m TOOAT. , RML. KEA . TT . Fa.F.m,,. FOR SALE A Great Money Maker One of tn finest Summer resort hP J" been r on ihe mark-t for sale, partie are o.d n. nt In r.t.r- from hu.ine.a. I ne a-.tory aton hoi-l. lia-Ma. hot and rol.l water, bair... Iuip fireplace, rompl'l'ly nipned. : large n.lUKi of r.m. ; 1 , of u rooms. I m'l" .' room.. 2 .tori... mil w . original!. ill1 main hotel, all th' tuu' are u rt alrepii.g-roorn and a. I romp.. furnished, light ,n the rollxra, a buildu.g for -the a.'.ommo .lation of th cm-jo.a. a well-equipped laundry, run by water power: a w in whi.h la Iwai.d a i:. horsepower ! trtr p.aut tun or which a. so runi l ha laundry and a rircuar .aw lor J" , , ' org. A good. .lied building In " 1 -ed a billar.l-ru.m. a .lore and a clun Mom containing a billiard lel-te. pino and a whuff le boa'd; 3 lar- atati-e and tiar bum. larg- garage, will h- 'l - nnachln-a A blackemith invp aril equipped . catt. Kama. sev.ral rhirken-hnuae. h..g-noupe. a-r-ok-hou-e. lar- rar-lrnl. all klndu of ber ries and fruit. Irritating dllrhea. all werea hit farming Implem. nn ". "' r.rru buiil-f. harn.pa. garden tool: ! Loupe, wood.li-d. nr. l4- " 'nd and Iota of ouiranr. fen.-ed. river and eew er.it rrreki run through the P'are an.l la on-enl-red on. of the flne.l summer report tn in curio: fine hunting nd fl.hlng lh y.ar round. Hot apringa. ith fine t.ain houwa. .l.owtr.. hoi mud and pu'phur baina. t.o-rd wa.ka from tin hotel lo .prlc g.. Hi- park. m. bathe and wai-r are va.u-d for ti- cure of malaria, rhrumaiiam. liver and mnci trout!-, catarrh. l app-p-l; and hm-fir-d ilia. Thia l one of the bu et mone m.k'r fr In- nnnt In Una munli), and ei.uaiert 22 mi'- from 8. P. K. ft.. -ait.mobil- road. ia'a run dail. " pnon. h" on poaioffla. aio h hat. nr-r on ?hr p'a.-: rluaa to othrr tuan". mli froTi rounlv aral lh .-. P '' round-'ns ti. kal. from April to Novamtwr. ir lu.lxa. dirrct 10 .prima allh th- a.l'oroo M a vm.' ratr In lha hold and .tiaaa ar. frm - to 3 pr day. T " orrn ir wir ro.ir.l and l of th rn"l t.p to.daK h..lL f -r tla Hod In ilia TK. m !! tliat Wl.ii p'a'. ak had had of hnr". .'o ran b bo.iant "h ar)thin for lo" .a: S don. l -n timo on lh r al 0 par rant, or HI a- II ! T'a. lmprovmrota. PHiil. aim r-rpart, for -o t'h tha aama tarma. W I I a.-. apt HMMI-I In lra!.- v III- J"'; tho m.i do r...t m-an hualoaaa n-ad not li -cn How about that boy and jxirl? ! you think that in this do lisrhfful Orron tlimate a .Vxli lot is noinp to piv tht'in room to ex patui? Why not liave a half ar with rMm for tern is. rroqtu't, ganlt-n n.l flowrrs! A SOM KF.SET VILLA will provide all these. tlnough boo Building AT Public Auction On Mondav. April ?2, 1912, at U n clo-k. A. M.. in front of the County ('oiirtlioue. I ill wll at public auc tion, the quarter block nt Fifth and Yamhill streets in Portland. Oregon, nn which stands the 6-story Goodnoush buildinp. Terms, 1-3 cash, balance due in one your. DAVID S. STKAKXS. Referee. 4 ACRES ABERNETHY HEIGHTS The Crown of the Hill. Water piped to the iroperty. I Tas native trees. 20H) per aere. lias best view of the district. See Mr. Van Xiee for tenns. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Com. Uptodate Residence With Modern Garage i room. alrpln:-r''fi m1 bfim ca.iiine. panolrd d' n ins-room : f.irnara; f.i l r-m-nl baarniont. all rttnrca In aiallrrl. In f ak t n-itMriaT lai kinu: hard-urf.-,.a atra. t". all other improvrmants : lot ioil'ii), mith cast Iront. Price $4250 Trraa. ra i)nrr n ptrml""'. 5l I K. SIth. North, fall Taoor 3nJl RF AL tat; pr.Ar.R.. IK- K A al 1- It BtNtl'HT. 4- XrKar H- k. WHIiam CI.. JI'-J1 KaMln bklr. i4.n M-rlow. Mi i-uamnar romm-r-o. . k. B. S. Co.. " I'orbatt bld J-nnlrr. a, Co. Main "ratontan. rAI.MI.llJovKS Ct.. II 44-'i-' l.l . n K-al r-lal Ct 1'iinali .t. illoila.la. . r;rand lit., at AddiOon i. Mm Kf.AI.JTT tor Mla Ila. TIV Riu-Ki PARK. tARIBM.Il BBACM. Lola tin and up. aa.a ninnthtv piymnll Ei ln:--l on tlfarrrd .ain-nta, II. li. s-t. ,;l rbimcr of Commarca. . I tt- l"t. facire aaat. hlrh. aichtlir. nar f.na fcmi Kjat S.d and Alamada. Oanar. Y-on blO Mam III. A 741. I'OR SALK Lot. V.i.t Sid-. In. im adla for lo.j hall, buainaaa or apart m nta. Pho:ia F-aat 1."k CiKI'K LOT. tur.ny.id-. 3let and Kaat Sal mon ata . 4-.lT. A baxsa.B. unr. Ttrmi I'hona B -? I TkVT7; iIivhl ami a. i : f. s. - r MIlTIUHiV .;.( It V KXi llXNTC IKV IM1 I'lN lot. ronif fi'.m to nr. Krnuina inipl dn t rn'.a it. Phno A .Vil. hy AtTtr'l I. w-.t -ciei- llaig.ua homaatlaa, fau to s-3.ov0. Maada. A -74U. rr,v i K rian. N.. V.a niam'i-a - - g--,r. f i f" III mmmm'''mm 1 . 1 Xf FTrilANr.K. ' 1 YOK SALE. Xaar Naajport. Or. Uml avanlc and da airahla barli raaort In tlia Northaat: abaoiuta nrotartlon from lha nortbwaat vlnda; 40 houava and a ar liotal. "Arl li-.ch Inn." to l built thla aaaaon. aoma now In roam of ronatructlon; hotel 1 to al-clrl. allv llflitad and to coat $1.k0. to ba .p-n Julv i. u- rlta or phona u lor lllualratrd booklat. AUATK HKU'H LAND CO. ;i;..'ll Board of Trade Bl1. . l A III".; IAT. t. l-3-a-ro lota. mlnu'.-a from r-nt-r of Portland, on W'rot Sid-; tho baat ot aolt; all cl-ar-l. po rock or arava. c'ojo lo a aood rarllna. ."- far.-; wal-r plp-d to tra. !.. hlh. Una ti-. pl-nty ol room W Ian. Kar. I. n and rhl. k-n par k.. lo, at-d n a romini localnv. i.rnia dnn. 'J P-r month lo noma build-ra. tall for C. ti. B.aaan liKfti-OW. 3I?-i:.ls Chamnar of I'ommfrc I'UKTI.AM) HK1C.HTS KX LI SI V EI.T. I hav- annul m Pr c-nt of tha raal aaiata for .ala on Portland HalltMa In my hand.. Shall t- pl-aaad lo .how you honir. or homiallaa any tlmo. Ion will a-t rart farla l r-fT vou lo any of my rii'lnmrmi; no p-rauaalon. no aenia to bora vou and own-ra' price, only. Mrs. Brook-. 8IJ Talbot road. Marshall -i. .-..:. IAT BARiiAI.V. 1 mual ralaa money by April l.l Ihrra fnra I atil aarrlflre my beautiful lot on Kt 35th alreel. on blork aoutll of thorn avenue, for 1S1. Thla la .-"i0 lewa lhau anythlna In thla diatrlct. Sva my erlu.lva aa-ma MAWTMOH.K REALTY CO. ' 2 Hawthorne ava. Tabor MS. i;,iai TERMS. 7Imk fai e eaat. or Portland Helahta. Vina i-w of Mt. Hood that rannot bo ohatructed: $4k0 and .".a'ii bouara all around this lot. Thia la our beat buy In thai dlalrlrt. CHAPIN HEKl.OW. 3.12 chairtbar of Commerce .tTH ft. m ii.tnvn lot. Mi'NTIIl.T fWMKNTS. WlIT a-M fine .".oploo bulldtnc lot on "l!th at., nor Tlbbeta. for !x. on t-rini of 15 monthly a. fe". Toulaen. 