe. Irovlrll with a pcrma- nent irreduclMc Mtln tsnancg 1'tintl. Location Ideal; Just out- T lde thei city limits on north and est slopes of Mount Scott, r rontalnlna; S3i acres, equipped with every modern convenience . PRK'Fw TO SI'IT 41.1.. F.ltVICK THK RKT. (IVK MM.F. SOI TH OK I. K N T . It K i I' I. R I TOM OH I I K M:H - HK FHKK BKTIVKKM I, K T ! .11 I T II K tl'.MKTI'.Rl. It It n 1 CITY OFFICE, 010-911 YtCOS OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. City Hall. Main . A 75. Humana officer. Serccant E. L. Crate. Residence. ! E. th N.. Kast 477. Horse ambulance, corner of 6lh and Taylor. Veterinary In chare. Marshall (00. Ani mals Rescue Home. Northrup Acres. Thomas A. Short, supt. A sl7. 3 rlnsa FW TOO AY. unDTPneci nsJCa '' mm ITlUni UMUL LUM.tv) llesldesre Prsprrty CCEYERETT&SIM0NDS7C J IO l.oorworatrd. U 41 BOARD OK THAIIIS BVlLULHti. a Bl'lLPlNlt. .MAIN A TOSS. - I- F. M BTKR V OKFICK. TABOIt I H8; HOME PHONE RINii B T till. THEN CALX. LOCAL, HOI. T AAIISKMEXTS. TTFTT iriTH EATER Xj.l2iJL.AVjlhoncs Mala 1. A list Seventh and Taylor. 3 S;,0 TONIGHT! Special price Matinee Saturdaj. Messrs Shubert Bros. Present Charmlns; Comic-Opera Soprano LOUISE GUNNING In the Musical Comedy Success THE BALKAN PRINCESS' ICvenlnirs Iiwer floor. $2,011. 1;50. Ttalconv. fl.r.o. (I. 7ic. .".uc. tiallerr. ..oc. Fat. Mat. 11.00. (I. ""'C, 50c. 3jc. c- :.T HAIJi OPENS I eoMOKItOlV tO A. M. I I1EILIG THEATER 4 S.nx.ng SUNDAY, MCH. 24 Special Price Matinee Wednesday. Henry TV. Savage Offers A Pullman Carnival In 3 Sections "Excuse Me" Willis Paeatnam. Ann Murdork. Chas. Mcrklns and Splendid Cast. Evenlnss Loa'er floor. 11 rows. IJ0": 7 roas. 11. .VI: Halcuny. 11.00. 7.1c. ."Oc. r;allcry r.Of. WelnesdHV Matinee Lower floor, il.i". l.il. Hnlcony, 11.00. 7."c. r'ic. Gallery. :l."ic. --c. INFORMATION " Itegardlng EnsORement World's Greatest Soprano TETRAZZINI Hcilic Theater. Fat., March 30. MAIL ORDERS nEt'KIVEl Becinning next Monday, March --3-rRIfUft. Lower Floor, except Inst .1 rows. e" n0; Inst 2 rows. $2.."il. Balcony. rows. fJ.r.O; fl roas. $;.nti: 11 runs. SI.TmI. "ial Irrv treservedi. SI..-"- Box tents. 14.00. Aildresa letters, make cheeks payable to W. T. I'aiiRlc, Mgr. Ilelllg Theater. R Fv E Main A 6.1S0 Geo. L. Baker. Mgr. WEEK MARf'H IR Toniitht, all week, mat inees. Wednesday and Saturday. A positive lilt, houses parked to the doors, ihe great scenic and acting production of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN The Kit-nt American rlnMic. lint time in venr. .Nlghta, oOr ; no hi)fh'r; all hi:uineeii, 2ic. Next Hk. "The Newly- Hfil." MAIN 6. A 10-JO iMATINKE EVEKT DAT NIGHTS: 15e, !5c. 50c. 73e WEEK MARCH IS Jevsie Millvrard and John t;lentlinnlng. The Kearless f e Dora. Art Hovven. The Moffett t'lalre Trio, ('harlra Kellogg. Eleanor. 