Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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A -v--w-;e-srv a T rTT Of 101v
TflE MOK.M.Xt UUUiUAIA,' fcK.r..?UAl. ji.nmn a.s. -
Several California Firms Pur
chase Prize Winners at
Good Prices.
r.antiwr .clltrf la lio Into Bust-im-m
and Sopplj Portland .Mar-
irt 00O People Inpr-t
Mnil and Attend Sale.
Tne ond day of the Pacific North
west livestock t-how was attended on
a:i sides with rratlfjtns results, tha
crnvd of 00 being treble that of the
"penins" day.
All of tha prlxe fat mock waa sold
In an arena, around which were seated
loo people and probably that many
more were standing;. o that ail lres
nt wera mro to ea the prtie exhibit
The special train of rara carrying
tha Inland Umpire visitor waa the
ftrest to arrive at the grounds and
the visitor aanntered around until D.
O. Lively opened the aale. The Judg
ing waa finished before the sale be-
Portland citizens will have an op
portunity to buy some of the fineiit
meat In the I nlted Mate in ine nr..
few weeks. The majority of the cattle.
heep and ho were bought by Port
land retail firm and the Union Meat
Company, but ls Anceles and Sjan
Pranclaro also were purchaser. Ta
enma waa represented and Georpe W.
Warren, of Warrenton. Or, represent
In the firm of Dickson Warren,
brought the audience to lt feet when
he paid tl.lo per pound for the grand
champion steer, a yearling, of the
The steer. "Sterllns.- was entered
by the University of Idaho. Its sell
ing price broke the single steer reoord
selltnr price since the first Interna
tional Ftock Show at Chicago, IS years
ago. when a steer brought Sl.tO per
LKely Favara Mac RW. .
In opening the sales. D. O. Uvely.
manager of the Union Stockyards Com
pany, said he believed the tlecond An
nual tflo'k Show to be the finest ever
held In the Northwest. He said that the
rattle on sale were as rood as any
shown in Chicago. Later Mr. Lively
made a plea for the raisins; of hogs
In Oregon. "We spent IsoD.OOO last
ear buying hogs out of this state,
and the Northwest spent tlj.000.ou
In the Middle West for the same pur
pose. That Is three times the amount
f the annual apple crop receipts. Hogs
bring II. 2 more per letf pounds in
the Northwest than elsewhere."
M. K. Parsons, of Salt Lake City,
resident of the Pacific Northwest
livestock Association, said: "I am
much Impressed with the magnitude
end quality of this show. I know
that the rattle shown here today would
-ompare with the best shown In Chl
racn at the International Show. I be
I saw the finest steer today I
vrr looked at."
Mr. Parsons probably referred to
-.terllnc." as the net best steer had
Seen shown In Chicago, where It took
first prise In the earllng Mass. This
sr. rnd steer, '"Cllf f ton." waa purchased
at 50 rents per pound. Like Sterling,
it was enters by the t'ntversltv of
Ms ho. William Consldlne. of Port
land, bought It.
Ol bee Ma lee Tarry Off liaaars.
It seemed that stock-raisers coming
from other states received higher
pi Ires than the Oregon producers.
Careful observation of the prise-winners,
sales, prices and their owners
wfl prove this statement. .
W. It. Ralph, who. with 1. O. Lively,
shared the honors of the day. urged
the buyers to offer something as an
Incentive for the stockmen to raise
prise stock Instead of Just doing busi
ness in a half-hearted manner. The
California buyers were always received
with cheer. B. F. Studtrll. of Halsey.
auctioned off the sneep.
The noon hour was taken up with
luncheon and a trip through the I'nlon
Meat Company, guides being provided
to SSno visitors. The slaughterhouse,
repulsive as such places are. was spot
less. Women and men wafhed the
morbid sights of killing; and the pro
cesses of making the various products.
The Government Inspectors were on
the Job. and visitor who had seen
similar Industrie In Isolated places
ould sppreclate the value of cleanli
ness and proper inspection.
Frawa ahlpaseat FxhlMted.
At the close of the sightseeing trip,
the visitors reached the room contain
ing the ;3S products from one animal.
