. . . . ... i i . kt:i.4. n:..-,.. cA.rA3 ; tho RoairtifiTl 7tli-Triririr Restaurant From 5:30 to &J Store Open Tonight until v:ju uur uencious pi oaturqay imuw oa : 3 Butterick Fashion Sheets and Patterns for April Are Now Here-Genuine Irish Shamrocks, Plants in Pots, 1 5c and 25c-Basement gge THE MEIEIi FIUXK. COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857. "WEATHER REPORT: OCCASIONAL SHOWERS. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. Challenge All Portland on Sprisi Last Day of the Made-in - Oregon Exposition! MACHINERY will hum, looms will con tinue to turn ont dress goods and mohairs, young women will be making shirt and overalls for the last time today in our 1912 Made-in-Oregon Exposition! Don't let this big industrial show pass without seeing for your self the wonderful manufacturing exhibit which have been literally translated from Oregon's mills and factories. Kiser Hand-eolored Thotos of the Northwest, also the Greater Portland Plans slides, will be shown by stereopticon on the fifth floor from 11 to 1, 2 to 5 and 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock today. Cornel PtFTH FLOOR. Mraaiaater Rm. staking; " Stand ard" sihiru. 1.l.-li Maaatr Mllla. Mlml 1.00m wfavinr mohair. Mm Imrt aria peaaantn Our Own factory. Mllatie Teat Jt A w a I a Cm. Mak in tenU. awutnts, waterproof riotiilna. ate roi RTH FLOOR. Carman Mfm- Mkinc our M. K. fj-lal Kelt MattresVea. W. II. ! Wttrlnt bad primes. , . M. K. laaalafery han Maktnft- f urnlturf. M a f a m a h Traak Maklnff trunk. THIRD FI.OOII. 5iealadf Brw, Making "Boaa-of-tli-Koul" Overalls." KCOM FLOOR. Parta Hal a. Making hat frames. FIHT FLOOR. Flelaraaer. Mirer Jt I Full-tie w....n loom from Tliomaa Kay .Mill, t-alrm. wearlntr dress goods. n THIRD FLOOR NEW BIII.DIXG. ALL the force of tins great Uiotiung service 01 ours nas Deen concen trated into three unrivaled lines at $15, $20 and $25! At these prices we've assembled hundreds of smart, new, up-to-the-minute styles and pat terns from America's finest manufacturing tailors. A service which has its beginning wnen our oioining cmei gwa twice each year. Every manufacturer's line of note in the country is in spected. But instead of taking any one make, all the way through, he selects the best of all. Fully 50 handsome, new patterns have come in this week, to add to the hundreds already on our tables. The indistinct striped patterns pre dominate pin stripes, pencil stripes, self-woven stripes, silk-woven stripes, etc. . Also the distinctive blue-browns, the reddish-browns, mot tled grays, homespun weaves, etc. Sizes for the man hard to fit the stout, the eitra-stout, the long stout, the short, the tall and slender. Our New Spring Suits range from $10 to $35, but above all see the immense selection. At $U , $20, $25 Overcoats for Spring g Smite at$159 $209 $25 ' ' ' ''' SEVEX DIRECT ELEVATORS. Young Men's Clothes The ultra-smart voimsr men, made styles distinctly for I IP J I P. men, made oy Aiirea teener x C'ohn. English and Americanized models, with soft roll collors, scni-fitted backs, high-cut vests. Some have slight turn-back cuffs $20, $25, $28, $30. Handsome black and Oxford silk-lined Overcoats for Spring wear. Three-quarter length, with or without silk facing. Silk lined to edge or to facing.. Handsome ly hand-tailored garments. Priced at $25 and $30 50c Jar Palmolive Cream Free With 6 Cakes of Soap at 49c! AN of immense shipment this -well-known I'almoIircCream and Soap arrived in time for the last day of our March Toilet Ooods Sale!, 301 $3 Glasses, $1.98 GOLD-FILLKH Hold-Fast Mount ings