Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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hctj wanted m Lry
On of Many.
Office Secretary Empioj mnt Department.
Y. M. C A.
Tmrrf man. etranger. oot of wntJZ
r!e total rash aet If I Pr yo $S J
pactal employment membership. I mui
rate only $1- llt bittifn me m4 tar
erioo. ...
-rrarT If yea pay 5 fftr .
mpioTin'Dt membership, yea
te T. M. C. A-. with Ita resources, be
t tou and tarnation.
Relt: Toot man Joined station.
In tian a. week be bad eaiiafactory
rfeotd for two months ending- reb. f-
Ca;;e for men "J
poitlona fi:id .
Frailormnf mmbrhlp Urn(i
namber will aeeure employment r wunfl
of mtmnhlp fe; gle two monthe
memt-rh!p prlvtl-e. 1 month" l
priwrira ard undertakes to kep party
r mp74 during the full term of mom
birVp without further chars.
tv bar constant demand for- nigti
grade, experienced men. Af y Titled
fw a. be;t-r position?
secretary employment department.
t. v. r. a.
MR. EflRt-iril rieao report.
rirat-clae chef. IITV inland cafe.
Hameammaher and repairer for a camp.
$1 4av M
Ltn. land clearing and woodchop
pirt - r l.' a rim.
(vo railroad laborers wanted.
S station gang for new IL IL worn:
free far.
C- K HANSEN & rr
2 V. id t.
LfT ua tduth you. If ou ran fill any e.
the following position, call and
( nrttaol demand: Ad erttMn agent,
window trimmer, accountant. l,,,f eierk.
hoe r.erk. store clerk, pharmacist, eaiee
nsn. lamhff eed mtPUT stenographer.
hhhrpr. boalnee manarer. chauffeur,
produce man. ard writer and office hip
- of i I kind. Th yomnti; Advisory Ae
rostation. ;:. ;p Crlin-er bids., rort-
a nd. Oregon.
SAl.E.MrS WANTFP T sH on of the
hi real eetate propositions In th whota
Nrtht. Wan? reliable enrrgetfe men
thit are read to afari work at onre
V m par liberal com mi ton. Will halp
otj cjo aaiee and furnieh prnapewa
till .ti art r'l poti on terms, etc.
'art 'from to It A. M., 41V Wella Targo
TOt, ran art a wek- P a? tadr
np!vmnt a-!iinf nurry stoh : aom
c:lnt trrnory op ; aprica
not -acaaary : urn ta mony: do not d
:y. Mat writ at for partlcuUra. AV
5. Oregonlac
WANTED A pr-iv ar-d a-tl n
t -man. fvw prinf, cpti of rP-r-ntl3
and ao'li-ittnc hu?nca In th
S-aa of Or-art fnr ri;ihed and bur
Prm f arehltocte. drauch:ntnhtp not
eanttal. but mutt hv a thorouh
nowiede of pans and r utMin opera -ttora:
mit b pnanciuy r-ponihin a. 'id
f-jrn'ah bonde. Addrta Arihltav-ta. ba
ort&m Bnlt b'dr. battle.
H" ANTED Sho aleamn 1th sufflnont
osprtnco. nrty and rapltal to buy our
9om daparfm-nt; lil frt pp.a on f-
lorable terma: overr d"'lra worth tht
ftprirs'a merrhaadi: --o will aaln
lf Oood reaaon for 1 m. I-oeated in
mt cpuiar dry rwI atore in proa
proua inland city of ;.OOA. AdUroaa A
P. rotiian.
fuirwORTHT men or omn anted aa
I-cal rprrentailvaa of rfionlh'e man
ufacturer: hlsh-raa m-r.-handie and
tn a;ilnc method: 1- pr -k cuar
Aitd on av cTndtti'i with pattitiy
r f ;o and advarre. eprlenca ni n ea
rr. MAM FACTfRtK. b 27. Fhlla
I a.
1 l'ANTF D Ti al'lr d'aftam'n. wtth pay
ai $4 and i A per d'"c a cmpetiTv
MRmlnlAn will ba bcld at lit Nay
Yard Pug H..nd. April 1-V ll.
fr tha p-irpoa of filiira the above poai
r. i"p(r. yr fycthr tn'nrma: ion art-Irea
i -nmandant. Naw Yard. Tuset Pound.
nh "
AvIIVR ioy r It ya-a old to work m
crockcrx- dept.: lnteli;cni. d-awak
he mill hava opportunlry for advance
ment, with pmall alar to begin. pply
after 9 orlork and b-fore II A. M. to
Mr. F-et. rd floor I. tirvyrt A son.. 1st
and 1 itMiI.
lOl Nil mn wltw rntMlnr !
r'en-a to ael efil houaehold art Ida to
aomit of Portland and vlrinitr: a ood
lira hU9t:er should hava no difficulty In
mak'.ec it a dar. trail pwan S and
A- l. Waa.ilngion at. Ak to a Mr.
Vraxw r.
TWO throushir pefl eptnen on leather
and rutNer Wit ir gooJ. nothtnc but
Ji e. i Mawaite nin unrter J-" wantel ;
on- f-r ritv and one fr country. Aek
for Mr Bnra-y M-r-anite Advisory Aa
aoeiafion. ';erl'nser bMg;.
A rCV tiro reaj oetato j1nmn wanted
at onra; bewt aa.lina ard bet payinc
propoat'ion In th atate. Band Pars, Cw
Htal rortland Court.
o a-rea nar Hui'n. f0: easr terma.
IO near irhtrn. l: eary term.
i area i rlery and onitn land. Troul
Cl.f. JliV: very eav trm.
F 1I H'.lr 1'-; eon Pt!.
I WANT Uv repretaotatlvea in sack com
munity of Ore aron and Waahlnstoa for
hh-:ajo apociaUios; good aiid oa ntotf
bark suaranrea; bo competition.
BNJ. 1 CMiTM. Mao'ifarturar-a Acaat.
J7 Cobet bide. Poctland. Or.
M A V of Sood i'(Krtnr and ability to
aoltcit f-r t ortha extern Hospital
A ec-rinoii ; aoitvttnra itin shJ ront-act
make mone. Apply Tl to lit Teoa
o;dr.. pfore i num.
WAN'Tf-fV By whoteaale house. uur.; man
a a bill clerk : must b aood at f leurea
and atfe to ope rats typewriter. Apply in
on tiandwrttina. rtvtnc ( and aprl-
nca. T PXi. urcaonian.
WA VTCD balaemen with pertnc for
thraa pew additions, suburban lota; will
maka com nil sat oa satisfactory. Room
llenry bls.
W A NT El Ta "uoi mm f pood ip
pearanre : nothtny to aelL TS I'nlon
ara. North.
Hul'ffcKFKIKR saat-d hy widower; wid
ow p-eferred . BO objection to one child.
Oa.I at PIS N. 7th at. Call between IS
A. V and s P M. a
EAPKrtlirst.D r'rl or omin for innl
ho'isaaork in te omn'rj . no children.
a:i fom Marquaaa b;U.. morn in .
Q and I .
X tNT('rwt.. to aoitrU or.lers f.r lha
tYorMs rtar Mi". maoufa-trr of
hotarr ad underwear Call alter 3 I.
M 31? Ha-Mnia bM
eaoitarv Butr pa-lrs, 40041 4 WW urn
b'ds maa mer t whlTe you sam.
CAMP he p, k".o; hotel waitresa. $5; eooae,
S ..V 4": -d ctrl. t- V lio LaMliaa
Ol Kl. for r'lB voohlng and fenerat bout
work, a-nod home soohI wacea.
