Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 16, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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help wAvrrn m i.r..
iOn of Many )
Offlc 8rrriry Fmplormrnt Department.
. il C .V.
Yem-i mn. fitrnr. out of
hi tot. -t If I Pv Tvi j for
pcli nipiontni m-mbrhlp. I hi
hv only 1 l.t Ntwwa me nd ir-
..ry Tf you py for..'i
rmploj rr.nt mmbrhip. you wi.l b
th Y. l. C. A . with lis resource, be
t ou and eiarvaiion- ...-..,
r.alt: Younr n.n joln4 eo-leMon.
Tn u.a than & week be had t .factory
m p!o mnt.
l;-otl for to months ending Feo.
Cell for mn
rottlor fild .
rmplovmni membership jtuarnt"
wniDr win e--ure employment OTJTr!?nfi
of membership U; lo mnthr full
mm..-rhi-. prvte-. 1 monthe eo-iei
j.r. i ..- anO undertake to keep party
tmp;oj dunns the full trm of mem
brhip without further char.
w have roritwt demand for- niirn
e-ad. eipr!n-M men. Are you flttea
for av patter poetin?
eretary emp!oment department,
I'Af IKfi FM ri.t Y M K NT CO..
Me n o.f.c and 221 Couch t.
Ma-Mnlt. rity. ,
To -.:. nd door machine men,
Farm hand. to $.13.
Milker. to ln-
Fur eiperienced j-rmftere for nursery.
2. v and boerH; p h.a here today.
Twenty nood cuttera to cut cottonwooa.
Tatu to haul tiee we per tie. 2-mi
haai. -
TVe hare a lar nomher of JoHa everr
Amr for loErer. mlllmn. farmer, cook.
i:unken dtthaaaherv. etc., etc
rrrc kmputvent com pa xt.
and I 'onrh (.. bet. It and .M.
TV f: CAN tue two mora A 1 ealwnen who
bate the. ambition to make money and
are not eatified with Jut a salary. Our
eeiesmen are making- from three to fta
tiru.a their former salary, and their worK
mor plaaant. If you are a sales
man and are to tiuatle. you ean do
licewe. (ur m'.r sale mcettn
ept-iallv good for new man. We nave
te lrft and bt etblth-d buainaea
ft the kind in the v-et. We hmm th
f net and UrM off.-, for Mr.
'lereland. sale manager. Fred A. Jacoba
.. id Mr. t. .
LKT ue '.-.- )u. If ou ean fill any cf
the fftlinntnt positions, call and ee u.
t'Andant demand: Ader;iinr
m inw trimmer, nreountani. 1.1 I elerH.
htri ri'Di. aor eierh. phrma!M. aiep
man lumier rard manager, aienoeraoer.
wwkkeepr. bue'neaa manager, e'afuff.-wr.
proii oian. rani writer and ofriee h ip
f ell kind. Ttio terranllle Advlenrv- A
latton. r.o-iio trrllncer bidg.. Port
land. 0".n.
W NTI".D A tl-orwughlw ex penenreH loeo
rr t I e rTwhtp't and r-wand house tnn
po understand air. !nj.-ior. setting
;e etc. to take a poj,,,"f ,f1 from
Pert land in an open, cmmer-tel shop
se-lilaing In ti'Iw4 work, with a ew
to hecom.og forenian If lie ellere the
god: a .d ib for the r'dt man. but
enl" hutler ne. applr: atate aare and
oerl-n-e and gi" reference. A
k e gort 1 a
n .tNUD An up to-dte :rr goods m
en. one m ho is t horoua iV i a tou- h
witri ery detel of lie huain- and
. rtr scifBi to lake rhari of same a nd
tnn; It suceesaful'y : must be s.e to
r-im windows and ettrnd to the sdrertis
;n. a so wilting to d ny wrk per
:. ning to the welfar of the business. A
!:Ne-a3 salary for th right kind of a
man. Writ, stating salary, experience and
T. H. Adre-s A V . Orrioaias,
TOl" r sro $ a aeek and oo at stead
inp'erment el'.inc nursery atne: m:na
e.:l-nt frritory now op-n: nprlffir
nt De-prf; time ia mii T ; do not de.
,. iu; write at onto for particulars. A
a. OregonUfi.
m t'"M I. 'i. I H i:I.Im;
A FEW" Ue real estate salesmen wanted
at one, best selilna- in. bet pamg
prtpraiTion in the state, llend Tark Cw.,
iiotel Portland Court.
WANTED Tour.c man. ims. frvm Si to
:;o years ld. to handle collections; one
who a a foo- hut)er ami titt afraid !
work, must hting firt-eia?e referrnrrs and
-t bond. A l resoptaii.
EVt: R I KS. T f rrtMinunt; prefer some
eiperince in i-ommeroial printing and
pui'Hshtng house, weekly paier; slate ace.
epen-n . salary e pec ted, etc. Address
B Oreonln.
WANTED A riabie Insurance writer with
esecutive sbtMty. A good proposition for
an experienced writer who wnta to bet
ter his present position. A Ml, Oregwn
tan. WANT. I Produce nian; ntuM bo tlior
t:ghly experienced and rapahle of wurk
i t. s in 1 1- hu-e a ud ou l he road.
-rtlnger Mdg.
HU V w anted, one with w heel preferred, ail
eceiint pprtunny to larn the electri
cal suppl rU4ine. titubhs Klctrtc Cu
arM Pipe.
IHH t.LMA X. rapahle and reliable, steady
potiion. state full particulars, references
and selsry The Gateway Clothes Shop. Hh..
6.II cut - up ma a. w ages f-l .0 for nine
tfrtjrs. M'lt be sher and steady. Al-
ii re at once. Amlic-Bo)d Co.. WestUka
A I en ore. resttl.
LOCAL agent wanted who la well acquaint
ed with the lumber and hardware trad'-;
good rhanr for the right man. Address
AV T. Oregonlan.
CoLI-KT.R wante. must hae a motor
tvrk, for country work In Oregon and
Washington ; salary and expenses. Zt
meaner Mdg.
f'EH I ENCED marker and sorter; must
he sober, reliable and accurate ; wages
week. Write to Cherry's New Laun
dry. La. irande,ore
W AN7FD Man with seilm Mbttlty to place
an arttet on market. Mg iB)ney, easiu
S'Id. Utile money required. Le Furge. 4J'J
"hemhr of Commrr hldg.
WAN TF.D Poy bet een JS and L yeara
of age with or without bicycles, health
f ul outntdc w nrk. good chance for sii
ancement. Inquire Mr. Iav. 7d ?td St.
Ol-It'ITtjItS w aiile! at ulice. I mill-
rnipston to rl fci'-t panv. Apply T:e I.rh
mana Oanlnat t o.. d. torrnr llarrt-
W A NT ED haleamen wtf h eapertence for
three new additiona, puburtian luts: will
make rommisetoa satisfactory. Room
! Henry bMg.
t.XrkRIF'FO washrnan and engtneer;
iin hot ffrtcl need apply; good poe
t ton and good salarv for the right man.
t!r Ft-am Laundry . Wetter. Idaho.
W NNTI.r- Fi-at-rla !kkeejr and office
man: permanent; referrncea. Z'-J liT-Mpg-r
EBIKN'TTi cahinetmakcre wtntM. tire
gon Furniture Mfg. Co., 124 Macadam
WA NTED F.perien--ed package drug man.
iarke Woodward Drug Co 9th and liot
WAN TF.D Hov to lam the rake iiads.