Minced ham. bologna and crackers
were passed to the visitors. A room
a 1th a temperature of It degrees be
low irro reminded many Kastrrners of
the old das at home, it contained a
shipment frozen and ready to go to
It was announced early In dnv
lhat the I'nlversttv of Idaho won first
Place in the students Judging contest,
with a score of lS3 points. The Uni
versity of Washington was second,
with I4 points: the University of
Idaho erond team third, with l7l
points: O. A. C. fourth, with 17Ji points,
and the O. A. C. second team fifth
with li-U polnta.
Today Is the last day of ti e show.
The sal of the breeding stock prlxe
wlnners starts at 10 o'clock: hogs In
the morning and rattle In the after,
noon. The sales and awards of yester
day follow:
llelfer Anrss
payed er martin helfara. S and urwKr 1
ars First trise. University of Idaho; sec
ond. W. C Dorrarwa. Enterprise. Or. ; third.
Iitsjt Hroa. t'slon. Or.: fourth. A. o.
Tfijnne. Wapato. Hull.
"wars and spared or martin nslfer-s. t
.ar old and andsr ? First. University of
Irfsho: second. A. H. Kaxlestcn a Son.
Hoise: third and fourth. A- i;. Dunn. tVap
ato. Wash.
irand rhamplOB steer. J Tears and under
I niverwtty of Idaho. Thera wsra
a In the klitina contests.
.ixrtbrn bull. 1 Jars and osr first.
TVans Hrown. Carlton, ur: second. A
hailasr. Forest G-ovs.
Heart Sheet Kora Bull.
shorthorn bull, t years and under t first.
A- . buna. Wapato. Wash. No other
esnlor yearllns bull, dropped between Sep
tember 1. io. and January 1. Ills. .o
Junior yearling, dropped beta-sea January
t. ll. and September I. 111 first. A. o.
runn. Wapato. Wash.: second. A. Chalmers,
Forest tirove.
Senior bull ealf. dropped between !Vptem.
br I. lilo. aud January 1. ltll First. A.
Is mnn. Wapato. Wash. No other awards.
Junior bull caif. dropped since January 1.
" First. Frank Brown. Carlton: second.
A. O. F'unn. Wapato. Wash.; third. A. CnaJ
aners. Forest Crow.
'ow. t rears and over F1rt. a. O. Duns,
Wapato. Wash.; second. A Chalmers. For
est tiro' e.
(w aad Heifer,
few and heifer, t years aad under I
sirs;. A. Q. bans. Wapato. .No other
rlnr vearllne heifer, dropped betweea
September I. last and January 1 1st.
W. A.
altnor. iiappner. Or
Junior earilna. dropped between Jan
uary i. 1SIU. and Sfpl.mhrr I. 1)11 First.
W. A. Minor, lieppner: second. A. IJUiui.
Wapato; third. A. Chalmerm. Forest tiro re.
S-nlnr helfrr calf, dropped betwi-en Srp
temtMir I. ll and January 1. 1TMI First.
A. . Dunn. Wapato; second. W. A. Minor.
Junior heifer calf, dropped since Jan
nary 1. 1111 First. A. O. Dunn. Wapato;
second. W. A. all nor. Heppner; third. A.
Chalmers. Forest Orove.
Senear Htreepstake.
Senior sweepstakes hull, competition lim
ited to first prise winners In the axed and
3.ear-old class I'raik Hrown. Carltin.
Junior sweepstake bull, competition Urn
Ited to first prlxe winners In yrsrllnc and
bull calf awards it. lunn. Wspalo.
Senlr sweepstakes cow A. i. Dunn.
Junior sweepstakes u A. . Punn.
lirand champion ro A. 5. Dunn.
Asrd herds; 1 bull I years or over. 1
cow 3 years or ocr. 1 bull 5 years and
under x. t bull 1 year and under : I boll
onder 1 year First. A. II. Putin. Wapato:
second. A. Chalmers, Forest ll:oe.
Yanng Herd.
Touns herd: 1 bull - ears old and untier.
; heifers 1 vear and under r. 1 hellers
ander I year: . 1 1 except hull must he bred
bv eshlhit-w First. A. : Punn. Wapato;
second. W A. Minor. Heppner: third' A.
Chalmers. Foreat tjrove.
