TITE MORXTXC, OREGONIAX, WEDXESDAY, MARCH 20. 1912. I SLAYER'S BROTHER ALSO CONFESSES Charles T. Humphrys Tells His Part in Murder of Mrs Ella Griffith. STORY OF HORROR RELATED Two Men Bind Widow, Then Com nit Awful Crime, Choke Her to Heath, Then Ran ack House of Their Victim. HILXRORO. Or.. March 1. tSpe rUU Charles T. Humphry. youngest brother of George M. Humphry, at 1 0 clock last night signed a graphic and rnmplflt confession branding himself a a companion of hla brother In the murder of Mra. Ella Griffith, aged SI. at Philomath. Benton County, on the msrht of June 1. and he Is tonight Jditd in the County Jail of Washing ton County, awaiting- the formal charge of murder In the first decree. Toe prisoner wna brought to Hills l.oro today bv Sheriff Hancock and taken before Ieputy iustrict Attorney Tongue thia evening. In the presence f Mr. Tongue. Sheriff Hancock, and 'two or three witnesses, Humphrya detailed, step by tup. one of the most tatirocloua murders . ever committed In 'l.ie state. Hretaera Tie Meaua. The prisoner at first denied any knowledge of the crime, but weak ened when pressed by the officials and Anally told all the details of the trag edy. He testified that he and ni brother went to the Ortfflth ranch lata at night and that before entering the i.ouse Oeorxe procured a rope from 1 he barn. They entered the door with- out giving any alarm. Charles grasped )ln. Griffith from behind, while George ' ran In front of her and tied her hands io her body. The younger brother "then held the Tlctlm while Charles, the Ider. attacked her. Then Charlea held he woman while the younger brother Vrommltted a like offense. When released. Mrs. Griffith strug led to her feet and Charlea rrasped her and held her while Oeorire stran gled her to death with hla hands. They Jeft the lifelesa body In the room and went upstaira and ransacked the bu reau, finding 1S In Mrs. Grlffitha purse, hidden beneath soma of her clothing. In the bottom drawer. They returned to the lower floor and. after another search of the house, tha two curried her to the mlllpond. Charlea holding the feet and George the arms. Rekbery Net Prlsse Sletlve. In making the trip from the bouse to tbe water they rested but once. Humphrys was questioned closely aa to motive, and while he said that they knew the woman might have aome money in the house, the thought of robbery did not occur to them until after lira. Griffith waa dead. This tallies wllh the confession of his ..brother George, now awaiting trial at ' Corvallts, with the exception that Ceorge'a confession entirely shields . .Charles. The prisoner drew a rough sketch ': the Griffith house and traced their 'movements In the building, atep by tep. While going over detaila of the i rime he did not falter and waa moved .bur little. When the atenographlc ,iotea were read to him he signed them without reluctance and three witnesses ' affixed their signatures to the Instru ment. Humphrys la 1 years of age and was born In Colorado. The two brothers have alwaya been poverty stricken and the only windfall they have expe rienced waa when an uncle In New Zealand left them 50 each, a few years ago. With thla money they bought a small place near Dallas, af terward selling and going to Yoncalla. "rtnally drifting to Philomath. Tha " confession recitea that- they sold out the philomath ranch at a loss of 40t in order to get away from the scene f tbelr crime. Arrnl Fellewa Interview. The arrest of Charles followed as a result of the conversation with a re porter of The Oregonlan last Friday, when. In response to the Information that George had confessed to murder. Charles. Instead of expressing surprise. iU. "Where did he leave the horse." referring ic the animal George had -taken to Forest Grove .the day he was . arrested. District Attorney Tongue and hla deputy conferred for a short time and then Instructed tha officers to bring the younger brother before them. .. Charles Humphrya' confession beara out tha theory expressed when George ) confessed that he was shielding the , younger brother. Lee, another brother, . is now at hla horn In Moscow, Idaho. In appearance the murderer la mora ' prepossessing than hla elder brother, lie la about five feet ten and ia of sal low complexion. He talked with less i hesitancy than his brother. He will be held here until the officials from Ben . ton County arrive to take htm to Cor- vallla, BIG REWARD POSTPONED Po-a- Xow Seeking Alleged Mur derer of Vrur Men. HOQl'IAM. Wash. March 15. (Spe cial.) The County Commissioners to day declined to post a big reward for tha capture of John Tornow, now be lieved to be the murderer of four, his nephews and Deputy Sheriffs Colin JMcKensie and A. V. Elmer, stating that they thought It best to wait until tha posse now