V THE MORNING OREGONIAN WEDNESDAY. MAKCII 20, 1912. H'CBEDIE RETAINS ONLY 2 RECRUITS Coitrin. Kibble. Mathes, Hcrr, Straight. Hirsch and Byrd Fail to Make Good. CHOSEN DUO ARE HITTERS Bancroft and M.-TWrll llrl.l -n Heaver Snuail: Other. Sent lo Mck Vllllan Bancroft to I.rart Off R.iltlns. This 1 np!:. T-.- m-ir-iurir r-k ; I. n t ;"n, e-,nil llk lh mrp;i.ni l'-'r.. tSltn rirr r.r i,:it.llc. S'.-ind u- s' X rr'. - In r' "f r..n"!!liin. TVa'tfrr in- --t "f t'm-'T II. nt t ..n(Un r'l" Wa-ter M - r- .1-. !' '-rn-f !. Tk It fr.m n,.- i ,1 m- Tiere llh II i-U . ! i"l. Th.rf wttn te ri tn (h'tohfr. Tfrrt un the wal'iepms knn.tile. Jln and the c'.uhhei' if rnir-l Moor. nd s:r .rn an.! Kid Ki'M.-. "ll-rr llM a-1 To.-lv l'.itnn. II -.-h ihr ,..,.r t I- " i:iniurf lmi the '! If" " . M ii.x. II -- C- ' N . V.llllum. nr mnf nil- '! l.-ral' I'.-k n-urr" uri:' .: iii". Ik. k l.j lii- .,- I iimn-i. "SANTA MMHA. '.il. March !. lSpcil. Walter M-Cred'e to.Iay or crd out rts r-'rurlno dictation ma chin and tr.ts . what trio fluffy tree.l in"i:r.i r-hrr heard when t" waxy roll rrcn-l uroimil the "hi f MMiorimni- few minutes Inter- "W. V. Mri'rrilir, Yanruuvrr, Wash, --pe.i'r Juii-e: I have found II utterly im,r.lhl tt Install lour years' Kn.. r-.i- Into certain aspirlnc hall plnvem within a epcritlcrt in "'k. o I respectfully iihrtitt the f.dlowmc vtnn!tr ax candidates for the I'ort j.n.! North urstrrn lfu team: H-b-by foltrm. nhorlator': Kihbte. thl-d hivmin; Mathc... infti-M and mitrl-id: Straight, otiirlrl.l. ll:r.-.!i. U r.l an.l Hcrr. plKh'r. Mrltamll Barrft BMiNM. "I have retained Hanrroft. th Su prior. Wis.. iro.i:ny. for short'top trn I4IIT1. nd M.l"ll. f fiui'Tl"r. Nb.. for th- utility berth. PiirninK may be down in siitli pl.irr In th itsu. hut I lwa V.Arf liad a fondnrM for Ilia juM:rior" . layer. "WALTKIt MTRKDIK. "Miiiucir i'iu'I riianilon." The nbove at lii- turning point of th J--vririt training lo-n.on t'-U tiie entire iry. T e 1'orTian.i CojM Lacue rur.ll.lat.- hav beTl welched In the hahir.re and of tbe enure rn .emble or drafted and pu ri-lia-ned ounster only li have been re tained. It.in. roft and M. lowrll. and iirl--.n t!ie former produce a l.i I'eiW Ir.paush ritfhl at the J-.imp. M.Cre.lle Ml ther will be another phenom hot Mondewarda like a rubber ball Irom a vaudeville cannon. But Pan- rnft look :i per i-ent better than 1 eek d'll a year ao. areorilinu to ranif f.llow-r. and ever body t predletlnir I ul he will prove a atar of mu. h niasr.ltudr. . Tm Mian Kara Reversal. Tne iiiilititution of M.-Dowel! for Mathe In Ihe utility pU-conholo ami tie dioardlnn of ttyrd. the longitudinal rtcht-hander from Helena, lurnlfhed the only reversal of form of the 1512 kink-drtvln llei.ia. Mathe Mand at the plate like a Tynu fobb In em liryo an.l evcrybtwiy thoucht base hits would be a proline a blark berrle. Itul the B.itte wonder hasn t whaned one iiafe for o lona now that the fan wo il.l i-olUpe with a iKh like a team ralliope If the rill did happen to careen -where they ain't.'" Iieep down In hi l.eart i!an.it:or Mr-;-rehe likely hadn't rU-ured on any of hi four minor shortstop candidate uaklns cood. A Indication of this we wlcht po-.nt to his reKotlatlon with "Vvcland for a veteran shortstop to Se held in service. However, the Al.id J'nic maneuverliiK of ll.incrofl on the Held of play baa sort of lUistered the bos. and. needles to lay. he la tickled, for already Mai- I taurine on an ex 'ersive rearrangement of Ins batting jruer. Baaeraft t 1-ad Off. "Bancroft I the fartrst man on the quad, too fa.