with first quality lenses ground and fitted to your eyes. Reg ularly For Saturday jl QQ we special them at only ? Sat. Candy Specials 50c Bittersweet Chocolates for 3Sc 25c Peanut Brittle, the lb., only l&C 40c After-Dinner Mints, at only 23c 30c Turkish Caramels, the lb. at 19 25c Old-Faahioned Stick Candy, 20 Palmolive Soan is composed of natural oils and ingredients which make it ideal for tlra complexion. Palmolive Cream is a dainty, fragrant toilet accessory. Six 10c cakes of Palmolive Soap and a jOc jar Palmolive Cream, today $1.10 Value for 49c! 60c Satin Skin Cream. 31 25c Dagget & RamsdeU'i Cream, 17 25c Sanitol Cold Cream 16 60c Sempre Oiovine Cream at only 29 50c Fompeian Massage Cream at only 29 5c Fairy Soap. 12 cakes, 43 25c Packer's Tar Soap, 14 10c La Primera Castile. 6 25c Cnticnra Soap at 14 25c Pears', tmscented, 11 10c California Medicated, 5 60c La Blanch Face Powder at only 27 50c Pozzoni's Powder, 29 60c Java Bice Powder, 25 15c Wild Rose Powder, 5 50c Carmen Powder at 39 65c-75cEmb'd Collars 43c Samson 2-Pants Suits $6.50 MCAMSON" stands for extra services S w Suits which are all wool, craven etted, made to stand the wear test of red- blooded American boys ! The new "Samson" Two-Pants Suits for Snring at $6.50 are in beautiful grays, browns, tans, fancy blues. Double-breasted style, both pairs of knickerbockers full lined with taped seams. Well tailored, per fect fitting. All sizes. 6 to 17 years. We do not believe in all Amer ica you'll find better School Suits at this price New "Sampeck" Suits Tho finest Boys' Clothing America produces. Smart, new two and three-button coats, double-breasted or Nor folk. All new patterns, $5 to $15. New Juvenile Suits Natty little Kussian and Eton Blouse styles in ages 24 to 8. Sailor Suits, ages 5 to 11. From $2.50 to $10. Boys' New Felt Hats A store ful of them. Smart telescopes in every shade, SI to S3. New Wash Suits A trrcat line just received. blouses of madrases, piques, linens, etc. Ages 2 to 10, at $1.50 to $5 $6.50 22: K-UF If, US. MIIWJS Girls $1.50 to $3 New Wash Dresses for WITHOUT a doubt one of the greatest sales of Girls' Wash Dresses we've ever held ! All the more important coming now, just at the beginning of the Spring and Summer season. Fully 1500 Dresses included in the group. An immense purchase new, fresh, pretty style Frocks every one of them ! Dozens of styles, four just as pictured" above. Splendidly made of fine, firm quality per cales and ginghams. Every conceivable color plaids, checks, stripes and figures. . M Hio-i. "V." round, sauare and sailor collar styles. An sizes 4 10 i years. Many mothers will purchase half a dozen or more. Be sure and come early for your choice of these regular $1.50 and $3 Wash- Dresses today at the remarkable price of only 98c Russian and Sailor $2.50AutoVeiIs$1.59 WHETHER motoring or walking, these windv March davs, a beautiful Silk Auto Veil adds to your comfort and sets off the costume! Here's an extraordinary sale today of rich French silk mousseline Veils. 27x70-uich size, with satin border. White, black and all the favored Spring shades. If we'd bought them regularly, price would be $2.50, now THE NEW SPRING VEILINGS BEAUTIFUL ! Every lovely mesh which fashion has decreed, in style for this Spring and Summer season. Complexion meshes, French tux edos, chenille dots and bars, as well as the exquisite shadow effects which Paris mentions so favorably. Yd., 50 to $2. witn saiin uorufii. $1.59 FIRST FLOOR, MAI BIILDI.XG. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. THEY 'HE ideal for wear with the tail- i a n ; j c r. orea waists ior opnng ana ouiumer t-tffc1n these dainty embroidered Trouville, Spring .nam ana Luicn conars. ocores oi jn -j dainty patterns to choose from. Ac- ti tual 65c and 75c grades today at Splendid All-Silk Ribbons, Plain and Fancy. Yard 25c Scores of uses for Ribbons now that the Springtime is here. AH shades in Taffetas, Moires and a wide as sortment of Warp Prints, Dresdens, Persians, Stripes, Checks and Plaids ; five inches wide. Special at 25. Lon( Silk Gloves with double fincer tips. Sizes 5l 3 to 7. Black, white and all the new Spring colors; 16-button length. QO Special for today fOl Women's 15c to 25c Kerchiefs of sheer linen. Embroidered corners, bor ders and initials. Dainty Glove Kerchief in- 1 eluded. Todav at laCiC See the New Gotham Shirts JUST IXSIDK THQ MORRISO.N-STUKET E.TIIAXCB MAIL ORDERS FILLED. THIS is the Portland home of Gotham, the "Shirts and Underwear of a Gen tleman!" Most beautiful array of new Spring patterns and styles in Gotham Shirts we've ever shown, ready for your inspection today. Handsome, clear-cut stripes, checks, and small figures. Fine madrases, Russian cords, penangs, up to silks and linens with soft French cuffs and separate soft collars. Prices S1.50. SS. S2.50 to $8. Big Sale of Neustadter "Standard" Shirts in conjunction with the manufacturing exhibit on fifth floor, a feature of our "Made-in-Oregon" Exposition! New Summer negligee Styles, with soft cuffs and collars. Speciul, 95, $1.35 and $2.35. New "Onyx" SilK SocKs, Pair 25c Hord & Taylor's famous "Onyx" Silk Socks just arrived in black, tan and all wanted Spring shades. Excellent quality. Extra OC value today, special at only, the pair, Men's 75c Spring Underwear, 39c Men's new medium weight ribbed Shirts and Drawers a splendid 7,'ic grade. Shirts have French necks. All sizes, in white, pink OQ nr blnp Etr;i sneeinl todav at. each Oi71 " - " I 7 Many New Books at 50c THE THIRD DEGREE if X THE lover of good Fiction will find scores of new Books now included in our list at 50c. But a hint of the titles here. "The Rejuvenation of Annt Mary" Warner. "The Court of Boyville" White. "The Happy Family" . Bowers. ' 'Lonesome Trail1' Bowers. "Trnxton King" McCutch- eon. "Strongheart" De Mille Burton "The Court of Boyville" White. "Raw Gold" Burton Sinclair. "The Round Up" Miller. "Long Shadows Bowers. "The Romance of a Plain Man' ' Glasgow. "The Danger Mark" Cham bers. "The Message" Louis Tracy. "An Affair of Dishonor" De Morgan.' 'A Splendid Hazard Harold McGraih "The Gamblers" Klein and Uornblow "The Scarlet Feather Houghton Townley. $1.25 TEACHERS BIBLES TODAY 79c Only 100 of these splen did full 8x5yo-inch Teach er's Bibles to sell at 79c. Leatherette binding with divinity edge, gilded. $1.2-3 Bibles today at r7Qf the low price of 'C 20TH CENTURY COOK BOOKS, SPECIAL, 50c A new shipment of the popular 20th Century Cook Book also Dr. Chase 's Recipe Book either of these editions formerly sold at Cfla $1. Today, special, Women's Imported Hose 3 7c FIRST FLOOR. MAI.X BIII.DIG. PLAIN" and fancy Hose included in this immense lot of fully 1500 nairs. Silk lisle, fine gauze cotton, embroid- 9 ered, split ftot and lace boot styles. Black and colors. fj Regular and out-sizes. Actual 50c to 75c grades, today New Silk Boot Hos In all the late Spring shades. The boot of silk, top of lisle nd double lL-le split EZfn soles. The pair at JVi pair Famous Kayser Silk Hose, today, special at only, the pr. $1.25 Out-Size Silk Hose For women. Extra wide, full lUle tops, Fplit soles. Black only. Spe-QC eial at, only the pair $1.00 Children's 25c