Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1912, Page 20, Image 20

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SHIFT Ifl 51
Official Change in San Fran
cisco & Portland Com
pany Puzzles.
AnnonnmncHt or Imwrporatlon nt
Salt I-aWf Tnkrn In Moan That
Srhnrrln I- Out or Or
Canltallon'9 Affair.
Stcanrhtp " railroad nffi.iala are
at a t" to find an explanation for a
d -rt. from S:t urtllne forth
that the San Kimlo I'orttan
Mramslim Company la Incor
porate.! tlirre with V. H. Bancroft, of
tne Oregon .-inort Une. aa preMent.
Mr. Bancroft t v. e-pres-LUnt and
Renrral roanak-er of that part of the
t nlon l-aelfif vslrm and I.I eleotl"n
apparently unseat K. I. Schwerln. head
of the Ta.lfl.- Mill, and the preaent
orrnlatun of the San Kran.-laeo .
Portland, which a!o known aa the Three'- fleet.
Uiher officers of tl.e new .ompany
,re i',eori;e II. Smith. vlre-prri'ent:
K. II Knickerbocker, aecretary: C. H.
Lenkinson irca-urrr. ami ". J- M
Knstt. auditor. It I, an entirely nrt
pern-mnel from the old corporation,
which formed and Incorporated
under the U t.f California. There.
wa no chan made In the capital
stock, which l reprew-nted by SOOO
share v-ilned at I!'' each.
When Mr. Schwertn left San Fran
i I wo for the Ku"t s-era! months ao.
It was reported here that he had
leased Ms home In the Hay rity 'r
Inn wara and br some It waa taken
that he would H.n r-tlre from active
management of the wran lines on this
(nut. A. J. Krye. aaalMant to Mr.
S. hwerln. Is In char" during hl ab
sence ard he l not mentioned In the
new organisation.
It I known thai the Oregon Short
T.lne I" Interested In the pacific Mail
and owns the teamer Manchuria and
Mongolia, which werc formerly owned
personally by K. H. Harrlman. Other
Manrr of the fleet probably are
bebl In the nam of the Pacific Mall,
but l la not known here how the
Bear. Fcaver and How City are owned
other than In the name of the San
Vrancisco Portland Meamshlp f'oni
Itirtf. T!:Tn are four new vessels planned
for th Psr'flc Mall and It lias been
rumored that the Fan Francisco &
Portland w;od have one and posnibly
two new earners soon, but there has
n"t been t:c flight! Inkling In Port
land that there was a chanae ontem
plated In the lni that would alter
the executive stsff.
leaver Crrw Hears of Captain Kids
Ion's Drath at Hrcck scrtir.
Officers of the f!nghip Beaver, of
the "Rig Three" fleet, were Impressed
with a coincidence In connection with
the first information they received of
the death of Captain William Kld
ston. who was the first tiklpper of the
ship' and who died last week near
TtalhrM. while In command of the "a-a-lflo
Msll liner Pennsylvania. The
news was megaphoned to the Reaver
by Capt.ifn Cousin. of the steamer
Oovernor. as the Beaver was bound
aouth from Portland and the two
vcscela passed off Tolnt Reyes, the
Tieaver being then over the approxi
mate spot where she struck and sank
the Norwegian steamer SeIJa a year
ago In November.
It wa said that Captain Kldston
lied of heart disease, but his friends
feel that worry over the sinking; of
the FeIJa had much to do with his
rapid decline, aa he lost command Im
mediately on the Beaver returning to
fan Francisco and was succeeded by
Captain Nelson. After Captain Cousins
bailed Captain Nelson with a mega
phone and Imparted the sad storv. he
confirmed It by wireless. The officers
tf the Hose City, which sailed from
here Sunday, expected to be In San
Francisco to attend Captnln Kldston's
T; a 1 .Mail .Makes llrat Selection
for Uiif at San taneleo.
