VOL. LII-XO ICOl" PORTLAND, OKEGOX, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS. LOlEtlGSE; SQUARE DEAL IS r daquailssatddeath "'SSMmm III NORTH DAKOTA s ALL TAFT WANTS Oil ALLEN GANG OF DISTRIBUTION ... is ,CCX"SED , - . - i Roosevelt Is Defeated in Primaries. HESULT IS NOT IN DOUBT Wisconsin Senators, victory Conceded by Colonel's Aids. PLURALITY IS NOT KNOWN I.rtlle IWh"V fporlcr Declare He Carried Presidential rrefcr rnrr Voting by From 1 ,00 to SO. 000 Ballot. FARGO. N. D-. March 19. Late - ilaht. Frank Talrott. rhalrman of the publlran Stale Committee, and John R. of Chl.aco. manager, cf .tba -AitTflt rampalsn In thla atate. no- ifi.H smilnr Dixon, at wnnmnon, hat In their opinion Kenatnr LaFollrtta ad carried North Dakota first i-resi- lentlal primaries. Neither made a prediction a to La 'ollette's pluralltr. ut conceded that olonel Roosevelt had reen aeieaiea. Thla decision wa reached by tba Lnevrlt managers after nearly com t returna had been received from of the. I counties In the atate. R.irtfll Mrm Cilve law Going over tha figures from these t rnimilriL the Roosevelt men con. .aa .n of them to La Follette out Ight. listed two othera aa about even nd claimed alz counties for their can- tdate. With these figures aa a basis. It waa ih.h there vera not enough Rooae- elt votes on the western alope to bl- the heavr poll for La roiiene m he eastern portion of tlia atate. CI l lea far La Fallot tew mih nruil Forks. Valley City. X1U Lake. Mlnot and othera of tha srger cfttea lilted for La. roueue. n jemed that the Wisconsin enair. inraltty would ba large, i of tha La Follette movement rnt a telegram to Senator La Follette aylng he tad won tha primary. a y from lS.OOa to 30.000 Totea. Preeldrnt Taft did not ngure proml ently In tha contest. n-,..,.. of the difficulty In obtaln- ng accurate complete returna from iany Isolated quarters 01 nm . , doubtful If the total vote In all tho preclncta will bo known until ia o morrow. netaraa Are laeaplele. incomplete returna from 6 pre inets out of 10 In the atate give Follette iSJ: KooserelL ll: Taft Early In the evening-, when tha total pure, on hand at the state Roosevelt eaduartera save La Folqlette SS nd Roosevelt SH votes. Basa man ger of the Roosevelt campaign. Issued he following statement: "Our reports Indicate that virtually 11 the Democrats have voted for I -a ollette and this has run up tha early turns for him In the eastern and section of the state, where La ollette ta running ahead about two - one. Our later returns from tha .-ettern slope Indicate that country la eoerally for Roosevelt by two to one. -I do not, concede La Fo'lettea sue rsa and predict Roosevelt will win by very close vote. If the Democrats ad stayed out of the Republican prl iarv there I no question but Roo.e rlt would have won." Ia Kellette Mea taaflaVat. leaders at La Follta state head .mrters Issued atatement In which Sav declared that La Follette thad de--ateJ Roosevelt by JO.OOO votes. Complete) returna from 140 preclncta ut of a total or ! In tha atate glva A Follette 4S. Rooeevelt JJ23 and aft ZZt. Roosevelt carried Medora. hla for icr ranching home. The vote was: ;ooevelt I. La Follette 13. Como plete returna In S3 preclncta rum various sectlona of the atata I'.rt Follvtl 333. Roosevelt 1T2. Taft II. " Roosevelt's state tieadquartera con crted the city of Grand Forks to Kollett by SO and the city of Pe- s Lake to La Follette alao by two to, nc. Twenty-seven preclncta In three untles Stark. BlUlnga and Dunn i the cattle country rive La Follette : and Roosevelt BISMARCK. N. 77 March 1. Com lete returns from tho Presidential rtmarv to.Jay In Bismarck give Roose . fit IS'; La Follette tlS: Taft 31. -The significance of the result of the ;orth Dakota election is that Rooee .elt Is not the Invincible candidate hla -upporters would have the rotera be leve. fall Thlmaa McCusker. manager or LaFol)ette In Oregon, last night. Tha onlon Is growing in the minds f the brogresalvee' throughout tha rnlted Wales that La Follette ia tha frremoi progressive of the country ind theloglral candidate to oppose tfr. Taftl "BelievVc that the success of the RrpuMicai party depended on the nomination of Ia Follette rather than ftoot.evelt.lt he Repuhllcana of North ncludtd es rt 2. Pcrjyry fhar Made Ajralost Him for Swcarlna- That Victor I of lal Age. FRESNO, CaU March IS. IfpeciaU) As the result of obtaining a marriage license for Marvin Allen, aged IS. and Mis Annla Oarbarlne. Thomas Dudley, a close friend of the newlyweds. now faces a charge of perjury and la being hunted, by the police. He Is thought to ba In hiding In San Francisco with Allen and hla wife. Tha marriage of Allen and Miss Oar barlne Is said to have been the climax . . e iire for tha glrl'a hand. In which Dudley waa the loser. Aa Allen la a minor be waa tinaote to n..u Ki.t rndlev appeared at the County Clerk'a office and awore that Allan was of age- The couple were married early this morning by Justice of the Peace mlth. and are said to have departed for Hn Francisco. Aliens parents object to w. with Mlsa Garbartne. and It Is said for that reason they will prosecute Dudley and will attempt w have the wedding annulled. LAD OF 10 TRIES HOBO LIFE Boy "Beits" AVay From Portland to Baker and Enjojs It. nivrn nr M.n-h It. (Special.) Tlrln or'l'fe In Portland. 