rrni; morxixg oregonian, Wednesday, jiarch 20, 1912. 16 nirriiT iirmniltr HAH Mr Nr BILLS ARE BARRED Poster Advertising Association Refuses to Accept Certain Kinds of "Paper." . CENSORSHIP IS SWEEPING (ommillfr A No 1'nvorn Elimination of All Olijrrtionable Theatrical nnMnesVNitor i:ntorilnc by IWr & kHir. The l'oMcr Adrertieins- Annotation compose-l of S0 llr is throuchout the l"nlt-j Mates, has refused to accept n1 rost the bills of patent medicine compani,-, an. I Is endeavoring to rumi nate oblccttonable theatrical ndvertle- mont. The report of t!ie censorship committee .. elven to the board of Ilrector yesterday afternoon, at their National quarterly meeting at ino .Multnomah llotrl. The Idea of the committee. It la tel. la to "hoM up" objectionable theater pouter before thejr are printed. ; o thero will be no loaa to theatrical 4-ompa riles. Twrntjr directors were present at yesterday's meetlnc It was reported new members hare been received wtthln a year, t'onslderable time was passed In voting; In new members. The treasurer silt!, Rusted that as a check " ujwn his work the directors secure reports each mnsili of the balance to the credit of the association on deposit In the bank, thla statement to come from the bank. A resolution to thla effect carried. Georae W. Klelser. chairman of the purchasing- committee, reported sup plies furnished to 150 members of the " association since the last meeting.. Meetlaa C essblaed Ilk Tear. The directors are combining the 'iuartrly meetinx with a tour of tbe ' country. With their wires they left Chicago. March 15. their itinerary In cluding Minneapolis. Vancouver. B. I"-. VtctorU. Mcattle. I'ortland. an Fran- ilsco. Los Angeles. Grand Canyon. .Jenver. 4maha and I'hicaRO. Ijt nlsrht the directors and their wives were entertained at a banquet at the Commercial Club by Foster a: Kleiner. A business session will be held at 10 o'clock this morning;, and at 15:15 the entire party, except the women, will Z. be the pueMs of the I'ortland Ad Club at the Multnomah Hotel. The women .f the party will b the puesta of Mrs. Q. W. Kleiscr at her residence. 1091 Franklin street, at 15:3. At 3 . M. today another business session will be held, the party leaving for California on a special train at 1:10 i clock tomorrow morning. .Member ef fart y. Th party Is composed of: Mr. and Mrs. James X: Burbrudge. Jackson- ,. viUe. Fla.: Mr. and Mrs. I'hinelan U. Haber and Miss Owens. Fond du Lac. Wis.: Mr. and Mrs. K. Allen Frost. Chl- " cage: Mr. and Mrs. John K. Shoemaker. Washington. P. C; James F. O'Mealla. ill. is O'Mealla and Miss Groves. Jrrsey Clty. N. J.: Mr. and Mrs. Edward C ronnelly. Boston. Mass.: P. J. McAllney, St. Louis. Mo.: Joseph J. Flynn. Law- ' rrncn -I.: Barney Link, rittsburr. Pa.; (. R Hathaway. Mlddletown, N. V.: Samuel Pratt. New York. X. Y.: James A. Iteardon. rVranton. Fa.: Bur nett W. Robblns. Chicago. 111.: GeorRe J Channel". Columbus. O.; Charles T. Kindt. IavenporU Iowa: Walter R "B-.trton. Jtu-hmond. Va; James A. Cur ran. Denver. Coin.; K. W. Flynn. Mc Alester. Okla.: Thomas H. B. Varney. Oakland. Cel.; K. 1- Rudtly. Toronto. Canada: John 11. Logeman. Chlcaeo. lit : Charles II. Lairkln. Spokane: Grant Smith. Oakland. CaL: Albert ilorten een. lxm Angxles; Mr. and Mrs. J. ; narles Green. San Franclaco: Mr. Mc intosh. Georite Sample. Seattle: A F. Unsen. Jr.. Tacoma. .NEW ROAD FILES PAPERS line- Will tooncct Willi Portland strwtrar System. SALF.M. Or.. March 1. Si.eclaL Articles of Incorporation filed with the Secretary of State today contem j.late the construction of another street railway In I'ortland to connect with ertain lines of the Portland Railway. Light power Company, tbe company In.-orporatlns to be known a the Kr rol Helshta Hallway Company. The Incorporators are Fred A. Jacobs. C. " Modstn and G. M. Shrock. The articles state that either a sln cle or donble track railway Is to be operated between a Junction point to be selected on the present line of the Portland Railway. Unlit A Power Company In Sixtieth avenue, or Wood stock avenue, as It Is commonly known . wrvd a point approximately one-third of a mile south of the present bound ary line of the City of Portland on a southerly extension of Faat Fifty-second street, commonly known aa Mil wankie road. The northern terminus of the road will be at the intersection of etther Fast Fourty-f Ifth. Fast Fourty-slxth. Kast Forty-seventh or East Fortr eighth street with Sixtieth avenue. H. F. or Woodstock avenue, where the proposed line will connect with the present line of the Portland Railway, Light V Power Company. It will run thence south alone: one ACCTIOX fiAt.ES) TODAY, At Wilson's Aortloa House, at ! A. at. -Dttura. 1T1-I S Second street. mtnTUto soncn HAWTHORNTS UTGF,. SO. ttt. A. F. AND A. M. ripeetal w tlxyf evnlna at a o'clock. wrl in vne r aeui's. ana f v'clork. work In t h V. L arwe. brethren welenma. By oruar . f the W. M. C. E. aili,lcn. See. WASHISOTOJI LOIV3E. NVX 4s. A. P. AND A. at Stated (4 0 eomtnunirattoa tula (wednee- CJwTfXi Rarnslda. at. M. deares. Visit ors weleontA. J. H. RICHMOND. Becretary. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. S. R. A. XL Puued convocallon this (Wednesday evaalnc. at T:M o'rliKk. Work la M. E. dearea. Visit in ( cempaaloes Invited. A. at. KNAP P. tTAI. ORPES or alOOSB Portland I.mIS. NO. 31. meets eery Wedneadajr nubt at Royal building. 