Among Important news brought from
Fan Francisco bv Harbormaster Sprier
was that the Rov Mall Steam Packet
Companv. throush K. i. M. Nash, spe
cial agent for the American continent
of that service, ha. I secure.! a location
for dock for the fleet on San Francisco
Bay. tl:e deal eniicernlne virtually a
rolle of mater frontage lying- between
point Orient and Point San Pablo. It is
understood among tnarlnera within tt.e
liolden date that modern passenger and
rargo facilities will be provided for In
the dock plans, which have not been de
tailed publicly by Mr. Nash.
When Mr. Nanh visited Portland.
Harbormaster Speler waa a member of
t.'ie party tiiat escorted Mm through
t-e barbor. and as the representative
of the big British marine corporation
then said that he saw no reason why
this port should .not ha Included In the
Itinerary of the line. Harbormaster
Speler believes that the selection of the
f-an Francisco site Is but the forerun
ner of a simitar move here. aRy the
latter part of 11 J the service may be
extended to the Coast, or as soon as the
Panama Canal la thrown open to the
Klrkeudhrlcl'i-liire in After Voape
of 87 T)u).
tine more vessel on the en route list
reported yesterday, the British ship
Kirkcudbrightshire a small souare-rlg-ger
of llsJ Ion, but boasting one of
the longest names that Is found In
IJoyd's classification, which completed
a -oyage from Newcastle, N. 8. W In
ST days, not a smart one by any means.
She comes laden and will load outward
with wheat.
Tiie Kirkcudbrightshire put out from
Newcastto Ikex-ember 22. almost a month
after the French bark Pierre Antolne,
w Mcli sailed November 2-. The latter
lid not enter the Columbia until Feb
ruary ;?. and she sailed again last
sesk with a wheat rargo. The arrival
of the Kirkcudbrightshire exhausts the
list of carriers coming from the coal
port this season, but It will soon be
time to commence the new record, as
rbarterlng starts considerably In ad
vance of the Fall movement, when coal
Is required here.
Toledo let htt'rf Cniitrael.
TOI.Fl0. Or. March 19. iSpeclal.)
The Toledo Fort Commissioners at
their last regular meeting opened
sealed bids, and awarded the contract
to build a wharf to Theo Knudson, of
Portland. The wharf will be 100 feet
long adjoining; the city wharf In front
of the town. The contract price Is
Inxcrkip at San 1ikIh-o on Way
to I'orllund.
As the British steamer Lucerlo. of
the Waterhouse fleet, arrired at Se
attle. Monday. Agent Prlchard says
that she will be here early In the
week an! Is to sail about April I. The
ressel Is bringing a larger Inward
cargo than usual, consisting of the
customarv shipments from the Orient,
but In addition there Is approximately
200.000 feet of special lumber ami 41.
07 feet of Japanese oak.
On tha outward royage the Lucerlc
will hare all the cargo the space al
lotted Portland shippers will accom
modate. It being mado up principally
of flour. The next offshore steamer
Da ta Arrtra.
from. Data.
.....Can mo....ln. port
Fan Pedro... . In port
Foanoke. ...
Bus II Elmore.
Alliance .,
Tillamook.. Port
Coos Bsy Mar. -4
Sao Pedro Mar.
Kansas City..
Lucerlc. ......
C.x W. Elder.
Falcon -
Rom City.....'s Msr. -
.Sn Dieso.... Mar.
Jan Francisco t r.
,an Psdro. ... Mar. -
Sebeaoled to Depart.
fu H. Elmore.
Beaver. ......
Breakwater. ..
G-o. W. EMer.
Kansas City..
Falcon ........
(lose t'lly
For. Dat
.8. r. tor I A.. Mar.
.Pn Diego. ... Mr.
, Tlilsmoo.... Mar.
,s V. for U A.. Msr.
.Sao Pedro.... Mar.
. Eurska. ......Mar
.coos Hay Mar.
.Pan IHeco. ... Msr
.fan Pedro. ...Mar.
can Francisco Mar.
,an TVdrw. .. .April
.Manila. ...... April
to arrive will be tho British steam
ship Inverklp. which reached San
Francisco Monday from Antwerp, via
San Pedro, and Is bringing general
cargo. Hhe has been flxel for the out
ward voyage by the American Trading
Companv to load lumber for Port
Plrle. The Inverklp has made several
voyages to Portland, and her officers
have many friends here.