Apply l-og Cabin Itaking Co.. 134 Van-
eouver ave.
WANTED Man for local editor of country
week'r: must be primer. Address, stating
Mprtfor and salary. AV Oregonlan.
FIR.-T-CLASf ladies' Ul'or, stead employ
n e n t . good w a ;e. M cv'loud A K urn t e.
- Washington sr.
M ANTED Newpagenis for train. A pply
(Urkaiow Hroe.. Newg Service. tZ2 John
Fon s . cttv
TWO reat-arpe''rig oung mn to learn
m pa ing business and travci. AB r4.
VA fi N" ISU V. RS. ruuoere and pollher wanted1,
i Tec on Furniture Mfg. Co.. 1244 Macadam
V A NTED Young man ie travel and ap
point agents, salary and com. L fxv. Ore
gon'aTu MAN of good eppeeran. e to solicit for
;o. at corporation. Apply s to 12. Tl Teon
Si LE--MFN wanted at once for the big
esOe. AppW Vevsione Woolen Mills, 4
:. at . at A- M
W ANT KD Clot hlnc aaiesmsn. permanent
poitiou to one who can make good refer -em.
.yv jerlnger bldg.
U A NTED Coatmakers; hew work shop;
oest on the Ccst. Morgan. 64 OranvUi
t.. Voneouver. H. C.
o 'D worker w h. w ants to par for 10
a-rea of orard lend by working for
owper. poom 1? Tommerctal flub bldg.
A X J. J sash and door foreman tn city;
mut te at-ie to lav out; state experience,
At oregonlan.
jXviTR for an apartment house. Apply
at 5L"-A fjltsan at.
piT wtth"whrel wanted to call and deliver
h-jrvl le ls E. Clay.
y7" CVl KI s-li.iior household goods, phone
Mntn 7
NTfe..1 1 1 or. f irw Insurance a ltd
1 m r s . " paid Ing oidg.
TED E'cperien. ed gr.M-erv ci-rk. r.f.r
tnces required. -v0 Oerltnger bldg.
WANTED for C S. Army. abie-Dodled. un
married men. between ages of la and 3..
cltisens of Cnltrd Htat.s. of good char
octr and tampers t ha hits. w ho csn
speak, and write tho Engliah lan
guage. For information spp'y to I:ecrutt
Ing officer. Worceator block. Third and
Uk streets. Portland. Or. -
TOlNG man with eome canvassing espe
rienco to se:i ueeful household articles to
women of Portland and vinnlM ; a good
live hustler should have no difficulty In
making a dar. Call between 8 and
A. M. 46 Washington aU Ask to see Mr.
1 WANT IIto representatives in each com
munity of Oregon and Washington for
high-class specialties; goods sold on money
rov k guarante: no competition.
Bt.N.T. L- UMITH, Manufacturer's Agent.
HIT Corbet: Mdg., por'lnnd. Or.
WANTF.D Sniesinan of Swedish extraction
to sU farm lands; easiest aelllng and
most remunerative proposition on the
market; a fine opportunity for the right
man; egpenence not necessary. T a.
WANTED At once, good anprrntira bar
bers, steady Jobs. Thone Mam bT3V (
tif. i p Avrr.D rr.MAt.E.
'ook cite. fo a ;nnnth; rrtauiant cook.
Jji a week: niffht cok. U a month: A
wnltresre. g-jrt to .'.: waitrys. fare
ad4ii-ed. -; restaurant waitress out of
citv. u a week; ranch cwk. cham
bermaid. J ; general helpers. t to 1-5.
I.adlev lept. Morrison St.
Ill Ankers si.
Phone Main A 515.
MiTdle-ago ladv as housekeeper. $11
month, good pla.e for a woman that
want a home, in small country tow n;
fa'i fa id : no children.
W A N T K I Young laiW for clerical work:
r-spert-nce not pec-asar . but must be
to hndie figures and writing rapidly.
Apply Al'h wrillen UppurMiiun, v
p. v . 417 Q-g'ntan l-'tig.
f KNcMiHAPflElt. who le willing to work
a f. w wreka at nominal ssiarv. with proa
pecfa of a goo. aalary after demonstrating
.i.m'i a i kk i ircnnlan.
glv of!ie renl, plmne. etc., to t4y
deairlug o tpen up a public stenographer's
orYs-e. I'ttVinV Cost Brokerage Co.,
rd vt Tr jd.
E.XPERIENt'KD saleslady wanted for
cmass and suits. Call Standanl Ou'fti-t-pg
Co.. Ii Waahlgton. Only eipcrleuced
WANTKD An experienced girl for ganer!
bout work, must nave references. App.y
n riiings befwre 11. K0 Marshall at. M.
WANTKD A young girl to ssist In gcncrel
h'u.-ork. iiiu.1 family. Apply 6"-d
Kcr;t at.
WANTED I Jid rook" fr three or four men
in hpvarl. atate wages, eddree. r.. w..
rare Croen s Mior. Indapendenre. Or.
i OCNO lady of good sppearanx-o and busi
ness ahiiity to do suvctal work in Port
Isnd. Apply T-'Q eon bldg. after 1 A. M.
AN e p-rlenccd end re'lahle w otnsn fnr
t- . - I k....a.M.-nr-W lu it 1 '.-t
K. 3 1 li SC. S u n n S id a cr. Phono K
WANTED Refined, cnpable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. o4 Koth
rhci bl-Jc -4th no' ashington
WANTED One to do hand braidmg on la
il!rt' coats, must understand dt signing.
tiL'Ol girl for pi It ate liouswork; g'l
home ml rood . to riiu party.
ijiftl. ovrr fr l ootrln. .nd t nfral
h-viaia.rk. l'hou. troin JO to 3. Sallwood
MILLINKBV J'lrt-1.. ond trimmer
nd wntd; only tbo nwuitomed
t nv1 wrk n pplr. IW 1 th-
WAITKKxOKS. ftrk. '.'.'. month: chm-b'.-in.M.
.": fmllr h-Jp. -". .
Hn.c a Iji'll.." A--tli-r. T.'J .;o,
KAMII.V .contl fclrl f."; rook $!'; loil
anrk. Klrn reon, 40t 81. Louil
Acnrr M.ln KM". A 7TV
(VaiufU'n blIc.. -tth and W.ab. t&
Mln or A ail.
VA.NT::l Two la1' . l-lrln outaidr dm-onMr-tUlH-
on iliy and oni. Apply 30O
Pkum ii!c b-t. " nd
U'ANTFD Kxprlnced cook In prlt
family; od waaa: muat hav. r..r
rncra. Tfl.pliona M PI01. A 4M'J.
iirl'KKI-:"CrEK walil'd. and one who can
tak. cart of a cood home. W SSi. Ora
Sl'j Washinaton at., cor. th. upalalra.
rhon. Main 22.
WANT PI' ldla to ranvaaa. aalary, plea.
ant work. AT H? Orfronlan.
II. 1.1 N F:I1T Ml-fvomrn. axpcrlenced and
capable. Fralcy. 214 3d.
EXPERIENCED lrl for accond work. Ap
ply 1 li N. :2.( at
WANTED- Photograph aludlo aaxl'tant, x
perl"nr.l. atadT. v'utberth. Ih-kum olda.
