Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Charles Humphrys Says His
Brother George Killed
George W. Selby.
t rlnic Sll t" Ha' Bern Commit'
irrt In th-tober. I SOB, in Order
in Obtain lonpjr Only
tiO l Secured.
(.roitr.r. nrMPHT nr.MF.i he
KllltD MTHE Mtl-BY.
fORVALUA Or.. March !. (Spe
cial Gor llumphri ihlbltrd no
ranrrra whig tld of his brother't
-o:ifaln. but the n that Oiarka
a-ruwd him of murWln- Goro
Pribr. In Polk roan t jr. In I, wor
nl him. "I didn't lo It. I touldn't
havo done It. That aa In Ortoba-r.
nil I ai la Doualu Counlr then,
n. inl to Toix-alla la July and I
.l.ln't o bat-k. I knur Mbr !.
II had apll and hi bodr found
In tria ruin of Ma hw that bumJ
flow n. Th thought be mm -milted
uln1 and I ir ha did."
When KWorgr llumphrri mad hla
confraaion ha artrd that ho alone
rnminlMH the Griffith murdr and
declared that ha never dlacuaaed the
crime with hla brother. The lu-nton
r-uunty arand Jure will inert tomor
row and wilt take np the Griffith
murder ca at clock la the niorn
lnr. ORV.ILI. Or.. M.rra !. iprtal.
ewaa lluaepbry. www r fiorj ! the
naanjrr of Mr. Ilia t.rlffltli. at l-nilomath.
atlrwptew Is reman It aulHde .ai the fonaly
Ja.l hero Ule tealaht. by a-lln hla bratna
owl aaraloet the eleel bera mt hi cell. tie
wan fwaaal ajrwanrlwwa la ble rati by Hbeetrf
t. el telly aad waa aeterely. bet Hat weaaee
.weWy rat abewl I he bead. . pliytrta
dreea1 llaanpfco weweeW. He i aoer ba
iaf taarOa by a IhrwaNy Xbertff.
IflM-SH" r.D. t r. March 1. -?lel.
t'harle H Humphry, who ym
teriax onfee.el in bavins arttcluted
with hla brother teore in the murlfr
of Mr. Klla Orirfltii. near Philomath
last June, today attdrd to his talr of
horror when he told tlx. officers that
bis brother Ceorge had murdrred
tieorge W. elby. at felby'e ranch, near
IalU-. In the Kali or 17UI.
llifTlnj nonchalantly on a clear
Cherle. tonivht rrlatrai Ilie drlall of
trie crime, which he .ilI hla brother
Ueorce hal tukl him he rommltted. Ho
ald that the crime was rommltted be -caueek
the brothers were In neeO of
money and knew that Selby kept large
amounts In his houwe.
t'liarle ell that his mother, who
dleO at Hunks. March . IS12. ml lha
i;r of 71. knew that her sons hud
Main Mr. ItrirTilli. thoiiKh they hud I
not told her outright of the crlm
laasnaa rtee Oaer i'riaae.
"Mother's death was hastened I have
no doubt. a kl Humphry, "becauno
rhe was certain thst we were rerpon-
iolo for Mrs. (.irirfith's desth. Wa
never told her what we had done, but
h knew that we were abewnt from
ionic the nUht Mis. Griffith was killed,
and she rx nan to fall In health from
that date."
I'hrles said that Ueorue left tholr
home, near Yoncalls. In IVIober, ls-ns,
look the train to Dalla.i. via t'orvallls.
w-nlked from Dallas to rVlby'a ranch
nve miles ali.-tant. accepted the latter's
invitation to at.iy over nMhu and be
're midnight hnt hla boat through the
lead, klllir.e him Inetantly.
VJrorire then robbed Selhy's tobacco
an of j9. 'l lire to the building
t) cover up the crime and mnde hla
way bark, -To" continued Charlos.