San Francisco Line to Spend Mil
lion Dollars on -Water Front.
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. March 19. The
advisory board to tho State department
of F.nglneerlng approved plans and
specifications today for th construc
tion of two wharves In San Francisco at
a total cost of $1,000,000.
The whsrrea are to be used exclu
sively for the handling of the American-Hawaiian
steamship line's business
BBl are to be completed by 1915.
Marine Notes.
Having finished working wheat tho
Kilo shifted yesterday from Irving dock
to the stream.
To test her machinery after havlnR
been overhauled and new parts fitted,
because a new bull and lower house
were built, the Shaver steamer Cas
cades was given a trial trip yesterday,
and will bo Into permanent service at
In the new list of vessels of the
Maple Lear line headed for Portland it is
shown that the Ocean Monarch will be
here next month from Swansea and
Dunkirk, the Kentra Is expected In June
and the Queen Ajncllc In August. The
Ocean Monarch will have all Portland
space filled with wheat when she sails.
Frank Bollatn. Portland agent for the
steamers Vale and Harvard, says that
while at San Francisco last week he
was told by officials of the lino that
an effort would be made this season to
place at least one vessel In operation
between Portland and Sun Francisco
to connect with the greyhounds of the
southern waters.
All supplies, movable gear and such
equipment as was not deemed safe
aboard, were removed yesterday from
the Port of Portland pilot schooner
Joseph Pulitxer and stored on Ash
street dock. The vessel was moved to
the Vulcan Iron Works for painting
and minor repairs, and will be laid up
at the public- drydock.
For the first time in the history of
the seventeenth lighthouse district
there will be a sale of miscellaneous
gear at the Tongue Point Buoy station
today. E. C. Horton. clerk In the office
of Inspector Bank, will officiate as auc
tioneer. It has been customary to sell
oil cans each year, but for today's
event all useless property has been as
sembled to go under the hammer.
Captain 'Del" Shaver was respon
sible for a surprise at the office of the
Shaver Transportation Company yes
terday when he announced that a
daughter had been born at his home
Monday evening. The newcomer
weighed Ave pounds, but Captain "Pel"
says she gives promise of soon being
a heavyweight. As Captain J. YV.
Shaver, Captain George Shaver auid
others of the company were not aware
that the stork waa beading toward
their brother's domlcllcthcy were hard
to convince.
Movements of Vessels.
rnrtTUASD. March IS Arrived Steam
er Qulnault. fre.m ean Francisco: steamer
XV. K. Porter, from Monterey: steamer "t
Melans. from ran Francisco. balled
Mesmer Brelrsrnter. for cloos Fay,
Aiioela. (r.. March IS Condition at the
mouth .f the river at A P. M .. moderaia;
wind northwest. IS miles: weatbvr clear.
Arrived St T and left up at 10 A. M.
eieamer ijulnauiu from ban Fraoctseo: ar
rived at lo 4i A. M. and left op at noon
stMiner W. ZL porter. front Monterey,
eallrd at lo 4.1 A. M- oteanur Aurella. for
fmn sailed at 6 :.V A. XI.
Steamer Northland, for han Pedro: sailed
at 12. JO P. M French bark Pierre An
tontna. for Quecnstown or Falmouth. Ar
rived at 1 V M British, ship Kirkcud
brightshire, from Newcastle. N. S. XV.; ar
rived at I and left op at 2:30 P. M.
Steamer Ft. Helena from Han Francisco,
balled at 7-30 last nlsht Steamer r'alrnn.
for Han Frmnctaco. Arrlvad at 4 .;0
ttteamer Catania, from Port Kan Luis.
Kan Francisco. March 11. Arrived at 3
A. M Steamer Johan Poulsen. from Co
lumbia Hlver. Sailed yeatarday Ht earner
Yellowstone, for Portland.
Tatnosb. March IS. Paased In It I A. M.