8TKN HiRAPHKK .anted. Apply al 411
l;"h(ld bide.
VANTKIl ltdv to travel In Waahtnglou.
EM'ERIKNCKD maltreaa.a wanted. Call at
S ffh at., near Ptark.
ijllcl. (or feneral ltouacwork. Apply 03
Yeon bldg.
1.S Taroma. Waah.. ooil ladv barber. (OOtl
a Adtlraxa ra-1flc av.
VllHVKIt want, no obj.c
tlona to chllil. Alt SM. t,'recnian.
WANTKO ilrl for neral houaenork. Call
i-7 Hancoci. at.
Ol'rtir.anted In .lapanee. store at 50 North
'h at.. ood waa.a. fall to 13 A. M.
filf:!. f-r jrtat boardtns-houae. 7SJ Iloyt.
E.PKIllEXi"KD waltreaa In aniall fatuity
hotel; mu"t be atrffla. t?th. .
tlltl. for s'n.ial Imnaework and cooklns-..-.
Mr.hl at. Main 411..
"WOMAN for K'-neral housework by tho
bour. Apply brfore noon. -Il Severn h.
W ANTED Man and wlf. for country placa.
refereucea required. Call 11 -3d ba
for n A. M. and after 1 P. M.
IKN wanted at one. to buy St. 1 and
I'tvaiuta. Applv early and avoid ruh.
Keratona tt ooten MHIa. 4 Rd.
"WANTED Men or women; aalary auarma-
t-ed: no peddlln. y. K. Orecontan.
A FE W rood aolb-liora wanted at 427 E.
Morriaon at.
atfcN. aae. 14 to 3o, to prapae. for flieme.
or brakemen on nearby rallroada. $-0 to
I0) monthly: experience unneceaearyi no
atrlke; promotion, engineer or conductor.
$l.o to f.u monthly; good Ufa caroara;
atat. ae: aend atalup. Kallway Aaaocla-
tn. (tresonlan.
. . . - I -1 . Ul-V 1 . . I If HIV
To opera". MOVlNO-HrTl'Hn.1; learn
trained m abort tlma; operator, mak.
:o weekly. V taacH bnatneaa on EAlsT
T C ft M S.
t ail and ae. our fin. school. 2H
l'ahinirton. near 17th.
X-AlilK to learn taliortnit and dreaamak
Ina li foil cotira-: beat .quipped
In Xorthweat: iineatia.t.. Chlcaio LaiHea1
Tatlortna College. 30 Central bld.. loth
and Aider. ,
HAILWAI mall cierka. prepar. Bow. ea
ce'l.nt aalarte. and promutlona: no lay
er., ear. par: f " book, call today. I a
cine State, fecbool. lliKif bldg.
:000 RAILWAY mall elerka. month:
I'ortUnd eamlnailon May 4. eoa.-hlni
free. Franklin Institute. Dept. i:v N..
Koeheater. N. 1.
kAKC money writing abort at ortea. or for
paper.; hli pay; fre booklet tella how.
I .... i i w.niiint. Kan Prineifra.
Vt HX not go Into vaiidevlllaT Big field, good
..i.r-r. Uinrl.r will .how you how. Act
now. 23 i5 Morrlwon at.
WANT ED Picture plit wrttera: big pay;
we'll t.ach you. I'lctur. 1'lay Aaaocia-
f . ..n Man .Teni-I.A
K42 Hamilton Bide. shorthand. Irr
writing, Hookkeeplng. etc. Al.rahail 4'A
rriVATs'lchnorsHprTll AND and TYPE
WRITING. 15 mo. llth at. Main SKBX
Vl.-H Ti:A- IIKK AbbUClATiUN. 10
.aat:aud bldg.
MEN and women to learn the barber trad.
In elaht we-ka: apeclal Inducementa; per
C'ltaa. paid while learning; toola freej
expert Inatructora; 17 eara In tha bual
neaa; X " avtioole: a lifetime meinberalnp
given to rat-h aiudent. Mnl.r liarb-r Col
I. e. li N. Fourth at.. Portland. Or.
sitt;ation wantso m a i Ji.
Kookkeeeea and Clerk..
BOOKKEEPER and all-around office man.
can handle correspondence, experienced In
various Urea, write shorthand, rapid on
typewriter; no objection to leaving city;
re f.renee. AS S!ti. Oregon Ian.
wn.L. Ai niT. open. ci.osVf" ort writk
up books, prepare balancea and atate.
tnenta. Install a stems. tilllnpham. au
dllor. 411 J.e Is 'hldg. Marshall 717.
Tie Second 8t.. Corner Salmon.
Women 'a Department. 24S Salmon.
All classes of unskilled, akllled. profea
aion.iT and clerical male and female help
furnished on short notice. No fee charged.
Phone Main 3S.".i. A !"
OF.liMAN wishes manas-ement of ranch: ex
perienced nrchHrdlM. also general farming:
understands casollne cngln- and all kinds
machinery: highest references. AC So.
Ml'iH Pi'HOOI, boy aanta care and driving
of automobile, mornings and evenings, for
board and room or wairea: exierlenced
driver: Interview appreciated. AT Sht.
M F; T. I man (Oermant -a Ishes manase
tnent of atock ranch; capable of handling
lrcr proposition; A-l references. AB e
WOt Tn like to g"t work with, a building
contractor and learn the carpenter trade;
have had aom. experience. IU hf 5-5 Mill
A SALESMAN with lumber experienca
wishes employment with lumber or ma
chinery house; references. K 679, Ore
gonlan. A 1.1 .-IIUI .N L wanta work on private place,
take care of garden and automobile; re.
er.nce. D iiHu. Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanfd by an experienced
waaher In laundry, doing flrat-claaa work.
4 veara last place. K Ks. Oregonlan.
BOOKKEEPER wants poaitlon; ase 17; x
c.Kent ref-rencSL W. li. rc.irson. bt.
Johns. Or
CHAl'FKEITR wlahea position, private or
truck, can alao operat. motor boat. AK
M7. OregonlurL
BI.fKSMITII deairea poaitlon either in
Ktatee or Alaska: no horaealtoalng; aober.
AP tregonlan.
M A H HI Ell man wants Job driving auto;
does own repairing: steady; best of refer
ences. Phone A 7470.
M A ft KI El man wanta any kind of work;
experienced atablcman. B et. Oregon
lan. iTrMRKfTMl-rN. young man aleliee position
a. mill foreman. sawer or flier; best of
references. P Vv'. Oregonlan.
I'HAl'KFECri wants work, can do own re
pairing: sober, reliable man of 20. AF SSS.
EXPERIENCED gardener wanta poaitlon
vegetable grower on private place. P iSt.
Oregonlan. .
CHIEF engineer for logging ramp. II veara'
experloncc. competent to take charge (tt
camp. N" Mf. Oregonlan.
A.N eperlem:ed bookkeeper wi.hea employ
ment for a few boura each day; references,
P fc4. Oregonlan.
JIA1.K Exp-rienced cook. good, aober and
reliable, wants eteady position In city.
Main 7o4. Uoom S7. aik for Frown.
JvO. I aawyer wanta position; 1 years ex
perience. -. W. Fhelley, ual K. 4J1,
Portland. Or.