aeeklng the two officers, who disappeared a week ago last Sat urday, had reported. The report la ex pected tomorrow or by Wednesday at the latest. Sheriff Payette went before the Board and asked that a reward of ISO for the man s capture be poated, declaring ha did not believe it made any difference whether tha bodies of the two officers are found first or af terwards. The Commlsslonera will meet aa soon aa the posse reports. The state also will probably post a reward. Humors were In circulation today to the effect that the bodies of two men 'who bad been shot through tha heart had been found In tha woods near tha place where MrKenxle and Klmer dis appeared, but this haa not been con nrmed. The Mherlff haa heard noth ing and no report has been made at ihelton. the nearest point to the scene of tha supposed tragedy that can be reached by telephone. I. POLICE ARREST GAMBLERS ! Officers Find Black Jack Game In ; Labor Temple. t'a'ighl while evWiaasIng money In ' a gam of black-jack, four men were I - arrested! last "night 'at' h Labor Tem ple, at Fourth and Alder streets, on charges of gambling. Their ball was set at f:5, which was given by all but one. The raid was made by Patrolmen Griffith and Janes. Tha men arrested are Henry Hutrhlna, Iron worker; Fred Johnson, painter; Aven Flemoco, and K. Yehl. laborers. L'ntr the pretense1 of being laborers, tha officers secured admission to the temple, and found no difficulty In do ing so. Officer Griffith was disguised with a wig. and made up to represent an Italian. For a time they watched the gam in progress, and after they had satisfied themselves that their evi dence was sufficient, they placed the men under arrest. After the arrest the men admitted their guilt and probably will plead guilty. About three months ago a similar raid was made upon the temple by the same officers and six men were ar rested. For want of sufficient evidence against them, however. the cases against them were dismissed. The po lice in the paat have received a num ber of complaints about gambling at the temple, particularly from wives and dependents of wage earners, who say that they are frequently relieved of their wages in gambling games there. The police were notified by telephone of the game last night and the raid followed. BAPTIST PASTOR DEFIANT 1CKV. MR. EHKGOTT REFT'SKS TO 1IAM IX RKSIGXATIOX.. The Church, and Not Little Co terie or Men," He Says. ".Musi . Render the Decision." -I don't propose to have a little coterie of men, or a little committee, get together and assume) they - apeak for the church, for In the Baptist Church we don't do things that war." declared Rev. Albert Ehrgott last night. In speaking of the church prudential committee's demand for hla resigna tion as pastor of the East fide Baptist Church. "What trio church saya goes, not what tho committee says. These little commute get together and assume they speak for the church, and like to have It on the quiet rather than to hare the church take action. I beliore In democracy, and am perfect ly willing to abide by what the whole church decides. I will go before the church Thursday night and state my position, and leave It to the church to decide what they will do. That Is tho only honorable position to take. I told tho prudential committee I could not realgn until they rare me reasons. . They will either write out those reasons and make them distinct, or they will have to send me away, that's all. I cannot allow principles to be sacrificed as easily as that. My action Thursday night will bo deter mined by what they write In their charges. To the charge of one of his members that he attended clubs, and entered the pulpit Sunday morning too nervous to deliver his sermons: that he lampooned the congregation, and that the congre gation foil off, Mr. Ehrgott said yes terday: "I have thought over very, very calm ly how many Socialist meetings I have attended since I came to Portland. In the two yeara I have addressed only three Socialist meetings, and In every one of those I very carefully adhered to my Christian principles In exalting the Lord Jesus Christ. On the other hand, in my preaching. In the Interpre tation of the Scritpurea and their ap plication to everyday life In the Inter est of brotherhood and co-operation, which ia another way of putting tha golden rule, I always adhered strictly to Bible teaching. If that ia In har mony with Socialism, all the better for Socialism. That's where the shoe pinches." TON HELD PROPER LOAD Horse Declared to Slip Only Be cause Wagons ArefToo Heavy. Slippery streets are not so much to blame for horses losing their footing and falling to tha pavements as are the heavy loads they are compelled to haul, according to a statement made yesterday by Alex Donaldson, superin tendent