British steamer Keemun. from Orient, for
Kan Francisco, March 1 Arrived
Steamer Johan Poulsen. from Astoria;
steamer 8an Jacinto, from Orays Harbor;
steamer Stint Yak. from Port r.amble;
steamer te-o. XX". Elder. from Portland,
bailed Steamer Isthmian, for ballna t'rui:
steamer Cltv of Para, for Anrou: steamer
Oleum, for Seattle: steamer City of Puebla.
for Victoria: steamer Olympic, for Port
land: steamer F. b. Loop, for Pugst Found;
eteamer Westerner, for Aatoiia.
Yokohama. March la. Arrived Steamer
Oreano. from San Francisco.
Kvrinev. .. s. W., March 19. Arrived
previously Steamer Marama. from Vic
toria: ateamer Slrathalrlv. from Taroma.
Srattl-. March 1. vrrlved titeamcr N'e-
varian. from Haltna i:nl. via bun Frsn-ets-o:
steamer Ie!hl. front . Belllnarham :
tMtrk Ktnroashlre. from Newcastle, Knsland.
Hailed oteamera Buckman and t'matllta.
for Han Francisco; steamer President, for
Taeoma; steamer lax Touch', for houth
eaterti Alaska: SlanroeT Northwestern, for
Houtlxweetern Alaska; steamer X'tcjilnlan.
for Taeoma: lighthouse tender Heaturr. tor
Tldew at AMsrta TVedaeaday.
High. Ixw.
1 - A. M T feet ? A. M ft
: to P M at feet S:n. p. M....1.4 feet
The wrist, contains sisht bones, the palm
five and las tlostrs 14
County Commissioners Now
Accuse Accountant.
Man Engaged to Expert Official's J
Books rails to Kecogiilxc Dirfcr
enco Ilctxxeen Square and
Cubic J Vet.
DeclarinK that J. 5L Wllley. an ac
countant who is checking the books
of county officials. Is showing; extreme
antagonism to tho officials by making
premature statements regarding his
work, the County Commissioners pre
pared a statement yesterday explaining
the actions of the accountant and show
ing the attitude of the court In regard
to Warrenlte. a new hard-surrace ma
terial which the Commissioners are ex
amining. WUley Is declared to be acting very
peculiarly In his Investigation, and Is
Maid to be violating his pledge to make
no statement to the public until he re
ports to the commtttee, which was ap
pointed by. Governor West at the Insti
gation of the County Court to examine
the workings of the Commissioners.
The statument of th Commissioners
and County Judge Cleeton follows:
Articles Are Mlaleadlaa?.
"Inasmuch aa there has been some
opposition raised against the announced
plan of the County Court to use. If
practical and economical, a material
known as Warrenlte on the roads of
Multnomah County, we wish to present
the plan to the public In a fair manner.
Tnless statements which have ap
peared in certain of the newspapers,
and which are antagonistic to whatex-er
la done by the County Court, whether It
is for the good of the community or not,
be refuted, there might be some ground
to question our actions In regard to
this Warrenlto material. Commissioner
L.ightner, after Investigating the mate
rial, reported that he thought It would
be the menns of saving money to the
county, and recommended a trial of tho
"Warrenlte Is nothing new. It is used
on many highways already. Including
one which Is being built between Seat
tle and Taeoma. Commissioner Llght
ner made the statement that he thought
the material could bo laid for $1 a
yard. This would Include 55 cents to
tho contracting company for furnishing
the bitumen and the mixing plant and
materials. The balance of 45 cents. It
was figured, would prodtico the rock to
place In the material.
Yxllley Falls to lavtlgate.
'"Without investigating. J. M. Wllley.
an uccountnnt who at our request Is
checking up he books of the county
officials under the direction of a com
mittee appointed by Gox-ernor West,
made statements to the press which Is
antagonistic to the County Court. These
figures are absolutely misleading. It
waa shown by him that It costs the
county at least tl to produce a yard of
rock, and ho contended, therefore, that
the Warrenlte surfacing could not be
laid for Jl a yard. In this statement
It was apparent that no thought was
given to the proposition before such
statements were made. As a matter of
fact It docs cost over II to produce a
yard of rock, but this Is a cubic yard.