1 Uailaay rlxrhanxe. BKaT'TIKI L Iw lot on aoutharn alopa. near Council Creat. $Vo and up. Ineludinff ramant atdewa'ka. curba. aradad atraata and water; bundlnff reatrictlooa: Bold oa eaay tarma. Pronil.nl Truat Cimpany. air.. 1-ua Board at Trada, alarsbaU 7a. A If . lo DOR'S-l" PEIt MONTH. K'ne l-w lot. matured frutt tr-e. re atricte.1 diatrl.-t. n-ar rar. cement walk a-ul lurll lluil K'lu water I'rnvlueiit Tru.t Compan-. .'ol. i' l'o3 Board of Tia.l-. Mar.na.l 47". A UZ1. K 1 1 I.I Nti-VVi iKTII anil -1 n. comer. l''i m. lo'i 3 . 41 4.1. 4V bl. k a. Irvin lon Park, .-re Ih-m and make offer. Caatl or irrmi. owner. J H. tlran:. aJ.a. Cr. Joritan. Ulti Lumh-rm-na bid. TWO w"ell-l'rated lota In Weatmoraland. on roth at., batwaen Knapp and ll-i avenuea Will make an attra -tive pru a to ra.h pur. rhaaer. Addrea a-4 Fleming bld(.. Uea Moines, la. a .' K'Jl 1TY m one of b-at ahora. Hay 'ocean lota, worth ' HI a-ll rhrap: lot now listed at !;. Addreaa C oregonlan. IR.ytSi.TON SNAP. AOxlfKl lot. Ea.t lth. b-tween Slaklynu and kllckltal. fac r west; only IlliO; 7"- ca"h. LQ4. Oreaonlan. Kli'H r-R.iO.l. nearly new. modern bunt. low In Sunnsi-le: take vacant lot. good s-pasaenaer car or corlr.rt a fltat pay ment Phono Tabor HI. bKK La Nolr It Co. for Wtil gldt property. Lxclualva dealers In W-.t Slila Reallv. F.Sl-a37-f 3 Chamber of Commerce. lii DOWN. $13 MONTHLY. Five lota 2".x 1-0 ea.-h. In MontavIHa, JCiHl tor the bunch. Kr4s W. Carman. Hum. ola. or A 27itL A I' A HTM KNT alto bT owner r!nae In on llaat Gallium at., near Itli; eaay walklnc ill. tame: a.t.aa if taken al oncv. Addreaa n. K. Salmon at. VOK SALE 6 lota on E. CSlh at., on t-rma or trade; a .nap. Oi'l Ky. Ex. bldg. Main lo.M. A tor Sale llooeee. A HOME 115 MONTHLY. Owner will aril a neat bungalow on block from car. In Montavllia. for " 1 on terms of $13 monthly and Int-rest; lot la 4.xllii. five rooms and balh. full baae-m-nt. A. E- I'oul.en. 41 Kallway fcx tnange. PATS OVER U rV.Tl CENT. On enure jrlc. nearly new j-room bunitlos on Tollman ave.. near Milwaukia ai.- -iio faei from car; full bai-emcnt. bath, expensive electric fixtures, furniture In cluded; rented lo July 1 at I'M ji) per month : p ice i''"."0; uiim have uiu cub. UODDAKL) k W IKUK1CK, Htark al. HOI.LAUAT AUDITION. IIIOOO saved on a ld-room house that cost aVtk'i' to build 3 jeara ago; the lot now valuol at JiMmh); nur present prlc l $-..aa a)nd asaiime street Improvementa. SIuihj will bamlle this bargain. It N. Tl'lVURU & CO.. Mar 4.-47 4"7 Spalding Bldg. HAWTHOHNE UISTKICT. Fumlah-d 3-room bungalow, new and modern; 1 am going away and tnuit a-ll. Prlre l-'rttxi; a."o cash, balance al3 per month. Located near Hawthorne and 3nth. only I block of car. If you are paying rent It will pay you to call me up. 11 l.M-w FOR KALE By owner. Save commission. 7-rooin houje. on 3 or 3 lota. 50x10'-, city water, graded streets, lj-foot allev.. electric llsht. gaa main laid; will make thla tha cheapest place In Montavllln: one block from the proposed extension Mount Tabor carltne. 1373 E. Taylor t- LAt'liS ADDITION SACRIFICE. F-ir sale or exchange, furntaned or un furnished, lo-rootn colonial home, with .very modern convenience; only ba appre ciated by being ae-ru Make appointment. K.iftt .Vhi. Pleased to show same. Phoue Jtlain Aiinl or Marshall M. RlifB CITT PARE. II.-. MONTHLY. All Improvemente In and paid for; T room., built-in buffet and bookcaaea. solid oak floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Na tional Realty at Truat Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Maln iil-0- P UtTLAN'O 1IKIOHT3 Modern -room house, with conservatory, finely improed quarter block, on lower h-lghla. grand view of cit. mountains and rivers; easy tirnie. Marshall 4127. BROOKE. A 339 . LACK EI.H CltST- HOi;s Ei. We ar- aiccnta for all the good houses In thla diatrlct. Fee us for lowest prices, Offices on ground. Phone Enat hl. 1-KI.AIII XTY A CLEMENTS. .iptli and Eaat Gl-.an Sla. y OK S ILK or will ex'-hange for w-U-lotat-d tarajit properly. Tnxlnu, on West Side, f-ur g.Ma! 7-rooin hous-a. r-ntal $si. prli a III rnu; will pay ca.--h dlfferenc or a" - ' uina irit-unibrence. David S. blaarne. 219 Waaiilngton at. " A SNAP. " 3-room cottage In Simnyside. one blork from earllne: a. I Improtementa In: full e.-ni-nt bai-emenl. gaa and bath. $2110: half d-iwn. balance to suit. Addresa owner, D iso. orfgoiilan OLMsTEAD PA UK. Iteaut'ful n-w modem eight-room house, lot ,vxlv. out of town owner wanta an """wAKEFIEl.n. FRIES A CO.. Vfc Fourth at. Tliri moat complete, modern equipped real den a In city. rooms with sleeping porch, one bio. k stre-ti-ar. 10 minutes lo . g.lsoe; $ii0 ca.h. bal. eaay erma J H Tipton. Il" Spalding bldg. KoR Htl.E-KY OWSKK. 5-ROOM BIX tllloW HAWTHORNE DI.-TKIi-T. .Vix l.a LOT. PRICE -'7.vv $-" DOWN: I ; lia- DOWN till 2IM ck'UJ rsli PHQNE B ROSE CITY PARK IilsTllti-T. New 4-roo-u bunga.ow. full lot. $.-ooO; f no down. $1 monthly. Fred W. German, $2 Burnside. M or A 377. Hol'SE and lot. exceptional opportunity. !7-.h and East Morrison: lot alone worth ft.aoii; for quick turn will offer thia at g.ai s-e o.ii-r. tiol East Salmon. MOI-VKN, 4-room bouae with baaem--ni, H4.ai monthly pavments I5. lucludlng iniere.i. Oood car service, fine location. AK oreaonlan. MoDfc.KN-rooin houaa, corner lot. Halght ave.. on good lerma: only one block to rar.' Reala x Koblnaon. 141 E. llllt il E. J12J. jli i-KRN 5-room bungalow; 1 block to Monlavllla rar. nire lawn, rosea, fruit ir. mu.t s-ll to a-t l la estate; rail 8 Km.i xi.t atrrel. mVINGTOX. New, moxlern home In beat location; wall built: price reasonable; tarma Owner. Eaat !:. NEW 7 -room house. Ftoae City Park, for sale. AoplT to owner, Harry Potter, 4--o, Mill at Phone A S"3A aT.'ai STRICTLY' nimlorn a-room bungalow, $32.'a. boma broken, owner. 71 mtrioa, cor. E. lMh. 11Y owner, .'--room mod-rn jr-ungaiow. in Ir iloston d'.irici. attic, furna-a, rtr-place. l,a -,l i-a flo,-r. etc. Phone t- I.V.rt SEE ilLOVKIlLAMI ACRES. c F SMITH SON 1 Ilf RY . KXriUXOE. .Koo.Vl iTi--l-rn lions-. North Y'akima. f--r aalv or tra-le. lartu. 07 Icon bldg. TirE JIOKMNG OREGONIAX, SATURDAY. 3IAKCII 16, 1912 li. HL'u , . . c- . av TRIIV13 Modern bungalow, four rooms and . flrepiace, bookcases. plalerall. Dulcn kitchen, lot v3xtu; $3300; small cash pay ment; balance to ault. t -room bungalow, strictly modarn. Ttir nace. fireplace, buffet, bookcaaea. H"" wood floors, gaa electricity: good Itoae city Park. cloe to car; ail alreei Improvementa paid: $.tS50 and u. 3-room bungalow. 