(Oreaonlan. Wednesday. Jan. SI. FIRE LOSS IS o IVsrRANCE COVKKS HALF OF BANK AND STORE DAMAGE. . ai Merchants' Trurt Itcsnmes Bninca. Blase I-ld PrfectlTe Wlr Ins or, to Furnace. rirr ft- IX T0 XTOM t VTRR TOT AI M llM.Mt. a. M. TteTee. Jeweler, .t So.aen 0:Sha Pro.. waer. of the h.iT!dln "O nlta a rarflv atora 20.0O. V h " F n TTOBI )nng fohop J9t A t'o.. taltera MlrLInniii damac. one m amoke end mater. Buffered r- imania ef apir floor ef hutldtna and taaanls of adjolnlns property ........ l.OOO Total ..............I000 j 500. Conservative estlmat.s of th. dam C' from t:ie fir. In th. Merchants" Trust building, at the southwest cor ner of Sixth and Washington streets. Monday nla-ht. ho a total of I10..00.. boot no-half of which la covered by Insurance. One of the firms which may suffer more sever, loss than estimated is A. A M. Pelovace. Jewelers, who, stock and fixtures were pitched from ti main floor of the store Into the The Magnificent $128,000 Stock of High-Grade Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silverware, Umbrellas, Novelties From the Best Manu facturers in America to Be Sacrificed at Prices Unheard of in the West. Never Again Will You Have Such an Opportunity to Purchase Such EXTRAO NARY B ARGAIN t And particularly to those who contemplate making purchases for weddings and other events, we wish 4. u fho fof fhaf nn time in bur 18 vears' business career have we ever carried one dollar's worth of junk or trash. The merchandise offered in this sale, is from the world-renowned makers, Gorham Sliver Co., Wallace Silver Co., Woodside Sterling Silver Co., and all other representative makers in the sterling silver lines. Our Diamond Stock is one of the largest and most complete in the city. We have solitaire diamonds from 1-16 karat to 6 a karats each of the finest quality. Exquisite platinum-mounted Diamond Lavallieres, Brooches, Scarf Pins, Rings, Cuff Links, Bar Pins and Bracelets Our collection of Rubies, Pearls, Emeralds and Sapphires is unsurpassed in the city. We have watches of all makes for all mem bers of the family in solid gold and gold-filled cases, from the smallestand thinnest watch made to horse-timers and chronographs This sale starts this morning at 9. We urge the shrewd men and women to be here early to take advantage of this most extraordinary bargain event At the conclusion of this Fire Sale we will reopen in this same location with entire new stock and fixtures. Our per sonal guarantee with every article sold. 18 years in Portland 324 Washington St. Between Sixth and Seventh A I DELOVAGE, Jeweler 324 Washington St. Between Sixth and Seventh STATE WORKS OUT FOREST SALVATION Agreement Reached Between Graves and Elliott for Ore gon's Benefit. TIMBER TO BE PROTECTED National iTweMer Announce- What I rmctlcally Nfw Pnlk-jr and of t.real Importance to Such Vl Timbered Area Orrgon'a. riAl.KM. Or.. March li. i Special.) Py an agreement which has just been reached between II. S- Grave. National Koreat.-r. and V. A. Elliott. Slate For Mr for Orffoo. Important branches a"f forestry work which hitherto have been conducted tinker tha wins; of the Nattorsl forestry Service wtll b. taken in charae by th. Stata Forestry D. parimeni. As a result Is Is "believed the entire work of development of forestry con ditions In Oreon will be nialeriallv enhanced and reforestation and the raltrnt features which surround t'.-.e srowth of private timber landa aa an as-set to the state will b. mor. closely fostered and protected. The infant Plat. Board of Forestry, which has been in esletene. now a Hi ll, less than a year, has devoted Its major work lo the establishment and promotion of a system of Or. protec llon. This. In his lelter lo the Na tional Forester, Btat. Forester Klllott lieclarea Is the essential primary fac tor In protection of the forest re sources. Vs Poller laaawrtaat. Forester Graves. In hi letter, has announced what Is practically a new foreetrv policy in many rcrarda and la considered of signal Importance, espe i tally to statea such aa Oreron. where there are vast timbered areaa of Im mense value. "For "many yeara It has been the nollcy of the Forest Service, as far aa men and funds wer. available, to as- 1st prlvat. owners In the practice of forestry." said Forester Graves, In an-noun'-lns the proposed policy. 