"He htayed at Irallaa until morntnic
and then returned to Yoncalla. beins
cone from home two days and one
The narrator said that Gcorc Itn
mollately told him of the murder of
Sclby. upon his return, and expressed
his diatifaction In not having found
more money.
Oeorse la Biassed.
Charles feels Indignant at George
and ti'M The Orri;onian representative
that he hail never heen In trouble, un
ens Georae had engineered some
crooked work. A.ked what weapon
tSeoree saWl he had tiaed to kill Selby.
he rrplieal that It was a M.irlin rifle.
IC.'ferrlns to the murder of Mrs.
Griffith at I'hllomath, the prisoner
said his brother, George, had expected
to find more money and that they had
searched every part of the house. Ac
cording to the prisoner's statements,
Georre talked of setting fire to the
Griffith house In order to destroy the
evidence of murder, but rnnrlud-! the
l!ae might attract attention and It
therefore would le Impossible to throw
the body Into the water.
Charles said that he had been unable
to sleep well since the tragedy, al
though he obtained a good rest last
night, following the sinning of trie
ronfestton. Me declared that George
tad been restless all Winter and that
the crime had been weighing on the
elder brother's mind.
llumphrys will be taken to Corrallla
tomorrow or Thursday, where George
is In )all awaiting indictment by the
grand Jury.
Before retlrlrg to his fell tonight.
Charles said that he and his brother
were at Thllomath from the time Mrs.
Griffith was killed until they sold
their place last Septemler and trav
eled overland to Banks, ten miles nrtb
ff HilMboro. If this statement Is true.
It precliKles possibility of the llumph
rvs being connected with the murder
of tlie 1 1 1 II family at Ardenwald.
I'rl.lj). March Ztl. I Named "Clean
l"p" Day bj CUUena.
F-fTACAPA. Or March 19. (Spe
cial.) At a recent mass meeting of the
cirtxrns of Kstacada It was decided to
observe Friday. March II. as "clean up
dky." F.very man will be asked to give
his service for the purpose of beautify
Irajt the city. Captains have been ap
pointed. Including the Mayor of the
toa and the president and secretary
f he Commercial Club, who will each
hae charge of a squad of men to work
alnbiC drt nlte plans. The banks and
stores will be closed and bankers, law
yers, doctors and merchants wilt don
th-r overalls and proceed to their task
un-i-r the aupervlalon of one of the
aput'infed captains.
(. Saturday. March 21, Governor
Yet Is to speak at Garfield Grange
under the auspices of Grange No. 1T.
and when he alights from his special
car he will see one of the cleanest
towns In the state, A speclul reception
committee consisting of V. A. Keylmaii.
rr. H. V. Adix. Kobert Duncan and
William Dale, has been appointed by
the Mayor of Kstarada to receive tho
Governor on behalf of the rlty, and a
reception will be tendered him by tho
i-itluns of Kstacad before his depar
ture for Garfield.
AYhlle Hunting Rifle Is Acci
dentally Discharged.
GOLD EN PA LK. Wash., March 1.
i Special. Henry Stegman. of Center
vllle. Wash., son of D. H. Stegman. a
well-to-do farmer of that section, was
accidentally shot yesterday by Adam
Kehr. a hired man on the Stegman
The two men were stalking a band
of wild geese that had settled in t!ie
wheat field near the farmhouse when
young Stegman advanced a few feet
ahead of Kehr. who was carrying a
85-30 rifle, and In some way the ham
mer of the rifle struck the earth or
a rock and was discharged, the bullet
passing through the left thigh and
left arm of Stegman. He was unable
to walk and young Kehr went to the
bam and got a wheelbarrow and
wheeled him to the house, where Dr.
II. II. Hartley was called to dress the
Dr. Hartley reported that the nature
of the wounds was not dangerous but
that the shock was severe.
Governor Wfrt Declares He l!a Xot
PromlMNl Parole.
SAI.KM. r, March 1.