7th aad atorrlsoa smeta, VlHtme Mnoee tnrlted. wai.tkk MfVEK.N. Soeretary. HUUT. O. IIOKRuH, Dictator. S MAttTA V I.OIX1E. NO. J. I. O. O. F- Rciuu roeetlee thla VidjtdaT at a ..vlnck Second dearee and other Im portant tLtBT. Visitors always veleotue. R. 0.VuLD. Secy. (l:li:XT I.orMJC. NO. IT. I. O. O. P. Tterular mtclin tnnlshl Vednrd r. t t.'un fltlns the Otst desr. Vlalt'S lnlt-d to with us. W. W. TEKRY. faC- am I 1. .Mvr.nT?rr. r-Vmmm HT.rLIG THEATPn. 3 iSERwu TOMORROW rterkl price Matinee ealarda.y. Mrs in. bleet rrent C bannlac t esslr Opera Npw Louise Gunning' la tbe Musical remedy -Tlir. BALKAN TRINC KS. Ortelnsl Cast TO Company TO. reelnc lwee fl"r. Sl.je. naleen si.ao. SI. lie. toe. t.allery See. Mtentay Malmrrs lwee floor, fl.a. I. ttatrear. SI. 3ac. ftor. bal'ry. 3Ae. Zle. BAK El R M'"Ei Ar"; TTFF.K M.tRrn lH Tooltt. all week, mal lwee, tte.inedav aad l mrfimv. A poelllve hit. Imen parked le tbe doors, tbe grtmt sreaie aad aetlaa prwdtietloa ef UNCLE TOM'S CABIN The treat A merles rlasele. ltrM time In yeae. Mahta. t.Vr. Mr; mm hlcbee: all man nee., tae. Next week. -The Newly- MtlY a. A ie?o V IIATIN:P. KURT T4T ir J- aaam. MAT. VNIOHTft lie. SSe. awe. ISt IS n-rn: tsi H is I...I- villward and Joke t.ieedlaalnr. The I Verier re Itera. Art Knn, The Moftett I la I re Trio. harlea Kelioac. Kleanore talk a, Araaut llrothees, n HrMra. pletere. . Matinee Every lay. WtrPK MRCH 1 Bva Kay. renator Franrl ltinh. herldaa and loane. Mm aettn. Hi krnftr. Muuiaoa A 1 1 aT' Raadall. Oerbelea. I'rtrea t.e aad ge. Vantages WF.r.K M IR) It IS The rills-Newlln Tronpe rrat. Kerws Rroa Llnoer and Moods. -mrt. Faetaarseooe. Fopolae price. IWx jrl. l-anl acetone., fopiilar prices. Bos epea tram l A. M. la ia P. M. Hoxea and tlrst Row tlaloiv Keaetied. furtaln t:S. T:la and . I'boaee A tfi. Mala :. LYRIC TlirATt.R Ft KTII AN1 STARK Keatiac Flood Moslral Comedy Is. In -tVHTRI.EY-;IRI.KY." Three perfeinan. ea daily 3:3e 7:3a and 3:li. t riday Mshl bent. .IH o"r after each performaaee- Nest Week Hire A red. of the streets mentioned and a south erly extension thereof to the point of lta intersection with Andover avenue In Errol Helchta. thence southeasterly alonsr Andover avenue to Its point of Intersection with the southerly exten sion of the Milwaukle road or fcaat Flftv-second street. The capital stock of the corporation Is placed at 130.000. s Girl Would Sheriff Her "Queen." VANCOUVER." Wash.. March 19. (Spe cial.) Havlnir an hallucination that he la kins: of all the world, and of cre ation. Gertie Hoffman, about 40 years old. who says she Is a prophet, promised to make SlierlfT Ira Cresap her quern, if he would "be rood." She has been taken to the county Jail for detention while waiting to be examined as to lier sanity. She has lived north of Vnn cotiver Barracks for several years, and has had the habit of wearing men a clothing. When arrested she was wear Ins a soldier's blouse and a plr of ICKKlnir. BORN. WILLIAMS To the Ife of D. I. Williams. 4; Taylor street. March 17. a son. DIED. DOfCLA. In this r:ty. March IS. at St. Vincent lloapllal. John Douglass. Kl Tl vtj, 'ii of the late t'nplaln John Donslass. brother ot Rebecca Wald iun. of K'i"'IHc. lentu; Sarah Shea, of I.o.llow. wash.; Uo:rt Hii"p of i'ort land. and the late ham Douglas. ROHRBATHKR In this eltr. Vsrch 1". St the family reldvnce, M Belmont street. Rllsaheth Ilohrhachsr. aed years . months and la das. The remains axe at Kinlry's parlors, funeral notice In a lati-r issue. KRAMER In this city. March 1. at the ftmlly residence. East Slh St. Nortli. yarsaret Ann Kramsr, wife of tleorr" K Kramer. The remains are at r"lnley's par lors. Funeral notice In a later Issue. MORGAN Msrch 19. at the residence of his dsufhter. H. J. Morsan. dearly be loved father of Mrs. fharlea H. Wo.Hlard. In bia w-ta year. Funeral notice later. afOROAK an this elty, March 1. H. J Morfan. aied J years. Funeral announce ment later. ITXtl tL NOTICEA. URoVJiKT.O Mrs. S. Bromnerj. beloved mother of Mrs. A. llooiiri. airs. 1. Shut. Mrs. J. Hocbfcl.l. Mrs. C. Ollbert. t'harle and Jacob iiromhera. paserd sway Tuetav rvtnlng at 1 .." F. M. r'ti neral services will be held today at 2 P. M. at lira J. Ilix'hfuld'a realdeuce. il 6th street. No flowers. BKOMBKRG In this eitj. March 19. at tbe reviusnce. 4-J Itin street. atrx. Btirm jtrombera. Krlend Invited to attend the funeral rervicea. which will he held at the above residence today (Wednesday! at 3 P. M. Interment at Ahaval Sholom Ceme tery. DOt5IAPS The funeral services ot the late John liouslase will o nem ai ninn funeral ..sriors at P. at. tolay (Wednes day!. Wteous invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. THOMAS The fnnersl services of the late Jorcprt Klmer innmai vni te n!ia at r in ley a cbaprl at 1 1 A. M. today (Wednca davi. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Ftr femetery. viosllU. flotml deeiaas. Nob 1IIU rVao lac. lit in aad OUsaav Maaa eoS. A aiae. MON'VMKVTS Otto Hrhaanasa Msrkk Vterks. taM ad aad Fla Ma. t.aat MR. EDWAKD HOLM AN. the leadla fa erai director aad andertaker. 1- Xbird ea, ar. ealssea Lady aaeietaet. ItwaialBST A MrF.alee. Faaeral rrlisi ssis. 7th aad Ptne. Fboae Mala a. Lady et- teadaat. Ofllee ef ceaaiy t S 2CU EI CO.. Mt-t WllUaana are. ie East lasa. C lOSS, Lady atleodaaa. 