Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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UFmmMfe Gb.
JL terchandise of Merit Only..
Dj H. R. H. Eulalia, Infanta of Spain
The Infanta' sincerity and honesty of thought
would commend the volume to American readers even
apart-from its authorship.
Free Lessons in Raffia Basketry
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Froni 2 to 4:30 P. M.
Washington Woman Threat
ens to Kill Banker as Bar
rier to Swell Set.
Widow S?nd Prep1 Family Tre
Book to EcIuIt FmlHe, bat
They Ar Not Impresd by
It Sanity Is Questioned.
WASHINGTON. March 1. (Special.)
Following her threat that she would
kill Charlea J. Bell, a wealthy banker
and cousin f Alexander Graham Belt,
the Inventor. because ha bad been In
strumental In keeping her daughter
Margaret and herseir out of the ex
clusive society of tha capital. Mra. Har
vey Calvin Uaae. who livea In a man
noa In tha aristocratic Dupont Circle,
has been arrested ao that her sanity
mar be Inquired Into.
The arrest waa mada at the Instiga
tion of Mrs. Bell, wife of tha banker,
who waa worried by the continued
threat of tha widow, who lives almost
next door to them. Mra. Oaae was ar-
. . 1 I. thM.I Mitnv to
rCHCQ ' I ltm v . .
kill Bell, but aha was Immediately
sent to tha Government detention hos
pital, in tha belief that aha was in
sane. If sha la found Insane, aha will
ba detained In a hospital, and If not
a will ba tried on tha threat to kill
Kariaatva aetety raid.
The Gases came to Washington from
New Jersey about etsjht years aao and
purchased the mansion on fashionable
Dupont Circle. Miss Margaret Gaga
was sent to tha most excluslva semi
nary In tha city and her mother mada
great preparations for her debut. Al
though Mrs. Gaga appeared In tha Win
ter colony of alien millionaires, tha
homea of tha real aristocrats of Wash
ington society wera not open to her,
and sha was sad.
Just before Miss Margaret Gage's
db'it. Mra Gage caused to ba com
piled a booklet purporting to give her
family tree. The book set forth that
she waa a descendant of varlooa Illus
trious English and Hpanlsh potentates
nd courtiers, and waa mailed, at Mrs.
;ages expense, to all society people
In Washington.
Mra Gage and her daughter were
seen at White House receptions and
other semi-public society functions, but
still the real exelualvea failed to call
apon her or Invite her and Miss Mar
garet to their homea
Banker Bell Biassed.
Mrs. Gaga blamed Mr. Bell for keep
ing her and her daughter out of society,
and her threats to kill Belt "and hang
for It.- If necessary, were repeated to
tlell ao frequently that his wife finally
Induced him to have tha widow ar
rested. Mrs. Gaga had previously con
ferred with the chief of police about
Bell and was advised to make no more
threat. Sha failed to follow this ad
vice, however.
Bell la at a loss to tell why Mra
liage picked lilm out as the cause of
ter troubles. He says ha never met
her and never had any dealings with
Mrs. Gage Immediately appealed to
relatives In Newark for legal assist
ance. They are said to share the Bells
belief that Mrs. Gaga la Insane.
Monet King Plans to Transport
Kulns to America.
NEW VORK. March 1J. Following J.
I. Morgan a long sojourn In Egypt this
Winter, reports have reached thla city
to the effevt that ha la negotiating for
t:ie purchase and removal to America
of the famous ruins of tha Templa of
Tha templa la threatened with de
struction owing to the rise in the level
of tha upper Nile as a result of tha
enlargement of tha Assuan dam. The
amlent edifice la already partly sub
mersed, and tha completion of the dam !
estenslon probably will obliterate tha
entire ruin.
Tha cost of tha work which Mr. Mor
gan Is said to contemplate would ba
mora than fl.ovO.eo.
Sailor Dresses
of Sponged and Shrunk
Blue Serge
Special $4.95
Regular $6.50
These' are perfect-fitting garments,
tailored it) the best possible manner.
They are all shrunk and sponged, and
will give good hard service.
The most popular dress for misses
and girls from 6 to 1 4 years old.
The blobse is made with large sailor
collar trimmed with white or black
braid and a silk tie attached. Also
some finished with scalloped edg
ings, and with emblem on the sleeves.
The skirts are kilted style.
vr?t-rti vi
A Springtime Blouse
At $2.98
Two new Spring models of fine, toft-i
fini-ihed white lingerie made with either
high or Dutch neck.