MAK.SE.-5--MAKER. 21 yeara. blgheal refer
ence, seka employment. J esse Burden,
Hl.ldl". Or.
YoL'N'l foreigner wanta work on farm
or fruit ranch. AM OreKQlllan.
JAPANESE boy w anta position oa cook or
housework In city, i-t sy. iireaoniau.
MllrI.E-AlED Janitor requires altuation;
experienced ; references. Marshall UIU.V
JAPAN E IT wants position, housework and
take carv of ganlen. K h'fl. tlregonlan.
COtK. Eastern, flisl-ciaae. wanta poaltion
In town or country. 1 11"J, oregunian.
WANTED roeltlon as chainb-rmald by ex
perience! middle-aged A .".I'tll
AIJ.ROl'Mi chef, aober and .reliable,
wanta enagement. B rV.V oregonlan.
WILL tint vour roams, $-.50 and up; mod
ern methods. Phone East lt.11'2.
TWO dlshwasiiera want work In high-class
re.tauraot. AS K!o, oregonlan.
CHAlFFELll and repairman wanta posi
tion. All xt?. Oregonlan.
CHAlTFEfR or take car. of cars; speak
several languages. Hlnker. 171 18th St.
WANT JOB I am a Japaneae boy. I want
any kind work In ne.-klng-hotieo or meat
market, a I had little experienca at this
buelueaa: 1 don't want so much wagee:
I want to learn bualness. If you want tne
call A ,i:. Mailt 014i. C L Xiwaae. 82
tt h st. X.
L.UMHEHMEN Two young men with thor
ough experience wish employment with
lumber manufacturing concern: will work
for percentage of profits, for wage, salary,
or under contract; best of refer nces; re
sults guaranteed. K P77, Oregonlan.
FA it M ER. middle-aged, married, detdres po
sition: alao all klnda garden work, fruit
crow In;: wife flrst-rlas cook; speak four
language. Kosanyi, 18 N. 6th. Main
::l". -
"PKINTSK wanta position; linotype operator,
ad man and newapaper makeup; some ex
perience aa Job man; country preferred.
AL. gh.1. Oregonlan
r-iliei.- lost arrived from th. East, wanta
position In hotel, strictly temperate; beat
or references; go anywuere. a vi
gonlan. EXPERIENCED traveling ea'raman wanta
position to cover the Northwest; can give
first-class references. X W&. Oregonlan.
TA1L.OR with li Jeara- experienc. In press
ing, alterations and repairing wanta steady
pualtlon In dye house. H e. Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted, by educated gentleman,
as compsnlon or attendant; good refer
ences. Phone Marshall 4sfc4.
BY man as night Janitor of building or ho
tel. H 904, Oregonlan.
WINDOW washing, housa cleaning, carpet
washing a specialty. 1 hone oellwood 112.
MAN ami wife want work on farm; two
children. 19 and 12- 324 14th.
Book keeper, and hie-necrwphers.
THOItOIGHI.Y competent stenographer,
years' experience technical and law work,
wishes responsible position: knowledge of
bookkcrplue. K BOO. Oregonlan.
TOl'NO lady stenographer wishes position,
oity referonoe; 3 years experience. H
hHtt. Oregonlan.
JSXPEKIENCED young lady aeenographer;
can do bookkeeping and office work alao;
references: t:. Thone Msln 3H48.
COMI'ETENT stenogrspher desire, position;
ran furnish references. Sellwnod 1.j.
TOl'NO lady wUhea poaitlon aa billing clerk
or collecting. AG 0. oregonlan.
YOt NO lady wonts general office, cashier
or stenographic work. Marshall 4771.
tDTEN'OtiRAPH!' work, sftcrnoons or morn
ing, or by hour. B M. Oregonlan.
DRES.-MAKINO. tailoring, dreaaaa (4 up:
waiata S1.2A up; aklrta .2..S0 up. Main
MI-l.E. DE RII-IAt'T. Waahington at.
tF.lla st. entrance!. A 40. Fancy gowns
from HO; tailored suits from HI.
REFINED elderly woman wants position
as housekeeper or plain seamstress; ref
erences exehanged. Sellwood l.a.
COMPETENT dressmaker by day or at
home; Ul and good work luaran'.ecd. Main
DRESSMAKING SJld plain sewing by tha
day or week. Phone Main 2S70. lira.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and plain see
ing. 1.1; K. :4th St.. near Sandy road.
WANTED Plsln sewing, mending or clean
ing. E f7. Oregonlan.
TAILORING by the day. Tabor 224.
WIDOW, with two girls. 12 and 1. wants
work where can keep them with her; good
worker, fine cook. Phone Marshall J42S.
K si I. Oregonlan.
POSITION as housekeeper by refined
widow, always had own home, conscien
tious, congenial, attrsctlve; reference re
uulred. S 811. Or.gonlan.
YOl'Nt; widow, bov 1H months, housekeeper
widower. Msln snxn. A 4775.
yQi -,; married Japanese woman wanta to
do" housework In private family: small
ware to start. AH Oregonlan.
POSITION wsnted by experlen'ed cook:
good references N 4, Oregonlan.
CoMPKTE.VT nuts, wauts woik.
IF Invalid navds private room, trained
nurti home comforts, reasonable, refer-
e n c v a, Ta bor 22 1 .1.
EXPfcTni ENCED woman desires position as
matron In Institution: references. F SSI,
WIDOW would l:ke to lake care of
children durinff evenlnns: can give ref
erences. E SSi. OregomarK ;
HOSPITAL nurse would like more work;
references. Phone East "172.
Tfteliable; desires return Europe, with
):idy or rhildr.-n: spenks Ens.lsh. Krenrh.
Ui-rnian: hair dressinc. manicure, massage,
e:. ; age IS: good i-c:erences. Write A.
I'ortland llot..
SWISS girl, speaks French. German and
English, of neat appearance, wishea a
suitable position as a governess or lady s
m.ld. or any other suitable place. Miss A.
TRsuniann. room t-".1 Portland Hotel.
YOl.'NtJ man wants extra work. L 0,
A YOUNG lady with six yeara" experience
aa saleslady wishes position with flrst-
-u i v .n.o w ire want work u cook and
helper In camp. Zi or 40 men. Address
D Oregonlan.
MARRIED vvomsn would like position cook
ing in cxchHnfe for husband's board and
room. i-:ast
GIRL wishes place, to assist with house
work. Call 1327 E. th st. X. Wood-
EXPERIEXCED woman cook, hotel, boarding-house,
or pastry. Main 203-. A 477j.
LADY wishes day work. 8C5Vi 1st st. Phone
A i -. room i
WOMAN wishes work Toy day or cook
family. A 1447.
YOITNG ladv wishes position in doctor's ot-
flce. ssi, uregonian.
WANTED Position as chambermaid by ox-
lerienced middle-nged woman. A 0300.
tlt'l.URl .V. K'nmxn would like a few hours'
work Monday and Wednesday. Main S.tng.
COMPETENT girl desires situation general
housework. Telephone Main 3272.
CAPABLE woman, day work, washing. Iron
ing, cleaning, cooking. Main '-VoW. -V 4i
LAtE CURTAINS laundered. 2.1c up: 1st
class work, quleg service, laoor oil.