1. P. FIN UK V A BON. d aad aaadlaaa. tady ittrssMt rhoae Maaa . A tftga. t(T SlUat Faaevwl IMrerteea, ta r. Dannlaa. too. E. tl. Ixa. Lt.aU.lt. Endeetakee. ear. taal Alder aad Rath. East 181. B IMS. Laxly aUi loasl IKS Fji COMPANY. d aad Clay. dlAA. A ML Latdy attastdaat. THE CEMETERY : Beautiful ML Scott Park : I.ARC.F PKRMANKNT. M O l K R N. P K T- . LAM)" OM.Y MOOKRN I'RsETKRV WITH PERPETt'AL t AKK of all burial ploti without extra charge. Provided with a perma- nent irreducible Maintenance Fwnd. Location ideal: Just -out- " ? aider the city limits on north Z and vest slopes of Mount Scott. J " contslnins; J5S acres, equipped Z with every modern convenience. , PRICK" TO "FIT AIT KK.H1KR THK RK.T. om: MILK COITH OK 1. K S T !. R K (i V I. A R At TOM OBI IK KK.RI. trFi PRKfl BKTWKR" e I.KST ASW TUB . tKV ICTKR Y. tl It It OTT OFFTCK. ?0-II TKOM J HI' It. PINO. fAIN 2::.. A ;6. a K M FIT K R Y tiFFICE. TAKOK Z " itsR; ifoME PHONK R1NU R T till. THEN CAXJ-. LOCAL 401. J Cm CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily er Sunday. Per 1.1 ne. One time . . .". bameadlwe eonseenlite times --e a.ame ad three eonseculive tlmea See Same ad or seven eoneeule times.. Mf I Krmit Lances must a compsny gai.-w--1 eeders. U hew one aHvert laement IS not rtlBj ia eea- secutlva luMtes the one-time rale applies. Mm nerrla count aa one line on cash ad vertisements aad as ad counted for lesa than Iwe line. On eharce or book advertisements the eharcre will he baaed on the actual number ef lines appearina In the paper, reaardlese ef Ibe number of words In each line. In New Today all adenlementa are charted by measure only. It lioes te the '"The above rates apply le advertlaemente ander -New Today" and all etber claeslnca- llons except the follow Ina : Mtnallon Wantel. Male. Mtnatlons Vtanled. Kemale. Oreaonlan will aeept rleealned advertlae- menta eier the telephone. proldlo the ad- vertlaer la a subscriber to ettner maw. r. 1 nrirea will be ouoted ever the phone, but hill win ne reniierea in. 1........ ...a tthethee suletlent advertlaemenls will be SM-eepted evee the phone depends lipow the pronintneaa of the payment of telephone ad vertlaementa. sltnatloea Wanted and Per sonal adtertlaemelita will oot be accepted over the telephoue. Orders for ene inrfr tiow ealr will be accepted for "llonsea for Rent." -rnmllnre for Ssle." "Rualnesti Op nortnnlllea. Keomins-llouses" aad "ant ed le Kent." - OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. City Hall. Main .S. A 7t Humane officer. Serseant E. I- Crate. Residence. It E. tlth N.. Kaat 4TT. Ilnrao ambulance, corner of Mh and Taylor. Veterinary In charge. Marshall !" Ani mals Rescue Home. Xorthruo Acres. Thomaa A. S.'iort. supt. A ttt7. tings. JfF.W TODAY. AUTOMOBILE MEN Corner 19th and Washing ton Sts., formerly occupied b Wliitc Iotor Car Co., is for rent." Handsomest auto mobile salesroom in the West. Win try to sell your wares on a side street ? Port land's wealthy men. nearly all, pass lOth and Washing ton 8ts. several times a day. Besides, it's at the head of Alder St. "Be a Live One" E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. A COUNTRY HOME FOR AN AMERICAN QUEEN ft arrM lit Rarahoo Station on the nw Mt. tMi1 Klfttrlc. This plaao command the mM.t plrturiiiiiia vinr to be found In Ore gon. Mt. Hoo.1 ipii'im aa in ynur front ard: KianU view uf .undy and Bull ltun ImproTFinfntsVS'nTTinicr houff, tenant hoti, 2 u.r asaort,l bcarluc orchard, 1' r-ii a-ar-oId appl . brarlnc uniall f run. astrt-l varltl-ii. Thousands of roses will bloom this ynr. Vou wit It an eyo for natural beauty will bi so tndlbly Imprvsssrd w 1th thin aput and so Infatu atrd with 1 1 charms t list you ill want this plart for your country horn. This w,l appwil to thosa that nsve means to livr whera Mf is surrounded with tht rhnrtps of nature. Th price will seem of ffrotidary Importance . when you enjoy tha pleaiursa of living; In sucrt an ideal home, fcee Mr. M or pan. ClIAI-IV Jt HKRIeOW. Sla.-Sal4l ( hamter of (-ommerre. 100x100 IN CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND. Price, $20,000; rent. $120 per month; balance easy terms. Smith &.Shefler 822 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 6826. IN THE HEART OF "KENTON" BIG MONEY-MAKER Three acre railroad frontasre, enough can be plutt.-d Into lots to pay for the property, and lr-uve threes large factory sites clear, fronting; on the railroa.l. This ran be hal on easy terms. tee us about this at once. J. M. FRENCH & CO. 41: 41.1 Ahlnatna hldjc, IftH'i Thlrel St. IRVINGTON SWELL HOME Swell S-room liousiv hot valer heat. S fireplaces. harrlwoo.l floors, buffet, bookcases, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch: corner. lOuxlOO. with $1700 worth t.f strewt linprovoments paid; price tll.OUO. $3.0 cash and $100 per month. A swell home. In a fine location. Kaat 14th street. GlllM at IIULUS, SIH Board ef Trade kl !-.. 