1 alke, Anuuit Brothers, orchestra, picture.. Matinee Every lay. I'nrmHlr ( . r.nrl gulllvali At' C'onsiillne. Keflned Yallflevil le. WEEK MAItf II IH Kva Ray. Senator Francis Miirphv. Sheridan and Moane, lt setto. McKenste. Mtannon to.; larl Itundntl. Orclie.tra. I'rices 15c ar.d 2ac. WEEK MARC H I The fcllls-Nosrlln Troupe Arrohala. Krroa Bros., Mkinner and Woods. Enrlv, Panlagescope. ropnhir prices. Box J-itrli. Panlnirescope. . Popular prices. Box open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. .M. Boxes and Hist How Hslcony Reset-red. urtaln 3:30, 7:1J and 9. Phones A 1238. Main 4S6. LYRIC THEATER FOl'RTH AND STARK MEEK MARf'H 1 Farewell of present Rrsyiing- A I lood .Musical Comedy Is. In W II I RLKY-til RLF.Y." Three) performance, daily 1:30. 7:X0 and 9:1.1. rTtdev Mght thorns OirU t on teat after each performance. xt Week Klce, t mlv. NEW TODAY. Cbrrr E. 8th and Oak $17,500 lOO i lOO fee Mr. Kuppcr. CIIAI'IN aV IIFRLOAV MTGF. Jt TRUST COMPANY, 333 CasnnhTT of foiomerce. MONEY TO LOAN CITY 5IORTG AGFtS. FARM MOR1UA&U, f.otrs'r itAXt;?. ;tum to suit. A. H. BIRRELL CQ M3 M'KAY HLILDINti. TaUr4 aad Stark. 20 th and Petty grove Sts. SOUTHWEST CORNER, 100x100. TRACKAGE. GOOD WAREHOUSE SITE. $1(000 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 FOURTH STREET. WANTED to lease an unfurnished . apartment houMC for a term of years, with option of purchase Want about 35 apartments of three-room sultea. AG 908. Orcgonian. Mortgage Loans CEXTBAI, BC'SIKS!t PROPERTY. I.OWF.ST C'lltnElXT RATES. WM. MACMASTER T01 orbett Hide. MORTGAGE LOANS CCtf JOHN E. CRONAN, 7 fJ O Ma spaldlaa- Bid. v COM.I"!. HKBRinCiE at THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 324 Wsrrwlrr Bloefc. Phong Mala l.tnT. JvKW. modern homes, also vacant lots ia Irvlngton. K. r. m-. - ""VVi, fcaat S; resldsnca jhona tasl 2132. -rW EM NEW TODAY. l vitw mountains. Rivrw ga t.yrsirj& Jj (OlMRV LIFE YVITH 1 THK CITY LIMITS. Mr. Automobile Man. how would a half acre within a few hundred feet or the 200-foot scenic boulevard and Pacific Highway strike you? 15 minutes' ride from the center of Port land. SOMEF.PF.T VIL LAS are so situated and may be had at Ies than tli price of a lot in Irv lngton. 1 araXizslrJrrft; iSH: I Warehouse Site 3 full lots, on West Side, can bo had this week Below Market Value. 1")0 feet frontage on a rail road hy 100 feet on paved street. All improvements in and paid for. In the heart of the new -wholesale district. PRICE: $15,000 Per Lot F. E. REED, 402-3 Oregonian Bldg. Will pny recalar commlalou tn nsent mnklnir ante. For full Inforjnatioa call or phone M ;l?Ut or A Il"7. A COUNTRY HOME FOR AN AMERICAN QUEEN Thirty-eig-ht acres at Bavaboo Station on the new Mount Hood Kleetrlo. This place commands the most picturesque view to be found In Oregon. Mount Hood appears as in your front yard, (liand view of Sandy and Bull Itun Gorge. IWPHOVISMKXTS: Summer house, tenant house, two acres assorted bearing orchard, two acres 2-vear-old apples, bcarinsr small fruits, assorted varieties. Thousands of roses will bloom this year. You, with an eve for natural beauty, will be in rielib'lv Impressed with liis spot and so Infatuated