K eaxney at.
EXPFRIENr-UD slrl for ceneral boiw
tfi and cookina: aood boinc; Kwod
iM-a. I Kearney t.
4TR NO f 'ft for cwkinf and inr: house.
ork: German or wad en prafsrred. nJ
rW?on at. CaTI be ween ? and 4 tod-.
W A ITIlkc, cbambertnaida. houaakepra.
rurao jtrla, arasherwomea. Hi. turn's
As-rcy. 3iSAlder. Main a 41 Ti.
Tlf iRfii;Hl.T coerpotant and clean !rt f-r
anral nouMsork. C 4J4 Hast 1 7l h
W A XT rn irl for itnmi housework in
family of flvo; go-i a agea. Pbons Cast
A TEI Ilaiiahi ar for a;enral houe.
ork . ref-rencaa; rail af tsrooooa at S
ra vis, near Z 1st at.
t.A fT for bouseaork . email family . sd
aacea. 4 VI Cast -Mh at. North. Broad
y car.
VTaablaaTtn b;dc-. 4:i and Waaaw Ota.
Main s-14 or A :.
45 nuiinion sr. cor 7th. opatairs
phone Main
ErERiKNCFD watiresa wanted. Call after
1 4 A. M. JtS Mor -taow at.
1 T acorn a. Wash.. rod lady bar bar. good
wiM Addree t' Pacific its
TVANTCD Kprtencd. houaegirL 44l
Kaat 'h North.
jIHU wanted to aaaiat la aenaral hou-
ork fd Ct era't.
Jir.l for general house-aorta; small f am
od wares a Trum at.
jki. wanted lo work In a osr stora at
i Burnside at.
I AXTCD-Olrl fr clear and confectionery
stor. - Da la.
FniMMlTRS and makers oantad for city
A ,NTE l Jii for senrml housework and
rinf. Ao. Maeshall ef
I T ' I T erions rators. alary and cm-
ra:tiTv t, T1 I. freg.-eiian
uMrKTKNT atrl. mus- S .od cwk; no
j -. at -a wo-b , gowf wsres M a in ; 1
CVFf RiKNCKD waitress w suited. - N.
K-h st.
f Af H.'LU anl wrapper. 'M Alder at.
Wanted by th Meter A Frank stre a .tn
fToor restaurant ; onlv tlioso underatand
Ina iMd a-rvi.-e ne-d ni-ntv at restaurant
desk; good Py; pleasant surroundings.
VV AMU t c, iris o e r l" to en 1 or n urse
training or h noi ; ealary first year per
monih: second ? car. $ 1 - ' i-t month;
third -ear. I5 per month, w if h boarrt.
room and laundrr furnished. Duo credit
aitea under graduates fi.m other a hoia
f.r Ntt work. Address Raymond ticneral
Hospital. Rsmond. Waeh.
WANTr-D A good, strong, mlddie-as"d
a omaa to do housework at Underwood.
Mih.; a beaiittful homo for right party,
modern bungalow with city ronvcnlenca;
B2. a month. Address B., Oregon
Hotel. Portland, or.
WANTED Lad aoll'-ltora t call on busi
ness men and general public; sood re
in unera' ion: call at onre. peer Hotel.
rom 41 or phone pgwt l.'oX
UOl g'rl or mlddlo-ag-d woman for gen
eral housework In small family; rood
wages, permanent home to right party.
all 44 Eaei lMh North,
WANTED Coat hands fr alteration depart
ment. Anpiv, stating rx;erketice and sal
ary expected to inrdn Diyadalc. L tint ted,
Va nrim rr, B. ' .
UuKkiNO woman or (t-.I to wlt counter
in small restaurant from 12 to 1 for her a
meats a d;. Phone A -M'.
W tNTKI HennNf, capabi woman for re
pon!bl poaition. Vlal C... t Kotb
chl!d bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED-Ab e'xperleoced girl for general
hous 'work and cooklnc : good .wages.
Ph'ipo K- ITtfT or C HOI J t
W NT KU M cong -f r! for general hnic
w ork. Appi 7T-" Paclflo Iiurrlhurst.
T'hne Ks ."tV
TItl.MW'yRTHT. capabla woman, not un
dr m lor permanent position; espert
nca not required. A6" 9I. Oregonlan.
Ol KL or woman fr bouev.rk In eountry
horn near Portland. 1'hone Mllwauklo
Tte4 4--
W ANTED A good tapablo girl for gcn'-rnl
housework; othr ned apply. ."" Oll
psii st.. t orner Ivn u.
eLvNin'iKAPHU:; must bo experienced,
give age. rf.rncs and salary expected,
h IKv:. trrgn'an.
tAPEKIENCED skirt hand wanted at once,
j-tsndard Cloak A uil Company. 41u
aehlr tffon.
LADY of business ability to do salal out
) work for a local conoraiion: sl
ip. Apptv to r. 71 o 7.M Yeon Mdg.
WANTED A girl for general housework,
wages f . Apply lr lng. near -'d
MAN or woman understanding general ac
counts I any bookkeeper can have ex
cepnonai oppor'n-V'T Tr largo, or ama-l
Investment a.l states open, guarantees lira
Income. Established 1 4 5 enrs. WM h lara
rerenu. rwf.Toncca. For particulars
add-es V. o. Hog .1.
K. I'KRIBMT.H aunoa-rar-her. Apply by
Ifiw to Ciark at Wilson Lumber Co..
l.lnr-ton. "f .
In A NTF.D Man aid wfTc for country' place.
Phone Main .Vt before f A M.
WANTED Man or wmen; aaiarr guaran
teed, no p -Idling. K Oregonlan.
A KKW go-nl solicitors wanted at 42t E.
Morrison at.
MFN and boys to learn automobll repair
Irg. driving 00 wp-to-uato cars; electrical,
civil rngiorng. sunreylng; methods m"t
praetirai. room ana noaro wnu- iniin.
poaittooa p-curl : satisfaction guaranteed;
catalogu free. National School of Kngin
er1ng. VI 10 W. 7th, Los Angeles,
MEN. aes 1 to to prepsr for fiiaman
or brakemen on nearby raiiroaaa, w to
$100 monthly: ftptnancs unnecessary; no
str'fce; promotion, englnoar or conductor,
$154 to J.i" monthly; good Ufa caraara;
stat ag; send stamp. Kallway Aaaocia
tion. regopian.
MEN and women to learn th barber trade
In eight trki; special Inducements; par
rant aga paid while learning; tools fra;
expert Instructors; IT years In th bu-i-nrsa;
JT schools; a lifetime membership
gtvea to each student. Moler Barber Col
lega. ti N. Fourth at.. Portland. Or.
To operate MOVIMi PICTURES; lern
li'istnesa in short time, operators tnuk
t .0 w-aekiy. We icmcU bualneaa on feAoY
t'nil and see our fine school. i-tJ Vg
Washtnctop. near 17th.
EARN a lot m the (luest beach resort In
Oregon: no soliciting, we do all the work;
splendid vacation fr you and t he family
tills Hummer with but little effort. Ad-dr-
fr drtali" Box F tb-V Orcgontnn.
LA ll E to laarn tailoring and dressmak
ing; $1& full course; larcst. best equipped
In Northwaat; investtgate. Chicago Le.di
Tailoring College, JOis Central bdg.. loin
and A!d-r.
M VIN-PICTt Ki: operator. full eoura
tautfht In theater; learn It rtfin: secure
Mitiuns. pi k reasonable. 41 Itoth
1 hl'tt Mdg.