Calf herd, consisting of bull and hetfef
and one yearllra r'lrst. A. 11. Dunn. Wap
ato; second. W. A. Minor. Heppner; third.
A. Chalmers. Fost Orove.
Four animals begotten by same sire
First. A. 0. Dunn. Wapato: second and
third. W. A. Minor. Heppner.
Oeorxe Chandler, of Itaker. Or., took all
the awards for and A. G. rJKSle
slon captured all the Angus prixes.
C bajnptn Feeehemns.
There were no entries In the special class
of draft horses. The only exhibit of horses
la that of three champion Percherons exhib
ited by Frank Brown of Carlton, and the In
ternational prizes inning- 1'ercheron mara
Amorlta. prlsewlnner at the Chlcaao Live
stock rhow In lieiv. exhibited by the Idsho
Agricultural College of Moscow.
Following are the swine award:
Car lot M) head or more. 17" to
pounds First prise. H. C. Milks. Itnlse: sc.
ond. ridd A. Knorr A Co.. t.rangevllle. Idaho;
third. Al Page. Twin Falls. Idaho: fourth,
Edd A. Knorr Co.
Car lot, k head or more, either harrow or
sows, or mixed. pounds and up First.
Union Flouring Mills. Unlub. Or.: second.
Kdd A. Knorr St Co.. Grangevllle; third.
Hrockland Uros.. Islsnd Cltv. Or.: fourth.
W. B. Kurt. Portland.
Fatteaed Hogs.
llest pen of five fattened hogs. I7 to '.'A
pounds first. Kdd A. Knorr ar Co.. t an Se
ville, pecond. N. C. Halt. Kldgefleid. Wash.
Second best pen. 'J-Z pounds and up
First. W. H. Kurtx. 1'ortland: second. 11. i.
Miller. Hoise: third, nnn-kland Hros.. Island
City. Or.: fourth. Edd A. Knorr A Co..
virangevlile. Idaho.
tlrand champion barrow of show First.
C C. Brown. Klmberley. Idaho: second,
Brockland Hros.. island City.
The awards for sbeep entiiea are as lot
lows; t'srload. "h) head or over. 1 year old
First. Chris Maurer. Dillon. Mont.; second.
W. C. Templln. Dillon. Mont.; third. Kugg
Bros., Pendleton. Or.: fourth. W. Al Jones.
Joseph. Or.
Carload. &0 head, fat lambs under 1 year
First. Kugg Bros., Pendleton. No other
best pen mutton. 1 year and over First.
Chris Maurer. Dillon; second. W. C. Templln.
Dillon; third. W. Al Jones. Joseph. Or.
Best pea of five mutton, under 1 year No
aw arde.
Wether. 1 year and under 2 First and
second. University of Idaho. Moscow. No
Wether lamb First and second. Univer
altv or Idaho. No third.
Wether. 1 year and under 5 First. W.
Al Jones. Joseph. Or. No third.
Sale Are ef Importance.
The first carload of steers, first-prise -year-old
Hereford, raised by Mr. Cole, were
bought by the Union Meat Company, at
IS. I cents per pound.
The Brst-ptlxe ;-year-old Hereford steers
ware bought by Mr. Consldine, of 1'ortiand,
for l.t cents per pound.
The first -prise yearling Hereford steers
First A. "i. rann. Wapato; second
, rr
. - A - .r- -, af w
, V.V t
rrt boucbt by Mr. Butler, of Tcoma. for
7 cnts pr pound.
The firt-prt- rolled Angui steers wer
bousht by th Leos Anfelea Hacking Com
pany, for t. rents pr pound.
The Ihlrd-prixa. 3-vmr-old lifrford steers
vere sold to the Wemrrn Mt Company
of San FranclaK-o. for T cents per pound.
California Mrra Dujt.
The fnurth-prls. lurham cs.nle. 3-esr-o:d.
ralni b- the I'annlHjr 'unipan. of
Oaselle. . wrre bought bv M- . Uill. of
Portland, fur "..S ieni pr pound.
Thf e-nd- prims- corn fed cat t le, rained
by the Idaho CrovUinn Company. iite.
re hoiiht by the In ton Meat Company
for 7 -ft ct pr pournl.
