Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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If President's Friends Register
and Go to Polls, State Will
Show Majority.
Chairman IVrlurM Only Dancer ol
IWcat I.Ip In Orcrconfldcnc
of rropl "Do It Xow"
J Slogan Offrrrd.
"Taft Toters must register" will be
th slogan of the rortland Tft com
mitter, beginning today and continuing
until the registration book close on
April 9. for the direct primary nomi
nation election. t'halrmnn Aver said
yesterday It would, be the purpose of
the committee to give every assistance
towards encouraging a full reglstra
tlon of the Republican voters of the
"from the report that reach Taft
headquarters. I am convinced that the
Taft sentiment In this state Is very
strong and that he will carry the state
overwhelmingly, provided Taft voters
register." said tr. Ayer yesterday.
This should he the slogan from now
until the registration books close on
April .
"Kvery adherent of President Taft
should exert himself to help atonic this
work. All the committee can do Is to
call this matter to the attention of
the Toters and if they are Indifferent
and feel that on account of the Taft
sentiment In Oregon their efforts are
not required, they will have only them
selves to blame if the result after the
primary election Is not what they expected.
Vetera Advised Is -l It .ir."
Let the cry be: "Taft voters must
register.' In order for them to vote It
Is necessary that they register. This
Is a matter to which the Individual
elector must give his personal atten
tion. It Is not a case of 'Let George
do It. Instead, It Is a case of Do It
now." "
County Clerk Fields will keep the
registration books open every etk day
from A. M. until P. M. until April
9. and will co-operate In every way to
brlna out a full registration. Only IS
days remain In which unregistered vot.
ers may attend to this important duty
and qualify for participating In the
primary election without going to the
trouble of swearing their vote In. The
Impression prevails among many vot
ers that since they registered two years
ago they ran vote this year on tho
former registration. Thi Is Incorrect,
the rcclsiration law specifically pro
viding for a new registration every
two years.
Taft seatlsMst Jitraag.
"I am not saying that there are not
any supporters of Roosevelt In Tilla
mook County." said A. O. Reals, of
Tillamook, at the Imperial yesterday,
"but I have yet to meet the first Re
publican In my county who will admit
that he is supporting the ex-President.
"-n the contrary, there Is a strong
Taft sentiment throughout the county
and Republicans are very generally
giving their support to the President
for a second term."
"The only opposition to President
Taft among the Republicans of Marlon
County." said B. K. Meredith, of fcalem,
vesterdnr. "exists In the element of
the party which always has opposed
the President. This element represents
the minority In the party, which makes
It a reasonable certainty that Taft will
arrr the county by a very satisfac
tory margin. Republicans very gen
erallv Indorse the Administration of
President Taft and feel that he is en
titled to a second term."
riniltrlal,! Mr V!iftB record SS I Dltea
siatM rft-nutv district attorney Is excellent.
and in confirmation of this we need only
m.ntlun hi Burcevs ia nroeecutlng h
hue la cape which have been under
his charge, of 1 cases bmuKtit be(or t1
court on.v one was lost. M.mbers of th
I'nllerl Matea srand Jury who have been
familiar with his work, sprak of him
th hiaheat terms.
Kr tha otn. of Sheriff the following.
amnne nthera seek nomination:
Iloi ntisorth. nrearnt denutr sneriri. II
romlses to carry out CherifT Stevens' pol-
hich Include practically unmolesien
license for aamblln and the dlsrepiltabla
ruMithousra wblch hav disgraced tha couniy.
UcA lister, who was th nromolcr or in
home rule liquor law at th last state elec
tion, a measure adroitly planned to de
ceive the voters. This fact Is suKceatlv ol
the fiirs Kalunil hi candidacy.
I'al. who was es-Maor Hmnn I chief Of
nolle and waa Indicted by the srand Jury.