of the street-cleaning depart ment. He said ha will recommend an ordinance making the maximum load for one horse one ton in any direction. "One ton at a time Is all any horse should be made to haul." said Mr. Don aldson. "Proper shoes and proper loads are the things that will solve the slip ping problem. My men drive heavy flashers and aweepera day and night ever the pavementa and never does a horse fall. Why? Because we have them properly shod and their loads regulated. I shall recommend an or dinance to limit the load of a horse to one ton." SIX LIVES MAY BE LOST Overturned Boat Off Coast May Be Gasoline Schooner Randolph. MARSHFIETLD. Or.. March It. (Spe cial.) It Is feared here that possibly tbe derelict reported off this coast may be the Randolph, a small gaso line schooner of Coos Bay. The der elict when seen bottom side up was green, -the color of the Randolph, and tbe general description seems to tally. Tha Randolph had gone with a cargo from here to Rogue River and from the latter port had left for Eureka. Cap tain John Anderson la the master and the crew numbera five. PAN FRANCISCO. March 1. Ship ping men here expresa the belief that the derelict schooner now drifting In the path of coastwise vessels off Cape Blanco is the missing schooner Ruth K Godfrey, which disappeared several months ago en route from Tocopllla to the Columbia River In ballast. Sarah Dixon Worth SStM.SI. The steamer Sarah Dixon, sunk Jan uary IS by a boiler explosion. Is worth S3m.ll. according to the appraiser's report, filed In the United States Court yesterday. The vessel, as she lay after the explosion, waa worth ISJ40. ac cording to the appraisers' estimate. The cost of aalvage was estimated at 14245. 0. Tbe Shaver Transportation Company, owner of the vessel, asks that It be not assessed damages In ex cess of the value of the vessel. A. L. Monlcal. William Steensen and A. P. Knowlea, who claim damages from the company, were served with notices of the appraisement. Sloan I'rged for Judgeship. PHOENIX. Arls.. March 19. Much bitter feeling was engendered among members of the Arlsona Bar Associa tion In a meeting at the Capitol today, when a resolution recommending ex Oovemor Sloan for the Federal Judge ship in Arlsona was passed by a viva voce vote. Sloan's appointment la awaiting confirmation by tha United States Senate. TIES MADE CLOSER Commercial Club Entertains Inland Empire Folk. TOM RICHARDSON IS IDOL W. R. Mruble, of T-ewlMon, Springs Surprise When He Says Cotton wood Ships More Hogs Than Any Oilier Western Town. Bonds of sympathy between members of the Portland Commercial Club and delegates of the Idaho-Washington Development League were cemented j-et oloser at the "love feast" banquet In the club dlning-rooro that followed last night the round of the entertain ments that had been provided for the visitors from the Inland Empire throughout the day. As the menu cards showed, practical. ly every town represented in the ex cursion had contributed the dainty for which It had made itself famous. There was "puree of white beans." from the famous Potlatch district at Kendrlck, Idaho; there were veal cutlets from "the fattest veal In Orangevillc. Ida ho." and suckling pig from Cotton wood, garnished with prlxe-winnlng baked apples that had been grown at Moscow, and Grangevllle potatoes that had won first prize at the Chicago Land Show; butter from Lewlston and Stltes. When the coffee was served, O. P. Print's cigars. In the name f which Tom Richardson became famous about Lewlston as "the empire builder." were passed around. Pages "ell Papers. "Polpers: Polpers: Here: All about the arrival of the big Idaho-Washington excursion In Portland!" The pages, of the club Invaded the dlnlng-room In the middle of the ban quet In the character of newsboys, and deluged the guests with copies of the last Issue of the Development League Herald which had been run off on tha excursion train as It was pulling Into Portland yesterday. Another thing that brought the guests to their feet In a burst of pat riotic enthusiasm waa the entrance -of C. C. Chapman with a huge American flag, while the "Spirit of '7S" drum corps, from Lewlston. with a roll of snares and a crash of bass, swung Into the fifing of a medley of National airs. C. W. Hodson. as toastmaster. Intro duced L. J. Perkins, Mayor of Lewis ton. "Portland has certainly present ed us with a bouquet of roses on our arrival here," he said, "which Is Its royal welcome, colored with sincerity, good-fellowship and honor." Teas Itlchardsoa Idolised. R. C. Beach, of uewiston, president of the Idaho-Washington Development League, paid a tribute' to two Port land men. Harrw Powers and Tom Richardson, which was seconded with cheers from the visiting delegates. He declared that Lewlston