-1 to bory down net to Uie ratctier. where I'e. klnp.iuich ." auoih he. "I tue-s I II Just try him first on the roll durlns the Ix Anueles rie. with fhadbourne. Ko.lKers. Lind mv and Ione following alon In or der. That will start u off with a rht-!iar.der and four left-hand bats men Whv have I given McDowell the a 1 over Mathoei? Well, tor ona thine. Ie la a natural cloiitlnjt demon and. aa.iln. I expe.-t to pull omo of my I. It -;;n. !.l battrr aitalnst southpaw rit iier and ue MrKowell. a rlnht ander. In their pla.es. He can play inv poM'lon on Ihe diamond." Ti e reliotmn of Hvrd to the North western la-aicue an.l the tardy report lrt of Veast y mean that I'ortlund will start the nfMiin with seven Hurler. mii- more than the nuinhr to be car ried throiiKti the season. Knur of these a.-' holdover llarkness. Henderson, l.anillr.e and Koetner and three nw uifn. veterans who have been tried and found there with the (roods Temple. 5:.-'cer and Willlran. The latter Is lei t.nl. allv the property of t'olumbu. wnt will undoubted!- be aobl.led In by tiie Portland manaaer. l..'redle ay i.e Is closo t Bobby Qulnn. of the Cn Ivmbus Ciub. and will buy I'.illican If ue National commission turns down hl . latin to havniK sUned him when a free ent. Oikww I lie armed. t-horne. the llrants ra-s youth, will lo- nurst alone for Mae has taken a liking to the diminutive on off whom he t.ansed a homer and a triple In two '.fine up last Sunday. . . 1th Hie opening of the even month' rrind less than two weeka off. t.te bo are fe!inic as i-hety a a San Kranrlsco i"re.-k fruit baron la.-klnB in the defeat of Trilbv Zl.ysi Vo he Iwsueiral. a few- nUl.ts bark. lutch Krueser I nurlnc a sliitht charier hore. but the wor-t of the pre season a-rln.l 1 over, kink are prae-ti.-a:iv minus and arms a free as soap box oratory alona- K'K de Washlnston. ?peck Ifarknes nearly evf.loded with .lv thi mumlnit when he found that .i salary w ln hai thrown off Ita Inter somnolency and was as fit as a fid lie for hard work. M.-t'redia hasn't decided whom he will work In the opening Kame but favor Hark-nesa, and If tKe spe.-k!ed one I In shape he i:l lake up the bnr.leis of the Initial illry. Koestner ha never had much lurk -ithe-r asainst I.os Angeles or ban Kranclsco on their home grounds. The snuad enjoel only Msht rehearral to,lav. but I'-e Bamex will be resumed tomcrrow t.tn S'ln.lav tl'.e N'ort h wee t nn l.es.Kue reriiirs will sav t.'ulr fare well In a came against the fowsters. Immediately t;iereafler Ihey will taka up the track to Sacramento, KECRUIT FROM CONNECTICUT LEAGUE. WHO IS ONE OF BIGGEST BEAVER MOUNDMEN. U i'e''. . . , -; '..,v- ,,:..va:; J - 2- V v - '. '. j i ' "... 'v ' - J e r!t 'C . ' - 'r yF 19k. 1 ' we- . ' laa JOeeZGAvj- 1 or &cic?ss' TEMPLE IS lffl New Beaver Pitcher Has Aver age of .625 in 4 Years. HEAVER BUILT LIKE GIANT Draflril hy M-.rw lie la Sent to C'onnort Icu t Lrajriie Without Trial hut lie St III Hope to (ct Into Major. 1V ItoS.'OE FAWl'ETT. A N'T A .MARIA. Cal.. March 1J. (Special.) Templo, according to the un-ihririifed. Is a sanctuary of worship. Solomon owed considerable of hi no toriety to his temple at Jerusalem. The Kuypllans. 5reck. Unmans. Persians and other ancient had temples for worship. On the sacrificial platform of Antec temple thousand of victims perished annually, while closer at home Ihe Mormons designate as "The Tem ple' the worshipful medium at Salt Lake City. This Is no svtnnoslum on religious history, but It does serve to throw the spotliicht of publicity toward one of tno new Portland Coast Leacue pitch ers, a modern Temple. William, by watery anointment, for whom Manaaer Mct'redle predicts all the worshipful adulation of the cobwebby Mosque of Omar. Temple la t.laat. William Temple Is the hlit rlKht-hand Imrler bought from the chuinpion Fprlniflcld club of the Connecticut