3ox3; lot -very modern convenience, buffet. IX1" cases, hardwood floora. Dutch kitchen, tun cement basement, furnace, fireplace, ateo tric fixtures. g.-.SOO, terms. We have eeurral 8-room homes, wltn on modern conveniences: furnace. BrP0,cT; hardwood floors, bookcaaea. buffet. Dutcn i kitchen. These are nrsi-claaa In avery da tall; 37.V and up. t . 7 rooms and sleeping porch, beamed paneled effects. fireplace, furnace. But-f-t. bookcaaea. Dutch kitchen. blocka to Brniflwiy car: $7o0. PROVIDENT TRl'ST COM PAN T . 301. Su-J. 2(1.1 Board of Trade lildg. Marshall 473. A 1033- Iin A.vh Alberta. t blocks from car; a big bargain; 7-room modern boose. 4 ' r oma down stair and 3 bedrooms up stairs. All plastered Inside, porcelain bath, big pantry, china closets: built three years ' ago; fares east; big front porch, gas and electric lights, full cement basement and woodllft; 14x100 lot; nlca lawn and ro hushes: two fruit trees; big chlrken-hoime and yard: fenced In; Improved street, ce ment sidewalks and cement walk around the nouae; one extra lot could be bourht next to It; worth $HS10. will sell for $::0. hilf rash and balance 5 V years; mortgage and 7 per cent Interest: come and talk It over with tha owner himself: no agents: save commission: owner wants to go to. old country. Inquire F. Ryan. 71 North 3d SPECIAL BARUAIN. Modern and Complete olx-Iloom Bun galow. Small Payment Down. Balance Easy. Terms. East Thlrtr-thlrd. Near Clinton Street, One Block from Carllne Fireplace and Bookcase In Llvlng Hoom. Bullt-ln Buffet. Dutch Kitchen Fine Bathroom. With Medlclna Cheat. Cement Basement. For further Particulars Call or Phone H. D. STORY. Ownur. 312 Falling Bul'dlng Phone Main 1"V LEA INO CITY': new -room handaome bun galow, completely furmsh-d. In Rosa City Pxrk. must he sold at once, owing lo party gclng East: hardwood floors, bullt-ln buTet. paneled reillng. Dutrh kitchen, large lirlck fireplace tn llvlng room. cemented cellar. furnaSo, station ary tuba, attic, etc.; part ca.h. balance eaay lerma. Practically new, KaMern fur niture and plsno to go with It If desired. Si-lendld opportunity for prospective couple. No agenta wanted. Apply lo 4T Fiat 4!th au North, accond nous- from Sandy Road rarllna. H Oregonlan. COZY PC Nil A LOW ONLY 220I-. A great bargain n-ar Rose City Park car. ." room., modern, cement haaeemnt. complete hath, buifet. Dutch kitchen, fine pluinVlnr. double floora, porch across front, finished In nilaalon and enanirl. large, sightlv lot. block to car. fine for garden or chickens. Terms t :n dow n, bal 12" month, or Hl for deed. bsl. $12.30 month: ready to move right In. For ap pointment lo a-e It today and Sunday sea jiia. c. Logan. 13 Spalding bldg, POME GOOD RELIABLE BUYS. It-room modern cottage, six blacks from car. only $lo0. ft-room mo-lorn cottage. 3 blocks from rar, (23tK; $2'io down. $13 a month. 4-room houac. snxioo. one block from car, $1300: $-i down. $t3 a month. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 332-r.:i-i Chamber of Commerce. A.k for Keller. J2oo DOWN. 15 PER MONTH. Modern ft room bouae. two full lots. 4x Ho. alley In rear. IS, blocks to car; Bull Run water, electric lights, phone, etc.; chicken-house, fine garden, roics. aonie fruit. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Prlca $24-. Furniture also for sale. Phone we-kdavs. Cooper. Main S7R or Ta bor SAiat tunrtav. properly located 1 a blocks waal of Tremont Ktatlnn on Mount Scot carline. 713 -'Kth are. 8. E. I AM building an exquisite bungalow In Roso City Park; will be completed April 1. absolutely modern In every r-sp-ct. Including the most efficient heating sys tem: material and workmanship unex celled. Painting and kal.omlnlrg to suit purchaser: pee owner at once. 1101. Yeon bldg. Main M774. A 2497. Sunday! and evening Marshall 30. 7-ROOM HOME. ?r.l KES'I RICTED DISTRICT. Want cash offer tor equity or will ell on Installment plan; new. full basement, fireplac-a. fine kitchen, bullt-ln conveni ences, grand view, cement walks paid, ona Mock to Roe City Park car; nice bomes all around: lawn, flow-era. chicken park, extra lot If dealred; equity 21."a; mort gage $1100. '1 year; owner leaving Port land In tow day. Owner. S15 Spalding blilg. Marshall 740, A 24fH. Sunday phone Tabor no-eH-. MR. LOT OWNER! HERE IS YOl'R CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOTH PROPERTY WITH A HOME FLAT OR APARTMENT; W ILL IFI NANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TERKST; PLANS Fl'RNISHED FREE: IT WILL PAY YOV TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OYJilt. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDG. FORECI-OSCRE. Two nearly now modern ft-room houses, full basemont. furnace, laundry, com. fix tures, cement walks, Roselawn ave., 120 feet from Union ave.; otio front north and tha olher south; each house rented to first-class tenant al $30 month; 3SO0 will buy both. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 1-4S Stark t. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TTRN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY ? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD HEaiDENCB OR FIATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PA YYOU TO SEE US. 1- K. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. .124 AB!NC.TONBLD. 'tiooo equity in Westmoreland home. Near car and Heed Institute. 7-room, 2- story modern, for $H30. AC SS3, Ore gonlan. IRV1XGTON BARGAIN. Six-room tiouM and lot. one block from buaineaa corner 115th and Broadway); $uc-oo. $2.-00 cash, bauxnee 614 per cent; might consider tradn. See owner at Irving ton Pharmacy. 3Q2 Broadway. . ej-room, elegant new home. 1240 Halght ave. mo.t all in white, hardwood floor. lirepiace. Luimi.-. ---. H.-.. kitchen. furnace. garage: cverylhlnff f trat --liia: $11700; ow-ner next door. KOR SALE Good house b-tween 13th and 14th on Kaat ?ayior. waiamg oiaianc-. an modern: will a--ll cheap; all ready to move into. a, o. vv - w.. bett bldg. $3iai l-OK modern S-roora house. 2 block to car, lot Wixioo. alreet Improvements paid" will conpld-r vacant lot or Lo Anxelrs property la trade. Phona Wood lawn r.2211. FOR SALE One of the best-located, four-r.