owed a debt of e'rnal gratitude to Mr. Powers for his work In developing the irrigation re sources of that territory and to Tom Richardson for guiding them Into the system of community advertising that has succeeded In Oregon and Is meet ing with equal success In the Inland Empire. Following a speech by Tom Rlchard aon on the subject of community up building. Professor R. W. fhatcher, of Washington State College, spoke In favor of laboring to increase interest among the people in the value of "earth education" and the dignity of the agri cultural pursuits In the upbuilding of the Nation's prosperity. W. R. Struble, secretary of the Idaho Washington Development League, pointed out the possibilities of growth In the Northwest in comparison to the Northeastern states. The population of the Northwest is now, he said, only about J, 600, 000 In comparison to 35, 000,000 in the Northeast. Cottoawoeal Great Hog Center. He told of the growth' of the live stock industry In the Inland Empire in the past years, and It was somewhat of a surprise to many of the Portland people, when he Informal them that from the little town of Cottonwood. Idaho, were shipped more livestock last year than from any other city In a pro ducing center west of the Rocky Moun tains. "We have come down here to tell you." lie said, "that we are going to increase the production of livestock In the Inland Empire until the industrial concerns of Portland will be kept busy continually transforming our products Into food for the world." U. E. Crum. of Lewlston, reiterated the thanks expressed to Tom Richard son for his activity In organisation of the Development League, and asserted that citizens of Portland and Oregon ought to erect a monument in his honor. "And If you don't." h added, "we of the Inland Empire will." "We certainly will." responded the delegates with a roar of applause. Aeetla Banker Speaks. E. E. Baumelster. a banker of Asotin, Wash., said when heJlrst came to Port land It took eight days to go from Portland to where Asotin now stands. "I have traveled the road on horse back, by wagon and afoot many times," he said. "When 1 travel now In a Pull man car. reading tha paper. I always say. Ood bless the railroads.' " v He said Asotin haa the only ship building yards east of Portland on either side the Snake or Columbia rivers. D. O. Lively praised the women. Then turning to the subject of the show he said N. K. Parsons, whot-e home Is in Salt Laka City, who is a member of the National Livestock Association, made the statement at the stockyards yes terday that the Portland show is bet ter than the Denver show was lat year, although thla Is only Portland's third show. Build Ceeatry, New Plaa. ' "Men have become convinced," be said, "that city building Is not the thing to be desired In the development of a new country. We have bullded our cities, and now It is necessary to build the country. Give more attention to the producer. The man who enjoys the luxury of the city should be will ing to pay whatever price the producer may ask. "Idaho won three first prises In the cattle championship today. The grand champion of the show was an Idaho animal, fed and exhibited by tha Idaho Livestock Association." - Professor W. L. Carlisle, of the Idaho Agricultural College, said commerce snd manufacturing should go hand In hand with production. P. r. Mitchell, editor of the Nes Perce Herald, said enough grain ran be produced In Idaho's smallest county to feed the entire State of Oregon. He expressed surprise at Portland's growth and said Portlanders would be sur prised at the development of Idaho. Closer Itelatioas Vrgrd. John P. Vollmer, a Lewlston banker, urged closer union between Idaho and Portland. C. M McAllister, of the Union Etock; A New Stomach Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Restore Lifeless Organs to Normal Condition. ' A Trial Package Free.' Many a sufferer from Dyspepsia, In digestion and kindred ailments of the digestive organs carries around an ab solutely useless stomach a dead load, and a cesspool for ever-increasing dis orders. The muscles are seemingly worn out, the mucous .lining has lost its secretive power, and food taken into the stomach lies there and fer ments, causing sour eructations, beleh Ings, heartburn, dizziness and other distressing conditions. Many sufferers have given up In despair until they have been Induced by aome Interested friend to try a box of Stuart's; Dys pepsia Tablets. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the dyspeptic's hope. They ar a natural restorative of healthy action to the stomach and small intestines, because they supply the elements that . the weak stomach lacks pepsin, golden seal and other digestives. If you are afflicted with any of the symptpms above described, be assured tiiayour digestive organs are losing power. they need help snd there Is no more sensible help to be given them than to supply elements which will do the work of digestion for them. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been found by test to have digestive powers, one grain of the active principle of these tablets being sufficient to digest 3000 grains of ordinary food. It is plain that no matter what the condi tion of your stomach, or how far your disease has progressed, one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets taken at meal time will do the work give your stomach an opportunity to regain its lost pow ers, the muscles will he strengthened, the glands Invigorated, and you will be a new man. ft It costs nothing to prove the effect iveness of this cure. Send for a free sample package today. F. A. Stuart Co.. ISO Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets, at SO cents a box. yards, said the progressive man is the man who raises pure-blooded livestock. W. J. Jordan, of the Northern Pa cific, said ST00O Is in the treasury of the Northwest Livestock Association for the show next year. John A. Seabury. State Senator, told of the strides Idaho is making In de velopment. Others !poke Also. Among the others who spoke were: B. C. Johnson, of Kendrlck, Idaho, ed itor of the Kendrlck Gazette: Hays Carnahan, Lewlston. Idaho; f. A. Tam blln, Grangevflle. Idaho; H. If. Nuxall, Cottonwood, Idaho: H. H. O'Donnell, Kooskia, Idaho; M." E. Lewis, Moscow, Idaho, and A. t. Dunn, of the Yakima Valley, who received a gavel made from It different pieces of wood from Ed ward Raw son. on behalf of the Pacific Northwest Livestock Association, which he has done so much to mske a suc cess. LETTERS READ AT TRIAL SUPPRESSION OF COMPETITION BY SUGAR MKX CHARGED. Epistle Written by Defendant Tells of Efforts to Find Backing of Pennsylvania Company. NEW TORK, March 19. Several let ters addressed to the. late H. O. Have meyer, ex-president of the American Sugar Refining Company, were put in evidence yesterday at the trial of the Indicted directors and officers of the company. The letters were to support the Government's contention that the "trust" obtained control of the Penn sylvania Sugar Refining Company to suppress competition in violation of the criminal clause ol the Sherman law. One letter purporting to have been written by George H. Frasler, a di rector and one of the four defendants, told of efforts to obtain information as to who was backing the Pennsyl vania Company, made long before the $1,250,000 loan by which the "trust" eventually obtained control of the plant was made to Adolph Segal, ita owner. This letter spoke of unsuccessful ef forts to obtain, a rebate on sugar from New Tork to Philadelphia to the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. OPERATIVES BACK AT WORK Lawrence Textile Strike Virtually at End Mills Are Crowded. LAWRENCE. Mass., March 19. With a rush of mill operatives back to work yesterday the strike that continued for nine weeks was believed last night to be virtually ended. So many operatives presented them selves that several departments were unable to accommodate them. Out of 2,0i)0 mill hands involved in the strike It was estimated that all except about 3000 or 4000 had returned. LIABILITY LAW SWEEPING Emplojes in Car Repair Depart ment t'ndcr "Fellow-Servant Act." WASHINGTON. March 1. The Su preme Court decided yesterday that em ploves In a car repair department of a How Nature Makes New Complexions (From the Family Physician.) It is well known that the human skin is constantly undergoing a tearing-down and bulldlng-up process. With advancing years or waning vital ity this tissue-change lags; the life less', soiled surface skin stays on so long that Its owner gets a "poor com plexion." Common sense tells us this deed skin cannot be enlivened by any cosmetic The natural thing to do is to remove it. ' It has been found that ordinary mereolized wax completely absorbs the devitalized skin. in. minute particles, so gently, gradually, as to cause no in convenience. This wax. which any drug gist csn supply, is put on at night like cold cream and washed off in the morning. If you'd have a brilliantly beautiful complexion, just try this sim ple method. Adv, Im Brown ilHp , Bottles ww . ,. ,l,,uf'lgjle lam i in -m-mmm saVriri'iki 1 "hit--mn n in riVi iwi a si'irr"1 Wahl-Henius Institute of Fermentology, Chicago, writes: "We nave tested beers refeateclly, placing the bottles into direct sunlight, and testing the same after one. two, three and five minutes exposure; found that the beer wifh fhree and five minutes exposure became undnnhable on account of the Jxjculiar odor developed. The detrimental effect of light uon beer