"San Kranelsi-o hospitality has been so
overwhelming that I have had neither
rhanre nor time to give a thought to
what will be done In the rase of W.
Cooper Morris," declared Governor
West tonight on Ills return from Call-,
"In fact. I am not fully aware of the
contents of the letters asking clem
ency for him.
"I never made a pa t with anyone
nor a promise to anyone that I would
pardon or parole Morris. 'What I will
do I do not know and do not know
how soon I will take action, one way
or another."
A -lor la Pioneer" Funeral Held.
ASTORIA. Or.. March 19. I Special.)
The funeral of the late Mrs. Anna
Koslna Gratkc. an aged pioneer resi
dent of Astoria, who died suddenly Sat
urday evening, was held toduy from
Grace Kplscopnl Church. The services
were conducted by Kev. Mr. Hosen
muller. rector of the church, and the
Interment wns In Ocean View Ceme
tery. The deceased was born in Treb
nllr. Germany, on February II. ISJ9.
and came to this country with her hus
band, the late Charles Gratkc. In luti.
After residing In Baltimore and In Wis
consin for m short time the family
moved to San Francisco, and soon sfter-
wards came to Astoria. Mr. Urntke
died several years . Mrs. Gratkc
left six children. Mrs. James M arum her.
Mrs. George K. Burrh and Mrs. rreston
H. Italne. of Oakland. CaL: J. li Gratke
and W. F. Gratke. of Astoria, and
George C. Gratke, of llwacu.
Clark Progrclvc OrganUe.
ANCOfVKIt. Wash.. Marc!i J?.
(Special) To support a l.roare.-slve
candidate for president, be it cither Lit
Follette or Theodore Koosevelt. a cluu
known as the Progressive Republican
Club of Clark County has been organ with Judge Ionald MrMaster. of
the Suirior Court of Clark County, us
president: C. W. Hall, secretary, and
C. W. It) an. treasurer. A temporary
executlvo committee. composed of
James P. Stapleton. N. C. Allen, Will
iam Bates. Allison Burnham and C.
W. Hall, was appointed, to assist the
president In forming a central com
mittee. The next meeting Is to be held
In the county courthouse at 130 o'clock
Saturday. March 30.
PORTLAND. Or.. March 1. Maximum
temperature. RO degrees: minimum tempera
ture. -1 ilegreea. l:ier reading, t A. Ji .
S.S feet: ehane In lat It hours. -0.1 f-et.
Tolal rainfall iS P. M. to P. M.I.
Inchea: total rainfall since September 1. I'll. Inrhea; normal rainfall since Septem
ber 1. -1 i Inches: deficiency of rainfall
alnc September 1. 1MI. .;s Inches. Total
unshlnr. hours 30 minutcfl: possible sun
shine. 12 houra mlnutea. Fiar'met-r re
duced to tea level) al i P. M . 30 14 Inches.
-j Wind,
ff f I
1 ; :
staia of
w eatbaa
fton .........
i'alcarr ........
Chicago ........
1 Moines
Cureka .........
Jackaonvllle ....
Kan-aa Pity ...
New Orleans ...
New Vork
North Had ....
North Yakima ..
Portland ........
Ituaebur .....
Sacramento .....
St. I.ouia .......
St. Fatd
salt l-ake
Sao liao ......
San Krancleco ..
Spokaaa ........
Tatooah laiand
na'ii Willi ...
tVa,ai'tnton . . .
' 3 n
.: ...
i &: o
r. o
4 o.
;iv o.
is Nv Pi. rioudr
N W Cloudy
li iiV Ch ar
s SK ,4'lear
;4 N Pi. cloudy
1 1 N I'louilv
1 1 N I'loudy
Is NW Clear
.to N i 'lear
.1 SIC ' 'loudv
s W 'ckar
4 SK ;'iar
12 N Cloudy
I" NW PI. cloudy
a K Snow
to SW , cloudy
HO Ik.