-oin oonagra. with fine view, located at Ne Creek, also 14 Iota In Irvlngton; all in the town -f Newport, cheap for caan. B. . Cook. i'3 Corbett bldg. Iil AVE a-few- good 6 to I -room houses In Hollvrood Add. The Ideal reatrtcted dls trtct In Portland. For convenience and beauty there are none that will surpaae. i. H.'Tipton-llOtl Spalding bldg. ' NOTICE. I have several beautiful homea and home ellea. Irvli-.gfon. chesp; good Invest ment. C 1S6H. Eaat 271 W. H. Herdman. WILL BUILD , fN YOI It LOT ON EASY TERMS. Main 1429 FU RlON-J. M" Chamber of Commerce. ' LAURELHt'R ST. tl.'iOO eqnltv for 75. This beautiful new home from owner; balance of $101-0 eaay pamenta. AD SK4. Oregonlan. MODERN 6-room house, shades and fixture ' sn.l fine lawn. 3 blocks from Union ave. all and ae- It at 9M East Tilt St. N. Wiwidlawn 3J2W. r- jl he N'T Sale, easy terms, modern 5 room bungalow, lota on corner, chicken bouae. plenty of fruit, 3 blocks east WW line. ellwood 1797. . c- you have $J"oo and want a nifty liouwi which you can't Hud fxult with call and s-e me at ."-40 E. 3th nrr Braiea; 7 room.: ow n r. I un Interrat you. FIRsT-CLAr-S b-ipgaiow. by owner: half hliick from W. R. car. Call Tabor SU.S. t.a--urday and Sunda. ilft'a) BUYS ti-rooin hou---. 4 lots. ."12J3 elHth S. E.. 3 blocks xoutii of Aricta Sta tion. . MODERN 4-room bungalow, two blocks Hawthorn and Mt. Scott line. Owner. 343 K 17th Si. LADIVS ADDITION. Tan-room colonial horn-: every modern roiivenl-nce. Call Marphall M. Foil SALE S-ioom house In dealraSla Wept ritue rcaidcnco district, l'lionc Main 2010. FOS rl.NE HOMES. sea Deianunc Far hale Hunlnraa Property. JOiivloO CORNER. Kllllngsworlh ae., one block from Aiblna ave. heart of busi ness dutrlct: a real bargain. 000, termp. Phones, Sellwood lS2i or Tabor "Mow. unimv-j av HOYKTl. BUSINESS CORNER Income 12 per cent , - i i.. nai r n i fir. on price: pari. 1 1 no--. o- $2A.OoO 100x100 Lovejoy. noar lfith: very choice, some income. Phone East 3S!r. for Sale Acreage, ACREAGE Ahuttlnr on new Fourth treet Electric. Thi is the territory that would benefit by a tunnel under Council crest. . . Only 40 minutes car ride now. with th new car It will, be 30 minutes, when we bava a tunnel under Council Crest, it wllll ba -0 minute from 4th and wa.hlngton. Car fare now $7.30 per month. Thl la leea than you pay for wood and water In city. Th very best of olI. no nine, roada completed along each tract good weUa of fine water at 2.1 feet, everything show rapid communlly growth. From on acre up at r0 to $tW0 per acre and upon monthly payment plan. Office open until P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33 102 Fourth St, A 3500. ACREAGE ACREAGE ACREAGE S acre of A-l aoil. 5 block from electric lino and only 35 minute from cltv. within 10-cent care fare. Land all cleared and about 4 acres of it I onion land, 420 lacks of onions were raised on 1 acres last year and old for $2 50 per sack; balance slopes gently to beau tiful high building spot. About "a acre of fine young assorted or chard. 7 year old. In excellent con dition. Face on good malr. coun ty road and only 6 block from store. Price $o5o0. Term. 1 H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man." Room 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. Will give an experienced farmer an in terept In an orchard undertaking of SiO acre and emplovment to run the place If he la willing to Invest $4uOO to $-.1100. About 70 acres are planted now. Owner Is well known business man of Portland, own large orchards near the above land, wnlch la almost sold out at high figure. place ha beautiful large house and farm Is one of finest in Ore gon. None but up-to-date practical farmer and huptler considered; no better chance In coiintrv for right man. Investment will be absolutely secured. V SSI. OREGONIAN'. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. 14', acres, all under cultivation, a fin two-:ory bungalow- with fireplace, nij barn, two fine chtckrn-hotia-a. good well, 75 fect from a station on the electric line. 4 block from ti store.". 3o feet from high achool. 3 acre of trawber rle. all the buildings are all painted up In fine shape; If you are looking for a fine home and In one of the finest neigh borhood In Clark County, you will never find another bargain like this one; don't put It off It you want u fine horn-- where you can make a fine living, tills la what vou want. Price only $ihmi; $20H0 cash. E. . GILBERT. 1Vi Wnphlncton Pt.. Vancouver. Wah. -H1CKEN and FRUIT RANCH near Portland: a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices; best eoil; fine view; wood, water nd roads; 6 acre. $4(n per tract; 10 A.. $500; W A.. so: 4U A.. $1200; SO A.. I2-KK1- 100 A.. M)00: liberal term. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. SOU Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or.' AMON ACRES. Are fast Increasing" In value; clop to Port land, rich wlnut. fruit and garden 'and; n ideal location for a SUBURBAN HOME: easy monthly payment. Call and let us tell you all about It. F1H LAND'S TRUST COMPANY. !0rt Spalding bldg. 7 ACRES. At Tigardvlllc. 2 miles from electric station: house and outbuilding": 6" acres under cultivation; running stream all year around on place: land Ilea fine: 11 mile of Portland; X2..00 for oulck sale. Smith A Shefler. f-22 chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5S2S. HALF-ACRE AND ACRE TRACTS. JENNINGS LODGE. O. W. P. LINE. Be.-t of poll, pure water, electric lights, telephone, school, church, ptore and post office; car everv Mi minute; all dally pa per at your door; you will buy if you see these tracts. C. RKDMOND AT STATIOV 10 ACRES BOTTOM LAND. Partly cleared, rest In fine cordwood timber, on county road, near Portland and electric transportation; $66 cash, $13.20 monthly. PVCIF1C -N'.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., lnc, 405 Couch Bldg. QUARTER ACHES. fte carfare, 30 minutes ride to business center, $-150; terms $10 per month. T. R. PHILLIPS CO.. 403-401 McKay Bldg. Phone Marshall 413$. 20 ACRES fine land. 5 acres clear, some tim ber running water, near good railway town, on creamery route, part fruit land and part black loam. $S per acre. $100 down and 2v per month. Owner, 60 c-.MIn. ttlriir. AC RF.S ACRES ACRES. Acre tracts, all art In fruit tree. S year old: fine location, good roads, 5-c-nt carfare; price S."0 per acre, term lo per cent cash, balance 2 per cent per month, pi'7 Yeon bklg. Ask for Mr. I.uca. 40 ACRES good soil. cally cleared. In well settled district, near electric line now building; 23 mile southeast of Portland; $.10 as acre, part cash. Have other very cheap lands. . . v PALMER. 612 Couch Bldg. SEVERAL One 10 or 20-acre tracts at $23 to $45 per acre; 25 mile from Portland, on railroad: rich aoll; uitablo for fruit or chicken ranch. M FAKLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Corbett Bldg l AND 3-acra tract, olos to Portland. 