can be successfully counteracted by the employment of brown or dark colored glass bottles." . , Schlitz uses the Brown Bottle to protect its purity from the brewery to your glass. That Made railroad were follow servants of em ployes In the operating department, thereby excusing the employing rail road from liability for negligent in juries to the former class by the latter. "The doctrine of fellow servant is es tablished," said Justice Holmes, "what ever may be thought of it." He added that it was for Congress to change the law, if bad; not for the courts. M'HARG WILL AID COLONEL Ex-Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Labor to Work in South. WASHINGTON. March 19. Ormsby McHarg. ex-Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Labor, who organized the Southern states for President Tatt four years ago and carried the contest ed delegations safely through the Na tional committee meeting at cmcaeo, took charge today of .Colonel Roose velt's contests In southern states. Senator Dixon, the Roosevelt cam- nain manager, announced (Saturday a determination to contest the Taft del egations in all the Southern states. BARGE SINKS; FOUR DROWN Captain and Three of Crew Lose Lives in Long Island Disaster. FALL RIVER. Mass.. ' March 19. Word was received yesterday of the foundering of the barge Thaxter, off Ehlnnecock, L. I, Saturday, and the drowning of Captain Clarence Grlnnell, of Fall River, and three members of the crew. The Inadequacy of Language. Atlantic. There are gaps in every language. To be sure, we may boast that our own English is fairly complete, that Its stock of terms, phrases and idioms is large enough, to cover almost every conceivable thought, concept or situa tion In the experience of life; yet unto him who Is capable of detecting the subtler flavors and aromas of life's occasion, and who observes things with a deeperNsympathy there Is frequently revealed the inadequacy of oir lan guage, in thoughts that are as yet un worded, and In situations that have thus far gone unlabeled. Such a man can testify that there are gaps even in the King's English. The Silenced Pretender. Judge. Btlts Did you know that the oldest of Price's seven daughters had eloped? Slffert No. How was the old man affected? Bllts Oh. he took on dreadfully at first; then he found out that every one knew he had bought the girl's railroad "ticket. Cemetery Bids Received. VANCOUVER, Wash.. March 1. (Special.) Eight bids were received by ccr M ilwdiikeefasnoiis. the Council tonight on sites for a new cemetery. The City Cemetery Asso ciation favored the purchase of a 24 acre tract adjoining the preaent ceme- I The Spring Crossetts have made a hit. No wonder. Note Style 119. There is snap for you I Leather is bright cadet with matt calf top. Medium broad heel and broad tread. Very com fortable very stylish. Qrossett MAKES LIFE'S TRADE SAGE TEA DARKENS THE RESTORES Cures Dandruff, Stops the Hair From railing Out and Makes It Grow. ' There is 'nothing new about the idea of nsing Page for1 restoring the color of the hair. Our grandmothers kept their hair dark, glossy and abundant by the use of a simple "Sage Tea." When ever their hair fell out or took, on a dull, faded-or streaked appearance, they made a brew of Sage leaves, and. applied It to their hair with wonder fully benertciai effect. Nowadays we don't have to resort to the told-time tiresome method of gath ering the herbs and making the tea. V, i . sssr K- StyU 123 See that croit n or cork i is branded "Schlitz" . rhonesain.115 Henry Fleckenstein & Co 204-206. Second St. Portland, Ore. tery, which was offered by the owner, Anna M. Trotter, for $16,000. The Coun cil will hold a meeting next Monday nlsrht to decide which bid to accept. WALK EASY MARS Then there's Style 123 Autocrat last. Made of Vict Kid from the highest clasa goat skin. Holds its color, keeps ita shine. Turns water remarkably well. Youll like this shoe as soon as you see it. $4 to $6 everywhere Lewis A. Crossett, Inc., Maker North Abington, Mass. HAIR AND COLOR TO GRAY HAIR This is done by skillful cliemiKt bet ter than we could do it oursMv.s; and all we have to do is to call 'or the ready-made product. Wyeth's Stge antl Sulphur Hair Remedy, containing SaSf in the proper strength, with tie addi tion of Sulphur, aifoth&r old-time calp remedy. This preparation gives youthful color and beauty to the hair, and is cne of the best remedies you can use fo' dan druff, dry. feverish, itching soil1. a'l falling hair, (jet a fifty-cent bottle from your druggist today. -and will be surprised at the quick resnls. All .1 . ... : . . .n l . ...,. n .. t h ri t Ul UISiria am, j i, tinner, A"KIBU" . , the money will be refunded if the remedy Is not exactly as rcprsented. Special Agent, Owl Drug Co I i f