10-yer-ol4 r- . v-otrd. -beat' hie way back to Baker and liked the experience of the IST-mlle trip so well that he de cided to go on to Welser. Waho. .5 miles farther, but Chief of Police Riley captured the little fellow and took him to hla grandmother. Mrs. M. Dunston. of thla city. Edwards and h'a sister are orphans and were living with Mrs. Dunston. when neighbors complained of their delinquency and they were 'sent to the Boys" and Girls Aid Society of Portland, Their aunt. Mra. John Thompson, vol unteered to take them until a home could be found. George did not like Portland life and ran away, "beating hie way by freight and paasenger trains on the O.-W. R. N. Chief Riley found him at the depot Just aa tho boy had decided to go East. MAN REMOVED REINSTATED Fpokan.0 Oomml loner Purges Rlf of Contempt Cliargc. SPOKANE. Wash.. March 19. D. C. Coatea. Commissioner of Public Works, of Spokane, with a sentence In the County Jail hanging over his head for contempt of court, purged himself of that contempt today by reinstating Thomas Cole, an employe In the Public Work a Department. Colo had boen removed by Coatea. who also Ignored the order of the Superior Court for Cole's reinstatement. In declaring Coates In contempt yes terday. Judge J. Stanley Webster, of the Superior Court, gave the Commis sioner until Friday to comply with the court's order. Coats announced today he would appeal from the ruling hold ing him In contempt. RAILROAD FOUND GUILTY Delaware, Lackawanna A 'Western In Fined for Free Shipments. BCFFALO. K. T March 1. The Delaware. Urktvtnnt Western Railroad was found guilty In the United States District Court of violating the commodities clause of the Hepburn act and waa fined 1000 today. Tha company waa Indicted on counts and faced a nvaslmura penalty of J100. eoa. the other charge being that It shipped free from Buffalo to Scranton. Pa- a quantity of hay to be used In feeding -mules in the mines. An appeal will he taken to the Su preme Court to test the constftution allty of the penal feature of the com modities 'clause. BOYS FIGHT; ONE MAY DIE Pendleton Youth Seriously' Hurt by II low Vrom F1l. FENDLETON. Or, March 1. Spe clal.) Joe Garrett, age 14 years, may at aa the result of a schoolboy fight at Weston this morning. He Is now lying unconscious and the doctors be lieve bis skull Is fractured as the result of a Wow on tha head from the (1st of John Banister, with whom he was fighting. The trouble arose over th posses sion of a baseball bat. Toung Garrett waa knocked down by Banrlster. who struck him on the head with his fist. The boy fell unconscious. SOCIALIST MUST RESIGN Xo Office Allowed Except Appoint ment Is Malle by Socialist. SEATTLE. Wash.. March 1. Rich ard Wlnsor, Socialist, resigned today from the committee appointed by tha Mayor under the Council resolution pro viding for a committee to consider the establishment of a municipal bank to handle city funds. The official head of tho Socialist party notified Mr. Wlnsor last night that he could not accept nn appoint ment at the hands of any other person than a Socialist. Mr. Wlnsor Is a mem ber of the Stbool Board, but was elect ed as Socialist. So President Informs New Hampshire. 20 SPEECHES MADE IN DAY Governor Bass, Roosevelt Ally, Is Attentive Listener. SIAO.v-i Xj 0J,iri o jo A TARIFF1 VIEWS ARE GIVEN Kmpliatlc Remarks on ProBret-.slve Measure Mmle From Portico of Stale Hour Opposition lo KcchII Shown. BOSTO.. March J!. "All that ".- the Administration wants Is a square deal." said President Taft, speaking to day from the steps of the Concord, N. II.. Statehouse, near the close of his two days' New England visit. While In Ronton and Now Hamp shire the President spoke to 21 audi ences, outlining dlflnltely his attitude on the tariff, his reasons for opposing: the recall of Judges and decisions and his continued lioue of ultimate arbi tration. , His speech-making activity today took him to Nashua, Manchester and Concord. (iavrraor Masa l.lalraer. Some of the President's most em phatic remarks on "progressive" meas ures were delivered from the portico of the State Capitol, where Governor Bass, one of Colonel Roosevelt's most ardent supporters, wss a listener. Southern New Hampshire people seemed eager