Among th other ranuinaiea u J. i. Vin
son, distinctly oppoeed to the policies for
which the above-named men stand. H
Is a well-known clttarn who for IS year
has been prominently blcntiTU'd ner witn
movementa which have mada for belt
condliiona morally and socially, and whose
business career has been surcesf ul. while
Ms eperlrnce as a peace offt'-r elsewhere
urra his fitness for th office.
Itrar in mind that w have over 4O0
saloons, in addition to numerous blind pis,
this community. Thes will each con
trol at least a dosen vote say a total of
Orpheum Nature Singer Gives
Wonderful Demonstration.
Cliarle Kcllogff Performs
City Officials, riij-slclans.
clans. Educators and Fire
men, Astonishing: All.
roMcnr star rh:i he
IIKAItM.NU yuR m;w play.
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karlea Rice, Who Cornea to Lyric.
Charles Rice, of the team. Rice
and Cady. Is in town, and yester
day started rehearsing the now
Keating & Flood Musical Com
edy Company In "At the Fair."
thn opening bill of this aggre
gation, which commences at the
Lyric Theater at next Monday's
matinee. Rice and Cady are not
unknown in the musical world,
and Portland theatergoers are
promised one of the biggest
treats ever presented in the musi
cal rotnwly line in this city. It
Is eight years since tliey ap
peared at the Raker Theater In
a number of Weber & Kle-ld suc
cesses, and at that time thy
scored a hit. Thy will present
only the lateet Eastern successes,
and. coming direct from the the
atrical center, they have nn abun
dance of them. The regular pop
ular prices will prevail at the
Lyric, and two performances
nightly, and a daily matinee will
be given.
f.0O0 which will he r.tst almost unanimous
ly for chosep candidates fwr these two of-
Xicea. I nlesa tms fore is met by the
united choir of the law-ahldtng citisens
of this county, we face a foregone conclu
sion, and the result will be a continued
reign ot vice.
Ilecauee of these facts we urge you
use to the utmost your inftiirnc In Im -
pressing upon your fellow citisens the Im
portance of uniting In nominating at the
forthcoming electlun Waller H. Lvani for
Pistrlrt Attorney, snd J-. T. Wilson fur
Petitions Out for ICcpublican IH-!e-
gatrs to Convention.
Petitions are being circulated nomi
nating Ave additional candidates for
election as delegates to the Republican
National Convention. The five candi
dates are: Phil Mctscban. Sr.. S. H.
Huston and J. W. Minto. of Portland:
T. Karly. of Hood River, and T. W.
Harris, of Eugene. Kaclt of the live
has forwarded Ills declaration of ran
flltls'rjr to the Secretary of State's office.
The number of Republicans now seek
ing the 14 places as .National delegates
Is IS, 11 having already entered the
race. The other aspirants in the order
of their filing are: Thomas McOusker
and Henry W. Coe. of Portland: Charles
II. Fry. Reaverton: Charles II. Carey
and Charles V. Ackerson. Portland:
t C. Applegate. Klamath Falls: Fred
S. By n son. Salem: H. C. Campbell, C M.
Rynerson and Frank 1L Key nolds. Pot t
land: Edward Camp. lendale: A. V.
Swift. Pocahontas, and L. P. Hall. Mo
sler. Twenty !cmncrals also are candl-
lates fur the same 10 places In their
party as follows: Herman Wise, of
Astoria: Mark Holmes, Klckreall: F. C.
Burke. Baker: J. E. Ciodfrey. Salem:
Stephen Jewell. Grants I'ass; John I'.
Ooss. Msrshfleld: Ianlel W. Sheahan.
Enterprise; J. W. Maloney. Pendleton:
Coarles W. Sherman. Sr lalry; Leon
fw Edmundson. Eugene, and Emll T.
RoddanU Slletx: Alex Sweek. John H.
t-teyenson. Ludwlg Wtlhelm. A. D.
Crldge. A- A. Kadderly. W. R. King,
F. V. Holman and Rartlett Cole. Portland.
Candidate I-ovvcIl Satisfied.
