tiie aronxiyn onncoyrAy. wepsesdat. mahcii go. mig ir; , n.iMA.. I .nnriif.011 or Afternoon Tea in Our Seventh-Floor Tea Room -Woman's Orchestra Plays From 13 to 2 P. M. Daily Sole Portland Agents Drucker Guaranteed Trunks,Ostermoor MattressesAcorn Stoves and Ranges, Bundhar Wilton Rugs, Curate THE MEIER & FllXSK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1837. WEATHER REPORT: FAIR TODAY. T he Fashion Show Reveals Fascmatm g Paris Millinery Brilliant New Gowns, inspired by Reign of Louis XV Second Floor 1 LL the famous Paris coutureurs Paquin, Worth, .Tf.nn.' Lanvin. Lucille. Poiret. Frauds, Drecoll, Chcruit. have become infatuated with the quaintly charming cos tumes, worn by the famous beauties who graced the royal court of Jjouis XV. It does not seem far-fetched to imagine they are paintings come to life, with the pannier, which dates back to the Second Empire; the cutaway coats, tunics, the picturesque sash, the Pompadour styles. . Afternoon and Reception (Jowns are beautiful, with their rich trimmings of laces the peplum. the fichu, the postillion back. De veloped in rich irridescent taffetas, charnieusc, crepes, black and white silks, chiffons, etc. A host of charming white serges and ratines. Even in j Gowns hhow the tendency of silks, charmcuse and chif fons, with profusion of lace for trimming. The illustration at left is a model inclining to the Polonaise effect, of cerise embroidered in gold, over white satin. Afternoon Gowns, $25 to $85 Evening Gowns, $60 to $200 m The Smartest SI Tailored Suits Scarely two Suits alike in this threat assemblage. Handsome- models, rich in their faultless tailoring. And the dressier Suits, many of them exact reproductions of Tans masterpieces. All incline to the cutaway coats these Suits showing French influence, with long Tuxedo revers and chic khort, Empire backs. Here and there are Suits of ratine and cponge, the talked-of Turkish toweling weaves. Suits at $25 We call special attention to the line of tailored Spring Suits at $2-! Whipcords, diagonals, home spuns and basket weaves in hand tome prays and tans. Also blue and white serges. Cutaway coats predominate. Rein&rkable for tailoring, style, finish at $25! Misses' Suits Case after case of the jaunty new Spring Suits for misses and small women, from most severely tailored at $13 and $18 to the lovely Paris-reproduced models at $75. Whipcords, worsteds, home spuns, blue and white serges, iace collars and cuffs widely used also ratine, for trimming. Afternoon Costumes of Silk Such stunning costumes as you might see any day on the Champs F.Iysee.s in Paris. Developed after model by Drecoll, Callot Souers. Cheruit. Lovely little blouse effects, with short sleeves and various modifications of the basque and peplnm. Brilliant, changeant silks, poplins, bengalines and taffetas, lavishly trimmed with lace. All have shaped belts. Prices $48, $60, $72, $82 to $14S. Second Fioor nrO PARIS, the inspired, the creative, every woman iooks as me iouuwju head of Millinery fashions! And it is ior tnat reason mai we scores of these beautiful, original Paris creations, each one the signed masterpiece of a famous modiste. They also serve as in spirations for hundreds of modish Hats designed by our own skilled trimmers. ; Hats From These Paris Milliners on Display CAROLINE REBOUX GEOGETTE LOUISON MARIE GUY " SUSANNE TALBOT ALPHONSINE GERMAINE PAULETTE ET BERTHE VIROT as well as equally beautiful Hats by the celebrated quartet of New York designers Litchenstein, Kurzman, Francois and J oseph. Paris and New York Pattern