to see and hear the Presi dent. Railroad Square In Nashua was well filled with mill hands .pf.roany nationalities. "Progressive Is as progressive does," waa one of the epigrams the President gave hla hearers. He also gave a con cise outline of his Idea of the adoption of the principle of reoill of Judges and decisions. srelal lasts noes Deplored. "Adopt auch measures." he said, and you will have a government "of special Instances. You would have a Constitution that is to be applied at one time and not applied at another. That, my friends. Is nothing but gov ernment of special Instances that has not the uniformity of law and consti tution and Is the most tyrannical form of government we can have. "This question ot a change In the Judiciary means that we may recall Judges that we do not like. If they hap pen to decide against us: or if they happen to decide' a question one way, we may submit it to popular election t Concluded on Pays ..) .' 'in hi ft fzL QMcvri OH THiRES PLENTY OF TIME fe" " VepA . -5 Plea -for Freedom Madeby Daunt less Flcliter Mlm Is Ilavagcd by LunK Arfcctlon. LOS ANGELES, CaL. March 19. (Spe cial.) Slowly dying In a cell in the County Jail and amusing himself by pricking maps of Mexico and China us he moves Imaginary armies against each other in those republics. General Jack R. Mosby is begging for freedom. This most daring of all American sol diers, in Mexico, and nephew of the famous Kentucky guerilla leader of Civil .War days, la grievously suffer ing from lung trouble, aggravated by an old wound sustained at Tecate, and for the first time realties that he Is surely losing his grip on life, and fears death. He never blanched on the battlefield, nitichnd when, as CaDtaln of Boer artillery, ho fought against British odds In South Africa, did not falter be fore Spanish guns In Cuba when, as a filibuster, he helped frro the Island, did not fret under flro as a soldier In tho Philippines, but now ho 11 giv ing up. . Hla physician. Dr. E. H. Oarrott, to day appealed to Attorney-General Wlck ersham for Mosby's release to lengthen his life a short time. WOMEN TO CALM - INSANE Male Nurses to Be Done Awny With at CnHfornla Asylum. LOS ANGELES. March 19. Because he believes women's voices calm the Insane much more quickly than do those of men. Dr. J. A. RciUy. superin tendent of the California Hospital for the Insane at Patton. announced today his intention of replacing all male nurses of that Institution with women. "The Insane are more mc t.e to the soft word of a woman than to the threat or command of 4 man," said Dr. Rellly. "I never have found a man too Insane to forget his respect for a woman." MAROONED EN NOW SAFE Bellinglium Residents C&c Clothing as Sail for Wrecked Launch. BELLINGHAM, Wash., March 19. After being murooned on Vendova Island, which Is uninhabited, for four flis without food,: Fiuuk Baker" nd F."w. Baker, two Belllngham business men. succeeded In reaching safety at Elixa Island yesterday. .The men removed their clothing and used It as a aatl for their small launch, which had been wrecked by the gale Saturday. They drifted about during the greater part of Saturday night, balling water out of their boat con stantly to prevent It from sinking. "Money Trust" Report Xigli. WASHINGTON. March 19. The House subcommittee planning the "money trust" investigation, after a confer ence with Attorney William Williams, of St. Louis, agreed today to report to the full committee tomorrow and Is said to favor tho employment of Mr. Williams as committee counsel. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT All Available Men Hur ry to Hills. FEDERAL CAVALRY MAY AID Illicit. Stills Reported Found Near Allen Homes. BROTHER RIDES INTO TOWN Villagers Greatly ICxcitcd When Kin of Outlaw With Jctect've Kcacbes Town Determined to Fight Court's Order. HrLLSVTLLE. Va., March 19. Mcs sengors from the posses guarding the roads In' the mountains have reported the Carroll County Courthouse as sassins at a point about five miles from Floyd Allen's home. Every available man In HUlsvllle has hurried up Into the hills tonight In the hope of surrounding them before they got away. It Is reported fhat Detective Felts has gone to Washington to ask for Federal cavalrymen to aid In the search for the Aliens. This Is made possible. It is said, by t'.ie finding of the illicit stills in the Allen homes. Jack A Ilea Appears. There was much excliiment in the village today when Jasper (Jack) Allen, a brother of the fugitive outlaws, rode Into town with a posse of detectives. Ills mission was to secure the services of an attorney to fight the attachments that are being levied by the County Attorneys on the property of the Aliens In connection with the civil suits by the relatives of those killed In the