When one has a new suit, then it is
necessary, to choose some sort of a
soft linger waist for the Spring;
you want a change front the silk waist
which you have worn so much during
the Winter.
The Dutch nock moIl is trimnW
with an attractive yoke of real Irish
crochet lace, with the entire front,
back and sleeves tucked with fine pin '
tucks. The sleeves are sot in.
The hiph-nock model shows a trim
ming of wide insertion, real Irish lace
medallions, all combined with dainty
hand embroidery. The now wt-iu
sleeves are tucked and edged with a
dainty lace.
Stylish Corsets
The Basis of Fashionable
No clothes look and fit
just as they ought if the cor
set isn't correct.
Ask the woman who un
derstands the art of dressing
why she prefers a perfect
fitting corset. She will tell
you that the corset is the
very first consideration in
choosing a new gown or suit.
We have corsets for the
tall medium figure that re
quires the bust well sup
ported models for the rath
er short and stout figure
which give the straight linos
required by fashion; styles
for very slender figures who
require a corset as Ml as
the large woman. ;
Our New Spring Models
Have Arrived In
1m Vida Corsets W. B. Corsets
Modart Corsets Smart Set and Nemo
Corsets and Ferris Waists.
All the new style features ar
shown in these smar models.
The now extreme long hips and back
the newest straight lines, s -
Corsets of batiste, coutil and tricot.
Many made with the rubber giissets,
pning tlie perfect freedom to the fig
ure. The new Nemo Corsets in the solf
roducing stylo and many other mod
els suitable for all figures.
La Vida Corsets $4.50 to $15
W. B. Corsets, $1 to $5.
Modart Corsets, $5 to $15.
Smart Set Corsets, $5 to
Nemo Corsets, $2 to $10.
Ferris Waists, $1 to $3.50.
More New Spring Arrivals
In Long Novelty Coats
At $15.00 $17.50 $18.50
We announce the arrival of our complete new Spring assortment of
long coats for women and young women.
A wealth of novel and attractive ideas in cut, pattern and color
mark this showing of the new styles. Both fabrics and models are
handsomer than any produced for many a season.
Of particular interest are the unusually fine selection at the popular
prices of $15.00, $1 7.50 and $18.50. Novelty coats designed of
such materials as serges, whipcord, cheviots and fancy Scotch mixed
cloths many of which have trimmings of ratine, bengaline silk
or satin.
We cordially invite inspection of these smart garments.
Best Made Buttonholes, yard,. .13c
Chick Collar Supp'ts, 4 on card, 4c
Hat Tin Protectors 8c
Shirtwaist Collar Bands 4c
Weighted Tape, yard 10c
Loop Tape for lingerie 10c
Net Shopping Bags J9c
Washable Silk Tape, 5 yards.. .80
5 yards Polkadot Tape ,...8c
Spool Holders, with Cushion. .12c
finaranteod Shears 39c
Kelt-covered Coat Hangers 10c
Folding Coat Hangers 9c
Initials for marking cloth, 30 for 5c
Linen Shoe Laces, all sizes, 6 pr.8e
Middy Blouse Silk Lacos 8c
Silk Mending, all colors ,Aa
3C-inch Linen Tape Measures. . ..4c
Here Is One of the
Smartest Hats of the Season
It Is a Lipman-Wolfe Production
n exact copy of a French model, but at a fraction of the price.
This is only typical of our most wonderful showing of High
Class Millinery.
Prices are extremely low, yet there is not a hat in our entire
display that does not portray with consummate skill the fashions as
Paris herself creates them.
The Hat of the Hour
At $3.98 $5.98 $7.98
Is without doubt the tailored hat.
Trimmed with the smartest of French novelty feathers.
This is our specialty. We show more smart stiff hats, which
are never duplicated in fact, we pride ourselves on the diversity
of styles at such small prices.
See what we are offering at these Three Prices.
Medium and Large Trim'd Flower Hats $5
Absolutely beautiful you never saw as much real style and
quality at this very low price.
Spring Fabrics
Newly Received
Bordered Challies
Nothing prettier, nothing more at
tractive than a frock of these new
Plain colored grounds with tiny fig
ures scattered over the surface, gradu
ally growing into a large pattern as
they border the bottom.
Then, again, will be found a plain
colored challie with handsome borders
in very original designs.
These are exclusive patterns, and
represent the largest and best assort
ment in. the city. '
The prices are very reasonable.
Selling from 50c to $1. 75 the
yard. .