Strplien A. Lowell, of Pendleton, ar
rived In Portland yesterday In the In
terest of his candiilacy for the Repub
lican nomination for I'nltod States Sen
ator. He will pass three or four days
here and return to his Umatilla County
home, from which he will direct his
campaign during the concluding three
weeks of the campaign. Judge Lowell
said vesterday he was pleased with the
situation and the assurances of sup
port he had received from throughout
the state.
Power of his voice to extinguish
flame, when tuning forks of great vl-
bratorr strength were futile, waa i
proved by Charles Kellogg, nature
singer, on the Orpheum stage yesterday
morning In the presence of an assem
bly of city officials, prominent physl-
sians. leading musicians, educators and
others. Fire Chief Dowell and several
members of his department were Inter
ested spectators, and plied the vaude-
vllllan scientist with questions In the
Mr. Kellogg declared the time Is
nearlng when immense tuning forks on
wheels will be hastened to quell clty-
mcnactng fires, and that one virtue of
the quelling of lire by sound Is that
the vibratory force Is Just as effective
through a brick wall.
Flremea AVItnesa Feat.
Nearly 100 persons surrounded the
woodsman on the stage as he performed
his various feats and explained them.
In many Instances he made homely
comparisons to convince his hearers
that the wonders he performed were
inerelv the result of applied science
known to the student world for ages.
His experiments In quenching name
were gone through especially for mem
bers of the fire department. For musi
cians he showed his ability to sing In
a range of lSvj octaves, and demon
strated that his singing of bird songs
was done with his throat and not by
whistling, as his shrill notes made
some believe. Then he explained that
It Is impossible for feathery songsters
to carol out of harmony with anything.
To exemplify this truth he presented
a bird chorus with phonographs, joined
In the refrain himself, with a bird song,
and Mrs. Kellotrg played an accompani
ment on the piano, the tones of phono
graphs, human voice and musical In
strument blending without the slight- i
est Jar. His feat of singing three notes
at once also was performed especially
for the vocal teachers present.
In addressing himself particularly to
physicians Mr. Kellogg said he pos
sessed a bird's throat bearing 22 rings
as hidden In tho throats of feathery
songsters. He also informed the medi
cal men present that he is able to make
an Inaudible tone that will nauseate
all within its range. He closed the
demonstration by extracting flame from
wood by friction and by breathing upon
the carbon thus created.
Promtneat Persona Present.
Among those Invited to witness the
demonstration, nearly all of whom at
tended, were the following:
Acting Mayor Faker. Georse K. McOord.
secretary to the Mayor: Kir Chief Dowell.
xtatlaiion enter Young. Asststutit t nier
Laudrnklni. Itattallon I'lilef liolden. Battal
ion t"hlf Stevens. Deputy Kire Marshal
Koardnian. Ohler of . Police Slover. Klre
Commissioners lr. H. C. Klxott. Cohen nnd
Perry, wherlff Stevens, A. Rosenthal. lr.
Calvin S. White, rrr. Robert C. Yenney. nr.
J. H. CogMan. Dr. J. ". Dickson. In
Ralph D. Kenton. City Physician Klegler.
Dr. Andrew C. Smith. Dr. A. K. Rockey.
Dr K. A. J. Mnrkenrlc. In. Louis J. Wolf,
Harrv F. lln.-kav. Dr. A. Tllier. Dr.
William House. Dr. K. J. I.abl.e. Dr. C. II.
Wheeler. Dr. Alan Welch Ftnlth. lr. K. 1".
Cearv, Pr. E. A. Pierce. Kalph Hoyt. E.
K. Coursen. Mrs. Hose Coursen Rerd. W'U-
lam 11. Hover. Mr. and Mrs. Prank T.
Chapman. Mrs. Emma R. Cnrroll. Mrs.