RAILWAY mall ctarka prepare now. ea
ret lent aalarlea and promo t in aa; no lay
offs; sura pa , free book. Call today, k a
cipc htates tchool. McKay bidg.
JTo R VILWA Y mail vlerka. $4 month;
Portland examination May 4. coaching
free KnnkHn Institute. lrpt. J.'U
R.Mhe.tee. n. Y.
MAKE motiay w-Itlng tfto-t proriea. or for
t J pars; big p y . f re book fat tells how.
United Press vi.o'rate. fan Francisco.
i II y Bu; go Into a'tiviIl-T Iiig field, good
aalaxy. Hing e- will show )oh bow. Act
now S3IW Morrison at.
WANTED Ptctur play writers, big pay;
vail teach ou. Pictur PJay Associa
tion. San FT'aneiacA.
eli ra pki t ate ii;m. Ki-o collkue.
ril Hamilton B:ds:. Shorthand. Type
writing. Bookkeeping, etc. Marshall 4
'HiVATr. school r-rl K i ti A L ana T T rt
W RITISO. g5 mo. 19 14th St. Main SSdX.
tiaetiar.d bldg.
Bekkepecs wad Ulecka.
JII;U-v;n AT'E om- man from Chicago de
pirra poaition In Portland or vicinity;
experienced bookkeeper, stenographer wnd
raanier. best references; moderate salary
to start. Ft". cregontan.
TOINO nian. 7 years' banking and office
expertene. wants poaition: highest refer-tn-t
aa to character and abiltt ; a .so
competent stenographer. AP Ve), Or
up books, prepare balance and atata
men la. install sstema lilitigtiam, au
ditor. 411 b!!g Marshall 717.
B.h"k K EEPER. thorouglily practical and
compefot. lincut-t. w tiling to go out of
town: A-t referencee, Addreew All S'JS,
WANTED permanent poaition. bookkeep
ing or clerlrai w or k. by youoe man. ex
perienced and competent; references, P
po, Oregon in.
yoVNit atenosrrapiier, some xprtn. e.
want more, low aalaxy to start. 8 904.
Oregon un.
1 tl'Ni nian wants pou Ion in rvrr,
thoroughly experienced . J years In Port
land, h a refrren'-ep. M feX. tregonlnn.
fctMuK .nununt la open to engagement.
A i'r-gon tan.
M N and wtf w sh position on farm. Ad
drrs J. W.. 7".' K- M h at.. Portland.
EX PERT""piry and cake htk'r wants po
sition. A. tlennuth, U"'1x fJrand ve.
WIN DoV w ashing, bouse cleaning, carpet
washing a snetalty. Phone Heiwood 112
JAl'A.NiK 'y wants a night Job. 5-11 P.
M. A leCH Oie soman.
CH UTEKI K and r-pstrmaQ wants posi
tion AM -?. .regonian.
A JATAVKpE "y wants any kind work.
Oi AI Err. I R I Japanese w ante position;
w ( go out of fowt, K- R. 4?l Morrison st.
CH M ITRt'R or tak car of cars; spaJt
several iauguagea Mlnker, 11 13tn at.
213 Second t.. t'orner Salmon.
Womens Department. 4." Salmon.
All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical male and female ncip
furnished on short notice. No fee cliaxfea.
Phone Main 3.-35. A .
BV a young married man. a knowlcdjs" of
Itraftina. buddins; and p!antinB. cupab.e
of taklntr full chnrvi of a nursery or
an orchard, auta steady work. -
Stephens at.
UKRMAN wishes management of ranrh; eX
peileticd orchanltst. also general fannlns;
iimlrtiml8 g!olln cnili and all kind
ma'htnrry; highest relt-rcnces. AC
COMPETENT, exp.-rlcn. -d amrtii, loth
na ond furt.lshlnss. married, wisru-s
i.radr position, city r country; neat r Ref
erences; salary nuiunabic. C lH't. Ore
sonlan. fcWiSS Man and wifo wants position on a
farm: man to nork on farm, undrst"na
hAndilng c-ttlo and do Kcnerjl fnrm
work; wife to do 1iusct ork. etc. Addrers
fc?w Cunsulute. l':'ljrlgt-
TOUNfJ man" would-like to get work in
automobile rnrace wh. re there is a rhnne
to learn driving nnd repairing. l"'.
A STRO.Nd vounr man of goo-1 liiibits. who
Is not afraid of w.rk. wanln w.trk In h
warehouse or somrthlnK of the kind; rer-er-nce.
, ft 1'J. Or sonlnn.
yTTrNU MAN wTi U experience In dmucht
Inc nnd buildlnu construt-tioit desires be
jc'nnlng position with architect or build
er. V !o'.J Oregonlait.
SITUATION wanted by sober, experienced
rook 1 tnlddle-airofl w hite man l. hoard
ing -nottse or private fttmlly preferred. 8
!. t reinin. m
TOI'Nti man would like position w ith pri
vate famllv. 'care for automobile nnd
lawn, ur horses and lawn. V 1M. Oreno
nlan. A YoU." man of good hnnits and some
experience wants work as Jnnit'ir or as
sistant Janitor; reference. V !M,3. Orego
v inn.
M AltHIKD man i German wishes manage
nienl of sto'k ranch: capahlo nf handling
Uvre proposition; A-l nf. AD . Orcgo-
t ji A I'l-'KEI lt. mechanic. wants position
tlrivmr or repairing. .1 years' r xnrlfn:
2- ? ears old . sober and careful ; rcfer
nc. a!I MM. tregomsn.
YOI Ni MAN". ha llitle experience candy
makinr. wants a good place to com plot
his trade; willing to work for Ms ex
p. n v AM (iregonliin.
PRINTER wants position; linotvpo oper
ator, adman anl ncw-spaier makeup, aoma
experience as Jot-man ; country preferred.
A I. Oregonian.
JAPANESE ood expcrienctd l-oy wjtiils po
st 1 Ion. general housework. AS !;, Ore
gonlan. " ' r N ( t msn. have little experience plumb
lug, would Ilk sood place ! coniplcto
I r.tdc. A fM I ffnlan.
YOf .Vi! man attrnHnc s hool wants work
In private fnmiiy for room and board. Si
't. (iffsnnlMn.
WANTED A poscitin by middle-sgcd lli'n.
experienced lundsi-ape gardener. AB Sd
DUTt'IIER and sausage maker, a iirm;in,
wants steady work. city, country or ho
tel. K. L.. Hfe Rlielppf.xiX.
VtUNi ircrniHn man wants ilav work, any
kind of work around tlm house w ill be
n--epred. I'll one K. ntI'.
Vi'AMKI) Position iu dritic stor by young
man: o perienced, rcf'-iencva. C lKi,
4 iregonl.m.
AN experlnred Japanese embroiderer waiHi
position of bullion and other art n-edle
work: any i'Ul. r-Mnijin.
WANTED position as bakr or pastry rook,
first ddcs Joo Trovha. Phillips
Hotel. rom 1V
MALE Exierience, cook, sood. sober and
reliable, wants steady position In city.
MaiM 74. Room ;7. ack for Brown.
GENTS" funipVilng salesman wishes posi
tion at once; city or country; best of ref
erences. X io4. Orcgntilan.
jOl'N'CJ single man wishes position at pri
vate p1ae; take care of automobile, lawn
nnd gardeq Y Ml'7. Oregonlan
CHINESE wishcg position In saloon. rtok
r porter. T oregonlan.
Bookkeeper and Stmgraphera.