4- O
411 O
M' 0
4: ft
MSW l:aln
i NW Clear
4 fv ciar
4 K 'Cloudv
H N W Cloudy
fl' O.
42 o
:.o .
4" o.
ftl .
o i.
a .
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is o .
4U o.
4 O.
4- 0.
to clear
i NW Clear
12 1 i''!ear
V 'Clear
N' l('lud
; Sat "Cloudv
p." v V lt. cloudy
a w ciar
s n v -iou'iy
' K V Clear
14 NE ICIear
il NK.'lrar
4 .t ft. rloudr
1 1 NW Clear
A larce Mh pressure field, central over
Saakaichewan and Manitoba, overlie the
north-central and northwestern portion of
the country. A moderate depression la over
tha St. laiwrenc Valley, and another of
d-eoer character orerllea the liaain States.
Within the last II houra. Ilsht precipitation
has occurred In Western Washington. West
ern Oregon and vjurbic. and moderatrly
hoary precipitation In Wyoming. Western
South Dakota and Southwestern Colorado.
High have occurred n Northern Mich
igan, and Southwestern I'lah. Th weather
I slightly warmer in Washington. Northern
Oregon, the Gulf aad South Atlantic Statea.
Uaar and Ohio Vatlrya and
eaatern Lake region and It la. In general,
colder In other sections of the country,
especially In north -central United Statea
from th Rocky Mountains to the Lak re
rlon: It la Z to 40 degreea colder In th
Dakota thla evening, and -4 degreea colder
at L'uluth and Sherkian.
The condition are favorable for generally
fair wather throughout this district Wed
nesday. Froata will form In nearly all por
tion In early morning. Wind will b most
ly aaaterly.
Portland and vicinity Wednesday, fair:
northeaster! v wind.
Oregon. Waahlng:n and Idaho Wednes
day, generally fair: wlnda. moet I v easterly.
Acting Diatrtct Forecaat.r.
A producer aa prpeled automobile ha
riroved auccetul lu Scotland, a her It aiaa
Strike Now Affects Four Aber
deen and Two Hoquiam
Lumber Plants.
Statement Made That Xo Attempt
AVI II nc Made to Urine in .New
Men to Take Place of
Those on Strike.
HOQl'I AM. Wash.. March 19. (Spe
cial.) Principal operations of the I. W.
W.-Greek strike wcro transferred from
Hoquiam to Aberdeen today and to
night found six of the largest mills
of Grays Harbor shut down. The op
erators of moht of them announced
the close was fdr an indefinite time.
The list of-mills includes two in
l(oiulam. the Northwestern and Ho
quiam Lumber and Shingle Company,
(Ly tie's), and In Aberdeen the Slude.
Federal. American and Anderson &
Though no formal statement has
been Issued by the mill owners, sev
eral of them have said they have only
one rour.-e on n and that Is to allow
the plants to remain closed. The own
ers, it is said, have made no agreement
among themselves as to a policy for
fighting the striken) and ay they do
not Intend to fight them. One promi
nent operator said tonlplit that his
mill would remain closed fur an indefi
nite period.
a Iniaorfallow l.lkely.
"We cannot afford to attempt to
brlns men in from the outside," thl.s
man declared, "as the condition of the
lumber business Is such that it makes
little difference to us whether our mill
runs or not. If the men strike. It
simply leaves it up to us to close down.
We are not making any money and are
about as well off closed as -running.
The Northwestern mill did not re
sume operations this morning as a re
sult of the strike n"5w on. It had been
running Its box factory and planing
mill since the strike was first culled
last Thursday. The l.ylle mill did nut
btnrt yesterday.
In Aberdeen, tho Slade mill started
up. but only to clean up a part of a
day s run. and closed down before noon.
The strike In tho Amei lean mill took
place shortly before noon and at tlie
Federal mill this afternoon. Th An
derson and Wlddleton strike occurred
Just at ! o'clock today, an hour before
quitting time. In nil thero probably
are 70 men out In Aberdeen and halt
that mini her in Hoquiam.