LACK curtains laundered. Marshall 40S8.
lOKNTS on ralary or rommlwioii: the great
est airent'a seller ever produced: every
user of pen and Ink l.uya It on sight: 20
to .V0 per cent protlt: one agent's sales
amounted to 20 In six days; another .".2
in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44.
La Crosse, wis.
Mil ir.K.VT Here ia the opportunity for
you. We are putting on tha market the
beat selling ciose-in suouivision ui to.
citv: prices low compared with surround
ing property. We psy a high comtnll
sion. Call st llf'S-10 Spalding bldg.
A.iENTS wanted for double-st ring Piano
phone. For particulars, Marx Mfg. Co-
Seattle or Spokane.
u iMvn Fir&t-claaa aaenta for first -clasa
proposition. Phone B 2000 from o to 8
P. M.
Hon sea.
WANTED To rent, about April 10. by young
married couple, about a five-room modern
buncalow. either partly or completely fur
nished. Would prefer Mt. Scott line above
eoth. Address G 8l, oregonlan.
WANTKD To rent furnished house: must
bo new or nearly new. Tabor Jti. lit
Itoyal Court. Laurelhurst.
BY MAY 1st. strlctlv modern 8 or 0-room
unfurnished house. West Side, by responsi
ble party: refnrencea. c 888. Oregonlan.
ROOM with bsth to two refined men In
private f.tmlly can get bonrd in sam.
block. Walking distance. 627 . E. Morri
son st.
WANTED Nice, single room, reasonable
rates, by young man; please state price
and location. A a ssi. orugonian.
Booms With Board
TN o girls, employed, would like room and
board :n private hoarding-house; refer
ences. AT i.2. Oreronlan.
REFINED vouns lady wants board and
room In private family. West Side. O
fc7t. Oregonlan
If you are looking for apartment, flat,
housekeeping rooms, single loom or board
and room, give us a call, as wo hav. list
of best places In city.
1005-100 Wilcox Bldg.
BOOMS Furnished or unfurnished, with
ateam heat, light, bath, telephone and
elevator service. Tourney bldg., 207 1 2d.
Furnished Rooms.
Those three beautifully furnished hotel.
2IHV1 4Th at 211 4th a. 2074 4th at.
On Fourth at., running from Taylor to
Salmon at.: brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water in ail rooms; strictly up
to data In all respect, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of th.
ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea
sonable prlcea. give ua a call, aa we know
you will like It. Itooma by the day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited
40S Washington St., Cor. IStli.
Convenient to the theater, and shop
ping district; running water and tele
phone. In every room, steam heat; rooms
with private bath, single or en suite:
ground floor lobby; rates 75c per day and
tip; special weekly rate. $4 and up.
Now giving special rates- by the week:
looms with private bath. $7 per week and
up. All modern conveniences. No extra
charges for phono or service.
HOTEL FORD. 733 Waahington. corner Lu
cretia st. New brick building. Just com
pleted; fine larg. outside rooms with tele
phone service, with or without private
baths; new and splendidly furnished; hot
and cold water: steam heat; best of serv
ice ; very reasonable ratea
Davis and Third fits.
Sno outside rooms, ateam heat, hot and
cold running water In every room, free
auto bus to and from all ualoa,
Ix.wmt rate. In the city. -Ak
for our special low monthly rate.
131 Eleventh Street.
Kew. modern brick building: ateam.
nested, private hatha hot and cold water
tn rooms, beautifully furolahed. cosy. mm.
tortabie. rent reasonable. Call and see
ua Regular and transient trad, solicited.
3S7", East Burnslde.
Live on the East Side and save money
aw vntir room rent: we have 120 modern
rooms, special price on room, and sultea
with private bath; rate. BOe to $2 per
day. $2 to $7 per week. Eas t B40. B ia7B.
One block from Union Depot; 140 outside
rooms, with hot and cold water and steam
heat- offer, special rate, for permanent
guests; rate. 60c to (J a day: $3-60 and
up per week. Phone Main $418.
HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde st.
Absolutely fireproof: new and elegantly
furnished roome: prlvat. hatha steam
heat, hot and cold water, prlvat phones
In each goom: apeclal ratea by the month:
phone service free. Phone Marshall 4U40,
106 W Twelfth St- Marshall 27S0.
In heart of business district: steam heat,
hot and cold water, fre. phone In every
room: $1 day .oil np; $4 week and pp.
LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suite, or .Ingle;
.team heat; $3 and $3 week: 5 minuter
walk to theater and stores: free phone.
CALUMET HOTEL. 160 Park St.. fine
rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat,
elevator and all modern conveniences; $1$
per month and up; quiet and comfortable.
JHB II YLAND. 4!0 Morrison, front suite,
1 large front, also .ingle rooms; rent $12
to $30.
ARM.INIUS HOTEL 410rj Morrison C. opp.
Baker Theater Nicely furnished room.,
permanent, transient; low ratea Main aUoO.
HOTl'L CONGRESS, now open: handsomely
furnished, modern conveniences, 2 blocks
from IV O- tith and Main.
ELM PLACE. 414 Yamhill st. cor. llth;
rooms $3-50 per week up; hot and cold
water, steam heat, private hatha
THE LA RR A BEE, 227!i Larrabee st: mod
em: permanent, transient: $2.5P up. Close.
AIDER-GRAND NIc. clean rooms, steam
heated, $2 week up. 1211s Grand ave.
x-frnihed room, $3 per week and
vr-v. v..ohlll at.
up. e
l'urnl ihed Rooms.
East 6th and Morrison Sts.
One-half Block from Grand Avenue. .
Nothing Its equal for comfort and rat's.
Acknowledged by far the finest-equipped
hotel on the East Side. Short walking
distance to leading places of amusement
and business bouses. Beautiful outside
- rooms, steam heat, phum-s. hot and Cold
running waicr. $13 to $20 per month.
Rooms with private bath. $20 to $2.;
2-room suite", with bath for 4 persons,
onlv $4tl. The lobby Is exqulsit. and
large. Beat of service night and day.
Inspection invited ,
How Open.
112 Room.
Now Open.
Seventh and Taylor Sta.
Residential and transient: absolutely
central; two minutes from Poatofflpe.
stores, theaters and restsurants; Just off
business street, and carllnes; quietest and
best location: handsome brick, ample
ateam heat, hot running water and phones
In every room, suites and private baths,
elevator. Reputabl. and comfortable.
From 75c daily, $4 weekly. Any car from
HOTEL RENWICK An ideal home for busi
ness peuvle; centrally located; elegsnt
rooms: all modern conveniences: 7th and
Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel.
Plpvslto Helllg Theater. Phone Main 919.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
LARGE- well furnished front room and
board for two in Drlvate famflv. all mod
ern; fine location, two blocks from S. S.
car. Phone Tabor 3700 or call at 861
r.ast Taylor St.
For men, only 15 minutea' walk, on two
canines, home privileges, everything first
class, prices reasonable. 54 Johnson St.
Marshall 4!40.
TWO rurmsnea rooms, w&lkln- distance.
Jefferson car. heat, phone and bath In
cluded, s and $ per month. 32$ Chap
man street.
IF you want nice, clean, steam-heated rooms,
either housekeeping or single, at reason
able rent, call at the Geneva, 445 Colum
bia st.
CLEAN, 'nicely furnished rooms, furnace
heat, electric lights, bath, phone, all home
vvniiori.. use oi piano, reasonable. v
North litlh.