tragedy. "Jack" Allen was not Involved In the shooting. He said his brother Sidna and the others would fight to a finish. Sldna's "Wife Talks. Mrs. Sldna Allen, at the home of Stephen Williams, expressed regret when told that Floyd Allen was still alive. "I have no' idea where Sldna went when he left Thursday," she continued. T only wish I did. I wish there never had been a gun made. I left our home the night this awful thing happened. and my husband was still there. As I kissed him good-bye. he told me to do everything I could for our two little children and be kind to his dog and cat" Sldna Allen has two pretty children, both girls. Marguerite, aged 10, and Pauline, aged 5. "I don't know if Sidna is lying ex posed with his wounds, perhaps starv ing to death." Baid Mrs. Allen. "Re (Concluded on Page 3.) IT? Xew York Custom Authorities Arrest Mrs. Blanche Carson With $20, 000 Worth of Jewelry. NEW YORK, March 19. Mrs. Blanche Carson, a fashionably dressed widow of San Francisco, had diamond ear rings concealed in her hat when she passed custom Inspection on her ar rival from India yesterday, according to a reported admission made to au thorities today. Mrs. Carson declared only a pack age of unstrung pearls, for which she pakl duty on the valuation of $850. Custom officers brought the woman from her hotel today for further ex amination, asserting that the pearls were worth 37500. The woman broke down and admit ted, it was said, that she had hidden two diamond earrings in her hat and had other. Jewelry which altogether the authorities valued at 320,000. Mrs. Carson was held, charged with smuggling. In 32000 bail. The hear ing will be Friday. Mrs. Carson gave her address as 925 Gough street, San Francisco. ; BLOW COSTS FIGHTER' $1 Linn County Jury Awards Small Damages to Farmer. ALBANT, Or., March 19. (Special.) A Linn County jury last night award ed E. Wills $1 for Injuries he received in a fist fight last May with Gustavo Rose. This was tho net result of liti gation in which Willis asked for 32560 damages and Rose sought to recover $3000 damages for the injuries ho re ceived in tho same encounter. Wills and Rose are farmers resid ing on adjoining places about nine miles ' north of Albany. They had trouble over Rose crossing a portion of Wills" farm to reach another part of his land and when they met by Wills' house May 13 last a fight ensued. In August Wills Instituted this action for damages, alleging that "the blows delivered by the defendant rendered plaintiff unconscious," and damaged his brain and nerves. Rose, in his answer, asserted that a blow he received on the head from a club In the hands of Wills caused him to have dizzy spells and headaches and he demanded $3000 damages. The case waa tried before a Jury in Judge Kelly's department of the State Circuit Court here yesterday and con sumed the entire afternoon and a night session as well. The case was given to the Jury at 9 P. M. PASTOR'S," NOSE BROKEN Deaf Student Collides With Minister In Basketball Game. VANCOUVER, Wash, March 19. (Special.) Rev. Floyd A. Ross, pas tor of the First Christian Church, suf fered a broken nose in a basketball game in St. Luke's Hall last night when Norris, of the State School for the Deaf, bumped into him. Three weeks ago Mr. Ross ceased playing basketball to take charge of a series of evangelistic meetings held In the Christian Church. The first night after he returned, after hold ing the meetings, the other players had improved so - much In strength that he was unable .to cope with them and suffered a badly twisted nasal ap pendage. 300 ADRIFT ON ICE FLOES Russian Vessels Rush to Rescue of Imperiled Fishermen. ST. PETERSBURG, March 19.-pThree ice-breaking steamers are en route from the Neva today in the direction of the Island of Nargen. to the north west of Revel, in the Gulf of Finland, where 300 fishermen are adrift on floating ice. They are in imminent danger of los ing their lives. TRAIN HELD UP BY 4 MEN Kxprcsa Safe Blown Open; Blood hound and Posse Organized. CORINTH, Miss., V.rch 19. Mobile & Ohio passenger train No. 4, north bound, was held up and the express safe blown open and robbed seven miles south of Corinth tonight by four men heavily armed and masked. Bloodhounds have been telegraphed for and a posse has been organized to take up the pursuit. GOODYEAR TO ENTERXRACE Announcement Causes Considerable Comment at Pnllman. PULLMAN, Wash., March 19. (Spe cial.) The announcement today that William Goodyear, one of the foremost politicians of the state, may be can didate for Congress, brought forth considerable comment here. Mr. Goodyear is a Democrat and op posed Hon.. Miles Polndexter when he ran for Congress. 