The promt- prist spayed belters, ralvftd
bv Wlliun H rot hers. Joseph. Or., bruufrnt
H rentp per pound and a era purchased
by the linKm M-at ""onipan.
The mn'l champion ster brought t ha
reef rd-brcak ins; mm nxt. 1 2 per pound.
-'lift n. the second -bet ster. wm then
Aid for rent per pound to Wlthajn
CooaMiine, of I'wrtiantl
. . . . - a. ass- aHawss-ai rassawfl atssk ..jaMfiii. Wtw.. ftrWcedl Vtrf&P ?Sr$ V . 4 .
The thtrd-prlie S-year-old steer. raised
by the Howard Cattle Company, was bought
br the Union Meat Company for 0 cents
per pound.
The fourth. prlxe S-year-old steer, raised
by W. C Dorrance. Knterprlse. Or., wss
sold to the I nlon Mest Company for
cents per hundred jesunds.
La Angeles Company Is Buyer.
The second-prize S-year-old steer, raised
by W. C. Dorrance. brought 10 cents per
pound and was purchased by the Loe
Anseles Pscking Company, through their
purchasing expert. O. M. Patterson.
The first -prise S-year-old. raised by the
University of Idaho, with a reputation at
Chicago, brought l.M, cents per pound and
was purchased by the Western Meat Com
pany, of San Francisco.
The third-prise 2-year-old steer, raised
by Benson Bros.. I nlon Or., was sold for
H rents per pound to G. W. Warren, of
Warrenton. Or.
H. E. Fraser, of Mi.lalla. Or., then old
two steers for f S cents per pound to tha F.
I- Smith Meat Cnmpnny. Portland.
The Hens..n Bros., of Union, tnen sold
their popular white steer to Professor Car
lyle. of the University of Idaho, for 17 cents
per pound. Professor Csrlyle wit! use It for
the coming Fall shows.
R. U Rice, of Khertdan, Or., sold two
steers. .1 years old. to Carstens Packing Com
pany. Tarnma. for 7.31 cents per pound.
A red Durham cow. exhibited by Barclay
4- .Mcradilrn. Corvaliia. brought rtiit cents
per pound and was purchased by tha F. L.
hmirh Meat company. Portland.
The first ortzo carioao -year-oia wnnrr
sheep, raised by Chris Man re. of Dillon.
Mont., were bought by the Union Meat Com
pany for 5.S5 cents per pound.
readletoa laimb Sold.
The Hrst -prlxe carload of lambs, raised
by Hudd Hros.. ol Pendleton, brought 6
cents per pound and were bought by tha
Western Meat Company. San Francisco.
The second-ptise lambs, raised by W. C.
Templln. of Dillon. Mont., were bought by
a Portland meat firm (who request their
name to be withheld! for Sv, cents per
The third-prise S-year-old ewes, raised
bv RikM Brothers, of Pendleton. were
bought by the Cnion Meat Company for 4.5
cents per pound.
W. A. Jones, of Joseph. Or., sold tha
fourth-prize shorn wethers to tha Los An
geles Pscking Company for S.I.r cents per
The best pen of live mutton, raised by
Chris Maure. Dillon, Mont., was sold for
ti cents per pound to the Union Meat Com
pany. The best pen of five wethers, raised by
W. C. Templln. of Dillon, Mont.. were
bought for .V7'. cents by the Union Meat
The first-prize one-year-old wethers, raised
by W. A. Jones, of J.iseph, Or.. Were sold for
7 cents per pound to the Union Meat Corn
pan y.
Joseph Wether Sold Here.
The second-prise yearling wethers, raised
by W. A. Jones, of Joseph, were sold to
Adams Brothers, of Portland, for i cents
per pound.
Two Oxford yearlings and one lamb, raised
by the University of Idaho, were bought by
Russell Sheppard. of Portland, for cents
per pound.
The flrst-prlxe carload of hogs. 175 tn 22S
pounds, raised by R. C. Milks, of Boise,
brought 7.9 cents per pound and were bought
by the Union Meat Company.
The first-prize carload hogs. 723 pounds
up. raised by the Union Flouring Mills Com
pany. Union. Or., were sold for 7.7 cents
per pound to the Union Mest Cdmpany.