Hose Also misses' sizes in fine ribbed, light weight cotton. Black and colors, 3 Oflf pair 50c, the pair,''' 2Tm: Infants' Silk Lisle Hose at Cfj 19c the rair, or 3 pairs for only - - I I M W aT JT aV Ba. aVK Taw 1 - ' r -fc. -7 M - aW Pacific Coast League Adopts Goldsmith Baseball Goods We'r e Portland Distrib'ters SOONER or later, merit will win out! The Gold smith Baseball Goods, for which we've been Portland dLstiibutera for year, have just Iwen officially adopted by the i'ueitir Coat League. This, too. in addition to the big list of other leugues win-re they are otl'icially rwojmiied. ' The Itoldxrnitb J2. Official Len-.'iu Ball will be n-d in all Pacific Coart League gHincs this season. It is guaranteed for 13 Hillings against sotteuing, ripping, losing its shape nr elasticity. The (iollmith Co. also supplies uni form for all Pacific Coast League teams. THREE SPECIAL GOLDSMITH GLOVES AT $1 A baseman's mitt, fielder's glove or catcher's mitt. nidc on league patterns, of genuine leather. Extraordinary values at $1. Big Saturday Pennant Sale! p ENXANTS Pennants of every lettering. For schools, col leges, clubs and organizations. See the manufacturing ex hibit of our Made-in-Oregon Exposition, 5th floor. 75c Pennants, 12x32- iq $1 Pennants, 14x36- inch size, priced only Waaalna'toa Collrae. Vale. 69c portlaad. UrrBDB. M. Mary'a Academy ataaford. V. M. C. A 1 . W . C A. MMae WnahUltM HlCB. Jeffrraoa Illaa. Colambla Vnlveraltr Harvard. Cornell. WaahlnKtom HIfc. inch size, priced only I.locola Hlsh. Jrfferaoa Illca. Mm. I'alTrralty. OrrKoa I'nlvcralty, U. A. C. Colombia. 1 ale. Cornell. Hill. . Vaaaar. Armory. S. Helea'a Hall. Allea'a Preparatory. Mount Anael. Portland Academy. TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 This Peerless $69 Graf anola Offer Is Town Talk SCORES of homes are already enjoying this superb Hornless Grafanola, which we offer complete with cabinet, records and needles, for $69 ! This was the first hornless machine with a concert grand reproducer, brought out to sell at anywhere near the price. Sound is conducted by a non-obstructed, gradually increasing channel. Plays 10 and J2-inch records of any make. Has all the tone qualities of. a $200 instrument. "Favorite Grafanola, in quartered oak or mahogany. Record Cabinet to match, with space for 150 records. 13 Selections, including two records by David Bisp ham, America's greatest bar itone, j 25c and 35c BOOKS FOR BOYS AT 19c. Good Books for the boy to read, including titles by Henry and Mead. Motor Boat flub Series, Subma rine Series, Dick Prescott series, etc. Your 1 Q choice, special at A7 Pay $7.50 Now $5.00 a Month $16 Cameras, $11.39 This No.. 3 Eastman Fold i n g Il a wkeye, rapid rec tilinear lens and b. b. shutter. Regu- J qq larly $16, special P OV 90c No. 2 Weno Tripods, special, 59 11.75 Loose-Leaf Albums, 11x14, $1.23 -55c Stanley Plates, 4x5, special at 39 $2 Three extension metal Tripods $1.59 20c papier mache Trays, 4x6, at 17 J1.75 Leather Albums, 7x10, at $1.37 Grocery Specials Oranges, the dozen, special at only 16 Lemons, special at low price of, dozen, 11 Grizzly Bluff Butter, 2 lbs. for only 70 New Walnuts, the pound, special at 16 Fard Dates, special Saturday at only 15 Golden Dates, special, 3 pounds at 25 Imported Figs, the pound, special at 10 DELICATESSEN SPECIALS Finnan Haddie, lb., 16 25c Mackerel, 2 for Pork Sausage, the lb.. 1S Peanut Butter, lb., 23 Dill Pickles, the dz., ICC Mammoth Ripe Olives, qt., 55c Braunshraeger Met- wurst, lb. 2oC Liver Sausage, the lb., 25 Ripe Olives, at. for 30 Frankfurter S a u s- age, 230