1 to 5: 4
stenographer wilir position.
years" experience; good pcl-
man. E. E.
J 11.
I'hone Murfrhal 7"7 ur A
LA P Y gtenocra pher of a hi lit y ilcslrea poni
l ion ; .v III m cccpt tempora ry : in w ex pe
t fence; refeiencea; ewlary 5tX Marshall
RK1.I UI.E. experienced lMokkeeper. can
take full charge general office, work, man
ufacturing preferred; knowlrdgo of aten-
orraphy ; references. Marshall 4112.
Y01;N"J LADY bookkeeper desires position
as office assistant or billing clerk; quick
at n i res. references. Address AO Il
Oregonlaa. WANTED by young lady with few months'
experience, posit ion as stenographer and
to spsist in ganeral off ice work . enn givt
references; salary lu. Call Main 3?t.
bTENO5RAPi ER. nceurate, good education,
wishes situation with relluhl firm. K
Sff. ir'goiilan.
K, TE RI EN.7 EH stenographer desires posi
tion: moderate salary to atafU li PVO Ore
gonlan. COMPETENT and experienced lady stenog
rapher and assistant hookk-rcper; good ref
erence; 1J aH-k. PhonoMaln Zliib.
eTENt MllfAPH Ell deplrea position for ca-peri-
io and chance fur advancement.
Mwln 770.
?TENo5RAPHI work, afternoons or morn
luts or by hour. H W. Oregonlan.
YOt'.Nd lady wnnts general oftb e. cashier
or stenographic work. 'Marshall 4771.
STENOGRAPHER desirra position; have
hinl some xperi-ncc. Man t; .
PARISIAN dressmaker, fan 5 dreses and
tailored suits; w 01 k and fit guaranteed;
moderate price. 4 Grand ave., cor. An
keny. East 4:t1".
ML'I-LE TE B1LLAUT, i."3 Washington. 1
Ella st. entrant--; phone A KlMO; exclusive
French desnrns In gowns, suits, waists, etc.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, tecently fmnt
New York, wishes work: satisfaction guar
tnttd East ouili st.
DRESSMAKING, talloi.rg; tuh ilrnt-i n, 10:
gowns. u and up: suits. j,. Work and
t;l gusraii'e,-. 1 Its I 1th s t . near V. 1 h .
1R ESM AK I V. tailorlna. dresses $4 up;
waata II. -6 up; ris . M up. Matn
4 1 aa.
W" A NT ED P'.wlu aewing at hom bv day.
Room I. ItM H I mon ef. r:art 4.-".
XRIM A KEK w tshea enaagemcnt by day
or at home. I'J.fto. Marshall .tmn.
W A NTEl- - Dressmaking and platn aewlnc.
Phone Main 4h47. Res. 47.1 .iimn at.
COM I'KTKNT. practical nurae w ould like
aituation. Marshall 448X J boP. Orego
nla n.
EXPERIENCED practical nurse, best of
refrr ncea. Malu "'.'l-
TRAIN ED nurae wanta work. Mlaa H. Mar
tin. Commercial St.. city.
EXPERIENCED nurs girl, city references,
drslres situation, f.'o. Main 'MM. A 4775.
Bl ntich fepert
W A N'T ED Position aa housekeeper by
young woman, in family or apartment
loue: experienced, with best references.
all 40- Fourth t.
PuMTION aa housekeeper by refined
widow, alwaya bad own home, conachn
t lous. .congenial, at true t ive; referenco re
quired. S Ml. Oregoman.
REFINED middle-aaed woman with daugh
terUJ desires housekoepins:; widower. SL
Louts A gency. a'3 S Alder. Main I'o.lf.
JLAC E as hous-F er per in aniall family by
widow with child year old. Add re as V P04
MATERNITY nurse wants case; do light
hou-ework. Marshall 1127.
HSPITAL nurs would Ilk more work,
Ir.stitutional work. Phone East 3172.
Do nice pica.
TW( Ktrta wanta general housework.
N. Savit-r st.
GERMAN girl wishes general housework la
prlvitte family. all : Mill at.
WANTED A furnished ofnc with running
w ater. J P4-, Oregon'arv
at lace I lan en oa.
CURTAIN'S wanted, hand laundry. Wood
lawn "JHM. No mangling. '
Wi'MAN wanta day work. Phone Marshall
lil. Mrs. M.
WoMOi wants work by th hour. Marshall
vfoMN wanta work by day or hour. Phono
M in
WOMAN lehes waannig. Ironing or house
work. Anna Bleanuen. .Main ."'57.
uTTrMAN lady wants day work. Thonc K.
FI R.'-T-CLASf' laundi esa w ant w 01 k,
1 hiirs,. Frl. WoodUwn I,n.
Wr"SlV N wants work by day or hoar, 2c".
il4U E. Dth North.
YOUNG woman will give services in pri
vate home for small wanes, room ana
board w hi'., attending business college;
no r-htldren. Y li'-. Oregonlanj
bTRONG. experienced German girl wants
day work, w a.lilnK. Ironing preferred.
Main MO-1.
WANTED To care for a 4. 5 or U-year-nld
child afternoon?: references. Phone Mon
day A. M. Kant BlUtf. .
EX PERI K('EUlJprmaii w oman w ants day
work washing, cleaning. .Marshall 399.
room 3.
INDUSTRIOUS Scandinavian woman w ants
cl-aning. washing and ironing by the day.
Phono t-ast -! -
ExTERl7:NVED woman wants work by
hour or day. Marshall -76. .
WANTED Outside work: Sl.T'O wk. and
om. Box E St4. Oregonlan
GERMAN pin desires upstairs work, pri
vate family. Mnin JQ."1. A 4T. -
CAPBLE woman, day work, washing. rJ'
ing. cb-anltis. cooKlnt;. Main -0G'.'. A 4i .
LA f K CURT A INS laundered. 'J'.c 11 P. 1st
. Isss work. tjiitck service. Tabor S17.
AGENTS WANTED We want three hus
tling ngents to at li Holly rood. Hoilyriiod
has better talking points and sells to set
ter udvatiiage than any property in the
ritv. We pav a high commission. Imp
ln and talk this oer with us- 110S- in
Spalding: bldg.
AGENTS wanted for double -si ring Piano
phone. For particulars, Marx Mfg. Co
Sc;tttl or Spokane.
li have n lir?e demand for fle and six
room hunir.ilowa nnd 'itt.-gcs; If yours Is
for rent list It with cs and get results.
H12 Chamber of Commerce.
&M A LL family wishes to rent modern 6
room buniralow or lotver flat with yard;
will givt -are, nn owner. Tnbor -'li.
Koama With Hanl
YOU NG man of clean habit would Uko
room and board In pri a:e family ; mo-1 -ern;
Irvington district: will pay about $'5
a week. K I.'. OrcKonian.
W A XT ED D v oung room and hoard
In pri ate house. Sob 11111 district. Ad
dress E r1-. frcgoi:lan.
TtH'W, man w ishe hoard nnd room with
private family. Qreaonlan.
Business place.
ANYONE havinc buiMing for smail machina
shop and garage write N 0, Oregonlan.
Fl KNISHED rooms, central location. Kost
1 1 QT-1. v.'; oU SX. .
1'urnlsbed Rooms.
Now Open.
112 Room a
Now Open.
Seventh and Taylor Sta.
Residential and transient; absolutely
central; two minutes from Postofi'lce.
stores, theaters and restaurants; just off
business si reel and carllnos; quietest and
beso location; handsome brick, aropl
steam heat, hot running water and phonea
In everjr room, suites and private baths,
e levator. Reputable and comfortable.