with its charms that you will want this place for your country home. This will appeal to those that have meuns to live where life is sur rounded with the charms of nature. The price will seem of secondary im portance when you en.ioy the pleasures of living in such nn ideal home. See Mr. Morpan. CHAPIN & HERLOW :UilS-:t:fM C hnmhrr of oninierrc. Goodnough Building AT Public Auction On Monday, April 122, lf12, at It o'clock, A. M., in front of the County Courthouse, I will sell at public auc tion, t lie quarter block at Fifth and Yamhill streets, in Portland. Oregon, an which stands the (5-story Goodnough building. Tcruus, 1-3 cash, balance due in one year. DAVID S. STEAK XS, Referee. For Or Lease for n term of years, a modern six-sfory-and-basement brick, sprinkler, equipped, on Terminal tracks, very central: 70.000 square feet floor space; suitable for wnreh.ius. or wholesale. DtVlll M'i;.ll.S, 240 WashinBlon St. Factory Sites 16c sq. ft. Both water and rail shipping facili ties. Channel 35 to 40 feet deep on harbor line by tlovernment soundings. Sidetracks already on adjoining prop ertv. Near new locution of 5:1,000, 000 plant of Portland (las Company. - W. J. GF.AIUN, Mohawk Bids:. BUILDERS'SUPPLIES IiOOKS. WINDOWS, OI.ASS. FAINTS. OILS. ROOFING. PLUMBING SFPPMES. KUILUKK'S HA KDVVAKK. ETC. 11I:FCT TO CONSCMintS. WRITE FOK KKSCR1PTIVK CATA IOGUE. CHAS. E. WKST CO.. PORTLAND. OR. Mr. Stockman M'hv not form a syndicate and buy this FiO-acre tract adjoining Kenton and the stockyards? The price is much lower than adjoining properties. Has water and railway facilities. OW N Kit. Phone- K 4M4 I A. M.) Warehouse District "Will build a warehouse! to suit ten ant and lease part or all for a term of years. The best corner on Fifteenth St., with 100 feet of trackage. Close In. .IOIIX L. KARXtlPP, Ky. F.xeh. I11r. Mortgage Loans on Portland business and residence property at lowest current rates. MORGAN. FLIEDXER A HOICU, oa-6U Abiuihia BuUdlns, I s.ooo AUTOMOBILE Corner 19th and Washing ton Sts., formerly occupied by White' Motor Car Co., is for rent. Handsomest auto mobile salesroom in the West. Why try to sell your wares on a side street ? Port land's wealthy men, nearly all, pass 19th and Washing ton Sts. several times a day. Besides, it's at the head of Alder St. "Be a Live One" E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. TUALATIN VIEW PARK $300 to $700 PORTLAND HEIGHTS The best property on tin.' West Side for a homo or investment at moderate prices, and on easy terms. Lots are all practically level, with a magnificent view of the Tualatin Val ley. - SEE IT TODAY Call or plume for appointment. Dorr E. Keasey 8c Co. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce LAURELHURST 23 DISCOUNT List Price, $1300. During March Your Choice $1000. Lots l.t to 18, inclusive, in block -0. One-hall; cash, next payment May 21, 1913. See the property, then see T. G. MONTGOMERY, SOI Wilcox Bldg. KK OLOVEIILAXD AC R KS. C. F. SMITH & SOX, 21U RT. EXCHANGE. REAL KSTATK UEAI.KKS. BRI'BAKKK & JjKXKDICT, oU McKay bfd. M. 54i. Beck. William 31. "-316 Failing bldff. rhapln t Herlow. r.