'This iu Israrce has Included the, distribution of publication, speclrlc advice by enr rcionderice and In many cases field examination of tracts whose owners desired to plant forest trees or adopt I'clter methods of cutting woodland. While the Forest rrvic. is prepared to continue th. publication and dis tribution of material which will bene fit prlvat owners and the furnishing of adTtr. on specific tracts by corre spondence. Ita resources now permit but a very limited number of field ex aminations of private holdings. It la my conviction that the Forest tervlce should largely discontinue this feature of Its former work. "The trradual creation of a profession of forestry In private life and the de velopment of foreatry aa a definite fea ture of a number of stat. Kovernmenta are making expert advice from other source available to the interested owner. F.reat ervlee- Scop Wide. "In my Judnment the Forest Bervlc. can ns. what resourcea It baa for the promotion of forestry In th. country generally most effectively by devoting lis efforts mainly to scientific Investi gations and the publication of the re sulis. -As a feature of this policy, the rap id development of state foret organi sation susgeeta the advisability of a definite understanding with each atate regarding the phases of aslsfince to private owners which the state Is pre pared to assume and which the Fed eral Government ahould refer to the state concerned. State officers, with their more Intensive knowledge of lo cal conditions, are In a better position than the Forest Service to advise pri vate owners In the stale on the appli cation of forestry to their specific con ditions. It Is my desire to see the states which hsve facilities for such work cover this field aa far aa they are able. To the same extent, furthermore, that the stales which have foreaters or in stitutions conducting forest Investiga tions are able to furnish the e-xpert ad vice needed at least by the smaller private owners, the forest service will be able to extend Its scientific Investi gations and Its co-operation with owners In tfec states which lack such factlitlc. In all caea the forest serv ice stands ready to co-operate as far as it can with any state whose forest development It may be able to assist, but In the specific respects outlined above, t believe that the time has come for the eervice definitely to turn over a ronWlerable portion of the work which It has hitherto done to the state organisations." Mate t Carry W.rk. Continuing Jn his letter Torester Graves sets out four specific changes which he believes will result In a much more Increased efficiency In the general forestry service by co-operation between the state and Federal Gov ernment and all of these four requests have been granted by State Forester Klllott and the work will be carried on under th. direction of the atate In th. future. These four requests involve In sub stance the following: That reineta for addresaea on forestry at mertlnsa larfrly attended by farmers or limber land owners be handled! by the state department: that applications for advlra on planting and rittttnr woodland, which can be fumlfhM without the necessity of fteM examination, he han.Hvd by the statt d'ranmnt; that applications for adxlce on ruttln or planting, whlrh tlo require field examination, h. anwered and handled by the ooprtmvnt and that applications for preliminary field examinations or the preparation of working plans for large tracts be also nanaiea o 'If certain classes of requests origi nating In your slate should be referred directly to the state university, agri cultural experiment station or other In stitutions, which Is prepared to comply with them, I shall be glad to be so Informed.-' Forester Graves continues, t e-Operatloa Tlaa Oat. He further saya many examinations and reports have been made by the Forest Service in the past on private tracts In Oregon and he will forward these for the use of tha State Depart ment. Kxcnange of reports and scien tific data la further asked in the pro posed plan of co-operation. Sugges tions as to co-operation along educa tional lines la also made and assistance asked. State Forester Elliott Is pleased with the proposed plans for changes In the National service and outlined at length. In reply to the National Forester, his acknowledgement of the feasibility of the plan and the desire of the State Department to tako up the sugges tions offered and to carry them through. "uch arrangement would put this office In cloeer touch with various kinds of Information along forestry lines desired by the people of Oregon." saya the State Forester "and would serve, undoubtedly, to suggest profltnblo sub jects for speclsl Investigation and study, thereby developing our work so as to conform more fully with the intent of the law. Investlgatlone along other lines are suggested as well which may bring about further develop ment of ro-opcratlon between the atata and National departments." ESCAPED LUNATIC CAUGHT Superintendent' Siclner Will Jlcfuse to Takr Man Hack. SAI.F.M. Or, March 15. (Special.) Word has been received by Superin tendent Stelner. of the State Insane Asylum, that John TV. Ellsworth, who escaped from the Institution here in July. 1911. la In Jail In Tacoma. Tho escape of Ellsworth was made while ho was allowed rarole privileges to visit the Cherry Fair here. Me was followed as far as Brooks, and then made a aensational getaway through the fields. lie way next heard of In New Westminster, B. C. where he had secured employment on a newspa per and later wss put In Jail there. Canadian authorities then deported him to Washington State aa an undesirable citizen and he was arrested In Tacoma for attacking a little girl. Ellsworth Is prominently connected here and In New York and was