From 73c dally, $4 weekly. Any car from
Those three, beautifully furniahed hotels
2U V 4th SL 211, 4th st. 207 H: 4th St.
On Fourth at., running from Taylor to
fca'mn St.; brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private bat as, hot
aud cold wat-r ln all rooms; strictly up
to data ;a all respects, and at popular
prb as. If you want something out of tn
ordinary, in th heart of the city, at rea
sonable prices, g!ve us a call, as w know
you will like 1L Rooms by the day, week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
12th. Stark nnd Hurnsldc St.
New- rirr proof buildinc. covering entlro
Mock, all finely furnished, outside room?-,
single and en suite; public and private
bai hs, e ery modem convenience for tho
comfort of guests: within easy walking
distance of business and shopping district;
rooms with public bath, $1 per day; with
private hath, $1.50 per day. fcpecia.1 rates
by 1 ho week or month.
A N GEL A 1 1 otel. 7C5 Washington at., near
J!th. New brick, large, handsome lobby,
splendidly furnished, all rooms with tel
epmme. steam heat, hot and cold water,
many with bath; every effort is made for
the comfort and convenience of Its gueats;
the rents are most reasonable; rooms by
the week, month or day.
46S Washington it.. Cor. 13 th.
Convenient to the theater" and shop
ping distrlt t ; running water and tele
phones In everv room, steam heat; rooms
with private bath, single or en suite;
ground floor lobby; rates 75c PT day and
up; special week I v rates $4 and, up.
Thoroughly modern :i-room unfurnished
apartmonts. with private bath. $2t; 4
ronmp. 2.?0: thta tnclutlea shafles. steam
heat, hut and cold water, aas range a. pri
vate Pacific telephones and Janitor serv
ice. Apply preintpe.
East utirnMtie.
Live on tho East Side and save money
on your room ren t ; we have JIM modern
rooms, special price on rooms and suites
with private bath; rates oUc to $2 per day;
$!T to $7 per week. East fVt4u; B 17.'.
Now giving special rates by the week;
rooms with private bath. $7 per week and
up. All modern conveniences. No extra
r 11 a rges for phone or service.
HOTEL FORD. 7W Washington, corner Lu
cretia at. New brick building, Juat com
pleted; fine large outalde rooms with tele
phone service, with or w ithout prlvat
baths; new and splendidly furnlahed; hot
and cold water: steam heat; best X aerr-
rncTi-w iinTi.:!,
Davis and Third tfta
200 outside rocms. steam heat, hot and
cold running water ln every room, f re
ajto t'ui to and from all trains.
Lowest rates ln the city.
Ask for our special low monthly rate.
lai Eleventh Street.
Near, modern brick building: ateam
h rated, private baths, hot and cold water
tn rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable. rnt reasonable, call and se
lis. Regular and transient trad solicited.
On block from I'nlon Depot; 140 nutsld
rooms, with hot and cold water and steam
heat offers special rates for permanent
guests; rates uOc to $2 a day; $3 &v and
r .... ,uv PhAn Mm In
V V " ...
HOTEL LA SALLE, 10th and Burnsld at.
Absolutely fireproof; new and aiegantiy
furnished rooms; private baths. steam
heat, hut and cold water, private phonea
ln each room; special rates by th month:
phone service Dee Phone Marshall 4U4U,
I05 Twelfth bt. Marshall 27ML
In heart of business district; steam heat,
hot 'and cold water, frc phone In every
room; $ ld ayandupj$ 4 week and up.
Uth and Waali. Sta.
Modern corner, brick building: rooms $1
day: ' week; corner suites $7.00 week.
Nothing extra for two in room.
HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for busi
ness peorla; centrally located; elegant
rooms all modern conveniences; 7th and
lay lor sta.. 1 block from Portland Hotel.
oppJSlteHelllg Thrater. Phone MalnJU.
LIGHT airy rooms, modern, suites or single;
steam beat; $i and $8 week; 5 minute to theater and stores; free phono.
CAL1 MET HOTEL, 10 Park sL, fin
rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat,
elevator and a;l modern conveniences;
per month and up; qulot and comfortable.
LAHE. airy front room; also several small
er rooms In flue location, at lowest prices.
Call 17 Stout sl. Just south of Washing
Nleely furnished rooms clo.-e to business
center: rnte Including bath, $.0 per
week and u.
vt'HNlSHED single rooms in Wester Court.
Grand gvc. and I'aeiiic it lo to $15 pr
AHMINU'S HOT EI- 410 Morrison st., opp.
Baker Theater Nicely furnished room.,
Permanent, transient; low rates. Main S'JAu.
HOTEL CONGRESS, now open; handaomly
f irnlshed. motiern conveniences, a blocks
from P. Q-. tPh and Main.
ELM PLACE. 414 Yamhill St.. cor. 11th;
rooms $t pr week up; hot and cold
water, steam heLprlvgtebatha,
lTDEn-lE-ND Nice clean rooms: steam
heated, $2 per week up. 11 b Grand ave,
Tl i E LA R FU REE, 2C7 H I-arrabe st. ; mod'.
in; pennnne.nt. tranaient; $-' 50 up. Close.
WIE DYLAN 1 . 4-t Morrison -roora
prtuicnt. front suite and sutgle looins.
Furniedied Rooms.
THE Montgunicry, -IrtI East Morrison st-.
nirety furnished rooms. per week.
FnruUhed Rooms In ( Private Family.
NIC furnished rooms, electric lights, bath,
phone, easv walking distance. week
ly. North 2lat., 1's blocks from Wash
ington. PLEASANT, sunny outsftie room w-ith mod
ern conveniences; senCcman only: first -class
references required. 4Ul Jackson.
M. 4S31.
TWO niceljr furnished rooms, suitable for
couple, furnace hetit. hot and cold water
and largi clothes closet In each room. 44
Clay, cor. 14th. .
IF. you want ntre, clean, ateam-heated rooms,
cither housekeeping or single, at reasou
nbie rent, call at the Geneva, 44 Colum
bl: st.
NJ'K. newly furnished. ?U and $12; alo
nice rms for employed girl?. $ and $:
iill conveniences; walking distance. 14
N". "1st st. Marshall 4-"l4.
FOR RENT Well -furnished room. stem
heat. In modorn new apt. bldg-. West Side,
close in. Phone Main Ask for Apt.
BRIGHT nnd cheerful cast room, $4 per
week; liii" furniture, hath, phone; private
home. 414 Market, cor. 11th.
NICELY furnished rooms. U- a w rrk and
up. Phone nnd bath, walking distance.
1 'nil ?f '-' Lincoln.
LA RGK outside nicolv furnished room fr
centlman in private family. 53o Taylor,
Marshall 474i.
l"vKHV attractively-furnished front room.
c1om in. steum heat, hot and cold water,
free phone. 1 7th st.
$i(. yi us SUED room, modern building.
ser ond floor, flat D. 4& Jefferson. Mum
T.'-P t.
NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly modern.
clise in. !;; N. 7lh t. Phone Marshall
(1 .".o EK K fur ni.hd room ; phoii", hath,
electric Rent, walking distance. 4J7 Har
rison. NICELY furnished room, modern conveni
ences, centrally located, reasonable. 4
Cla, near 10th.
(T-,M CtjZY"room. bath. heat, electric licht
and phone; wulking distance. 11 Last
lit li st. Plinne East 143.
ELEtANTLY furnished rooms In swell pri
at home; ruitaiilc for one or two gcu
tlemen. 71 Trinity place.