Slate League about three weeks ago when pitcher Oreenwell. of the same club, refused to obey baseball man dates and come Westward. He Is a giant In stature: Is single: Is a college men In Intellect; I am bltiou snj sober; has served some time with a major J.ague club, and, moreover, had remarkable success since breaking Into the professional pitching game back In 19US. Temple hasn't a romantic or Imagi native stitch In his fabric. He Is sober, minded an.l prosaic, hut In his six feet one inch of bone and muscle and 190 pounds of meat, we have him the big gest man on the- Portland gunning committee. Career "Carta la Cellese. "I began pitching at the Agricultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh. N. i.. in I9S." said Temple yesterday, discussing his brief baseball career. "I was off a farm at Siinford. N. C. and was taking the mechanical course. Bill IJnd.ay an.l 1 played against each other on rival college aggregations, for I pit hed for the Raleigh school for three seasons. "My professional career waa begun with Chester In the South Carolina State League. Class l In 190$. when I won 11 and lost T. besides playlnif the outfield in 70 games and hutting ."'29. Norfolk drafted me that Kail, and I won IT an.l lost 9 for thi Virginia State league club In I90!. Watt Pow ell. iM.ar.e and Schmidt were In the dr. cult then. "The New York Cianl drafted me for 191'." continued the big right hander. "I went to .Marlln Springs with Mc ;raw and stuck on the bench without a trial until the middle of June, when "M'icgsv" sent me to North Hampton, In the Connecticut Slate League, where I played all year without a contract. I won 14 and lost 11 with a club that finished In seventh place." Hadarra Prises Temple, Metmger. of Los Angles; Leverenz. Teckinpaugh and Hill Rodger, captain of the Heavers, were In the Connecticut I-eaguo In 1910. and Rodgers pay a high tribute to the ability of the big mound artist. New York Illegal "farming'' method resulted In Temple being declared a free agent In the Winter of 1911. and he signed with Springfield. In the same league, for service last year. Spring field won the pennant, due partly to Temple consistent maneuvering on Ihe hill, where he won 1 games and lost II. "I think I will make good with Port land." said he. And his -record of S3 games won and only 39 lost In our car of ball would seem to Justify tola NNER confidence. Remember that I a grand average of .STi. which In probably 12a points over the average of the clubs he has been with. Temple Is year old. Is a single man. batted .lx.1 last year and fielded .3. KANi: .UTEIt KVAX'S ItKCOKD Vernon Tlpcr Have No Trouble Heating High School Hoys. ' LOS AVGKLKS. Cal.. March 19. (Spe cial.) Happy Hotran's regular hitched up with the Los Angeles High School team In another practice game this aft ernoon at Waahlngton Park. Hogan's lineup was the same as yesterday, and they had little trouble In defeating; the school boy. Kane, the crack left liel.ler. was there again today with the stick, and if he continues In this form he will no doubt equal Buddy Ryan's batting- average of last season. Hogan had Stewart and dimming on the mound today, and both showed III pood form. Score 5 to 2. WIMKWT" I'KRXS I'.WS VISIT Oklahoma WcltorwolKhl Is on Way lo Snii Kranol!