Jmogen Harding Hrodle. sir. and Mrs. Rot-
ert Holce Carson. Georua Tyler-Tagllerl.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon I La Parelle, John
Claire Montelth. Luclcn E. riecker, Dom
J. .in, William Helcher. Ol fiord Nash.
Madanie Hlschoff. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea
luerke. Daniel H. Wilson. Frank Higlrr.
Superintendent of schools: R. r. Robinson.
County School Superintendent: Assistant
city School a upenntendenta Croat ana
Rice. Dr. C. H. ( hapman. George A.
Thacher. H. M. Grant. Frank C. Glhson.
John H. Rurgard. Harvey O'Bryan. Harry
Hewitt. Chester Derlng. C. V. Webber. W.
J. Clemens. A. W. Whltmer. R. K. Noonan.
Gus Rosenblatt and Mi-rle O. Campbell.
Konooni - Association Takes
Aldine; Needy in Portland.
M o n Ri (ml Asso-Hatina Favors. Clioice
9 Il.xrk-t Attorney and Slierifr.
Vfuallflcsktlona of a number of the Re
publican candidates for District Attor
ney and Sheriff are discussed In a cir
cular letter which has be-en distributed
by tha Municipal Association. Through
this medium, the organisation Indorses
the candidacies of Walter H. Evans for
I'lstrlct Attorney, and J. T. Wilson, for
fherlff. These, two officers were th
only ones discussed. The circular let
ter la signed by l. A. Pattullo. presi
dent, and John Rain, secretary, of the
Municipal Association. In part, it is
as follows:
Among tb candidate for the offlc of
Pl.trlrl Attorney are Georg J. Cameron.
Seneca Vnut and Allan It Joy.
Cameron Is the lneui-alnt. II has
Mo hed sll frorts at proteeutlon of social
,!. whit his gsneral Inrfnrlrncy has
degrade' Ms ofnc makms It a byword
and a farx
Fouls Is notorious as th rhosen counsel
f th y lou e!menf of the community,
and tt la easy to Imagine what the admin
istration ot th oftlc will b-s should b p
J..; has been allied In the Clt
sith th llnuor Interests, and he I'
to mah
f all ti Blhf r candidal.
rid-d'r of the ,"n ttsl
gns nr.,11,1
.rlrnrc ss a
Initial steps are being taken this
week In the establishment of settle
ment work under the auspices of the
Deaconess' Association of the Metho
dist Episcopal churches of this city.
The work will be nnder the personal
direction of .Miss Mary Hepburn, su
perintendent of tho Deaconess Home,
7 til' East line street. An office has
been opened In the People's Institute
building at 73 Russell street. Alblna,
where Mls-s Hepburn may be seen fsom
I:3 to 1:30 every afternoon.
For the present a nurse from the
Visiting Nurses' Association has been
secured to supply tho place of Miss
Uasser, the visiting nurse engaged for
the settlement work here, whose serv
ices will not be available until the
completion of her contract In Seattle,
about the first of May.
Miss Hepburn has done a great
amount of visiting In the vicinity of
tho East Side branch of the People's
Institute and finds the field a needy
one. and thuse who know of the un
selfish ministry of the "white ties,"
realise the possibilities opened up
through their entrance into the homes
and lives of some of these unfortunate
Few people know of what has al
ready been accomplished by these con
secrated workers by Individual effort,
and they alone understand the advant
age of having the organised settlement
work back of them.
An all day meeting of tlie various
deaconess' aid auxiliaries of Portland
with a basket lunch, will be held In
the Woodstock Methodist Episcopal
Church. Friday. March 19. In the In
terest of the settlement work and other
activities under the auspices of the
society. The morning session will be
devoted exclusively to business, while
the afternoon will be given to affairs
of a social nature, a feature of which
will bo an excellent programme of ad
dresses, music, etc.
COMMEIICIAL CLin corrf.cts
Our Great Easter Of r er
What to do? What
to wear? What to
read? What to eat?