consid ered a man of th. highest degree of Intelligence until his mental lapse. Superintendent Stelner saya he will not receive Ellsworth back at th. In stitution here, but will leave him for th. Washington officlala to care for, aa there are a number of Washington patients who are held In the Institu tion here. Salrm Woman Lose Jewels. SALEM. Or March IS. (Special.) Burglars entered Hie home of Mrs. James Wilson, on Cottage street, this week and stole diamond rings valued at about 1800. There were four rings taken. She left the rings and her bracelets on a dresser. The thieves left the bracelets and a diamond pin on a table r.earby. No clew has devel oped. Mrs. Wilson Is tho wife of a well-known business man SURELY OVERCOMES OR DYSPEPSIA IH i FEW MOMENTS Eat a Few of These and All Sourness, Heartburn and Misery From a Sick, Upset Stomach Will Vanish. PAPE'S 12 CHAIN TRIANCULES OF DIAPEPSIH " FOR INDIGESTION R postered tn U. S. Pet. Office s " Bill Time It! In five minutes all stomach distress will go. No Indigestion, heart burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Tape's Diapepsin Is noted for Its speed In regulating upset stomachs. It Is the surest, quickest and most certain remedy in the whole world and besides It Is harmless. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear tliev know now It Is needless to have a bad stomach. Please, for your sake, get a large fifty-rent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable--life is too short you are not here long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat whnt vou like and digest It: enjoy It. wtthout dread of rebellion in the stomach. . Diapepsin belongs in your home anyway. It should be kept handy, should one of tho family eat something which doesn't agree with them or In case of an attack of indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stomach derangement at daytime or dtiring the night It Is there to give the- quickest, surest relief known. Your family may be large and hard to -suit. But Campbells . Chicken Soup will do it. Try it today for dinner; and notice the pleased smile go 'round the table. Some will like this wholesome soup specially for the rich nourishing broth. Some for the real chicken-meat in it; some for the extra-quality rice, the fresh celery or the delicate flavor of leeks so unusual in ordinary soup. But theytll all like it. It will make a hit. And you have time enough too, if you order it right now. 21 kinds 10c a can Look for the red-and-white label Makes a great difference io most women. They are troubled with " nervea " they suffer from backache, headache, sleeplessness, a sensation of irritability Of twitching, hot flashes, dizzy spells, or many other symptoms of female weakness. The local disorder and inflammation should be treated with Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets and the irregularity and weakness of the female system corrected and strengthened with Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription. The strain upon the young woman or the woman of middle age upon the nerve and blood forming structures may be too great for her strength. This is the time to take this restorative tonio end strength-giving nervine and regulator. For over forty years sold by druggist (or woman' peculiar weaknesses and distressing ailments. The ne remedy so perfect in composition and so good in curative enects as to warrant its makers in printing its every ingredient on it outside wrapper. Th me remedy which absolutely contain neither alcohol nor injurious or habit-forming drug. Following letter selected at random from a large number of similar one and cited merely to illustrate these remark s " In the winter of 19n8, 1 became greatly ran down and Irregular. " writaa M aa. Henry Scott, of Swan Creek, Mich, Routa 1. Box 49. I slowly but surely grew worse, and. at laau resolved o apply to the doc tors for help. The doctor said I had inflammation, enlargement and lacer ation. I was in bed eleven weeks snd rot no better. The doctor said I would have to have an operation, but to that 1 would not listen. My hus band purchased two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. When. 1 st.rt.wl tA tmlte thf retneriv I could not walk aeroas tilt floor, but after . I had taken three bottles I coo Id feel myself gaining, so I dropped the doctor ana took ur. fierce s favorite rreaenpoun. uniy iot it t mini I would have been dead I really belMv. it saved but His. 1 feal bettae HU. Score aww than In twenty er. -' F: .'.' ft rv',-,-,r,?v - aw aw as , jar miXT jeV-TT M J MVT ". . J- t'. "-. '' i 6 wwr.J,f;lpp--, ssVfW! JaV, a WE NOW HAVE SOME OF THE BEST LAND IN OREGON TO OFFER HOMESEEKERS Location and soil ideal for BERRY, POULTRY, FRUIT and DAIRY farms. Several openings for small industries, such as PLANINQ MILLS, SASH Aim DOOR FACTORIES, FRUIT CAN NERD3S, CREAMERIES, VINEGAR WORKS. Our land reached by fast electric trains. . Frequent service. FOB INFORMATION ADDRESS RUTH TRUST COMPANY 235 Stark Street PORTLAND, OREGON Main 6076 A 3774