-i- Oliamber t'omracrce. Coi-k. B- S. & Co.. Corbet t bids. Jnninss & ro. Main 188. 2otf ifrrponlan. PA1.MKR-JOXES CO.. H. V.t 404-4U5-4'J Wili-ox bldpf. Tlie Oreafon lieal Kstate o.. Grand ave., at Multnomah et. (HoIIaday Addition). For aSule Lots PORTLAND HKKillTri BXflXSlVKLY. I have about SO pt;r cent of the real estatf! for salo on Portland Heightj. in my hand-t Shall bo plraed to show yon homes or homesitea any tfmfi. You will eft exact facttk (I refer you to any of my customers) ; no persuasion, no agents to bore you and owners' prices only. Mm. i:rook-?. J4U Talbot road. Marbiiatl 48-7, A SS30. rOUTUXD UEHJIITiS KEAL Ii A U OAlXd. $900 Grecnway lot ; a fine buy. SiSOO Vj aere on ITpper I rive. $L';:0 4 lots, frontaiio 3 streets. $4 000 7 -mom nio-Jt-rn bouse, furnace. fiit yard, close to car. Thse arc all way below value. Fred AV. German, 39 Burnslde. M. or A "T. I RVJXGWOOD Have you seo this choice tittle, r.-strietd addition just east f lw inrton ? If not, take Broadway car and pet off at Klickitat Station. Agent is t here lo show you around. Just think ! Cliotre f.Oxtoo lots, with natural trees and ithrubn. for 4 710 per lot ; payablo f 10 per month. SEE THIS. If ou want a good corner lot, east front, on tho hill, in Rose City Tark. 1 'j bl'trka from the Alameda car. lor S'K set: ine. Can sell this on easy t'rmy, and a Investment of for a homesite there Is nothing belter or cheaper in I'ortland. AJ ilo( Orcgonian. BiiAUTIKCI. view lot on southern slop.-, ne.tr Coum il Cr'-st, $t.." and P. Including iimont sidenalkf, curb?. radd streets and water; building restrictions; n1d on easy trniH. Provident Trust Company, 20., i:ua Board of Trade. Marshall 47.";, TVKST STDK I-OTp:. On rarlin: have water, sewer, strcts prad-d. elcctrio llKht. telephone; n low on ?:;oO nnd sod t-'rnni. W. .1. ;carin, 4-S .Mohawk bid;., corner 3d und Morri son. Ht I m A V N i I 0 I'KH MONTH Vin viw lt, matured fruit trees, r1 utrtctcd district, near car, cement walk and curb. Bull Hun water. Provident TniFt Company, iritl. 20'J. 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473, A 102'J. L'XUKK THE MARKET Fine building lot on 4.ih st.. only one block from Roup City I'ark car; lino only Ss,. SCOTT A- HKESLKV. 2 1 1 -1 2 Abington B'dg. Phom- Main iuvix.;tox lot. $i.vrf. ,V fine east front lot. 4."t. lit. on Knrt "."d- lift ween K no 1 1 and tanion ; prb o f l.'iOO, half cash. ORl'SSI & B(MS, niS Board of Trade Mug.. 4th nnd. Qti k. KORCEIV TO 'r'A.U A verv dt-tirable restricted Pt In Nob IBM. $300 undr value, and $li) cash will handle. Hurrv if you want a snap. Van duvn & Walton. 31 Chamber Commerce. Will sell $100 equity in corner lot. iQOx oo. clo.-e to Cnlon a vr., hard surface streets, for Sio cash: toolc it in trade. Call M. M3!" A. M. . T' r r.- f Ul ' UCT On of th best lots in this district, two blocks from tho Henry home, on Glisan St., 30h below nuirkot price. 