-H Klfshtdom. Clarence "Wildcat" Kerns, the Okla homa welterweight who aspires to wear the mythical crown generally consid ered a most appropriately adorning the brow of Mike. Qlbbons. of St. Paul, passed through Portland yesterday on his way to San Francisco, where he expects to make a stir in the pugil Istlo situation. Ferns Is touted a one of the best of the welters. He hus been coming to the front of late, and expects to In gratiate himself Into the good grace of California fans, looking towards a bout with Olbhona or Bronson. He lert Tommy Dixon at Butte, -where tha foathor la slated to meet Tally Johns, a Montana product. Vanderbill'! Horse Win. PARIS. March 19. Horses owned by W. K. Vanderbilt won a first and sec ond prlae today at Malson'a Lafflte. Marmara finished first In the Prix de Vllle Chellve of 11000. which was run at SH furlongs. In the Prix Andree of 11000 for s-year-olds. Faventia ran second. The distance was one mile. BOXING MATCH IS OFF GRAND Jl'RY CALLS HALT OS O'BRIEN-IIEXHKRSOX HOCT. Promoter A. J. Howard. I Trying to Arranjre to Stage Mill In Sonic Other Place Than Gresliam. "They gotta quit klckin' our fighters aroun'" 1 the wall raised by Portland lovers of the titlc art. following- an announcement yesterday that the pro posed 10-round boxing exhibition be ween Danny O'Brien and Earl Hen derson at Gresham tonight Is not to be. Sheriff Stevens was closeted with the members of the grand Jury yesterday morning; and exploded the bomb when he emerged from the conference. O'Brien and Henderson were sched uled to meet at Oresham tonight In a 10-round no-declslon contest. Pro moter A. J. Edwards went ahead with all plans for the match, confident that no effort would be made to stop It. However, the grand Jury took up the matter yesterday, called in the sheriff, and the lid was clamped down. Portland fandom was planning to send many representatives to the Gresham ring programme. Ticket were purchased, automobiles hired, and plans made for a special train to the suburban arena. Promoter Edwards I now dickering with several towns without the Mult nomah County border, and expects to announce another scene within the next few days. The boxers are In ex cellent trim for the fracas, so a de lay means nothing more than a few extra days of training: for them. The inability of the grand Jury to see "boxing- exhibition" In the pro posed mill, was responsible for the diet. Just what effect the decision will have on the future game In Port land is unknown. Boxing exhibitions are licensed by state and city law. Grade School Baseball. Shaver and Eliot baseball teams of the third section of the Grammar School league met yesterday after noon on the Columbus Club field, the former defeating the latter. 16 to 1. The pitching of Herhig was one of the features of the game. The bat teries were. Herblg- and Akervlck for the Shaver; Kllnk and Stuerhoff for the Eliot. Vernon defeated Peninsula yesterday, 10 to 1. In a rather featureless game. Gray, pitching for Vernon, played a good and steady game. Batteries were: Vernon. Gray and Rodgers; Peninsula, Van Scyoc and Parry. Failing lost a game to Chapman yes terday In the closest and best game yet seen in the Grammar School League, the score, being 13 to 12. A sensational three-bagger In the last inning won the game for Chapman. The schedule for today Is: Lents vs. Arleta. Creston vs. Glencoe. Llewellyn vs. Sellwood. Irvlngton vs. Albina Homestead. Woodlawn vs. Ockley Green. Holladay vs. Hawthorne, Hol maa va. Alnawurto, , 0. JL C. WIUS 1912 BASKETBALL TITLE Vote of Conference College Ex ecutives Puts Oregon Alone in Contention. IDAHO ONLY NOT POSITIVE Ciiivcrsily or Washington and Tull niiiit Join With torvnlli In II Cldlin or Northwest C'hnmpionMiip. VOTE IS IN KAIOK OF 'ORVAL- MM ITYE. f SEATTLE. March 1!). (Special.) J Basketball championship decided on a percentage basis. Oregon Aarlcul- f tural Collecs certainly wins the t championship. I VICTOR ZEDNICK. I Graduate Manager University of 4 Washington. ITLLMA.V. Wart.. March 19. t (Fpecial.) Tho championship should I he based on number of