$2.75 the Yard
New toned whipcords for one and
two-piece suits. . A new weave shown
this Spring for the first time.
Our line of color combinations can-
not be surpassed.
They are 56 inches wide and one
of the most popular fabrics for one and
two-piece suits.
Black and White Suitings
The craze for black and white ef
fects has not abated, and this season
sees it again in all its glory.
Our dress goods in this color com
bination is wonderfully broad, and is
shown in many new striped effects.
Prices $1.25 to $2.50.
Scotch Tweeds
56 Inches in Width
The new Scotch and English suit
ings for tailored suits are always in
fashion. Each season they are brought
forth in many new shades, until one
wonders how shadings and colorings
can be so diversified in a practical ma
terial. These materials are woven as only
the Scotch and English can weave
soft, heavy materials in stripes and mix
tures. This is the best line we have ever
shown, made of the finest Australian
$1.25. $1.50 and $2.50 yard.
A Silk Season
This is beyond question a silk season
never has woman been offered a
broader choice of glistening, gleaming,
shimmering sils than the Spring season
of 1912
Bordered Foulards
Bordered foulards and bordered ra
diums are much favored fabrics in the
silk line.
These materialsare delightfully at
tractive, displaying new ideas in bor
dered and striped effects.
They are 45 inches wide and sell at
$2.00 and $3.50 yard.
Boys' Spring Suits
98c Each
. Regular $1.50 and $1. 75
Pretty little suits for boys from 2z
to 6 years of age.
Suits that have just arrived, there
Fore they show all the little style touches.
rMade in a Buster style of tan
chambray with white stripe and
trimmed with narrow white banding
Another model is the blouse style
with sailor . collar and tie. Cut with
a square neck and short sleeves. These
suits come in plain blue, tan or white,
piped with white or blue.
For the Baby
Dresses at 98c
Regular $1.50
Dainty little lawn frocks for infants
that are six months, one and two years
Made of a soft lawn, with low necks
and puff sleeves. They have square
yokes of embroidery and lace insertion,
lace-edge finish.
Some of the skirts are finished with
ruffle and tucks, others lace edge, and
many with wide and narrow tucking.
Dainty Boudoir Caps
The boudoir cap has become an
accepted accessory for the fastidious
woman who at all times, especially
in that trying morning period before
the careful coiffure is arranged, pre
serves feminine daintiness.
Delightfully coquettish are caps
of soft, airy laces and fine nets con
bined with shadow lace edgings,
and colored ribbon rosettes and
bows. Many with dainty little
ribbon rosebud in pastel shades
Our Special Cap Is 95 c
These caps can be had at the veil
ing counter, where we also show
dainty styles in theater" caps in laces
and nets, also of silver and gold
tissues, attractively trimmed with rib
bon flowers.
The Biggest Song Hit
In New York City Today
Even greater ' than "Alexander's
Ragtime Band"
"Every time You're
Lonely Don't Forget That I
Am Lonely Too''
Vrt Jerejr Senate Give Only Three
Votes 10 Resolution.
TRENTON. X. J.. March The
.w Jersey 8tate Penate defeated today
at resolution prorkllnc for an amend
ment to t h constitution extefwiins; the
richt of suffrage to women. The reso
lution reeelred only three votes.
ALBANT. N. Y, March 1 By a
vntm of t to . the assembly todar
rejected the adverse report of the Judi
ciary commute on woman suffrage,
and the bill now foes back Into the
roles committee for consideration.
In the Senate a motion to advance
the suffrage blfl was defeated. 21 to IS.
IVrft-n-) I" pact by Introduction of
EK!e Crawford's Vital Organ.
NEW ORLEANS. March l. The trial
of Annie Crawford on tbe charge of
Mlllne her sister. Elsie, with poison
last September, was balled today to
allow medical experts for the defense
to Inspect the heart, brain and lunffs.
and other organs taken from the body
at an autopsy In the cemetery Sunday
Tbe plans of the defense, temporarily
upt by the unexpected Introduction of
the e exhibits yesterday, probably will
be realigned. Court will convene tomorrow.
Dr. Mary Walker Won't Wear
Hospital Night Dress.
scrtar of State I Duo at I .a
(.ualra I-"r I day Morning.
n'rsElt WASHINGTON, at aea. March
l.4-4ecrtary of Mate Knox, who, with
hi. rarty. came on board at Puerto
Hrie. GuatMiiala. bound direct or
1 -M iiralra. VrneU4lA. Is well satisfied
wlthshe result of his rlelts to Central
Ames an capitals.
in al
Secretary of State expects to ar-
s La Gu4lra, Friday niomlnr. and
probability will reach Norfolk.
ril It oa b!a return Journey.