The aecond-prixe carload of hogs. 175 to
pounds, raised by Davis Brothers, of
North Powder. Or., were sold for 7.25 cents
per pound to the a'nlon Meat Company.
The thlrd-prlse hogs. 17 to pounds,
raised by Al. Page. Twin Falls. Idaho. wer
sold for t'j cents to the Union Meat Com
pany. (raugerllle Hogs la Demand.
The second-prixe carload of hogs. ll'-'o
pounds up. sold for 7.2 cents per pound to
the I'nlon Meat Company. They were raised
by Kdward Knoor. Grangeville. Idaho.
The third-prise hogs. J& pounds and up.
raised by Illn.kl.mri Bros.. Highland City.
Or., were sold for 7.1 cents per pound to
the Union Meat Company.
The fourth-prixe hogs. 223 pounds and up.
raised by W. B. Kurtx. of Portland, were
sold for 7 cents per pound to the Union Meat
The cltammon barrow hog, raised by C. T.
Brown, of Klmberly. lrluho, was sold to Se.
it s seV ", ' - ss a 1 fw i
Mtl...JS -Je-sa -Hint,- -
' S
- I
1 selliaa Prise Hereford tadle la
Aartlss Hiaa. 2 Meer That Sold for
Sl.THi, or atiO a Pound. 3 Pare Vkite
Meer Owned y Howard taltle C'orn
paay. of Ms Fraarlaro. 4 W. f,
Italpk, the Mrs Perec Anrlioaeeg.
tClii i Ua?U-2 UJL-Jl lTiMU i
is a -v . Pv ?-i
.-' ' - -W. t .gJxWatL'jaU JZSUHZL
4 w - .. ... s
V"t :
"a. H . . ' 1 m
a Un'ckly clear the Complex
ion, Drive - Away Ffroplrs
" aad Blemishes.
Sometimes an approaching party, din
ner or other affair which one must at
tend, renders necessary a quick cleans
ing; of the "skin, the removal of pimples
and minor blemishes and the clearing
of the complexion.
On these occasions the every-ready
healing power of Poslam will be val
ued. One or two overnlgrht applications
will work wonders In driving away
such affections, rendering the skin nor
mal and presentable In appearance, for
here Is utilized the same healing power
by which Poslam effects complete
cures' of all eczemas, acne, barbers'
Itch, salt rheum, etc stopping; all Itch
ing; at once. Whenever the skin alls
Poslam promptly applied will prove
ha efficacy and prevent embarrass
ment, distress and suffering.
Poslam Is sold for SO cents by Owl
Drug Co. and all druggists. For" free
sample write to the Emergency Labor
atories. 32 West 25th street. New York
Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam,
Is the best soap for your skin. Large
cake. 25 cents, at druggists.
vere A Weed, of Portland, for 13 cents per
The champion pen of five heavyweight
hogs, 22. pounds and up. raised by W. B.
Kurtx. of Portland, were sold for T cents
per pound to the Union Meat Company.
The second prlxe hog. raised by Bloekland
Bros., of Highland City. Or., was sold for 7
cenls per pound to the Union Meat Compsnr.
The second prlxe pen of five hogs. 2S3
pounds and up. raised by Bloekland Bros..
Highland City, sold for T. cents per pound
to the Union Meat Company.
association plans cocks: to
aid dairymen.
s. Wclli-, state Chemist, Will Con
duct Class 'That Will . Hold
I'irsl Session Tonight.
That Portland dairymen are taking
an Interest In the campaign that has
been -waged to secure and maintain a
pure milk supply for this city Is Indi
cated by the fact that some of the
dairymen have taken the initiative in
requesting the Young Men's Christian
Association to add to its curriculum a
course for the study of this problem.
The Y. M. C. A. has consented to or
ganize a class and hopes that It will
prove an Important factor In the cru
sade for pure milk.
The Y. M. C A. course will not be
directed in an inspection of present
conditions In Portland, but will be en-
) .1 t .: $
i t.
tirely of an educative nature and will
be attended by the dairymen themselves
and their employes. The claas will
meet from 7:45 to 9:30 o'clock each
Wednesday, beginning tonight, and con
tinuing Xor 10 weeks. The course will
include analysis of milk, butter, cheese.