games played. as has always been customary tn Northwestern. If Oregon Insists on technicalities they forfeit to us the game they canceled at Pullman, thus losing three; would prefer that the two teams meet In series of games to settle difficulty satisfactorily. J. F. BOHLEK. Coach Washington Mate College. . MOSCOW. Idaho, March 1!. (Spe cial.) Cart see no reason why Ore gon's claim tn the championship Is any better than that of O. A. C. If the same number of conference games has been played by both (enms. Oregon's Institutions should get over their childish squabbles and decide the championship strictly on its merits. Q. L. LARSON. Graduate Manager University of Idaho. Oregon Agricultural College wins the 1912 Northwest College Conference basketball championship. Three of the five Institutions eligible lo vole on the question which has been agitating Ore gon Agricultural College and Oregon University have expressed themselves, through credited representatives as favoring the Oregon "Aggies." The fourth school sees little- or no differ ence in the claims of the rival Oregon Institutions. The fifth. Oregon I nl- vers-lty. stands alone in tne cnmiiiiiuu shlp of its own cause. rv, VAPihwuBt Cnllene Confe-ronce was composed of five basketball teams this season university oi w.iiii.8., ". verslty of Oregon. Fnlverslty of Idaho, a .ii.i.iiiirui Collec and Wash ington State College. Victor Zednick. of Washington university, me uo.j serious rival of Oregon and the "An- i. , l, iH in fuvor of the Corvallls five. Coach Bohler. of Wash ington State College, not oniy i the "Agglcs," but says that If the Eu gene men Insist on technicalities, they will lose three games, instead of two. Graduate Manager Larsen. of Idaho, University, figures the claims even, and adds a little advice anent the foolishness of constant squabbling. So far as the college conference is concerned, the statements from the of ficials of the three schools quoted above end the question of basketball suprem acy. Just what effect the decision will . ' . v. niiff Heiicute situation nave uu low . . .... -- between the schools Is problematical. A movement was on iuui i " -school together by the resumption of athletic relations severed by Oregon Agricultural College, but the Oregon championship claims dampened Cor vallls' enthusiasm for the "kiss and make up" act. Following the defeat of 'Washing-ton University at Eugene. Oregon set up a claim for the conference title, holding that It record of eight victories and two defeats entitled It to the crown. Oregon Agricultural College has won nine games and lost two. but the Ore gon enthusiasts contended that two of the games were scheduled after the opening of the season, and hence were illegal. The "Aggies" hold that the extra games were scheduled In good faith before the weakness of the teams was disclosed, and further argue that no rule or precedent prohibited the sched uling of games after the conference meeting. GOLF TIK PLAVEH THURSDAY K. R. Corbelt and K. S. Wheeler to Compete ror First-Hound Places. The tie for sixteenth place on the eligible list for the president cup hand icap tournament to start Saturday at the Waverlelgh Golf Club will be Played off Thursday afternoon by E. R. Corbett and E. S. Wheeler. The winner of this match will take one of the places In the first round to be played Saturday. Other round In the affair will be played every Saturday until April 13, the date of the final matches for the possession of the cup. The schedule for the first Saturday will be as follows: Baldwin vs. the win ner of the tie; Fry vs. -Warren. Pendle ton vs Hvskell. Shevelin vs. R. Smith, Falling vs. Berry. Bodlne va. Llnthl cum. Koehler vs. Stewart and, Zan vs. Cookingham. Some of the best cards handed In for the elimination rounds Saturday and Sunday are: K. H. Koehler. 