1'hone Mam 4'i::. IRVINGTON lot. 73BK. on 21st St., between Brazce and Knolt: facing east; improve ments all paid ; $373, terms. Woodlawn 3221 or C 1H2S. Ownr. CHEAP equity In desirable lot I.add's Ad dition. Room 704 Marquam bids. Main 7X4. liOSSMKRK lot bargain. 43d si.; good loca tion price ?rt",t cash required. O v.n'er. W t'l. Oregonian. H CASH ind $" pr month, nice lot nar Firlarid "0 minutes out. UC.LFY & BISHOP. 1 32 Third st. Mi;sT sell, my lots on Council Crest; will take 40 per cent under market price. FINK corner, two lots, E. 30th and .'aeiMc sts - cheap by owner. J. E. Parsons, phoitu ?-. '. 1 Unm "rt BUY this lot. facing east, hijfh sightly, near fine homes. East f-.'d and Alameda. Owner. 823 Yeon bldg. Main 112, A 74jG. WRITE for particulars about best huch property in Oregon; special prices if you buy quick. AS13, Oreponian. 7ai;RELHI;KST equity In. 4 lots, a bargain. c p. &M1TH & HQS. 210 RY. EXCHANGE. v. , t SALE I-ot 30x100. Tremort Park W ri t o terms. i-aootri . r.Mn-. .-E-IN Heights lot. improved district, $soo. bargain. Maryba-U A AI'TIFl'T- West Piit Heights homos res. j.-.oo t o $23sOo. Meade, A 274Q. Mar. 4t3: JONESM OR R B A RG A I N F.q U i t y t wo fots. Owner, phone Marshall 3U73, B 305. Heacli Tropei-ty. AGATE BEACH. Near Newport, Or. Most scenic and de sirable beach resort in the Northwest; absolute protection from th northwest winds; 40 houses and a new hotel. "Aste Beach Inn.' to be built this season, some now in course of construi tion ; hotel ta be electrically lighted und to cost $13,000; to be operi July 1. Writo or phona us for illustrated booklet. AGATE BEACH LAND CO. 212-113 Board of Traue Bldg. TWIN ROCKS PARK, GARIBAU 1 B!SACH. Lots SCO and up. easy monthly payments; no interest on ui.'f-rred payments. 11. E. Abry. 4 23 Chamber of Commerce. ' a R BO r EolToe lot ba iu; 1 . $'iO(f Fine lot. JOsiy'i, on- t.;-., U ! car Fred W. (Jeimaii, o9 Burniuc. M. or Ftr S:ile -Houses. FIRST I'ATMEXT REDUCED fuo:j ?1000 DOWN TO 530 DOWN witiiotit :in- increase in prico, new and modern 7 -room bunuii low . paiiclt-d dining-room. sleep I jii'ivh. furnace. till I basemen I . Dutch kitchen, close in on Schuyler st., mar 31 h. I'UICE $37oo. Balance S 'lo non i U and interest, 'i'lus is exceptional for a liuu.ni of this class. Ex'lu?ive Agents. I'OU'I 1. Kh'ASKY CO.. 2d Horn, chambi-r of Commerce. NOB HlTaL HOME AND INVESTMENT. lmtxBo. on Lovejov. Mo feet from 21 t Ft.; efesjant, iicarly to-w rcMuen-T. S roonif, 2 h.nlis. every known co;'. ni,nce; haid wood floor:, far:;e root iif, fin tiacc. broad veranda, sleeping: potx-ii. Ooxloo feet of ground in char of tin- hon.-.-. Tho pri" is under the market lor q nick sa le. Wo run chow extra strong vitluo in this pur chase. DORR E. KEASEY CO.. S- r-.ind Fluor Chamber of Commerce. A SPECIAL OF FEU. F 1 V E- KOO m B ( ' N't A ! -O W . s ;00. FAY $J3 UK Af iXTH, INCLUDING INTEREST. Occupied but a tVw niouths by one of our clients, who Ik e.