Greek Labor Itarred.
Numerous meetings are being held
by the strikers and tho Itinerant 1. W.
W. leaders. Tho mill operators have
i declared that hereafter thoy will not
employ Greek labor and today the
strike loaders declared the men would
not return to work unless the Greeks
were also given places.
Today ono of the I. W. W. organizers
tas called tefore a committee of cltl
zetiK, who sought to know what the
strikers are demanding, but little was
accomplished. and members of the
committee, said they did not learn the
strikers wishes. A conference was
held this afternoon by a delegation of
19 of the strikers with the city com
mission, relative to tho opening of a
free municipal employment agency au
thorized ewterdny. The strikers op
posed it. fearing men would be brought
In from tlie. outside to fill the mills, on
application from the nilllowners. The
commission deidded not to put the agen
cy Into effect for the present.
ic'ontlnued Krom First rage.)
illstributlon of fancy breed animnls that
the livestock Industry in the Northwest
Is expected to receive Its greatest
Lively Foresees shortage Go.
"It will take a long time for us to
overcome tho shortage In our present
livestock production." said D. O. Live
ly, after looking over the crowd yes
terday, "but with the' people of Fort
lnnd displaying this Interest in the
work I believe it can be done."
At every opportunity Mr. Lively topk
occasion to express tho present live
stock situation in terms of dollars and
cents, which Is the most forceful way
of emphasizing to the people of the
Northwest that they arc neglecting
what it Is possible to develop Into their
greatest revenue-producing Industry.
Tlie fact that the Union SIcat Com
pany alone sent $800,000 into the Mid
dle West last year for hogs and that
the entire Northwest paid $17,000,000
last year for livestock brought In from
the Missouri and Mississippi Valleys,
could not be repeated too often. These
statements, frequently seiterated. did
not fall to Impress many Portland peo
ple who previously have been In seem
ing Ignorance of the tact that this por
tion of the ( lilted States does not pro
duce near all the meat it consumes.
Mit-ket Here Always Present.
Mr. Lively contends that the market
for livestock always will be present.
The cities of the Northwest are grow
ing and with their growth the demand
for meat products will Increase pro
portionately. He declares that Port
land tliould be exporting finished meat
products from stock grown In the
Northwest instead of eating meat that
Is shipped In here from Kansas and
Nebraska. South America, Alaska and
the Orient are legitimate markets for
the packing-house products of Port
land and as soon as the farmers in
this territory grow enough stock first
to supply the home market the pack
ers here will reach out for that trade,
they say. The value of such an Indus
try to Portland, Mr. Lively says. Is ap
parent as to be obvious.
Not only did the Icw1ston and other
Inland Kmplre people attend the show
In a body, l ut other solid organizations
were present In force. Vancouver,
Wash., sent a party of 500. which In
dustriously advertised the Clark Coun
ty Fair. Tlie Kast Side Business men.
headed by the Washington High School
hand, had a big delegation. The Port
land Horse Owners' Association at
tended in special cars, the Credit Men
and the notary Club were out In force.
The Progressive Business Men's Club
acted as an escort to the Inland Km
pjre party.
Aa compared with shows held In
other stock centers of the United States
that now in progress here is said to
be equal to any of them, especially
when the fart, that this Is only tha
second attempt. Is considered. " The
great Chicago show had only 16 I-year-old
stoers on exhibition this year, while
the Portland show has 15., The num
ber or yearlings is 13 at each place.
The aim at these shows Is not so
much to develop a certain breed of
stock but to bring out the strongest
type of each particular breed. Al-
though the Hereford cattle seem to
have the preference here, stockmen say
that Shorthorn or Aberdeen-Angus
stock of the proper type will do Just
as well. It has been demonstrated that
tho most profitable type of hogs,
whether black, white or red. are those
ranging in weight from 175 to 22.
pounds. Mutton stock should be light
weight, but fat. It has been proved.