Hats $25 to $150 Hundreds of Fine Tailored and Semi-Dress Hats Tho Rmnrt. Derbv Sailors, the charminc variations of roll brims, the high crowns of flowers and ribbons! Bur Paris Pattern. at by Virot, of lace over burnt leghorn, at $30.00. -csser. Phipps, Ilyland, Fisk, Uagc, Jtegina raaices, 01 nemps, xagajs, mikuis, '" v6 Ave feature immense lines at. $oy $o, $j.u, yxo, pj.o u Spring Ribbons Are Exquisite IBBONS Ribbons in wonderful array and never so many charming, fashionable uses for them as now! Weaves for the new' millinery, girdles, bows, etc. - Every staple and novel weave rich brocades velvets, two-toned or Ombre satins, lovely chiffon taffetas, plain and changeant. Plaids, stripes, checks, lovely florals never such rare blendings of color tones. Every width--every price to S5 a yard. , . Chic Colonial Pumps, $5 . THIRD FLOOR KTEW Bl'ILDIKG. JUST the sort of Footwear the fashionable women of New York are wearing today! Smart, new Co lonial Pumps, just as pictured here. You'll be delighted with the chic, smart appear ance when they're slipped on your feet. Made to fit snugrly about the ankle with an invisiblo strap fastener. Finished with Colonial pilt or bronze buckle. In black or tan imported Russian calf, black buckskin, patent colt or lijrht pray ooze calf. The famous high-grade Cousin's make. Pair, $5. OTHER NEW PUMPS With and without straps all made to fit perfectly. The hiph-jrrade Cousin's make, that's here exclusively. All styles or leainer. rair hi - anu pj. Beauty in Negligee & Boudoir Robes of line what classic beautv as displayed in the 1EIIAT grace of line wnat classic beauty as mspiayea m t Necrlicee and Tea Crowns. Tunic Tea Gowns Wonderfully rich and beautiful one of fashion's latest crea tions. A model such as worn by the ultra fashionable women of Paris! Of heavy white Duchess satin with long, graceful sweep. Pointed tunio of gold embroidered cerise satin, combined with fine ecru lace. The heightened semi-fitted waist line, fin ished with tie cord of gold. What could be handsomer thati this rich, decollete Tea Gownf Priced at $85. Hair Bands, distinctly Grecian in style. For wear with tho Boudoir Robes or Tea Gowns. Of rich satin, covered in glisten ing tinseled cloth of gold or silver and fin ished with pearl fastenings. In white, pink,, bine or cerise to match the negligee. They're new. Priced from $3.00 to $4.00 Other Negligee Beautifully made, of soft, clinging crepe de chine, with long tea jacket of chiffon others in quaint fichu, styles and graceful high-waisted models. In white, delicate pink, blue, gray. Then, too, scores of pretty color combinations. Lovely variety of short and three-quarter Tea Jackets in dainty shimmering silks. But see them all they're all fastidious women could wish for! Priced from $6 to S30.00 Boudoir, or Breakfast Caps Just as dainty and pretty as can be. Tho hair imorU but. slirrht dressing if one of thesei picturesque Boudoir Caps adorns the head. Ot line laces, nets ana sneer siiks wun gmit of gold. Tiuy rosebuds and ribbons finish manv of them. Priced from $1 to $8.50 TheNotreDame New Pattern in Fine Linens CURIOUS window in c I mm, Mim a hi o us, old Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris, is copied in this beautiful, new pattern of Moravian Linen Damask. A handsome scroll design, which stands out on the snowy background like a steel engraving. - The Notre- Dame pattern is shown in Cloths of various sizes 70x70-ineh $8; 70xfl0-ineh, $10;-70 x!08. $11; 80x80, $10. The 26-inch Dinner Napkins to match, doz., $10. Other Lovely