CON YEN I ENT rooms, slnglu or en suite;
low rnt. 412 10th.
COMFORTABLE utile room. 67 Trinity
Place, between 13th anil 20th.
LA ROE iront room, elegantly furnished in
private family, reasonable. 473 j 7th st.
Fl" RN ISH ED rooms, very reason. Id. a!si
u-- of kitchen with lart;- room. T" h.
S1NOL1C sleeping ronm; warm. hot water
lj:it hs; $d. $11' ninnili. r7.' Couch.
TWO nicelv furnished, 5 mln. to P. O.;
rooms week or da). 14d 1 1th st.
W E I ,L- K L" H N I S H E D room, clean, modern,
r.o N. loth. n"ar Washington.
NK'E front room, very reHsonable for right
parties. .'tin Flanders wt.
THREE smill furnished rooms, very rea
sonable, close in. -II J2th.
NEWLY furnished clean littlo room in mod
ern house, $j. M 12th st
ON E nicely f urni-hed room in private fam
ily; verv rca.unullc. 4:1 Sd st.
NICE. -le:,n, quiet room; bath; fine loca-tlou;-4ow
rent. 4.M' ."itli-
nTck wann room, suitable for 0110 or two,
$::..V week. lM 11th st.
Cosy tooin. fill 1 able for on? or two gen
Hemcn; $2 week. 23" loth.
LAIKJE room. $2 per week for one, J2.T-0 for
two. 20-S UJih st.
WF.KK, suitable 2 gentlemen. 0 min.
walk from Postoffice. ""0 lth.
NEATLY furnished room?, ?2.riy a week. 22d
12th. hath, phone and heat.
Ft-d'K rooms nicelv furnished, main floor,
$2.1 month. 411 4th ft.
NEAT. cien room. re;son;ible, jfiS 12th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
4 I'NFUliNlSH ED rooms at 27 lid st.
I'liono A 4 144.
kooDif With Board
Comer West Park and Montgomery.
Strictly hiph- class family boarding
house, everything brand new and up to
date, all Mrt-class furnishings, steam
heat, hut and cold running water in
every room, private baths, beautiful large
sunny rooms and the view Is unsurpassed,
right on the Park, nice largo veranda,
lovely dining-room, strictly - a homelike
plHCe at popular prices; give us a call
and see for jourself. Main 3783.
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE
HALL, cor. 6th and Madlfon; large rooms,
bath, broad veranda, quiet, close ln, neat
car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
Hooma with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson,
tub. KHl'DHAM APTS. Rest rtpt, in city.
Two rooms and board; will take a few day
boarders. Home. cooKin g.
Attractive, clean rooms, steam heat,
good board, closo in, reasonable.
TT- 7 . dl-u in v r. 1 iotiih kI. verv de
airable outside rooms, steam heat, running
water, gooa poara. ciogg i.
THE HAZE1 -Furnished rooms with board;
running water, steam heat. a5 3d St.
LARGE sunny front room wlth first-class
table ooara tor - gt:imvmPii. ...
ELEC.ANT room for two. facing Park;
.. . 1 1 1 -
taute ooani. 1
Roomrwlth Board, lo I'vate family.
A NICE room and sleeping-porch for 2
grntlvmen. plenty of nice cream and
fresh eg-rs and tilings good to eat; nice
home tor the right parties. Phono H
2u74. ana will give particulars.
DESIRABLE room for one or two gen
tlemen, hot and cold water in room, oam
on, 1 nhnwpr ad iolnlmr. home cooking. 7-.
Prospect Drive, Portland Heights. Phone
M. 10o7.
IN NEW niodera home, nicely furnished
rooms .extra large suitable for two. with
hot and cold water In room; flue location;
walking distance; excellent board and
home comfort. H 2724.
THREE rooms, with 2 meals good whole
sumo food, home cooking: bath and
phone: liomc privileges; 24 per month
and up. 4t3 W Park. M. 47'jl.
PLEASANT 100111. every convenience, with
board. 2 meala (breakfast and dinner, a:
10 East lMth at., near Morrison; walking
distance- Phone Last tiuk.
FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms vejth board,
private family. East 15th at. Phono
Lam 46-M.
N D-ELY furnished room w ith board in
modern flat; two meals; walking dis
tance; reasonable. A 'A 752. 34 7 a jth.
PLEASANT large clean room for one.
for two, $!'; all new. modern conveni
ences. vS 17th near Everett.
LAROE. sunny front room with first-class
board for 2. in private home. 16d N. 21st.
M- 4220.
First-class rooms; board If desired.
FRONT rooms suitable for 2. home cuok -Ing.
prlvatu family. Marshall Tifa
FCRNISHSD ruoma with board, home privi
leges lS McMillen at.. 2 block North
Steel bridgi
PLEASANT rooms aod board with good
hum cooking, also table board. 02 X. 23d
FURNISHED room and board, strictly
modern. furnace heat. 40 Hassalo.
Wa 1 k i n g distance.
HOOM and board in refined home with all
conveniences. 515 East Ash, cor. 15th.
Phono Eet 18CC
ON iront room for two young men or a
couple. Phono Marshall 197b. 605 Kear-
NEAR Multnomah Club, choice place, new
house. 2 meals; reasonable. Main 2211).
COZY room, congenial home, good board;
excellent neighborhood. 701 Marsha M.
NpRTHRUP ST. Neatly furnished
room with good board ; reasonable.
TWO-ROOM suite, aUo alcove room; porches,
grounds, excellent board. Main 2071.
PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel
lent board; also table board. 651 Ollsan.
FURNlsHED rooms and bord. Olio East
flak E. .V2. Price reasonable.
LovKJOY APTS.. 17tli and Love joy 3-room
furnished apartment, phone Main 115.
VU RN 1SH ED 4-room, st. am-lo a ted apart
ment, exclusive, modern. Cottei Drug Jo.
THE DAYTON Nice 4-ro?m lower aptT.
T Sat, water, etc.; $2Q. 6T.S Flanders at.
S-ROOM. nicety furnished apartuiciu. 404
Hth st.
ONKONTA. 187 17th. $10, $20 and $30 suite.;
steam heat. F. P. Egan. pr.p.
THE ELM 2 and .3-r1fom," furnished,
heat, phone and bath. 191 14th at.
JULI VETTE Furnished and iinfurnlsHcdJ
ruuQis. Corner 2d and Montgomery.
Apart men ta.
Twelfth street, at Harrison.
Now ready and open for inspection. 3
and ,1-ronm apartments; living-rooms over
20 feet long, outside baihs, larpe kitchens,
high nnd sightly, well furnUhed. and
evervth'.ng that goes to make a hlsh-class
apartment. Take llth or loth-st. carline.
16th and Everett Si-s.
w management; 2, 3. 4 or 3-room un
furnished apartments. The best apart
menrs in the city for the money; they
have all modern conveniences, are close
In. neat and homelike. Don't fail to
inspect them before locating. If furnish d
apartment is desired, can arrange this on
smai: monthlv payment with rent, tenant
eventually owning furniture at same
monthly cost as furnished apartments.
730 Hoyt St.
F.Iegantlv furnished 3-room corner apart
ment in one of the cleanest and most ex
clusive houses in the city; light, cheerful
and verv homelike, with sleeping porch
ami ret eption hall: electric cooker and
everv modern convenience: this apartment
will easilv accommodate 4 people; daintily
served meals can be arranged for just
across the street; references.