It happens that the Warrenlte surfacing-
we are Investigating Is but two
Inches thick, and. therefore, a yard of
rock costing us the $1 or more to pro
duce is spread over 18 yards. Mr.
Wllley would lead the public to believe
that we placed tho rock on the road
three feet deep, which shows that he
is not conscientious In his statements.
"We wish to say that there la noth
ing secret about our dealings with any
company owning any rights on road
surfacing. We are investigating this
material because It has been found suit
able for road-building elsewhere, and
our only Interest Is to use this or some
similar material If It will reduco the
cost of maintaining the county roads,
which Is the prime cost in road-bulld-Ing.
The Initial Investment In building
a road Is but a portion to be consid
ered, and if .by a reasonable expenditure
It Is possible to reduce the cost of
maintenance and ultimately save money
for tho county, we consider It our duty
to Investigate. We have closed no deal
with any concern.
Wllley Scored for Staad Taken.
"As to Mr. Willey's Intentions. It Is
hard to say, but It would appear that
at the outart he Is antagonistic to the
County Court and the County Commis
sioners. Why, we do not know. He
has been sent here to Investigate the
county books and Is being paid $15 per
day. It waa our understanding that
he was to remain silent about his work,
and we thought that he would not Join
tho ranks of certain of the press which
is sparing no effort to oppose the Coun
ty Commissioners on whatever turn it
"It looks bad at the outset that such
a man should investigate our books. If
he Jumps to such wild conclusions as
he did on this rock proposition, failing
to see the difference between a square
yard and a cubic yard. It wonid seem
that he would not be a fit man to oc
cupy the position of accountant. It
would seem that he could Juggle figures
to suit himself.
"He announced that he was making
the statement as a taxpayer. Unfortu
nately for him his record as a taxpayer
baa been looked up. ajld it la found
that bis tsx for last year amounted to
I3.S0, which amount has not been paid
and is shown on the delinquent rolL
lie has taxes of 14.8 on household
goods against him this year, which
amount has not been paid. The tax
rolls do not show that he owns any
real estate."
Salem Kcnident Mourn Death of
Profestwrr D. V. Vodor.
SALKM. Or.. March 19. (Special.)
After belnit on stajfe and railroad since
last Thursday, the body of Professor
D. W. Yoder arrived In Salem this af
ternoon and was met by delegation, of
KIks. Masona and Oddfellow.
Professor Yoder was for years one
of the best-known educators In the
Willamette Valley. For several years
he waa County Superintendent of Mar
lon County: he was also principal of
the schools In Halcm. Kllverton and
Wood burn. A few years e he went
to Burns, where he was principal of the
schools and practically died In the har
ness, retiring but a short time before
his death, failing health being the only
reason for his retirement.
Jiidsres. lawyers, educators and prom
inent business mn were among those
who offersd a silent tribute to the
memffry of Professor Yoder. It Is ex
pected that tomorrow his funeral will
be one -f tho lursrst attended ever
seen In t-alem.
rrg Show entries close next Saturday.
Wheat Rises on Decrease
World's Available.
Falling Orf In European Stock- and
Fear of Crop Damaite Put a
Stop to Bear Operations Corn
Advances on Covering.
CHICAGO. March 1. Buylnar force In
the wheat pit received impetus today from a
bit falling off in the world's available sup
ply today. Wheat finished tte'ic to KVio
net higher; corn up .o to Sic; oats
at an advance of ?4 4c to rc. and
ho products dearer bv Site to 10&lS'4c.
At the outset wheat soeculatora who had
contemplated agerlv bear operations felt
the necessity for second thought because of
reputed decreases In European stocks and
fear of crop damage.
It was the general Impression in the corn
crowd that ono of the largest shorts was
trying to cover May. meanwhile se ling Jul.
Predictions of additional delay in seeding
made a strong market for oats.
I -ackers took advantage of the grain
strength and bid up provisions. ....
The leading futures ranged as follows.
Open. High. Iw. Close.