-iIVd LOhst. Every thing in splendid conditio:) ; will t hit 10 suit throughout; house is mml. 111 in every Particular, with :il tho built-in mnve 11 iences ; h nnied ceil in ani tirepho-o : in v -strietcd diii-tct; choice of two cirlinc.. Sue. this toiijtv. A. X SEA RLE. E. 7:th and K. Oiisan six. ( M-V var. HEADY THIS WEEK. PRICE' Sl'.fW $Jim DOWN. - room cot t age. modern improvements, full cemented basement. lot T.OxlOO ft. Tis coLlaKe will b'" hnished Vila wceK ard is very well located on tin East Side. Balance 1 ." per month. I'ORTI.AND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 7':t-10 li )TH('HiM) BLDt. .MAR. .S J-'i. CASH $."".". Chclcff loca t ion. Portland's best ndd' -t ion. street adjoining carline, artisti- 7 1 ooms. furnace, fireplace, fixtures, hard -wood floors, all conveniences, mimediato poss sion. Ow nnr. Tabnr Bii2, A "M ; . IliVJ NGTOX FJI'NOAl.OW ?0UO CASH. Furnace, fireplace, fixtures, garage, 7 rooms, modern; $1S00. Owner, .Marshal t US 17. A -ItlO. I.Al'B EMI URST B U N C A LO W. Uarie living-room with handsome fii'1 jiluc". music-room. d!r.in-room. ii lars'. ht,hi bedrooms on first floor and - bed room, i tmd mi'' ro.ini for hi 1 1 iai d-room on ii nil floor; I'urn ;i c1. Z. C.lisan and ila- V.' li'-Til. pi ico S.:u; eas- terms. OREGON MUTUAL INVESTMENT CO., ;;o( 'ouch st. SI RELY V CO M) PURCH ASE. A lavire hou.-i. Ill t; H atid sightly lot; plenty 01' full inuring I'ruil lr(es; : block -i to car. not over Jo minutes out from -d and Washington; owner is sacrith:lt f-T qulek s.T ! ; p"tet; is h-s.-i t h:t 11 ? 17MU, and can v lei in s. S'-e Mr. Da ies. ciiApjN ,t io:rlmiv. :i;;J-:!:?s I'iiaml.'T of" 1 '"nuieree. WILLI A MS-A V E. SNAP. ;nod ."i-ronm c'.'ltMue, n coi r.-T bd Iflx po. on Williams ;t e. and Sk idm -y; : a fine busint ss corner. Price o : $ '"o cash Mild -0 per month. We lme :i ro-ecrj-man who will p;iy S"-" p-"'" monlh for a t;toro undr the cottage. Investigate. C.KUSSI - p L.DS. ;US Boaid of Trade bid?.. h and Q.ik. ROOM S I f you want a line biy home, t his Is it. Hard wooU floors, electric li -t ur's. shtine. f in nace. fireplace. 1 (vn lets; one blocl; from Rose Cliy Park car; on 'e. -1'hh st. $p;.".0. terms. SCOTT X REESLI-:V, 1-12 Abiimto,! HI. Ik. phone .Main -10.). WAIA'lTj'AfJIv SNAP. ' o rir, iiAIi.rii kiiiiMv 1; rAiims and d 2 "tire-rilatM-K. " toilets. hath room I:r','e clothes closer, wanir'M's mo ftiil cciifi:t hitsenieiii, fmn.To and 11 ivs- b.-.fint lft:l law 11 and uanlor . butlet wash lot : Bo.in ;ixii(l: ?.".;;o'i ; t rrm?. Ov. nr r 1 1:;5 avmun 11 ar K ill i iirs w ort h. C. WHIPPLE. BOME-?UlT,DER, J." UuniixT Exchange Tilde. s:H io a swoii in th o-room bun sirietly modern in all Its 11 ppotnt r.'iti " .11 on terms tn suit th Just li ko rrnt. Telephono M. I- or low. Hl'"lfn hliv.T. 7";i. ' X FURN'SHED'bUNGALOW. on a good lot. 1 block from Hawthorn ave., not far out; brand-new house und a real bargain if anyone wants It ; prior SJoo; email cash payment, easy lunns. See Mr. Davie.". CHAPIN .v HERLOW. ;'t Ch h m her of Coinm"rce. s; , t.