HEINZ APA RTM KXTS 14th and Colum
bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison st. :
new brick builuing. completely first-clasa
furnished In 2, 3 and 4-roora family apart
ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum 'cleaner.
Janitor service; rent per month, $2tt. $30.
f-iO and up; must be seen to be appre
170 Ford st.. just south of Washington;
most complete, highest class apartments
ever built in Portland; fimsned through
out in hardw-oed; tiled baths, superb fix
tures; elegant -wall coverings: each with
private balcony; highest class service;
very reasonable rents; 4 and 5-room
apartments; most conveniently arranged.
044 Everett st.
New and elegantly furnished, apart -moiits;
il rooms, reception hall and slcep-lng-porc'n:
automatic electric elevator and
private pacific telephone; located in ne
of the choice.-. t residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
tance. THE CAM AR,
7U4 Lovejoy st.
Under new management : new, modern
brick. 2. 3 nrd 4-room apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished; wc will rent you
upartments 25 per cent cheaper than any
place in the city; goud janitor service.
Olve us a call and be convinced. Main
LUCRETIA COURT, ur.f urnlsnea, a class
by themselves; see them; Lucretia st.,
rear 23d and Wash., 2 to 5 rooms, all
large, light and outside; largo closets
and baths; hardwood floors, free phones
in each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., Mar
shall 132U. Janitor. Marshall 1500.
New brick, corner 3d and Montgomery;
meiern 2 -room apartments, furnished, ele
vator, o minutes walk to business center;
no children; rates very reasonable. Main
i 4 lit i.
bT. FRAN CIS A PA RTM EMS, 2 1st and
Hovt; 4 noms and bath, private balcony,
new brick building, electric elevator, ei
prb location, in walking distance; most
convenient arrangement, low rent and best
of service.
1S6 N. 22d. Noar Johnson.
New modern brick, just opened, new
management, 3-room furnished apts., nil
outside rooms, private bath, phone and
best of service. $30 up. Marshall 22;.Q.
Corner of l:th and Marshall Sts.
Beautiful rooms finely furnished, every
modern convenience, corner location, fin t
tlass servic: rentals reasonable. Phono
Marshall 1471 ur A 3f,;;:t.
110 21st st. North.
Now open for reservations. Under new
management. Elegantly furnished 3-room
apartments, with bath, all modern conven
iences; line location. Marshall 414 L
14th and Clay streets.
Splendid location, solid brick building,
electric elevator; we have unfurnished 3
. and 4-room suites, with private vestibules,
phones, bath, etc
GRANDEST A furnished apartments. Grand
ave. and East STark; now brick building.
3 room, splendidly furnished, with pri
vate bath, $27.50; electric elevator; mod
ern conveniences; close-in location; easy
walking distance; best of service,
ORLANDOaPTS, 20th and" Wash. ats. Two
and three-room furnished apartments; ev
ery convenience; very large rooms; steam
heat and private baths and phones; auto
matic elevator; easy walking distance; ref
erences required. Marshall 184.
Beautifully furnt3hed and unfurnished
apts., new brick building, steam heat, pri
vate phones and baths, disappearing beds,
built-in buffet, gas rangea and linoleum.
4U4 Market st.. near 14th.'
ST. CROIX Apartments. St. Clair St.. near
W;:sningron ; 2 and 3-room apartments,
with ' private ua.ih, furnished and unfur
nished; superb location, easy walking dis
tance, brick building; convenient arrange
ment, best of scrviee and very low ren:s.
171 KINO ST.
4T 5, 6-room aparmw nts ; select tenancy.
Appl on premises.
near Main ; close in lucation ; elegant 3
room apartment with bath and private
balcony, $35. Every convenience, good
JuKt completed; corner 2d and Hall; all
2-room furnished apte., large outside
kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portland,
$23 and up. Easy walking distance.
East ith. and Morrison, most centrally
located. 2 and 3-room apartments, furn
ished up to date; private baths; moderate
" THE WESTKALL, 410 5th ST.
Close-in nicely furnished o-room apart
ments, private bath and telephone; mod
ern brick building with automatic ele
vator: lowest rates In city. Main 207U-
NEWLY furnished 2-3-4 rooms, $22.50
to $iu. Single rooms. $3 up. Free light,
phoiiHS. heat, hot and cold water, elec
tric elo ator. Marshall 3597.
JULIAN A APTS.. 43 Trinity Place, between
HUh and 2'Kh sts.. just olf of Washington,
so why Day more farther upV .Now vacant
2 and 3-room, beautifully lumished apart
All outside 2-room apartments; Holmes
reds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er, janitor service; $22.iO to $:i0, including
lights, private phones. A 3472, Main 1377.
ats. ; best of service; desirable location,
with unexcelled car service; also easy
walking distance; 3-room apt., wtth bath,
modern conveniences, very reasonable rent.
CUMBERLAND APTS.. West Park and Co
lumbia ats. ; 2 and 3-roum furnished and
unfurnished apts.. all modern conven
iences, choice location, fronting the park,
5 minutes' walk from business center.
Git ACE APTS., 797 Xorthrup at., corner
24th. ; ft largo rooms; hardwood floors,
front veranda, large sleeping purdh, pri
vale telephone, water, heat and hut wa
tor; new and strictly modern.
New, modern building, new furniture;
"-room apartments; walking distance, or
b?st car service.
WINSTON Apartments, 311 14th St., at
Market; new corner brick; all bright, out
side rooms : 2 and 3-room suites com
pletely furnished for housekeeping;; $25 to
S37.50. For information call Main 1733.
Most up-to-aate apartment In North
west ; 21st and Johnson sts. : all outside
rooms. Apply oa promises, or call Mar
shall 3360.
THE CHETOPA. lSth and Flanders 2. 3
and 4-room modern apartments, furnished
and unfurnished, $-0 up; new furniture aud
new building. Appiy to me janitor.
COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished
apartments, llth and Columbia; very d-
.Ki- ni.uli.rTi niii rnifftrPR1 uv n-a I L- -
apartments, litn ana uoumnia: very de
sirable; modern conveniences; easy walk
ing distance; low rates; best of service.
Completely aod richly refurnished in
3, 3 and 4-room apartments; references
required. 712 Wash, st. New management.
CLAY POOLE ANNEX. .125 Eleventh st., two
room furnished apartments, private bath,
all conveniences, good service; walking
distance. Now under- new management.
BJELLAND, ltb and Lovejoy Unfurnished
apartment (front); strictly modern, new
brick. 3 rooms; must be seen to be ap
preciated. owner. Main ltI7. A 1887.
2SS 10th st.
Pmall furnished rooms, with hot and
cold watef. walking distance.
New nnd beautifully furnished 3 and 4
rooms apts.. location excellent. 3SS llth.
Mar. 4 17 4.
rooms; new. clean and homelike, walking
dlstanco. Cor. . 14th aad YatahlU.
When looking for apartments, flats
housekeeping- rooms, room and board or
sleeping rooms, see our big free list. W
have all the desirable places.
If you have not been successful In rent
ing your place, put It on uur list and
see what we can do for you.
1005-lOOti Wilcox Bldg.
Cor. 6th and Washington fits.
Tel. Marshall 46. A 1039.
Rental Department.
Cor. Park and Taylor sta.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sts.
Walking Dlslanca.
Furnished complete, 2. 3 and. 4-mom
apartments: buildings new and strictly
modern; service first-class.
THK BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts. I
this new 4-storv brick now opeu; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2, 3 and 4-room
suites; "reception hall, electric, automatic
elevator, Holmes disappearing beds, bunt
In buffet and writing deck, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of closet rooms, both phonea.