Ice cream and cream, butter tests,
solids, methods of detecting added
water, preservatives or other foreign
The lessons will be given by A. S.
Wells, who is state chemist In the
laboratory of the State Dairy and Food
Commissioner. His close connection
with the milk inspection of this city,
as well as that of the state at large,
assures a very practical and useful
Many of the leading dairymen of the
city have expressed their approval of
ihis. course, la- IL-C French, educational
' . . - - - . . ., f. y. .Jf ace. :.o.-'- j
- .r VX.JC-eVV . 1
-i r,,,::-:;(J
A cordial invitation is extended to all visitors
attending the
Pacific Northwest Fat Stock Show
VTpk'pp During
director of the Y. jr. C. A. They de
clare that their interest in securing
pure milk -is equal to that of the public
at large, and a number of them will
see that at least a part of their em
ployes are enrolled for the course.
More Than 100 Albany Residents
Will Make Journey.
ALBANY. Or., March 19. (Special.)
Plans have been completed for the big
excursion to Mill City next Thursday,
when more than 100 members of the
Albany Commercial Club and ther wlve
and friends will journey to the mill
town, where they will pass the day as
ruests of the Hammond Lumber Com
pany. Manager R. S. Shaw has everything
in readiness for the entertainment of
the junketers, including a dinner at
noon, which will be followed in the
afternoon by a trip of several miles
Into the big- timber, where the members
of the party will be given an oppor
tunity to witness logging: operations at
close range. For this side trip flatcars
provided with seats will be used.
The mill of the Hammond Lumber
Company at that place, which is one of
the largest In the state, also will be
Inspected, by the party.
Professor F. A. Perrln. of Chicago 1'ni
vsrsity. In a lecture before the American
Psychological Association at Washington,
towelt on the sacactty of the lower animals,
which he declares Is ofton greater than tliat
of msn himself. For example, said he. a
rat will reason his way out of a compli
cated fnclosure with more esse than an
educated human being would in an analo
goiu. esse.
Who Wouldn't Be After Such
an Experience as This?
To conquer that vicious, stubborn
To find that the night sweats are
drying up, that the hearty old appetite
is back again, and that the dark hours
pass in refreshing sleep
To note the departure of the fever
and the dally gain in strength.
And all done by Ozomulslon!
Why, it is one of the greatest things
on this green .earth:
It's no wonder that you find so many
Ozomulslon enthusiasts everywhere, es
pecially in the season of (Jrln and
Pneumonia, end of that lexs feared but
dangerous pest "Just a common cold
Sample Bottle Free by Mail
That those who are seeking healia
and strength for themselves, children,
relatives or friends may experience tha
life-giving properties of this exclusive
Norway gold medal ozonised cod liver
oil medicinal food emulsion as wall as
to know Cacmulsion superiority In
belnr most nalatable and easy to take
a generous 3-oz. bottle will be sent
ty mail to those who send addresses
by postcard or letter to Oaomulaioo.
Pear! St.. N. T.
Cough Remedy
Slops Kvea tVaooplna: t'sish ttmlckty.
A fa ml It Jtupply Kaafly Mixed
at Home for POc.
If someone in your family has an ob
stinate, deep-seated euuyh even whoop-iiijr-coupli
which lias yielded Mowlv to
treatment, invest SO cents in. tiiis llnex
plan oi home-mixed oough svmp, and
watch that eouyh vanish. If it fails,
monev back promptly, and no arjrunient.
Gel a 50-oeut bottln of Pi hot ond mix
it in a pint bottle with home-made sujrsr
aymp. This makes a full pint a family
supply of tha most effective coueh rem
edy that money oan bur, at a savlm? of
$2. Gives instant relief and will usually
wipe out a bad ooujih in 24 hours) or
less. The surar syrup is easily made by
mixing a pint of frranulated supar with
pint of warm water, and stirrim; for
S minutes no trouble at all.
Pinex oouirh syrup hss a pleasant taste
children take it willingly. It stimu
lates the appetite and is slichtly laxa
tive both Rood feature". Splendid for
croup, hoarseness, throat tickle, incipient
lung troubles, and a prompt, successful
remedy for whoopinjr-coujih.