K.xcrnsioxisTS are pleased
Wallace It. Strublc Praises Portland
for Hospitality.
"On behalf of the Idaho-Washington
Development League and Its officers
and members, as well as on behalf of the
members of our excursion party, I de
sire to thank the press and people of
the City of Portland for the courtesy
which has been shown us on every
hand, during our stay In the metropolis
f the Pacific Northwest," said Wallace
1L Struble, secretary-manager of the
I Jaho-Washington Development League,
lest night.
"We have been literally over
whelmed with good fellowship by your
Commercial Club, your Union Stock
yards officials, and your citizens in
general. We are deeply grateful, and
will hold your hospitality in constant
remembrance. The ties of personal re
lationship formed by our meeting with
your citizens will supplement and ce
ment the natural commercial bonds
which unite the Lewiston country and
Portland. We will carry the story of
your hospitality to the cities, which we
will visit on our homeward journey,
and to all our neighbors at homo, that
they with us may he gladdened and
heartened by the inspiration of a great
city expending Us energies for the de
velopment of Its matchless producing:
territory." -
Dillon's Men Have Good Workont
but Little Excitement.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.', March 19. (Spe
ciaL) Nothing to it today at tho Occi
dental campus. The Occidental College
boys had no more chance today with
the Angels than they would have try
ing to beat J. Plerpont Morgan out. of
6 cents. The'y could not even hit Dil
lon's tryout pitcher, Gober. Ho let up
on his curves in the third inning, other
wise the collegians would probably have
been shut out.
Altogether the kids had a hard sled
ding, but they put up a fine field game
with the exception of their shortstop.
Allen was on the mound for tho Occi
dental team, while Levercnz and Gober
did the twirling for the Angels.
The game was an excellent workout
for Dillon's men, but there was nothing
erclting about It excepting a grand
stand catch by Bishop In left In the
seventh inning. The score stood 8 to 1.
Vnlversily of California Holds Com
muters to 3-to-C Score.
dAKLANP. Cal.. March 19. (Spe
cial.) The Oaks had the scare of their
lives today. Bud Sharpe brought his
men In from Livermore to play the
University of California and the col
legians were so strong that the final
score was only S to 2 against them.
In fact, but for tho nervousness of the
blue and gold and the two hits of Bert
Cocy, there Is no telling what might
have happened, as the Oaks could not
seem to hit the ball and only got six bin
gles off Forker, the California twirler.
Left-hander rikin and Martlnonl
pitched for the Commuters, the former
working four Innings and allowing but
one lilt. Martlnonl struck out the
first six men who faced Mm and then
allowed a single and a double, which,
with the squeeze play, gave California
two runs. Judging from comment,
the Oakland fans do not think so much
of their club after today's spectacle.
Bert Pelnias, who was obtained on a
trade from Los Angeles for Pitcher
Flatcr. is expected to report at once.
The score:
R. 11. F..1 It H. Ii
Oakland ..3 6 2;Californla .2 3 5
Batteries Parkin, Martlnonl and
Ticdemann; Forker and Stoner.
Intcrscholastie Aquntic Event to Be
Staged May S or 4.
Tlie interscholastic swimming contest
will be a reality after all. and will take
place either May 3 or 4. A meeting of
representatives from Lincoln, Allen
Preparatory School, Jefferson, Portland
Academy and Columbia University was
held yesterday, at which a committee
consisting of Grandstrom of Allen
Preparatory. Ross of Jefferson and
SchifTer of Lincoln, was elected to work
on the events and find the most suit
able place for the affair.
The Archer & Wiggins Company has
put up a handsome trophy for the win
ners of the relay, and the Columbia
Hardware Company may also put up a
prize of some kind.
The Lincoln High swimmers will
meet the Y. M. C. A. boys on April 15.
In a preliminary meet to get In shape
for the real events. All the above
teams will probably be represented at
the Oregon University aquatic meet on
May 11.