83-12. 71; K W. Stewart, 92-19. 73; S. R- Bodlne. 94-20 74' V- N- Penijleton. 96-22. 74; F S 'Hvskell. S7-J3. 74; R. H. Baldwin, 93-18 75: T. A. IJnthlcum, 83-8. 75; Edward Cookingham, 93-18. 75; P. V. W. Frv 98-22. 76: G. A. Warren, 90-14. 76; Jordan Zan. 93-16 77' K. C. Shevlln, 99-22. 7.; H. R. Falling 99-22, 77; Russell Smith. 89-12. 77- E. S. Wheeler. 92-14. 78; E. R. Cor be'tt. 102-24. 78; Major J. J. Morrow. 87-8 79' Major J. Canby. 95-16. 79; J. W. Ladd. 104-24. 80; S. T. Britten, 104-24, 80. SOLOMON CHALLENGES SIBLEY Portland Three-Cushion Exper' Would Play Seattle Man. In answer to an article on three cushion billiards and championships, written bv O. J. Mills, an exhibition pool and billiard player, for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Henry Solomon, the Pacific Coast three-cushion champion, declares that lie is ready to meet Sibley, the Seattle expert touted by Mills, any time and at any place for a side bet be tween $500 and 8I00O. "Last Summer I went to Seattle for tbe express purpose of meeting Sibley," I said Solomon last night. "For some : unaccountable reason he crawfished I out of the match after I had posted my money with responsible parties in Seattle. "Again. Mills declares that I never challenged Carney for the world's championship. I sent a challenge and had. made a deposit with responsible parties here, and all the details for the match a far as I was concerned were straightened out. "Further, I can beat Mills at his own game, giving him a good handi cap, and will play him for any amount of money. I will play him 250 to 200 points. 1 also have a son 12 years old whom I will match against him for a good substantial side bet any time that Mills sees fit." LONG GIVES TENTATIVE CHOICE Seal Manager Sure of Some Places. Ontfielders in Doubt. . PASO ROBLES. Cal.. March 19. (Special.) Unofficially .Manager Long announced today the selection of some players who will sport San Francisco uniforms during the coming season. The players are: Johnson tn the out field. Corhan at third base. McArdle at short, Kid Mohler.. at second. Jack son at first, . Gedeon sub infielder; catchers, Lauer and Berry, and pitchers. Henley, Miller, Fanning:. Xoy ers. Melkle and Baker. Of course this list Is subject to " change during the final two weeks of training, but it is odds-on bettftig that these players will occupy berths on the bench when the season opens on April 2. "I Intend to keep five outfielders all season for substitute work and also timely hitting-." said Long today. "That means that one of the present men must go and I tell you It is going to be some task to pick that man. Hart ley. Mundorff. Powell. Mnlver and Raf tery have been playing great ball and are so evenly balanced that It is hard to choose between them." It is known that it is the Seals' pitching staff that needs the most at tention. Pitchers Strand. Fanning. Toner and Taylor have not been In shape so far to show their form and Long will with hold his judgment until he can see them properly worked out. ATHLETICS HAMMER BENDER Team Mates Win Game Against "Big Chief" Iient lo Texas Club. SAX ANTONIO. Texas. March 19 "Big Chief" Bender, lent to the San Antonio team of the Texas League, lost today's exhibition game to the Philadelphia Americans. When Bender went In to pitch in the fifth inning, the score was 6 to 5 In the local's favor. In the seventh the Philadelphia play ers got six hits off Bender and scored five runs. The game ended 10 to 7 in favor of the major leaguers. SPOKANE OBTAINS SHIRLEY Infielder Released by