1 to u block from electric carllne. $2uo to $400 per acre, eapy terma J. W. Uf feriln Realty Co.. 613 Corbett bldg. DO YOU WANT A SNAP? An Ideal 6-acre tract'for resort, chicken or fruit on Sandy River, close to Trout dale; 2-room houe. Old Henry bldg. cjip jo acre fine land. S acres cleared, 'good barn, small houac. mile from city. on Section Line lload: $45t)0. Phoua Woodlawn -lOtK ; t ' aCK FS of hneil land, on Base Line road, liit nevond 12Mil lloune; price $Un--o; will take 5'H down, eaay terma on bal ance. K )74, oregonlan. SNAP It old before April 1. 40-acre com mercial orchard Joining City Twin Fall. Idaho; platting propoalllon. Robt. Martyo, 01 Y'ec-n bldg., MaraliaJI 165. ACREAGE FOR SALE. Half mile east of Roethe Station Ore gon City carllne. Addreaa W. L. Stark weather. Milwaokle.- or., route 1. ACREAGE and farm, large and pmall tracti Call Kinney & Slampfer. 331-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. CELERY AND ONIONS. Land cloae in. -t& per acre; very easy terma F Imbol. IWO'l Yeon bldg, Tui-o acraa. with 4-room house, well, 30 minute, out. Kc fare, price $1850, good terms. 33 N. 12th, city. FOR full 111 of lot and acreage, near Multnomah, or. r.ie.. I - v : office near ii"'"- ONE acie with water. 30-mlnute car service, 'for aal on payments. Inquire owner. 514 Buchanan bid t- , WII L give bargain. 3 acre near city Ilm- I,.. swank. 317 Hamilton bldg. " SEE GLOVERLAND ACRES. C. F. SMITH A SON, 210 RY. EXCHANGE. 40O ACRES, close in. sale or iraae. nooiri A. Miller. 333 Worcester bldg. 10 ACRtS. cleared. $ioo: $:a cash, $10 par month. 2011 Railway Kxchango. f-or sale H omeatrad. FOUR homesteads. Joining. In Coo Co.. very good locations, plenty of wood and water. Three homestead In Dougla Co.. 3.000.000 .... . limner on each. ome good farm ing land when cleared. Homcatead relin quishment In Douglae Co. on the Umpqua river 4,000.000 feet ol goa nr nmoer, .is. some good farming land when cleared. Niuimo Runey Co.. 424 Hamilton bids. 131 Third st; TWO homestead relinqulahnienta, 42 mile from' Portland, on good country road; nlc barn etc. Call Tahur ffi. far Sali -Fruit laxnda. 173 ACRES In Tamhlll County. Oregon. I mile from Lafayette. UK) acres under ...iiiuoinn- land located In YamhiU'a fa mous fruit and nut diatrlct. Call Main 807$ or A 8774 for terma FOR SALE acrea excellent fruit land: 31 acres apple Just coming Into bearing. N 41. Oregonlan. . SEE GLOVERLAND ACRE5!. C. F. SMITH A SON, 210 RY. EXCHANGE. SANDY TlO A n AND 1o.ni FEKT ON COLUMBIA RIVER. Ten miles from Portland; about 40 acres In 'cultivation; soil none better in the Valley; house and barn, good aprini-: electric car will pas In front of thi place. Thl -property can be purchaped at a very low figure and on very easy terms. Call or write. JOHN DICK, 649 Union Ave. North. DAIIIT FARM. 60 ACRES. In Linn Countv, nearly all In cultivation, some timber, spring, best orchard, garden oil. level road. It. F. D.. near R. R.. cream routes, o-room house, lawn, gran arv mllkhouse. washhouse. etc.. all painted- 4 cow. 2 horses, wagon, plow, cream separator, chicken, hoga. etc.. furniture, all goe at $100 per acre; $2000 cash. balance to uit. OREGON FARM & REALTY CO., 608 McKay Bldg., Portland. GOLDEND ALE DIVERSIFIED FARMING 100 acres, close to the large tract bought by the Portland capitalist; good huild lngs; 33 acre In commercial orchard, balance alfalfa, potato and wheat land. Price $30 per acre, terma. Have otner tracts will consider trade. SO acre. ame district: all under culti vation, same kind of aoil; well fenced; $V per acre, terms. Have several other good farms, all sixes and prices. Headquarters- for Klickitat County land. 40. paiaing owg. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE rOR C1T1, PROPERTY. 20 acres In the HermlPton Irritation project. mile from Hermlston. new 4 room house, hard finished, cement base ment: barn lltx2ft: all fenced; 4 acres ap ples. 1 acre domeptic fruits: t grape vines 2 vears old; 10 acres alfalfa. 4 crops yearlv; price 25" per acre, sale or trade. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 229 Stark Pt., near 2d. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 31 acres, ail under cultivation, deep black loam soil, fine for home, electno light and telephone, school five minutes walk, no building on this place: Ilea be tween Bridewell and Amity station, s. p Wen side line, which will soon b electrified: a bargain for a short time. - CARNEY INVESTMENT CO.. 518-519 Railway Exchange. 462 ACRES In Washington County, Oregon: ISO acre under cultivation; two houses, two barns, fruit trees, 300 acres finest bottom land. Running water through the place: 160 acres In good saw timber; land located on main county road four mllee from Forest Grove; can be easily sub divided: some of Oregon finest hop land on thi place. For term apply 23. i Stark t., Portland. Or. Main 5076. A 3774. DEAL WITH OWNER, Greateat bargain on CoHPt, 102 acres. ' H mile of county 'at: flue schoola and churches. K-room house. ,arge new barn, good outbuilding, lawn slopes to deep water boat landing: bearing orchard and linn berrie; 20 acre cultivated; fine dairy and poultry ranch. For price and term jWrfsslB. McJunkln, Toledo. Or. 136 ACRES In Yamhill County. Oregon, near Lafayette, 90 acres now In high state of cultivation: good house and barn on land near suburban town; adapted to dairying or fruit farming; bearing fruit trees already on land. Inquire 233. Stark at., Portland. Oregon, or telephone Main 5076 or A 3774. 162 ACRES In Washington County. Oregon: 100 acrea under cultivation:, house and barn on land; fruit aufflclent for family: nearly all finest bottom land near main county road; chool and general store within walking dlatance. Apply a!e man ager, 233 Stark t.. Portland. Or. Main S076, A 3774. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Largo and small tract, suitable for general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops, dairying, etc; about .40 mile aouthweat of Portland, Or. Call or .write for prlc list, W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. IDEAL DAIRY FARM. THE HOI.BKOOK PLACE FiJR LEASE. On Llnnton road, near electric car, railroad or boat. 12 miles from Portlai d; will sup pqrt 85 cowa. Apply owner, 311 14th, or A 225- . FOR SALE OR RENT 20 acrea -l land, under cultivation, level, rich, border county road. 1 mile trolley. 