PLEASANT front room, modern convent
tnce, rent reasonable, good board close
by. 300 E. 0th N., cor. Broadway, lrv-
NICK, light outside room: free phone and
hath, electric lights; $2, per eek. "X7
Jefferson St.
$l.rt WEEK, furnished room, phone, bath
electric light, walking distance. 427 Har
rison. NICELY furnished rooms: modern conven
lencea, centrally located, reasonable. 404
ctay. near lutli.
FURNISHED room. Carmelita Apt.. 13th
and Jefferson; all modern conveniences.
Apt- 304. Phone Main 4413. -
NEATLY furnished front room suitable for
two gentlemen, 1 block rrom Lnion av
421 Koselawn ave., Roselawn.
FOR KENT Furnished rooms, strictly mod
ern, no E. Morrison, phones B 105S.
East 6127.
LIGHT outsido room: steam heat, walking
oietance. MariDorough, 21st and Flanders.
Ape. da.
ELEGANTLY furnished room, all modern
conveniences; Nob Hill, phone Marshall
BRIGHT, pleasant furnished rooms, with all
modern conveniences. $10 and up. Call
.us 3 jacKEon. i'nono ju. 4331.
NEAT room. ?2.0 for one, $.1 per week two.
26S 12th st.
LARGE room, suitable for 2. reasonable;
easy walking distance. .05 12th.
$2.o0 PER week, two gentlemen, right down
town; private entrance. 2oO imti.
$10 FURNISHED room In modern apt.. Id
floor, flat D. 400 Jefferson. Main 7..W4.
MODERN furnltilied room, rea.-onable, close
In. 424 Mill. Phono Main 4.17:4.
fi MONTH, nice room. bath, splendid loca
tion, walking distance. 4-r'2 Oth.
115 12TH ST. Well-hcated. nicely furnished,
reasonable, close In. Phono A 5692.
NICE front room, very reasonable to right
parties. 5041 Flanders st.
$7.50 ATTRACTIVE room In modern home,
walking distance. 11 East !th. East 143.
TWO 3-room suites: light, beat, phone; $21
and $2.1. Main 81u:i.
FURNISHED new today, lare room in small
private home, close in. 71 Trinity Place.
LARGE room. 2 for one, $2.50 per week
two. 26S 12th.
4 ROOMS nicely furnished, main floor, $25
month. 411 4th st.
BEAUTIFUIUY" furjiuished room in good
home; references. i3s jonnson st.
THREE furnished rooms, $11) month. 735
lnslcy; take Sellwuod car; no children.
3 ROOMS, unfurnished. 62V Ella iL A
ROOMS From $2.00 up. Bath tfnd phone.
20B I2th at.
TWO nicely furnished. 5 mln. to P. O. ;
rooms week or day. 14t llth st.
CLEAN, warm rooms with plenty of hot
water, reasonable. 427 Main, near llth.
NICE room, quiot home, 5 minutes' walk P.
O. : heat. batn. pnone. i a rant sr.
NICELY furnished rooms from $2 weekly;
easy wajking distance. 6.15 Waahington.
$2 WEEKLY, front room; attic $1.50; desir-
aoia locaiiou. w
SMALL room. $1.60 a week. 26S 12th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
4 UNFURNISHED rooms at 267 3d St.
Phone A 4444.
Boom. With Board
Corner "West Park and Montgomery.
Strictly high-class family boarding
house, everything brand new and up to
date, all high-class furnishings, steam
heat, hot and cold running water in
every room, prlvato baths, beautiful large
sunny rooms and the view is unsurpassed,
right on the Park, 'nice large veranda,
lovely dining-room, etrictly a homelike
place at popular prices; give ua a call
and see for yourself. Main a7S3.
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE
HALL, cor. th and Madison; large rooms,
bath, broad veranda, quiet, close in. near
ear. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson,
LAMBERSON, 664 Couch St., cor. 17th
Very desirable, clean rooms, with steam
heat and running water; good board; fine
location for teachers or business men.
Attractivo, clean rooms, ateam heat,
gOOO DOaro.. CIO.. III.
THE HAZEL Furnished room, with board;
running waier, iioiiii nrm. ocm ou mi.
LARGE sunny front room with first-clana
table bosrd for z gentlemen, .t.i i. inn.
ELE-GANT room for two. facing Park; fine
table board. S74 Park.
ftsin-s With Board tn Prlvat. Farnllr
FURNISHED rooms with bosrd. home privi
leges. 1SH McMlllcn st.. 3 block. North
Sieel bndgs.
WANTED Gentlemen to room and board;
two nice sunny rooms; good home cook
Ing. Call f.1o 47th st, N.
GOOD rooms, good board, modern conven
iences, close In. reasonable. 472 Salmon.
Phoue Marshall 4273.
NEWLY furnished sunny room for 2 gen
tlemen, excellent table board, home privi
leges. B 2-174.
rLEASANT roome and board with good
home cooking, alfco labia board. 52 N. 23d
First-class rooms; board If desired.
ONE front room for two young men or a
couple. Phone Marshall 1978. 655 Kear
riey. ;
IF yon appreciate a home with best home
rooking, call 4 49 $d t-
FIRST-CLASS room and board In prlvat.
home. HS4 North 21st. Main 4220.
LARGE front rooms with hoard for two.
private ramny. iov r-veren.
BOARD .nd room, 535 East Oak. Phone
v--r r.v
TWO-ROOM suite, also alcove room; porches,
grounds, excellent board. Main 2071.
SPLENDID rooms with board, furnace beat.
grand view. no u mv.
FIRST-CLASS, private family; large room.
2 single beds. 645 Yamhill St.
PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel
lent board: also table hoard. 60S Oiisan
UROS front room, suitable for four men.
400 Stark, near 10lh. .Table board.
Room. With Board. In Private Family.
WIDOW living alone will board and room
girl or woman for $2.1 a month; new, mod
ern bungalow, with furnace, liphts. etc.:
room ia a nicely furnished front one. with
;t wlndowa: board first-class; or will rent
room and let person do her own cooklns
for fin a month. 571 East ;llst st. Phone
Sellwood 1.122.
DESIRABLE room for one or two gen
tlemen, hot and cold water in room, bath
and Bhower adjoining, home cooking. 75
Prospect Drive. Portland Heights. Phone
M. 10S7.
IN new modern home, nicely furnished,
rooms, extra la'-ge. suitable tor two. with
hot and cold water in room: fine location,
walking distance: excellent board and
home comforts. B 2724.
ELEGANTLY furnished room with board,
hot and cold water, bath, free phone, fine
home cooking, rates very reasonable. 5
minutes from P. O. Inquire 21 West
Park or phone A 71Q4.
NTcE light room and board In private fam
ily, suitable for one or two young men.
within easy walking distance, corner 13tli
and East Madison. Phone East 3593.
PLEASANT room, every convenience, with
board. 2 meala (breakfast and dinner), at
ISO East 18th St., near Morrison; walking
distance, phone East 6038
MIDDLE-AGED couple, with comfortable
home, would care for 1 or 2 small chil
dren. No. 80 East 2Sth st. N., cor Ev
erett. NO. .132- Salmon, corner 10th St., private
room and board, homo cooking, three
meals day; Sunday chicken dinners. Main
FRONT rooms, with or without board. In
private famllv. for two gentlemen. 5i4
I.add ave., 1 block from 12th and Haw
thorne. Phone East 5145.