4(h and Oak. LOANS O.V HEU ESTATE. $260,000 at 6 per cent In $10,000 amounts $10,000 at 7 per cent. $10,000 at 8 per cent. Applications received from principals only. Apply 11 A. M. R. H. BLOSSOM. Sift Chamber of C'ommeree. Portland's Ppeglallst for Inside Property Warehouse District Will build a warehouse to suit tenant and Irate for a Iwra of years. The best comer on Fifteenth street, with 100 feet of trackaKe. Close In. JOHN I- KAIIOPI', Ry. F.seh. Rlda;. mortgage loans z:.z:;xmz:'X 57 FVFRFTT&SIMDKDS 1C1 O 4I BOARD OF TRII1K Bill, DIN;. MORTGAGE LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Morfsraajee furrhased. v.T.STl-:R. BOM) NOHTO.tOE CO ('ommrrrlBl flub Rlda. MORTGAGE LOANS ttpf JOHN E. CRONAN, nof J O eoa apaidina Bids. COLI.IH, IlKKRIIMiF. Jt THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 334 Uorrritrr Rloek. Fhoae 3lnla B567. KEW modern homs. also vacant lota la lrvlnsioo. R- B. Blcs. owner. OrTice pbaae Kaa-t roslUsnos pbeae Xaat 34U. rVETV TOKAT. vnw HoowAiKi, Riytna M.mTaiDi I t'Ol'STRV LIFE WITH IX THIS CITY LIMITS. Mr. Automobile Man, how would a half acre within a few hundred feet of the 100-foot scenic boulevard, and raclfie Hlshway strik you? 15 minutes' ride from the center of Port land. SOMERSET VII tiAS are so situated and may be had at less than th price of a lot in Irv inston. Warehouse Site 3 full lots, on West Side, can be had this -sveek Below Market Value. 350 feet frontajre on a rail road by 100 feet on paved street. All improvements in and paid for. In the heart of the new wholesale district. PRICE: $15,000 Per Lot $45,000 F. E. REED, 402-3 Oregonian Bldg. Will pay reaular eommiaaloa to asreat niaklna: aale. For full Information call or pbone M 3521 or A 3.15.. Goodnough Building AT Public Auction On Mondav, April 22. 1912, at 11 o'rlock. A. M., in front of the County Conrthou.se, I trill sell at public auc tion, the quarter block at Fifth and Yamhill streets, in Portland, Oregon, on which stends the 6-story Goodnough building. Terms, 1-3 cash, balance due in one year. DAVID S. STEARXS, Referee. For Sale 1760-Acre Ranch I. Miuain id miles east or rvtamaui N-alls. in Swan -Iake Valley: S00 black bottom and 400 red land: all can be cultivated: 200 (food timber, remainder trrazlnir land: 500 un der cultivation. 200 meadow, run ning ater In ach field, water to Irrigate 200 acres. All newly fenced and cross-fenced. Extensive out side ran ire. Three barns, two houses, one built last Fall cost 14010: granary, meat and chicken houses, our own telephone line to Klamath Kalis. I guarantee this the best buy In the states. Sick ness forces sale. Title abstract warranty $20 per acre. Terms $10,000 cash, remainder at per cent. Ten thousand dollars worth of stork at a bargain to buyer if be desires. Come and see us, we mean business. Address r. W. JSTDKB. Svrea, Oregoa. Uptodate Residence With Modern Garage s-'ix rooms. sleeplna--porch and beam celling, paneled dlnlns;-room : furnace; full cement basement; all fixtures In stalled; in fact nothing; lacklnn: hard surfa.w streets, all other Improvements; lot 50x100, with east front. Price $4250 Terms. Sea Owner on premises. SSI E. STth, North. Call Tabor 8531. For Sale Or Lease for a term of vears. a modern slx-story-and-basement brl.-k, sprinkler equipped, on Terminal tracks, very central: .0.000 square feet floor space; suitable lor warehouse or wholesale. DAVID STKARA8, S4 Waealaglosi St. Factory Sites 16c sq. ft. Both wter and rail shipping- facili ties. Channel S5 to 40 feet deep on harbor line by Government soundings. Sidetracks already on adjoining prop erty. Near new location of $3,000,000 plant of Portland Gas Company. W. J. GCAH1X, 438 Mohawk Bids;. 19 13 Grand Trunk Paetflo K. K- ' -Bur aow. British Celumbla far Uaaa. Prices are roiDC OP are sellinc Und la the Bulkf-v Valley. Fort Oaor... r. i.. couotrv and tha Nachaeo Val ?, TO. t.r bl on this last and baat West. IddrVs. North Coa.t Land Company. Ltd 101? Cbanibar of Commerce bldl, Port land. Phone Main W7. Mala couvsr. B. C Pald-np capital, tl.6ud.00a. "-''Ti T-rT-rnr.Tirii rr'Wi-t n..a . XKW TOOAT. I Will Build and Lease to a responsible tenant, a one-story brick manufacturing; or storage build ing, with ample skylights, on my inside 1.0x100 lot. situated on East Ninth street, between Stephens and Harrison streets (lot 3, block 105, Stephens Addi tion). Apply K. B. MscVAir.HIOX, 606 Concord BIAS-, Second aad Stark Sta. LAURELHURST 23 DISCOUNT List Price, $1300. During March Your Choice $1000. Lots 13 to 18, inclusive, in block 30. One-half cash, nest payment May 24, 1913. See the property, then see T. O. MONTGOMERY, 301 Wilcox Bldg. nr. AT. ESTATE PtAlERS. BRl'BAKER BENEDICT. 603 McKay bldg. M. 640. Beck. William G., 315-318 Failing bldr. Chapln ar Herlow, 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. & Co.. 60S Cerbett bide .Tannines re. Main JS8. 106 Oresonlan. P4LMER-JONE9 CO.. H. P., 404-405-40 Wllcos Mdg. Tha Oresron Rsal Estate Co.. Grand ave.. at Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). RE AX. ESTATE. FIVE LOTS. . $3000 1 600 Cash. Portland Heights. Average of S0xl4.t feet practically level., good soil and every foot available for use; unobstructed view from each lot. Ptreet graded and city water In and pnld for: short distance of Portland Heights car. Each lot should sell for tlOOO. Somebody gets a barealn in these lots. N'ot another chance like this one the Wret Side. P SO:!. Oregonian. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. For t)je man looking for a business location on this thoroughfare. here is something which tro think Is unequaled. It Is an exceptionally v.e!l located, un restricted corner where several streets converge. 