May 11.01 , 1.0! 1.014 1.2
Mav 70S .71 H ."" .71
July 71', .71 .7? ..ts
Kept. 71'., .! '.
Ms ...... 0. . r - i ij .
M,v i.4r. l..t iV4 '-,4
1H.V. l.2'i ld.--. IJ--;
tept. ::::.i.kb5 -ww i.sav i
V,v 9.10 PI2' "l" "-JS
wit. ::. :s'4 !
rail) quotations wera as follows:
Flour Barely staady.
Hv No. S. 9Zc
Harley Feed or mixing. 7ic0l; fair to
choice malting, fl.isai.f3.
Timothy sed flljl-S0.
Clover seed 11(0:2.!'.
Tork Mess. fl.
Ijird In tierces. S9-3S.
Short ribs S' -Oraln
aiatistlcs: '
Total clearances of whest and flour were
equal to 110.000 bushels. Primary receipts
were S71.S00 bushels, compared with SSS.
000 bushels the corresponding day a year
ago The world's visible supply, as shown
by Bradstreefs. decraaaad 1.709,000 bush
eim Estimated receipts for tomorrow:
Wheat. f.S cars: corn. 415 cars; oats, 1SS
cars; hogs. :.000 head.
Minneapolis Crates Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. March 1. Wheats May.
fl. (; July. 11.07',. ... .
Cash: No. 1 bard. fl.OS; No. 1 North
ern. fl.07H: No. 2 Northern. fl.OSH; No.
t wheat. S1.03V.
Flax I2.O0.
Barley f0.701.8.
Corn No. 3 yellow. 77lie.
Oats No. 3 whit. 51 H 52c.
nvrXo. 2. SSttSSViC.
Bran. In 100-pound sacks f 23 23.50.
Grain la Has Frandsro.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 19. Spot quo
tations: Walla Walla. S1.62H; red Russian,
tl 6; turkey red. 1.72H U 1.71 1, : blue
stem. fL07H1.7O: feed barley. ll.sTH:
brewing. fl.b7S01.IM: white oats, fl.gfi
1. ; bran, f 23.60; middlings, f3232.dO;
"hAp?il oiAs', 'S1.SC bid. ft.87 asked.
Call board sales:
Whest December. f1X.!S. .
Barley December. S1.4SS; May. tl.SOli.
r.uropeaa Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL March 19. Close: Wheat.
Much. s 3S1; May, 7s 4d; July. Ts 6Kd.
Weather, cloudy.
LONTK1X. March 19. Cargoes firm. Walla
Walla for shipment at 37a 3d.
Paget Sound Grain Market.
TAC-OMA. March 19. Wheat Bluestem,
P2e; fortyfold. c; club. Si'c; red Russian,
Receipts, wteat cars; oats, live cars;
hsy. 6 cars.
SKATTLE. March 19. Wheat Bluestem,
Miles From
ATANY MEN talk to their
homes every night when
they are out of town. They find
it a great satisfaction and it re
lieves any anxiety on the part of
their families.
The universal Bell Telephone Service
makes this possible.
Every Bell Telephone is a Long-Distance
The Pacific Telephone
& Telegraph Co.
91c: fortyfold. SRlic; club, Fife. 8Sc;
red Russian. Stic.
Ycstet day's tar receipts, wheat 11. bar
ley 2. flour '-. hay 2ti. oats i.
Changes In Available Supplies.
NEW YORK. March 111. Special rablo
and telegraphic communications received bv
Rradstrret's show the following changes in
available supplies as compare with pre
vious account:
Wheat. Pnlted States, cast of Rock-
les. de.-reaed 1.618.000
fulled states, west of Rockies,
decreased i!?"
Canada, decreased 1.SM.0OO
Total. I'nl tod States and Canada.
decreased 4.2011.000
Afloat for and In Europe, In
creased J,.X"'.""U
Total American and European sup-
ply. decreased ..itrj.ow
.Corn. United States and Canada, in-
creased V -. ' - 467'0
Oats. Cnlted States and Canada, dc-
creased V
The lending changes reported this week
" - - 11 ! IUMI
Port Huron
Kingston ...