2nglnc Hits Buggy; Five Killed. ELLETTSVILLE. Ind., March 19. Five men were killed outright today by a passenger train on the Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railroad, which ran Into the buggy in which they were crossing the track. Four of the men were thrown clear of the track, but the body of one was caught by the pilot of the locomotive and carried a mile and a half to this city. Livestock Industry Is Given Impetus. STOCKYARD SHOW ATTRACTS Thousands Attend Exposition Prizewinners Finest. YEARLING BRINGS $1296 University of Idaho Entry ls-Sold to George Warren, of Wtrrenton, Price Paid Being Largest Since Chicago Sale 12 Years Ago. Development of the livestock Industry of the Northwest and of Portland as the distributing center of all the beef, pork and mutton products of Oregon. Washington and Idaho was given fur ther impetus yesterday by the magnifi cent exposition at the stockyards, which, was attended by every one of the 238 guests from the Inland Empire who arrived in the city on a special train Monday morning, as well as by moro than C?fl0 residents of Portland. The conspicuous ribbon badges of the Inland Empire delegation were every where in evidence. The Central Idaho and Eastern Washington visitors wero 4n important factor in the day's pro gramme, and their stock exhibits proved important features of the day's prize distributions and sales. It was a University of Idaho entry a yearling Hereford that brought the record price for a steer on foot ever paid west of Chicago. When George Warren, of Warrenton, Or., paid $1.20 a pound for the big prize-winner of the show he paid more than ever has been paid in the history of the world with the single exception of the steer "Advance." which brought $1.60 a pound at Chicago 12 years ago. Check Drawn for 91296. The animal weighed 1080 pounds, and Mr. Warren wrote his check for $1296. Last night he was busy figuring what the price of porterhouse steaks would be If sold at the usual proportionate advance over the price at which ho bought. He expects to be amply repaid for his investment by exhibiting his purchase at future fairs and livestock shows. As this sale robbed the University of Idaho of its prize offering, officials of the college bought from Benson Bros., of Union, Or., a yearling white Short horn at 17 cents a pound. W. L. Car lyle, dean, of the Agricultural College, declares that he wilt develop this steer into a pflze-winner for next year's show. All the Idaho and Eastern Oregon people were elated over the showing made by their stock. Although tho Judges did not use the ribbon system In awarding prizes, announcement o the results soon were mado known. Inland Empire Winners. ' With the best portion of tho prizes distributed among the Inland Empire stockmen, and the record sale of thn whole western half of the United States going to one of their schools, the peo ple of that district had reaspn to bo elated. They lost no opportunity In -.-Dicing their delight to everyone on the grounds.' It was a busy day .for the Inland Empire party. Quito a few of them had been detained at the banquet the night before until after midnight, and some of these were a little tardy in reaching the special cars .provided for transporting them to the show grounds. Some missed the cars and came trail. Ing to the show later in the morning. Upon arrival at the exposition tho visitors were given an Informal recep tion by members of the Livestock Ex change and the Pacific Northwest Live stock Association, under whose aus pices the show is being given. Speeches were dispensed with, as everyone was too eager to get a look at the fine sheep, cattle and swine. The visitors Just had time to chase through the stock pens and Inspect the prize winners casually before the auc tion sale started. Throughout the re mainder of the morning interest cen-. tered In the sales ring. Visitors by Hundreds Seen. Lunch was served on the grounds and again opportunity was given for view ing the exhibits before tho afternoon sales opened. The early afternoon brought a constant stream of visitors fre.m Portland and other nearby towns. In view of the small attendance last year, officials of the association today felt Jubilant over the presence of so many Portland people, nearly half of whom were women. Although large numbers traveled In automobiles, other thousands braved the intermittent and ' somewhat uncertain service by trolley. Officials of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company are prohibited by law from operating their cars beyond Kenton, from which point the stock yards Interests control the lino and operate It. Changing crews causes de lay. It Is probable that the attendance today will be the largest of the week, as the breed stock will be sold. This really is the most Important feature of the entire show, as It is through th (Concluded on Pass I.)