Pinex is a special and higliTv concen
trated compound of Norway Wliite Pine
extract, and is rioh in fruaiaeol and other
elements which are So healing to tha
Pinex has often been Imitated, but
never successfully, for nothinsr else will
produce the an me results. The genuine
is guaranteed to ffive absolute satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Your druggist
has Pinex, or'will get it fT you. If not,
end to The Pinex Co., ft. Wayne, Ind.
Fines la fully s;uarartaad br Laua
sOftTa EwS ts9t tiiaULbutera, tgrtiajid.
which will be held at the Union Stock Yards (Ken
ton), March 18, 19 and 20, to visit the Plant of the
Union Meat Company (adjoining).
Courteous uniformed guides will escort you
through and explain in detail the operation of a big
Packing Plant.
It is an educational opportunity to learn the im
portance of Government Inspection, and see the
modern, sanitary, scientific methods employed in the
production of meat and meat products.
the Fat Stock Show the Mississippi avenue (L) cars will run
without transfer. Special 8-minute service will be provided.
i Spring
and tone up your
tem ready for
mer days.
The "Atlantic
SliSfinovated at a cost of $1,000,000.
A.'i Jatest American comforts; 120 pri
vate bathrooms. Grand Hall. Superb
Booklets Kree Poatoae 4 Cents From the norland Acency, Rihisi n2, 311.1 5th
Ave., or Town and Country Travel Ilureau, 30 5th Ave., . Y.
It-built and KiilHracd
All latest Improvements
a Rova.1 I'ulHce and C athedral
Open May, 1912
'70 rooms. WO bathrooms,
en t i it 1 y up to 1 h t " 0 ')
tvt above th Sprudtf l-Tvo
FunlnlHrs. An to -bus meets
all tra ins. GarnRf. Hook
let 3!9 Fifth Ave.. N. Y.
.PD A M7rMCP A n WORLD FAMOUS SPA for the Treatment of
h KAii LLliobAU heart diseases and female complaints
JL IVi hn. from Carlsbad. Apply for Booklet, Town fountrj-. Mil 5th are., . Y.
ours to
A Sprinc and Summer Kuropcan Tour
is Incomplete without a Visit to
Write for maps and the Hotel i.luirie. also
handsomelv illustrated booklets an. I lltei-H-ture.
Scr.'t free from our American I'uh-
liCltV fifties.
S4I fifth Ave. iliept. li'4i New Vork
mi Jamaii'tVjrTja.LSf.
are quickly relieved by an appplication of
Sloan's Liniment. It's very penetrating, goes
straight to the sore spot.
Miss Elsie Manthey, 4229 Talman
Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: "Aboat
two years ago my mother broke down
with rheumatism. The doctors didn't
do any good. My mother was per
suaded to try Sloan's Liniment, and
in three weeks was entirely well
and I believe she is cured forever."
Mrs. A.AVkidma, of 403 E. Thomp
son St., Maryville. Mo., writes: "The
nerve in my leg was destroyed five
years aco, and lot't me with a jerking
at mgut so tliat l coum not sleep.
A friend told ine to try your liniment
sad now I could not do without it.
I find after its uae I can go to sleep."
is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma,
neuralgia, lumbago, lame muscles and stiff joints.
At all dealara. Priea 2Sc. SOc. and 1 .00.
is the first"
of Spring a
cording to the almanac
time to begin drinking
tar Brewery
Northern Brewing Co.
Torllund Vancouver M A N Y.
Willi restaurant Pfordte, opened
19i9. Grand location. Near Central
Station, facing- the beautiful Alster
Lake. Extensive Modern Garage.
Home of I'lntlncnishcri Americans
Hotel lis Luxe oi LSHOen-Kaden. iixteuslve
Auto (laraK.
rirt,t-4 Iuhh 'rhrouichoiit Enjoys the quietest
and most tranquil position in Wiesbaden on
account of its own magnificent parks.
Leading Hotel. Opposite Station. MkX. J-J. PoesseL
Summer and A inir
ApnrtmfiiiH wiin ivuiih.
fcel ramtioo fiaya by -lino.
Orcronians wIumi in Europe
should visit the
situated at o. 3 Hegcnt St., S. V.
JWILillfsP seBasMSTSsaay i mmmi il
- Tgyvig-'-s?'1--
sS5 3s