Seals Now on Way to Walla Walla. SPOKANE, March 19. Word was re clved here today that "Big Bill' Shir ley, an Infielder, had been released by the San Francisco club of the Coast League to the Spokane team of the Northwestern League. Shirley will report at the Spokane training camp at Walla Walla Thurs day. Big Boat Race June 21. CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. March 19. The annual Harvard-Yale varsity boat race on the Thames River. New London, will be rowed this year on Friday, June 21. ZBYSZKO IH PORTLAND POLISH WRESTLER HERE FOR MATCH WITH JOHN BERG. His Manager Is Eager to See His Charge Secure Set-To Wilh Cham pion Frank Gotch. "My hat is in the ring," announced Stanislaus Cygniewicz, alias Zbyszko, the Polish grappler of nine languages and heavyweight championship aspira tions, when he arrived in Portland yes terday for a handicap tussle with John Berg at Oregon Hall Friday night. "Along with that hat you can say that I have a chunk of money to bet on Zbyszko against Gotch." advised Jack Herman, manager of the Pole. "We (Herman always uses 'we' in talk ing of Zbyszko) are so anxious to meet Gotch for the championship of the world that we will meet him on any terms, from winner-take-all to loser-take-alL There is a purse of 830,000 waiting for the big fellows at Salt Lake, and Gotch can have It all if he will meet Zbyszko. "Gotch was right when he said that Mahmout is a better man than the champion," continued Herman. "Mah mout is a better man than Gotch, and no one realizes it more than Gotch himself. But we have defeated Mah mout twice already, and are willing to meet him again if he will, bet the money or secure a club to offer a good purse. "Primarily, we are after the world's heavyweight championship. If we can not force Gotch into a match we are going to make him quit the game.. He has slighted Zbyszko repeatedly. Ignor ing him when mentioning the top notchers In the game. We have con vinced the public that Zbyszko is the man to be reckoned with for the title, and Gotch must soon meet the Pole or retire for good." Herman has nothing but a good laugh for Klank's challenge to back Beell for $2500 against Zbyszko if the European champion will make 200 pounds. "The offer is ridiculous and made only for cheap advertising pur poses. It is Just as ridiculous as this: I will back Johnny Billiter against Beell for $5000. Billiter to throw him five times in one hour, providing that Beell will make 150 pounds ringside. Beell can make 150 pounds more easily than- Zbyszko can make 200, and it is an impossible feat for the big fellow." Zbyszko will weigh 230 pounds when he meets Berg Friday night. He Is a deceptive looking fellow, his street ap pearance belying the weight and won derful strength his mat regalia dis closes. Following the match here with Berg Zbyszko is scheduled to give Spokane fans an exhibition of his prowess against the same man March 26. If Berg adheres to this schedule, fears are entertained that he will not be in shape for the light heavyweight cham pionship match with Fred Beell in Portland on March 29. SQUASH RACQUETS. Multnomah members call at Archer & Wiggins. 