A woman's work is
a series of questions.
Think what it means
to have a hundred
fellow workers ready
to help you with
their advice. Think
.T-jyj e . v . eV . - P
What are you most
interested in?
Here are three of the most interesting:
Cecilie, the Crown Princess of Germany;
Max Reinhardt, who produced Sumu
run, the wordless play all New York is
talking about; Oscar Hammerstein who
lias made the musical world of two con
tinents tit up and take notice.
Public Spirit?
Here is a way in which women can put
the Moving Picture Shows to good use
so as to help the town.
Self -Support?
One woman is making a living running a
successful boarding-house. She tells how
he does it.
' Art?
Olive Rush has painted a picture which
is reproduced in full coloron fine art paper
by a remarkable new process. You will
also like the cover by Douglas Volk.
The article on Exterminating the House
Fly comes in good season for work this
summer. "Good Health as an Asset"
ought to be read by every woman.
Women's Clubs?
A remarkable department, outlining work
for ten different representative clubs.
When Miss Gilder tells what she thinks
of Arnold Bennett you will find it is just
what we all think.
l- V - - , . - ; - a. .r. - . A . n
9 a. Jrwi--..triy
y JwMW
what it is to have
on hand a store
house of answers
to your most per
plexing questions
lmii 1500 ansers to
1500 Questions for
15 cents all in a
le magazine.
Shall I entertain
this month?
If you do, you will
want to know about
April Fool Parties,
April Showers and
plain April parties.
Shall we have a
If so, what shall we plant ?
How shall we make if
grow? Do you want
"A Garden of Annual
Shrubs"or "Hardy Vines
for Use and Beauty?"
An Easter
Are the children
troublesome ?
Give them something
to do. Here is a post
card projector that will
interest all boys, and
more Kewpirs for both
boys and girls. .
Is baby cutting teeth?
ag - sfc'rl
.Don't worry. Just con
sult Dr. Dennett, the New
York specialist, whose
department, Ihe
i Healthy .Baby, now
takes up this question,
.i"? so important to mothers.
A page of them, from a small turban to a
picture hat. , 0
"A Costume for Afternoon Tea' in colors,
is one of 100 suggestions for gowns.
What are they wearing
in New York?
Miss Gould recently spent a most interesting day.
She started in the rooms of a fashionable dressmaker,
where smart New York women order their gowns.
She went to luncheon, afternoon re
ception, tea, dinner and the theatre.
She describes what the women who
know how to dress are wearing at these
Do you give Easter presents?
A Page of Gifts for Easter
tells about one kind, while
"In Cut Leather and Silk"
tells about another. Then
there is the new gilt braid
fancy work, among which
are some good ideas.
What shall we have
for dinner?
Fannie Mcrritt Farmer is one of those
cooks who create real enthusiasm
for cooking. She suggests a menu for
every meal in the month of April, with
a glorious dinner for F-aster. "Sixteen
Unusual Sandwiches," "Fourteen
Delicious Soups
and ''Ten
Maple Sugar
Recipes " make
your mouth
A friend in need
is a friend indeed
That is why The Companion has so many friends.
They simply cannot keep house without it.
15 cents NOW gets the APRIL
What shall we read?
Olive Rush who painted the full-page
picture in colors in this number, was a
pupil iof the late Howard Pylc. Howard
Pyle could write as well as draw. If you
do not believe it, read his story, "When
I was a Little Boy. Do
you remember what a hit
Kathleen Norn's story
"Mother" made? She
has now begun a new
story a serial this time.
Carolyn Wells, Mary
Stewart Cutting and
Mary Hastings Bradley
are well known to
Woman's Home Com
panion readers. They
all have stories in "this
All news-stands. $1.50 a year. The Crowell Publishing Company, 381 Fourth Ave., New York
Itci-oltition Adopted by Hoard of I
tJovernor Severely Criticises
Labor CoiineU'd Action.
llefasr) for Asetl Women and
plianed ;irl to Ito Ilnilt.
rhte-h OUttl
for th.s uf -WaltT
Pvtl ilk;j to defrat tb unworthy
ORKSMAlt. Or. March 1$. (Special.)