Woman Who Affect Trou.-erj Quits
Place, Though . III. Itecaunc Mic
Tocn1 Want to Bo Pampered
by lot of "IrVnuile Xnrse."
NEW TORK. March 1. (Special.)
Dr. Mary Walker, who for almost half
a century has been the most famous
woman In the world "In trousers." In
sisted on being removed from the Pres
byterian Hospital today because she
could n t stand being pampered by
a "lot of female nurses."
She was driven to the Gerard Hotel
in a taxicab. accompanied by her friend
and protector. Mrs. Nellie B. Van Sllng
erland. foundor of tbe Betterment
league. Notwithstanding her removal,
she Is still In a critical condition and
physicians who attended her In the
bospltsl fear that pneumonia will de
velop any moment.
Dr. Mary's troublea in the hospital
bettn from the moment the nurses
sought to envelop her tiny frame In a
hospital night dress.
"Take it away." she cried, "and brine;
me a suit of pajamas. I wouldn't
wear that thing, hospital or no hos
pital." The hospital rules prescribe that
women patients shall be encased In
night dresses. There were no women's
pajamas In the establishment. The
house surgeons were called Into con
clave. They entered Dr. Mary's room
and argued with her to yield to the
hospital rules.
"Never." she cried: "1 wear nothing
but pajamas. Find me a suit of
pajamas or wrap me in a sheet. f
know what t want to wea'r and what I
Intend to wear." '
Another conference was held among
the nurses and doctors, and after a
terrlnc straining at red tape a way
was found to provide the. pstient with
pajamas. Immediately these enveloped
her emaciated form she felt better at
one and dropped off to sleep.
But when she awoke this morning
I"r. Mary would not alios; female
nurses to minister to her. 8he refused
to take the diet prescribed and de
manded bsnan and. coromeeJ grueL
When this was not forthcoming ho
Insisted that she bo taken from the
Giant Kgs Id Laid.
EIX3IN. III.. March 19. What is be
lieved to be the largest egg lias been
laid by an Elgin hen. The egg meas
ures 8H by Inches .and weighs
IS ounces.
I li
up y
!h 4
1X1 Ij
to f! n
I I &i
I i -twt
P . . . v. ; ;t
Members of Tacoma Club to
Help Viola Carver.
be considered by women, and that their
sympathy and support should bo given
that sad little girl In the Jail down
there. I am making: an appeal to club
women of Tacoma and receiving: as
surance of assistance." .
Dr. Mary Walker. Well Known
Surf racist. Who lrefers
wa to .Mghlx.nm.
Murder Held to Have Been Commit-
ted Paring Fit of Temporary
Insanity Appeal Made' for
Financial Support.
TACOMA. Wash.. March 19. (Spe
cial.) Tacoma clubwomen are being
urged to go to the aid of Viola Carver,
the Tacoma girl now in Jail at Los
Angeles for the murder of Edward
Edge. Mrs. M. E. Connolly. 1521 South
D street, has started a campaign In
her behalf among the women.
Dr. N. Jolldan Croake. prominent
clubwoman, has. become Interested In
the girl's case and will hring It before
the Voters' Educational Association
Thursday. Mrs. J. C. Drake, of Pros
pect Hill, has promised her co-operation
and Mrs. Ben Olson, president of
the Needlecraft Club, has undertaken
to arouse the sympathy of her club.
The Idea of the women Is to see that
Viola has all the advantages of moral
and financial support. Said Mjra. Con
nolly: "I want the women of Tacoma to
support that little girl. We have had
trial after trial here and elsewhere re
sulting In the acquittal of women
whose records at least could not bear
comparison with Viola Carver's. I
used to buy music from her In Rhodes
Brothers and she always appealed to
me in a sort of pathetic little way that
gripped my heart.
"There Is no Rolled linen in thla
case to be 'Washed out. The child. In
a fit of temporary insanity, or as the
effect of nervous exhaustion, shot and
killed a man. But the loathsome
crimes which have been attached to
some other women who have been
tried and acquitted are not and will
not be laid St her door.