100x115 on tho north side of the avenue Just beyond 20th St. The curve In the street gives It 35 ft. front age directly down Hawthorne, while Elliot ave. ond 20th St.. on the south, head di rectly into It. This Is In a locality where people own their homes and Is a most valuable location for stores with apart ments above. The price is $10,500. with all Improvements paid. Half cash. STRONG A CO. flNC), 605 Concord Bldg. Authorised agents for Ladd's Addition. LOTS 275. Waier laid to the lota Fine building sites at Multnomah, the new suburb of Portland, on the Oregon Elec tric; only 20 minutes from the Court house; 5-cent carfare. There is nothing like it near Portland. Terms, 10 per cent In cash and $10 per month. Go at once and see tor vourself. Western Securities Co.. owner. 414 Hpalding bldg., and Mult nomah Nation, on the Oregon Electric. HOMESEEKER3. SPECULATORS AND BUILDERS. A splendid opportunity to bur a West Side lot. close In. tins view, 1 mile to City Hall. 15 minutes walk; a bargain for 9tl2; terms. AD 846, Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUPIVELV. I have about SO per cent of the real estate for sale on Portland Heights In my hands. Shall he pleased to show you homes or homesltes any time. You will get exact facts (I refer you to any of my customers); no persuasion, no agents to bore you and owners prices only. Mrs. Brooke. 642 Talbot road. Marshall 4S2T, A 3eS0. PORTLAND HEIGHTS REAL BAR GALVS. . 90O Greenway lot: a fine buy. X2100 u acre on Upper Drive. S27.SO 4 lots, frontage 3 atreeta. &4000 7 -room modern house, furnace, fine yard, close to car. These are all way below value. Fred W. German. :3 Burnslde. M. or A 277s. BUILDERS' TERMS. 100x100 Lot. Esst 3th St. Witl sell you a ouarter block on East 311th St., just right for 3 bungalows; will take second mortgage for price; location Is near Tibbits st. : price S'-'ituO. A. E. Poulfen, 41S Railway Exchange. A GREAT CHANCE. $709 buys 50x100, half block . to Rose Cltv Park car; none better; suo casn, $10 month, 6 per cent; work has started on Sandy Blvd.; you know what that means. See Jas. C. Logan. 815 Spalding bldg. BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern elope, near Council Crest, $950 aad up. Including cement sidewalks, curbs, graded streets and water; building restrictions; sold on easy terms. Provident Trust Company. 301, 202, 208 Board of Trade. Marshall 478. A 1022. WEST SIDE LOT5. On f.c carllne; have water, sewer, streets graded, electric light, telephone: aa low aa s:iuu ana gooa lerrne. w. a. iwnn, 428 Mohawk bldg.. corner 3d and Morri son. $10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Flno view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Provldont Trust Company. 201. 202. 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A 1022 100x100 CORNER SNAP. A fine corner on Alnsworth ave. and Delaware. Price a snap, $1400; $150 cash and $15 per month. GRUSHI BOLDS, 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. MULTNOMAH ROOMING-HOUSE CO. has a lot. 50x100. for sale very reasonable: thia would make an Ideal location for an apartment-house or hotel. Call at 30T Rothchild bldg., or phone Marshall 4981. FORCED TO SELL A verv desirable restricted lot In Nob Hill. $M)o under value, and $1000 cash will handle. Hurry if you want a snap. Van dun Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. IRVINGTON LOT CHEAP, on E. Ifth near Stanton; splendid location: all street Im provements In: will sell bIow value. Sea Lueddemann A Burke. 921 Electric bldg. . -, 1 II qnai n 1'nonea aargii.ii n Acw.IV A PA HTUKVT KITE n. liklUV lot on r.aat inn uLwcen Morrison and Belmont: will make a bar- . ...1.1. Tl - T." S; am price io t - - " - - v. vi le!, owner. 2Q9 Lumber Exchange. LAURELHURST One ef the best lots in this district, two blocks from tho Henry home, on Glisan st . $300 below market price. Phone Main IRVINGTON lot. 75xlOO. on 21st sr, between Bratee and Knott: facing east; Improve ments all paid; $."760. terms. Woodlawa 8221 or C 1623. Owner. TOUR OWN TERMfl. One lot. East Taylor and 4&th; two lots. Waverly Heights. Kelly and 30th sts. La flarre. 20 Commercial block. ARBOR LODGE LOT BARGAIN. gAOO Fine lot. SOxlOO. one block to car. Fred W. German. $39 Burnslde. M. or A S77. CHF.AP equity In desirable lot Ladd's Ad dition. va ,uui i.knwn ifiu. dim.,, TS4. BIGGEST bargain of the season, beat lot In Gregory nijo .vuu. $300 cash. AC f94. Oregonian. ROSSMERE lot bargain. 43d at.: good loca- tton; price .ow. " ' .... . ........ Owner. W 901. eQregonlan. LAURELHURST. lot 12, block IS; $fiOO cash $H00 Installment contract. C. W. Ha hurst, owner. 240 Stark st. MUST sell, my lots on Council Crest; will take o per cent under market price. V HOP. Oregonian. $10 CASH and $5 per month, nice lot near Flrland. 30 minutes out. H1GLET A BISHOP. 132 Third St. APARTMENT SITE. Full lot on West Park at., desirable and cheap. M 1955. BUT this lot. facing east. high, sightly. Dear tine homes. East Kid and Alameda. Owner. t?i Teon bldg. Main 11$. A 74o4 IRVINGTON LOT on E. 32d; price $1450; good terms. Lueddemaon A Burke. 821 F.lectric bldg. LAURELHURST equity In 4 lots, a bargain. Telephone Main 0. ' SEE OLOVERLAND ACRES. ' C. P. SMITH A SON, 210 RY. EXCHANGE. FOR BALE Lot 50x100. Tremont Park. Write terms. Thos. Hunter. Goble, Or. . CLOSE-IN Heights lot. improved district. jc, bargain. Marshall 437. A 2740. LOT III Alameda Park at a bargain. AB POO. Oregonian. wc-iCTirri. West Side Heights homesltes. $500 to 3d,OO0. Meade, A 2T40, Afar. 4a REAL 'ESTATE. For Sale Lota. EAST 12TH ST. Here Is what we believe to be an ex ceptionally good buy on very easy terms. It la a triangular piece with nearly a whole block of frontage on the carllne, near Hawthorne ave. There Is a 14-ft. al ley In the rear, which gives you two open frontages for all time. There are sbout 07O0 sq. ft of ground In the piece which will be very valuable by the time the re strictions expire five years from now. The price is now $"2S0. and only $.28 cash required: remainder monthly at 6 per cent. Here Is certainly an opportunity to make some money on a very small in vestment. Consider it carefully and then come and see us. STRONG & CO. (INC.). 