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If yo-i
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phones A 1744,Mar3haIl 296L w
stone palace of luxurious homos. Trinity
Place, between 10th and 20th streets. jut
off Washington; magnificent exclusive
apartments, in heart of apartment-hous
district; rentals reasonable:' every modern
convenience; sleeping porches, high -class
service; refined clientele; references re
quird in all cases. Mrs. A. N. Wright.
supt. phone Marshall 1101
the Villa st. clara.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fi
nished apartments in the Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rentals reasonable; everr
modern convenience, Including banquet
hall and roof garden; both phones In all
apartments: high-class service; reference
required. Main 2270 and A 7057.
Owned by Dr. David Harritnun Rand.
Now completed. It Is ono of tho mnii
unique, light and airy apartment-house
in tho city; strictly modern 8 and 4.-room,
apts., furnished and unfurnished, con
taining two Holmes disappearing be,ds ii
each apt.; many other special features.
sleeping porches, etc.
CHESTERFIELD Aptd., elegantly furnished,
double parlor, housekeeping suite; alsa
siiiKl housekeeping rooms: freo phone
bath and light. 4u7 Columbia st.
2 and 8 rooms, modern, nicely furnished
apartments, nasonable. 706 Everett st.
) hones. Main 6295, A 70 SI.
Under"" new management, nicely fur
nished and unfurnished S and 4-rooin
apartment. Marshall 2023.
GUILD APTS., between Thurman and
Vaughn, 23d and 24th, one nicely fur
nished 3-room apt., $U0; one 3-room apt.,
unfurnished. $13.50; one $22.50.
Park and Madison sts.
For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apartments, atrlctly modern.
RuSENFELD Apartments, Eaat 14 th aad
Mark; four rooms, furnished or unfur
nished, reasonable; heat, phone. Janitor
service. East 3703.
PARK. APARTMENTS, 35S Harrison; beau
tiful 3 and 4-room furnished apartments;
walking distance; best of service; prices
$40 to $5". Phone Marshall 3070.
Corner Tilth and Harrison; new hrlcJ;,
2. : and 3-ruom a-part mentp, furniHhed and
ii n furnifth'-d ; all modern improvements.
3-ROOM apartmeuts, nicely furnished, $2."
per month. Sunlight Apartiuenis, East
lie i mon t. Private phone and bath. Tabor
2j;:i. li 3041.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments.
69i Lovejoy Ft. Take "W" car.
B N M RCO Apartments, E. Sth and Couch
New hrick. modern, private baths and
phone. $2:1 and -o. '-an rj. -j.qi.
THE HELM OR One and two-room house
keeping apartments. 118 E. 3d St., bet.
E. Morrison nnd Belmont. East 212.
tu tn KflRTHA f PTflV
407 Hall st. Main 4"tt!. Newly furnished.
2 and 3 rooms; walking distance.
tuwE-FKIEND, S. W. cor 7th and Jefferson.
Finest unfurnished apts in the city; all
largo outside rooms; walking dis.;; rets.
New 5 and tl-room flats, modorn. E.
0th and Hancock sts., 2 blocks from
Hroadwav car; easy walking dietance;
hardwood floors, tiled bath, Dutch kitchen,
hot water heater, large attic and base
ment, separate stairway; owner cares ffr
lawn; fine residence district; rent $30,
Phone East 5570. Keys on premises.
FURNISHED FLAT of 4 rooms, with pri
vate porch, steam heat, hot and cold wa
fer, private bath. Including phone ard
janitor service, for $32.50 per month, 4u2
North 2th. Ask landlady, Upshur Apts.
MODERN Ti-room flats; large outaide
porches, choice location; $30. M, S.
Kentery, Stearns bldg.
600 MARKET ST. 5-room modem flat, wUb,
furnace. $30 per month. Key at 50 .
Portland Trust Co., 3d and Oak.
MODERN 7room flat. West Side. 775 Va
Johnson st., between 33d and 24th. Phono
Main 5591.
UPPER flat. 5 rooms, with additional fin
ished room in attic; modern, large. light
rooms; adults. 004 E. Main, corner lath.
FOR RENT April 1, modern Colonial upper
and lower 0-rooni flat. East Morrison, be
t w e en loth and 10th sts. Phono East
LOWER flat, modern, o rooms, good loca
tion, 2 blocks from carline. East tiSi7.
STEAM-HEATED fi-room upper ilat, all
modern. Phone Main 3448.
JUi-'T vacated, modern 0-roo:u upper flui,
sleeping purch. Main HbWS.
MoTJeRN 5-room flat, Cth near Jackson.
West Side, 10 mln. walk. Main or A 123.
5-ROOM modern flat, furnished or unfur
n i f h fad. E. lhth and Ash. B 2iHt. m
5-R.OOM lower modern flat, key on prem
ier 01 Hancock st. Main 24v4.
4s WEST PARK ST. 3-t 00111 Hat, bath.
" gas ; $ 1 : free waer. garbage.
SWELL, modern 6-room flat. Thone East
i-RtiOJl modem flat, 0lk Helmoiit St., near
10th. .
MODERN o-rooni flat; nice porch, fireplace,
cheap rent. Call 441 llth St.
MODERN unfurnished five-room fiat with
large porch. Phone Monday. Main li..
Housekeeping Rooms.
NEWLY furnished Tho Upshur. :n a"1!
Unshur sts.. furnished 2-roum apartments.
$1." $1S. $J0 and up. This includes steam
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, electric
light, aas range, laundry-room, ail tree.
Take S, 23 or W cars. No children; dogs
not allowed. Phone Main S9.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fi
nished for housekeeping: gas range, elec
tric lights, hot wator, bath, laundry, free.
S13 per month up; a clean place, bsi In
the city for the money; short dJhiance
from Union depot. Take S or 16th-Bt.
cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
TWO furnished housekcpoliig rooms, also
single rooms, $2 per week and up. close
in. free bath and phone. SOttfc East Mor
rison. .
ii ,A to si; r.o ier week Clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; free heat. phone
bathf laundry, yard .OS Vancouver a tj
and -03 Stanton; "L car. Phone E. 0,
furnished housekeeping suite.
STH. Nicely
1st floor;
THE MILNER, S.'-OU Morrison Furnished or
heat, elevator.
1 comeni'-nceg. ueyt im-a i.
FOUR newly furnished
kcepins rooms; rent 2
i.'i E. sth N.
nineeting huu"
Phone E. iSOD.
"nor-si-K E E P I N G roiSni s in new concrete
H?. .u . Ptl woodlawn 2379 or 97.
$To WEEK, front suites,
Williams nvc. Ru-sIl s
lino location.
Housekeeplngooiii i -
, LMOX. 2 very desirable rooms, fur
"nislud' for housekeeping; small furnished
LARGE front room for gcuticmen. excellert
'location, conveniences, $2.30 week. 2ti2
1 1th.
vit 'KLY furnished room, light housekeep
ing for retiued girls; nice locution. Call
DUh n-ar Washington.
Tt-iHKi'- furnJbed housekeeping rooms, baih,
no " ch P d ren $13. on a month. o2d Knrno .
WFI L-FUKNIs-HED suite; gas range,
phone, hath; $17 per month. 312 Colum
bia st.
NICELY f urnished housekeeping ro'.'m.--.
waikiug distance, furnace h"at. 22fi l:!t!i
Ft reel.
TWO "-room housekeeping suites, nicely
furnished housekeeping rultes, $21 and
$25; life'hl, beat. 10'J N. 18lh. Main