2 milt- Hllls boro' best bargain Washington County. L. r. HEWITT, 015 Oregonlan bldg c.TIAM RIVER bottom lands: the lead ing potato and hop center of the valley; all classep of realty at reasonable prices. The Sanllam Real Estate Co., Jefferson, Or. t " WILL TRADE 40 acres. 10 cultivated, balance rapt. 're, BOO 000 ft. timber, fine trout itreaii, bulidlngs, good orchard. $3500. I2i Woi cester bldg. t HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to buv 220 acre of land, as follow: About "ill acres alfalfa land and 170 acre of up land, price $0000; fs down. Write AV 74. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES good land In Skamania Co., Wash no incumbrance, $25 an acre; will consider an exchange for unincumbered Portland property. Phone East 514. LINCOLN COUNTY Dairy, ptock ranches, timber and fruit land. $10 up, grass grows year round. Come and see. K. N. arnocK, aincoo, --.a--.-. too ACPES good land, no rock, Tillamook County. $6 25 acre. H. N. Swank. 808 Ab. Inston bldg. RANCH 0 acre, with building. 18 mllil from Portland, near electric line: bargala for all ca.h. by owner. 1S2 3lorrloc au SO ACRES, all good soil, good neighbor hood; wiil eell all or part. R. L. Stan wood. Yankton, Or. WANTED REAL E8TATK. WANT lot for Investment. $4000 to $10,000; must be close in and worth the money; we have client with the cash and he means business. Call at once. Ward & Younger, suite 4 2S Yeon bldgX . WANTED 3-room bungalow, modern, from ownera only; submit lowest cash price, also Inatallment price and term. K 893, Oregonlan. "WANT one to five acre on the Willamette, between Oregon, City and Riverdale; must be auited for nico home; give exact loca tion and price. F 900, Oregonlan. 2 ROOMS, nicely furnished, private family; gas electricity, git a range and bath; rea sonable. 703 Multnomah Bt. Phono East 4n-i. WILL give $ljuoO Cftph and fine Improved West Side propertv for good Income prop erty up to $20.000. D 02.Oregonian. f OFFER desirable land free of debt in N. W. Montana for residence. o 8S0, Oregonlan. WiNTED From i to 13 acres near Portland- must be cheap for cash; from owner; no agent. Steph llr. 1101 E. 2Qth St. N. ONE or two acies land between Oak Grove or near Jennings I-adge; on monthly psym-nis. AH b'.K), Or-gonlan, WANT a cottage, about $3'XI0. or lot; must take small Diiainepa in iraue. u.uii, 4M Washington t. SEE GLOVERLAND ACRES. C F. SMITH 4V SON. 210 RY. EXCHANGE. FOR aVAXJS TIMBETt LAND. Foil's ALE 820 acres timber land, timbered with three million ft. fir and two million ft. sugar pine, located outhern part Doug la county Or., three miles from S. P. railroad. For particular, addrea Box 16. r-acinc throve, c i. 1 l .11 l 1 Ol , . r, . ... - - - - - 120 acres In Douglas Couuty. Or., N. ' W of N. W. H. S. W. u of N. W. ! and S. E. 4 of N. W. . Sec. 20. Twp. Ui S. R. 6 W.: 3.000,000 feet: price $11. Address owner. Chaa. Anderson, box 4t3 Ballard Sta.. S-tttle. Wash, FOR saloheap. 82 acre red fir: SOOO cord. In David's Hill orchard and vineyard dis trict; deep aoll. south slope, west of For est Grove; terma reasonable, AV 71. Ore- gonlan. -.-OR SALE 30,000.000 feet timber, main line railroad; sell for market price and Include gratia r.o-M. mill and logging out fit. AV . or-gonlan. . -. . . i - i . -1 i - irrvr? kii.l- Tl li 11 1' U I A -C T I BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M -RACK'EN. :I04 McKay bldg. PEE GLOVERLAND ACRES. C. F. SMITH A SON. 210 RY. EXCHANGE. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANT to rent acreage near city. Inquire of Watson Therkelsen Co., 308 Spald ing bldg. Phone Main ToffJ. TO EXCHANGE. 1,1 "T your property for sale or trade with Robert Martyn. 07 Yeon bldg. Marshall 165. - WANTED Good lot, must be worth -S00 to $:i0o. for 5-p. Franklin automobile. La Furge. 4lt0 chamber of Commerce. WILL take a good lot as first payment on new 7-room modern house or will sell on eaty terms. 1112 Hawthorne. WILL trada $700 player piano. u-d one month only, for good city lot of equal value. AK 'S". Oregonlan. UNINCUMBERED Flathead Valley (Mont.) meadow ranch for home or busiuess; value $lwo. O bS2, Ot'Ca'-nian. pntl-t-M.TREFT HOrSE. 8-room house, 3 year old. corner lot 50x100 In business district, near Milw-aukle ave.; price $4000; equity $2000. balance at S15 per month: will exchange for vacant lots, acreage; bungalow or cottage. GRUSSI & BOLDS, 31S Board of Trade bldp., 4th and Oak HAVE beautiful nine-room modern home in Spokane. Wash., all oak finish, with two sets of plumbing, located In best residence section, which I desire to exchange for seven or eight-room modern home In Port land. Addre F. T P. O. Box 2070, Port land. IMPROVED and unimproved irrigated land near Twin Falls. Idaho, with good water right at $50 an acre and up. -good terms. 6 per cent interest: for sale or trade Port land property. Robt. Martyn, 607 Yeon bldg. Marshall 165. HBO ACRES In Grande Ronde Valley, ," miles East of La Grande City; all in cultiva tion and under irrigation ; will divide and exchani-e for citv residences; cash price $S0 per acre. Smith & Shefler. S22 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone Main 3S2ii. MODERN 5-room house and lot. on Mallory ave., near Going, and modern house and 2 lots on Broadway, near 42d. for West Side property or East Side business lot or apt. site, not over $7000. Owner, Alt ST'.I, Oregonian. 33 ACRES, all cleared; house, barn, orchard; one milo Newberit; will exchange JUoOO equity for city property and assume in cumbrance. H. N. SWANK. 3og Ahtngton Building. 40 ACRES good timber, good land. H mile railroad station; nice trout streams; to trade for Portland residence. Owner, L 85. Oregonlan. I AM looking for a party who would ex change my 12oxl0O-rt. property in .-aiein. Or., with sewer paid for, for a lot in I'ortlana. inquire r- or-i. cie-niniu FOR exchange. 10 acre of orchard. Just coming into bearins. for house and lot in Pi-dniont or West Piedmont. B. S. Cook, H05 Corbett bids'. EXCHANGE 5-room modern cottage in T.os Angeles, close ill.' for something in Port land. What have you? A. C. Lister. 