Designs in these superb Moravian Dam ask Cloths and Napkins are: Morning Glory Dresden China Maiden Hair St. Patrick Wheat-Poppy Iris, etc. Cloths in all sizes, S8 to $20 Nankins to match, dozen, S10 to SZU. New Stamped Underwear TIIK new Spring line of popular I). M. C. Package Goods is here, ready for your choice. Dainty undergarments, ready-made stamped for embroidering. All stylos of garments, com pletes with enough I). M. C. Embroidery cotton to finish. The Stamped Chemise at only $1 Combination Corset Covers and Draw ers, special this sale only $1.50 Slipover or Open-rront Corset Covers at 7r The Stamped Gowns at only 91.50 The Stamped Drawers at only 1.10 Reliance Lawn Mowers, $3,99 TIIK well andvfavorably known Reliance- Lawn F.IFT PTORn H M BI.DCS. Milt. OHIt:R Klt.t.KII. " iTi i i . .1 Our No. 0 Eeliance Mowers wel built, of good material, and will give years of satisfactory service. Considering quality, they m remarkably low priced. No. 0 Reliance Mowers. 12-la at S3.2r No. 0 Reliance Mowers, 11 la, at $3.75 No. 0 Reliance Mowers. 16-ln, S-f .00 No. 3 Reliance Mowers Hall-bear-iiu and ea.ty to nfierate. Of durable and high-gntil rotmetiort. lli-in. ize t 14-in. ni ..".o, U-in. size 85.25 Philadelphia Mowers Famoa- the world ovr mul I'ur whirh ne'ra prin cipal I'orllnn.l n-tir. Iloili plain and rI!r leiiriiii;s, iH-iurli i nt f9; lU-iiirli nt S..'0 an.l 14-iiuh size at ul SS.OO Mowei all that its name implies re liable! A mower of (Treat strength and I . T 11.1 C 4 oumniuij. unexri'iifa jor rvrn runuiK- J The frame stronjr and njnd, IitteU with four crucible stpel. oil-tempered blades. evrry part warranted against defective ma terial and work manship. The 14- inrh rize, resrn- larly f 1.75, today, eil against dciective ma- $3.99 S7 Garden Hose at $5.79 Splendid Trade solid rubber, Cl inch, 5-ply Garden Hoee, fully 50 feet lon(. Will not kink or burst. Com plete with 40c norzle and flC 7Q l. coupling; grade, Vj-ln. Cotton Hose, 60 tU $4.75 i-ln. Cotton Hose, 60 ft, 95.75 Vt-ln solid rubber Hose, 50 ft. $9.00 SoUd Rubber Hose, 50 ft SIO i-ln. Indian Hose, 7-ply. 50 ft. for S7.00 y,-in. black rubber Hose, 5-ply 50 ft. for 87.50 i-in. black rubber, 5-ply, 60 ft. at only 88.50 Vt-in. Obeliak Cotton Hose, 60 ft. at 8G.50 s;-in Obeli&k Cotton Hose, 60 ft. at 87.50 Never Such Variety in Spring Carpets THIRD FLOOH MAI BITLDIXG SLUL ORDERS FILLED. NO MATTER what grade of Carpet no matter what design, what coloring is wanted you're .sure find it here in our third floor section Portland's Best Carpet Store! Weaves suitable for ev( to ery room- in the home hotels, apartments, business oiiiccs, etc. it s an esia-Diisnea iaci mat e;, jam jmu,, ispriuj carpets are nere ior your seiecuuu. xnuae s-puciaio wua; ; intta beat prade that can be purchased at the price include sewing, laymjr and lininr. $2.50 Wilton Carpets for $1.75 rilly 2.1) pottcrns in this lot of high praidc, heavy quality "Wilton Carpet. A choice selection of colorings. The pieces ranjro 14 to 3" yards each, lteg ixlarly $2.50 a yard. Wo price them for today at D X f J $1.75 Body Brussels for $1.25 Body Brusels Carpets of firm, heavy weave, sure to give satisfactory wear. Fully fifteen patterns to choose from. Pieces range from 12 to 35 yards each. Regular $1.65 to $1.75 j. QC grades priced today, yard ?) X, a0 Cleanup of Carpet Remnants Wilton, Velvet, Axminster, Body Brussels and Tapestry Carpets and Borders included in this group of rem- nants. In 1 and l-yd. length, suitable for many uses. Borders, 50c-75c ea. Carpets, $1 to $1.50 Notion Day Darning Cotton 15c IDEAL Darning Cotton, in black, white and tan. 45 3-ards to the spool. Regularly 1 C 2c each. Special, 12 spools Charter Oak Thread, best 6-cord guaranteed Thread, 6 spools 25 15c Bone Hair Pins, 6 in a box, spe cial at only 10 5c Flat Corset Laces, 2V2 yards long. Special, 2 pairs for 5 10c Florence Hair Nets, with elastic, each fc, or 6 for 25 Lastikbone Washable Collar Supports, 6 io the card, special at, card 7c Dragon Basting Cotton, in cream and black. 