Lincoln nnfl vicinity..
The visible supply of wheat In Canada
Saturdav, March it., was ..i.-"i,""" uuo
els. an increase of 700.000 bushels.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. March 19. Cotton futures
closed verv steady. Closing bids: March,
10.3r.c: April. 10.31c: May. 10.41c: June.
10 47c; July, lo.'ic: August. 10.5Jc; Sep
tember. 10.52c; October. 10.57c: November,
10 58c: December. 10.64c; January. lO.tOc;
February, 10.r.9c. S;iot closed quiet and un
changed. Mid-uplands. 10.60c; mld-guir,
1U.89C No sales.
lions at New York.
NEW YORK. March 10. Hops Steady.
Grant County Politics Active.
JOHN DAY, Or.. March 19. (Special.)
With 10 candidates in the field for
the nomination for Sheriff, politics in
Grant County are assuming an interest
ing hue. The announcement of Harlan
B. Hayes, of this city, as a candidate
for the Republican nomination, which
was made last week, evened up the
race, and now five Democrats and five
Republicans are Becking tho office of
r-herilT. The Republicans are H. B.
Hayes, of John Day; J. W. Ambrose.
ex-SherlfT, of Canyon City; Brad Her
bcrgcr, of Mt. Vernon; T3arl Bllnn, of
Prairie City, and li E. Lucas, of Pay
vllle. The Democrats are: B. M. Bur
ton, of this city: Walter O. Keeney. of
Lone Crock; William Welch, of Bear
Valley: K. C. Keeney. of Monument, and
Bascom Glaze, of Canyon City. Tha
two Keenevs nre brothers. Whlln this
If you do not transact
your business through a
Bank, how can you hope
to build up a credit?
Some day you will re
quire an accommoda
tion. "Where will you
go to get it f Banks do
not lend to strangers.
If honest in your
transactions you can
open your account ; f or
any amount convenient
to you.
Sixth and Washington Sts.
Open Saturday Evenings
6 to 8
is the largest contest,, there are four
Republicans seekinpr the nomination
for Assessor, six candidates for District
Attorney, five for Joint Senator, anil
contests for the nominations for Coro
ner. Surveyor, Treasurer, Commissioner
and Representative.
Worry Drives Prisoner liiMinp.
BAKER. Or., March 19. (Special.)
Worry and inactivity in the County
Jail is believed to be the cause of thu
insanity of Walter Fletcher, who was
today Judged insane and will be sent
to Salem at once. Fletcher was
charged with breaking into the store
of J. J. Chute, of Durkee, and takinc
some articles and a few dollars in
money, about a month ago. Hn was
indicted by the grand jury and pleaded
not guilty, his trial being set for next
month. He worried constantly over tho
arrest, and his actions became so vio
lent that the examination was held
TVog Show office R21 Ahington Bldg.
Car. Geary and Taylor Strerta.
American plan from $4 a day 2 par-
Irani 97 day.
turopnn plan, from 92 n day; - per.
cna from I1U a day.
A refined house of unusual excel
lence, centrally located. Illustrated
booklet upon request. -
W. E. ZAKUKR. Manaa-rr.
Sutter and Kearny Streets ,
An up-to-date modern fire proof
hotel of 250 rooms, taking tha
place- of the old Occidental Hotel
and Lick House .
European Plan $1 0 per day and up
Take Any asleab from the Kerry at
the Kxpenac of the Hotel
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
Naw ateal and brick atructufe. Evary
modern convanianca. Modarata ratea
Center of thaatra and retail district. Ol
car Unea transferring all over city. Eleo
trie omnibus meets trains and stoamora
The KcV
guilders of Homes.
Investment Certificates
604 56 CorbettBHaPortlaaiOre'
Disorder of System's Furnace One
of Most Common Complaints.
Letters From Far and Near Tell
How Stewart's Liquid Com
pound of Sulphur Is Proving
Boon to Humanity.