A new home for cigci women and
orphaned stria Is to be built ner Kl-
wood Station on the .Mount Hood I ia Il
ls, a v. The location consists of 10 acres
of uncleared land, recently acquired for
the purpose by the Catholic Slaters at
the Mnntiviltd convent, and will be
eauy of access and Is remnrkably well
adapted for the ues to which It will
be put.
( IrartnR or the land la now under
way. and a cll Is hcinit drilled which
1 Intended to supply ample water for 1
Mil th biilldlnics and for Irrljcation pur
pnncs. Krecllon of the ncesiary struc
ture will commence wlthio a few weeks.
Ai-tte steps were taken by the Board
of Governors of the Portland Commer
cial Club yesterday to combat the In
fluence of the -famine letter" which
was scattered broadcast throtiph tho
Kastern states by the Central Labor
Council of this city a short time ao.
to discourage Immigrants and home
seekers from com in ir to Oregon. A
formal reMolutlon was Adopted prenent
inp the actual facts and will be placed
before the public to correct so far an
possible statements published In the
'famine letter."
The text of the resolution. In which
the action of the -Labor Council is un
sparingly criticised, is as follows:
Whereas, T':ere ha been brouelit to the
atti-ntlon of thf memoirs ox me i oramw
rial I'luh of Portland. Or., a atatemt-nt late
ly Irsucd bv ine . rnirni isinr uunrii ol
thla city ir he purpoae of dlarouraslng
Immlcratiun to the tatc or Orenon and of
dtwiuat.n j nk'i'rd workmen and laborers
from nwcomlnr. residents of Portland; and.
whereas, the representations of the Labor
Council are unjumlned. untrue and appar
ently made from Improper motives and
with the Intention of spreading brondcust
falM Impression or exiPiinjt r-onanionw.
which ! IIhdIo to r suit in kerious injury
to this city and state.
Ito It ro.vca. 1 mi tor m purpose ni
presenting to the pithllc tne actual rarts
and corrertlns erroneous Impressions aoucht
b conveyeo. tne lommcrrisii t-iuo oofi
herby rutliorimo una voucn lor the trutn
of the following statement:
The charge la untrue that largn numbers
of persons from the Kast have been drawn
to the state through fle advertlFf nients
and that tha City of Portland has been
compelled to relieve their poverty and des
titution bv providing employment at low
rate of wares. The number of unemployed
hni Keen no sreater thun In other cities
during the Winter months. It ! well known
that a large noting r"'i'i"w"ii im ccu
lonicd to pass the Summers in the Kant
nd Middle west ana io- w nurra in me
milder climate of tlie Coaat. This clum
comprises prciiciiy t wi i"" un-nipiu..f-a
nd they neither seg nor aesire siaay
mployment In the Kast or in the Aest.
The statemsnt win vi"n w urus iw
opportunities to the nnmeavrner Is wholly
Itnout founotlllon. i nr raiifm pn r oi
the state contains millions of acres of i
land ready for th plow which can bo
purchased at low prices and on long time.
nd the term upwo mi. . sun w uo-
t Mined, in view of the ready market for all
kind of produce, render the problem of
the homeseeker fr easier than the one
nrrsented t the homesteader of fren land
remote from market. In the western part of
the state the land l mosiiy covered with
timber, but in many districts this hss hefn
largely cleared or at least logged oiT. The
lund is to eno.mously proiutlv' that a tw
arres of cleared land are the eoiiiaent of
ouarter sctton in tns Mbidle Weit. while
the iogged-oS land is beld at extremely
low prlo i and in Its present condition offers
ample opportunity for dairying, the ell-
maic or western Oregon, wh n us Krreu
grass the year around, bciiiR Ideal for this
profitable Industry
J he ueveiopmeni or orninnm ntcr3i njr
Involves more capitnl and time, but the
profits from fruit raising by those who are
intelllKent and patient have been unuormiy
satisfactory. The production of apples In
the I'nlted States is less than one-third the
produ'-tion 15 years ago. so that those who
are informed anticipate no overproduction.