Wufflcv Show Well With Stick and
In Eleld for Sjtokane.
WALLA WALLA. AVash.. March 19.
(Special.) Each day sees new de-
lni.m.ntl In -IOA Colin CIIIID Of
Northwest League Indians, training
here this season. i;onn receivea woru
today that San Francisco has returned
to him big Kd Sheely. whom he traded
for Shiw. the Spokane boy not being
fast enough for the Callfornians.
Wuffley. obtained from Boston, Is the
most promising infielder In the North
wesL He is a sticker aa well. Cohn
now has 29 men, but the ax-swlnglng
period is looked for any time. Six of
his pitchers are over six feet two
Inches tall and one Is six feet four.
Porkey Ryan and William Jones are
showing up behlna tne Dai oetier inaii
was expected.
Goldcndale Dwelling Burned.
GOLDENDALE. Wash.. March 19.
(Special.) A two story frame dwelling
on West Court street was destroyed by
fire last night, supposed to have started
from a defective flue. The house was
owned by I. F. Roberts, who with his
family was away from home when the
fire started. The flames were fanned
by a strong west wind and for a time
the town was threatened with a serious
conflagatlon. The loss Is estimated at
$1500, with no Insurance.
C A. Glossner. 24 Ontario St, Roch
ester N. Y.. has recovered from a long
and severe attack of kidney trouble, hia
cure being due to Foley Kidney Pills.
After detailing his case. h says: "I am
onlv sorry I did not learn sooner of
Foley Kidney Pills. In a few day s
timo mv backache completely left me
and I felt greatly Improved. My kid
neys became stronger, dizzy spells left
me and I waa no longer annoyed at
night. I feel 100 per cent better since
using Foley Kidney rills." All drug
gists. A new combination lock for house door
carrlM most of It operating mechanism on
th swindle below on of the knoba.
( WW
IL .1;:
- mm i
Mannish Shirts
For Women New Materials.
New Colors, S1.35 to S3.00
Fl 18 OCTOBER 2-5
Application for Concessions anil
Privilege Boirs Itccclvcd.
Conference Is Set.
CR ESI I AM, Or., March 19. (Special.)
At a meeting- of the Board of Di
rectors of the Multnomah County Fair
As.-oHutiort. held today, the dates for
the fair this year were definitely fixed
for October 2-5. Ho fur as known these
dates will not conflict with those of
any other fair or festival to be held
tills year, and it is believed that the
agricultural displays will be at tieir
best about that time.
A communication was read from the
Multnomah County Court, invitlnff the
board of conference with a view to
making an appropriation for use in
payment of premiums. The board set
next Monday afternoon for the confer
ence and decided to meet the same day
at noon with the East Side Business
Men's Club for luncheon at the Sar
gent Hotel.
The annual premium list will ro to
the printer next week and will be
placed in every farmhouse in Eastern
Multnomah and Clackamas Counties, as
soon as it is ready for distribution.
Applications for concessions and space
for special displays are coniinsr in al
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fs Be frepared 5
&r to overcome disease imme- t
diately it attadct you. A
Keep a supply of M
k! Warner's Safe Remedies
fes in your home. There are ix
pi each the best for its purpose. 1
Trw an. sf. sane and sure. Ed
Ask your druggist he knows. e3
Wornrfr Baft Cook Book.
o.f- JUOO vecitM. mill
fca aivf immediately toe r- f
cetca from you a Trade- F'J
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An unequaled gathering of beautiful new effects, augmented
by the recent arrival of Fifth Avenue models that portray
the last whim of fashion. Most notable are the
Dainty Lingerie Dresses
The New Chenille Embroidery, allover rich Voiles and Mar
quisettes in a variety of styles that are distinctive and win
some. The prices are extremely modest for such dresses. ,
$5.95, $6.95, $7.50, $10, $11.50, $13.50 UP
Smart Linen Frocks
. Simnle. Yet disnlavinar til at style elegance so much desired
bv women of good taste. Irish
Z'a natural, white, pink, blues of
russet brown and chamois.