6th and Oak. Bats now In. Have few bats that are sold. Even the diiit of charcoal is saved as furl tn -Japan, t U is carefully prerved and niixed with chaff and chopped straw. It is then mi'tnKnrrl Into a paste, rolled Into balls about the sis of an appla and void iik UiU iMhj- to couumers "GET ACQUAINTED" WEEK FOR STEIN-BLOCH Smart Clothes Clothes Ofttimes if I Proclaim the man. Be sure your new Spring and Summer Suit is a Stein-Bioch $20 to $40 WE SPECIALIZE IN COAST MEN PICKED Kirby Finds Olympic Material in Western Athletes. BELLAH IS SURE OF PLACE Ed m tin son. Smithson. Rose. Ho rine, Donahue and Snedegar Are Heg-arded by Him as Real Champions In Events. NEW YORK. March 1!. Gustavus T. Kirby. president of the American Athletic Union, just returned from an extended trip across the continent, re- nnrtu lhat PVCrVwlllTI Interest In tllft approaching Olympic games is keen. A large part oi ins time was pu in looking over prospective Western members of the American team and he returned with a fairly long list of names which he regards as well nigh certain of a place. "There certainly can be no doubt about the selection of Ralph Rose," he said to inquirers. "He shows every evidence of rounding into better con dition than ever before. Bellah is cer tainly a great pole vaulter and broad Jumper, and anyone who as consistently vaults close to 13 feet and broad jumps close to 2-i feet should have the best of chances of making the team. "Then there is Snedegar with his javelin record. Horine Is to be reck oned with in the high Jump. I saw him i .j dIv fpt two inehe in a practice with comparative ease. Donohue. now In Seattle, is in spienuia conumou aim will be a formidable competitor for the Pentathlon. Seattle believes that Ed mundson is the best half-miler in the country. "It therefore should appear that the Olympic Club of San Francisco, with Rose and Snedegar and Horine. the Los Angeles Athletic Club, with Smith, son and Donohue; the Multnomah Ath letic Club, of Portland, with Bellah; and the Seattle Athletic Club, with Ed mundson: should have the best chances of representation upon the American Olympic team." KILBANE AV ANTED FOR 2 YEARS McCarey Offers $50,000 for Ex clusive Rig-lits for Period. LOS ANGELES, March 19. Manager CUTICUM SOAP SBMG STICK For Tender Faces Indispensable for those subject to red ness, roughness, and other irritations Ai,ha ai-in A nhiivine luxury. No mug. no soggy soap, no germs, no waste of timeormoney. innicKeieuoox,.. storesorby mail. Liberal sample free. Address "Uuticura, ucpi. za. DualJ"- Large Trout ' And smaller ones as well, may be caught after April 1. Your success, though, will de pend largely on the kind of hooks you use. We re experts in Fishing Tackle. Backus&Worris 223 Morrison Street, Bet lst&2nd Sts, Ideow Collars have-exclusively-the LINOCORD BUTTONHOLES they're . easier to button they don't tear out. Geo.P.Jde & Co.. Makers, Troy, N. Y. U SMART 'V.-tirr rrTKFc 'ew a tuaaae On Wash ington, near Fifth. FINE MADE-TO-ORDER SHIRTS. Tom McCarey, of th Vernon Athletic Club, today tolepraphed Jimmy Dunn, manager of Johnny Kilbane, tho new featherweight champion, a cash offer of $r,0,000 for the exclusive services of Kilbane. and himself for n period of two years, "to date from the moment yon siKn tho contract." In his telegram to Dunn, who is in Cleveland. U., McCarey said he would require that Kilbane. fisht as many featherweights as McCarey could de velop, and, besides, take the leadins' part in moving-picture enterprises. ' .MoGi-aw Sells Three IMayers. MARL1X, Texas, March 19. Manager McGraw. of the New York Nationals: announced today that Outfielder Harry Devore has been sold to Galveston and Outfielder Jacohson and Infielder Gar doll to Mobile. Skidding is due to a film of mud or water or grease between the tire mm and trie pavement. "'Iiji Cut through end clean away hs film and the tirs wor't skid. Easier said than dons in fact the Diamond safety m m m Tread Ti.e i -the only one that does it. The Diamond Safety Tread Tire is a year-round HA tire, greater in ffi mileage evon than the regular Diamond Tires. At Your Dealer's or j THE DIAMOND STORfc Seventh and Burnslde Sts., Portland Hic-DiairATd I&zr (3 AKRON, OHIO Me K ill In 233 t