Individual Instances can aouoi.ess ne iouiiu
In anv community where frauds are prac
ticed to Hvall thei sale of land and other
propcrtv. but It is easy for the intending
purchaser to be put in the way of reliable
Information. The publicity department of
the Portland Commercial t iud is organ
f .-.f this nurDosc. amongst others.
The City or pnriianu is jjiusucmiuo
n.. in th.. rnillllrv. ITS ItOlHIIUlIon iir in
creased by the Government census inim
4 Jtl I n 1 WO t o 07. S 14 in i i v. uurmi
t ha t.nvt fl e Years OVer ..'"..""..
been Invested In the erection or punnc ana
t.rksiA bulldiucs. uuring uu u
the consiruetlon and rebulldtng of rauroaas
In Orexon than In the entire previous n
f h tflte. and the mileage of t
railroads opereted has Incread r.O Pr cert
In less than three years. The completion
the pniamn ' -n -
era of prosperity for the state which has
never been equaled in the Kast or the
I'romolcr Held to ;ranl Jury
Jlcins Common Cheat.
a. 3
The air passages of the head, throat
and Imijrs are lined -wltli mucous mem.
brane which in heaitn seereirs a mm.
watery liquid to keep It moist. When
& CIHOn IflKCS COIU iliia iusiuuisuq
becomos Inflamed. Tne Intiammatlon
Is at first acute and Is easily curea.
but when a cold lingers for weeks the
Inflammation becomes chronic and a
thick, offensive mucus Is secreted. Tho
disease at this stage Is known as
chronic catarrh and Is seldom, if ever,
permanently cured. The time to effect
a euro is when the coia is iirsi con
tracted and the Inflammation Is In the
acute stag. All that is needed is a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Take It and a quick cure Is certain.
Very often chronic catarrh Is contract
ed In childhood, parents ao not reai
ie the serious consequences that may
follow and permit colds contracted by
their children to linger for weeks. As
a consequence the child becomes af
flicted with chronic catarrh from which
It never wholly recovers. The catarrh
mav cause no serious Inconvenience
while the child Is younfr and strong,
but becomes a burden when older. (
Denounced by Justice Olson as being
cusaed In a illcst ionablo. business by
which the needy were the
.lohn Hopy, promoter of i
which advertises for asrenta and re
quires a cash advance of $20 before
salaries coir.mence, was held in Justice
Court yesterday to answer to the grand
jury as a common cheat. Kleven wit
nesses, all asserting that they were
victims, were in the courtroom to tes
tify, but the court heard only a part
of them.
liocy. who has lived here 20 years
and is well-connected, represented that
he was a traveling agent for tho
Geo. G. Clows Company, ot" Plu'ladel-
sufferers, phia, selling books and mechanical
concern novelties. I'nder the company's con
tracts, one desiring to he a field agent
must deposit ?29 and obtain six agents,
each paying $r,. These deposits were
to he as "evidenre of good faith." All
the witnesses testified that they found
the terms of the contract impossible,
and none of them had readied the
point where he couhl claim tlie ?:
week and exnenses. promised on
fillment of the conditions.
and rhomirrtls
Sta:n. !ir:.l ul
used l.y tile IKItivf ''"11"
having frnislifl
lis.-al year enile
f Ihe 'icrl.3
on'1. i 'hill
iurinK the
Vi.r; ;v . -,"2 .-'ry A.
Ssi. . -Lnt:---r.'"''-: ; '
IT3 T f b
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Fully Warranted