T K-i OS jSR.n.. S7.f:n.
Silk and Serge Dresses "
The discriminating woman tiuds
&: a dress from our showing Silk in me.ssaline or taffeta or
t charmeuse serge in white, navy, tan, gray in those clever
i. i..t .i
simple siies pieuuiu kuui-s,
$8.95, $10.75, $13.50, $14.75, $16.50,
S19.50 up.
New House Dresses
A full assortment of pretty styles, made of percales, ging
hams.' chanibravs and heavy lawns all colors.
S1.25. S1.95. .S2.35, $2.95
Cloak and Suit Dept.
126 Sixth St.
ready and several concessions have
been sold at a good figure.
A machinery hall and another horse
barn are in contemplation, and both
will be built If the outlook warrants
the expenditure.
Ei-Senalor Lauds ISoosevelt us Man
for President.
CHICAGO, March 19. Kxcoriation uf
President Taft as a weak leader and
a "do nothing" and praise of Theodore
Roosevelt as an "iron man" whom the
"money Interests feared," were in
cluded in the address of ex-Sc-nator
Beverldtre before a Roosevelt piass
meet Ins here today.
He scored the Sherman law ar obso
lete, inapplicable to present conditions
and nullified by Supreme Court decis
ions. In this connection he criticised
' Taft for his failure "to keep the party
I pledsre that this old-time law would be
I restamped."
j "What the people need at the head
I cf their Government is a good strong
J man," he said. "Bis business has
i strong men at its head. The President
' must be able to make these strong
men realize, as Roosevelt made them
realize, that they are under, not above
Well tailored and practical for street wear
In Serges and Worsteds. Navy Blue,
Black and Wnite Stripes and Cnecks.
Tne materials are unusually adaptable
for Spring wear. Heavy lace collars,
white and ecru; pretty white trimmings.
Very wide price range $22.50 to $72
lje partfjolometo Co.
Washington at Tenth Street
There are many reasons why you should
choose this as your bank, notably: The
ideal location, close to the business and re
tail center combined with up-to-date facil
ities adequate to meet your requirements.
Four per cent paid on savings accounts.
Hartman & Thompson, Bankers
Chamber of Commerce Building,
Fourth and Stark Streets.
Delay Is Dangerous
It is important that fruit trees
are properly sprayed.
"We are ready now to fill your orders for
Swift's Arsenate Lead,
Bordeaux Mixture and Sulphur.
Portland 401-3-5-7 Hoyt St. Oregon
linens, Ramies and lvcps. in
every hue, taus and the new
it a matter or ease to select
Entire Second Floor.
Near Washington.
the Government of the whole people.
"High cost of living is the people's
greatest and most just complaint.
Overcapitalization is the cause. This
cannot bo corrected under the old
Sherin;in law, as has been seen by what
has been done by Taffs corporation
lawyer Attorney-General.
"Third-term bogies aro rot. arisinc
from the old fear of kings. The party
owes no debt of gratitude to Taft," he
concluded, "since he has held office fot
30 years."
Tut'Oina to Sec Hard Eiglit.
TACO.MA, Wash., March 10. That I
hard fight is to be made by both sides
Is indicated in the selection of the jury
to try the census fraud cases against
Guy K. Kclley. Roger Watts and 15. 11.
Schaft'er before Judge- Uudltin, of the
r-Vdera.1 Court. Nineteen veniremen
were examined today. A new venire
may be necessary. The Government s
witnesses include half the Tacoma
census enumerators.
Various difficult and intricate pool
shots furnished a rather interesting
exhibition at the Commercial Club last
night, the performer being Fred 13.
Hall. For an hour and 15 minutes
he did stunts with the balls and cue
that sained volleys of applause fol
ium. Some juggling was also intro
duced. 1