60th ave. and E. 47th St. WE have a choice list of farms and acrease to exchange for city property. Smith & .shefler. S22 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5N20. S-ROOM. nearly new modern bungalow, in Sunnvslde: take vacant lot. good 5-pas-tenger car. or contract as first payment. Phone Tabor 516. Xo00 EQUITY in 7-room house: also $250 equity in P.osc Cltv Park lot to exchanK for acreage or clear lot. E 8S3. Orego nlan; . . TEN-ACRE fruit tract, unincumbered, near railroad and towns: exchange for unin cumbered lot. automobile, diamonds. o19 Marquam bldg. ' SEATTLE property, choice eight-room home, beautiful view, close in, for exchange for Portland property. AN SS8. Oregonian. LEASE and furnishings of 12. room house In first -class condition for Jots or acreage and gome cash. Main3274. t DAVDY little $1KM grocery, cash bulnop, no delivering: Jiooo cash, bal. what have vou? Address T40 Johnson St. WILL exchange rented house for unincum bered city lots. J. H. Tipton. 1108 Spald Ing bldg. . YOUR choice of automobile, truck or lots for homo and lot not exceeding $3000. K SSO. Oregonlari; ai -, O00 Hotel at Forest Grove, opposite depot, with two acres ground and furni ture. Owner, 3015 Board of Trade, TIMBER claims to trade for house or lots .".Ol Ky. Ex. bldg. Main 10..4. A 7S4. S firit pavment on home. I offer unin ' cumbered timber land. O SSI. Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED 10'Xi to 3000 acre of logged-off or timber land, suitable for subdivision; state proxitiilt to transportation, char acter of land, exact location, price and terms in first letter. P 837. Oregonian. FOR KEN Nl FARMS. FOR RENT 2x acres.- house with 3 larao rooms, good chicken-house, all fenced; near Gilbert Station: cheap rent. ALSO: 22 acres in cultivation. 2 acres in b-a-vcrrtam. barn, house, etc.. near Tualatin. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO.. 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7502. WANTED FARM. If you want to sell your farm quick, send us the description and price: we have cus tomers waiting; we also need some stores, hotels, mills, etc. OREGON FARM A REALTY CO., 60S McKay Bldg., Portland FARM In Willamette Valley, near town, on shares if prepared with teams, imple- i ,,in UIS V Tnvlor St. mrius iiii" in' - - HIGHLY improved 22-acre ranch: some i. n.mr Tualatin: 4 blocks from SI II i ion. -ln i o . .w. . . i-,. -v,, i i aon "1 ACRES, nearly all beaverdam soii, on very easy terms, no cash necessary. Apply 405 Couch bide, bet. 11 and 2. FOR RENT 20 acres near Park Rose; 3c fare: house and barn; good soil. AG SSi, Oregonian. HAVE $loo for first payment; must have stock and Implements. Y 9X7, Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. WANTED FARM. We have many calls for all kinds of farms from Eastern people. If you want to sell yours send us a description and price: no agents. OREGON FARM & REALTY "CO. COS MCKay rjius., x-oiiionw, y-. WANTED Old place, 10 to 20 acres, near cltv limits; variety of rruit, good running "stream, some timber: easy terms; must be a bargain. S SS0.Oregonian. DESIRABLE families located free on best land in Central Oregon. Write Hampton Valley Development Assn.. Hampton, Or. HAVE $1"0 for first payment: must have stock and implements. Y 17, Oregonlan, FOR SALE. . Horses, Vehicle. Etc. I HAVE a team of horses weighing close to 2H0O pounds, a little thin from hard work, but true and sound in every way; also set of good breeching harness- as I am forced to have money at once I will sell this outfit complete for $145. Call for Mr. Alma at 503 Alder. MUST BE SOLD. Team, weight 2500. s and 9 years old, wagon and harness, $200: one sorrel horse, weight 14O0, 8 years old. 2-"-0; guarantee. Call at 44o East 7th, Morrison t.. ask for Mr. Beck's, horses. t;Ti."i--ri.-1? 4-o-mortv of 204 Montgoni ery si Cor. 6th. will move to 351 Second St . cor. Mill. Monday. March IS. will have fresh carload horses, 7 or 8 days; always few horses on hand. Marshall 1412. will always get mc. ROSE CITY STABLES, 1.1th and Alder. 30 head of mares and geldings for sain, one we-k's free trial allowed on all stock, ROSE. OITY STABLES. 505 Alder. 6HKTI.AND mare pony, thoroughbred, regis tered, four year old. Broken to saddle and harness. Address E. F. Nudd. Cen tralia. wash. DELIV ERY" horse, low-down express wagon: double work harness: lone bed buggy. Hoot, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5 1 29. GO to Rose City Park Sale Stable at 52d and 6andy Road to buy good guaranteed horses at low prices. Take Rose City Park car. Adam Campbell, props. FOR SALE S-year old mare, pound, drive single and double, weighs 950 lbs. 2s8 Grand ave. WANTED Farm team and wagon: will ex change S2oU equity oieniia.ro cm Main i4ou. HORSE wanted for small farm, about 1200 pounds and lo years: iauj i" un., -i- price, particulars, i am, oregonian FOR SALE 1 team of mnrep weighing 25O0. sound and without blemishes. 226 Russell St. . WANTED To buy good horse, weighing 1200 lbs., must be sound and true. Phone East 4SO-1. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy horses, accustomed to city Eaat Tth t. North. FOR SALE Black horse. 1350 lb., for farm or grading. Phone East 24XH. FOR SALE 1 fine black inare. 3 year old. weighing jqi.-ia rciiii. Ptasoa. Oncana and Musical lnetrnnaenta. $450 BEAUTIFUL massive mahogany up right piano: price $135. Ulti K. 3lh SI Sunnvsido car. B 2024. Main 3io3. PIANO in dark oak case, good a new. at a bargain, to vs asnuigwn uiu.. ELEGANT $350 new mahogany piano. $13.. C. O. Pick Transfer M Morage p., no -o I PP.IGHT piano. Lester. $125. or $150 or terms Si no. Answer iv -i i i. oregonian. Automobile. ONE private garage for rent. Phone Mar shal! 197S. 63." Kearney St. jp VSSKNGt-iR automobile, fine condition, :;50 cash. Phone today. Main 2S20. WILL trade 7-passenger Studebaker line ford, 1903. lor small car. lei, n,ai av 13 Automobilea. 1 9 1 0 C A DILL AC 1910. We have a 1910 Cadillac rive-passenger, fullv eouipped. cood as new; will trad- for income property: prefer residence. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington Sts. DO YOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE? We are exclusive dealer of used cars. Over 75 cars to select from, all makes, all prices. Don't fail to see us before you buy. Everv Car Guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington. SACRIFICE. Interstate five-passenger fuiiy equipped; owner must have, money this week. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st. and Washinston sts. WILL sell brand new $550 piano at a snap; must sell at once; no reasonable cash offer refused. Address G. R. Smith, Multnomah Club. FOR bargains In used cars see u drat; writ for list; we buy and ell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. E, 18th and Hawthorn Ava WHITE. 1911. 5-passenger auto, cost $3G00. best of condition, for sale or trade for clear property. B 13411. Kast 4397 Dogs. Birds, Pet Stock. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks; best selected utilitv stock: bred to lay: healthy chirks, fe-uarintecd; 7.."h,i per l0. during April and May. The Pioneer Hatchery, 15ox 346. Pi. taluma. Cal. FOR SALE cheap. thoroughbred Spitx puppies, also peuisreed white English ter rier bull dog. Phoues Main S43!. Tabor 1S171 EGGS for hatching on short notice; all breeds; babv chicks; standard-bred poul try; incubators and supplies. The Poul trv Supply House, 20ft Salmon st. PEK1N duck egs. fine doz. Coulson's chick and egg food for sale. 195 Front at. Main ik;o. S. C. BROWN Leghorn egta cheap; heavy layexs, any quantity, any time. Main 4128. James Ireland. 414 Spalding bldg; PRATT'S poultry regulator for sal by J. J. Butzer. lt-S Front st. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Alaska Spur, fe male. 9 mo. Call 4JS Slark st; MisceUaneous. KULL-TOP desk, small size. oak. $11: t0-in. quartered oak roll-top desk, fine one, $oo-. 4-foot flat-top desk. $S: -:'. typewriter desk $15: office tables. $:? to $12.50: re volving office chairs, $4 to $K 50; Brussels rut;?. 9x12. $10: seamless Brussels rus. "lii-lixll'-il. MS; full size dressei-s. $7.30 to $15' folding hed.s. $o to $s,30: iron beds. anv size. $1.30 and up. Mo: gas ranges, slightly used. $7.50 lo 12; cook stove.-. S7.50 to $13.50: ?-0 leather seat davenport, mission oak. $20. Free delivery to any part of the cltv; ease terms; open Satur day evenings until 9. Western Salvage ro. 547 Washington, bel. lllth and lith sts. Both phones. Main HQS, A 379:1. FOR SALE ru Mrs. One B-stagc turbine direct, connected to lnn-hp. motor; capacity 500 gallons, head 400 feet. One Gould triplex pump, capacity , o gallons, head 4Vi feet; very cheap. BUXBAUM & COOLKV. OS Columbia St., Seattle. SEWING machines, sold for storage; 100 fine machines: some new, drop head, of Singer. New Homo. White and Domestic and all leading makes. $10 and up: box top at $S and up: all in perfect condition. 29 3d St.. cor. Columbia. . TWO coffee roasters, one large steam boiler and one 10 H. P. motor; exceptional bar gains, LANG CO., First and Ankeny Sts. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. Just arrived from Ne.v York, flft.50 to $18 sutts. J12.75; $22 50 to $25 suits. $14.75; $27.50 to $30 suits. $18.75. Jimmy Dunn, room 315, Oregonian bldg. Take elevator. FOR SALE One General Electric Co. gen erator, capacity 225 llchts: slate switch board. Instruments, complete outfit. Ad dress room 435. The Hill. 23d and Wash ington sts. FOR SALE. One Falrbanks-.Morso 32-h. p. gasoline engine. For particulars apply 62S Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE In Mt. Tabor district, near Hawthorne ave.. 5-rooin house, in good condition, to be removed: AD 893, Ore soniari; , FOR SALE Office desk, office tables, set of century dictionary. Nava.io blankets, bear rug. Telephone Main 9022. ROLLTOP quarter-sawed oak desk, revolv ing chair, cheap. 202 Commercial Club bldg. FOR SALE cheap Boat hull. 70 feet long, beam 13 ft. Apply A. G.. P. O. Box 1, Portland. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit res istors, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co., -- Slark st. Main 7711. FOR SALE OR TRAf-E. 5-ton "Ice-making equipment complete. City Market. Ice & Cold Storage Co., 3n0 h,ast Washington si. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second-hand, low prices, easy ts; af opened and repaired. Puicel Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co..85 5th st. Main 60.i. FOR SALE Cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register, meat slieer. etc. The Portland Store Supply Co., 2."h) 2d st. Marshall 4348. FOR SALE or rent, logging and HOISTING engines, locomotives, cars, rails. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 74 First St. ALL makes typewriters rented. Jll a month. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CD.. 262 Stark St. FERTILIZER. Well-rotted cow and horse mamire. de livered any part of eit East 2276 TOU can-rent an oTiver typewriter with, oak stand for $3 per month: convenient at home 333 Ankeny st. Tel. .Main b2i-. 500 BUSINESS cards. Jl": a bargain. Rosa City Printery. I2' 3d, corner Taylor. BA HG Ail N Columbia bicycle, like new, z original cost. Root. Main 5129. FOR SALE Standard visible typewriter very cheap. T S6", Oregonlan. WANTED MISCKL-IAVEOCW. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOL. Highest price paid for men' and ladles-cast-off clothing. hoe. furniture, tool, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2080. 2ti" 1st t-. The Oioba. WANTED To purchase, a 'storage ware house business; state location, length of lease, floor space and amount of storag per month. M 887. Oregonlan. WANTED United Slates Cashier Companv atock; will pav 9.5o cash; pay how much vou have, and If the ptock has been is sued. Address A 9211, Oregonian. BAP.GER'S AUCTION HOUSE 8T0 E. Morrison. Phone E. 102. Pays highest cash price for fumltur. WE pay tha highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin. Pnon East 3134. 348 Hawtborne ave. EUROPEAN party privately conducted I now being arranged for. If interested, address H s-:i. Oregonlan. TO BUY, cash register, scales, coffee mill, cbeesa cutter, credit register and meat .ieer. Phone Marshall 4548. 250 2a. WANTED A diamond weighing 1W karats; must be perfect and reasonable for caatl. Address P SS9. Oregonian. WANTED A 5x7 extreme wide angle phots len; stale price. AS S32. Oregonian. I BUY all makes typewriter. Edgar A. Stelnau. S By. Ex. bldg; HIGHEST canh price for ladies' and gents" clothing; I respond prompt. Marshall 3n4lt. WANTED two carloads of aecond-hand fur- nlture. Phone E. 4"09 WANTED Complete moving-picture outfit, folding chairs, etc, L St4. oregonian, GOOD care of piano for use In own horn-; no children. Tabor l-U- 2D-HAND office furniture wanted at right price. R S99. Oregonlan. FORD Auction Co. Pavs most cah for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. A 2443. HELP WANTED MALR. PHOTO coupon: best ever offered; snap foe gent. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED High-clasp Jewish Palesraan. Aslc for Mr Burton. 111S Leon bldg. SALARY and expenses to travel; reliable house. Lenox Hotel. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. WANTED Two men to policit orders, salary and com. AK Sol. Oregoninti. ACTIVE boy with wheel can make $441 month, IS 12th St., cor. Slaili- I