The stomach is our most vulnerable
. i. l.. ..." .1,., Knlv'
I 11 is int.; luiim'i- 'i .
i YVhen the fuel is net satisfactory or
l-,ti,-ifMl innnr. the
: 'it lai no .tuiiic ,ic.. - ,v
stoma'-li is ilisturhoil. Tlicn the whole
system is thrown out of "kclter."
Stomach disorder is one of the most
common complaints.
Thousands of persons in every city
are martyrs to this affliction. Their
nerves are shattered, their dispositions
are ruined, and they aro uimt'le to ac
complish with credit to themselves or
their surroundings the daily tasks in
which they are engaged.
Much of the fame of Sulpliurio. tho
liquid compound of sulphur discovered
by C. M. t Stewart, of Seattle, rests
upon its wonderful ability to set the
stomach aright. Disorders and com
plaints of vears' standing have yieldtxl
to its treatment. Tortures have been
avoided through its use, and multitudes
of persons have como again into the
joy of living.
!uIiburro'H First Cure.
It was to cure a case, of stomach dis
order (along with rheumatism) that
Sulphurro was perfected in Seattle only
a little more than a year aeo. hiil
phiirro's success was so marked that
-Mr Stewart soon found himself triviris:
away thousands of dollars' worth of
the newlv-found boon to other suffer
ers, many of whom were afflicted with
troubles of the stomach.
Kven in the short time that Sulphur
ro has been upon the market slichtly
more than two months it has made a
wonderful record of cures for stomach
disorders, ami many of the hundreds
of letters reaching the offices of tho
M Stewart Company. Polsnri
BhlR. Seattle, contain information re
garding the benefits to this organ.
"Sulphurro has fully cured me of
Rheumatism and Stomach Trouble, Ircm
which I suffered for some years, and I
find it a hlessinf? to mankind." writes
YV W. Kenson, of SS2S Nassau St., Seat
tle. Sulphurro Proven Indigestion Cure.
Must two months uro I was a con
stant sufferer from Indigestion and
Rheumatism. I decided to cive Sul
phurro a trial. I took one bottle, and
can truthfully say that I am no longer
troubled with either." MaJ. J. S. Jones,
4207 YVoodlawn Park Ave., Seattle.
It is a wonderful medicine for In
digestion." Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sharp,
Mukilleo. Wash.
"Sulphurro has done me a preat deal
of (,'nuii for stomach trouble." Mrs.
Jennie The he, -Mount Vernon. Wash.
"My stomach trouble made it neces
sary for me to ceaso smoking, and I
bid to he extremely careful in my
diet " said J. I'. Van Atta. a well-known
Seattle Mason and Odd Fellow, who
was cured of this trouble ami also re
gained his hearing through the use of
Sulphurro. "Mv stomach trouhl left
me. Now 1 eat anything 1 like with
out discomfort, and smoke all I want.
For sale by all druggists. ,
Tin: l. ' STF.WART SI I, Pill It CO.
71 Columbia St., Senttle.
Stewart's Liquid Compound
502 SIZES-S1.00
We also have the necessary
accessories as indicated in the
book of directions.'
No. 16 and 18 Tubes, ea. 50
WoodanL Clarke & Co.
Can You Ask
Wo are so confident that wo can fur
nish relief for indigestion and dyspep
sia that we promise to supply tha medi
cine free of all cost to everyone who
uses it according to directions who is
not perfectly satisfied with the results.
We exact no promises and put no one
under any obligations whatever. Surclv
notliing could be fairer. We are lo
cated right here where you live, and
our reputation should lie sufficient as
surance of tiie genuineness of our offer.
We want everyone who is troubled
with indigestion or dyspepsia in any
form to come to our store and get a
box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take
them home and give them a reasonable
trial, according to directions. They are
very pleasant to take; they soothe the
irritable stomach, strengthen and in
vigorate the digestive organs, promoto
a healthy and natural bowel action, al
most immediately relieve nausea and
stomach irritatton, produce healthy di
gestion and assimilation and promote
nutrition. Three size. L'ic, 50c and $1.00.
Sold only by the Owl Drug Co. stores
in Portland, Seattle. Spokane, San
Francisco, Oakland. I.os Angeles and
Solid Cake
I a3&