2 ROOMS,-with breakfast and dinner If de
sired, for 4 gentlemen: will be a good
home, fine location, family of 2. Phone
Marshall 318.
HANDSOMELY" furnished double and single
rooms in quiet home: all conveniences
kitchen privileges. 2o 13th st. .
SINGLE rooin. good board, modern con
veniences, gentleman preferred. 2!H West
ROOM and board in refined home with all
conveniences. 505 E. Ash, cor. loth. Phone
E 1843.
PLEASANT, large, clean room for one $22.
for two $40; all new. modern conveniences.
g$ 17th. near Everett.
NICELY furnished rooms suitable for two
gentlemen, with board. 105 16th at.
NEWLY furnished room with or without
board. 192 1.1th, near Morrison
"04 l.oveJny st.
Under new management; new, modern
brick. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished :Ave will rent you
apartments 2.1 per cent cheaper than any
place in the city; good Janitor service.
(Vive ua a call and be convinced. Main
704 0.
East 9th and Schuyler, block north of
Broadway; only high-class apartments in
Jrvingtun; rooms large; all face on street,
same as private residence. East 547, C
Everett 2. 3 and 4-room. unfurnished,
with private baths: $20 up: completely
renovated under, new management: easy
walking distauce; convenient and best of
1S8 N. 220. Near Johnson.
New modern brick. Just opened under
new management, 3-room furnished apts.,
all outside rooms, private bath, phone and
best of service. $30 up. Phone Marshall
ORLANDO APTS , 20th and Wash, sta Two
end three-room furnished apartment.; ev
ery convenience; Cery largo rooms; steam
heat and private baths and phones; auto
matic elevator; easy walking distance; ref
erence, required. Marshall 184.
GRANDEST A furnished apartment.. Grand
ave. and East Stark; new brick building.
8 rooms, aplendldly furnished, w-ith pri
vate bath. 27.5U; electric elevator; mod
ern conveniences; close-In location; easy
walking distance; best of service.
NEWLY furnished 2-3-4 rooms. $22.50
to $4u. Single rooms. $3 up. Free light,
phones, heat, hot and cold water, elec
tric elevator. Marshall 3097.
GRACE APTS., 7!7 Northrup St., corner
24th; 5 largo rooms; harowood floors,
front veranaa. large sleeping poroh, prl
vato telephone, water, heat and hot wa
ter; new and strictly modern.
For a first-class 5 or 4-room apartment,
with alt outside large rooms, sleeping
porch, modern in ever; way; prices Tight.
lei. Marshall 2011.
Corner 12lh and Harrison; new brick;
2, 3 and 5-roum apartments, furnished and
unfurnished; all modern lmprovemeuta.
Apply on premises.
THE AVALON. beautifully furnished 3 and
4-room apts.. new building, steam heal,
private phone, disappearing beds, vacuum
cleaner. Clackamas and Bosa sts. Phone
East 317Z.
All outside 2-room apartments; Holmes
beds, built-in writing dtsks. vacuum clean
er. Janitor service; $22.50 to $30, Including
lights, private phones. A 3472. Main 137i.
East ith and Morrison, most centrally
located. 2 and 3-room apartments, furn
' ished up to date: prlvato baths; moderate
:;-room apartments furnished and un
furnished, also one 4-room furulshfd
basement apartment, reasonable, both
phones, new management.
COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished
apartments, llth and Columbia; very do
eirable: modern conveniences; easy walk
ing distance; low rates; best of service.
Completely and richly refurnished in
2. 3 and 4-room apartments; references
required. 713 V. asn. st. .vew management.
Under new management, nicely fur'
nished and unfurnished 3 and 4-room
apartment. Marshall 2028.
CLAY POOLE ANNEX. 325 Eleventhst.. tw
room furnished apartments, private bath,
all conveniences, good service; walking-
distance. Now under new management.
BJELLAND, ltith and Ivejoy Unfurnished
apartment (front); strictly modern, new
brick. 3 rooms; must do seen to oe ap
preriated. Owner. Main 1M7, A IS67.
1'BE CHETorA. ISth and Flanders 2. 3
and 4-room modern apartments, furnished
and unfurnished; new furniture and new
building. Apply to the Janitor.
Tvtv. LILLIAN, corner 6th and Montgom
eiy; 3-room furnished apartment, private
bath, phone, walking distance. Marshall
1 378.
GUILD 'APTS., between Thurman and
Vaughn, 23d ana --tin, one nicely lur
nlshed 3-room apt.. $30; one 3-room apt.,
unfurnished. $1S50; one $22.50.
ARDMAY Terrace, 12th and Harrison; two
and three-room apartments. with very
large living rooms, elegantly furnished;
must be seen to be appreciated.
Park and Madison sts.
For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apartments, strictly modern.
ROSENFELD Apartments, East 14th and
tciark; four rooms, furnished or unfur
nished, reasonable; heat, phone. Janitor
service. Etist 3703
PARK APARTMENTS. 85.1 Harrison: beau
tiful o and 4-room Ilirnisucu apanmeuis.
walking distance; best of service; prices
$40 to $50. Phone Marshall 3070.
NEW-" YORK Apartments. E. tth and Bel
mont sts.: single furnished rooms and '
suite housekeeping rooms, all modern, up-to-date;
rent reasonable. East 5200.
2 and i rooms: walking distance-.
nr.tti ij .11. j .11 1... 1 ... "
Furnished and unfurnished apartments,
ia Lovejoy St. Take "W" car.
SUNNY 3-ROOM APT., artistically furnished
apt. near ana 31... excellent
view of mountains; reasonable rent. Ce
dar Hill Apts., 1!7 Green ave. A 7523.
KOSEFRIEND APTS., 7th and Jefferson, 4
rooms, very desirable, rent $10. Call Apt,
14 or phone Marshall lllll.
rooms: new. clean and homelike, walking
distance. Cor. E. 14th and Yamhill.
ROSE-FRIEND. S. W. cor 7th and JefTer-son.
Finest unfurnished apts In the city; all
laxg. outside r-ioms: walking dis.;; rets.
baNm ARCO Apartments, E. Ijth and Couch
b New brick, modern Private bath, and
Phone. $23 and $26. Call E. 2,jl.
1HE BELMOR One and two-room house
keeping apartments. 14S E. 3d at., bet.
E Morrison and Belmont.
PLEASANT front rooms. French home
cooking; prices reasonable. 203 JJ. 23d
8-KOOM apts, nicely furnished, on East
Itelmonu $25 per month. Tabor 2293. B
304 L
ON EON T A. 187 17th, $10. $20 and $30 suites;
steam heat, i. I'- Egan, prop.
THE ELM 2 and 3-room apts.. furnished.
heat, phone yid bath. 191 14th st.
407 Hall St. Main 4:9. Newly furnished.
Jl'LlAETTE Furnished and unfurnished
rooms. Comer 3d and Montgomery.
Cor. Park and Taylor sta
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sts.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete. 2. Z and 4-room
apartments; buildings new and strictly
modern; servic. firsl-claas.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.:
this new 4-story brick now open: fur
nished and unfurnished tn 2. : and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric, automatic
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, bul't
in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. if you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phones A 1744. Marshall 2061.