-KOOM iiome. for it'i-'-'MR 1 K lots 7".x 1 no- terms J.Vmi down : beautiful vie vv of city; just above Ladd's Addition; a snap. ALBERT WELSH S( N. 7t:i Board of Trade bldi;. Phone W 00 d I a cu 4 i s. (7uS h; 1: Kiierifii'niar beautjnil country- home on Willamette River. U". minutes 011 Oi--con City lOIeeiric n rooms, new, modern, electric " lights, running wut"r. iiboiit ni"i acre. teriiiH. would consider tr.tit" fop Knm Portland pidperty. AK Oru conitn. ROSE CITY PARK. SIT, MONTHLY. A 11 jmpro em "11 ts in and paid for: " rooms, built-in but rot ami oook spt solid oak floors, firepia.u. 1 urn ace tional Realty V t rufi 7;t I'hanliT of ('Dniniorf l1(ls. I'hon Mat, 1 LAlT:i:i.!HliST III TSl'.S. Wp ar., aa'-nts for all tlie coril houses In Hii dlBiricl. Sco 11s t"i- knvpst wicis. OlflceB on t?rMiind. I'li'inr Kast iVf. DKl.AIll'NTir & Cl.IiMDMi. ;::nli anti I-:ast OIisant'ts. FOli SAI.K or will cxi-iiancc for vp1: lo. al-'l vacant l)o1.cr. 7(.vl"o, v...-t M.l. four Rood 7-room hims's. rnt.i) J'j; r"' Jlldfid; will r-av cash rtirf-r-nro or w sumo Incuinbrance. ivld 3. Stearns. i3 htTigtonjH. POUTI. VM HF.K-IHT.S Mlrn 8-room iious.- ronncrviitorv. fin. IV improvr.l uuail.'-r block, on lo--r lioishts; gran.l view ot cily. mountains and rlvcra, easy Marshall 4SJ7. TjRQQKR. A SS.1I. SHVKflAl. fill'' '' 01 -acre tracts a,t f-."i . t nrn- n-rc ' L. in l i i'S i : oin r oruaim, on railroad: nl soil, mlltablo for frull or Ch';rFAI.Asb 1NVKSTMF.NT CO.. 410 'orli'-tt Hldu. ONE of 1 lie handsoniosl In l.am--UioiT ; all llio 1; ,,....,1.. !- 1! fiiriiTliln lu oalow dcslr.-d. liaz-H.-i" .Kv'.'r'-'' ."-..,., ...... Ult- Ml l i i. i .x i... . .-v, :;i,7 Cou'-ti l'l'l-- ,77777 s i L o-lo-iiKlc .-,-100111 himaialow. urnaall Uil.-in "--';- nh halaio-.' loillis. Mil-l I"- i" ' II lo n,i"rl(.ll: llawthor, district. 210 IS. 4'." ll i vncr. S.N AT :ind corner lot on K. ;,oO for ini Illdtn 1 1 S.V". ;tnduyn Ai Walton, ol.", Cnoil fi-rootn 1.,vis st. only Very c.sy terms I ' lia 111 I f ( "oil I ItK't'CC. ii.wvv.i'ii:,ni-: 'l"-,.ri,'.',;1 i,.-r inoiit :i ; i" A ''' ' '" ! 1 1 -h ir.t!t:r;-.. ' liliEV & H' SldrXT TAlii'Tf jioin a ;:;oi cash and furnished builRa ; pric 'J;oo. Third st. i bargain, i ronm' T'txluo, terms; m a 1st St. n.oociu. . ascot. a i ONLY 5 prap'. -'" VaciricPhP laro lot. fruit, b,rri,.,. house; carline; Poutheiu Owner, V t!, un'poiuau. H 'u.Vt?!.'. cf - i his is a bareain. Phun IRVINGTON. S'cw modern homo, best location. nc.I built and a bargain. Owner. Marshall U;'.'. vi, nii-RS ii-rooni oTitace. -' blocl.s from l'nion avc. --00; co.li. balance fl., L" iiionth. Woodlawn S221. or C 2423. TOR E INE HOMES. See Deiahu&t. 5kk iilcjvbki.axd ache?. C. F. SMITH a: SOX. 2iu RY. BXUilA.VGE. 0-1 oom hou.c. ti odct i), net r Oretron hi ii. .icricrsoii in h Sehoo!. C PI I. l)A N w i 1 k hy 1 wo m. in. Pliune. Main JB Kl J AlN Kjtir-room house, gooa lot, fO'.'v cash. S75 K. th N. 0 I