605 Concord Bldg. Authorized agents for Ladd's Addition. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 200 per cent in a year. 50x150 on Washington st.. six blocks of 23d St., for $1500 $300 cash. Will sell for $2500 within a year and pessibly In 60 days. Tou can make $1000 on your investment of $500. Perfectly level and a first-clas? busi ness lot. close enough to deliver all over the West Side. Be nulck. If you want this bargain. P 691. Oregonian. Beach Property. AGATE BEACH. Kesr Newport. Or. Most scenic and de sirable beach resort In the Northwest: absolute protection from the northwest winds; 40 houses and a new hotel. "Agate Beach Inn," to be built this season, some now In course of construction: hotel te be electrically lighted and to cost $15,000: te be open July 1. Write or phone us for illustrated booklet. AGATE BEACH LAND CO. 913-S13 Board of Trade Bldg. TWIN ROCKS PARK. GARIBALDI BEACH. Lota $60 and up. easy monthly payments: no Interest on deferred payments. H. E. Abry. 423 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Houses. COLONIAL HOUSE. $000 VALUE FOR $5000. SPLENDID TERMS. Owner going East April 1, and will sac rifice this beautiful home, close In and only 1 block to car; this house was built for a home and is constructed of the very best material and well finished through out: 9 large rooms, center hall, two par lors. 5 large sunny bedrooms; extra larae bathroom, beautifully equipped with lat est and best of fixtures; finest furnace on the market; very elaborate combination fixtures, fine shades, screens, etc., gi. with house, large garage; all street improve ments, including hard surface are In and paid for; no incumbrance of any descrip tion. See this exceptional offer before buying. Splendid location for a physi cian; very fine neighborhood. Tabor 3S9. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, $3300. If you have S900 to Invest In a home I can give you the best bargain on the mar ket in a fine new 6-room bungalow, doubly constructed, hardwood floors, all built-in features including a very hand some desk in tbe den, beautiful fireplace and bookcases In the living-room, very handsome paneled dining-room. with Frenh windows-and beautiful large buf fet, sunny bedrooms and large closet, at tic over entiro house; the material and workmanship In this house are unsur passed: owner mupt have money and will take the above price for the next few days: as an Investment you can make $000 in the next month. Tabor 3n.so. NO PAYMENT DOWN. PAY RENT TO YOURSELF. 5-room modern house. block off Killingsworth ave.: electric lights, por celain bath, hot and cold water, splendid terraced lot 50x100 ft.. 10 bearing fruit trees: beautiful view of Willamette River: price $2500: will sell to reliable party on terms of NOTHING DOWN: just pay $30 monthly like rent and the home will be yours. J. O. ELROD. OWNER. 510 Corbett Bldg. A CHEAP HOME. 1002 E. Lincoln, near E. 35d: lot r,.",x 100: all improvements, including hard surface paid for; old -room house, ce ment basement, price $1500: $;f0 cash, balance $15 month; house needs plumbing and painting: lot is worth $1-00. GODDARD & W1EDRICK. Hi Stark St. $6500 CASH $500. Choice location. Portland's best addi tion, street adjoinlns carline, artistic. 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, fixtures, hard wood floors, ell conveniences, immediate possession. Owner. Tabor l'-W-. A 21 ltd. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $500 CASH. Furnace, fireplace, fixtures, garage. 7 rooms, modern; $4800. Owner, Marshall 1M7, A 2116. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? Here iB surely a bargain: A S-room strictly all modern 2-story house, for sale at a sacrifice; owner must go back East, ie reason for selling; price t::;00 with only $850 cash and $10 per month. J. M. FRENCH & CO.. 412-413 Abington Bldg., 106 Vi 5d St. BUNGALOW HOME. $13 Monthly. Neat 5-room and bath bungalow, 1 block from Monta villa car, for $2250, on terms of $15 and Interest monthly; for first payment will take $100 or a good lot or lot equity. A. E. Poulsen. 418 Railway Exchange. WALNUT PARK SNAP. 2-storv modern house. 6 rooms and den. 2 "fire-places. 2 toilets, large bath room, large clothes closet, wardrobes and buffet, full cement basement, furnace and wash trays; beautiful lawn and garden: lot SOxJOO: $5300; terms. Owner 1130 Rodney avenue near Killingsworth. C. WHIPPLE. HOME-BUILDER. 223 Lumber Exchange Bldg. For Sale A swell little 5-room bun galow, strictly modern in all Its appoint ments. Can sell on terms to suit the buver. Just like rent. Telephone M. 7064. OWNER sacrificing- beautiful country home on Willamette River. 