"I think women should defend a lit
tle sister, who has erred, under the
circumstances attaching to Viola Car
ver's crime. 1 believe aJI of the cir
cumstance of prenatal markings on
the mind, and all of the grinding,
wearing Incidents Immediately prece
dent to the Los Angeles tragedy, should
Father of Viola Carver Outlines Ills
Daughter's Defense.
LOH ANGELES, March 19. J. E,
Carver, of Tacoma. Wash., father of
Miss Viola Carver, who shot and killed
J. Edward Edge on March II. said to
day that accidental shooting would
be the defense of his daughter. Her
preliminary arraignment Is set for
March 27.
Assistant District Attorney Shan
non said he did not at this timo care
to announce what line of prosecution
the state would follow.
Night Riders Attack Man Recently
Acquitted of Manslaughter.
19. Five shots were fired last night at
the Charles Berndt residence on the
prairie. 45 miles east of Colorado
Springs, by a band of night riders.
Berndt. acquitted some time ago of a
charge of manslaughter in connection
with the death of his wife, and later
warned to quit the county, was at the
house with his children when the shoot
ing took place.
One of the shots passed through the
That tit
door of the bedroom in which the fam
ily was sleeping. Berndt has appealed
to the Sheriff for protection.
Foul Play Is Suspected.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. March 19. Ru
mors that the explosion of the locomo
tive boiler In the Southern Pacific
yards here, which cost the lives of 30
or more persons, was brought about
by dynamite or nitroglycerine, are
scouted here. Experts have more or
less definitely determined that It was
a steam explosion, and an investiga
tion is now being made to ascertain
whether a valve on the locomotive was
defective or had been tampered with.
Oregon City Youth Dead.
OREGON CITY, Or.. March 19. (Ppe.
claL) Guy Boylan, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Winnie Boylan. of Cathlamet,
died in the Oregon City Hospital on
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock of ty
phoid feer and complics-tions.. Guy
(Absm rhm
Cava a OWsf fa Om Omw
aiways remember the rah name.;, Mfe
this signature en every aos me.
A few years ago I was troubled with
a complication of kidney and stomach
aliments and, although I tried two or
three different doctors, I was unable
to obtain a cure. Having heard a great
deal about Swamp-Root, I decided to
give It a trial and purchased a one
dollar bottle of Mr. Alexander, the
druggist. From the beginning I could
notice a change for the better, and
after taking eight bottles of your med
icine, I felt entirely cured and have not
had any trouble since.
Had I begun using1 Swamp-Root soon
er. I would have been a few hundred
dollars to the good and saved myself
a lot of suffering.
Tou may use my testimonial any time
su wish. Yours very truly,
460 Sixth St. Marion, Iowa.
I certify that Charles E. Harris
signed the above testimonial in my
presence, being first duly sworn to the
troth thereof, this the 12th day of July,
1909. D. R. KINLEY. J. P.
Boylan was born in Oregon City. Au
gust 23, 1896. and with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Winnie Boylan, moved to
Cathlamet. Wash., some time ago,
where they have since resided.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer A Co
Blsshamtoa, N. V.
. Prove What Swamp-Roet Will
Per Ton.
Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham
ton. N. Y.. for'a sample bottle. It will
convince anyone. Tou will also receive
a. booklet of valuable information, tell
ing all about the kidneys and bladder.
When writing, he sure and mention The
Portland Dally Oregonian. Regular fifty-cent
and one-dollar size bottles for
sale at all drug stores.
PamnwT Terminal
Chicato and North Wftern Railway
Commencing May 2 and
continuing throughout the
Summer, we will, on cer
tain days each month, sell
round-trip tickets to all
Eastern points at very
low rates.
For rates, tickets or in- '
formation, call or write
R. V. Holder,
General Agent,
Portland, Or.
9 lij
T. Felli Qouraud't Oriental Cream or
King 1 cat Beautlfler.
Retnorw Tan, Ptmplat
Freckles, Wtli p.tchet,
R5i, and bkm Diseases,
ana every DiemiMl
on beauty, and do
fica detection. Ii
baa stood tha tei
of i year, and
It ao harmless w
tastelt tobeaurett
1 properly mada.
Accapt no counter
feit oi almUar
uarne. Dr. L. A.
vr said to ft
laoy of h bant
tn (a patient) 1
An you ladle
will cm them.
T rriimmni
Oaairain-ii aa tha UwM harmful if all tha
iln preparat)mi. For sale by all dmgjppfs arid Faney
Goeda Dealer m ta United Staiaa, Canada and Xurop.
FIRD. T. HOPKINS froi., 37 BrMt Jonu SU U Y.