500 yards at only 5J 5c Black Lisle Elastic, y inch wide, special at two yards for only 5i 10c Unique Snap Fasteners, black only, numbers 1 and 2, do7.cn, 5J 15c White Nainsook Dress Shields, the pair 8c, or four pairs at 25 5c Cube Pieces, 100 count, only Il 15c Shoe Laces, the dozen at 10 50c Ideal Skirt Hangers, nicklo plated, special at only, each, 25 Food Specials PI RE FOOD CiROCERV BASEMEST NO place in all this City of Portland where Groceries are purchased in greater quantities 'where market condition are more closely con sidered. That's the reason for the generous savings that have made our Pure-Food Gro cery famous. These specials today: Mecca Asparagus, large can, special at 20 Fancy Asparagus Tips, the can, only 20c Log Cabin Syrup, gaL can, special $1.10 Yeloban Milk, four cans, special at 28 C. & B. Chow Chow, quart, special at 50 Sapolio, four 10c cakes for low price, 30 45c Jars Beef Extract, special at only 25 Sail Soap, eight bars, special at only 2 ." Arm & Hammer Brand, 4 packages, 23 Lima Beans, 3 pounds, special at only 2 If Imported Sardines, three cans for only 25 Blue Ribbon Butter, two pounds for 70? Lemons, the dozen, special at only 11 Fancy Oranges, special, the dozen at 17 New Cocoanuts, each, special at only 10 Fancy Honey In bottles, special at 20 (Last Day for These Furniture Savings These $14 Metal Beds Only $6.98 Less than half for these well made, all-steel Beds, just as illus trated. Full size, finished in ivory, wnite or v ernis Martin. Regular $14 Beds. Pnr this sale nnlv $6.98 Dressers, $13.84 Handsome White Enamel Dressers with French plate mirrors. ;tnV,$13.84 $16.50 Tables for $8.98 Solid Oak Pedestal Tables, just as illustrated. Full 6-ft. size, in Golden or Early Eng lish. Regularly $16.50, now only ' te Mission Clocks, $ 1 .23" -V- i 'i' f A i .CO.METIIIXa new! Handsome Mission Ensel yy Clocks, of Mcathered oak, just as. illustrated. They stand 15 inches high, with polished brass numerals and nanus. v iiki nin Key, iiiiarniiinnu nunmuituj iwr uuo -"year. Hut b.i or them for ibis sale, so come C 1 QQ j y early for your ehoien of thesa $"J Clocks today, J) X mO ti I FUll III mtmmm fcMi mn nil i ' TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 $5.25 Dining Chairs for $2.87 Well made, solid oak Chairs, with genuine lea ther covered slip seats. They are regular $5.25 Chairs. Finished in waxed, fumed, golden or early English. We special them for this sale at low price. $2.87 S8.98 $33.50 China Cabinets, S19.90 Beautiful solid oak China Cabinets, with glass door and three adjustable shelves-with round ends. Rich serpentine design. They sell regularly at $33.50 but we special them for this sale fl1 Q Qf today only plS.IvF $20 Buffets Only $13.29 Large, solid oak Buffets, with beveled plate mirror, just as illustrated. some finish. Reg. $20. now Hand- SI 3.29 $22.50 Leather Couches, $12.28 One of the most impor tant offerings of the whole sale. Custom - made Couches, covered with Bos ton "or imitation Spanish leather, on massive solid oak frames. Our reirular price, $22.50 t1 O OQ Todav on!vP i