45 minutes on Ore gon City Electric, 8 rooms, new. modern, electric lights, running water, about one acre, terms, would consider trade for good Portland property. AK 896 Ore gonian. ROSE CITY PARK. $15 MONTHLY. All improvements in and paid for: 1 rooms, built-in buffet and bookcases, solid oak floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Na tional Realty A Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 5123. We are agents for all the good houses In this district. See us for lowest price Offices on ground. Phone East 9S9. DELAHI NTY t CLEMENTS, 3tth and East Glisan Sts. FOR SALE or will exchange for well-loca:ed vacant property. 70x100, on West fcide, four good 7-room bouses, rental $S0: price $11,000; will pay caeh difference or as sume incumbrance. Iavid S. Stearns. 249 Washington st. YOUR OWN TERM.3. fl350 l-room new plastered house and lot. Tremont: $2700 6-room house and lot. Stewart station; both ready to move In. la Berre. 209 Commercial Mock. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern 8-room house. conservatory. finely improved quarter block, on lower Heights: graod view of city, mountains and rivers, easy Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 38.19. B-ROOM house, on lot 50x10. in Lexing ton Heights, for $2250: easy terms. JOHN P. SHARKEY COMPANY. Branch Office E. 35th and Clinton Sts. Phone B 18SB, Sellwood 76S. A SNAP Good 8-room house and corner lot on E. Davis st. Onlv $3500 for immediate sale. Very easy terms. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED new 7-room house, concrete basement, large lot, lots of fruit, story-and-half barn, close in. good car service; price $34'": terms. -w- . o-j. ...... K-xloO WITH 5 rooms, new. modern, S-min- " ! -.. minute ride: coat .'i.-,.V sacrifice at $1S50; easy terms. Owner. 614 COUCH Dtua. AN urrvim-.'oi. A fine bungalow site at a bargain; will .... Anv reaaonable terms: will furnish monev for building. V P03. Oregonian. TO 7-room houses, all parts of city, small -.omenta easy terms. Leet, 402 Ore- vcrvr TABOR home, a bargain, 7 rooms, modern, furnace, lot 70x100. terms; no Tgent- call at 239 E. 51st st. 077y 200O; large lot! fruit, berries, Vranes 6-room house; carllne: Southern Owner T- V1 ra.- yacltic ' - i.. s.1750 STRICTLY modern 6-room bungalow. iaMO: home broken. Owner. 671 Emerson, ior. E. 18th. BY owner, beautiful 6-room house in Taurelhurst; this is a bargain. Phone . Malrr- 1405. laoor itti. IRVINGTON. yew modern home, best location, well Iraltt and a bargain. Owner. Marshall 1579. MODERN 5-room cottage. 2 blocks from Unlon are.. J22O0; $200 cash, balance $15 per montn. notmiawii c-w. or su. COR FINE HOMES. bee ue.abunu SEE OLOVERLAND ACRES. C, F, S1XH & SOU. 210 BY. EXCHANGE. RJ-LESTATE. l-'or Sale Houaes HOMES ON EASY TERMS. Modern bungalow, four rooms and bath, fireplace. bookcases. plateratl. Dutch kitchen, lot 55x'.K; $2500; small cash pay ment: balance to suit. 5-rcom bungalow, strictly modern, fur nace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, hard wood floors, gas. electricity: good vler Rose City park, close to car; all atroet improvements paid; $:::;5U and uc 5-room bungalow. 30x58: lot 50x11--every modern convenience, buffet, book cases, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, elec tric fixtures. $5800, terms. We have several 6-room homes, with sll modern conveniences: furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitche-. These are first-class In every de tail: $3750 and up. . 7 rooms and sleeping porch, "..earned and paneled effects. fireplace, furnace. bur ret, bookcases. Dutch kitchen. 3 blocks to Broadway car: $.1750. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201. 202. 203 Board of Trade illdg. Marshall 473. A 1022. GOOD HOMES AT REASON ABLE PRICES. SrtOOtl LAUD'S ADDITION Very com. plete 7-room house; only $l"il) cash needed. $5250 UNION AVE. Good 6-room house and 50x120 in a coming bui-in--:-district. :;7.-,0 RICHMOND. 75xlnO end at-tra.-iive" f.-r.oni houc; lots of roMs. $3200 ELM HURST. 50x100 and mod ern 6-room house. 500 cash will handle $2200 CRESTOX. .".OxIOU and 5-room bungalow $300 cash, balance monthly. These are all good values and full par ticulars win be given on request. STRONG CO. i. INC.), 605 Concord Bldg. Authorized agent for Ladd's Addition. NEW A RTISTICTJUNG ALOV PRICE AND TERMS WITHIN REACH Desirable? Well, read this! Lot is 5i ion. on ."-ft. boulevard; in restricted I district, nice surroundings, two carlines. House .iust completing: shingled, largo front porch, bc:inn-l ceilincs. built in china closet, window Ht. fireplace. Dutrli kitchen, enclosed back por.-h; both insida and outside entrance to basement: laundry trays. Five large rooms on first floor, at tic floored, light and commodious; room enough for two extra rooms. Price is $2:o0. Terms depend on you. Good reference, permanent conncrfon places you In possession; and you may pay $.".n a month, including Interest. C. W. DAVIS A- CO.. 00. Commercial Blk. we will nv 1 1,1 FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR $100 CASH. Tou pick your lot in Altamcarl Addi tion, wc will buy It and build according to your plans, pay us $25 earnest money when contract is signed and S75 on com pletion of house, balance easier than rent at low interest; transportation ce-Ucnt. on Mt. Tabor carllne. 5,- far.-: up-to-date improvements. See Mr. Read or Mr. Per kins at 2144 Stark street or phone Jlar- shall 3S32. A 51.15. A HOME. CLOSE IN A handsome modern residence In Ladd's Addition, only H blocks from the Hawthorne bridge: new and modern, and very attractively ar ranged; reception hall, living-room, dining-room, lien, kitchen and pass pantries on first floor, 3 l.ed-rooms and larpe sleeping-porch on second floor: attic large enough for two rooms: hardwood floors and furnace; good basement and the price $7250; easy terms. Lueddemann & Burke. 