THE MORXIJsG OREGOXIAN, MONDAY, 3IARCH 18 1912. 5 a (GREAT MMdDVAl SALE W Hi w w 8 8 Here is absolutely the best and greatest opportunity that I offer, or ever will be offered to my old as well as new patrons to get suits made to order by a high-class merchant tailor for less than you can buy ready made clothes 1 T r 'i 1 1 r - JL Xr , 4 n'- ' ii ifc 1 Owing to the fact that I am compelled to pay $300 rent per month for my present location, which is absolutely worthless for my business, and as I am compelled to move will 9 days. I, therefore, have decided not to move one single pattern from this present location. Remember, that for years I have endeavored to give my friends and patrons positively the best values, fit and work manship, and will do the same in this sale, because Portland has been my home for quite a number of years and will be my future home to the end of my days. In order to preserve the trade for the future, I will do my utmost to please each and every one during this sale, so that I can retain them as my future patrons. Remember, this is not a trumped up sale, but is positively a bona-fide sale, complying strictly with the statutes of Oregon laws; no misrepresentation On account of my immense stock of woolens it will be almost impossible to mention each and every bolt separately. I have therefore bulked them together in three lots which are as follows: 1 . Over six hundred tweed Suit Patterns, which I received the last part of February for this Spring's wear, containing the latest shades in browns, grays and other colors too numer ous to mention, and not one suit from this lot would I sell at a regular price for less than from $35.00 to $47.50 a suit, and, not wishing to remove a single pattern, you can take your choice from the entire lot of these 600 Suit Patterns for $25.00 a suit to your measure. Be your own salesman, select any pattern from these 600 suitings for Eleven whole bolts of Blue Serge, containing from 50 to 60 yards in each bolt. These good3 I positively guarantee not to shine or fade and are of such weights they can be worn the year around.. My regular prices on these goods were never less than from $37.50 to $45.00 per suit. Your unrestricted choice from these 11 bolts for $27.50 a suit, made to your measure. Drummond's English Black Unfinished Worsteds, Piques, Diagonals (name stamped on every yard), guaranteed not to shine or fade, for dress and year-around wear. My regular prices on these goods' were never less than from $45.00 to $50.00 per suit. Your un restricted choice from over Five Hundred yards for $30.00 a suit, made to your measure. I wish also to call your attention to the fact that although I have ample time to make up your goods in first-class style, it will be to your own advantage to come as early as possible so as to enable yourself to secure the choice patterns as I posi tively will not duplicate or buy any more goods during this removal sale. ' DON'T DELAY ORDER YOUR SUIT MADE FOR EASTER To my numerous customers and patrons residing outside of Portland, who are not able to come to Portland to attend this sale, I will cheerfully mail samples and self-measuring blanks in order to enable them to take advantage of this sale. MAXW u. U THE TAILOR 246 Washington Street & tvl m R to m fa $ m I w m Opp. Merchants National Bank Between Second and Third Streets ixJ tjj Open Evenings to 8 o'CIock m Open Evenings to 8 o'CIock Open Evenings to 8 o'CIock