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just
off Washington; magnificent exclusive
apartments, in heart of apartment-house
district; rentals reasonable: every modern
convenience: sleeping porches, high -class
service; refined clientele; references re
qulrd In all cases. Mrs. A. N. Wright.
supt. Phone Marshnll1101.
730 Hoyt.
Elegantly furnished 3-room apartment:
sleeping porch, electric cooker and every
modern convenience: very homelike; Just
across tho street from the best and most
reasonable boarding-house in the city,
wlicro arrangements could be made for
dinners; references.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fur.
nlslied apartments in the Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every
modern convenience. Including bauqur.
hall and roof garden-; both phones in all
apartments: high-class service: references
required. Main 2276 and A 7057.
Owned by Dr. David Harrimati Rand.
Now completed. It Is one of tho moll
unique. light and .airy apartment -houses
In the city; strictly moriTii 3 and 4-roo:u
apts., furnished and unlurnisliod,- con
taining two Holmes disappearing beds in
each apt.: many other special features,
sleeping porches, etc.
bla. 4 blocks south from Morrison st.:
new brick building, completely first-class
furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa
ter. elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner.
Janitor service; rent per month, $26, $.ll).
$40 and up; must be seen to be appre
clated. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and
Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments.
$15. $18. $20 and up. This Includes steam
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, electric,
lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free.
Take S., 23d or W cars. No children; dogs
not allowed. Phone Main SOI).
170 Ford st.. Just south of Washington;
most complete, highest class apartments
ever built in Portland: finished through
out in hardwood: tiled bathe, superb fu
tures: elegant wall coverings; each wllft
private balcony; highest class service,
very reasonable rents: 4 and ,1-room
apartments: most conveniently arranged.
LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished, a class
by themselves; see them; Lucretia St.,
near 23d and Wash., 2 to 5 rooms, all
large, light and outside; large closets
and bath: hardwood floors, free phones
In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., Mar
shall 1520. Janitor. Marshall 1500.
Beautifully furnished and unfurnished
apts., new brick building, steam heat, pri
vate phones and baths, disappearing beds,
built-in buffet, gas range, and linoleum.
494 Market St.. near 14tb.-
Hoyt; 4 rooms end bath, private balcony,
new brick building, electric elevator, su
perb location, in walking distance: most
couveuient arrangement, low rent and best
of service.
near Main; close in location; elegant 3
roum apartment with bath and private
balcony, JSi. Every convenience, good
Just completed; corner lid and Hall; all
2-room furnished apis.. larsc outside
kitchens, best arranged dpts. In Portland,
$25 and up. Easy walking distance.
110 21st St. North
Now open for reservations. Under new
management. Elegantly furnished 2-room
apartments, with bath, all modern conven
iences; fine location. Marshall 414L
14th and Clay streets.
Splendid location, solid brick building,
electric elevator: we have unfurnished 3
and 4-room suites, with, private vestibules,
phones, bath, etc.
171 King St.
4. 5, 6-room apartments; select tenancy.
Apply on premises.
Lowest rates in Portland $2i up; nicely
furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4- room
apartments, private bath and phone, auto
matic elevator; janitor service; brtclv
building; easy walking distance. A 20".
CUMBERLAND APTS.. West Park and Co
lumbia sts.; 2 and 3-room furnished and
unfurnished apts., all modern, conven
iences, choice location, fronting the park,
5 minutea walk from business center.
WINSTON Apartments. 341 14th St., at
Market; new corner brick; all bright, out
side rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com
pletely furnished for housekeeping: J'.'! to
$37.50. For Information call Main t7:'.)-
Ttie 1 11 vdi- V
Most up-to-date apartment in North
west; 21st and Johnson sta.; all outside
rooms. Apply on premises, or call Mar
shall 3360.
sts. ; best of service; desirable location,
with unexcelled car service; also easy
walking distance; 3-room apt., with batb.
mod.rn conveniences, very reasonable rent.
SIX-ROOM, modern, steam-heated flat for
rent, unfurnished, rent $45; apply on
premises. Poulsen, 07 llth St., near
MODERN 4-room lower flat, corner Clacka
mas and Ross, walking distance: also 6
room cottage- on Wheeler and Broadway.
Phone Woodlawn 1x50.
VERY convenient 5-room flat, with sleep
ing porch; light, airy, specially desirable
6IM Everett. Inquire Sheeny Bros.. l.t'J
loth. Phones.
MODERN six-room upper fiat, ail outsido
rooms. 0 Gllsan St.. between 21st and
22d; $40. Phone Sellwood 18U3.
X LOWER modern ,1-room flat In good
condition; buffet and furnace; rent $25
806 Belmont. Phone East 2S79.
-ROOM flat, steam heat, gas rang", hot
and cold water, new and sunny. 587 E.
MODERN 5-room flats: i'lt outsido
porches, choice location; $30. AL S.
Rentery. Stearng bids.
NEW modern 5-room upper flat. West Side,
walking distance, one block from carllne.
S67 19th st. Main $.111.
4-ROOM flat, modern, gas stove and water
heater, linoleum, walking distance. SS-i
Ross st.. near Broadway: $20. East 4"77.
600 MARKET ST. 5-room modern flat, with
furnace. $30 per month. Key at 502 1.
Portland Trust Co.. 3d and Oak.
$2.13 FINE rooms, nicely furnished. 2
beds. hath, wash trays, fireplace, large
grounds. 71 Belmont.
FURNISHED, modern 6-room fiat, wood
furnished, cheap. 1210 Milwaukio St., Sell
wood car.
MODERN Troom flat. West Side. 77.1-,
Johnson st.. between :3d and Clth. I honc
Main SUM.
NEW flats. 4 rooms (20. 7 rooms $;.".. mod
ern throughout, all lisht rooms, basement,
furnace, porches. SjJ'- Upshur st.
UPPER flat. 5 rooms, with additional fln
1.1,. ,i room in attic: modern. large, light
rooms;' adults. 664 E. Main, corner 1Mb.
onrnv flat. 5tli near Jackson.
West Side. 10 min. walk. Main or A 1223.
MODERN 5-room upper fiat, fir.-p'.ace. fur
nace. $q0- TU Kearney St. East 2621,
NEW, modern 5-room iiat, o.iw su inquire
J34' 4th.
1-POOVI modern flnt. furnished or unfur
nlshea. E. lth and Ash. H 2'VW.
tt-ROOM modern flat, 766 Irving at., near
23d. Key at 7'.i61x.
JUST vacated, modern 0-room upper flat.
sleeping porch. Main 8s:)8.
5 ROOM flat! with bath and furnace. 593
Salmon. Key at 600.
Five and six rooms, modern. 12th Belmont.
Main 3258. A 71S3. B. II. Bowman.
5-ROOM modern Oat. 600 Belmont, near
16th et.
VFW modern four-roomed flats. Mopping
porch, bath. '" Market. Main 4079.
5-ROOM lower flat, modern, fine location.
"oVl Hall, near Park. $::n for small famil.
AVAI-ON ANNEX -Two-room apartments,
furnished. Telephone East 4575.
rjlVF.JOY APTS.. 1
ind Lovejoy 3-room
Phone Main 215.
furnished apartment.
FURNISHED 4-room. stcam-h'-aied apart
ment, exclusive, modern. Cottel Drug Co.