921 Electric bldg. Phones Marshall 22S1 or A 3625. MUST SELL. If yon- want a tine home for a small In vestment, see mv 9-room residence on 50x59 lot; exceptionally well built, fine interior finish; garage: buildings cost S4400. street Improvements J200; you get ground for $400; worth at least $100; close to Laurelhurst: one block from far; easy terms; price $5000. Owner. 65 E. 2'.nh st. North. $400 CASH PAYMENT will buy a beautiful new and modern home In Irvlngton dis trict, only two blocks from Broadway car; 7 rooms, with many attractive built-in fea tures; hardwood floors, fireplace, full ce ment basement; a home of beautiful de sign, and construction absolutely first class. Price $.".50u. Lueddemann & Burke. P21 Electric bldg. Phones Marshall 2281, or A 3025. MR. LOT OWNER! HERB IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL IFINANl'E IT AT A LOW KATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE: IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. EAST IRVING-ST. HOUSE. Nice, niodern ti-rooin house. furnace fireplace, buffet, bookcases, panel dining room. 3 bedrooms, corner lot 4Oxt00 street improvements paid. Price 4.".oii, SloOO cash and $25 per month. Will ex change for 5 acres with house and near a carllne. GRUSSI BOLpS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOM3 PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONET AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PA YYOU TO SEE US. 1. R. BAILEY CO., INC.. CONTRACT -ING A.RCH1TECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLD. HAVE TOU S500? Under-Prlce Bungalow. Will sell you a $32oo bungalow foi $21Mu) if you can pay $500 down; south of Hawthorne ave.; 5 rooms and hatii; verv cozv bungalow: all modern: no mort gage against it; payments $25 and in terest monthlv. A. E. Poulsen. 41S Rail way fc.xcliange. iu.j..i 7-room modern house facing east on E. 11th St.. between Thompson and Brazee sts.. full cement basement, furnace, hard wood floors, built-in buffet, shades and fixtures; garage. Price for immediate sale, $.".750. Terms. II. P. PAI.MER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main XS'.'I'. A 21153. IWO-THtRDS acrtr and new 3-room house. West Side. 20 minutes from PostofTlce; running water piped to tract, good walks to station; beautiful view of Tualatin Vai lev; $1650: $10.') down. 520 per month. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 47."., A 102 FAKGO-ST. HOUSE. Nice 6-room 2-story house. furnace, fireplace, lot 40xlno. street improvements all paid, on Fargo st.. near Union ave. Price $1700. $1300 rash and -" per month: line piece of property, good loca tion; will trade for 5-room bungalow. Cir.l'SS! & BOLDS. 31 S Board ot Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SACRIFICE INVESTMENT. Leaving city. 50x100 corner, one block from car. two houses, one homo beauti fully finished, other Is rented; garag-; will sell separate; easy terms. uwner. tt.1 E. 2!lth St. N.. cor. Davis. MAGNIFICENT HOME. Trvington. 10 rooms, rub-down finish, oak. two baths, thrc firepiaces. heavy stone work, lot cor., t'Oxino: worth f2' lajn; take less. C lSOtj, East 2.3. H. Herdrnan. PIEDMONT. 6-room, elegant new home. 12to Hslgtt ave., most all In white, hardivood floor, fireplace, bookcase, seal, buffet, Dutch - kitchen. furnace, garage: everything first-class; $370Q: owner next door. " SNA P Unusual bargain: only $3000 for 8-room modern house close In; 1 block from Haw thorne ave.: gas. electric light, sewer in and paid; must seli. 6-ee owner at 52. Ht.yt st. NEW modern 5-room bungalow two blocks from car, 16 mlnufs from First and Al der sta. $2000. on terms: $201) down; balance $15 per month and interest. In oulre S. W. ior. E. 35th and Clinton Sts. Sellwood 70s- VONEV AT LOU' RATfc. MKB VOI R OWN TERMS". On anvthlng of value, furniture, pianos, autos livestock, contracts, mortgages, etc. ADOLPHUS LANE. 411 Abington Bldg. .Marshall 814 riR SALE bv owner li-room home. 4"9 larch (.. Ladd Addition, modern In c.v erv respect, and very desirable; price IviOO for quick sale, favorable terms; must be. sold. East 5j. WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT ON EASY TERMS. Main 1429. FURLONG. 517 Chamber of Commerce. saooo EQUITY In 20flxli with good house, 'near business properly, value over sm0: win take foot,',, loi- quick sale. J 036, uregpn.... jregpn ". YOU have $2000 and want a nifty house ,.,,. vou can t .nu.u mm van a-oa Tee me at 540 E. 45th near Brazee; 7 oms: ownr. I can interest you. MWTHORNE district; $300 cash and $15 . month: new 5-room furnished bunga low 1 block Hawthorne: price $2600. HIG1 EY V BISHOP. 132 Third St. "t.,l(l WESTMORELAND HOME. 7 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, new. nfl.-n near Reed Institute and cars; terms. ' Owner, K SHU. Oregonian. HOUciE aod lot, exceptional opportunity. 17th and East Morrison; lot alone worth Vino- for quick turn will offer this at s'aooo' See owner. 651 East Salmon. 1MF.DMONT BARGAIN. A choie corner, also a fine 7-room house snd lot; best buy in the district, phone Woodlawn 2157. B RG 1N" Four-room house, good lot, $'50) cash'. 870 E. 7th N 5